Heart Condition (1990) Movie Script

These are gonna be great.
Can you imagine if your wife
ever found these?
Crys, come on.
Put down the camera.
This is such good shit.
Come on, bitch.
Crys, come on.
Let me take the pictures.
I'm gonna fill up
the whole scrapbook.
Peisha, this is
the most fun.
Oh, shit.
Ow! Fuck!
Crys. Crys.
What's wrong with him?
What's wrong, Crys?
What happened?
Jesus Christ.
Take the girls to the club.
I got to call his people.
Can't believe I voted
for this asshole.
It's not about
winning ball games.
It's about emotion.
You know what that is?
The Lakers are not
the Lakers without Rambis.
He was the spark,
the inspiration.
He was white.
I didn't say that.
But did it ever occur to you
that's why they let him go?
Rambis left on his own.
Is that a brew in that bag?
- On his own?
- Yeah, on his own.
- Read the paper.
- Oh, come on!
Christ, Moony, we're on duty.
And that shit you're eating...
...is sixty percent grease.
- He got one.
- Dillnick?
I don't believe it.
Miss? Excuse me, miss?
You talking to me, Elvis?
Oh, shit.
What kind of action
you looking for?
Well, I was kind of hoping
you could tell me.
Translation, he doesn't know.
Now, she's gonna stick her
balloons through the window.
Magic fingers are 20.
Fifty puts the pig
in the blanket.
You want something oral,
see your dentist.
Did you see what he was
wearing tonight?
He wasn't wearing that
striped thing, was he?
So, what? Looking for
something kinky?
Wanna hear
the chef's special?
No, I'm sure whatever
you do will be fine.
Hope you have lots of raincoats
cause I don't ride
bareback anymore.
We're meeting him at the Bowl?
Yeah, sounds like
we better hurry.
O - oh. Nice jacket.
Seersucker makes me hot.
Just relax. Just let me
take control.
You'll love it, believe me.
C'mon, Moon, forget him.
We gotta meet Dill.
Moon, leave him alone.
Ah, Jesus.
Promotions are next week.
He's speeding.
Being a cop's like
being a pitcher, Harry.
To hit the strikes,
you've got to...
...risk your balls.
For what, Moon?
What is this?
This is initiative,
I'm showing initiative.
No, this is harassment.
There's something perverse
about you and Stone.
- Perverse?
- Yeah, perverse.
It wasn't his fault
she left you.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
Hollywood, this is 71.
Dillnick's making
a Redi-Whip delivery
to the parking
lot at the Bowl.
Can somebody take her
off his hands? Thanks.
Tell them to take their time.
Phil, get the champagne.
Have a staff member find
his body in the morning.
Police can notify his wife.
Washington wants full
damage control. Understand?
Sure you can handle
these girls?
It's my business.
It's your business
if you don't.
This is out of
our league, Jack.
It's also out of
our jurisdiction.
Come on, we're in
Beverly Hills. Nice suit.
It's okay, it's okay.
He's just picking up her
and her girlfriend.
He's their lawyer.
They don't look safe to drive.
Get fucked, pal.
- Getting strange.
- Lighten up, okay.
- Be cool, now.
- What? I didn't say anything.
- Stone!
- Somebody's calling you.
What?! What, what, what?
- Zara, come on!
- What the hell are you doing?
- You out of your mind?
- Move over! I'm gonna drive.
- She couldn't handle herself.
- You said you were gonna quit.
I want a promotion, Moon,
not a goddamn suspension.
- He's running, Harry.
- Well, you shot at him!
He's dirty.
I know he's dirty!
I'm finally gonna nail
his black ass to the wall.
If you have any drugs
in your purse
would you please just
throw them out the window?
I don't believe you. I could be
disbarred for this shit.
Give me the purse...
Hold the girls and
get some backup.
Oh, Moon. Moon.
Ah, Jesus.
Stay put.
Move. Move.
Well, it's about time.
Now, look, I'm a lawyer,
And, this is a clear-cut
case of harassment.
For the past six months this
poor excuse for a police off...
Are you gentlemen gonna keep
this mad dog off me, or what?
Thank you.
Alright, look. I don't know what
the problem you have with...
Jesus, what the hell
have you been eating?
Your ass, nigger.
You called him the "n" word?
You left Dillnick with a car
date at the Hollywood Bowl.
Fired your weapon without
cause at a private club.
Participated in
a high-speed car chase.
Then, you decked a black lawyer
in front of a hundred people
and called him the "n" word?
I made the arrest.
You made squat, Moony.
And I am sick and tired
of your street cowboy attitude
and your racist bullshit.
But let me try and
get through to you, Moony.
There are those of us
who can say the "n" word.
And there are those
of us who cannot.
Now, I can say the "n" word.
Nigger, nigger, nigger,
nigger, nigger.
See, I can say the damn word
all I want. But, you can't.
In fact, Moony, if I catch
your little-perverse-bigoted-
bullshit mouth saying it again
I'm going to personally
tear you out a new asshole.
Is this going to affect my...
...promotion evaluation?
You are suspended, Sergeant.
Leave your piece and your shield
with Rinselle on the way out of here.
Call him the "n" word
and want a promotion.
Sorry, Moon.
Did you do it?
- You doing okay?
- Yeah
You don't look so good.
Thank you.
What was this all about tonight?
Is he pimping for you now?
I don't deserve that, Moon.
Neither does he.
What were you doing?
I didn't tell you I finished
night school finally
and I got my application
into Valley Arts College
and I saved up
all the tuition...
I don't know why I keep
forgetting to drop this off.
Every time I'm near your house,
it's not the right time.
Jesus Christ! Why do you
have to keep doing that?
- I need it.
- For what?
From what?
Why do you carry a gun?
I'm a cop!
Yeah, well, I'm not.
Do you still
have the fishbowl?
Can you put this in
there with the others?
And, like, if something happens
to me have them print it up.
You know, like, sprinkle them
over Hollywood Boulevard
like ashes?
- Coming?
- Yeah.
Bye, Moon.
Because I love you so.
Because I love you so.
Come here, here you go.
Come on now.
That's yours, yeah,
that's yours.
Okay, you can have
some of that, too, alright?
Hey, come here.
Look at that.
Come out of here.
There you go.
You want some of this?
Just a bit.
There you go.
Yeah, I know.
Glad to see you, too.
Get out of here, will you?
I'm trying get myself
a life. Get out.
That's it, Chuck,
you don't get any more.
Well, maybe just a little.
Ah! Eh! Gah!
Ah! Ah!
What are you saying?
That's it? He's dead?
He will be.
Without a new heart.
And the odds of finding
a B - positive donor...
- Dr. Posner.
- Excuse me.
- He was a cop?
- Vice.
How the hell did he get
in that kind of condition?
Sad news for the State of
California and the nation.
Senator James Marquand, one of
the most respected leaders
on Capitol Hill
is dead at 54.
Found by a staff member in his
Bel Air home this morning
the author of the new
anti-drug legislation
is believed to have died
from heart failure
The President described
Marquand as a true gentleman
a brilliant statesman...
Okay, which one of you guys
said the Hail Mary?
- The donor's condition?
- It was a car accident.
Severe trauma to the head and
lower back, severed brain-stem.
Otherwise, the guy's
a cream puff.
- His form's in order?
- We got him on file.
He had it marked
on his license.
Anything medical?
This guy's squeaky clean about
everything but his occupation.
- Pusher?
- Close.
- Proctologist?
- Getting warmer.
Don't tell me he's a lawyer.
Yeah. But don't
sweat malpractice.
He's too dead to sue.
- Shit, turn that down.
- I got it.
- Okay, he's asleep, come on.
- You sure he knows?
- It's only been a few weeks.
- Doctor told him yesterday.
Everything, right?
Yeah, everything, now
will you come on?
- You got it on him?
- It won't stand up.
- Then, prop it up.
- You sure he knows, Harry?
He knows, he knows.
One, two, three, four.
Can't get enough
of you, babe
Can't get enough of you
Oh, darling
Can't get enough of you, babe
Can't get enough of you
Can't get enough of you babe
All I want is you, babe
Don't you know it's true
What the fuck is this?
Oh, shit.
He doesn't know.
Moony, stop!
Come back here! Mo...
Posner said he was gonna
tell you, Moon. We didn't know.
Jack, what do you think
you're doing out of bed?
You put it in. Now,
you take it out!
Wanna tell me
where he had it?
I want you to exercise,
Jack, or you can throw
these ten months of rehab
out the window, understand?
No drinking, no smoking,
no fatty foods.
No more roundups,
no more drug busts
no more asinine car chases.
You're a desk sergeant now,
a career-paper jock.
You got it?
Yeah, I got it.
I didn't want to take you back,
Moony. Central made me.
Just because we got
the same color heart
don't go thinking we're blood.
Hey, Moony, starting to walk
with a little rhythm.
- Funny.
- Hey, Moondog.
Nice tan, Moony.
They say the heart's not the
only new equipment you got.
You wish.
Um, Terri.
Did you ever
locate Crystal Gerrity?
She's the carrot top
Detective Zara was checking out.
Detective Zara?
Yeah, Harry,
she's a hooker, right?
He said she'd picked up a couple
of speeding tickets near Malibu.
Right, about six months ago.
The addresses she gave
on both citations were phony.
Zip on the Peisha chick, too.
They're out there,
but nobody knows where.
Could you run it through
the machine for me again?
Well, anything's possible
for a little of your honey.
You got a dirty mind.
Now, that was all
Harry's idea, Jack.
If he's gonna ride with you
you got to get him
to get rid of those stripes.
Ever since that night
at the Bowl
he thinks that
that's his lucky jacket.
Well, we got to go.
Yeah, go.
Later. Yeah.
Let me see your shield.
Come on.
Looks nice.
Looks real good on you.
- Keep the change.
- Thanks.
Don't eat that.
Clogs the arteries.
It makes your breath stink.
Listen, ass...
Trust me.
Now, look, look. I wasn't even
gonna say anything, you know.
I tried to give you a chance
to get into the groove.
As bad as those Camels are, I
was willing to let a few go by.
But when you start shoving
this dog meat into your face
I'm sorry, I just
have to step in.
I have to do something.
Now, put it down.
Put it down.
Moony, put it down.
Put it down.
Didn't you listen
to the doctor?
Don't you know what this
shit does to your heart?
Moony, look, you're looking
very stupid now.
You are dancing
with a cheeseburger.
We can do this all day, okay?
But you look real silly dancing
around with a cheeseburger.
The only person that
can see me is you.
What's up with that guy?
You know, you can't
get away from me.
This is a very
good-looking car.
I mean, this is
absolutely fabulous.
Has it ever been washed?
It's weird, I know, it's weird.
I'm not used to it myself.
It's kind of like that
out-of-body, you know
Shirley Maclaine thing.
I mean, one minute I'm sitting
in the front seat of my car
and I'm dying,
next thing I know, boom!
I'm standing in the operating
room looking at myself
while they're pulling
my heart out of me.
I mean, it was like that...
what's the name of that movie?
Oh, this is very good,
this is good.
Going back and forth is good
because it stimulates the heart.
It makes you a lot strong.
Are you listening to me?
You are listening to me. Wait
a minute. You're ignoring me.
I didn't want my heart
in you any more
than you wanted
my heart in you.
If I knew my heart was
gonna be inside a piece of
racist scum like you,
I never would've donated it.
But that's okay, you know,
because life's a bitch.
And then you die, you know?
It's true, isn't it?
But, I didn't die!
I was murdered!
I didn't get a real good look
if it was a Cutlass Sierra or...
But I did get a real good
look at the driver.
Before he ran me off the road.
- Moony, you okay?
- Yeah, I'm fine.
Wait a minute! Aren't
you gonna talk to me?
I thought you wanted to
be a detective.
I thought you wanted
that gold shield.
This is your opportunity.
Now are you gonna talk to me?
I'm gonna prescribe
a little medication, Jack.
Nothing serious.
Just something to
calm your nerves.
Help the hallucinations.
I take these every once
in a while.
Hoping my wife will disappear.
But you mean that this
is a normal thing?
Oh, sure it is.
This could be perfectly normal.
A psycho-chemical
aberration of some kind.
We're just beginning to learn
how transplants affect
the human body and mind.
Take a couple of days off.
You'll feel much better.
Is that tranquilizer
working yet?
Say yes. You want to wind up
in a mental institution?
- Jack?
- Yes!
Yeah, it's working fine.
It's okay.
Jesus! Chuck!
Personally, I think that
this racism
this refusal to acknowledge me
stems from feelings
of inadequacy.
You look at me. What do you see?
Someone college-educated.
Damn good-looking, hung
like a Shetland pony
And you feel threatened.
Am I hitting a nerve?
Come on, Chuck.
Oh, I see, you can talk to the
cat, but you can't talk to me.
Get out of the way, shit-head.
Oh-h! You can talk
to me. Thank you.
Racial prejudice I can
understand, but ghost prejudice?
An entirely new concept.
As a matter of fact, I think
you're breaking new ground
in this area.
Hey! Close the door.
I can't. The only thing
I can move is you.
It's hard to believe Cry could
live in a pigpen like this.
How long was it for, huh?
A month or two?
She wasn't hooking
when she was living with me.
Yeah, probably too busy
cleaning, huh?
You won't go away, will you?
Well, best as I can figure,
I go where you go.
As long as that heart's
beating we're attached.
Which is why you won't be eating
that bacon, that chili, that...
polish sausage?
Look, go to hell!
That's what I'm trying to avoid.
Look, Moony, you don't
have to like me.
You are gonna
to live with me.
Whatever problem you had
with me because of Crys
leave it behind you,
because you're gonna need me
if you want to help me find...
Find her?
What do you know?
Only what happened
the night I was killed.
She have something
to do with that?
Yeah, she and Peisha
work for this big-time gangster.
Called himself John Graham.
He dealt strictly to the upper
classes, you know, drugs, girls.
Yeah, yeah, I know.
Pimp to the stars.
Sounds like your
kinda client.
Say, say, don't go there,
I represent the girls,
not their employers.
Anyway, Crys calls me
from the Country Club.
Said she had legal trouble
and asked me to pick her up.
You give all your clients
that kinda service?
- Well, she was upset.
- Is that why you hit her?
I was upset.
- Oh, you were both upset.
- Yeah, we were both upset!
Why don't you wash
your dishes here?
- Why did you run from me?
- What?
Come on, you're dead now.
Peisha was holding some
crack that she got...
- I knew it!
- You knew what?
Lucky son of a bitch!
- If I'd have caught you.
- Couldn't catch my mother.
Probably got my
heart attack from you.
Had I known,
I would've surren...
Can ghosts get colds?
- I'm allergic to cats.
- But you're dead.
It's psychological.
- What's so funny?
- A hypochondriac spook.
What the fuck
was all that about?
Now we're even.
This guy who allegedly
ran you off the road.
You here or not here?
Yeah, I'm here.
What was his name?
Teller, he was the muscle you
saw with the girls at the club.
If he ran you off the road,
they think you know something?
The legal problem Crys
called you about
maybe it was drugs.
Nah. I don't think so.
It was something more,
something bigger.
I tried to find out from the
girls but they wouldn't talk.
At least, not that night.
I didn't make it
to the next morning, so...
It's just on the left here.
Turn at the next corner.
This is Century Luxury Villas.
These things start
at almost a mil, huh?
Yeah, so? Fix your collar
and try not to act like a cop.
How much were you
pulling down a year?
The mortgage on a place
like this has gotta be
what, six grand a month?
That's my lizard pot.
He's got my lizard pot.
With tax, you're looking at 85
grand a year!
Hey, you got a pool!
He's got my lizard pot.
He's got my cactus.
Hey, that's my...
Where you going with...
This is a lot of money.
This is a lot of money.
Where are you going
with my cactus?
- What's going on here?
- Well, it's open house.
"All furniture and effect and
objet d'art may be purchased. "
Oh, mama, no.
I left you the house. I didn't
tell you you could sell it.
Well, what else is
the old lady gonna do with it?
Fuck you, too.
It's Sterling.
Actually, I was more
interested in the picture.
You can take all
the pictures if you like.
In fact, I'll pay you
to get rid of this harem.
My mother's a church-going
woman, so watch what you say.
Hello, Mommy.
When I think of all the
in-and-out that went on in here.
Not one grandchild
to show for it.
Well, I was planning
on settling down.
He always said he was
planning on settling down.
Does this hump pen look like he
was settling down to you?
Hump pen? This place
has style.
His idea of style
was my idea of obscenity.
I want to unload
everything to do with it.
But not
at K-Mart prices.
- Do you know this woman?
- Do I know you?
- I'm a cop.
- You look it.
I told you to fix your collar.
I'm trying to locate
this girl, Crys Gerrity.
I was wondering, could I look
through your son's Rolodex?
You can have my son's Rolodex.
But, don't ask me
about his women.
Have you seen her since
your son's accident?
A cop got his heart, you know?
- He knows.
- I know.
- His name is Moony.
- I know, yeah, so's mine.
She cried almost as much
as I did at the funeral.
Such a pretty girl.
Held my hand most of the day.
The last time I saw her
was when she came by here
to pick up a few things.
It was near Thanksgiving time,
I think.
- You know where she was going?
- She didn't say.
She just drove off with that
slick man in his red Ferrari.
Yes, this is John Graham.
Any messages?
Jackson who?
What's that? Is that a scratch?
Can you buff that out, please?
And, use the toothbrush
on the wheels.
If you wanna get to Graham,
you gotta trust me.
Listen, asshole.
I've been insulted by the car
park guy, the guy at the door...
We're not leaving, Moony.
This may be fun to you,
but I'm damned if I'm gonna
pop for another
three-dollar tea bag.
- Will you keep it down, please?
- No.
If I don't hit the can soon...
Moony, the man is smart.
He has an answering service
instead of a direct line.
Now, would you rather him call
you back at the police station
or a place that makes
him feel more comfortable
like the Beverly Palm Hotel?
Call for you, Mr. Moony.
Alright, remember.
Howard Steadman is
your best friend.
Tip him a deuce.
Two dollars.
Tip him a deuce
for the phone.
Thank God nobody can see me.
Jackson Moony.
Jackson Moony, John Graham.
Sorry to pull you away from the
pool on such a delicious day
but I got your message
on my service.
And I don't believe
we've ever met.
I'm from New York.
Actually, I'm here on business.
Howard Steadman said that you
had a redhead named Crystal
that you might be able
to put me in touch with.
It's a possibility.
Can you fix me up
tomorrow night?
Well, as you probably know,
Howard's in Yugoslavia
working on his picture,
so it's impossible for me
to cross-check your reference.
Would it help if
I mentioned his nights
of leather in Palm Springs?
Crys said they were
into gymnastics.
You must be very good friends.
You're working tomorrow night.
That's all we could find on him.
No address, no priors.
Name's probably phony.
Okay, thanks.
This Graham's gonna
be hard to find.
That's why you gotta
keep your date with her.
You're dreaming! The guy
deals with high rollers.
I can't afford lunch. Where am I
gonna get that kind of money?
Or class?
What the fuck's that
supposed to mean?
You think I got no class, huh?
You think wearing an Italian
suit gives you class?
It gives you nothing, nothing.
He see his doctor?
He said Posner gave him
some new medication.
Doesn't seem to be working.
Why don't you get off my back?
Just get off my back!
Go on, get the fuck off!
Better keep an eye on him.
Christ! What is it
with you? Jesus!
Let me know what he's up to.
A bowling alley?
I didn't know you
people did this.
Yeah, and we swim, too.
Now, look, just relax,
We're here to pick up pocket
change. You're with the owner.
The what?
The owner, you think
I got rich defending hookers?
You know what the cash return is
on a pair of bowling shoes?
We're on our way back
to the pin setters.
Loosen up.
Two drink minimum
if you don't bowl.
Yeah, that's right.
There's a two drink minimum.
There's nothing wrong
with making a little profit.
Now say hello to Bubba.
Ask him how his mother is.
Order a couple of beers.
Hello, Bubba, how's your mother?
She died last summer.
Well, I'm a little behind.
I'll take a couple of beers.
Which way to the pin setters?
Every one of these mothers
is a Black Panther
hungry for white meat.
I'm gonna wind up
dish of the day.
What are we doing here?
See that hole over there?
The one that looks like a duck?
- You feel a pipe in there?
- Yeah.
Alright, pull it out.
Yeah, that's it.
My emergency cash reserve.
How much is in here?
Two hundred thousand dollars.
And I'm the only guy who was
ever able to take it with him.
- Don't want your beers?
- Have a beer.
- Yeah, maybe just one.
- Yeah, one beer.
- Can I help you?
- It's my brother Archimedes.
You find what
you were looking?
- Nice guy, I left him the bar.
- A few balls, a couple of pins.
Here it is.
How do they know about my stash?
Maybe a hundred and fifty grand?
How did you know 150?
I left $200,000.
It's supposed to be
two hundred thousand.
Oh, I see, you steal
from your own brother.
You own. Your flesh.
You know, Ma said you was...
you know, if I wasn't
dead, I'd...
Hit him one time for me,
would you?
Did you know that
this is extortion money?
That your brother was
about to be brought up
on Federal charges when he died?
Yo, slap him one time for me.
I could walk out of here
with this evidence
Or, I can walk out of here
with this evidence and you.
It's your choice, Archimedes.
Hold it, hold it,
Oh, shit!
Get him out of there!
- That was the most stupid...
- I'm sorry.
Just start... let's go!
Go, go, go!
You want to tell me what
the hell that was all about?
I was talking to a friend
of mine the other day.
I hate to drop names.
I said, "Bobby. "
Well, that's Bobby DeNiro,
but that's beside the point.
"Bobby, the thing is this. "
Listen, what time is it?
It's time for you
to get your big-fat
extra - crispy - bucket -o'- chicken
two - liter - pepsi - cola - drinking
ass out of bed, that's
what time it is. Allez, allez!
We must exercise!
Come on, Jack, let's go!
One, two, three, four! Come on,
Jack. Your public is waiting.
Public my ass.
It'll be your ass
if you don't get up.
We have to go downtown,
exercise, we have to get suits.
Get your black ass
out of here, will you?
"Get your black ass out of here"
I like that, get down, brother!
Give me five! Alright!
There's five.
Fuck off!
Shit! Hey.
I never knew there were
so many hills in Hollywood.
Fuck off!
Come on, come on, look at me!
I'm running circles around you.
You're supposed to be a cop?
Is this L.A.'s finest, huh?
- I'm a cop!
- Yeah, yeah! Oh, well!
Get the fuck out of here! Shit!
Good afternoon, sir.
He bought a $80,000
Mercedes-Benz with cash?
It's not the Jack Moony I know.
I don't know what he's doing.
Huh, whatever he's doing,
it's got to be illegal.
Ow, we better get ready.
They're dropping
Crys off at eight.
Is she really gonna
like this stuff?
Ah, she never seemed
to mind 'em on me.
Oh, come on, Moony. Look,
we fooled around, alright?
She took some pictures,
that was the end.
It wasn't serious.
I was a single guy.
You heard my mother.
Last thing I needed or wanted
was to be tied down.
What you gotta face, is that
she left the old Jack Moony.
This isn't the same girl
who was on the street
dating cops
and eating cheeseburgers.
- She's a different woman now.
- Same job.
Didn't she tell you
about going to art school?
It was a pipe dream,
you saw her stuff.
Oh, and we're art critics
now, huh?
You know, you see
a kid fishing in a mud puddle
is that any reason
to take away his pole?
People have dreams, Moony,
they have ambitions
and when she tells you about her
dreams, you gotta respect them.
I always listened.
I listened.
Alright, alright.
What's the name
of her dog back home?
Huh, huh.
How many sisters does she have?
Two, Lisa and Joanie.
What's her favorite movie?
And I knew all of that
in the first half-hour.
You see? That's why
she left Ohio, Moony.
Nobody listened.
Nobody took her seriously.
You're wondering
why she left you.?
I kept her off the streets.
Yes, by wrapping her up so
tight, she couldn't move.
You wanna keep everybody
in little boxes don't ya?
You want to keep me in the
ghetto, Crys back at home.
Even that knucklehead Wendt.
You tell me that you don't
resent him being your superior.
Yeah, you can't, can you?
We're all like the film
in the goldfish bowl at home.
You wanna keep us all there
where you can see us, don't you?
You don't want it
to be developed.
Know how much
that costs to process?
Hey, it costs
to go to art school.
It costs to be a lawyer,
costs to be a fucking detective.
Some of us are willing
to pay the price, Moony.
Hey, there's nothing
to be scared of, Moony.
Nobody's out to get you.
You don't have to be scared
that we're all gonna leave you.
Would you like something
from the bar?
- Yeah.
- Ask her first.
- What do you think?
- A glass of wine.
- Wine list, a couple of Evians.
- The wine list and two Evians.
The wine list.
I didn't know you
knew what Evian was.
Bottled water.
I'm learning.
What are you doing?
Is this some kind of a setup?
- What do you mean?
- Are you gonna bust me?
For what?
Bein' beautiful?
Did you process any of my film?
It's still
in the goldfish bowl.
Nice suit.
Polished fingernails?
Didn't I tell I knew
what a woman likes?
You can't afford
that on a cop's salary.
Oh, I, uh,
I came into some money.
Oh, shit, how?
Don't tell me it's
an inheritance.
No, she's too smart for that.
Tell malpractice.
Your heart surgery.
Yeah, they stitched me up
with a sponge inside.
Good, good.
Judges like that one.
So then you quit the force
and bought Italian suits?
- Right, yeah.
- I don't believe that.
Yeah, neither do I.
Okay, maybe you better go
and call Teller.
That's dangerous.
- I don't want to.
- Lucky.
- How's Chuck?
- He's fat.
I would like to tempt you with
the specials before you decide.
For appetizer, we have
a shitake mushroom
on the salmon dim sum dumpling
in a red currant sauce.
Oh, Salmon dumplings
in currant sauce.
Are you still puttin'
bourbon in his milk?
We're both reformed men.
That's too bad.
There is also a special
poached scallop with taro
over a bed of
squid ink fettuccine
with a ginger root sauce...
Yeah. Do you remember
your tablecloth?
Well, I had
it cleaned and mended.
You didn't have to do that.
No, you remember
the Armenian lady next door?
Mrs. Arkmanian.
Yeah. You remember.
Well, she saw the,
um, you know...
Yeah, well, she said
that was, that was really good.
Then a duck feet,
dim-sum style this
over a bed of arugula
with a spicy-rice vinegar.
- Is he serious?
- He's serious.
And finally we have, eh...
egg roll with eh...
- s - shredded squid.
- "Squeed. "
Shred-ed squid.
S - shred - ed squid,
eggplant, fresh stalk fennel
salmon, ground oysters...
Excuse me.
What the hell do you
think you're doing?
- Back off!
- Back off?
I didn't make this investment to
see you blowing it with that girl...
I am not blowin' it!
Listen, I thank you
for helpin' me find Crys.
I thank you for the car,
for the hotel, for the clothes.
I even thank you
for the goddamn nail polish.
This is my date
and my night.
I want you
to back the hell off.
Oh, I see, I see. I set up
the date, buy the clothes.
but she makes eye
and you don't need me?
No! I don't need you anymore.
Did it occur to you
that she's a pro?
Has it occurred to you
that I'm paying for this?
Yes, it did.
But maybe I wanna pretend, huh?
Maybe it's easier
for me to pretend.
If her ex, whatever you were,
is not hangin' over her shoulder
- tellin' me to order squid
dum-dum. - Dim sum.
- Dim sum.
- Dim sum.
Ask her about
what happened that night.
Yeah. Yeah, okay,
I'm gonna ask her.
Where's the waiter?
I think he has
a few other tables.
Uh, yeah.
Hey, well...
What were you gonna say?
Um, where you...
Of all the places
in this city
where do you want to eat?
Magic Johnson...
I don't get it.
I always had
to drag you down here.
Hey, allow
for a little growth.
- A little growth.
- Ha-ha.
I mean, you can only
eat so much
- S-shredd-ed squid.
- S-shredd-ed squid.
Before eight-ball
and tube steak
looks pretty good.
So, how we doing?
We're down six points.
- Moon.
- What?
- Oh, you playing, huh?
- Come on.
- Whoa
- Hey, you wanna play?
O - oh.
What do you wanna do?
I'll show you.
- Yeah, cheater.
- Stop it!
Stop it.
I did not.
I didn't.
Yes, you did.
Is it okay if I take
this stuff off?
Whatever you want.
I just get so tired of doing
everything the hard way.
Yeah, oh.
Oh God, I missed you.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah.
Does it hurt?
Not much anymore.
They say that the blood
and tissue types
have to be an exact match.
You and Leon.
Blood brothers.
Get outta here.
Oh, Moon.
He was a good guy.
You would've liked him.
You reminded me
of him tonight.
Maybe it's his heart.
Oh, fuck!
What's up?
I gotta go home.
You know
I, I liked your pictures.
And all those things
you were tellin' me?
I was listenin'...
Like, I, I know you had
a dog named Henry.
And a couple of sisters.
Lisa and uh...
And your favorite movie
is "Pinocchio".
Oh, please...
What am I
always talkin' about?
"The Parent Trap!"
So, you're...
using my material too, huh?
So I lied, sue me.
Put out that cigarette.
- It's hers.
- You smoked it.
What else did you see?
Enough to know you didn't ask
her what happened that night.
- I'm workin' up to it.
- It is bullshit, Moony.
Look, she needs time.
This is delicate!
I kept my part of the bargain.
Asked me to back off, I did!
Kept my part of the bargain.
You keep yours.
You're pissed because
we're hittin' it off?
Yeah, no.
I'm pissed because the guy
who killed me isn't behind bars.
You wouldn't be here
if it wasn't for me.
Not with Crys.
Not at the Beverly Palm Hotel,
not on this earth.
So when she comes back in this
room, I want you to ask her.
Were you talking to someone?
- Room service.
- Room service.
- Don't order for me, got to go.
- Ask her.
Can't you stay
for breakfast?
- It's not me, it's Graham.
- Ask her.
- Call you at home.
- Yeah.
- Uh, Crys?
- What?
That, uh, the night,
uh, Stone died.
The night I chased you,
- Hard to forget.
- Mmm, yeah.
Did anything happen
before he picked you up that
might have caused his murder?
Oh, shit.
- I knew it.
- No, Crys...
Crys, please.
Crys, listen to me. Crys
Crys, please!
Crys, it's not like that.
Listen, Crys.
Come on, Moony.
Hurry up. She's getting away.
So are my pants!
Harry, I think somethin's
going on down there!
- Crys!
- Come on!
Alright, I shouldn't have asked.
We should've waited.
For what? So you two
could have another go in bed?
You stayed in the livin' room?
Think I'll learn anything
watching a white boy? Huh?
to Crys you can.
Oh, alright,
Give it your best shot, then.
That's it, that's it.
You got it, you got it.
Mercedes keys.
They're all Mercedes keys.
Ah, that one!
Hey, Moon?
What are you...
93, Roger, code 07.
I found it.
I inherited it.
A bunch of crap.
I was given it by a dead ni...
Lawyer. To find out
who killed him.
Good. Didn't know
you had it in you.
Now, you see how easy that was?
Today is my golf day
and my foursome tee'd off
20 minutes ago.
May be if I hurry, I can catch
them on the back nine.
- Hold him.
- He can't hold you.
- You can't hold me.
- Hmm, the hell I can't.
- Not without bail.
- Not without bail.
I gotcha, Moony.
Maybe not this minute,
but I got you.
Who got you that hat?
I want you in here
at eight tomorrow
for a full
psychiatric examination.
And until that time,
you are suspended.
Yeah, that's why you need.
- Now you could leave your ba...
- Yeah, my badge.
And piece with Rinselle
on the way out.
Fuck it.
- Why did I listen to you?
- We gotta find Crys.
- Found her. I blew it.
- Doin' this for you.
- For me?
- For you.
You've got me
off the force.
I'm on my way
to a mental institution!
- Whoo, nobody's perfect.
- Shit!
You okay?
Look, I just wanted you to know
that I was following you
'cause I was concerned
not because of Wendt.
Sure, Harry.
I mean, you need help, partner.
You really do.
Go home and get
some sleep, okay?
Get the fuck away from me.
Get away.
Chuck, get out of there.
You can't order an autopsy
report when on suspension.
Well, do it in Harry's name.
I'll clear it with him.
The man was a U.S. Senator.
What do I say we're looking for?
You know what kind
of scandal this could be?
It's a cover-up thing,
like the Redford movie.
We're not gonna find anything
in that autopsy report.
Right. What's that got
to do with finding Crys?
She had black spots
on the bottom of her feet.
- Black spot. Yeah?
- Yeah, it's beach tar.
You know?
Beach tar.
There's not a...
There's not a lot
of beaches up here
that have enough
to stick.
- Yeah?
- Right.
Now, in police work, that
coupled with a Malibu
speeding ticket
and you've got...
You got what?
Oh, get the fuck out of here.
This is too easy.
Wait a minute, remember...
No, no.
I know what to say.
- Get out of my life, Moony.
- I'm not gonna do that.
No, you don't understand.
You have to leave, okay?
I'm not gonna do that
- Turn around and walk away.
- Crys, I developed the film.
- Why? Why did you do that?
- You gave them to me.
No, I gave it to you because
I knew you wouldn't develop it.
- Throw it in the fishbowl.
- Until somethin' happened.
- Nothin's happened to me.
- Yes, it did. You met me.
Listen, Marquand died of
a drug overdose, right?
Graham killed Stone on a chance
that you might have told him.
Do they know
about the pictures?
That's the only reason
we're still alive.
Has anyone seen them?
No, not yet, but
I'm gonna take 'em down.
Moon, I know what
you wanna do.
You can't do it.
- What the fuck are you...
- Listen to me. Leave.
And don't
do anything. Please.
- Hey, listen to me.
- Please, Moon.
Go away!
They'll see you.
I can help you get out of this.
No! We have a deal.
- You got a trap.
- He can see us.
There's nothing
you can do about it.
Moon, nothing's the same.
You see that?
Everything's gone.
No, it's not gone.
- They'll kill me.
- No.
I'm an accessory.
I'll go to jail.
Well, testify for immunity.
They'll find me.
Look, I can protect you.
I don't care what happens to me.
Well, who the fuck
do you care for?
This is my baby.
He already lost his father.
You want him to lose me, too?
My God.
I was pregnant couple of months
before he died.
I never told him.
Didn't want it
to look like I was trying
to force him
into something.
I want this baby.
Hey, Baby.
You wanted to marry him?
Does that make a difference?
Oh, Jesus, he's so beautiful!
Thank you, baby.
Hey, Moon, come on.
Come on and hold him for me.
You know, tell me how he feels.
Come on, Moon.
Tell me how he feels, huh?
Hey, Moon, come on, tell me...
Hey, Moon, don't do this to me.
Come on, tell me how he's...
Moony, come on.
Tell me how he feels.
Ready to go get
some Pampers?
Yeah, okay.
That's okay, that's okay.
Here, let me hold him.
- No.
- Come on, come on.
Oh, yeah
Oh, huh.
You're a big boy.
Yeah, oh.
I just got off the phone
with Senator Marquand's people.
They're very upset with me.
Seems that someone
from the police department
has pulled out
the Senator's autopsy file.
That wouldn't happen
to be a Mr. Moony?
The jerk from last night?
Did you know he
was a cop? Huh?
Did you? Did you
know he was a cop?
Did you know your mommy was
one of his old roomies? Huh?
Did you?
How did you know that?
At least that's what
Peisha tells me.
She's got some
very good Mexican brown.
I hope she didn't O.D.
You lied to me.
You never should've left.
That's the bottom line, alright?
She wanted me to leave
or weren't you listening?
- The girl needs our help.
- No, she don't need mine.
The girl's in love
with you, asshole.
- Fuck off.
- Yeah, well, fuck you.
She's in love with you.
What the hell has that got
to do with anything? I'm dead.
Like hell you are.
What is this shit?
Fucking gotta be
some kind of curse.
Huh, Me and Rambis, man, fuck.
Ha, you work your ass off.
For what?
Fuckin' what?
I'm not good enough for Crys.
Even my own heart
ain't good enough.
Fuckin' white curse.
No, it's not. It's a black
fuckin' conspiracy.
A what?
You, you heard me.
You fuckin' people,
you creep up around.
- What people? Who.
- And just suck up to us.
You, You make us trust you
and then you-all the time.
You're robbin' us blind.
- Oh, we do that, huh?
- You.
- Say it, say it.
- You, you fuckin'...
- Niggers, right? Niger coon.
- Yeah.
- Chinks, Spics, Kike.
- Yeah.
Niggers, Niggers!
Alright, just t-take
it easy, take it easy.
Moony, that you?
I know we've
had problems.
I don't think rejecting
my heart is the answer.
You agree?
There's other ways
we can vent our frustration.
We could, we could, we could
go to the amusement park.
Ah, ride the bumper cars.
Play Mike Tyson's
video Nintendo.
You could be Mike Tyson.
You could be Mike Tyson
I'll be the white guy.
No, I wanna be Mike Tyson.
Anyway, we can ice hockey,
uh, full-contact karate.
We're mature men, aren't we?
I think we should just, just
chalk this rejection episode
up to a learning experience.
Something that
will never happen again.
You do agree?
Oh, good.
Ah, that makes me
breathe a lot easier.
Now we gotta do
something about Crys.
If Graham's suspicious
no telling what could happen.
Yeah, we better.
We gotta.
We gotta get her.
- Any ideas?
- Yeah.
Let's not jump
to conclusions now.
That thing could be
keeping us alive.
My ass.
- Where's the fuckin' phone?
- Who you gonna call?
Arnold Palmer.
Are you trying to screw up my
entire day? I am rid of you.
Shrink's gonna pull you, you'll
be out of my life for good.
Not crazy?
Anyone who would think
that a US Senator would
O.D. on crack has got
to be out of his damn mind.
I don't believe it, either.
And besides, if you just had
an attack, you shouldn't
even be on the telephone.
Moon, would you calm,
just calm down alright...
Look, I will be there.
I'm not supposed to take
this out of the building.
Yeah, I-I remember
the night at the Bowl.
Moon, don't...
Don't tell my mother.
Listen, hold on.
Okay, I'll do it, yeah.
Oh, and, Moon, um
someone named Crystal called
and Terri said ah, that she
should call you at home, okay?
Moon? It's Crys.
Peisha and I are in serious
trouble, you understand?
And I need to see you, please.
Oh, Jesus.
What is it? What did she say?
They know.
They're gonna kill her.
We're gonna take little Lee up
tothe Broke House?
It's up past
the old-swim club.
That used to be Needle Park
for the surf set.
We'll wait for you
there until eight.
And after that, I, I don't know
what's gonna happen.
Tell him about the pictures.
You have to bring
the pictures.
And come alone, Moon.
Please, come.
I love you.
- We got 40 minutes.
- Jesus, they got my kid.
Call the police.
I'd waste 40 minutes
trying to make 'em believe me.
I'll leave Harry a note.
Two three nine,
code blue, code blue
Two three nine.
Grab ten cc's...
I think they responded
very well to that.
Ouch, crude, but funny.
Over there.
A police car's a
little obvious, isn't it?
We got thirty minutes.
You wanna take a bus?
Sure you're gonna be okay?
If I'm not, you're gonna
be the first to know.
The note says he's on
his way to Malibu.
Excuse me, looking
for Jack Moony.
Who the hell isn't?
Yes, it's written
to a guy named Harry.
I'm Harry.
You friend's lucky
to be walking.
How do you think he's
gonna get to beach?
This is a bit more
excitement than is called for
don't you think?
Took the car because he needed
it. You think he's gonna ask?
Don't think you realize just
how serious his condition...
- I realize it.
- Harry.
- Harry, Harry.
- Dillnick.
What are you
doing here?
Ah, Moon told me to bring
Marquand's autopsy file
Know it's not to
leave the precinct...
- Son of a bitch.
- What's going on here?
- Holy shit.
- What?
They never even
checked for drugs.
No, I'm certain I can arrange
something for you on Friday.
Time check.
Ah, quarter to eight.
You okay?
Uh, I'm a little fuzzy.
Did she ever read to you?
Every Sunday morning.
The funnies, you know?
- Yeah.
- Yeah, me too.
She'd start me out
with Doonesbury.
Yeah, figures.
You should have
married her, Moony.
We both should have.
Don't give a damn what Wendt
says. Meet me with a chopper.
You think he might
suspend us, Harry?
Being a cop is like being
a pitcher, Dillnick.
You want your strikes,
you gotta risk your balls.
It really irritates me
when people don't check
their answering machines.
Well, shoot 'em up.
Hold up.
- Sit down.
- Take it easy.
This'll make you
feel a lot better.
Come on, we're out of here.
Just give her half.
Oh, God.
You realize this
is a setup, don't you?
I realize this is a setup.
Well, a good lawyer always makes
sure his clients are prepared.
I'm prepared.
You okay?
- You be the scout.
- I'll be the scout.
Hey, Stone.
Ah, there's nobody here.
Ah, Moon?
Sunglasses and an Uzi.
Watch my back.
You okay?
Aw, Jesus.
This is it.
Teller's got Crys and my son.
The right side.
Graham's on the left.
I'll check the side rooms.
Moon, I'm sorry.
The side rooms are empty.
I'll watch the door.
Ain't love grand?
Cut the shit, I'm here.
Now let the girls go.
I'll forget about Marquand
and deliver the pictures.
Moon, there's one
coming up behind you.
He's got a big gun.
That's the plan
I had with the girls.
I don't like to make
the same mistake twice.
You're dead, I guarantee it.
You're dead, you're dead!
Moon, Moon.
Crys, come.
Come on. Quick.
Come on.
You gotta stand up.
Come on, pick up the baby!
You gotta stand.
Come on, pick up the baby.
Come on.
Moon, Peisha...
- Don't worry about Peisha.
- She's dead.
Let me worry about Peisha,
come on.
You just worry about little Lee.
Come on, honey, come on.
Fight it, don't
give in to it. Come on.
Let's get out of here!
Lean on me.
It's okay.
It's okay, Lee.
Yeah, it's okay, we're going.
Yeah, you just
keep going, honey.
Get back. Back.
Come on, come on, come on.
Keep with him,
get behind me.
Don't look, honey,
don't look, come on.
Come on, let's get out of here.
Get back, get back,
saw another guy.
Come on.
Let's get out of here, come on.
Go this way.
This way, Moon.
Okay honey, you gotta get up.
You gotta get up!
- No.
- Moon!
Come on, get up.
Come on, get up.
Come on, it's only
a ten-foot drop.
- No.
- You gotta jump.
Come on, you gotta jump.
- No.
- You gotta jump.
Give me the baby.
Come on, over you go.
That's it.
Okay honey, it's okay.
It's okay, come on.
Just let yourself down.
That's it, that's it!
- Don't drop the baby.
- Not gonna drop the baby.
Don't drop the baby.
Be careful.
Here's little Lee,
here you go, fella.
Down you go.
Alright, he can get down.
Honey, honey.
Tell her to go.
To go to the beach.
Go down to the beach, honey.
Get out of here, go on.
Shut up
Don't lie to me
You think I'm blind
but I have eyes to see
Mister, how do you do?
Oh pardon me,
I thought I knew you
Would you stand back baby
'Cause I want
to get a better look
The big man
who couldn't handle
The little bit
of love you took
Hey, hey, have a heart
Hey, have a heart
If you don't love me,
why don't you let me go?
Have a heart, please,
oh, don't you have a heart?
Little by little you fade
while I fall apart
Oh, Oh
Hey, H, detective Moony's holding
his arm a little funny, isn't he?
Yeah, it must have something
to do with his heart condition.
How can you say
You should be free
and I should pay and pay
And you talk and talk
about you
And what you need
But sooner or later your love
is gonna make me bleed
Hey, hey, have a heart
Hey, have a heart
If you don't love me,
why don't you let me go?
Have a heart, please,
oh, don't you have a heart?
Little by little you fade
while I fall apart
Oh, Oh
Talk on, talk on,
but love is what you need
And sooner or later that
love is gonna make you bleed
Hey, hey, have a heart
Hey, have a heart
If you don't love me,
why don't you let me go
Have a heart, please,
oh, don't you have a heart
Little by little you fade
while I fall apart
But don't you run away baby
Have a heart
Hey, hey, have a heart
Hey, hey, have a heart
Hey, hey, have a heart
Hey, hey, have a heart