Heart of a Champion (2023) Movie Script

When we were small
We knew all about magic
And we held the one
Like a firefly in our hands
Life was a peach
We could reach out
And grab it
Take a bite,
how delicious
Ride off the grass
Running barefoot
Through the grass
Till our jeans turn red
And we're out of breath
And I've been
windswept and wild
Windswept and wild
Dancing through the rhythm
Of the crickets
As the sun goes down
And our hearts beat loud
And I've been
windswept and wild
Windswept and wild
Running barefoot
Through the grass till our
jeans turn red
And we're out of breath
And I've been
windswept and wild
Windswept and wild
Dancing through the rhythm
Of the crickets as the sun
goes down...
And our hearts beat loud and
Windswept and wild
Windswept and wild
Would you like
to solve the equation?
[class chuckles]
[students chuckle]
I said, would you like to solve
the problem on the board?
I know it'll be easy for you,
considering all the "attention"
you're paying
to your class work.
This isn't even
the first incident.
She's been through a lot
with the divorce and all.
Maybe you could give her
a break?
Break from the rules isn't doing
her any favors, Mrs. Mitchell.
[sighs] I realize that your home
situation has been difficult,
but I can't have students
Can't have students thinking,
can we?
I might have an idea
of where Charlotte gets some
of her attitude.
Just so I understand,
Charlie isn't being disruptive
to the other students?
Well, no...
And she turns in all
of her assignments on time?
She does.
And she has an A
in the class?
That's not really the point.
She spends her time daydreaming
she doesn't apply
herself to her school work.
Seems like she might be bored.
Needs more of a challenge.
Fine. I'll talk to her.
I'm glad we could see eye
to eye on this.
Me too.
And by the way,
isn't daydreaming
what you're supposed to be
doing when you're a kid?
Charlotte Grace, you've got
to stop doing this.
I can't keep leaving work.
You're going to get me fired.
I saw that.
It's not fair.
Look, I know you're hurting.
But being angry all the time
isn't helping you.
It's not like you
would understand.
I miss how things used to be.
You know sometimes,
when I daydream,
I go to another place.
I feel normal.
You are normal.
But you have
to pay attention in class.
But it's so boring.
Just learn to play the game
and stay out of trouble.
The game is dumb.
But you're not gonna win
acting like this.
And watch the attitude,
Sure thing.
I'll get right on that.
Hey, kids.
Hey, dad.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Nobody gets through
without a hug and a kiss.
Love you, Mikey.
Be good.
Love you, too.
Come on. I'm a little too old
for that.
You're never too old for that.
Come over here.
Love you. Have fun.
You know, you can come to dinner
with us, Bitsy.
Might confuse the kids.
And don't call me, "Bitsy".
Oh, but you used to like it so
much when I called you that.
Come on, Troy.
We've been through this.
It's time to move on.
All right, Beth.
Look, I need you
to do me a favor.
I need you to pick up
the kids tomorrow.
You're serious?
I have to work late.
And you barely see them
as it is.
Well, I'm gonna get
to see them some.
You know, you can't just change
plans whenever the mood strikes.
I'm sorry.
Can't keep doing this to me.
Or to them. They need to know
they can depend on you.
You know what?
I think you lost the right
to tell me what to do, Bitsy.
So, are you gonna pick 'em up?
-TROY: Good.
Why you would wanna work
on a ranch is beyond me.
Oh, you know I'm sentimental.
Plus, that land's been
in my family for generations.
Sentimental ain't worth a dime,
I don't know.
Some things are worth
holding on to.
You know what, man,
I love those kids.
I love them.
You know, I would do anything
for them.
Trust me.
-You'd do anything for me?
Of course.
What do you want?
What do you want?
I want a horse.
Oh yeah. Yeah.
Wait. Uh, the little uh,
the little collectible...
What are those--
what are those called again?
I want a real live horse.
[Troy chuckles]
I didn't mean anything
that big, sweetheart.
You said anything.
I can't pull something like
that together right now, honey.
-Maybe later.
-CHARLIE: How much later?
-What if I had my own money?
Where would you even put it?
Say I found a way to buy it and
found somewhere to put it.
Please, it's all
I've ever wanted.
Well, I mean I guess.
I mean if you could do
all that,
then why the hell not?
Really? You promise?
Yeah, sure. I promise.
[Charlie chuckles]
I'm gonna get a horse!
You're gonna keep that promise?
Make this happen?
I don't know, dude.
She'll forget about it
in the morning, man.
She's just a kid.
I don't think
it works like that.
Not with a horse.
Why would he promise that
to Charlie?
Where is he anyway?
I uh, he fell asleep.
More like sleeping it off.
Yeah, I've just known him
for 20 years.
I'm not his keeper.
How am I gonna break the news
to Charlie?
But I could take her looking
for a horse just for kicks.
No need to go
to all that trouble.
It's not-- no trouble.
Not to mention,
what if you find one?
Highly unlikely.
Worst-case scenario?
Like I got a barn,
some pasture.
Be nice to have a little
activity around there again.
So, you're really gonna do this?
If it's okay with you.
Seems like a shame
to break a promise.
Wasn't your promise.
No need for her to think
that us men are going
to let her down.
Little late for that.
How's she ever gonna learn
to trust anybody
when she just keeps getting
You're still talking
about Charlie?
You know, Beth, these bonfires
aren't the same
without you here.
At the table.
No food in the living room.
That's right, Half Pint. Gotta
listen to those rules.
There's a place for rules.
Oh, I know.
Clean your room.
Do your homework.
Make good grades.
Grades are important.
You wanna go to college, right?
Maybe. I don't know.
Don't mess with me, Charlie.
You will study,
you will make good grades
and you will go to college.
That goes for you, too,
Hey, what'd I do?
Hey, what's that?
Farmers Market Bulletin.
Never heard of it.
Where'd you get that?
I subscribe.
Since when?
Since forever.
Good morning!
You ready?
Hey, Max.
-Mornin', Beth.
Uh, I,
I guess we should roll.
Good luck, I think.
Well, at any rate, have fun.
Yes, ma'am. That's the plan.
Buckle up.
Okay, I have a plan.
A plan? Where'd you have the
time to come up with a plan?
Well, I read somewhere
that luck is when opportunity
meets preparation.
Hm, wise words.
this might be my lucky day.
True. What's your budget?
Uh, a little over $300.
Pretty tight.
Yeah. But my horse is out there
Waiting for me.
Well, they say third time's
the charm, right?
Next one is right see
that driver right there?
Right there. Mmhmm.
[Charlie sighs]
Okay, last one.
Right over here on the left.
[sighs] I really thought today
was gonna be my lucky day.
What would you even done
if you had found one?
Love it.
[chuckles] Quit playing.
Wait, stop!
Did you see that horse?
she could spook easily.
So, you guys stay here.
I'm gonna get the wire cutter.
-CHARLIE: Right.
Whoa, take it easy.
Easy, easy.
Dang it, Charlie, I told you.
This could be dangerous.
Pretty scary.
It could have been.
It's okay.
You think you can hold him?
I think he likes me.
I think he does.
It's okay.
It's okay, it's okay.
It's okay.
It's okay.
It's one lucky horse.
A little salve on those
and he's gonna be fine.
So, what do we do now?
How should I know?
Well, you're the grown-up.
Well, he's banded
and that's the lead line.
he probably lives around here.
We just need to find the owner.
He wouldn't run away
if he was happy.
They probably just left
the gate open.
We can't just take him.
We can't just leave him
on the side of the road.
You told my mom the other night
that we could use your barn.
You heard that?
Dang it.
Come on, boy.
Come on.
[indistinct speech]
We did it!
Isn't he beautiful?
Beautiful isn't exactly the
that comes to mind.
So, what's the deal?
It's a long story.
I've got all night.
I thought you said there wasn't
a chance this could happen.
-CLINT: here wasn't.
-Beg to differ.
-What are you gonna do?
Yes. You did this.
Wait a minute.
No. You're in this.
Well, I-- I meant what I said
about using my barn.
Look, I'm not looking
for charity,
I'm just looking for a solution.
Let him stay here for now.
Someone's missing
something this big,
they're sure to miss it.
I don't know.
Let her have fun.
I just don't want her
to get attached and then
get her heart broken.
I know the feeling.
She's a natural with him.
I'm gonna name him Chango.
Chango and Charlie,
that's cute.
Honey, we're gonna
find his owner
and he's gonna have
to go home.
You can't get too attached.
He still needs a name.
That kid is so stubborn.
Wonder where she gets that.
Ha, ha. Easy, slugger.
It's my pitching arm.
Is it?
Oh yeah.
So, Chango huh?
Not a bad name.
Let me show you something.
Is that you?
Well, long time ago.
No big deal.
Why'd you quit?
Took a bad spill.
Doctor said
I couldn't compete anymore.
That was my lucky hat.
Only wore it when I competed.
Lucky hat.
Did it work?
It did,
until it didn't.
I've only ever ridden English.
I don't know Western.
Can you teach me?
I reckon so.
It's not as easy
changing what you know,
but want something bad enough,
it's worth working for.
I want it.
Then let's do it.
Maybe we should wait
a little while longer.
Or Clint should try him first.
Mom, I trust him.
And he trusts me.
Chango wants me
to ride him first.
Tell you what,
I'll hold him,
put your foot in the stirrup.
Nice and slow.
That's it.
Now horses,
they like to mirror us.
You can't tell a lie.
So, if you're calm,
they're gonna be fine.
That horse can take care
of her.
How do you know?
Trust me.
Troy always says that.
I'm not Troy.
I didn't lie to you back then,
and I'm not gonna start now.
What do you mean,
lie to me then?
I'm just saying,
I've always been straightforward
with you.
I got a good feeling
about this pony.
So, how was it?
Like amazing.
Oh, you think that was cool,
wait til you try something
other than a jog.
That horse has got some moves.
Just remember, Charlie,
he isn't ours.
We've notices all over town.
He could be gone any minute.
So, you keep telling me.
You know, Beth, this horse could
be sticking around.
I wouldn't count on it.
[indistinct chatter]
Hey, heard you found a horse.
I heard you found a nag.
Where did you hear that?
My dad works with Clint,
I mean Mr. Holden.
My groomer heard it
at the feed store.
Great, everybody knows
everything around here.
Come on, my yearbook class
is on your hallway.
Walk with me and you can tell me
about this
mystery horse.
You've got to be kidding me.
Atta girl.
Still doesn't love the bit,
but he's getting used to it.
Why doesn't he like it?
See the scarring
around his mouth?
It's from someone using
a hard bit and a heavy hand.
Why would somebody do that?
some people think that
some horses
need a little bit more control,
but you still gotta do it right.
Can't just jerk 'em around.
And Chango's got a soft mouth.
Don't worry, boy.
We're not gonna hurt you.
What do you think?
Ready to do something
a little faster?
I thought you'd never ask.
Turn him around
and go the other way.
I'm confused.
A horse is all about feeling.
They can feel a mosquito land
on their back
in the middle of a wind storm.
I don't get it.
Gentle in what you do.
But firm in the way you do it.
All right. Use your legs
to steer the horse.
The pressure from your legs
to steer.
Gotta get your girl some boots.
Can't keep doing this
in her sneakers.
Boots are expensive.
And we don't know how long
we'll even have Chango.
Or whatever his real name is.
There are some good
consignment stores.
Probably get a pair
really cheap.
This is about
to get out of hand.
It already is.
I'm talking about Charlie.
We've had
signs all over town and
still no response
from any of the flyers.
You just start thinking about
a long-term plan.
We need a plan.
You know, I got I lot of stuff
going on in my world
than keep trying to find a home
for a lost horse.
Like what?
Let me show you.
It's not much,
but I want you to see this.
This is a work in progress.
-BETH: Okay.
-CLINT: All right.
What is this?
This is my workshop.
I've dreamed that someday
I'm gonna open up a store
and sell a bunch of furniture
that I make myself.
It's a beautiful dream.
That's not the most beautiful
thing in this room.
I've always thought so since
the day we first met.
You did?
But you were so into
what's her name?
-What was her name?
Mandy, oh no.
No, she-- she--
I mean she tried,
she was
a stage level five stalker.
But we never went out.
But Troy said that you
and her were...
Well, he lied.
Why didn't you ever say
'Cause Troy was my friend.
And uh,
but you guys--
you guys started dating
right away.
And then you got married
and had kids.
I don't know if you--
you noticed, but uh,
I've gotten very attached
to you and the kids.
I'm just not ready.
And like you said,
Troy is your friend.
He had his shot,
and he blew it.
But if you're not ready,
I respect your wishes.
Thank you.
I'm hoping you'll have
a change of heart.
How's it going
with your new horse?
-I said,
how's it going
with your new horse?
Oh, way better.
We've been practicing like
every day now.
Have you heard about
the Junior Rodeo coming up?
The what?
Oh, it's so fun.
There's a bunch of events
but uh...
I do the calf roping.
A lot of the girls
do the barrel racing though.
I don't really know much
about that stuff.
You can learn
if you start practicing.
I mean I bet
Clint could teach you.
He used to rodeo.
Didn't you hear?
She can't compete.
She barely even knows how to
-[friends chuckle]
-I didn't say that!
Madison's just afraid
you'll beat her.
You wouldn't stand a chance.
Maybe I should enter barrels.
I mean, I don't have anything
to lose.
But somebody expecting to win?
They have everything to lose.
We knocked it down
four times today.
We're getting better.
Whoa, boy! Whoa!
Am I in trouble?
That wasn't half bad.
A guy at my school said that
there's a
Junior Rodeo coming up.
Can I enter?
I'd make a bet that that horse
has seen barrels before.
I could teach you to ride him,
if you like.
That'd be awesome!
With permission from your mom,
of course.
Of course.
I don't like it.
It's dangerous.
Mom. Come on, I'm not a baby.
You're my baby.
Actually, it's a lot safer
than you think.
I could teach her how
to do it right.
And your school work.
You already spend too much time
in the barn
and not enough time
in the books.
Not to mention,
her dad will never let her.
-Yes, he will.
-BETH: Doubtful.
Why do you always have
to pick on dad?
Charlie, if you only knew--
Ask him to come out
and watch her ride.
Fine. If your dad says yes,
you can do it.
But if I see any problems
with your school work,
it's over.
Glad you two are satisfied.
Ask your dad to meet us
at the barn
when he comes to pick you up
on Friday.
You doing your homework?
Good girl.
Don't stay up too late.
You sure he's safe for Mikey?
Oh, he takes care of his rider.
He's a good horse.
You're lucky to have him.
Well, he's not exactly ours.
More like on temporary loan.
And every day, Charlie falls
more in love with him.
Maybe I need to find
something to distract her.
-Like what?
-I don't know.
Sleepovers? Friends? Soccer?
I hate to tell you, but
a few sleepovers ain't gonna
cure what she's got.
And what's that?
The girl's horse crazy.
Ain't no cure.
This is cool.
If you really like it
and you practice,
you could do it
by yourself.
Want me to teach you,
Mom would never let me.
We don't have to mention it
to mom.
It'll be just me and you.
Aren't you falling in love?
With the horse.
[whistles, clicks]
Come on. Your turn.
I've never been on a horse
Trust me,
you're gonna love it.
You keep saying that.
-CLINT: Oh, look
I'll tell you,
you look good on a horse.
Thank you.
Wow, Bitsy. I didn't know you
liked to ride.
You guys. How's it goin'?
First time.
Hey, it's uh-- it's great you
got my buddy there,
giving you the ride around,
I was just-- just trying to help
Oh well.
That's real nice of you, Clint,
looking out for my family
like that.
Do you wanna see me ride?
Of course, angel.
That's why I'm here,
isn't it?
[sighs] So, no one's come to
claim it, huh?
Nope. We put ads, and signs,
and flyers all over town.
What else can you do?
I don't know. Maybe uh,
you shouldn't get too close
to something
that doesn't belong to you.
Someone's liable
to claim it.
I'll take that
into consideration, Troy.
Yeah, I'm sure you will.
Anyway, I'm here to see if
my girl's a cowgirl.
Giddy up. [indistinct speech]
[Troy chuckles]
A good show.
-So, can I enter the rodeo?
-TROY: Of course.
I'm gonna have front-row seats
to see my girl win.
Well, I probably won't win,
but it will be fun to compete.
No, no, no, no, no.
You are gonna win.
Trust me.
Well, that was interesting.
I don't blame the guy.
It's getting late.
Do you want some help
cleaning the barn?
It'll go by faster.
Now, why would I want it
to go by faster?
So, you can get rid of me
and have some peace and quiet.
Tell you what.
Why don't you let me
make you dinner?
-You cook?
A man of many talents.
But, if you remember
our most recent conversation,
I'm just not ready
to change my mind.
Woman, it is just dinner.
I thought after today, you'd be
too tired to go home
and cook yourself.
And just would've been
really nice to be able to eat
dinner with someone, but...
It is tempting.
And I am tired.
Alright, cowboy.
But last one through the barn
has to clean the stalls.
What? [chuckles]
[indistinct speech]
-No, you're good.
What's so interesting?
Oh, just a little light reading.
So, you're really gonna do it.
I mean, I'll enter. But I don't
know how well I'll do.
-Well how's your training going?
-Pretty good.
I feel like Chango's the one
teaching me the barrels.
Stay with it. I can't wait to
see you beat Madison.
Well, that's not why
I'm doing it.
Yeah, but it would feel
pretty good.
We should go riding sometime.
I know some nice trails
around Clint's place.
What are you doing Saturday?
Um, practice, and chores,
and stuff.
Well, see if it's cool
and I'll ride over
in the afternoon and get you.
Sounds like fun.
Mom, Charlie's falling asleep
at the table again.
Mikey, don't tattle.
Charlie, go take a shower.
It's late
and you smell like a barn.
It's my favorite smell.
They should make a perfume.
Oh yeah, I bet that would be
a big seller.
Now go get cleaned up.
I'd buy it.
Hey Mr. Holden!
Hey, Zach! How're you doing?
What's your pa up
to this weekend?
Well, he's...
he's cutting fields,
but mom says if he gets done
on time,
he can watch the ball game.
"Happy wife, happy life".
Yes, sir. I've heard my mom use
that one before.
How's it going, Charlie?
Hi, Zach.
Your horse is kind
of a beast.
Oh yeah. Hercules is my buddy
for sure.
Oh, was... his real name is
something long and fancy
that I can never remember, but
I knew he was a Hercules
on the inside.
This is a first for Chango.
So, he's not used to it.
Slow and steady.
Yes, sir.
You can count on us.
And don't come home too late
or I'll get a hundred calls
from your mama.
Yes, sir, we won't.
So how come you transferred
to our school
in the middle of last year?
Well, um,
my parents got divorced
and then when we sold
our old house
we moved closer
to my mom's work.
Must have been rough.
Yeah, it was pretty bad.
Not easy being the new girl?
Most kids are nice,
except for...
Yeah, she's tricky.
But she's not all bad.
Okay, she's pretty bad but,
I've known her
since kindergarten.
She has her own stuff
to deal with.
Her parents are super-rich.
Oh, spare me.
Such a tough problem.
Spend hardly any time with her.
And her dad puts
all this pressure on her.
-CHARLIE: For what?
-Everything. Sports. Grades.
And especially
on her barrel racing.
They got a whole stable
with trainers and staff.
Still sounds
like a pretty good life.
-Don't you get it?
It's all work for her,
and then she--
she's in trouble
if she doesn't win.
She never gets
to ride for just fun.
Yeah, it does sound pretty bad.
No wonder she's so mean.
Speaking of fun,
let's pick up the pace.
Charlie, wait.
Slow down!
Charlie, where are you?
You okay?
We took a tumble.
What happened?
Well, I was just trying
to go faster
and he slipped on some rocks.
We should call for help.
There's no service.
Alright, look he--
he should be okay, but
just-- just to be safe.
Give me your reins
and let's-- let's--
let's get you back.
It just goes straight
to voicemail,
whenever I call.
I'm just-- I'm so sorry.
What happened?
Where have you been?
Why didn't you call?
Beth, slow down.
Slow down.
Are you okay?
Mom, I'm fine,
but Chango isn't.
Okay, well, let's get him in and
then we can talk.
How well you listen right now
is gonna play a big part
in whether or not
you get to keep riding.
Mom, you can't just do that!
I care about Chango
more than anything!
He's not safe.
You could have got hurt
and you scared me to death.
Mrs. Mitchell, it's--
it's all my fault.
I wanted to go off the trail.
I thought it would be more fun.
She could have said "no".
She didn't know the way back.
And Chango didn't do
anything wrong.
He just slipped on a wet rock.
Wait, no, Zach.
No, that's not--
It was my responsibility.
Please do not punish Charlie
for my bad judgement.
I'll think about it.
But for now,
stay off that horse.
Think of yourself as grounded.
I think we should get rid
of him.
Whoa, that seems a bit harsh.
Are you really gonna tell me
what's best for my kid?
I wouldn't even dream
about that.
Seriously, what do you think
any good parent would do here?
You know, Beth?
I don't even know
what it takes to be a parent.
But I do have a suggestion.
And what's that?
You can discipline to encourage
or you can discipline
to discourage.
Same for animals
as it is for humans, I think.
What's that?
Encouraging tends to feel better
and seems to last a bit longer.
I don't know.
I didn't sign up
for any of this.
Look, this could have happened
to anybody.
And Charlie didn't even
get hurt.
And the horse took the brunt
of it.
Maybe they deserve
a second chance.
I'm not big on second chances.
You think about it? Okay?
He's gotta be on stall rest and
for the next couple of days.
Just don't make a decision
you might regret later.
I'll think about it.
How's it going, Charlie?
-Why did you do it?
You know exactly what.
I didn't want you to get
in trouble.
Why not?
You know why.
I like you.
And I like you, too?
No, I mean I like you,
like you.
We're talking here.
It's my desk.
Hey, just chill for a minute. Go
sharpen a pencil or something.
As you were saying...
What was I saying?
That you like me.
That that you like me,
like me.
Is this some joke?
Something you
and Madison made up
to make me look like an idiot?
Wha-- are you kidding me?
Why would you even think that?
I don't know. Maybe I've seen
all those movies,
where the cool guy asks out
the geek girl,
and then the joke is on her.
If that's what you think,
just forget what I said
and uh, keep on hating life.
It's working out great
for you so far.
[indistinct chatter]
It's just too dangerous.
I think Chango needs to go.
Mom, he was real nice
when I rode him.
Once you rode.
Actually, I have a few times.
What? When?
I just wanted to try.
Plus, I kinda like hanging out
with Charlie.
I like hanging out with you
too, squirt.
So, now, you've both been lying?
Mom, we were just trying
to spend time together.
Yeah, quality sibling time.
It's supposed to be
a healthy thing.
I'm not too happy about
any of this right now.
Look, just hear them out, Beth.
First of all, I lied.
I know.
You just said that.
No, I mean about something else.
You know, they say the more you
lie, the easier it gets.
Well, I just sat there
and Zach took the blame for me.
I'm the one who went off
on the trail.
I'm the one who went too fast.
I'm the one to blame
for everything.
You're not making a real strong
case for keeping the horse.
Mom, I love him.
And he loves me, too.
Please let me keep him.
But not one more screw-up.
Now, let me get this straight.
When you say you love him,
are you talking about Chango
or the boy?
-Zach. His name is Zach.
-What? No!
-Which-- which one?
-No, wait.
-I think it was maybe--
-I thought it was Zach.
-No, no, no...
Wait. Now,
I wanna know what this is.
Are you talking about Zach?
-I just-- I-- I--
-I think it's Zach.
-No, no, no. I--
-She loves Zach,
but she wants to ride the horse.
No, no, no.
For what it's worth,
I think you made
the right decision.
Why am I not surprised?
Charlie, saddle up.
We've gotta a lot of work to do.
Rodeo is coming up fast
and we lost a lot of time.
Can we go faster?
Not yet. We gotta do some yoga
for that horse first.
What the heck does that mean?
Just some stretching. He's got
to remember how to bend.
Just start out with some
circles, both directions.
Then we'll do figure eights.
Alright, that's nice. Nice.
Nice and easy.
Atta girl.
I still don't see the point
in this.
You want this?
Yeah. More than anything.
Then, do what I tell ya.
Ah, okay.
Here's one of the little things
that matters.
When you're riding barrels,
look for the pocket.
What's that?
The area around the barrel.
You wanna push past that.
Horses always go where
their rider is looking.
So, look ahead
to where I wanna go?
Anything else?
Yeah. Have fun.
No sense doing all of this
unless you're having the time
of your life.
Hey, dad, it's me.
Uh, wanted to make sure
you remembered that
my competition is next weekend.
Call me back. Love you. Bye.
You know, he may not make it.
He said he'd be there.
He might have to work
or something.
Why do you always do that?
Always think the worst
about dad.
I'm just saying,
don't get your hopes up
too much.
He'll show.
Hear you're competing
in the Junior Rodeo.
Yes, sir.
You never got a lead
on that horse you found?
No, sir.
Darndest thing I ever heard of.
Well, good luck young lady.
Thank you, Mr. Johnson.
She any good?
Got a better than fair shot
at surprising a few people.
I expect I know who one
of those people might be.
I'll bet you do.
Tell you what, Charlie Mitchell.
You beat that Farnsworth gal,
Johnson Feed Store might just
be your first sponsor.
Thank you.
Hey, Mr. Holden.
Zach. How you doing?
I haven't seen you
since the incident.
Ah, about that. There's
something I need to tell you.
That you lied about
what happened.
I told 'em.
Great. Thanks a lot.
No, no, no. I told them
that it was my fault.
I still lied.
Yes, you did.
And you got to remember,
a man's word is his bond.
Reputation is everything.
Yes, sir.
Fella must really like someone
if he's willing to lay that
on the line.
Yes, sir. He must.
Well, we'd best get going.
Good luck at the rodeo.
We'll be rooting for you.
Oh, and uh,
good luck with that
other thing, too.
Okay, everyone, books away.
No more talking
till the bell rings.
I'm sure everyone here remembers
that this test is 30%
of your final grade,
so it's a big deal.
You're still slicing
that second barrel.
When you let him turn
too soon,
he's out of position
for the next one.
Try again.
Hi Beth.
Charlotte Grace,
get off that horse right now.
What's the matter, mom?
Did you really think
you wouldn't get caught?
I'm so confused.
Let me help you.
What if I told you
I just got off the phone
with your Principal.
Mom, I really don't know where
you're going with this.
And why am I not surprised
you'd lie about it.
It's not like we haven't seen
this before.
Now, get off the horse.
How can I lie when I don't even
know what I did wrong?
your algebra exam
came back with one of the
highest scores in the class.
Get off the horse.
And I'm in trouble for that?
I had an A in there anyway.
Your teacher didn't think
anything about it.
Until he found out you cheated.
What? Mom, I would never.
Don't bother. He has proof.
No, there must be some mistake.
I don't cheat.
The mistake was letting you
keep this horse
and spend so much time
out here
that you couldn't keep up
with your schoolwork.
Mom, what are you saying?
I'm saying you're done.
You're not coming out here
Beth, can we just
talk about this?
You stay out of this.
She cheated. She lied.
And now for the icing
on the cake
she's suspended from school and
getting a zero in that class.
Do you know what this means?
Mom, I promise I didn't do it.
Let's just hear Charlie's side
of the story
and maybe we can figure out
exactly what happened.
You know, I partially blame you
for this, too.
You just had to take her out
looking for a horse.
Well, here, he's yours.
-Take him.
-What? No.
Beth, can we just talk
about this?
You know this is hard for me,
Yeah, I'll bet.
It's not always easy having
to be the bad guy.
Well, this one doesn't seem to
be exactly breaking your heart.
Look, Charlie,
you know I always want
what's best for you.
And Chango grew on me.
But you're in big trouble.
I didn't do it!
I aced that exam on my own.
Look, all I know is you lied
being on the trail
with Zach
and you lied about teaching
Mikey to ride.
That was part my idea, too.
I cannot believe this.
I think I'm just gonna go
live with dad.
You're not going to live
with Troy.
Where's your dad been
through any of this?
You just can't count on him
when the chips are down.
Stop talking about dad
like that!
You know it's true.
He means well
for the most part,
and I'll always love him
for giving me the two of you,
but it's always a coin toss
if he's going to be there
when it's crunch time.
So, don't bring it up again.
Charlie wasn't here today.
She never misses a day.
Are you really trying
to figure out girls?
Just give up now.
Didn't you hear?
She got suspended.
No way. You're joking.
I heard that little Miss Smarty
Pants got caught cheating.
No way.
Apparently, Mr. Whitman found
her cheat sheet or something.
She wouldn't do that.
I guess I'm not surprised
you'd take up for that.
Stop it. Just shut up.
Mr. Whitman?
What can I do you for?
She didn't do it.
Didn't do what?
She would never cheat.
Well, I found proof
to the contrary.
What kind of proof?
I can't say.
You know teachers
can't discuss students
with anyone but the parent.
I know her.
Well, I know what I found.
How can I help prove
she didn't cheat?
I guess we could have
a discussion about
a "hypothetical situation".
Fair enough. Now, tell me about
this "proof".
Oh, it was good.
Low tech, low risk.
Not like some
of these other students
that use cell phones
and calculators.
what was this low-tech thing?
Rubber band bracelet.
This. This is what I'm talking
That's not anything.
Mr. Whitman, Charlie got set up
by someone and I know who.
It was Madison.
That's not possible.
I mean, the-- the Farnsworth's
are a fine, upstanding family
in this community.
Now look, son, you--
you can't go around accusing
people just to save your friend.
With all due respect, sir,
I'm 100% sure
that Charlie didn't cheat
and I'm gonna prove it.
Charlie did it.
Case closed.
Fair enough.
We'll see about that.
I'm going to Principal Goodwin.
All right.
Like I said,
you can't discuss a student
with anyone but a parent.
Mr. Holden?
Hey, over here, Zach.
It's awfully quiet out here.
I heard what happened.
What version?
She didn't do it.
I'd like to believe that, too.
No, I'm-- I'm serious.
She got set up.
By Madison Farnsworth.
You don't say.
I do say.
You claim that Madison did this.
I saw her and her friends
wearing the bracelets.
I didn't see Charlie
wearing one.
You should be looking
at their test scores.
You just can't go around
accusing people
of planting evidence.
But you can go around accusing
people of cheating?
And then kick them out
of school for it?
It's school policy.
Look, I'm not an expert here.
But in a court of law,
you're proven guilty
by beyond reasonable doubt.
So, if it's good enough
for the courts,
shouldn't it be good enough
for a school?
I'm sorry,
but without any proof...
I do have proof.
Is that enough to at least
make you ask some questions?
Reasonable doubt. Right there.
Well, in light
of Zach's contribution,
perhaps we can negate
Charlie's suspension.
What about failing the test?
What about it?
Let her retake it.
And Mr. Whitman can watch.
If she passes,
drop the whole thing.
Seems reasonable.
Might owe an apology even,
before suspending
the Farnsworth girl.
Let's not get carried away.
I'll let Charlie retake the test
and we'll go from there.
Why are we here?
Just wait and see.
What is going on?
Charlie, I owe you
the biggest apology.
I know you didn't cheat
on that test.
I'm so sorry.
You are?
Zach and Clint
never doubted you.
Zach and I went
to your principal
and we got everything
straightened out.
How did you manage this?
Well, we made your principal
an offer she couldn't refuse.
-You threatened her?
No. It's just an expression.
What kind of criminal
do you think I am?
I'm gonna sleep so much better
tonight knowing that.
So, what happened?
Well, we had a material witness
and a little bit of leverage.
Well, why don't we all just
bring it in for a group hug?
Come on, everybody.
-Bring it in.
Charlie, this is game day.
There'll be
a lot of people there.
I get it.
I know you do.
I just don't want you to get
by all the fancy things that
don't matter.
Like what?
It's gonna be a lot
of money there.
Trailers that are nicer
than some people's homes.
Horses that cost more
than most people's cars.
Money doesn't mean anything.
Well, money can mean
some things,
but it doesn't mean everything.
What counts is...
Opportunity means preparation.
Nothing can beat your heart.
You have all the heart
in the world for this.
No matter what happens,
I'm so proud of you.
Good afternoon, ladies
and gentlemen.
And welcome to the
State finals in barrel racing.
[people cheering]
You ever play Pick up 52?
-You wanna play?
Yeah, sure.
We're gonna play it
all the way through.
-All right.
-Mom, what's that?
-It's for you.
Open it.
No way!
I'm so sorry I ever doubted you.
I just wanted to make sure
you get to go to college.
It's okay.
I was a total jerk.
I'm so proud of you.
Go, try this on.
[Charlie chuckles]
Oh, wow.
You look amazing.
Yeah, you do.
You need to fuel up
before the ride.
Let's go get 'em something
to eat.
What, Shorty McShort Shorts?
Doesn't exactly look like you.
Is it bad?
I don't know.
You just look fancy.
Mom got it for me.
Man, sometimes,
I get emotional whiplash
from trying to follow you two.
[Charlie chuckles]
Hey, what's up?
Are you mad?
Not really.
But I hate it
when you call me names.
I don't call you names.
Mini-Mike? Short Stop Shrimp?
Shorty McShort Shorts?
I'm just kidding around.
Well, no one has
to keep reminding me
that I'm shorter than everyone.
Aww, I'm sorry, bud.
I didn't know it was a thing.
It's just my way
of showing affection.
And a reminder
of my worst fear,
that I may be done growing.
Dude. Never again.
Okay, pinky swear.
Pinky swear.
So, you actually look awesome.
You nervous?
Yeah, I kind of just want
to go home.
Okay, what kind of example
would quitting set for me?
I'm just joking.
Now go kick some...
Jeez, what did you think
I was gonna say?
Hey uh,
have you ever heard
of Pick Up 52?
You nervous?
I got something for ya.
Isn't this your lucky hat?
Not anymore.
Remember what I told you
about a horse being
a mirror for your soul?
I don't think my dad made it.
Focus on you.
All that matters right now
is getting to the next round.
What do you mean?
Well, a good time
will get us to the finish.
Anything under 19.5 should
get us there.
Do you think I'm ready?
You've asked me every which way
you can, Charlie.
There's only one thing
that matters.
Do you think you're ready?
Can you take this
to the finals?
I think me and Chango
can do anything.
Me too.
[indistinct announcement
in background]
Is that the horse you got
from the Lost and Found?
Good luck with that.
Nice girl.
[crowd cheering]
Hey, boss.
Hey, yeah, it's me.
Hey uh, I got news.
You remember that horse,
that little pony that
went missing a while back?
Yeah, well, I think
I just found him.
Well, I'm sitting here
looking right at it.
On my way to rodeo.
I thought you'd come over here
and take a look for yourself.
You bet.
Hey, Zach.
Thanks again for getting me
out of trouble.
Not many people
would have done that.
It's the right thing.
I know you didn't cheat.
Never doubted?
I think you're pretty awesome.
Charlie, I've always thought
you were pretty awesome.
Yeah, and then like,
Madison was just like,
"Good luck with that."
-Come on.
-That's typical Madison.
-That's so-- that's so dumb.
Hey! Let go of my horse!
Hey! What's going on?
We seem to have confusion here.
This horse belongs to me.
No, you're wrong.
Chango's ours.
Mac? What's going on?
Sorry, Clint,
but it all checks out.
Mr. Buchanan owns the horse.
No, you're-- you're lying.
We found him ages ago.
We put up flyers
and nobody came.
Doesn't matter.
He's mine now.
You lost him
and didn't even look for him.
You only care now, because we
placed in the barrels.
Maybe we can talk about this.
We could buy him off you
fair and square.
Nothing to talk about.
At least,
let her finish the rodeo.
She's in the finals on Sunday.
Not my problem.
Sorry, man. Nothing I can do.
Step aside, son.
We'll figure something out.
Charlie, you've got
to eat something.
I'm not hungry.
Look, I know this is tough,
but we'll get through this.
You never wanted me
to have him anyway.
Charlie, none of us wanted you
to lose that horse.
Trust me on that one.
I'm done with trust.
Never thought I'd say this,
but we've got to get
that horse back.
-CLINT: We need to talk.
Why should I care about
anything you have to say?
You used that horse
to get close to my family!
You're the one who told Charlie
she could have a horse.
You can't blame me
or Chango for this.
I'm really pissed
at you right now.
Yeah, I get it.
Anger is a lot easier
to handle than grief.
You don't know what it's like
to be me.
All I know is Charlie needs us
to work together.
It's the difference about doing
the right thing or--
or the easy thing.
She's really good, isn't she?
She really is.
Oh, God.
[sighs] Sometimes, man,
sometimes I feel like...
I really messed up.
But I-- I look at her
and uh...
And I feel like
I did pretty good, right?
You really did.
You both did.
She's a good girl.
And um...
I'm-- I'm sorry
I should have come to you
-and I should have like--
-You know what?
Man to man...
You've been a good friend
to me.
You have.
Just uh, treat her good, okay?
What are we doing here?
Something you need to see.
Why is dad here?
Go ask him.
What's going on?
[Charlie chuckles]
[Clint chuckles]
So, how exactly did you two
manage to pull this one off?
We took a page out of
your playbook.
And we made Buchanan
an offer he couldn't refuse.
So, you threatened him?
-What! No.
What kind of people
you think we are?
Bitsy, I mean Beth. Beth.
When Troy found out who
we were dealing with,
he had heard the name before.
Not just heard.
Turns out this dude's got
a really bad reputation
for some pretty shady
business practices.
You know what I mean?
Troy says that Buchanan
works construction.
Likes to cut corners and a lot
of other illegal activities.
Yup. And I was on the receiving
end of a couple of those.
Yeah. 'Course he didn't want
to sell us Chango at first.
I told him it would be
a damn shame
if word got out about
how he does business.
'Specially to the State
Licensing Board.
-That was a good one.
It's weird how loss of income
and uh, threat of prison can
change a man's heart, you know.
Yeah. Started to see the light.
Start to see things our way and
let us buy the horse.
Anyways, he finally decided
to sell us the horse.
How did you two do it?
Well, it's not impossible
for us
to uh, work together, right?
You know this horse came
into our lives
right when we needed him.
It's a God-given thing the way
he brought us all closer.
Healed us.
Hey, Charlie,
I'm really sorry
I missed your ride.
From now on,
I'm keeping my promises.
To both of you guys.
Speaking of riding,
you and your horse are
in the finals tomorrow?
Well, but he's not my horse
He's yours.
Only thing is, we just happen
to have him for sale.
For the very fine price
of $300.
But we're only accepting
payment in coins.
You don't happen to know
any prospective buyers, do you?
I'll be right back.
You've been carrying that
around with you?
All this time?
Well, you know what they say?
What's that?
Luck is when opportunity
meets preparation.
I like the sound of that.
That's pretty catchy.
Whoa. Hold on a second?
You're gonna need this
for your feed.
But I get a lucky penny.
[indistinct chatter
in background]
And now, cowboys and cowgirls.
we are ready for the last event
of the day,
the Girls Barrel Racing Finals.
I'm nervous.
You stay here with Mikey.
I'm gonna go find Clint
and check on Charlie.
Yeah. Hey, hey, we got this.
We can hold the fort,
right, kiddo?
Yeah, mom. You can trust us.
-I'm hungry.
-Yes, I'm hungry,
-You wanna get a snack?
-We gotta get some food.
-Yeah, let's do it.
-Yeah. Come on, let's go.
Come on.
Hope you enjoyed
your beginner's luck.
Too bad that's all it was.
You know, Madison,
they say people like you
are miserable inside,
and personally, I'm too happy of
a person to play that game.
I hope you find a way
to be happy.
Our next competitor
is a name that you've all heard
before here at the finals,
Madison Farnsworth.
[crowd cheering]
Time for me to show you
how it's done.
There wasn't any kind
of good life
No well-wishing words
from your bells
The start of a sunny end
Now then
A low breeze
Is blowing through the South
You nervous, too?
I didn't get it;
what she has with him.
But I love Charlie
and I love how Chango
brought us all back together.
I'm glad you had a change
of heart.
You have a change of heart
about anything else?
Like what?
I don't know.
Let me take you out.
Like on a date?
Yes, a date.
Like a real date?
Is there any other kind?
I don't know,
it's just been so long,
I wouldn't know what
a real date is.
Well, we could go to the movies.
Dinner. And dress up.
Just you and me.
Let's hear it for that great
run from Madison Farnsworth.
And now, our final rider,
it's gonna be Charlie Mitchell
and Chango.
-Yes! Yes, yes, yes!
-[Beth shouts]
Yes! Come on! Yes!
[crowd cheers]
Yes! Come on!
[crowd cheers]
-Charlie! Wow!
Looks like our winner is
gonna be newcomer,
-Oh my God.
-...Charlie Mitchell!
-She did it!
-Oh my God! Oh my God!
[crowd cheering]
[Charlie chuckles]
So proud of you!
into summer evenings
Fireflies chasing
down the sun
Kicking up the dirt
To see the smile
on your face
Who knew I'd be one
of the lucky ones
And nothing's gonna
come between us
When we got hearts
That only beat in sweetness
We'll stay young
As our imagination lets us
Only life can ever catch us
As long as
We stay as simple
as the trees do
Only changing
what we need to
Stay young
Blades of grass
Are good to whisk
the dreams to
Summer breeze that keeps us
on our toes
Lullabies and cherry pies
And running
through the fields
With stories
only we both know
But nothing's gonna come
between us
When we got hearts
that only beat in sweetness
We'll stay young
As our imagination lets us
Only life can ever catch us
As long as
We stay as simple
as the trees do
Only changing
what we need to
We'll stay up
with every nightfall
Watch the moon
as it shows off
Making wishes
on shooting stars
Soak in the laughter
Like a happy ever after
Right where we are
We'll stay young
As our imagination lets us
Only life can ever catch us
As long as
We stay as simple
as the trees do
Only changing
what we need to
Stay young
I didn't know
Where I belong
On the open road
I was looking far beyond
All my hopes
And all my dreams
Little learning that they're
closer than they seem
You'll do anything
If you just believe
Even the sunshine's
after the rain
Even the moon do axis
and wait
'Cause tomorrow is
a brand day
Everything's gonna be okay
'Cause good things
come with time
Just hold on for in line
Ooh, ooh
Just hold on for in line
Ooh, ooh
'Cause good things
come with time
Just hold on for in line