Heart of Stone (2023) Movie Script

[majestic music playing]
[majestic music continues]
["End of the Road" by Noga Erez playing]
I'm no slobby boy
I never beg for no money
Fun, fun, funny
You'll run from me
No irony, no
I pardon no one, nobody
Chop, chop, chop it right hand
Chop it like a pickpocket
You had the mic, now you can't drop it
Dumb, dumb, dummy, once nobody
I'm coming, I'm coming
I'm coming, sit down
I don't know what really, really happens
At the end of the road
[indistinct chatter]
I don't know what really, really happens
At the end of the road
I don't know what really, really happens
At the end of the road
But my trip is mad
Target approaching.
Stone, how we doing?
[woman] Almost there.
Just pulling the encryption key.
Four hours in the van,
and she's eaten all the crisps.
She's stuck in there with you,
so that's comfort eating.
Been boring her with your cat chat again?
Cat chat? Actually, Parker,
she likes my Barry the Cat stories.
You like my Barry the Cat stories, right?
Before you know it,
you're gonna want one of your own.
[inhales sharply]
Cats hate me. Sorry, Bailey.
Writing a new access code.
[computer beeping]
I have eyes on Mulvaney.
Intel was good.
[Bailey] I can't believe it.
Europe's most wanted arms dealer
seen for the first time in three years.
Adding names and faces to the guest list.
-How long do you need?
-[Stone] Nearly there.
[computer beeps]
Hang on. Something's changed.
I can't connect.
The system's offline.
Local access only.
-[tense music plays]
-[keys clanking]
We need a new plan to get you in.
What do you mean?
I need direct access
to someone who's already on the network.
Head of security. He's at the bar.
[Stone] I could hack his phone,
but I'll need to be close to him.
-How close?
-Ten feet.
[Parker] Stone, you're not a field agent.
Do not get out of the van.
She can do this.
[woman] It's too dangerous.
[tense music continues]
Mulvaney's entering now.
Our arms dealer's on the move right now,
and I do not wanna lose him.
[Bailey] There's no other way.
We have to get Mulvaney.
Tell me what you need.
When I'm within ten feet
of the head of security, call his phone.
Okay, got it.
[door opens]
Hey. Hey, Stone.
You got this.
Thanks, Bailey.
[tense music playing]
[Parker] I can't tail them any further.
[woman speaking Italian]
[woman] Stone, listen to me.
Waiter to your right.
Grab a glass of champagne.
-Thank you.
-[woman] Good. Now, drink it.
Liquid courage.
He's headed towards the blackjack table.
Do you know how to play?
I was on the chess team.
Oh my God.
-[Parker] Just place a bet.
[Parker] Doesn't matter if you lose.
[dealer] Change set, seven. One hundred.
-[phone ringing]
-One hundred, change seven.
[exhales sharply]
[Stone] Okay, I have access.
[dealer] One hundred, sir, in change.
Okay. Everybody ready?
He's looking suspicious.
[dealer] Place your bets.
He's headed towards you.
[tense music continues]
Stone, walk away.
-Walk away. Walk away--
-[music ends]
What are you doing?
I've never played before.
[both chuckle]
-[dealer] Sixteen.
-I'm sorry.
[man] You split your eights.
Splitting your eights. Eighteen.
Dealer has 17.
-Ah, you win.
-You win it.
Maybe I should quit while I'm ahead.
-Thank you.
[woman] Nice job, Stone.
Not bad
for your first time out of the van.
I think I just lost two years off my life.
-Did it work?
-[Stone] Yeah, I'm in.
[Parker] Where the hell's Mulvaney?
Okay. Got him.
Through the kitchen, down the stairs.
Two heavies working the door.
On our way.
[suspenseful music playing]
[kitchen staff speaking Italian]
Inserting you into facial recognition.
Hello, beautiful.
May I take this seat?
Take it anywhere you like.
[chuckles] Okay.
Maybe later?
[Stone] Okay, you're all set.
I'm almost afraid to see
what drew Mulvaney out of his hole.
-[guard 1] Buona sera.
We're now taking bets for the next game,
which will begin in two minutes.
[woman] You were right
about Mulvaney's gambling habit.
He never met a bet he didn't place.
You must predict the exact order of kills.
[soldier] Copy, Delta Kilo Six.
We have reported hostiles
Those are military operations.
-[guns firing]
-[soldier grunts]
[crowd cheering]
They're wagering on body count.
[announcer] With a bet
of four instant kills,
this is a win for player number 46.
Betting on blood.
[Bailey] Yang, show me.
Just a bit to your right.
Holy shit.
That's US Navy Seals in real-time.
And they've cracked
military-grade encryption.
Who would have that capability?
Enough tech talk.
Target is Mulvaney.
Okay, Dr. Yang. You have the floor.
Time to give Mulvaney his heart attack.
I'll fire up the ambulance.
[tense music playing]
[tense music crescendos]
-[Yang grunts]
[patrons screaming]
Mulvaney's exiting.
[man] You.
[music ends]
[Yang] I'll handle this guy.
You take Mulvaney.
[tense music playing]
Mulvaney's on your right.
Another service corridor.
Stand by to go dark.
[man] Shit.
[man groans]
I've got Mulvaney.
Bailey, get us out of here. Fast.
[engine starts]
[tires screeching]
[tense music playing]
All right. Okay. All right.
[tense music crescendos]
[feedback ringing]
[woman] MI6, right?
You guys really need
to work on your subtlety.
You ruined my party.
I should've listened
to the voices in my head.
"The British are coming.
The British are coming."
Comms compromised.
-No shit.
-Okay, okay. New plan.
Exfil route Bravo. We have to go dark.
Copy that. See you down there.
Come on.
[music builds, ends]
Stone! Let's go.
I'm not going anywhere.
We're not done yet.
[tense music playing]
[Yang] More of Mulvaney's men.
They're heading to the cable car station.
Parker's a sitting duck.
We need to get down there now.
-Go without me. I'll be fine.
Stay put. We'll be back.
Jack, this is Nine of Hearts.
Urgent forecast required.
Nine, we have your position
and the full overview.
Projecting forward now.
[electronic whirring]
The MI6 team
won't get down the mountain in time.
The Heart gives
a 93 percent chance that Parker will die
and Mulvaney will get away
unless the Charter intervenes.
I'm gonna need a parachute.
Fifty meters away,
over the handrail to your right.
And don't blow your cover.
On it.
[tense music playing]
[man] Oi!
The Heart has
a chance of success at just 32 percent.
Not helping, Jack.
[breathes heavily]
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Um Stone, big drop coming up.
Big drop.
-How big?
-[Jack] The mother of big.
Really, really big.
And we're in the game.
[fireworks exploding]
Look, I've got money.
More than you can imagine.
It wouldn't be enough.
[tense music continues]
[engine revving]
Eight minutes out.
We're not gonna make it.
Stone, Mulvaney's security
are arriving at the cable car station.
Take the route to your left.
You need to pick up the pace.
The terrain's too flat,
and you're losing altitude.
If you cut across to the piste,
you can pick up a snow bike.
Cables! Cables! Cables! Ca--
[both grunting]
[dramatic music playing]
Chance of success just plummeted.
Only 'cause you've got no imagination.
Oh, nice. Nice.
[horn honking]
[Bailey] Oh, you're joking!
Come on!
He can hold them off without us, right?
Hold on!
[Jack] You can get ahead of
the bikes at the next corner.
[grunts, groans]
[man] Hey. Are you okay?
We meet again.
Must be destiny.
Must be.
[Stone grunts]
[man] Hey.
Hey! Hey!
[suspenseful music playing]
[Mulvaney grunts]
Stone, watch Bailey
and Yang to your right.
The Charter's worked
too hard to embed you in MI6.
We cannot risk your cover.
Well aware, Jack.
How many in the welcome party?
[Jack] Six of them.
Four pistols, one shotgun, and a sniper
with a very impressive record.
[suspenseful music intensifying]
Get out of the way!
[Jack] Get away from them.
Take the path to your right.
The sniper has opened fire on Parker.
[Stone] Jack, give me a line.
[panting, moaning]
I got the lights.
[suspenseful music crescendos, ends]
-[gun fires]
[Jack] Behind you!
Chance of success to 85%.
Only 85%?
Hardly seems fair.
Uh two more on your right.
[man screams, groans]
[Stone] Look at that.
Parker and target still very much alive.
[exhales] Great.
Now, hide the bodies
and get out before MI6 sees you.
[sirens approaching]
[gun cocks]
What's happening?
Where'd they go?
Where'd who go?
Mulvaney had an army of security.
Got scared off by the sirens maybe?
No point waiting to find out.
Let's just grab him and go.
-Whoa, whoa, whoa! He's foaming.
[Mulvaney choking]
[Bailey] Bastard took cyanide.
[Yang] That's old school.
Jesus. He's dead.
Grab a leg. We have to get
back up the mountain for Stone.
[clears throat]
All right, genius. Now what?
What you don't know cannot
What you don't know cannot
Believe me, all I want is seeing you
For myself
'Cause I've been quiet way too long
'Cause I've been
One, two, three, got my classic dreams
Got a stone-like skin
But I might can be
Like a front-row seat
To the ending scene
And it's all coming back
All running back
Feeling like a blast from the past
Beast in the dress
It be like a stone in the hands
So I'll keep it down, keep it down
Just like fall
Pick a gun, pick a gun
Fight the fight for the one
Be the one
Gotta learn a lesson
Nothing is what it seems
If you're reading this
It means I'm gone, my dear
If I only could
I would dry your tears
And whisper in your ear
But I love you
This way I keep it quiet
Shh, shh, shh
What you don't know cannot
What you don't know cannot
Believe me, all I want is you
For myself
'Cause I've been quiet way too long
[upbeat music ends]
Genuine dog's breakfast.
The Italians are livid,
as are Defense and Number 10.
-I take full responsibility.
-[man] "I." That's your problem, Parker.
Mulvaney's dead.
Yang gave the wrong person a heart attack.
And Stone, what the hell
were you thinking getting out of the van?
-That was the only way she could get--
-[man] Put it in the report.
Paperwork. Excellent.
That'll show Mulvaney's lads who's boss.
[man] Enough.
Mulvaney's gone. And so is
any hope of using him as an asset.
But now we have a new target.
Someone broke through the highest levels
of military encryption, including our own.
-Did you look into the girl?
-[man] The girl?
Oh, yes. I'm afraid
we'll need more than that.
We are trying to trace her,
but so far, we have nothing.
-I'm happy to look--
-[man] We have people for that.
Different people.
You can all concentrate
on your admin. Sandra.
[Parker] Cheers, Sandra.
Thanks, Sandra.
Love you, Sandra.
[horn honking]
[Bailey] To Stone.
-First time out of the van.
-[all] Hey!
-[Bailey] And she didn't blow the op--
-[Yang] No, we did that all on our own.
Too bad. Been on a good winning streak
since Stone joined us.
Thought you might be our lucky charm.
But you did win at blackjack.
And I'm never gambling again
or stepping out of the van.
What'd you do when I left you up there?
[inhales] Hid in the toilets.
[both laughing]
-What? You said to stay out of sight.
All right. Leave her alone.
We got more important things to discuss.
Like, the girl.
But let's be honest.
We already know who she works for.
-[sighs] God.
-That's right. The Charter.
-Strap yourselves in.
-[Yang laughs]
Whatever. I just identified
another one of their ops.
They took out a terror cell who hijacked
an oil tanker in the Panama Canal.
Yeah, but who would have
that kind of power?
[Parker] Hm.
-I'm doing it again, aren't I?
Okay, fine, mock me.
But it's true.
Ex-intelligence operatives
answering only to themselves.
No national allegiances,
no political leanings.
Putting out fires their governments
never allowed them to. That's
That's the Charter.
The most highly trained agents
working together to keep peace
in a turbulent world.
No. That is a Saturday morning cartoon.
Nobody knows about
the Charter because they don't exist.
Pass me the vinegar.
-And this girl.
This girl is part of it, and you know it.
Okay, don't judge me.
I'm gonna go with this for a sec.
-If the Charter are such do-gooders
why'd the girl interrupt our mission?
[Parker] Oh. Oh!
That's a good question. Yep.
Sorry, Bailey, there is no secret genius
organization pulling all the strings.
It's just us, Sandra, and her paperwork.
But it was a nice bedtime story.
Speaking of which
-Jet lag.
-Um, there's a one-hour time difference.
Night, guys.
[laughs] Right in the eye.
-I drive with that eye.
-Might make you a better driver.
[Yang] Can't make you worse.
-Kidding. I take it back.
-[Parker] No.
[siren wailing]
[pen cap opens]
[pen cap closes]
[pen cap opens]
[pen cap opens]
[pen cap closes]
Sneaking up on me?
A field agent
should be ready for anything.
You were saying?
I never should have told you I swim.
A weak moment.
I liked it.
So the girl.
What news?
No news. We were told not to look.
You're a terrible liar.
Look, if we leave it
to the pen-pushers at MI6,
she'll hack the entire world
before we even get a name.
I should've gone beyond the mission
and brought her in.
Well, your hands were pretty full
at the time.
And besides, it wasn't our objective.
Why don't you try and live a little?
Could be fun.
What happened to
"Don't get out of the van, Rachel"?
-This is different.
So, rules are rules
unless they apply to you.
Why do I feel like you know me better
than I know you?
Maybe I should listen to one of these
dreary podcasts of yours.
- Don't stop thinking about tomorrow
Bailey got to you, huh?
Mock our music,
and I won't tell you my theory.
My lips are sealed.
[song ends]
She's new to the scene. Has to be.
Otherwise, we would have heard about her.
To get a guest list like that--
She's working with someone else.
A veteran. But who?
We'll make a list. I'll bring snacks.
I, uh, I'm sorry.
I already have a brunch date.
Can I come?
Bye, Parker.
[tense music playing]
[card reader whirring]
[Stone] Ivo? It's been a while.
Nine of Hearts, it's good to see you.
-How's it going?
-It's been busy. This way.
The Charter has been dealing with
three actionable threats this morning.
Potential sarin gas attack in Paris.
The Heart predicted the time and location
of the attack with 87% certainty.
Eight of Hearts is on site now.
Six is defusing
a potential international incident
in the South China Sea.
And Diamonds team's handling hackers
targeting the North American power grid.
That, um That's the peacock.
-Came with the house.
-[peafowl caws]
-[Stone] Hey, Jack.
Enjoying your new office?
We can't all be
gallivanting around the Alps.
How's King of Hearts? Is she angry?
Have you seen her yet?
Well, let's see. You lost control
of the situation, target is dead,
then you had to kill six men.
What a glorious outcome.
-Victoria Crosses all around.
-[Stone] Morning, Nomad.
Good to see you too.
Love what you've done with the place.
Is she developing a sense of humor?
-Did you find the girl?
-Of course.
Keya Dhawan.
She is from Pune in the west of India.
Orphaned at eight.
[Stone] How'd she learn to program?
Ever heard of Niam Kharche?
Billionaire investor, pharmaceuticals.
Had business in Pune.
Ran IT workshops for kids
in underprivileged communities.
[Stone] He spotted her
in one of these programs.
Yeah. He saw she was a prodigy,
took her under his wing, trained her up,
and then they had a falling out.
The Heart's better at whats than whys.
And the what is,
she split from Kharche and disappeared.
She's 22 now.
Not much older than when we met.
[Nomad] Yes, but she fell in with
a bunch of criminal lowlifes.
Some people get all the luck.
We think that Keya
set up the casino of blood.
She knew about Mulvaney's
gambling habit and used it to lure him in.
Mulvaney had become
obsessed with a new weapon, a myth.
A quantum computer sophisticated enough
to hack into anything, anywhere.
The Heart.
So, where is she now?
The Heart predicts with 96% certainty
that Keya is heading to Lisbon
for the opening of Club Moritz.
So, we will leak her location to MI6.
Then we should have your operation
back up and running within 24 hours.
It doesn't feel right.
Keya chose to hack into
our comms feed on the mountain.
She revealed herself to me,
looked me straight in the eye.
I'm not sure
if we should ignore the Heart,
the closest mankind
has to perfect intelligence,
because of eye contact in a bar.
This might be why you're single, Jack.
Just follow the numbers.
Your mission is Lisbon.
And if she's not there?
Eat tapas.
Just not with your MI6 team.
So, you're spying on me now.
I'm tracking my asset.
You know what you signed up for.
No relationships. No friends.
No poolside tte--tte.
What we do is too important.
When governments fail,
the only thing left is the Charter.
I'm undercover. This is just part of it.
-Everything's under control.
Keep it that way.
Your target is Dhawan.
[computer beeping]
Come on, Keya. Take the bait.
[keyboard clacking]
[laptop closes]
[cell phone vibrating]
Hey, Bailey.
[Bailey] Hey.
We got a lead on hacker girl.
We're going to Lisbon.
Better call the cat sitter.
Oh no, no. Barry's all right. He's--
I told him, no parties.
Okay. Sweet dreams.
Wheels up at eight.
Got it.
-Night, Bailey.
[Bailey laughs] What about this?
[Parker] Ah Jesus. Just when we thought
it couldn't get worse.
[Parker vocalizing]
-[Bailey] Are you singing?
-[Parker] I'm clearing my throat.
-[Stone] Look at that.
-[Parker] No.
Voice of an angel.
["Everywhere" by Fleetwood Mac playing]
You know that I'm falling
And I don't know what to say
I'll speak a little louder
I'll even shout
You know that I'm proud
And I can't get the words out
Oh, I
I want to be with you everywhere
Oh, I
I want to be with you everywhere
Bailey, you should meet my gran.
She has the same taste in music,
and you have the same hair.
It's my van, my tunes.
Yeah, that's what she says.
-[Bailey] Oh, sorry.
-[Parker] Whoa.
Little harder next time.
I didn't quite crack a tooth.
[Yang] You okay back there?
Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just, uh
-[Yang] Carsick.
-[Parker] It's Bailey's music.
Come on, swap seats with me.
-What? No, no, no. It's fine.
-Come on. No, it's fine. Move.
-[seat belt unlocks]
-[Stone] Jesus!
-[Bailey] Seatbelt.
[Yang] Bailey!
Aren't you supposed to be an elite driver?
-[Bailey] Okay?
[Yang] How long till the club opens?
[Bailey] We head out in a couple of hours.
[van door closes]
["Fado Portugus"
by Amlia Rodrigues playing]
[Bailey] Hey, Stone.
Sent you something. Check it out.
-What is this?
-It's for my niece's birthday.
What do you think? Female perspective?
It's very pink. [chuckles softly]
[Yang] Parker, this music is ancient.
-What are you, a hundred years old?
-It's called culture.
Yeah. Sorry, Parker, I'm with Yang. Yang!
[song ends]
[Yang] Yes!
["Juice" by Lizzo playing]
-Oh, okay.
[Yang] Now we're talking.
Oh, come on, Bailey. You know you want to.
Yes, I do.
down to my drawers
- LV all on my shoes
- Oh, baby
I be drippin' so much sauce
Got a bih looking like Rag
[Bailey] Stone?
-Oh yeah.
-[Bailey] Stone, come on.
That's how I roll
[Yang] Woo!
everybody gonna shine
[Bailey] You know you want to. Come on.
[Yang] Yeah.
So you know
I'm like Chardonnay
Get better over time
So you know
Heard you say I'm not the baddest bitch
You lie
It ain't my fault that I'm out here
Oh no you don't.
Watch out,
you might actually enjoy yourself.
[Yang] Woo!
-She's smiling.
-[Yang] Oh yeah!
[ears ringing]
[exhales sharply]
[man] Six hostiles entering the building
Nine, I have you.
Six hostiles moving up the stairs.
More outside.
They'll breach the doorway in four
[tense music intensifies]
[Bailey] Parker.
[Bailey grunts]
[man 1 groans, grunts]
We're gonna get you out.
[man 2 screams]
Stone, go now!
[exhales sharply]
Nine, the window.
Get out. Now.
[breathing heavily]
[serene music playing]
Stone, you will die.
Jack, I need your help.
Plotting exit routes now.
Come on. Parker, come on. Come on!
[Yang grunting]
[muffled gunfire]
[Yang grunting]
I'm going back in.
What? No.
Saving them is not your mission.
-Get out of there.
-Jack, please.
No. At best, you break cover.
Most likely, you die.
[screen whirring]
[Yang grunting]
[tense music playing]
[man 3 groans]
[gunfire continues]
[Yang grunting]
[Stone grunts]
[Stone yells]
[music ends]
[breathing heavily]
-Holy shit.
-Come on.
Time to go.
There'll be more. Come on.
[people screaming]
Van's a no-go. Go, go.
[engine starts]
[people screaming]
[indistinct chatter, laughter]
Does that thing ever work?
Yeah, yeah. It works.
Just not on every car.
[car beeping]
There. Move!
[motorcycle engine revving]
[woman screaming]
[Stone grunting]
[crowd screaming]
Stone. Now would be good.
Move over. I've got this.
[groans, screams]
-[tires screeching]
-Away from the guns, Stone. Away!
-Just a second.
Down! Down! Down!
[tires screeching]
[engine revving]
Go! Go, go, go, go!
Okay, Stone. Time to start talking.
You hack, you fight, and you drive.
Parker, are you getting this?
[gun firing]
-Three vehicles. Lots of guns.
-Yeah, I can tell by the bullets.
[tires screeching]
-Sort of in the middle of something.
Brakes, brakes, brakes!
Oh, okay. Okay, you got it.
[dramatic music playing]
[Bailey groans]
-Got it.
-On your three o'clock.
In three, two, one.
[horn honking]
Clip's out.
[engine revving]
[horns honking]
[tires screeching]
-Are you trying to kill us?
-Pretty much the opposite, actually.
[tram bell clanging]
Okay. This might be kind of intense.
Oh, this isn't good.
-Stone, they're still coming.
-I know.
Hold on.
[horns honking]
[music fades]
Well, I can't speak for the others,
but I I think you're ready for the field.
[tense music playing]
We need to get off the road
and lose this van.
[brakes screeching]
[Yang] Rachel.
Who the hell are you?
It's complicated.
-From where I'm sitting,
a baby agent from Ijust took out an entire kill team.
-Bailey, what's taking you so long?
The Charter?
You're the you're the bloody Charter?
What, are you trying to
bring in Dhawan yourself?
Are you working with her?
[Yang] Answer him.
You owe us that.
We're after her too.
Oh my God.
The Charter's real.
And you're one of them.
I wish I could've told you more.
But we all want the same thing.
No, we don't.
[Stone gasps]
You're not the only one with a secret.
Did they mean something to you?
Oh, come on, Rachel.
You're only playing a part, right?
Who are you, Parker?
Why don't you ask the Heart?
If you wanted me dead,
you would have shot me first.
Still a few things I need to know.
About you, the Charter.
But perhaps most of all,
I was looking forward to a fight.
[Stone grunting]
[Stone winces]
Keya and I learned
that the Charter infiltrated MI6.
[Parker exhales deeply]
I had to flush out who.
At first, I thought it was Yang,
but I was so pleased it was you.
Keya's working for you?
Your hand's shaking.
You barely nicked me.
That was the point.
A little basic, I know,
but it hits the spot.
[Stone groans]
Looks like the paralysis is kicking in.
I spent six years
looking for you people, Stone.
Then fate brings you straight to me.
You're a very good agent.
But you were so busy letting a machine
think for you that you missed me.
Right here,
in front of your face
the whole time.
And Mulvaney?
Well, he was tech-averse like me.
Kept everything up here.
So, Keya and I set up
our casino of blood to lure him in.
We needed to have a little chat
about the Heart.
All right. Okay, okay, okay.
[Parker] Talk.
Yeah, I--
The Heart is
what gives the Charter its power.
It's the most formidable weapon
you never knew existed.
It can hack into anything, anywhere.
Cell phones, power grids, the banks,
governments, military, health records.
Your secrets.
It knows you
better than you know yourself.
It's determinism.
With access to trillions of data points
at once, its modeling is so accurate
it can predict the future.
The Heart is knowledge and power.
It can crash a market
or drop a plane out of the sky.
Who needs to steal a nuclear bomb
when you can control them all?
If you own the Heart
you own the world.
Where is it?
Where is it?
Only a Charter member could tell you.
The poison's a cholinesterase inhibitor.
Cold War paralytic.
My chemist does all the classics.
Like cyanide.
[groaning softly]
Oh, relax, Rachel.
Killing you is not part of the plan.
We need you to deliver a package first.
-I've loved working with you, Rachel.
Hand on heart.
[device whirring]
[machines beeping]
[Nomad] Stone?
She's awake. She's awake.
[Stone grunts]
[nurse panting]
Hold her here. Hold her down.
[alarm blaring]
Oh shit.
-Take this. Help me. Help me here.
Keep her steady.
Cholinest-- Cholines--
Wait. Get me atropine. Five mils.
It's cholinesterase.
Jack. Jack.
-[Jack] We've been breached.
It's There's a Trojan
in our system delivered wirelessly.
Chewing through security
like it isn't there.
Restrict all access.
Nomad, I've tried. No-go.
They're trying to access the Heart.
[Nomad] From where? We're walled off.
[alarm continues]
It's a weak wireless signal.
It's coming from
inside the building.
[doctor] Quickly.
We need to monitor her airway.
-[nurse] Go ahead.
-[doctor] Hold her.
Press down.
That didn't do it.
[Stone grunting]
[alarm ends]
-[Stone breathing heavily]
What's happened?
I need to know what's happened.
How long were we compromised?
[Jack] Three minutes and 45 seconds.
Running a system check now.
We need to know what they accessed.
Is the Locker safe?
The Locker is still flying high
with the Heart safe inside,
85,000 feet up.
No one's getting up there
without a space shuttle.
It's passing over the Atlantic,
towards West Africa.
And the other suits,
can they still access the Heart?
-Looks like it-- Jesus.
There've been
100,000 attempts to access files.
Clubs team are analyzing the data,
but looks like our security held.
We need to shut it all down now.
-Shut what down? The Heart?
-Until we know what they've done.
We have no idea what they're capable of.
Don't need to shut it down
to find out what they've done.
-We'd be harming ourselves.
-We don't know. She's not stupid.
-And neither are we.
-Sure about that? Because right now--
Rachel. Rachel. He's right.
We'll sort it.
A word in private. Now.
I told you. I knew Keya
was playing us, playing the Heart.
No, you didn't. No, you didn't
You had a feeling.
Nothing nothing concrete,
nothing actionable.
A mood, a notion, a hunch, a bollocks.
We don't trade in those.
I knew she wouldn't be there.
You ignored the Heart,
and you went back in.
-To save my team.
-They weren't your team.
They died anyway.
You going back made sure of that.
You blew your cover.
If you'd left when we told you to,
Parker would've followed you,
we'd have caught him,
and Yang and Bailey might be alive.
-I should've just listened to the Heart?
[Stone sniffles]
The Charter exists for one reason.
To maximize lives saved.
That's the only moral metric there is.
And it's a calculation.
A pure and objective calculation.
Made for us by a machine.
Have you forgotten how radical that is?
It doesn't mean
that what we do is easy or feels nice.
You'll have the voices of those people
in your head for the rest of your life.
And you will never
not feel responsible for them ever.
But the end justifies the means.
I spent every day with Parker
for a year and didn't see it coming.
Neither did the Heart.
So, what do we do now?
[groans] I'm
Gonna make some tough choices,
and this is the first one.
I'm standing you down, Rachel.
Go home. Get some rest.
Keep your head down.
Don't do anything stupid.
You can't do this.
You're compromised.
Parker knows you. Dhawan knows you.
And the other Kings, quite rightly
don't know if you can be trusted.
And you?
I want to protect what we've spent
20 years trying to build.
So, I'm just out.
It's about the greater good.
It's nothing personal.
I'm starting to see that.
[cell phone ringing]
[man] Hello?
-Stone? Wrong number. Wait.
-It's for me.
[man] That's my phone. I--
[Keya] So, why is a Charter agent
riding around all alone,
just hours after being poisoned?
Doesn't feel like they're taking care of
their most valuable player.
What do you want?
[Keya] Don't be a sore loser.
I bet you used to think we were so alike.
Now you know I'm better.
Better? You killed my friends.
[Stone] You didn't know, huh?
Well, I told you this wasn't a game, Keya.
Heart or no Heart,
I'm coming for you.
-Morning, ma'am.
[man] Nomad. Great spot.
All four kings in the same room.
How long has it been, three years?
Not long enough.
So, who is this Parker,
and how did we miss him?
Career intelligence agent.
Born in Belfast, lives alone.
He has no one he cares for.
There's nothing much to live for.
He has devoted his life
to a country that sees him as expendable.
Okay. We get it.
All that is fuel for the fire.
-But it won't burn without a spark.
-[woman] I was getting to that.
I had to lean extremely hard on
some very old friends for this.
Chechnya, December 2015.
What's this?
It was before your time.
Before the Heart, for that matter.
A Chechen warlord was given free rein
by the Chechen and Russian governments.
The West, as always, were
looking the other way.
He was wiping out whole villages,
trying to stamp out dissent.
But what's this got to do with Parker?
He was there.
[tense music playing]
Different identity. No electronic records.
But he was there, with MI6,
delivering weapons
to take the warlord out.
[man] Any sign of them?
You got an ETA yet?
They'll be here.
[woman] We intercepted a communication.
It was a trap.
[soldier shouts in Russian]
[soldiers speaking Russian]
[King] Intelligence came through from MI6
that their entire team had been executed.
We thought there was no one left to save.
[gun firing]
The region was a tinderbox
on the verge of full civil war.
We couldn't let those weapons
fall into the warlord's hands.
It would have cost thousands of lives.
We had a drone that was stationed
overhead armed with missiles.
I gave the order myself.
We made it look like a rebel force
had ordered the drone strike.
MI6 buried their mistake.
No report, no investigation.
No record of the personnel
who had been involved.
We thought everyone had died.
Until a few hours ago.
What a mess.
So, you think he knows it was us?
I think that's a safe assumption.
And now he wants to destroy the Charter.
You killed Bailey and Yang?
That wasn't the plan.
You stick to the tech
and leave strategy to me, okay?
Let me remind you, we're partners. Okay?
So if you want me to do my job,
you have to tell me
what you're doing before you do it.
Let me remind you,
the Charter don't give two shits
about people like Bailey and Yang.
So, if you want us to succeed,
you shouldn't either.
[tense music intensifies]
[tense music ends]
[door handle rattling]
[door opens]
[serene music playing]
[cat meows]
[Stone] Hey, Barry.
I'm a friend of your dad's.
It's okay.
[cat purring]
[whispers] I've got you.
The camera.
[suspenseful music playing]
She hacked into the camera feed.
Let's see how well she covered her tracks.
There she is.
What's in the desert, Keya?
I'm guessing it's not the nightlife.
Are you shitting me?
West Africa. The Locker.
[Parker] You ever done this before?
Choppered in at over 40,000 feet?
Trick question. No one has.
But my mama always said
I could do anything.
How long do we have
before the Locker descends?
Eleven hours and seven minutes.
At which point,
the Charter will realize what's going on.
It'll take nine minutes and 26 seconds
for the Locker to drop to 40,000 feet.
We'll have about eight minutes
to get in, take the Heart,
and get out again
before they regain control.
Very precise.
You're sure?
No. I'll be sure when it descends.
If they found my code, it won't descend,
they'll be waiting for us, and we all die.
-Good morning.
What time is it?
Uh, it's nearly seven.
What? Oh shit.
[Ivo] Any luck?
Uh nothing. But they need to
pop their heads up at some point.
-I'll see if they--
-[alarm blaring]
Oh no, no, no, no, no.
Get Nomad now! Get Nomad now!
Just get me up there. I'll do the rest.
Nomad will string me up for this.
Tell her I stole your keys.
You'll just have to trust me.
[Keya] Okay. Moment of truth.
How will we know if it's worked?
Would you look at that?
The Locker has been dropped
15,000 feet in the last two minutes.
Still descending.
Security systems are all down.
I'm locked out.
-How is that even possible? Another hack?
-No. No.
This is why they did it the first time.
It's been lying dormant
in our system until now.
-Can you override it?
-I'm trying.
[beeping, whirring]
[Ivo] The air lock's been breached.
Contact every Charter agent in the region.
There's no one within 500 miles.
[pilot] Approaching coordinates
in five, four, three--
-I hope you know what you're doing.
-[Stone] Tell me about it.
-We have a something approaching fast.
-[Nomad] A something?
-[Jack] Thirty seconds out.
-What is it?
I think-- I think it's a someone.
Who is it?
Go in closer.
Is that--?
It's Stone.
[tense music playing]
I have to descend. Lower the rotor speed.
[Parker] Copy that.
See you in seven minutes.
[Nomad] She's not gonna make it.
-[music ends]
[exhales deeply]
Look who it is.
-I'm gonna need a minute.
The ship's lining is filled with hydrogen.
One spark, and we're all dead.
No way to get hold of her.
Come on, Rachel.
Come on.
[dramatic music playing]
It's over, Keya.
For who?
[Stone groans]
I told you not to get out of the van.
You also told me to have some fun.
[both grunting]
[tense music playing]
[both grunting]
It's gone.
And now you answer to me.
We've lost the Heart.
Not yet.
[Stone grunting]
[Parker grunts]
Parker. Ninety seconds. Let's go.
[Parker] Shame about your parachute.
You'll be needing that.
[timer ticking]
-[Stone grunts]
-[Keya] Get off me!
No, no, no, no, no! [screams]
-Get after them.
-We'll be lucky to get to base as it is.
Get away!
Leave me alone!
[Stone moaning]
Morning, sunshine.
Give me that thing before somebody gets--
I don't think so.
So, here's what's gonna happen.
You're gonna secret-agent
our way back to civilization,
and I'm gonna follow
three steps behind you with this gun.
-Where's the Heart?
-Parker has it.
But I encrypted it to my biometrics,
so it's useless without me.
Come on, get up.
[Keya yelps]
If I shoot you now, all this is over.
Show you the same mercy
you showed Bailey and Yang.
It's the logical play, Rachel.
It's what the Heart would tell you to do.
I'm not like you.
On your feet.
We need to keep moving.
So, what's the plan, Keya?
Trying to get even with Niam Kharche
for kicking you out of the penthouse?
Right. You think you know everything.
I bet the Heart
told you that he adopted me,
lifted me out of nothing.
But did it tell you why?
Kharche used my parents like lab rats
in a medical trial, and it killed them.
He covered everything up and took me in
thinking he was doing me a favor,
but I let him think that
because I knew one day,
I'd be strong enough to make him pay
for what he did to my parents.
So, you get to tear the whole world down?
Oh, this is not just for me.
It's for people like me.
Parker's gonna destroy the Charter.
I've got my whole naughty list,
and we're going to expose them all.
With no thought of what comes next.
You're a child.
And you think the Charter's any better?
Just because they saved you
doesn't make them good.
You think I didn't look into you?
How many schools
did you get kicked out of?
Seven? Eight?
Always a rebel. Always a problem.
Violent, alone, helpless.
-Until the Charter comes along, right?
And gives you that discipline
that you so clearly crave.
But did they take you in
because you were good?
-Or because you were broken?
Maybe I was broken.
But there's a woman I know only as Nomad.
She rescued me, trained me,
showed me what's possible
when there's someone watching your back.
Where is she now?
Let's go.
Parker's coming for you, and I wanna have
a bigger gun when he shows up.
[suspenseful music playing]
They're headed for us.
Maybe it's Parker.
It's definitely not the Charter.
[Stone] Mercenaries?
Okay, let's just, um,
give them a good cover story.
They'll keep us alive for ransom.
We reel them in, and then bam.
Just to be clear,
the "bam" is for you to take them out.
Yeah, I get that.
[upbeat music playing on radio]
[woman in French] Who are you?
And what the hell are you doing out here?
Need a ride?
You're an angel.
[speaking French]
["Zombie" by Fela Kuti playing over radio]
Zombie no go go
Unless you tell 'em to go
Zombie no go stop
Unless you tell 'em to stop
Zombie no go turn
Unless you tell 'em to turn
Zombie no go think
Unless you tell 'em to think
- Zombie, oh zombie
- Zombie, oh zombie
[in English] You know,
the Charter can take down Kharche.
Zombie no go go
Unless you tell 'em to go
Parker's way isn't the only way.
Zombie no go turn
Unless you tell 'em to turn
Zombie no go think
Unless you tell 'em
[music ends]
[in French] How can we repay you?
You already have.
[grunting, screaming]
[in English] Come with me.
[woman screaming in French]
-[engine revving]
[men screaming]
-[people screaming]
-[man speaking French]
[man speaking French]
[gunfire continues]
[men panting]
[man speaking French]
-[chicken clucking]
-[Keya panting]
She got away.
That wasn't the deal.
Killing her wasn't the deal either.
You have to pay me now.
The deal changed.
-[gun fires]
[chicken clucking]
[somber music playing]
-[seagulls squawking]
You're a hard woman to find.
Six of Hearts.
Nomad sends her best.
[tense music playing]
[phone ringing]
Dhawan is back with Parker.
I slipped her a tracker.
They're heading north. Looping you in now.
[Nomad] Hi, Rachel.
Nice to hear your voice.
I was a bit worried about you.
Were you?
[device beeps]
Okay, got her.
They're heading towards Iceland.
I take it I'm no longer compromised.
Well, they have the Heart,
so we're all compromised.
Parker's coming after the Charter,
so we're heading to a secure location.
Clubs is assembling a team.
We'll make sure they're on the ground
by the time you arrive.
And if we're too late?
Just get there as fast as you can.
If they get the Heart online,
God knows what they're capable of.
I'm on my way.
-[phone disconnects]
[dramatic music playing]
It's not impregnable,
but it's the best we've got.
If the Heart wants to find us, it will.
Will this hunk of junk make it to Iceland?
Hell yeah.
[serene music playing]
Nice trick you pulled
with the facial recognition yesterday.
Trying to put a lock on our new toy.
Would you come back for me if I hadn't?
We're a team, Keya.
Don't do it again.
I think I have it.
I know where they're going.
Reykjavik University computer lab.
It has a cryo-storage facility,
several floors of servers.
The tracker's heading straight for it.
See, Keya, don't say
I don't keep my promises.
Okay, be ready.
You know your instructions.
Couple of minutes,
we'll be up and running.
[tense music crescendos]
Are we up?
We're up.
[dramatic music playing]
[motorcycle engine revving]
Is this your naughty list?
Emails, texts, bank accounts. The Heart's
using my algorithm to sort through it all.
So, we can find anyone?
Gain access to anything?
Greatest skeleton key in the world.
Show me.
[screen whirring]
[Keya] There it is.
Evidence of Kharche's years of experiments
on innocents across the country.
That's the truth for the world to see.
That's impressive.
But let's see what else this thing can do.
Find me the Kings.
What are you doing?
[woman] Nancy Morrison.
King of Diamonds. Ex-CIA.
The Heart tells us she's heading to
a safe house with her family.
Drop the lift.
Are you serious?
No. Do--
[tense music crescendos]
[people screaming]
You're welcome.
[man] Hang on. I have another one.
I think you're gonna like this, boss.
An unidentified military plane landed
at a private airfield 33 minutes ago.
Jiang Hsu. Served 35 years
in Chinese State Security Service.
The King of Clubs is here in Iceland.
Even better. Where is he now?
[dramatic music playing]
Two minutes out.
Sending the plans now.
Stone is on her way.
[motorcycle engine revving]
We don't have time to wait.
Tell her to follow us in.
[tires screeching]
Any news of Spades or Hearts?
[man] Nothing yet.
There were other people in that elevator.
In that lobby.
Calm down, Keya.
You said we were going to expose Kharche
and then the Charter, not murder them.
The King of Hearts with her team.
They're in a bunker outside of London.
Take them out.
[Clubs] We're approaching now.
-We'll see you on the other side.
-You're going in with them?
I ordered the strike on Parker.
It's only fair.
You know I would have made
the same call in Chechnya.
Thanks. The right--
[busy signal]
[electrical sound fades]
I've lost contact.
The Heart's online.
No, no, no, no.
[loud thud]
We're locked in.
[Jack] Oh God. They've shut off
our ventilation system.
No, no, no, no.
Jack, how long we got?
[Jack clears throat]
At this rate, about an hour
and we're out of oxygen.
[tense music playing]
The Charter never worries about
who gets in their way. Neither will we.
[woman] King of Hearts is locked in.
They'll be dead in an hour.
-You have to stop this, please.
-Someone has to control this power, Keya.
-Why not us?
-This is not what we agreed.
You're still not seeing
the bigger picture.
This isn't about
some pissy little grievance you had
with the bad man
who killed your mom and dad.
This is about power.
Concentrated in the hands of the few,
of the very few who could use it for good,
who could actually make a change,
but they don't.
At this moment, we are mining
trillions of pieces of data.
In a matter of hours,
I will be able to take down
the remaining members of the Charter.
We've been used
and manipulated our whole lives.
Now it's time for us to take control.
[tires screeching]
[indistinct chatter]
[Clubs] Go.
[alarm 1 wailing]
[alarm 2 ringing]
[man] Clubs team are inside
the university building.
What are you doing?
You wanna know
how great men get power, Keya?
[alarm 3 sounding]
It's not because they earn it
or because they deserve it.
It is because when the moment comes,
they take it.
[tense music crescendos]
[motorcycle engine revving]
Stone is one minute out.
In position. We're all set.
[woman] She's approaching the university.
[tense music continues]
[motorcycle engine revving]
Stone, you need to get out now.
I don't have long.
I have a failsafe uploading.
It will disable the Heart.
They won't be able
to access it without me.
I'm outside. But you already know that.
No, you're not. It's a trap.
I found your tracker.
The lab is a decoy.
You need to get your team out now.
-Why should I believe you?
-Because you were right.
Okay? You told me about Parker,
and you were right about everything.
My parents would have never wanted this.
Just please listen to me.
Get your team out of there right now.
-[alarm ringing]
-Tell me where you are.
-[Keya] Okay.
I'm sending you my coordinates.
I'll leave the back door open.
[dramatic music playing]
[grunts] I'm Nine of Hearts.
I need your radio.
[both grunting]
[groans] Go.
This is Nine of Hearts.
Get out of there. It's a trap.
[radio crackles]
Do you hear me?
She found the tracker. Get out of there.
Do you hear me?
Yeah I hear you.
[people screaming]
[device beeping]
What's going on?
-Where is she?
-[woman hesitates]
-[woman mumbles]
-What has she done?
-How long to fix it?
I-- Could be minutes. Could be hours.
You have until I get back.
[Jack] The door won't move.
[grunts] Damn it!
[Ivo] There must be
an emergency override system.
We must have missed something.
Jack, is there any way
we can get hold of Stone?
No. No comms. We're still offline.
Maybe-- Maybe try the landline.
[groans] Okay. Okay.
[phone line ringing]
[microphone feedback]
[phone chiming]
-[Nomad] Stone, thank God. Where are you?
-Clubs are dead.
University was a trap.
I have new intel.
A new location.
We've-- We've lost Clubs?
What new intel?
[Stone] Keya. She shut down the Heart.
-How do you know she's not playing you?
-I don't.
We're gonna die in less than an hour.
-They shut down our air supply.
-She shut down our air supply.
-[Stone] Parker did.
I believe her, Nomad.
I'd be dead too
if I hadn't listened to her.
I trust her, and you need to trust me.
Fifty minutes.
I can work with that.
I'll see you.
You too.
[motorcycle engine revving]
[dramatic music playing]
A little time to think things over
In my life
There's been
[dramatic music crescendos]
[Stone screams]
What love is
- I want--
- I want you to show me
Sorry, I need your truck.
["I Want To Know What Love Is"
by Foreigner stops]
[Parker] I know you're in here, Keya.
You know, you still have a choice.
You can still be a part of this.
You're only delaying the inevitable.
[tense music playing]
[truck engine revving]
[truck engine stops]
-Would you like me to wait?
-[Stone] Definitely no.
But thanks!
[dramatic music playing]
Come on, Keya.
[screen whirring]
[device beeping]
[Nomad] Settle down now.
Conserve air.
-[both grunting]
-[shots fired]
[Keya grunts, pants]
Get the Heart back online.
Do it!
[Keya groans]
Get up.
Get up!
[Keya groaning]
[Parker] Right. Where do we start?
No, we'll be needing those. Knees?
-[Keya screams]
Last chance.
[inhales] Okay, I'll do it.
Go on.
I need to get back in there.
The Heart has to be disconnected
and reconnected again to the servers.
Any interference, the system
automatically shuts down. You know that.
[Parker] Move.
[tense music playing]
[Keya inhales, exhales]
[Keya gasps]
This doesn't end well for you, Stone.
Take another step, and she's dead.
-I don't care. I'm here for you.
-[Parker] Bullshit.
You and I know that without this one,
the Heart stays down
and everyone inside that bunker dies,
unless, of course, they're dead already.
I have the Heart, and I have the Kings.
That's a winning hand.
[Keya panting]
Okay. I'll put it down.
Good girl. Now, kick it away.
Tell me this, though.
What's your point, hm?
And why do you have to
kill them to make it?
I've served my entire life,
Rachel, and none of it mattered.
The world is still in chaos.
The Heart has the power
to change everything.
But the Charter are using it
to keep things exactly as they are.
You don't wanna change anything.
You just wanna be the one in charge.
First thing you did
with all that power was kill people.
[scoffs] The problem
with men like you, Parker,
is that your power is only ever based on
threats and violence.
And when you brutalize everyone
around you, even your own team
you'll never have
the one thing I know I always will.
And what is that, Rachel?
Someone to watch my back.
-[gun fires]
[Parker and Keya scream]
[Stone groans]
[both grunting]
[Stone screams]
-[Stone grunts]
-[Parker screams]
[both grunting]
[Stone screams]
[Stone groaning]
[Parker and Stone groaning]
[Keya screaming]
[Stone grunting]
[shot fired]
-[shots fired]
Maybe in the next life. [chuckles]
See you when I get there. [exhales]
[device beeping]
[pants, groans]
[phone ringing]
-[phone ringing]
-[woman coughs]
[Stone] Nomad, tell me you're okay.
-[man moaning]
Is everyone still with us?
[groans] Yeah, yeah.
It's good to hear from you, Stone.
I knew I would.
[birds chirping]
Hey, Barry.
[dramatic music playing]
What's this?
I don't know.
It's beautiful.
[girl] But what is it? Who's it from?
[Stone] Looking good.
I decided to embrace the clich
and use my time in jail to get ripped.
You've had worse goals.
So my lawyers tell me.
And you? Back with the Charter?
[inhales] Yeah, I'm back with the Charter.
But on two conditions.
The Heart's an amazing tool.
But that's all it is.
If we only follow the odds, we'll
never do anything in spite of the odds.
And what if the odds
tell you to do nothing?
That's when they send me.
What's the second thing?
I liked my team, Keya.
I miss them.
I wanna surround myself with people
who will change the world for good.
[device beeping]
How we doing, Jack?
[Jack] Good news and bad news.
The good news, I've scouted the square,
and your plan just might work.
The bad news--
[exhales] Uh, they were out of oat milk.
-[car door closes]
What? You told me to blend in.
Did we get into the power grid?
Yeah. It wasn't that hard,
because their password was "password."
Your coffee.
Thank you.
["Go baby, go" by Nina Lee playing]
This is cold.
Um, you know we can still
throw you in jail, right?
[Stone] Hey.
Stay in the van.
We stay in the van, boss.
[car door closes]
Don't stop doin'
'Cause you're scared of yourself
Look at you go, you don't need no help
And a diamond in the rough
-The Heart's all set.
-[Stone] And the diversion?
[exhales] Go give them the bam.
["Go baby, go" by Nina Lee continues]
["Go baby, go" by Nina Lee ends]
[instrumental dramatic music playing]
[instrumental dramatic music ends]