Heart of the Country (2013) Movie Script

Hey, Mama.
# He said,
"I know I'm not the man
# That he imagined for his daughter
# I'm not what he had in mind"
# He said
"Her daddy probably dreamed
# About some lawyer or a doctor
# But I never was that kind
# We were in love
and that's all that mattered
# You know her heart was all
that I was after"
# He said, "I'm a dandelion
# She was my buttercup
# I'm the clover
# She will always be my luck
# Now I'm going crazy
# As she was my everything
# She had faith
Now I'm without her
# Oh, our love goes on forever
# How I long to be beside her"
Hey, sugar.
# "Just like weeds and wildflowers" #
Hey, Dad.
Come here.
I know.
Well, come on inside.
It's cold out here.
I was out in the barn
when you called,
otherwise I'd have
cleaned this place up a little bit.
No, it's, uh...
It's perfect.
No, it's not.
But it's home.
I did get a big screen TV.
Fella down there tried to sell me
one of those 3D ones,
but then he told me about
those glasses you gotta wear,
and I said to hell with that.
But everything's pretty much
the way you left it.
Of course, here's your mama.
Let's go see your room.
Here we are.
I didn't know how you'd feel
about me coming here.
You're my baby girl.
This will always be home.
You hungry?
Just as well.
I didn't have much anyhow.
I'll let you get settled in.
Holler at me if you need anything.
I came to New York
to be a singer...
...but I ended up falling in love.
His name is Luke...
...and he's my husband.
Is everything OK?
- Yeah, it's just Jake being Jake.
- Hmm.
It's all good.
The Securities and
Exchange Commission announced
a flurry of arrests stemming from
a series of alleged frauds
involving the Michov brothers'
investment firm.
How did this happen?
Listen, I didn't do
what they're accusing me of.
But I did know what was going on.
The charges
shook Wall Street to the core
as nearly 14 billion dollars invested
with Michov are unaccounted for.
Among the arrests
is Luke Carraday,
the youngest son of Manhattan
real estate mogul Austin Carraday.
Dad just called.
Warrants have been issued.
They're coming.
What am I gonna tell Faith?
It's too late now.
Mr. Carraday was charged with
seven counts of securities fraud
and conspiracy to defraud,
and is currently in federal custody.
A federal judge
today upheld the freezing
of all of Luke Carraday's assets.
Carraday and his wife, Faith,
have held a high profile in Manhattan's
elite circles in recent years.
And why didn't you tell me?
Because you would be in here too.
The accounts are frozen, Luke.
Um... I don't have any money.
I don't know where to go.
Go home.
I want you to go.
You can't be running around the streets.
There's nothing else for you to do.
Go home.
If you're not gonna go for you,
please, just...
...go for me.
I love you.
I know.
Where's Lady?
Lady died.
Couple winters ago.
Old Silver out there's
been hanging tough, though.
Olivia and I always said
he was the son you never had.
That apple sure didn't fall
far from the tree.
You're not gonna ask me
why I'm back?
We don't have to talk
about anything, ever,
if you don't want to.
You know, I don't...
I don't know who I feel more sorry for,
Silver without Lady
or you without Mama.
You say hi to her yet?
- I stopped.
- Good.
That's good.
I think you spent half your high school
years brushing that horse.
Someone had to know
all my secrets.
How long has it been?
I know it was Christmas,
but I can't remember...
- Four.
- Four.
Well, then... four years.
- Who's that?
- Probably your sister.
- Olivia?
- Hey, Daddy!
You got another one?
Hey, honey.
Listen, I just wanted
to bring you this casserole.
I want you to eat it this time.
Take it, Daddy.
- Well, look who's here.
- Hey, Olivia.
Olivia brought me a casserole.
I won't eat it,
but it's sweet of her to bring it.
You need to eat it.
He never eats his vegetables.
I never eat them in a casserole.
So, is Luke here?
Why don't we go inside,
we can catch up.
No, no. I've got
a women's meeting at the church
and Hardy's got his mind made up
to jam with his band, so...
Then why don't we
come over later?
It's so good to see you.
It's good to see you too.
- I'll see you soon.
- Yeah.
Don't look at me like that.
She's your sister and we're going.
She hates me.
She does not.
When I was 14, she put hair remover
in my shampoo bottle.
Yeah, but only a little bit of it fell
out, even that came right back in.
- See, you always defend her.
- Yeah, I do.
What do you think
I say to her about you?
Kind of a father's role in life,
to be that yellow flag
at the race track,
keep on racing, but no passing,
no trading paint.
Wouldn't hurt to make
a pit stop and refuel.
Is there anything you can't explain
with a car racing analogy?
I haven't found it yet.
Now, listen, this is the first time
I've had both my girls
under the same roof for some time.
So... if you can't get along for
her sake, do it for mine, all right?
That's my girl.
Watch yourself in there.
- Gotcha!
- Oh! Good shooting, Jack.
- Got me right in the leg.
- Jack, don't listen to your grandpa,
you know you're not supposed to be
shooting people.
- Come on.
- Hey. Sweetheart.
- Hey.
- It's good to have you back.
Hey, Olivia,
your daddy and sister's here.
Olivia told me you were back,
I couldn't believe it.
- Yeah.
- It's really good to see you, Faith.
It's good to see you, too.
- And is this Baby Maddie?
- Yeah.
You're so pretty.
Can I hold her?
- I don't know...
- Gimme baby! Gimme, gimme, gimme!
- Hi.
- Say hey to your Aunt Faith?
Hey. Are you still
playing in the band?
A little bit. What about you?
You still singing?
Hey. Sorry, I was just helping Victoria
with her dance costume.
You wanna come on in
and I'll get you a drink or something?
- You sure it's a good time?
- It's always like this.
Oh, uh... Faith, a little bit
of a problem.
- Oh! Hey.
- I'm sorry.
- Honestly, Hardy.
- Sorry.
- Honestly, Daddy.
- What're you yelling at me for?
When was the last time
you changed her?
You're supposed to change her?
Well, at least as often
as the oil in your truck.
Now where'd that boy go? Jack?
I told him to go shoot a rooster,
we'd have it for dinner.
Hey, Jack.
One, two, back, front, left.
You are so much better than me at this.
I am so not good...
- I am really sorry about your sweater.
- Don't be.
She's a precious little baby.
- Gosh... how do you do all this?
- This is just life.
And you're so thin,
after three kids.
You try chasing around
three kids every day.
It beats Pilates,
liposuction, spin class.
Well... maybe not liposuction.
What's liposuction?
Victoria, you are so grown up.
You know what?
You are so beautiful.
You look just like your mama.
Come on, let's go play.
# I will be by your side
I'm coming too.
# If you ever fall
deep in the dead of the night
# Whenever you call
# And I won't change my mind
# No, I'll see you through
# Ooh, ooh
# And I won't give up
# No, I won't give up
# I won't give up on you
# You need someone who knows you
# From the inside out
# The way I do
# I've seen you walk the wire
# Never looking down
# I believe in you
# I won't give up
# No, I won't give up
# I won't give up on you
# And I won't give up
# No, I won't give up
# I won't give up...
You ready for this?
Today is the day.
You were meant to stand on your own.
You don't have to be
a Carraday anymore.
You can just be Luke.
Come on.
So, what did you want to tell me?
- I'm leaving the Carraday Company.
- I knew it.
I knew it!
I took a job with Michov Brothers
down the street.
Michov? You might as well
join the Mafia.
Their earnings exceeded ours by
seven and a half percent last year.
Six and a quarter, the year before that.
That's because we're not crooks,
that's why.
How much is the buy-in?
- I'm sorry?
- How much is the buy-in?
Seventy-one million.
And where do you plan
on getting the money?
My inheritance.
- This is not about Faith!
- Yes, it is about Faith!
No, it's not, Jake!
Come on, do something.
You should have one of these.
Trust me, it helps.
That's it right there.
Suit yourself.
That's why I want to leave.
Jake was right about you.
I have to admit I wasn't,
but he called it.
Called what?
That you were the one.
That you were going to split this family
right down the middle.
Candace, let's go.
He's all yours now.
I fell asleep and...
- Daddy?
- Hmm?
When did the music stop for you?
Was it before or after she died?
It never stopped, sweetheart.
I still hear it... every day.
- Good night, Daddy.
- Good night, baby.
Church tomorrow, don't forget.
# Peace like a river
# Attendeth my way
# When sorrows like
# Sea billows roll
# Whatever my lot
# Thou hast taught me to say
# It is well
# It is well with my soul #
Snakeskin! I'm more
of an alligator fan myself.
Lee? Oh, my gosh!
How are you?
I'm good.
I think the last time I saw you,
you were ignoring my
Facebook friend request.
- Stop it, I did not do that.
- Mm-mm.
Not accepting is ignoring.
It's OK, I'm stalking you on Twitter.
So... what have you been up to?
Uh, well... I am a doctor now.
In the ER in Whiteville.
- You're kidding?
- No.
Do you think it's funny?
That the guy who used to burn ants in
this parking lot with a magnifying glass
at vacation bible school is now the only
thing between me and death?
- Hmm.
- Yeah, it's, uh...
It's a little disconcerting.
How's... How's Luke?
I read about it on the Internet
and from people...
Dr. Lee, how you doing?
- Good. Good to see you.
- Good to see you.
Good to see you.
- Hi!
- Hi! You look just like your mama!
I'd swear she was standing here right
now if I didn't know better.
Thank you, Miss Essie Mae.
How are you doin', darlin'?
Wonderful. You come see me now.
- I will.
- Welcome home.
Ohh... what a lovely woman.
She sure is.
I hate to see her so sick.
I don't know
how much longer we'll have her.
Come on, Faith.
We don't just live in a time capsule
while you're living it up in New York.
Listen, I know we need to talk.
- Do we?
- You're my sister, Olivia.
You deserve to know what's going on.
Come on over later.
We'll talk then.
- What was that all about?
- Sister stuff.
- Hm.
- What's this?
Oh. They were at the altar,
in memory of your mother.
- Did you put them there?
- Every year.
This is the anniversary of the accident.
"Love never forgets. "
We don't wanna scare the fish,
so we're gonna lay it out there,
nice and easy.
Just like that, there you go.
When I grow up,
I wanna marry you, Daddy.
You can't do that,
honey, Mama already beat you to it.
But I'll tell you what,
when you do grow up,
and you get married, you and I
are gonna get to dance together.
Just the two of us,
like a prince and a princess.
- What do you think of that?
- That sounds nice.
- Yeah, it does.
- I like fishing.
Well, I like fishing with you.
Come here, give me a hug.
- Hey.
- Hey.
You going fishing?
Not if I can't get
this fly on my line I'm not.
When was the last time we went?
I'm thinking it was at some time
when you had more freckles than teeth.
Luke's in jail.
I know that.
And I think he is going to stay there
for a long, long time.
What if this marriage
was just a huge mistake?
Why'd you marry him?
Because I loved him.
Well, then what are you doing here?
Go back to him.
It's not that simple.
Is it not?
Not everybody has
what you and Mom had.
It's just, I've tried to make it work.
I have. I've tried and...
Honey, sometimes it's not
how hard you try,
it's what you're trying.
I have no idea what that means.
Well then, maybe you ought to stay
around here a little longer after all.
Olivia started her turn as the choir
director, I told her I'd sing.
- I'm sorry. You?
- Yes.
I just... thought maybe
you'd wanna join me.
Think about it.
These days my singing
is better than my fishing.
You think none of these fools here
know who you are?
I do.
You keep looking forward,
pretty boy.
You best be thinking about what you're
gonna do to keep my mouth shut.
All right, that's it. Come on.
Separate, separate. Take this guy.
Go sit him down.
You, come here.
Go sit that guy down!
You sit here.
Absolutely no touching, please. OK?
Are they treating you well?
I just can't stand
seeing you like this.
This is my problem.
You shouldn't even be here.
No. No, you are my son.
No matter what, you are my son.
And your problems
will always be my problems.
- Dad...
- No, I'm not finished.
When you took your inheritance,
I took that as your desire
to leave our family altogether.
- No, no...
- No, listen to me.
I now know that
your inheritance wasn't money...
...it's the Carraday blood running
in your veins because you are my son!
All right.
- Your bail's been posted.
- What?
You're coming home with me.
We're gonna fix this mess as a family.
OK, all right, let's stop.
Faith, you're not singing.
You know what?
Someone to Watch Over Me.
It's Mama's favorite song.
Think of Mama.
# There's somebody I'm longing to see
# I hope that...
Honey, you don't have
to do this if you don't want to.
You can do it.
#... turns out to be
# Someone to watch over me
I'm going to sing
just like you when I grow up.
Let's start it
from the beginning.
# There's a land beyond the river
# That we call the sweet forever
# When they ring the golden bells
for you and me #
- Gets easier.
- What does?
You know, being back here.
What are you doing here?
Fixing a leaky pipe.
Pastor Jeff asked me to come by,
so I got off work and...
...here I am.
- A doctor and a plumber?
- Mm-hm.
Pipes are pipes.
Good thing about these ones,
they don't talk back and don't sue you.
Did you live in New York?
Oh. Medical school.
You went to medical school in New York
but then you came back
to be an ER doctor here?
Yeah. It's a long story.
But, uh... second year and
they sent me down to Peru
to help some doctors giving aid.
And, uh...
You know, I originally thought
that I'd be a doctor.
Get rich. Doctors are rich guys.
But, went down there and, uh...
Down there is about...
It's about medicine. It's about,
you know, helping people in need.
You don't hear people
talking like that in New York.
No, you don't.
You... You gonna be here for a while?
Honestly, I have no idea.
That's cool.
It does get easier.
- I promise.
- Thanks.
I'll... be around.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I'd like to propose a toast, if I may.
To my son, Luke.
No matter what lies ahead,
know that we will always stand by you,
and love you forever.
Welcome home, son.
Welcome home.
I'm honored.
You going to bed?
I think so.
Thank you, uh, for the dinner.
I heard that Yates got the courts
to unfreeze your accounts.
That's excellent news.
Well, he got me enough
to cover the apartment.
And this, uh, immunity thing.
Is Yates... Is he working on that?
They're talking.
The Feds have a Carraday on the hook.
I don't think they want
to see me wriggle off.
Well, you're not going back to prison.
You can take my word on that.
Good night.
This may be a little bit awkward,
and it's probably none of my business.
Have you talked to Faith?
- There's not much to say.
- Why don't you try "I'm sorry?"
I wish it were that simple.
Well, there's only one thing
harder than forgiveness in this life...
...that's asking for it.
Good night.
Good boy.
Yes, you are. Yes, you are.
Yes, you are.
You're such a good boy.
- Faith?
- Hey, I'm in the shed.
- Hey.
- Well, good morning, sleepyhead.
- What were you up to last night?
- Oh, not much.
Watching Dancing With the Stars,
America's Top Model, the usual.
- Hush.
- What you doing?
I was about to give
somebody a good bath
because he was a white horse
once upon a time.
- Oh, wait. What time is it?
- Just after nine.
- Shoot. She'll already be gone.
- Who?
Olivia. I was gonna have her pick up
some groceries while she was in town.
- Well, where are you going?
- I gotta call her before she leaves.
- Do not go in that house.
- What?
- I'll go.
- No, you don't know where anything is.
You stay here, relax, enjoy yourself...
Daddy, I'm going to the store. Now,
if you want to make yourself useful,
take Silver back out
and I'll wash him when I get home.
You do realize I've had both a mama
and a wife and they're both dead?
That's nothing to a daughter.
# I've always had one foot in
and one foot out the door
# That's just how it is when
your heart's been broke before
# I don't wanna live like that
love like that again
# I just wanna know
right here, right now
# That you're all in
# Say what you mean
Mean what you say
# Walk the walk
or just walk away
# No, I don't want you to go
# I just want you to say
# That you need me
like you need a sunrise
# You found out
what forever feels like #
# So hold me
hold me now
# Like it's the first
and the last time
# I wanna fall into you
# Like I've never fallen down
# I wanna feel you heal these scars
# Somehow
# I wanna wake up
in the morning
# And never have to wonder
Excuse me.
Hi. I'm Luke.
It's nice to meet you.
# I just want you to say
# That you need me
like you need a sunrise
# You found out
# What forever feels like
# So hold me #
What are we gonna
make for dinner?
- Mac and cheese.
- Tacos?
We got tacos.
No, we need a vegetable.
- Corn?
- Corn.
- Would you hold on just a second?
- Heather!
- Hey, there!
- Hi.
Look at you. Well, Olivia just told me
you were back home.
- Are you all here together?
- Olivia's here?
Yeah, I saw her not but two minutes ago.
I know you are so happy
to have your husband out of jail.
I can't imagine having
my Jeremy locked up like that.
God knows what they
did to him in there.
Mmm. Lord have mercy.
I mean, it's just
an awful thing to think about.
Where did you hear that?
I heard it on the news,
or the Internet.
Uh, I guess you don't
see anything on TV at your daddy's
but sports talk and car racing, huh?
- So, you're pregnant!
- Yes, number three.
Coming whether we like it or not.
You don't have any children, do you?
It is so good to see you, Heather.
Good luck with your baby.
Thank you. You, too.
And I just want you to know that
I really hope everything works out
between you and your husband.
Divorce is an ugly thing.
It is.
- It is. Have a nice day.
- Take care now.
Come on, you guys.
Mommy's gonna go home now.
That was one of her friends.
Awesome. Thanks, pumpkin.
Come on, buddy. Awesome.
OK, let's grab some. Yeah.
Hi Livy.
Faith, what're you doing here?
Daddy needed some things.
I'm shopping for Daddy.
Are you getting a divorce?
No, sweetie,
Aunt Faith is not getting a divorce.
- Nice.
- She didn't hear it from me.
Well, then she's the only one in
Columbus County who didn't.
- Mom, can we get this?
- Hey, buddy.
Sweetie, those are pure sugar.
They'll rot your teeth
and make you obese.
But it's fat free.
- Maybe just this once.
- Yes!
So that's how it is.
I'm sure I'll see you later.
Daddy doesn't like those.
He likes salted.
Well those aren't good for him.
It's now seven-tenths of a second.
Seven-eighths of a mile to go...
He picked up his first career win
back here in May.
Must've been quite a night.
I hope you remember her name.
Actually, I remembered both their names.
The first was Agnes,
she's 89, heart attack.
Second one was Bella.
She was six, car accident.
# I was sinking deep in sin
# Far from the peaceful shore
# Very deeply stained within
# Sinking to rise no more
# But the Master of the sea
# Heard my despairing cry
# From the waters lifted me
# Now safe am I #
The point of the prodigal
isn't that he ran away.
The truth is,
we all run at one point or another.
In fact, the prodigal story
isn't so much about the prodigal
as it is about a father...
...who's waiting for us
with his arms wide open...
...with our past forgiven.
You see, we're all prodigals,
we're all runners.
The real question is...
...how are we going
to treat the prodigals that come to us?
# I remember a time
you come to my doorstep
# Slipped through the window
and we'd run away
# Running through the streets
down all of the alleys
# We'd try anything
just to feel afraid
# You held my hand
if I ever tried to
# Cover my eyes
# Suddenly I had nothing to fear
# You
# All with you
# With you
# Mm-mm-mm
# It was electric between us...
Olivia wants us
to come over tonight for supper.
Great. I'll make dessert.
- What?
- Nothing.
No, what?
You're gonna make dessert?
I didn't even know you could cook.
- What does that mean?
- Nothing, it just means I'm...
I'm surprised, that's all.
That's all it means.
Listen, I'll tell you what, um...
Why don't we go home,
we'll saddle up old Silver
and you can take him for a ride.
Just like the old days, what do you say?
- Yeah. Yeah, I'd like that.
- OK.
You're such a sweet boy.
Yes, you are. You're so good.
You know, you can
give me the reins.
Old habits die hard.
I still feel like that
little girl that I used to
lead around on
the back of this old horse
is gonna come walking
back up that road one day.
- Yeah.
- She's still here, Daddy.
- You ever gonna call him?
- Who?
Luke knows where I am.
If he wants to find me, he can.
Well, that's fine. As long as you're
OK with the idea that he might not.
You know, Luke and I
are great at the fairy tale.
It's the real life part
we have trouble with.
Well, I think that's probably
true for everybody, you know?
I asked him about that job 100 times.
Where was all this money coming from
when it seemed like everyone else
we knew was cutting back?
And all he could say was, "We're just
looking in the right places. "
Or "We're smarter. "
I even asked him point blank
about a Ponzi scheme.
He looked me
right in the eye and denied it.
So is it over?
How do you look past all this?
Well, I imagine you said something
to him about for better or for worse.
Of course, I wouldn't know,
cause I wasn't there.
- I'm so sorry, Dad.
- No, no.
You don't have to be
sorry with me, baby.
I just want you
to be proud of who you are.
- I'm proud of you.
- OK. OK, now.
All right, enough of that.
Somebody wants to go for a ride.
- You think he's up for it?
- I think Silver's never been better.
Come on, Silver.
- Yeah, that's a good boy.
- There we go.
That's a good boy.
All right, come on.
Come on, baby, come on.
Good boy.
That's a good boy,
that's a good boy.
Daddy. Daddy! Go!
Oh, my God! What happened?!
Everybody stand back. I'm sorry.
You're gonna have to follow.
Will he be OK?
- What do we got?
- Sixty-year-old man, new onset seizure,
blood pressure and pulse
are through the roof.
- Wait a minute.
- Do you know him?
Yeah. Get the CT guys
ready upstairs. Calvin?
Squeeze my finger.
Looks like you're gonna go two-for-two.
I don't think so.
Listen, get him sedated.
I need that CAT scan right away.
Get some rest.
- Hey.
- How's he doing?
He's OK. Uh...
Calvin's test results are showing
a high-grade astrocytoma.
It's a malignant form of brain cancer.
I'm sorry.
Listen, I'm just an ER doctor.
We're gonna need to verify this with a
neurosurgeon, but it's pretty textbook.
His CT scans here show his tumor
in this discolored area in the...
All right, that's it. I get it.
I'd like to refer him
to a neurosurgeon.
His insurance referral is
to a Dr. Waylan in Wilmington.
I'll get him in tomorrow.
As for tonight,
he's OK to go home.
I gave him some medication,
should take care of his seizures.
- Can we see him?
- Yeah.
He's... He's in room 207.
- Thank you.
- Mm-hm.
- Lee...
- Mm-hm.
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
You know what?
Here's my card.
When I was in New York, I did my
residency with a guy named Dr. Gordon.
He's the best
in treating stage IV tumors.
That's great.
Can you get us in to see him?
Honestly, no.
You have to have some pretty serious
weight to get him in there.
You have to be Austin Carraday's
Lee, Luke and I haven't
spoken since I left.
I don't know what to tell you.
All I know is if it
were my dad in there,
I'd call whoever I could
to get him in.
My number's on the back.
So, tell us the good news.
They're willing to give you a plea deal.
No prison, not one day served.
Just five years probation,
some community service
and he loses his brokerage license.
Absolutely not.
No, we need full immunity. Full.
No admission of guilt of any kind.
That is going to be very hard.
Yeah? We don't pay you
to do things that are easy.
Let me see the document.
Give me it.
This is a good deal, Jake.
Doesn't sound like it.
Excuse me.
- Is he serious?
- You don't ever worry about him.
All right? You worry about us.
It's a good deal.
He's not going to do any prison time.
That's what's most important.
He's asleep now.
I put his prescriptions
on the kitchen counter.
He still needs to take his cholesterol
medicine. He may forget, though.
So, you need to remind him
to take it every morning.
I'll come by in the morning
to check on the both of you
and make sure everything's OK.
I'm gonna have to
take him to New York.
Because if he doesn't see the best
surgeon in the country, he's gonna die.
- I talked to Lee.
- We can't afford that.
But Luke can.
I called him today.
Oh, my God.
What did he say?
Oh, you know, that he'd do anything
for me, and that he loves me,
and that he wants me back,
you know.
All the usual stuff.
I can't remember the last time Hardy
said those things to me.
Come on, Hardy loves you.
Of course he does.
But he doesn't say it.
Did he lie to you every day for years?
If you expect to spend a lifetime
with a man, and he never lied to you...
...then you need to change your name to
Cinderella and move into a fairy tale,
'cause that ain't gonna happen.
I thought you hated Luke.
All that matters is that I love you.
I'm so sorry that I left you here
with all of this.
Don't be.
That's enough of that.
Can't get along too well,
what's the fun in that?
I can't get a good look
when you're looking at the TV.
- Come on, Daddy, help him out.
- Doctors don't make house calls.
Not usually.
Then exactly what is it
you're calling on here?
Listen, I'm just trying
to do the right thing.
Uh-huh. And what is the right thing?
If I wasn't doing the right thing,
I wouldn't be sending you
to New York, now would I?
Two laps remaining.
There's Carl right behind.
It's now seven-tenths of a second.
She is on thin ice.
Be careful.
I'm the good guy here.
Is that a fact?
All he has to do here now
is negotiate two more corners.
And he's gonna do it again.
Thanks for putting up with Daddy.
I know he's not
the easiest of patients.
Yeah, he hates me.
- Daddy?
- Yeah.
No. No, no. That's...
That's just how he is.
He never told you, did he?
When your mother died,
I was the EMT with her.
I was working the ambulance
while I went to the community college,
and I was with her.
I think he blamed me for that.
No, no he wouldn't do that.
It's OK, I'd feel the same way.
She, um... Did she say anything?
Faith. Play your song.
No, no, no! Ma'am, ma'am! Full fluids!
I never knew what that meant.
I do.
Yeah, I figured you would. OK.
It's time for me to go.
Thanks for everything
you've done for us.
Yeah, my pleasure.
All right.
Hey, let me know if your husband
gets you in to see Dr. Gordon.
I still know some doctors back there.
It might help, and it might not.
No, anything helps,
so thank you.
Hi, this is Luke Carraday
calling for Dr. Gordon.
Luke Carraday.
It's a rather urgent matter.
Dr. Gordon and I are members of the...
I see.
Do you know when he might be back in?
Like I mentioned, this is urgent
and I would really appreciate it if...
Just tell him I...
Why can't we just take the truck?
I don't want to go up there
in this Yankee car.
Because I have a garage for this car
and your truck won't fit in it.
- Well, at least let me drive it then.
- No, Daddy.
All right then,
let's get this over with.
What's that?
He started it when you were 14.
Kept track of everything I could since.
My gosh.
I can't believe you did this.
- Thank you.
- Always on your side.
Can we go?
Daddy, your medicine's in the glove box.
- Yeah.
- Every four hours.
All right, all right.
You know what?
I'm just gonna call and remind you.
We're gonna be fine.
# Don't tell me love is something...
Welcome to New York.
You lived in all this
how long now?
# But, baby, right now maybe
what you need is a friend
# Well I'm here for you
# I will be by your side
# If ever you fall
deep in the dead of the night
What do you wanna do?
I wanna go to a show.
# I'll see you through
# And I won't give up
# No, I won't give up
# I won't give up on you
# I will be by your side
# If ever you fall deep in the...
what did you think of the show?
# And I won't give up
# No, I won't give up
# I won't give up
# You can call it love
# I won't give up on you #
Don't take that plea.
- Are you serious?
- Yeah, I'm serious.
It's an admission of guilt.
I mean, I think I...
...deserve to be punished.
Maybe you do.
But Dad doesn't.
I don't.
My kids don't.
- You understand?
- Yes.
And with the phone.
Look, I know it's Faith.
What is it?
Her dad has brain cancer.
She asked me to get him into Dr. Gordon.
I called Gordon...
but I'm not exactly a guy
people want to do favors for
right now, you know?
- Yeah.
- Oh, my gosh. Luke?
- Maria. Hey.
- How are things?
Good to see you.
This is my brother, Jake.
- This is Maria.
- Maria.
Hey, have a seat right here.
So, is this a party night
for you boys?
It is now.
What are you drinking, Maria?
- Tequila.
- All right, tequila.
Where's Sophia? Sophia!
There she is.
Three tequilas right here.
Three of them.
My daddy actually likes show tunes.
Well, you know what? I do.
Ooh, I still wanna get
one of those pretzels and a beer.
- These guys sell beer?
- No.
Well, how much would they cost up here
anyhow, about $100 a can?
Oh, Daddy, it's Livy.
Tell her I died and see what she does.
Stop it. Hey, sweetie.
- Daddy sleeping?
- Actually, no.
He's choking down
a flaming pretzel right now.
- What?
- No, we're fine.
We actually just got done
singing some show tunes.
What's up?
Listen, the hospital
just called the house.
They can see Daddy.
Did you hear me?
Yeah. Yeah, I heard you.
I'll call right away.
Looks like your Yankee boy
came through after all.
All right.
- How much do I owe you?
- There you go. Five bucks.
Come on, Daddy,
let's take a seat.
Not tired.
Yeah, well, you have to take your pill.
Lord. You're starting
to sound like Olivia.
That was a nice thing Luke did.
Kind of thing a man does
when he loves somebody.
What's that supposed to mean?
What does it sound like?
- Here we are.
- It's a nice place.
Listen, it was so great to see you.
You really want me
to run over there and forgive him
for lying to me.
No. I think you ought to talk to him.
And say what?
That's between you and your husband.
Well, I'm not gonna leave you here.
Honey, I might have a brain tumor,
but I don't plan on dying tonight.
You got tonight.
You might not have tomorrow.
All right, Gary,
I'll see you at 8:00pm tomorrow.
Will you hand me that purse?
Thanks. Drive safe.
I'm such an idiot.
Thank you.
- Here's your second chance.
- I think you should go home.
No, I'm serious. You gotta go...
No. No, no! It's not...
Faith, stop. Open up.
Faith, wait.
Let's not have this moment.
Faith, nothing is happening.
Nothing's going on up there.
Just, please, come talk to her.
I am not talking to her ever again.
Faith, I'm not with her.
I've heard it all before, Luke.
I'm not gonna hear it again.
This marriage...
...is over.
- No, no. Stop.
- Stop, please.
- Thank you for helping my father.
- Well, that was awkward.
- Get out.
Come on.
I said get out!
I can see why you like coming here.
Feels a bit like home, doesn't it?
I'm gonna get some coffee.
You OK?
Never been better.
You must be Luke.
Please... come in.
Nice place.
Thank you.
- Can I get you a drink?
- No. No, I'm good. Thank you.
You go ahead though.
Help yourself.
Have a seat.
I didn't come here to grill you.
I want you to know that
I never touched another woman,
not last night or ever. I was
always faithful to your daughter.
- I don't want to talk about that.
- And I didn't commit fraud.
I don't wanna hear about
what you didn't do.
I wanna hear about what you did do.
Fair enough.
When I took the job,
I did not know that they were a Ponzi.
I mean, I heard rumors on the street
that their earnings were bogus,
but I didn't know.
After I started
working there for a while,
making some serious money,
I found out.
But they didn't know that I knew.
Most of us junior guys,
we got fleeced for a major buy-in.
And they kept us legit.
I never had a client
who's money went into that fund.
Everything was always legal.
I went out of my way to
make sure it stayed that way.
But you knew, didn't you?
- I did.
- Yeah.
Well why don't you
take a plea deal and testify?
My family has been a mainstay
in this city for over 150 years.
A plea is admitting wrongdoing.
That taints my father, my brother,
and any future Carraday that follows.
Including your future grandchildren.
So you're willing to abandon my daughter
to protect your family name.
- I'm doing the right thing here.
- Ah, hell.
Most of the wrong done in this world
has been done by people
who thought they were
doing the right thing.
You a religious man, Luke?
I believe in God, sure.
You think that God can redeem a man
if that man will let him?
I do, sure.
'Cause I need it.
I'm gonna die.
No, sir, you're gonna get treatment.
No, I'm not. No, sir.
I'll let you in on a little secret.
Just you and me.
I didn't come up here to get any
treatment for this... cancer.
Had a good run, I'm not gonna let them
fill me full of poison
just so I can stick around
for another month or two.
Why are you here?
Because my daughter has a husband.
When I'm gone, she's gonna need him.
- And I wanna be there for her...
- Then be there!
You and Faith, both,
you're just the same. You're...
You're just the same.
Both of you, runners.
And you're never gonna be able
to make a family of your own
if you keep running away
from the ones you've already got.
Look, I'm sorry I never
came down to Carolina to meet you.
I'm not your family, you don't
owe me anything. But Faith is.
Just tell me where she is.
That time will come.
But before it does, there's something
you need to figure out for yourself.
You need to figure out...
...why the music stopped.
I'm not sure what that means.
I know you're not.
When you are, you get back to me.
You understand this is immunity,
but it's also an admission of guilt.
I'm taking responsibility
for what I did.
Time to tell them what I know.
Well, I want to be
very clear about this point.
Immunity keeps you out of prison,
but you will be a felon.
Are you absolutely sure this is what
you want? There's no turning back.
- Yes.
- But are you sure?
I stand by Luke.
Very well then.
Sign here.
Well, now that that's done.
Thank you for everything.
- Austin.
- Yates.
I'm sorry for everything.
- I'm sorry, Dad.
- No.
No place to go but forward, right?
Did you get Faith's dad that
No. No, that was Jake.
We're family, remember?
Good day.
It is, Daddy. It's a good day.
You ready? You gonna help?
One, two, three, go!
Thank you, everybody.
# If it wasn't for your loving
# I swear I'd fall apart
# If it wasn't for your loving
# I'd have a cold, black heart
# I was holding on to this life
# With a broken hand
# If it wasn't for your loving
# I'd be a lesser man #
One, two, three, four.
- You remember this?
- My first show.
Right here.
That was a lifetime ago.
- Dance with me?
- Of course.
- You did this, didn't you?
- Well...
I think maybe what I missed most
about not going to your wedding
was that father-daughter dance.
You know?
I hear the music, Daddy.
Do you?
Never stopped, baby.
Never did.
Thank you for coming home.
I missed you.
I missed you so.
But I think maybe I better quit hogging
the dance floor with you like this.
- Are you tired?
- No, no, no. I'm fine. I'm fine.
But your husband's liable to get jealous
if I don't let you dance with him.
Thank you.
You take care of her.
Yes, sir.
# I'm a little lamb
# Who's lost in the woods
# I know that I
# Would always be good
# To someone who'll watch
Dance with me.
You hate to dance in public.
Not anymore.
Why are you here?
Because you're my wife
and I want you to come home.
I can't leave here
and go back to New York.
I never said New York.
I said "come home. "
Wherever you are, Faith,
that's my home.
I wanna come home.
I love you.
# Won't you tell her please
# To put on some speed?
# Follow my lead
# Oh, how I need
# Someone...
- Do you hear that?
- What's that?
What about it?
It's ours.
It never stopped.
# Turns out to be
# Someone who'll watch
# Over me
# Over me
# Someone to watch over me #
# In the sweet by and by
# We shall meet
on that beautiful shore
# In the sweet by and by
# We shall meet
on that beautiful shore #
Calvin was a man of few words,
but he made them count.
He was just one of those guys
who got it right, wasn't he?
Whenever you were with him,
you knew exactly where you stood.
And he always made you feel
like he liked you.
But more than anything...
...Calvin loved.
Especially his girls.
Give me a minute, OK?
Silver's here.
He... He wanted to see you.
He hasn't really...
quite been the same since you left.
He's been pretty lonely,
so I've been thinking
we should get him
someone to play with.
I'm really glad
you two are together again.
I... I wish that you could meet him.
He's coming soon,
you know, and...
...we're gonna stay at the farm,
so I'm excited.
We're gonna name him Calvin.
Bye, Daddy.
# He said
"I know I'm not the man
# That he imagined for his daughter
# I'm not what he had in mind"
# He said
"Her daddy probably dreamed
# About some lawyer or a doctor
# But I never was that kind
# We were in love
and that's all that mattered
# You know her heart was all
that I was after"
# He said, "I'm a dandelion
# She's a buttercup
# I'm a clover
She's the luck
# She's a painted daisy
# I'm the blue grass underneath
# She's all faith
and I'm the doubter
# She's the sweet and I'm the sour
# We're like weeds and wildflowers
# He said
"I asked her back in '62
# If she'd be my forever
# Let's run away and go to Vegas"
# She said
"I wanna be your wife
# But there has got to be a preacher
# I want all of God's angels
to see us
# We rolled the dice on life
and made it
# If there's a storm inside
we faced it"
# And he said,
"I'm a dandelion
# She's a buttercup
# I'm the clover
she's the luck
# She's a painted daisy
# I'm the blue grass underneath
# She's all faith
and I'm the doubter
# She's the sweet and I'm the sour
# We're like weeds
and wildflowers"
# He said
"Just last fall
# Heaven called
and the preacher asked
# If I would stand before the crowd
# And say a few last words
# And on the mountainside
# Misty-eyed I couldn't
help but notice
# All the daisies
as they laid her in the earth"
# He said
"I'm a dandelion
# She was my buttercup
# I'm a clover
She will always be my luck
# Now I'm going crazy
# As she was my everything
# She had faith
Now I'm without her
# Oh, our love goes on forever
# How I long to be beside her
# Just like weeds
and wildflowers" #