Heart of the Gun (2021) Movie Script

You found me.
Be still.
I'm a doctor.
You won't be able to move
about for a few days.
You, you're-
You're damn lucky I found you.
For a moment...
Her hair is darker, twice as long.
Most of your things were burned.
Found these clothes here.
How did you find me?
That saddled horse
running loose, followed
her tracks back to your camp.
Who did this?
That wound needs cleaning.
Let me do it.
I practice medicine.
I know.
You told me last night.
Thank you for saving my life.
Rest, you might die if you don't.
You let it die.
Uh, there's an Indian down at camp.
I think, he might be an Apache.
Sounds to me like it's the first time
you ever seen one.
He might still be down there.
Well, even if he is,
he don't mean no harm.
If Apaches would've done this,
they'd have taken that scalp.
They don't see red hair very often.
It's for your wound.
You won't let me do it.
It's all I could catch.
There's another storm coming in.
Don't look.
Rain will soften up the ground.
We'll bury your friends in the morning.
They weren't my friends.
Well, who were they?
Just some party traveling west.
I barely knew them.
Well, I guess,
their lives don't really matter then.
Anyway, I ain't heading west.
I'm heading north, the basin.
There ain't nothing up there.
Well, go your own way then.
It don't matter none to me.
This woman,
the one you mistook me for,
how long you been looking for her?
A while.
Is she your wife?
Talk about her again,
I'll finish the job they started.
So, I'm leaving in the morning.
As soon as those bodies are buried.
Mm, Gail.
Okay, it's won't be long.
It won't be long now.
It won't be long now.
No, it won't be long.
Don't touch me ever!
Shoot me.
I know what it's like to be touched
when you don't want it.
Just stay away from me.
The horses are ready.
You ought be resting.
Here, I can help.
Once you've seen enough of 'em,
it ain't nothing.
Do you think we should pray for them?
We ought be getting on our way.
We won't get very far today.
Got any kin?
No, none to speak of.
So, neither of these men
was your husband?
I had a husband once.
It was a long time ago.
We ought to say something for them.
Be my guest.
We can get another hour,
or two out of the day.
You're just gonna have to ride harder
and longer tomorrow.
I will.
I'll gather some wood.
My God they have taken you away
So the young rise in the morn
He hath risen
She had rise waiting
Those leaves you gave me,
they aren't ordinary medicine are they?
Where did you learn that?
I was taught to use them,
along with a lot of other things
you don't learn in school.
By an Indian?
How do you know my name?
You said it in your sleep.
Well, if you're
gonna call me anything,
make it Travers.
And you can call me Sarah.
Once we get to Payston,
it won't matter none.
I'll go on my way and you'll go on yours.
Do you think we'll have enough food
to get us there?
A man can live a long time
without any food.
I'll catch
a fish in the morning.
You can catch a fish?
Yes, I've done so many a time before.
My wife...
I tried to teach her,
but she never took to it.
I learned.
I'll show you in the morning.
I'll go catch us another fish,
there ain't much here.
No need for that.
The boys and I already had our breakfast.
Much obliged for the coffee.
It sure does taste good, Ma'am.
Delicious, did you make it yourself?
Is she your wife? Your misses?
We'll be moving along soon.
Which way is that?
Most people head west.
Rube, you
ain't wrong about that.
The best way around these mountains
is that direction.
I know where I'm going.
You've been around these parts.
Funny, I never seen you before,
but I seen you a time or two,
must have been up in Payson.
I was up around Payson
a couple of nights ago.
You boys trappers?
We're looking for gold.
It ain't always the mountains
we're mining in.
That's right, we're miners.
You gonna eat that fish, missy?
Timmy, now that ain't proper.
You gotta ask her like she's a lady.
Oh, what's it,
I'm not hungry anyhow.
Ma'am, the best eating is what you catch
with your own bare hands.
Jack, I think, it's time
we should go, shouldn't we?
You're right about that.
Much obliged for the conversation.
You know, we ain't been
up that way in a while.
We'll keep you company.
If you don't mind.
She's doing the cooking in the morning.
Ugh, Timmy, this here's a lady.
Ain't ya?
She may be.
I'll wager this woman's seen
her fair share of hard work.
She's been wounded.
Is that so?
She looks alright to me.
Someone cut her.
I feel better.
I'll fetch some wood in the morning.
And you'll kill us something to eat.
I ain't much for
hunting, animals anyhow.
I heard you two talking about Apaches
on the trail.
I run into some a while back,
a few years ago.
They just about took my head.
But I wasn't feeling so generous that day.
Surprised they didn't take
your scarlet mane there, missy.
There's worse things
in these mountains than Apaches.
Oh, yeah? You've seen these things.
I've been them.
I'll take first watch.
Nah, you get some rest.
You're gonna need it tomorrow.
Go on, go and have a sleep.
When he does, his eyes are half open.
If I don't do this,
he'll try to lay with you.
He already has.
I know.
Tell me what happened.
The horses.
They were stuck in the mud.
Billy, he knew that if we didn't get 'em,
there'd be hell when it died,
but the team wouldn't move.
And then, these men came along
and they drove them out of the mud.
We were so grateful.
Mary and I made dinner.
All the men told stories.
We went to bed like every other night.
And when we woke up,
there were guns in her faces.
He shot Martin first,
for no reason that I can think of.
He was just standing there.
I think, they wanted us to know
how bad they were.
Then they took Mary.
Billy tried to stop him and they shot him.
And then, they took me,
and they took me in the wagon-
That's enough. That's enough.
Why did you want to know?
Because in the morning,
I'm gonna kill 'em all.
Are you cold?
Not anymore.
I guess, I was too much of a gentleman
the other night.
I sure didn't think
you'd be crawling outta
that wagon alive.
I have to admit Missy,
you defy my expectations.
Ugh! Uh, uh.
Uh, you fucking whore!
Ugh, ugh, uh, ugh!
Where is he?
Where is he?
Where is he gone?
He shot Rube when he
was trying to get away.
Are you injured?
Is he dead?
Take it.
I said, take it!
Kill him for what he did to you.
He fucked you and left you for dead!
He's getting away.
Finish him!
Please, Jack!
I told you not to call me that.
She called me that.
Listen to me, please.
Stop! Please!
You're on your own!
No one's called me
that since I was a boy.
Sergeant, let's get this
woman something to eat.
How'd you get lost all
the way out here?
My traveling companions were killed.
I suppose, that might be
the bodies buried a couple days past,
a few miles north of here.
I don't guess you know anything about
the two that were buried?
From out south, I'd say
they were killed sometime
yesterday morning.
Mr. White's our tracker.
I've been alone since.
I haven't seen anyone.
Watch obliged.
That ain't much,
but it ought to fill you up some.
Now, can you recall how many were
in that rating party?
Maybe 10, maybe a dozen.
That many?
Well, that'd be the biggest pack
we've tracked this far.
He might be with them.
He might be.
We've been chasing him a few years now.
You have.
We'll take these savages back to the fort.
I have to go to Payson.
With respect, Ma'am,
you'll die out here just as you would've
if we hadn't come along.
I don't think you understand
how lucky you've been this far.
These Apache have no creed.
They have no God to speak of.
They just as soon kill a woman as a man,
or cut down a child, or slaughter a hog.
You see any decency in his eyes?
Ma'am, when God created this world,
he made man and woman.
He gave us the animals
and then, he made the Apache
to be a thorn in our side,
to be wiped off the face of the earth.
Now, when you're finished eating,
you can gather your things-
I will take her.
I'll return when she's been delivered,
should only be a day's delay,
and the road between here
and there will have been scouted.
Sergeant, you have your prisoners.
I'm sure you'll be credited
for this accomplishment back at the fort.
So be it.
On up!
God speed, Ma'am, I
fear you shall need it.
Mr. White.
How long have you been
tracking for the army?
Long enough to have known your husband.
Though, I never had the honor
to meet you, it as war time.
I heard about you, though
after his so dishonorable conduct.
Don't look so surprised, Abigail,
the reputation of your
beauty proceeds you.
Though, I didn't expect
to see so many scars.
Did he give them to you?
You've seen him, haven't you?
You already know the answer to that.
And he's gone to Payson.
I don't know where he's gone.
How long have you been looking for him?
Since you left him, and he deserted.
I have no tolerance for deserters.
They only belong one place,
at the end of a rope.
I must say, I'm surprised
he didn't kill you.
He promised that he
would the day he left us.
We better get going
if we wanna make Payson before dark.
I expect
you'll be wanting a room.
Yes, Ma'am.
Well, I've got two
and neither is currently taken.
We don't allow her kind in here.
This is a respectable establishment.
If that's what you've got in mind,
there's a place for it down the street.
Ma'am, I have no knowledge
of what you're insinuating.
This lady's in my custody,
I'm a military escort.
The room is for her and her alone.
Well, I guess, I'll just have
to take your word for it.
I didn't know you had a sordid history.
You must have turned to those ways
after you left him.
I don't think even Travers would marry
a woman who...
Anyhow, he's as responsible
for your corruption as you are.
I hope to find him and put an end
to this wicked mess.
I'm sure he has already left here.
Don't leave this room till morning.
The stage will be in, and I'll make sure
you're on it.
You have a chance
at redemption, Abigail, take it.
Miss Scarlet! What's wrong?
Oh, Miss Scarlet, I've missed you.
Come on, gimme one of your sweet kisses.
Be quiet.
Oh, you don't give a damn?
I said, shut up!
You're not Scarlet,
not all cut up like that.
She probably ran off with that fella.
Some guy was looking for her.
What guy was looking for her?
I'm not too picky.
You look good in my book.
Come on, I'll buy you a drink.
Hey, come on, the hooch.
For money, right, honey?
Oh, yeah.
What do you know about
the man playing poker?
He was looking for Miss Scarlet,
but I found her.
I'm busy right now-
How long has he been here?
Well, what are you?
Let's have a drink.
What did he say?
Don't yell, nothing like that.
He was looking for you.
He said you was his wife,
but you wasn't here.
He went to drinking.
I guess, he's got a new wife.
Marky, a little elixir of life, please?
If you wanna take his clothes off,
why don't you take him upstairs?
By the looks of it, he's winning,
and we ain't got no reason to leave.
I'm busy right now-
- This table's for
gambling, not for whoring.
I'm sick and tired of
you confusing the two.
Maybe if you pay
attention to your cards,
you might win for a change.
Shut your cunt mouth.
Say it to her again.
We'll play another game,
which you're also likely to lose.
I didn't think you'd
come looking for me.
I have something to tell you.
Why, girl, it looks like
you've come home to Papa.
I knew you couldn't stay away,
this is where you belong.
Come on, honey. I'll clean you up.
Make you feel real good.
You sure did earn some good loving.
Let me buy you one and
we can talk business.
Whisky, a
tall one and a small one.
Didn't I warn you about-
- Hey! I'm supposed to
buy this lady a drink.
Go right ahead.
That ain't enough.
Better be moving along.
As I was saying, I warned you not
to go out on your own, babe,
and look what happened to you.
Got all cut up, didn't you?
Huh, you didn't listen to me
and you paid the price.
But out of the generosity of my heart,
I'll take you back.
Of course, you'll have
to take a cut in pay,
seeing as how you don't look
as good as you used to, and we'll have
to get you out of this
garbage into something
a little bit more fitting.
Hey! Look what I found.
Men, buy this gentleman
a drink on the house.
All right, pop, let's go.
To us, back in business.
You know, I'm all yours, Jack.
Why did you call me that?
Well, I don't know, she did.
You can have as much
of me as you'd like.
Just leave me alone.
Awe, I didn't mean to upset you,
let me make you feel better.
I said, leave me alone.
But this is my room.
Take the money and get outta here.
I'll be around if you need me.
I told you to leave me...
Go ahead, I'm ready.
Oh, you're not ready for this.
What do you say, babe?
You can start tonight if you like.
I'll be your first customer.
I won't work for you McCabe.
Not tonight, not ever.
After all I've done for you?
Taking you out of that-
Yes! You did and I was grateful.
So grateful that I gave you five years
of my life.
And I paid you back.
And then I gave you a couple more
just to get on my feet.
So, I don't owe you a damn thing, McCabe.
Finish yours and get out
of my town, don't come back.
Even if you ever come to realize
what you are good for.
Hello, Sarah.
You can have your man back.
I sure did wear him out for you.
She took my hand, so now,
I'm gonna take yours.
Hold it!
Lay the shotgun on the bed.
That's the man I want, not you.
Uh, ugh, uh.
Yeah, ugh, ugh.
Sure you
won't spend the night?
I can lock him up in the jailhouse.
My wife can make you a bed.
I appreciate the hospitality,
but I should get started.
They're expecting us back at the fort.
He may bleed out overnight.
You won't, will you, Doc?
That isn't the rightful
death for a deserter.
Hold it!
Hold it, or I'll shoot!
Let's go.
Ugh, uh, uh.
You've been shot.
Oh, don't stop, they're coming, uh.
- We have to.
- Uh.
You're not gonna make it to the morning.
Just leave me.
But just for a moment, wait here.
Uh, ugh.
I didn't mean to frighten you.
My friend's been hurt.
We need a place to stay tonight.
We won't hurt you, I promise.
She can't hear no more.
She's my eyes and I'm her ears.
Where's your friend?
He's down in the wash.
He's been shot.
There's a town
not far from here.
You should go there.
We just came from there.
Our place,
the only place for miles around.
They'll come here, you know?
There's a place around these parts,
it's often want for a
need of a place to hide.
She'll show you.
Ugh, uh, uh.
Uh, uh, uh.
Ugh, ooh!
They're coming.
Ssh! You're gonna
have to keep him quiet.
I'll make sure of it.
They're coming up the wash.
Gail, is that you?
Ssh, ssh, ssh, you have to be quiet.
What's happening here?
Who are you?
You know, we thought you was Apache
and raiding us.
A man and a
woman came through here,
have you seen them?
Mr. I ain't seen a man,
or a woman in 20 something years.
And you?
She can't hear.
Is that so?
Yes, Mr.
Can't hear.
Wait, they probably went into
the hills west of here.
That's good cover there.
You say this woman is deaf?
Yes, sir.
Sure seems deaf to me.
The man is a traitor
and the woman not much better.
If you see them, I expect you'll do right
by the law.
Uh, I can't do it myself.
Uh, uh, ugh.
Keep going.
Uh, ugh.
Oh, God!
Uh, uh.
Burn it, burn it!
Thank you.
The man that was chasing you
is from the army.
I know.
He mistook me for your wife.
He called me Abigail.
I called her Gail.
Like a strong wind.
By a lonely prison wall
I heard a young girl calling
My girl they have taken you away
By a start of her ends gone
So the young might see in the morn
And prison ship lies waiting
In the bay
You best go west, the way they went.
I've been that way before.
I doubt they'll cover
the same ground twice.
My wife packed you some food
for the trail, enough for a days ride.
Two if you're prudent.
I can't thank you enough
for all that you've done.
Like I said, it's all we got,
but you're welcome to it.
Why have you done all of this?
I weren't always blind.
I reckon If I'd had me a hiding spot,
hell, I might not be here today.
God, go with you.
Is it White?
I know this man.
He run like Apache.
Mm, a woman, she leave.
He leave.
He give life.
He tell of a woman he want to find.
Apache follow.
Apache always sees.
The Apache at the wagon.
One day,
he find woman, and Apache no follow.
He's been looking a long time.
He find her.
He not see her.
He not want to see.
Why woman leave?
She'll tell him when it's time.
Some day.
Will you take me to him?
She's gone. She left that.
You should be resting.
I should be ready.
For what?
Who are you going to kill?
Nobody with his hand.
It doesn't seem to know
what to do with a gun.
I thought you were a
doctor once, weren't you?
Where did you learn how to use one?
It came natural.
I followed my heart.
It showed me the way.
I think, I
might know where she is.
When I worked at the saloon...
She was there too.
A woman came through,
it might have been her.
She told me where she came from,
maybe she went back there when she left.
Do you know where this is?
Take me there.
What are these men doing here?
This is where McCabe found me.
He paid and took me to Payson.
This is where my face was cut
the first time.
Stop, that's far enough.
What you come here for?
Found this woman.
She said she was lost,
but I figure maybe she ran off.
That's quite
the assumption, traveler.
What makes you think we
want a woman around here?
Well, maybe I'm in the wrong place,
but a fellow named McCabe told me
to come this way.
Did he now?
She does look kind of familiar, boys.
What you want for her?
The going rate plus my turn
with the best of your stock.
The best, huh?
Well, you best come take a look.
Get down there and get 'em.
You look real
and real good, all right?
I'm not finding what
I'm looking for here.
Well, take two of 'em if you want.
I'll just take her
and I'll be on my way.
What happened to your hand?
Bitch bit me while I was trying
to hold her down.
As I remember,
she was a fighter one.
Well, devil woman, welcome back to hell.
Are you okay?
Yeah, yes.
He's not one of them.
You came back.
She's not here.
Who are you looking for?
My wife, Gail.
Most of these women
aren't from around here,
but some of them are.
I know another place she might be.
Will you go home?
We'll find our way.
Who is that man?
At first light, I'm gonna go see him.
You don't need to take your gun.
That man will do you no harm.
Do you know why she left?
Read it to me.
Jack, when this reaches you,
I will no longer be here,
and I will no longer be your wife.
I have found the telegram
from the physician in Dallas.
I know that it is not my body, but yours
that hinders us from having a family.
Why did you keep this from me?
You know that I have spent these months
at war with my own body
wanting one little one with you.
Now, I will leave you to your own war.
Like the one that has
taken you away from me.
I will no longer be without
what I want so dearly
and what with you, I have lived without.
The love we once shared will be no more.
It will only be memories.
Burn it.
I've carried it long enough.
I didn't know how to
tell you, I was ashamed.
There's something
else I have to tell you.
You must go tomorrow.
I know you have to.
And I know after I may not see you again.
Will you sleep by my side tonight?
If you came here for water, take what
you need and be on your way.
Do you know a woman named Abigail?
She lived with
me here for a while.
She left not long after...
After what?
I can't.
Up on the hill you'll find
what you're looking for.
Let's leave this place.
Jack, I never should have left.
Well, if you hadn't,
I never would've found you.
Get down!
Travers, you hear me?
It's White.
You're not gonna get away
this time, Travers.
Your gun.
I left it on the grave.
Your rifle's on the horse.
I'm taking you back
to the fort, Travers.
Do you hear me?
Wait here.
Give yourself up!
White, let him go.
He's a deserter.
If you let us leave,
I promise we'll never hurt another soul
as long as we live.
He doesn't deserve to live.
Ugh uh.