Heartbreakers (1984) Movie Script

(playing racquetball)
(men grunting)
- [Man] Hey.
(breathing heavily)
(playing racquetball)
(men grunting)
- [Man] Yeah.
- [Man] Okay, match point.
(rock music)
- Three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.
One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.
(muffled speaking)
- Mister Blue, Mister Kahn.
- Sit down Ruben.
Any man who actually works
at a job is welcome here.
- What's wrong with him?
- No meaning in his life.
- I want a relationship.
- Why?
He's got his old man's business
with all the beef that goes along with it.
A new Seville, a house in the hills.
- I'm not happy.
- Why not?
- You think selling women's
sportswear is satisfying?
- I drive a bus.
- I work for my father.
- You know what your problem
is, it's your name, Eli.
Maybe if your name were
Mike or Bill, maybe.
Did you ever wonder why
you weren't named Ramon?
Max Eli, that's your father's name,
and what did he name you?
- Eli.
- It's not too late to change it, Ed.
- What's so hot about your name?
- Blue.
(traffic passing)
(rock music)
- Hello?
How can we make this deal?
Charlotte, I've gone
back to my people twice.
They don't want the,
I wanna make the deal.
They said the bottom line
was 10, I got 'em to eight.
They hate me.
- I'd rather shoot myself,
you want the goods?
(rock music)
- Hi, Cyd.
(rock music)
- Thanks, Candy.
I'll call you.
- Bye.
- 50 navy, 50 whites.
Don't burn the blazers.
Next time you can be on top.
- I want a bed.
- If I got you a bed, you'd want a couch.
- [Cyd] And what's wrong with that?
- Then a Cuisinart.
- It's not the things, Blue.
I'm 30 years old.
I want more from you.
- This is what I do.
- What about me?
- You knew who I was when you moved in.
- Other artists live like human beings.
- Name one.
- King.
- He's a whore.
- His new show is brilliant.
- Hasn't opened yet.
How'd you see it?
- We had lunch.
- When?
- Last week.
- Where?
- West Beach, what
difference does it make?
- Well, why didn't you tell me?
- I'm telling you now.
I had lunch with him, I didn't fuck him.
- It's the same thing.
- I'm not kidding, Blue.
- If you're not happy, leave.
- You would fall apart if I left you.
- I would not.
- You're such an asshole.
Do you want an orange?
- Yeah.
Do I touch you enough?
- What?
- When we make love, do we communicate?
- After five years you ask me.
(soft music)
(printer printing)
- Hey, Blue?
Where you going?
It's not even midnight.
- I can't do it anymore, Marvin.
- What's the matter, you
need a couple of bucks?
- Hey,
15 years I studied art.
- You're the best, bro.
- This is filth.
They ought to lock us up for printing this.
- I'm a printer, I print.
- I gotta get serious.
(cricket chirping)
(bright flute music)
(doorbell buzzing)
(doorbell buzzing)
(cricket chirping)
(door closing)
- Do you believe in astral transport?
- What is it?
- It's an out of body thing.
- You smell nice.
- It's the fruit.
I only eat fruit.
- Ah.
- Do you wanna have children?
- Not tonight.
- I wanna have them while I'm young,
but I don't think I'm ready.
You should have them
with someone you love.
Are we about to have sex?
- You want to?
- I don't know you that well.
- Well, only if you feel good about it.
- Hmm.
I guess we are.
I don't believe in orgasms.
- What?
- I believe that sex should
be an exchange of energy.
- You don't come?
- I don't wanna lose the energy.
- You don't mind if I do?
- You wouldn't have to
if you gave up meat.
- Hi.
- What are you doing here?
- I quit my job.
- You what?
- I've gotta change my life.
- Cyd's gonna shit.
- I did it for her.
She wants security.
- So you quit your job?
- I've gotta get serious about my career.
- A career is when you make money.
- Why don't my paintings sell?
- You paint pictures people are ashamed
to hang in their homes.
- I'm losing her, E.
- No you're not.
- She's slipping away.
- Compromise, that's all she wants.
- Compromise? Then I'm you.
Great house, great car,
great clothes, great women.
- Small talk, great sex,
and afterwards, nothing...
maybe a little guilt.
- You go out with someone and
they spend the whole night
telling you who they are. Boring.
Well then at the end of the evening,
you decide whether he's worth fucking
or if it's been a total loss.
You know if it's any good at all,
you'll never hear from him again.
- Why?
- He's terrified.
- Of what?
- Involvement.
You don't know how lucky you are.
I hate dating.
No offense.
- Let's go to Fatburger.
- No, I should go home.
- Call Cyd, we'll pick her up.
- She's gotta get up early,
I don't wanna wake her.
- [Eli] Then let her sleep.
- No.
I should go.
- Sex isn't everything.
- I'm Blue.
- Cheer up!
(electric blues music)
- The fruit cup?
- Yes.
Might be a rich man.
- So, what now?
- I gotta get a show.
- How do you propose to do that?
- I'm gonna get more aggressive.
- Is that possible?
Four years ago, Blue had a show.
He beat up the Times critic.
- I didn't beat him up.
- You had to be forcibly restrained.
- Don't make it sound like a big deal.
- You went to jail.
- What do you do?
- I teach.
- Aerobics, I met her at a class.
- Hey, you need more time?
- Yeah, about 30 years.
- I know what I want.
- Yeah, few men do.
- Two chili cheeseburgers,
fries, and a fruit cup.
- To drink?
- Coffee.
- Water please.
- Coffee.
- Cook, two chili cheeseburgers,
a fries and a fruit cup.
The Blues don't care about you
No no he don't care
The Blues is a lover
- I'm sorry.
Take your heart
The Blues don't care
It don't care
The Blues don't care
- They weren't necessarily on a date.
- Oh, I think they were.
The Blues don't care
The Blues don't care about you
Don't care about you
Me neither
Don't care about you
(glass breaking)
The Blues don't care
Just don't care about you.
They don't care
Don't care about
- I'm sorry I lied.
"- That's all you're gonna say?"
- You tell me you didn't fuck him, huh?
- I'm leaving you.
- For that asshole?
- Be by myself.
I need to be on my own.
- I know you,
you don't leave unless
there's someone else.
You can't be alone for a minute.
- I've been alone for the past five years.
I'm alone when we're together!
When you're painting,
you don't know I exist.
- You used to like that.
- I admired it.
I wanted to be the same
way, to have a passion.
You know why?
Because I didn't have
any passion with you.
- Will you have passion with King?
- You cut yourself off, Blue.
You've got to live in the
world to be an artist.
- What the fuck do you know?
Do you call this art?
- This paid your rent
for the past five years,
and your phone bill and the
groceries, you son of a bitch!
I loved you!
- Don't go.
- I can't do it anymore.
I'll come back for the rest of my things.
- [Man] There's some things
you have to know about the business.
- How bad is it?
- Bad.
Don't say anything to your mother.
You're a good boy, Eli,
lazy but basically decent.
Maybe you're right not to have a family.
If I had to do it over,
I wouldn't have children.
A guy gets a call from his friend.
"Hey, Murray, you made it!"
I was scared stiff since you told me
about the operation you were having.
I've talked to 10 people and
they told me they knew guys
who died on the table.
"It's tomorrow?!"
- Dad,
are you afraid?
- Tell your mother to come back in,
I know she's out there smoking.
Talk to Ron.
He's a good accountant, loyal.
- Hmm?
- Yeah.
(upbeat funk music)
- Yes?
- I want to see Terry Ray.
- Is he expecting you?
- Yes.
- Does he know you?
- Yes.
We're army buddies.
- I'm sorry, but...
- Look, lady, I've been
trying to see him for months.
Now, I'm not gonna leave
here until I see him.
- You're making me hungry.
- Hung... hungry?
- Hangry!
Just leave this, I'll see that he has...
- When?
- In a few months.
- In a few months I could be dead.
Je suis dsol (speaking in French)
- You're not dsol!
You call this an art gallery?
Look what you have on your walls!
You're Terry Ray.
- Yes.
- I'm Arthur Blue.
I'm a painter.
- Do you do bathrooms?
- An artist.
- Oh yes, I saw your show at Amando's.
- That was four years ago.
- I shouldn't wonder.
Still doing pinups.
Oh, that's based on-
- Betty Page.
- Yes.
Circa 1950, what are the dimensions?
- Three and a half by six.
- Mm-hmm.
The model is Candy.
- Candy Cane, submissive.
Oh she's famous.
My associate thinks that your
paintings objectify women.
- It's called art.
- What was the name of her magazine?
- Exotique.
- Oh yes, she was the first
real fetishist with style.
How many of these do you have?
I'm talking about a show, Mister Blue.
I have an opening in, um.. in six weeks.
I shall need 12, just pinups.
I take 60%,
- I want a contract.
C'est fou! (speaking in French)
- That's all there is to it?
- You deliver the paintings.
Come back tomorrow, we'll have
something for you to sign.
(percussive music)
- You miss her?
- This is a bad idea.
- I was invited.
- You're not gonna do
something weird are you?
- Weird for me or weird in general?
I'm cool.
(new wave synth music)
Not cool, Blue.
- I think it's great.
It's great.
It's great!
- Thank you, Blue.
- Hiya, Cyd.
- Would you please do something?
The poster is great, I love this poster.
- Thanks, Blue.
You know Chuck King, don't you?
Eli Kahn.
Chuck was just explaining to me
the concept behind this stuff,
how he thought of making
all those little parallel lines cross.
I think this is great.
King, really.
It's great.
Everybody else thinks
it's great too, don't we?
Really, I mean, you could
hang this stuff anywhere.
It takes on the complexion of the room.
It's like one of those
little lizards, um...
- Chameleon, that's what
you're trying to say.
- Yeah.
One more thing.
How do you find the time?
- The time for what, Blue?
- Time to make all those
little colored lines,
and still fuck my woman.
- Hey, darling.
- You know, maybe you could paint
something besides furniture,
if you didn't spend so
much time sneaking around.
- Why don't you just
say what you feel, Blue.
- Hey, who you think you are, man?
You can't paint or fuck.
(confused shouting)
- Punch everybody out now.
There's a dark cloud hanging
over everybody that cares about you.
Just grow up, for crying out loud!
- You schmuck!
- I can paint, can't I?
(phone ringing)
- [Eli] You were incredible.
- [Blue] I was, that was a great opening.
I was magnificent.
He was the asshole.
I was fabulous.
Come on, let's drink to me.
- [Eli] Here's to you.
- Who was that incredible
woman with Terry Ray?
(phone ringing)
- Answer that.
(phone ringing)
- Great eyes.
Great legs.
(phone ringing)
- She's not your type.
She's a militant feminist.
Stop that?
- I want to have her child.
(phone ringing)
(Blue laughing)
- Yeah?
I'll be right there.
- These are the top of the line.
- We want something simple.
- But elegant.
- Just simple.
He's dead.
- Mister Kahn was an esteemed
member of the community.
He was also a leader of his temple.
- What's the bottom of the line?
- [Mortician] I hardly think
that would be appropriate.
- This man left a business in trouble.
We want something simple,
wood, basic black,
no jewels, no wheels.
And if you try to put
the bite on my friend,
I'll pick one out for you.
Is this one all right?
(solemn music)
- You really think my
life would be different
if I changed my name?
- It's too late.
You'll always be Eli.
You thinking about your dad?
- My mother.
- Maybe she'll meet somebody else.
- Where are we?
(upbeat music)
- Open up just for a minute.
- We're closed.
- Just for a minute, please.
It's important.
Thanks, I want my friend to see the space.
- Two moments.
- Not everyone can wear leather.
- You'd be surprised.
I'm gonna do something
really hot on this wall.
Painting can be so much more than this.
- Isn't it enough it gives you pleasure?
- Like sex?
Sex should be a monumental experience.
- Like the crucifixion?
- Please?
You must leave.
- Thanks.
Looks different without the crowds.
- And without the wine.
- What's your name?
- Liliane.
- Perfect.
- You're bearing up well.
- I'm gonna marry her.
(soft keyboard music)
- Cyd.
- It's Eli.
You're getting to be a real slob.
- What time do we land?
Oh! Oh!
Where's my shirt?
- Gone to shirt heaven.
The trouble with you my friend,
is you take this farkakte
life too seriously.
Develop a sense of humor.
Relax, enjoy yourself!
Shop somewhere else.
- Hi.
- Hi.
How you doing?
- Oh, this is...
- Eli Kahn.
- Nice, I'm Candy.
- I'm a great admirer of your work.
- Gee, thanks mister.
- I'm trying to show my
friend how to enjoy life.
Can we take you to dinner?
- Um.. I gotta get my groceries home.
- That's okay, we'll eat at your place.
I'm a fantastic cook.
- He is.
- Go figure, a guy like you, huh?
(phone ringing)
- Hello?
Yes I would, yes!
I accept Visa and Master Charge,
but uh, now is not a good time for me.
Could you call back late tonight?
Yes, right over the phone.
Loving you
Too long
To stop now
- So you know Cyd?
- Yeah.
I don't think she likes me.
- I introduced them.
My love is growing stronger
- Blue stole her away.
- That's not exactly true.
- She was my girlfriend.
- You were fucking.
- I met her first.
- You meet everyone first.
- Like Candy.
A man'll never forgive betrayal.
Women want Blue.
He has
passion, right?
He's a romantic from another time.
You're very cute.
- Yeah, you are. (laughing)
- I should go.
Thanks for the dinner.
- I should go.
I've been loving you
Too long
- It was a terrific dinner.
- You cooked.
- You stay.
- What's with you two?
Lived too long.
- It's kind of awkward.
We're both very attracted to you.
And we both wanna sleep with you.
- Subtle.
(blues music)
- She wants us both.
- Are you sure?
- It was the shrimp.
- Come here often?
(Nona Hendryx "Transformation" plays)
Rust to dust
Us to them
Change your mind
Change your skin
Life to death
Weak to strength
Cash a check
Change your sex
Day to night
Dark to light
Hard to soft, on to off
Push to shove
Hate to love
In and out
It's all about
You know Mother Nature
Rules us all
I move and I go
In time fast and slow
I move, through doors
Each time, less or more
Wet to dry
Eye to eye
Ying to Yang
Pleasure or pain
Good to bad
Crazy or sane
You make the rules
Then you play the game
Fist or glove
Lose or win
You live a life of sin
Then you're born again
Trash to art
Heart to heart
Big or small
We're all a part
Go... go ahead.
Cause we're just transformations
You know mother nature
Rules us all
They're just transformations
(truck running)
- Come up for a drink.
No, no, I gotta get up early.
Place is a zoo without Max.
- I had a good time.
- You forgot your groceries.
(knocking on door)
- [Man] Hello?
Anybody here?
Am I intruding?
Why didn't you answer the door?
- [Blue] My friends know it's open.
- There's a lot of strange
people in this neighborhood.
- And?
Warren Williams.
- You killed me four years ago.
- Suicide.
So you appear to have been resurrected.
Terry's excited about your new work.
- I thought you'd at least
wait til the opening.
- You think I have nothing better to do
than malign you, Mister Blue?
You flatter yourself.
I reviewed your show for what it was:
A indulgent, pretentious,
badly structured polemic,
which we in the art
world have no interest.
- That's how you saw it.
- The Times pays me a
tidy sum for my opinions,
and a great many people
read them as gospel.
- Not to their credit.
- Not because I'm an
uneducated pompous shrew.
I spent a lifetime studying art,
and attempting to help people
understand and appreciate
what it is you do day in
and day out, Mister Blue.
How I see it,
has weight.
How old are you?
- 35.
- You've grown.
- Maybe it's you?
- Well, you've chosen a
subject of some interest
to people who appreciate art.
I like to think of myself
as something less than unshakable.
And I value growth.
My opinion can make a difference, hm.
You'll see.
(upbeat music)
- One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight,
and one, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight,
and one, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.
One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.
Six, seven, eight.
And one, two, three, four,
stretch it, six, seven, eight.
And one, two, three, reach,
five, six, seven, eight.
And one, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.
One, two, out with the knees,
five, six, seven, eight.
And one, two, three, push,
five, six, seven, eight.
Five, six, seven, eight.
And one, two, bring it over.
Tight stomach, tuck it under and roll up!
One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.
Four, five.
- Hi.
Remember me?
- [Instructor] Two, three, four.
- I met you at the gallery.
- Shh.
- [Instructor] And one,
two, three, four, five.
- You're a dancer?
- [Instructor] Seven, eight
and one, two, three, four, and...
(breathing heavily)
- [Eli] How about a cup of
coffee across the street?
- No.
- How about a drink?
Will you have dinner with me?
- No.
- Sometime?
- Mm-mm.
- She's crazy about me.
- You never ask about me.
- What about you?
- Where I'm from.
What I do.
- How a nice girl like
you got into S&M and B&D?
Where are you from?
- Kansas City.
Ask me!
- Why do you do what do?
- I don't wanna be a secretary.
I did bad in school.
I got a great chest.
- I know.
- That's the most
interesting thing about me.
You never said anything
about the other night.
You feel bad about it?
- No.
- How do you feel about me?
I mean,
when we were together,
you were so hard.
- This heat between us?
- Yeah.
- I really want it in my paintings.
- Mm.
- But that's all I want.
- You're a real shit.
- What do you want from me?
- Nothing.
- Do you want me to be
your lover, to be your man?
- Fuck you.
- No, I mean, let's play it out, Candy.
How do you see it?
We get married?
Maybe we have a kid?
- You loved it every minute
you were inside of me.
You don't give a thing!
- What do you want?
- Have dinner with me.
- Why?
- What do you mean, why?
- What do you hope to gain?
- Nothing.
- You don't wanna make love?
- Gimme a break.
A burger, fries, a few laughs.
- Where?
- I know just the place.
(soft piano music)
Can I come in?
- No.
- I had a nice time.
I don't know what to say to you.
I'd like to see you again.
I don't understand women.
- What's to understand, man?
She didn't wanna sleep with you.
- A woman of taste.
- But she fucked me.
- Maybe she likes to sleep alone.
- That's what she said.
- That's what you always say.
- I always say that 'cause I
don't want to get involved.
She doesn't want get involved.
I need romance.
Sex isn't that important to them.
They're sensitive about these things.
She's scared of men, I gotta be patient.
I'll casually wait outside the gallery
every night this week.
- I told you I sold a painting.
- [Eli] Congratulations.
- Keep it.
- [Eli] He made a sale.
(crowd cheering)
- Fall Blue?
- Cyd here?
- No, she's not.
She went, went to the store.
She'll be back in a bit.
- Shopping.
- Yeah.
- Well I can come back later.
- Why don't you stay?
Haven't seen you sober for a while.
But I know better than
to ask your opinion.
- No,
you have a gift man.
And it's quite extraordinary.
- No, let's just save it, all right?
- Collisions.
- Exactly.
- Could I have a beer?
- Yeah.
- I'm cooking up something here,
so just make yourself comfortable.
I hear you got a show at Terry's.
- Yeah.
- Nudes?
- No, fetish.
Women with big tits.
Garter belts, boots, panties.
- That's interesting.
Well, I got something going here.
I can tell you that
I've admired your work.
It's very serious.
Not all that commercial,
but I think the critics
were wrong the last time.
I think they missed the whole point.
- No they didn't, but it's
nice of you to say that.
I respect the critics in this town,
especially Williams.
- After what he said about your work?
- He knows his audience.
He's been right about you.
- Come on, man.
You hated my show.
- No, I didn't.
- Well, Cyd told me
that you think abstractionists
should be executed.
I'd, uh... I'd say I was
sorry for the way things have
worked out, if I really meant it.
- Well, we all grow up
and go our separate ways.
- Well, I'm impressed
with your... maturity.
I thought you were more of a...
- Asshole.
- Yeah.
I want you to know that I am, uh..
I'm all for a friendship,
with the three of us.
So don't hesitate to, uh..
To drop over,
to see Cyd.
- Thanks Chuck.
- And if I can help you
with your show or...
- Thanks.
(clinking bottles)
- Hi Cyd.
- Hi.
- Give me those.
- What's going on?
What are you doing here?
- I want you to come home.
- Don't do this, Blue.
- It would be different.
- No it wouldn't.
- You want me to leave?
- Yeah, I want you to leave.
(soft synth music)
- Just leave the money on the dresser.
(soft synth music)
- [Liliane] Hello.
- I don't see it.
- What?
- What Eli sees in you.
What's so special?
- I'm sure | I don't know.
Did you come here to tell me this?
- Terry called.
- Monsieur Blue est arrive.
Eli says you're way behind on the show.
- Did you tell Terry?
- You should have told me, Mister Blue.
You've only finished two more canvases.
- I'll have 'em, trust me.
- Never.
I have something else to tell you.
I have sold the next three for $24,000.
A little celebration.
There we are.
Mister Kahn.
- Mister Ray.
- I just sold three paintings.
- You're kidding.
- Your share is 9,600.
Arthur Blue, the rebel.
(celebratory music)
For I am a Pirate King
And it is, it is a glorious
thing to be a pirate king
To be a pirate king
And it is it is a glorious
thing to be a pirate king
Hurrah for our pirate king
- Blue, I gotta ask you something.
Why do you paint that stuff?
- You don't know?
- Don't give me that
intellectual horseshit
about taking the history of women
as object and art to the extreme.
- I like high heels.
- That's what I was afraid of.
- I'm serious.
Ever since I was a little
kid, I was into it.
I found this magazine in my dad's closet.
It was dirty.
- There's that art.
It's fetish.
- Well what's art?
Those are the strongest feelings I know.
Those are the most powerful images I know.
That's my art.
- Your art's a joke.
- Who the fuck are you?
Some frog outta nowhere who
works in a faggot snob gallery?
You can't spend five minutes
with a man after screwing him.
I'm sorry.
(crowd murmuring)
("You Want More" by Etta James plays)
- That's better.
Why is your heart so cold
How do you be so bold
Only thinking of yourself
Time can just pass you by
Not knowing the reason why
You're never satisfied
All that you want is more
What are you looking for
Do you know
- You're a fool.
That ain't no way to live
Oh no
Transition to "Love Is A
Battlefield" by Pat Benatar
We are young
Heartache to heartache
No promises
No demands
Love is a battlefield
We are strong
No one can tell us we're wrong
Searching our hearts for so long
Both of us knowing
Love is a battlefield
You're making me go
Then making me stay
Why do you hurt me so bad
It would help me to know
Do I stand in your way
Or am I the best thing you've had
Believe me, believe me,
I can't tell you why
But I'm trapped by your love
And I'm chained to your side
We are young
Heartache to heartache
- Thanks.
No promises, no demands
- You friend's a good dancer.
- Why don't you dance with her?
- I like to watch.
- [Blue] Dance with her!
No one can tell us we're wrong
- Are you my friend?
Are you my friend?
- Don't you know?
- Dance with her.
Love is a battlefield
When I'm losing control
Will you turn me away
Or touch me deep inside
And when all this gets old
Will it still feel the same
There's no way this will die
But if we get much closer
I could lose control
And if your heart surrenders
You'll need me to hold
- [Eli] Racquetball, club opens at six.
- [Blue] I don't feel good.
- [Eli] I'm challenging Blue.
You won the last game,
which means I can challenge
you anytime, anywhere.
- I forfeit.
- You can't.
- [Blue] Forget it.
Hey, are you okay to drive?
(tense percussive music plays)
Let's not do this.
- Honor, Blue.
- [Blue] What's wrong with you?
- Serve.
- What's the matter with you?
- Nothing, serve.
- Something's wrong.
- I'm hot to play, serve it.
- You know, this is kind of funny...
- Say I beat you.
- I beat you.
- Son of a bitch.
Son of a bitch.
(brooding synth music)
- I've never seen you work.
I'm sorry.
Did I hurt you?
- I hit you.
- Yeah.
- I have something for you.
- [Eli] It goes back to '69.
- [Blue] Mm-hm.
- You get the other half after the show.
- That can wait.
You got enough to live on?
- Mm-hm.
- I don't want you give me everything.
- Would I do that?
- Money corrupts.
- Thanks, Eli.
- Best investment I ever made.
(sentimental instrumental music)
- Don't worry.
- I'm worried.
- If nothing else, the gallery
always attracts attention.
- That's reassuring.
- The bus has arrived.
(driving synth music)
- You look lovely.
- Don't I?
What's next?
- We're friends?
- Another show?
- The demons are gone.
- Demons?
- Whatever drove me to paint these,
it's done.
- Gotta paint something else, huh?
- May I kiss you?
- Heartbreaker!
- Well, what do you think?
- They scare me.
- Well, this is serious.
Good luck.
- I'm very happy for you.
It's good work.
- I'm happy for you.
- Are you?
- I wish you'd waited for me.
(upbeat synth music)
- Hi.
- Come inside.
- No, I can't.
- Are you upset with me?
Don't blame Blue if you're angry with me.
- I'm not angry with you.
Why would I blame him?
- I didn't mean blame, I meant punish.
- I don't like crowds.
- He needs you.
- Don't be jealous.
- Those shits killed him four years ago.
Now they're telling
him how terrific he is,
and he's laughing it
up, buying new clothes.
He's got a fucking tie on.
- How can you deny him?
- Hey,
who are you?
How are you holding up?
- Good.
- Oh, you sold them all.
And I've got orders for your next show.
- You're kidding.
- I don't kid.
Don't let him drive.
Tu vas bien?
- Yeah,
I'm a star.
- It's hard work being a star.
- Your friends forget you.
- He was here.
- When?
- He was outside.
He couldn't come in.
- Why?
- Because of me.
(soft instrumental music)
(crowd murmuring)
- I'm sorry, Blue.
I got there, I saw everybody
having a good time,
celebrating, I just crapped out.
- Stop.
Oh shit.
- What?
- I fucked Liliane.
- You what?
- I fucked her.
- You're some friend.
- No, w-wait!
(Blue sobbing)
- Stop it!
- (Blue sobbing)
Blue, stop it.
(crying aloud)
- Everything is so fucking easy for you!
I hated you.
And I hated myself for my
petty fucking feelings.
Tell me I did that in Dukes.
- You think I cared about the money?
Look at my suit.
I hated you,
'cause you had someone who loved you,
who you loved.
Think I didn't want Cyd?
- You met her first!
- I only wanted her
after you were with her.
I was glad when she left you.
(soft keyboard music)
- We're not kids.
- I know.
- I am your friend.
- I know.
(building synth music)