Heartless (2009) Movie Script

You're gonna fuckin' die!
This is the world we live in
Don't let it take you over
Safer to live in a dream
In a dream...
- Jesus!
- Morning, Uncle Jamie.
Lee, how many times
have I got to tell you,
when the red light's on,
that means I'm developing.
This ain't digital,
this is real photography.
- Real photography. Yeah, yeah!
- It is!
- Got enough light in here, Dad?
- Yeah, I'll take the pictures, Lee.
I have done this before,
believe it or not.
Oh my days!
Give her a happy pill!
What's the matter? Let's show a bit
of skin, yeah? It's what she wants!
- I'm not a porn star.
- No?
I'm sorry...
- Yeah, good work, Lee. Very subtle.
- What?
It takes time, you know.
Go and apologise
and bring her back in here.
- All right, bruv?
- All right.
The photoshoot from hell, eh?
A favour for Lee. Don't ask.
This girl wants photos to get into
some modelling agency apparently.
More like a brothel
if that fur coat's anything to go by.
Hey, have a look at these.
Have a look.
She's certainly got something, ain't she?
Picking up some pretty girl, Uncle Jamie?
In your dreams, yeah?
Oi! Get in your car, you.
Oh, Dad, tell Mum I'll be back later.
Gotta deliver the photos.
What? Now?!
She won't wait, Dad.
She waits for no man.
- Want a lift?
- No, I'm all right, Ray.
Yeah, I've gotta get
some shopping for Mum.
See you in the morning.
People will spend a fortune
on their fucking pets, right? Yeah?
But there are children out there
still starving.
I mean, you tell me
what that's about.
And another thing,
right, these pro-lifers...
Oi, what you doing?!
Where you going, man? What's the point?
I went to school with your brother, man!
Fucking joke.
Yeah, yeah, what does he expect?
I'm gonna go round his mum's house
and go and get the money.
I'll bell you back.
You see that, Jamie? You see that?
Not right, man.
Whole community's gone broken.
- You all right?
- I'm all right.
Let me show you something.
Protection. We all need it, man.
I like you, Jamie.
You're one of the good guys.
You need one?
- No. I'm fine.
- OK, cool.
I got plenty. If you change your mind,
just say so, okay?
I tell you, man.
That world out there...
This is what a skin is all about
It keeps me in and it keeps you out
This is what a skin is all about...
Oi, you fucking freak!
It's the Phantom of the Opera.
Oh, hello there.
Sounds like trouble again.
Trouble, trouble, nothing but trouble.
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.
Oh, you live there?
That makes me your new neighbour.
Andy, mates call me AJ.
I'm Jamie...
Ahh... Put Buddha on the books.
Sorry for staring, man.
That was rude of me.
No, it's all right.
Good start, AJ.
That you?
Yeah, it's me!
Careful, love, plate's hot.
You okay, love?
Well, we've got enough of these
to last us a lifetime.
Sorry, Mum. I was miles away.
Well, I've got miles of cling-film now.
Miles and miles.
- Jamie!
- Kettle's on, Mum.
No, no, look at this.
The local community here
is in shock...
following an incident
earlier this evening...
when a man and his son
were both killed...
in an apparently motiveless
and horrific attack.
Molotov cocktails were thrown at them
by a gang of youths wearing hoods.
Father and son were dead by the time
the emergency services arrived.
Well, these kids, this gang, they came out
from nowhere. Sounded like wild animals.
They were throwing
these burning things at them.
And the man and his kid just went up
like that! The screams... Jesus!
Sir, did you see the faces of the gang?
No, no. They were wearing these masks,
these demon masks.
They weren't masks!
They weren't masks,
it's got kids petrified!
- Masks...
- The victims names...
have yet to be released...
but they were believed to've lived here,
Cendrillon house.
Cendrillon house?
That's where your dad grew up.
I feel your dad very close sometimes.
Like he's watching over us. You know?
- It'll be ten years next week.
- Yeah, next Wednesday.
Jamie... Jamie, keep still.
Ah, that'll be a lovely photo.
Have that framed,
put it in the front room, yeah?
How would you like that, eh?
emerges from its cocoon
the beautiful hero,
and spreads its wings like the star it is,
ready for the start of a new life.
I have seen another sky
I have climbed another tree
I have wished another star
Above another starlit scene
Another me lives another life
I've always dreamed
Another me exists somewhere
Why can't I live that life there?
Please, let me be
The other me...
It's from me and Jamie.
I found the negative in that old box
of Dad's, so I printed it out for you.
- And I framed it.
- It's beautiful.
All right, darling, give her yours.
This for your gran, is it, Charlie?
I made it all by myself.
It's a magic wand.
Course it is. Just what I always wanted.
It's beautiful.
You gonna show your Gran
some magic, darling?
- Okay.
- Make me young!
Me, me, me! Make me thin.
What do you want, love?
I dunno...
- This is from me, Gran.
- Oh, you shouldn't.
Oh, it's lovely.
It's real gold.
Thank you.
Where'd you get the money for that?
- Mum says...
- Says what?
She just says you're a bit... distracted.
Well, I'm not. I'm fine.
Hello? What do you want?
Look, if it's the old trouble
coming back...
I'm all right.
Can't you see I'm fine?
You fucking bitch!
You must have said something.
There's no way she could've found out.
She will kill me.
I knew you couldn't your mouth shut!
- Fucking Jesus!
- Oi! Language! Remember where you are.
- Gran, I'm sorry.
- Oh, you going?
- I'll see you soon.
- Don't you dare!
No, you fucking stay there!
Sorry, man.
Me. Friend.
You okay? Yeah?
You know, when I was in a gang...
I'm well out of all that stuff now,
you know, but when I was...
there used to be
dangerous areas...
and there used to be
safe areas, but now...
Now nowhere's safe.
Hey, why don't we turn that
frown of yours upside down, huh?
Why don't you come out with me
for a drink?
Come on, man, you'll be doing me a favour.
For some reason girls think
I'm an ugly bastard.
But if I'm with a hot piece
of chilli stuff like you...
I mean, in a purely platonic way,
you know, then...
Huh? What do you say?
What do you think of my suit, man?
You like it?
- Yeah.
- Cost me a fortune.
So, if I don't get royally
fucked tonight...
I'm getting a refund!
You know what I'm sayin'?
Was that a laugh?
You got a nice smile, man.
You should use it more often.
Come on, man.
You don't have to sit with these guys.
We'll have a nice little chat, get us
a couple of cocktails, I know a good one.
This one is called a red rondo alla Faust.
That's hot!
It don't work
unless it burns, man!
So, go on, you were telling me
about your dad.
I was a star,
like he told me when I was born right,
that he kissed my face
with so much love in his heart...
That's what left the mark, you know?
That's why it's heart-shaped.
Fuck me, it is shaped like a heart, man.
I love it!
You love it? You love it? But you wouldn't
want it though, would you?
- You know what Rilke used to say?
- No, who's that?
German poet. 1875 to 1926.
So, yes. I am educating myself, man.
Anyway, this dude Rilke...
- he says that beauty...
- Yeah?
is the beginning of terror.
No, it's not. No, it's fucking not.
If beauty's the beginning
of terror,
then why are kids scared
to even look at me?
I can't stand all this "Beauty's
only skin deep" crap. Because it's not.
I can't imagine what it would be like
to meet someone I like...
and actually think that, like...
that they might be interested in me.
I'm never gonna feel like that.
I'll tell you what it feels like,
alright? It feels like...
I've got...
this parallel life...
I got this life that I'm living where
people look at me and call me names.
And then I got this other life,
where I'm just like you. I'm normal.
And in that life...
In that life I meet, like,
a beautiful girl and then...
And we do the lot, you know,
we get married, have a nice house.
You know, have a...
have a kid.
A daughter, a beautiful baby girl.
I'd love that.
A chance to be a good dad.
You know, just like my dad was with me.
We pay them to clean the grave.
It's all right, Mum. We'll get it clean.
That's better.
I've left my scarf with your dad.
You're joking.
- Look, I'll go and get it.
- You sure?
Yeah, I'll meet you back by the gate.
I won't be long.
- What's wrong?
- Hm?
You've hardly spoke since
you got me scarf. You all right?
- You sure?
- Yeah. No, I'm all right.
Listen to me, Jamie.
You are a beautiful young man.
Beautiful, kind and generous.
This has never been your problem.
You know that.
It's just the world, Mum...
I dunno, it just don't make sense to me.
You know, it's like I open up the window
and all this madness flies in.
And it's like I've never really known
how to live in it.
You do what we all do, Jamie.
We love.
And allow ourselves to be loved.
You need a family of your own.
Like your brother.
Oh, Jamie...
I know what you are!
I know what you are!
What do you want from me?!
Oh, Jamie, please...
- Jamie!
- Mum, no!
- Jamie!
- Mum! No, please!
- Let go of me! Let go of me! Mum!
- Jamie! Please!
No! No!
Please! No!
Jamie... You're getting closer, old son.
Every time I close my eyes...
he's coming for me.
It's the drugs.
Can you stand up? 'Cos we can get
out of here, I can take you home.
I don't want to go home.
But Mum's killers, Ray. Mum's killers.
The police have got your statement.
The police won't do fuck all.
Come on, let's get you up.
The police don't know what this is, right?
They don't know what they're looking for.
I was there, mate.
I was there. I saw what did this.
I saw what did this.
I saw what killed Mum.
I know what did this.
- Dad?
- I know what did this.
Jamie, you're in shock.
You need some rest.
I'm gonna find 'em,
I'm gonna fucking kill 'em!
We should think about finding you
somewhere else to live.
- The memories of this place.
- The memories of this place are fine.
All right? It's everything else
that's a fucking mess.
Just get off my stuff, Lee, all right?
Just don't touch anything.
Why's everyone keep picking on me?
I've lost her too, you know!
I've lost her too...
I'll tell you, mate.
She was fucking hot!
- Fucking hot!
- Keep the bloody noise down!
Fuck off, you old bastard!
Show some respect!
Fuck off!
I'm not afraid of you!
Look at all Mum's jewellery.
It's her mum's stuff and her mum's mum's.
Must be worth a small fortune.
This is the world that we live in!
Makes me fucking mad, right!
They take innocent people,
torture them and then they film it. Why?
No, for fun! No other reason. Fun!
This is the world that we live in.
Drives me mad, man!
Are you saying
gangs have made stars out of terrorists?
Yes, terror...
is the new fashion accessory.
There's a whole new
generation out there...
that's grown up watching beheadings
on the internet every night.
They all wear the same clothes,
those black hoods, the masks.
- They're not masks.
- These are the new foot soldiers...
in the family of gang culture.
Violence is...
their mother...
- your father?
- Chaos.
- AJ, you all right?
- Just a bit of trouble, man. Don't worry.
What happened? What happened?!
Oh, shit!
All right, man.
Lift up your T-shirt, yeah?
Jesus Christ!
AJ, we got to get you to a hospital, mate,
you need stitches.
No, no, no, man. Just pad me up,
give me lots of painkillers. That'll do.
It's like an animal did it.
You said it, man.
A wild fucking monster.
I just want to live a normal life.
I don't wanna fight.
So you meet me tonight, let's talk.
Okay, I'll be there.
- Here you go, mate.
- Oh, cheers, man. Thanks.
Cool mobile, eh?
Our link with the dinosaurs.
You religious, Jamie?
My mum was.
It's all a load of bollocks, isn't it?
All of it.
Do you know what life really is, Jamie?
A meaningless pile of shitty chaos.
Accepting it...
that's the real bravery.
To know that nothing means anything
and still wanna get out of fucking bed.
"God's will"!
There is no God.
If there's no God
then there's no force of good...
and that means that there can't be evil.
And there's definitely evil.
I mean...
There are demons.
Listen, AJ. You know what's doing
all of this, don't you?
I mean, you really know.
I've seen the future, Jamie.
And it's a kingdom of horror.
This is the age
Of the silent child
Who's forgotten his name
And sits alone
Waiting for stories
To make sense of things
The darker it gets
The more you see
But it's going to get a lot darker
Before you see me
It's going to get a lot darker
Before you see me...
Fuck me, I'm just ringing you!
I've been knocking and knocking.
Where you been?
I just went out... Go to the shops.
Where is it then?
- What?
- Shopping.
What you doing here, anyway? I thought you
gone to Paris, Disney Land, with your dad.
Yeah, well, remedial dwarfs and a mouse
the size of an ape. Fucking nightmare.
- What, he let you come back on your own?
- I'm 17, not seven.
Uncle Jamie... You know that gold heart
I got Gran for her birthday?
I never got it engraved.
And now it's on my fucking brain.
Stupid, innit? But I wanna do it now.
For Gran, you know?
Where is it? In her room?
Oi. Don't go in there!
That's private.
Your dad put all your gran's jewellery
in the safe, back at work.
At work? I never heard him mention that.
Yeah, well, perhaps he had other things
on his mind, Lee, eh?
Well, you know the combination
to the safe, don't you?
Look, I can't talk about this now,
alright? I'm not in the mood.
I wanna engrave it for Gran, Jamie.
It's doing my head in!
Can't you understand that?
Hey, bruv. Hope you're OK. Listen...
there's been a blow-up with Lee.
He's gone back.
And my credit card's gone missing.
I think the silly sod's got himself
mixed up in some gang stuff...
Typical! My own fucking dad's against me!
No one wants to help.
Why is that? Huh? No one wants to lift
a little fucking finger to help!
Look, Lee. Lee...
- Fuck off!
- Lee!
A father
and his ten-year-old son...
made a gruesome discovery here
yesterday morning,
when they found a human arm
in a place where children sometimes play.
According to police, the wounds
on the severed limb are so savage
it's as if a wild animal did it.
Various other body parts
have been found further along the river,
but with the head still missing
the police are requesting...
if anyone recognises...
- this distinctive crocodile tattoo...
- AJ...
found on the victim's
left upper arm,
they should contact
the police immediately...
A photograph has been released
of the suspected gang leader,
Shevannal Maze,
known in the criminal underworld as "She".
- damaged his right hand...
- AJ.
while making a bomb
at the age of 14...
and is now reported to wear
a baroque-bladed weapon...
Hello, Jamie.
Who is this?
You know where this is, don't you?
Cendrillon house?
I'm waiting for you. Also...
remember what your dad
used to say.
"We only regret the things
we don't do".
Hello, Jamie. Come in.
He's expecting you.
Papa B...
The world...
don't make sense to you
does it, old son?
What if I can show you
the world does make sense?
Sit, Jamie. Sit.
Question. When is man most alive?
When is man most creative?
I will explain.
Close your eyes. Relax.
Is man most creative
in a time of peace and calm?
I don't think so.
Give mankind nothing but calm and order,
and mankind's nothing but a zombie,
a grazing cow.
Man needs the unpredictable
to feel truly alive.
To progress. To create.
Mother Nature knows this.
That's why she gives us
cyclones, tsunamis.
Sometimes, just sometimes,
Mother Nature, she can't do it all.
So what happens then?
I help.
Don't! Stop! Stop it!
Say someone comes to me and they
want money, or fame, a second chance.
I say, "I will give you that.
Just give me a splinter of chaos
in return".
It can be big or small.
Dribbling bleach on a baby
or flying planes into nuclear reactors.
Mankind needs atrocity like this.
Think about it, old son.
What triggers have always
shot mankind forward?
That's the engine of progress.
That's what blasts man
into the orbit of a new age...
and the more random
and horrific the better.
Jack the Ripper heralded
the coming of the twentieth century,
not Florence fucking Nightingale.
It's atrocity that marks the birth
of a new era.
Gas chambers...
Hiroshima... 9/11...
And I, in my humble way,
contribute to the process.
I'm like... the patron saint
of random violence.
The demons?
All mine.
And my mum? My mum?!
No! Jamie, don't!
Feel better, Jamie?
Come on, Jamie. Come on.
It's all right.
I'm sorry about your mother
but her death was necessary.
- Why?
- To make you ready, old son.
To bring you to me.
I've been watching you, Jamie.
I thought you might be ready
for making a deal.
A deal?
What's your wish, Jamie?
You can have anything.
You can have what you've always wanted.
I'll get rid of this.
I'll make you... beautiful.
Fuck you! Fuck you!
Jamie, stop!
- I don't want anything to do with him.
- Your mum. It's what she wanted.
Remember what she said.
She wanted you
to find someone to love.
Have a family.
Like your brother.
It'll be okay.
- So what would I have to do?
- Chaos, Jamie. You contribute.
You help my world evolve.
Yeah? Well how, exactly?
- Graffiti.
- What? Graffiti?
Really, Papa?
Yeah, why not?
Make it easy on the boy.
That sound all right, does it, Jamie?
Once every few months you just scrawl
on a wall, "God is a stupid fuck!"
- What, and that's it?
- That's it.
So we have a deal.
Belle... the cocktail cabinet.
How many, Papa?
Just the one.
What's this?
The lighter, Belle.
- What am I supposed to do with this?
- Light it, old son.
The fire will burn away the old.
You'll arise anew.
It won't hurt for long, Jamie.
I promise.
Let it go, old son.
Let it go, Jamie.
Let the fire burn
away the old.
Arise anew.
Think Phoenix!
- Can I come in, Jamie?
- Yeah, come in.
Some new clothes for you.
Thank you.
Papa B says
you're to wait for Weapons Man.
- Weapons Man?
- Yeah.
He'll help you
with your part of the deal.
Don't worry.
Some people wait over 60 years for him.
Hey, what's wrong?
You okay?
Yeah, I'm fine, maybe you should go
before Papa B gets back.
He gets angry sometimes.
Oi, look who it is.
It's the elephant man.
Come here!
- Come here!
- Ah, he's hiding!
- What!
- What?
What you laughing at?
What are you laughing at?
Is it Temple Buildings?
Yeah. No, it is.
- Room, 27?
- Yeah, just that one there.
Oh, thanks,
I've been walking up and down for ages.
Delivery! Please be in.
Is that for AJ?
Andy Jeffries. Sounds like an AJ to me.
Yeah, it's just I know he's gone away,
so he's not in.
- Can I ask you a favour?
- Yeah.
Could you sign for this?
Well, I...
I don't think I should.
Are you sure you're all right?
You don't want to sit down?
No, I'll get fired.
- All right.
- Okay.
Whoa, whoa. Let me take that.
All right, let me take that.
Are you sure you don't want to
just sit down for five minutes?
I'll get you a glass of water.
- There you go.
- Thanks.
I have a feeling...
That we've met before?
- Yes.
- Yes. No, no, we have.
We did. When I met you I had...
I had a...
Well, it's actually quite difficult
to explain.
Ah, perhaps don't explain.
The past, we'll wipe it clean.
My name is Tia.
I'm Jamie.
- What is this?
- What's that?
- It's a magical tree.
- No, it's Victoria Park actually.
It's beautiful.
That's me sitting there. My dad took that.
You were cute!
Yeah, well, I think he might have got
my good side.
Your dad was
a professional photographer?
Yeah, he was. Yeah.
I'm interested
in photography too.
- You're kidding, are you?
- Yes. I never go anywhere without this.
It's not very good.
No, no, it's great.
At least it's a film camera.
Of course. Digital!
Oh, man, digital is like a rough sketch.
You know, whereas film's... Film's like...
Hey, look.
Let me show you something.
This... This is the first camera
my Dad bought me.
You can see I'm holding it
in that picture there.
This is without doubt, right,
without doubt my favourite camera.
You know, if you want, we could go out
and I could show you how to use it.
Tia, look...
Look, we have met before.
But I was different then.
You know, I used to have this birthmark
right across the side of my face.
I can't explain what happened.
But it just went.
Just disappeared, you know.
It was like magic.
Look. I can show you, look.
It's right on this picture here.
Look, if you look all down
the left side of my face...
you can see it there, Tia.
Tia! Tia, please!
Look, I know it feels
like we're moving too fast,
but you just have to trust me, please.
Look, my Dad said, "You only regret
the things that you don't do. "
So don't walk away.
You could phone work, you know.
You could chuck in your job,
you could throw all the rules
and all the things you're supposed to do
and just chuck them out the window.
I just... I just wanna spend
a day with you.
This is the tree here, see? Look at that.
Look, remember what I told you, right?
You just gotta turn... turn the lens
at the front there, to get it in focus.
- It looks different.
- What? Less magical?
- Yeah!
- You just gotta change the angle.
Look, come here.
Just change the angle.
Come down low, like that.
Try it now.
It works.
Yeah, everything can look magical
if you just...
If you just look at it
the right way.
Exactly. Here.
Go on, look at the camera.
Go on, look at it.
Big smile.
I like it here. Like heaven.
Yeah, it is.
My dad, he used to love this place.
You know, we'd just come out here and
we'd just take photographs and just talk.
You know, my dad was
one of them people that just...
Just made sense of the world.
And he'd come up with
all these great stories, that...
I dunno, you know?
Just, they made sense to me.
I'd do anything to go back to that day.
Just for like, a minute...
A second, even.
Look, I'll tell you what I'll do,
I'll take them to the studio
and I'll get some prints developed.
You know, I'd like to do that.
Then we can remember the day.
Well, thank you, Tia. I had a good day.
Tia, will I see you again, though?
Tia, can I see you tomorrow?
Come on, at seven o'clock?
Tia, will you come to the flat?
Come on, please, say yes!
Mr Morgan?
- Yeah...
- You're expecting me, I believe.
Weapons Man?
Oh, right.
- May I come in?
- Yeah. Yeah, please.
Very nice.
I detect a woman's touch.
Very stylish.
Oh... My wife would like that.
She's got me to redecorate our bathroom.
She wants it done out in gold taps
and marble floor.
It's fake gold and marble,
needless to say.
It still cost a fucking arm
and a leg, though.
Not to my taste.
Looks like the fucking Palace
of Versailles, you want my opinion.
She soaks herself morning, noon and night
in lavender and bergamot bubble bath.
She says,
"I feel like Marie Antoinette".
I say, "Well you know
what happened to her".
She don't. She will.
I've made plans.
There's a kid I know who's a dab hand
with a chainsaw. It's a beautiful weapon.
Talking of weapons... Business.
Sorry, yeah, it's just, uh...
Belle said it could take up to
Yeah. It could.
It didn't.
All this technology
makes life so much easier.
Years ago it was all
pens and paper and...
Oh! Here we go!
Sit down.
Now, just a few formalities.
It's boring I know, but bear with me.
So your name is Jamie Morgan.
- Yes.
- Any middle name?
- No.
- Address?
I know that, I'm here, ain't I?
- Age?
- I'm, 25.
In your prime, I see. No peeking!
Now, my job is to make sure the
element of chaos you contribute...
doesn't clash with any other
elements of chaos in your area.
It also helps keep your particular
contribution unique and distinctive.
One brutal murder. Just one.
- How's that sound?
- No, no, I'm, uh, doing graffiti.
And that's the deal you did
with Papa B, is it?
What, and you believed him,
did ya?
One born every minute.
You saying that he lied?
Of course he fucking lied!
That's not exactly fair now, is it!
Of course it ain't fucking fair!
Who said life is fucking fair?
Life is cruel and unjust
and we wiggle like worms on the hook of...
Oh, who gives a fuck!
Let's just cut the crap and move on,
shall we? I repeat:
One brutal murder.
That is very reasonable.
Now, let's find out
the victim's profile.
Well, very good. Young male.
Lets find out
when the murder should happen.
Mm. When the moon is next full.
Very classy.
Sorry, is there any chance
we could talk to Papa B about that?
No. Method of dispatch...
Oh... Yeah, this is bloody good.
Or should I say good and bloody?
"Heart to be cut out
while the victim is still alive...
"and said heart to be placed
on steps of church, any church,
your choice,
by midnight".
By the last chime, you got that?
One second,
one millisecond later and that won't do,
Mr. Morgan. You got that?
I don't understand.
I don't actually think I can hurt anybody.
Priceless again. Anyone can hurt anyone,
Mr. Morgan. haven't you learnt that?
Now, to my favourite bit.
Finding the weapon.
Years ago, this was all I did.
Hence the name.
But since Jack the Ripper
things have got a little bit more, well...
inventive, shall we say.
Oh... We're lucky.
The weapon's in the flat.
Oh... Oh, hold up!
Oh! It's in here.
Getting warmer.
Oh, hotter...
What have we got here?
No! That's my dad's coat! That's my dad's
stuff from when he went travelling.
Will you let me do my job, please!
Thank you.
Weapon found.
No, my dad loved that.
It was from his first ever trip. Please...
And it's been waiting for you ever since.
So, that's it.
One heart to be cut out
when the moon is still full
and placed on the steps of a church
before the final stroke of midnight.
It's a pleasure doing business with you,
Mr Morgan.
No, I won't do it.
I'm serious, all right? I won't do it!
This isn't the deal that I made!
This isn't fair!
Look, come on, it's not fair! You can't
expect me to actually kill somebody!
Look, please... Can you just
speak to Papa B for me? Please.
Hello, sir.
Yeah, fine, sir. It's just there's...
There's a little last-minute reluctance
from the client.
Thank you, sir. Much appreciated.
What's going on? What did he say?
Just a moment, please.
Ah! No! No! No!
Ah! Make it stop! Please!
- Not much fun, is it?
- Please! Make it stop!
- Please...
- You gonna do it?
Yeah! Yeah, yeah! I'll do it!
I'll do it! Please!
We got there in the end, Mr Morgan.
I'll do it...
Oh, by the way...
Guess when the moon is next full.
You got till midnight.
I tried to help but...
he got mad.
Come on, Belle...
It's okay.
He'll kill us both
if you don't do it.
I don't know how to kill.
I don't know how to...
First, find your prey.
What you doing? I didn't do anything.
I paid money to get in there.
Fuck off!
Fucking cheapskate!
You don't know what you're missing.
I'm fuckin' perfection!
Jeeko sex machine! That's me!
Go on...
Go! Go!
- Hello, handsome.
- All right.
- I just wanted to...
- Like what you see, do you?
Course you do.
You know perfection when you see it.
Look at that six pack. Wanna touch?
It'll cost you.
- How much?
- Depends on where you touch, mate.
And how long you touch it for.
And what you touch it with,
if you catch my drift.
- Location's important, too.
- What?
Well, is it a down-the-alley touch here,
or an indoors touch?
Indoors, Jamie! Your place.
Indoors. Indoors, good idea.
Alright, indoors,
we'll do it at my place.
Indoors costs more and I get my
taxi fare there and back...
and the price of a kebab
and a Diet Coke.
For you, in total, 150 quid,
if we get it all done in an hour.
An hour? All right, that's good.
We've only got an hour.
Well, perfect.
Ooh... Very nice.
You own it, do you?
Worth a fortune now, these places.
you never thought you'd be lucky enough
to get someone like me, did you?
People don't.
I've had grown men weep
at the thought of touching my feet.
Yuccas... ugh!
"Hope in the Lord,
the bleeding heart of Jesus".
Can you just put that down?
Please, just put that down.
Don't back out, Jamie.
- I won't.
- Oh, come on, don't get all guilt-ridden.
- Huh?
- Don't say, "I won't. " Say, "I will!"
You mustn't be afraid.
You've just gotta go for it.
So, what do you want?
Look, I want you to just stop
touching everything.
Please, it's just personal.
Be brave.
Whatever it is, that's what I'm here for.
So... Say it!
Come on!
You've now only got 40 minutes.
You need him to keep still.
I just need you to keep still, please.
Oh, I get it. Passive beauty, eh?
What is it? Handcuffs?
Oh, don't... don't...
don't hurt me!
Tie... tie me...
Can you get off the chair?
Come on. Describe how you want me.
Silent and still.
Silent. I need you still.
- And silent.
- Now I'm with you, sunshine.
The old mummified game.
Surprising how popular that is these days.
I wouldn't have thought it
from a first timer but, hey-ho.
Why not jump in at the deep end, eh?
We'll have to improvise.
- Clingfilm!
- What?
It'll work if there's enough.
Just leave a gap for my eyes and nose.
I like to see what's going on.
And not too long -
the skin needs air, you know?
Oh, and if I make this noise -
That's the signal to stop...
whatever you're doing.
- Understood?
- Yeah, understood.
Mmm! Gonna have a good time.
- Mm?
- Forgive me...
You'll never do it in there.
Take him to the kitchen.
You've been sleeping all day, Jamie.
- Have I?
- Yeah!
I've cleaned all the mess from the flat
and I bought some new clothes for you.
Come and try them on.
Come on!
It's nearly seven o'clock,
Tia will be here any minute.
- I dunno, what do you think?
- It's amazing. It looks really good.
- There's just one thing.
- What's that?
You haven't brushed your hair properly.
Let me do it for you.
Please, Dad.
- How's that?
- Great.
Oh God, it's Tia. My God, she's here!
Listen, Belle, what are you gonna do?
You gonna be OK?
Don't worry about me. You go and have fun.
It's the start of your new life, Dad.
When I walk down the street
They set fire to me
They struck the match,
it helped me hatch
Made me ignite and I took flight
I will feel it,
in diamond night sky...
You're beautiful.
- Jamie? Are you okay?
- Yeah, I'm fine. I'm fine...
Please, Tia, you can't see me like this.
What do you mean? You're worrying me!
Okay! Okay. Okay...
- Jamie...
- Okay...
- Jamie...
- I'm just scared of what you might think.
I don't care what you look like.
Just open the door.
Hey, bruv. I just wanted to say...
we all still feel guilty
about rushing off.
But we just need to get away
but we'll be back soon and, well...
everything's gonna be just fine
from now on.
You'll see.
Your heart beats like a hammer
At the bottom of the ocean
It wakes the sleeping serpent
Whose blood's a magic potion...
It means a lot to me.
It's my family.
Your laughter turns to sparkles
Oh, that's where starlight comes from
In you are all the stories
I ever need to hear
My happy ever after
My once upon a time
All the stories
All the stories...
Hey, Dad.
- Hey, Belle.
- Did you have a nice time?
Yeah, yeah.
Tia's just dropped off to sleep.
What're you doing there?
- What's this?
- I made it, all by myself.
You did all this?
- Yeah.
- It's amazing, look at that.
- Don't touch!
- Oh, I'm sorry.
- That's you, Dad...
- Uh-huh.
- That's me...
- Right.
That's Tia...
We're a family now.
Everything's perfect.
Yeah, you're right.
Everything is perfect.
- It's Papa B!
- Jamie!
- He's on the roof!
- Jamie!
You've stolen my Belle.
Come on, it's not like that.
Don't play games with me.
It's not that I'm too bothered.
Silly little bitch wants to live with you,
let her go.
But I can't let it go unpunished.
You understand.
What do you want of me?
Kill for me. Again.
By midnight.
I want another heart.
I've already done that.
You keep changing the fucking rules!
I make the fucking rules
and I've chosen the victim.
I love her.
You can't make me do that.
You can't make me do that.
You can't make me do that!
- Shh...
- You can't make me do that.
Let me explain...
old son.
What do you see out there, eh?
A city, full of people,
all yearning for love.
All believing love is eternal.
But love ain't eternal.
Only suffering can be eternal.
- No...
- You know who this is?
You see, Jamie?
Unhappy ever after.
No... No... No...
Please, no.
The kingdom of horror is here...
The kingdom of horror.
I know, I know. You know why
I'm sounding upset. I can't help it.
She's awake.
That's the way I feel, yes.
Sorry. I can't do it here, Belle.
I'll do it. I will. I will.
Jamie. Where have you been?
I just put the rubbish out.
- You okay?
- Yeah. No, I'm fine. I'm fine.
That was a good friend of mine.
Her apartment got
broken into last night, robbed.
While she sleep.
I know it is stupid but can I put
my book of photographs...
in your safe at work, now?
It is precious to me, Jamie.
I won't sleep tonight with worry.
You can kill her there.
Say yes.
Yeah. Yeah. That's fine.
Jamie, I wanted you to know...
When I first met you, I didn't think
I would fall in love with you...
And I did.
You've got a beautiful heart, Jamie.
And I will always love you,
no matter what happens after this.
After this?
What do you mean, after this?
Oh, come on, what do you know?
Do you know what happened...
Just open the safe, Jamie. Please.
- Why did you say "after this"?
- Look at the time! Kill her!
- You've got to get out of here.
- What?
- You've got to go, Tia. Please, go!
- Why?
Because it's not safe for you here.
- No!
- You're in danger.
- From what?
- From me.
You're running out of time!
Kill her!
I can't!
- Kill her!
- I just can't!
- What are you saying, Jamie?
- Kill her!
- Just open the fucking safe.
- Stay out of it, Lee!
Shut it! It's all your talking
that fucked it up!
Stupid plan. You and him, this!
That's what you thought.
But it wasn't, was it?
Worked like a fucking dream.
- What the fuck's going on?!
- He stole from the gang.
I didn't steal,
I was gonna pay it back!
If you hadn't fucking told...
She had never have found out!
You stupid whore!
- I'm not a whore!
- Don't lie!
You're a whore
and he's just another fuck for money.
- No!
- What?
I just did this to help Lee.
I love you, Jamie.
Tia, please...
Please don't...
He needs to get the jewellery
to pay back the gang.
If he doesn't get it by tonight,
we're all dead.
Don't look at me like that,
If you'd opened the safe
when I first asked...
none of this
would have fucking happened.
It's She!
Just open it! Open the fucking safe!
Lee! What are you fucking doing?!
Get the fuck off!
Tia! Tia! No, please...
No, please...
Oh, God...
What have you fucking done?!
No! Please, God!
No! Please, God, no!
Please! God, no! Please...
You're gonna fucking die!
I'm sorry.
She said he'd kill you all, one by one.
Burn you alive...
like he burnt Gran.
He's lying!
- Demons! Run!
- Jamie...
- Run!
- Don't let them hurt me! Jamie!
Keep running! Keep running!
Belle, you have to go.
Go! Go! You have to get out!
I'm not leaving you!
They're not interested in you, okay?
It's me that they want.
You have to go, you can be...
you can happy somewhere else!
- Dad...
- Just go, Belle, please. Just go!
No! I won't ever be happy
without you. Not ever!
We all lose people, you understand?
OK? But we have to let them go.
We have to.
I love you, Dad.
If you love me,
then you'll let me go.
Go on, let me go. Yeah?
I had this birthmark,
right across the side of my face.
Just disappeared, you know?
It was like magic.
You're beautiful.
Come on... Come on!
Come on! Fucking come on!
Fucking come on, then!
Come on!
Well, these kids, this gang, they came out
from nowhere. Sounded like wild animals.
They were throwing
these burning things at them.
And the man and his kid just went up
like that! The screams... Jesus!
Sir, did you see the faces of the gang?
No, no. They were wearing these masks,
these demon masks.
They weren't masks!
They were mask,
and it's got kids petrified!
I'm not afraid of you any more.
Don't work unless you're scared...
old son.
You're gonna fucking die!
Keep still.
Oh, that'll be a lovely photo.
Have that framed.
Put it in the front room.
Would you like that? Huh?
- That boy's face!
- Come on.
Have I ever told you about
the night I slept in a forest?
I was only a little bit older
than you.
I'd gone there with Dad
to take some photos.
I'd never been out of the city,
not at night, I hadn't.
So we made this little camp, yeah?
And that night I looked up...
Cor... Stars!
I'd never seen so many.
Sky was blazing with them.
Dad explained,
you need real dark to see stars.
Because in the city there's
too many street lamps and stuff,
see, so...
But when things, uh...
are really dark,
as dark as they can get,
you see so much more,
so many wonderful things.
Sometimes, old son...
things are gonna get darker for you
than they do for the rest of us.
But you've got to...
You got to see those moments
as something special.
Because they're showing you things.
A way of looking at the world
that no one else will ever,
ever understand.
That's a blessing, Jamie.
That's not a curse...
Does that make sense?
I love you, Dad.
I love you, Jamie.
I'll always love you.
It'll never go.
Come on, old son, let's get you home.
Your mum will be waiting for us.
Oh, Dad...
Dad, you're right.
You're right!
It is beautiful.
When I woke up this morning,
the trees didn't work
Birdsong had turned to gunfire
and the stars were in the dirt
Snow feels like a heatwave
Sunshine feels like rain
If a feather touches my skin,
it causes me pain
Come back, come back
And make the world work again
Come back and put an end
to all this mess
Come back and prove
the world's not heartless
The air is thick as tar
and my skin is bruised and stung
I try and talk
but no one understands my tongue
With every passing second
I age a million years
When I fall and graze my knees
The universe cheers
Come back, come back
And make the world work again
Come back and put an end
to all this mess
Come back and prove
the world's not heartless
When I call your name out
It turns to shrapnel in my mouth
And the last time I looked up
the north star was south
Come back, come back
And make the world work again
Come back and put an end
to all this mess
Come back and prove
the world's not heartless