Hearts and Horses (2023) Movie Script

(traditional country music)
I'm a rodeo star
In my mind,
that's what I are
I remember the days when
they shouted and waved
To me and all
My hair is getting thin
And so are all
those adoring fans
Gone are the
Stetson-wearing beauties
I remember in the stands
But I don't despair
I don't try to force it
Because I know that
I'm still loved by
Old ladies and horses
Old ladies and horses
Ain't too hard to please
Just give them a
little sweet feed
Wear too-tight-fitting jeans
I've got my Wranglers on
And I can hardly breathe
(gentle music)
(gentle music)
(gentle music)
(gentle music)
(gentle music)
- I see you brought
the rain with you.
That's no baby.
- (laughs) Sure he is.
(horse whinnies distantly)
- That's a big boy.
- Where do you want him?
- Bring him to the back.
Come on boy.
(horse whinnies distantly)
All right, bring
him right in there.
- Come on.
- You gonna like it here, boy.
Good boy.
41 days, no rain.
You come walking up, and you
brought the rain with ya.
- Are you saying I'm a blessing?
- I start talking,
the rain stops.
- Thank you for
taking this one in.
- I'm always here to do
a favor for a friend.
- He's just a colt.
Most people don't have any
use for 'em at this age,
so they end up in the kill pen.
(horse whinnies)
He has very kind eyes.
He'll make somebody
a very special horse.
- Silver's gonna like a friend.
- He's pretty friendly.
Shouldn't have any
problems with this one.
Soon as I find him a
home, I'll let you know.
(upbeat music)
Bye, Jack.
(upbeat pop music)
(upbeat country music)
(upbeat country music)
(upbeat country music)
(Jack sputters)
(Silver whinnies)
(gate clangs)
(horse sputters)
(gate bangs loudly)
(funky synth music)
(funky synth music)
(funky synth music)
(funky synth music)
(funky synth music)
(funky synth music)
(funky synth music)
(upbeat country music)
- Now, come on. Settle down.
Oh, no more--
A lowly old-time,
mountain boy
Ain't got much
time to get to town
(upbeat country music)
He finally got all
the chores caught up
Giving him a chance
to take a look around
- Good boy.
(upbeat country music)
You ready?
Friday night with
money in my pocket
- Ready to go back in?
Looking for a place
To really rock it
Go steppin', steppin'
Steppin', steppin'
Tell those lies and
then down he goes
Oh, yeah
- I got it. Come on.
Come on, girl, come on.
Come on.
Pulled into a place
called Rider Grill
- Good boy.
(gate clatters)
Silver, meet Jack.
That's your new friend. (sighs)
Lord, give me the
patience for these horses,
and the strength to shovel
all that outta that pen.
(gentle relaxing music)
(gentle relaxing music)
- All right now, let's
walk up to the door.
We're gonna meet him, and
it's all gonna be fine.
Trust me.
(gentle relaxing music)
Hello, I'm Mary Morgan and
I'm looking for William Moore.
- That's me, I go by Daniel.
- My sister, Rebecca Morgan,
has just passed away.
- Rebecca passed away?
I'm sorry to hear that.
- And um, I got some paperwork
that says you're the father
to her child.
- I have a daughter?
(crickets chirping)
Let me see that.
(crickets chirping)
- And I brought her to
stay here with you.
- Look, I don't have a room
set up for her or anything.
Maybe we can make
some arrangements,
and you can come
back at a later time.
- No, I, I can't
take her right now.
I've got to, I've
got a lot going on,
and I think she needs
to be with her father.
- If she's got nowhere to go,
I'll take care of
my responsibility.
Come on.
- You'll be all right.
(leaves rustle gently)
- Come on in and have a seat.
(gentle melancholic music)
So what's your name?
- Danny.
- Danny?
- It's short for Daniela.
- Hmm.
She named you after me.
- I doubt that.
(gentle melancholic music)
- You hungry?
I can make up some more.
- Some more?
Looks like you have enough
there to feed an army.
- No, this is all for me.
Around here, we work
hard and we eat hard.
- Who's we?
- It was just me
and the animals.
But now it's you and me.
Now when we're done eating,
we need to talk about chores.
- I don't do chores.
- You will now,
'cause you're gonna earn
your keep around here.
You came at the perfect
time, harvest season.
- So that's what you do?
You're just a farmer?
- Just a farmer?
Farming's the most important
job you could have.
Young lady, without
farming, you wouldn't eat.
- I'm not a young lady. I
don't even wanna be here.
(plate clatters)
- Lord, you're gonna have
to help me with this one.
That's one wild filly.
(haunting choral music)
(haunting choral music)
(haunting choral music)
(horse shudders)
- Oh, wow. Your head is huge.
I've never pet a horse before.
(hay rustles)
Want some?
(horse chomping)
How come you have to be
fenced in? That's not fair.
- They're too wild and young.
Horses have to learn manners
before we can let 'em out
on their own.
- Maybe humans need to
learn to understand them
just as they are.
- Maybe so.
Hey, I was thinking, I'm
gonna be busy with harvest.
How 'bout you help me take
over the horse chores?
- Me? Really?
- Unless you
consider it a chore.
I can have you sweepin'
the house, cleaning,
doing the laundry.
Do you sew?
- I'll do it, the horses.
Just teach me how.
- Come on.
(horse shudders)
(gentle peaceful music)
First things first.
They get a half bucket
of grain every morning
with their hay.
(gentle relaxing music)
Here's the hay bale.
6:00 AM every morning, the
hay bale, the bucket of grain.
Got it?
(gentle relaxing music)
You haven't been
corn fed, have ya?
It's okay, we'll get
some weight on ya.
Oh by the way, they
weigh 40 to 50 pounds.
I forgot to tell ya. (chuckles)
They don't just get
one in the morning.
They get one at night, 6:00
PM. So, can you handle it?
- Yes, I got it.
- Have at it.
Always make sure they
have clean, fresh water.
And oh, by the way,
you're gonna need this.
- What's this for?
(relaxed country guitar music)
(relaxed country guitar music)
(Danny groans)
(relaxed country guitar music)
(relaxed country guitar music)
I can't believe
this is my life now.
I can see why cowboys
wear boots now.
(relaxed country guitar music)
- I came to take
the load for you.
I can't let you out anyway,
'cause Silver's out there.
You might get hurt.
- What's wrong with Silver?
- She's just young and
hasn't been trained yet.
She's afraid of everything.
- Why do you have them
if you can't use them?
- I saved both of them from
going to the meat market.
- Meat market?
That's a real thing?
- See, farmers don't have a
lotta use for a young horse.
Hard to sell because
they're not trained.
Hard to train 'cause
it takes a lotta time.
Farmers don't have a
lotta time to spare.
Number one reason is
it costs a lotta money
to raise two Belgians.
(Silver shudders)
That's a draft horse breed.
Strongest draft horse
breed in the world.
- Wow. But you still
didn't answer the question.
Why did you save them?
- You can kinda say I was
coerced into it. (chuckles)
A friend of mine saved
these two from the auction,
brought 'em to me,
and she wanted to know
if I had a good enough
heart to take 'em in.
And I said yes.
- She?
- She's just a friend,
a good neighbor.
She's rescued a lotta
horses, and her barn is full.
- I guess that's nice.
- I figured they'd be some
good use later down the road,
pulling some logs, some stones,
maybe even a sleigh ride.
- Oh my gosh, that
would be amazing.
Mm, mm, whatever. Cool.
- Well, there's no
guarantees I'm keeping 'em,
if she can find 'em a good home.
I'm gonna take this.
After you get cleaned up,
why don't you take a
look around the property.
You might find that
you like this old farm.
(twangy country music)
- I guess maybe I could
take a look around.
(upbeat country music)
(upbeat country rock music)
My mama told me
Don't run from who you are
Don't sell yourself
Don't sell your soul
Well you'll go far
When I think it over and
what it cost me to play
I didn't sell myself
I didn't sell my soul
I gave myself away
But I've been
a-rescued, rescued
I've been rescued
From the enemy
I've been a-rescued, rescued
I'll pay you what it costs
To walk away
My daddy told me it's a
hornet's nest out there
When you get stung,
don't hide your pain
It'll show up in
the face you wear
- Oh, wow.
This store's not open
There ain't
nothing on display
'Cause I didn't sell myself,
I didn't sell my soul
I gave myself away
But I've been
a-rescued, rescued
I have been rescued
From the enemy
I've been a-rescued, rescued
I'm paying what it costs
to walk away, walk away
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
I could see a
part of me is gone
'Cause you're giving me
words to a different song
And I need to be strong
'Cause it be won't be wrong
for me to say to yesterday
So long
(upbeat country music)
(upbeat country music)
My mama told me
- Ow. You are rough birds.
Don't sell yourself
Don't sell your soul
So I gave myself away
But I've been
a-rescued, rescued
- Ow.
I've been rescued
Oh yeah
I've been a-rescued
- There's a chicken
climbing a tree.
But I'm paying what it costs
- Oh, this place is weird.
To walk away
To walk away
To walk away
(chicken squawking)
- Oh my gosh, like actual eggs.
I should collect these.
(chicken squawking)
I found them.
(chicken squawking quietly)
(gentle country music)
(lighthearted music)
(Daniel sighs)
(lighthearted music)
- Looks like you found your
way around the property okay.
Thank you for
collecting the eggs.
(water splattering)
Are you ready for supper?
- Sure. Yeah, that's fine.
- You're cooking.
No, I'm joking.
(lighthearted guitar music)
- Do you have an
Xbox or something?
- What's an Xbox?
- Seriously? Do you have a TV?
- No TV.
- (sighs) Oh my gosh.
What do you do for fun?
- I work the land,
tend the animals.
In the evening,
I look forward to a hot
meal and some cowboy coffee.
I read my Bible. Sometimes
Fern comes over, we play cards.
You like cards? Can you play?
I can play a mean game of cards.
- My life is over.
Oh, I've fallen into
another dimension
where there's no
technological advancement,
no entertainment, no fun.
Are you even online?
- Online?
- Oh.
(crickets chirping)
(Danny yells)
(lighthearted guitar music)
(lighthearted guitar music)
(lighthearted guitar music)
- I got a lotta food
here. You hungry?
(lighthearted guitar music)
Looks like they're hungry too.
(gentle guitar music)
They've really taken a
liking to you lately.
(gentle guitar music)
(meat sizzles)
(gentle guitar music)
Hey, maybe I can get you
one of those Xbox things
for your birthday or something.
When's your birthday?
- It's called an Xbox.
My birthday's September 15th.
- The 15th? That's in two weeks.
- Yeah. I'll be turning 16.
My mom wanted to throw
me a sweet 16 party,
but sweet 16 parties are dumb.
(hands thud)
(door squeaks)
(door thuds shut)
(gentle somber music)
(gentle somber music)
(meat sizzles)
(gentle somber music)
- Fern, I need you to come over.
I don't know what I'm gonna do.
I could really use
help on something.
I just found out
I have a daughter.
Look, her mother died.
She's gonna be living here now.
I don't even have a
bedroom set up for her.
I don't have any
clothes, hygiene items.
(sighs) Worst of all, her
birthday's in two weeks.
I'm trying to build a
relationship with her.
I have to do something
for her birthday.
It's her sweet 16th birthday.
I don't know much
about girls, or women,
but I do know that's
a special birthday.
(gentle guitar music)
(gentle guitar music)
Thanks for coming.
- I bought her a few
shirts and some boots.
I hope these fit okay.
- She's gonna need
'em. (chuckles)
She's been mucking
the stalls in sandals.
You look great. Where
you coming from?
- I just happened to be
uptown when you called.
- Her mother was a stubborn one.
That's why things
didn't work out.
I didn't know she had a baby.
Now here I am with
a teenage daughter.
I have no clue what I'm doing.
- Don't worry. I'm here to help.
I need you to casually find
out what she likes to do.
What's her favorite band?
What are her favorite colors?
And I'll take it from there.
- She said something about
a Xbox thing or something?
I don't even know what that is.
- Okay, she's a gamer.
You're gonna need to get a TV,
and I'll help you find the Xbox.
- Thank you, Fern.
You're a lifesaver.
- It's no problem.
Call me when you find
out those answers,
and I'll start planning
the party immediately.
Oh, I almost forgot.
My nieces are gonna be in town.
I'll bring 'em to the party.
She'll have some extra friends.
- Thank you.
- It's going to be
fine. Just be yourself.
Give her some time
to warm up to you.
She's been through a lot.
Take it slow,
just like the horses that
come out of bad situations.
They need time to process their
new home, and time to heal.
- That's good advice.
(gentle melancholic music)
- I don't know if I can be
happy here like you, boy.
How do you deal with
not having a mother?
You were only babies
when you were forsaken.
I understand how you feel.
(gentle melancholic music)
(gentle melancholic music)
(gentle melancholic music)
(gentle melancholic music)
- Hey, Fern brought
you a few clothes.
You might wanna
change before bed.
- What is this?
- Farm clothing.
- Thanks.
- You can sleep on the couch
until I can get a
bedroom set up for you.
Fern's gonna work on the
bedroom arrangements,
and she also wanted to know
what your favorite color was
and what kinda things you like.
- I like the color black
and sometimes blue.
- Do you like music?
- I love music. Queen
is my favorite band.
- I see.
Well, I have a Victrola
here and plenty of records.
You're welcome to 'em
anytime you'd like.
- Thanks.
- Time to go to bed.
Remember to do your chores
early in the morning.
- Yeah.
- Do you remember the time?
- Six.
- 6:00 AM. See you then.
(upbeat guitar music)
(upbeat guitar music)
(upbeat guitar music)
(upbeat guitar music)
(upbeat guitar music)
(upbeat guitar music)
(upbeat guitar music)
(upbeat guitar music)
(upbeat guitar music)
(upbeat guitar music)
(upbeat guitar music)
- Looks like you had some
bad luck with that window.
It might be that
hat you're wearing.
- What's wrong with my hat?
- Just, I'm from the city
where everything has to match,
and you don't match.
- Well here on the farm,
we wear what's practical.
What do you got there?
- I found this in
the shed. What is it?
- That's what we
collect the apples in.
This is an apple farm. Haven't
you looked around? (chuckles)
Come on.
(upbeat pop music)
If you look around,
you probably can find
a few fallen apples.
We have a few weeks till
the rest of 'em come in.
But I usually take
the fallen ones
and I give 'em to the animals.
Have at it.
(gentle guitar music)
(gentle guitar music)
(gentle guitar music)
(gentle guitar music)
(gentle guitar music)
- Look, apples.
(Danny laughs)
- Yeah, this is the winner.
We'll see if she likes this.
Now this is the city.
Oh, I guess I gotta
ditch the hat.
(Daniel sighs)
It sounds like the city,
and it looks like the city.
I thought you'd be
more comfortable
if I looked like I
lived in the city.
What do you think
about my shirt?
- I'm glad to see you at
least changed your shirt.
I thought you were gonna wear
that other dirty old thing
for years.
- Well I asked you if you
could do laundry or not.
- And at least you took that
ridiculous looking hat off.
(Daniel sighs)
- [Mary] How's Danny doing?
- She's still a
little depressed.
- [Mary] I bet she is.
- I'm doing the best
I can to cheer her up.
- [Mary] I'm sure
you're doing just fine.
- Look, I, I need to
ask you a question.
What happened to her mother?
- [Mary] Her mother
died of cancer.
She fought it for three years,
and just couldn't fight anymore.
- I wish I knew, I could've
been there for both of 'em.
- [Mary] It's not your fault,
but I wouldn't talk
about it right now.
- Don't worry, I'm not
gonna bring her mother up.
- [Mary] I think that's best.
- Okay.
- [Mary] She just needs
to process everything.
- I'm gonna give her some time.
- [Mary] She'll
warm up to you soon.
- I hope you're right.
- [Mary] Goodbye.
- I'll talk to you later.
Did your mother ever
tell you how we met?
- No. She never said
anything about you.
- I used to travel
about, in the rodeos.
I never fell off a bull once,
until the day I saw your mother.
Prettiest cowgirl
I've ever seen.
I almost made the eight seconds,
until I looked in the crowd
and I laid eyes on your mother.
I lost focus for a split second.
I fell to the ground. (chuckles)
I looked up, she
was laughing at me.
I ran up to her as
fast as I could,
and I asked her to dinner.
She came to me
after a few months,
and she told me it was
time to give it up.
- The rodeo?
- The rodeo.
Told me it was her or the ride.
I told her she
was being selfish.
She left and never came back.
Now I understand
why she left me.
And why she wanted me
to give up the rodeo.
She didn't wanna be left
at home alone with a child.
And if I knew back then, I
would've gave it up for sure.
Looks like the
horses are hungry.
You better get to your chores.
Time for some cowboy coffee.
- Jack's sick.
He's sick and I know it.
He's barely moving,
he's not eating.
His eyes are all sad and watery.
Can horses cry? 'Cause
if they can, he's crying.
- He's probably half asleep
like me. It's too early to eat.
- He looks like he's in pain,
and I don't know what to do.
- Look, I gotta get
on the tractor today.
I'm gonna send Fern
over to check him out.
(cup thuds)
(gentle guitar music)
(gentle guitar music)
(gentle guitar music)
(gentle guitar music)
- You did great by calling
someone immediately.
Once he starts eating,
everything will be fine.
Could just be something he ate.
I'll let Daniel know when he
gets back off the tractor.
(gentle guitar music)
Just keep him cool
and in the shade.
Give me a call if he
looks worse. Okay?
- Yeah.
(gentle guitar music)
(gentle guitar music)
- There's a good chance
it could be colic.
- Colic?
- He was pretty malnourished
when he came to us.
Doesn't have the
strongest immune system.
- I don't understand.
I have fresh hay.
We check the hay.
- It's gonna take a miracle,
but if anybody can pull
through, it's Jack.
Let me know if you need me.
- Thanks for coming.
(haunting choral music)
(haunting choral music)
Fern thinks it might be a colic.
- What's colic?
- It's something
that can kill horses.
(haunting choral music)
- What can we do?
- Make sure he gets
the rest that he needs.
Fresh food, clean water.
And pray. Lots of prayers.
(haunting choral music)
(haunting choral music)
(haunting choral music)
Good news is, we
caught it early,
so he still has a
fighting chance.
I'm gonna leave you two alone.
- Hear that, boy? You're
gonna be just fine.
(haunting choral music)
(haunting choral music)
(haunting choral music)
I already lost my mother,
Jack. You can't go.
I love you so much.
(Danny crying)
(haunting choral music)
(Danny crying)
(haunting choral music)
You have to stay here with me.
(gentle sorrowful music)
(Danny crying)
(haunting choral music)
(haunting choral music)
God please, please
don't take Jack from me.
I couldn't bear it.
Please let him get better.
Please take his sickness away.
(haunting choral music)
- I have some supper on
the table if you're hungry.
I'll take care of him.
Go get some rest.
It'll be okay.
(gentle somber music)
(gentle somber music)
You're a good boy, and
you're a strong boy.
(Jack stomps)
You don't go leaving
me now, Jack.
(Daniel sniffles)
You don't go leaving me now.
You hang in there.
(Jack stomping)
I'm sorry.
(Daniel crying)
I'm sorry I couldn't take
care of you better, boy.
(lighthearted music)
Praise the Lord, he's eating.
Good boy. Eat up, Jack.
Eat up. Let me go tell
her the good news.
(gentle inspired music)
(gentle inspired music)
Jack's eating.
(lighthearted music)
(lighthearted music)
(lighthearted music)
(lighthearted music)
(lighthearted music)
- All right, we're all
set. The girls are hiding.
We just need to get
you in your costume.
(gentle guitar music)
- Surprise. (chuckles)
I have 16 presents for you,
for every year I missed.
Happy Sweet 16.
(Danny gasps)
First thing I'm gonna do
is give you this jacket,
'cause I'm gonna go
change. (chuckles)
(county rock music)
Let me tell you about
the place I lived
It had four walls,
and evil in the halls
Let me tell you about
the friends I had
They had only in mind
to try to find that kind
And I lived there so long
I thought there
was no way out
And now you came along
And you took away the
hurt of my memories
You took away the
hurt of my memories
Let me tell you
'bout the fun I had
It was a long fears,
and took away my years
Let me tell you 'bout
the life I lived
I thought so many times,
I was better off dead
And I lived there so long
I thought there
was no way out
Until you came
along and took away
- I might not have been
there the first 16 years,
but I'm here now.
And I wanna tell you that you
are the most important thing
in my life now, and you
mean the world to me,
and that I love you.
And if you want a
father, I'm here.
(gentle music)
(lighthearted music)
(lighthearted music)
You look different.
I can't put my finger on it.
- Probably 'cause I actually
brushed my hair for once.
- Thanks for everything.
It was awesome.
- You're welcome.
- I'll call you.
- I think things went
very well for you.
(chair scrapes)
- You really like
her, don't you?
- I do.
- I kind of hate her, but
she plans good parties.
- She does. It turned out great.
- Well, you can say
whatever you wanna say,
but it's clear that she's
got the hots for you.
- What?
How do you know?
- Isn't it obvious?
Do you notice the way she's
always fixing her hair
when she's around you?
The way she smiles
and looks away.
She's always batting
her eyelashes.
- Hmm.
That means she likes me?
- Most of the time,
that's what it means.
But, you don't have to
like her back though.
(Daniel scoffs lightly)
(random guitar chords)
- Like your new guitar?
- Yeah. I can't play it though.
(random guitar strumming)
- You'll learn in due time.
- Yeah.
- I've got a surprise for you.
Fern rescued a litter of
bunnies and she thought your dad
would want you to have one.
- Oh my gosh, a bunny?
A bunny's in that box?
- Yeah, come on, let
me get her out for you.
(lighthearted music)
- Oh! My gosh.
(lighthearted music)
Hi there.
- How's the farm life
been treating you?
- It's hard. Sometimes
I miss the city.
But, I do really
like the animals.
Taking care of them has been
a fun kind of challenge.
- Fern will be finding a home
for the horses any day now.
Then you won't have as much
animals to take care of.
- No, I hope she doesn't
find a home for the horses.
I've grown rather
attached to them.
I think we have some sort of
bond, especially Jack and me.
I kinda want them to
stay here, you know?
Or never find a home
with anyone else.
I know it sounds selfish,
but they are safe here and
we take great care of them.
- That makes sense.
I didn't wanna give
this bunny up either.
I'll leave you with
your new friend.
I'm going to the
auction with Fern,
and we're gonna see what
new animal we can rescue.
- Yeah. You gonna be happy here?
- Hi, Danny. How have you been?
- I've been fine.
- Good, good.
I, I meant to call you
yesterday on your birthday.
- Yeah.
- I'm sorry I
couldn't get to it,
but I'll wish you happy
birthday today, late.
- Yeah. Okay, that's cool.
- How are things going?
- Everything's fine. The farm
is better than I expected.
It's not as lame.
- So, how are you
and your dad doing?
- It's good. He's great.
You know, he threw
an awesome party.
He's cooler than I
expected as well.
- Okay, I just wanted to
call and check on you,
make sure things
are going all right.
You seem pretty happy.
- Definitely.
- Well, great.
I'm so glad to hear that.
But I've gotta run, and it's
nice to talk to you again.
- It was nice
talking to you too.
- Bye.
(phone clicks)
Oh, oh hallelujah.
- Are you ready, Jack?
Are you gonna be
a good boy today?
Are you gonna listen to me?
(lighthearted music)
I made it all the way
down to the bottom
Before I decided to pray
It's not a beautiful
thing to remember
I finally got outta the way
You know there's something
to be said about a heartache
It can take someone
outta the grave
I got a lot of my
friends in the middle
Who say they could
go either way
- Are you ready?
- Are you sure it's safe?
- It's safe.
- You can trust old Jack.
Heaven sent an angel
- All right, here we go.
I'm gonna circle around, and
we're gonna come back to you.
Come on, boy.
Come on.
- Jack.
Heaven sent an angel
- Good boy.
- Good boy.
- Good boy.
- Good boy.
Have you ever
walked into a forest
With trees that are
down and decayed
I think it's something that's
there that to remind me
Of the piece of me
still in the way
I'm in it all the
way up to my eyeballs
Games that I
still like to play
I'm learning all the right
moves, the don'ts and the dos
But I gotta be
willing to pray
I'm waiting on
angels, hallelujah
Heaven sent angels to
help me get through
Waitin' on
angels, hallelujah
Heaven sent angels
(upbeat country rock music)
(upbeat country rock music)
(upbeat country rock music)
(upbeat country rock music)
(gentle music)
- Did you hear the good news?
- What news?
- Fern found a home for Jack.
(gentle music)
(bike whirring)
(gentle music)
- Daniel.
Danny ran off.
- What do you mean she ran off?
- Judy came by to tell her
that Jack found a home.
- I should've told her.
- I should have come myself.
- I think I know where she's at.
- I'll help you look for her.
(gentle melancholic music)
(gentle melancholic music)
- You here to give me away too?
- I'm not giving Jack away.
- Really?
- The home Jack
found is our home.
- You mean he gets
to stay with us?
- Yes, silly.
You ran off before
Judy could tell you.
I was keeping it a surprise.
But I guess I
should've told you.
Good thing you stayed
on the property.
- He's ours?
- He's ours. (chuckles)
(gentle music)
- What about Silver?
She needs a home too.
- She's a little wild. You
might never be able to ride her.
- That doesn't matter.
She needs a good place to heal.
And from what I've learned,
this is the place to do that.
(gentle uplifting music)
Silver won't be any trouble.
- You think so?
- Yeah.
(lighthearted music)
- "Get a horse," she said.
"Horses don't cause
any trouble," she said.
Really now?
(funky synth music)
(Daniel groans)
(funky synth music)
(funky synth music)
(gentle guitar music)
(gentle guitar music)
Here you go, cowgirl.
Time to go get Fern's
big surprise ready.
(Daniel chuckles)
(lighthearted music)
(lighthearted music)
(lighthearted music)
(drill whirring)
- She's gonna love it,
Dad. It looks great.
(blues guitar music)
(blues guitar music)
- Please, Lord,
give me the patience
to deal with my
wife's good heart.
(Fern gasps)
- Who is this?
(blues guitar music)
- She did it to me again.
(blues guitar music)
(blues guitar music)
You know, sometimes I think
you married me for my barn.
- Would it be so bad if I did?
(blues guitar music)
Oh, oh hallelujah
(relaxed country music)
I made it all the way
down to the bottom
Before I decided to pray
It's not a beautiful
thing to remember
Till I finally
got outta the way
You know there's something
to be said about a heartache
It can take someone
outta the grave
I got a lotta my
friends in the middle
Who say they could
go either way
And I'm waiting on
angels, hallelujah
Heaven sent angels
(funky synth music)
(funky synth music)
(upbeat country music)
My mama told me
Don't run from who you are
Don't sell yourself,
don't sell your soul
Well, you'll go far
When I think it over, and
what it cost me to play
I didn't sell myself,
I didn't sell my soul
I gave myself away
But I've been
a-rescued, rescued
Indeed, I've been rescued
From the enemy
I've been a-rescued, rescued
But I'm paying what
it costs to walk away
My daddy told me
It's a hornet's
nest out there
When you get stung,
don't hide your pain
It'll show up in
the face you wear
Well this store's not open
There ain't
nothin' on display
'Cause I didn't sell myself,
I didn't sell my soul
I gave myself away
But I've been
a-rescued, rescued
I have been rescued
From the enemy
I've been a-rescued, rescued
But I'm paying what it costs
to walk away, walk away
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
I can see a part
of me is gone
But you've given me
words to a different song
And I need to be strong,
'cause it won't be wrong
For me to say to
yesterday, so long
(upbeat country rock music)
(upbeat country rock music)
Mama told me, don't
run from who you are
Don't sell yourself,
don't sell your soul
So I gave myself away
But I've been
a-rescued, rescued
I've been rescued, oh yeah
I've been a-rescued, rescued
(horse shudders and whinnies)
- [Daniel] All right,
so I need Scout out.
Scout, go to the porch.
- Thunder.
Give him a hug.
- [Daniel] Jack.
Come on, boy.
Come on, boy.
(food clatters)
Stop. Back.
Back, back, back.
Get 'em, get 'em, get 'em.
Gettin' 'em?
- [Fern] Yeah.
- Run behind a tree,
if he comes, okay?
All right, set up.
(horse hooves clomping)
Come on. Lay down.
Why does he go to the camera?
Come on.
Mommy, run to that gate and
close it if he comes this way.
Come on, boy.
(cymbal reverberating)