Hearts of Winter (2020) Movie Script

You've done a fantastic job
on the house, Bethany.
Thank you.
The Wilsons think
it's just beautiful.
And meaningful.
Beautiful and meaningful.
And now that we've appreciated
the house we should go.
You know, I just want
to take another look
at these throw pillows.
Wait, why? They're perfect.
Well, don't you think your
eye would be more drawn
around the room if the striped
pillow was placed to the left?
No, I think it's perfect
and that we should go.
Hmm. I don't know.
No, no. Stop. Stop.
Stop. Stop.
If we don't leave for Denver
right now
we're gonna hit some
serious traffic.
Can you believe that
I'm gonna be on Hello Today
to talk about my book
on interior design?
Well, we gotta get
there first though,
let's go, let's go.
Alright, alright,
alright, alright.
Let's go!
I'm Sullivan Davenport
and this is Hello Today.
I am so excited to welcome
today's guest,
local interior designer,
Bethany Cain.
Welcome, Bethany.
Thank you so much
for having me.
Hi, everybody.
Bethany has developed
a system
for home design and organization
called M.A.P.
The MAP System.
Can you tell us a little more
about it?
The MAP System uses creative visualization
to help people bring meaning,
abundance and peace
into their homes.
It's pretty simple.
Just put the name of your kid
on the outside of the jar
and you would be surprised.
It's like magic.
All of a sudden...
Dad, this is a good idea.
What's a good idea?
This candy thing
with the cute jars.
You know, your grandma used to
try and hide the candy from me
by putting it in a cracker box
in the pantry?
She thought
she was so sneaky.
You've been promising we can
finally get some stuff
to decorate the kitchen.
What're you talking about?
What's wrong with the kitchen?
It's functional.
Don't forget I have skating
practice after school today.
How could I forget?
I washed your skating dress
last... night.
Hey, Zoe?
How would you feel about being
a flamingo instead of a swan
for your exhibition?
Dad, not again.
A-ha. There is the culprit.
Can you flip your pancake?
Yeah, yeah.
Hold on a sec.
All right.
Hey, Dad?
Can you tell me the bowl
story again?
Oh, the bowl story?
Well, your mom used
to make pancakes
in this bowl every Sunday.
With chocolate chips.
So many chocolate chips.
One day I was washing the bowl
and it slipped out of my hands,
of course,
'cause I'm a klutz,
and it hit the edge of the sink
and it chipped.
I was gonna throw the bowl away
and your mom said
"what're you doing?
It's just a chip."
But now the bowl
has a story
and it makes the pancakes
taste even better.
They do taste pretty awesome.
Good, 'cause I'm hungry.
This is the book.
And I believe you had
one more announcement?
Yes, I do.
In conjunction with my book
I am very happy to announce
my New Year,
New Home makeover contest.
So I am offering a local Denver
family a complete home makeover
using my MAP System.
And we'll be posting regular
video updates
so all you guys
can follow along too.
Okay, so how do we enter
this fabulous contest?
Just go to my website,
BethanyontheMAP dot com.
There's a little icon
that says
"New Year, New Home makeover",
click on that,
it has all the information.
Oh, man, we gotta go.
Wait, I wanna see
the rest of this.
I can't, sweetie.
I've got a full day of tours
at the lodge, okay?
You got all your school stuff
packed up?
Okay, I'm gonna warm up
the car.
Meet me outside.
Okay, you heard it here, folks.
Go to BethanyontheMAP dot com,
enter the contest.
Thank you so much, Bethany,
for coming on the show and
for all of your great ideas.
I'm Sullivan Davenport,
this is Hello Today.
We will be right back
after this break.
Bethany, this is big.
I know, she shook my hand.
No, no, this is bigger than
being on Hello Today again.
What're you talking about?
I just got a call from
Beautiful Homes magazine
and they wanna feature your book
in their next issue.
Tell me you're not kidding.
I'm so not kidding.
And... and they're gonna
tie in the contest, too.
They say it's perfect
for their "getting a fresh start
"in the New Year issue".
They're gonna do a spread
on the whole transformation.
This is a national magazine.
I know.
This could be a game changer!
There's just... there's just
one little hitch.
Oh no, what?
In order to get
into the issue
we have to get it done
in three weeks.
Three weeks?
Mmmhmm, yeah.
Wait a minute.
That would mean we'd have
to pick the winner
in like two days.
And then we've got prep,
we've got demo.
I mean, that leaves absolutely
no time for tweaking.
Or eating or breathing
or sleeping,
but we can get it done.
Okay, okay, we can get
this done.
Okay. We can do this.
- Can we do this?
- Yeah.
We can do this.
- We're gonna get it done.
- We're gonna get it done.
We're gonna get it done.
- We're going to get this done.
- We're gonna get this done.
All the snow cabins are booked
to capacity
for the next three months
so let's add more shuttles
to the ski runs,
a few more snowshoeing excursions,
some winter hikes, and
let's open the fire pits
for marshmallow roasting.
I'll order some more
roasting sticks.
Good call.
Also, have you had a chance
to inventory
the snow sleds and tubes?
That'll be on the schedule
for today.
It's my first year as activities
director, you know?
I just... I just wanna make sure
everything runs like clockwork.
I noticed we've got 35 guests
reserved for the Snowflake but we only have seating
for 30.
All right.
Can we squeeze an extra
five in?
Not unless you wanna
open up a window
and attach an igloo to the side
of the restaurant.
Could be cute.
Okay, um... let's do
a second seating.
That way we can accommodate
more guests.
I forgot to tell you, we have
to cut the sleigh rides.
The sleigh lost a runner
and it's gonna take a month
to get a replacement.
Okay, I just need the final
headcount for my staff.
Yes, um... can't we get
another sleigh?
Everything's booked.
Let's brainstorm about it later,
all right? Thank you.
You doing okay?
Yeah, yeah. Great.
You seem pretty stressed.
Yeah just...
you know just busy.
I got everything going
on here
and then I'm playing
both parents to Zoe.
I just feel like there needs
to be two of me.
Hey, Grant, I've been your
best friend since high school.
You know I'm here
if you need any help.
Yeah, I appreciate that.
Thank you.
I'm trying out some new stuff
for the winter tasting menu.
Will you and Zoe be
my guinea pigs tonight?
Uh, a hundred percent.
That way I don't have to make
mac and cheese again.
I told Zoe I'd give her
a cooking lesson, anyway.
Speaking of.
Hey Zoe, everything okay?
Did you get the book?
Uh, what book?
For my book report.
If I don't show the teacher
tomorrow I'll get points off.
Okay sweetie, I'm sorry,
but you gotta give me a little
bit more warning.
I told you about it yesterday.
Don't worry, I'm sure we'll
figure everything out.
So don't be fooled into thinking
you have to pick
between practicality and style,
because you don't.
Your home can and should be
a beautiful reflection of you
and your family.
Thank you.
Unfortunately, Bethany
will be leaving us soon
but there's still time to get
signed copies of
"To the Neat of Your Own Drum"
on sale here this evening.
Why can't we go to the library?
Because the library
is closed.
Besides, I'm sure we can find
something here.
Oh, oh!
Look at that.
"Fairy Tale University".
Dad, that's a princess book.
I thought you liked princesses.
When I was eight.
I want this one.
That story sounds like it ends
in nightmares for a week.
No thanks.
I'm sorry.
Excuse me.
I hate to eavesdrop but I
couldn't help but overhear
you're looking for a book.
I need something
for my book report.
Dad is picking
a bedtime story.
Apparently, I have no idea
what a 13-year-old reads.
Well, do you mind if
I make a suggestion?
Please do.
Okay, well when I was
your age,
which was a very, very long time
ago, I used to love this series-
I don't know if they have now...
oh, they do.
Yeah, here it is.
So it's called Zelda Zanders.
Now, by day she's this
13-year-old straight A student.
Ooh, I like that.
By night she's
this international spy.
Oh yeah.
So this is the first book
in the series,
"Drama Club Double Agent".
It is so good.
I promise you you're gonna
love it.
You were on TV this morning.
Yeah, you saw that?
With the contest.
That was me.
What contest?
Thanks so much
for the book.
I'm gonna start reading this
right away.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Uh, thank you.
You're so welcome.
Happy reading.
Hopefully that book works out
for you.
It probably will.
She has good taste.
The woman in the book store.
Is it always this cold
in January?
I got a surprise for ya.
Joel is coming over
to cook dinner tonight.
Oh, that's great.
I want to talk to him
about something.
Oh yeah? What's that?
It's for a paper
about restaurants.
Oh, speaking of.
Oh, thank you.
Oh, okay.
What've you got in here?
I got a lot of good stuff
going on.
A little something for-
Can you hold this?
That's not a fair trade.
Hey, Zoe.
Is it time for
my cooking lesson?
Tonight we cook turmeric chicken
and farro.
Good, 'cause we need to talk.
You can start by chopping
the onions.
Okay, but I need goggles.
They always make me cry.
Yeah, they make me cry, too.
Do you know who
Bethany Cain is?
What, is she like a singer
or something?
She's this really cool designer
and I want her to come
makeover our house.
I'll talk to your dad, but you
know how he is about this place.
You can't tell my dad anything.
What're you up to, Zoe?
You guys need any help?
Uh, no.
We uh, we got it covered.
You guys are cooking soon
though, right?
We're gonna cook.
Did I mention I was starving?
Yeah, we know.
We got it.
Just, you know,
a little hint.
It's a contest.
I'll be at the lodge tomorrow
before my skating practice.
You can go over it
when Dad's not around.
All right.
Hey, Joel. I'm starving.
Just saying.
Let's cook.
He's hungry.
- Hey.
- Hey.
How's my baby sister?
Oh, just freaking
out a little bit.
I thought you wanted to be rich
and famous.
and universally admired
is what I was going for.
Where are the kids?
Oh, I left them at home
with Charlotte.
Oh, okay.
I'm assuming you want cocoa?
You got any whipped cream?
Uh, no.
But I can make you
some fresh.
I just spray the canned stuff
right in my mouth.
How are we related?
What can I say?
You got all the designer genes
and I got all the awesome.
Okay, so what do you want
to talk to me about?
Just wanted to check in
on you,
with the whole book
release thing.
Oh, yeah.
I didn't want you obsessing over
sales stats or order clicks
or what colour napkins
you're gonna use at your
next dinner party.
Uh, mulberry.
With an antique brass
napkin ring.
And then there's
this makeover.
I just feel like it's so rushed,
you know?
And if it doesn't turn out well
then the magazine doesn't have
to use it.
There's that.
You know it'll
turn out perfectly.
It always does.
But I just don't do my best work
under this kind of pressure.
And when I'm under this kind
of pressure
I miss final touches and final
touches are very important-
You got this.
And even if there are hiccups
along the way
you'll just turn them
into designer wall sconces
or something.
I prefer table lamps
to sconces, but...
You're hopeless.
I love you, but
you're hopeless.
Excuse me, mademoiselle,
do you have a reservation?
I'm just waiting for dad to take
me to skating practice.
Zoe was wondering
if she could just hang out
with you for a bit?
Yeah, pull up a seat.
Thanks, Lisa.
So did she catch on?
No way.
I'm super sneaky.
What about your dad?
He doesn't have a clue.
Okay, well we got about
10 minutes if we're lucky.
I made a rough draft.
This is pretty good.
You read, I'll type.
My dad, Grant could
really use some help.
My mom passed away
a few years ago.
We had just moved
into our new house,
so we never got to
decorate anything.
Now my dad's kinda stuck.
I think you're right that
when your house looks pretty
it makes you feel good.
My dad deserves
to feel good.
He just got a promotion
and he's so busy now that he
never gets to have any fun.
Sometimes he messes things up
because he has to be my dad
and my mom,
but I think he's doing
a pretty good job.
Anyways, please pick my dad
to win the contest.
Thanks, Zoe.
Hey, Emerson?
Come here for a second.
What's up?
Read this.
It's from a girl about her dad,
and I guess what really
struck me about it is that she
didn't write in for herself,
she wrote in
for somebody else.
This is beautiful.
Yeah. It really is.
I mean, look at what she says
about him.
I don't know, I just-
I feel like I could really do
something great for that family.
Look at the house.
It's got great bones.
Yeah, it does.
It does.
You can do a lot with this.
This is it.
It's perfect.
All right, well then uh, just
call him tomorrow, let him know,
and I think we can get
started by Tuesday.
Will do.
Thank you.
We got it.
That's all for today, Zoe.
But I didn't get it.
We have more time
before the exhibition.
Can I try one more time?
Ah, I'm sorry, Zoe.
My next student's here.
It's already 5:00?
Come on. We have to go.
Clock's ticking, Dad.
What's the hurry?
Hi guys.
Oh yeah.
- This is gonna be perfect.
- Yeah.
A home makeover contest?
I can't believe you did this
without telling me.
That's what made it a surprise.
I don't need a surprise and
I don't need a home makeover.
Don't act mad, okay?
Be nice.
The house is fine
just the way it is.
Is it?
You are about to meet
our winners.
Very exciting.
Uh, bookstore, right?
You guys know each other?
Well, we haven't been
formally introduced.
My name's Bethany.
Nice to meet you.
And this is Emerson.
Grant, and this little bookworm
here is Zoe, my daughter.
I totally love Zelda Zanders.
Does she ever end up defeating
Cormac Thunderson?
Wait, don't tell me.
You couldn't drag it out of me.
This is amazing.
Well, I guess we were just
destined to be friends, huh?
Uh, yeah.
I guess you guys need to see
the inside of the house.
Yeah, that would be helpful.
Come on in.
Okay, come on, guys.
Watch your step,
watch your step.
Excuse the mess.
I wasn't expecting company.
At all.
Come with me, Bethany,
I'll show you my room.
Just so you know, I normally
would have hidden all my stuff
under the bed first,
but I figured you wanna see how
it really looks.
Well, you are correct.
See you soon.
Okay, uh, who exactly is that
and why are they taking so many
pictures of my house?
It's for the spread in
Beautiful Homes magazine.
Zoe didn't say anything
about a magazine.
She didn't?
Oh, well, don't worry.
They won't be here
the whole time.
Oh, this is going to look
great on the website.
All right, well I have got some
really big ideas already,
starting with this entryway.
I want to get a hall tree for
her skates and school supplies,
keep it real organized
over here.
Um, and then a piece of artwork
over the mantle.
Oh yeah, and what
do you think about
putting some wallpaper
on that wall?
Something patterned, bright.
Warm it up in here.
Okay, a little artwork
over the mantle is fine
but we don't need
any wallpaper.
Ooh, look at this patio.
This is nice.
This is beautiful.
I love this patio.
I can do so much with this.
Yeah, we don't use
that very much.
Well, we're gonna
change that.
This is all part of
the transformation.
What if I don't want
a transformation?
Uh... well, uh... why did
you enter the contest?
I didn't enter the contest.
Come on, Dad.
Bethany said I can get a new
bedspread, vanity, and curtains.
What're you talking about?
I thought you loved
that purple comforter.
Okay, well if it's meaningful
to you, that's great.
It's the "M" part
of my MAP system.
We can just repurpose it, maybe
some throw pillows for your bed?
How about that?
Yeah. Okay.
Wait, you just wanna
cut it up?
And I think that we're
definitely gonna have
to get rid of this furniture.
Yeah, most definitely.
And is this what you're
using as an office?
Yeah, it works great.
Okay, well I'm gonna make it
work even better for you, okay?
I'm gonna give you
your own dedicated space
in the front room,
I'm thinking?
It's gonna be nice and quiet
and peaceful.
Okay, this- honestly,
this is... this is a lot.
Look, simple little things
like lighting
can just warm up a room.
You would be surprised.
This? It's just a lamp.
There's not much difference
that's gonna make.
It makes a lot of difference.
Listen, Grant.
I know that this can be
really overwhelming,
I get it, okay?
But I promise you it's all gonna
be worth it in the end.
You just have to be open
to some possibilities,
that's all.
Oh, um, except for an extra
set of keys.
We're gonna be in and out,
I don't wanna bother you, so-
I don't have an extra
set of keys.
Okay, well, we'll just have
some made tomorrow.
You know what, I think I have
enough to get started for today.
So I'll just leave you guys
to your family time.
Oh, wait. We should um...
we should get a picture of
the three of you together.
Oh, okay.
Oh, here. You get
in the middle.
All right.
Actually, Bethany, can you go
in the middle?
Are you sure?
All right. Let's see...
a little closer.
A little closer to Grant
this way.
Closer still.
Ah, okay. Ready?
One, two, three.
Say "cheese".
- Cheese.
- Cheese.
I like Bethany.
I'm happy she's helping us.
You don't care that she's going
through all your stuff?
What if she wants to give
some of it away?
Joel says we have to let
things go to grow.
Oh, really.
Joel's been reading too many
self-help books.
Don't you think she's pretty?
Who, Joel?
No, Dad. Bethany.
Yeah, I know.
Look, it's a little late
for 20 questions.
You need to go to bed.
We have to say mom's prayer.
Yes, we do.
Okay, ready?
God bless this home,
god bless this girl,
god bless the people
of this world.
Teach us to love
the way you do
and trust your love
will see us through.
Okay, now you go to sleep.
Sleep well, okay?
See you tomorrow.
There is so much that
you can do with that house.
It's really beautiful, Bethany.
You see it, don't you?
Can't we just get somebody else?
Why would we get
someone else?
Because this guy doesn't
even want a makeover.
Yeah, but the Olivers are
kind of a perfect family.
But it's such a big job.
Yeah, but it'll be a very
dramatic transformation.
How am I gonna do this
in two weeks?
With a lot of overnight deliveries
and a copious amount
of caffeine.
And some wine.
I'm just used to people being
excited to get my help,
you know?
I mean, people pay me
to decorate their house.
I can't even give this guy
free furniture.
Grant just can't picture it.
What'd you say?
Grant can't picture it yet?
He can't picture it.
That's it.
What's it?
I have not even been following
my own MAP system
this whole time.
When you get off track you need
to get back on your map.
Cheers to that.
After you.
Watch your step.
I'm gonna take you
off to the left here,
Lisa's gonna be handling
all your paperwork.
Hold on one sec.
This is Grant.
Hey, Grant.
Uh, it's Bethany Cain.
Oh, hi.
Uh... listen.
I know that we got off to a bit
of a rough start last night.
Did we?
So I was just wondering
if maybe you would want
to come shopping with me
this afternoon to buy a sofa?
Okay, great.
Make sure they get out
with Alan.
He's our best guy.
Look, Zoe's got ice skating
practice at 3:00
at the ice rink so why don't
you meet me there?
It's Arbour Ice Rink.
Meaning, abundance
and peace.
Hello? Hello?
Meaning, abundance
and peace.
Full extension.
Make sure you've got
some tension here.
And through the back.
Chin up.
Off you go.
Well, this is a unique
meeting spot.
If I'm not at the office
then I'm with Zoe,
and if Zoe's not at school then
she's usually here at practice.
Look, I... I know that you're
not exactly over the moon
about all the changes that
we're gonna be making, but...
you know, think of it
this way.
You're not doing this
just for you,
you're doing it for Zoe.
I would do anything
for Zoe,
but this all just feels
like a giant commercial.
I know that that can seem
a little odd, but listen.
All I want you to know from me
is that I'm just trying
to make your house a special
place for you and Zoe.
That's it.
But I need you to be
on board
if I'm gonna be able
to make that happen.
Okay, well Zoe's got
a double practice today
and I told her we were
going shopping
so we've got about
two hours.
- Let's go.
- Okay.
Let's get this thing done.
So what do you think
about this?
It's... beige.
Well it's actually more greige,
or ash but...
Okay, so would you prefer it
maybe if it were
in a darker shade?
I just don't understand what's
wrong with the one that I have.
Well, there's nothing wrong with
the couch that you have now,
per se, it's just...
hey, how about this?
Why don't you, uh, try it?
Go ahead.
What do you think?
Yeah, it's pretty comfy.
It's comfy!
Okay, so in my MAP system I like
to do something called
"visualizing your environment", okay?
So close your eyes.
Come on, please?
Okay. Visualize yourself
on this sofa in your house.
Okay. Why are you laughing?
It's just goofy.
Can you please try it?
Okay. You're on this sofa
in your house.
You're sitting with Zoe
and she's all curled up.
You are excited because
you're telling her
you went snowboarding-
Um, I don't snowboard.
It's just an exercise.
I'm a skier,
not a snowboarder.
Well, it's just an exercise.
That's all we're doing
right now,
visualizing your environment.
Do you see yourself?
Zoe? Sofa?
Any of it?
Yeah. I can see the inside
of my eyelids.
Maybe we should just uh...
you can open your eyes.
I think that we should just
move on from the furniture
and we'll try something else.
Do you have a preference here?
I don't know.
They're all the same to me.
They're just pillows.
Well, they are pillows but
they're not the same, okay?
They're different.
You have army, moss, fern,
forest, lime...
It's just all green.
Let me try something.
Okay, like for instance
this pillow right here.
This reminds me of the time
that my grandparents
took me to the park and we had
this all day picnic.
It was amazing.
And this shade of green is
the exact same shade of green
as the grass.
Okay, and oh- oh, here.
This pillow has got a very
luxurious fabric on it
so this would maybe make someone
feel abundant
if they had this
in their house.
That's the "A" part
of my MAP system.
Yeah, I don't get
the whole MAP system.
When Rebecca and I moved
into the house
we just wanted it
to be comfortable.
Well, being beautiful doesn't
have to mean uncomfortable.
Yeah, but being comfortable
doesn't need to mean
not good enough.
I don't know, I just like
the pillows that we have.
That's all.
Okay, well we can keep
some of those
and we'll just add some
new ones in.
Why don't we move on
to lamps?
Lamps are fun.
You know, this could add
just a little...
By the way, you're not gonna get
anything from this.
Don't worry, I can edit
something together.
Come on. Get back out there.
You got this.
Come on.
Well, I was just thinking
that this lamp right here,
I mean, this could add
the perfect pop of colour
that we need.
Do you always talk like that?
Talk- talk like what?
You mean like a designer?
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, I do.
Because I am a designer.
That's how we all talk, yeah.
Got it.
Yeah, it's great.
What're you doing?
You don't have to take the lamp
just because I said...
Here you go.
We'll take this one.
Oh, um... by the way,
I made these for you.
What are these?
Spare keys to the house.
Thank you.
I love that lamp!
It's great!
- It's a nice lamp.
- Love it.
The whole thing is just
goofy to me.
She asked me to imagine sitting
in the sofa,
but I'm actually sitting
in the sofa,
so how am I supposed
to imagine it?
Would you ask DaVinci why he
held his brush a certain way?
Let the genius do her work, Grant.
Joel, you just don't get it.
She's turning my house
upside down.
Well, you haven't really
given her a chance.
Why don't you invite her
to dinner at the restaurant?
If you sit down and talk
to Bethany about her plans
you might feel a little better
about the changes.
Well, maybe you're right.
So that's what I was planning.
What do you think?
That's a great idea.
Yeah? Okay, well...
Go ask her.
No, Dad. You have
to ask her.
That's how she'll know
you're not mad anymore.
I was never mad-
Just, just go.
It's no big deal.
Go. Go.
Um, actually, could you put that
one back, please?
Oh, yeah.
We're gonna put everything back,
I was just clearing out
the cabinets,
making room for the organizers.
But then I saw that this one has
a chip so maybe we toss it?
Yeah, no.
That one is my wife Rebecca's
bowl, so...
Oh, yeah.
Of course.
We'll keep this.
Thank you.
Seems we just keep getting off
on the wrong foot here.
I'm sorry.
Yeah, I know.
Um, I know how much you've been
doing for Zoe and me
and I just wanna ask you
if you wanna maybe
come to dinner with us
tomorrow night at the lodge.
Start over, say thank you.
Uh... yeah.
Yeah, I would like that a lot.
Um, let's say 7:00.
Um, okay. I'll see you tomorrow.
Okay. Yeah. Tomorrow.
Yeah, 7:00. I'll be there. Okay.
Grant and Zoe are waiting
for you.
May I?
Oh, yeah. Thank you.
This way.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Hi, Zoe.
Thanks for coming.
I'll take that for you.
Thank you.
Thank you for having me.
This place is beautiful.
I... I can't believe I've never
been here to have dinner.
Joel even made us
a special menu.
So fancy.
Voila, here he is.
Thank you.
We'll be starting off tonight
with an amuse bouche.
This is an apricot canap
with goat cheese,
almonds and rosemary.
Oh, it almost looks too pretty
to eat.
But I will.
Zoe, we're making Bananas Foster tonight,
you wanna watch the pastry chef
set something on fire?
Is that okay, Dad?
As long as it's not you.
You be careful.
Listen to Joel, all right?
Okay, Dad, I'll be careful. Bye.
So um, you look really nice.
Oh, uh, thank you.
You do, too.
Thank you.
Some wine?
Yes. I would love some.
Thank you.
So, I just have to tell you,
Zoe is so excited
and she can't stop talking
about how much she loves
what you're planning
for her room.
Mmm, yeah I know, she's being
very cute about it.
And I hate to admit I actually
think the kitchen
is gonna turn out well.
You do?
Oh, I'm so glad you think so.
You know, I was thinking
about something today.
I wanna honour Rebecca's bowl
in some way so how do you feel
about maybe putting it
in a shadow box
over the stove up against
the wall?
How about this?
How about a compromise?
In order to honour the bowl
maybe we build a special shelf?
That way it can still be used.
That's not a bad idea.
Maybe I should be a designer.
No, you leave that up to me.
That's a good idea.
And I've also decided
that um,
I'm gonna get more on board
with things.
Well, I have decided that
I need to be a little bit
more sensitive to all the
changes that are happening,
because I know
that there's a lot.
And I feel like if we could just
communicate like this
then that would be great and
that way there'd be more of you
in the house, and that's
what I want, you know?
That's the way it should be.
To making a house a home.
Thanks for coming over, Ryder.
I just can't figure this
guy out.
Well, it sounds like you two
are finding some common ground.
I don't know.
We haven't actually done
anything yet.
Sometimes adversity
breeds genius.
I just prefer everyone
gets along
and does what I say every once
in a while.
I'm a dad.
Nobody does what I say.
Somehow I'm surviving.
Here you go.
I've just got a lot riding
on these next few weeks.
I need everything to move
smoothly, you know?
What if they don't?
They have to.
But they probably won't.
And then you know
what'll happen?
You'll still finish and
the house won't burn down
and somehow it'll still be
better than it was before.
Everyone wins.
I don't like it when you're
all calm and logical
when I'm trying a worst-case
scenario situation.
You know that?
That's just what
big brothers do.
Well, it's annoying.
Then my work here is done.
Seriously, Bethany.
You're gonna have to learn to be
okay with just mostly perfect.
Or you'll go nuts.
What do you think this is
supposed to be?
I like what the artist
has done here.
There's a... a real sense
of movement.
A bit like an octopus crawling
through a Windsor knot.
I was gonna say octopus.
Maybe a squid?
Oh, any of the cephalopods, really.
Nice word.
I'm impressed.
How much do you think
this masterpiece is?
You sure it doesn't do
anything else?
That is one expensive calamari.
Oh, you know, well, it's like
my grandma always said.
There's a hat
for every head.
What's that mean?
Well, it means there's someone
to love everything.
And I do mean everything.
Excuse me.
Looks like somebody
found their hat.
Okay, so there's a table
right up here
that I believe actually would be
perfect in the...
You like this?
I do.
What do you like about it?
Uh, well before I lived here
in Windermere
my parents had a cabin
up here.
Some of my favourite memories
are up there.
That cabin reminds you of it?
Yeah, it's pretty close.
My sister and I, we'd go out
in the snow and we would make
snowballs and snowmen
and our hands would freeze.
We'd be out there for hours.
And that light
in the window...
Reminds me of this huge fire
my mom used to make.
She'd warm these blankets next
to the fire and then she'd have
hot cocoa waiting for us
when we got in the house.
It was great.
She still does that.
Yeah, it looks peaceful.
It was.
We should get it.
Are you sure it goes
with the whole theme?
Yes, it goes with the whole
theme because you love it.
I can't believe somebody
bought that thing.
Where do you even put
something like that?
I've got a couple rusty pipes
and a hammer in the garage,
maybe I should become
a sculptor.
I'd buy it.
Perfect timing.
Your desk just arrived.
You should come see.
Oh, good.
I just thought you'd like to be
able to look out on nature.
And also something meaningful.
From Zoe's room.
This is perfect.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Hello, everyone.
How are you?
Thank you so much for joining us
and thank you for your patience.
We're gonna get started
in about five minutes.
Thank you.
Was that him?
Arroyo Pass is iced over.
The sommelier is not gonna
make it.
Uh, you wouldn't happen to have
your sommelier certificate,
would you?
No, but you do.
Uh, do me a favour.
Can you entertain them for a
little bit while I call Zoe?
All right, everyone.
While we wait for the wine
tasting to begin...
Hi, Dad.
You're late.
Hey, sweetie. I know,
I'm sorry.
I'm stuck here at the lodge.
Any way you can hang out there
for a little while longer?
I'll call Joel.
He'll come get me.
If you can't reach him
let me know,
we'll figure out something else.
Okay, sweetie.
This is Joel,
leave a message at the beep.
This is Bethany.
Dad's stuck at work and Joel
isn't answering.
Can you come pick me up
from skating practice?
Uh, do you think that would be
okay with your dad?
I'll text him and tell him
you're coming.
I just don't want you to think
he's irresponsible or anything
because he's a hundred
percent responsible.
All right, yeah.
Uh, I can be there in like um...
ten minutes?
Cool, thanks.
Okay, all right.
Okay, so where was it?
Oh. It was here.
This was my favourite part.
It's so good.
I cannot believe she got
out of that.
I know!
That's exactly what
I was thinking.
There's so many great things
about this book.
So good.
Hi, Dad.
Thank you so much
for helping out.
I really appreciate you
picking up Zoe.
Not a problem.
A little something to say
"thank you".
This is nice.
You like it?
Yeah. Good work.
Thank you very much.
I knew you would.
Oh, this is just too good
to be true.
- Oh, hi.
- What's that?
Negative comments?
I never read those.
It's not that.
You getting push back
from the magazine?
It's not that, either.
Well, you're not being
very convincing.
Ok, it's not that bad, really.
Just brace yourself
a little, okay?
I don't really like
the sound of that.
What're you talking about?
Well, our video updates on
the renovation are gaining
some serious traction
on your website
because you and Grant
are getting shipped.
It's like when people
want you
to get together like a couple
you get relation-shipped.
Oh, no wait.
This one is so good.
"It's like watching an old
black and white movie
"where they argue
until they fall in love."
Wait, wait, wait,
what's that last one say?
"Just kiss already."
That's enough.
This is a silly online thing, anyway.
She probably doesn't have
that many followers.
She's been gaining followers
since the contest started.
How many could she
possibly have?
Oh, 88.
This is what people think?
Who cares what people think?
It's getting us subscribers.
I care what people think.
I mean, I don't wanna be-
Woah, that is a lot of people.
The magazine is very happy
with all the attention
the contest is getting.
They are.
You, my friend,
are trending.
I'm trending.
Okay, so we're gonna do another
visualization, okay?
Don't you dare.
Okay, I'm sorry.
Okay. All right.
Close your eyes.
All right, now take
this pillow.
Now, rub your hands over
the pillow.
Give me that one.
All right.
Now take this one,
do the same thing.
Last pillow.
Do the same thing
with this one.
Now tell me which one of those
pillows speaks to you.
Oh, these are these new
fancy talking pillows.
Are you gonna be difficult?
No, sorry.
Uh, I like the first
one better.
Okay, the first one.
Okay, take this again.
Ooh, this is so comfy.
- That's a good one.
- Nice.
So we have a winner!
Oh, I see.
I think you think you're funny.
Is that funny to you?
No, no, this is very
serious business.
I'm sorry.
I'll be very serious.
Excuse me, miss?
Can we-
Don't you dare.
Oh, you don't want to get
this started, Mr. Oliver!
Okay, children.
That's enough.
Completely alone, snow-covered
tree limbs, little critters
running around.
Oh, there he is.
I got your coffee
waiting for you.
Thanks, man.
You guys don't know each other,
do you?
Emerson, Joel.
Joel, Emerson.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.
Taking a little break from
our home makeover shopping.
So, how'd it go today?
We bought pillows.
Lots of pillows.
Did we ever.
Did you know that there
are approximately
nine million shades
of the colour green?
But they are all
equally important.
You're learning.
And very enthusiastically,
may I add.
Oh, we've got the update
status call
with Beautiful Homes magazine.
And we still have
five more days
so I don't know why
they're micromanaging.
Welcome to the big times,
Ms. Cain.
All right, guys.
I hate to caffeinate and leave, but...
They're talking about doing
an online release
before the issue
comes out.
So I can just pick up
the end tables
before I come tomorrow morning,
will you be there?
No, I doubt it.
I mean, I was lucky enough
to get away today.
Lisa deserves to be sainted.
But I should be home by dinner
if you're still there then.
Uh... uh, I can be.
If... yeah.
Okay, yes. I'll be there.
All right. Good.
Yeah. Okay.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
I will just... see you
when I see you.
I will see you then.
See you then.
We're gonna go now.
Nice to meet you.
Bye, guys.
Bye. Bye.
She has been working so hard
trying to get everything done
on time.
She's great.
Maybe you should do something
to take her mind off the house
for a couple hours,
you know?
Something just for fun.
That's a good idea.
What does Bethany like to do?
I don't even know if she'd have
time for fun.
Maybe she needs a little nudge,
you know?
Sometimes you have to encourage
people to have a good time.
I don't know when I'd do it.
I've got the cross country
ski tour at the lodge tomorrow,
I've got that snowman
making workshop.
Why don't you invite her
to come along?
But then I'd have to ask Lisa
to step up again and that's-
I'm sure she won't mind.
I guess I would be there
to put out any fires
if she really needed me.
That sounds fun.
Can I come?
Yeah, we'll make a day of it.
Good idea.
Well, I'm good for something.
Okay, dinner's ready.
Thanks, sis.
I appreciate you taking care of
me while the kids are away.
You can answer it.
No, no, no, no.
It's fine.
But it could be the president
calling to ask you
to redecorate the White House.
I doubt that.
What if it is?
I mean, he could
be a huge-
Okay, stop.
...this home decor.
Uh, so I changed my mind.
Um... about the end tables?
Uh, about tomorrow.
I'm gonna be at the house
when you get here.
Oh, okay.
Uh, great.
We have a surprise for you.
You have a surprise for me?
What kind of surprise?
Well, that's for us to know
and you to find out.
I don't really like surprises.
Oh, really?
Miss I like to plan my life
down to the molecule?
Okay, I see where this
is going.
You're not gonna tell me,
are you?
See you tomorrow.
Oh, and dress warmly.
I love surprises.
I know.
Not the White House?
Uh no, it was not.
He just has a surprise
for me.
Who? Mr. Home do-over?
He said to dress warm.
Do we have to come up
with a clever excuse?
It could be anything.
It could be candles askew,
you stubbed your toe-
Oh, you think I'm gonna
chicken out.
Who, me?
You know what?
I think it sounds like fun.
And I think you like this guy.
Come on, I do not
like him.
I think you think he's cute and
he makes you like surprises.
Just stop.
Just stop being ridiculous.
Let's just eat.
Can we just have a nice
dinner, please?
Hi, guys.
Hi, Bethany.
Why are you both looking
at me like that?
Are you ready for
your surprise?
Uh, should we bring in
the tables first?
All right, well...
what is going on?
Is the surprise out here?
It's at the lodge.
Oh, okay. So we're going
to the lodge.
You are on a need-to-know basis
and we haven't decided whether
or not you need to know.
Don't worry,
you're gonna like it.
What're you up to?
Come on.
Okay. Let's go get changed.
So why isn't Zoe coming?
She didn't wanna take the chance
of injuring herself
before her exhibition.
Injuring herself?
Well, how hard are these runs?
Don't worry,
I'll take it slow.
In that case,
good luck keeping up.
Hold on! Hold on!
Something tells me
you've done this before.
Do, do, do, do, do
Do, do, do, do, do, do
do, do, do, do
There I was skydiving
down the avenue
I saw your red turn
into blue
so I knew I had to talk
to you, yeah
You looked like
you've been crying

Every single day
I want to wipe
your tears away.

And say do you need
a little company.

Just checking in to see
how everything's going.
You're supposed to be having
fun right now,
not thinking about the house.
I know, I'm just taking
a little break in the fun.
Have you got the curtains
hung yet?
Yeah. I'm setting it up
right now.
How's your day going?
Is it filled with all kinds
of frozen delights?
Yeah, it is.
We just got through
making a snow man.
I haven't done that since
I was 10.
Then it sounds like it was
high time.
Come on!
That's enough work!
Let's go!
Oh, you know what?
I have to go.
We're roasting marshmallows.
Ooh, yummy.
I'll talk to you later. Bye.
You want one or
two marshmallows?
Oh, the trifecta.
There you go.
Thank you.
So are you a uh,
golden brown
or a charred and crispy
kinda marshmallow roaster?
Well, I'm more of
the accidentally
catch it on fire kind.
Oh, I see that.
Okay, okay, okay.
Put this one down.
We'll concentrate
on this one.
Oh, you're gonna teach me?
I'm gonna teach you.
Okay. That's perfect.
All right.
Now keep it about ten inches
away and slowly just rotate it.
Well, thank you for taking Zoe
to skating practice.
No, it's no problem.
And I'll pick her up after, too,
and stay with her until
you get back home tonight.
What're you two up to next?
I haven't quite figured
that out yet,
but if we don't come back
in a couple hours
send out a search party.
Oh no.
Will do.
Bye, Dad.
Bye, Bethany.
Bye, Zoe.
So you really don't know
what we're doing?
I figured we'd take a walk
around the mountain.
A walk around the mountain?
It's dark.
I've got a flashlight.
But it's cold.
All right.
I can fix that.
Boom, there you go.
Nice and cozy.
Come on.
So there's this great path
that we use mostly
in the summer and the spring but
it's beautiful in the snow, too.
I've got my own private
little tour.
Yes, you do.
Oh, wow. Look at that.
Come here.
See that right there?
That's the Orion Nebula.
Wow. It's beautiful.
Why does it look
so much different
than all the other stars?
Well, it's actually stars
that are surrounded by gases
and dust and that's why
it has that glow.
Gosh. They're all
so bright tonight.
When it's this cold out all of
the moisture in the air freezes
and that's why it's so clear.
Do you spend all your free time
on the internet?
I wish I had free time.
No, I like to get out here
as much as I possibly can.
Stand out under this big sky.
It just reminds me of how little
my problems actually are.
Yeah, well I'll have to remember
that the next time
I'm in the middle
of a deadline.
So uh, did you have
fun today?
You know what?
I have had fun.
It's crazy because I honestly
thought I'd be freaking out
about not being at the house
but I haven't.
I've barely even thought
about the house.
Feels good to live in
the moment, doesn't it?
I guess I needed this.
Oh, did you plan this, too?
Yes, this is all part of
my master plan.
Okay, well let's keep going.
Where are we going?
Uh, we're gonna follow
this path down
to this incredible
natural cavern.
That sounds dangerous.
No, no.
Don't worry, the bears
are friendly.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
I don't do bears.
Yes, you do.
I'm joking. I'm joking.
Come on.
There's no bears out here.
Stop it!
Brought you back in one piece.
Yeah, I guess you did.
Well, I had a great day.
Yeah, me too.
Um... you know what?
Stay right there for one second.
Wait. Where are you going?
What? Wha...
That's very sweet of you.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Follow me.
Uh, uh. Follow me.
Come on.
What are we doing?
Watch your step.
It's so dark.
I know, I know.
Okay. Stand right here.
Hold on. Hold on.
All right.
I didn't know we hung
these yet.
No, no, no.
I did it last night.
You did it?
Yeah. Don't worry, I checked
with Emerson first.
Said it was okay.
Of course it's okay.
Oh, wow.
Look at this.
You did a really good job.
They're beautiful.
Thank you.
Well, we wouldn't have any
of this if it wasn't for you,
so thank you.
Aww, you're welcome.
However, I think maybe I should
get you some heaters, too.
What else?
Aww, thank you.
I got you.
Nice and cozy.
Thank you.
Oh, uh...
I'm so sorry!
I thought it... I thought
it might be a raccoon.
Uh, no, no, no, no.
No problem.
I was just leaving.
I have to get some sleep.
I missed a whole day of work
so a lot of catching up
to do, so...
I'm just gonna go back
in the house.
Goodnight, guys.
So, well, yeah.
I should get going, but
I had a really great day.
Thank you.
- Me too.
- Yeah.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Oh, here.
Your scarf.
Thank you.
What're you doing?
Why are we meeting here?
I could have just brought
you a coffee.
I mean, we gotta get
to the house-
I know, I know.
I just wanted to talk to you
before we got to the house.
Why do you look so serious?
What about him?
We almost kissed.
I knew it. You do like him.
But I don't wanna like him!
For starters, he clearly really,
really loved his wife.
I mean, what if he's
not ready to move on?
Oh, and then not to mention
I'm working on his house.
I'm a professional and I'm
trying to build an empire here,
you know?
I'm gonna have big meetings,
I'm gonna have to fly away,
this is all gonna be
very complicated.
No, it's not.
It's not!
Okay, look.
Let me break it down
for you
so it's less complicated, okay?
Okay. Yeah, sure.
Do that.
His wife passed
before her time.
So he will always
love her.
That's what makes him
a good man.
And it doesn't mean
that there isn't room in his
heart for you, too.
Look, sometimes... sometimes
things just happen unexpectedly.
It's a bit of a surprise.
I don't like surprises.
I know you don't.
But they're not all bad.
They really aren't.
Why do you make
so much sense?
Okay, this is the part
where I'm supposed to tell you
you're brilliant,
listen to you and follow
all your brilliant advice?
Yes. We're at that moment.
I love you.
I love you, too.
Thank you.
Any time.
Now let's go finish this house
makeover, okay?
- We're late.
- Yeah, we are.
- We gotta go.
- Yeah.
Here we are at the end
of another project.
I don't know.
I think I wanna revisit
the hardware in the kitchen.
I don't know if it's
a hundred percent.
Bethany, we have to finish.
The magazine wants pictures
like yesterday.
Well, I'm sorry.
This stuff is too important
to rush.
Well, they're very happy
with all the traffic
we've gotten to our website
and they wanna harness
that momentum to launch
the online spread.
Okay, well then they can just
give us a few extra days.
Oh, honey, we don't have
a few extra days.
And besides, the viewers
they just wanna know
how the house turned out
and what happens next.
Well, I don't know
what happens next.
Maybe I uh... maybe
I write a second book.
That would be good but I was
talking about you and Grant.
Oh yeah, there's that, huh?
I don't know.
I'd like to know the answer
to that, too.
Hey guys.
I nailed my routine today.
Coach said I embodied at least
a duck, that is almost a swan.
I am so close.
That's awesome.
Hey, you should come
to my exhibition.
Uh... I don't know.
Isn't that just for family?
We'd love it if you
could come.
Right, Dad?
Yeah, you should
definitely come.
Okay then, yeah.
Yes, of course.
I would love to come
and watch you.
I want to thank all of you
for coming
to support your skaters today
and see their progress.
They've all worked
really hard.
The first to skate today
is Zoe Oliver.
Come on.
She only started skating
three months ago.
Aw, you must be so proud.
This is her warm up.
She looks great.
Oh, I love this part.
I love that part.
She looks so good.
Okay, now she starts.
She's doing great,
having done this
for such a short period
of time, huh?
Oh, she looks good.
Yeah. She definitely didn't get
her coordination from me.
She's gonna win.
She's gonna win
the gold medal.
No, no.
It's just an exhibition,
there's no medals.
She would win if there
was a medal.
Okay, yes she would.
All right, this is
the big finish.
Come on, guys.
It's not like I was skating
in the Olympics.
Well, I still say if there
was a gold medal
then you would have won it.
Oh. Okay, Zoe.
Now this is your spot.
And you get to organize this
however you like.
Good job.
And Dad, this is your spot.
Who's the extra spot for?
Well, today that
would be me.
Oh, look, guys.
Just a few more things to do
to get the house perfect
for the magazine spread
and, more importantly,
for the both of you.
Yes. So later on today
they'll be coming by
to take the pictures for
the magazine and then um...
And then after that
you're done.
That's it.
It'll be weird not having you
around all the time.
Will you come back?
I hope so.
And so our New Year,
New Home transformation
is finally complete and
I've done my very best to help
Grant and Zoe turn their house
into a home using my MAP system
incorporating meaning,
abundance, and peace
into their living space.
That was great.
Uh, Zoe? Grant?
Do you mind coming in?
Oh, Zoe I love that dress.
You guys look great.
Thank you.
Okay, are you ready?
Okay, don't be nervous.
- Okay.
- Okay?
You talking to her or me?
And we're rolling.
So I'm here with the Olivers
and I just wanted to take time
first of all to say thank you
for letting me come into
your home and do all of this.
I know it wasn't easy some
of the time so thank you.
And I just wanted
to ask you both um,
what was the experience like
for you?
What was your favourite part?
I love my new bedroom
and your hot cocoa.
My hot cocoa is good,
I will say.
Uh, for me it was
all the free furniture.
I figured that was the answer.
I'm just kidding.
Actually, the best part
I think for both of us,
especially myself, the best part
of it was having you here.
That was the best part.
Um... wow.
Uh, well thank you.
Thank you.
That means a lot.
Uh... I've never had that
answer before.
Uh, well, uh,
you heard it here.
We're finally finished so...
thank you.
Thank you.
And cut.
That was great, guys.
Uh, let's take some pictures.
Hey, can I grab you guys?
Over there on the sofa.
Come on, guys.
All right.
Yeah, that looks great.
Ready? And...
We got it!
That's a wrap!
We did it.
Can I change back
into my normal clothes?
Yes. You can get out of
these fancy clothes.
Make sure you hang
them up.
Quick learner.
I learned from the best.
Uh, do you guys feel like
staying for dinner?
Maybe we order some pizzas
or something?
Uh... yeah.
Yeah, that would be great.
But no pizzas.
Let's cook.
It's more fun.
Ooh, fancy.
I'm gonna help them pack up
and drop them off
at the studio.
I can be back here
in 30 minutes.
Sure. That's perfect.
- Great.
- Thanks.
- Yeah, of course.
- See you soon.
So uh, I don't know,
do you want to make some pasta?
No way.
It's Taco Tuesday.
Tacos it is.
Sounds like it.
Ah, hold on one sec.
Oh, that's Lisa.
I'm gonna grab it in the office.
- Okay.
- Excuse me.
Hey, Lisa.
Uh-huh... Okay, yeah...
This is so cool.
I've never made tortillas
from scratch before.
Yeah, well they're actually
pretty easy.
And to be honest with you,
they're way more yummy.
Okay. I think we're
all prepped.
Good. That's a great job.
Uh, okay.
Now we have to brown the meat
and then we'll cook those,
and in the meantime
I'm gonna make a salad
so could you grab me a cutting
board and a bowl?
Thank you.
Mom's bowl.
Oh no, no, no,
it's okay.
We can fix this.
Dad's gonna be
so mad at me.
No, he's not,
no, he's not.
Hey, you guys okay?
Uh, yeah.
What happened to mom's bowl?
Uh... it's my fault.
Yeah, I... I was going
to wash the lettuce
and then some water sprayed
on me and I backed into her
and I knocked it
out of her hands.
Dad, it wasn't-
And she tried to catch it
but it was too late.
Look, let me help you.
I know...
Just stop, okay?
I'll handle it.
Rebecca wanted to do so much
with this house.
This was her dream house.
She didn't get to do
any of it.
Sorry for that.
Let's just do dinner another
night, okay?
Hey, hey!
The magazine showed me
the pictures from today,
they look so... good.
Everything okay?
Dad, you have to listen
to me.
Hey, Zoe, um...
why don't you
just give me and your
dad a second, okay?
Where's the glue?
The glue was in drawer.
It's always been
in this drawer.
Thank you.
Grant, I- I...
I'm just gonna go.
Hey, Zoe.
I don't want you to worry
about anything.
We can fix this, okay?
Yeah, I promise.
I promise.
And he is not mad
at you.
Just give him a little while, okay?
Are you ready?
He'll get over it.
He just needs time
to process.
Are you okay?
Uh, I don't know.
What's up, sweetie?
I have to tell you something.
It's about Bethany.
Look... It's late.
But Dad-
You should go to bed and we
can talk in the morning.
You always say that
when you don't wanna talk
about grown up stuff.
Should we say your
mom's prayer?
God bless this home,
god bless this girl,
god bless the people
of the world.
Teach us to love
the way you do,
and trust your love
will see us through.
Good morning.
It turned out great, huh?
You should just call him.
Hey, you want some tea?
Bethany, I-
I've got some great tea
in here
that I think you're really
gonna like.
It's chai.
You ready?
Your session's about to start.
Dad, I have to tell
you something.
It wasn't Bethany's fault
the bowl broke.
I put it on the counter
and it fell off.
Okay, well...
thanks for telling me.
So now you don't have
to be mad at her anymore.
We can all be friends again.
I think it's a little more
complicated than that.
I don't even know if she wants
to be friends.
Did you ask her?
Dad, you have to tell Bethany
you like her.
But just do it.
Don't be all grown up
and confusing about it.
Get out there. Your practice
is about to start.
You're like a guru.
It's my fault.
I'm fine.
I should have known better
than to get in a relationship,
you know?
The contest is over.
I just... I gotta get my head
back in the game.
You could try to work things out
with him.
He doesn't want to.
How do you know?
You kinda just ran away.
I didn't run away.
Do you intend to go back?
Then that's away.
The running is
just metaphorical.
I know but you
don't understand.
That relationship came
with so much baggage
and I would have
been over my head.
Bethany, I've seen you take
places that are falling apart
and turn them into
something wonderful.
That's different.
Not really.
It's just that you know
you can do it,
so you aren't ever scared.
I don't know
where his head is.
Exactly. You don't know.
You know, if you stare
at that too long
you're gonna get those strobe
light things in your eyes,
like when you look
into a flash.
Let me ask you something.
What do you really think
of Bethany?
I think she's great.
It's just all the changes
at the house,
the stress here at work...
it just all seems so crazy.
Is there a point
in here somewhere?
Zoe and I have just been doing
so well lately...
I don't know.
I'm just afraid to upset
the apple cart.
When did we start talking
about apples?
You know what?
You're right.
I'm not ready.
Woah, woah, woah.
Hang on there one second.
Don't pretend like I'm the one
convincing you not
to take a chance on Bethany.
I'm not trying to pretend-
You've got a million excuses
but I'm not gonna be
one of them.
What're you talking about?
I don't have any excuses.
You can't stop time, Grant.
Life just keeps going.
And it's time for you
to live it again.
Stop burying yourself in your
work and stop hiding behind Zoe
like she's the reason
you can't move on.
I know.
All right.
Then do something about it.
Are you okay?
It's just Sullivan.
You don't wanna sound
like a robot.
I know, I just um...
have to remember
to talk about the book and
to mention the contest.
I can't forget
about the contest.
Can we be present for a minute?
Okay, but they're getting ready
to call me, so...
Yeah, I know.
I know.
Do you see where you are
right now?
This is everything
you've ever dreamt of.
The TV show, the magazine,
the book.
You've worked so hard to get
here and look at you.
You're miserable.
You're missing the one thing
you need.
We're ready for you now.
Okay. All right.
Be right out.
Meaning, abundance,
and peace.
Meaning, abundance,
and being present.
I'm ready.
This way.
Welcome back.
As promised before the break,
Bethany is going to give us
the lowdown
on the Oliver family New Year,
New Home makeover.
Yeah, uh, well,
they were great.
I mean, the Oliver family,
they were a real pleasure
to get to know.
Well, I'm sure you know the
question on everyone's minds.
You can find out where to buy
all of the furniture
in the home on my website,
BethanyontheMAP dot com.
That's not it.
We all wanna know if there's
really something going on
between you and Grant.
Oh, uh...
Um... no, no,
No, there's not.
I actually haven't spoken
to Grant since the contest.
I'm pretty sure
you're disappointing
a lot of our viewers.
Oh, well how can I make it up
to them?
Let's take a question
from the audience.
Oh, the gentleman
over there.
Uh... this is more of
a statement, really,
than a question.
Go right ahead.
We're all ears.
Uh, Bethany, we miss you.
I miss you.
You said you were gonna help
turn our house into a home,
but it can't be that
unless you're around.
So I just wanted to know
if you were willing
to come by for dinner.
I'm making pancakes.
Well, I don't know.
I mean, I've got a very robust
schedule, you know?
So I think that you would
have to ask my assistant.
You know she's gonna say
you should come over.
You're all clear.
Then I guess the answer
is yes.
Come here.
Dad's outside.
Did you do all this?
I sure did.
I read your book.
It's really good.
This turned out nice, huh?
It couldn't be more perfect.
Ah, thank you.
Next time you do my room I think
we should paint it turquoise.
You got it.
To next time.
Let's go inside.
- Thank you.
- Mmmhmm.