Heaven (2002) Movie Script

Follow the terrain.
Keep it perpendicular
to the ridge.
That's it.
Under real conditions...
you might have to compensate
for the wind here.
Now, maintain your height.
Watch your height. Careful.
In a real helicopter you can't
just keep flying higher.
How high can I fly?
- Are we taking the elevator?
- All the way up.
- Hello.
- I have an appointment.
He is busy at the moment.
May I be of assistance?
No, it's...
an erotic matter.
How do they expect me
to run a business like this?
No. I had a deal with Leonardo.
No. No.
That's unacceptable.
Look, I gave you strict orders.
Why doesn't anyone ever listen?
Well, then we're just going
to look somewhere else.
That's right,
it changes everything.
twenty-two, twenty one.
Twenty, nineteen...
Ulcom Electronics.
This is the reception desk.
Your car alarm has gone off.
Can you come down?
The noise is really unbearable.
Police precinct.
I kept calling,
and you never did anything.
So now I'm doing something.
I put a bomb in his office.
It will go off in...
forty seconds.
Who is this?
Philippa. Philippa Paccard.
I can't make it before 7:00.
I've got things to do here,
sorry. Wait for me.
All right. I'll meet you
afterwards at home. Bye.
It's so high.
Too high.
Excuse me.
I'll wait for the next one.
No, there's plenty of room.
My name is Philippa Paccard.
What's this,
you want to speak English?
I'm English.
I have the right to testify
in my native language.
What's this all about?
What the fuck
are you playing at?
She's English.
So what?
She wants to testify
in English.
We'll need an interpreter.
No, no, no.
We don't need an interpreter.
She understands everything.
She understands every word.
Stop playing games!
It's her right.
I don't give a shit
about her rights.
You are going to listen
in Italian...
talk in Italian,
and confess in Italian!
Excuse me...
I can translate.
I'm qualified.
Philippa Paccard.
- Date of birth?
- 23rd of May, 1971.
- Place of birth?
- Bristol.
- Profession?
- I teach. I'm a teacher.
Marital status?
Um... I don't know.
You don't know whether
you're married or not?
I was in the process of...
I was getting divorced.
It was over a year ago.
My husband died...ahem...
during the proceedings.
Did the court finalize
the divorce?
No, he died before.
So you're a widow.
You are accused
of causing an explosion...
in an office building...
which cost the lives
of four persons.
Yes, four.
The explosion caused
an elevator to break loose.
There were four people inside.
A father with his two daughters
and a fifty-year-old janitor.
Three of them
were killed instantly.
The youngest girl died
in hospital last night.
No, um...
You are accused of belonging
to a terrorist organization...
whose intention
is to undermine the state...
and of the cold-blooded murder
of four civilians.
Was it only 4 people who died?
Isn't four enough for you?
No, no,
I just mean the office.
The man in the office...
I put the bomb in his office.
Which organization
do you belong to?
Who trained you?
Where did you get the bomb?
Who gives you orders?
What about your husband?
I don't have...
I don't have a husband.
He's dead.
And how did he die?
He overdosed.
Look... you know all this.
I've been calling.
I've been writing.
I've been trying to get
your attention for years.
Who did you call?
Here, the carabinieri.
What did you want
from the carabinieri?
I wanted to talk to them.
I wanted to tell them
about the...
the man who controls
the drug scene.
I knew him.
He studied with my husband.
Because of him,
children die every week.
And because of you,
four people died yesterday!
That's got nothing to do
with a dealer.
Wait a minute.
He's not dead.
Listen, don't try
to change the subject!
Answer the questions
we ask you.
Now tell us
who organized the assault?
Where is your base?
Your Honor...
Go get a doctor. Hurry!
Yes, what's up?
She fainted.
Come on.
Come on, wake up.
Pull up her sleeve.
Where am I?
You're with the carabinieri.
Who are you?
I'm a carabiniere.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
- No, I want this arm. Go on.
- No, but...
Get out. I don't need you.
And shut the door.
Hold still.
I had to come down
to the police station.
Yes, they've got her.
I'll call you back later.
As we were in class waiting
for our English teacher...
the substitute came and
said that she wouldn't come.
What's the matter, boys?
Why such long faces?
How was your day?
He told me everything.
What do you mean?
About my English teacher.
What are you doing?
Washing. I wet the bed.
You wet the bed? That hasn't
happened in ten years.
What's wrong?
Will you tell me?
I fell in love.
So, what you're trying to say
is that this Mr. Vendice...
the chairman
of Ulcom Electronics...
is selling drugs
from his office?
Why should we believe that?
Vendice was
a friend of my husband's.
They were students.
He was just like
all of them.
But then he started
to get the drugs...
and sell them to other people.
And then he had a business...
and now he's got this industry.
He still gave
my husband a discount.
He even gave the kids
in my school a discount.
He probably gives
the carabinieri a discount.
She says the carabinieri
get a discount, too.
What the hell are you saying?
I have taught
who have already been
in rehab.
There have been deaths
in the school.
This is what I have been
writing and writing...
and writing and writing
to you about!
Forget the business,
the computers...
There is no record
of any letter...
no record of any calls.
I have
copies of those letters...
in my apartment.
Now, initially
I sent them by mail...
but then I just
brought them in myself.
I have receipts that have been
stamped by the carabinieri.
We'll check.
We'll take a short break.
Excuse me.
- Hello, Filippo.
- Hello.
So, you've started working.
Yes, the fun is over.
You're following
in your father's footsteps?
I need a diuretic.
Of course.
You kept the letters
you sent to the carabinieri...
in a green bamboo box?
In the top drawer of your desk?
Six letters to your husband,
dated between 1994 and 1997.
Three letters,
postmarked last year...
from your sister in England.
- Mm-hmm.
- Two wedding rings...
and a postcard from a student
sent three weeks ago.
That's all.
No, no, that's not right.
Signora. Sit down.
Whose signature is this?
It was signed by Maggiore Pini.
You signed this?
Signora Paccard...
we don't care
about your fantasies...
your telephone calls,
your letters...
your husband or your students.
We want to know
your real motives.
We want to know
about your organization...
names and addresses.
We want to know
who gave you the bomb.
Who helped you?
Nobody helped me.
I've had enough of your games!
How did you get the bomb?
Answer me!
I found it in my apartment
after my husband died.
I suppose... someone he...
Were there really two children?
And their father!
And a fifty-year-old woman!
What's going on?
It's not the area.
Just this building.
Go and see what's going on.
Aren't there
any emergency lights?
- Your pocket.
- There should be.
- What's going on?
- I don't know, Maggiore.
Oh, good.
I put my hands
under the dryer...
and the fuse blew.
That will do for today.
Take her to her cell.
The letters aren't a problem.
We destroyed them before
she even brought them up.
What's next?
I'm keeping an eye on her.
They still think
she's just a fanatic.
Are we safe?
For now.
But it would be better
if something happened to her.
I spoke with my brother.
He's 11 years old...
and he's one of your pupils.
He told me that
he likes you the most...
of all the teachers.
He told me that
you are a good person.
I believe that.
That's why I want to help you.
If you agree,
please record that you agree...
and leave the tape
under the table...
in the interrogation room.
There is a small shelf
under the tabletop.
- What was that?
- It's a tape recorder.
- I can't understand anything!
- Wait a minute.
Let's try this.
I'm the one
who translates for you.
I was there when
the doctor treated you.
You squeezed
my fingers tightly.
I agree.
Thursday, around 10:00,
you'll have a stomachache.
You'll go to the bathroom...
and return
after several minutes.
If you find what
I left for you there...
signal to me.
Then, around 11:00,
you'll feel ill again.
You'll return to the bathroom.
You'll hear the telephone
ringing in the hallway...
and it will stop ringing...
because the guard will have
picked up the receiver.
That's when
you leave the bathroom.
You will get into the elevator
and go down to the garage.
From there you can go up
half a flight of stairs.
You will leave the building
through a small door...
that opens
onto the rear courtyard.
Then you will go down
a path...
that leads around
the enclosure, into the street.
Throw your sweater
into the rubbish bin...
and head straight
for the train station.
I'll drive there in a car
in the evening...
and pick you up
at the rear entrance.
And then we'll think
of what to do next.
Because I believe
there will be something...
And that it will be beautiful.
- Now erase everything.
- What?
You heard me. Erase everything.
You're going to let them escape?
It's not a good idea
trying to escape from custody.
You put your life at stake.
I doubt she'd make it
past that back exit alive.
Aren't you afraid?
Yes, I'm afraid.
Are you feeling any better?
I found a bag...
a note and a key...
in the toilet.
What did she say?
In the bathroom,
I found a bag...
a note...
and a key.
A week ago.
In the bag...
was a syringe
and the test results
from an HIV clinic.
The note had just three words...
"Throw me out with the trash."
The key opened the door
to the school glasshouse.
One of my pupils... Kara...
She'd been hanging there
for three days.
"Throw me out with the trash."
Her parents had to read that.
The carabinieri came...
Said there was
nothing for them to do.
So last Tuesday...
I went to her funeral
in the morning...
in the afternoon
I went to Vendice's office.
With the bomb.
Escort her to the toilet.
Police headquarters.
Can I help you?
Extension 354, please.
This is the Lippi-
Cardio-Vascular Center.
May I speak to Mr. Cassande?
I'll connect you
with the doctor.
Please hang on.
It may take a few moments.
Your Honor...
- What's wrong?
- Isn't that her?
Yes, it is.
How is that possible?
Hurry! To the main entrance!
- Where are you?
- At the back exit.
No! She's escaping
from the main gate!
Damn it!
Hey, you! Come out!
Excuse me.
Hurry! Come on, hurry up!
Check the railway station!
The translator!
Find the translator!
Why did you change the plan?
My father always said that
at the right moment...
you have to do what
nobody expects.
How did you know about
this attic?
I spent days here
when I was a child.
This was my hiding place.
My father was the chief
of the carabinieri for Torin.
Do you know why I said I agree?
Do you know
why I want to escape?
I don't want
to escape punishment.
I've killed
four innocent people...
and I want to answer for that.
But before I do...
I want to kill him.
That's the only reason
I agreed to escape.
- Ulcom Electronics.
- Good evening.
Could I please
speak to Mr. Vendice?
Who's speaking?
I have an urgent message
from Maggiore Pini.
Mr. Vendice isn't in
at the moment.
Would you like to leave
a message?
Yes, please tell him to call...
Maggiore Pini at his office
as soon as possible.
I repeat, his office.
It's important.
The Maggiore had to step out
for a moment.
- Mr. Vendice?
- Yes.
The Maggiore wants to see you
as soon as possible.
Now? Where?
Here, in his office.
I'll be there.
Did you catch her?
Yes. She was badly wounded.
I know it's late,
but I have to go there.
It's really important.
Don't wait up for me.
I'll wake you when I get back.
I know, I know. Listen...
I'll see you later, OK?
Do you remember me?
You were sleeping beside me.
It's there.
If you're not even safe
in a police station...
Do they think it was the woman
who put the bomb in his office?
Who else? Women like her...
I'd like to strap a bomb
to her myself.
But how did she escape?
- Someone must have helped her.
- Well, I'm still in shock.
Is there insurance
for something like that?
I don't know.
What a nice dress.
Where'd you get it?
It's nice, isn't it?
I got it at...
My aunt owns this perfume shop.
- Oh, a perfume shop.
- Yes.
You left the water running
this morning!
I'll never forget that face.
It'll haunt me
for the rest of my life.
Didn't look like a face
Like the stuff I buy
at the butcher's for the dog.
Only... with a suit attached.
You've got a way
of saying things!
I have to go
to the butcher's today.
What do you mean,
with a suit attached?
- So, the dress is nice?
- Yes.
So when you
leave the station...
there's a bar at the corner...
Who was that?
They were cleaning women.
One of them found the body
this morning.
She said she'll remember it
for the rest of her life.
What about you?
We're going to have
to leave this place.
The investigation
into last night's murder...
of Marco Vendice
is now focusing on...
the English woman
Philippa Paccard...
who had been arrested
for the recent bomb attack...
of Ulcom Electronics.
Ms. Paccard...
who escaped from police custody
before the murder...
had stated that Mr. Vendice...
was the intended victim
of that bomb.
Ms. Paccard's former husband
was a friend of Vendice's...
and police are considering
that connection...
as a motive for the murder.
Although Ms. Paccard
has been living in Italy...
she was born in England.
Fearing that she may try
to flee Italy...
and seek asylum
in her home country...
police are now
focusing their efforts...
on international
border crossings.
And now for the weather...
Where will we go?
I'd like you to take me...
to the place
where you grew up.
I don't even know your name.
When were you born?
May 23rd, 1978.
At what time? Do you know?
In the morning at 8:00.
I know exactly what
I was doing on May 23rd, 1978.
I know exactly.
That's my birthday.
And it was the day
of my first Holy Communion.
I was dressed up like a bride
with this white dress...
and a veil
my mother had made me.
When she put the dress on...
she covered
my face with the veil...
and burst into tears.
I don't know why.
It's as if nothing
ever happened.
I've done a lot of damage...
and some really
stupid, stupid things.
I've lied to my mother
and to my sister...
many, many, many times.
I was unfaithful
to my husband once.
And I didn't do everything
I could to save him.
Anyway, maybe it's not
possible to do everything.
Four people have died
because of me...
and I can't live with that.
I'll never be able to.
I shot a defenseless person...
which you know.
But what you don't know is...
I've ceased to believe.
Ceased to believe in what?
In sense.
In justice.
In life.
I love you.
I know.
It's just...
It's just that I want
the end to come soon.
May I have your attention!
Today is a happy day for me.
My favorite niece Paola
is getting married today.
That's my friend.
I was the first one to know.
Can you trust her?
Ask her if they've been
to her house.
And now,
please raise your glasses.
Listen now!
Attention please!
As they say in "La Traviata,"
"Listen to the singer!"
Don't you recognize me?
What the hell have you done?
What have you done?
They flew over our farm
with a helicopter.
Nice haircut.
Can we spend the night
at your place?
They'll catch you.
I know.
Cesare Pavese Middle School.
My name is Ariel Fabrizi.
Could I speak
to my son Ariel, please?
Just a moment.
We'll call him.
Thank you.
Don't be afraid. It's Filippo.
Pretend you're talking to Dad.
Yes, Dad.
Repeat out loud: "I'll be home
a bit earlier, Dad."
I'll be home
a bit earlier, Dad.
Now listen.
Tell Dad we want to see him.
We're in Montepulciano.
We'll be waiting
at the St. Biagio Church.
Now say, "All right, Dad,"
and hang up.
All right, Dad.
Bye, Ariel.
Look at you.
Papa, this is Philippa.
Let's go in there.
Sit down.
I've brought you some money.
You smoke?
There is a huge search going on
throughout the entire country.
They've concluded
that you haven't left Italy yet.
A roadblock
was set up on the highway...
just outside the city.
I don't think they've blocked
all the secondary roads yet...
but I'm sure they will soon.
You could still come with me.
It's worth trying.
I'm not going with you.
But I would very much like you
to take Filippo with you.
He told me he loves you.
What about you?
I'm not going with you, Dad.
I know.
I do know you a little.
Why can we never do anything
at the most important moments?
Give Ariel a hug for me.
Clear the table.
We're going to eat.
I've got to finish my drawing.
I said now.
I have to show it to Grandpa.
Show him afterwards.
I was afraid you wouldn't come.
Come inside.
I made the bed for you.
I'll bring you
something to eat later.
Thank you.
Thank you.
The police will come.
Yes. Now.