Heaven Sent (2023) Movie Script

(inspiring synth music)
(adventurous dramatic music)
(static crackling)
(tape whirring)
(upbeat soulful music)
You have always been the one
To catch my imagination
I don't see why
I should let him fool me around
When there's you to make
me feel like number one
You captured my imagination
I won't stand by
When he's nowhere to be found
You're heaven sent
Sent from heaven
You're heaven sent
Sent from heaven
You're heaven sent
Sent from heaven
You're heaven sent
Ooh, yeah, yeah
(static crackling)
(alarm ringing)
(Elise gasps)
- What are you doing, Derek?
- I'm not doing anything.
(phone jangles)
It's me again.
Yeah, false alarm.
What's our password?
- Saponification.
- Sapon? Our password?
- [Elise] S-A-P, yes.
- S-A-P-O, okay.
Thank you.
Our password is saponification?
(upbeat lighthearted music)
All that sweet devotion
Comes at a price
- Oh.
(Elise humming)
- Well?
- Have you tried these?
I'm pretty sure this is what birds use
to make their nests out of.
- Derek.
- Grandma, when was the last time you had
some cereal with some sugar in it?
- You know that I did not
know that you left last night.
- I just went to a board game meetup.
Wanted to meet some people, rap a little.
- I just thought, you
know, he needs his space,
so I'll rent a movie.
And he'll come down if
he wants to come down.
- I did come down, though. I-I-I...
- [Elise] Mmm-mmm.
- Hey, I'm sorry.
I should've said something.
- It's okay.
- So, what movie did you rent?
- The one we should've watched together.
- Okay.
Uh, did you finish it?
- I did.
And it was very entertaining.
I laughed.
- Well, here's this.
What we will do, okay?
Tomorrow, me and you
will watch it together,
and we'll both laugh, okay?
How's that?
(timer dings)
- Somethin's ready.
- Oh, here we go.
- Huh.
- So you were really upset with me, huh?
- [Elise] Oh, no.
- It's okay.
You can still use 'em.
- Yeah, but I can't sell them.
- Sorry I set off the alarm.
- You know, I will play
board games with you.
You don't need a group for that.
- It's just sometimes I want to, uh,
hang out with people my age, you know?
Meet other people, you know?
(Elise mimicking)
- No, I get it.
- You're still my best friend, though.
So you's not gonna say it back, huh?
Look, here's what you do, okay?
Call them anti-valentines.
Sell them to people fresh
out of a heartbreak.
Goodnight, Grandma.
I'm so good
That's right
- Goodnight, best friend.
That's so fine
(bell tolling)
(birds chirping)
- You just need, need, need,
and I can't give all the time.
I was an only child, Kenny.
- Is it too much to show me that you care?
Three words. Three words.
I love you.
Two words. Thank you.
Four words.
- Oh, I've got four words for you.
I mean, how about shut the fu-
- See? See? See? See what
I'm talkin' about, Pastor?
See what I'm dealin' with?
Her mother tells me that she
loves me more than my own wife.
- Okay, then why don't you just marry her?
- Unfortunately, she's taken.
- See, that right there?
That's what I'm talking about.
I can never tell when he's joking.
- Wasn't a joke.
- Well, I can understand why-
- See, okay, Pastor gets it.
He understands me.
- Hold on.
- Now seriously, Pastor?
You're gonna do that to a brother?
- Look, you all need
to go back to your why.
- Your why?
- Our what?
- Yeah, what was it that
made you fall in love
and marry in the first place?
- Pastor, people change.
- What?
- When I first met you,
you were charming and
enthusiastic about us.
And now it's just like I'm
talkin' to a brick wall.
- A brick wall. Oh. (scoffs)
- How does love survive when the spark
that drew me to him constantly changes?
- You said you married
me because I listened.
- I think what we need to do
is go on into the sanctuary.
We'll finish up in a minute.
- All right, I'll get ya.
- Oh, okay, we're done with today?
Awesome. Wonderful. Great.
Really, really effective.
- No, no, come on.
Just, uh, give me a second.
Come on. Come on.
- Counseling session's over.
- My wife and I, we were
married for 25 years.
25 years, now that's commitment.
- Pastor Patrick.
Is this a new suit?
Looking good.
- Now imagine if every relationship
were contingent upon
feeling loved every day.
There would be a lot of lonely people.
- Yeah, Pastor, I don't
mean to be rude, but.
(Kenny clearing throat)
I know that your wife
passed away five years ago,
but if relationships were so great,
then why aren't you in one?
Because it's been a minute.
- 2,628,000 minutes,
give or take.
(Pastor sighs)
(Theresa laughs)
- What, you think I majored
in church secretary?
- You just, you kept up with those?
Hold on.
- Oh, you should set
him up with your friend.
- Which friend?
- Briella.
- Oh, Briella.
- Yeah.
- Mmm-hmm.
- Yeah.
I'll get you her number.
- Wait, why do you have her number?
Why do you have her number?
- Because we're friends.
- No, I'm friends.
- Guys, can we just move on?
(congregation chatting)
- Look, Pastor. You're
gonna like this one.
She's very well favored.
What? I was gonna say well favored.
Of the Lord.
She won't get you that number.
- Kenny, I really don't need the number.
- Love is heavy in the air
on this fine Sunday morning.
- [Congregation] Amen.
- Can I get an amen?
- [Congregation] Amen.
- Can you just feel it?
- [Congregation] Yes.
- All right.
So let us stand to our
feet and praise the Lord.
(mic feedback squealing)
(upbeat gospel music)
Stand up before the Lord
Stand up
Stand up
He's got the glory
Stand up
Stand up
He's got the glory
Stand up
Stand up
(relaxing Asian music)
(Pam sighs)
- Elise, just get it out.
Whatever tension you're
holding onto right now
is absorbing into my skin
and throwing my breathing
all out of whack.
- What are you talking about?
- Emotional osmosis.
- Emotional osmosis? Oh, please.
- Don't get all judgey with me.
Emotional osmosis is a real thing.
- Perhaps it's your own
tension that your osmoting.
- I wasn't tense until I
started breathing next to you.
What is wrong with you today?
- Nothing.
Now, can we just please relax, okay?
- Okay.
- Breathe. (inhaling)
Let it out. (exhaling)
Again. (inhaling)
- No, I feel something is up.
What is it? Your shop?
- Moxie is fine.
- You met a man.
Don't tell me you finally let a man
into that closed off heart of yours.
(laughs) No, couldn't be that.
Hell hasn't frozen over yet.
- Look, I am good.
I am settled.
I am busy.
Between the shop and little Derek,
my cup is overflowing.
- Little Derek?
How old is he now?
- He's 19.
You were at his birthday party.
- Yeah, I was. Where were you?
That's no little Derek.
He's handsome young man Derek,
and you've been using him
as an excuse for 19 years.
- Look, I promised my
son that I would be there
to care for him.
(Elise inhaling)
- Honey, what are you
gonna do when he leaves?
- When he leaves?
- They all do eventually.
- Oh.
Derek needs me.
- You're all he's known his whole life,
but he needs a life beyond you.
(Elise breathing raggedly)
- Uh, I'm sorry.
Just slow your breathing down.
You're making me hyperventilate.
(Elise breathing heavily)
Oh, this isn't working.
(light gentle music)
(door creaks)
All right, time for a
little retail therapy.
- Well, you know when
Derek makes up his mind,
he's free to do what he wants to do.
- Hmm, how's that workin' out?
- He's a different kind
of kid, but he's happy.
- Oh, yeah? Did he tell you that?
Look. No thanks.
We've known each other a long time, right?
- A long time that years of
therapy can't erase. (laughs)
- Oh! (laughs)
All right, then you'll
agree that that gives me
the right to call it like I see it.
- I am not charging you
for the meditation room.
- Well, you're not gonna like this,
and I don't wanna go there.
- [Elise] Well, don't go there!
- But I am going there.
When was the last time
you had a man, Elise?
- What?
- Watch the tension.
- Oh, you know what?
That's gonna be $34 and 50 cents.
(Pam scoffs)
- I thought you weren't charging
me for the meditation room.
- Oh, but the tension makes me say things
I don't really mean.
- You know, if you don't
start living a life
outside of Derek, he's never
gonna have the confidence
to do what he was created to do.
I know why you gave up on love.
But me? I'm done hiding.
I'm getting out there.
- And you're also getting up there.
- Sure, we're not 20 anymore,
but there's still life to be lived.
You know what?
My singles group is having
an ice cream social tonight.
It'll be fun. I'll even pick you up.
Come on.
Stealth Smooth, baby.
(Elise chuckling)
- Goodbye, Pam.
- Do it for Derek!
- Thanks for shopping at Moxie's.
- Stealth Smooth, baby.
When you least expect it, pew!
Expect it! Ha ha!
- Oh, Pam.
- Uh.
June, I'm not, June, I'm
not seeing this place.
- [June] Did you try calling?
- Went straight to voicemail.
You sure this place is still around?
- [June] Well, they
catered my husband's wake.
- June, your husband is still alive.
- [June] That was my other husband.
You didn't know him.
(light playful music)
- Excuse me.
- Really, Pam?
- I'm looking for, uh-
- Mmm-hmm, go on.
- Well, there was a caterer.
GPS still has it listed.
- Uh-huh.
- Garden Cafe. Do you know anything?
- Oh, I know it.
I know it all.
- Can you tell me where they moved?
- I could.
- Tell you what.
I'll just figure it out myself.
- Is that the best you
have, Stealth Smooth?
(Patrick sighs)
(bright dramatic music)
- Uh, sorry.
Uh, actually, I'd like
to do a little shopping.
Uh, let me see.
- [Elise] Okay.
- Uh, what are these? What are these?
- Those are essential oils.
Patchouli, sandalwood, oregano, like that.
- I'll take 'em, I'll
take 'em, I'll take 'em.
And, and this.
- Oh, soap, organic.
Handmade with love.
- I'll, I'll take it.
- Okay, okay now, mister.
Look, I don't know where she found you,
but this isn't funny anymore.
Now where is she?
- What are you doin'?
- Pam!
(door bells jingle)
I've told you before
that I love my life!
I don't need a man!
I love my life!
I love my life!
- Uh, can you shut the door?
Uh, please, shut, shut the door.
(door bell jingles)
- So, Pam didn't send you?
- Who's Pam?
- Oh my goodness.
Oh, my mistake.
I am, I am so sorry.
- [Patrick] I'll get out of your way.
- Oh, oh, what about all these?
- Is, uh,
is $20 good?
- Uh, it's closer to 85.
- $85 for soap?
- The oils. That patchouli.
- Here's a 100.
I'll take the basket.
- Again, I'm sorry.
(door bell jingles)
Well, goodbye to you, too.
(light playful music)
(acoustic guitar strumming)
If all the songs are
written are on guitar
Then just give me 16 bars
And I'll put my feelings on the page
That's all I've got so far.
- The board game meetup?
You couldn't come up with a better excuse?
- Look, she believed it, so it worked.
That's all I needed, okay?
But how about we check
out my latest masterpiece?
What is that?
Did something just move?
Hey, wait. Wait, wait, wait.
(rising suspenseful music)
Where'd the door go?
Where'd the door go?
(suspenseful music stops)
All right. So?
- I just.
I mean, do you want me to
give it to you straight?
- Guess not.
Um, lie to me.
- Um, yeah, so that was hilarious.
(Derek sighs)
You know I like you, okay?
So don't take this the wrong way.
But maybe you should find
a real board game meetup
and start going.
- Okay, you know what? That's just rude.
(Corrine chuckles)
Look, then you got people like this guy.
- Hey, everybody.
Check out my latest video.
It's the cat's meow.
- He's making a million a
year off of his channel.
He doesn't even have a life,
and I get not having a life, okay?
But he's not even funny about it.
- [Corrine] Dude, your
early stuff was great, okay?
You know, you interacted for your audience
and that's how we met.
- You're the only commenter.
It wasn't that hard.
- [Corrine] Well, then you
just gotta build your audience.
- I'm trying to.
I'm trying to be different.
- [Corrine] Oh, you're already different.
That's half the battle already won.
- If that was supposed to be a compliment,
you should work on that.
- [Corrine] Stop overthinking, okay?
You know, I haven't even met you
and I'm already your number one fan.
- Some number one fan.
Haven't even let me see you.
- [Corrine] I told you.
My camera's busted, okay?
Savin' up for a new one.
- You know, if you, uh,
hang out here we could
hang out 24/7.
- [Corrine] Well, maybe
you should come out here.
- Where is out here?
Just to be clear.
Uh, East Coast? West Coast?
- [Corrine] Mmm, not too far.
- You're playing games.
(Corrine chuckles)
Look, I just, I need a reason to leave
that doesn't hurt her feelings
or my wallet.
I don't know, maybe then
I wouldn't feel as bad.
- [Corrine] Your grandma?
- She doesn't have anyone else.
- [Corrine] Well, you never know.
Maybe she likes it better that way.
- Trust me. She had an entourage, okay?
She was a super star.
I've seen so many fan theories online,
just articles talking
about where did she go?
You know, why did the band split up?
Are they ever gonna get back together?
You have no clue how much
I wanna say something.
- Maybe you should.
That actually would be really dope.
You could do like a vlog or something.
- The lady won't even let
me put her on social media
under a fake name.
You think she's gonna get
in front of my camera?
- [Corrine] Well, I don't
know. Do you know the story?
- No.
I am the story.
She, uh.
Chose me over her own success.
(sighs) Yeah, I'm never
getting outta here.
- [Corrine] Well, since you're
stuck where you are for now,
uh, do you want to help
me run lines for my play?
- Considering you got that one last time,
I don't think I want to.
- Okay, there is nothing
wrong with last time.
- There was a couple of
things wrong last time,
i.e. you continuously
making me play the girl.
- [Corrine] And what's wrong with that?
(soft gentle music)
(Derek speaking indistinctly)
- [Derek] I don't know.
It's, it's like she's everywhere.
I can't leave the house
without feeling her presence
lingering over me.
She's in my thoughts, things I say.
I really think I'm going crazy.
(soft gentle music)
Okay, this play sucks.
Clearly he killed her. What's the mystery?
- [Corrine] It's not that bad, okay?
- Yeah, he killed her,
but he didn't know that
she was actually dead.
Okay, yeah, no. It's bad.
- Really bad.
- [Corrine] Really bad.
(crickets chirping)
- That's pretty.
(soft gentle music)
Um, have you seen my grandma,
'cause there ain't no way that you her.
(Elise laughs)
- Listen, I want you to wrap this up.
Put it in the refrigerator
when you're done.
- You going somewhere?
- I might be late, so.
- So I'm just supposed to
stay home all night by myself?
- Well, that's up to you.
Look, I could cancel.
- Oh, no, no, no, no, no,
it's cool. It's cool, totally.
Go ahead.
Go do whatever it is you gotta go do.
- Okay, well.
You put the alarm system
on. I know the code.
- For sure.
Have fun!
Not too much, though.
(people chatting indistinctly)
- Elise!
Oh, you made it!
Oh, you look beautiful!
- You do, too.
You look beautiful.
- Welcome, ladies.
Oh, you're in for a treat tonight.
I need you to fill this out,
and then take a number,
and then you can join the other daters.
Oh, and don't forget this.
You can keep score.
- Ice cream social.
- It'll be fun.
And you can go ahead
and get your ice cream
on the way home.
Eh, it's just like the old days.
All these people just waiting to meet us.
That's your seat right there.
- I told you that I wanted to take it easy
my first time out.
- Well, speed dating is the
best way to break you back in.
Just pretend this is a job interview,
and if you don't like them,
you don't gotta hire 'em.
It'll be fun.
(Patrick sniffs)
- Ah.
(knuckles rapping)
- Full house.
- Good.
Maybe we should have speed
dating on Sunday mornings
and boost our attendance.
- So, are you gonna hide
in here all night long?
- I was trying to.
- Kenny, what are you doing here?
You're not single.
- Well, I will be if you
don't find a way to fix us.
(Patrick sighs)
All right, chill.
I'm here to set the mood for you.
And you've been out of the
game for a long time, right?
And someone needs to
make sure you don't say
something stupid.
- Look, Kenny, I'm not participating.
- What?
- Hey, we're short on men.
Oh, come on.
You don't want tonight
to be a total washout.
I suggest you step in and be a body.
Greetings, everybody!
Welcome to singles night!
- Uh, I thought this was bingo.
- No. Next Thursday, Sam.
- Right, uh.
- [Woman] Oh my gosh.
- I'm gonna stay.
- Well, bless your heart.
Take a seat.
Okay, let me repeat.
This is speed dating, and there are rules.
Gentlemen, when you hear the bell,
(bell ringing)
take a seat.
You have one minute with your date.
And then when you hear the bell again,
(bell ringing)
move to the next seat.
Oh, this is gonna be fun!
Is everybody ready?
(bell ringing)
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Hi.
(Gina chuckles)
- I'm Gina.
- Patrick.
- Kenny.
- Oh! (chuckles)
So is this a two-for-one deal?
- Oh, no, no. I'm married.
I'm strictly here for this guy.
- Aw, how sweet. What a good friend.
- I know.
- Is he, is he special?
- This guy? Oh, he's super special.
- I could tell.
He reminds me of my uncle.
He was special, too.
Don't give up.
No matter what anyone ever tells you.
You are necessary.
(Gina chuckles)
(bell ringing)
- Hi, how are you?
(bell ringing)
- What do you do for a living?
- I'm the pastor.
(woman laughs)
(bell ringing)
- It's a two-fer!
(bell ringing)
- What do you do for a living?
- I'm the pastor.
(bell ringing)
- It's nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.
Uh, yeah, yeah.
- Man, that was like turnin' on the heat
for the first time since summer.
Always stinks before it gets warm.
Have a seat, bro.
- Yeah, okay.
Yeah, okay.
Just lighten up.
All right?
- Got it.
- Hi.
And your name?
- Hey.
- Nice to meet you, Karen.
I'm Kenny.
- I'm a pastor.
(light heroic music)
- Really?
- What are your superpowers exactly?
(light heroic music)
- Aw, this? Of course it's real.
- It's a knockoff.
- Bruh.
- [Patrick] Pyrite.
(Kenny chuckles)
- Uh, so how are you
both doing? (chuckles)
(crickets chirping)
(soft gentle music)
- Excuse me. I'm sorry.
I didn't realize anybody was out here.
- You're the guy that wrecked my shop.
- And you're the crazy lady that said
somebody named Pam sent me.
(Elise laughs)
- Haven't you ever had a bad day before?
- Yes, I have.
(both laughing)
- And you thought that I was?
I was just looking for directions.
- And then you leave my space
with almost everything in the store.
- Oh, well the patchouli is nice.
- Uh, let me see that.
- This isn't patchouli. (laughs)
This is neem oil.
We use it on dogs to
repel fleas and ticks.
(both laughing)
- Oh.
(both laughing)
It's a beautiful night.
- It is.
- Thank you for redeeming the night.
- Oh!
I hadn't been to church in a long time,
and I had a nice time.
- Yeah, you know, maybe we should, uh-
- Uh, yes.
- Do this again.
- Yes, yes, and it would keep our friends
off our backs, right?
- Right, right, right.
How about Friday night?
(Elise laughs)
Do you have a number?
- You can reach me at Moxie's.
- Great.
I'll call you.
(soft gentle music)
- You're up a 1000
followers after one video.
- Right?
- You're not gonna get in
trouble for this, are you?
- I don't know.
Maybe, once she sees how
much people still miss her.
I don't know.
Might just boost her up a bit.
- [Corrine] All right, I support it.
So what are you gonna
do for your next one?
- What do you mean?
- [Corrine] Well, the '80s are trending
and she's a superstar from that era.
You've got momentum, okay?
You've gotta keep pushing content.
And I really think you
have something here.
- We're up another 20 followers
since we started talking.
- You, my friend, are going to be making
money off this in no time.
(messages whooshing)
(birds chirping)
(soft gentle music)
(doorbell ringing)
- What? Kenny?
- She kicked me out.
- [Patrick] Theresa?
- That'd be the one.
Excuse me.
Can I get through?
Little help here?
(light playful music)
- So it's a date?
- It is
not a date.
- It sounds like a date. (chuckles)
- It's just two people who
have something in common.
Both have pushy, meddling
friends who think
they know what's best for their lives.
- Okay, well, where you goin'?
- We are going to dinner and a movie.
(Derek laughs)
- Are you trying to get me to believe
that doesn't sound like a date to you?
- [Elise] It is not a date.
- Eh.
Is this what you're wearing
for your not a date?
- Well, I'm leaning toward
this one.
- Hmm.
- Or this here.
- Grandma.
- Yes?
- No, no, no, it screams grandma, audibly.
Very loud, in fact. Mmm.
Where did you even get this?
How did I let you get away with this?
- What? No, no, no, no.
I understand. Yes, Theresa.
But we can't always...
He said what?
Oh, no.
No, I did not encourage
him to attend speed dating.
But I assure you, he was
with me the entire time.
Right. Huh?
He said what?
I agree. I agree.
No, but he can't stay here.
Eh. Hello?
Well, I can't believe this.
She just hung up the phone on me.
Um, she kicked ya out.
- I told you.
- Well, you got another
woman's number at speed dating.
- No, I got the number for you!
Like I need another woman.
I can't even handle the woman I got!
- Well.
You can't stay here.
- It's a conspiracy, Pastor.
Theresa was just waitin'
to pin something on me.
- You can't stay here.
- Where am I supposed to go?
- You'll figure it out.
- It's okay.
I'll just, uh, make a few calls.
Always on time, right?
Hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus.
- You found somethin'?
- The verse of the day.
"When I was hungry, you fed me.
When I was thirsty, you gave me drink.
When I was a stranger in
the land, you took me in.
When I was naked, you clothed me."
- You can have the weekend.
- Putting a lot of faith in Theresa
taking me back, don't you think?
- Oh, I'm putting my faith in you, Kenny.
- In me?
- In you to fix your marriage
and convince your wife
to welcome you back into
her open, loving arms.
(Kenny sobbing)
- Yeah, I don't remember the last time
my grandma went on a date,
but I'm pretty sure that
whoever was the president
at the time is probably dead.
Okay, this is perfect
for your date not date.
All right, where you meeting him?
- Ah, he's picking me up.
- Oh!
- It's a date.
- It's a date, yeah.
- Oh, you know what?
I'm gonna call him and cancel.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. This is yours.
Um, it's fine. Don't you like this guy?
- It, it, it, it, let me see.
Here it is.
You were absolutely right.
I, I, I don't need to be doing this.
- Uh, nobody said that, first of all.
Secondly, listen.
Me and you, I think we,
we could use our own space
for a little bit, you know?
I've been getting under your nerves
and you've definitely been, well, listen.
(phone ringing)
- Oh, it's him, it's him.
It's him, it's him.
- Okay, answer it, answer it, answer it.
- Hi.
Hello, Pastor.
- Pastor?
- Uh-huh.
I'm good, I'm good, I'm good.
And you?
- [Patrick] I, um.
Something came up.
One of my parishioners.
- You're the only one who
can help me. (sniffles)
- I, I understand.
Yes, yes, yes, yeah. (chuckles)
All right. Okay.
Maybe some other time.
All right.
- Uh.
Wait, what happened?
- I guess that he realized
that it was a date, too.
- Yeah, pizza.
(texts whooshing)
- [Announcer] It's the
bottom of the eighth inning-
- She never lets me use the remote.
- [Announcer] Two outs with
a runner on first base.
Now the big guy comes up to bat.
- My man.
My favorite show. You like this one?
- You should've seen her face.
She was so sad.
- [Corrine] Uh, yeah, I did,
along with the rest of your followers.
- You know I had a couple
of guys actually reach out
and offer to take her on a date?
- [Corrine] That's creepy.
- Yeah, little bit, yeah.
But my point is, this could be bigger
than we ever imagined, you know?
We could like, we could make a whole show
out of this maybe.
You know, date my grandma? Yeah?
- [Corrine] Hey, Derek, um, sorry.
Can we actually talk about this later?
- Yeah, sure. Okay.
- [Corrine] Sorry, um, I'm
just meeting up with a friend
and we were gonna run some lines, so.
- Oh, so you're firing
me as your scene partner.
- [Corrine] (laughs) No.
No, it's just, it's this guy from school
that I've had a crush
on since like 6th grade.
We ran into each other the other night
and he's into theater, so, you know.
Hello? You still there?
- Yeah.
Where else would I be?
- Excuse me.
Can you help me? I'm a bit lost.
- Let me guess. You're out of patchouli.
- [Patrick] I wanted to apologize.
- For what?
- Didn't want you to
think that I stood you up.
- It wasn't a date.
- Right, not a date.
Are you free?
- Now?
- Sure.
Everybody's gotta eat.
(Elise chuckles)
- Sure.
Just let me finish with my customers.
- I'll be happy to wait.
(soft gentle music)
Third generation ministry.
It just runs in the family.
It's me, my father, my father's father.
- So I guess there was no question
that you would follow
into their footsteps.
- True.
Should we say grace?
- Uh, of course, yes.
Uh, it's been awhile, I admit,
and it's been a challenge.
- Well, we don't have to.
- Oh, no, no. Let's do it.
I've got this.
Heavenly Father, thank you.
Thank you for our health,
thank you for this food,
and thank you for this new friendship.
- Amen.
- So, what, uh,
attracted you to the soup?
I mean, to soap?
- Oh, well, this is my second career,
and I take comfort in creating
something pure, you know?
Something with purpose.
- There's definitely a
purpose in being clean.
- [Elise] Mmm.
- What did you do before?
- Um, that's a long time ago.
Why don't I give you a hand with this.
- Okay.
- See, what we're gonna do is that you
just hold it there and that-
- Oh, one handed.
- That finger helps, okay?
So you just try it since you're a lefty.
Grasp it.
Good, good, good, good, good.
- Mmm-hmm.
(Elise chuckles)
But uh, you teachin' me how to eat.
Must have kids.
- I did.
A son.
And he was, he was a troublemaker.
Whoa to anyone who said
no or got in his way.
- So he takes after you?
- Took after me.
He was a Marine. I encouraged it.
He needed structure, and
I didn't afford that.
So, um, right before he was shipped out,
he met a beautiful girl, charming,
and he got her pregnant.
And then a little while after that,
he was deployed to Afghanistan
where he was out on patrol
and he stepped on a landmine.
- I'm so sorry.
- And I am still wrestling
with God over it.
- Well, I've been known
to have a shouting match
or two with him myself.
- Oh, I do more than shout.
I just shut down.
- Five years ago,
I lost my wife to ovarian cancer.
- [Elise] Mmm.
I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry.
- She was my world.
I was lost without her.
- Yes.
- I withdrew.
Was sad,
- [Elise] Yes.
- But, but faith,
my faith was my comfort.
In time I went back to work
and got better.
What about you?
- I just threw myself
into raising my grandson.
His mother was young.
She had all of these wild ideas,
and she just wasn't up to it.
So I took him and I raised him.
Derek. His name is Derek.
And he is amazing.
And not just because
he's my grandson, either.
He just is.
And it's like I still have a little piece
of my son Thomas with me.
- Your husband wasn't in the picture?
- (chuckles) Sometimes it is a good thing
when God doesn't answer your prayers.
(soft gentle music)
(Elise chuckles)
- Oh.
I have to say that that
was a nice diversion.
Thank you.
- I enjoyed it, too.
- You have kind eyes.
Oh, um.
For practice.
- Does this mean we get to do this again?
- Thank you, Pastor.
- Thank you.
Is that a yes?
(both chuckle)
(Elise laughs)
- Yes!
(Patrick laughs)
- I really don't know
what I'm doin'. (laughs)
(phone keys ticking)
(phone vibrates and chimes)
(messages whoosh)
- Uh, Pastor.
- Uh, yeah. Oh, um.
Yeah, why do you think I had
you all take a look at that?
- Uh, to make us feel guilty?
- Do you have something
to feel guilty about?
- No, baby.
- Years ago when I first
started counseling you,
you made lists of what
drew you to one another.
I want you to go back to your beginning.
Maybe you'll start to
appreciate the things
that life and years of marriage
have caused you to take for granted.
- Yeah, but a lot can happen
in a marriage, Pastor.
- Oh, yeah.
- It's why we've been drifting apart.
- Well, good.
What I want you to do, I
want you to make a new list.
What are you grateful for
right here, right now?
(phone vibrates and chimes)
(Patrick chuckles)
Oh, um, I'll be right back.
No, no, you did not interrupt anything.
Yeah, yeah.
I was thinking about you too, Elise.
- Yes!
- Stop it.
- [Patrick] Yeah. (chuckles)
- Hey, all.
I'm about to take y'all into the kitchen,
where my grandma brought the pastor home.
Okay, that sounds really weird.
Basically, she invited
him over for dinner,
and now they're on dessert.
(Elise laughing)
- I mean, what do you
mean you've never heard
this song before?
- No, the only music my father allowed
in our house was gospel music,
and not even the gospel greats.
It was choir music.
This one time I brought
home an Al Green album.
- Uh, I loved him.
- Yeah.
Well, my father smashed the album.
- [Elise] No!
- Yeah, traumatized me.
From that point on, I missed out on anyone
who was anyone in the music world.
- Well, you know what?
You may have not missed out on much.
- Agree to disagree, Grandma.
Um, Pastor, you probably didn't know,
my grandma used to be in a group.
- You were in a band?
- Not just in a band.
The lead of the band, all right?
Weren't you, Grandma?
- Derek, don't you have
some homework to do?
- No, actually I don't. You
know I'm not in school no more.
Good try, though.
- [Patrick] Well, who was
the name of the group?
I may have to remedy my past.
Or is this something we
don't discuss in the house?
- Not anymore.
Well, we used to.
Honestly, I don't know why we stopped.
She was-
- The name of the band was Sugar & Spice.
- Were you the spice?
- Depends on the day.
- And what kind of music did you do?
- We just sang, but not that
you would know, choir boy.
- Ooh!
Okay, well, school me then.
- Uh, show him some pictures, Grandma.
- I will not.
- Well, I can just look
you up when I get home.
Actually, I can just-
- Don't you dare.
- Ooh! That jacket!
- Oh, yeah, that's the one she
got in the closet right now.
- Oh, now what song should I pick first?
- You know what? I think we
should show him the video.
Don't you, Grandma?
- I vote video.
- I also vote. I like him.
- No, no, let's leave the '80s behind.
- [Derek] Come on, Grandma.
- Absolutely not.
Bright red candy-coated sugar lipstick
Conversation hearts that say I do
Cotton candy, don't you wanna try this
Be mine, call me, kiss me, I heart you
- Can you still do that?
- Uh, did you
just touch your head on the ground?
- Grandma, come on.
Come on, dance with me.
- No, no, no, no, no.
- Come on. Hang on.
Sugar, sugar
- Around. Okay.
So what was the move?
You gotta show me.
- Oh, don't forget the dip.
- Oh, yeah.
Okay, okay, okay.
Ooh, sugar
- Okay.
- Okay, then backwards.
- Backwards?
- Yeah.
- Okay, go, go.
Bright red candy-coated sugar
- [Elise] Come on, come one, come on!
- Oh, no, no.
- [Derek] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Okay, all right, all right.
- [Derek] Come on over, come on over.
Hold on.
- Okay.
- You got it.
- Okay.
- Easy, okay?
- Yeah, yeah.
- Dip on sugar.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Sugar?
- Yeah, uh-huh, okay.
- One, two.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- You gotta count, okay?
Two, and.
- Hey.
- Help your friend.
- Okay, okay, okay.
- Oh, oh, oh!
- Okay, okay, okay.
- Uh-huh.
(Elise laughs)
(both laughing)
- That's a catchy beat.
- I can't even. (laughs)
- I love it.
- Why?
- You're fun.
- No, I'm not that fun.
- Feel like, I don't know.
This is good.
- Yeah.
It is good.
- This is quite a surprise.
(soft jazz music)
- Y'all.
I think my grandma just
got her first real kiss
in an extremely long time.
(Derek chuckles)
Okay, Pastor.
(messages whooshing)
And I got, everyone's got the sugar
- Oh.
- Havin' fun?
- Not anymore.
- Hmm.
Who is she?
Are you in love?
I know that look.
You had the same one with my sister.
- Well, Angie's been gone for five years.
- And that's Angie's fault?
- Well, she wanted me to
move on whenever I was ready.
- So who is she?
(Patrick sighs)
And she sleepin' here, too?
(door opens and closes)
- Honey, I'm home!
- Patrick, what are you into?
- You are the last person to tell me
how to live my life.
You did it when Angie was alive,
but I am under no obligation to do it now.
- Really?
- Not this time, Nadine.
- No one can replace her.
- I'm not trying to replace her.
I'm just trying to move on
with my life as best I can.
I need you to leave.
(sighs) Goodnight.
(door slamming)
(Patrick sighs)
Thank you so much.
- You're welcome.
(bright upbeat music)
I love the way you talk
I love the way you walk
I love the way you dance
And how you make romance
But I really love
the way that you look
When ya look at me
I love the way you smile
And, girl, I love your style
I love the way you move
When you're in the groove
But I really love
the way that you look
When you look at me
Whoa, I really love
the way that you look
(Patrick snoring)
When you look at me
Yeah, I really love
the way that you look
When you look at me
(Patrick snoring)
(text chiming)
(Derek grumbles)
- Huh?
Yeah, no, I actually can't right now.
Because, let me tell you.
Grandma forgot that we
had this giant order of,
one second, I've got it right here.
Lavender-infused coconut
cold-pressed oiled soap
or whatever.
I don't know.
Was supposed to go out to
some California wellness event
weeks ago, though.
And we'll try
- [Derek] Grandma?
(alarm ringing)
Grandma! Grandma! Grandma!
- What? What? What?
- [Derek] What are you doing?
- Nothing.
- Nothing.
(phone vibrating)
I got it. Hey.
No, no, false alarm.
Yeah, uh, my grandma.
Yes, actually, again.
Password. Oh.
Mmm-hmm. Yeah.
Thank you.
- And when did you change our safe word?
(timer ringing)
Oh, thank you.
The soap for my California event, oh.
- You know, I put a little
bit of lemongrass oil
in there, too.
- Ooh, you are my best friend, ever.
I love you, baby.
- I love you, too, Grandma.
- Thank you.
(phone chimes and vibrates)
- Hey, should I?
- No, no, no, no.
Just let it go to voicemail.
- Okay.
Um, who is it, anyway?
- And he's called twice.
And he won't leave a message.
I don't even know how he got my number.
- Um.
Yeah. That's weird.
Are you gonna call him back?
- Absolutely not. No way.
You know, outside of you and your father,
that's a chapter that never
should've been written.
- Yeah, you, you should block him.
- I don't know how.
- I got it.
Okay, there you go.
Yeah, he shouldn't be able to reach you.
- Oh, thank you.
- [Derek] Mmm-hmm.
- Yes, you are amazing.
Oh, you are the best!
(soft solemn music)
(soft relaxing music)
- Oof.
- Are you okay over there?
- Yeah, I'm fine, I'm fine.
(phone chimes)
Are you serious?
I'm paying for this room, you know?
- Sorry.
- Ugh!
- What is wrong with you?
You are throwing my
osmosis all out of whack.
- That's not even how it works.
Who introduced you to this
guy in the first place, huh?
- He did, when he walked into my shop.
- Uh, no. I took you to his church.
I just got you back, and now
you leave me all over again.
- I didn't leave you.
- You left the band. That's leaving me.
What if he breaks your heart
just like Jeff did, huh?
Oh, you're gonna need me then.
- Oh, don't even go there.
- Whatever.
- Look, okay, okay.
Excuse me.
Now who told me that I
needed to get a life?
In this very room.
Can I not do anything
right in your eyes, Pamela?
- I just want the old Elise back.
Oh, not the uptight shop owner,
but the non-stop fun Elise.
I don't know where she ran off to.
- Maybe she's gone off
in another direction.
- I was always the more
dynamic and attractive one,
and now I'm stuck.
I don't know what to do with my life.
I mean, I'm funny, right?
I mean, I could be a comedian, do standup.
(Elise laughs)
- Oh, yes.
You are making me laugh.
The most attractive one.
(both laughing)
Your strong suit
is your smooth sailing
through any situation.
Use it.
That is why we called
you Stealth Smooth Baby.
- All this time I
thought it was because of
my long, long, supermodel legs.
Walk, walk, work that runway,
work that runway.
(both laughing)
- That is funny!
That is funny, girl!
(both laughing)
- Oh my goodness.
Well, thank you, folks.
I'm here all week.
(both laughing)
- You.
All right, Smooth.
It's me and you tomorrow.
- I can't wait.
- Mmm.
I love you, baby.
- I love you more.
- Mmm.
All righty, righty.
Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't see you coming.
- No, you sure didn't.
Moxie, interesting name.
- Oh, thank you.
So, how can I help you?
- Oh, I'm just checking it all out.
- Yes, now those are my favorite.
Lemongrass and calendula.
- Mmm.
Oh, and while I'm here,
do you have anything for men?
Something a little more natural, spicy,
manly kind of scent.
- I do.
Happens to be right here.
- Mmm, yes. I think that'll work.
- Wonderful.
(soft mischievous music)
All righty.
Ah, knowing Patrick, he'll
probably steal that, too.
- Patrick?
- My boyfriend.
He's a pastor here in town.
- Oh.
Patrick at Cornerstone?
- [Nadine] You know him?
- So you two are?
- Going on four years.
I'm certain he's gonna love these.
Oh, you have a great rest of your day.
(soft solemn music)
(phone jangling)
(soft solemn music)
(phone ringing)
- Come on. Pick up.
Hey, it's, uh, it's been awhile.
- [Corrine] Yeah.
Yeah, I've been pretty busy.
- Tried you like five times.
I'm not always on my computer. (chuckles)
- [Derek] Yeah.
Look, I have a problem.
- Yeah?
- You've been watching my videos, right?
- [Corrine] Yeah.
- Okay, so, I don't know where my grandpa
reached out to my grandma,
and he hasn't been around
since I was a baby,
so it was kind of bizarre.
You're still there, right?
- [Corrine] Yeah, yeah.
Sorry, I'm still here.
- Yeah, um.
She keeps her information
private for a reason,
so I don't know how he got her number.
- Are you serious?
(soft inquisitive music)
(Derek sighs)
- He must've, he must've found my channel.
Do you think he's gonna tell her?
- [Corrine] Don't know.
- What does that even mean?
Look, you usually have really good advice,
and I could use some of that right now.
- I'll think about it.
- [Derek] But-
- I said I'll think about it, okay?
I gotta go.
- [Derek] What?
(Derek sighs)
(soft solemn music)
- Hey, Elise. It's Patrick again.
Just wanted to leave you another message.
I've left several texts.
Uh, call me.
Look forward to getting together again.
(car rumbling)
- Hello, dear brother-in-law.
I come in peace.
- It's not a good time, Nadine.
- We're family.
You can't give me a few minutes?
- You can't keep doing this.
Can't keep popping in and out of nowhere,
following me, watching me.
- No, no, I prefer to think
of them as wellness checks.
I'm doing this for my sister.
- Are you?
- It wasn't always bad between you and me.
She was more a mother to
me than my mother ever was.
- [Patrick] I know she loved you.
(Patrick sighs)
- Maybe I was too involved.
- Was?
- I wanna show you something.
(soft gentle music)
You are the only living thing
that connects me to her.
- I miss her everyday.
But she is still alive in my heart.
Maybe you should find some peace, too.
- If only I could.
Patrick, I've done some bad things,
some things I shouldn't of.
- Through God's grace we are forgiven,
and our hearts renewed.
- You forgive me?
After all I've done?
- You have so much energy.
I mean, laser-focused energy.
Maybe you should use your
gifts to serve others
and reclaim your life.
(soft gentle music)
- You made my sister very happy.
That's all I need to remember.
(soft solemn music)
(traffic humming)
(horns honking)
- You tell her that we can't
give her more than that.
She's a brand-new artist.
She knows she has no leverage.
You know what? Hold on.
I got a call coming on the other line.
- Uh, Jeff?
- Elise?
You finally unblocked my number.
- [Elise] Is this a bad time?
- No, no.
I, uh, how are you?
- Ah, you're probably busy.
I probably never should've called.
- I always have time for you, Elise.
We got a lot of catching up to do.
- Listen, I'm in New York right now,
but I'm headin' your way soon.
I'd love to see you
if you're available.
- I don't know.
- [Jeff] Come on, it
would be like old times.
- And that's supposed to be reassuring?
- Of course it is.
We had some good times, didn't we?
I'm gonna call you, but
you're gonna have to
unblock my number.
- Um, I'll be in touch.
(people chatting indistinctly)
Thank you.
(soft piano music)
- [Jeff] Hello, you.
- Jeff.
- [Jeff] I was at the front of the class.
- [Elise] The head of the class.
- Yes, I was.
Just doing all I could do.
(Elise laughs)
- What?
- Just good memories.
- Mmm.
Did I hear that you've gotten married?
(Jeff laughs)
- I know you didn't.
- Again.
- Oh! (laughs)
You ain't changed.
Yeah, I'm married. Yeah, yeah.
I was married. Third time.
Probably the shortest one to date.
You know me. I never learn my lesson.
- Repeat offender.
- Yes, repeat offender.
Cheers to that.
- Cheers.
- How about you?
How's this dating thing going?
- Did I say I was dating somebody?
- Oh, no. Okay, you didn't say that.
- Nothing to talk about.
- Good. Less competition for me.
You know how I get.
- Is it hot?
- Maybe a little.
- Um, excuse me.
- Okay.
If even life leaves a bitter taste
I will hold you
And all I ever really want from you
Is to leave a light on
And I do
Believe in all those
miracles, it's true
You see
Your love would be the answer for me
If I were naked, if
my eyes could not see
You know you're the only reason why
I believe in me
- Sorry to keep you waiting.
- It's all good. You all right?
I mean, I came all this way. I
thought you wanted to see me.
- I did.
- You know, this right here reminds me
of last time you left.
- Why did you contact me?
- Well, you know, I never had no easy time
watching you with another man.
But then when I saw you with him,
I guess the old me rose up
and I guess I had to see for myself.
- What are you talking about?
- The pastor.
I mean, a pastor?
How is that workin' out for you?
I figured you was gonna call me
to help you out with your, uh,
this show you got goin'.
This, uh, what's it called?
Sugar & Spice, Grandma
Spice now or something.
- Uh.
I don't know what you're talking about.
What are you talking about?
- This little online show you got goin' on
with your grand, with our grandson.
Is he filming it?
Now, I know you.
I know the performer in you
is not gonna miss a chance
to be in the spotlight.
You need the adoration.
You don't know what I'm talkin' about?
- I don't know what you're talkin' about.
Show me.
- Where's this thing at?
Yeah, this right here.
Bright red candy-coated
- Look at that.
You know what?
I mean, you look good.
Just hammin' it up.
I love this.
Let me help you.
Let me introduce you to some producers,
and we could give this
show some clout, you know?
I mean, come on, Elise.
We get on like a house on fire.
It's just business.
But it's a business you and I are good at.
- Jeff.
- Yeah.
- Jeff, Jeff, Jeff, Jeff, Jeff.
Always working an angle, aren't you?
(Jeff chuckles)
- Oh, come on, Elise.
I'm just tryin' to help you.
Everybody wants to live the dream
- Ah, these women.
Everybody wants to have it all
But then the time goes
But all really ever want from you
Is to leave a light on
(door slamming)
- Hey, uh,
Patrick came over and was looking for you.
Was your phone off or somethin'?
He said he called.
- [Elise] Have I not been good to you?
- What?
- And when you had a need,
did I not do what I had
to do to meet your need?
- Yeah, you've been great, Grandma.
What's goin' on?
- I saw Jeff, your so-called
grandfather, today.
- Oh.
- 40 videos.
And I watched 'em.
I sat in my car
and I watched 'em, every one of them.
Were you ever gonna tell me?
- Can I explain?
- What?
That, that you wanna
make a fool out of me?
- What? No.
- So you have that little respect for me?
That I'm a joke to you?
- No, of course, of course not. What?
- Why?
I mean,
Why would you do that?
- I'm, I'm sorry.
- Are you recording now?
- No, no, no, of course not.
Look, just.
- You liar!
Ooh, I can't!
I can't trust you!
- Did you ever wonder if that's the issue?
Not you not being able to trust me.
That's normal.
You being so overbearing.
Don't do this, Derek.
Oh, don't forget you
need to do that, Derek.
I am 19 with no friends and no life!
That's not normal!
- Hello.
I don't have a life.
- Please.
No privacy, no respect.
I think it's time for
me to get outta here.
Just, yeah.
- Oh, yes, yes, yes, it is.
And, and, and I can't,
I can't believe that I
didn't see it sooner!
Yes! It's time for you to leave.
And I want you to delete that.
I want you to delete every one of those!
Do you understand me?
- Crystal clear.
(phone clatters)
- What? What?
- [Patrick] Ah.
- Woo!
What? What?
You see that, huh? You see that?
- [Patrick] Yeah, yeah,
I saw it, I saw it.
- If I win, can I stay?
- Nope.
- It's okay.
I don't wanna stay at your house anyway.
Smell like a locker room.
- Yeah?
- Stinky, sweaty socks.
- We got 10 minutes more and
I'm taking you to church.
Now, June, she's gonna meet us there
and you're gonna stay
with her and her husband.
- Wait, wait, wait, what, what? June?
June and her husband?
- Yeah.
- I didn't agree to all that.
I'll bet you they don't even got cable.
- Hey, look.
I get it now.
Comin' from with you and Theresa?
I mean, it's bad enough
that she shut me out,
without, you know, and
not even tell me why.
You know, give me a heads up.
- What you got? What you got?
- Yeah, yeah.
Watch this.
- Okay.
- I mean, to not know why.
See, that's why I was
better off being alone.
- [Kenny] Okay.
- And I liked her.
I really liked her.
You know.
I mean, I know I'm not all that,
but I would do anything for her.
Why is it that women just can't accept
a good guy doing the best he can
with what he has?
- Man, I don't know. Look at me.
- I'm in love with her.
I'm in love with that woman.
- Did you tell her?
- She won't take my
calls, she won't see me.
And I was the one canceling you.
I'm sorry.
I get it now.
- Does that mean I have to stay with June?
- Oh, yeah.
You're still staying with June.
- Staying with June.
Man, I gotta come clean with you.
- Yeah?
- You're the reason why
Theresa kicked me out
in the first place.
- Me? What did I do?
- She says we're no better off
when you started counseling us.
- Hey, Kenny.
What you two do with your marriage
is ultimately up to you.
I'm just a moderator.
- All I ever wanted to hear
from her is that she loves me.
That's it.
- What did you do?
- All right.
Remember Briella?
- Briella?
- Briella.
- Kenny, do not tell me you cheated
on your wife with Briella.
- No, I didn't cheat.
But I did call her.
She's a licensed marriage therapist,
and no offense, I think
she's got it all together.
And you know what Theresa
said when she found out?
She, uh, she, uh.
- Kenny?
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Hey, just.
It's not funny.
- I'm not jokin', Pastor.
Say a prayer and get me to the hospital!
(soft dramatic music)
(phone jangling)
- [Corrine] Are you okay?
- Sure.
- Does she know you took them all down?
If you're shrugging right
now I can't see you.
Turn on your camera.
- No.
Not if you're not gonna
turn yours on first.
- (sighs) So what are you gonna do?
(Derek sighs)
- I've got her car,
and I'm gonna look at
some apartments later.
- I mean, I know this
didn't exactly turn out
how you wanted it to,
but, I don't know.
In a weird way, you
still got your freedom.
I'm sorry I haven't been around.
- [Derek] It's okay.
Where have you been, anyway?
With your 6th grade Romeo?
- (chuckles) No.
You know, I remembered
why we never actually
went out in high school.
Complete jerk.
- Mmm, but was he a better
scene partner, though?
- [Corrine] Eh, a little bit.
- Okay.
- Look, I'm worried about you, okay?
- Why?
If you think about it,
I'm really just some guy
you met on the internet.
- [Corrine] True.
You know, you're also
completely oblivious.
- Thank you so much.
My self-esteem really needed that.
- [Corrine] Derek?
- Hmm?
- Did no one ever teach you how to tell
when a girl likes you?
(bright upbeat music)
If you're freaking out
right now, I can't see you.
- Did, did, did you just?
- [Corrine] Are you serious?
- Now?
No! No! Of all the times
you want to video chat,
you choose now?
I look like a bum!
- [Corrine] You do know I've
already seen you, right?
Half the world has, okay?
So you pick up right now
or I'll end the call.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- I don't think I ever told
you my real name, did I?
- I'm Corrine.
- Hi. I, um, I'm Derek. (laughs)
You, uh. (laughs)
You already knew that.
- Yeah. (laughs)
- [Elise] Thank you.
- Oh, this store is so cute!
- Thank you!
- It's, it's absolutely horrible.
- Well, is it any wonder?
All that stress?
They're at the hospital.
- Yes.
- Pastor Patrick and Kenny.
- [Woman] Wow.
Did they say how bad it was?
- I, it's not good.
- Ooh, broken hearts.
I've had many of those.
How much?
(bright adventurous music)
- God, please surround
Patrick with your angels.
Please, God.
- Grandma?
Hey, Grandma!
- God, I know that I am not perfect.
- [Derek] Grandma!
Hey, Grandma! Wait up!
(Derek panting)
- God, I really messed it up with Derek.
- Grandma, please!
Can we talk this out?
I'm sorry!
Give me a second, Grandma!
Come on!
- Show me a sign, God.
A sign that I am forgiven.
(truck clunking)
Come on.
Go, go, go, go, go!
- [Derek] I'm sorry!
- Oh, thank you, God.
You are an on-time God.
(Derek wheezing)
Thank you.
- Thanks for stopping.
- I didn't. It did.
- Okay, um.
Hey, uh.
I'm, I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I didn't mean to hurt you
or invade your privacy.
I'm sorry.
- Oh, Derek, Derek, Derek, it's okay.
And I am sorry.
Look, I didn't mean to hurt you.
You are the most important
thing in my life.
- You forgive me?
- Well, that depends on how
close we are to the hospital.
- Eh, I don't think you want that answer.
- Oh, come on, come on. Think.
Think, think, think, think, think.
Now on those videos that you do,
you have the followists.
- Followers.
- Followers, followers.
Well, I need you to reach out to them
to see if we can get a lift.
I mean, surely there must be somebody
who's close to where we are right now.
- Sure, I can, I can start a stream.
That, yeah, that'll be fine, I guess.
Hey, y'all, listen. I'm back.
I don't have much time to explain,
but my grandma has to,
back up, Grandma, back up.
Yeah, but she's here. Go ahead.
- Hey, everybody. We need your help.
Pastor Patrick has been in an accident
and we need to get to the hospital.
They don't think he's gonna make it.
- We were on our way to the hospital
and the car ran out of gas or electricity.
I don't know, it ran out of somethin'.
But listen, if anybody is in
the Buena Vista Heights area,
we could really use some help.
A ride or anything would help, please.
- Please.
- Yeah, yeah.
It's gonna be okay. We're
gonna figure it out.
He's gonna be fine.
- I have no idea where Elise is,
but I called Derek and
he's out lookin' for her.
- I can't believe this is happening.
I mean, if they would just
let me be with him, then.
- Oh, baby.
Oh, boy.
(bright uplifting music)
- Hey, I think your videos
are the cat's meows.
Muffin loves 'em.
Get in. I'll get you to the hospital.
- Yeah, yeah, cat's are fine.
I, I love your videos.
- Watch out for the cats.
- Yeah, yeah, look, we
gotta talk about some ideas.
Maybe bounce some off of each other.
- [Man] Sounds good. Let's go.
- Oh.
I'm so glad you're here.
I just want you to know, I,
please forgive me.
I am so ashamed of-
- What room is he in?
- [Receptionist] Room 222.
- I need to hear more
about this whole thing
with you and Patrick.
- [Nurse] Dr. Bruce, telephone, please.
Dr. Bruce, telephone, please.
(soft solemn music)
- Patrick!
Patrick, I am so sorry.
And I never got the chance to,
to tell you that I knew the reason
that you came into my shop.
God placed you there.
I needed to find my faith walk again,
and I found that with you.
And I want you to know that
even though you lied to me,
I forgive you.
And that I,
I love you.
- You do?
- So this is what it finally takes?
I gotta be near death to finally hear you
tell me you love me?
- I do love you, Kenny.
But if you ever try
something like that again,
that heart attack that
you had will be nothing
compared to what I do to you.
- Baby, say it again.
Say it again.
- I love you.
- I love you.
(soft joyous music)
- Elise.
Come here.
(light playful music)
- I don't understand.
I thought that you were hurt.
- I'm better now.
You said you loved me.
- No.
- You did. I heard it.
- To be fair, I said that to Kenny.
- I gotta tell you something.
- You lied to me.
Now, she told me everything
about the two of you,
and I saw you kissing her on your porch.
- That's why you shut me out?
- You can have him.
- Oh, this is gettin' good.
- You should've spoken to me first.
- Oh, man.
Oh, this is the jam.
- Patrick, we can't go back.
This is a trust thing.
- Elise, that's Nadine.
- Uh, I'm sorry.
I don't care to know her name.
- Hey, bro.
Don't mess with my grandma.
- [Woman] Please, can
I have your autograph?
- [Woman] That is her?
- [Woman] That is her.
I'm so excited she is here.
Oh, I'm so glad I came.
- Elise! Elise!
Hey, let me explain!
Look, Nadine is my sister-in-law!
- Oh, that's gross.
- She stalks me.
- Not anymore.
Patrick, I'm sorry.
You are free to live your life.
- Great!
Look, Elise, you are the first person
that I have cared about
in a long, long time.
- [Elise] So there's no one else?
- There's no one but you,
the most beautiful, intelligent,
sugar and spicy thing
right in front of me.
(Elise chuckles)
- [Derek] Kiss him already, Grandma.
- Hey, kiss him!
- [Crowd] Kiss him! Kiss him!
Kiss him! Kiss him! Kiss him!
Kiss him! Kiss him! Kiss him!
(bright joyful music)
(crowd cheering)
- [Woman] That's my sister!
(bright joyful music)
(crowd cheering)
(Pam laughs)
- You and Grandma are about
to be famous all over again.
- I know. Look at all these people.
(crowd cheering)
(soft gentle music)
Oh my gosh.
- I gotta say, your likes
are through the roof.
- How are you-
- Never underestimate the
power of streaming video
and artificial intelligence.
- [Woman] Aw.
- And love.
(crowd cheering)
(bright uplifting music)
- As if we'd forget about you guys.
- Hi, vloggers!
It's Pam here.
Join us today on Derek TV for romance,
love, and second chances.
- We are here today to
renew the vows of love.
Kenny and Theresa,
you share the joys and blessings
along with the challenges of married life.
And now I pronounce you husband wife,
Please celebrate the
renewal of vows with a kiss.
(upbeat gospel music)
Hallelujah, hallelujah
(upbeat gospel music)
Hallelujah, hallelujah
We made it
Oh, we did
I wanna hold your hand
And hold your feet
'Cause we've got
No misery
(gentle acoustic music)
If all those songs
are written on guitars
Then just give me 16 bars
And I'll put my feelings on the page
And a tease and different fives
Make me feel so alive
Almost like being on a stage
And I feel alive right now
In reality and dreams
And time seems to all slow down
Like those rom-com movie scenes
Is it love
'Cause you're always next to me
Is it love
When I feel it's meant to be
If it's love
Eyes deeper than the Nile
And time freezes when he smiles
Just wanna dance the night away
Oh, despite what distance brings
She still makes me wanna sing
And I know that she'll be here to stay
And I feel alive right now
In reality and dreams
And time seems to all slow down
Like those rom-com movie scenes
And love
When you're always in my mind
Is it love
When I want you by my side
If it's love
No struggle, no trial
Can hinder me when
I'm in this perfect place of peace
Oh, she's humble and kind
I get to call her mine
And she'll like wonder
How two fates are intertwined
Two hearts are on the line
Hearts are on the line
Know that this is right
Is it love
When you know you have my heart
Is it love
'Cause I dread when we're apart
If it's love
If it's love
If it's love
If it's love
If it's love
If it's love
(soft gentle music)