Heavenly Creatures (1994) Movie Script
New Zealand's city
of the plains.
Here, when spring comes
to Canterbury,
daffodils bloom gay
and golden
in the woodland
of Hagley Park.
Through the park,
tree-bordered, green-banked,
the Avon flows,
a small and placid stream.
The riverbank is cool
and green,
a quiet haven from the bustle
of the city.
Nearby are tall buildings,
busy streets,
and the heart of the city,
Cathedral Square.
Every city street is flat,
so there are bicycles
This is a city of cycling.
Mothers, fathers, sons,
and daughters all on wheels...
cyclists of all ages
from 8 to 80 ride to play
or work each day.
There are thousands of them,
and only Copenhagen
is said to boast more bicycles.
Canterbury University
weathered gray stone buildings,
shadowed cloisters.
It was here Lord Rutherford
began a great career.
The girls' high school stands
in Cranmer Square,
and not far away are
the broad acres of Hagley Park,
with playing fields
for many sports.
In spring, summer, and autumn,
Christchurch gardens are gay
and colored.
Yes, Christchurch,
New Zealand's city
of the plains.
It's Mummy!
She's terribly hurt!
Please... help us!
The imperfect subjunctive,
like the imperfect indicative,
indicates action in the past.
He wanted her to give him
the money.
Translate, somebody.
He wanted her to give him
some money.
Put up your hand.
I will not have girls talking
out of turn in my class.
Good morning, girls.
Good morning, Miss Stewart.
Miss Waller, class...
this is Juliet Hulme.
Juliet is joining us
from St. Margaret,
and prior to that,
she spent some time
at Queenswood
in the Hawkes Bay.
I am actually from England,
Miss Stewart.
Of course.
Juliet's father is
Dr. Hulme,
of Canterbury College.
Juliet has traveled
all over the world.
And I'm sure she's very eager
to share her impressions
of exotic lands across the seas
with the girls of 3A.
Hmm. Well, I'll leave you to it,
Miss Waller.
You can
sit over here, Juliet.
We use French names
in this class.
You can choose your own.
Now, irregular verbs
in the present subjunctive...
I doubted... that he would come.
Excuse me, Miss Waller.
You've made a mistake.
"I doubted that he would
come" is, in fact,
the spoken subjunctive.
It is customary to stand
when addressing a teacher...
You should have written
I-I must have copied it
incorrectly from my notes.
You don't need to apologize,
Miss Waller.
I found it frightfully
difficult myself
until I got
the hang of it.
Thank you, Juliet.
Open your textbook
to page 17.
Right, I thought we'd do
some life drawing today,
so why don't you pair off
into twos
and decide who wants to model
and who wants to draw?
Oh, Juliet,
you haven't got a partner.
Oh, that's all right,
Mrs. Collins.
I'm sure I can manage
without one.
are you with anybody?
You can come up here
and pair up with Juliet.
Draw some heavier
lines there.
You might want to
change the color.
Make it a bit darker.
That's very nice,
Good heavens, Juliet.
What on Earth is this?
St. George and the dragon.
Where's Pauline?
Oh, I haven't gotten around
to drawing her yet.
I was going to pop her
on a rock,
but I seem to have run out
of room.
I don't know if you've
noticed, Mrs. Collins,
but I've actually drawn
St. George in the likeness
of the world's greatest tenor,
Mario Lanza.
Yes, I know.
It's very clever, Juliet.
But when I set you a topic,
I expect you to follow it.
Now, put that down
and start again.
I think
your drawing's fantastic.
Ooh. Mackerel.
Well, we'll have them
for lunch tomorrow.
Oh, let's have them now while
they're fresh, eh, Honora?
I think you'll find
our Mr. Bayliss isn't
too keen on seafood,
and I've got lamb chops
in the refrigerator.
Excuse me.
Would you mind if I put
my new long-playing record on?
You're partial to
a nice bit of mackerel,
aren't you, Steve?
Uh, well, actually, I'm not much
of a fish man, Mr. Rieper.
Oh, you have been
splashing out.
Oh, it's all right!
I've got my board money.
Well? Tell us.
How'd you go?
Got an "A," Mum.
Oh, don't worry about it now.
We'll sort it out after dinner.
You go and put
your record on.
Doris Day.
I think
she's really talented.
Got to be quick
in this house, mate.
Hey, isn't that
that famous Irish singer,
Murray O'Lanza?
He's Italian, Dad.
The world's greatest tenor.
Stop it!
You're spoiling it!
- Oop!
- Go away!
And left...
and left...
and right...
and left...
Can I have another look?
Lift those legs high,
keeping those legs straight.
That's so impressive.
Can I touch it?
Carry on now.
You're doing well.
I've got scars.
They're on my lungs.
I spent months in bed
during the war,
ravaged by respiratory
Mummy and Daddy sent me
to the Bahamas to recuperate.
I didn't see them
for five years.
But we're together now,
and Mummy's promised
they'll never leave me again.
I spent ages in
hospital, too, with my leg.
I had to have
all these operations.
Osteomyelitis turns
your bones to chalk.
Took them two years to
drain all the muck out.
Cheer up.
All the best people
have bad chests and
bone diseases.
It's all
frightfully romantic.
Oh! Hi, Paul!
- Aah!
- Oh!
The evil Prince Runnymede
is escaping!
Get him, Paul!
Come on!
The blighter's gone
to ground!
- Aah!
- Ahh!
Oh, God, Jonesy!
Jonesy, stop it!
Leave her alone,
you rotten little turd!
But she's an invader!
Go away.
We're not playing anymore.
Go on.
Bugger off.
You said a swearword.
I'm telling Mummy on you.
And I'm going into
your bedroom to break
every one of your toys.
I'm sorry.
Oh, God!
I'm so sorry.
It doesn't matter.
Of course it matters!
It's Mario.
What on Earth are these?
They're egg-and-salmon
and I gave them to you
several days ago.
Yeah, I thought
I could smell sulfur.
God, Henry.
You're hopeless!
Can't be trusted
with anything as simple
as lunch.
Oh... hello.
Mother, Jonesy broke
Paul's record!
Oh, dear.
We must buy her another one.
Would you like
a cup of tea... Paul?
Um, no, thank you.
Well, Juliet's told us
all about you.
I hear you're very fond
of opera.
which one shall we play?
Juliet, your father
is trying to study.
Daddy can study
while we're playing records.
Why don't you
go back outside, hmm?
I'll be finished soon.
Oh! Oh!
Oh, God!
are you all right?!
I... I think...
I'm dying.
- Please.
Please don't!
- Ugh!
You've been eating onions!
You toad!
- Oh!
- Waaaa!
- Wheeee!
Oh, I wish James Mason
would do a religious picture.
He'd be perfect as Jesus.
Daddy says the Bible is
a load of bunkum.
But we're all going
to Heaven.
I'm not.
I'm going
to the Fourth World.
It's sort of like Heaven,
only better,
because there aren't
any Christians.
It's an absolute paradise
of music, art,
and pure enjoyment.
James will be there,
and Mario,
only they'll be saints.
St. Mario.
To be known... as "He."
Absolutely not!
Orson Welles! Ugh!
The most hideous man alive!
We... give praise...
to the saints.
Oh, wonderful, Mum!
I got
me self a pair of socks!
Oh, Wendy. Oh.
Oh, thanks.
From Dad.
Mario Lanza!
Oh, thanks, Yvonne.
I hope it's all right.
It's from
Whitcombe & Tombs.
I decided
that my New Year's resolution
is to be more lenient
with others.
Pikelets! Yum!
Aren't you going out?
Not until 2:30.
This is a private function.
Go away!
Oh! Come on.
- Sausage rolls.
- Come on through.
Look who I found.
Hello... Juliet.
Hello, Mrs. Rieper.
It's so nice to meet you.
And so,
in a blazing fury,
Charles runs
Lancelot Trelawney through
with his sword, leaving
Deborah free to accept
Charles' proposal
of marriage.
I've heard your mother
on 3 YA.
The Women's Session has
lots of lively debate.
Well, actually,
Mummy's left that program now.
She's far too busy with
the Marriage Guidance Council.
They sound like
a queer mob.
I wouldn't want my private
business being discussed
with a complete stranger.
Oh, no.
Mummy's awfully good at it.
She has deep discussions
with unhappy couples
and persuades them to give it
another go.
In two years,
she's only had four divorces.
She should really be working
for the U.N.
My wife's blaming me.
Says it's all my fault.
And how do you feel
about that, Mr. Perry?
Please... call me Bill.
I don't know what went wrong.
My wife feels that, uh...
Oh, no. No.
Let's talk about
your feelings... Bill.
Mummy's got a special technique
called "deep therapy."
What's that?
I'm not sure,
but it's proving to be
very popular.
Eat up, Yvonne.
It's my middle name.
Yvonne tells us you're...
you're good at making models.
I adore anything
to do with the arts.
Well, we're...
we're pretty handy
with the old model
making, too, eh?
I've never cottoned on
to plasticine like you girls,
but I enjoy making
anything out of wood.
Oh. Are you a carpenter,
Mr. Rieper?
I work at Dennis Brothers...
fish supply.
He's the manager.
This is the dining room.
Do excuse us.
Um, breakfast is between
7:00 and 9:00.
The bedrooms are small,
but they're very clean
and comfortable.
This, um,
this story of yours...
perhaps the school
newspaper will print it
when it's finished.
Actually, Mr. Rieper,
it's a novel.
And we'll be sending it
to New York.
That's where all the big
publishing houses are based.
Is that a fact?
Well, you'd better put me name
down for an advance copy.
We have decided
how sad it is for other people
that they cannot appreciate
our genius,
but we hope the book
will help them
to do so a little,
though no one
could fully appreciate us.
Woof, woof.
- Oh, go on.
- Woof, woof.
California verse.
Aah! Aah!
- Aah!
- Ahhhhh!
Charles clutches
his wounded shoulder
- as he gallops
into the courtyard!
Deborah awaits his return
in their private boudoir
at the very top
of the tower!
He smells her scent
from 50 paces
and urges his steed
He flings open the door
and launches himself
at the bed,
ravishing her!
Oh, God, yes!
I bet she gets
up the duff on their
first night together.
What's "up the duff"?
you wouldn't understand.
- Ugh!
- Ahhhh!
Tell me!
I'm almost 10!
You're 81/2
and incredibly stupid!
Paul and I have decided
that Charles and Deborah
are going to have a baby,
an heir to the throne
of Borovnia.
What a splendid idea.
We're calling him
Well, that's
a good dramatic name.
Paul thought it up.
Aren't you clever?
There... all done.
Oh, look at you two...
A couple
of Borovnian Princesses
if ever I saw them.
My daughter...
and my... foster daughter.
I can't find that letter
from the High Commission.
They want
our passport numbers.
Are you going abroad,
Your father's attending
a university conference
in England, darling.
We'll only be gone
for a few weeks.
You're not going,
are you, Mummy?
Well, yes,
I-I thought I might.
It's, uh, a long time
for your father and I
to be apart.
But I should go, too.
you've got school.
You've only
just settled in.
Who's coming
to the shops?
Me! I'm coming!
I need some cigarettes.
Put on your shoes,
Look, Paul!
- Look!
- What?
Oh, it's so beautiful.
Oh, it's so beautiful!
Pretty flowers.
Come with me!
It's all right.
You'll see.
Come on!
Come on!
Oh! Oh!
Juliet and I discovered
the key to the Fourth World.
We have had it
in our possession
for about six months,
but we only realized it
on the day
of the death of Christ.
We saw a gateway
through the clouds.
was full of peace and bliss.
We then realized
we had the key.
We now know we're not genii,
as we thought.
We have an extra part
of our brain
that can appreciate
the Fourth World.
Only about 10 people have it.
When we die, we will go
to the Fourth World,
but meanwhile,
on two days every year,
we may use the key
and look into
that beautiful world
which we have been lucky enough
to be allowed to know of
on this day
of finding the key
to the way
through the clouds.
It's coming!
Oh, God!
It's a boy!
We have a son and heir.
I shall call him Diello!
Oh, you're
such an incredible woman!
I couldn't have done it
without you, Charles.
The empress Deborah
has the most enormous
fending off her husband,
who tries
to have his way with her
morning, noon, and night.
Thank you, Juliet.
the queen's biggest problem
is her renegade child, Diello,
who has proven to be
an uncontrollable
little blighter
who slaughters his nannies
whenever the fancy takes him!
That's enough, Juliet!
I suppose this is
your idea of a joke!
No, Mrs. Stevens.
I suppose you think it
witty and clever
to mock the royal family,
to poke fun at the queen
and the empire
with this... rubbish!
It's not rubbish!
Sit down, Pauline!
I really don't understand
why you are so upset,
Mrs. Stevens.
I merely wrote an essay
on the royal family,
as requested.
It doesn't say
it has to be the Windsors!
Sit down!
A girl like you should be
setting an example.
To your seat.
Stop it, Juliet!
Mrs. Hulme told me
they had found out today
that Juliet has tuberculosis
on one lung.
Poor Juliet.
I nearly fainted
when I heard.
I had a terrible job
not to cry.
I spent a wretched night.
It would be wonderful
if I could get
tuberculosis, too.
Come on, sit up.
I'm not hungry.
Oh, Yvonne,
you've got to eat.
You hardly ate any dinner
last night.
Now, come on.
I'm not having you
falling ill.
I just want to be on
my own for a while.
you may have forgotten
that you were once
a very sick little girl,
but I haven't.
All right.
Do you think Juliet
could stay here
while her parents
are away?
Juliet's infectious.
She'll be going
to the hospital.
But she'll have no one
to look after her!
Well, her parents won't
be going overseas now.
They have to cancel
their trip.
Don't worry about Juliet.
Well, it's not too late
to cancel
our travel arrangements,
if that's what you want.
I'm sure
you'll like it here.
It's very tranquil.
Oh, I've spoken
to the matron.
She promises to take
extra special care of you.
And you can carry on
with your studies
while you convalesce.
It's for the good
of your health, darling.
Cheer up,
old thing, hmm?
Four months...
fly by in no time.
won't be allowed visitors
for at least
a couple of months, dear.
I've booked you in
for a chest X-ray
just to be
on the safe side.
I thought I'd have a go
at building the birdhouse
on Saturday.
want to give me a hand?
You used to love making
things with Dad, Yvonne.
This evening,
I had a brain wave
that Juliet and I
should write to each other
as Charles and Deborah.
I wrote a six-page letter
as Charles
and a two-page letter
as Paul.
She has entered into
the spirit of the thing
"My dear Charles,
"I miss you and adore you
in equal amounts
"and long for the day
that we will be reunited.
"But as I languish here
in this house of disease
"and decrepitude,
"my mind turns
with increasing frequency
"to the problem of our son.
"Although only 10,
"Diello has thus far killed
57 people
"and shows no desire to stop.
It worries me, Charles. "
"My dearest,
darling, Deborah,
"affairs of state
continue to occupy my time.
"I have to report
"that the lower classes
are terrifically dull.
"Only yesterday,
"I was compelled to execute
several peasants
"just to alleviate
the boredom.
"Diello insisted
on coming along.
"In fact,
he made such a fuss
"that I had to let him
wield the ax himself.
"Heads did roll...
"not just the prisoners
"but the royal guard,
my valet,
"and several
unfortunate onlookers
copped it as well. "
"Oh, Charles,
I am despaired enough
"to put Diello
in the hands of the cardinal
"in the hope
that a good dose of religion
will set the young chap
on the right path. "
Hello again.
How are you getting on?
It must be awfully hard
being away
from your school chums.
I've got something here
that you might just like
to have a look at.
Unfortunately, the miracles
of modern medicine
can only go so far in
combating an illness
like TB.
That's why I'm here,
Reach out, Juliet!
Reach out for Jesus!
Aah! Aah!
I'm so happy
to see you!
Don't get too close.
She's still not 100/o.
Hello, Juliet.
We brought you
some fruit.
Oh, thank you so much!
Your letters
are wonderful, Charles!
Well, that's, um,
coming along nicely.
Oh, I'm the matron's
favorite patient,
and she showed me
her special stitch.
I love the color.
It's for you.
Goodness, me,
what a lot of letters.
Ha. Are your parents
enjoying their trip?
Oh, there's a couple
of unopened ones.
I'm saving them
for a rainy day.
- I know it's hard for you
being in here,
but it is for the good
of your health.
They sent me off
to the Bahamas
for the good of my health.
They sent me off
to the Bay of bloody Islands
for the good of my health!
I'm sorry, Mrs. Rieper.
I'm feeling
quite fatigued.
Well, we don't want
to tire you out, dear.
Oh, can't you stay
a bit longer, Paul?
No, we've got a tram
to catch, Yvonne.
You know,
this is quite something.
You're damn clever.
So, Deborah
is married to Charles,
and this chap Nicholas
is her tennis instructor?
Yes, but there's
nothing between them.
Deborah would never
go for a commoner.
Nicholas has got
his eye on Gina,
an amazingly beautiful
Looks like you, Yvonne.
Juliet made it.
This is really
quite incredible.
I'd bet you girls know
the entire royal lineage
for the last five centuries.
Oh, yes,
it's all worked out.
You'll never guess
what's happened.
John has fallen
in love with me!
That idiot boarder?
How do you know?
Did he tell you?
Well, uh, no,
but it's so obvious.
Is that why you haven't
replied to my last letter?
No, silly.
I'm only teasing.
He's only a stupid boy.
What do you want?
I can't sleep.
Can I borrow a book?
Shut the door.
This looks interesting.
Some of
these knitting patterns
look damn complicated.
Have you tried
the tea cozy?
It's damn cold,
isn't it?
Do you think I could
hop into bed
just for a minute...
just to warm up?
My feet
are like ice blocks.
Well, you should've worn
your slippers.
Come on, Yvonne,
I'll catch my death.
Just for a minute.
To think
that so much could happen
in so little time
caused by so few.
A terrible tragedy
has occurred.
"No, girls,
it isn't 'O,' it's 'E'!"
And she goes, "Eee!"
As if someone was jabbing
a pen into her.
Silly old trout.
I love you, Yvonne.
And then in history,
we've got this senile
old bat, who goes,
"And Charles II
"met Nell Gwyn
aboard a boat,
"and he was
a wealthy, young prince,
"and she was
a pretty, young thing,
and these things
do happen."
God, it's no wonder
I don't excel in history.
Do you love me
as much as I love you?
Of course,
my darling, Nicholas.
My... my name's John.
Well, I like "Nicholas"
much better.
You can call me
anything you like.
What are you doing?
Oh, bloody hell!
Go to the house.
You've broken my heart,
I lay there mesmerized.
It was just too frightful
to believe.
When I got up,
I found Father
had told Mother.
Coming to Lancaster Park
today, Mr. Rieper?
Oh, where's John?
He said he'd walk with me.
John is no longer
staying here.
Shot through
this morning,
said his old mom
had taken sick.
I had a nasty,
foreboding feeling at first,
but now I realized
my crime was too frightful
for an ordinary lecture.
From now on, you are
sleeping in the house,
where we can keep
an eye on you.
If you think for one minute
that your father and I
will tolerate
this kind of behavior,
you've got
another think coming!
You're only 14!
You're a child!
What on Earth is the matter
with you, Yvonne?
You know what can happen
with boys.
Don't you have
any self-respect?!
Can I go now?
Oh, you think you're
such a clever little madam!
You had your father
in tears last night!
My God,
what a disgrace you are.
You shame me.
You shame the family.
You're nothing but a cheap
little tart!
Well, I guess
I take after you, then!
You ran off with Dad
when you were only 17!
Nana Parker told me!
You're going to be late.
I'm terribly cut up.
I miss Nicholas
Mother thinks I will have
nothing more to do with him,
but little she knows.
Nicholas was pleased
that I was so early.
We sat around and talked
for an hour
and then went to bed.
I declined the invitation
at first,
but he became
very masterful,
and I had no option.
I discovered that
I had not lost my virginity
on Thursday night.
However, there is no doubt
that I have now.
Gina! It's great
to see you here!
Careful, Gina,
we almost lost you.
For you, my lady.
I didn't hurt you,
did I?
I've got to go home.
I love you so much.
Oh, Pauline!
- Daddy!
- Daddy!
There, living among
two beautiful daughters.
Of a man who possesses
two beautiful daughters,
you cannot know
nor yet try to guess
the sweet soothingness
of their caress.
The outstanding genius
of this pair
is understood by few,
they are so rare.
Beautiful boy!
Oh, darling! Ha ha!
Hello. Welcome home.
I still love you!
Compared with these
two, every man is a fool.
The world is most honored
that they should deign to rule,
and I worship the power
of these lovely two
with that adoring love
known to so few.
Ah... pretty.
'Tis indeed
a miracle one must feel
that two such
heavenly creatures are real.
Both sets of eyes,
though different far,
hold many mysteries strange,
and passively,
they watch the race of men
decay and change.
Hatred burning bright
in the brown eyes
with enemies for fuel.
Icy scorn
glitters in the gray eyes,
contemptuous and cruel.
And why are men such fools
they will not realize
the wisdom
that is hidden
behind those strange eyes?
And these wonderful people
are you and I.
Mrs. Rieper,
may I come in?
Yes, of course.
Thank you.
an imaginative...
...and spirited girl.
Look, if she's spending
too much time at your house,
you only need to say.
All those nights that
she spends over, she's assured
us that you don't mind.
Uh, no. l-lt's rather more
complicated than that.
Since Mrs. Hulme and I
have returned home,
Juliet's been behaving
in a rather...
disturbed manner...
um, short temper,
general irritability...
most uncharacteristic.
You sure I can't tempt you
to a nice sherry, Dr. Hulme?
Uh, no, thank you.
The thing is...
Yvonne hasn't been herself,
locking herself away
in her room, endlessly writing.
My wife and I feel
that the friendship is...
No arguments
there, Dr. Hulme.
All that time inside working on
those novels of theirs...
they don't get any fresh air
or exercise.
I'm not sure what you mean,
Dr. Hulme.
Your daughter...
appears to have formed
a rather...
unwholesome attachment
to Juliet.
What's she done?
She hasn't done anything.
It's the, um...
it's the intensity of the
friendship that concerns me.
I think
we should avert trouble...
before it starts.
Dr. Bennett's a good
friend of mine.
He's a general physician,
but he has some expertise
in child psychology.
If Pauline is, indeed,
developing in a rather...
...wayward fashion,
Dr. Bennett is the ideal man
to set her back on track.
What about your studies?
Are you enjoying school?
Are you happy at home?
Answer Dr. Bennett,
Mrs. Rieper,
perhaps you, uh,
you wouldn't mind
waiting outside, hmm?
Do you like your mother?
And why is that?
She nags me.
And that's why you like
to stay with the Hulmes.
Or is it because you want
to be with Juliet?
Do you... like girls?
Why not?
They're silly.
But Juliet's not silly.
Yvonne, there's nothing wrong
with having a close friend.
But sometimes things can get...
too friendly.
Such associations can lead
to trouble.
It isn't good to have
just one friend.
My wife and I have
several friends,
and we enjoy seeing them
on a regular basis,
and it's all
perfectly healthy.
Perhaps you could
think about
spending more time
with... boys.
You don't want to hurt
Juliet's feelings,
but I'm sure
she'd understand
your having other interests
outside of the friendship.
I mean, there's all sorts of
clubs and hobbies that you...
Bloody fool.
Uh, Mrs. Rieper...
Uh, h...
I agree, Mrs. Rieper.
It's not a pleasant word.
But let us not panic
This condition is often
a passing phase
with girls
of Yvonne's age.
But she's always been
a normal... happy child.
Oh, it can strike
at any time,
and adolescents are
particularly vulnerable.
What about the vomiting?
Uh, she's lost
a lot of weight.
I can find nothing wrong.
I've checked for TB,
and she's clear.
I... I can only attribute
her weight loss to her...
mental disorder.
Look, Mrs. Rieper,
try not to worry too much.
Yvonne's young and strong,
and she's got a loving
family behind her.
Chances are
she'll grow out of it.
If not, well, medical
science is progressing
in leaps and bounds.
There... there could be
a breakthrough at any time.
It was a rather snobbish
Mother woke me this morning
and started lecturing me
before I was properly awake,
which I thought was
somewhat unfair.
She has brought up the worst
possible threat now.
She said that if my health
did not improve,
I could never see the Hulmes
The thought is too dreadful.
Life would be unbearable
without Deborah.
I wish I could die.
This is not an idle
or temporary impulse.
I have decided over the last
two or three weeks
that it would be the best thing
that could happen altogether,
and the thought of death
is not fearsome.
Oh, thank you!
Oh, Wendy.
I've got
me self a pair of socks!
Is it hurting, dear?
Your leg.
Have you got pain?
My New Year's resolution
is a far more selfish one
than last year.
It is to make my motto,
"Eat, drink, and be merry,
for tomorrow you may be dead. "
Hi, Paul!
Hi, Paul!
Hi, Paul!
This arrived today,
My name is Gina.
It's a letter from the school,
from Miss Stewart.
What does Old Stu want?
She says the standard
of your work is slipping.
At this rate,
she doesn't think you'll
get school certificate.
Who cares?
I care,
and your father cares.
We want you to get
a good education.
I'm educating myself.
You're failing English!
You used to be
the top of the class!
I'm doing my own writing!
Don't think these stories
are going to get you
school certificate!
You don't seriously think
anyone's going to
publish them?
What would you know?
You wouldn't know
the first thing about writing!
You're the most ignorant
person I've ever met!
You're rude...
rude and insolent!
And I don't think I should keep
a horrid little child like you
in school a minute longer.
I don't want to be
in bloody school!
All right!
Well, you go out there!
You go out there and get
a job, and you damn well
pay your own way!
I think I'm going crazy.
No, you're not, Gina.
It's everyone else
who's bonkers.
Let's go overseas.
You mean travel
by ourselves?
Where shall we go?
Not the Bahamas.
It's bloody awful.
Of course!
It's so obvious!
I know...
I'll lean back and put
my hair on my shoulder.
Then I'll look just like
Veronica Lake.
- Oh, great!
Stay still,
or else they'll be blurry.
Oh, well, hurry up!
It's freezing!
Oh, just a couple more.
I know...
I'll lean forward now
and I'll show more cleavage.
Those girls are up to
something in the bathroom.
I think they're taking
photographs of each other.
Just leave them alone,
I'm prepared to tolerate
that Rieper girl's presence,
but I will not stand
for any...
you know... hanky-panky.
I'm sure it's all
perfectly innocent.
I'm sure they'll notice
things missing.
They'll blame
the bloody housekeeper.
She nicks stuff
all the time.
This lot's got to be
worth 50 quid.
I can try
my father's safe.
I'm sure I can get the keys
to his office.
That's great!
We'll have the fare
in no time.
As soon as those bods
in Hollywood cop a look at us,
they'll be falling over
Oh, it'll be amazing
to meet James in person.
I just know we'll hit it
off brilliantly.
And Guy Rolfe
and Mel Ferrer.
And Mario!
- oh, I can't wait to do
the love scenes!
But what if
they're married?
Oh, don't worry
about that.
We'll simply murder any
odd wives that get in our way.
I rose at 5:30 this morning
and did all the housework
before 8:00,
including taking Wendy
her breakfast in bed.
I feel very pleased with myself
on the whole,
and also the future.
We are so brilliantly clever.
A good shot, Hilda.
Ah... excellent.
Boys and girls,
what have you been doing?
Direct hit!
Gave his trousers
a jolly good soaking.
Everyone will think
he's peed himself.
Damn it!
Net fault.
Bloody Bill is sniffing around
Mummy something chronic.
I thought he was supposed
to be terribly ill.
That's what we were led
to believe.
Henry... I'm terribly worried
about Bill Perry.
He's just had this spell
in hospital.
He's got nowhere
to convalesce.
I-I've offered him
the flat.
He really shouldn't be
left alone...
not in his condition.
I was so looking forward
to the ambulance arriving.
There's something
desperately exciting
about bodies on stretchers.
Oh, God! Bill!
But it wasn't like that
at all.
I hope
the trip didn't tire you.
Not in the least.
What a splendid place.
- Hello.
It used to be
the servants' quarters,
but it's...
it's very comfortable.
Oh. Corker.
Mother was completely
taken in.
Do you think
bloody Bill's trying
to get into her drawers?
Too right.
But he doesn't have
a show.
Nobody gets into
Mummy's drawers except Daddy.
Poor Father.
Don't worry, Gina.
Mummy and Daddy
love each other.
Thanks, Prof.
You have alienated
the professorial board
and completely compromised
the good will of the council.
You could've at least been
a bit more reasonable about
the forestry school.
I stand by the report I made
last year.
Canterbury College should not
be diversifying...
it's just not working.
Surely a man of your caliber
is needed back in England.
I have my daughter's health
to consider.
She requires a warm climate.
Dr. Hulme,
let's make an effort
to avoid
a public embarrassment.
You have until the end of the
year to find a new position.
Bill, it's not right.
It's not right.
- When?
- Not now!
You're a dreadful flirt.
Just washing my hair now,
Won't be a moment.
Is she still in there?
Come on, Yvonne.
You've had enough time.
- Yvonne!
Yes, yes, yes.
You open up this door
right now.
I'm bloody dressing
as fast as I can,
for God's sake.
Open this door!
Mother gave me
a fearful lecture
along the usual strain.
I rang Deborah immediately,
as I had to tell
someone sympathetic...
how I loathed Mother.
Mother told me
I could not go to llam again
until I was 8 stone
and more cheerful.
All week I have looked forward
to going to llam,
and now this.
She is most unreasonable.
I also overheard her making
insulting remarks
about Mrs. Hulme.
I was livid.
I am very glad, because
the Hulmes sympathize with me,
and it is nice to feel that
adults realize what Mother is.
Dr. Hulme is going to do
something about it, I think.
Why could not Mother die?
Dozens of people are dying
all the time... thousands.
So why not Mother?
And Father, too.
Come on, dear.
Now shut your eyes
and make a wish.
The balloon has gone up!
- What on Earth
are you talking about?
Mr. Perry's ill.
I've brought him a cup of tea.
Would you care for one,
Don't try and fob me off.
It's going to cost you 100,
or else I'm blabbing to Daddy.
Mister... Perry and I are...
in love, Juliet.
Your father knows
about us.
Until other arrangements
can be made,
we've decided to live
together as a threesome.
I don't care what you do.
Paul and I are going
to Hollywood.
They're desperately keen
to sign us up.
We're going to be film stars.
What are you
talking about?
It's all arranged.
We don't need
your bloody 100 anyway,
so stick it up your bottom!
Deborah told me
the stupendous news.
I'm going out to llam,
as we have much to talk over.
Deborah was still in bed
when I arrived.
- Oh...
- Oh...
Dr. Hulme asked us
to come into the lounge
to have a talk with him.
Your mother and I...
are getting divorced.
The shock was too great
to have penetrated my mind.
It is so incredible.
Poor Father.
Dr. Hulme was absolutely kind
and understanding.
He said we must tell him
about our going to America.
He was both hope-giving
and depressing.
We talked for a long time,
and Deborah and I were near
tears by the time it was over.
What is to be the future now?
We may all be going to Italy
and dozens of other places,
or not at all.
None of us know where we are,
and a good deal depends on
Dr. Hulme is the noblest
and most wonderful person
I have ever known of.
One thing Deborah
and I are sticking to...
through everything,
we sink or swim together.
Your mother and I
have talked things over,
and we've made some decisions.
I'm resigning
from the university,
and I'll be taking up a position
back in England.
But, Daddy, you can't just
leave me here with Mother.
I thought it best
if you accompany your father.
Is Gina coming, too?
Of course not.
I'm not going
to England without Gina!
You're not going
to England, darling.
I'm leaving you in South Africa
with Auntie Ena.
That chest of yours isn't
getting any better.
A warmer climate is
just what you need.
For the good of your health.
The Hulmes will look after me.
They want me to live
with them.
Don't be so ridiculous.
You're our daughter.
You belong here with us.
I belong with Deborah.
We're going to South Africa.
You're not going
You're 15 years old,
You have to let me go!
We'll talk about this
when you've calmed down.
I felt thoroughly depressed
and even quite seriously
considered committing suicide.
Life seemed so much
not worth the living
and death such an easy way out.
Love, you can still write
to each other.
Anger against Mother boiled up
inside me,
as it is she who is one of
the main obstacles in my path.
Suddenly a means of
ridding myself of this obstacle
occurred to me.
If she were to die...
I cannot begin
to attempt to measure
the inestimable value
of Dr. Hulme's contributions
to Canterbury College,
both social and official.
We wish both him and Mrs. Hulme
all the best for the future.
going to be okay, Gina.
Mr. Perry promised to give me
50 for my horse.
That's 120!
Just another 30,
and we've got the fare!
It's no bloody good.
I went to
the passport office today.
They won't give me one
till I'm 20!
But that's not true!
I've got one!
I need
my sodding parents' consent.
Oh, don't cry, Gina.
Gina, please don't cry.
We're not going to be
separated. We're not.
They can't make us!
They can't!
They can't!
They can not.
Off me!
I hate you!
Don't be like this, love.
I did not tell Deborah
of my plans
for removing Mother.
I have made no decision yet,
as the last fate I wish to meet
is one in a borstal.
I am trying to think of
some way.
I've just had Hilda Hulme
on the telephone.
What now?
She says Juliet's in
a terrible state.
She's uncontrollable.
I've told her Pauline isn't
going to South Africa.
She refuses to accept it.
Well, I expect
you've heard the same
from your own daughter.
Yvonne hasn't spoken to me
for... um,
nearly two weeks.
Well... it hasn't been
an easy time
for any of us, Mrs. Rieper.
She's cut us out
of her life, Mrs. Hulme.
It's been causing
her mother and I
a lot of worry.
What I'm suggesting
is that we let the girls spend
these last three weeks together.
We would like Pauline
to come and stay with Juliet
until she leaves.
Is that a good idea?
Perhaps I could telephone you
tonight, Mrs. Hulme.
Yes, yes.
Of... of course.
Charles! Charles! Oh!
We've realized
why Deborah and I have such
extraordinary telepathy
and why people treat us
and look at us the way they do.
It is because we are mad!
We are both stark raving mad!
d... when a birthday
is near... d
All the cast of the saints
are mad, too.
Dr. Hulme is mad,
as mad as a March hare.
d... the loveliest night
of the ye-e-e-e-e-ar d
It was the first time
I had ever seen "lt."
Deborah had always told me
how hideous he was.
Is that you?
You're through, Harry.
Come out.
You haven't got a chance
this way.
What do you want?
You might as well give up.
"It" is appalling.
He is dreadful.
Come back!
I have never in my life
seen anything
in the same category
of hideousness,
but I adore him!
We talked
for some time about "lt,"
getting ourselves
more and more excited.
We enacted how each saint
would make love in bed.
We spent a hectic
night going through the saints.
It was wonderful...
heavenly... beautiful...
and ours.
We felt satisfied, indeed.
We have now learned the peace
of the thing called "bliss"...
the joy of the thing
called "sin."
I'm coming with you.
I know what to do
about Mother.
We don't want to go to
too much trouble.
Some sort of... accident.
People die every day.
Our main idea for
the day was to murder Mother.
This notion is not a new one,
but this time
it is a definite plan
which we intend to carry out.
We have worked it out carefully
and are both thrilled
by the idea.
we feel a trifle nervous,
but the pleasure
of anticipation is great.
Only the best people fight
against all obstacles...
in pursuit of happiness.
We both spent last night having
a simply wonderful time
in every possible way.
I was picked up at 2:00 p.m.
I have been very sweet
and good.
I have worked out
a little more of our plan.
Peculiarly enough,
I have no qualms of conscience.
I arose late and helped Mother
vigorously this morning.
Deborah rang,
and we decided to use
a rock and a stocking
rather than a sandbag.
We discussed the murder fully.
I feel very keyed up,
as though I were
planning a surprise party.
Mother has fallen in
with everything beautifully,
and the happy event is to
take place tomorrow afternoon.
Next time I write
in this diary,
Mother will be dead.
How odd...
yet how pleasing.
I am writing
a little of this up
on the morning
before the death.
I felt very excited and...
last night.
I am about to rise.
Hurry up.
Ah, thought I'd lost you.
Oh. Oh...
You've got roses
in your cheeks.
Oh, I haven't seen that
in such a long time.
Oh, bye.
Have a lovely time,
I will.
I'm so looking forward
to it.
Bye, Daddy!
See you tonight!
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
That's enough bread
to feed an army.
Hello, Juliet.
Oh, what a nice outfit.
Thank you. I, um, bought it
especially, Mrs. Rieper.
Oh, pop them in a bowl.
Let's go upstairs,
I wrote the first 10 pages
of my opera last night.
All right, then.
Do you feel all sweaty?
Oh, I feel sweaty.
It's a three-act story
with a tragic end.
Your mother is rather
a miserable woman...
isn't she?
I thought for hours
about whether Carmelita
should accept
marriage proposal...
I think she knows
what's going to happen.
She doesn't appear
to bear us any grudge.
...but in the end
I decided against it.
I thought it would spoil
all their fun.
Affairs are much more exciting
than marriages,
as Mummy can testify.
It's true.
He was spotted in
the lingerie department,
eh, Wendy?
There's nothing wrong with
Sir Edmund Hillary buying
underwear for his wife.
He was a very nice man.
I-I bet
it was thermal underwear.
I bet...
I bet he pitches a tent
in the middle
of their bedroom,
and they have to pretend
to be on a mountain.
That's enough, Yvonne.
That man's a credit
to the nation.
Right, who's going
to help me clear away?
I will, Mum.
Anything to get away
from Laurel and Hardy.
I'd better be
getting back.
- Bye, love.
- Bye.
Have a nice outing,
you lot.
Bye, Dad.
Bye, Mr. Rieper.
Well, I'm going to make myself
a bit more presentable.
Isn't it beautiful?
Let's go for a walk
down here.
Come on, Mummy.
Oh, no.
I'd like a cup of tea first.
Come on.
You have it.
Oh... no.
I'm... I'm watching my figure.
But you're not fat,
Mrs. Rieper.
Oh, well,
I put on a lot of
weight over Christmas.
Go on, Mum.
Treat yourself.
All right.
Yvonne, love, w...
we should be going back.
We don't want to miss
the bus.
You button up your coat.
You'll get a chill.
Look... Mother.
Aah! Aah!
- Gina!
- Hurry!
- Aah!
Do not leave.
I'm coming! I'm coming!
Don't go!
You can't!
I'm sorry.
New Zealand's city
of the plains.
Here, when spring comes
to Canterbury,
daffodils bloom gay
and golden
in the woodland
of Hagley Park.
Through the park,
tree-bordered, green-banked,
the Avon flows,
a small and placid stream.
The riverbank is cool
and green,
a quiet haven from the bustle
of the city.
Nearby are tall buildings,
busy streets,
and the heart of the city,
Cathedral Square.
Every city street is flat,
so there are bicycles
This is a city of cycling.
Mothers, fathers, sons,
and daughters all on wheels...
cyclists of all ages
from 8 to 80 ride to play
or work each day.
There are thousands of them,
and only Copenhagen
is said to boast more bicycles.
Canterbury University
weathered gray stone buildings,
shadowed cloisters.
It was here Lord Rutherford
began a great career.
The girls' high school stands
in Cranmer Square,
and not far away are
the broad acres of Hagley Park,
with playing fields
for many sports.
In spring, summer, and autumn,
Christchurch gardens are gay
and colored.
Yes, Christchurch,
New Zealand's city
of the plains.
It's Mummy!
She's terribly hurt!
Please... help us!
The imperfect subjunctive,
like the imperfect indicative,
indicates action in the past.
He wanted her to give him
the money.
Translate, somebody.
He wanted her to give him
some money.
Put up your hand.
I will not have girls talking
out of turn in my class.
Good morning, girls.
Good morning, Miss Stewart.
Miss Waller, class...
this is Juliet Hulme.
Juliet is joining us
from St. Margaret,
and prior to that,
she spent some time
at Queenswood
in the Hawkes Bay.
I am actually from England,
Miss Stewart.
Of course.
Juliet's father is
Dr. Hulme,
of Canterbury College.
Juliet has traveled
all over the world.
And I'm sure she's very eager
to share her impressions
of exotic lands across the seas
with the girls of 3A.
Hmm. Well, I'll leave you to it,
Miss Waller.
You can
sit over here, Juliet.
We use French names
in this class.
You can choose your own.
Now, irregular verbs
in the present subjunctive...
I doubted... that he would come.
Excuse me, Miss Waller.
You've made a mistake.
"I doubted that he would
come" is, in fact,
the spoken subjunctive.
It is customary to stand
when addressing a teacher...
You should have written
I-I must have copied it
incorrectly from my notes.
You don't need to apologize,
Miss Waller.
I found it frightfully
difficult myself
until I got
the hang of it.
Thank you, Juliet.
Open your textbook
to page 17.
Right, I thought we'd do
some life drawing today,
so why don't you pair off
into twos
and decide who wants to model
and who wants to draw?
Oh, Juliet,
you haven't got a partner.
Oh, that's all right,
Mrs. Collins.
I'm sure I can manage
without one.
are you with anybody?
You can come up here
and pair up with Juliet.
Draw some heavier
lines there.
You might want to
change the color.
Make it a bit darker.
That's very nice,
Good heavens, Juliet.
What on Earth is this?
St. George and the dragon.
Where's Pauline?
Oh, I haven't gotten around
to drawing her yet.
I was going to pop her
on a rock,
but I seem to have run out
of room.
I don't know if you've
noticed, Mrs. Collins,
but I've actually drawn
St. George in the likeness
of the world's greatest tenor,
Mario Lanza.
Yes, I know.
It's very clever, Juliet.
But when I set you a topic,
I expect you to follow it.
Now, put that down
and start again.
I think
your drawing's fantastic.
Ooh. Mackerel.
Well, we'll have them
for lunch tomorrow.
Oh, let's have them now while
they're fresh, eh, Honora?
I think you'll find
our Mr. Bayliss isn't
too keen on seafood,
and I've got lamb chops
in the refrigerator.
Excuse me.
Would you mind if I put
my new long-playing record on?
You're partial to
a nice bit of mackerel,
aren't you, Steve?
Uh, well, actually, I'm not much
of a fish man, Mr. Rieper.
Oh, you have been
splashing out.
Oh, it's all right!
I've got my board money.
Well? Tell us.
How'd you go?
Got an "A," Mum.
Oh, don't worry about it now.
We'll sort it out after dinner.
You go and put
your record on.
Doris Day.
I think
she's really talented.
Got to be quick
in this house, mate.
Hey, isn't that
that famous Irish singer,
Murray O'Lanza?
He's Italian, Dad.
The world's greatest tenor.
Stop it!
You're spoiling it!
- Oop!
- Go away!
And left...
and left...
and right...
and left...
Can I have another look?
Lift those legs high,
keeping those legs straight.
That's so impressive.
Can I touch it?
Carry on now.
You're doing well.
I've got scars.
They're on my lungs.
I spent months in bed
during the war,
ravaged by respiratory
Mummy and Daddy sent me
to the Bahamas to recuperate.
I didn't see them
for five years.
But we're together now,
and Mummy's promised
they'll never leave me again.
I spent ages in
hospital, too, with my leg.
I had to have
all these operations.
Osteomyelitis turns
your bones to chalk.
Took them two years to
drain all the muck out.
Cheer up.
All the best people
have bad chests and
bone diseases.
It's all
frightfully romantic.
Oh! Hi, Paul!
- Aah!
- Oh!
The evil Prince Runnymede
is escaping!
Get him, Paul!
Come on!
The blighter's gone
to ground!
- Aah!
- Ahh!
Oh, God, Jonesy!
Jonesy, stop it!
Leave her alone,
you rotten little turd!
But she's an invader!
Go away.
We're not playing anymore.
Go on.
Bugger off.
You said a swearword.
I'm telling Mummy on you.
And I'm going into
your bedroom to break
every one of your toys.
I'm sorry.
Oh, God!
I'm so sorry.
It doesn't matter.
Of course it matters!
It's Mario.
What on Earth are these?
They're egg-and-salmon
and I gave them to you
several days ago.
Yeah, I thought
I could smell sulfur.
God, Henry.
You're hopeless!
Can't be trusted
with anything as simple
as lunch.
Oh... hello.
Mother, Jonesy broke
Paul's record!
Oh, dear.
We must buy her another one.
Would you like
a cup of tea... Paul?
Um, no, thank you.
Well, Juliet's told us
all about you.
I hear you're very fond
of opera.
which one shall we play?
Juliet, your father
is trying to study.
Daddy can study
while we're playing records.
Why don't you
go back outside, hmm?
I'll be finished soon.
Oh! Oh!
Oh, God!
are you all right?!
I... I think...
I'm dying.
- Please.
Please don't!
- Ugh!
You've been eating onions!
You toad!
- Oh!
- Waaaa!
- Wheeee!
Oh, I wish James Mason
would do a religious picture.
He'd be perfect as Jesus.
Daddy says the Bible is
a load of bunkum.
But we're all going
to Heaven.
I'm not.
I'm going
to the Fourth World.
It's sort of like Heaven,
only better,
because there aren't
any Christians.
It's an absolute paradise
of music, art,
and pure enjoyment.
James will be there,
and Mario,
only they'll be saints.
St. Mario.
To be known... as "He."
Absolutely not!
Orson Welles! Ugh!
The most hideous man alive!
We... give praise...
to the saints.
Oh, wonderful, Mum!
I got
me self a pair of socks!
Oh, Wendy. Oh.
Oh, thanks.
From Dad.
Mario Lanza!
Oh, thanks, Yvonne.
I hope it's all right.
It's from
Whitcombe & Tombs.
I decided
that my New Year's resolution
is to be more lenient
with others.
Pikelets! Yum!
Aren't you going out?
Not until 2:30.
This is a private function.
Go away!
Oh! Come on.
- Sausage rolls.
- Come on through.
Look who I found.
Hello... Juliet.
Hello, Mrs. Rieper.
It's so nice to meet you.
And so,
in a blazing fury,
Charles runs
Lancelot Trelawney through
with his sword, leaving
Deborah free to accept
Charles' proposal
of marriage.
I've heard your mother
on 3 YA.
The Women's Session has
lots of lively debate.
Well, actually,
Mummy's left that program now.
She's far too busy with
the Marriage Guidance Council.
They sound like
a queer mob.
I wouldn't want my private
business being discussed
with a complete stranger.
Oh, no.
Mummy's awfully good at it.
She has deep discussions
with unhappy couples
and persuades them to give it
another go.
In two years,
she's only had four divorces.
She should really be working
for the U.N.
My wife's blaming me.
Says it's all my fault.
And how do you feel
about that, Mr. Perry?
Please... call me Bill.
I don't know what went wrong.
My wife feels that, uh...
Oh, no. No.
Let's talk about
your feelings... Bill.
Mummy's got a special technique
called "deep therapy."
What's that?
I'm not sure,
but it's proving to be
very popular.
Eat up, Yvonne.
It's my middle name.
Yvonne tells us you're...
you're good at making models.
I adore anything
to do with the arts.
Well, we're...
we're pretty handy
with the old model
making, too, eh?
I've never cottoned on
to plasticine like you girls,
but I enjoy making
anything out of wood.
Oh. Are you a carpenter,
Mr. Rieper?
I work at Dennis Brothers...
fish supply.
He's the manager.
This is the dining room.
Do excuse us.
Um, breakfast is between
7:00 and 9:00.
The bedrooms are small,
but they're very clean
and comfortable.
This, um,
this story of yours...
perhaps the school
newspaper will print it
when it's finished.
Actually, Mr. Rieper,
it's a novel.
And we'll be sending it
to New York.
That's where all the big
publishing houses are based.
Is that a fact?
Well, you'd better put me name
down for an advance copy.
We have decided
how sad it is for other people
that they cannot appreciate
our genius,
but we hope the book
will help them
to do so a little,
though no one
could fully appreciate us.
Woof, woof.
- Oh, go on.
- Woof, woof.
California verse.
Aah! Aah!
- Aah!
- Ahhhhh!
Charles clutches
his wounded shoulder
- as he gallops
into the courtyard!
Deborah awaits his return
in their private boudoir
at the very top
of the tower!
He smells her scent
from 50 paces
and urges his steed
He flings open the door
and launches himself
at the bed,
ravishing her!
Oh, God, yes!
I bet she gets
up the duff on their
first night together.
What's "up the duff"?
you wouldn't understand.
- Ugh!
- Ahhhh!
Tell me!
I'm almost 10!
You're 81/2
and incredibly stupid!
Paul and I have decided
that Charles and Deborah
are going to have a baby,
an heir to the throne
of Borovnia.
What a splendid idea.
We're calling him
Well, that's
a good dramatic name.
Paul thought it up.
Aren't you clever?
There... all done.
Oh, look at you two...
A couple
of Borovnian Princesses
if ever I saw them.
My daughter...
and my... foster daughter.
I can't find that letter
from the High Commission.
They want
our passport numbers.
Are you going abroad,
Your father's attending
a university conference
in England, darling.
We'll only be gone
for a few weeks.
You're not going,
are you, Mummy?
Well, yes,
I-I thought I might.
It's, uh, a long time
for your father and I
to be apart.
But I should go, too.
you've got school.
You've only
just settled in.
Who's coming
to the shops?
Me! I'm coming!
I need some cigarettes.
Put on your shoes,
Look, Paul!
- Look!
- What?
Oh, it's so beautiful.
Oh, it's so beautiful!
Pretty flowers.
Come with me!
It's all right.
You'll see.
Come on!
Come on!
Oh! Oh!
Juliet and I discovered
the key to the Fourth World.
We have had it
in our possession
for about six months,
but we only realized it
on the day
of the death of Christ.
We saw a gateway
through the clouds.
was full of peace and bliss.
We then realized
we had the key.
We now know we're not genii,
as we thought.
We have an extra part
of our brain
that can appreciate
the Fourth World.
Only about 10 people have it.
When we die, we will go
to the Fourth World,
but meanwhile,
on two days every year,
we may use the key
and look into
that beautiful world
which we have been lucky enough
to be allowed to know of
on this day
of finding the key
to the way
through the clouds.
It's coming!
Oh, God!
It's a boy!
We have a son and heir.
I shall call him Diello!
Oh, you're
such an incredible woman!
I couldn't have done it
without you, Charles.
The empress Deborah
has the most enormous
fending off her husband,
who tries
to have his way with her
morning, noon, and night.
Thank you, Juliet.
the queen's biggest problem
is her renegade child, Diello,
who has proven to be
an uncontrollable
little blighter
who slaughters his nannies
whenever the fancy takes him!
That's enough, Juliet!
I suppose this is
your idea of a joke!
No, Mrs. Stevens.
I suppose you think it
witty and clever
to mock the royal family,
to poke fun at the queen
and the empire
with this... rubbish!
It's not rubbish!
Sit down, Pauline!
I really don't understand
why you are so upset,
Mrs. Stevens.
I merely wrote an essay
on the royal family,
as requested.
It doesn't say
it has to be the Windsors!
Sit down!
A girl like you should be
setting an example.
To your seat.
Stop it, Juliet!
Mrs. Hulme told me
they had found out today
that Juliet has tuberculosis
on one lung.
Poor Juliet.
I nearly fainted
when I heard.
I had a terrible job
not to cry.
I spent a wretched night.
It would be wonderful
if I could get
tuberculosis, too.
Come on, sit up.
I'm not hungry.
Oh, Yvonne,
you've got to eat.
You hardly ate any dinner
last night.
Now, come on.
I'm not having you
falling ill.
I just want to be on
my own for a while.
you may have forgotten
that you were once
a very sick little girl,
but I haven't.
All right.
Do you think Juliet
could stay here
while her parents
are away?
Juliet's infectious.
She'll be going
to the hospital.
But she'll have no one
to look after her!
Well, her parents won't
be going overseas now.
They have to cancel
their trip.
Don't worry about Juliet.
Well, it's not too late
to cancel
our travel arrangements,
if that's what you want.
I'm sure
you'll like it here.
It's very tranquil.
Oh, I've spoken
to the matron.
She promises to take
extra special care of you.
And you can carry on
with your studies
while you convalesce.
It's for the good
of your health, darling.
Cheer up,
old thing, hmm?
Four months...
fly by in no time.
won't be allowed visitors
for at least
a couple of months, dear.
I've booked you in
for a chest X-ray
just to be
on the safe side.
I thought I'd have a go
at building the birdhouse
on Saturday.
want to give me a hand?
You used to love making
things with Dad, Yvonne.
This evening,
I had a brain wave
that Juliet and I
should write to each other
as Charles and Deborah.
I wrote a six-page letter
as Charles
and a two-page letter
as Paul.
She has entered into
the spirit of the thing
"My dear Charles,
"I miss you and adore you
in equal amounts
"and long for the day
that we will be reunited.
"But as I languish here
in this house of disease
"and decrepitude,
"my mind turns
with increasing frequency
"to the problem of our son.
"Although only 10,
"Diello has thus far killed
57 people
"and shows no desire to stop.
It worries me, Charles. "
"My dearest,
darling, Deborah,
"affairs of state
continue to occupy my time.
"I have to report
"that the lower classes
are terrifically dull.
"Only yesterday,
"I was compelled to execute
several peasants
"just to alleviate
the boredom.
"Diello insisted
on coming along.
"In fact,
he made such a fuss
"that I had to let him
wield the ax himself.
"Heads did roll...
"not just the prisoners
"but the royal guard,
my valet,
"and several
unfortunate onlookers
copped it as well. "
"Oh, Charles,
I am despaired enough
"to put Diello
in the hands of the cardinal
"in the hope
that a good dose of religion
will set the young chap
on the right path. "
Hello again.
How are you getting on?
It must be awfully hard
being away
from your school chums.
I've got something here
that you might just like
to have a look at.
Unfortunately, the miracles
of modern medicine
can only go so far in
combating an illness
like TB.
That's why I'm here,
Reach out, Juliet!
Reach out for Jesus!
Aah! Aah!
I'm so happy
to see you!
Don't get too close.
She's still not 100/o.
Hello, Juliet.
We brought you
some fruit.
Oh, thank you so much!
Your letters
are wonderful, Charles!
Well, that's, um,
coming along nicely.
Oh, I'm the matron's
favorite patient,
and she showed me
her special stitch.
I love the color.
It's for you.
Goodness, me,
what a lot of letters.
Ha. Are your parents
enjoying their trip?
Oh, there's a couple
of unopened ones.
I'm saving them
for a rainy day.
- I know it's hard for you
being in here,
but it is for the good
of your health.
They sent me off
to the Bahamas
for the good of my health.
They sent me off
to the Bay of bloody Islands
for the good of my health!
I'm sorry, Mrs. Rieper.
I'm feeling
quite fatigued.
Well, we don't want
to tire you out, dear.
Oh, can't you stay
a bit longer, Paul?
No, we've got a tram
to catch, Yvonne.
You know,
this is quite something.
You're damn clever.
So, Deborah
is married to Charles,
and this chap Nicholas
is her tennis instructor?
Yes, but there's
nothing between them.
Deborah would never
go for a commoner.
Nicholas has got
his eye on Gina,
an amazingly beautiful
Looks like you, Yvonne.
Juliet made it.
This is really
quite incredible.
I'd bet you girls know
the entire royal lineage
for the last five centuries.
Oh, yes,
it's all worked out.
You'll never guess
what's happened.
John has fallen
in love with me!
That idiot boarder?
How do you know?
Did he tell you?
Well, uh, no,
but it's so obvious.
Is that why you haven't
replied to my last letter?
No, silly.
I'm only teasing.
He's only a stupid boy.
What do you want?
I can't sleep.
Can I borrow a book?
Shut the door.
This looks interesting.
Some of
these knitting patterns
look damn complicated.
Have you tried
the tea cozy?
It's damn cold,
isn't it?
Do you think I could
hop into bed
just for a minute...
just to warm up?
My feet
are like ice blocks.
Well, you should've worn
your slippers.
Come on, Yvonne,
I'll catch my death.
Just for a minute.
To think
that so much could happen
in so little time
caused by so few.
A terrible tragedy
has occurred.
"No, girls,
it isn't 'O,' it's 'E'!"
And she goes, "Eee!"
As if someone was jabbing
a pen into her.
Silly old trout.
I love you, Yvonne.
And then in history,
we've got this senile
old bat, who goes,
"And Charles II
"met Nell Gwyn
aboard a boat,
"and he was
a wealthy, young prince,
"and she was
a pretty, young thing,
and these things
do happen."
God, it's no wonder
I don't excel in history.
Do you love me
as much as I love you?
Of course,
my darling, Nicholas.
My... my name's John.
Well, I like "Nicholas"
much better.
You can call me
anything you like.
What are you doing?
Oh, bloody hell!
Go to the house.
You've broken my heart,
I lay there mesmerized.
It was just too frightful
to believe.
When I got up,
I found Father
had told Mother.
Coming to Lancaster Park
today, Mr. Rieper?
Oh, where's John?
He said he'd walk with me.
John is no longer
staying here.
Shot through
this morning,
said his old mom
had taken sick.
I had a nasty,
foreboding feeling at first,
but now I realized
my crime was too frightful
for an ordinary lecture.
From now on, you are
sleeping in the house,
where we can keep
an eye on you.
If you think for one minute
that your father and I
will tolerate
this kind of behavior,
you've got
another think coming!
You're only 14!
You're a child!
What on Earth is the matter
with you, Yvonne?
You know what can happen
with boys.
Don't you have
any self-respect?!
Can I go now?
Oh, you think you're
such a clever little madam!
You had your father
in tears last night!
My God,
what a disgrace you are.
You shame me.
You shame the family.
You're nothing but a cheap
little tart!
Well, I guess
I take after you, then!
You ran off with Dad
when you were only 17!
Nana Parker told me!
You're going to be late.
I'm terribly cut up.
I miss Nicholas
Mother thinks I will have
nothing more to do with him,
but little she knows.
Nicholas was pleased
that I was so early.
We sat around and talked
for an hour
and then went to bed.
I declined the invitation
at first,
but he became
very masterful,
and I had no option.
I discovered that
I had not lost my virginity
on Thursday night.
However, there is no doubt
that I have now.
Gina! It's great
to see you here!
Careful, Gina,
we almost lost you.
For you, my lady.
I didn't hurt you,
did I?
I've got to go home.
I love you so much.
Oh, Pauline!
- Daddy!
- Daddy!
There, living among
two beautiful daughters.
Of a man who possesses
two beautiful daughters,
you cannot know
nor yet try to guess
the sweet soothingness
of their caress.
The outstanding genius
of this pair
is understood by few,
they are so rare.
Beautiful boy!
Oh, darling! Ha ha!
Hello. Welcome home.
I still love you!
Compared with these
two, every man is a fool.
The world is most honored
that they should deign to rule,
and I worship the power
of these lovely two
with that adoring love
known to so few.
Ah... pretty.
'Tis indeed
a miracle one must feel
that two such
heavenly creatures are real.
Both sets of eyes,
though different far,
hold many mysteries strange,
and passively,
they watch the race of men
decay and change.
Hatred burning bright
in the brown eyes
with enemies for fuel.
Icy scorn
glitters in the gray eyes,
contemptuous and cruel.
And why are men such fools
they will not realize
the wisdom
that is hidden
behind those strange eyes?
And these wonderful people
are you and I.
Mrs. Rieper,
may I come in?
Yes, of course.
Thank you.
an imaginative...
...and spirited girl.
Look, if she's spending
too much time at your house,
you only need to say.
All those nights that
she spends over, she's assured
us that you don't mind.
Uh, no. l-lt's rather more
complicated than that.
Since Mrs. Hulme and I
have returned home,
Juliet's been behaving
in a rather...
disturbed manner...
um, short temper,
general irritability...
most uncharacteristic.
You sure I can't tempt you
to a nice sherry, Dr. Hulme?
Uh, no, thank you.
The thing is...
Yvonne hasn't been herself,
locking herself away
in her room, endlessly writing.
My wife and I feel
that the friendship is...
No arguments
there, Dr. Hulme.
All that time inside working on
those novels of theirs...
they don't get any fresh air
or exercise.
I'm not sure what you mean,
Dr. Hulme.
Your daughter...
appears to have formed
a rather...
unwholesome attachment
to Juliet.
What's she done?
She hasn't done anything.
It's the, um...
it's the intensity of the
friendship that concerns me.
I think
we should avert trouble...
before it starts.
Dr. Bennett's a good
friend of mine.
He's a general physician,
but he has some expertise
in child psychology.
If Pauline is, indeed,
developing in a rather...
...wayward fashion,
Dr. Bennett is the ideal man
to set her back on track.
What about your studies?
Are you enjoying school?
Are you happy at home?
Answer Dr. Bennett,
Mrs. Rieper,
perhaps you, uh,
you wouldn't mind
waiting outside, hmm?
Do you like your mother?
And why is that?
She nags me.
And that's why you like
to stay with the Hulmes.
Or is it because you want
to be with Juliet?
Do you... like girls?
Why not?
They're silly.
But Juliet's not silly.
Yvonne, there's nothing wrong
with having a close friend.
But sometimes things can get...
too friendly.
Such associations can lead
to trouble.
It isn't good to have
just one friend.
My wife and I have
several friends,
and we enjoy seeing them
on a regular basis,
and it's all
perfectly healthy.
Perhaps you could
think about
spending more time
with... boys.
You don't want to hurt
Juliet's feelings,
but I'm sure
she'd understand
your having other interests
outside of the friendship.
I mean, there's all sorts of
clubs and hobbies that you...
Bloody fool.
Uh, Mrs. Rieper...
Uh, h...
I agree, Mrs. Rieper.
It's not a pleasant word.
But let us not panic
This condition is often
a passing phase
with girls
of Yvonne's age.
But she's always been
a normal... happy child.
Oh, it can strike
at any time,
and adolescents are
particularly vulnerable.
What about the vomiting?
Uh, she's lost
a lot of weight.
I can find nothing wrong.
I've checked for TB,
and she's clear.
I... I can only attribute
her weight loss to her...
mental disorder.
Look, Mrs. Rieper,
try not to worry too much.
Yvonne's young and strong,
and she's got a loving
family behind her.
Chances are
she'll grow out of it.
If not, well, medical
science is progressing
in leaps and bounds.
There... there could be
a breakthrough at any time.
It was a rather snobbish
Mother woke me this morning
and started lecturing me
before I was properly awake,
which I thought was
somewhat unfair.
She has brought up the worst
possible threat now.
She said that if my health
did not improve,
I could never see the Hulmes
The thought is too dreadful.
Life would be unbearable
without Deborah.
I wish I could die.
This is not an idle
or temporary impulse.
I have decided over the last
two or three weeks
that it would be the best thing
that could happen altogether,
and the thought of death
is not fearsome.
Oh, thank you!
Oh, Wendy.
I've got
me self a pair of socks!
Is it hurting, dear?
Your leg.
Have you got pain?
My New Year's resolution
is a far more selfish one
than last year.
It is to make my motto,
"Eat, drink, and be merry,
for tomorrow you may be dead. "
Hi, Paul!
Hi, Paul!
Hi, Paul!
This arrived today,
My name is Gina.
It's a letter from the school,
from Miss Stewart.
What does Old Stu want?
She says the standard
of your work is slipping.
At this rate,
she doesn't think you'll
get school certificate.
Who cares?
I care,
and your father cares.
We want you to get
a good education.
I'm educating myself.
You're failing English!
You used to be
the top of the class!
I'm doing my own writing!
Don't think these stories
are going to get you
school certificate!
You don't seriously think
anyone's going to
publish them?
What would you know?
You wouldn't know
the first thing about writing!
You're the most ignorant
person I've ever met!
You're rude...
rude and insolent!
And I don't think I should keep
a horrid little child like you
in school a minute longer.
I don't want to be
in bloody school!
All right!
Well, you go out there!
You go out there and get
a job, and you damn well
pay your own way!
I think I'm going crazy.
No, you're not, Gina.
It's everyone else
who's bonkers.
Let's go overseas.
You mean travel
by ourselves?
Where shall we go?
Not the Bahamas.
It's bloody awful.
Of course!
It's so obvious!
I know...
I'll lean back and put
my hair on my shoulder.
Then I'll look just like
Veronica Lake.
- Oh, great!
Stay still,
or else they'll be blurry.
Oh, well, hurry up!
It's freezing!
Oh, just a couple more.
I know...
I'll lean forward now
and I'll show more cleavage.
Those girls are up to
something in the bathroom.
I think they're taking
photographs of each other.
Just leave them alone,
I'm prepared to tolerate
that Rieper girl's presence,
but I will not stand
for any...
you know... hanky-panky.
I'm sure it's all
perfectly innocent.
I'm sure they'll notice
things missing.
They'll blame
the bloody housekeeper.
She nicks stuff
all the time.
This lot's got to be
worth 50 quid.
I can try
my father's safe.
I'm sure I can get the keys
to his office.
That's great!
We'll have the fare
in no time.
As soon as those bods
in Hollywood cop a look at us,
they'll be falling over
Oh, it'll be amazing
to meet James in person.
I just know we'll hit it
off brilliantly.
And Guy Rolfe
and Mel Ferrer.
And Mario!
- oh, I can't wait to do
the love scenes!
But what if
they're married?
Oh, don't worry
about that.
We'll simply murder any
odd wives that get in our way.
I rose at 5:30 this morning
and did all the housework
before 8:00,
including taking Wendy
her breakfast in bed.
I feel very pleased with myself
on the whole,
and also the future.
We are so brilliantly clever.
A good shot, Hilda.
Ah... excellent.
Boys and girls,
what have you been doing?
Direct hit!
Gave his trousers
a jolly good soaking.
Everyone will think
he's peed himself.
Damn it!
Net fault.
Bloody Bill is sniffing around
Mummy something chronic.
I thought he was supposed
to be terribly ill.
That's what we were led
to believe.
Henry... I'm terribly worried
about Bill Perry.
He's just had this spell
in hospital.
He's got nowhere
to convalesce.
I-I've offered him
the flat.
He really shouldn't be
left alone...
not in his condition.
I was so looking forward
to the ambulance arriving.
There's something
desperately exciting
about bodies on stretchers.
Oh, God! Bill!
But it wasn't like that
at all.
I hope
the trip didn't tire you.
Not in the least.
What a splendid place.
- Hello.
It used to be
the servants' quarters,
but it's...
it's very comfortable.
Oh. Corker.
Mother was completely
taken in.
Do you think
bloody Bill's trying
to get into her drawers?
Too right.
But he doesn't have
a show.
Nobody gets into
Mummy's drawers except Daddy.
Poor Father.
Don't worry, Gina.
Mummy and Daddy
love each other.
Thanks, Prof.
You have alienated
the professorial board
and completely compromised
the good will of the council.
You could've at least been
a bit more reasonable about
the forestry school.
I stand by the report I made
last year.
Canterbury College should not
be diversifying...
it's just not working.
Surely a man of your caliber
is needed back in England.
I have my daughter's health
to consider.
She requires a warm climate.
Dr. Hulme,
let's make an effort
to avoid
a public embarrassment.
You have until the end of the
year to find a new position.
Bill, it's not right.
It's not right.
- When?
- Not now!
You're a dreadful flirt.
Just washing my hair now,
Won't be a moment.
Is she still in there?
Come on, Yvonne.
You've had enough time.
- Yvonne!
Yes, yes, yes.
You open up this door
right now.
I'm bloody dressing
as fast as I can,
for God's sake.
Open this door!
Mother gave me
a fearful lecture
along the usual strain.
I rang Deborah immediately,
as I had to tell
someone sympathetic...
how I loathed Mother.
Mother told me
I could not go to llam again
until I was 8 stone
and more cheerful.
All week I have looked forward
to going to llam,
and now this.
She is most unreasonable.
I also overheard her making
insulting remarks
about Mrs. Hulme.
I was livid.
I am very glad, because
the Hulmes sympathize with me,
and it is nice to feel that
adults realize what Mother is.
Dr. Hulme is going to do
something about it, I think.
Why could not Mother die?
Dozens of people are dying
all the time... thousands.
So why not Mother?
And Father, too.
Come on, dear.
Now shut your eyes
and make a wish.
The balloon has gone up!
- What on Earth
are you talking about?
Mr. Perry's ill.
I've brought him a cup of tea.
Would you care for one,
Don't try and fob me off.
It's going to cost you 100,
or else I'm blabbing to Daddy.
Mister... Perry and I are...
in love, Juliet.
Your father knows
about us.
Until other arrangements
can be made,
we've decided to live
together as a threesome.
I don't care what you do.
Paul and I are going
to Hollywood.
They're desperately keen
to sign us up.
We're going to be film stars.
What are you
talking about?
It's all arranged.
We don't need
your bloody 100 anyway,
so stick it up your bottom!
Deborah told me
the stupendous news.
I'm going out to llam,
as we have much to talk over.
Deborah was still in bed
when I arrived.
- Oh...
- Oh...
Dr. Hulme asked us
to come into the lounge
to have a talk with him.
Your mother and I...
are getting divorced.
The shock was too great
to have penetrated my mind.
It is so incredible.
Poor Father.
Dr. Hulme was absolutely kind
and understanding.
He said we must tell him
about our going to America.
He was both hope-giving
and depressing.
We talked for a long time,
and Deborah and I were near
tears by the time it was over.
What is to be the future now?
We may all be going to Italy
and dozens of other places,
or not at all.
None of us know where we are,
and a good deal depends on
Dr. Hulme is the noblest
and most wonderful person
I have ever known of.
One thing Deborah
and I are sticking to...
through everything,
we sink or swim together.
Your mother and I
have talked things over,
and we've made some decisions.
I'm resigning
from the university,
and I'll be taking up a position
back in England.
But, Daddy, you can't just
leave me here with Mother.
I thought it best
if you accompany your father.
Is Gina coming, too?
Of course not.
I'm not going
to England without Gina!
You're not going
to England, darling.
I'm leaving you in South Africa
with Auntie Ena.
That chest of yours isn't
getting any better.
A warmer climate is
just what you need.
For the good of your health.
The Hulmes will look after me.
They want me to live
with them.
Don't be so ridiculous.
You're our daughter.
You belong here with us.
I belong with Deborah.
We're going to South Africa.
You're not going
You're 15 years old,
You have to let me go!
We'll talk about this
when you've calmed down.
I felt thoroughly depressed
and even quite seriously
considered committing suicide.
Life seemed so much
not worth the living
and death such an easy way out.
Love, you can still write
to each other.
Anger against Mother boiled up
inside me,
as it is she who is one of
the main obstacles in my path.
Suddenly a means of
ridding myself of this obstacle
occurred to me.
If she were to die...
I cannot begin
to attempt to measure
the inestimable value
of Dr. Hulme's contributions
to Canterbury College,
both social and official.
We wish both him and Mrs. Hulme
all the best for the future.
going to be okay, Gina.
Mr. Perry promised to give me
50 for my horse.
That's 120!
Just another 30,
and we've got the fare!
It's no bloody good.
I went to
the passport office today.
They won't give me one
till I'm 20!
But that's not true!
I've got one!
I need
my sodding parents' consent.
Oh, don't cry, Gina.
Gina, please don't cry.
We're not going to be
separated. We're not.
They can't make us!
They can't!
They can't!
They can not.
Off me!
I hate you!
Don't be like this, love.
I did not tell Deborah
of my plans
for removing Mother.
I have made no decision yet,
as the last fate I wish to meet
is one in a borstal.
I am trying to think of
some way.
I've just had Hilda Hulme
on the telephone.
What now?
She says Juliet's in
a terrible state.
She's uncontrollable.
I've told her Pauline isn't
going to South Africa.
She refuses to accept it.
Well, I expect
you've heard the same
from your own daughter.
Yvonne hasn't spoken to me
for... um,
nearly two weeks.
Well... it hasn't been
an easy time
for any of us, Mrs. Rieper.
She's cut us out
of her life, Mrs. Hulme.
It's been causing
her mother and I
a lot of worry.
What I'm suggesting
is that we let the girls spend
these last three weeks together.
We would like Pauline
to come and stay with Juliet
until she leaves.
Is that a good idea?
Perhaps I could telephone you
tonight, Mrs. Hulme.
Yes, yes.
Of... of course.
Charles! Charles! Oh!
We've realized
why Deborah and I have such
extraordinary telepathy
and why people treat us
and look at us the way they do.
It is because we are mad!
We are both stark raving mad!
d... when a birthday
is near... d
All the cast of the saints
are mad, too.
Dr. Hulme is mad,
as mad as a March hare.
d... the loveliest night
of the ye-e-e-e-e-ar d
It was the first time
I had ever seen "lt."
Deborah had always told me
how hideous he was.
Is that you?
You're through, Harry.
Come out.
You haven't got a chance
this way.
What do you want?
You might as well give up.
"It" is appalling.
He is dreadful.
Come back!
I have never in my life
seen anything
in the same category
of hideousness,
but I adore him!
We talked
for some time about "lt,"
getting ourselves
more and more excited.
We enacted how each saint
would make love in bed.
We spent a hectic
night going through the saints.
It was wonderful...
heavenly... beautiful...
and ours.
We felt satisfied, indeed.
We have now learned the peace
of the thing called "bliss"...
the joy of the thing
called "sin."
I'm coming with you.
I know what to do
about Mother.
We don't want to go to
too much trouble.
Some sort of... accident.
People die every day.
Our main idea for
the day was to murder Mother.
This notion is not a new one,
but this time
it is a definite plan
which we intend to carry out.
We have worked it out carefully
and are both thrilled
by the idea.
we feel a trifle nervous,
but the pleasure
of anticipation is great.
Only the best people fight
against all obstacles...
in pursuit of happiness.
We both spent last night having
a simply wonderful time
in every possible way.
I was picked up at 2:00 p.m.
I have been very sweet
and good.
I have worked out
a little more of our plan.
Peculiarly enough,
I have no qualms of conscience.
I arose late and helped Mother
vigorously this morning.
Deborah rang,
and we decided to use
a rock and a stocking
rather than a sandbag.
We discussed the murder fully.
I feel very keyed up,
as though I were
planning a surprise party.
Mother has fallen in
with everything beautifully,
and the happy event is to
take place tomorrow afternoon.
Next time I write
in this diary,
Mother will be dead.
How odd...
yet how pleasing.
I am writing
a little of this up
on the morning
before the death.
I felt very excited and...
last night.
I am about to rise.
Hurry up.
Ah, thought I'd lost you.
Oh. Oh...
You've got roses
in your cheeks.
Oh, I haven't seen that
in such a long time.
Oh, bye.
Have a lovely time,
I will.
I'm so looking forward
to it.
Bye, Daddy!
See you tonight!
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
That's enough bread
to feed an army.
Hello, Juliet.
Oh, what a nice outfit.
Thank you. I, um, bought it
especially, Mrs. Rieper.
Oh, pop them in a bowl.
Let's go upstairs,
I wrote the first 10 pages
of my opera last night.
All right, then.
Do you feel all sweaty?
Oh, I feel sweaty.
It's a three-act story
with a tragic end.
Your mother is rather
a miserable woman...
isn't she?
I thought for hours
about whether Carmelita
should accept
marriage proposal...
I think she knows
what's going to happen.
She doesn't appear
to bear us any grudge.
...but in the end
I decided against it.
I thought it would spoil
all their fun.
Affairs are much more exciting
than marriages,
as Mummy can testify.
It's true.
He was spotted in
the lingerie department,
eh, Wendy?
There's nothing wrong with
Sir Edmund Hillary buying
underwear for his wife.
He was a very nice man.
I-I bet
it was thermal underwear.
I bet...
I bet he pitches a tent
in the middle
of their bedroom,
and they have to pretend
to be on a mountain.
That's enough, Yvonne.
That man's a credit
to the nation.
Right, who's going
to help me clear away?
I will, Mum.
Anything to get away
from Laurel and Hardy.
I'd better be
getting back.
- Bye, love.
- Bye.
Have a nice outing,
you lot.
Bye, Dad.
Bye, Mr. Rieper.
Well, I'm going to make myself
a bit more presentable.
Isn't it beautiful?
Let's go for a walk
down here.
Come on, Mummy.
Oh, no.
I'd like a cup of tea first.
Come on.
You have it.
Oh... no.
I'm... I'm watching my figure.
But you're not fat,
Mrs. Rieper.
Oh, well,
I put on a lot of
weight over Christmas.
Go on, Mum.
Treat yourself.
All right.
Yvonne, love, w...
we should be going back.
We don't want to miss
the bus.
You button up your coat.
You'll get a chill.
Look... Mother.
Aah! Aah!
- Gina!
- Hurry!
- Aah!
Do not leave.
I'm coming! I'm coming!
Don't go!
You can't!
I'm sorry.