Heavenly Touch (2009) Movie Script

Orange! You have a client.
- Lucky you! Afternoon delight!
Aren't you going inside?
- Later, sir.
Hurry! Here they are. Look, beautiful boys!
Oh, yes! Handsome bunch.
- But of course! And they're all good.
They're all game. All the way.
- All the way?
You bet! Go ahead. Take your pick.
Oh my! Tough choice. Give me a minute.
They're all OK. They've got nice teeth, all of them.
Who is he? - Which one?
- That one. - That one?
OK. Come with me. Quick!
Come here. You, Enzo.
- Yes, that one.
Look, quality product!
- Very young. Very fresh!
Count on it, Mama!
Be good, everyone!
- Let's go. - l'll take care of you.
- Give him our special massage!
- l'll treat him to everything special.
So this pretty one would come back.
He's a generous tipper.
Enzo, give your best!
- That's what l do.
Put on your briefs!
Hey, where you going? Come here.
Enzo, be gentle with him.
Do you have a girlfriend?
- Huh?
l said, do you have a girlfriend?
- No, l don't.
l'm Rodel.
Student by day, masseur by night.
l'm single, l live alone...
...don't have many friends.
But here at work, l make people happy.
So l'm happy.
We all need to be touched by others.
When we touch and hold another,
we affirm each other's humanity.
This is the most basic instinct of the flesh.
We all need to be touched.
Before man became homo sapiens...
...there was homo erectus.
But some anthropologists believe homo erectus
was not a separate species from homo sapiens...
...but only a transitional phase.
ln other words:
we are all... homos.
- Oops! Sorry.
Look where you're going!
- Jonard! Hey! - So sorry.
How are you? Long time no see.
Let's get something to eat.
Eat as much as you like.
- Thanks. Haven't had lunch.
Why did you drop out so suddenly?
l couldn't get in touch with you.
l sold my cellphone.
My family's hard up. l need a job.
Both your parents work abroad, right? What happened?
Dad left us. He has another family.
And your mom? The maid in Hong Kong?
Got laid off. Her employer lost his
business due to the recession.
She was sent home.
When she got here, she was devastated.
She found out dad had abandoned
us for his second family.
Poor mom! All her sacrifices went for naught.
...we need to pay the electric bill.
Why didn't you tell me earlier?
Where will l get the money?
Where's mom?
- ln her room.
Why didn't you call her?
Stay there, l'll do it.
Mom? Mom!
Mom! Mom, let's go eat.
Put some food in your tummy.
Mom, please!
Doreen and l had to quit school.
She takes care of mom.
No other way...
l took a job as a waiter in a
Japanese restaurant in Pasay.
That's quite far.
l could handle the commute.
But after only a month,
l quarreled with a rude customer.
l answered back.
The manager fired me.
l was told the customer is always right.
You need a job now?
Yes. Any job, Rodel.
l'm hardworking.
l need the money!
Wait, you pay for your own schooling.
Where do you work?
Can you recommend me?
Come in.
- Nice.
Small room. Make yourself at home.
Your roommate might not approve.
- You mean Gerry? Don't mind him.
Always goes home to his family.
Better for me. l have the room all to myself.
- How about you? Where's your family?
Didn't know my father.
Here. My mom.
Ran out on me after this picture was taken.
l was 12 when she showed up again.
She wanted to take me from
my grandma, but l refused.
After grandma died, l learned to be on my own.
- Wow, man! This is great.
lt's old but it still works.
Just buy a new SlM card.
Thanks! - l told you before
that l work in a spa. Not true.
lt's a massage parlor for gays.
So that's why you got lots of money.
- Close the door.
- You really need a job?
- Yes.
Close the door, and l'll teach
you how to do massage.
- You sure it's just massage?
- Yes.
Take off your clothes.
- Huh?
This is strictly professional?
- Strictly professional.
Hurry up!
- l'm ready.
Alright then.
There are two kinds of massage.
Shiatsu. And Swedish.
Shiatsu's all about finger pressure.
Oriental style. Like this.
Feels good!
You knead the body's
pressure points. Like this!
Swedish is the Western style.
Long strokes. Like this.
That's nice.
- Or circular strokes.
Plus, a little slapping.
Now, this is the most
important sensual massage.
l'll teach you.
Hey, what are you doing?
l'll show you what the guests enjoy the most.
You really need to do that?
- This is how you make good money.
Wait, you'll wake up Mr. Happy!
Shut up. Keep still.
What's that?
This is what the guests want.
You need to learn this.
What the hell are you doing?
- Stop laughing. l'm teaching you properly.
- You woke up Mr. Happy!
This is the proper technique.
We all need to touch,
caress and fondle somebody.
But it's not complete if you're
just the one giving it.
You should be receiving it as well.
Your turn. See if you learned anything.
Like this?
- Don't laugh. Do it right.
ls this the right pressure?
- A little harder.
- Like this?
- There. You're a fast learner.
You taught me well.
There's something you need to
know about the job.
Not every customer wants a massage.
Others are in it for the extra service.
Are you ready to have sex with them?
Extra service?
l can't do it. l'll find anotherjob.
You don't need to do everything.
- Huh?
- You need a job, right?
- Yes.
You don't need to have sex with the customer.
Not every masseur does the 'sing and dance.'
What's that?
Oral sex and anal sex.
No. l really can't. This job's not for me.
You don't need to do it. There's another way.
We call it 'Laila Dee.'
What's Laila Dee? - You just lie down
and let the customer do what he wants.
You're good-looking.
You won't run out of customers.
You think so?
- You'll get the hang of it.
Are you a Laila Dee?
- When l was new.
Been doing this for two years.
This is my third spa already.
lt's work, nothing personal.
You work, you earn money.
For every P500 paid to the spa,
we only get P50.
So we really need the extra service.
And how much is that?
Depends on what you agree on.
Could be P1 ,000. P2,000 or P3,000.
lf the customer is happy, you could get lucky.
Take him out!
- lt wasn't me!
You didn't turn over the money. Asshole!
Stop that, please. We have customers.
Sir Tong, have pity on Enzo.
Keep out of this. Get back inside.
You're stealing from us. Fuck you!
Think you could fool us?
This is what you deserve.
Take him away.
Get in!
- Where are they taking him?
- Don't ask.
- Heavenly Touch?
- Yes.
l'm your guardian angel here.
Listen, everyone!
l hate it when you treat me like a fool.
Never ever steal from me if you don't
want to get hurt like Enzo.
- Mama O.
- Wait.
Go ahead.
l said, listen!
Or l'll shove that phone down your throat!
- Sorry, sir!
Keep it out of my sight.
Fuck you all!
The stay-in among you must
work your asses off.
l've given you shelter. l feed you.
l don't want us to shut down like other spas.
Do you want that?
Think about it.
Where would you go if we closed down?
Be like Biboy.
Gentle with the guests.
Makes them happy.
Best of all, he doesn't put one over me.
Just listen to the man. Be like me.
Shit. Still hurts.
Wow! Big banana.
Export quality.
But why are you in trunks?
Going swimming?
Rodel, tell him white briefs
is the uniform here. - l will.
That's what you should wear.
Starting tomorrow, okay? - Yes.
Get a license before the week ends.
Ask Rodel to accompany you. - l will.
Alright then... so...
Sit down first.
The commotion earlier? Forget about it.
Sir Tong is a good man.
He's only mean if you misbehave.
You look like a nice boy. No worries.
Can l ask a question?
Why is this place called Heavenly Touch?
That's simple.
lt's the duty of every massage therapist here
to bring their customers to seventh heaven.
That's where they forget their names
while calling out all the saints!
Where they experience
the most heavenly pleasure.
Jonard, heaven is in your hands.
What's going on here? - Sir Tong!
Come in. We have a new therapist.
Good evening, sir.
- His name's Jonard.
Have you inspected the goods?
- Of course!
Know how to give a massage, kid?
Rodel taught me some.
But l need practice.
Your friend must have told you
about the extra service here.
Yes, sir.
Any experience with gays?
You probably won't believe me.
But l haven't been with gays.
Salt in your dick! You're pulling my leg.
No sir. l'm not lying.
Well, there was that one time in high school
when a classmate touched my crotch.
And l thought you were a great diver
because you're wearing trunks!
Don't tell me you haven't been
with girls, either. - l have.
- l've had three girlfriends.
Got a girlfriend now?
- We just broke up last month.
- You left her? - Yes.
- She doesn't give a good blow job?
Don't go back to her.
Wait. What if a guest asks for extra service?
l'll let him do what he wants.
Just don't kiss me on the lips.
What, your lips are made of gold?
ls your dick studded with diamonds?
Sorry, l can't really go all the way.
You'll change your tune in no time.
Money changes everything.
Alright, Mama. Get him started.
- l'll handle this.
- Good luck, kid.
- Thanks.
l'll introduce you to your co-workers.
Bring your things to the locker room.
Come, Rodel.
- Bye, Mama! l'm going.
- Come back soon. Take care. Thank you.
Lito! - Mama Orange!
- How nice of you to visit us.
l hope you don't mind. lt's hot in here.
Our aircon is busted.
l thought this is heaven. Feels like hell.
Hey, it's still heaven. Look, heavenly boys.
ln fairness, l see somebody new.
- That's Jonard. lt's his first day.
Feels so good!
Sir, we're done with the massage.
You're so courteous.
Didn't l tell you not to treat me like l'm old?
- lt's OK.
Want some extra service?
Of course. How about you?
Would you want that?
Up to you.
You're so adorable. Alright, lie down.
Slow night again! We made very little!
Sir Tong, bring home some noodles.
For your kids.
Let's go. l don't want that. Let's go!
- Are you OK, Mama?
- l'm fine. Take care!
Poor Mama!
- You're right.
The owner is mean.
He's not to be messed with.
Sir Tong used to be a cop.
Got sacked for being so corrupt.
But he's still got friends in the force,
so he's very protected.
That's why his spa never gets raided.
He can cover up all kinds of things.
- ls that so?
- He fears no one.
- Really?
You know what? Sir Tong and
Mama Orange used to be sweethearts.
Oh? Sir Tong is gay?
No. He's a womanizer.
But he became Mama O's lover because
Mama O sponsored his schooling.
The whole criminology thing at police school.
They go back a long way.
Mama Orange makes a lot of money.
That explains it.
Beware of that Biboy, too.
Act as if he's some big shot.
He's a drug dealer.
Why does he work here?
Sir Tong is also his boss in his drug business.
He sells Ecstasy and cocaine to his guests.
That's why. Hey, l need to go home.
Later. Want to have breakfast?
Next time. l have to be home now.
- Thanks. Bye.
- Take care.
Eat your lunch. l didn't wake you up earlier.
l knew you arrived at four in the morning.
That's kind of you.
lt was kinda late.
Mom, let's eat.
Let's eat.
Come eat with us.
Let's eat.
Don't worry about her. At least,
she's out of her room.
But she still has her whiskey bottle.
Yeah... Here's P3,500.
Pay our electric bill and buy
some groceries. And buy me a SlM card.
Hey, got a new cellphone?
Second-hand. A friend gave it to me.
Same friend who helped me get a new job.
Really? You have a new job?
l'll buy you a phone when l've
earned some money.
l'd be happy with a second-hand unit like that.
Alright. Finish your lunch and go.
l'll watch over Mom.
Where did you get the money?
Mom, l have a new job.
First day, and you already have a salary?
Yes. Eat with us.
- No!
- Eat with... - No!
- Hello?
- Jonard, what's up?
l just texted you to give you my new number.
Thanks for the phone.
You're welcome.
- See you at work?
Yes. l'll just pass by the house.
l'll see you there.
- See you.
- See you.
lt's Enzo. Poor Enzo!
- lt's Enzo alright.
- Let me see!
Shit! That's why he didn't
come home last night.
- Executed.
- What did he do?
You don't know?
You know what happened yesterday.
We all know who killed him.
What? ls that it?
Daddy's happy. l'm finished. l have to go.
Shit, l'm not done yet!
Please don't be a sourpuss.
- Hi, Mayor.
- Sandy, l'm in a hurry. Take care of Sheila.
Yes, Mayor. Take care.
Bye, love.
- Lovers' quarrel?
- That fool left me hanging, Sandy.
l had no sex for three weeks.
l gave him 30 minutes of foreplay.
He was so pleased, like he was watching
a fireworks display at the Mall of Asia.
But once he went on top of me,
he sputtered in a minute.
That's not right.
Don't laugh at me.
Didn't l give you a vibrator for your birthday?
lt's overused! l'm tired of using it.
l need a man. A real man.
Young and strong. With stamina.
- l need him now.
- Now? - Yes. Now.
- l got home service. Wait for me.
l'll be back in two hours. - Take care.
Rodel, Sandy asked for you. Make it good.
Do l look good?
- Of course.
- l'm out of here.
- So long.
- How are you?
- lt's good you're here.
Nice place.
- Not mine. And l'm not your customer.
- Who is it then?
Upstairs. Waiting for you.
First door on the right.
- Are you sure this one's OK?
- Make it good. - OK.
That's what l want. Hard!
You're so good!
You don't seem happy with my service. Why?
My friend was your guest last night.
He told me you look like my ex.
He was right. You're just a bit taller.
- Really? - Yes...
- But why so sad?
He broke my heart.
He wounded my pride.
But one look at you, and the
past came rushing back.
His name is Robbie. Robbie!
- When did you part ways?
- Almost a year ago.
l just woke up one day, and he was gone.
Gone also were my TV...
DVD player...
Worst of all... he stole my collection
of X-rated man-to-man movies.
What an animal!
Animal! Animal!
Thank goodness. You're finished.
Silly! Just taking a break.
That guy is awesome. He's so good!
Wait, friend. We're going to Jen's
birthday, remember?
Sorry, l can'tjoin you.
- l have things to do. - What?
- Yes, with the boy upstairs.
And before you leave, please call the spa.
Tell them their boy is staying for the night.
l'm gonna squeeze him dry. He'll go home
crawling with his tongue hanging out.
- You're unbelievable!
- Love you, too!
- Any new ones?
- Of course. Plenty.
You'll see, one nicer than the next one.
You're right. Look at that one.
- He's a performer, that one.
- Does he go all the way?
- Of course. Make your choice.
- How about that one?
- Which one?
- OK, wait.
This one. That one. Hurry. Be good.
You look great in pairs. Love team!
What if they just lie down and do nothing?
- That's not the style here.
Off you go! Make it good.
Hi! lt's the gay mute.
Which one? Everyone's handsome.
OK. Wait.
This one? Come.
He's mute but a big tipper. Make him happy.
Hey, you little brat.
Have fun you two.
Hello, Heavenly Touch.
Mrs. De los Reyes! Home service?
You want Tony. Sure. Later. Thanks.
- Tony!
- Mama Orange?
You have home service.
Mrs. De los Reyes of San Juan.
- The one who smells like dried fish?
- Yes. Why? Don't want to go?
lt's morning already. l'm about to go home.
You're her choice. You can't say no whether
she smells like dried fish or smoked fish.
- Go!
- Fine. l'll go.
Mama Orange, where's Rodel?
Don't wait for him.
His guest is keeping him overnight.
- Really?
- Yes. Why?
A guest swindled me.
The one with the mole below the eye.
Looks like Nora Aunor.
Ate Guy? You mean, Laverne?
Why? What did he do?
He paid with me these - gift certificates.
But this is worth two thousand. Not bad.
What's the problem?
Look closer. They're expired.
You're damn right! What an ass!
Don't worry, Jonard.
l'll make sure he pays you.
- lt's alright.
- No. l'll make him pay.
l just don't wanna see him again.
Jonard. Hi there.
Biboy, how are you?
l'm OK. Why are you alone?
Rodel has gone overnight with his home sevice.
l heard you got swindled by Ate Guy.
Yeah, that's right.
That weirdo!
Told me l look like his ex-boyfriend.
Then he stiffed me.
That's his modus operandi.
He did that to me, too. He's crazy.
l know where he hangs out.
Come with me, let's beat him up.
No, thanks. lt's fine.
Where are you headed? l'll give you a ride.
No, thanks.
Jonard, anytime you got a problem,
especially with money, you can come to me.
l can help you.
- Thanks. See you.
- Bye.
Jonard! Jonard!
- What's up?
- Rodel! l thought you're on overnight service.
- l slipped out. Can l sleep
over at your house? -Sure.
Here, your favorite.
Chicken wings! Thanks.
Wait. lt's better to drink
when you have company.
l know you've had a stressful day.
When was the last time you had a day-off?
Day-off? What's that?
You need a break, Ma.
What's this?
Spending money for your day-off.
l won big in the cockfight today.
Thanks. Now, l can have the aircon fixed.
That's yours. l'll take care of the aircon.
- Really?
- Sure.
Thank you.
That Sheila worked me to the bone.
Horny as hell. Six hours, non-stop.
And she wanted one more round.
l said one more, and l'd be releasing blood.
ls she sexy?
A champ. And she tips as big as her tits. Winner.
- Like screwing a pornstar.
- Good.
- What happened to your briefs?
- Sheila took them for souvenir.
Unbelievable. Want to borrow?
l have boxers in the closet.
No need. Tomorrow, lend me boxers and a T-shirt.
Tonight, it's fresher this way.
Going to school tomorrow? l mean, later?
Nope. l'll sleep till afternoon.
OK. Good night.
Doreen, who told you to
call Dad and ask for help?
But we need money to pay the bank.
Dad would help us.
So did you talk to him?
l know, he would listen if l got to talk to him.
But his mistress answered the phone.
She was mean.
Serves you right.
l told you many times to forget about Dad.
He has forsaken us, so just consider him dead!
- So what will we do?
- Let me handle it...
Just take care of Mom.
l promise you, we're not
going back to the slums.
You should go back to school
next school opening.
- Off to work? - l borrowed
your boxers and this shirt.
l'm not coming to work.
Sheila just texted me to ask me back.
Did you call Mama Orange about that?
We're not supposed to deal directly with
our guests. Sir Tong might find out.
Only if you snitch on me.
By the way, take this.
- What's that for?
- That's all yours.
That's what l earned from Sheila last night.
l know you need it.
l'm here to help you.
ls that all?
Heck, we've done four rounds.
l'm all spent.
l thought you were strong.
You're something else.
Can l bring my friend next time?
- ls he handsome? - Yes. And younger
than me. Let's do a threesome.
Sure. Shit! My boyfriend's calling.
Be quiet.
Hello. Hi, Daddy!
Of course, l'm all alone. Yes.
Where? Tagaytay? Now?
Your driver will pick me up?
OK. l'll get dressed. Bye. Love you.
- Get dressed. Quick!
- l thought we're doing this till morning.
Hurry up. Here. That's ten thousand.
More than enough.
- Thanks, Sheila. You're really the best.
Wait... - What?
- Aren't you taking this for souvenir?
- Shit! Just wear two next time. Be gone!
- Thanks. This is too much.
- lt's nothing.
Hope you like it. lt's not brand-new,
butjust two months old.
Thanks. This is still expensive in Greenhills.
Text me always.
- Of course. Just keep sending me load.
- Sure!
My home service was a pest.
Took ages to come.
My guest couldn't get it up no matter what.
My mouth got sore from trying to get him hard.
Enough gossiping. Get dressed.
My home service last night was an actor.
Used to be famous.
His room was very dark.
Just two candles in the corners.
And he had a shawl on his head.
As if all the callboys in Manila
didn't know he's gay!
l had a regular guest like that.
Also an actor.
Loved costume play.
The first time he asked me to play soldier.
Second time l played doctor.
- l put my stethoscope up his ass.
- You're a pig!
To each his own trip.
Where did you get that phone?
That's expensive.
My guest last night.
Must be in love with me.
Beware. Don't give him any illusions.
How much would l get for this?
But Lito might look for it.
What does he care? lt's already yours.
Where's the phone l gave you?
Why? You want it back?
Just asking where it is.
Gave it to my sister. ls it OK?
lt's OK.
l earned ten thousand from Sheila yesterday.
l'll give it to you later.
You just gave me money yesterday.
Keep some for yourself.
l know you need it.
You're right. Thanks.
What did you say this morning?
You said you were visiting a relative?
You went to a motel with a guest.
You dealt with him directly so you could
have all the money for yourself. Right?
- Right? Right?
- No, sir.
So you're saying l'm a liar?
l followed you and saw where you went. Liar!
Sir Tong! Enough of this. l'll handle this.
All of you, listen to me.
Remember, if l throw you out, don't you
dare transfer to another spa.
Your dicks belong to me. Remember that!
- Orange, tell them.
- Yes, sir.
Don't do what he did.
You'd get in trouble with Sir Tong.
Especially you, Jonard. You're new.
Or else we'd all be in deep shit.
OK. Get ready. The guests are coming.
Rodel, Sir Tong is too much.
As if you lose your right to live if he gets
mad at you. ls he that powerful?
Other massage parlors get raided by the cops.
Not Heavenly Touch.
But l'm not afraid of him.
He'll get his comeuppance someday.
There are plenty of people you can
touch, caress and fondle.
But sometimes a special person comes along.
The feeling won't be skin-deep.
lt will penetrate the flesh and go
straight to your heart.
- l told you, she's something else!
- Unbelievable!
Like l said, she sucks out all your energy.
l thought we couldn't come to work anymore.
We'd be out of a job.
What's great about her is
she's a generous tipper.
- lf only all our guests were like that.
- Right.
lt's good that we got a day-off.
l'm tired. l want to quit.
l can't take Sir Tong anymore.
l've thought of that. But l need the job.
The pay is nice, so let's suck it up.
l just need the money for my studies.
But l don't want to continue
my Physical Therapy course.
Don't be a fool.
- l don't want to work overseas, anyway.
- Why not?
To try your luck in another country.
To serve a different race who look down on you.
l don't need it. l can fend for myself.
So what's your plan?
- l want to be a fisherman.
- Serious? - Yes.
You don't look like the fisherman type.
My mom's second husband is rich.
l heard they own a lot of
fishponds in Pangasinan.
l want to find my mom.
- l thought you hate your mother.
- l'm a grown up. l don't hate her anymore.
- l wonder if she would accept me now.
- Why not? - Who knows...
Hey, you're drowning me!
- Showboat!
- You're the showboat. - What?
Oh, yeah?
- So now what?
- Alright. l quit.
- Wanna fight?
- Stop it.
You're no match.
Don't you have plans of getting married?
So you'll have somebody to watch
over your fishpond?
l don't want to be with a woman.
You want a man?
That threesome with Sheila...
l enjoyed it not because of her
but because of you.
lt wasn'tjust Sheila who was caressing you.
Did you feel my hand?
- What do you mean?
- Do you feel what l feel?
Why can't you answer my question?
l don't know the answer.
Why so many questions?
Why don't you answer me?
l don't know.
Answer me! Do you feel what l feel?
Don't be ashamed to say it.
Yes. l feel what you feel.
- l love you.
- l love you, too.
ls your brother still asleep?
He got here at eight in the morning.
Slept over at Kuya Rodel's.
Whose phone is that?
Kuya Rodel gave it to Kuya Jonard,
who gave it to me.
- He has a new one. Really nice.
- He bought it?
A customer in the spa gave it to him.
- Why? Because he gave a great massage?
- Maybe.
- Come here.
- Rodel, what's wrong?
- Hey! - Sorry!
- lt's alright. We're done.
What the hell is that?
What's your problem?
- Dude, sorry again.
- lt's cool.
Wait. What's wrong?
Admit it. lt's from Lito again.
- So what if he gave me a watch?
- Why didn't you tell me?
Am l hiding it from you? l'm wearing it!
He'd want something in return.
Lito's been so nice to me.
Why is he asking you to go with him
to Tagaytay? l read his text.
Did l say yes? Has it happened?
What's your problem?
Hey! What's your problem?
Why kick that door?
What if l kicked you instead?
- You're only brave because you have a gun.
- This? OK. Let's fight.
- Stop it.
- Asshole! Don't mess with me.
- Go away, please.
- Fuck that asshole.
- What did he do?
- Kicked the door. What am l supposed to do?
- You want some juice?
- Teach that boy a lesson.
l will. Come. l'll make you some juice.
Screw you!
When the person you love has already touched
your heart, it's easy to feel happy.
But fuck it, it's just as easy to get hurt.
Because when you're in love,
you're notjust naked to the elements.
There's a hole in your chest,
and it's open to the wind.
- Rodel?!
- Aunt Mila, how are you?
What brings you here? Anything wrong?
Nothing. Just paying a visit.
Can l come in?
This is a surprise.
Sorry, it's been a long time.
Your Uncle Emil and l have split.
l have a different husband now.
And he doesn't like your side of the family.
ls that so?
So why are you here?
l just want to ask for Mom's
address in Pangasinan.
Ester? l haven't heard from her in years.
All l know is her husband is from a
politician's family in Mangatarem.
Mendoza is the surname.
They own fishpens and other businesses.
- Mangatarem?
- Yes.
l thought you hated her.
l was a kid then.
Maybe she still wants to see me.
Why not?
Rodel, l want to invite
you for dinner, but l can't.
l wouldn't want my husband to get angry.
lt's OK, auntie.
l'll be on my way.
- Take care.
- Of course.
Sheila! Open the door! Sheila!
- Where's your man?
- Why, Daddy?
Where is he?
What's happening to you?
You mean Sandy? He's not here.
- Are you kidding me? Sandy's a faggot!
- Daddy, no! -Out of my way!
Who's this? lsn't he a man?
- He's just my masseur!
- Out of my way!
No! Have pity! He's just my masseur!
- Sir, l'm just a masseur!
- Get up!
Get up!
Please! Don't!
What? Up yours!
How are you?
What if that mayor killed you?
Don't worry. l'm still alive.
No internal injuries.
l just need to rest to heal
my wounds and bruises.
Rodel, don't leave me.
l don't want to lose you.
l love you.
l love you, too. l'm not going anywhere.
l love you very much, Rodel.
- Careful.
- Thanks.
Thanks also for paying for my hospital bill.
Don't mention it.
Sold my phone and my watch.
Bro, it's good you're out of the hospital.
l'm alright.
Gerry, this is my best friend, Jonard.
This Gerry, my roommate.
- Gerry.
- Jonard, bro.
Gerry, can l leave him with you?
- l have to go to work now.
- No problem, Jonard.
Don't mind me, you two. Go.
- Take care.
- OK. l have to go now.
Bro, let me fix my stuff.
- OK.
Lord, do you really want to
take away everything from me?
Celso left me. Will l lose this house, too?
Have pity on me and my children.
The bank has sent the final eviction notice.
What? Didn't l pay something last month?
That was a drop in the bucket.
We have 30 days to pay
over P86,000 plus interest.
lf not, we lose the house.
Brother, where will we go?
We're not leaving. l'll find the money.
The job is simple.
Just do as l say, and don't do anything stupid.
OK. Fine.
- Here.
- Thanks.
- Take this.
- What's this?
Swallow it. That's our product.
You should know what we're selling.
ls this necessary?
So what does Rodel say about me?
lmpossible. What?
That you sell drugs for Sir Tong.
And you sell to our guests.
That's it.
That's it? What else?
Nothing more.
He forgot to tell you that
l enjoy being a masseur
because l get to meet handsome guys like you.
- What did you say?
- lt's hot.
Take it off.
- Here.
- Good.
- Here.
- Jonard, l told you it's easy.
Nobody move! We're PDEA! Hands up!
- Sir, don't.
- On the ground!
Book 'em. Get the evidence.
The marked money.
Get 'em in the van.
Bro, what's the problem?
- Come here.
- No! Please! No!
No! Please! No!
Fuck you!
Where's the money?
Excuses, excuses!
This spa is not making any money!
Or you want me to replace you?
lf you're as useless as your masseurs,
l might as well kick you out!
Screw you!
Mama O, what happened to you?
l'm fine.
You sure?
- Jonard, my son!
- Mom! -Brother!
- Thanks, Rodel.
- Don't mention it. lt's her you need to thank.
- Are you Sheila?
- Yes, Ma'am.
You're heaven-sent. lf not for
you my son would rot in jail. Thanks.
How lucky of him to have a friend like you.
Thank you.
Thank goodness! How nice
to sleep inthis room again!
lt would take a long time
to forget what happened.
Thank Sheila.
l've thanked her many times.
l won't forget what she's done.
Without her help l'd still be in there.
That girl is really unbelievable.
As soon as the mayor was gone,
she got herself a general.
She told the general that you're her cousin.
ln two weeks, you're scot-free, case dismissed.
l promise not to do anything illegal again.
l'm afraid. l want a decentjob.
You know what they did to me?
They raped me.
Treated me like shit.
lt was too painful.
How could they do something like that?
Don't worry. You're free.
As long as you're with me,
nobody will hurt you.
So many gimmicks, but where are the guests?
- My guest texted me. He's coming.
- No guests yet. Let's go out for a smoke.
- Sorry, Andoy's absent.
- lt's OK. Here's your costume.
No angel wears gold jewelry,
so l can't wear you.
Tong! Jonard landed in the
slammer because of you.
- lt's your fault. Animal!
- He asked for my help.
He knew what he was getting into with Biboy.
That wasn't my fault.
- You're stupid!
- Who's stupid?
Get him! Get him!
Mama, get my gun!
Kill him!
Leave, all of you. l'll handle this.
Hurry. Let's go! Hurry up. Run!
- Mama O, let's go.
- No. Run away.
Mama O. Take care.
This is a big help, Jonard. Let's go.
Son, where did this come from?
You can get back the title to the house.
Where did you get the money?
Mom, l assure you, nobody will
come looking for that money.
l'll explain some other time.
We have to go.
- Brother, where are you going?
- l'm going with Rodel.
l love you.
We're just going on vacation.
Rodel, what did you and Jonard do?
Mom, l love Rodel very much.
l want to spend my life with him.
l'll explain soon.
Brother, take care.
Rodel, take care of my son.
l will.
Take care, you two.
There's a cop.
What now?
Thank you. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Sometimes, when you're truly in love,
you do some things that you'll regret.
But you're ready to face anything
as long as you're together.
Because when you've found the right person
for you, you don't want to let go.