Heebie Jeebies (2013) Movie Script

- You got to be kidding me.
- Oh, man!
This wasn't here last night!
- Yeah, Dave's been
sealing off his property
ever since they started
blasting the mine.
The rumor I heard
down at the hardware store
is that he found
a new vein of gold.
- Really?
- First time in 150 years.
- Whoa!
- You got any bolt cutters?
- I got a socket set.
- Go gather the rest
of the tools.
Turn those lights off.
- Well, hey, deke,
that sign says no trespassing.
- I can read.
Let's go.
- This used to be
the biggest gold mine
in the south at one time.
Billy wouldn't be
blasting again
if he didn't think
there was somethin' in there.
Let's go.
Come on!
Okay, show me
where that hole is
you were talking about.
- Yeah, follow me.
- All that blasting
they're doing
on the other side
of the mountain
must have loosened
things up some.
Okay, Louisiana Jones,
start digging.
- What about you?
- I'm the brains,
you're the brawn.
Hurry up.
- All right.
Why the mask?
- It's an old mine.
It could have
deadly methane pockets.
- Methane pockets?
Aw, that's the story of my life.
Well, don't I get one?
- No, I only got one.
- What?
- Quit your belly-aching.
If you pass out,
I'll drag you to safety.
Come on.
- I'm coming!
It's easy for you to say.
Smells like sulfur.
- It's Nitroglycerin,
from the dynamite blasting caps
them old 49'ers used to use.
Better watch yourself in here.
You start working
in this area.
I'm gonna go back here.
- All right.
- And hey.
- Huh?
- You're gonna need this.
- Oh, all right.
This place must have collapsed.
Just one more swipe'll do.
All right.
Hey, deke!
Deke, come here.
I think I found something.
- What is it?
Did you find something?
Hey, you okay?
Snap out of it,
what's wrong with you, man?
Wake up!
Wake up!
What the hell?
- Help! Ahh!
- Ahh!
- Nothing better to do
than to harass senior citizens,
is that it?
- If you weren't drinking,
Mrs. whitehead,
why is your speech slurred?
- My speech is slurred
because I have a face
full of novocain.
Look, see?
Gold fillings.
- Okay.
- Drinking!
Frankly, I am offended
by the insinuation.
- Well, I'm sorry
to offend you, Agnes,
but you were going 70
in a 25.
That is more than
twice the limit
in a school zone.
- I don't need a math lesson
from you, Todd crane.
I taught you how to add
in the second grade,
in case you have forgotten.
We're not surprised
he ended up a cop.
He always was a little
rat fink, wasn't he?
Always raising your hand to tell
on somebody for something,
thought you were
some kind of a boy scout--
Boy scout.
Really, just a tattle tale,
tattle tale.
Having one of your attacks, huh?
Yeah, oh, the pressure's just
too much for you, is that it?
You haven't changed.
- Here you go.
- And my license.
Thank you.
- Have a nice day.
- Not gonna lie to you, Todd.
That's a little embarrassing.
I mean, if you can't handle
giving out a speeding ticket
to a little old lady,
what would happen
in a real crime scenario?
- Sorry, chief.
- Well, at least nothing
ever really happens here
I can't handle myself.
I thought you got some pills
to help take care of that stuff.
- I had to quit takin' 'em.
They made me feel funny.
- Funnier than
almost passing out
every time you have to
write a ticket?
- I'm working on different
coping methods, with Teresa.
- Oh, is that
what you call it?
- Oh, it's not like
that with us, Mac.
- Whatever you say.
- Oh, one more thing.
You're going to need
some more bags.
I'm driving.
What are you doing?
- What's wrong?
Don't you want to do it?
- Do I...
Right here, now?
- Why not?
There's nobody around.
- I...
Don't you want your first time
to be somewhere special,
not in the car?
- First time?
- Why is that funny?
- What's wrong?
Don't you find me attractive?
- Of course I do.
- Then what are you
waiting for?
- I mean, can we just
put the top up
or something at least?
I just feel like...
- Maybe you should
put my top down.
- Um, hey, hey.
- Doug, what do you two
think you're doing?
- Talking?
- Hard to talk with
a second tongue in your mouth.
Let's move it.
You're trespassing
on private property.
Plus, it looks like
you might be
in the process of committing
statutory rape.
- Dad, come on, that's...
- Come on, Mr. Tatum.
I'll be 18 this summer.
- Don't talk back to
sheriff Tatum, Veronica.
- Don't you have
anything better to do?
Isn't there a crime
in progress somewhere?
- Yeah, I think
we just broke it up.
Now, mace, take my baby sister
home right now.
I'm sure she's got
some homework to do.
- Yes, sir.
- Veronica, I'll see you later
for dinner.
Anyway, we'll talk then.
- There's nothing
to talk about.
You heard what he said.
Get me out of here.
- I honestly don't know who
this is more embarrassing for,
them or us.
- Yeah, embarrassing.
We should go.
I'll drive.
You drive.
- The golden tent exchange
the most competitive prices
for your old gold.
It's so simple!
Just bring us
your unwanted necklaces,
bracelets, earrings,
whatever it is.
- TV does put 10 pounds on you.
- No matter how big
or how small,
and leave with cold, hard cash.
- Stupid poker.
Stupid Blackjack,
I ain't paying that.
Stupid escorts.
Well, maybe not the escorts.
- Fire in the hole.
- Oh!
- What in the hell?
You're gonna have to
run faster than that
next time you light
one of those fuses, ray.
- Well, you could get us
a remote detonator.
- What do I look like?
I'm made out of money?
You just do what I say
if you want a paycheck.
- Or you simply could file
a complaint with my office
and Mr. Butler will have
no choice but to purchase one.
- Who the hell are you?
This is private property.
- Eve Moore, mine safety
health administration.
- Well, that's a horse
of a different color.
Don't you people call first?
- It sort of
defeats the purpose
of a surprise inspection,
doesn't it?
Those men should be
a thousand feet away
from the mine entrance
during the blast,
not inside it.
And where are
their respirators?
- Must have left them
in the mine.
- Just standing here,
I see enough violations
to shut this place down
If you want to avoid
being fined
before the whole place
caves in,
you and me better talk.
- This mine has been abandoned
for over 100 years,
ever since
William Butler the first
gave up on steak,
but there's more down there,
lots more, and I need it.
I don't care if I have to level
these hills with dynamite,
or use 10 men with pickaxes
and a caged canary.
I'm going to get that vein
my ancestors abandoned.
Now, I know you work
for a federal agency
and you've got the authority
to shut me down,
but you don't want to do that,
- I don't?
- Why don't we
step into my office
so we can discuss
the particulars?
- I like the particulars.
- Right this way.
- Fancy.
- Mm-hmm.
- We've got some seriously
unfinished business, you know?
- Mm-hmm.
- Tomorrow night, at the mine,
you and me?
- Are Rick and Tracy
gonna come?
- What I've got in mind
only requires two people.
Get some beer.
- Where am I gonna get beer?
- I'm sure you can
figure it out.
So you bring the beer...
- Mm-hmm.
- And I'll bring--
- Deal!
Yeah, I can bring beer
to the mine.
Bye, baby.
- I'm so glad we were able
to come to an agreement, Eve.
Just try to keep a low profile.
- Will do.
Don't take this
the wrong way, darling,
but I hope
I never see you again.
- Feeling's mutual, Billy.
- Hey, Tracy.
- Hey.
- I thought you were
going to the mall with Rick.
- Don't get me started.
I'm grounded indefinitely.
- Why?
- I have no idea.
Thinks she's some kind of
tiger grandma or something.
She demanded that I come
right home from school
and she won't
let me go anywhere.
I can't stand to be in the house
with her sometimes.
- Hey, Tracy--
- That didn't sound good.
What's going on?
- Dragon lady's crazy,
that's what.
She's been acting weird
all morning,
and talking
all sorts of nonsense.
I'm just waiting here
for Teresa to get home.
Maybe she can talk
some sense into her.
Speak of the devil.
- Hey, girls.
Oh, man.
I know that look.
- She grounded me
for no reason, Teresa.
You've got to talk her.
She won't listen to me.
- You two have got to start
getting along.
I've been working all day
and the last thing I need
is to come home
and to be a buffer for you!
All right.
All right, all right, all right.
Let me go change,
and we'll see
if we can get
to the bottom of this, okay?
Let's go.
- Hey, see you at school
- If she lets me
go to school.
- What now?
Mac, crane, to what
do I owe this pleasure?
- I'm sorry to bother you,
but we got a call
from deke Jensen's wife.
Seems he and Tommy felks
went out last night,
never came home.
- So why you bugging me?
- 'Cause Todd and I
came across deke's truck
out on old mine road,
right outside
that nice fence you put up.
- Well, I haven't seen 'em,
but if I do,
I'll be sure
to give you a call
to arrest them
for trespassing.
- Billy, Billy, look, I know
this is your property,
but people around here
consider that mine public land.
Kids been drinking
and partying at that cave
since I was drinking
and partying out there,
and without a complaint.
Can't expect them to just stop
because you put up some signs.
- Oh, I think I can,
and I expect you to enforce it.
- Fine.
This is just a courtesy visit
to let you know
Todd and I are gonna be
taking a look around, okay?
- Suit yourself.
You find those two yahoos
passed out somewhere on my land,
let them know I fully intend
to press charges, you hear?
Get away!
Get away!
- What was that?
- Is he okay?
- You blasting over there today?
- No, no, I'm not.
- Well, we'll check it out,
and we'll keep you posted.
- You know where to find me.
- Unfortunately.
- Great.
- Well, this is way beyond
any car accident I've ever seen.
- What're you saying?
- What I'm saying is,
while the smoke inhalation and
burns were enough to kill her,
she was already dead
well before that,
and if she was
still strapped in,
there's practically no way
her head could get
twisted around like that.
Her spinal cord's
been completely severed.
She's in worse shape
than the car she crashed in.
Hold on,
there's another one.
- Come on, son,
get a hold of yourself.
Man up.
- What is that?
- I think it's gold.
- Gold?
- Sheriff, you might have
a homicide on your hands.
- Oh, ho, ho, no way.
This woman
was a federal employee.
I do not need
that kind of publicity.
- I get it.
This is only
a preliminary diagnosis.
I'm not ready to sign
the certificate just yet.
- Well, you better make sure
you dot all your t's
and cross your I's
before you determine
cause of death.
- Sorry, sorry.
- Gold.
I gotta make a call.
- Hey, Todd, you okay?
- I can't help it.
When I start to feel stress,
I sweat.
I freeze up a little bit.
I can't control my nerves,
you know?
- Then it's a good thing
you became a cop,
no stress there.
- Yeah.
Right, yeah.
- Are you up for
a session tonight?
- Yeah, sure.
I mean, you've had
a busy day, and...
- No, no, it's not a problem.
It's just as relaxing
for me as it is for you.
- Okay, then.
- Yeah.
- I'll see you later.
- Okay.
- Let's go, Todd.
We got work to do.
- Okay,
yep, yep, yep, yep.
- Leave that.
- This is yours.
- Thanks.
- So, what's the verdict?
Did Teresa
save the day or what?
- I'm still on lockdown.
Teresa got called
back to the hospital
before she could even
put her purse down,
and grandma's
still acting all crazy.
- Mace and I are going
to the spot tomorrow.
- Can Rick and I come?
- Yeah, of course.
- Grandma hates
that I'm dating a guelo,
not like there's a lot
of cute Chinese guys
to choose from
around here.
- Well, I don't want to
get you into trouble.
- Apparently
I'm already in trouble.
- Oh, my brother's here.
I gotta go.
- Veronica?
- Come on in.
- Hey.
- No offense,
but you look like crap.
- I feel like crap.
Ah, did you get dinner?
- Mm-hmm,
leftovers, again.
- Ooh, sorry about that.
I will make that up to you.
Hey, I was gonna go over
to Teresa's house.
She's gonna help me
with my stupid panic attacks.
Is that cool?
- Sure you're not just
using that as an excuse
to spend time with her?
I think you might
just be into her.
- Um, it's purely
a professional...
Anyway, good talk,
and I will let you
get back to your homework.
It smells good in here.
- Mm-hmm.
- One more thing--
What did I tell you
about these, huh?
It's a nasty habit,
not allowed.
- Hey, those are mine.
- Well, I'm sorry,
I don't like to be in the
position of being your parent
any more than you do,
but somebody's got to
look out for you.
What would mom say
if she caught you with these?
- She'd say
they belonged to her,
take them
and smoke them herself.
- Probably.
- I wish she was still here.
- Well, hey, I'll say
what she was thinking,
and that is, I'm only doing this
'cause I love you,
and I do, you know?
Love you.
All right.
So, no more cigs, got me?
Right on.
The air freshener's a real
amateur move, by the way.
- This is so unfair!
- Tracy!
- Is this a bad time,
because I could come back.
- No, please, this house
needs some calm.
- Okay.
- They're like
four-year-old children.
- Yeah.
Is this silk?
I am--i want to
thank you, Teresa.
- You think it's working,
- I do.
Breathing exercises
really seem to help.
- Now we just have to
wean you off the paper bags.
- Yeah.
- I'm kidding.
- Okay.
- Let's begin.
- Okay.
- Deep breath in.
Exhale out.
Picture your fears
as a pile of fresh snow.
You take a handful,
then squeeze it, compress it.
It becomes smaller and smaller
in your hands,
smaller and smaller,
every morsel of fear
melting away.
Another deep breath in--
And now your fears
are half the size they were,
just a moment ago.
Smaller and smaller,
every morsel of fear
melted away.
- I'm Billy Buckner,
and we're here to help.
- Binky, no, quiet.
Hush, hush, hush, binky.
I'm trying to watch TV.
- Gold exchange offers the most
competitive prices for your--
I'm Billy Butler--
- this guy
is on every channel.
There we go.
What is it now, binky?
No, don't you be peeing
on my brand new floors!
- I'm Billy Butler
and we're here to help.
- Finish your business,
binky, stupid dog.
Okay, pinch it off.
It's cold.
It's cold out here.
Who's there?
You show yourself
right now, you hear me?
I ain't afraid of you.
All right,
you son of a bitch.
You step out of there,
or I'm gonna send you to hell
with a hole in your head
as big as a grapefruit.
Come on.
What the...
- That was good, Todd.
I could feel you
more relaxed that time.
How do you feel?
- Great?
- There's something to be said
for 1,000-year-old techniques,
Once you master
your breathing exercises,
you should be able to
control the attacks.
- And give birth.
- Grandma, grandma,
what happened?
What's wrong?
What happened?
It's all right.
She's okay.
- I need my shoes.
I'll get them later, yeah.
- Hey, Todd.
You okay?
- Yep.
It's through there.
- Thanks.
- The paper boy found her
this morning.
It's a real mess.
It's not...
- Teresa--
- hey, Tatum.
- Watch your step.
A couple of shots
fired from that pistol,
but don't appear
to have hit anything,
no blood trails,
What do you think?
- I think that this definitely
wasn't an accident.
- Yeah, I got that much.
- Excessive hemorrhaging
from the mouth...
- No kidding, Columbo.
- These look like full
extractions here, sheriff.
- I know. I found
a few teeth over there.
- I'll get on it right away,
but it seems to me
that you've got a killer
on the loose, sheriff.
- I don't know if this has
any bearing on the situation,
but her hair
wasn't white yesterday
when I issued her a ticket.
She was coming
from old doc Payne's place
with a mouth
full of gold fillings.
- Whoa!
- I got it.
It's a dog.
It's okay.
What is that?
- Gold!
I've said it before,
and I'll say it again.
It's the stuff
dreams are made of.
Many folks don't know it,
but the south was the location
of America's first
and greatest gold rush.
Cut the damn camera.
- What's wrong?
That was a good take, Billy.
- No kidding.
It would have been great
if this idiot had the cards
right side up,
and the gold here,
it isn't stacked right.
We need to make it look
like there's more here
than there really is!
What's wrong
with you people?
What are you,
a bunch of film students?
I pay you professional wages!
I demand a professional job!
I can't believe it.
You want anything done,
you got to do it yourself.
Now you better get it right
this time.
- Okay, everybody back to one,
let's get it right this time.
- Everybody ready now?
No, let's wait.
No, I got all the time in the--
take your time.
I got time.
We move slow down here, yeah.
Oh, you good--you happy--
you good, now?
You're fired.
Get out of here.
I want some pretty girl over
there, you know, a pretty girl,
just where I can look at it,
and I'll keep
looking at it, okay?
Can you get that for me?
Can you?
- Let me guess,
your grandmother?
- She's crazy!
There, I said it!
She's acting stranger than ever
these last couple days.
- Well, you know, she's just
going to keep calling
until you answer.
- Let her!
I don't care.
Rick told me
mace got the beer.
- Oh, so you guys are coming?
But I thought
you were grounded.
- Since when has being grounded
ever stopped me?
Sorry, sorry.
- So come on down
to the golderton exchange
located in beautiful
downtown golderton,
and don't forget to tell them
bill sent--
damn it all to hell.
What's wrong now?
What is it with you people?
What is that stuff?
Hey, I'm talking to you!
It's bill Butler.
I'm at the mine, and--
which mine?
How many mines are there?
people are dying over here!
Send the police!
Send a SWAT team!
No, keep that mist of yours
away from me, you giant freak!
Okay, okay,
just don't hurt me!
You killed my crew,
ate all the damn gold,
you circus freak!
Now go on, get out of here,
leave me alone!
That mist of yours
don't work on me!
You want a piece
of old Billy Butler,
you're gonna have to do it
the old-fashioned way.
Come on,
put up your Dukes!
- Ha!
Take that, you bastard!
Shove it to hell, ray!
Send it back
where it came from!
- I got him, Billy.
- It's bleeding gold.
Son of a bitch.
- Please, no!
- Thanks for the ride,
my man.
- Uh-huh, going,
see you later.
- So everything's set
for tonight?
- I can't wait to get
out of here.
- I'll come by around six.
- Tracy! Tracy!
- I don't think
I can wait that long.
Can you make it five?
Oh, okay.
Better call Teresa again.
Tell her to bring
the biggest meat wagon we got.
Where's Billy?
- I don't know.
- What the hell
happened here?
- I don't know, sheriff.
Maybe this'll tell us.
- Careful.
- Something wrong
with the camera?
It's all blurry.
- What the hell is that?
- I don't know.
It's definitely not
some psychotic serial killer.
I mean, it's too big
to even be human.
- I guess it's some kind of
mutant animal.
freeze it right there.
we got to get
a hunting posse together,
blast that thing on sight.
- Are you sure we should
be doing that, Mac?
Like I mean, look what he did
to all these people!
- I guess I should expect
that kind of attitude
from a guy
who can't even issue a ticket
without breathing
into a paper bag.
Damn it, Todd, I don't
expect you to participate.
As a matter of fact,
I would prefer that you didn't
because I don't need you
choking up if things get hairy.
You go on back into town.
I will call you
if I need you.
I'll wait here for Teresa
and help her clean up this mess.
I gotta make some calls.
Go, now!
Shirley, Shirley,
are you there?
For the love of god,
is there somebody at the office?
- Whoa, where do you think
you're going?
- Out.
- Whoa, not tonight, you're not.
- But I'm supposed to
meet up with mace.
- I'm pretty sure the sheriff
is keeping mace in tonight, too.
- It's Friday night, Todd.
- One night in is not going to
ruin your social life, Veronica.
- Well, this is totally unfair.
I already have plans.
You can't do that.
- I just did.
it's just one night, okay?
It's not safe out there.
- Not safe?
In golderton?
- I know you think
I'm being overprotective,
but there's been
a string of violent murders
in the last day or so,
and no one knows
what's going on.
I mean,
we think it's an animal,
but we don't know for sure,
so believe me,
you don't want to be out there.
- And you're only doing this
because you love me, right?
- Hey, what did I just say?
- I'm not gonna sit here
and watch you stare
at the video camera all night.
I'm going across to Tracy's.
- Fine, but nowhere else, okay?
- Okay.
- All right.
And I got us
some Chinese food.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- What time are Rick and mace
getting here?
- Oh, they just texted me.
They're gonna be a little late,
but they'll be here after dark.
- Tracey--
Tonight's gonna be so much fun.
This 24-carat egg roll
is in for a big surprise.
Don't forget to tell 'em
Billy sent you--
back to hell!
Hey, listen up, gentlemen.
Glad you all could make it
out here tonight.
I don't know exactly what it is
we're dealing with.
It's looking like
the work of a bear or,
I don't know,
a massive feral boar,
but it has killed
a lot of people
in the last few days.
I called you men
not just because you're
the best hunters in the area,
or the meanest,
but because you're
the bravest men that I know,
no offense, ma'am.
Now, I figure
we can cover more ground
if we divide ourselves up
in a few groups, take quadrants.
Tibbs, you and junior
take the area along route 21,
work your way
around the Butler property.
Chad and John, you can take
the southeast quadrant.
Callahan, you can take
the western edge of the property
up to Smith road.
Caveman, you and eyeball
can check out
the old mine entrance.
I'll stay here at home base
in case whatever it is
comes back.
Set your walkies
to channel four.
Let's stay in
constant communication.
Keep each other aware
of your positions.
I don't need someone
to get shot
because one of you
wandered too far off
in one direction
or the other.
Any questions?
- What are we gonna do
when we find it, sheriff?
- I'd rather attack it
with all eight of us.
Radio us, and we will kill it,
Sun's going down, boys.
Good hunting.
- Let's do this!
- Shh!
What are you doing?
Stop making all that noise.
Why don't you just
blast an airhorn,
let them all know
we're here!
What's your problem?
- What's my problem?
It's Friday night,
I'm 19 years old,
and I'm walking around
in the middle of nowhere
with my dad
instead of hanging out
like every other teenager
in town.
- Well, you see,
if you were a manchild,
you'd be having
the time of your life.
See, I thought
coming out here
and shooting the hell
out of something
would be some great
father-daughter bonding time,
but no, you've got to get
all crybaby on me.
Why don't you go on
back to the house
and have mama put
a little skirt on you.
Don't point that
in my direction.
What are you, nuts?
Junior, where you going?
You got the trots?
What're you doing, girl?
Ooh! Junior!
Junior, you all right?
I've never seen you get...
No, no!
- Melting from your body.
Hello, um, is Teresa home?
No, she's probably
still at the hospital.
Do you remember
the other night
I overheard you repeating
the words [CHINESE WORD].
What does it mean?
Here, look, look,
right here.
Look in there.
I was hoping that I was wrong
about all of this.
- You speak English?
- Duh!
I've been speaking English
since long before you were born,
you numbskull.
Get in here.
We got to talk.
Come on, come on.
- What does
"[CHINESE WORD]" mean?
Means "vengeance".
I've been hearing the stories
when I was growing up,
but I didn't want to
believe them.
I thought it was some
stupid old superstition.
It all started
with the Butler gold mine.
William Butler opened the mine
around 1840 or so,
and what he called employment
was nothing more than slavery.
That mine was a death trap,
and he didn't care.
He was blinded by greed.
He just wanted gold.
He had no concern
for the miners.
It was only a matter of time
before tragedy struck.
There were five men in the mine
the day it caved in.
Butler abandoned the miners
and went to the other side
of the mountain.
Families of the miners,
they could hear the men
deep inside,
screaming and crying for help.
All Butler did was he opened
another part of the mine
and continued working.
- I've never heard
any of this before.
How did he get away with it?
- History is written
by the ones that lived,
not the ones that died.
But that's not
the end of the story.
One of the miners' wife
We call it a witch.
cursed the place that night,
and gave life
to the dead spirits
that were trapped
in the mine.
The legend says
the dead bodies of the five men
took a form of one
with five heads.
The [CHINESE WORD] created
a creature of vengeance,
name it [CHINESE WORD].
The five heads beast
has been lying there
and waiting
for all these years
gathering its strength
until something break it free.
- Shut up!
- Yeah!
- Hey, can't you read?
The sign says
no trespassing.
- Don't go down there!
Dumb ass kids!
- Come on out of there,
you son of a bitch.
Anybody got anything?
Where is everyone?
- Rock. I win.
- You always win.
- You do realize you always
start with scissors
and I always start with rock,
I figured
you'd know that by now.
- I do now.
- Stay out in the open
where I can see you.
- So you're telling me
this thing, this...
Is out for revenge.
- Against who?
The descendants
of William Butler?
White people?
- That's the trouble
of revenge spells.
They're more like bombs
than bullets,
and no one is safe
if they fall in the path
of the creature.
Not you, not me,
no one.
- How do we stop it?
- I don't know for sure.
It won't be easy,
if we can at all.
- Wait.
Don't you have some kind of--
I don't know,
potion or spell or something?
I'm no [CHINESE WORD], sorry.
I wish I were a witch,
but I can only tell you
Is not just a stupid animal.
It's a thing
of the spirit world,
and in addition
of its great strength,
it has other properties.
- Great.
I'm afraid to ask.
is the reflection of the spirits
that it is avenging.
Those five miners
weren't just trapped.
They were suffering
in constant fear,
terrible unshakable terror,
and this is what
the [CHINESE WORD] will use
to disable its enemies.
It can paralyze its targets,
make them sitting ducks
so that it can
take its time.
The legend says it emits
the same terror
the miners felt
before they died.
Then it strikes.
- Thanks.
So you're saying
even normal people
get paralyzing
panic attacks
just by being
around this thing?
- Paralyzed fear,
panic attacks,
heebie jeebies,
call it whatever you will,
but that's what it will do,
like a spider
that immobilizes its prey
and devouring them.
- Great.
Just what I need to hear.
And there's no way
to kill it?
- Certainly not by
conventional means,
but maybe if you can send it
back to where it came from,
or satisfy
its taste for revenge.
Oh, I really couldn't
tell you for sure.
- So you're saying
odds of surviving this thing
are slim to none.
- Yes.
- Good.
Can I speak to my sister
for a second?
- Down the hall
on the right.
Tracy, Veronica?
Tracy, Veronica,
I have to talk to you.
- Tracy! Tracy!
She was grounded,
and she kept on saying
she wanted to go
to this place
called the mine!
- It's locked.
All right,
come on, let's go.
- What is this?
When did they put a fence here?
- I don't know,
but there's a sign
and it's spooky,
so come on.
- No, wait.
We came this far.
I mean, this is our spot.
People have been partying here
our whole lives
and even longer.
Hell, we were probably
even conceived here.
- Eww!
- It says no trespassing.
Violators will be prosecuted,
all right, baby?
Come on.
- Your dad is the sheriff.
What, is he gonna arrest you?
Quit being such a wuss.
It's more private in there.
You know what I mean?
- All right, you want a boost,
or should I get down in the mud
and let you climb
on my back?
- Oh, crap, it's Todd.
- Don't answer it.
- Well, of course,
I'm not gonna answer.
Why get in trouble now
when you can get in trouble
tomorrow, right?
- Veronica, you need to
come home now, okay?
There's something going on
out by the Butler mine
and it's not safe there.
Just--I'm not angry.
Just come home, okay?
Or call me.
damn it!
- Why am I always the bait?
- It's your lot in life,
I guess.
- I was speaking
in more general terms.
- If you want to
catch something,
you got to use bait, right?
You just stay right there.
When that thing
comes to eat you,
I'll blow its head off.
- What if you miss?
- Miss?
Do you know how much I paid
for this scope?
- Maybe I should go up there
and get my gun.
- What kind of
intelligent creature's
going to attack
a well-armed man?
you've still got your pistol.
- What if it's not intelligent?
- What if you threw down paper
instead of scissors?
Now just stand there
and be good bait, will you?
You're a master at it.
You're a master bait.
- Sheriff, what's your 20?
- I'm out by Butler's place.
What do you want?
- I'm pretty sure
mace and Veronica
are out there somewhere.
My money's on the spot
where the kids
always hang out and drink.
- I specifically told him
not to go out tonight.
- Same here. Has that
ever stopped them before?
- I have to stay here
at the Butler office.
I got trackers out in the field
hunting this damn thing.
Can you check on them,
- I got one stop to make,
then I'm on my way.
- Make sure you're packing.
- Copy.
- There's something out there.
Did you hear that?
It's here!
I hear it, Chad!
- What was that?
- It sounded like somebody
out hunting idiot teenagers.
- Yeah, and it's definitely
not hunting season.
Why the hell would anybody
be shooting out here?
- Hey, what's going on
out there?
Who's shooting?
Tibbs? Anybody?
- Caveman and eyeball,
reporting in.
It wasn't us,
but it sounds close.
- Callahan, tibbs, somebody
tell me who's shooting.
Of all the stupid--
I almost shot your ass.
- I seen the thing.
It's a monster,
and it drips gold.
- What the hell
you talking about?
- It's an old family curse
come to life
after all these years.
- You've been drinking.
- I'm as sober as a mule.
Give me that gun.
- Whoa, whoa, wait, Billy.
You're pointing a gun
at a cop.
You do know
that is a bad idea.
- The thing
came from my mine.
What's from my mine
is all mine.
I own it.
I can do anything
I want with it.
- You're crazy. You need
my help to stop that thing.
- Crazy, nothing!
I'm not stopping anything.
I'm gonna trap it.
- People have died, Billy,
your people.
The law's taken over.
It's a police matter now.
- No one's gonna
kill my future.
- Teresa!
- Todd, what are you
doing here?
- I just spoke
to your grandmother,
and she told me this crazy story
about your ancestors.
It could explain
what's happening here.
The mine exploded,
and there was a curse
on these body parts
that melded together.
- [SIGHS] Guys, I got
a bad feeling about this.
I don't think
it's safe here.
Come on, we should
get out of here, now.
- Take it easy, mace.
Those shots
could be a mile away.
- No, those shots
weren't a mile away, baby,
they were close, okay?
- Well, I'm not worried.
I've got my boyfriend
to protect me.
- Now, I'm not superman,
you know?
Bullets go through me.
All right?
I'm calling my dad.
I'm gonna let him know
where we are just in case.
- [LAUGHING] If you want it,
come and get it.
- I'll get it.
- In my entire life,
I've never heard my grandmother
tell that story.
- No, it gets worse.
I'm pretty sure
Tracy and Veronica
are at the makeout spot
by the old mine.
They're gonna get caught
in the middle of all this
if we don't go out there.
- We?
- Well, I could use your help,
just to keep my nerves steady
while I drive out there,
just until we get the kids.
I promise I won't
put you in danger.
- All right.
I trust you.
- Okay, let's go.
Billy, you can't do this.
Come on, man, you're only
making things worse.
- Nothing,
not even you,
can keep me from getting my gold
from that cursed thing.
This bugger is attracted to gold
like moth to a flame.
That's how I'm gonna get it
to follow us.
- You've lost your mind.
- You want to bring it
to justice.
I want to get its gold.
Heads I win, tails you lose.
We do it my way.
- It's gonna kill you.
- I'm smarter
than any stupid monster.
It's not gonna kill me.
- Oh, so you're gonna kill it
with dynamite.
- I don't want to kill it.
Ever heard of killing the goose
that laid the golden egg?
Of course not!
If this thing bleeds,
craps, and spits gold,
it's got the midas touch.
It's gonna make me rich.
Get in.
- Look, fellas, I don't know
what you're trying to do,
but maybe there's some...
- Shut up.
- My dad's the sheriff,
all right?
- It's a small town, kid.
I know who your daddy is.
Threw us in jail
for a year.
Why any sheriff
would hire ex-cons
to hunt something down
is a stupid move at best.
- Must be one hell of a thing
he's after.
- Oh, it's Tracy.
- We're being held
by a bunch of creeps.
We're out in the woods,
- Tracy!
- You want to die tonight?
- Tracy! Hello?
It sounded like
she's in trouble
and the phone went dead.
- Let's go.
- Come on out!
Come on out and get
what's coming to you!
Come on out,
you monster son of a--
come on out, gentlemen!
I've got what you want,
right here!
Come and get it!
Gotta spend money
to make money.
- What are you guys
planning on doing with us?
- Normally
when me and eyeball find
some pretty young things
like you
out drinking in the woods,
well, use your imagination.
- Luckily for you
and these boys,
tonight's pretty damn
far from normal.
- Tie them up.
- Come on out,
you ugly ass abomination!
You think I didn't
recognize you?
You think I don't know
what you are?
My family put you
in that hole,
you damn good for nothing
Now come on out here
and face your master!
Good boy.
Now we're talking.
- What on god's green earth?
- Smoke 'em if you got 'em.
Here you go, baby.
- Billy, what the...
- Fire in the hole!
- God, what is that thing?
- That is my destiny!
- Is that y'all's Jeep
out by the gate?
Whose is it?
What the hell?
- You're gonna kill us, Billy.
- I got this by the ass!
Atta boy!
- What the hell
you doing, man?
I thought you said
you didn't want to kill it.
- I'm not trying to kill it,
just want to slow it down.
Then I can lead it.
- Lead it?
- Back to where it came from.
Gotta trap it.
Once I trap it, I can siphon it,
milk it like a goat.
- Give me the keys
to the cuffs, Billy.
Let me out of here.
- If you can't tell, sheriff,
I'm a bit busy.
Whoo, that's a hot one!
- I want the keys to the Jeep.
Who's got it?
- Oh, y'all suck.
Look, nobody drives that Jeep
but me.
- By all means.
- Eh, that's not the keys.
- Let's go.
- Now what are we gonna do?
- We got any beers left?
- No, they drank them all.
- Hey, hurry up, man.
We gotta go, man!
- You get the Jeep, man!
- What the...
- Speed kills, jerkwad!
- Hey, man,
what are you doing?
You want us
to go back to jail?
- What you talking about?
- Whoo, man!
If I was a cat,
I'd only have seven lives left.
- Hey, look out!
- Oh, thank god!
Teresa, we're over here!
- Tracy!
Are you okay?
- I'm sorry.
- You are in a lot of trouble,
young lady.
- Is everybody all right?
Anybody hurt?
- Oh! Run!
- We're going in!
- Get out of the way!
- All right, scat, kiddies.
You, missy!
Come here!
- Don't do it, Butler!
This can only end badly.
- She's my insurance policy.
- Don't! Stop!
Take me!
- Stay out of this,
Barney fife!
Come on!
- Todd, do something!
- Get in there!
- Look at me, deputy!
If you love that girl,
you can do this.
Don't just freeze up, boy.
Now prove it to her.
Wait! I need the keys
to the handcuffs!
Aw, blast!
- Dad!
- Come on,
let's get out of here.
- The keys to these cuffs
are in that cave.
- I'll go get them.
- Go, y'all, get the hell
out of here.
- I'm not gonna leave
without you.
- Go, go!
It's too late.
It's all right, son!
- Oh, Billy!
- Don't you move, sister.
- Help!
- When that thing gets in here,
you might not even
want to breathe.
- Help me!
Don't do this, Billy.
- They say diamonds are forever,
but you gotta admit,
there's just something special
about the weight of gold.
You can see--
hell, I can even smell it.
So can that thing
that's headed our way.
Right on time.
- Todd!
- I'll take that.
- Don't!
- Hey, chinaman!
Look what I've got here!
- Let me go, you psycho!
- Billy, don't do this!
I love her.
- Not as much as
I love gold.
Welcome back to the grave,
I got your 24-carat dinner
right here.
Come on!
Come on!
Come and get it.
- Todd, Todd!
Help me!
Todd, this guy's lost it.
We're gonna die
if you don't stop him.
- I can't, I can't.
- You can.
- You got to pull over!
Pull over the car!
- He's dead!
Oh, my god.
- Come on, we got to go.
We got to go help them.
- Help them?
How stupid are you?
We need to help ourselves
and get out of here!
- That's family out there!
- My sister's out there.
- And there's a dead guy
on the ground.
- We can't just run away,
all right?
Veronica, are you coming?
- Yeah.
- Screw this.
- Doug!
- I'm gonna melt you down,
like chocolate in the sun.
I want to get
at that cream filling!
How about a little fire,
Yeah, looks like you got
your damn [CHINESE WORD]!
Doesn't matter!
You're still stuck
in this stinking cave.
suck on this!
Damn it.
- Teresa, take a deep breath
and release it.
Picture your fears
are a pile of fresh snow.
You take a handful,
squeeze it, compress it.
It's getting smaller
in your hands,
melting from your body's heat.
I'm not afraid.
I'm not afraid of you,
Get out of here, Teresa!
- Todd!
- Teresa, go!
Thank you, Teresa.
This is for you.
- Todd!
- Get out of here, Teresa!
- I'm not leaving you!
- Go, now!
- Pops, I'm so sorry.
I know you told me
not to go out there.
- I'm okay, son.
Just go check on the girls.
- I know you loved him.
- Todd, he saved me.
He saved all of us.
- He was a good man.
I'm sorry.
I am sorry.
- I'm so sorry, Veronica.
I know your brother was
the only family you had left,
but he loved you,
and he sacrificed himself
for the good of us all.
You should be proud.
- Hey! I think
I've got something over here!
- Todd!
- I can't believe
you made it out of there.
- I know.
Me neither.
I mean, now I know
what those miners went through.
It was awful.
I'd want some
[CHINESE WORD] as well.
- Now you understand.
- Yeah.
- Todd, thank god
you're alive.
We thought that you were...
- No, you saved me in there.
Thank you.
- No, it was you
who saved us both.
- Without you--
without your training,
I wouldn't have survived.
- I was scared
I was gonna lose you.
- Purely professional, right?
- Do you have
some homework to do?
- Hey, what's that?
- Stay back!
Don't breathe that in!
- See you? What's...?
- Freedom.
- See you later.
- Let me out of here!