Heidi (1937) Movie Script

Put those on!
Oh, not everything.
I'm so hot.
Well, keep on your Sunday dress...
and your coat.
- Hurry up!
- Oh, all right.
Come a long way?
Yes. From Mayenfeld.
We had a ride part
of the way on a cart.
Can you tell me the way
to Adolph Kramer's?
Did you say Adolph Kramer?
I did.
A stranger hereabouts, aren't you?
Yes. Why?
You must be, or you would have...
nothing to do
with that old heathen!
Heathen or not, I'm taking his
granddaughter to live with him.
Well do you know what
kind of a man he is?
That's none of my affair.
Which path do I take?
There, by the church.
If you listen to us,
you'll never take it.
Hey! Turk!
Everybody knows you can't
turn your back on old Turk.
Well, old Turk isn't
much of a gentleman.
What's your name?
I'm Peter, the goat general.
Who are you?
I'm Heidi, and I'm going to live
with Adolph Kramer, my grandfather.
Live with him?
Aren't you scared to?
Why should I be afraid
of my grandfather?
You'll find out. If ever
he gets good and mad at you...
he'll probably
cut your head off.
Like this!
I don't care what you say.
She's my niece, and I can
do what I please with her.
Come along.
Come along. Hurry!
I'm Dete,
the sister of Gretchen...
who married your son Tobias.
I've brought their orphan
to live with you.
I've taken care ofher for six years...
but I've got a job
in Frankfurt now-
a rich family-
and I can't be bothered
with her anymore,
I know you hated
Tobias and Gretchen...
but you've got to take
their daughter just the same.
Get out of here.
Here she is!
Her name's Heidi!
How do you do,
I'm very glad to see you.
Aren't you going to
show me our house?
Oh. It's a very fine house, isn't it?
Where am I going to sleep?
I found my bed.
I'll sleep on the hay.
But I suppose I ought
to have a sheet and coverlet.
I say, I suppose I ought
to have a sheet and coverlet.
I've always had
a sheet and coverlet...
but if there aren't any,
I could sleep under the hay.
Could I use these?
Grandfather, it's a beautiful bed.
Would you like to come and see?
Oh! Is that for me?
Thank you.
Now I've got a table all my own.
Hello, laddie.
Is this Blind Anna's cottage?
- Yes. She's my grandmother.
- Thank you.
I do not know this Adolph Kramer,
but the village thinks...
the child should be
taken away from him.
You've just come to
Dorfli, Herr Pastor...
or you'd understand why.
They say you have known
Kramer for 50 years.
- What sort of a man is he?
- Who knows?
He was a grand young man,
except for his wild temper.
And his son grew up
just like him.
Tobias wanted to marry
a girl from Mayenfeld.
Adolph disliked her and forbade it,
but the boy married her...
just the same
and brought her home,
Adolph turned them away in a rage...
and told Tobias
never to come back...
until he'd given up the girl.
But why should the village
hate him and fear him so?
Feuds and weeds grow
quickly, Herr Pastor.
The people of the village
sided with the boy...
and the father cursed them...
and went and built himself
a hut on the mountain.
Since that day, he's never
spoken to a living soul.
Frau Anna, is the child
safe with him?
God knows.
Living alone like that
has made him a strange creature.
I like to hear the church bells,
don't you, Grandfather?
- Get to bed.
- Shall I say my prayers out here with you?
- I told you to go to bed!
- Yes, Grandfather.
I think I'll go to bed now,
Grandfather. Good night!
And God bless Grandfather,
and please make him like me.
And please make me
a good little girl. Amen.
And please make Aunt Dete stay
in Frankfurt for a long, long time.
- Is this for me?
- Yes.
It's the most beautifulest
chair I ever saw.
- Thank you,
- Mm.
- What are you making?
- Cheese.
Could I help?
Do please help me tie my apron.
Thank you.
- Are these ours, Grandfather?
- Mm-hmm.
- What are their names?
- Swanly and Bearly.
You don't look much like a swan...
and you don't look
anything like a bear.
I think you're a beautiful goat.
I wonder if you give black milk?
- You can milk Bearly.
- But I don't know how to milk a goat.
Well, then, it's time
you learned. This way.
You may as well stand still.
I'm going to do it.
Oh, please, Swanly.
Don't be so st-
Bearly's a very warm goat, isn't she?
Pretty hard work,
isn't it, Grandfather?
Is this the last load?
Not quite. The rabbit's fur
is thick. It'll be a hard winter.
We don't care
if it's a hard winter, do we?
There's wood to keep us warm
and cheese to eat...
and lots of hay
for Swanly and Bearly.
May I go with Peter today?
It may be the last time
before the snows.
All right. All right.
But be back early for your lessons.
I will.
Are you sure you can
get along without me?
I'll try.
- You're supposed to be asleep.
- My eyes couldn't stay shut.
Look what I found!
Do you think there's
any music left in it?
We'll see.
I'm afraid it's all tired out.
This looks like a wonderful story!
What's it about?
It's about magic wooden shoes.
All right, Grandfather, I'm ready.
a long, long time ago...
there was a little
Dutch girl named Netje,
Have you seen my new shoes
They are made out of wood
Such nice little shoes
Don't you think
they look good
I can dance all around
With the greatest of ease
I can jump from the ground
To the top of the trees
I'll tell you something
I'm going to try
Put on your shoes
and away we'll fly
We'll take a trip
wherever we choose
We'll dance and skip
in our little wooden shoes
How many miles
will you travel with me
One mile or two miles
and maybe three
We'll make a stop
wherever we choose
We'll skip and hop
in our little wooden shoes
Wasn't our journey
a nice holiday
We'll take another
some other day
We'll take a trip
wherever we choose
We'll dance and skip
in our little wooden shoes
- Hello.
- Oh!
- You come to see us?
- Yes, dear.
- I am Pastor Schultz.
- How do you do, Pastor Schultz?
How do you do, Frau Schultz?
Oh, no. I'm Fraulein Elsa,
the schoolmistress.
Oh, you'd make
a very nice Frau Schultz.
You're mending
your grandfather's coat. How nice.
It's his Sunday coat, but he never
wears it. He doesn't go to church.
Perhaps we could persuade him to go,
Would you like that?
The pastor and Fraulein Elsa
have come to see us. Isn't that nice?
- Good day, neighbor.
- Well?
- We've come to ask about the child.
- Go inside, Heidi.
Save your breath.
I have nothing to say to you.
- That seems to settle it.
- No, it doesn't.
I'm sorry to insist, neighbor,
but school will open soon.
- I'll not send Heidi to school.
- What will you do with her, then?
She will thrive up here
with the goats and the birds.
- What will she learn from them?
- At least she will learn no evil!
That's hardly enough
schooling for a child.
I'll teach her all that's necessary.
And you'll teach her religion too?
The mountains will teach her
the only religion worth having...
as I have found out.
Come back to Dorfli, neighbor. This is
no life up here for you and the child-
at enmity with God and man.
I know what they think of me in Dorfli,
and they know what I think of them.
- It's better that we keep apart.
- I should not like to appeal to the law.
Heidi shall not go to school
or to church, either. That is final!
I'm sorry, neighbor.
May God help you.
And if any man try
to take Heidi away from me...
God help him,!
I used to go to Sunday school
when I lived in Mayenfeld.
Are you going to be my
Sunday school teacher too?
We'll have our first lesson now.
I'd like to read this story.
Shall I?
"A certain man had two sons...
and the...
Y- O-U-N-G-E-R-"
"and the younger of them
said to his father...
'Father, give me the P-O-R-"'
These are pretty hard words.
Perhaps you'd
better help me.
"Give me the portion of goods
that fall unto me. "
And he divided
unto them his levy...
and the younger son
gathered all together...
and took his journey
into a far country.
You know this story by heart.
Yes. By heart.
Does the son ever go
home to his father?
And the son said...
"Father, I have sinned
against heaven...
and in thy sight...
and am no more worthy
to be called thy son. "
But the father said
to his servants...
"Bring forth the best robe,
and put it on him...
and put a ring on his hand
and shoes on his feet...
for this my son was dead
and is alive again.
He was lost...
and is found. "
"If a man have a hundred sheep...
and one of them be gone astray...
doth he not leave
the 90 and 9...
and goeth into
the mountains...
and seeketh that
which has gone astray?
And if-"
Peter, what is it?
The grandfather and Heidi
have come to church.
"And if so be that he find it...
verily, I say unto you...
he rejoiceth more of that sheep...
than of the 90 and 9
which went not astray. "
Holy God we praise thy name
Lord of all
we bow before thee
All on earth
thy scepter claim
All in heaven above
adore thee
Fill the heavens
with sweet accord
Holy, holy holy, Lord
Holy, holy Lord
Good day, Adolph.
Good day.
Good to see you and the child.
You're looking well.
Here comes the grandfather now.
So the old eagle
has come down from his perch.
It was lonely for Heidi.
Adolph, you're an old fraud.
Don't give me away.
I ask the Herr Pastor to forgive
the words I said on the mountain.
The words are forgotten, neighbor.
This is a happy day for all of us.
I hope we shall
see you here often.
- What do you say, Heidi?
- Well, I think everybody...
really ought to
go to church on Sunday...
and I think there
ought to be a Frau Schultz.
Aunt Dete, what-
what do you want here?
Where's your grandfather?
He's up on the mountain
cutting some logs.
Get on your coat and mittens.
We're going away.
I don't want to go away!
- What?
- I want to stay here.
I love the grandfather,
and he loves me.
It's my birthday,
and we're going to have a party.
Look. He made me
these for a present.
There's Swanly and Bearly. And we're going
down to the village to get sausage and butter...
because the grandmother
and Peter are coming.
Well, he won't mind you
going on a little trip with me.
- Where?
- Just to Frankfurt.
You can come back
whenever you like.
- I don't want to go to Frankfurt.
- You will do as I say!
- Where are your clothes?
- I've got to ask the grandfather first.
- Where are they?
- In there.
Now, there is nothing
to worry about.
We'll have a sleigh ride to Mayenfeld
and a nice trip on a train.
And I'll buy you a present
for your birthday.
- Can I come right back for my party?
- Didn't I tell you you could?
Can I bring some soft rolls
for the grandmother?
You see, she hasn't many teeth
and can't eat her black bread.
Oh, yes. Come!
Hurry up! Hurry up!
First, I must go up the mountain
and tell the grandfather where I'm going.
There isn't time. We might miss our train!
I'll send word back to him!
But I'd rather tell him myself.
Do you think if I put
my birthday shoes by the fire...
- he'd know I'm coming back?
- Yes, yes, of course.
Now, come along!
Heidi! Where are you?
- Good day, little Heidi.
- Good day, Herr Pastor.
- Are you going away?
- Yes, to Frankfurt with Aunt Dete.
I'm taking her for a little trip,
Herr Pastor. It's her birthday.
- Oh, how kind of you. Pleasant journey to you, Fraulein.
- Thank you.
Oh, there's the grandfather.
I must go tell him.
- Sit down! Drive on!
- Grandfather!
Have you seen her?
Heidi! She's gone!
Don't you know?
Her aunt has taken her to Frankfurt.
She's stolen her!
Where are they?
Stolen? There.
- I don't think I'll go any farther.
- Oh, yes, you will.
Aunt Dete, tell them to stop!
Keep quiet.
I can't stop the train.
You've got to. It's getting late.
I'll never get back tonight!
Of course you won't.
Sit down and keep still.
- Then you-you knew all the time?
- Well, what if I did?
There's going to be
sausage and butter at my party...
and I won't be there.
And- And the grandfather
will be lonely.
Do you remember
what I told you?
I'm to say to the lady...
"How do you do,
Fraulein Rottenmeier?"
And to Klara,
"How do you do, Fraulein Klara?
I hope you will
be well soon. "
But why are we going
to their house?
You'll find out
when we get there.
"The quality of
a young lady's breeding...
is indicated by her deportment
when elders are present.
At such times, her manner
should be sedate and diffident. "
It's time for them
to be here, Fraulein.
Remember, Klara,
no excitement.
You're still an invalid.
"The habit of interruption...
should always be frowned upon.
The well-bred young lady always
waits until her elders are silent. "
I wonder what she'll be like.
Your father expects a healthy,
unspoiled, mountain child...
of your age
to share your studies.
Personally, I think
the whole plan is a mistake.
Papa thought it might be good
for me to have a playmate.
But you have me.
Don't I give you my entire
time and devotion?
Yes, and it's very kind of you...
but I don't have much fun.
Now, remember.
My word!
Well, come on.
Announce us.
Where did you
pick up that?
- That is my niece.
- How unfortunate for the poor child.
Are you the king here?
You look like a king.
Ah, little fraulein, if only
the rest of the world...
could see through your eyes.
Hmm, quite a personage...
under that extraordinary hat.
They are here, Fraulein.
- Andrews, what is she like?
- Highly intelligent.
- Don't be misled by the hat.
- Show them in,
How do you do,
Fraulein Rottenmeier?
- What is your name?
- Heidi.
What name did they give
you when you were baptized?
I don't remember that.
Are you being impudent?
No, Fraulein.
She didn't understand.
- She was baptized Adelheid.
- Hmm.
She looks too young.
How old is she?
She's older than she appears.
She's nearly 11.
Aunt Dete doesn't tell the truth.
I'm eight years old today.
Grandfather was going to
give me a birthday party.
How far have you
gone in school?
I've never gone at all.
How do you do, Fraulein Klara?
I hope you will be well soon.
Not fraulein. I'm just Klara,
and I'll call you Heidi.
- Why do you sit in that chair with wheels?
- I can't walk.
I fell last summer and hurt my back.
That's when Fraulein Rottenmeier
came to take care of me.
Then you couldn't climb the mountain
with Goat Peter, Swanly and Bearly.
Who are they?
Are they friends of yours?
Yes. They're
the grandfather's goats...
and Peter, he's the goat general.
Oh, tell me about them.
That's enough! You will take
that impossible child back!
You'll have to give me
more expense money then...
and the 50 marks
Herr Sesemann promised.
You dare to speak
to me like that?
- I'll not give you one pfennig!
- You'd better.
I've brought just the kind of child
Herr Sesemann asked for...
unless you have
your own reasons for not wanting her.
Get out, and take your
wretched niece with you!
All right, but you'll
give me the money...
or I'll write to Herr Sesemann.
You think I don't know
what your little game is?
A rich widower and his sick child.
You don't want Klara
to get well... not yet...
not until
you've made him think...
his little darling
can't live without you.
Now you can get rid of
the "impossible child" yourself!.
Sell her to the Gypsies,
for all I care!
I'm afraid the grandfather
will be worried.
He didn't know I was going away,
so I must go back tomorrow.
- Didn't Dete tell you?
- What?
- That you're to live here with me,
- No, she didn't tell me.
You see, my mama's dead, and my papa's
business keeps him in Paris most of the time.
- And I haven't anyone to play with.
- I can't live here!
I'm going back to the
grandfather right away!
- Indeed, you are.
- No, I like her!
Andrews will take you home
in the morning.
- No, I want her to stay!
- That is for me to decide.
- I know what is best for you, Klara.
- No! No! Papa sent for her, and you've got to wait till he comes home!
Klara, you're not strong enough for this
excitement. You'll make yourself ill.
Yes, I will, I know I will
if you don't let me keep Heidi!
- But, Klara, I can't stay!
- Quiet, dear.
Quiet. Remember what
a sick little girl you are.
You do want me to get well,
don't you, Fraulein?
- How can you ask?
- Then- Then please let me keep Heidi.
- Very well. For the present.
- You can't keep me here!
The grandfather is waiting.
He doesn't know where I am!
Dinner is served.
You'll like it here, Heidi.
We'll have such
good times together.
And Fraulein can send word
to your grandfather.
No, no! Aunt Dete
must take me home!
Dinner is waiting.
We will attend to that tomorrow.
- Then it's all right? I can go?
- I said in the morning, Adelheid.
I am waiting.
For what we are
about to receive...
the Lord make us
truly thankful.
God bless Grandfather
and Swanly and Bearly...
and please make me
a good little girl.
- Amen.
- Ha!
You may serve.
Remember, Klara, only a little,
- Must you hoard your food, Adelheid?
- It's for the grandmother.
I'm going to take it
home with me tomorrow.
Put it back.
- What's that?
- It's technically known as false hare.
I think you'll find it rather tasty.
Will you serve yourself?
I think I'd rather
just have some cheese.
Evidently our little friend
has no idea of table manners.
Bring me the tray, Andrews.
Now watch, Adelheid.
This is the way
civilized people serve themselves,
Oh, dear, what a pity.
You may go.
This is not humorous.
You are not in your barbarous hut
in the Alps now, but in a cultured home.
Did I actually see you yawn?
- I'm horrified!
- Don't scold her.
She's had such a hard day.
I am trying
to be patient, Klara.
But it is the height of impropriety
to yawn at the dinner table.
Ayawn at any time
is a sign of disrespect...
and lack of control,
It shows
the attention is wandering...
and that the young person is not
interested in the improvement of her mind.
Why, it's really more
than it's worth.
- You're going for the child?
- I am.
You're not walking all the way
to Frankfurt? It's over 100 miles.
- I shall get there.
- Let us lend you enough railway fare.
That's kind of you, Franz...
but my legs will carry me.
I have money to bring us
back on the train.
- Auf Wiedersehen. - Good luck,
Adolph. - Godspeed to you, neighbor.
Well, Little Miss Hasty Pudding.
I heard Goat Peter's horn.
He must be looking for me.
- Goat Peter?
- Yes. There. Don't you hear it?
I say, it's a little chilly outside
for this sort of thing, isn't it?
Let's try the window. Come on.
Fresh fish!
Fresh fish!
Oh, it isn't Goat Peter at all.
It's only fresh fish.
You'd better get dressed,
little fraulein.
Breakfast will be soon.
Well, I never thought I'd
turn out to be a lady's maid.
Hurry up.
Breakfast in 10 minutes,
We insist on punctuality
in this household.
"Punctuality. "
Don't dawdle.
- Well, I-
- Shh!
It is the height of punctuality
to yawn at the dinner table.
Isn't Heidi the funniest little thing?
I'm so glad she's going to stay.
- Is she?
- Yes, but she doesn't know it.
The poor dear thinks
she's going home today.
But she'll be happier here.
Don't you think so?
I'll have some new
dresses made for her.
Do you think you
could manage a new hat?
Oh, Heidi!
It's lovely!
I wonder where Aunt Dete is.
It's time we started.
Oh, uh, don't think
about that now.
We're going to have our lessons
with Fraulein in a minute.
Well, maybe I could
just this once...
if there's time.
I'll be sorry to leave you.
I hope you begin
to walk soon...
and not have to
sit in that chair.
Fraulein says perhaps
I'll never walk again.
Well, Goat Peter said
I'd never learn to read...
but the grandfather
told me I could, and I did.
Your back feels just like mine.
And your legs do too.
I should think you could walk
if you wanted to enough.
- Why don't you try?
- Oh, I wouldn't dare.
- Why not?
- I might fall.
Lean on me.
I'm pretty strong.
Do you really think
I could walk?
We'll try, then we'd find out.
Come on,
put your hand on me.
No, no, I can't!
- Don't ever tell Fraulein!
- I won't.
- What's that?
- A monkey.
I'd better let her in.
She's sitting in the snow.
Oh, Fraulein
wouldn't like it.
She wouldn't want her
to catch cold.
Besides, I've never
met a monkey. Have you?
No. Not to speak to.
Oh, she says she's very cold.
Come on! Come on!
How are you?
She has very nice manners.
Fraulein Rottenmeier
would like you. Come on.
Doorbell when the hall's
being washed down!
- I want-a Louise.
- You want what?
- Louise, a-my monkey.
- Monkey? You've been misinformed.
This is not the zoo!
You'd make
a very nice schoolteacher.
She wants you to name
the principal rivers of Europe.
I'm afraid that's too hard.
Can't you ask me something easier?
If you young ladies have finished with
you vulgar display of lack of restraint...
we will begin our lessons.
Andrews! Andrews!
Help! Help!
Did you call?
Take that thing
out of here!
My word. A gorilla!
Well, don't stand there
Take that beast out of here!
This is no laughing matter!
Yes, uh, scat,!
Do you mind? Scat,!
Get him off!.
Get him off!.
Oh, oh, oh!
- Oh, I'm most awfully sorry. This is most undignified.
- How dare you!
This is really not my fault.
Can I help you up at all? There we go!
Get him out ofhere,!
Oh, my God!
You might try putting
salt on her tail.
- Ah, what we need is strategy.
- Can I get it for you?
No, thank you.
I think I've got it.
Now the rest of you draw fire.
I'll attack from the rear.
Come here, little monkey!
come here,!
come,! come,!
- Come on! Come on!
- Here, monkey!
This has gone far enough!
Come on in.
Louise! Louise!
- She'll come down now. Here's your papa.
- Come, Louise.
Better get out quickly
before she finds her tongue.
- Here you are.
- What's the matter with you?
- Who let that beast in?
- I did.
- But she was so cold out in the snow.
- That's no concern of ours.
Please, Fraulein, it was
my fault as much as hers.
Such conduct is inexcusable!
She shall be punished severely!
Don't you touch her!
I'll write Papa!
Oh, I'm sorry, dear.
Don't excite yourself.
I'd forgotten it might upset you.
Adelheid, you shall spend
the rest of the day in your room.
I can't do that.
Aunt Dete is going to take me home.
Your aunt went away
this morning.
She... went away?
But she's coming back.
- No, she's not. I discharged her.
- But she's got to take me home!
I'm afraid not.
She cares nothing about you.
- She told me to sell you to the Gypsies.
- Oh, Fraulein, don't.
I doubt whether you will
ever see your Aunt Dete again.
- What does this mean?
- You mustn't stop me!
What have you got
in that hat?
- Oh. So you were running away.
- I wasn't running away.
I was just
going home by myself.
- Andrews, throw these rolls in the dustbin.
- Oh, no.
They're for the grandmother.
She can't eat her black bread.
Throw that wretched hat
in the dustbin too.
Oh, no. Not my hat.
I need that to go home.
That is all, Andrews.
If you stop me, I'll run away again!
I can't stay here!
There aren't any pine trees
or any mountains!
The grandfather doesn't
know where I am!
- You've got to let me go!
- Stop this nonsense!
You're not going home
until I send you!
Now you march upstairs!
You leave your room again
today, you'll be whipped!
Come on, little fraulein.
Keep the chin up.
Here's your precious bonnet.
Don't you think we ought to put it
under the bed to avoid the dustbin?
Try and cheer her up,
dear, will you?
Oh, Heidi, I-
I didn't know you wanted
to go home so much.
But you mustn't
run away again.
- Promise you won't.
- Oh, no. I couldn't promise.
You must, Heidi.
Papa's coming home
for Christmas.
That's only two weeks more.
If- If you still
feel homesick then...
I'll ask him
to send you back.
Are you sure he will?
Oh, yes.
He'll do it for me.
I won't run away.
I promise.
Come in.
I'm all new
to meet Klara's papa.
And, I must say, very impressive.
And just look at this!
I was hoping for a new hat.
But I'm not going
to wear my new clothes...
- when I go home tonight.
- No?
The grandfather
might not know me.
You're going to leave us
tonight, are you?
Yes. Klara's gonna ask
her papa to send me.
He'll be here in a few moments, and I've
come to tell you that when you meet him...
you're to say, "How do
you do, gracious sir?"
- And make him a little curtsy.
- What's that?
Well, it's uh-
That's a funny way
to say how do you do.
I daresay, but don't you think
you ought to practice it?
How do you do,
gracious sir?
Yes, I think
that ought to do.
A merry Christmas
to you, sir.
- Merry Christmas to you, Andrews.
- Thank you, sir.
- Everything all right?
- Oh, yes, sir. Quite all right.
Quite all right.
- Merry Christmas, Karl.
- Merry Christmas to you, sir.
Welcome, Herr Sesemann.
Oh, thank you,
Fraulein Rottenmeier.
- How is Klara?
- As well as may be expected...
considering what
we've been through.
I didn't want
to disturb you by writing...
- but the child Dete brought is impossible.
- Indeed!
Her manners are dreadful, and she excites
Klara to do things beyond her strength.
I've been seriously worried.
I'm sorry to hear that.
Why didn't you send the girl away?
Klara took an absurd fancy
to the child...
and I hadn't
the heart to cross her.
You know I'm foolishly fond
of dear Klara.
But I hope you'll act immediately
for the sake of Klara's health.
- Papa, Papa, I'm waiting,!
- Coming, dear.
We will discuss this later, Fraulein.
- Oh, Papa, I'm so glad to see you.
- Oh, darling.
Klara, what has happened?
I expected-
That is, Fraulein told me-
But you haven't looked so well
since your accident.
Of course.
Because I've been so happy.
- It's Heidi. My little companion.
- Heidi?
Thank you a thousand times
for letting me have her.
But Fraulein seems to think
she excites you beyond your strength.
I like to be excited, and she makes
something funny happen all the time.
Oh, Papa, she's
the dearest little thing.
Well, my darling, something
has had an amazing effect on you.
I didn't have much
to look forward to before.
Now when I wake up,
I think...
"I'm going to spend
the day with Heidi!"
I don't see why
Fraulein doesn't like her.
Nor I. It's very odd.
This, sir, is Fraulein Heidi.
How do you do, Heidi?
How do you do, Sir Gracious?
I didn't do it very well.
Shall I try it again?
I don't think that
could be improved upon.
We're going in to the
Christmas tree in a minute.
You'll never guess
what your present is, will he, Heidi?
Let me see. Is it animal,
vegetable or mineral?
Well, I suppose
it's sort of animal.
I know. It's a Shetland pony.
We're ready for the
ceremony, Herr Sesemann.
Come on, Sir Gracious!
Here we go.
Remember, don't excite yourself.
You'll tire easily.
Yes, Fraulein.
Silent night
Holy night
All is calm
All is bright
Round yon Virgin
Mother and Child
Holy Infant,
so tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly peace
Sleep in heavenly peace
Silent night
Holy night
All is calm
All is bright
Round yon virgin
Mother and child
Holy Infant,
so tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly peace
Sleep in heavenly peace
Silent night
Holy night
All is calm
All is bright
Round yon Virgin
Mother and Child
Holy Infant
so tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly peace
Sleep in heavenly peace
Lovely, Heidi! Lovely.
Merry Christmas
to you all...
and thank you for another
year's faithful service.
Our Christmas greetings to you,
sir, and Fraulein Klara.
A long life
and good health to you both.
- Thank you, Andrews.
- We're very grateful, sir.
- Karl.
- Thank you, sir.
- Fritz.
- Thank you very much, sir.
- Merry Christmas, Frieda.
- Oh, thank you, sir.
We'll wait till
we've had our presents.
He thinks it's going
to be an animal.
- Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas to you, sir.
For your Christmas,
Fraulein. And thank you...
for the efficient management
of my household.
Thank you, Herr Sesemann.
I've always felt like a mother to Klara.
Now, Papa,
my present to Heidi first.
- Oh, Klara. Your back.
- Oh.
I forgot.
That one, Papa.
- Happy Christmas to you, my dear.
- Thank you.
To Klara,
from her doting papa.
Turn it upside down,
then right-side up, Heidi.
It's the grandfather's house!
He's bringing in the wood.
Can I keep it for always?
Longer than that.
Oh! Heidi, look!
- Oh!
- It's lovely.
Now it's my turn.
I don't see...
my Shetland pony
around anywhere.
Shall we give him
his present now?
You hold my doll, Fraulein.
Now watch, Papa.
You stand over there.
- Don't be afraid.
- I'm not.
- Klara, stop!
- Wait!
Lean on me
until you get started.
Now, try hard.
Merry Christmas, Papa.
Oh, my darling.
My darling child.
They told me
you might never walk again.
- How did you? How did it happen?
- Heidi taught me.
I was afraid,
but she made me try.
We did a little more
every day.
You dear child,
you've worked a miracle.
Oh, no. It was the grandfather.
Goat Peter said
I'd never learn to read...
but the grandfather said
I could if I wanted to...
and I did.
So I thought Klara
could walk if she wanted to...
and she did.
You've given me the happiest
Christmas of my life.
And I've had a nice
Christmas present too.
Shall I get ready
to go home now?
No. I have another
Christmas present for you-
a home with us
as long as you live.
- No. I couldn't do that.
- Why not?
The grandfather's
been waiting for me...
such a long time.
Oh, Heidi, I hoped
you wouldn't want to go now.
Yes, I'd like to be that...
but I've got to go home.
Papa, I told Heidi you'd
let her go if she wanted to.
But you don't understand, dear.
You'll be my own daughter.
You'll have clothes like Klara's...
everything just like hers...
and grow up to be a great lady.
- Now, wouldn't you like that?
- No, thank you.
I want to go home
to my grandfather.
- I can't let you do that.
- But Klara promised!
- I- - I'm sorry, Heidi.
Someday you'll understand.
Papa, I did promise
you'd send her home.
But dear, you don't know
what her grandfather's like.
Dete told me that he was
a very brutal man...
feared by everyone.
No, Heidi will be
much happier here with us.
You've spoiled everything!
Don't break
my snowstorm!
Fraulein Rottenmeier,!
What is
the meaning of this?
Forgive me, Herr Sesemann,
I- I was beyond myself.
You must realize I cannot
have you longer in my employ.
- Yes, Herr Sesemann.
- I'll give you a month's salary.
You will arrange
to leave tomorrow.
I'll never see you again.
- Looking for somebody?
- My granddaughter.
You might find her
at the theater.
Every youngster in town tries
to get there on Christmas day.
Yes. She might be there.
Thank you.
- What is it, Grandpa?
- I'm looking for my granddaughter.
- But you can't go inside.
- I must see if she's here.
Sorry, sir.
The performance is just over.
You better wait over there.
All right.
Santa Claus!
Santa Claus!
- Santa Claus!
- Santa Claus!
Santa Claus!
Oh, Heidi, see the funny
Santa Claus over there?
Where? I can't see.
Papa, please take us
over to see him.
We better not, dear. You've had
too much excitement for one day.
- But Heidi hasn't seen him.
- Never mind. I don't care.
Heidi, where are you?
It's the grandfather
calling me!
It couldn't be
your grandfather, Heidi.
It sounded just like him.
You must be mistaken, dear. Your grandfather
is 100 miles away on his mountain.
I'm almost sure I heard him.
I know it was his voice!
Grandfather! Grandfather!
Where are you?
Heidi! Heidi!
Don't you worry.
That wasn't your grandfather.
- Heidi!
- What do you want?
I thought this
was the sleigh.
It must be the right street.
That old fellow is acting very strangely.
I think you'd better keep an eye on him.
Is my granddaughter here?
A child named Heidi.
Your granddaughter?
It isn't likely.
I'll see for myself!.
Come here!
What are you doing here?
I'm looking for my granddaughter.
She may be in this house!
- Come! Come!
- You better come with us.
She's in one of these houses.
I'll not leave till I find her!
- What is this?
- You can't disturb people!
Herr Wachtmeister,
I heard her cry out from the sleigh.
I tell you,
she's in some trouble.
We can't have you beating on
all the doors of Frankfurt at this hour!
- I must find her.
- Of course. Of course.
But she can come
to no harm tonight.
If you're still worried in the morning,
we'll investigate your story.
I tell you,
I must find her tonight!
- Lock him up.
- The cells are full, Herr Wachtmeister.
Naturally, naturally.
Christmas night.
- Put him in the detention room then.
- But, Herr Wachtmeister-
Take him away.
Stop that.
Christmas comes
but once a year
Ja, and with it
comes too much beer.
christmas comes
but once a year
With it comes
too much beer
Heidi. Get up.
And be very quiet.
Why? What's the matter?
We're going away.
Oh, is it morning already,
and you're going to take me home?
Yes, that's it.
We're going home.
But I thought Andrews
was going to take me.
Shh. He can't. You're to go
with me. Now dress quickly.
If You are
a just and merciful God...
then help me...
in this hour in my need.
Hurry up!
But first I must go and say good-bye
to Klara and her papa.
No, you can't disturb them so early.
I said good-bye for you.
Oh, wait. I forgot.
Don't do that again!
Heidi! Heidi!
I'll put a stop to that.
Ah, let the poor chap
enjoy his Christmas.
Why, it isn't
morning at all.
- It's still night.
- Shh! It's a long way.
You've got to catch
an early train.
- This isn't the right way!
- I know what I'm doing!
I don't think I'll go with you.
I'll wait for Andrews.
He will have to find you first.
Let me go!
Let me go!
- This is the child.
- Ah.
Nice little girl.
Let me go!
I want my grandfather!
- You'll never see your grandfather again.
- Come on!
Come on.
- Heidi! Heidi!
- Grandfather,! Grandfather,!
- Heidi!
- Grandfather,!
she's hurting me!
take me home!
What happened?
What's the matter?
That old man stole my child.
Hey, you! Stop!
- They've stolen my sled.
- Who owns this one?
- I do.
- Get in, and follow that man.
- What happened?
- Stolen sleigh!
Follow that man
with the child!
Stop, or I'll shoot!
You broke out of jail.
You took a sled that
did not belong to you.
You stole that child,!
- He didn't steal me!
- I tell you, she's mine!
Herr Captain,
we have found the woman.
Good. Bring her in.
- Is this your child?
- Yes, Herr Captain.
No, I'm not!
Is this the man who struck you
and took her away from you?
- Yes.
- She's lying!
I don't know who she is or what
she's doing, but Heidi is mine!
That's enough!
You will be held for trial.
You stupid fools!
- Can't you see what you're doing?
- Lock him up,!
You can't! You're not going
to take her away from me again!
No! No, you mustn't
take him away!
He's telling the truth!
He is my grandfather.
My really and truly grandfather!
Please! Please let him go!
- Come on! Don't be hysterical.
- Grandfather!
We'll want you for the trial,
Take your child home,
I am not her child!
She's a bad lady!
She tried to sell me
to the Gypsies!
Please let the grandfather
take me home.
He didn't mean
to do anything bad.
I'll work hard and pay back
for everything he broke.
- So will Swanly and Bearly.
- Pay no attention to her.
She'll be all right
when I get her to bed.
I won't go with her!
She broke my snowstorm...
and sent my Aunt Dete away so she
couldn't take me home to the mountains!
If you don't believe me
just ask Herr Sesemann.
- He'll tell you the truth.
- Herr Sesemann?
What has Herr Sesemann
to do with this?
- Nothing. Nothing at all.
- He has too.
Aunt Dete brought me
there to play with Klara.
- I taught her her how to walk.
- Oh, this is ridiculous.
- Come along.
- Just a minute.
- Well, now, Lieutenant- - Perhaps
we'd better send for Herr Sesemann.
Oh, absurd! We- Well, we visited
the Sesemann house tonight.
Christmas, you know.
My sister's governess there.
It would be highly improper
to disturb Herr Sesemann at this hour!
I think you'd better
wait until we hear...
what Herr Sesemann
has got to say.
Dear, dear, dear.
Seems quite impossible.
Nothing emerges from the spigot.
- Not that way!
- Oh.
That way.
My word!
I say, Bearly's
a very warm goat, isn't she?
- Of course, silly. All goats are warm.
- How cozy.
Heidi,! Heidi,!
They're coming,!
Really ought to master this.
Let's have a race
to the grandfather.
Well, well.
Oh, Grandfather, this is Klara.
And just think-
she beat me running!
And I beat Herr Sesemann.
How do you do?
This is the grandmother
and Goat Peter.
And this is Pastor Schultz
and Frau Schultz.
I guess I can't deny it this time.
They were married yesterday.
Come, sit down, all of you!
You must be starved
after your climb up the mountain.
Bless us, O Lord,
in these Thy gifts...
which we are about to
receive from Thy bounty.
And please make every little boy and
girl in the world as happy as I am.