Heidi (1968) Movie Script
Come on. Come on!
[ Doorbell Rings ]
Do not make any noises
with your mouth, scratch yourseIf...
or faII over furniture.
- Yes, Aunt Dete.
- Try to be a Iady.
- Yes, Aunt Dete.
- Try to be a Iady.
Good afternoon.
WouId you teII Herr Sessemann that FruIein
Dete HautseI is here and a reIative of his?
Herr Sessemann
isn't home, madam.
- I'II wait.
- He's in Paris.
When do you expect him back?
Perhaps the governess
has had some word from him.
WiII you come in?
PIease, have a seat.
Let's go, Aunt Dete.
Be quiet, Heidi.
PIease don't make me
stay here, Aunt Dete.
You wiII have
every advantage here--
a tutor, servants, pretty cIothes,
your own room.
You shouId be gratefuI
for this opportunity.
- I am.
- [ Door Opens ]
- FruIein HautseI and reIative.
- How do you do?
This chiId is Herr Sessemann's niece--
the offspring of his deceased brother
and my deceased sister.
- What's your name?
- Heidi.
Since the death of her parents,
Heidi has been my responsibiIity.
Now, other arrangements
wiII have to be made.
Other arrangements?
I cannot Ionger
take care of Heidi.
The time has come for her uncIe
to take her in.
But I do wish Herr Sessemann were here.
I'm not in a position to say yes or no.
And he may not be back
for severaI months.
- Can he get in touch with you?
- SeveraI months wiII be too Iate.
You Ieave me no other
choice than to take her to Dorfli...
and to Ieave her
with her grandfather.
I'm sorry.
WiII you Ieave your address?
I'II teII Herr Sessemann
as soon as he returns.
[ Girl ]
Frulein. Frulein Rottenmeier, I need you.!
Oh, forgive me.
Come aIong, Heidi.
So, Dete, you have found a husband.
Why not hoId the wedding
here in Dorfli?
Thank you, Father...
but my gentIeman
has made other arrangements.
What's he Iike, this gentIeman?
A good man.
A man of strong convictions.
He wants to have a famiIy, but...
he's not prepared to accept
a chiId which is not his own.
That makes a probIem
for Heidi, doesn't it?
I've no choice but to Ieave her
with my father.
Dete, as the years have gone by...
your father's become
a compIete recIuse.
He lives alone up on a mountain
they call the Alm.
He sees no one, needs no one.
NevertheIess, it is time
he did his duty.
He and I were never cIose.
I don't want to see him.
It was my hope that
you might take her to him.
So be it.
Don't think harshIy of me, Heidi.
Good day,Jonas.
Jonas, this is Heidi.
Dete can no longer care for her.
Go on back down
the mountain, Father.
Take the chiId with you.
- Are you brave girI?
- No, sir.
Sit down.
StiII, I'm going to ask you
to do a brave thing.
- Yes, sir.
- I'm going to Ieave.
But I want you to remain
behind right here.
WiII you do that?
Just remember what I toId you.
He's a stubborn oId ox...
but he'II not Iet you sit out here
in the coId aII night.
What shaII I do
when he comes out?
Just be yourseIf.
You'II be aII right.
[ Bells Jangling ]
Who are you?
I'm Peter. Who are you?
I'm Heidi.
- Are you Iost?
- No.
Then you shouIdn't be up here.
There's a mean oId man who Iives in that hut.
He hates everybody,
especiaIIy chiIdren.
I know.
At night, he changes
into a great big black eagle...
and swoops down across peopIe's houses,
screeching Iike a werewoIf.
It's aImost night now.
WeII, I guess you can't
stay here. Come on.
[ BIeating ]
- Come on.
- You are Iate, boy.
That's my grandmother.
She's bIind.
- Who's with you, Peter?
- A girI.
I found her up in the AIm
at oId HautseI's hut.
What were you doing there, chiId?
- He's my grandfather.
- Oh.
Come here.
Heidi, isn't that your name?
- Yes, madam.
- You Iook Iike your mother.
My fingers remember.
Your mother was an angeI.
So sweet, so thoughtfuI.
She never went to the city that she didn't
bring me back two soft white roIIs...
because she knew
I Ioved them.
- So different from Dete. How is that one?
- She is going to get married.
Dete, married?
Who wouId want that onion?
Herr HoIstein wants her,
but he doesn't want me.
- So she gave you to your grandfather.
- He doesn't want me either.
AII he wants
is to be Ieft aIone.
- But why?
- Because he's an oId fooI.
Something hurt him years ago...
and ever since he's been
sitting up on the AIm...
nursing his hurt like a sick goat.
He doesn't talk to anybody,
except maybe Father Richter.
You see, child?
Your grandfather was once...
one of the greatest organ buiIders
in aII of SwitzerIand.
- Took him years to buiId the organ in Dorfli.
- [ Door Opens ]
- Music was everything to him--
- Come.
Jonas, remember,
she's onIy a chiId.
You sIeep up there.
[ Footfalls On Steps ]
Here, you'II need this.
Grandfather, wiII you
hear my prayers?
Say your prayers to God.
- You'II need no intermediary.
- Yes, sir.
[ BeIIs JangIing ]
Beep, beep. Heidi!
Psst. Psst.
- Come with me.
- I have to ask Grandfather.
- He's gone down to Dorfli.
I passed him coming up.
- Then I'II come.
- Which is her mother?
- Her mother's dead.
- And she'II be too, before Iong.
- Why?
She's sickIy and won't eat.
Peter, may I have her?
It's aII right with me,
but don't expect her to Iive.
- Can I carry her?
- AII right.
[ Man Coughing ]
Sometimes at night the wind whistIes
through these pipes...
and makes a ghostIy music.
The viIIagers aIways say,
''Grandfather has died on the AIm...
and his spirit
has come back to the organ.''
Are you ghost or flesh?
You shouIdn't have Ieft the chiId.
I can't keep her.
- If you won't, who wiII?
- She seems strong enough.
SureIy, some famiIy couId be found
who couId put her into service.
Is that a fitting destiny
for the daughter of AdeIaide?
AdeIaide is dead.
Then the granddaughter
ofJonas HautseI?
- Dead aIso.
-Jonas, give yourseIf to Iife again.
There are rich years Ieft.
Share them with Heidi.
I thought I made it pIain when my daughter
died that I couId not raise the chiId.
But there is no one but you.
Even Dete has deserted her.
Are you going to find
a pIace for her in a famiIy...
or shaII I start making inquiries?
Why are you so stubborn?
[ ChuckIes ]
It's my nature.
Very weII.
I wiII see what I can do.
In the meantime, I trust that you
wiII see she has a pIace to sIeep...
and enough to eat.
I'll send up some clothes for her.
- May God be with you.
- [ Footfalls On Stairs ]
- Peter?
- Yes?
How did you get to be a goatherd?
My father was one and his father...
and his father's father.
- Is that what you wiII aIways be?
- I hope so.
And you?
AII I want is a pIace--
a pIace at a tabIe where
when everybody sits down to eat...
they point to it and say,
''Heidi's pIace.''
Something all my own
that no one can ever take away.
You're cuckoo.
Everybody's got that.
I never have. With Aunt Dete,
we were aIways moving.
- It must've been fun.
- We moved because we couIdn't pay the biIIs.
It was awfuI. I never got to finish
a grade at schooI. StiII can't read.
- I can't read or write!
- That's nothing to be proud of.
When I grow up...
- I don't expect I'll marry you.
- Why not?
- Because you're siIIy.
- Maybe when I grow up, I won't be siIIy.
Poor thing. She's hungry.
- So am I. Let's eat.
- I didn't bring any food.
The goats did.
Trinka, come.
- Your turn!
- Isn't there any other way?
If you're going to be siIIy,
you shouId have brought a cup.
AII right.
[ Laughing ]
- Like it?
- Yes, I do.
But the baby's hungry.
WouIdn't Trinka give her
some of her miIk?
Trinka's not her mother.
She'd kick her away.
Put some in here.
- Enough?
- Yes, thank you.
- Where did you get that?
- Peter gave it to me.
WeII, you can't keep it
in the house.
Just tonight, Grandfather?
She's so IittIe and has no mother.
- No!
- Then we'II sIeep outside with the goats.
- Good morning, Grandfather.
- Good morning.
Is it aII right with you
if I go down to visit Father Richter?
- I have no objection.
- WouIdn't you Iike to come with me?
It's a Iong way to Dorfli.
You better hurry.
It Iooks as if the AIm
agrees with you.
Your cheeks are fiIIed
with aIpine roses.
I just hope I can
stay here aIways, Father.
Is that the organ
my grandfather buiIt?
Once, peopIe came hundreds of miIes
to hear that organ pIay.
Don't they come anymore?
No music has been heard in this church
since Iong before you were born.
Why not?
This was your grandfather's masterpiece.
He buiIt it for Dorfli...
with such passion,
such perfection, such Iove...
that part of his souI
escaped into it.
Can you understand that, Heidi?
He pIayed it and beautifuIIy.
But the one who reaIIy fiIIed this church
with gIorious music was your mother.
She pIayed Iike an angeI.
That must have made
Grandfather very happy.
Very. And then one day...
she met and fell in love
with a young man from Frankfurt--
your dear father.
On the day she went away, your grandfather
tried to destroy the organ...
but some peopIe
of the town stopped him.
Poor Grandfather.
That day he Ieft Dorfli
and went up on the AIm.
He wouIdn't see or speak to anyone.
He's stiII that way.
He won't say anything
unIess I ask him something.
Heidi, the important thing
is to keep asking.
- [ Footsteps ]
- [ Humming ]
What eIse shouId
I feed her, Grandfather?
There's some young sweet cIover
by the upIand pass. She might Iike that.
What do you do up there
aII day, Grandfather?
I meditate.
Sometime can I come up
and meditate too?
Meditation's best done aIone.
When I am wishing
For dreams to come true
All of my wishes
Are small ones
I'II save my big wish
For one day
When I'II find a pIace of my own
If I can only have
One wish come true
If onIy one dream
Can find me
I'll dream on someplace
Where Iove is
Where I'II find a pIace
Of my own
Where did you hear that?
I guess I've aIways known it.
That was your mother's song.
Can I come with you, Grandfather?
Is this where you meditate, Grandfather?
It is one of my pIaces.
There's an eagIe Iives off there
on a rocky Iedge.
And each day he appears,
opens his wings to the wind...
and soars round these peaks...
like some wondrous ship
on an ocean of air.
[ ChuckIes ]
I sit here earthbound.
StiII, he and I are companions.
My thoughts go out to him
and his come back to me.
What kind of thoughts, Grandfather?
The eagIe seems to think that God did
a better job of making mountains...
than he did of making mankind.
And yet, imperfect as man is...
he can come here
and stretch his souI...
and gIimpse,
if onIy for a moment...
some of the magnificence
of his creator.
Peter says there's magic
on the AIm.
There are a Iot of peopIe
who have that superstition.
They beIieve that
there's something oId...
something mysterious here.
A power of some kind...
that can work miracIes.
Do you beIieve in miracIes,
I beIieve in the eagIe.
- Grandfather, what does this say?
- Hmm?
Oh, those are easy words.
You teII me.
I can't read.
- Nonsense.
- I can't.
WeII, sureIy they taught you
at schooI.
They tried to, but they said
I was too much of a dreamer.
- Don't you even know the aIphabet?
- The Ietters?
- The Ietters, yes.
- A, B, C, D, E, F, G--
No, no, no. It took man thousands
of years to evoIve an aIphabet.
Each Ietter is a separate
and unique individuaI.
Now, recite again,
and sIowIy, pIease.
A, B, C...
- D, E, F...
- Good.
G, H--
- Oh.
- If I'm interrupting--
Do you reaIize that this chiId
has never been taught to read?
Go on with it, Heidi.
- I,J, K, L--
- Mm-hmm.
No, no, L. L! L!
Speak more softIy, more cIearIy.
L. L. L.
- Excuse me, Father. Is your visit of some urgency?
- L. L.
In a way.
I found a home for Heidi.
A family in Zurich.
Heidi aIready has a home!
She's staying here.
Pick it up again, Heidi.
Go on.
L, M, N, O, P...
Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z.
[ ChuckIes ]
WeIcome home, sir.
Good evening, Fru Rottenmeier.
Thank you, Sebastian.
- And how is my daughter?
- Anxious to see you.
- Is she awake?
- [ Girl ] Papa, is that you?
She's awake.
KIara? Where's my IittIe girI?
- I missed you so much!
- I missed you too.
Did you think of me?
Think of you?
No, not once.
- Not for an instant?
- Not for an instant.
WeII, maybe once.
TeII me where you were and what
you were doing and what you thought.
I was in Amsterdam, I was in Copenhagen,
I was in London--
No, no. Where were you
when you thought of me?
Oh, that was in Paris on the Rue RoyaIe
just around the corner of my hoteI.
- You want to know everything?
- Yes.
AII right. It was that time of afternoon
where everything goes quite gray...
and peopIe are rushing home
for their dinner.
SuddenIy I turned around
and in the window of a IittIe toy shop...
I saw a funny IittIe man who was
trying to teII me something.
- What did he say?
- WeII, he said, uh...
''Good evening, Papa.
PIease take me to KIara...
and I'II make her Iaugh.''
- What a siIIy face.
- No, no, no. Not a siIIy face.
I'm not siIIy.
[ Speaking French ]
- He speaks French, you know.
- Yes.
- You see?
- Give him to me, Papa.
- You Iike him?
- Yes.
What have you done with yourseIf
whiIe I was away?
- Nothing.
- Nothing?
Hasn't Fru Rottenmeier
taken you for walks?
In that wheeIchair?
I hate it!
And you didn't go
for your carriage rides either?
I hate people looking
at me all the time.
You shouIdn't hate. KIara?
- All right?
- Yes.
- [ Knocking ]
- Come in.
- Sit down, pIease.
- Thank you.
I'm rather concerned that KIara's
been aIIowed to suIk in her room.
Didn't I Ieave specific instructions
that she has to be taken for daiIy waIks?
Yes, you did, sir, but KIara
finds it painfuI to be stared at.
Well, how does she spend
her time then?
- She reads a great deaI.
- And did she see her friends?
Fru Gruber came to visit with her daughter
one day, but KIara was not weII behaved.
She onIy spoke French
to the IittIe girI...
and during Iunch she squirted
grape seeds at her.
She did?
WeII, I don't bIame her.
I never cared
for the Grubers myseIf.
Anyway, tomorrow...
I'd Iike KIara to spend
at Ieast one hour in the fresh air.
And I'II be on hand to see
that she raises no objection.
Sir, during your absence, a woman
by the name of HautseI was here.
- She wanted to Ieave a IittIe girI caIIed Heidi.
- Heidi?
The woman said she couId
no Ionger take care of her...
and that she was going to Ieave her
with her grandfather near Dorfli, I beIieve.
I know the pIace.
AII right, I'II Iook into the matter.
Thank you. Good night.
[ Classical ]
- HeIIo.
- WeIcome home, Richard. Sit down.
- Thank you.
- How did you find Paris?
WeII, how does one find Paris?
CoId and damp, as usuaI.
- That's not the Paris I know.
- WeII, it's the Paris I know.
I heard of a bone speciaIist in Paris.
- Neidermeyer. He's BeIgian.
- A good man, Neidermeyer.
But KIara's troubIe
is not with the bones.
Of course, there's stiII some pain
from the injury, but she can waIk.
And she must waIk soon...
for ifher mind becomes
convinced that she can't...
then she very likely will be a cripple
for the rest ofher days.
Look, Bern, we know
each other quite weII enough.
You can teII me the truth.
Do you think there's a chance
she'II ever waIk again?
It's entireIy up to her and to you.
You must make her try.
You know, Richard, you spoiI KIara,
you and that IoveIy governess both.
Klara is not a child anymore.
Thank you.
What effect do you think...
another chiId in the house
might have on KIara?
Why do you ask?
My brother's daughter
is in need of a home.
You have a big house.
Why not?
It wouId be good for KIara.
WeII, I think I'm going tomorrow
to the AIm and I'II bring her down.
The AIm?
A mountain above Dorfli.
- A viIIage near MaienfeId.
- Maienfeld?
WeII, never mind. I'II find it.
[Jonas ] I take it the purpose of your visit
concerns the child. Am I correct?
[ Sessemann ] Yes. I wish to make
a home for Heidi in Frankfurt.
WeII, I thought--
It was my understanding...
that Heidi was a burden for you.
Heidi is not a burden.
Even so, I think it's best
for the chiId if she came with me.
- Do you? I do not.
- And I'm sure that my brother, if he were aIive...
wouId think the same.
You need not remind me
who Heidi's father was.
He took my daughter from me.
And I can promise you I wiII not aIIow
Heidi to suffer the same fate.
Don't you think
you're a IittIe bit seIfish?
She Iikes it here!
Of course she Iikes it here.
Any chiId wouId Iike it here.
But you and I must decide
what's best for her.
I know what's best.
Here Heidi has something reaI...
something she can hoId onto.
Yes, on the other side,you're depriving her
of every possible advantage--
the best schooling,
food, clothing...
and a governess to see
that she grows into a proper young Iady.
I very much doubt whether
that is one of Heidi's ambitions.
But pIease think
a few years ahead of it.
What do you think wouId become of her if
she wouId be raised under these circumstances?
Give her some chance.
I can't give her
into the hands of strangers.
We are not strangers!
We are reIatives too...
who Iove and provide for her.
And I must admit...
I have a seIfish reason too.
I have a daughter...
about the same age as Heidi.
She cannot waIk...
and I think she needs her.
I onIy want to do
what's best for the chiId.
WeII, isn't that
what we both want?
- I must make one condition.
- Yes?
If Heidi isn't happy or wants
to come back here on the AIm...
she must be given permission to do so.
You have my promise.
- Evening, sir.
- Good evening, Fru Rottenmeier.
So, this is Heidi,
and this is your new governess.
- We've aIready met. WeIcome, Heidi.
- Thank you.
Don't you think she's pretty?
Hmm? AII right.
Why don't you go upstairs
and say heIIo to your cousin KIara, hmm?
And say heIIo from me too.
It's the second door on the right.
- Name five countries bordering
on ancient Mesopotamia.
- What?
What did the Marie Antoinette say to the
revolutionaries when they clamored for bread?
I don't know.
- Name five European monarchs
who were beheaded.
- What's a monarch?
They told me you were ignorant
and countrified, and they were right.
- Are you cousin KIara?
- Come here. Let me see you.
Why are you dressed so funny?
I'm not dressed funny.
This is my best dress.
You smeII funny too.
What's that funny smeII?
I do not smeII funny.
- You smeII Iike... cheese.
- You smeII Iike medicine.
- Get out of my room! I don't want you here!
- I don't want to be here either.
I was just trying to be nice because
they toId me you were crippIed--
Get out of my room!
Get out! Get out!
FruIein! Papa!
Get out! Get out!
Get out.! Get out.! Papa.!
HeIp me! Get out!
Get out! Get out!
Get out! Leave me aIone!
Leave me aIone! Get out!
Heidi, teII Sebastian
to fetch the doctor.
- Get out! Leave me aIone! Leave me aIone!
- KIara, pIease, pIease.
Get out! Leave me aIone!
[ Footsteps ]
You ought to be in bed, young Iady.
- I waited to see how KIara is.
- She'II be fine in the morning.
Was she aIways Iame?
UntiI a year ago,
KIara waIked as weII as you do.
And then one day
on a famiIy outing on a Iake...
their smaII boat turned over.
KIara and her mother were drowning.
Your uncIe was abIe
to save onIy one of them.
And since that day...
KIara hasn't waIked.
Maybe she hurt herseIf.
There was some injury
and there stiII is some pain.
Now I'm sorry that I yeIIed at her.
I am not.
I'm gIad you did.
When I went into her room just now,
KIara was stiII fighting mad.
She was thrashing about
with her arms and her Iegs.
So, you see, her Iegs
are not as useIess...
as she teIIs herseIf they are.
Heidi, you shouId be in bed.
I was just Ieaving.
- Good night, Fru Rottenmeier.
- Good night, Doctor.
So, my darIing, be happy.
Come on.
When I was a IittIe girI,
they toId me to be happy.
It isn't easy, is it?
It's just that I miss my grandfather...
and my pIace on the AIm.
It isn't IadyIike to cry, is it?
Perhaps not,
but Iadies aIways do.
''In the dark foIiage...
''the goId oranges gIow.
The soft wind hovers,
and the myrtIe is stiII.''
WeII done, KIara.
Now, get on with your needIepoint...
whiIe I Iisten to Heidi's reading.
''Once upon a time a Iong time ago...
''there Iived in
a smaII aIpine viIIage...
''a girI named EIwin.
''Every day she wouId cIimb
to the high meadows...
''and pIay with the goats who came there
to eat the sweet cIover.
One day in the high meadow,
she found a great goIden eagIe--''
What's the matter with Heidi?
Poor Heidi. I'm afraid
she's terribIy homesick.
Were you Iooking for something
up there, mademoiseIIe?
Yes. I want to see the mountains.
How do you open
the windows, Sebastian?
This way.
WeII, where are the mountains?
To see mountains...
I suspect you wouId have to cIimb
aII the way to the top of St. MichaeI's.
Thank you, Sebastian.
What are you doing, running away?
No. I'm trying to find St. MichaeI's.
WeII, I'd take you there for nothing.
BrunhiIda here might charge you a penny.
- I haven't got a penny.
- Somebody in there must.
They're rich, aren't they?
- Someone wiII give me a penny when we get back.
- AII right. To St. MichaeI's.
Now that we're up here,
what did we go to aII that troubIe for?
I want to see the mountains
where my grandfather Iives.
You can't see mountains from here.
WeII, why didn't you teII me
before we cIimbed aII the way up here?
You never asked me.
[ ChiIdren Chattering ]
What's so great
about mountains anyway?
It's just a pIace where I was happy
for a IittIe whiIe.
- [ Mewing ]
- Oh, Iook, a kitten.
Somebody just throwed them away.
Just Ieft them here to die.
- There's too many cats in the worId anyway.
- Oh, no, there are not.
- WeII, where to now? Back home?
- [ Bells Tolling ]
Yes, and as fast as we can.
It's much Iater than I thought.
[ Sighs ]
- WeII, where is she?
- I'II Iook in her room. Perhaps she feII asIeep.
- I'm sorry I'm Iate.
- AII right, sit down.
- What's that?
- I owe this boy a penny.
[ Sneezes ]
Oh, I'm sorry.
I'm extremeIy sensitive to fur,
but usuaIIy it's cats.
WeII, I think this time it's a monkey.
No, it's not a monkey.
It's kittens. See?
- Oh.
- [ Sighs, Sneezes ]
He's quick. Wait a minute.
I'II get it.
[ Chattering ]
That's it. Catch it.
I got it. PIease, sir.
Catch it.
[ Boy ]
Don't hurt him.
[ Boy ]
They're gonna hurt you.
[ Sneezes ]
[ Sebastian ]
No, you have to do it sIowIy. Monkey?
[ Screams ]
I got it!
[ Sessemann ]
Here is your penny.
And now, Ieave.
Sebastian, a brandy at once.
- What's so funny?
- Heidi, the whole thing is.
The house has never been
so fuII of Iife untiI you came.
Heidi. Now that we're friends,
we have to share.
Oh, KIara, thank you.
And we have to exchange secrets.
- Like what?
- The deepest, darkest secret you know.
AII right, but you first.
- You promise not to teII?
- I promise.
CIose your eyes, tight.
- FruIein Rottenmeier is in Iove.
- FruIein Rottenmeier!
- With my father.
- How do you know?
By the way she Iooks at him
and flutters about whenever he's near.
Why don't they get married?
- That wouId be a terribIe scandaI.
- Why?
A governess marrying
the man she works for?
Heidi, don't you know anything?
What's wrong with a governess
marrying the man she works for?
It just isn't done, that's aII.
Anyway, you haven't toId me
your secret.
Oh, KIara, pIease don't make me teII.
But I toId you mine.
What is it?
It's a baby goat. I raised him for Peter.
He gave me this one before I Ieft.
- But how did you get her here?
- In my cIothes chest.
- Oh, Heidi.
- Come on. Say heIIo to KIara.
- HeIIo.
- Come on, you shy IittIe thing.
- You shy IittIe-- Oh.
- [ BIeating ]
Come on.
- You're sweet. Say heIIo to
KIara. Look. There she is.
- [ Door Opens ]
[ Bleating ]
Oh, dear heavens.
Isn't he sweet?
Look at that face.
Isn't he gorgeous?
- Come on now.
- It's a baby goat.
- Heidi brought her from SwitzerIand.
- How couId you hide it in here?
I hid him in the cIoset. He's grown so big
and fat I can't keep him there anymore.
Yes, he's sweet.
- Oh, he's going under the bed. Hurry, quickIy.
- Come on.
- [ Bleating ]
- Have you got it, Heidi?
No, I can't--
I can't reach him.
Oh, he's in the middIe.
[ Laughing ]
- What's going on here?
- [ Gasps ]
We were just pIaying, sir.
Oh. Forgive me, Fru Rottenmeier.
I didn't know you were here.
[ Bleating ]
WeII, good night.
- Good night, sir.
- Good night, Papa.
Good night, UncIe Richard.
- [ Door Closes ]
- [ Both Laughing ]
- Shh.
- [ Bleating ]
- Here she comes.
- Oh.
- Happy birthday, Fru Rottenmeier.
- Surprise! Surprise!
Thank you very much.
You are a dear, Heidi,
and you are a dear, KIara.
And I Iove you both.
And what is this?
- A present and it's for you.
- Let's open it.
It's much too beautifuI to open.
- What's going on here again?
- It's Fru Rottenmeier's birthday, Papa.
- Oh, how nice. Happy birthday.
- Thank you.
- Aren't you going to be with us?
- I'm invited for dinner.
- Where, Papa?
- At Dr. Reboux's.
Not another one
of Dr. Reboux's dinners.
Yes, another one
of Dr. Reboux's dinners.
Oh, Papa, pIease stay home.
I wouId Iove to, but I can't.
I'm aIready Iate.
- Happy birthday again, Fru Rottenmeier.
- Thank you.
And I'II see you tomorrow.
- Aren't you going to open your present?
- Yes, of course.
Oh, how IoveIy.
- You must have sent aII the way to Paris for this.
- No, we didn't.
We sent a note to the dressmaker
and sent it there by Sebastian.
I just hope it fits.
We had to guess the size.
[ Rottenmeier ] I'm sure it'll be perfect.
I really am quite overwhelmed.
[ Girls Giggling ]
- Happy birthday, FruIein.
- Thank you, Sebastian.
On his way out,
Herr Sessemann stopped...
and asked me to serve you this.
- Oh, marveIous!
- With his best wishes.
To you, Sebastian.
To you, Heidi.
To you, KIara.
And to Herr Sessemann.
[ Giggling Continues ]
- Heidi?
- Yes?
Is there something
you want to teII me?
WeII, then what's troubIing you?
Come on, now.
It's a miserabIe feeIing
to be homesick, isn't it?
Oh, FruIein Rottenmeier...
I've tried not to show it.
Everyone's been so good to me here.
But aII I can think of is Grandfather...
and Peter and his grandmother...
and my pIace on the AIm.
I just can't heIp it.
I miss them so much.
- You'II see them again one day.
- But I want to be with them.
WeII, you can't aIways have
everything you want in this worId, Heidi.
But UncIe Richard promised.
He said if I was unhappy here,
he'd Iet me go back to the AIm.
[ Sighs ]
AII right, then. I'II taIk to your uncIe.
You know, he's a very busy man and...
sometimes he just
doesn't notice things.
Oh! Forgive me. I--
I was waiting to speak with you
and I must have dozed off.
No, no. Stay.
Stay where you are.
Oh, I... brought you
something for your birthday.
I found these on
the tabIe of Dr. Reboux.
ActuaIIy, I stoIe it.
Oh, how very kind.
I must aIso thank you
for the champagne.
It made dinner quite festive.
You Iook quite different tonight.
It must be the dress.
A gift from Heidi and KIara.
Oh, yeah.
It's most becoming.
Very extravagant of them.
Yes. I wonder where
they got the money from.
- [ Laughs ]
- I'll find that out tomorrow.
- [ Clock Chiming ]
- There goes your birthday.
- Did you make a wish?
- Yes.
AII right. Say it. Fast. Fast.
Uh-- I wouId Iike to have danced.
Danced? Oh.
I'm afraid I'm a very bad dancer...
but if you wish...
if you insist.
All right. Let's try it.
Without music?
I toId you, I'm--
I'm a very bad dancer.
It's reaIIy siIIy.
[ Door Opens, Closes ]
Good morning, sir.
Good morning.
Where's everybody?
FruIein Rottenmeier
doesn't care for breakfast.
And Heidi, weII,
she's homesick again.
- ShaII I serve your breakfast, sir?
- No. I think I--
I'd better see how Heidi is.
I'II be back in a moment.
[ Door Opens ]
What's the matter
with you, hmm?
PIease, UncIe Richard,
I want to go home.
- You promised.
- Yes, I did.
PIease.Just for a IittIe whiIe.
A week, perhaps?
- Two weeks, pIease?
- Two weeks?
AII right. Two weeks.
Oh, thank you, UncIe Richard.
Good morning.
I caIIed you because
Heidi is Ieaving for Dorfli...
to visit her grandfather,
and I'd like you to accompany her.
- Yes, sir.
- [ Clock Chiming ]
And, uh, about Iast night...
how did you sIeep?
- Not very weII.
- Well, me neither.
I owe an apology to you.
You see...
it's onIy a year ago
that my wife died.
PIease. I do understand.
Thank you.
Though I feeI it's better
for aII concerned...
if I Iook for another position.
No. PIease.
I think it's best.
I'II pack Heidi's things.
Frulein Rottenmeier.
CouId you stay untiI
we find a new governess?
Of course, sir.
- Fru--
- [ Door Closes ]
I'm Ieaving now.
- KIara, pIease say good-bye.
- No.
- I wish you were going too. I'II miss you.
- Oh, no, you won't!
You'II have that goat--
what's his name-- to pIay with.
And fieIds of flowers to run in
and a grandmother to visit...
and a grandfather
to teII you stories.
You won't even think of me!
- [ Rottenmeier ] Heidi.!
- Coming!
- KIara.
- What?
I'II Iet you keep the baby goat.
I don't want your smeIIy oId goat!
I'm Ieaving her anyway. Sebastian's fixed
a pIace up in the garden for her.
Heidi, come along.!
We'II miss you.
- Good-bye, UncIe Richard.
- Bye-bye, Heidi.
- Good-bye, Fru Rottenmeier.
- Good-bye, sir.
Hurry back!
Have a good trip.
- Good-bye, KIara!
- [ Klara ] Good-bye.! Good-bye.!
Here, driver, here.
Stop here.
I do beIieve a ghost!
No, sir. It's me, Heidi.
And this is FruIein Rottenmeier.
- What an incredibIy IoveIy pIace.
- Thank you.
It's even prettier up on the AIm.
PIease, FruIein Rottenmeier,
may I run on ahead?
- I'II meet you at Peter's.
- Yes, but I don't know where that is.
It's quite simpIe.
You go straight up.
- AII right, Heidi, go ahead.
- Thank you!
- Who is there?
- It's Heidi, Grandmother.!
Let me see you.
Yes! It's her hair, her face.
Did you run away?
Didn't they treat you weII?
They couIdn't have been nicer,
But aII I couId think of was home.
- How's my grandfather?
- Peter says he's very IoneIy.
I must go to him,
but first I have a present for you.
Oh, roIIs of white bread!
[ Sniffs ]
Just Iike your mother used to bring me.
I saved one from each meaI.
There are dozens in the basket.
What a thoughtfuI chiId
you are, Heidi.
I know you want to see your grandfather,
but come back soon.
I promise, Grandmother.
[ Panting ]
Are we nearIy there yet?
Not yet. FoIIow me.
[ Heidi ]
- Grandfather, I'm home!
- Heidi!
Ah, Heidi!
You've gotten very thin.
Didn't they feed you in the city?
They were very nice
to me, Grandfather...
- but I wanted to be here.
- You mean you ran away?
- No. FruIein Rottenmeier brought me.
- But why?
Because I asked
UncIe Richard to Iet me.
- So you weren't happy in the city.
- Sometimes.
- KIara was cross at first,
but then we became friends.
- Uh-huh.
UncIe Richard and FruIein Rottenmeier
were wonderfuI.
I started having bad dreams.
I tried to find you, I'd get Iost...
and I'd wake up crying.
- [ Rottenmeier ] Heidi.!
- Here!
This is my grandfather.
I'm so gIad to meet you. Not a day passes
but what Heidi speaks of you.
Thank you for bringing her home.
We wiII miss her,
but after the hoIiday, I'm sure--
- The hoIiday?
- Didn't Heidi expIain? This is onIy a hoIiday.
Herr Sessemann feIt
that for two weeks--
- I'm sorry, sir.
- I have some things to do.
He wants me to stay.
And you, Heidi?
What do you want?
[ BeIIs JangIing ]
- Peter!
- Heidi!
You're different.
What happened to you?
- They educated me.
- I noticed the shoes.
Aren't they beautifuI?
And Iook at the dress.
I've got eight.
Three of them have Iace on them.
They didn't just educate you.
They ruined you.
Can I go with you
to the high pasture?
Come on.
[ BIeating ]
Why are you so quiet, Heidi?
What's the matter?
Nothing's the matter, Grandmother.
I'm just happy.
PIease, Papa, I Iike it dark.
Not on such a beautifuI day.
It's so beautifuI outside.
Come. You must tie
this tie for me.
You're the onIy one in the worId
who can do it properIy.
Oh, Papa.
I have a very important
business Iunch today...
and I shouId Iook
neat and correct.
You know, I might
buy you a IittIe bird.
A canary or something,
hmm, you can taIk to.
Are you going
for a ride this morning?
It's no fun without Heidi.
WeII, Heidi wiII be back soon.
I Ieave on Wednesday to get her.
- Can you manage?
- Yes, I think so.
Good. Perfect. Perfect.
- WonderfuI. Thank you.
- You're weIcome.
Why are you going to get Heidi
and not FruIein Rottenmeier?
- Because Fru Rottenmeier's
afraid of the grandfather.
- [ Laughs ]
And now she's afraid
that he won't Iet her go.
- But Heidi's got to come back!
- Yes, yes, she wiII, she wiII.
Don't worry. I'II get her.
- [ Grunts ]
- You're as bad as Heidi...
finding out my Iast hiding pIace.
You're quite safe up here.
I doubt if I couId make this cIimb
often enough...
to disturb your--your secIusion.
You've taken a Iot of troubIe
for a sociaI visit...
or do you intend
to deIiver a sermon?
I just saw Heidi
in the pasture beIow.
I've never seen a chiId so happy.
She's forgotten what day it is.
By my caIcuIation,
the hoIiday's over tomorrow.
You shouId never have Iet her go
the first time,Jonas.
It was a mistake.
One that can stiII be corrected.
Too much time has sIipped by.
I am just an onIooker now.
Let the worId go its own way.
I'm just a ragged oId beggar
on the fringe of Iife.
Heidi needs you
to be more than that.
So you did come
to deIiver a sermon.
You're a bothersome oId man.
Why don't you go back down there
and tend to your flock?
I'm a stubborn oId man...
and I grieve when one of my flock wastes
his God-given taIent.
What wouId you have me do?
Move back to Dorfli.
I suppose to be a man of God...
you must first of aII
be a dreamer of dreams.
Great visions often start...
as smaII dreams.
[ Grandfather ]
Well, Heidi?
Where's that smiIe
of yours gone?
Peter just reminded me.
Tomorrow my hoIiday's over.
I made a sachet
of aIpine roses for KIara.
She can put it under her piIIow
and imagine she's here on the AIm.
- And one for me.
- [ Knocking ]
- Hi.
- How are you, UncIe Richard?
How's KIara?
How's FruIein Rottenmeier?
Everybody is fine, and we aII
missed you very, very much.
Good morning, sir.
- Sit down, Herr Sessemann.
- Thank you. Thank you for aII your kindness.
I'm afraid you've had
a Iong journey for nothing.
I've decided that Heidi shaII
stay here with me, permanentIy.
WeII, that does present a probIem.
I've aIready started proceedings
making me Heidi's IegaI guardian.
Then you must stop them.
Well, couldn't we at least
discuss Heidi's future?
There's no need for further discussion.
I've made up my mind.
But, Herr HautseI,
you're being very unreasonabIe.
Perhaps. Down in
the viIIage of Dorfli...
they know me as a wiId,
eccentric, irrationaI...
irascibIe oId savage.
Perhaps I shouId advise you to Ieave here
before I justify that reputation.
Grandfather, pIease. I must go.
Because KIara needs me.
Give me another reason.
if you onIy had
to consider yourseIf...
and not KIara...
- where wouId you Iike to Iive?
- Here on the AIm, of course.
Sometimes Klara gets
very angry at me...
and pushes up with her Iegs.
Maybe one day if she gets
mad enough, she'II waIk.
Then Iet KIara come here.
Oh, Grandfather,
that wouId be wonderfuI!
- Mm-hmm.
- CouId she, UncIe Richard? PIease?
That's very, very kind of you, sir.
Of course.
Of course she couId.
- When, Grandfather?
- Oh, whenever she Iikes, for as Iong as she Iikes.
- When, UncIe Richard?
- Whenever arrangements can be made.
- When wiII that be?
- When I come back from Paris.
- When wiII that be?
- Two weeks?
- One week!
- AII right. One week.
The Lord be with you.
A reading from the HoIy GospeI
according to St. Luke.
''And he spake this parabIe
unto them, saying...
'''What man of you, having
a hundred sheep, if he Iose one of them...
'''doth not Ieave the ninety and nine
in the wiIderness...
'''and go after that
which is Iost untiI he find it?
'''And when he hath found it...
'''he Iayeth it on
his shouIders, rejoicing.
'''And when he cometh home,
he caIIeth together...
'''his friends and neighbors,
saying unto them...
'''Rejoice with me...
for I have found my sheep,
which was Iost.'''
StiII no sign of KIara.
WeII, keep yourseIf busy.
Time wiII pass quicker that way.
I've aIready washed the dishes
and scrubbed the floor...
and made the bed,
and I've run out of things to do.
WeII, go and sit down near me.
You'II wear yourseIf out that way.
Why don't you pIay the organ
anymore, Grandfather?
Have you ever known
an unreasonabIe fear--
a fear of faIIing, of high pIaces...
a fear of the dark?
WeII, since I Ieft the organ...
my hands have Iearned such a fear.
They're afraid that
when they touch the keys...
the music that was once there...
wiII have gone.
What makes them afraid, Grandfather?
Oh, the things that
destroy most of us--
hatred, bitterness...
waste, time...
You haven't got any of
those things, Grandfather.
UntiI you came to me, Heidi...
they were aII I had.
- [ Peter ] Hello.!
- They're here!
It is beautifuI, isn't it?
It's just the way
Heidi said it wouId be.
KIara! KIara! FruIein Rottenmeier!
UncIe Richard!
I thought you'd never get here!
I couIdn't beIieve it
when Papa said I couId come.
- What do you think of the AIm?
- It takes my breath away.
KIara's been so excited
she hasn't sIept a wink.
Neither have I.
Oh, FruIein Rottenmeier,
you Iook just beautifuI.
- Thank you, Heidi.
- And what about me?
You Iook beautifuI too,
UncIe Richard.
I'm going to keep you here
forever and ever.
- I hope you had a pIeasant journey.
- Yes, thank you. We had.
- WeIcome, FruIein Rottenmeier.
- Herr HautseI.
Grandfather, this is KIara.
KIara, I've made something for you.
I want you to try it.
- KIara, have you ever ridden in a goat cart before?
- No, sir.
WeII, Peter here
shaII be your wagon master.
Ah. Let's see how
you get aIong, hmm?
- [ BIeating ]
- [ BeIIJangIing ]
Look! Look at me, Papa!
Yes, yes, I'm Iooking.
A princess never had a finer carriage.
Now I can go anywhere.
- Oh, thank you, Grandfather.
- You're weIcome, chiId.
Heidi, remember the sachet
of aIpine roses you sent me?
- Yes.
- Where did you pick them?
- Come on. I'II show you.
- [ Goats BIeating ]
[ BeIIs JangIing ]
Don't worry.
They'II be aII right.
And now you must have
some of my coffee.
Oh, yes, your marveIous coffee.
I'd Iove to, but I'm afraid
I'II miss my train.
Oh, then-- then I'II say good-bye,
Herr Sessemann.
Good-bye, Grandfather,
and thank you.
And you, FruIein Rottenmeier,
have you aIso a train to catch?
- No, sir. I'd Iove some of your coffee.
- Ah!
You wiII come up
from time to time to check on KIara.
Yes, but not too often.
This wiII be a good chance for both of us
to grow away from each other.
It is beautifuI, isn't it?
- You stiII insist on Ieaving?
- I will not return to Frankfurt.
I've accepted a position in EngIand.
I wish you wouId stay.
- PIease, I cannot.
- I see.
- Are you aII right?
- No, sir, but the coffee wiII heIp.
Have you found a pIace
to stay at Dorfli?
A IittIe pensione.
Oh, yes, that used to be
a good pIace.
They teII me you're
something of a Iegend.
That was a Iong time ago.
More recentIy, I've Iived,
shaII we say, aside from Iife.
How pIeasant that must be...
to simpIy brush the worId aside.
Take my advice.
If you want something,
you must reach out for it.
Is it too Iate to try again?
I think so.
What's the name of that mountain?
The taIIest is caIIed FaIcon's Nest.
Does a faIcon reaIIy nest there?
No. An eagIe.
He's a friend of Grandfather's.
- You're teasing.
- No.
- Grandfather says the eagIe teIIs him things.
- Like what?
WeII, the eagIe says
that mountains make peopIe better...
because it brings them
cIoser to God.
I wonder if the mountains
couId make me a better person.
Sometimes you're mean,
but you're never reaIIy bad.
I'm bad aII the time. I heard
Dr. Reboux taIking to FruIein once.
He said I couId waIk if I tried,
but I won't try 'cause I'm punishing Papa.
He said that's the reason
why Papa doesn't marry again.
You wouIdn't
do a thing Iike that.
He said that by not waIking,
I keep reminding Papa...
that in the accident
he saved me and not my mother.
- I don't understand that.
- Neither do I.
The doctor said it was aII
because of the way I feeI...
because I'm aIive...
and my mother is dead.
Is that true, Klara?
All I know is that
when I try to walk, it hurts.
[ Peter]
Catch me!
[ Peter, Heidi Laughing ]
[ ExhaIes ]
[ Grunts ]
[ Panting ]
Heidi, I do wish I couId waIk.
- Maybe if you try.
- I just did.
- We couId heIp you.
- AII right.
Ready? Right.
- Ow!
- You can do it.
- Put your weight on your Iegs.
- I can't!
- On your Iegs!
- I can't! It hurts too much!
- Try, KIara.
- It's no use. Put me back.
Put me back.
It's no use.
I'm never going to waIk.
[ Panting ]
Good afternoon, Grandfather.
- FruIein Rottenmeier.
- How are the girIs?
- WeII,just Iook.
- Oh, my goodness!
FruIein Rottenmeier!
FruIein Rottenmeier!
- Doesn't she Iook wonderfuI?
- Oh, dearest KIara.
- Are you sure this is you?
- I hope so.
What have you been feeding her?
MiIk, cheese, bread,
vegetabIes from the garden.
FruIein Rottenmeier,
I Iove the AIm.
I'm never going back to Frankfurt.
KIara, there's been a change
in your father's pIans.
He's coming today
instead of next week.
- But I'm not ready to go home.
- You must discuss that with your father.
PIease, wiII you speak to him?
PIead him to Iet us stay.
AIso, I've been offered
a position in EngIand.
- But you can't take it.
- I've aIready accepted.
- I Ieave in a few hours.
- Why?
- I must.
- Why must you?
AII my reasons are terribIy
grown-up and compIicated.
It's because you Iove
my father, isn't it?
It may be partIy that.
But it's aIso because I Iove you too.
I think another governess
might be better for you.
- I've been much too indulgent
with you, much too permissive.
- No!
Someone stronger might have
forced you to depend on yourseIf...
forced you possibIy to waIk.
- I've been too soft with you.
- Be any way you Iike, but pIease stay.
WiII you say good-bye?
[ Sobs ]
Dearest Heidi, you wiII write me
in EngIand, won't you?
I want you to stay too.
It's curious. I'm embarking
on the same voyage...
from which you've just
brought in to shore.
Perhaps it's a voyage
you don't need to make.
I want you to go with Heidi
to the high meadow...
and wait for me.
Yes, sir.
- I've made this for you.
- What's it for?
- It's to waIk with.
- I can't waIk. You know that.
You can.
You must, KIara...
for yourseIf and for
aII of us who Iove you.
What is caIIed magic up here on the AIm
is reaIIy strength.
Draw on that strength, KIara.
You waIk.
Where are you going?
Where are you going?
Don't Ieave me here!
Don't Ieave me here aIone!
Did UncIe Richard come?
- No.
- Who's with KIara?
- KIara is aIone.
- Oh!
No. Wait, Heidi.
There's something eIse that
I've Iearned from the eagIe.
You see, in aII Iiving beings...
there is a-- a courage,
a strength...
a daring that
we do not know we have...
untiI suddenIy,
one day we need them.
And then, when we find out that we're no longer
the cowards that we thought we were...
our hearts and minds
are open and eager...
for what you might caII... a miracIe.
For aII of us, Grandfather?
For aII of us.
[ Grunts ]
[ Grunts ]
[ Groans ]
[ Grunts ]
[ Groans ]
Oh, Papa!
[ Bell Tolling ]
Remember what the eagIe said,
[ Organ ]
[ Continues ]
[ Doorbell Rings ]
Do not make any noises
with your mouth, scratch yourseIf...
or faII over furniture.
- Yes, Aunt Dete.
- Try to be a Iady.
- Yes, Aunt Dete.
- Try to be a Iady.
Good afternoon.
WouId you teII Herr Sessemann that FruIein
Dete HautseI is here and a reIative of his?
Herr Sessemann
isn't home, madam.
- I'II wait.
- He's in Paris.
When do you expect him back?
Perhaps the governess
has had some word from him.
WiII you come in?
PIease, have a seat.
Let's go, Aunt Dete.
Be quiet, Heidi.
PIease don't make me
stay here, Aunt Dete.
You wiII have
every advantage here--
a tutor, servants, pretty cIothes,
your own room.
You shouId be gratefuI
for this opportunity.
- I am.
- [ Door Opens ]
- FruIein HautseI and reIative.
- How do you do?
This chiId is Herr Sessemann's niece--
the offspring of his deceased brother
and my deceased sister.
- What's your name?
- Heidi.
Since the death of her parents,
Heidi has been my responsibiIity.
Now, other arrangements
wiII have to be made.
Other arrangements?
I cannot Ionger
take care of Heidi.
The time has come for her uncIe
to take her in.
But I do wish Herr Sessemann were here.
I'm not in a position to say yes or no.
And he may not be back
for severaI months.
- Can he get in touch with you?
- SeveraI months wiII be too Iate.
You Ieave me no other
choice than to take her to Dorfli...
and to Ieave her
with her grandfather.
I'm sorry.
WiII you Ieave your address?
I'II teII Herr Sessemann
as soon as he returns.
[ Girl ]
Frulein. Frulein Rottenmeier, I need you.!
Oh, forgive me.
Come aIong, Heidi.
So, Dete, you have found a husband.
Why not hoId the wedding
here in Dorfli?
Thank you, Father...
but my gentIeman
has made other arrangements.
What's he Iike, this gentIeman?
A good man.
A man of strong convictions.
He wants to have a famiIy, but...
he's not prepared to accept
a chiId which is not his own.
That makes a probIem
for Heidi, doesn't it?
I've no choice but to Ieave her
with my father.
Dete, as the years have gone by...
your father's become
a compIete recIuse.
He lives alone up on a mountain
they call the Alm.
He sees no one, needs no one.
NevertheIess, it is time
he did his duty.
He and I were never cIose.
I don't want to see him.
It was my hope that
you might take her to him.
So be it.
Don't think harshIy of me, Heidi.
Good day,Jonas.
Jonas, this is Heidi.
Dete can no longer care for her.
Go on back down
the mountain, Father.
Take the chiId with you.
- Are you brave girI?
- No, sir.
Sit down.
StiII, I'm going to ask you
to do a brave thing.
- Yes, sir.
- I'm going to Ieave.
But I want you to remain
behind right here.
WiII you do that?
Just remember what I toId you.
He's a stubborn oId ox...
but he'II not Iet you sit out here
in the coId aII night.
What shaII I do
when he comes out?
Just be yourseIf.
You'II be aII right.
[ Bells Jangling ]
Who are you?
I'm Peter. Who are you?
I'm Heidi.
- Are you Iost?
- No.
Then you shouIdn't be up here.
There's a mean oId man who Iives in that hut.
He hates everybody,
especiaIIy chiIdren.
I know.
At night, he changes
into a great big black eagle...
and swoops down across peopIe's houses,
screeching Iike a werewoIf.
It's aImost night now.
WeII, I guess you can't
stay here. Come on.
[ BIeating ]
- Come on.
- You are Iate, boy.
That's my grandmother.
She's bIind.
- Who's with you, Peter?
- A girI.
I found her up in the AIm
at oId HautseI's hut.
What were you doing there, chiId?
- He's my grandfather.
- Oh.
Come here.
Heidi, isn't that your name?
- Yes, madam.
- You Iook Iike your mother.
My fingers remember.
Your mother was an angeI.
So sweet, so thoughtfuI.
She never went to the city that she didn't
bring me back two soft white roIIs...
because she knew
I Ioved them.
- So different from Dete. How is that one?
- She is going to get married.
Dete, married?
Who wouId want that onion?
Herr HoIstein wants her,
but he doesn't want me.
- So she gave you to your grandfather.
- He doesn't want me either.
AII he wants
is to be Ieft aIone.
- But why?
- Because he's an oId fooI.
Something hurt him years ago...
and ever since he's been
sitting up on the AIm...
nursing his hurt like a sick goat.
He doesn't talk to anybody,
except maybe Father Richter.
You see, child?
Your grandfather was once...
one of the greatest organ buiIders
in aII of SwitzerIand.
- Took him years to buiId the organ in Dorfli.
- [ Door Opens ]
- Music was everything to him--
- Come.
Jonas, remember,
she's onIy a chiId.
You sIeep up there.
[ Footfalls On Steps ]
Here, you'II need this.
Grandfather, wiII you
hear my prayers?
Say your prayers to God.
- You'II need no intermediary.
- Yes, sir.
[ BeIIs JangIing ]
Beep, beep. Heidi!
Psst. Psst.
- Come with me.
- I have to ask Grandfather.
- He's gone down to Dorfli.
I passed him coming up.
- Then I'II come.
- Which is her mother?
- Her mother's dead.
- And she'II be too, before Iong.
- Why?
She's sickIy and won't eat.
Peter, may I have her?
It's aII right with me,
but don't expect her to Iive.
- Can I carry her?
- AII right.
[ Man Coughing ]
Sometimes at night the wind whistIes
through these pipes...
and makes a ghostIy music.
The viIIagers aIways say,
''Grandfather has died on the AIm...
and his spirit
has come back to the organ.''
Are you ghost or flesh?
You shouIdn't have Ieft the chiId.
I can't keep her.
- If you won't, who wiII?
- She seems strong enough.
SureIy, some famiIy couId be found
who couId put her into service.
Is that a fitting destiny
for the daughter of AdeIaide?
AdeIaide is dead.
Then the granddaughter
ofJonas HautseI?
- Dead aIso.
-Jonas, give yourseIf to Iife again.
There are rich years Ieft.
Share them with Heidi.
I thought I made it pIain when my daughter
died that I couId not raise the chiId.
But there is no one but you.
Even Dete has deserted her.
Are you going to find
a pIace for her in a famiIy...
or shaII I start making inquiries?
Why are you so stubborn?
[ ChuckIes ]
It's my nature.
Very weII.
I wiII see what I can do.
In the meantime, I trust that you
wiII see she has a pIace to sIeep...
and enough to eat.
I'll send up some clothes for her.
- May God be with you.
- [ Footfalls On Stairs ]
- Peter?
- Yes?
How did you get to be a goatherd?
My father was one and his father...
and his father's father.
- Is that what you wiII aIways be?
- I hope so.
And you?
AII I want is a pIace--
a pIace at a tabIe where
when everybody sits down to eat...
they point to it and say,
''Heidi's pIace.''
Something all my own
that no one can ever take away.
You're cuckoo.
Everybody's got that.
I never have. With Aunt Dete,
we were aIways moving.
- It must've been fun.
- We moved because we couIdn't pay the biIIs.
It was awfuI. I never got to finish
a grade at schooI. StiII can't read.
- I can't read or write!
- That's nothing to be proud of.
When I grow up...
- I don't expect I'll marry you.
- Why not?
- Because you're siIIy.
- Maybe when I grow up, I won't be siIIy.
Poor thing. She's hungry.
- So am I. Let's eat.
- I didn't bring any food.
The goats did.
Trinka, come.
- Your turn!
- Isn't there any other way?
If you're going to be siIIy,
you shouId have brought a cup.
AII right.
[ Laughing ]
- Like it?
- Yes, I do.
But the baby's hungry.
WouIdn't Trinka give her
some of her miIk?
Trinka's not her mother.
She'd kick her away.
Put some in here.
- Enough?
- Yes, thank you.
- Where did you get that?
- Peter gave it to me.
WeII, you can't keep it
in the house.
Just tonight, Grandfather?
She's so IittIe and has no mother.
- No!
- Then we'II sIeep outside with the goats.
- Good morning, Grandfather.
- Good morning.
Is it aII right with you
if I go down to visit Father Richter?
- I have no objection.
- WouIdn't you Iike to come with me?
It's a Iong way to Dorfli.
You better hurry.
It Iooks as if the AIm
agrees with you.
Your cheeks are fiIIed
with aIpine roses.
I just hope I can
stay here aIways, Father.
Is that the organ
my grandfather buiIt?
Once, peopIe came hundreds of miIes
to hear that organ pIay.
Don't they come anymore?
No music has been heard in this church
since Iong before you were born.
Why not?
This was your grandfather's masterpiece.
He buiIt it for Dorfli...
with such passion,
such perfection, such Iove...
that part of his souI
escaped into it.
Can you understand that, Heidi?
He pIayed it and beautifuIIy.
But the one who reaIIy fiIIed this church
with gIorious music was your mother.
She pIayed Iike an angeI.
That must have made
Grandfather very happy.
Very. And then one day...
she met and fell in love
with a young man from Frankfurt--
your dear father.
On the day she went away, your grandfather
tried to destroy the organ...
but some peopIe
of the town stopped him.
Poor Grandfather.
That day he Ieft Dorfli
and went up on the AIm.
He wouIdn't see or speak to anyone.
He's stiII that way.
He won't say anything
unIess I ask him something.
Heidi, the important thing
is to keep asking.
- [ Footsteps ]
- [ Humming ]
What eIse shouId
I feed her, Grandfather?
There's some young sweet cIover
by the upIand pass. She might Iike that.
What do you do up there
aII day, Grandfather?
I meditate.
Sometime can I come up
and meditate too?
Meditation's best done aIone.
When I am wishing
For dreams to come true
All of my wishes
Are small ones
I'II save my big wish
For one day
When I'II find a pIace of my own
If I can only have
One wish come true
If onIy one dream
Can find me
I'll dream on someplace
Where Iove is
Where I'II find a pIace
Of my own
Where did you hear that?
I guess I've aIways known it.
That was your mother's song.
Can I come with you, Grandfather?
Is this where you meditate, Grandfather?
It is one of my pIaces.
There's an eagIe Iives off there
on a rocky Iedge.
And each day he appears,
opens his wings to the wind...
and soars round these peaks...
like some wondrous ship
on an ocean of air.
[ ChuckIes ]
I sit here earthbound.
StiII, he and I are companions.
My thoughts go out to him
and his come back to me.
What kind of thoughts, Grandfather?
The eagIe seems to think that God did
a better job of making mountains...
than he did of making mankind.
And yet, imperfect as man is...
he can come here
and stretch his souI...
and gIimpse,
if onIy for a moment...
some of the magnificence
of his creator.
Peter says there's magic
on the AIm.
There are a Iot of peopIe
who have that superstition.
They beIieve that
there's something oId...
something mysterious here.
A power of some kind...
that can work miracIes.
Do you beIieve in miracIes,
I beIieve in the eagIe.
- Grandfather, what does this say?
- Hmm?
Oh, those are easy words.
You teII me.
I can't read.
- Nonsense.
- I can't.
WeII, sureIy they taught you
at schooI.
They tried to, but they said
I was too much of a dreamer.
- Don't you even know the aIphabet?
- The Ietters?
- The Ietters, yes.
- A, B, C, D, E, F, G--
No, no, no. It took man thousands
of years to evoIve an aIphabet.
Each Ietter is a separate
and unique individuaI.
Now, recite again,
and sIowIy, pIease.
A, B, C...
- D, E, F...
- Good.
G, H--
- Oh.
- If I'm interrupting--
Do you reaIize that this chiId
has never been taught to read?
Go on with it, Heidi.
- I,J, K, L--
- Mm-hmm.
No, no, L. L! L!
Speak more softIy, more cIearIy.
L. L. L.
- Excuse me, Father. Is your visit of some urgency?
- L. L.
In a way.
I found a home for Heidi.
A family in Zurich.
Heidi aIready has a home!
She's staying here.
Pick it up again, Heidi.
Go on.
L, M, N, O, P...
Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z.
[ ChuckIes ]
WeIcome home, sir.
Good evening, Fru Rottenmeier.
Thank you, Sebastian.
- And how is my daughter?
- Anxious to see you.
- Is she awake?
- [ Girl ] Papa, is that you?
She's awake.
KIara? Where's my IittIe girI?
- I missed you so much!
- I missed you too.
Did you think of me?
Think of you?
No, not once.
- Not for an instant?
- Not for an instant.
WeII, maybe once.
TeII me where you were and what
you were doing and what you thought.
I was in Amsterdam, I was in Copenhagen,
I was in London--
No, no. Where were you
when you thought of me?
Oh, that was in Paris on the Rue RoyaIe
just around the corner of my hoteI.
- You want to know everything?
- Yes.
AII right. It was that time of afternoon
where everything goes quite gray...
and peopIe are rushing home
for their dinner.
SuddenIy I turned around
and in the window of a IittIe toy shop...
I saw a funny IittIe man who was
trying to teII me something.
- What did he say?
- WeII, he said, uh...
''Good evening, Papa.
PIease take me to KIara...
and I'II make her Iaugh.''
- What a siIIy face.
- No, no, no. Not a siIIy face.
I'm not siIIy.
[ Speaking French ]
- He speaks French, you know.
- Yes.
- You see?
- Give him to me, Papa.
- You Iike him?
- Yes.
What have you done with yourseIf
whiIe I was away?
- Nothing.
- Nothing?
Hasn't Fru Rottenmeier
taken you for walks?
In that wheeIchair?
I hate it!
And you didn't go
for your carriage rides either?
I hate people looking
at me all the time.
You shouIdn't hate. KIara?
- All right?
- Yes.
- [ Knocking ]
- Come in.
- Sit down, pIease.
- Thank you.
I'm rather concerned that KIara's
been aIIowed to suIk in her room.
Didn't I Ieave specific instructions
that she has to be taken for daiIy waIks?
Yes, you did, sir, but KIara
finds it painfuI to be stared at.
Well, how does she spend
her time then?
- She reads a great deaI.
- And did she see her friends?
Fru Gruber came to visit with her daughter
one day, but KIara was not weII behaved.
She onIy spoke French
to the IittIe girI...
and during Iunch she squirted
grape seeds at her.
She did?
WeII, I don't bIame her.
I never cared
for the Grubers myseIf.
Anyway, tomorrow...
I'd Iike KIara to spend
at Ieast one hour in the fresh air.
And I'II be on hand to see
that she raises no objection.
Sir, during your absence, a woman
by the name of HautseI was here.
- She wanted to Ieave a IittIe girI caIIed Heidi.
- Heidi?
The woman said she couId
no Ionger take care of her...
and that she was going to Ieave her
with her grandfather near Dorfli, I beIieve.
I know the pIace.
AII right, I'II Iook into the matter.
Thank you. Good night.
[ Classical ]
- HeIIo.
- WeIcome home, Richard. Sit down.
- Thank you.
- How did you find Paris?
WeII, how does one find Paris?
CoId and damp, as usuaI.
- That's not the Paris I know.
- WeII, it's the Paris I know.
I heard of a bone speciaIist in Paris.
- Neidermeyer. He's BeIgian.
- A good man, Neidermeyer.
But KIara's troubIe
is not with the bones.
Of course, there's stiII some pain
from the injury, but she can waIk.
And she must waIk soon...
for ifher mind becomes
convinced that she can't...
then she very likely will be a cripple
for the rest ofher days.
Look, Bern, we know
each other quite weII enough.
You can teII me the truth.
Do you think there's a chance
she'II ever waIk again?
It's entireIy up to her and to you.
You must make her try.
You know, Richard, you spoiI KIara,
you and that IoveIy governess both.
Klara is not a child anymore.
Thank you.
What effect do you think...
another chiId in the house
might have on KIara?
Why do you ask?
My brother's daughter
is in need of a home.
You have a big house.
Why not?
It wouId be good for KIara.
WeII, I think I'm going tomorrow
to the AIm and I'II bring her down.
The AIm?
A mountain above Dorfli.
- A viIIage near MaienfeId.
- Maienfeld?
WeII, never mind. I'II find it.
[Jonas ] I take it the purpose of your visit
concerns the child. Am I correct?
[ Sessemann ] Yes. I wish to make
a home for Heidi in Frankfurt.
WeII, I thought--
It was my understanding...
that Heidi was a burden for you.
Heidi is not a burden.
Even so, I think it's best
for the chiId if she came with me.
- Do you? I do not.
- And I'm sure that my brother, if he were aIive...
wouId think the same.
You need not remind me
who Heidi's father was.
He took my daughter from me.
And I can promise you I wiII not aIIow
Heidi to suffer the same fate.
Don't you think
you're a IittIe bit seIfish?
She Iikes it here!
Of course she Iikes it here.
Any chiId wouId Iike it here.
But you and I must decide
what's best for her.
I know what's best.
Here Heidi has something reaI...
something she can hoId onto.
Yes, on the other side,you're depriving her
of every possible advantage--
the best schooling,
food, clothing...
and a governess to see
that she grows into a proper young Iady.
I very much doubt whether
that is one of Heidi's ambitions.
But pIease think
a few years ahead of it.
What do you think wouId become of her if
she wouId be raised under these circumstances?
Give her some chance.
I can't give her
into the hands of strangers.
We are not strangers!
We are reIatives too...
who Iove and provide for her.
And I must admit...
I have a seIfish reason too.
I have a daughter...
about the same age as Heidi.
She cannot waIk...
and I think she needs her.
I onIy want to do
what's best for the chiId.
WeII, isn't that
what we both want?
- I must make one condition.
- Yes?
If Heidi isn't happy or wants
to come back here on the AIm...
she must be given permission to do so.
You have my promise.
- Evening, sir.
- Good evening, Fru Rottenmeier.
So, this is Heidi,
and this is your new governess.
- We've aIready met. WeIcome, Heidi.
- Thank you.
Don't you think she's pretty?
Hmm? AII right.
Why don't you go upstairs
and say heIIo to your cousin KIara, hmm?
And say heIIo from me too.
It's the second door on the right.
- Name five countries bordering
on ancient Mesopotamia.
- What?
What did the Marie Antoinette say to the
revolutionaries when they clamored for bread?
I don't know.
- Name five European monarchs
who were beheaded.
- What's a monarch?
They told me you were ignorant
and countrified, and they were right.
- Are you cousin KIara?
- Come here. Let me see you.
Why are you dressed so funny?
I'm not dressed funny.
This is my best dress.
You smeII funny too.
What's that funny smeII?
I do not smeII funny.
- You smeII Iike... cheese.
- You smeII Iike medicine.
- Get out of my room! I don't want you here!
- I don't want to be here either.
I was just trying to be nice because
they toId me you were crippIed--
Get out of my room!
Get out! Get out!
FruIein! Papa!
Get out! Get out!
Get out.! Get out.! Papa.!
HeIp me! Get out!
Get out! Get out!
Get out! Leave me aIone!
Leave me aIone! Get out!
Heidi, teII Sebastian
to fetch the doctor.
- Get out! Leave me aIone! Leave me aIone!
- KIara, pIease, pIease.
Get out! Leave me aIone!
[ Footsteps ]
You ought to be in bed, young Iady.
- I waited to see how KIara is.
- She'II be fine in the morning.
Was she aIways Iame?
UntiI a year ago,
KIara waIked as weII as you do.
And then one day
on a famiIy outing on a Iake...
their smaII boat turned over.
KIara and her mother were drowning.
Your uncIe was abIe
to save onIy one of them.
And since that day...
KIara hasn't waIked.
Maybe she hurt herseIf.
There was some injury
and there stiII is some pain.
Now I'm sorry that I yeIIed at her.
I am not.
I'm gIad you did.
When I went into her room just now,
KIara was stiII fighting mad.
She was thrashing about
with her arms and her Iegs.
So, you see, her Iegs
are not as useIess...
as she teIIs herseIf they are.
Heidi, you shouId be in bed.
I was just Ieaving.
- Good night, Fru Rottenmeier.
- Good night, Doctor.
So, my darIing, be happy.
Come on.
When I was a IittIe girI,
they toId me to be happy.
It isn't easy, is it?
It's just that I miss my grandfather...
and my pIace on the AIm.
It isn't IadyIike to cry, is it?
Perhaps not,
but Iadies aIways do.
''In the dark foIiage...
''the goId oranges gIow.
The soft wind hovers,
and the myrtIe is stiII.''
WeII done, KIara.
Now, get on with your needIepoint...
whiIe I Iisten to Heidi's reading.
''Once upon a time a Iong time ago...
''there Iived in
a smaII aIpine viIIage...
''a girI named EIwin.
''Every day she wouId cIimb
to the high meadows...
''and pIay with the goats who came there
to eat the sweet cIover.
One day in the high meadow,
she found a great goIden eagIe--''
What's the matter with Heidi?
Poor Heidi. I'm afraid
she's terribIy homesick.
Were you Iooking for something
up there, mademoiseIIe?
Yes. I want to see the mountains.
How do you open
the windows, Sebastian?
This way.
WeII, where are the mountains?
To see mountains...
I suspect you wouId have to cIimb
aII the way to the top of St. MichaeI's.
Thank you, Sebastian.
What are you doing, running away?
No. I'm trying to find St. MichaeI's.
WeII, I'd take you there for nothing.
BrunhiIda here might charge you a penny.
- I haven't got a penny.
- Somebody in there must.
They're rich, aren't they?
- Someone wiII give me a penny when we get back.
- AII right. To St. MichaeI's.
Now that we're up here,
what did we go to aII that troubIe for?
I want to see the mountains
where my grandfather Iives.
You can't see mountains from here.
WeII, why didn't you teII me
before we cIimbed aII the way up here?
You never asked me.
[ ChiIdren Chattering ]
What's so great
about mountains anyway?
It's just a pIace where I was happy
for a IittIe whiIe.
- [ Mewing ]
- Oh, Iook, a kitten.
Somebody just throwed them away.
Just Ieft them here to die.
- There's too many cats in the worId anyway.
- Oh, no, there are not.
- WeII, where to now? Back home?
- [ Bells Tolling ]
Yes, and as fast as we can.
It's much Iater than I thought.
[ Sighs ]
- WeII, where is she?
- I'II Iook in her room. Perhaps she feII asIeep.
- I'm sorry I'm Iate.
- AII right, sit down.
- What's that?
- I owe this boy a penny.
[ Sneezes ]
Oh, I'm sorry.
I'm extremeIy sensitive to fur,
but usuaIIy it's cats.
WeII, I think this time it's a monkey.
No, it's not a monkey.
It's kittens. See?
- Oh.
- [ Sighs, Sneezes ]
He's quick. Wait a minute.
I'II get it.
[ Chattering ]
That's it. Catch it.
I got it. PIease, sir.
Catch it.
[ Boy ]
Don't hurt him.
[ Boy ]
They're gonna hurt you.
[ Sneezes ]
[ Sebastian ]
No, you have to do it sIowIy. Monkey?
[ Screams ]
I got it!
[ Sessemann ]
Here is your penny.
And now, Ieave.
Sebastian, a brandy at once.
- What's so funny?
- Heidi, the whole thing is.
The house has never been
so fuII of Iife untiI you came.
Heidi. Now that we're friends,
we have to share.
Oh, KIara, thank you.
And we have to exchange secrets.
- Like what?
- The deepest, darkest secret you know.
AII right, but you first.
- You promise not to teII?
- I promise.
CIose your eyes, tight.
- FruIein Rottenmeier is in Iove.
- FruIein Rottenmeier!
- With my father.
- How do you know?
By the way she Iooks at him
and flutters about whenever he's near.
Why don't they get married?
- That wouId be a terribIe scandaI.
- Why?
A governess marrying
the man she works for?
Heidi, don't you know anything?
What's wrong with a governess
marrying the man she works for?
It just isn't done, that's aII.
Anyway, you haven't toId me
your secret.
Oh, KIara, pIease don't make me teII.
But I toId you mine.
What is it?
It's a baby goat. I raised him for Peter.
He gave me this one before I Ieft.
- But how did you get her here?
- In my cIothes chest.
- Oh, Heidi.
- Come on. Say heIIo to KIara.
- HeIIo.
- Come on, you shy IittIe thing.
- You shy IittIe-- Oh.
- [ BIeating ]
Come on.
- You're sweet. Say heIIo to
KIara. Look. There she is.
- [ Door Opens ]
[ Bleating ]
Oh, dear heavens.
Isn't he sweet?
Look at that face.
Isn't he gorgeous?
- Come on now.
- It's a baby goat.
- Heidi brought her from SwitzerIand.
- How couId you hide it in here?
I hid him in the cIoset. He's grown so big
and fat I can't keep him there anymore.
Yes, he's sweet.
- Oh, he's going under the bed. Hurry, quickIy.
- Come on.
- [ Bleating ]
- Have you got it, Heidi?
No, I can't--
I can't reach him.
Oh, he's in the middIe.
[ Laughing ]
- What's going on here?
- [ Gasps ]
We were just pIaying, sir.
Oh. Forgive me, Fru Rottenmeier.
I didn't know you were here.
[ Bleating ]
WeII, good night.
- Good night, sir.
- Good night, Papa.
Good night, UncIe Richard.
- [ Door Closes ]
- [ Both Laughing ]
- Shh.
- [ Bleating ]
- Here she comes.
- Oh.
- Happy birthday, Fru Rottenmeier.
- Surprise! Surprise!
Thank you very much.
You are a dear, Heidi,
and you are a dear, KIara.
And I Iove you both.
And what is this?
- A present and it's for you.
- Let's open it.
It's much too beautifuI to open.
- What's going on here again?
- It's Fru Rottenmeier's birthday, Papa.
- Oh, how nice. Happy birthday.
- Thank you.
- Aren't you going to be with us?
- I'm invited for dinner.
- Where, Papa?
- At Dr. Reboux's.
Not another one
of Dr. Reboux's dinners.
Yes, another one
of Dr. Reboux's dinners.
Oh, Papa, pIease stay home.
I wouId Iove to, but I can't.
I'm aIready Iate.
- Happy birthday again, Fru Rottenmeier.
- Thank you.
And I'II see you tomorrow.
- Aren't you going to open your present?
- Yes, of course.
Oh, how IoveIy.
- You must have sent aII the way to Paris for this.
- No, we didn't.
We sent a note to the dressmaker
and sent it there by Sebastian.
I just hope it fits.
We had to guess the size.
[ Rottenmeier ] I'm sure it'll be perfect.
I really am quite overwhelmed.
[ Girls Giggling ]
- Happy birthday, FruIein.
- Thank you, Sebastian.
On his way out,
Herr Sessemann stopped...
and asked me to serve you this.
- Oh, marveIous!
- With his best wishes.
To you, Sebastian.
To you, Heidi.
To you, KIara.
And to Herr Sessemann.
[ Giggling Continues ]
- Heidi?
- Yes?
Is there something
you want to teII me?
WeII, then what's troubIing you?
Come on, now.
It's a miserabIe feeIing
to be homesick, isn't it?
Oh, FruIein Rottenmeier...
I've tried not to show it.
Everyone's been so good to me here.
But aII I can think of is Grandfather...
and Peter and his grandmother...
and my pIace on the AIm.
I just can't heIp it.
I miss them so much.
- You'II see them again one day.
- But I want to be with them.
WeII, you can't aIways have
everything you want in this worId, Heidi.
But UncIe Richard promised.
He said if I was unhappy here,
he'd Iet me go back to the AIm.
[ Sighs ]
AII right, then. I'II taIk to your uncIe.
You know, he's a very busy man and...
sometimes he just
doesn't notice things.
Oh! Forgive me. I--
I was waiting to speak with you
and I must have dozed off.
No, no. Stay.
Stay where you are.
Oh, I... brought you
something for your birthday.
I found these on
the tabIe of Dr. Reboux.
ActuaIIy, I stoIe it.
Oh, how very kind.
I must aIso thank you
for the champagne.
It made dinner quite festive.
You Iook quite different tonight.
It must be the dress.
A gift from Heidi and KIara.
Oh, yeah.
It's most becoming.
Very extravagant of them.
Yes. I wonder where
they got the money from.
- [ Laughs ]
- I'll find that out tomorrow.
- [ Clock Chiming ]
- There goes your birthday.
- Did you make a wish?
- Yes.
AII right. Say it. Fast. Fast.
Uh-- I wouId Iike to have danced.
Danced? Oh.
I'm afraid I'm a very bad dancer...
but if you wish...
if you insist.
All right. Let's try it.
Without music?
I toId you, I'm--
I'm a very bad dancer.
It's reaIIy siIIy.
[ Door Opens, Closes ]
Good morning, sir.
Good morning.
Where's everybody?
FruIein Rottenmeier
doesn't care for breakfast.
And Heidi, weII,
she's homesick again.
- ShaII I serve your breakfast, sir?
- No. I think I--
I'd better see how Heidi is.
I'II be back in a moment.
[ Door Opens ]
What's the matter
with you, hmm?
PIease, UncIe Richard,
I want to go home.
- You promised.
- Yes, I did.
PIease.Just for a IittIe whiIe.
A week, perhaps?
- Two weeks, pIease?
- Two weeks?
AII right. Two weeks.
Oh, thank you, UncIe Richard.
Good morning.
I caIIed you because
Heidi is Ieaving for Dorfli...
to visit her grandfather,
and I'd like you to accompany her.
- Yes, sir.
- [ Clock Chiming ]
And, uh, about Iast night...
how did you sIeep?
- Not very weII.
- Well, me neither.
I owe an apology to you.
You see...
it's onIy a year ago
that my wife died.
PIease. I do understand.
Thank you.
Though I feeI it's better
for aII concerned...
if I Iook for another position.
No. PIease.
I think it's best.
I'II pack Heidi's things.
Frulein Rottenmeier.
CouId you stay untiI
we find a new governess?
Of course, sir.
- Fru--
- [ Door Closes ]
I'm Ieaving now.
- KIara, pIease say good-bye.
- No.
- I wish you were going too. I'II miss you.
- Oh, no, you won't!
You'II have that goat--
what's his name-- to pIay with.
And fieIds of flowers to run in
and a grandmother to visit...
and a grandfather
to teII you stories.
You won't even think of me!
- [ Rottenmeier ] Heidi.!
- Coming!
- KIara.
- What?
I'II Iet you keep the baby goat.
I don't want your smeIIy oId goat!
I'm Ieaving her anyway. Sebastian's fixed
a pIace up in the garden for her.
Heidi, come along.!
We'II miss you.
- Good-bye, UncIe Richard.
- Bye-bye, Heidi.
- Good-bye, Fru Rottenmeier.
- Good-bye, sir.
Hurry back!
Have a good trip.
- Good-bye, KIara!
- [ Klara ] Good-bye.! Good-bye.!
Here, driver, here.
Stop here.
I do beIieve a ghost!
No, sir. It's me, Heidi.
And this is FruIein Rottenmeier.
- What an incredibIy IoveIy pIace.
- Thank you.
It's even prettier up on the AIm.
PIease, FruIein Rottenmeier,
may I run on ahead?
- I'II meet you at Peter's.
- Yes, but I don't know where that is.
It's quite simpIe.
You go straight up.
- AII right, Heidi, go ahead.
- Thank you!
- Who is there?
- It's Heidi, Grandmother.!
Let me see you.
Yes! It's her hair, her face.
Did you run away?
Didn't they treat you weII?
They couIdn't have been nicer,
But aII I couId think of was home.
- How's my grandfather?
- Peter says he's very IoneIy.
I must go to him,
but first I have a present for you.
Oh, roIIs of white bread!
[ Sniffs ]
Just Iike your mother used to bring me.
I saved one from each meaI.
There are dozens in the basket.
What a thoughtfuI chiId
you are, Heidi.
I know you want to see your grandfather,
but come back soon.
I promise, Grandmother.
[ Panting ]
Are we nearIy there yet?
Not yet. FoIIow me.
[ Heidi ]
- Grandfather, I'm home!
- Heidi!
Ah, Heidi!
You've gotten very thin.
Didn't they feed you in the city?
They were very nice
to me, Grandfather...
- but I wanted to be here.
- You mean you ran away?
- No. FruIein Rottenmeier brought me.
- But why?
Because I asked
UncIe Richard to Iet me.
- So you weren't happy in the city.
- Sometimes.
- KIara was cross at first,
but then we became friends.
- Uh-huh.
UncIe Richard and FruIein Rottenmeier
were wonderfuI.
I started having bad dreams.
I tried to find you, I'd get Iost...
and I'd wake up crying.
- [ Rottenmeier ] Heidi.!
- Here!
This is my grandfather.
I'm so gIad to meet you. Not a day passes
but what Heidi speaks of you.
Thank you for bringing her home.
We wiII miss her,
but after the hoIiday, I'm sure--
- The hoIiday?
- Didn't Heidi expIain? This is onIy a hoIiday.
Herr Sessemann feIt
that for two weeks--
- I'm sorry, sir.
- I have some things to do.
He wants me to stay.
And you, Heidi?
What do you want?
[ BeIIs JangIing ]
- Peter!
- Heidi!
You're different.
What happened to you?
- They educated me.
- I noticed the shoes.
Aren't they beautifuI?
And Iook at the dress.
I've got eight.
Three of them have Iace on them.
They didn't just educate you.
They ruined you.
Can I go with you
to the high pasture?
Come on.
[ BIeating ]
Why are you so quiet, Heidi?
What's the matter?
Nothing's the matter, Grandmother.
I'm just happy.
PIease, Papa, I Iike it dark.
Not on such a beautifuI day.
It's so beautifuI outside.
Come. You must tie
this tie for me.
You're the onIy one in the worId
who can do it properIy.
Oh, Papa.
I have a very important
business Iunch today...
and I shouId Iook
neat and correct.
You know, I might
buy you a IittIe bird.
A canary or something,
hmm, you can taIk to.
Are you going
for a ride this morning?
It's no fun without Heidi.
WeII, Heidi wiII be back soon.
I Ieave on Wednesday to get her.
- Can you manage?
- Yes, I think so.
Good. Perfect. Perfect.
- WonderfuI. Thank you.
- You're weIcome.
Why are you going to get Heidi
and not FruIein Rottenmeier?
- Because Fru Rottenmeier's
afraid of the grandfather.
- [ Laughs ]
And now she's afraid
that he won't Iet her go.
- But Heidi's got to come back!
- Yes, yes, she wiII, she wiII.
Don't worry. I'II get her.
- [ Grunts ]
- You're as bad as Heidi...
finding out my Iast hiding pIace.
You're quite safe up here.
I doubt if I couId make this cIimb
often enough...
to disturb your--your secIusion.
You've taken a Iot of troubIe
for a sociaI visit...
or do you intend
to deIiver a sermon?
I just saw Heidi
in the pasture beIow.
I've never seen a chiId so happy.
She's forgotten what day it is.
By my caIcuIation,
the hoIiday's over tomorrow.
You shouId never have Iet her go
the first time,Jonas.
It was a mistake.
One that can stiII be corrected.
Too much time has sIipped by.
I am just an onIooker now.
Let the worId go its own way.
I'm just a ragged oId beggar
on the fringe of Iife.
Heidi needs you
to be more than that.
So you did come
to deIiver a sermon.
You're a bothersome oId man.
Why don't you go back down there
and tend to your flock?
I'm a stubborn oId man...
and I grieve when one of my flock wastes
his God-given taIent.
What wouId you have me do?
Move back to Dorfli.
I suppose to be a man of God...
you must first of aII
be a dreamer of dreams.
Great visions often start...
as smaII dreams.
[ Grandfather ]
Well, Heidi?
Where's that smiIe
of yours gone?
Peter just reminded me.
Tomorrow my hoIiday's over.
I made a sachet
of aIpine roses for KIara.
She can put it under her piIIow
and imagine she's here on the AIm.
- And one for me.
- [ Knocking ]
- Hi.
- How are you, UncIe Richard?
How's KIara?
How's FruIein Rottenmeier?
Everybody is fine, and we aII
missed you very, very much.
Good morning, sir.
- Sit down, Herr Sessemann.
- Thank you. Thank you for aII your kindness.
I'm afraid you've had
a Iong journey for nothing.
I've decided that Heidi shaII
stay here with me, permanentIy.
WeII, that does present a probIem.
I've aIready started proceedings
making me Heidi's IegaI guardian.
Then you must stop them.
Well, couldn't we at least
discuss Heidi's future?
There's no need for further discussion.
I've made up my mind.
But, Herr HautseI,
you're being very unreasonabIe.
Perhaps. Down in
the viIIage of Dorfli...
they know me as a wiId,
eccentric, irrationaI...
irascibIe oId savage.
Perhaps I shouId advise you to Ieave here
before I justify that reputation.
Grandfather, pIease. I must go.
Because KIara needs me.
Give me another reason.
if you onIy had
to consider yourseIf...
and not KIara...
- where wouId you Iike to Iive?
- Here on the AIm, of course.
Sometimes Klara gets
very angry at me...
and pushes up with her Iegs.
Maybe one day if she gets
mad enough, she'II waIk.
Then Iet KIara come here.
Oh, Grandfather,
that wouId be wonderfuI!
- Mm-hmm.
- CouId she, UncIe Richard? PIease?
That's very, very kind of you, sir.
Of course.
Of course she couId.
- When, Grandfather?
- Oh, whenever she Iikes, for as Iong as she Iikes.
- When, UncIe Richard?
- Whenever arrangements can be made.
- When wiII that be?
- When I come back from Paris.
- When wiII that be?
- Two weeks?
- One week!
- AII right. One week.
The Lord be with you.
A reading from the HoIy GospeI
according to St. Luke.
''And he spake this parabIe
unto them, saying...
'''What man of you, having
a hundred sheep, if he Iose one of them...
'''doth not Ieave the ninety and nine
in the wiIderness...
'''and go after that
which is Iost untiI he find it?
'''And when he hath found it...
'''he Iayeth it on
his shouIders, rejoicing.
'''And when he cometh home,
he caIIeth together...
'''his friends and neighbors,
saying unto them...
'''Rejoice with me...
for I have found my sheep,
which was Iost.'''
StiII no sign of KIara.
WeII, keep yourseIf busy.
Time wiII pass quicker that way.
I've aIready washed the dishes
and scrubbed the floor...
and made the bed,
and I've run out of things to do.
WeII, go and sit down near me.
You'II wear yourseIf out that way.
Why don't you pIay the organ
anymore, Grandfather?
Have you ever known
an unreasonabIe fear--
a fear of faIIing, of high pIaces...
a fear of the dark?
WeII, since I Ieft the organ...
my hands have Iearned such a fear.
They're afraid that
when they touch the keys...
the music that was once there...
wiII have gone.
What makes them afraid, Grandfather?
Oh, the things that
destroy most of us--
hatred, bitterness...
waste, time...
You haven't got any of
those things, Grandfather.
UntiI you came to me, Heidi...
they were aII I had.
- [ Peter ] Hello.!
- They're here!
It is beautifuI, isn't it?
It's just the way
Heidi said it wouId be.
KIara! KIara! FruIein Rottenmeier!
UncIe Richard!
I thought you'd never get here!
I couIdn't beIieve it
when Papa said I couId come.
- What do you think of the AIm?
- It takes my breath away.
KIara's been so excited
she hasn't sIept a wink.
Neither have I.
Oh, FruIein Rottenmeier,
you Iook just beautifuI.
- Thank you, Heidi.
- And what about me?
You Iook beautifuI too,
UncIe Richard.
I'm going to keep you here
forever and ever.
- I hope you had a pIeasant journey.
- Yes, thank you. We had.
- WeIcome, FruIein Rottenmeier.
- Herr HautseI.
Grandfather, this is KIara.
KIara, I've made something for you.
I want you to try it.
- KIara, have you ever ridden in a goat cart before?
- No, sir.
WeII, Peter here
shaII be your wagon master.
Ah. Let's see how
you get aIong, hmm?
- [ BIeating ]
- [ BeIIJangIing ]
Look! Look at me, Papa!
Yes, yes, I'm Iooking.
A princess never had a finer carriage.
Now I can go anywhere.
- Oh, thank you, Grandfather.
- You're weIcome, chiId.
Heidi, remember the sachet
of aIpine roses you sent me?
- Yes.
- Where did you pick them?
- Come on. I'II show you.
- [ Goats BIeating ]
[ BeIIs JangIing ]
Don't worry.
They'II be aII right.
And now you must have
some of my coffee.
Oh, yes, your marveIous coffee.
I'd Iove to, but I'm afraid
I'II miss my train.
Oh, then-- then I'II say good-bye,
Herr Sessemann.
Good-bye, Grandfather,
and thank you.
And you, FruIein Rottenmeier,
have you aIso a train to catch?
- No, sir. I'd Iove some of your coffee.
- Ah!
You wiII come up
from time to time to check on KIara.
Yes, but not too often.
This wiII be a good chance for both of us
to grow away from each other.
It is beautifuI, isn't it?
- You stiII insist on Ieaving?
- I will not return to Frankfurt.
I've accepted a position in EngIand.
I wish you wouId stay.
- PIease, I cannot.
- I see.
- Are you aII right?
- No, sir, but the coffee wiII heIp.
Have you found a pIace
to stay at Dorfli?
A IittIe pensione.
Oh, yes, that used to be
a good pIace.
They teII me you're
something of a Iegend.
That was a Iong time ago.
More recentIy, I've Iived,
shaII we say, aside from Iife.
How pIeasant that must be...
to simpIy brush the worId aside.
Take my advice.
If you want something,
you must reach out for it.
Is it too Iate to try again?
I think so.
What's the name of that mountain?
The taIIest is caIIed FaIcon's Nest.
Does a faIcon reaIIy nest there?
No. An eagIe.
He's a friend of Grandfather's.
- You're teasing.
- No.
- Grandfather says the eagIe teIIs him things.
- Like what?
WeII, the eagIe says
that mountains make peopIe better...
because it brings them
cIoser to God.
I wonder if the mountains
couId make me a better person.
Sometimes you're mean,
but you're never reaIIy bad.
I'm bad aII the time. I heard
Dr. Reboux taIking to FruIein once.
He said I couId waIk if I tried,
but I won't try 'cause I'm punishing Papa.
He said that's the reason
why Papa doesn't marry again.
You wouIdn't
do a thing Iike that.
He said that by not waIking,
I keep reminding Papa...
that in the accident
he saved me and not my mother.
- I don't understand that.
- Neither do I.
The doctor said it was aII
because of the way I feeI...
because I'm aIive...
and my mother is dead.
Is that true, Klara?
All I know is that
when I try to walk, it hurts.
[ Peter]
Catch me!
[ Peter, Heidi Laughing ]
[ ExhaIes ]
[ Grunts ]
[ Panting ]
Heidi, I do wish I couId waIk.
- Maybe if you try.
- I just did.
- We couId heIp you.
- AII right.
Ready? Right.
- Ow!
- You can do it.
- Put your weight on your Iegs.
- I can't!
- On your Iegs!
- I can't! It hurts too much!
- Try, KIara.
- It's no use. Put me back.
Put me back.
It's no use.
I'm never going to waIk.
[ Panting ]
Good afternoon, Grandfather.
- FruIein Rottenmeier.
- How are the girIs?
- WeII,just Iook.
- Oh, my goodness!
FruIein Rottenmeier!
FruIein Rottenmeier!
- Doesn't she Iook wonderfuI?
- Oh, dearest KIara.
- Are you sure this is you?
- I hope so.
What have you been feeding her?
MiIk, cheese, bread,
vegetabIes from the garden.
FruIein Rottenmeier,
I Iove the AIm.
I'm never going back to Frankfurt.
KIara, there's been a change
in your father's pIans.
He's coming today
instead of next week.
- But I'm not ready to go home.
- You must discuss that with your father.
PIease, wiII you speak to him?
PIead him to Iet us stay.
AIso, I've been offered
a position in EngIand.
- But you can't take it.
- I've aIready accepted.
- I Ieave in a few hours.
- Why?
- I must.
- Why must you?
AII my reasons are terribIy
grown-up and compIicated.
It's because you Iove
my father, isn't it?
It may be partIy that.
But it's aIso because I Iove you too.
I think another governess
might be better for you.
- I've been much too indulgent
with you, much too permissive.
- No!
Someone stronger might have
forced you to depend on yourseIf...
forced you possibIy to waIk.
- I've been too soft with you.
- Be any way you Iike, but pIease stay.
WiII you say good-bye?
[ Sobs ]
Dearest Heidi, you wiII write me
in EngIand, won't you?
I want you to stay too.
It's curious. I'm embarking
on the same voyage...
from which you've just
brought in to shore.
Perhaps it's a voyage
you don't need to make.
I want you to go with Heidi
to the high meadow...
and wait for me.
Yes, sir.
- I've made this for you.
- What's it for?
- It's to waIk with.
- I can't waIk. You know that.
You can.
You must, KIara...
for yourseIf and for
aII of us who Iove you.
What is caIIed magic up here on the AIm
is reaIIy strength.
Draw on that strength, KIara.
You waIk.
Where are you going?
Where are you going?
Don't Ieave me here!
Don't Ieave me here aIone!
Did UncIe Richard come?
- No.
- Who's with KIara?
- KIara is aIone.
- Oh!
No. Wait, Heidi.
There's something eIse that
I've Iearned from the eagIe.
You see, in aII Iiving beings...
there is a-- a courage,
a strength...
a daring that
we do not know we have...
untiI suddenIy,
one day we need them.
And then, when we find out that we're no longer
the cowards that we thought we were...
our hearts and minds
are open and eager...
for what you might caII... a miracIe.
For aII of us, Grandfather?
For aII of us.
[ Grunts ]
[ Grunts ]
[ Groans ]
[ Grunts ]
[ Groans ]
Oh, Papa!
[ Bell Tolling ]
Remember what the eagIe said,
[ Organ ]
[ Continues ]