Heir of the Witch (2023) Movie Script

(eerie music)
(eerie music)
(insects chirping)
(eerie music)
(distant screams)
(eerie music)
(insects chirping)
(eerie music)
(panicked groans)
(Anna crying)
- Oh, mama.
(soft music)
(Anna crying)
(eerie music)
[Anna] My curse is too heavy
and no one can carry it for me.
- [Witch] Welcome my child.
We missed you.
(Witch laughing)
[Witch] How long has it been?
- [Anna] Not long enough.
- [Witch] You must abide
and continue the curse
that you inherited.
- I can't.
- If you don't, then
your child will.
- I don't...
I don't have a child.
- This dress should
fit her perfectly.
(Anna gasping)
(Witch cackling)
(Anna screaming)
(Witch cackling)
(Anna screaming)
- [Rosie] Anna, help me.
- Auntie.
- Anna.
- Oh.
I'm sorry.
She's back.
- I know.
I can feel her.
The weaker I get, the
stronger she becomes.
- I'm afraid.
I'm afraid I won't be
able to defeat her.
(soft dramatic music)
What are we gonna do?
(soft dramatic music)
(birds chirping)
(guests applauding)
- [Guests] Happy
birthday to you.
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday dear Chloe
Happy birthday to you
(guests applauding)
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to you.
- [Mother] The rain is coming.
Let's move the party the inside.
- Make a wish.
(guests cheering)
(father burps, laughs)
- Why party wasted when you can
burp and taste it, huh sis?
- I'm so sorry it's storming
on your birthday party.
But we can still celebrate.
- [Woman 1] Anna...
Move out of the way.
(gentle instrumental music)
(soft eerie music)
- [Mother] These are too
dangerous for a child.
Are they not?
- [Woman 2] When did you and
Anna become such good friends?
- [Chloe] Friends is a
bit of a stretch,
but she's an amazing seamstress.
- Oh wow, that is beautiful.
- So what is Anna
wearing, anyway?
(all chuckling)
- Anna, nice to
meet you in person.
- Likewise, sir.
- Please, call me Nicholas.
My wife can't stop
talking about your dress.
You've got a loyal
customer here.
(Chloe laughing)
- And did she think it
was a costume party?
- Shh.
(guests chattering)
[Chloe] Do another one.
- Ah!
(suspenseful music)
- You okay?
What's wrong?
- Hey kiddo.
- Hi.
- This is Dustin, he's--
- Hello.
- He's Chloe's cousin.
He lives downstairs,
but he comes here often.
- I see you've met my husband.
- Okay.
- Oh, you're so cute.
(soft music)
- Our song, shall we dance?
- Oh, my feet are killing me.
Anna, you wanna
dance in my place?
Come on, he won't bite you.
- Have you ever felt like
someone's following you
You think it's easy
- Most of the people here
are pompous assholes.
That old money attitude.
- Why do you keep
such company around?
- My clients.
I'm a wealth manager.
- Makes sense.
- Have you ever felt like
you're all that you have
You keep your walls up to
be ready for any attack
(car whooshing)
Don't go
Don't go
Don't go
Don't leave me here alone
(eerie music)
(car window whirring)
- Can you spare some
change for a bite to eat?
- I forgot my purse.
- She's coming for you.
(tense music)
(Anna screams)
(car honking)
(car revving)
- [Chloe] That is so cute.
(soft piano music)
I can't believe Isabel only
got me a bottle of wine.
It's like she just
spit in my face
with that petty little gift.
- That girl, your seamstress.
- Anna?
- Yeah, how old is she?
- I don't know.
Probably like around
my age, I guess.
I have an idea.
Why don't we introduce
her to Martin?
- My partner?
- Yeah.
He's coming back
into town tomorrow.
We should all go out.
- He's a player, hun.
- Every player is just
looking for the right girl
to settle down with.
- Okay, but Anna
wouldn't like him at all.
- He's handsome and
rich, what's not to like?
- There's a little bit
more to it than that.
Don't you think?
- You just don't
understand women.
We have basic needs,
good looks and money.
(soft piano music)
(sewing machine clacking)
(soft gentle music)
- [Rosie] Anna.
- Auntie?
You okay?
Do you want some water?
- No.
Stay strong in the Lord.
Evil is lurking.
(ominous music)
(Rosie breathing heavily)
- Rosie.
Rosie, wake up!
(Anna sobbing)
Rosie, don't leave me.
(knocking at door)
- No.
(knocking at door)
- It's ok. Shh.
(Rosie breathing heavily)
(soft ominous music)
- Oh hey.
- I, I brought your purse.
- I told Chloe I would get it.
Come on in.
- So I was wondering,
do you tailor clothes
for men, like suits?
- Yeah, I do, why?
Do you want to get
your measurements?
I have some time.
- Great.
Who's that?
- It's my grandmother.
She never wanted
to be in pictures.
- It's a strange photo.
- That's the only one
I have of my mother.
- Oh my gosh, she is beautiful.
- Isn't she?
- Is she still in Moldova?
- No, she passed
away when I was 14.
- Oh.
I'm sorry.
- Shall we?
My sewing room is
right this way.
(eerie music)
[Anna] You ready?
- Ready as I'll ever be.
Do you do anything
else besides sew?
- I tutor sometimes.
(soft piano music)
- Anna?
Hey, you okay?
- Yeah.
- You just zoned
out for a second.
- Do you want some water?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
- Sure.
- Come this way.
Make yourself comfortable
and have a seat.
- Your house is very nice.
- It's all thanks
to my aunt Rosie.
I take care of her.
- Wait, you take
care of her here?
Is she here?
- Well, yeah, it's her house.
- Well, can I say hi?
- Um...
She's just not well.
She doesn't want any visitors.
- You take care of everyone.
Who takes care of you?
- Well, I'm self-sufficient.
I have to be.
- Are you coming tomorrow
night for dinner?
- I don't know, maybe
I'll think about it.
- I'll take it.
Do you wanna play a game?
- Right now?
- Yeah, why not?
- Um...
It's almost time for me to
go and pick up Bonnie's kids,
but otherwise I'd love to.
- No, that's a stupid
question anyway.
I'll see you for
dinner tomorrow.
- So how was school today?
- Good, I learned how to say
rabbit in Spanish, conejo.
And baby Rabbit is conejito.
- You're so smart, Grace.
Where did I put that ticket?
- School is so boring.
- Oh yeah?
Who are you texting?
- Nobody.
- Is it Ty?
- Is it Ty, is it?
Why is everyone
talking about that guy?
He's awful.
- You're only 14, honey.
You'll get over it, I promise.
Violet, stop.
(engine cranking)
Violet, I'm trying to--
(Anna screams)
- What's wrong?
- You guys okay?
- Sure.
(muffled whispering)
(engine cranks)
- [Martin] I hope
everyone is starving.
I know I am.
What's up, brother?
- [Chloe] Gosh, you
looking good.
Look at you. Looking sharp.
- And you, my dear,
must be the mystery woman
that everyone seems
to be talking about.
I'm Martin.
- Nice to meet you as well.
- Can I get you
started with a drink?
- Yeah, I'll take the
bourbon, top shelf, neat.
Make it a double, please.
Why is it that I've
never seen you before?
You on the run or something?
You kill somebody and you're
out here hiding with us?
(Chloe laughing)
- Oh, she's been hiding
behind her sewing machine.
- I heard something about you
making something for Nicholas.
That's right?
- Mm-hmm
Yes, I'm making
a suit for him.
- A suit?
- My drink.
Yes, thank you.
- My favorite.
Here you go, oysters.
What's the matter, you
don't like oysters?
- Actually, I've never had one.
- Mm-hmm, first time
for everything.
- Gotta try it, here.
Oh, you've got something.
- I'm ready for a smoke, Martin.
Let's go outside for a second.
- Not right now.
- Yeah, right now.
- Excuse us, ladies.
You, don't go anywhere.
- Listen, I'm throwing
a party this Saturday
to raise money for a charity.
You should come.
- This Saturday.
What charity, what is it?
- I don't remember the
name of the charity.
It's something for
animals or children.
It's what rich people
are supposed to do.
- Interesting.
- So, you can help me
with the shopping and
preparations, right?
- Oh.
- I mean, we'll
pay you, of course.
Martin will be there.
- They're not all the same, man.
Anna's different, okay?
- She's no different than these
right here, watch.
Good evening ladies,
how you doing?
- Hey, there.
- You guys want
some drinks later?
- Maybe.
- Maybe.
- Just like I said,
they're all the same.
- Anna is different.
She's a sweet girl.
- Motherfucker, your
wife was a sweet girl.
You see what that
did for you, right?
She still cheated.
- Wow.
Really, Martin?
- I'm sorry.
I know that was below the belt,
I'm just saying, they
only want two things,
and dick.
In that order.
- This was a terrible idea.
Why did I listen to Chloe?
- Forget all that right now.
I just flew in.
I'm tired, but I still want
to have some fun tonight.
I'll take you guys out
to the hot new spot.
You might even get even tonight.
Come on.
- You look good.
The boys are back in town.
So, are we going out after this?
- Absolutely.
I'm going to take you guys to
the hottest spot.
- The Freaky Squirrel?
- [Martin] Yeah.
- I don't think I'm gonna
be joining you guys, though.
- Come on, don't be lame.
- I'm gonna go back
to my lame life.
You stay fabulous, okay?
- Anna.
Anna, I'm so sorry.
My partner, he can be
such an asshole sometimes.
And you didn't deserve that.
- It's not your fault, Mr. Hunt.
- Well, you're clearly upset
and for obvious reasons.
I just want to apologize.
- I just don't know
why Chloe invited me.
- I don't know why either, okay?
It was a terrible idea and
I won't let it happen again.
- Goodnight, sir.
- At least call me Nicholas.
- Yes, sir.
(soft dramatic music)
(Anna crying)
(emotional music)
- [Chloe] Make sure you
have the house clean
by the time Nicholas
gets home from work
because he likes
to drink his scotch
and smoke his cigar in peace.
I don't know why men
smoke that nasty stuff.
It makes their breath smell
like they ate a big bag of shit.
(Chloe laughing)
Oh, I'm pescatarian,
and I love salmon,
but make sure you only
buy the wild caught salmon.
I can't imagine eating
the farm raised.
Uggh, it's awful.
- Mm.
- You don't say
much, do you, Anna?
- What would you like me to say?
- I don't know, like what
do you want out of life?
What are your aspirations
and your goals?
- Um...
Well, I'm not very
good at small talk,
I want to be in love.
I want to have a family.
(gentle music)
I'd like to have
a child one day.
I want to grow roots here.
I think that's the
most important part--
- Oh look, it's about time
for my hair appointment,
so I'll let you
get back to work.
I left your check on
the table, so have fun.
- [Anna] Nobody cares.
(insects chirping)
(thunder cracking)
(ominous music)
(Mother whispering indistinctly)
- Mama.
Mamica, you came!
- Oh Anna, my Anna.
- Mommy.
(Anna screams)
(chair creaking)
(thunder cracking)
(thunder cracking)
(gentle music)
(people chattering)
- Martin.
- In the house.
- [Chloe] Come here,
remember Anna?
Dustin's been asking
about you nonstop.
Would you be interested
in teaching Dustin?
Everyone's so
impatient with him.
I mean, we'd pay you, of course.
- You know what, I'll do it.
Dustin, you're my friend.
- Go sit with Anna.
(gentle piano music)
- [Dustin] Your hair is pretty.
- Dustin.
I'm just gonna go and
get some air, okay?
- I'll come with you.
- I'll be right back, I promise.
(gentle music)
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Is Dustin bothering you?
He's a bit clingy, you know.
- No, he's fine.
- I think he likes you.
What's so funny?
- I'm sorry, nothing.
Just um, looking at
this beautiful view.
- Not nearly as beautiful
as what I'm looking at.
- Nicholas, no.
(traffic rumbling softly)
(ominous music)
[Anna] Something about her
feels so familiar.
- Well, well.
This party just got interesting.
- Martin, you are drooling.
- Take this.
She wants me, man.
- I gotta go.
- Who is that?
- My next ex-wife.
I'm about to change her life.
How do I look?
- She's got
everybody's attention.
Go for it.
(soft piano music)
(radio static)
- [Voice on radio] Martin.
(radio static)
(people chattering)
(soft music)
- [Martin] I really don't know
what part of town we
in right now.
(woman chuckles)
You gonna make it fun for me?
You have a nice everything.
(woman chuckles)
(ominous music)
(tires rumbling)
(eerie music)
Um baby, where'd you bring me?
(eerie music)
(woman laughing)
(seat belt unclicks)
(chilling music)
(eerie music)
(woman moaning)
(Witch groaning)
(Martin groaning)
(Martin groaning)
(blood gurgling)
(Martin gasping)
(blood gurgling)
(Witch cackling)
(Witch grunting)
(voices laughing)
(Witch laughing)
(chilling music)
(voices laughing)
(insects chirping)
- Bye girls, I'll see
you in a few hours.
- Bye mom.
- Thank you, Anna.
- Fudge!
- Violet, what's wrong?
- Nothing.
I can't stand Layla.
- I thought you two are friends.
- Well, she's
talking with Ty now
and they both make fun of me.
- You know, you can't control
how the world will treat you,
but you can't control
how you react to it.
(distant child laughing)
- Where's Grace?
(tense music)
- Grace?
(distant child laughing)
(distant child laughing,
(tense music)
(tense music)
Let her go! Let her go!
Let her go!
(Anna groaning)
Let her go!
I'm coming!
(tense music)
My Grace, what did
she say to you?
I'm sorry.
I promise I won't let
nothing happen to you.
- She doesn't want me.
She wants you.
(ominous music)
(Anna sobbing)
- [Chloe] I hope we get
better news soon.
Thank you, detective.
They found Martin's car at
the edge of the forest, empty.
- Any ideas where he might be?
- Nothing.
They didn't find anything.
Oh, my head is spinning.
- Can I get you anything?
- I'm gonna, I'm
gonna go lay down.
Come with me, Anna.
- Okay.
- Oh, yeah.
Right there, right there.
It's better.
(distant door opening)
- Oh, hi.
- Did you hear about Martin?
- Yeah, they called me.
They're working in the city.
- Aren't you gonna
give me a kiss?
Anna don't stop, please.
He's acting so strange lately.
- He's probably
mourning for his friend.
- Nobody said he died.
- You're right.
I misspoke, I'm sorry.
You know, I'm gonna head home.
It's late.
- Well, there's some
leftovers in the fridge.
I was gonna throw 'em away,
but maybe you'd enjoy them.
- Get some rest, Chloe.
[Anna] I love making beautiful
clothes for others,
but for me, I only wear
my mother's dresses.
I feel her close to me.
- Anna.
(Anna gasps)
- Dustin, what are
you doing here?
- I got you a flower.
- Gosh, Dustin, you scared me.
- It's pretty like, like you.
- Why don't you take
it in the kitchen
and put it in some water, okay?
Oh God, gonna gimme a
heart attack.
What are you guys doing?
- Is my suit ready?
- I have it right here.
What do you think?
- Wow.
Should I try it on?
- Yeah.
(soft piano music)
- [Nicholas] Ready.
- You look absolutely amazing.
- It feels amazing.
- It looks good.
- Anna, I can't stop
thinking about you.
(gentle piano music)
I don't know what you did to me.
I want to be there for you.
Let's try this, try it once.
(gentle piano music)
(ominous music)
- [Anna] Why won't you eat?
- I'm trying to keep
my girlish figure.
- I see you're
feeling better today.
- Anna, you're so beautiful.
You smile just like your mother.
- I miss her so much.
- Me too.
- You know sometimes I think of
just going to Moldova
and just kill him
with my bare hands.
- You hate him for
the sin he committed,
but your own hands
are covered in blood.
- You know, just because
he's your brother,
you shouldn't be on his side.
- He's still your father.
- He will never be my father.
And how can you be on his side
after everything he's done?
I can't--
- I left him there in prison
and I brought you here with me.
- You know very well
he had a choice.
But I was just a child.
I had...
I didn't have a choice.
- Anna, we all have a choice.
- I didn't.
I didn't.
- I want to grow my hair
long to touch the floor.
- Your hair is
part of your glory.
It is your protective cover.
- Mom, can I ask you a question?
- Of course, my darling.
- Was your father mean to you?
- Your grandfather died when I
was still in grandma's belly.
- Why did he die?
- Do you want hair your braided,
- [George] Mary, come here.
- Go to your bedroom
and lock the door.
- No.
Then he is going to hurt you.
- Go, now.
(soft dramatic music)
Honey, food is ready, stuffed
peppers, your favorite.
- How long have you been
fucking Stefan?
- What are you talking about?
- Don't lie to me.
- What are you talking about?
- I'll wipe that grin off your
face if you don't fess up.
- I don't know what
you're talking about.
Calm down, George.
(George speaking indistinctly)
(Anna breathing heavily)
-[George] Remember?
(Mary speaking indistinctly)
- I didn't do it!
- Yeah, you touch him?
I'm gonna touch you now!
(tense music)
(glass shattering)
(Mary screaming)
(George smacking)
(Mary screaming)
(punches thudding)
(dramatic music)
You bitch!
- Mom, mom, mom, mom!
Mom, wake up, wake up!
Wake up!
Mommy, wake up!
(Young Anna screams)
Wake up!
Mommy, mom!
(dramatic music)
(thunder cracking)
(Dustin laughing)
- Dustin?
(ominous music)
(thunder cracking)
(ominous music)
(Dustin weeping)
Dustin, open up.
(Dustin weeping)
Open up!
(ominous music)
(Dustin weeping)
Dustin, you can't hide in here.
I'm gonna call Chloe.
- Anna love Dustin.
Anna love Dustin!
(ominous music)
Dustin stay!
(thunder cracking)
(phone ringing)
[Dustin] Anna loves Dustin!
Anna loves Dustin!
(ominous music)
(Dustin weeping)
(Witch snarls)
(chilling music)
(Anna gasping)
- I am not afraid of you.
- [Witch] Then face me.
(tense music)
(Anna breathing heavily)
(tense music)
(Witch groaning)
(indistinct whispering)
(Anna groaning)
(indistinct chanting)
- [Anna] She tortures me.
She follows me.
She tortures me.
(tense music)
Her spirit dragged
me to the dark hereof
to remind me of what I've done.
I don't know.
I don't know what's
real anymore, auntie.
(crying) I'm so lost.
I need your help.
Please, please pray for me.
I can't pray, Rosie.
I'm too far gone now.
She has me now, Rosie.
Rosie, I can feel her
presence everywhere.
(shovel crunching dirt)
(Anna crying)
(wood creaking)
(Anna screams)
- You okay?
(Anna crying)
- She was alive.
My mama was alive.
He beat her.
He beat her and
put her in a coma,
but she was still alive.
She was alive.
(Anna crying, mumbling)
(ominous music)
I have to go, I've gotta,
my mama.
I miss her.
- Listen, they wouldn't
bury someone if they--
- Shut up!
I'm sorry.
- [Nicholas] It's
okay, it's okay.
- [Anna] I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to
say that, I'm sorry.
- [Nicholas] I'm here, I'm here.
I'll always be here.
[Nicholas] You look
amazing today.
- [Anna] Really, thank you.
(birds chirping)
(gentle music)
I have something for you.
It's a bracelet of the colors
of my country, Moldova.
I want you to wear it
and always think of me.
- It's beautiful.
Thank you.
Do you miss your home?
- Well, this is my home now.
The only good memories I had
there were with my mother.
- What about your father?
(dramatic music)
- No!
I hate you, no!
I hate you!
(Young Anna screaming)
- [George] Stop! Shut up!
Get in there!
(door slams)
- I hope he rots in hell.
- [Young Anna] Daddy,
open the door!
Daddy, open the door!
Please, daddy, please!
- And your grandmother?
- She died when I was a child.
But she still haunts
me every day.
(indistinct eerie whispering)
But I have you now.
(gentle music)
(door opening)
(door closing)
(Dustin laughing)
- Look.
- Yes, the one!
The curse must rise from the
innocence of the pure at heart!
- Dustin, come on and
get out of here.
Get out of here, I said!
(ominous music)
What do you think
you're doing, huh?
- Her, her, her smell is bad.
- Well, she's sick.
Do you understand?
Dustin, why did you take this?
- It's mine.
- Why did you steal it though?
- I not steal, it's mine!
- You give it back to
Nicholas, you hear me?
I'm done with you!
- Dustin not steal!
(ominous music)
- Nicholas.
(ominous music)
- What is this?
- It's nothing.
- Anna, tell me what that is.
Because my entire
marriage is based on lies
and I can't have you
doing that to me too.
What is that?
- It's the curse.
It's written in the blood of
my family over generations,
including my own.
- What are you saying?
You're a witch?
(tense music)
- I suppress the urge to
indulge in the wickedness
that I've been damned with.
- Okay.
Anna, you're freaking me out.
(eerie music)
(Witch speaking indistinctly)
- Stop this.
I can't talk about
this any more.
(somber music)
(Anna groans)
Jane, it's me.
It's the baby.
Come now, please.
(heart beating)
(soft music)
- The baby's heartbeat
is nice and strong,
but you need to make sure
that you stay hydrated.
- Okay.
- Okay?
- I want her to
come out already.
- She's gonna be here
before you know it.
- Anna!
I came as quickly as I could.
Is she okay?
- She's fine, she
just needs some rest.
Try to keep her from getting
too anxious or stressed out.
It's not good for
her or the baby.
Just rest up, okay?
- Can you walk her out, please?
- Yeah.
- Jane, I can't
stress to you enough
how important it is
to me and to Anna
that this stays
strictly confidential.
We can't have the whole
town talking about this.
- My lips are sealed.
- Thank you.
- Look, I'm gonna be here
for Anna and this baby.
I just wanna be
sure that you are.
- I will be, thank you.
(soft music)
- I need you here with me,
more than you know.
- I understand.
- Then when are
you gonna tell her?
- Soon.
- You said that before.
(phone dings)
That phone again.
- I have to go.
- What?
You just got here.
- It's important.
- Important?
How about your baby?
How about me?
When are we ever gonna
be important to you?
Everything comes before me.
There is always a priority
and it's never me.
It's me, isn't it?
You don't find me
beautiful anymore.
You don't love me anymore.
I was a blooming flower
and then you took
everything from me.
You took everything from me.
(crying) You took
everything from me.
(Anna crying)
You took everything from me.
(owl hooting)
(baby crying)
(Anna gasping)
(baby crying)
(insects chirping)
(eerie music)
(Anna screams)
(birds chirping)
- Anna.
I've been trying to
get in touch with you,
but I see you've been busy.
- Good to see you too.
How have you been?
- Great, I got a huge
promotion at work.
A killer celebration
coming up for it.
I would love a dress.
You know, something
with a deep cleavage
and maybe some ruffles
to hide the belly.
- You know, I'm in
a bit of a hurry
and I don't have
material right now,
so I don't know
if I can do that.
- I can get material.
Nobody does it like you, please.
- I have to run.
So, I'll catch up with
you another time, okay?
Tell the girls I
say hello, please.
- I'll call you about
the dress, okay?
(tense music)
- What's wrong?
- Are you ever gonna tell
her about me, about us?
- Yes.
Yes, soon.
I promise.
- When? Look at me, I
don't have much time.
- Anna, you have to wait.
I have so much going
on at work right now
and our anniversary's coming up
and I just don't want
her to be alone for that.
She might, she might
do something stupid.
- You leave me alone.
Nicholas, you leave
me alone every day.
How about me?
- Listen, I'm trying, I'm really
trying here to do what's right.
But she's an emotional mess.
She might hurt herself.
I'm waiting for the
right time to talk.
- There is no fucking
right time, Nicholas, okay?
You shouldn't have
impregnated me
if leaving your wife is
so fucking hard for you!
- I don't wanna fight!
We were having a nice night.
Look, getting upset isn't
good for you or for the baby.
- Okay.
(soft dramatic music)
[Anna] Leave me alone.
(Anna crying)
(knocking at door)
- Who's that?
- I don't know.
- What time is it?
Oh fuck!
- [Anna] What's going on?
- I'm late for my meeting.
- What?
Just wait for me to
see who's at the door.
[Anna] Don't go nowhere.
- Hey, good morning.
I found the perfect
fabric for the dress.
The big party's on Friday,
so I thought maybe
you could get it to me
by Thursday or maybe
even Wednesday.
I'm going for killer
red to make an impact.
- Bonnie, I wasn't
expecting you.
- I know, honey, I
should have called,
but I had an early
morning meeting
so I thought we could just do
the measurements real fast.
- You wanna do the
measurements right now?
- Yeah, is that okay?
- Um...
Just give me a moment.
I just have to go change,
so just wait here, okay?
- Yeah, of course.
Dustin left already.
I don't know how he keeps
disappearing like this.
- Who was that?
- That's Bonnie, she's
getting a dress made.
She doesn't even
have an appointment.
I don't know, she just
showed up like this.
- Tell her to go.
- I, um... she won't be long.
I'll be very quick.
- Anna, tell her to go, now.
We don't have time for this.
I can't risk this.
So please, just
tell her to leave.
- I'm gonna take her
to the sewing room
and then you can just
go for the back, okay?
(door closes)
- What's taking you so long?
I have to leave right now.
- Then just fucking leave, okay?
Nobody's keeping you here.
- Don't be a fucking smart ass.
- Hey, Anna.
(knocking at door)
- Don't come in, I'm naked.
- Oh, okay.
Do you have any cream or milk?
My coffee's really strong.
- Yeah, I'll be
there in a minute.
Just, hold on.
(whispering) Just wait here.
Don't go nowhere.
I'll take her to the back, okay?
Just don't say nothing.
- Do you have someone in there?
I'm sorry. I thought
I heard you talking.
- No, I was just...
I was just talking to myself.
Let me get you some milk.
- Okay.
(footsteps, door shuts)
- Was that Chloe's...
- I'd really appreciate it
if you don't say anything.
I'm begging you, please just...
- Is he the father?
(soft dramatic music)
- Do...
Do you want to get the
measurements done?
- (scoffs) I don't need a
dress right now, Anna,
because I didn't realize
our town had little sluts.
- You don't understand.
He's not happy.
- So that's how
you make men happy.
What a wonderful woman you are.
You need Jesus, honey, because
you are gonna burn in hell.
- Oh, Bonnie.
(door slams shut)
(soft dramatic music)
[Anna] You belong to me and
I'll protect you with my life.
I'll protect you from
her, I promise you.
(Anna gasps)
(flame crackling)
- Give me the baby.
Give me the baby!
Give me the baby.
I want it.
I want it!
Give it to me!
It's mine.
Your powers are nothing!
(Witch groans)
(tense music)
(Witch laughing evilly)
Give me the baby.
Give me the baby, it's mine.
(Anna crying out)
(Witch screaming)
Give me the baby!
(Anna crying out)
(Witch screaming)
- Bonnie, Bonnie leave and
never come back!
- You got the devil in you.
You got the devil in you.
(Witch cries out)
(Anna crying)
(Witch whispering indistinctly)
(Bonnie whimpering)
(Witch laughing)
(engine revving)
(Witch laughing evilly)
(Bonnie screaming)
(car crashing)
(Anna groans)
- Oh.
(phone line trilling)
(phone line clicks)
(Witch cries out)
(Anna crying)
(book thuds)
(Anna gasps)
(ominous music)
(Anna breathing heavily)
I won't succumb to your powers!
(Witch snarls)
(ominous music)
(Anna screams)
(tense music)
(Anna screaming)
(phone ringing)
- [Woman] Anna.
How could you do this to Chloe?
You seduced an innocent man.
You're a fucking
whore, just like Rosie.
And you know what?
You're gonna burn, burn
in fucking hell, Anna.
(Witch growling)
(woman screaming)
(phone clicks)
(soft dramatic music)
(birds chirping)
(people chattering)
- Hi.
I need to speak with
Nicholas Hunt, please.
- Um, yeah, he's in
a meeting right now.
If you wanna take a seat,
I'll be right with you.
- Could you please just
tell him that Anna's here?
- Ma'am, ma'am!
You can't go back there.
- This tie, it's...
- I got it the other day.
Excuse me for one moment.
What are you doing here?
- Who is she?
- Ah, she's Jennifer.
She's an intern.
- [Anna] I need you.
The baby needs you.
- (clears throat) Thank you
for your concern
and I really appreciate
you coming by,
but now is not the time.
Anna, I can't talk right now.
- Come to me.
I'm begging you, don't leave me.
(Anna crying)
(dramatic music)
(door closes)
I was giving him everything
and I let him in.
I give him everything!
I trusted him!
I trusted him!
I let him in my bed.
I let him in my heart.
He doesn't even recognize me.
He looks at me like
I'm a stranger.
The whole town's talking.
They all think I'm a whore
that I'm the villain
and he's the victim!
- Why are you so distressed?
- I need somebody to hear me!
- I saw a dancer today.
She was a beautiful ballerina.
She was dancing all
around the room.
She was so graceful.
She was beautiful.
But she told me she
wasn't dancing for me.
She said she was
doing it all for you,
but you weren't here to see it.
- Oh Rosie, you smell so bad.
These bedsheets smell so bad.
I can't give you
a bath, I'm sorry.
- A bath won't help
me now, my dear.
It's the smell of death.
(somber music)
(insects chirping)
(ominous music)
(ominous music)
(water running)
(door handle clicks)
- [Anna] All my life,
I lived in fear.
She takes different
shapes and forms.
She always follows me and
takes me into this dark space
and tortures me.
I'm so afraid.
I'm terrified and I
don't know what to do.
- What you need to remember
is that, that fear and jealousy
and guilt is dangerous for you.
Think about the
medicines I use,
they can help or they can hurt.
It's all about how you use
them and the intent behind it.
Now, drink your tea.
Midwife's orders.
I promise, it's fine.
(Jane laughing creepily)
- Jane.
(Jane laughing creepily)
Jane, Jane.
Jane, Jane!
(lights click off)
(ominous music)
(Witch chanting)
(slashing and groaning)
(Jane screaming)
(Witch chanting)
- [Anna] Please stop.
(Jane groaning, mumbling)
- Don't you recognize me?
- Please stop, please stop.
(Anna crying, mumbling)
- Just another soul
for the taking.
Do a spell upon our
unborn child.
(Witch laughing)
(soft dramatic music)
- Please, I said stop.
(Anna crying)
Oh please...
(shovel crunching dirt)
(tense music)
(phone ringing)
(Anna gasping)
- [Chloe] Anna.
- Hey.
Hey Chloe, you okay?
- Will you please come over?
- What happened, are you okay?
- Please come.
I'm begging you.
- You don't sound well.
Okay. Um...
I'll come by later, okay?
(ominous music)
(thunder rumbling)
(thunder cracking)
(Chloe groans)
- I need you to do
something for me.
- Anything you need.
- I never thought I'd
have to ask you this.
I need you to give us some time.
(thunder cracking)
He says your name in his sleep.
I know he's planning
to leave me.
Please don't rush it.
- I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I didn't mean for any of
this to happen, I promise.
- Yeah, me neither.
(Chloe crying out)
- No, please no!
Chloe, no!
(gun fires)
(Chloe groans)
(scissors slashing)
(Anna crying)
(thunder cracking)
(tense music)
(Anna crying)
- [Rosie] Anna!
- Rosie.
- [Rosie] Evil is lurking.
- Rosie.
(Anna crying)
[Anna] Bedsheets smell so bad.
I can't give you
a bath, I'm sorry.
- [Rosie] The bath won't
help me now my dear.
(flies buzzing)
It's the smell of death.
(knocking at door)
- You killed my family!
(Nicholas grunting)
- [Dustin] You killed my family!
(Nicholas grunting)
(Dustin grunting)
(gun cocks)
(gun fires)
(body thuds)
(tense music)
(insects chirping)
(soft music)
- [Chloe] Come on.
He won't bite you
(Anna gasps)
(soft gentle music)
- [Rosie] A bath won't
help me now, my dear.
It's the smell of death.
(Anna crying)
- Rosie, come back!
Rosie, Rosie!
(Anna crying)
[Anna] She's gone.
Who's gonna take
care of your baby?
(soft dramatic music)
(distant child laughing)
(Anna mumbling)
- [Dustin] I, I
brought your purse.
- I told Chloe I would get it.
Come on in.
(dramatic music)
(door shuts)
I'd really appreciate it
if you don't say anything,
I'm begging you,
please just--
- Is he the father?
(Anna crying)
- Come on, we're gonna
get you home, okay?
- Ma'am, you need
to come with me.
- No, no, no, no, Nicky don't!
Don't leave me, no, no.
(Anna crying)
Not Nicholas, no!
(Witch laughing)
(eerie music)
(Chloe gasping)
(Witch laughing)
(Anna laughing)
(Anna breathing heavily)
No, no.
- [Nicholas] Anna, Anna!
- I didn't kill anyone.
(Anna screaming)
(soft dramatic music)
(Anna crying)
(soft dramatic music)
(Anna crying)
(Witch howling)
(eerie music)
(Witch snarls)
(Anna groaning)
(Anna crying)
(Witch groaning)
(Anna groaning)
(Witch snarls)
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
(Anna crying)
(Anna crying)
(Anna crying, mumbling)
This curse will end with me!
(Anna crying)
(Witch snarls)
[Anna] I want to be free.
(Anna groaning softly)
(rope creaking)
(dramatic music)
(Anna groaning)
(rope creaking)
(soft music)
(eerie music)
(scissors slicing)
(blood dripping)
(Witch laughing)
(baby crying)
(metal music)
I come from hell
I know what is being there
Misery and poverty
Turns into your daily life
You are dead alive
(metal music)
Your life die
As every second passes by
You settle, you don't fight
With no direction,
with no hope
The same shit over
and over again
You lower your head
You become a slave
You become worthless
Your life dies
As every second passes by
You settle, you don't fight
You just survive
You settle for nothing
(metal music)
You become worthless
Your self esteem
gets decimated
You are nothing
You live in hell
Hell on earth
Evolved in the
cause of sorrow
Resigning to live
a dignified life
You are dead, dead inside
All you see is death
(metal music)
Life goes away,
no possible escape
There's no way out
You are a slave of pain
There is no hope
You are in hell
(metal music)
Your life dies
As every second passes by
You settle, you don't fight
You just survive