Heist (2015) Movie Script

Yes, it is.
Ah! Come on!
You got $1.25 on there?
Is this machine working?
Is my machine working?
- There you go. Five quarters.
- Yes.
All right,
we've got a lot of people in a hurry here.
- So whatever you can do.
- Sir, it's what I've got.
I got you. I got you.
There you go.
Hey, the machine's working.
- $1.25.
- All right, have a seat.
Open the fuckin' door!
Sir, I don't even know
what you're talking...
So you don't know
what I'm talking about?
No, sir, no.
I do not.
That's interesting, because we have
you and your little slut bunny
on camera getting all nice
and cozy with the same guy
in the parking lot.
So I'm going to ask you again...
Who is this fuckin' guy
and where is our fuckin' money?
I... I don't know.
There's only so many ways
that I can ask you nicely.
This... this is nicely?
Oh, fuckin' Christ, man!
What the fuck?
What the fuck?
No, God.
Damn it!
Let go of me!
Babe... baby,
I'm so fuckin' sorry.
Oh, my God, baby!
What did they do to you?
- We don't know who he is, asshole!
- I'm sorry.
Asshole? Okay.
Asshole, it is.
She didn't mean that!
She didn't mean it!
Derrick. Derrick.
Thank you.
Bat's not always the answer.
Funny thing
about these e-cigarettes.
I miss the satisfaction
of burning something
of burning something down to fuckin'
ashes in your hand.
My apologies.
Derrick can be a little
overzealous at times.
- Mr. Pope, this is just...
- I'm not finished.
You see,
I've been Derrick's mentor for a while now.
I taught him
everything he knows...
how to run a casino floor,
how to run a business,
how to really run a business,
but most importantly,
how to spot a thief.
Because in our business,
the #1 rule is
"Never let anyone
steal from you,"
because if even one person
steals from you,
- even as little as...
- 10 Gs.
it's a sign of weakness.
It's a drop of blood
in shark-infested waters,
a hole in your defense.
And when people
think you're weak,
they come in droves
to take what's yours.
Like flies
to the proverbial shit.
Now, normally I'd give
Derrick here all night
to make your regret
stealing from me.
No, but we didn't...
we didn't...
But now you've made me late
for my own surprise party.
I'm going to give you both 10 seconds
to tell me where the money is
and whose idea it was
to take it in the first place,
or Derrick here
kills you both...
- Oh, God!
- ...and I lose out on 10 grand,
which, frankly, means shit to me.
'Cause you know what?
This is about principle,
not money.
No, please.
It's that simple.
- 10, nine...
- We don't know who took your fuckin' money!
- ...eight, seven, six...
- Please!
- ...five...
- No, Mr. Pope! Mr. Pope!
- ...four, three...
- We don't know who he is! Please!
Mr. Pope,
we don't have your money!
- ...two, one.
- Fuckin'! Glenn Haley! Glenn fuckin' Haley!
He's staying at Candlewood, 451!
And it's all her fuckin' idea!
- What? What!
- It's all your fuckin' idea!
You fuckin' bastard! I can't...
- Oh, fuck!
- You see, Derrick?
- No, fuck!
- Bat's not always the answer.
When it comes down to it,
when it's you or them,
as a species, it's in our DNA,
our very nature,
to choose self-preservation.
I don't care if you're Mother Teresa,
Mahatma Gandhi or fuckin' Ned Flanders.
When the chips are down,
we choose life
over loved ones, every time.
- Got it.
- You know.
Can I...
Can I go now, Mr. Pope?
Sure, you can go now.
Derrick, show him the door.
30 years. 30 years, not one
vacation, not one sick day.
- Now he's leaving us.
- We're all going to miss you, Mr. Pope.
- I'll miss you.
- He's leaving us for good.
If he owes you some money,
you better get it quick,
'cause he's out of here
next week, okay?
A toast to the man himself.
Our hope,
our savior, our Pope.
Our Pope!
Ain't much of a trick
if you can't finish it, pal.
Is that your card?
How'd you do that?
I can't tell you that.
That's why it's magic.
Slight of hand, my friend.
While you're busy watching
the deck in the left hand,
the magic was happening
in the right.
Not sure if I want you
handling my cards, friend.
Will you excuse me for a moment?
Dealer change.
Very nice party, Mr. Pope.
You are a very loved man.
Thank you, Mr. Tao.
Whoever said money can't buy love
clearly just didn't have enough.
This place will never
be the same without you.
I feel your absence may
change my luck at the tables.
Mr. Prince will make sure the Swan's
tables are still the luckiest in the city.
That's all I needed to hear.
Good to see you.
- You need some water?
- I'm okay.
I just need
a minute in the office.
Mr. Pope?
Mr. Pope?
What do you need?
- I'd like to have a word with him.
- Not tonight.
You've reached Sydney.
Please leave
your name and number
and I'll get back to you
as soon as possible.
Hey, Syd, it's me.
I was really hoping
to see you tonight.
I know you're busy, but, uh,
give me a call
when you get this. Bye.
Hey, Carol.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Any changes?
Jesus, Luke.
It's not going to cover what
we owe on last month's bill.
I'm doing the best I can, Julie.
What? What is it?
I'm sorry, Mr. Vaughn,
but we've given you ample time.
There comes a time when we
have to accept reality.
So what?
I'm supposed to sit by helplessly
and watch my little girl suffer?
We're talking
about my little girl here.
You give me
until the end of the week.
You understand?
You give me until the end of the week.
- I'll get you every penny by Friday.
- Mr. Vaughn.
- Just listen to me.
- Mr. Vaughn...
Every penny by Friday.
You keep her name on that list.
She's going to get that surgery.
I will get you every penny.
Friday, Mr. Vaughn.
Hey. Talking about
Princess Riley here
and her best friend Monkey.
And they were going
to go into...
Was it a very enchanted
magical forest
or was it a very scary forest?
Scary forest.
Oh, my goodness.
Of course it is.
Okay, so Princess Riley
and her best friend, Monkey...
I don't want to be
the hero tonight.
But you're the bravest
little girl I know.
I want you to be the hero.
I want you to save me.
Okay. I think that
is a great idea.
Princess Riley and Monkey,
they got to
the very creaky bridge.
And there's an ogre that comes
out from underneath the bridge.
What do you think the ogre's name is?
Nah, I quit.
Money, actually.
This one's free.
Thank you.
Vaughn, right?
Heard you've been
working here a long time.
Too long.
Bet you've seen some crazy shit.
Yeah, man,
I've seen some crazy shit.
Been here about
three or four months myself.
And I've seen some crazy shit.
Like this fat Chinese guy
who comes in every week...
biggest fucking loser, this guy.
This guy drops a buttload
of money every Thursday,
just like clockwork.
Well, you play long enough,
the house always wins.
It's the way this guy loses...
making all the wrong bets,
holding when he shouldn't,
not splitting when he should.
Fuckin' guy wants to lose.
Shitload of money,
every Thursday night.
Nobody's got that kind
of fuckin' money to burn.
You know what's ever crazier?
Every Friday night,
a different Chinese guy
comes to the high-rollers table,
plays roulette,
and wins fuckin' huge.
I'm talking statistic-anomaly fuckin'
Every Friday night,
like fuckin' clockwork.
Why don't you just cut to the chase
and tell me what's on your mind?
The way it appears to me,
is they're taking in a shitload
of money every Thursday night
and laundering it out
through the casino.
You're telling me this because?
Put 'em in an awful bad spot,
if someone were to rob them
of that money.
It's not like they're going
to go crying to the police
about someone stealing
their dirty cash.
Well, sounds like you've
got this all figured out.
I do, except for one piece.
I need a guy
who's been here too long,
smoking habit he can't afford,
and access to the vault.
Thanks for the cigarette.
So any thoughts on the matter?
Stealing from the Pope
is suicide.
The number you have reached
is not in service at this time
and there is no new number...
Got that address you wanted.
Also a Luke Vaughn
wants a meeting.
All right, send him in.
Luke Vaughn.
What can I do for you? Sit down.
I was wondering if we could
have a word in private.
Everything we say here
is private.
How are you, sir?
I'm still breathing, Vaughn.
Still breathing.
Well, that's good.
I suppose that's more than some can say.
Oh, indeed.
How's that pretty little wife of yours?
Ex-wife now, actually.
- She's...
- Well, fuck her. I hope you traded up.
Listen, Mr. Pope.
I... I'm here to ask
a favor, a big one.
How big?
$300,000 big, at least.
What do you need $300,000 at least for,
You remember my daughter Riley.
She's sick, in the hospital.
- Needs an operation.
- Insurance?
Insurance doesn't even
cover the treatments.
Been paying out of pocket
for a month
and I'm behind.
So far behind that if I don't
come up with money by Friday,
she's gonna lose her spot.
You know I don't run a charity here.
Rule #3.
"It's not a business
if you give the money away."
I remember the rules.
This isn't charity.
It's a favor.
$300,000 that I'm never
going to see again
sure sounds like charity to me.
No, sir.
I will pay it back.
I sign your paycheck, Vaughn.
Who are you kidding?
Mr. Pope,
you're my only option.
I don't make exceptions.
Let me ask you something...
what if it were you?
What if you were in my shoes
and your kid was sick?
- Hey, hey, that's enough. Time's up.
- What if Sydney was sick?
Nobody's talking to you.
All right,
that's all the time you get.
No, it's not all the time I get.
He already answered
your question. Come on.
I don't accept
his fucking answer!
God damn it,
get your fuckin' hands off me.
I don't care what you don't accept.
Get the fuck out of here.
What about the shit
that I've done for you?
What do you want?
A fuckin' cookie?
What you did for me?
You didn't do shit for me.
You fuckin' ran away.
I let you go away.
You wanted to start a new life,
you found God.
I didn't want my little girl
growing up hating me
- for the man I'd become!
- Get out of here.
You've got what you want,
I got what I want. Go!
- Like you, God damn it! Fuck!
- Move it!
- You're a bad bet!
- Get your fuckin' hands off me.
- Hey, hey!
- Damn it, don't touch me!
You're fuckin' fired.
Get him the fuck out of here.
That was awkward.
Yeah, well...
What's with that guy?
What's his deal?
That guy would have been you,
but he found love or religion,
some bullshit.
He just left everything.
He turned it all down.
I don't know, Derrick.
What do you think?
Maybe I should have
just given him the money?
I don't think the younger you
would have even
considered that an option.
"Don't let sentiment
cloud your judgment.
"Relationships come and go,
but principles...
"principles are here to stay."
Frank Pope.
Glad someone was listening.
Hey, ladies.
Looking good.
I'm in.
But I was just fired,
so if you want the vault codes,
it's pretty much going
to have to be tomorrow night.
Let's do it.
Who the fuck are these guys?
My boy Dante. Mickey.
Hey, man.
This isn't what we agreed to.
I've known this guy
since we were kids.
His favorite color is blue.
He lost his virginity to Becky McCormick.
Of course, I fucked her first.
Anything you want to know,
just ask.
What's his dick taste like?
Dante's bringing the guns.
Mickey's got the car.
Who said anything about guns?
Feel free to leave yours
with your fuckin' mommy.
I'm not walking in there
with just my dick in my hand.
You do know
who we're dealing with, right?
We go in there with guns,
Pope catches us,
we're dead.
It's my operation, Vaughn.
The guns stay.
You don't like it,
take a fuckin' walk right now.
Otherwise, nobody else here
has a problem with it.
So we good?
What's your plan?
Walk in there
just after closing,
stick our shotguns
in their fuckin' faces.
They'll be all tired and shit.
They're not going to do anything.
Grab the green stacks,
walk the fuck out by dawn.
- Keep it simple.
- Yeah.
simple is usually the best,
but what you've got here is the simplest
way for us to get our asses shot off.
You got a better fuckin' idea,
we'd love to hear it.
- Swan?
- Swan.
You got the vault, transformer room.
Pepper's the vault.
- Sugar should be the vault.
- What?
It's sweet.
Everybody wants it.
Makes sense for the money to be the sugar.
Sugar's the vault.
Cox, you're the ketchup.
Mickey is Sweet'N Low.
I'm the salt.
Dante, you're the pepper.
Why do I got to be the pepper?
'Cause I'm running
out of fuckin' condiments.
Dante, shut the fuck up.
Nobody steals from the Swan.
But that's because
they're afraid of the Pope,
not because it's Fort Knox.
Now, the way I see it,
we've got three things
going for us.
One, we have the access codes.
That's on me.
Two, we have the inside man.
That's you.
Three, we have knowledge
of a certain security guard
that likes his donuts and coffee
and precisely 3:25 every night.
- Every night?
- Every night.
Everybody with me so far?
Mickey, you following me?
Yeah, I'm following you.
This is you with the car.
Can I trust the car won't link back to us?
You're going to pick
Dante and I up
right here at this bar
at 3:00 A.M.
- Where am I?
- You're at work.
You finish your shift,
clock out, don't leave.
Find your way to the
transformer room and wait.
- Until?
- 3:30.
There'll only be a few employees
hanging around by then.
You... you're going to be
parked up here.
Right by the scrambled eggs.
This gives you a straight
direction south on the freeway.
Don't fuck it up.
You said you
got a straight shot,
not we got a straight shot.
There is no "we."
We make it out
of the Swan alive,
I'm on my own.
You have a problem with that?
As long as we got our money,
I don't give a rat's ass where you go.
Let me know if you need
a quick tutorial.
Where'd you learn to do that?
Fort Beginning for Boys.
- Army?
- Yeah.
The only thing I served
is fries, my friend.
I'd never have guessed.
Dante and I will
lock-bump our way
onto the Swan's main floor.
The main casino floor
is empty at the time of night.
Everyone goes below
to close out.
Go, go, go.
As long as I've known him, good old
Jerry like to take a leisurely stroll
to the break room for a
stale donut and coffee
right at 3:25.
All the inner doors
are maglocked
with a three-point
security seal.
The vault itself
is on a secure circuit.
The rest of the system is hooked
into the ship's old wiring.
So wait for me and Dante
to get into position.
At exactly 3:30 A.M.,
you kill the power.
Let's go, let's go, let's go.
From the time the lights go out,
we have 10 minutes
to get in and out
before back-up generators
come on
and lock down the ship.
Come on, let's go.
Let's go, let's go.
Quick, come on. Let's go.
This way. Let's hope
this fucking code works.
All right, you motherfucker,
- Hey!
- Whoa, whoa.
Can you come back later, please?
Thank you.
Let's go!
Green bags only, dirty stuff.
Let's go,
in the bags. Hurry.
No, we're good.
Come on.
- Let's do this.
- Come on.
Come on, come on, come on.
Come on, guys, come on.
Come on, come on, come on.
Fuckin' A! Let's go!
Quit fuckin' around.
- Let's go, come on. Get the bags.
- That's right.
- That's nice, get out.
- Let's get out.
- Let's get out of here.
- Let's go.
If something goes bad,
what's plan B?
Plan B is run
for your fucking life.
Let's go, let's go, let's go!
Shit, shit.
- Fuckers!
- Gah!
Back to the...
Ready? Go!
- Ah!
- Dante!
I got you, man.
I'm getting the fuck
out of here.
Come on!
Get out of here, Mickey.
Come on, get out of here.
Get the fuck out of here.
Get the fuck out of here.
Get the fuck out of here.
What the fuck?
Un-fuckin' believable!
This way, follow me.
This way! Fuck!
Come on.
Let's go, buddy.
Come on.
- Fuck!
- Come on, man! Let's get out of here!
- This way!
- Go, go, go, go! Here!
- Morning.
- Yes, it is.
- Ma?
- Hi, honey.
Mom, what are you doing awake?
I couldn't sleep.
Your medication isn't working?
I haven't taken it yet.
I was thinking of taking
the dog out for a walk.
It's 4:00 A.M., Ma.
I worry about you.
I'll be fine.
God damn it, run.
Ugh! Come on!
All right, I love you.
Good night.
Come on.
Please, please.
Open the fuckin' door!
Open the fuckin' door!
Let's go!
- What the fuck?
- Ahh!
Close the door and drive.
Let's go!
Everybody be cool.
We'll be out of here in a second.
Take your mask off.
We gotta blend in.
Everybody act normal,
nobody gets hurt.
This is Officer Bauhaus.
Multiple shots fired.
I'm in pursuit.
She wants me to pull over!
Keep driving.
Fuck this!
Shots fired.
In pursuit of at least
one armed suspect.
Don't ever put your
fucking hands on me again.
Pretty sure shooting a cop is
not very good for our situation.
I'm in charge!
Please describe the bus, over.
Bus #657.
I repeat, 657.
I'm in charge.
I'm gonna make this
real fucking simple for you.
Lose that cop,
or lose your goddamn life.
Whatever you say.
We're cool.
Calling all units,
possible hostage situation.
Commuter bus...
bus #657.
I repeat, bus 657.
- Head I-10 west.
- Cox, what are you doing?
Head 1-10 west!
Go that way!
Suspect appears to be headed
towards Interstate 10 onramp, over.
All units, we have suspects headed
towards the Russell onramp.
Set up stingers just west of Waterloo,
right before the onramp.
So what do you suppose
they're up to now?
Setting up a roadblock.
Stop your vehicle.
We're setting up a roadblock.
There's nowhere for you to go.
I need a phone.
Who's got a phone?
Who's got a lipstick?
Thank you.
- What's your name?
- Rebecca.
All right, Rebecca.
What's your phone number?
Get me the fuckin' cops
on this thing.
- Get me the fuckin' cops on that thing!
All right, all right, all right!
Dispatch, this is 657.
Put me through to PD.
Please stand by, bus 657.
I can't stand by!
Patch me through to PD!
Do you need assistance?
The fuckin' cops!
Quit fucking around!
- I can't wait!
- Hey. I'm gonna need you to back off.
- You know I can't do that.
- Why?
Because I'm the cop, and you're the robber.
That's the game.
- It's pretty black and white, pal.
- No gray area?
- No.
- Oh, come on. There's always a gray area,
- Officer...
- Bauhaus.
All right, you got a first name?
Cops, now!
- Patch me through to the police.
- Quit fuckin' around!
Kris, I need you
to clear the roadblock.
- Tell them to clear the roadblock!
- Just give me a second.
- I'm working on it.
- Clear the goddamn roadblock!
Listen to me.
I'm going to need you to trust me.
Kris, I can't help
these people on the bus
if you don't give me this one.
Stay right there.
Keep your eyes on us.
But I need you
to clear that roadblock.
We gotta get on the Interstate.
- They gotta clear the roadblock!
- You do this for me,
I promise you, I give you my word,
no one gets hurt.
Tell them that people
are going to start dying.
Captain Michaels,
I need you to remove all roadblocks.
I repeat... removal of all roadblocks,
Negative, Bauhaus,
I'm not letting them on the Interstate.
- But, sir, I have one of...
- The roadblock stays, Bauhaus.
It's out of my control.
Kris, I've got at least
10 people on this bus,
including a little boy
and a pregnant girl.
Tell them to clear
the fuckin' roadblock!
This lunatic?
I can't control him if this bus stops.
Tell them to clear
the roadblock!
You'd better keep
your fucking word.
Look out, look out!
Go there!
Kris, are you there?
You okay?
Eat a dick.
You ever try a real cigarette?
I only smoke vapor, baby.
Used to just roll tobacco
in paper,
then enter the filter,
now this vapor bullshit.
If and when you ever have kids,
they won't even know
what a real cigarette is.
They'll just think
it's something from old movies.
What are you saying, baby?
Everything dies.
From the moment
something's born or invented,
we're on a one-way course
with obsolescence.
Sorry to call you so early.
No one calls with good news
at 5:00 A.M.
Derrick, there's no right way
to break bad news.
So how bad is it?
- How much?
- Three mil.
I'm sorry. Maybe I just had a
stroke on my way over here,
'cause I thought I just
heard you say $3 million.
- Yeah.
- Tell me it wasn't the house cash.
- Who?
- Vaughn, two others.
- You sure?
- Positive.
- Where are they?
- They're on a bus.
Let's recap.
A man we fired yesterday
stole $3 million,
that, if recovered
by the police,
implicates us in connection
to money laundering
for some of the city's most
well-known criminal families.
And you let them get on a bus?
No, I didn't let them.
They hijacked it.
The cops got involved.
Then I had to pull back.
- So what are you going to do about it?
- I'm gonna find 'em.
The money will be back
in this vault by tonight.
Good, Derrick.
I believe you.
Now I want to speak with
Vaughn before we finish this.
All right, we are following
this situation
of a runaway bus.
Suspected hijackers are on this bus
and there is a very heavy
police presence
following the bus
down the highway.
Sorry, kiddo.
Bus 657, please respond.
- Turn that goddamn thing down.
- Bus 657, bus 657?
Come in, please.
Are you fucking kidding me?
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Give me your goddamn phone.
Did you take my picture, bitch?
- No, I swear.
- All right, everybody give me your goddamn phones.
Give me your fuckin' phones.
Give me your fuckin' phone.
Give me your goddamn phone.
Put your fuckin' phone in the bag.
No, no, no,
me no speak "Engrish."
Oh, no?
You speak English now?
Okay, fine, sorry.
Just my whole life is on there, man.
- Give me your phone.
- I'm looking.
- Give me your goddamn phone.
- I'm looking, I'm sorry!
I just don't know where it is!
I got it, I got it.
Go ahead, go to him.
Oh, what the fuck?
- The kid's scared, all right?
- I don't give a shit.
- Don't move anybody else.
- Jesus Christ.
You're a real pleasure
to be around, you know that?
All right, everybody,
just stay calm, all right?
You work with us here, I promise you,
you're going to get off this bus safely.
How do you feel?
I'm pretty cold, paisan.
Put some goddamn pressure on it.
All right, listen up!
Anybody here a doctor?
Nurse? EMT? Anybody got any kind
of medical knowledge whatsoever?
I'm a veterinarian student.
- Yeah, bring her up.
- Bring her up? What the fuck?
"Engrish," get your ass
up here and help her.
Uh, okay, okay.
Um, should I...
Honey, I know
this is really scary.
We're going to get off this bus.
They're not going to hurt us.
Is that a rabbit?
Does he have a name?
- Big Ear.
- Big Ear?
He used to be Big Ears,
but my sister ripped it.
Well, I think he still looks adorable,
one ear or not.
What's your name, sweetheart?
- Joseph.
- Joseph?
Honey, why are you
all alone on this bus?
- Just keep breathing.
- I can unfuck this.
I know this guy in Texas.
Runs one of those small
dirt airfields.
It's right on the border, man.
It's perfect.
We get there,
we jump on a plane.
He can take us wherever
the fuck we want to go.
South America, Central America.
What are you doing, man?
You're going
to get us all killed.
There's three of them
and 10 of us.
If we charge them,
they don't stand a chance.
They've got guns.
- I'm in a beaver suit.
- So?
- Mexico?
- I didn't say Mexico.
Just on the border.
Jump on a plane, go wherever.
- It's a plan.
- Why don't we just fucking drive into Mexico?
We're not going to Mexico.
I'm going to get us out of this shit.
Cox's Sucker!
Sorry we put you
in this situation.
Me too.
Remember that time
you fucked my sister?
- No!
- Yeah, that's 'cause it never happened.
If you want it to happen,
you'll do me a favor.
Is he okay?
He ran away from home.
His sister picks on him
and his parents take her side
every time, apparently.
I hear that.
Move slow, a-hole.
Ah, this is not going
to end well for you.
Ah, go ahead.
Take the shot.
No, I'm not fucking kidding you.
- Big-ass bags of money.
- Be the hero, man.
What if you miss?
Cox is going to turn around,
he's going to shoot immediately.
Maybe he misses,
maybe he doesn't.
- What if he hits... what's your name?
- Pauline.
She for sure is going to
be collateral damage.
And the mascot guy?
He's dead.
You're not going to do this.
Be seeing you soon.
Three hours out.
What's your name?
Sit in your fuckin' seat.
We're on our way.
What's going on?
We need to head
to Galveston, Texas.
but we're not even going to
make Slidell on these fumes.
- Cops, this is robbers.
- What the fuck are you doing?
We're out of fuel.
We're ready to make a deal.
Hang tight, man.
You disobeyed a direct order,
endangered not only your life
and the life
of your fellow officers,
but dozens of citizens' lives
as well.
Anyone dies on that bus
and it's on you.
- Hand over your badge and gun.
- But, sir...
I think we're a long fucking way from "but,
sir," Bauhaus.
I hope I'm not
interrupting anything.
But which of you decided
to endanger a busful
of civilian hostages
with an unauthorized roadblock?
- You must be he.
- Who the fuck are you?
Detective Marconi,
lead investigator on this little shit show.
I was sent here
by Deputy Chief Braddock,
and chief outranks captain,
so I officially release you of
your duties and responsibilities
and I officially reinstate you,
Officer Bauhaus.
Grab your shit, come with me.
- But, detective...
- I think we're a long fucking way
from "but, detective," Captain.
That took balls doing what you did.
Why'd you do it?
There's a little kid
on that bus, sir.
I hate to be
the bearer of bad news,
but there's still
a little kid on that bus.
When I spoke
to one of the kidnappers,
there was something
protective in his voice.
It was almost like
he was thinking straight,
like a cop or a soldier.
- Or a sociopath.
- I don't think so, detective.
You don't think so?
Call it a gut feeling.
- How many are we dealing with?
- At least two...
the psycho and the soldier.
Possibly more.
Sir, why did you reinstate me?
I didn't. The hijackers did,
requested you personally.
Can you drive a fuel truck,
Does it have wheels?
You're a real fuckin' moron,
you know that?
Driving the same car to your job
as you drove to a crack house?
I don't want...
Shut up.
You made it easy for me.
Where they headed?
Did they have an escape plan?
- Huh? Some friends? I'm talking to you.
- It's not my...
I'm talking to you.
Let's see what you got here.
Let me see what you got.
Oh, look at that.
Let me see.
Man, what the fuck...
Oh, do...
Ow, ow, ow!
- I don't fuckin' know.
- You don't know?
I don't know!
I don't fucking know.
- Okay?
- Go ahead.
- Okay.
- Shut up.
- He doesn't know anything.
- What was that?
Cox, Cox, Cox, Cox!
Jason Cox?
Cox said he's going to kill you?
Cox is going to come.
- Please don't hurt my baby.
- Cox said he's gonna kill him?
- Ah!
- Relax, relax, relax.
Hey, hey.
Relax. Shut up.
Please don't kill me.
- Get on your knees, get on your knees.
- Yes. Please.
I'll do anything.
Please, baby.
All right, boys. That bus is going
to stop on that fuckin' bridge.
So what are our options?
We could hit 'em hard
with tear gas.
I'm not ready to gas civilians
on live television.
- Full-on assault.
- Civilian casualties?
Inevitable in that scenario,
but manageable.
- Snipers?
- We're going to need two clean shots,
lined up from the air.
But it's going to be risky.
All right, start mapping out
the assault just in case.
In the meantime,
get our best guys in that chopper.
If they get a clean shot,
we take it.
- Roger that.
- You heard him. Let's move.
All right, Bauhaus!
You good?
You're working the hell
out of that vest.
All right, stay alert,
stay alive,
make note of anything useful.
And if you can,
get us a clean visual on the gunman.
Copy that.
No. Hell no.
Give 'em old man death and that
green-haired hooker back there.
Look, we give 'em the kid
and that woman,
they think we're reasonable,
they see it as a victory,
- it buys us more time.
- No.
If we keep the pregnant chick
and the kid,
it gives us more leverage
if shit goes bad.
We have one medical emergency
onboard already.
If that chick goes into labor,
they storm the bus,
hostages be damned.
All they're going to give a crap about
is saving that baby in time
for the 6:00 news.
We're at the bridge!
Talk to me, Forbes.
You got your boys in position?
We have eyes on the prize, sir.
Bus is heading into position.
- This is all you, Bauhaus.
- Copy that.
- Bus has stopped.
- Bus has stopped.
Three people leaving the bus...
one suspect,
one woman and a kid.
You got a clear shot?
Negative, too many bogeys,
too many bogeys.
Come back around.
Suspect one by the fuel tank.
That's too risky.
May ignite.
So what's the big plan?
Maybe start a bus company and
go head-to-head with Greyhound.
Or you could turn yourself in and let
the rest of the people off the bus.
I can't do that yet, Kris.
Hopefully soon.
What about their families?
What about your family?
There's got to be someone
out there that cares about you.
I could find them,
bring them here.
I just need your name.
Good try, officer.
All right.
Well... well,
at least let me check out the hostages.
You keep putting the gas in the tank,
you can do whatever you want.
They're heading
into the bus, sir.
No visual on the second gunman.
What the fuck are you thinking,
bringing a cop on the bus?
Relax. She just wants to make
sure everybody is all right,
- we haven't hurt anybody.
- One of yours?
- Yeah.
- He needs medical attention.
- Let me take him out of here.
- You're not taking him anywhere.
You're going to get your ass
off the bus.
I always thought there
was nothing sexier
than a woman who fought back.
Make one more fuckin' move.
D, if this bitch shoots me,
kill her and everybody else
on this fucking bus.
- You got it, pal.
- All right, Kris.
Tell your boss
that everybody's okay.
Sir, suspect one
and Officer Bauhaus
have exited the bus.
You got eyes on the other perp?
Negative, sir.
But we have a clean shot
at suspect one.
I don't know why you're doing this,
but let me help you.
Let me help you
with your problems.
You have no idea
what my problems are.
Come on! Let's get
the fuck out of here!
If you get a minute
and have a chance,
will you let me know
how the girl is?
Sir, should we take a shot?
- It's now or never, sir. I have him.
- Abort.
Abort, let him go.
Go for Marconi.
This is Officer Bauhaus.
- Well done, Bauhaus.
- What have you got for me?
...proceeding toward Texas.
Here you are.
There you go.
Can I help...
You're a hard girl to find, Syd.
What are you doing here, Dad?
What? A father can't look
for his daughter?
And then find her
in some grimy shelter?
Missed you at the party.
I was busy.
- You know I'm leaving town?
- Good for you.
I'm not sure how long.
Need me to water your plants,
feed the cat?
I was hoping
to give you something.
This says you own
51% of the Swan.
Derrick will
run the whole thing.
You won't have to lift a finger.
The money will just be
in a trust,
with you
as the sole beneficiary.
You can't buy me.
I don't want your money.
- Sydney...
- Dad,
I know how this money is made.
Oh, come on, don't be so naive.
Nothing's that black and white.
This money's as clean
as the rest.
Oh, that's bullshit.
This empire you've carved out
for yourself...
- For you.
- For yourself,
it has a price.
It cost you your wife
and it cost you me.
Sydney, please,
just sign the paperwork.
- I just want you to have it.
- Why the urgency?
Why now?
What's the trick?
There's no trick.
It's in my...
Are you dying?
It's in my lungs,
my blood, my bones.
Nothing they can do, so...
And you're leaving,
and you think this might be
the last time you see me.
You always were
a smart one, Syd.
Then you should hear this
before you walk out that door.
You want to give me your empire,
your beloved Swan?
That place, that boat,
that's been a cancer for me
and for Mom and for everything
good inside of you.
That's what you're going to be
leaving behind in this world.
That's your legacy.
If you love me,
if you ever really loved me,
you would take it and you would
burn it all to the ground.
You're not making
any sense, Syd.
- This is real...
- Love is built on sacrifice,
not dollars.
What can I do to fix it?
Oh, my God!
Joseph! Joseph!
So, are there any names you can remember?
Any details at all?
Um, yeah,
they kept calling the one guy,
the crazy one, Cox.
Cox? Did they mention
anything about a destination?
Maybe why they hijacked the bus?
I think they were being chased.
- Chased by who?
- I don't know.
Did you see anyone chasing them?
I didn't,
but they were running and sweaty,
and they kept looking
out the window.
So, I mean, I don't know.
Maybe I'm wrong.
- How's that?
- That's perfect.
- What do you think?
- It's pretty... it's pretty close.
I'll go run a search.
Thanks, Dan.
Listen, is this going
to take much longer?
There's just somewhere
I really need to be.
All right.
Well, yeah, we're done here.
We'll be in contact
if we need anything else.
So thank you for your time.
Of course.
Anything I can do to help.
Okay, bye.
Hello there, soldier boy.
- Is that your kid?
- Yup. Two tours, Iraq,
one Afghanistan.
He's a company commander now,
stationed in Italy.
That's a good assignment.
You serve?
I did,
a long time ago.
I thought they trained
you guys to be heroes.
Well, I seem to letting everyone
down in that department lately.
Everything's going to be okay.
I need you to keep breathing,
What's your name?
Thank you.
- If I die...
- You're not going to die.
I just...
I'm sorry.
I'm gonna be right back.
Tom, apply pressure here.
So, um, where's my apology?
You got tits?
- No.
- Then go fuck yourself.
My name is Jason Cox.
My bill was slightly higher
than usual this month.
I believe my son has been using my
cell phone to call his girlfriend,
who unfortunately moved
to Texas.
Have there been
any outgoing calls to Texas
within the past week or so?
I'll just need
the last four of your social
in order to proceed.
Sure, no problem.
Yes, sir.
Several calls to Galveston, Texas.
Tell me something good.
Looks like they're headed
to Texas,
making a run for the border
or some shit.
I'm gonna send one of our guys
out to pick up Vaughn's daughter.
That way we can do an exchange.
- What, no exchange?
- No daughter, Derrick. No daughter.
Mr. Pope,
I think this is just our best chance to...
Let me make this clear...
we are not going to kidnap
a bedridden little girl
with fucking cancer.
if there's any fucking hair left
on that poor little girl's head.
You're gonna leave her alone,
you're gonna leave her mom alone.
And if she has
a fucking teddy bear,
you're going to leave the fucking
teddy bear alone as well.
Our problem's with Vaughn, not them.
Is that understood?
Is that understood?
Now get me my money back.
Galveston Air Cargo,
Jono speaking.
Anyone there?
Hey, cocksuckers,
someone pick up.
Pick up, pick up,
pick up, pick up, pick up.
So how about it?
A little mano-y-mano meet and greet?
What makes you think
we want to do that?
I hear your compadre
isn't doing too good.
Word on the street
is he's having
a serious allergic reaction
to bullets.
Come on, Vaughn,
let me get him some medical supplies.
At least give him a chance.
Get back to you in a minute.
How's he doing?
He's fucking dying.
He needs blood.
If not blood, he needs fluids,
IV, something,
- or he's gonna die.
- He needs a hospital, man.
Not going
to the fucking hospital.
You want him to die?
What the fuck you just ask me?
You listen to me,
you motherfucker,
that guy, dying,
we grew up together.
He's the only fucking friend
I've ever had.
So don't fucking ask me
if I want him to die!
I don't want to die, man.
I don't want to die.
If we get you the shit you need,
can you keep him alive?
Hey, fucking IV shit?
We get it, can you keep him alive?
Yes or no?
Definitely for longer,
but I don't know how long.
You there?
All right, we need to get IVs,
pain meds, bandages,
clotting agents.
Can you do that?
I can get all that for you.
I just need
to deliver it in person.
Of course you do.
Here's the catch...
we're not stopping the bus.
I can work with that.
Go for Marconi.
Detective Marconi,
this is Officer Bauhaus.
I've got an ID on one of the hijackers,
a Luke Vaughn.
Looks like he did some time
in Bibb's Correctional
and served in the army.
You get an address?
I'm actually standing
out front right now.
Neighbors say that he
moved in with his sister.
Any ID on the sister?
no one... no one knows anything about her.
Well, it's a start.
Anything else?
Yeah, I was thinking about
heading over to this Swan Casino.
Vaughn works there.
I don't know.
- Ask a few questions, check it out.
- No, no, no, no.
I'll send one of my guys.
Okay? You just...
You've had a rough one, Bauhaus.
Just hang at the station.
I'll hit you back when I need you.
- Get started.
- Okay. Okay. Tom?
- Nice little party you got here.
- Hold this.
Lucky there's a doctor
on the bus.
She's not a doctor.
She's a vet student.
Not so lucky then.
What's this?
Pain meds.
Right. Okay.
I have thin veins.
- Holy shit, he's dead!
- Oh, my God!
- Oh, my God!
- What the fuck do you mean, "he's dead"?
What the fuck do you mean
he's dead?
- Ask the vet.
- What the fuck you do, bitch?
I didn't do...
I didn't do anything!
- Huh?
- I didn't do anything!
Well, you'd better do something!
Do CPR, something!
Work on him!
It wasn't her.
Okay, see what's in the bag!
Tom, check his pulse!
I think it's for you.
Uh, don't die.
Mr. Pope?
You know, I see you every day,
every day on that floor
for the past five years.
And every day I think to myself,
"Today's the day Luke is
going to come to the office,
"ask to come back."
That day never comes.
This isn't how I wanted it
to go down.
I know, son, but we do have a
bit of a situation on our hands.
- Wouldn't you say?
- Yeah.
There doesn't seem to be
a whole lot of out.
Well, here's one you might
not have considered.
Put a bullet in Cox,
throw yourself and my money
into the man standing
in front of you.
Everyone gets off the bus.
No one knows about my money
or its origins.
You get carted off to jail.
Except you never make it.
Instead, you disappear
with enough cash to save Riley
and start a new life
far away from here.
I wish I could believe you,
Mr. Pope.
But you and I both know you're
a man that lives by his rules.
I'd make an exception
for an old friend.
But this is a right-now,
one-time deal only, pal.
You need to fold your hand,
walk away from the table,
or I'm taking your whole stack.
I appreciate the out.
You and I both know that's a sucker's bet.
You don't make exceptions.
No deal.
Me too.
No deal.
- What the fuck's going on?
- Detective Marconi here
is in Mr. Pope's
back pocket.
What'd you do?
What the fuck did you do?
Did you kill my friend,
you piece of shit?
Is that what you did?
You kill my fucking friend?
- Fucker!
- Whoa, whoa!
- What the fuck are you doing?
- No, you can't kill him.
Just listen to me.
To us, he's Pope's errand boy.
To the rest of the world,
he's a cop.
We kill a cop,
the whole world comes crashing down on us.
Get him off this fucking bus
or I'm gonna kill him!
Something is happening.
This is the bus 657 hostage situation.
It appears that the bus
is slowing down now
and the doors are opening.
We're seeing now...
Oh, my goodness.
Catch these motherfuckers!
- We've got a problem.
- What do you see?
SWAT bikes.
Everybody get down!
On the floor!
Coming up on both sides.
Get on the floor!
I can't see anything!
Everybody get down!
They're on the roof!
They're on the fucking roof!
- Motherfucker!
- Get behind the yellow line!
- Get off the road!
- Ahh!
I can't hold it!
He blew out a tire!
- I can't control it!
- Go left!
Bus 657 has crashed
just outside of Galveston,
Texas, as the police...
Oh, fuck!
- Stay below the window line.
- Stay down.
What the fuck are you doing?
- Let's go! Come on!
- Move, move!
We're surrounded.
We're sitting ducks.
Oh, what'd you do now, boy?
Black out
the fucking window, man.
You got any more paint?
Flies around shit.
...to interrupt here,
but we do need to go to a live...
So what's the plan, detective?
One wrong move, we're
10 million hits on YouTube.
Call your sniper section. I want your
boys in position 10 minutes ago.
Roger that.
Snipers, get in position.
Get the the fuckin' news
on the phone.
Get me the fuckin'
news on the phone!
Cox, what the fuck
are you doing?
- I want my 15 seconds of fame.
- Cox, Cox, what the fuck are you doing?
- You don't have to do this! You don't have to do this!
- What are you doing?
- You don't have to do this!
- Shut the fuck up!
- You got 'em?
- Please, Mr. Cox...
You got 'em?
They on the phone?
Cox, what are you doing, man?
I think you need to see this.
...bus 657 hostage situation
where we have one of the
hijackers apparently on the line,
ready to speak with us.
Go ahead, live on the air.
Tell the cops to back off!
I'll kill this motherfucker!
I'm gonna kill him
and everybody
on this goddamn bus!
He's not going
to kill a hostage on live TV.
Prepare to board the bus.
- Sir?
- Do it!
Please, don't.
- Shut up, shut up.
- Come on, man. Please.
- Cox...
- Tell the cops to back off!
- Cox...
- Shut the fuck up.
Cox, we're not going
to play it this way.
Cox, we can't do this.
You can't kill him!
- Please, please.
- Shut the fuck up!
Don't shoot me.
- You got a clear shot?
- Negative, sir.
- This death is on that man's conscience, not mine!
- No.
- I'm in charge. I'm in charge!
- No.
Oh, my God.
Uh, uh...
All units withdraw.
I repeat, all units withdraw.
I would like to apologize
to our viewers for that.
I do not know what to say.
- It's a very...
- This is unprecedented.
...very grave situation.
We will continue to learn more on this.
That should have never happened.
Hi, Daddy.
What are you doing?
Is everything okay?
I'm fine, Dad.
The nice policewoman said
over here
that you're being a real,
real hero.
I'm proud of you, Dad.
I love you so much.
You know that?
All Daddy wants to do is to
make everything okay for you.
I just want you to feel better.
If I could take
all your pain away
and make it mine,
I would.
You know that?
I know that, Dad.
I love you too.
I'm gonna see you
real soon, okay?
I know about the bills.
I know about the surgery.
You're not going to be able to get
that money here on time, Vaughn.
She is going to lose her spot.
I'll have that money there
by 7:00.
You and your psycho friend
just killed a hostage.
So for the sake
of your daughter,
give yourself up.
You have no idea
what's really going on here.
It's not what it seems.
Yeah, well,
it all seems pretty fucked.
And unless that bus grows wings,
then you ain't got a hope
in shit to make it anyways.
The only way off that bus
is with your hands up, man.
God damn it!
Get me off this fuckin' bus!
Fuck! God! Fuck!
Get me out of here!
I got an idea.
All right, detective,
here's the deal.
No more games.
You fix the tire,
I release
all the hostages but one.
Once I get where I'm going,
I release the last hostage.
Nobody follows us.
I see someone follow us...
choppers, police escort...
I kill another fucking hostage.
What do you think, detective?
This gonna work for you?
Sending in a mechanic,
the bus is being repaired.
And it appears we're close
to a resolution.
I spoke to your guys
and they're in position.
So once the bus pulls out,
it'll just be me and your guys out there.
We'll take the bus,
I'll put a bullet in Vaughn.
I'll get your money.
Sounds like a plan.
Don't fuck it up.
All right, it appears
that some of the hostages
are coming off of the bus now.
One hostage remains on the bus,
which now appears
to be departing.
The police have ordered
news choppers not to follow.
That'll be $1.25,
Hey, Cox's Sucker!
She's ready and waiting, my brother.
Eh, he's a little
indisposed at the moment.
Wanted me to call and tell
you we'd be there in 10, 15.
And there could be a change
in destination.
She got enough fuel to get
you anywhere you want to go.
Anybody here?
Put it down.
You hungry?
Eat rock salt, motherfucker.
Marconi, please respond.
This is a fuckin' shit storm.
I'm done.
All right?
I gotta get out of here.
I'm sorry, Mr. Pope,
but if we'd done this sh...
Anyone seen Marconi?
Welcome back, Vaughn.
I'd make this painless
for old time's sake.
kind of deal,
but we had a lot
of cleaning to do.
What time is it?
What are you laughing at?
You remember that card trick
you used to do all the time
when I was a kid?
The one I could never figure out
'cause I was so busy
watching the hand
when the magic was really
happening in the other hand?
What the fuck you talking about?
I needed to get the money
to the hospital by 7:00.
That was the deadline.
Pay everything off by 7:00,
Riley continues her treatments,
she gets her surgery.
So why are you smiling?
You missed it.
Are you sure about that?
Or you been too busy watching
the hand holding the deck?
Check the bag.
Where's the money?
You forgot your own trick,
Mr. Pope.
You were watching
the wrong hand.
- You forgot the magic.
- Morning.
- Open the door!
- There is no "we."
We pull this off
and get out of the Swan alive,
I'm on my own.
That pregnant chick,
she goes into labor?
They storm the bus.
Hostages be damned.
That was great, sis.
I still don't understand
why I have to be pregnant.
Come on,
who's going to suspect a pregnant woman?
Where's the money?
Is this going
to take much longer?
There's just somewhere
I really need to be.
Yeah, I'm her aunt,
father's side.
Your money's going to save
a little girl's life.
What about your life?
That was a trade
I was willing to make.
You're a fucking hero.
Saves your little girl's life
by sacrificing your own.
I'm touched.
You see, you see...
you have $3 million.
So you know
what I'm going to do?
First, I'm going
to light a match
and I'm going to watch you burn.
Then I'm going down
to the hospital personally
and I'm gonna see
your little girl.
And guess what?
I want you to think about her suffering.
Oh, I'm gonna fuckin' touch her.
Oh, you better believe it.
What are you doing, huh?
Huh? What are you doing?
What are you
trying to tell me? Yeah.
See how it's not funny,
bitch? Huh?
Stealing $3 million is not
so fucking funny now, is it?
Rule #1
is you never steal from us!
If you do,
we'll make an example out of a thief!
Make sure you really know that
you can't steal from us or me!
I'm gonna fuckin'
light your ass up.
Fuck all.
Time to light you
the fuck up!
This ain't on my family.
This ain't on me.
Don't touch my girl!
What a fuckin' day.
You gonna be okay?
You know, my mother,
she was a nurse.
A good woman.
She used to say
when people were dying,
on their last breaths...
deathbed shit...
they'd open up with regrets,
things they wished
they'd done different,
stuff they were desperate
to put right.
And so she had this saying.
"Regrets in death
meant you'd lived life wrong.
"Don't live
life wrong, Frank."
Dog me to a tee,
would have made
the same mistakes I made.
I can't fix what I did,
but I can stop it
from happening again.
I should go see my daughter.
You're a good dad, Vaughn.
I didn't expect you to answer.
I thought you might be...
Yeah, me too.
Strange, huh?
You gonna arrest me, Officer Bauhaus?
Well, the weird thing is,
I could have sworn
there were three hijackers.
But everybody on the bus
said there were only two.
Well, that is strange.
They're prepping Riley now.
Best news I've had all day.
What do you want me
to tell her when she wakes?
You tell her
Daddy's coming home.