Hell and High Water (1954) Movie Script
In the summer of 1953...
it was announced that an atomic bomb | of foreign origin...
had been exploded somewhere | outside of the United States.
Shortly thereafter, it was indicated | that this atomic reaction...
according | to scientific reports...
had originated in a remote area | in North Pacific waters...
somewhere between the northern tip | of theJapanese islands...
and the arctic circle.
This is the story | of that explosion.
Professor Montel. | I'm McCleary of the Herald Tribune.
Oh, yes. | How do you do?
I understand that you're going to Vienna | to address the, uh...
Central European Federation | of Advanced Scientists.
That is correct.
I will read a paper on the emission of neutrons | and collision of nuclei.
Thank you, | Professor.
- Will any of the American Atomic Energy Commission be present? | - I doubt it.
Will you excuse me, | gentlemen?
Uh, Professor. Excuse me. | There's one or two points I'd like to get clarified.
You will have to excuse me, gentlemen. | The plane is waiting.
Who's the girl?
This is the BBC with the latest news bulletin.
Professor Montel, famous nuclear physicist | and atomic scientist...
has vanished while en route to attend | a conference in Vienna.
Professor Montel's disappearance | is a complete mystery to the police.
Authoritative sources reveal today | that the former Nobel Prize winner...
is the fifth noted scientist believed to have | vanished behind the iron curtain.
Professor Montel was last seen | at the International Airport in Vienna.
Speculation as to the whereabouts...
of Professor Montel continues.
Ten days have elapsed | since the distinguished scientist vanished...
and so far police have been unable to offer | any explanation.
Authorities are now convinced...
that Professor Montel | was not kidnapped...
and that his disappearance | was part of a prearranged plan.
Airport officials in Vienna | reveal that the scientist...
carried a diplomatic passport.
The search for Professor Montel | continues into the fourth week.
It is interesting to note that while | the story has been given front-page space...
in newspapers in the United States | and all other parts of the free world...
Pravda, the official mouthpiece | of the Soviet Union...
has, as yet, failed | to take note on it.
- Corporal Lee Stockwell? | - Right.
- Mr. R.J. MacDougall? | - That's right.
- Mr. Franklin Meredith. | - That's correct.
I'm afraid you're mistaken. | My name's MacDougall.
You're a dead ringer for an officer | I used to know in the submarine service.
Mr. MacDougall?
My name is Eddy.
Your instructions.
There is a taxi waiting for you. | The driver knows the address.
Taxi number 63.
Number 63.
This is it.
- You better wait for me. | - No, I go now.
Wait a minute. What if I need you again? | Where can I find you?
- What's your name? | - Eddy.
Mr. MacDougall?
- Yeah. | - Come in, please, and follow me.
Watch your step, please.
- Now don't tell me your name is Eddy too. | - "Eddy" is the password.
I'm Hokada Fujimori, | CommanderJones.
I'm very pleased | to meet you.
Thanks. For a minute there, I thought this was | something out of Inner Sanctum.
Ah, you've lost | a little weight.
I'm on a diet.
I'll bet Captain Taylor put a little fat on, huh?
- Where is he? | - I'm sorry to tell you, your friend is dead.
- Dead? | - His plane crashed returning from an arctic expedition.
No one survived.
He never did like to fly.
Why did he want me to come here? | What was the 5,000 for?
It's an advance payment for a job | Captain Taylor was certain you would do for us.
- Advance? | - Yes.
- When do I start? | - Without questions?
Why talk? IfTaylor | lined me up for the job, it must be kosher.
Some people might not | exactly call it kosher. In here, please.
Gentlemen, | CommanderJones.
- Mr. McAuliff. | - How do you do, sir?
- Colonel Schuman. | - How are you?
- Mr. Aylesworth. | - How do you do?
And Professor Montel.
- Montel, the scientist? | - Yes.
Everybody and his brother | is gunning for you, Professor.
They say you skipped | behind the iron curtain.
As you can see, | only a wooden door.
- Glad you're here. | - Thank you, sir.
Well, it's quite a layout | you got here.
What kind of business | are you gentlemen in?
The business | of investigation.
The scientific | investigation...
of these uninhabited North Pacific islands | that lie in neutral waters...
- between the free world and the iron curtain. | - Uh-huh.
Our deductions make us believe | that one of these islands-
we don't know which one, | Mr. Jones-
has been prepared | as an arsenal for atomic weapons.
Your friend | Captain Taylor volunteered...
to undertake a photographic mission | to find out.
- Volunteered? | - Yes.
- For free? | - For free.
Is that when he had | the accident?
It was no accident. | His plane was shot down.
This photograph | we have just printed...
came from the camera | of his salvaged plane.
Thirty years in the navy, | and he gets killed for a picture.
For free.
Each man has his own | reason for living, Mr. Jones...
and his own price | for dying.
This was | Captain Taylor's price.
There's nothing there, Professor. | It's a washout.
I wouldn't be too certain. | Extend these lines.
They could be atomic vault | constructions.
And over here could also be part | of a concrete runway.
Look. Look, before | we go any further...
exactly what country | do you men represent?
We represent | many countries...
as private individuals.
We are scientists, | former statesmen, businessmen-
all volunteers | acting independently...
for a common cause | against a common enemy.
As private | individuals...
we can conduct this investigation | on a scientific basis...
without violating | any neutral waters.
And if what we suspect | is verified...
we can then make | our findings public.
And what good | will that do?
Don't you think the truth | is worth knowing?
Don't you believe that | factual proof will establish, once and for all...
both the identity and the intention | of the aggressor?
Who knows? | But where do I fit in to the picture?
We want you to command a ship | for an inspection tour of these islands.
- What kind of a ship? | - A submarine.
We know that four times | during World War II...
you commanded a submarine | reconnaissance patrol...
in this very area.
As I recall, you were | extremely successful in these waters...
when you fought | my country.
This time the enemy is different, Mr. Jones, | but the waters are the same.
You received already | $5,000.
20,000 in United States | currency...
will be deposited to your account | in any bank you elect...
to chauffeur Professor Montel | to this island.
And another 25,000 bonus | when you bring him back safely...
with all the information | he seeks.
What about the sub? | Did it volunteer too?
One does not pick up a first-class submarine | in the junkyard, Mr. Jones.
We have salvaged | a Japanese submarine.
- What class? | - I-203.
Sewer pipe. Had one on my tail once | for six hours. Taylor look her over?
- Yes. | - Start getting her refitted?
- Yes. | - Armed?
Mr. Jones, the object | of this mission...
is scientific investigation, | not combat.
am I in command?
- That's right. | - Then we arm the sub.
That is, if you want me | to get you back in one piece.
Did you also | salvage a crew?
We have picked volunteers- | experienced men.
There will be | two scientists on board.
Professor Montel | and his assistant, Professor Gerard.
We aren't positive | which island it is...
but a certain freighter, | the Kiang Ching...
has been up to this area | several times before...
with cargos of concrete | and heavy metals.
She's loading again | at Tientsin.
The last time I tailed a freighter, | my price was 650 a month...
and I had to buy | my own uniforms.
All right. I want my own key men- | men who've served with me before.
You name them, | and we'll get them.
Like you got me, huh? | For cash.
If it's necessary.
As I said before, | Mr. Jones...
each man has | his own reason for living...
and his own price | for dying.
I hope, for all of us...
that it will be | a bon voyage.
Giovane.! | Help him with the line.
Giovane.! You! You, Carpino, | give him a hand with the torpedo.
How many hands | you think I got, Neuman?
Mr. Neuman to you.
- Now, make sure you give me the reading on that battery. | - Right, Skipper.
Come on. Come on.!
Bring it on, boys. | Bring it around! Come on!
Hey! Come on now. | Easy now. Come on.
Come on. Come on. | All right, hold.
All right, boys. | Make it fast to the cleats.
- Don't you ever take a bath? | - Ah, shut up.
"Ah, shut up. " | Is that the extent of your vocabulary?
What'd you ever give up | the wrestling racket for anyway?
I just found out | it was phony.
That's the trouble with these- I say, that's the | trouble with these phony wrestlers, Dugboat.
- They never take a bath. | - We do too.
Hey, Joto. Hey, Joto. | The after valve won't turn.
- What? | - The after valve won't turn.
No, no. The other way.
Everything backwards. No wonder | you blokes lost the war, subs like this.
- Skipper. | - Yeah.
- That guy Welles- any good? | - Best engineer out of Australia.
- Wish we had Wilbur. | - Yeah.
With Charlie Wilbur handling the engines | on the Bowfin...
there was nothing | to worry about.
Hear he's | a three-striper now.
Yeah, so I hear.
Skipper, that number two scopes | don't work.
- What's the matter with it? | - Can't get the rust out of it.
- How 'bout number one? | - Didn't check it.
Lift her up, Holter.
The professor topside | wants to see the captain.
Send him down.
He's part of the brass | behind this setup.
Now, if he looks familiar, | don't say anything. I'll explain later.
- Hello, Professor. Welcome aboard, sir. | - Captain.
Well, we're trying to put | this sewer pipe together...
with a little spit | and a lot of sweat.
- I guess we'll make it all right. | - Captain Jones.
What's the matter? | Is there something wrong?
I'm sorry to say we cannot permit | one of your crew to make this expedition.
What do you mean? | They were all handpicked.
- We cannot trust this one. | - Who?
The torpedo man, | Revnik.
Oh, one of the men | you picked.
I could have told you that | all the time. A knothead.
Did you screen | all my men too?
Very closely, | including you.
- Okay. I'll get rid of Revnik right away. | - Good.
Holter, I want-
She the replacement, Doc?
Gentlemen, this is Professor Gerard, | my assistant and my right arm.
- Hiya. | - Denise, this is Captain Jones.
- Captain Jones. | - Glad to know you, Professor.
Well, if I'd known about this, | I'd have cut my price.
Boys, these two professors | are going with us as cargo.
- What? | - You heard me.
Have you blown a gasket? | Nobody takes a female along in a pigboat.
Look, junior, you gonna give me that | 2,000-year-old navy bilge that they're bad luck?
Take a look at her. | What's so bad about that?
Nothin'. | Absolutely nothin'!
Ah, they're allJonahs. | It's traditional.
Look, Skipper, I made up my mind. | Count me out.
Anybody else?
I'll give you jokers five minutes | to sleep on it, and remember...
if I have to, | I can replace every one of you.
Captain, I do not | like it either.
Oh, excuse me.
Perhaps you are right.
In your estimation, | I am a- a female.
But first I am a scientist... | and a good one.
And I am not the only scientist | who is not of your sex.
There are many.
Like Dr. Lise Meitner...
who played an important part | in the development of the atom bomb.
Like Madame Curie, | who discovered radium.
I have grown up | in laboratories.
All my life, | I've worked with men.
Never have I | interfered...
and never have they | resented me.
Professor Montel and I have- | have much to accomplish.
And I shall | appreciate it...
if you would not let | my- my presence...
be the cause of- | of a minor mutiny.
I like you.
I like you all.
And I shall try my best | to make you like me...
as a scientist.
Man, that was quite a mouthful | for a female!
That's no female. That's a scientist!
All right. Come on. | We got a lot of work to do. Let's go.
Hi, Mr. Fujimori, | Professor.
- Where's your assistant? | - Are you prepared to sail?
I'll let you know tomorrow | after we make the running dive tests.
There's no tomorrow | left for us.
The freighter Kiang Ching | sailed from Tientsin a half hour ago.
- You must leave right away. | - What are you talking about?
We only been working for two weeks. | We've got a lot of work left to do on this tub.
- You must leave by dark to overtake her. | - What about the running tests?
As an amateur, might I suggest | that we try the running test...
while we are running?
Doc, there are about a hundred ways | of losing a submarine.
You've just come up | with one of the best.
We haven't even checked | the torpedo tubes yet.
You know what that means if we have to | call on fish? It means we're dead.
You've got to | leave tonight.
Okay, buster, you're buying this trip. | You want me to chance it?
It's not what we want, Captain Jones. | It's what must be done.
All right. Just as long as the professor here | knows what he's letting himself in for.
We've arranged airplane contact to give you | position on the Kiang Ching.
- How'll they contact us, blinker or radio? | - Neither is without risk.
We've decided | cork drop is safest.
This contains your code...
and this contains | your schedule for contacts.
Oh, just one more thing.
I want a clear-cut directive detailing | my specific authority.
You'll find it all | in here, Captain.
At sea, you are | in complete command.
On land, Professor Montel | is in command.
May I wish you | the best of luck?
Well, now's as good a time | as any, Mr. Neuman.
- Take her down to periscope depth. | - Yes, sir.
Clear the bridge!
Stand right over there, | you'll be all right.
- Thank you. | - Professor Gerard, give me your hand.
Watch that top rung. | It's murder.
- Thank you. | - You're welcome.
You sit right... here.
Captain, trim satisfactory | at periscope depth.
- Very well. Joto. | - Yes, sir?
Give Welles a hand with those starboard | engine blueprint translations, will you?
I'll take care of it, | Captain.
Everything's tight | in the forward torpedo room.
We're gonna try her down deep. | Have all stations checked. Let me know.
Aye, aye, Captain.
This is that test we were talking about | today, Professor.
- Now? | - Now.
Don't get nervous. If we crack up, | you won't get a chance to feel it.
Take it easy. | It'll be all right.
Put her on the bottom, | Mr. Neuman.
Two degrees | down bubble.
- Flood negative. | - Flood negative.
Oh, thanks, Chin Lee.
- Coffee, Professor? | - No, thanks.
- How 'bout you? | - No, thank you.
Two hundred feet, | Kapitn.
Better hold on, | Professor.
All right. Now let's see if we | can hit the roof.
- Take her up, Mr. Neuman. | - Close all main ballast vents.
- Stand by to surface. | - Stand by to surface.
- Surface. | - Surface.
- Blow all main ballasts! | - Blow all main ballasts.
What's with the air banks, | Holter?
- The air bank's dry. | - Open the emergency banks. Put 'em on the line.
- They won't open. | - They've got to open. We've checked everything.
- These signs are all fouled up. I'll have to try every valve. | - Now, wait a minute.
Joto, come to the control room. | Unsnarl theseJapanese signs.
I can translate it. That one reads, | "Open emergency air bank. "
- What? | - "Open emergency air bank. "
Go ahead. Try it.
- Air bank's on the line. | - Good. Thanks.
Okay. Put her | on the roof.
- Skipper. | - Yeah. Everything all right, Carpino?
Just a few leaks around the stuffing glands. | I marked them.
Okay. Make | a full sweep, Ski.
All clear, Skipper.
Rig for red. | Up scope.
You better move out, | Professor.
This helps get our eyes used to the dark | when we go up.
Open the hatch, Holter.
You did a good job | translating that sign, Doc.
Professor Gerard | is M.O.L.
- M.O.L.? | - Master of Oriental Languages.
Oh? | Trs bon. Trs bon.
Down scope.
Glad to have you aboard, | Professor.
Glad to be aboard, | Captain.
Captain. The professor wants to know | if it's all right to come up for fresh air.
- Which one? | - The one with the beard.
Oh. Okay.
Come to course 355, | ahead full on both engines.
Aye, aye, Captain.
You won't need your umbrella, Professor. | She's a dry boat.
It's nothing | to worry about.
Almost everybody gets a touch | of claustrophobia first time down.
It's not claustrophobia, | Captain.
It's the realization | that, at last...
our mission has begun.
If anyone had told me | six months ago...
that today I would be on a submarine | headed for arctic waters...
in search of | a secret atomic base-
- I just can't believe it. | - Yeah, I know what you mean.
Well, uh...
what about your assistant, | Professor?
What makes a girl who looks like that | get mixed up in science?
She comes from | a family of scientists.
She was a child prodigy.
At 14, | she entered college.
At 18, she studied | at Gttingen.
She is really | very brilliant.
A child prodigy | with a body by Fisher, huh?
And this is the greatest pigboat | in the whole submarine service.
The U.S.S. Bowfin.
It's one we served on | together-
me, the chief, Gunner, | Dugboat and the skipper.
Beautiful, ain't she?
Oh, yes. | Very beautiful.
You know something else | that's very beautiful?
All my life I've been | wanting to find a girl called Denise.
Oh, Ski, I'm sure you will find her.
Oh, I found her, | all right.
You see, I lost no time at all | in learning your first name.
Yep. Denise. | It's always been my favorite name.
I- I never met | a Denise...
but I always knew I would.
You see, from the moment | I saw you, I said, "Lafayette, I'm here. "
That's right. I always knew | I'd meet a girl called Denise.
D- E-N-I-
Don't let him | kid you, honey.
I just seen him | put your name on his arm.
- Look. | - All right, bub. You asked for it!
Come here, | you big drunkard!
That's what I mean byJonahs. | They were beefing over the dame.
Wasn't her fault. | He's stiff.
- She okay? | - Yeah.
Just roughed up | a little.
Take care of him, | Holter.
Oh, here, | let me help you, Professor.
- Thank you. | - Let's see.
I'm really very sorry | about this, Professor.
That drunk was | a last-minute replacement.
- He's all right when he's sober. | - I'm sorry.
This is the last thing | I- I wanted to happen.
It had to break out sooner or later. | Let's have another look here.
Whew! It's lucky you | still got your teeth.
Don't get nervous, Doc. | Nobody's gonna bite you.
Don't you think that the pharmacist | should treat me, if it's necessary?
He's got his hands full | with those two lugs.
Besides, there's nothing | he can do that I can't, you know.
Oh, my. He got you | so greasy.
You know what a log is?
- Yes. | - You do, huh?
Well, I'm supposed to keep a detailed report | of everything that happens.
- It's for Mr. Fujimori. | - Mm-hmm.
How'd it start?
I was working | on a new formula...
when Ski asked if he | could show me his chest.
- Show you his chest? | - Yes.
And then what?
Then he removed | his shirt.
No kidding.
- He wanted me to see his tattoo. | - Oh, no.
- It was a beautiful tattoo. | - I'll bet it was.
- Beautiful. | - Mm-hmm.
- But the intoxicated one rubbed it off. | - Naturally.
Tell me, uh, | he make a pass at you?
- A pass? | - Did he try to kiss you?
Yes, he did.
He did, huh? | Did you coldcock him?
- What? | - Did you hit him?
Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
Hold the phone. Hold the phone. | Now, say that in English.
- I slapped him. | - You did, huh?
Uh, tell me, uh...
you hit him after | he kissed you?
- Yes. | - Not before, huh?
I do not understand.
Well, you see, Professor, I-I just want | to make sure my report is factual.
- I-I couldn't put- | - Captain Jones.
Is this report for Mr. Fujimori... | or for you?
- Uh- | - Mmm.
Now, really, a child prodigy oughta | be able to figure that one out.
Don't you think?
- Yes. | - Yes.
Au revoir, Professor.
Now listen to me.
I don't want any more beefs, | you understand?
If I hear of anybody | making a play for that girl...
I'll personally shoot him out through | torpedo tube number one.
Captain, is it still a secret | where we're goin'?
We're tailin' a freighter | to an island in the North Pacific.
Gonna sink her?
We're gonna sneak into this island, | take a look and sneak out.
This is a scientific | expedition.
- But, Skipper, what are we lookin' for? | - Four-leaf clovers.
Well, what if the guys on | the island don't like us?
Look, I know you're all | itchin' for a little action...
but you'll only get it if we | have to defend ourselves, so relax.
Le CapitaineJones.
- Mm-hmm. | - Bonne nuit.
Bonne nuit.
Oh, good morning!
- Was the water hot enough, Professor? | - Just wonderful, thank you.
- Voulez-vous "fume"une cigarette? | - What?
- I'm speaking French. | - Oh.
Voulez-vous "fume" | une cigarette?
Oh, you mean | "Voulez-vous fumer une cigarette?"
- That's what I said. | - No. Fumer.
- Foo-may. | - No, no, no.
You have to form | your lips like this.
I think I better go now.
Thank you.
You know, someday I'm gonna | find out what color her eyes are.
Good morning, Captain Jones. | You wanted to see me?
Why did you let me sleep | through that plane contact?
I thought you needed the rest. | You were on duty for almost 20 hours.
Didn't you stop to think how important | that message might be?
Of course.
So I made sure | that it was not...
by decoding it myself.
As you see, | it reports only...
that the Kiang Ching has made | no change in speed or course.
I knew that was | of no importance.
Professor, did it ever | occur to you...
that I might be steering | a course to be-
You've lost us | approximately two hours!
I'm very sorry, | Captain.
- And I think I have learned something. | - I hope so.
If you want to listen in | on conversations, use the intercom.
- It's easier. | - That conversation I would prefer not to have heard.
- But I was waiting to see you. | - Okay, you see me. I'm busy.
Many years have I been | with Professor Montel...
but never before have I heard anyone | speak like you...
to the greatest | scientist in his field.
Professor Montel's field isn't commanding | a screwball submarine. Mine is.
If such rudeness | is necessary...
I hope this will be | a very short cruise.
What'd you want to see me about?
- Joto. | - Yes, sir?
In the future, when a message comes in | to this boat, I get it...
no matter who says it's unnecessary, | you understand?
Yes, sir.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
No, no, no, no.
This time, he was right.
May we come | on the bridge?
Sure. Help yourself.
Contact plane | approaching on schedule!
Good enough.
Okay, Charlie.
There it is!
Well, this one's | for you, Doc.
"Intelligence reports Kiang Ching | carrying unconventional-type...
61-J capsule. "
Signed, "Fujimori. " | What's a 61-J capsule?
The charge to explode | an A-bomb.
Hey, Skipper. | Radar shows surface object approaching...
bearing 355 degrees.
- Speed? | - Can't tell yet, but he's closing fast.
- Range. | - 3,800 yards.
- Maybe the freighter has seen our signal and comes after us. | - Rig for red.
A sub's after us.
A sub? I thought this was | a scientific expedition.
It is, and we're | gonna play it safe.
No use getting a bloody nose | unless we have to.
She's submerged | and listening for us.
- That's why she stopped pinging. | - What does this mean?
It means she's saving her torpedoes, | waiting till we surface.
Just one more day, Doc...
and we'd have finished | overhauling those torpedo tubes.
Can you see her scope?
Well, we can | play possum too.
- How's the hydrogen? | - Built up to three percent.
Well, we can't chance surfacing here. | We've got to make a run for it.
Professor, I think | you'd both better stay in your quarters.
Down scope.
They're still | on our stern, Skipper.
- How's that hydrogen gas? | - Four percent, and still building.
Take her up!
Okay, Charlie.
You better keep off | the bridge, Professor.
I'm not going up.
The skipper'd blow his top if he even | found you here in the control room.
- Sit down, Professor. Grab some air. | - Thank you.
Have you identified | the submarine?
No. We haven't even | seen her yet.
They're topside | trying to spot her now.
No sign of her yet, | Skipper.
Sonar tells us she's not far. | Alert the gun crew.
- What? | - I know. We're not lookin' for trouble.
But we'd be fools | not to protect ourselves.
Alert for | battle stations!
Gun crew stand by to man the deck gun.
What about | these torpedoes?
You know those tubes haven't been checked. | Forget the torpedoes!
- Where is she now, Joto? | - Range, 1,500.
Either she's moving out, | or she's gonna surface.
There she is, | Skipper!
They're coming out | on deck.
Ask them where we are, | Charlie.
- Why not man the five-incher now? | - No!
The minute they spot a crew near that gun, | they'll throw torpedoes at us.
- What are they saying? | - They want to know who we are and what we're doing here.
Tell 'em we're a private scientific expedition | headed for the Arctic.
They insist | on boarding us.
Well, keep stallin'. | Tell 'em we don't understand.
Ask them to repeat | the message.
Put one over our bow. | Keep asking them to repeat, Charlie.
Turn our nose into her. | Steer 001.
And get ready | to man that gun.
Keep clear | of the lifeline!
Right full rudder.
Clear the deck! | Clear the deck!
Close the hatch!
My hand! My hand!
My hand!
- Give me a knife! | - No.! No.! No.!
- My hand! | - No!
- How is he? How is he? | - It's his thumb.
All right. | Get 'em all below.
Hey, you guys! Come on up here! | Give me a hand, quick!
We ship too much water. | Can't hold her up.
- Get the angle off and let her settle to the bottom. | - All back full.
Enemy torpedo fired.
Number two fish out of their basket.
Secure all running machinery. | Remain silent.
Bilge pump motor's flooded, Skipper.
Form a bucket line. | Dump the water in the engine room bilges.
That tub's laying for us, Skipper. | She's coming real close.
I lost her.
Nothing out of her now. | No sound.
What do you think, | Skipper?
I think she's pulling | the same trick we are.
Now watch that salt water. | We don't want any chlorine gas in the boat.
Hold it.
Captain, this hot heat | is killing us.
We got to turn on | the fans.
If they heard our fans, you wouldn't | have to worry about the heat killing you, boy.
All right, I'll fill in | the picture for you quick.
We got torpedoes, but our tubes | aren't in condition to fire 'em.
And the Red sub's parked on the bottom | like we are, waitin' to pick us up on sonar.
Once she does, | she'll throw more fish at us.
So it's a question of who can | hold out longer without air- the Reds or us.
If we break first, chances are it'll be | our last break.
And we're | loaded with hydrogen.
We're liable to explode.
But we got one thing | in our favor.
We can save oxygen | by shutting up.
That's all.
Nothin', huh?
We gotta save juice.
Shift to red.
Keep your ears open, Ski.
I am sorry, Captain, | for being so stupid.
That's all right. | Save your breath.
You had to use | the knife.
If you didn't close the hatch, | we would all be dead.
You're beat.
You better get back to | your bunk and take it easy. Come on.
- I want to tell you how- | - Shh.
Don't talk.
He's in a bad way.
I thought that hypo was gonna do the trick, | but he's sufferin' from shock and loss of blood.
If he don't get some air right away, | you're gonna have only one professor for cargo.
There's 50 grand | in that bunk.
Fifty grand is worth | a little air.
Joto, turn on | the white lights.
Boys, I'm gonna try | a long shot.
If her first couple of torpedoes | miss us, we got a chance.
I'd rather pass out without air than have | a torpedo come plowing through us.
Now when we start the pump, | we're liable to get a spark.
Maybe it'll burn off | the hydrogen, maybe it won't.
If it doesn't...
we'll blow up so fast | you'll never feel it.
Good luck | to all of us.
- You got everything straight? | - Yes, sir.
Now here's where we find out | if we've lived right.
No more chance of explosion. | Pass the word along.
And build up | the turns slowly.
- Hold down the noise. | - Yes, sir.
- All ahead one-third. | - Yes, sir.
- Take her up and level her to 175 feet, Mr. Neuman. | - Yes, sir.
She's speeded up, Skipper.
Bearing 240 degrees.
Right full rudder! | All ahead flank!
- Stand by to ram! | - Stand by to ram!
Range 200, | bearing 010 degrees.
Left full rudder! | Take her down to 190 feet.
- 190 feet. | - Stand by to ram!
All back, emergency! | Blow all main ballasts!
There you are. | Are you sure you're all right, Doc?
- Yes, thank you. | - All right.
Now take a good deep | breath of fresh air.
Feel all right, Dugboat?
Yeah. For a quiet scientific expedition, | I couldn't feel better.
You look awful. | Let me see your tongue.
It all real cool, man.
This are the end, Jackson.
I'm learning French. You know, | like Chin Lee learned that American song.
You're wasting | your time, junior.
- Hi. | - Hello.
Say, uh, if that music disturbs you, | I could have it turned off.
Oh, no. | I- I love music.
- Oh. That? | - Mm-hmm.
Well, how's the hand, | Professor?
Wonderful, Captain, | as you see.
- Good. Glad to hear it. And how are you, Professor? | - I'm fine, thank you.
- Swell. You know, uh, when I- | - Captain Jones.!
- Come topside, please. Freighter in sight of land. | - Excuse me.
Bonne chance.
I don't understand.
Our intelligence report | cannot be this wrong.
All we are getting is a normal count.
- You ought to be happy. | - Don't misunderstand.
Nothing would please me more | than to know that our suspicions are unfounded.
Then let's move out.
There's nothin' here but this two-bit garrison | and some beat-up storage tanks.
It's a great pity | I cannot talk to them.
We are worlds apart. | But, after all, they are human.
- Let's go. | - But Neuman.
Forget it. | Shot right through the head.
Let's get out of here.
Ski, try to knock out that light.!
All right, come on! | Let's get outta here!
You yellow dogs!
Come on, Ski. Give me a hand. | Let's get him in the boat.
You wanted to talk to one | of these "humans. " I got one for you.
Wet down your coats.
Well, they must be combing | the whole area for us...
but so far, nothin', huh?
Not even a seagull.
Hey, Dugboat, you sure this jelly I'm rubbin' | on my chest won't eat off my tattoo?
What are you worried about? | You can always get another.
Are you nuts? That's my | "piece de resistance. "
- Your piece de what? | - That's French.
I been practicing, | "nessie-pas?"
You need more practice.
Captain Jones. | Professor Montel wants to see you in sick bay.
- Want more coffee? | - No. No, thank you, Chin Lee. Thank you.
This is wonderful.
- You want to see me, Professor? | - Yes.
Denise has just | translated his orders.
His name is Ho Sin. He's a pilot en route | to Kevlock Island for special duty.
- So what? | - Kevlock must be the island Captain Taylor photographed.
Well, how do you | figure that?
An air force pilot would hardly be assigned | to duty on an island without an airstrip.
And as you know, Kevlock is the only island | indicated by name in this entire chain.
It appears to be due north | of our present position.
And what do you suggest | we do about it?
It seems to me | our course is obvious.
- Not in my book, Doc. | - What do you mean?
I mean you said once that each man's got | his own reason for living...
and his own price | for dying.
Well, my reason for living | is 50 grand.
I'm not sticking | my neck out again.
- Is one neck that important, Captain? | - It is when it's mine.
What kind of man are you?
Hold it. Hold it.
Let's not gang up | with a lot of double-talk.
I'm a businessman.
Maybe to a couple of flag-wavers like you | I'm a mercenary. All right.
But I lived up to my part | of the contract.
The deal was to tail | the freighter to the island...
put you ashore | and get you back to Tokyo.
Nobody said anything | about a second island.
So as far as I'm concerned, | mission completed. We're going home.
Any objections?
I hate to use authority...
but if I have to, I will.
I didn't want it | to come to this...
but as long as you have | mentioned the contract...
study it closely, Captain.
You will find a paragraph | stating that I...
and I alone...
shall determine when | the mission is finished.
And in my book, Captain...
the mission will be finished | after I am taken to Kevlock...
given the chance | to examine the island...
and returned to Tokyo.
- Joto. | - Yes, sir.
- Head due north. | - Did you say north?
You heard me. | Set a new course for Kevlock Island.
- It's on your chart. | - Yes, sir.
Okay, Doc, let's go.
What's the matter?
My knee.
- I thought you said it was okay this morning. | - It was.
- I'll manage in a few moments. | - Not a chance. You'd just be in the way.
- It will improve by tomorrow. I'm sure of it. | - Sorry, Doc.
We're not hanging around these waters | that long. This is a powder keg.
Wait. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. | What's going on? What are you talking about?
Captain Jones...
my assistant | will accompany you.
- What? | - She has sufficient training to compute figures...
determine strength | and identify elements...
if there are any | on this island.
You mean you'd- | you'd let her go?
With the exception of me, Professor Gerard | is the only member of this expedition...
capable of performing | this task.
Oh, you're both crazy.
You will take her ashore...
and follow her instructions | as you would have followed mine.
She is not going, | and that's final.
You still cannot take an order, | can you, Captain Jones?
And what's behind that crack?
Exactly what you think | is behind it.
Ski, you stay here. | Keep your eyes open.
What about her? | I could carry her equipment.
She can take care | of her own equipment.
Take a look down there.
Looks like | a bunch of doors.
I'm afraid we have found | what we are looking for.
A Geiger counter reaction like | this can mean only one thing.
These figures-
What are they saying?
They are looking for Lumfong, | a missing soldier.
We gotta stay put | till they move out. Come on.
What did you mean when you said | I still can't take an order?
Your record, Captain.
In the war you were a very good officer, | except for one thing.
Go on. I'm fascinated.
You could give orders, | but you couldn't take them.
Now look, I-
I know what you're | talking about.
But if you want to know what makes a guy tick, | you've got to look beyond the record.
Those Philippine guerrillas | were cut off and surrounded.
They had to have ammunition | and supplies.
I couldn't just sit there | on my can and let 'em die.
I knew the waters were mined, but I figured | I could get in, get out without a scratch.
So I wrote my own orders.
I lost my sub and 26 men.
And if I had to, | I'd do it again.
I'm sorry...
very sorry.
It was wrong of me | even to mention it.
Forget it. | It's all over.
- You all right? | - Fine.
When this is over, | if we get back...
what gives with you?
- Gives? | - I mean, what're you gonna do?
Go back to Paris, | I suppose, huh?
- Paris is my home. | - Yeah.
And you?
When this is over, | what gives with you?
I don't know.
Have you ever | been in Paris?
No, never.
You would love it.
Americans always do.
Well, we can't stay here.
If they hold us up till morning, | we might never get back.
I'm gonna see if there's | another way out of here. Come on.
You stay here. | I'll be right back.
You won't need this, but sometimes | the sight of it's a comfort.
I'll be back | in a minute.
Give me the gun. Come on. | Let's get out of here.
Come on.
Hurry up. | Come on.
Come on.
Let's go.
This confirms | our worst fears.
The atomic reaction | is unmistakable.
I don't get it.
I mean, I can't figure out why | that bomber was on the runway.
What would a B-29 be doin' | on a Red air base?
It just doesn't make sense.
Say, didn't you tell me that | that Red officer...
- we picked up on the other island was in the air force? | - Yes. A major.
- Were you ever able to question him? | - Impossible.
- I tried, but he would not say a word. | - Oh.
Oh, thanks.
Hey, did you talk to that | Chinese prisoner, Chin Lee?
He has not | seen the prisoner.
The prisoner | has not seen him.
Holter, dig up that portable microphone | and plant it in the torpedo room.
Then get the prisoner and lock him in there. | Make sure he doesn't see the microphone.
- Right. | - Give him a hand, Ski.
Come on. Let's get into some dry clothes. | We got work to do.
- You have a plan? | - I'm gonna find out what this is all about.
Come on, Chin Lee. | We got a job for you. Let's go.
- You guys got everything set? | - Yep.
Now, you're sure Chin Lee understands | exactly what he's supposed to say, huh?
- What'd he say? | - He says he would do anything for you.
He wants you to strike him | in the face...
to make it look more real.
He wants you to do it.
He says it will not hurt | if you do it.
You all right, boy? | You okay?
What's he sayin'?
He says...
the prisoner is very intelligent | and must be fooled.
He wants you | to hit him... harder.
I'm sorry, pal.
All right, get him out. | Let's go.
Here. Come on. Take 'em.
This is incredible.
What's it | all about, Skipper?
This is the screwball plot | of all time.
They're gonna drop an atomic bomb | on Korea or Manchuria and blame it on us.
They're taking off tomorrow at | dawn in that made-over bomber.
He found him out!
Now listen to me.
I'm shoving off | for the island alone.
I'll park myself right here, | around the mouth of this cave.
You'll submerge half a mile | beyond the runway, right around here...
so you'll be able | to spot my signal.
Now a heavy load of fuel's | gonna bring that bomber out low.
So when I give you the signal- | two short, two long, two short-
that'll mean | the plane's taking off.
That'll give you just time | enough to surface and fire.
I want every gun in action.
That means everybody.
That plane has to be | knocked out of the sky.
Now the minute you hit it, | crash dive to the bottom and stay there...
because everything's gonna break loose | when that bomber hits.
There's a cove at the north end, right here. | That's where I'll hide.
Tomorrow night at 10:00 sharp, | I'll give you three short blinkers.
Pick me up.
If I don't show up, | shove off, head for home.
Any questions?
I forbid this insanity.
Forbid all you want to, Professor. | That plane is not gonna make it.
It is dreadful enough | to bring back the terrifying report...
that our suspicions | are confirmed.
But we cannot take it upon ourselves | to commit an act of war...
no matter how we feel.
We are civilians!
I am responsible | for this expedition.
I order you to take this submarine | back to Tokyo!
I don't care about you | and your expedition.
There's an enemy bomber out there made up | to look like an American bomber.
It's gonna drop the biggest egg in history, | and we're gonna take the rap for it.
I don't like that.
So from now on, Professor...
this is my expedition.
The boat's gone!
- What? | - The boat's gone. Montel took it.
- Well, why didn't you stop him? | - We didn't get the chance.
He was on deck with her. | Before we knew, he was in the boat and gone.
- Where's the girl? | - On the bridge.
Please. He doesn't | want you to stop him.
Why didn't you stop him? | All you had to do was yell.
He knows your plan. | He'll carry it out. That's his orders.
That's the trouble with you geniuses- | full of big ideas.
Now you're fouling up | the whole works.
- You know that island's crawling with soldiers. | - He knows that too.
Then why'd you let a nice old guy like that | take a shortcut to the cemetery?
He's no ordinary | two-bit professor, you know.
He's Montel, | top man in his field.
But he's old and helpless- | doesn't know his way outside of a test tube.
You oughta know that. | You work close enough with him.
- What kind of a woman are you? | - Stop!
- Haven't you got any feelings? | - Stop!
He's my father.
My father.
Oh, I'm sorry, Denise.
I'm sorry. | Forgive me.
He said... | it was his place to go...
not yours.
I'm sorry.
She's sure | got a lot of guts.
Only thing I can't figure | out is why the big mystery?
Why didn't she let us know | he's her old man?
Well, that's what you have to pay | for having a famous father.
She's been on a spot | all her life.
Wanted to make good | on her own, and she did.
And he was proud | because she did.
Any sign of him at all?
No, not yet.
There he is.
And there's his signal.
Battle surface! Gun action! Down scope!
- You'd better get below. | - Please.
All right, Ski. | Let's go.
Come on, Willie. | Joto, get up here.
Hurry it up. | Hurry it up.
You all right?
- Oh. | - The bomb must have gone off under us.
Bring her | back on course.
Take her up | to periscope depth.
Periscope depth.
All compartments, | report damage and casualties.
The bomber didn't crash | in the ocean.
It hit the island.
Head for home.
Each man has his own reason for living, Mr. Jones...
and his own | price for dying.
it was announced that an atomic bomb | of foreign origin...
had been exploded somewhere | outside of the United States.
Shortly thereafter, it was indicated | that this atomic reaction...
according | to scientific reports...
had originated in a remote area | in North Pacific waters...
somewhere between the northern tip | of theJapanese islands...
and the arctic circle.
This is the story | of that explosion.
Professor Montel. | I'm McCleary of the Herald Tribune.
Oh, yes. | How do you do?
I understand that you're going to Vienna | to address the, uh...
Central European Federation | of Advanced Scientists.
That is correct.
I will read a paper on the emission of neutrons | and collision of nuclei.
Thank you, | Professor.
- Will any of the American Atomic Energy Commission be present? | - I doubt it.
Will you excuse me, | gentlemen?
Uh, Professor. Excuse me. | There's one or two points I'd like to get clarified.
You will have to excuse me, gentlemen. | The plane is waiting.
Who's the girl?
This is the BBC with the latest news bulletin.
Professor Montel, famous nuclear physicist | and atomic scientist...
has vanished while en route to attend | a conference in Vienna.
Professor Montel's disappearance | is a complete mystery to the police.
Authoritative sources reveal today | that the former Nobel Prize winner...
is the fifth noted scientist believed to have | vanished behind the iron curtain.
Professor Montel was last seen | at the International Airport in Vienna.
Speculation as to the whereabouts...
of Professor Montel continues.
Ten days have elapsed | since the distinguished scientist vanished...
and so far police have been unable to offer | any explanation.
Authorities are now convinced...
that Professor Montel | was not kidnapped...
and that his disappearance | was part of a prearranged plan.
Airport officials in Vienna | reveal that the scientist...
carried a diplomatic passport.
The search for Professor Montel | continues into the fourth week.
It is interesting to note that while | the story has been given front-page space...
in newspapers in the United States | and all other parts of the free world...
Pravda, the official mouthpiece | of the Soviet Union...
has, as yet, failed | to take note on it.
- Corporal Lee Stockwell? | - Right.
- Mr. R.J. MacDougall? | - That's right.
- Mr. Franklin Meredith. | - That's correct.
I'm afraid you're mistaken. | My name's MacDougall.
You're a dead ringer for an officer | I used to know in the submarine service.
Mr. MacDougall?
My name is Eddy.
Your instructions.
There is a taxi waiting for you. | The driver knows the address.
Taxi number 63.
Number 63.
This is it.
- You better wait for me. | - No, I go now.
Wait a minute. What if I need you again? | Where can I find you?
- What's your name? | - Eddy.
Mr. MacDougall?
- Yeah. | - Come in, please, and follow me.
Watch your step, please.
- Now don't tell me your name is Eddy too. | - "Eddy" is the password.
I'm Hokada Fujimori, | CommanderJones.
I'm very pleased | to meet you.
Thanks. For a minute there, I thought this was | something out of Inner Sanctum.
Ah, you've lost | a little weight.
I'm on a diet.
I'll bet Captain Taylor put a little fat on, huh?
- Where is he? | - I'm sorry to tell you, your friend is dead.
- Dead? | - His plane crashed returning from an arctic expedition.
No one survived.
He never did like to fly.
Why did he want me to come here? | What was the 5,000 for?
It's an advance payment for a job | Captain Taylor was certain you would do for us.
- Advance? | - Yes.
- When do I start? | - Without questions?
Why talk? IfTaylor | lined me up for the job, it must be kosher.
Some people might not | exactly call it kosher. In here, please.
Gentlemen, | CommanderJones.
- Mr. McAuliff. | - How do you do, sir?
- Colonel Schuman. | - How are you?
- Mr. Aylesworth. | - How do you do?
And Professor Montel.
- Montel, the scientist? | - Yes.
Everybody and his brother | is gunning for you, Professor.
They say you skipped | behind the iron curtain.
As you can see, | only a wooden door.
- Glad you're here. | - Thank you, sir.
Well, it's quite a layout | you got here.
What kind of business | are you gentlemen in?
The business | of investigation.
The scientific | investigation...
of these uninhabited North Pacific islands | that lie in neutral waters...
- between the free world and the iron curtain. | - Uh-huh.
Our deductions make us believe | that one of these islands-
we don't know which one, | Mr. Jones-
has been prepared | as an arsenal for atomic weapons.
Your friend | Captain Taylor volunteered...
to undertake a photographic mission | to find out.
- Volunteered? | - Yes.
- For free? | - For free.
Is that when he had | the accident?
It was no accident. | His plane was shot down.
This photograph | we have just printed...
came from the camera | of his salvaged plane.
Thirty years in the navy, | and he gets killed for a picture.
For free.
Each man has his own | reason for living, Mr. Jones...
and his own price | for dying.
This was | Captain Taylor's price.
There's nothing there, Professor. | It's a washout.
I wouldn't be too certain. | Extend these lines.
They could be atomic vault | constructions.
And over here could also be part | of a concrete runway.
Look. Look, before | we go any further...
exactly what country | do you men represent?
We represent | many countries...
as private individuals.
We are scientists, | former statesmen, businessmen-
all volunteers | acting independently...
for a common cause | against a common enemy.
As private | individuals...
we can conduct this investigation | on a scientific basis...
without violating | any neutral waters.
And if what we suspect | is verified...
we can then make | our findings public.
And what good | will that do?
Don't you think the truth | is worth knowing?
Don't you believe that | factual proof will establish, once and for all...
both the identity and the intention | of the aggressor?
Who knows? | But where do I fit in to the picture?
We want you to command a ship | for an inspection tour of these islands.
- What kind of a ship? | - A submarine.
We know that four times | during World War II...
you commanded a submarine | reconnaissance patrol...
in this very area.
As I recall, you were | extremely successful in these waters...
when you fought | my country.
This time the enemy is different, Mr. Jones, | but the waters are the same.
You received already | $5,000.
20,000 in United States | currency...
will be deposited to your account | in any bank you elect...
to chauffeur Professor Montel | to this island.
And another 25,000 bonus | when you bring him back safely...
with all the information | he seeks.
What about the sub? | Did it volunteer too?
One does not pick up a first-class submarine | in the junkyard, Mr. Jones.
We have salvaged | a Japanese submarine.
- What class? | - I-203.
Sewer pipe. Had one on my tail once | for six hours. Taylor look her over?
- Yes. | - Start getting her refitted?
- Yes. | - Armed?
Mr. Jones, the object | of this mission...
is scientific investigation, | not combat.
am I in command?
- That's right. | - Then we arm the sub.
That is, if you want me | to get you back in one piece.
Did you also | salvage a crew?
We have picked volunteers- | experienced men.
There will be | two scientists on board.
Professor Montel | and his assistant, Professor Gerard.
We aren't positive | which island it is...
but a certain freighter, | the Kiang Ching...
has been up to this area | several times before...
with cargos of concrete | and heavy metals.
She's loading again | at Tientsin.
The last time I tailed a freighter, | my price was 650 a month...
and I had to buy | my own uniforms.
All right. I want my own key men- | men who've served with me before.
You name them, | and we'll get them.
Like you got me, huh? | For cash.
If it's necessary.
As I said before, | Mr. Jones...
each man has | his own reason for living...
and his own price | for dying.
I hope, for all of us...
that it will be | a bon voyage.
Giovane.! | Help him with the line.
Giovane.! You! You, Carpino, | give him a hand with the torpedo.
How many hands | you think I got, Neuman?
Mr. Neuman to you.
- Now, make sure you give me the reading on that battery. | - Right, Skipper.
Come on. Come on.!
Bring it on, boys. | Bring it around! Come on!
Hey! Come on now. | Easy now. Come on.
Come on. Come on. | All right, hold.
All right, boys. | Make it fast to the cleats.
- Don't you ever take a bath? | - Ah, shut up.
"Ah, shut up. " | Is that the extent of your vocabulary?
What'd you ever give up | the wrestling racket for anyway?
I just found out | it was phony.
That's the trouble with these- I say, that's the | trouble with these phony wrestlers, Dugboat.
- They never take a bath. | - We do too.
Hey, Joto. Hey, Joto. | The after valve won't turn.
- What? | - The after valve won't turn.
No, no. The other way.
Everything backwards. No wonder | you blokes lost the war, subs like this.
- Skipper. | - Yeah.
- That guy Welles- any good? | - Best engineer out of Australia.
- Wish we had Wilbur. | - Yeah.
With Charlie Wilbur handling the engines | on the Bowfin...
there was nothing | to worry about.
Hear he's | a three-striper now.
Yeah, so I hear.
Skipper, that number two scopes | don't work.
- What's the matter with it? | - Can't get the rust out of it.
- How 'bout number one? | - Didn't check it.
Lift her up, Holter.
The professor topside | wants to see the captain.
Send him down.
He's part of the brass | behind this setup.
Now, if he looks familiar, | don't say anything. I'll explain later.
- Hello, Professor. Welcome aboard, sir. | - Captain.
Well, we're trying to put | this sewer pipe together...
with a little spit | and a lot of sweat.
- I guess we'll make it all right. | - Captain Jones.
What's the matter? | Is there something wrong?
I'm sorry to say we cannot permit | one of your crew to make this expedition.
What do you mean? | They were all handpicked.
- We cannot trust this one. | - Who?
The torpedo man, | Revnik.
Oh, one of the men | you picked.
I could have told you that | all the time. A knothead.
Did you screen | all my men too?
Very closely, | including you.
- Okay. I'll get rid of Revnik right away. | - Good.
Holter, I want-
She the replacement, Doc?
Gentlemen, this is Professor Gerard, | my assistant and my right arm.
- Hiya. | - Denise, this is Captain Jones.
- Captain Jones. | - Glad to know you, Professor.
Well, if I'd known about this, | I'd have cut my price.
Boys, these two professors | are going with us as cargo.
- What? | - You heard me.
Have you blown a gasket? | Nobody takes a female along in a pigboat.
Look, junior, you gonna give me that | 2,000-year-old navy bilge that they're bad luck?
Take a look at her. | What's so bad about that?
Nothin'. | Absolutely nothin'!
Ah, they're allJonahs. | It's traditional.
Look, Skipper, I made up my mind. | Count me out.
Anybody else?
I'll give you jokers five minutes | to sleep on it, and remember...
if I have to, | I can replace every one of you.
Captain, I do not | like it either.
Oh, excuse me.
Perhaps you are right.
In your estimation, | I am a- a female.
But first I am a scientist... | and a good one.
And I am not the only scientist | who is not of your sex.
There are many.
Like Dr. Lise Meitner...
who played an important part | in the development of the atom bomb.
Like Madame Curie, | who discovered radium.
I have grown up | in laboratories.
All my life, | I've worked with men.
Never have I | interfered...
and never have they | resented me.
Professor Montel and I have- | have much to accomplish.
And I shall | appreciate it...
if you would not let | my- my presence...
be the cause of- | of a minor mutiny.
I like you.
I like you all.
And I shall try my best | to make you like me...
as a scientist.
Man, that was quite a mouthful | for a female!
That's no female. That's a scientist!
All right. Come on. | We got a lot of work to do. Let's go.
Hi, Mr. Fujimori, | Professor.
- Where's your assistant? | - Are you prepared to sail?
I'll let you know tomorrow | after we make the running dive tests.
There's no tomorrow | left for us.
The freighter Kiang Ching | sailed from Tientsin a half hour ago.
- You must leave right away. | - What are you talking about?
We only been working for two weeks. | We've got a lot of work left to do on this tub.
- You must leave by dark to overtake her. | - What about the running tests?
As an amateur, might I suggest | that we try the running test...
while we are running?
Doc, there are about a hundred ways | of losing a submarine.
You've just come up | with one of the best.
We haven't even checked | the torpedo tubes yet.
You know what that means if we have to | call on fish? It means we're dead.
You've got to | leave tonight.
Okay, buster, you're buying this trip. | You want me to chance it?
It's not what we want, Captain Jones. | It's what must be done.
All right. Just as long as the professor here | knows what he's letting himself in for.
We've arranged airplane contact to give you | position on the Kiang Ching.
- How'll they contact us, blinker or radio? | - Neither is without risk.
We've decided | cork drop is safest.
This contains your code...
and this contains | your schedule for contacts.
Oh, just one more thing.
I want a clear-cut directive detailing | my specific authority.
You'll find it all | in here, Captain.
At sea, you are | in complete command.
On land, Professor Montel | is in command.
May I wish you | the best of luck?
Well, now's as good a time | as any, Mr. Neuman.
- Take her down to periscope depth. | - Yes, sir.
Clear the bridge!
Stand right over there, | you'll be all right.
- Thank you. | - Professor Gerard, give me your hand.
Watch that top rung. | It's murder.
- Thank you. | - You're welcome.
You sit right... here.
Captain, trim satisfactory | at periscope depth.
- Very well. Joto. | - Yes, sir?
Give Welles a hand with those starboard | engine blueprint translations, will you?
I'll take care of it, | Captain.
Everything's tight | in the forward torpedo room.
We're gonna try her down deep. | Have all stations checked. Let me know.
Aye, aye, Captain.
This is that test we were talking about | today, Professor.
- Now? | - Now.
Don't get nervous. If we crack up, | you won't get a chance to feel it.
Take it easy. | It'll be all right.
Put her on the bottom, | Mr. Neuman.
Two degrees | down bubble.
- Flood negative. | - Flood negative.
Oh, thanks, Chin Lee.
- Coffee, Professor? | - No, thanks.
- How 'bout you? | - No, thank you.
Two hundred feet, | Kapitn.
Better hold on, | Professor.
All right. Now let's see if we | can hit the roof.
- Take her up, Mr. Neuman. | - Close all main ballast vents.
- Stand by to surface. | - Stand by to surface.
- Surface. | - Surface.
- Blow all main ballasts! | - Blow all main ballasts.
What's with the air banks, | Holter?
- The air bank's dry. | - Open the emergency banks. Put 'em on the line.
- They won't open. | - They've got to open. We've checked everything.
- These signs are all fouled up. I'll have to try every valve. | - Now, wait a minute.
Joto, come to the control room. | Unsnarl theseJapanese signs.
I can translate it. That one reads, | "Open emergency air bank. "
- What? | - "Open emergency air bank. "
Go ahead. Try it.
- Air bank's on the line. | - Good. Thanks.
Okay. Put her | on the roof.
- Skipper. | - Yeah. Everything all right, Carpino?
Just a few leaks around the stuffing glands. | I marked them.
Okay. Make | a full sweep, Ski.
All clear, Skipper.
Rig for red. | Up scope.
You better move out, | Professor.
This helps get our eyes used to the dark | when we go up.
Open the hatch, Holter.
You did a good job | translating that sign, Doc.
Professor Gerard | is M.O.L.
- M.O.L.? | - Master of Oriental Languages.
Oh? | Trs bon. Trs bon.
Down scope.
Glad to have you aboard, | Professor.
Glad to be aboard, | Captain.
Captain. The professor wants to know | if it's all right to come up for fresh air.
- Which one? | - The one with the beard.
Oh. Okay.
Come to course 355, | ahead full on both engines.
Aye, aye, Captain.
You won't need your umbrella, Professor. | She's a dry boat.
It's nothing | to worry about.
Almost everybody gets a touch | of claustrophobia first time down.
It's not claustrophobia, | Captain.
It's the realization | that, at last...
our mission has begun.
If anyone had told me | six months ago...
that today I would be on a submarine | headed for arctic waters...
in search of | a secret atomic base-
- I just can't believe it. | - Yeah, I know what you mean.
Well, uh...
what about your assistant, | Professor?
What makes a girl who looks like that | get mixed up in science?
She comes from | a family of scientists.
She was a child prodigy.
At 14, | she entered college.
At 18, she studied | at Gttingen.
She is really | very brilliant.
A child prodigy | with a body by Fisher, huh?
And this is the greatest pigboat | in the whole submarine service.
The U.S.S. Bowfin.
It's one we served on | together-
me, the chief, Gunner, | Dugboat and the skipper.
Beautiful, ain't she?
Oh, yes. | Very beautiful.
You know something else | that's very beautiful?
All my life I've been | wanting to find a girl called Denise.
Oh, Ski, I'm sure you will find her.
Oh, I found her, | all right.
You see, I lost no time at all | in learning your first name.
Yep. Denise. | It's always been my favorite name.
I- I never met | a Denise...
but I always knew I would.
You see, from the moment | I saw you, I said, "Lafayette, I'm here. "
That's right. I always knew | I'd meet a girl called Denise.
D- E-N-I-
Don't let him | kid you, honey.
I just seen him | put your name on his arm.
- Look. | - All right, bub. You asked for it!
Come here, | you big drunkard!
That's what I mean byJonahs. | They were beefing over the dame.
Wasn't her fault. | He's stiff.
- She okay? | - Yeah.
Just roughed up | a little.
Take care of him, | Holter.
Oh, here, | let me help you, Professor.
- Thank you. | - Let's see.
I'm really very sorry | about this, Professor.
That drunk was | a last-minute replacement.
- He's all right when he's sober. | - I'm sorry.
This is the last thing | I- I wanted to happen.
It had to break out sooner or later. | Let's have another look here.
Whew! It's lucky you | still got your teeth.
Don't get nervous, Doc. | Nobody's gonna bite you.
Don't you think that the pharmacist | should treat me, if it's necessary?
He's got his hands full | with those two lugs.
Besides, there's nothing | he can do that I can't, you know.
Oh, my. He got you | so greasy.
You know what a log is?
- Yes. | - You do, huh?
Well, I'm supposed to keep a detailed report | of everything that happens.
- It's for Mr. Fujimori. | - Mm-hmm.
How'd it start?
I was working | on a new formula...
when Ski asked if he | could show me his chest.
- Show you his chest? | - Yes.
And then what?
Then he removed | his shirt.
No kidding.
- He wanted me to see his tattoo. | - Oh, no.
- It was a beautiful tattoo. | - I'll bet it was.
- Beautiful. | - Mm-hmm.
- But the intoxicated one rubbed it off. | - Naturally.
Tell me, uh, | he make a pass at you?
- A pass? | - Did he try to kiss you?
Yes, he did.
He did, huh? | Did you coldcock him?
- What? | - Did you hit him?
Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
Hold the phone. Hold the phone. | Now, say that in English.
- I slapped him. | - You did, huh?
Uh, tell me, uh...
you hit him after | he kissed you?
- Yes. | - Not before, huh?
I do not understand.
Well, you see, Professor, I-I just want | to make sure my report is factual.
- I-I couldn't put- | - Captain Jones.
Is this report for Mr. Fujimori... | or for you?
- Uh- | - Mmm.
Now, really, a child prodigy oughta | be able to figure that one out.
Don't you think?
- Yes. | - Yes.
Au revoir, Professor.
Now listen to me.
I don't want any more beefs, | you understand?
If I hear of anybody | making a play for that girl...
I'll personally shoot him out through | torpedo tube number one.
Captain, is it still a secret | where we're goin'?
We're tailin' a freighter | to an island in the North Pacific.
Gonna sink her?
We're gonna sneak into this island, | take a look and sneak out.
This is a scientific | expedition.
- But, Skipper, what are we lookin' for? | - Four-leaf clovers.
Well, what if the guys on | the island don't like us?
Look, I know you're all | itchin' for a little action...
but you'll only get it if we | have to defend ourselves, so relax.
Le CapitaineJones.
- Mm-hmm. | - Bonne nuit.
Bonne nuit.
Oh, good morning!
- Was the water hot enough, Professor? | - Just wonderful, thank you.
- Voulez-vous "fume"une cigarette? | - What?
- I'm speaking French. | - Oh.
Voulez-vous "fume" | une cigarette?
Oh, you mean | "Voulez-vous fumer une cigarette?"
- That's what I said. | - No. Fumer.
- Foo-may. | - No, no, no.
You have to form | your lips like this.
I think I better go now.
Thank you.
You know, someday I'm gonna | find out what color her eyes are.
Good morning, Captain Jones. | You wanted to see me?
Why did you let me sleep | through that plane contact?
I thought you needed the rest. | You were on duty for almost 20 hours.
Didn't you stop to think how important | that message might be?
Of course.
So I made sure | that it was not...
by decoding it myself.
As you see, | it reports only...
that the Kiang Ching has made | no change in speed or course.
I knew that was | of no importance.
Professor, did it ever | occur to you...
that I might be steering | a course to be-
You've lost us | approximately two hours!
I'm very sorry, | Captain.
- And I think I have learned something. | - I hope so.
If you want to listen in | on conversations, use the intercom.
- It's easier. | - That conversation I would prefer not to have heard.
- But I was waiting to see you. | - Okay, you see me. I'm busy.
Many years have I been | with Professor Montel...
but never before have I heard anyone | speak like you...
to the greatest | scientist in his field.
Professor Montel's field isn't commanding | a screwball submarine. Mine is.
If such rudeness | is necessary...
I hope this will be | a very short cruise.
What'd you want to see me about?
- Joto. | - Yes, sir?
In the future, when a message comes in | to this boat, I get it...
no matter who says it's unnecessary, | you understand?
Yes, sir.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
No, no, no, no.
This time, he was right.
May we come | on the bridge?
Sure. Help yourself.
Contact plane | approaching on schedule!
Good enough.
Okay, Charlie.
There it is!
Well, this one's | for you, Doc.
"Intelligence reports Kiang Ching | carrying unconventional-type...
61-J capsule. "
Signed, "Fujimori. " | What's a 61-J capsule?
The charge to explode | an A-bomb.
Hey, Skipper. | Radar shows surface object approaching...
bearing 355 degrees.
- Speed? | - Can't tell yet, but he's closing fast.
- Range. | - 3,800 yards.
- Maybe the freighter has seen our signal and comes after us. | - Rig for red.
A sub's after us.
A sub? I thought this was | a scientific expedition.
It is, and we're | gonna play it safe.
No use getting a bloody nose | unless we have to.
She's submerged | and listening for us.
- That's why she stopped pinging. | - What does this mean?
It means she's saving her torpedoes, | waiting till we surface.
Just one more day, Doc...
and we'd have finished | overhauling those torpedo tubes.
Can you see her scope?
Well, we can | play possum too.
- How's the hydrogen? | - Built up to three percent.
Well, we can't chance surfacing here. | We've got to make a run for it.
Professor, I think | you'd both better stay in your quarters.
Down scope.
They're still | on our stern, Skipper.
- How's that hydrogen gas? | - Four percent, and still building.
Take her up!
Okay, Charlie.
You better keep off | the bridge, Professor.
I'm not going up.
The skipper'd blow his top if he even | found you here in the control room.
- Sit down, Professor. Grab some air. | - Thank you.
Have you identified | the submarine?
No. We haven't even | seen her yet.
They're topside | trying to spot her now.
No sign of her yet, | Skipper.
Sonar tells us she's not far. | Alert the gun crew.
- What? | - I know. We're not lookin' for trouble.
But we'd be fools | not to protect ourselves.
Alert for | battle stations!
Gun crew stand by to man the deck gun.
What about | these torpedoes?
You know those tubes haven't been checked. | Forget the torpedoes!
- Where is she now, Joto? | - Range, 1,500.
Either she's moving out, | or she's gonna surface.
There she is, | Skipper!
They're coming out | on deck.
Ask them where we are, | Charlie.
- Why not man the five-incher now? | - No!
The minute they spot a crew near that gun, | they'll throw torpedoes at us.
- What are they saying? | - They want to know who we are and what we're doing here.
Tell 'em we're a private scientific expedition | headed for the Arctic.
They insist | on boarding us.
Well, keep stallin'. | Tell 'em we don't understand.
Ask them to repeat | the message.
Put one over our bow. | Keep asking them to repeat, Charlie.
Turn our nose into her. | Steer 001.
And get ready | to man that gun.
Keep clear | of the lifeline!
Right full rudder.
Clear the deck! | Clear the deck!
Close the hatch!
My hand! My hand!
My hand!
- Give me a knife! | - No.! No.! No.!
- My hand! | - No!
- How is he? How is he? | - It's his thumb.
All right. | Get 'em all below.
Hey, you guys! Come on up here! | Give me a hand, quick!
We ship too much water. | Can't hold her up.
- Get the angle off and let her settle to the bottom. | - All back full.
Enemy torpedo fired.
Number two fish out of their basket.
Secure all running machinery. | Remain silent.
Bilge pump motor's flooded, Skipper.
Form a bucket line. | Dump the water in the engine room bilges.
That tub's laying for us, Skipper. | She's coming real close.
I lost her.
Nothing out of her now. | No sound.
What do you think, | Skipper?
I think she's pulling | the same trick we are.
Now watch that salt water. | We don't want any chlorine gas in the boat.
Hold it.
Captain, this hot heat | is killing us.
We got to turn on | the fans.
If they heard our fans, you wouldn't | have to worry about the heat killing you, boy.
All right, I'll fill in | the picture for you quick.
We got torpedoes, but our tubes | aren't in condition to fire 'em.
And the Red sub's parked on the bottom | like we are, waitin' to pick us up on sonar.
Once she does, | she'll throw more fish at us.
So it's a question of who can | hold out longer without air- the Reds or us.
If we break first, chances are it'll be | our last break.
And we're | loaded with hydrogen.
We're liable to explode.
But we got one thing | in our favor.
We can save oxygen | by shutting up.
That's all.
Nothin', huh?
We gotta save juice.
Shift to red.
Keep your ears open, Ski.
I am sorry, Captain, | for being so stupid.
That's all right. | Save your breath.
You had to use | the knife.
If you didn't close the hatch, | we would all be dead.
You're beat.
You better get back to | your bunk and take it easy. Come on.
- I want to tell you how- | - Shh.
Don't talk.
He's in a bad way.
I thought that hypo was gonna do the trick, | but he's sufferin' from shock and loss of blood.
If he don't get some air right away, | you're gonna have only one professor for cargo.
There's 50 grand | in that bunk.
Fifty grand is worth | a little air.
Joto, turn on | the white lights.
Boys, I'm gonna try | a long shot.
If her first couple of torpedoes | miss us, we got a chance.
I'd rather pass out without air than have | a torpedo come plowing through us.
Now when we start the pump, | we're liable to get a spark.
Maybe it'll burn off | the hydrogen, maybe it won't.
If it doesn't...
we'll blow up so fast | you'll never feel it.
Good luck | to all of us.
- You got everything straight? | - Yes, sir.
Now here's where we find out | if we've lived right.
No more chance of explosion. | Pass the word along.
And build up | the turns slowly.
- Hold down the noise. | - Yes, sir.
- All ahead one-third. | - Yes, sir.
- Take her up and level her to 175 feet, Mr. Neuman. | - Yes, sir.
She's speeded up, Skipper.
Bearing 240 degrees.
Right full rudder! | All ahead flank!
- Stand by to ram! | - Stand by to ram!
Range 200, | bearing 010 degrees.
Left full rudder! | Take her down to 190 feet.
- 190 feet. | - Stand by to ram!
All back, emergency! | Blow all main ballasts!
There you are. | Are you sure you're all right, Doc?
- Yes, thank you. | - All right.
Now take a good deep | breath of fresh air.
Feel all right, Dugboat?
Yeah. For a quiet scientific expedition, | I couldn't feel better.
You look awful. | Let me see your tongue.
It all real cool, man.
This are the end, Jackson.
I'm learning French. You know, | like Chin Lee learned that American song.
You're wasting | your time, junior.
- Hi. | - Hello.
Say, uh, if that music disturbs you, | I could have it turned off.
Oh, no. | I- I love music.
- Oh. That? | - Mm-hmm.
Well, how's the hand, | Professor?
Wonderful, Captain, | as you see.
- Good. Glad to hear it. And how are you, Professor? | - I'm fine, thank you.
- Swell. You know, uh, when I- | - Captain Jones.!
- Come topside, please. Freighter in sight of land. | - Excuse me.
Bonne chance.
I don't understand.
Our intelligence report | cannot be this wrong.
All we are getting is a normal count.
- You ought to be happy. | - Don't misunderstand.
Nothing would please me more | than to know that our suspicions are unfounded.
Then let's move out.
There's nothin' here but this two-bit garrison | and some beat-up storage tanks.
It's a great pity | I cannot talk to them.
We are worlds apart. | But, after all, they are human.
- Let's go. | - But Neuman.
Forget it. | Shot right through the head.
Let's get out of here.
Ski, try to knock out that light.!
All right, come on! | Let's get outta here!
You yellow dogs!
Come on, Ski. Give me a hand. | Let's get him in the boat.
You wanted to talk to one | of these "humans. " I got one for you.
Wet down your coats.
Well, they must be combing | the whole area for us...
but so far, nothin', huh?
Not even a seagull.
Hey, Dugboat, you sure this jelly I'm rubbin' | on my chest won't eat off my tattoo?
What are you worried about? | You can always get another.
Are you nuts? That's my | "piece de resistance. "
- Your piece de what? | - That's French.
I been practicing, | "nessie-pas?"
You need more practice.
Captain Jones. | Professor Montel wants to see you in sick bay.
- Want more coffee? | - No. No, thank you, Chin Lee. Thank you.
This is wonderful.
- You want to see me, Professor? | - Yes.
Denise has just | translated his orders.
His name is Ho Sin. He's a pilot en route | to Kevlock Island for special duty.
- So what? | - Kevlock must be the island Captain Taylor photographed.
Well, how do you | figure that?
An air force pilot would hardly be assigned | to duty on an island without an airstrip.
And as you know, Kevlock is the only island | indicated by name in this entire chain.
It appears to be due north | of our present position.
And what do you suggest | we do about it?
It seems to me | our course is obvious.
- Not in my book, Doc. | - What do you mean?
I mean you said once that each man's got | his own reason for living...
and his own price | for dying.
Well, my reason for living | is 50 grand.
I'm not sticking | my neck out again.
- Is one neck that important, Captain? | - It is when it's mine.
What kind of man are you?
Hold it. Hold it.
Let's not gang up | with a lot of double-talk.
I'm a businessman.
Maybe to a couple of flag-wavers like you | I'm a mercenary. All right.
But I lived up to my part | of the contract.
The deal was to tail | the freighter to the island...
put you ashore | and get you back to Tokyo.
Nobody said anything | about a second island.
So as far as I'm concerned, | mission completed. We're going home.
Any objections?
I hate to use authority...
but if I have to, I will.
I didn't want it | to come to this...
but as long as you have | mentioned the contract...
study it closely, Captain.
You will find a paragraph | stating that I...
and I alone...
shall determine when | the mission is finished.
And in my book, Captain...
the mission will be finished | after I am taken to Kevlock...
given the chance | to examine the island...
and returned to Tokyo.
- Joto. | - Yes, sir.
- Head due north. | - Did you say north?
You heard me. | Set a new course for Kevlock Island.
- It's on your chart. | - Yes, sir.
Okay, Doc, let's go.
What's the matter?
My knee.
- I thought you said it was okay this morning. | - It was.
- I'll manage in a few moments. | - Not a chance. You'd just be in the way.
- It will improve by tomorrow. I'm sure of it. | - Sorry, Doc.
We're not hanging around these waters | that long. This is a powder keg.
Wait. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. | What's going on? What are you talking about?
Captain Jones...
my assistant | will accompany you.
- What? | - She has sufficient training to compute figures...
determine strength | and identify elements...
if there are any | on this island.
You mean you'd- | you'd let her go?
With the exception of me, Professor Gerard | is the only member of this expedition...
capable of performing | this task.
Oh, you're both crazy.
You will take her ashore...
and follow her instructions | as you would have followed mine.
She is not going, | and that's final.
You still cannot take an order, | can you, Captain Jones?
And what's behind that crack?
Exactly what you think | is behind it.
Ski, you stay here. | Keep your eyes open.
What about her? | I could carry her equipment.
She can take care | of her own equipment.
Take a look down there.
Looks like | a bunch of doors.
I'm afraid we have found | what we are looking for.
A Geiger counter reaction like | this can mean only one thing.
These figures-
What are they saying?
They are looking for Lumfong, | a missing soldier.
We gotta stay put | till they move out. Come on.
What did you mean when you said | I still can't take an order?
Your record, Captain.
In the war you were a very good officer, | except for one thing.
Go on. I'm fascinated.
You could give orders, | but you couldn't take them.
Now look, I-
I know what you're | talking about.
But if you want to know what makes a guy tick, | you've got to look beyond the record.
Those Philippine guerrillas | were cut off and surrounded.
They had to have ammunition | and supplies.
I couldn't just sit there | on my can and let 'em die.
I knew the waters were mined, but I figured | I could get in, get out without a scratch.
So I wrote my own orders.
I lost my sub and 26 men.
And if I had to, | I'd do it again.
I'm sorry...
very sorry.
It was wrong of me | even to mention it.
Forget it. | It's all over.
- You all right? | - Fine.
When this is over, | if we get back...
what gives with you?
- Gives? | - I mean, what're you gonna do?
Go back to Paris, | I suppose, huh?
- Paris is my home. | - Yeah.
And you?
When this is over, | what gives with you?
I don't know.
Have you ever | been in Paris?
No, never.
You would love it.
Americans always do.
Well, we can't stay here.
If they hold us up till morning, | we might never get back.
I'm gonna see if there's | another way out of here. Come on.
You stay here. | I'll be right back.
You won't need this, but sometimes | the sight of it's a comfort.
I'll be back | in a minute.
Give me the gun. Come on. | Let's get out of here.
Come on.
Hurry up. | Come on.
Come on.
Let's go.
This confirms | our worst fears.
The atomic reaction | is unmistakable.
I don't get it.
I mean, I can't figure out why | that bomber was on the runway.
What would a B-29 be doin' | on a Red air base?
It just doesn't make sense.
Say, didn't you tell me that | that Red officer...
- we picked up on the other island was in the air force? | - Yes. A major.
- Were you ever able to question him? | - Impossible.
- I tried, but he would not say a word. | - Oh.
Oh, thanks.
Hey, did you talk to that | Chinese prisoner, Chin Lee?
He has not | seen the prisoner.
The prisoner | has not seen him.
Holter, dig up that portable microphone | and plant it in the torpedo room.
Then get the prisoner and lock him in there. | Make sure he doesn't see the microphone.
- Right. | - Give him a hand, Ski.
Come on. Let's get into some dry clothes. | We got work to do.
- You have a plan? | - I'm gonna find out what this is all about.
Come on, Chin Lee. | We got a job for you. Let's go.
- You guys got everything set? | - Yep.
Now, you're sure Chin Lee understands | exactly what he's supposed to say, huh?
- What'd he say? | - He says he would do anything for you.
He wants you to strike him | in the face...
to make it look more real.
He wants you to do it.
He says it will not hurt | if you do it.
You all right, boy? | You okay?
What's he sayin'?
He says...
the prisoner is very intelligent | and must be fooled.
He wants you | to hit him... harder.
I'm sorry, pal.
All right, get him out. | Let's go.
Here. Come on. Take 'em.
This is incredible.
What's it | all about, Skipper?
This is the screwball plot | of all time.
They're gonna drop an atomic bomb | on Korea or Manchuria and blame it on us.
They're taking off tomorrow at | dawn in that made-over bomber.
He found him out!
Now listen to me.
I'm shoving off | for the island alone.
I'll park myself right here, | around the mouth of this cave.
You'll submerge half a mile | beyond the runway, right around here...
so you'll be able | to spot my signal.
Now a heavy load of fuel's | gonna bring that bomber out low.
So when I give you the signal- | two short, two long, two short-
that'll mean | the plane's taking off.
That'll give you just time | enough to surface and fire.
I want every gun in action.
That means everybody.
That plane has to be | knocked out of the sky.
Now the minute you hit it, | crash dive to the bottom and stay there...
because everything's gonna break loose | when that bomber hits.
There's a cove at the north end, right here. | That's where I'll hide.
Tomorrow night at 10:00 sharp, | I'll give you three short blinkers.
Pick me up.
If I don't show up, | shove off, head for home.
Any questions?
I forbid this insanity.
Forbid all you want to, Professor. | That plane is not gonna make it.
It is dreadful enough | to bring back the terrifying report...
that our suspicions | are confirmed.
But we cannot take it upon ourselves | to commit an act of war...
no matter how we feel.
We are civilians!
I am responsible | for this expedition.
I order you to take this submarine | back to Tokyo!
I don't care about you | and your expedition.
There's an enemy bomber out there made up | to look like an American bomber.
It's gonna drop the biggest egg in history, | and we're gonna take the rap for it.
I don't like that.
So from now on, Professor...
this is my expedition.
The boat's gone!
- What? | - The boat's gone. Montel took it.
- Well, why didn't you stop him? | - We didn't get the chance.
He was on deck with her. | Before we knew, he was in the boat and gone.
- Where's the girl? | - On the bridge.
Please. He doesn't | want you to stop him.
Why didn't you stop him? | All you had to do was yell.
He knows your plan. | He'll carry it out. That's his orders.
That's the trouble with you geniuses- | full of big ideas.
Now you're fouling up | the whole works.
- You know that island's crawling with soldiers. | - He knows that too.
Then why'd you let a nice old guy like that | take a shortcut to the cemetery?
He's no ordinary | two-bit professor, you know.
He's Montel, | top man in his field.
But he's old and helpless- | doesn't know his way outside of a test tube.
You oughta know that. | You work close enough with him.
- What kind of a woman are you? | - Stop!
- Haven't you got any feelings? | - Stop!
He's my father.
My father.
Oh, I'm sorry, Denise.
I'm sorry. | Forgive me.
He said... | it was his place to go...
not yours.
I'm sorry.
She's sure | got a lot of guts.
Only thing I can't figure | out is why the big mystery?
Why didn't she let us know | he's her old man?
Well, that's what you have to pay | for having a famous father.
She's been on a spot | all her life.
Wanted to make good | on her own, and she did.
And he was proud | because she did.
Any sign of him at all?
No, not yet.
There he is.
And there's his signal.
Battle surface! Gun action! Down scope!
- You'd better get below. | - Please.
All right, Ski. | Let's go.
Come on, Willie. | Joto, get up here.
Hurry it up. | Hurry it up.
You all right?
- Oh. | - The bomb must have gone off under us.
Bring her | back on course.
Take her up | to periscope depth.
Periscope depth.
All compartments, | report damage and casualties.
The bomber didn't crash | in the ocean.
It hit the island.
Head for home.
Each man has his own reason for living, Mr. Jones...
and his own | price for dying.