Hell Hole (2024) Movie Script

[ Eerie music fades in ]

[ Birds squawk ]
[ Rustling ]

[ Birds squawk ]

[ Branches snapping,
footsteps approach ]

[ Horse whinnying ]

[ Eerie music continues ]

[ Fire crackling,
horse whinnies ]

[ Birds squawk ]

[ Rock music plays ]

[ Creature screams ]

[ Creature screaming ]
[ Groans ]
[ Screams ]

[ Heavy rock music plays ]
- Hey, guys.
- DANKO: 'Sup, boss?
Hey, Emily. Cig?
I'm good.
Thanks... Voila.
It's... It's, uh, Cavalla, boss.
- Voila.
- DANKO: Cavalla.
- Valla?
- Yeah.
Yeah. Better.
Well, how do you say
"get off your lazy asses
and get back to work"?
[ Chuckles ]
[ Speaking Serbian ]
Get off... your...
Lazy asses...
Lazy asses
And get to work.
This is bullshit.
[ Speaking English ] All our
boosters run off the satellite.
Bud, you're shit out of luck.
John, how's the road?
Road under river.
Very bad.
I told you we shouldn't
drill in Siberia.
[ Groans ]
John, it's Serbia.
JOHN: Yeah, whatever.
what's the situation?
No, really,
the roads are under the river,
and we're not getting
out of here
for a while,
and no one's coming in.
- Fuck.
- What's your ETA now
- for breaking ground, Emily?
- Well, you tell us, Nikola.
You're the one who's got
to sign that permit.
But if we could get started
on a rat or mouse hole,
we'd be grateful.
There's no evidence
of Koslov's pika here.
I will sign off. Really.
I'll bet you none
of them roughnecks
have ever seen one of those
cute, cuddly things.
- Seeing means nothing, man.
- SOFIJA: It's true.
There's a whole world under
the ground we can only imagine.
Imagine that.
And the pika are
notoriously secretive.
new technologies,
like portable DNA sequencing,
make it possible
to identify their habitats
simply from their feces
and hairs in the dirt.
Oh, fun fact.
Did you know that
the pika's soft green feces
- are coveted for folk medicine?
- JOHN: You know what?
If you find one of
my greasy shits out there,
you can covet it
for medicine, too.
EMILY: John.
You choose to drill here,
man, not me.
I didn't choose to drill here.
She didn't choose to drill here.
We were told to drill here.
If I'd have chose, I'd have
chose something like...
- Alabama?
- Oh, yes. [ Chuckles ]
And if you find nothing
of value, what?
Oh, we'll find
something down there.
Then, the fracking begins.
Actually, the really
neat thing about pikas
is that they're
an indicator species.
They let us know how we are
doing environmentally,
which can be really good news...
or bad.
[ Speaking Serbian ]
Morons, let's get to work.
Yes, Professor.
[ Door opens ]
- [ Speaking English ] John.
- [ Door closes ]
These guys already
got us by the tits.
You tugging on him
isn't helping.
Look, we're standing around
like a bunch
of cigar store Indians
doing nothing
while Count Ranger "Rikola"
and his sidekick
look for a fucking
glorified bunny rabbit.
- [ Chuckles ]
- [ Door opens ]
Hey, it's
the Galloping Gourmet.
What's the good word, Pops?
JOHN: Same shit. Different day.
What's up with you?
Uh, cooking up a storm,
Johnny boy.
- Hey, Moms.
- Ted, if you call me that again,
I'll turn your lights out.
- Okay, boss.
- Hey, crew's bored to death
waiting to drop
that fucking drill.
You got something good
on the menu tonight, I hope?
Chicken tagine for the win.
- JOHN: Oh, great.
- EMILY: Why?
- Because it's good.
- Teddy.
The crew doesn't want
some fancy chicken thing.
They want
a not fancy chicken thing.
You liked it when I made it
for you back home?
Yeah. I like soft toilet paper.
Doesn't mean I bring it with me.
Wet wipes. I brought wet wipes.
I got a tender heinie hole.
Awesome. Well, it's too late.
Okay. The tagine's done.
And they're going to love it.
It's got raisins for sweetness,
a ton of ras el hanout
that I brought from home.
Like, super authentic.
Sounds like a recipe
for diarrhea.
You mean a recipe
for a clean digestive tract?
That's what I said.
A recipe for diarrhea.
Hey, can I bum
some of those wet wipes?
- No.
- EMILY: Just make chicken salad
- tomorrow, please.
- Aye-aye, Auntie Em.
Hey, um, what's the deal
with those conservation guys?
- Are they sticking around or...?
- Don't even think about it.
No. I'm just, you know.
She's way too smart
for you, buddy.
- [ Sighs ] Love you, Em.
- JOHN: Where's my love?
- Your hand.
- [ Laughs ]
- He's a good kid.
- [ Door closes ]
- EMILY: Yeah.
- Must have been a handful.
Eh, that's the beauty
of being an aunt.
You get to give him back
at the end of the day.
Which is just how I like it.
Waste of them
great udders you got.
- Thank you.
- JOHN: [ Chuckles ]
Mary Ann's the same way.
She never wanted kids.
She said it's like
growing a monster
inside of her for 9 months.
To me, it's like the beauty
of being a woman.
You get to do something
magic like that.
EMILY: [ Chuckles ]
[ Rock music plays ]

[ Speaking Serbian ]
Hey, bro.
Are those clowns
really looking for bunnies?
Yeah. In a toxic coal mine, nonetheless.
Somebody must've tipped it off.
Said they saw an endangered
rabbit or some shit.
Liberal pussies
always breakin' balls.
I like rabbits.
Must've been one of those guys.
Which one?
- [ Speaking English ] Teddy.
- Teddy?
- Teddy.
- Teddy.
[ Speaking Serbian ]
Guy's on a field trip.
Here for a good time.
He doesn't give a shit.
Or maybe one of our guys.
These lazy fucks.
You think?
Wanted a little more down time
to look at porn.
Wait, you get Internet?
Nah, I don't get internet.
Nobody does.
Then how are
they lookin' at porn?
Buddy, it was a joke.
[ Whispering in Serbian ]
[ Exhales sharply ]
EMILY: [ Speaking English ]
We good?
- Thank you.
- Yeah, and the road?
Oh, give the road another day.
I got a convoy of trucks
and equipment myself
piling up the other side
of that flood.
It's okay. We don't need
the Internet for the sequencing.
You prefer the company of wolves
to the convention in Copenhagen?
- Thank you for the beds.
- Sure thing.
But, hey, if you get
sick tonight, don't blame us.
Teddy's cooking tagine.
- Oh, I love tagine.
- [ Door opens ]
Excuse me, Emily.
I just wanted to say thanks.
- For what?
- The chance to come out here.
EMILY: Did we have a choice?
I'm just an intern
in New World Conservation.
But I'm also a student
in Slovenia.
Watching you all work,
it's been very educational.
[ Scoffs ] What work?
Well, I love to cook,
and since I've got the downtime,
you think the chef...
He's your son, right?
Oh, not my son.
Oh, well, um...
Do you think he needs
a hand in the kitchen?
I'm sure he would love
a hand, Sofija.
Okay. Cool.
[ Rock music plays ]

[ Man shouting indistinctly ]

[ Speaking Serbian ]
[ Speaking English ]
Is it methane?
No, no. It smells organic.
Smells like bad ass.
Give it another go?
[ Machine whirring loudly ]
[ Shouting ]
[ Creature shrieking ]
- Do you hear that?
- I do.
Can you believe this crap?
Our first rat hole
and our pants hit our ankles.
- Do you think it's jasperite?
- There's no jasperite here.
And it wouldn't
give off that smell.
Do I gotta do everything
around here?
Look at you bums
scratching ass,
doing nothing.
- What is that?
- NIKOLA: Emily?
- We're here to protect...
- Wildlife.
I know you signed off on that.
Yeah, we did,
but now this gas.
No chemicals here, Nikola.
It smells organic, actually.
Whatever you found,
I want to know.
- Shut it down, please.
- Do you hear the drill?
We're on the same page, bud.
- TEDDY: Hey, Em.
- What?
The garbage is piling up.
We need to dispose of it.
Like, it stinks
worse than whatever
you guys just poked.
Hey, Danko, get the backhoe.
Dig Teddy a garbage pit.
No, that's not what I mean.
Like, we need to dispose
of it properly.
There's recyclables
mixed in with organics.
Like, feel like a bunch
of rednecks.
It wouldn't be difficult
to set up a station.
I'll be happy to help.
Thank you, Sofija.
EMILY: I'm gonna explain
to you guys, all right?
That's going to be a waste pit.
Where we're standing
right here,
it's gonna be a big ass derrick
goes "whoosh"
right up to the sky,
because this is gonna be
a fracking site.
I know it goes against
everything you guys believe in,
but here we are,
doing a job
we are legally permitted
and obligated to do.
So, when you're on my time,
on my job, Teddy,
you will go dig a garbage pit
and bury the fucking trash.
I'm still happy to help.
All right.
Frackus interruptus.
Luka! Pull out!
[ Eerie music plays ]
TEDDY: [ Sighs ] You know,
Emily's not the bad guy.
- SOFIJA: Never said she was.
- TEDDY: Actually, back home,
she's like a big,
pot-smoking hippie.
Even lived off the grid
for a couple of years.
Oh, my God, she used to make me
pick potatoes and lug water
- from the spring, it sucked.
- [ Birds squawk ]
- SOFIJA: Sounds romantic.
- Oh, yeah. Yeah.
- I loved it. Yeah.
- So how'd you start with...
Well, she had a solar business,
but it went bankrupt,
and, uh, I don't know,
drilling buys the pizza,
I guess.
Now with the international biz,
it's, like,
really off the charts.
- I like pizza.
- [ Both chuckle ]
Me, too.
So, you're a full-time chef
back in the city?
No, no, I'm more of, like,
a full-time fuck-off.
I needed the dough,
and my aunt hooked me up.
Tell you the truth,
what I really want to do is...
settle down, have some kids,
like, be a stay-at-home dad.
So, how is that
working out for you?
TEDDY: [ Chuckles ]
I'm working on it.
Hey, Danko.
Yo, you gonna dig this pit?
What's up?
Smoke break.
[ Eerie music plays ]

EMILY: Looks like we hit
the bunny mother lode.
I don't think
these are bunnies.

So, it was, uh, biology and
animal studies, double major?
And Nikola is my professor.
That's how I got my in
with New World.
He's their lead scientist.
I bet it'll be nicer working
with animals more than people.
Oh, I'm not going
to be a veterinarian.
Oh, no. What's the degree for?
Oh, like, um [Clears throat]
bugs and worms and shit
that eat you from the inside?
We are eating bugs all the
time without even knowing it.
Did you know that parasites
make up more than half
of all-known species on Earth?
It's actually
pretty fascinating,
an oddly human field of study,
because it's all
about relationships,
ones that are
mutually beneficial
or ones that are in
a mutual struggle for survival.
I'm telling you,
it's better than fiction.
Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Stop! Stop!
Man. What the fuck?
Holy shit.
[ Rock music plays ]

- [ Teddy sniffs ]
- The earth
wasn't disturbed
when I dug up, boss.
It stinks like
the drill stinks.
Yeah. It does.
[ Groaning ]

[ Speaking French ]
- That language, it sounds...
- It sounds like French.
[ Crying, speaking French ]
What's he saying, Teddy?
"Help me."
I think he's saying "help me."
[ Shouting in French ]
God damn it.
We need some fucking help here.
Em, what do you want
to do now, though?
What can we do, John?
Road's out. No signal.
We keep the guy
- warm and safe.
- Safe?
Why don't we keep
ourselves safe
and lock this guy
in one of these buildings?
John, he's not a prisoner.
We kind of don't know
what he is.
He survived all that time
in the dirt by himself.
He can spend a little time
in a room by himself.
All right.
What do you want me to do?
First thing in the morning,
get Danko and Filip
to drive down to where
the road's blown out.
You want me to tell them
to build a bridge?
No, John, but maybe someone
will be working
on the other side
and get a little authority
out here...
Serbian authority.
Don't need our company
getting involved
in some international
cultural clusterfuck.
All right.
- This is fucked.
- It's so fucked.
[ Electronic music plays ]
[ Sighs ]

[ Speaking French ]
[ Speaking French ]
[ Wind whistling ]
[ Eerie music plays ]

[ Breathing heavily ]
[ Speaking French ]
[ Speaking French ]
What's he saying?
[ Speaking French ]
[ Speaking French ]
It sounds like
he's saying, like,
"Please, you, me"?
What's that supposed to mean?
How the fuck would I know?
I took English.
- Ask him to explain himself.
- TEDDY: Okay.
Uh, Monsieur...
[ Speaking French ]
[ Speaking French ]
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa.
Easy, easy, easy, easy, easy.
Easy. It's okay.
Okay. Take it easy. Okay.
[ Gasps ]
[ Speaking Serbian ]
What the hell was THAT?!?
[ Speaking English ]
Did you see that?
SOFIJA: See what?
Something came out
from his nose.
What? Like snot?
No, no, no, no, not like snot.
[ Speaking French ]
[ Speaking French ]
What'd he say?
Something about...
...inside of him.
- What?
- EMILY: How's it going?
[ Speaking French ]
[ Speaking French ]
[ Speaking French ]
- Teddy.
- "Please. You are me."
He's saying it different
this time.
[ Man speaking French ]
Yeah. There, formal.
Uh, like, maybe
because you're old.
[ Speaking French ]
"Please. You are me."
- It doesn't make any sense.
- Em, I don't speak French.
You came back from college
saying you spoke fluent French.
I might have exaggerated.
- You took it?
- One semester.
Yeah, at Dartmouth.
So, start using
that Ivy League education
I helped pay for and translate
some fucking French.
[ Man speaking French ]
[ Speaking French ]
[ Speaking French ]
[ Speaking French ]
I need to speak
with you outside.
Sofija. You too.
[ Water dripping,
wind whistling ]
- [ Electricity buzzing ]
- I saw something.
Saw what?
Something was coming out
from his nose.
He's filled with dirt,
mucus is a natural way...
It wasn't mucus.
It wasn't mucus.
- What did it look like?
- I don't know.
It looked like...
[ Speaking Siberian ]
- [ Speaking English ] Like meat?
- Yes.
Like meat, but alive.
Could it be a tumor?
- Does a tumor move?
- SOFIJA: Maybe it's a worm.
That makes perfect sense.
- Maybe.
- Shall we grab some samples?
Blood and skin,
compare it to the samples
from the drill site, yeah?
- NIKOLA: Yes. Thank you, Sofija.
- Okay.
Wait. What does that
have to do with anything?
The fact they have the same
odor can't be a coincidence.
I'll get the kit.
- Hey, we're gonna need
- another hand, grab John.
- Sure.
This world...
This world is fucking amazing.
This is so messed up.
Can we please let this guy
get some rest?
He's had plenty of time
to rest in that dirt.
Sooner we know what we're
dealing with here, the better.
Still as possible, please.
[ Eerie music plays ]
[ Groans ]

- JOHN: Whoa!
- EMILY: John! Get back!
- What? What happened?
- See it?
- Yep.
- See what?
Something protruding
from his ear.
- Wonderful.
- TEDDY: I didn't see anything.
Can we please get this guy
something to eat?
Yeah. Yeah. Uh, thank you.
TEDDY: Manger.
Eat. Manger, buddy. Eat.
Manger. Manger, buddy.
- You guys get what you need?
- Yes.
[ Speaking Serbian ]
Sofija, let's take a look.
[ Speaking English ] John.
John, why don't
you get something to eat, too?
I'll babysit.
- You sure, Em?
- EMILY: Yeah.
[ Water dripping,
wind whistling ]
[ Speaking French ]

You know, American cheese would
taste a lot better on that.
We just found this guy in
a fucking ditch in the ground.
Frenchman deserves
some Gruyere.
[ Chuckles ] Yes, ma'am.
Why do we gotta keep this guy
in a gulag?
He's clearly not a threat.
Well, obviously he's French.
TEDDY: [ Scoffs ]
But, look, this guy's off.
Some kind of fucking cooties,
you know?
I think he was asking us
to kill him.
Maybe we should.
If Em and the science guys
saw something coming
out of his nose.
Probably just some
kind of parasite.
Yeah, but I don't want some
kind of parasite crawling in
and out of my holes.
We're eating bugs all the time
without even really knowing it.
Says the guy
cooking the sandwich.
Give me that thing,
so I can relieve Em,
and maybe get through
to this guy.
- Oh, you speak French now?
- JOHN: No, but I speak,
"I'm going to kick your ass
if you don't behave."
[ Door opens ]
Just give me
the fucking sandwich. Punk!
I think he prefers
the company of women.
You want me to get Sofija?
No. He should be good
now that you're here.
[ Both chuckle ]
JOHN: Em, why don't you take 5,
and I'll feed the guy?
No, I don't think so.
JOHN: I'll behave.
I promise.
[ Eerie music plays ]

Grilled cheese sandwich.
Very American.
You're gonna love it.
[ Wind whistling ]

Not gonna happen, amigo.

My friend, if there's
any killing done today,
I'm gonna be the one doing it.

As much as I'd love to cut
all this international
diplomacy bullshit
and move the fuck on, I can't.
So, could you please
just eat your sandwich?
[ Speaking French ]
I understand,
you want to kill yourself.
Oui. Oui.
JOHN: There's no we about it.
If you're gonna kill yourself,
you're gonna have to do it
all on your own.
- [ Door opens ]
- [ Man breathing heavily ]
[ Door closes ]
- Ah! You dick!
- [ Shouting ]
- [ Speaking French ]
- Be cool.
- [ Speaking French ]
- No parte.
Put the fucking knife down!
What the fuck are you doing?
Be cool.
[ Man groans ]

JOHN: Fuck.
Ah, you motherfucker.
[ Choking ]

[ Choking continues ]

[ Whimpers ]

[ Gasps ]
[ Breathing heavily ]
[ Burps ]

This feels wrong, Em.
Keeping the crew safe
is my job, Ted.
- And John was right.
- [ Door opens ]
We ought to be careful
of this guy.
- All good?
- TEDDY: Whoa.
Nice beef there, Johnny boy.
- You okay, big guy?
- I-I don't know, I don't know.
Did something happen?
Yeah. Something happened.
Was it my sandwich?
- EMILY: Jesus.
- TEDDY: Fucking Christ.
It's a mummy.
[ Stuttering ]
I-I just don't understand
how it could be this person
one moment,
and then, a dried-up
bag of bones the next.
You found him like this?
That's what I said, isn't it?
- Isn't this yours?
- Yeah.
EMILY: Well, how'd your knife
enter the picture?
I don't know.
EMILY: Okay.
John, did you touch it?
No. I gave him the sandwich.
I stepped out to take a piss,
and when I came back,
this is what he looked like.
EMILY: Because it's weird,
John, that...
...that smell, it...
It's not coming from the corpse.
- coming from you.
- Emily.
Okay, here's the question.
[ Sighs ] Do we put it back
where we found it?
- Yes.
- TEDDY: No.
- Yes.
- No.
Do not forget...
Everyone at this camp
saw a living, breathing man
pulled from a ditch
in the ground today.
Look, everyone in this camp
saw a living, breathing man
pulled from a ditch today.
It was fucking weird.
He disappears.
It's fucking weird.
I think Teddy's right.
Look, we're going to wait
for the authorities.
In the meantime,
everybody just pay attention
to how you're feeling, okay?
TEDDY: Maybe hit the shower
too there, bud.

[ Wind whistling ]

we have found something.
It's pretty incredible, actually.
What? What'd you find?
That smell.
Are you okay, man?
- Fuck you.
- What'd you fucking find?
- EMILY: John.
Call it a night.
I'll fill you in tomorrow.
We need to see the subject.
It's very important
we keep him warm and safe.
Until we transfer him
for further tests, and...
Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa.
And we will need to quarantine
that room, please, so we can
- check his vitals and...
- EMILY: Hold your horses, folks.
No, no holding horses.
This is our business now.
Open the door.
[ Electricity buzzing ]
Thank you.
[ Door opens ]
[ Speaking Serbian ]
Oh, my God!
But this isn't possible!
[ Rock music plays ]

[ Speaking English ] You, uh,
going a little far there, buddy?
Hey. You want some coffee?
I mean, it's
it's old, but I like old coffee.
You know, it's got
more oomph to it.
I also like your wife's tits.
- What?
- Hm?
[ Speaking Serbian ]
[ Exhales sharply ]
[ Speaking English ]
What's up with you, man?
What... What, you have a...
an ingrown hair or something?
CHRISTIAN: Well, you keep
staring at that mirror
like something's
going to change.
That's your face,
and you're stuck with it.
- I love this lady.
- Mm-hmm.
I could...
hug her right now.
Listen, man, this... this
whole thing with the guy you...
the guy we dug up, it's, uh...
...it's fucking with my head
as well, man. I...
I get it, okay?
[ Chuckles ]
I think he's...
I think he's old.
Guy's, like, my age.
I think he's...
from-another-century old.
I guess someone got some
bad acid up in Belgrade.
Jesus, John.
He was...
infected with something.
What do you mean, infected?
Like, contagious?
I don't know.
He had something in him.
[ Whispering ]
And now I think it's in me.
NIKOLA: We tested the subject's
blood sample.
Can we please call him a man?
- Of course. The man.
- Whatever. Go on.
We looked at the cells
and the DNA.
And aside from
severe malnutrition,
it's clear he is or was indeed
your average human.
But the biopsy of his skin...
When I looked
at his skin's micrograph,
aside from his
own epidermal cells,
I found something entirely...
Also eukaryotic,
but decisively not human.
- You carry what?
- TEDDY: Well, eukaryotic.
Like, plants, animals, right?
Keep going.
Fungi, protists.
- Their cells all have...
- A nucleus.
- Bungo.
- God, can you just...
Uh. Sorry.
The foreign entity, the protist.
We have identified it
as a kind of algae, uh,
from a group of dinoflagellates
called zooxanthellae.
They live inside the tissue
of other organisms
in a definite, symbiotic,
mutually beneficial,
most commonly
in the giant clam.
Yup, the protist nourishes
the clam in environments
that are less than ideal
for thriving.
And in turn,
the protist is sheltered
within the clam's shell.
And you think that's how
the man was kept alive
under the ground?
In a nutshell.
But this is beyond anything
mankind has ever witnessed.
Just groundbreaking.
But this isn't
exactly the ocean. Like...
Oh, but it once was. Underneath
the surface of the Earth...
the Earth you're invading...
there are billions of years
of silent geographical
and biological history,
you know?
So, you're saying there's
evidence of some giant clam
under our feet?
- Could be.
- SOFIJA: Or another mollusk.
- NIKOLA: Yeah.
- Their phylum is vast
as the ocean itself.
They're snails,
like squids and octopus.
DNA-wise, there are similarities
across the board.
- Go on.
- NIKOLA: We looked
at the sample
taken from the drill head.
It's organic.
Living tissue.
Wait. What's...
What's in you?
I don't know.
It was coming out of...
his nose and out of his mouth.
CHRISTIAN: You saw what?
Something long.
[ Speaking Serbian ]
[ Speaking English ]
You think, uh...
You think
you still have some of that acid
for your buddy, Christian?
Like, a... Like, a tiny bit.
You know, I don't want
to trip balls, like, well...
When I strangled him...
As one does with the French.
...whatever was in him...
went into me.
I saw that.
In a porno.
Can you smell me?
Well, I wasn't
gonna say anything,
but since you've mentioned it,
and we're in this huge
fucking room together...
That's the...
That's what's in me.
I can taste it.
I don't know what to do.
Okay, so this French guy,
he had this...
What? An escargot coming out
of his nose and his mouth?
No. Like, tentacles.
Of course.
What about his ass?
Did it, like, "wah!"
through the pants
or, like,
slid down the jeans?
Come on, John.
So, the slime from the drill
head is living tissue from what?
It's not a perfect match,
by any means,
but it appears to share DNA
with a cephalopod
called the Argonaut,
which is a really cool
and fascinating octopus.
And here's the thing.
The telltale sign.
Sofi tested the thin casing,
the shell, the man was found in.
And whereas most shells
are made of aragonite,
this shell was made of calcite
and a high proportion
of magnesium carbonate,
which is more like an egg case.
- Did you say...
- Egg case?
Mm-hmm. Like a brood chamber.
[ Eerie music plays ]

So, let me see
if I'm getting this.
You and French fry over there,
you got into a fight,
and a spaghetti
and meatballs monster
just starts
flying out of his face?
When I was choking him...
whatever was inside of him
knew I was gonna win.
And it jumped teams.
Tell you what, old man.
I'll arm wrestle you.
How about that?
And once this meat monster
sees my superiority,
it can jump up my ass.
And you can stop
acting fucking weird.
How about that?
Then, maybe you can get,
like, a...
...tomato bath or something.
Don't worry.
I'll go easy on you.
[ Grunts ]
So, this is pregnancy.
Can't believe my mom
guilt-tripped me over this shit
- for so many years.
- Fuck you, dude.
CHRISTIAN: Yeah, I'm gonna go
hit the sack, Jack.
You could go hit the showers.
[ Rock music plays ]

[ Grunts, groans ]

The female Argonaut creates
a thin encasing, a shell,
where she keeps her eggs safe
until the sperm
is stored there by a male.
The male has this little
extra tentacle,
like a penis, that breaks off
inside the egg case,
and then the female
hangs on to it until she's good
and ready to fertilize.
I mean, talk about autonomy.
So, this man was basically
inside an egg case?
- We think so.
- Then, where are the eggs?
And whose sperm?
[ John grunts, groans ]
Ah! [ Groans ]
[ Speaking Serbian ]
What? You want more?
Smelly cunt.
[ Coughs, gasps ]

[ Speaking English ]
Whoa. Hey, hey, hey, hey!
[ Breathing heavily ]
[ Groaning ]

What the fuck?
[ Sighs ] You really think
this guy was hosting
some kind of juvenile...
NIKOLA: Hosting would suggest
that the man
was simply a housing unit
for the eggs.
Which would typically lead
to a brutal end.
But finish what
you were saying.
So, if this man
wasn't hosting this...
whatever the fuck it is,
then, that would mean...
- That's not possible.
- NIKOLA: [ Exhales sharply ]
It's a wild shot.
But nature
is the mother of invention.
Slow down a second.
You really think this is
some kind of man mollusk?
Until we can get our hands
on further evidence...
...we can only speculate.
we all saw that thing
hiding in his nose.
- I never saw it.
- I saw it.
- Tell me it didn't look like...
- A tentacle.
- A really small one.
- Okay, but our guy's dead.
I mean, can't we just assume
it's a done deal?
Absolutely not. We are looking
at a highly-evolved species here
that was living in the Earth
inside a preserved man.
And his corpse
is no longer sheltering it.
EMILY: [ Sighs ]
[ Eerie music plays ]

[ Radio chatter ]
[ Radio tuning ]
[ Sighs, mumbles in Serbian ]
[ Speaking Serbian ]
[ Radio tuning ]
[ Speaking Serbian ]
How do people live out here?
People don't live out here, dipshit.
That's why we can fuck
the place up.
No radio. No TV. No internet.
No nothing.
City boy.
D'you bring any weed?
[ Speaking English ] Huh?
[ Laughs ]
[ Speaking Serbian ] Plenty.
Spark a joint for breakfast!
[ Birds chirping ]
[ Speaking English ] Hm.
[ Speaking Serbian ] What?
My grandma came here to pick
herbs and treat herself.
All this magnetic energy
in the ground.
Nikola Tesla shit.
Can you stop babysitting?
C'mon, give it.
Give it.
Hold up.
Didn't your grandma die
of cancer?
Oh, yes.
Let's get rolling.
Hey, brother...
I brought my gun
so we could shoot some cans.
Dear god.
[ Rock music plays ]

JOHN: [ Breathing heavily ]
[ Gasps ]

[ Speaking English ]
What are you guys doing here?
Well, didn't you tell us
to check out the road, right?
- Yeah, yeah, I did.
- Yeah.
Well, let me know
how it goes.
- Okay.
- Boss, boss, boss, uh,
you got, um...
Is that blood on you?
Are you okay?
Is that...?
BOTH: Christian?
[ Speaking Serbian ]
Whoah. Careful!
Back the fuck up!
[ Breathing heavily ]
[ Screams ]

[ Creature shrieking ]

[ Door opens ]

[ Creature shrieks ]
[ Birds squawk ]

[ Whimpers ]

[ Speaking English ] Can you
load the gun and kill me?
Danko, you got blood
on your feet.
DANKO: Oh, yeah.
That's John's blood.
W-Where is he?
He blew into tiny pieces.
I think there's... There...
There's Filip's blood. too.
What? Filip's blood?
Christian is also dead.
But that one wasn't me.
I swear. It was John.
John killed him.
[ Speaking Serbian ]
Where is Filip?
And where's Christian?
The truck.
[ Eerie music plays ]

[ Speaking English ]
I just don't believe it,
John would never...
It was Danko.
He's fucking crazy.
Yeah, because of the man
you dig up, Danko...
Danko gonna make us all sick.
This is blunt force, Luka,
and Filip was shot in the head.
And what about John, huh?
He just [Imitates explosion]
Listen up.
I need you both
to go back to the base,
get two crates
from the storage room,
put Christian's body in one,
and Filip's in the other,
and keep them in the hangar,
do you understand?
What about John?
I'll fucking take
care of John! Go!
[ Birds squawk ]

I don't understand.
John was hiding Christian.
Filip had a gun.
He wanted to shoot John.
I tried to stop him,
but I-I accidentally...
I-I shot Filip,
and I know you won't
fucking believe me, but...
...a monster shit started
coming out of John's face.
I try to shoot John.
But even before I pulled
the trigger, he... he just...
Meat everywhere.
But why were you trying
to kill yourself?
when John exploded,
I heard something
under the car.
It was like a...
Like a ball of jelly.
Or a squid.
And then, like an umbrella,
it just jumped on me,
arms and slimy shit
all over me and...
and in me.
It is now in me.
Can you smell me?
Can you smell me?
It is now in me.
Smell me, smell me!
[ Electric guitar notes play ]
SOFIJA: Did you see that?
I saw it.
- inside him now.
- No shit.
Did you see what happened?
Yeah. You kicked his ass
with a fucking monster in him.
- I didn't lift a finger.
- It's true.
Whatever's inside him has
very little interest in me.
Or you.
Please kill me.
It's okay, bud.
We're gonna help you.
[ Scoffs ] No, you're not.
Yeah. We're gonna
get it out of you.
In me. Out of me.
I'm a dead man.
[ Eerie music plays ]

I'm sorry about your friend.
[ Birds chirping ]

If two of us leave by foot,
we can make it to the main camp
in, like, 2 days.
EMILY: No, I don't
trust the floor hands.
They won't split up, and I
won't be separated from you.
TEDDY: Okay, fine. Well,
then we need to tell them
about Danko.
EMILY: I think the cat's out
of the bag, Teddy.
TEDDY: No, I mean
about what's in Danko.
Oh, hell no.
Shit's about to snap as it is.
Okay, well, he's not some
fucking medical experiment
that Nikola gets to play with.
Like, I feel for the guy.
And your little friend?
Em, all I'm saying is, let's
give him some humanity, okay?
EMILY: Teddy...
...the best thing
we can do for Danko and us
is to keep the crew
in the dark
and let the science heads
do their thing.
Who knows if the rest of us
aren't already...
I was gonna say "infected."
You take care of the bodies?
Yes, boss.
- EMILY: Thank you.
- No problem.
Uh, now we deal with Danko. Hm?
- Danko's not going anywhere.
- I know.
You see, we're going to...
How... How do you say, to give
him mental pill to feel better?
- Hm?
- EMILY: It's not gonna happen.
No, no, no, you see, he was
trying... [ Speaking Serbian ]
[ Speaking English ]
To kill himself.
He was trying to kill himself.
And now we help him.
Give him mental pill.
He feels better. All happy, huh?
Not going to happen, Luka.
LUKA: No, no, no, Emily.
You see, what I'm trying
to say is...
that it's going to happen.
And French guy...
...he can eat pill, too.
French guy's already dead.
- Oh.
- John killed him.
Good. Now we do...
for Danko.
Okay, well,
who's going to do it?
You, Bosko?
Hey, Petar. How 'bout you?
And do we tell him first,
or do we just walk in and...
[Speaking Serbian]
[Speaking English]
No, no. Sneak.
Sneak up on him. Great idea.
Let's shoot him
in the back of the head.
And when the policija arrive?
We hide the body, bury it.
Please do not start digging
any more fucking holes.
You gonna trust
each other with that secret?
You gonna trust me?
What you trying to say,
You don't cover for
your own men, huh?
Yeah. Danko's our man, too.
Yes, yes, I see.
You're on yours, huh?
Luka, don't be a dick.
And I haven't soaked
a tampon in years.
Now I just use 'em
to plug my nose
when I got to deal
with turds like you.
LUKA: Emily.
You got 1 hour...
...1 hour to come up
with a better plan,
and then we go.
[ Wind whistling ]
Bozo wouldn't know
a period from a comma.
[ Eerie music plays ]

You comfortable, Danko?
Living the dream.
TEDDY: Is that a joke?
Em, look where we are.
No one is comfortable
right now.
It's a little tense
on the base, Teddy.
You're safer here for now.
I get it.
How big is it?
It's small.
It's like...
like an apple in my stomach.
when I'm stressed,
it kind of gets bigger.
It's like...
like it's trying to fill out
all the spaces it can find.
Jesus Christ.
Have you seen a video
of an octopus
trying to squeeze
into a tiny, uh, hole?
Well, just like that.
But here I'm the tiny hole.
[ Breathing heavily ]
I'm so fucked, boss.
tell me.
Do you think it can hear us?
I think...
it can feel you.
Why do you think that?
Because when I shot at John,
even before I pulled
the trigger,
this motherfucker just
busted out of him like a piata.
when it was out...
that bitch wasn't happy at all.
[ Speaking Serbian ] Nothing.
Only boring human tissue.
[ Sofija gasps ]

Oh my god.

Give me the book.

What have you found?

[ Speaking English ]
Listen, we know this thing
- responds to aggression, right?
- Okay.
But have you noticed it
only reacts to Nikola,
to you, to...
to everyone except...
- Sofija.
- And me.
- TEDDY: Right.
- Why?
Because Sofija's a woman.
- And?
- Sorry. You're both women.
Mazel tov.
And women tend
to be peaceful and nurturing.
I don't... I don't know.
Sofija, that makes sense.
She's very compassionate,
but I don't know, Em.
You're not the most maternal.
You can be kind of intimidating.
- Fuck off.
- See?
I'm a woman,
and Sofija is a woman.
Okay, but then why
doesn't it want women?
You guys literally have wombs.
Maybe we're
physically useless to it.
That doesn't mean
you can't kill it,
but that's usually when it
tends to jump ship.
Yeah, but if it jumps ship,
and I'm useless,
then, it's...
it's out in the open.
It's vulnerable.
Maybe it's big MO is...
Not women.
Men. This thing needs men
to survive, to feed off of.
I don't fucking know, to...
to incubate.
TEDDY: Hm...
- Welcome to the club.
- [ Door opens ]
NIKOLA: Emily.
Am I fucked? I'm fucked, right?
I know I'm fucked.
You, my good man,
are going to be legendary.
'Cause I'm so fucked.
It's beyond any kind of
fucked ever known before, huh?
- You're blessed.
- DANKO: Trust me, man, I'm not.
But you are. You're carrying
a living, growing organism.
No shit.
- Take it out of me!
- But it's a miracle.
Okay. I'm not liking
where this is going.
Hey, can somebody fill me
in here, huh?
Okay, we examined tissue
from the wounded organism
- that was hiding inside, uh...
- John?
Yes, John.
And the DNA doesn't lie.
Wait, you're...
You're not saying
what I think you're saying?
Oh, it's bad. It's bad. Huh?
I don't even want to know.
Just kill me, okay?
Please, kill me.
NIKOLA: No, no, no, no, no,
you will not harm yourself.
Nor the life of this creature.
- No.
- I don't want it!
[ Speaking Serbian ]
[ Speaking English ] The mother,
wherever she may be,
chose that man you dug up
to fertilize her egg.
- Egg?
- NIKOLA: Yeah.
To... To what the egg?
Uh, fertilize.
[ Speaks Serbian ]
[ Speaking English ]
You know?
[ Speaking Serbian ] Fertilize?
- [ Speaking English ] Fertilize.
- And she succeeded.
So, mama monster
fucked the French guy.
He fertilized her egg. Yes.
[ Chuckles ]
And the premature infant,
their baby...
...the one you saw,
grew within that man.
And now it needs shelter
within you to continue growing,
to survive.
Otherwise, it would have fled.
Fuck that thing.
What about me? Hm?
Your job is to keep it safe
and nourish it
until it's ready
to live outside the womb.
There is no way
under the fucking sun
we can make him keep it.
[ Speaking Serbian ] Nikola.
There's got to be a way.
And watch it die?
[ Speaking English ] Look...
if all you care about
is this baby monster...
...I'm telling you, just kill
me, and it's all yours.
Fuck that.
Why would he have to die?
Because it's not gonna leave
me until you make it leave me.
Nikola, it's an anomaly.
It's a parasite.
[ Exhales sharply ]
You disappoint me, Sofija.
You are an insult
to all we work to protect.
Go. Go join these pirates and
drill a nasty hole in the Earth.
- Go.
- TEDDY: Hey!
You know what, Nikola?
This thing is sucking off
of this poor guy.
Just like this fracking site
is gonna suck off the Earth.
You know...
if anyone touches hair
on this man's head,
they'll have to go through me.
[ Water dripping ]
[ Eerie music plays ]

[ Exhales sharply ]
What a fucking shit show.
[ Wind whistling ]
Here comes the peanut gallery.
LUKA: Emily.
- We make a deal?
- Let's hear it.
Me and Tim.
We are walking out of here.
- That's a good idea.
- LUKA: Okay?
We walk to woods.
There is about, uh,
30 kilometers
from here, village.
- EMILY: Okay.
- Okay.
- We're taking Danko.
- Smart.
We're gonna take him
to policija for you? Hm?
[ Speaking Serbian ] Isn't that right, guys?
Taking him to the police.
EMILY: [ Speaking English ]
Thank you.
- LUKA: Okay?
- Okay.
- LUKA: Okay.
- Hey. There's one thing, though.
Nikola, the professor...
Danko's his new lab rat.
Oh. Oh. Don't worry.
We take care of Nikola.
[ Speaking Serbian ]
[ Emily speaking Serbian ]
[ Speaking Serbian ]
You're welcome.
[ Speaking English ] Hey, Teddy.
Can you make us something for takeaway?
EMILY: He can.
That would be [Smooches]
if you have it.
What the fuck, Emily?
Teddy, do you think
they were here to negotiate?
Let me see your gun.
- TEDDY: What?
- Give me your gun.
- You know I don't have a gun.
- Exactly.
Sofija, what about you?
I like my violence up close.
EMILY: Yeah, well,
good luck with that.
These guys all have guns and
magazines to kill a small city.
Teddy, you saw
what happened to John.
Danko is a lost cause.
You all know it.
So, you're just going to send
these guys into the woods
to kill Danko
and not tell them
that he's a fucking time bomb?
EMILY: Yeah, because
if they kill him here,
then that thing just jumps
into another man,
and it's a whole new shit show.
What if it's your time
to get knocked up?
You ready for that?
At least they'll be
in the wilderness.
Do you think
that Nikola's right?
- This thing will die on its own?
- I do.
Let's hope to fucking God
that they keep their distance
and it ends here.
It just feels wrong.
You are my priority, okay?
You're the only family I got.
I'm not making them
jack shit, though.
It wasn't a request, Ted.
Do you need a hand
with that couscous?

EMILY: My hands are tied
on this, Danko.
Actually, mine are.
[ Chuckles ]
[ Speaking Serbian ]
Stay the fuck away!
You want the virus, too?
Ain't no virus, Ivan.
EMILY: [ Speaking English ]
What can I do, Danko?
You're doing it, or he is.
I don't care, just...
Just do it fast, okay?
[ Speaking Serbian ]
Now you're infected!
[ Speaking English ] A virus
sounds so good right now.

[ Speaking Serbian ]
Time to go.
Hey, scumbag! Get the fuck off!
I'm wearing gloves. It's fine.
Don't be an idiot!
Don't worry about it.
Let's go, Danko.
- [ Speaking English ] Emily.
- EMILY: Yeah.
You're taking him
to the authorities, I got it.
But, Luka, when you do,
make sure you give him
some space.
- Okay, boss.
- EMILY: No.
I mean, like, a big-ass space.

Do you think Nikola is right?

Are we...

...killing an innocent
creature? I mean...

It's not this thing's fault, right?
No, it's... it's not its fault.

And Nikola is right.
Life perpetuates itself.
It creates intricate wonders...
and brutal things.
many need our protection, sure.
But I just can't accept that...
this one deserves
more protection than Danko.
Or John.
Or you.
Even if it one day grew
to look like me?

[ Speaking Serbian ]
Let me breathe. Fuck.
Whine or walk. Come on.
Okay, guys.
Just give me a little space.
If you keep bullshitting,
I'll kill you.
Just do it from over there.
Ain't gonna catch what you got
from here.
Your funeral.
Come on. Let's do this.
Do we shoot him all at once?
So we all got equal skin
in the game?
Great idea, Petar!
Let's all get in a circle
and just talk it out.
Fuck off. You know what I mean.
Like a firing squad, yeah?
What are we waiting for?!
Danko. See that tree over there?
Go on.
Start walking over there.
Fine. But give me more space.
Maybe it won't see you.
Talking crazy, crazy man.
A virus can't see you.
This ain't a virus! It's...
It's a fucking monster.
[ Laughter ]
Good one.
Let's get moving, monster.
Towards the tree.
I'm telling you.
I've got a goddamn bun
in the oven and it ain't fun.
Very funny. Now walk.
Shut up!
This is bullshit.
Ivan. Don't be so angry, brother.
Angry makes you miss.
It's time.
Go. Go!
Wait, bro.
[ Gunshot ]
[ Speaking English ]
Oh, please please, please,
please, please tell me...
tell me those guns
were not for him.
Where is he?
The team took Danko
to get proper care.

[ Speaking Serbian ]
You fucking missed!
Missed my ass.
He exploded like a tomato!

[ Groaning ]

[ Laughs ]
You scared the shit out of me.
I don't even know what the hell
we're looking for!
[ Chirping ]
[ Shrieks ]
[ Screaming ]

[ Speaking English ] No.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Don't you see?
the world we know,
Earth is always finding ways
to renew itself.
To better itself...
...despite humans killing it.
And we are... We are ungrateful.
We are terrible.
We are selfish.
We are the monsters.
Believe it or not,
I voted for Bernie Sanders.
And this...
...this gift of nature,
this miracle of evolution...
...this is our future.
Our salvation.
Can't you see?
Two highly intelligent beings
merged into one.
And you?
You want to extinguish it
before it even reaches
its full potential.
I think we've seen
its full potential, Nikola.
It's not looking very good
for the father.
[ Chuckles ]
Did you know that...
a mother octopus...
stops feeding once
when she laid her eggs?
She'll stay
and watch over them,
even eating herself until
she slowly starves to death
by the time they hatch.
Such dedication.
What a mother.
I would be honored...
...if I were in that position.
How many eggs
does the octopus lay?
[ Chuckles ]

[ High-pitched tone ]
[ Speaking Serbian ] What the fuck was that?
- That's a big fucking virus!
- LUKA: Psst.

[ Breathing heavily ]

- [ Shrieking ]
- Aaaah!

[ Gasping ]

[ Whimpering ]

[ Speaking English ]
You got enough water?
Honestly, I'm sure
we'll get there tonight,
but, yeah,
I'm ready for a fuck fest.
Don't worry.
NIKOLA: Danko?
Danko... dead.
This is on you.
[ Speaking Serbian ] Cunt.
[ Speaking English ]
Guys, time to get rolling.
Hey, man. Hey.
And the living being
inside him?

Are you hungry?
I have some nuts.
How are you feeling?
Are you warm enough?
Can you tell me?
Did you see it first?
Does it have features?
Don't worry, don't worry,
I won't tell.
I'll be quiet as a mouse.
Trust me.

LUKA: What was your name?
NIKOLA: I'm Nikola,
Dr. Nikola Klesic.
I can help you.
These others will hurt you.
I'll protect you.
[ Speaking Serbian ]
Fuck you! Give it a rest, huh?
[ Speaking English ]
Emily, he tried to say to us
to keep distance.
Danko tried so hard, but
no, no, we didn't listen.
So, now the others
are all dead.
And now I'm a monster.
Let me help you,
I know people.
And now... now I know you.
I cannot go home.
I got five kids.
I'm like a bomb.
Doctor cuts me.
NIKOLA: No, no, no, my friend,
no one will cut you.
You just have to wait a little.
Let it grow.
And when it's ready,
it will surely leave the womb.
- All babies do.
- Oh.
Oh, yeah.
Nikola, are you stupid now?
[ Speaking Serbian ]
Stupid. He's stupid.
[ Speaking English ] Please.
I saw this monster.
And I know what
he can do to me or to you.
And I know that violence...
violence is something
that this guy really don't like.
Violence cannot
kill this monster.
I heard that water
is nice way to die.
- LUKA: Yes.
- No, no, no.
LUKA: Emily.
Tell my wife...
[ Sighs ]
Tell her I'm drowned...
...because I was never
a good swimmer.
- No.
- Yes, she'll believe that.


[ Sighs ]
NIKOLA: Please, no.


SOFIJA: [ Whispering ] Nikola.
[ Speaking Serbian ] Let's go!
[ Speaking English ] Let's go.

Sofija, please, help me.
Sofija. Sofija, help me!
Kill it!
Sofija, kill it!
Sofija, help me!
Help me, Sofija!
Kill it! Kill it!
Kill it!

[ Gasps ]

Get it gone.

Get it out of me.

Fucking run!

[ In Serbian ] 10 PEOPLE DIE IN