Hell is Empty (2021) Movie Script

You're up.
What should we do now?
We'll take her to Artist.
Who made you?
Liar. God made you.
When you were struck down on the
side of the road, I found you.
I raised you up.
Gave you glory.
The world has mistreated you.
I can see that.
You've been abandoned.
I... I left.
You could be home.
I've seen your salvation
in the waters.
Take you back...
if you want.
- Yeah.
- Tomorrow.
Long trip.
Meantime, come eat with us.
You hungry?
That is a damn lie.
You have beautiful hair.
Thank you.
Hey now.
Artist says, "Fear and
struggle put the devil in us.
- You believe in the devil don't you?
- Yeah.
I'm sorry.
For whatever happened.
You shouldn't be afraid here.
Not even the devil?
Safer than that fancy
store bought stuff.
How many months?
Since winter.
- Three months after Ed saved me.
- Who is Ed?
Uh, Artist. Sorry.
It kick?
Not much. He's picky.
How do you know it's a he?
Well he has to be,
he is the son of God.
Mil? Murph?
Find those carrots?
Saratoga, grab some carrots
from the cellar.
- We're talking.
- I don't care. I need help making dinner.
No, it's okay. I got it.
Oh, thank you.
Mil, what?
She needs a clean rag.
She's red.
Don't say that.
Not over dinner.
- She'll stain the dress.
- I can't help it.
Take your plate.
Just for tonight.
Excuse me.
Would you like to say grace?
I can't remember the prayer.
I'm sorry, I would.
Start talking. Just let it come.
Always say a prayer
when an ambulance passes by
with its lights on.
Because it wouldn't be
going that fast,
unless someone
was fighting real hard.
Lord, protect the
people in ambulances.
That was lovely, honey.
But there is no ambulances around here.
Let's dig in.
- Carrots look lovely.
- They're Murphs.
Good job, Firefly.
See how he's doing.
Steal away, steal away
Steal away to Jesus
Steal away, steal away home
I ain't got long
to stay here
It's quiet.
Try it. Sing to him.
See if he responds.
He's a...
good judge of people.
Uh, I hear him.
I hear it.
He's kicking.
Do you hear that?
He's tapping back the tune.
It's beautiful.
Move over.
Sleep, demons.
He loves me.
He does.
He's keeping you
upright and away from sin.
He sure beats the needle, huh?
He don't love me anymore.
Do you love him?
That's all that matters.
Now that you're saved,
we can be sisters.
Thank you.
I think I might need to go back.
Can I ask you're in from?
Dad died. I don't have a mommy.
We love you and we want
to honor you.
It would kill me to see you burn in
hell, so stay a day longer.
Are you a virgin?
- Yeah.
- Me too.
Vivian's not.
Hey, what's up.
You wanna see my telescope?
I used to be a pilot.
You were?
Called me the "Midnight Rider."
Cause I only flew at night.
Up there you can swim
in the stars.
Why did you quit?
I'm not meant
for their machines.
Stars are clean.
Pure. I like them.
Maybe just seem that way
cause you can't touch them.
See for yourself.
I can't see a thing.
Who made the stars?
I could tell you.
I wasn't asking.
I was wondering.
Don't you want to know
how the world ends?
Come to bed.
May I?
Can I ask your counsel?
I'm worried about the baby.
I think it's in danger.
lost the last one.
It ain't been the same.
It tore us from...
Sara's wasn't kicking
till you showed up.
You got glory.
Having you here has been...
a little breeze on my soul.
In my time of dying
I don't want nobody to mourn
All I want for you to do
Is to take my body home
Well, well, well
So I can die easy
Well, well, well
Well, well, well
So I can die easy
Jesus can make up
Jesus can make up
Jesus can make up
My dying bed
To the Lord we give our light.
You have come to us
seeking absolution.
They have highways of diamonds.
That's okay,
we got the light of the Lord.
Don't be afraid.
Join us.
You will be baptized and reborn.
My first.
There is not enough
room left in the bed.
It barely worked with four.
If you want another
we need more space.
Desire has nothing
to do with it.
The Lord has sent us a lamb.
- Hey, Angel.
- Hey, you going to the water?
- Yeah.
- I had another dream.
- Another?
- The water swallowed us up.
It's a dream. How is he?
- Right.
- Good.
Hey, Viv.
- Artist was looking for his cigarettes.
- I don't smoke.
- You don't? Help me, child.
- I'm going to the water.
- We have work.
- Prayer is work. Says Artist.
Okay, thank you.
Viv in the kitchen.
- Praying?
- Yes, Artist.
- Don't let the devil tame ya.
- I won't.
- Have you seen Mil?
- No.
- Tell me if you do, you hear?
- I will.
Good girl.
It's either here, there
and in the air.
Want a drag?
I don't smoke.
- Found them.
- You stole them.
He caught me once.
Plucked the cigarette right
out of my mouth and did this.
Please don't tell him.
- Only if you give 'em back.
- I will.
He's no good.
He healed me.
When Viv got pregnant he
gave her a homemade medicine.
- Near killed her.
- Liar.
He only likes you
cause your new.
Dear Lord in Heaven,
please bless Artist, Dan,
Sara, Vivian and Murph.
And God save the wicked.
And Mil.
Storm's coming.
Saw it from a cliff.
We don't go there alone,
it's dangerous.
Storm like my dream.
- Yeah. Where's Ed?
- Upstairs.
He's busy.
- I knew it.
- Help me with dinner.
For sure, one sec, I'm gonna go
talk to Artist, we gotta board
up the windows,
coop the chicken...
- I need you to help me.
- I will.
Come look.
There's a storm.
We gotta board up the windows.
Viv, coop the chicken.
"And the serpent cast out of his
mouth a flood, after the women.
"That he might drown them."
What have we done
to deserve this?
Oops! Sorry!
Maybe it's good
there is a storm.
Would anyone
like to confess a sin?
What's wrong?
Your eyes are bright.
Normally there are dull.
Something's wrong.
I had a dream that I shoplifted.
I'm so sorry.
That's all right.
You'll do better.
That's not a confession.
I have a confession.
My cigarettes are missing.
They were right there.
On the table.
I wonder...
The devil take them?
I don't believe the
devil likes cigarettes.
He don't need to steal.
He moves through us.
Finds weak little girls.
To do his bidding.
And steal my goddamn cigarettes!
Did you hear that?
Let's check around.
Where's Millie?
I'll check the yard.
Y'all look around the house.
I'm cold.
- Lyd?
- Hmm?
Did you take the cigarettes?
She was an innocent girl.
Beautiful and pure.
- She was strayin'.
- Shut up!
The devil made her jump.
Like I said.
Canning's spoilt. Cellar's flooded.
Chicken's dead.
Damn. We're in thick.
What God does this?
Wasn't no God.
We wished in the devil.
We need more food.
We should go ashore.
No, one thing at a time.
We got a burial to attend.
- Someone should go fishing.
- I'll go.
Good. Bring Sara.
- She's scared sick.
- Yes, Artist.
Don't want nobody alone
when the devil's afoot.
Butcher the chicken,
that meat will spoil.
Take the boards off the windows too.
It's grim.
The Lord don't like
a frown, you hear?
Make sweet.
You're all hunched over.
- Will you give me a massage?
- Of course.
- You're strong.
- Thank you.
Ed says we're supposed
to be meek,
- but I meant it as a compliment.
- I know you did.
This place reminds me
of the pageant circuit.
Bet your hair was taller then.
Hair four feet tall,
heels to the moon...
and a dress that
rustled like the ocean.
- Don't crane your neck.
- Sorry.
So how long
were you a beauty queen?
When I moved in with my aunt,
she said, "Saratoga,
you have to make something of yourself."
After your parents passed?
Ed says they're gone to hell.
He ain't right about everything.
He is.
They're in hell and I've made
my peace with it.
Can we go to the water now?
Do you think Viv likes me?
She loves you.
Yeah, but does she like me?
You have God's son.
Yeah, I know.
Maybe she wishes she were you.
Come on, the water cheers me up.
Sorry about the chicken.
It wasn't your fault.
Ugh, that smell.
I'm gonna go take a walk.
- Okay, be careful.
- Love you.
As I went down in the river
To pray
Studying about that
Good ol' way
And who shall wear
The starry crown
Good Lord, show me the way
O sisters, let's go down
Let's go down, come on down
O sisters, let's go down
Down in the river to pray
He's a sinner.
He is from the mainland.
- Ed says...
- He is young, if we leave him he'll die.
Wait, you wanna take him?
He ain't a threat.
He needs help.
We found him down by the beach.
Today of all days,
you found him?
He ain't a straight dog.
Sara, come here.
We've had enough
death today, right?
Lyd, we made a mistake.
- Ed!
- Don't get above your raisin.
Murph, what did I say to you
about running around corners?
What now?
We found him down
by the beach near dead.
Let him die. Safer.
"Carry each other's burdens and in this
way you will fulfill the law of Christ."
Don't you get biblical with me.
The devil prowls around like a
roaring lion seeking to devour.
This man maybe the devil
himself clad in rags.
As Christian souls we are bound to help this
man for this is the law of the prophets.
Ed, please!
Poor man.
He's a boy.
You vouch for him?
With all your soul?
I do.
Go put him in the living room.
You're gonna
ruin the goddamn carpet!
Everything's slipping.
Didn't even get a chance
to bury Mil.
This will cover some canned
goods, medicines, cigarettes.
We got cigarettes.
I'm not going back.
Would that be the Lord compelling
you or the dead girl in the basement?
Viv, help me get his socks off?
Excuse me.
Lord, keep us
on this day faithful.
And dry from sin.
And let us not forget
the blessings we have.
I'm saying grace.
Used to be order around here,
now we're two shakes away from sodomy.
I'll be right back,
it's just he is feverish and...
Burn with him.
Don't get too friendly.
What's up?
- Uh, nothing.
- Looks like that.
- Shit.
- Language please.
What's you name?
You're Lyd?
I whisper about you.
Are you uh...
- Special?
- Stop being a dick.
See, I knew you guys
didn't really talk like that.
Like what?
All Bible-ly.
I haven't been here long.
Hopefully, I won't be either.
My boat probably washed up
somewhere downshore.
I'll find it...
Hey, can I ask you something?
- Prefer you didn't.
- The pregnant girl...
- Is she 18?
- Don't.
- What?
- Talk like that.
- Why?
- Because you're a guest.
He's had his drink.
- Christian?
- Sir.
Believe in the devil?
That's an interesting
group you got here.
You must be drowning in it.
Brought you something.
What's that?
Greens from the garden, mostly.
It will help you sleep.
What did you give to me?
I can't breathe.
Devil! Devil!
- Get away! Get away from me! Get away! Get away!
- Come on!
You ain't real!
Heavenly father,
forgive us for we have sinned.
Give us this today,
our daily bread.
Your will be done
on Earth as is in heaven.
God, save Lydia.
For bringing that evil
man into our home.
He has brought the devil to us.
And perverted our household.
Sara! Sara!
It's the devil making me bleed.
- I can feel him in my throat.
- It was spotting.
She's fine, she just panicked.
It's the devil, I know it.
He took your baby.
He made Millie go crazy.
He made Lydia take that fisherman in
and now he's coming after my baby.
- We found him together.
- You made me.
Sarah, you're fine, it's normal.
- Normal? Was it normal when the baby died in your belly?
- Hey!
Don't you dare talk to me
like that.
- I make your food. I am in charge of you.
- Shut up!
All of you!
This better get cleaned up.
Or there's hell to pay.
The devil is creeping.
But the Lord will deliver us.
- If we fall in line.
- Ed, please!
Let's get you
some fresh clothes.
Where you going?
To use the bathroom.
Why am I using the bathroom?
Murph, go with her.
How you feeling?
- Not hungry.
- Eat, baby, please.
Is he dead?
No. No.
Here, honey.
This will help you sleep
and heal you up.
What's in it?
The Lord's Prayer.
Good girl.
Viv, uh...
- Ed's a good one, isn't he?
- Sure is.
Ugh, feel so sick.
Maybe you need a doctor?
- We could take you to a hospital?
- I have my shepherd.
You should be
more grateful, Lyd.
You know, maybe for good
we can make God smile again.
- I'll be back.
- Lyd?
Don't do anything stupid
like you always do.
Come here.
I've been thinking.
Sara's sick.
She's not gonna get better.
Not here on this island.
Is that a threat?
Wouldn't Lord want
a healthy messiah child?
- You don't smell like your daddy.
- What?
Did your daddy drink?
Did you come out here
to hide out?
You found me, you brought me.
You wanted it.
Go. Pray.
Yes, Artist.
Oh, God.
Why did you make shadows?
Why can't things only be bright?
I don't know.
My girls want me to fix
everything, but I can't
fix sin.
I can't fix their mistakes.
Sometimes I get a feeling...
like their shadows...
in the corner of my eyes...
like, their closing in.
Coming to get me.
So, what's for dinner?
All the supplies,
they'll be spoiled by tomorrow.
Plus the morning dove.
Thanks, Murph.
Let's dig in.
Ugh! Goddammit
I suppose I have you to
thank for this.
- It's not her fault.
- Things were okay till she showed up.
Now we have two bodies
in the yard.
I tried to help.
You helped.
In my time of dying
I don't want nobody to mourn
All I want for you to do
Is to take my body home
Well, well, well
So I can die easy
Well, well, well
Well, well, well
So I can die easy
Jesus can make up
Jesus can make up
What do you feel?
putting through
me every hour.
Every minute, he's not kicking.
He's not kicking the way
he used to.
- The devil.
- Which one of you is doing this to me?
Reveal thee, Satan!
I will strike you down!
I wanna die.
I'm ready for heaven.
Please don't.
Leave me alone.
Where is Ed?
- You're gonna give her more of that stuff?
- Your questions are harmful.
She wants some water.
We're running out of cigarettes.
Get some at the mainland.
Take Sara with you,
bring her to a hospital.
- I'm never going back.
- Sara is too sick to stay here.
She needs rest. Prayer.
You need to stop hovering.
- What if she dies?
- She's a martyr.
If you had only been so lucky.
- It's crazy...
- Crazy?
These are holy words.
Who are you?
Some dumb
Kentucky slut knows better?
You want me to save the baby?
I tell you what.
That baby is already dead. Viv told me.
And if it ain't dead,
it's run afoul of God.
Unnatural child.
To some dumb girl seduced
by Satan.
Don't you try to link me to it.
We'll start over.
A new mother.
You'd like to carry
the son of God, wouldn't you?
It's an honor.
- Lyd.
- Don't.
Hey, what do you need?
Bury me in gowns.
- You're not dying.
- Yes, I am.
Viv told me.
Gotta stop taking their
medicine, it's not good for you.
Come on, Sara. We gotta get out of here.
It's not safe.
This is the only place
our souls are safe.
- Where did you come from?
- Hell.
I came from hell but I'm not going
back there either. Come on. Get up.
You want my kid. You came here to destroy
us and now you wanna take my baby.
- I don't trust you.
- Came from hell, huh?
Get the fuck off me!
Don't look, she'll harm you.
Don't look. You'll go to hell.
- Sara!
- I mean it!
Dammit! Go! Lie down!
What's happening?
Oh, my God!
What are you doing?
We need firewood.
There are trees everywhere.
I don't want to cut down trees.
It's not environmental.
Better go hunt for breakfast.
We're all out of food.
Unless you like maggots.
Sara, you tend the garden.
- Me?
- What, you special?
Oh... Why?
You still think
that's the messiah?
The baby that makes you bleed.
You ain't worth it.
Just like Viv.
- I wanna have my baby in a hospital.
- Shh!
I wanna go home.
The world hates you.
No one is home on Earth.
Your home is up there.
Do you hear me?
- Sara...
- I'm so sorry.
I smell fresh meat.
What do you want?
I'm sorry. You upset him.
He's a very sensitive man.
Did he tell you
to come spy on me?
No, but he did ask me
to give you this.
When did you know?
That you lost yours?
My baby?
"Said Ruth,
"'Where you go, I will go.
"'Where you stay, I will stay.
"'Your people will be my people.
"'And your God will be my God.
"' Where you die, I will die.
"'And there
I will be buried.'"
The Bible is a great comfort.
Do you hate me?
Oh, honey...
I'm too tired to hate.
- Yes, Artist.
- Come here.
Drink your medicine.
It will bring you peace.
I will.
Sara's taken
a turn for the worse.
She could die by morning.
Can I see her?
Drink this.
- Why?
- Drink this.
And I'll get Sara and
I'll bring her down.
I'm not sick.
It's different, please drink it.
And I'll bring Sara down.
Did I ever tell you how we met?
It was love at first sight.
He was working at a carnival.
Swallowing swords no less.
He put a dagger down his
throat and he winked at me.
That's not true.
Well, what's true?
It ain't a lie.
We were close to happy then.
Before he got all... girl crazy.
Where was this?
I wouldn't have taken
you for an Illinois girl.
And how would you take
me, Kentucky girl?
With a knife.
First you, then him.
What do you do when your
life sort of turns out wrong?
You leave.
No, that wouldn't
be fair to him.
He needs me.
He'd be lost without me.
Let go of me!
What are you doing?
She was trying to leave.
- Is this true?
- I still love you.
I still love all of you
but we're going to die here.
- Where would you go?
- Murphy, you can come stay with my aunt.
She can help us take care
of the baby.
You'd love her,
just come with me.
- Sara, are you in there?
- Of course.
I ain't talking to you, devil.
- Do you reject the devil?
- Of course.
She'll cry,
but it don't make her holy.
We're doing this for you, hon.
Your soul can go
to the everlasting.
You don't wanna stay here.
No! No!
Light enters through the wounds.
A light has gone out.
- I can see it in your face.
- I'm here.
Silence, devil.
I ain't talking to you.
It's our baby.
My son...
Is gonna raise mountains.
And sink cities.
Not make you sick.
And bleed.
You did this. It's yours.
Murph, get me a towel.
Two towels.
You weren't shit when I found
ya and you ain't shit now.
Please, Murph.
Just wait till the baby
get born.
And then you can kill me.
- Did you fuck him?
- Who?
- The fisherman. You liked him.
- What?
You lost him.
"Said Ruth,
"'Where you'll go, I'll go.
"'Where you stay, I will stay,
where you die, I will die.
"'And there
will I be buried.'"
You're like Ruth.
She's too good for this.
Did you fuck him?
- Did you?
- Why would I fuck anyone else?
When you are the prophet.
I'll kill you.
Do it.
Please don't go.
I'm sorry.
You have to get up now.
The devil.
I deceive them.
Thrown into the lake of fire.
The Beginning...
and the end.
Lyd... I felt a kick.
Oh, God, I think I'm gonna
have this baby.
What do you see?
Nothing but you.
You got greedy.
You gonna get to heaven
before us.
I don't see heaven.
I don't see hell.
I just see you.
How are we
gonna get off the island?
He was a fisherman
Fishermen have boats.
I don't think it's here.
I found it over there.
Shit! You're right.
Lyd! Lyd! I found it!
I found it!
Lyd, Lyd, my water just broke!
Oh, my God, I think I feel it!
Mom! Mom!
Please, mom!