Hell of a Night (2019) Movie Script
(dramatic tone)
(dramatic music)
(thunder roaring)
(rain splashing)
(swing chains squeaking)
(gentle music)
(board rattling)
- [Gabbie] When did
you get a Ouija board?
- It doesn't matter.
Okay, so you know
how to play, right?
- Um, we just put our
hands on the pointer,
and ask it questions,
and it moves, right?
- Well, it's called
a play and chat,
but more or less we just have to
move it around before
we summon the spirits.
- Don't we need like candles
or something for this to work.
- No, that's for like movies
and witchcraft and stuff.
This is just a game.
It's not even real.
- Well, then do we have to
play with the lights off?
Okay, just asking.
- Okay, you ready?
We have to say Ouija three
times for this to work.
(tense music)
- [Girls] Ouija, Ouija, Ouija.
- Are there any spirits with us?
If there are, can
you give us a sign?
(suspenseful music swelling)
- Okay, this is stupid, Heidi.
- Okay, you have
to wait a second.
You have to be patient
with these kind of things.
- Oh, what like you're
an expert on seances now.
- Okay, first of all, seances
are just a group of people
sitting around a table
looking into a crystal ball.
Alright, this is a
board game, Gabbie.
It's not real, okay.
Just try it again.
- Ouija.
(tense music)
(wind chimes)
(thunder crashing)
- I call upon the
spirits of the dead.
If there are any with us,
please make yourself known.
(dramatic music)
- You just moved it.
- No, I didn't.
- Stop playing games
with me, Heidi.
- I seriously did not move it.
- [Gabbie] This isn't
funny you always do this.
- I never do this!
No, we're sitting in the
closet playing a game!
- Heidi.
- I never do this.
- Okay, let's just put it up.
You've proven your point.
- No, wait!
I wanna see what it wants.
- I don't think that's
a very good idea, Heidi.
- Don't be such a baby.
- No, I'm not playing anymore.
- Are you a ghost?
(dramatic music)
Guess that's a no.
- What's your name?
- Okay, if you're
gonna ask it questions,
you have to put your
hand on the Ouijat.
(ominous music)
- What's your name?
- [Girls] R.
- Raymond, that's not
even a scary name.
Okay, Ray, what do you want?
(suspenseful music)
(glass shattering)
- Did you hear that?
- [Heidi] Hear what?
- I just felt
something behind me.
- I thought you said
you heard something?
- I did.
(suspenseful music)
(thunder roaring)
(suspenseful chord striking)
(heavy gasping)
- What are you
freaking out about?
- You didn't see that?
- [Heidi] See what?
- There was a man
standing right behind you!
- There is no one
behind me, Gabbie.
Okay, that's just a stupid game.
I was just doing this to
get a rise out of you.
Don't you think
you're overdramatizing
this just a little?
(suspenseful music)
(Heidi screaming)
(suspenseful chords striking)
- Let me out!
Let me out!
("Travel Memories")
(bell chiming)
- Hey, heads up.
- Thanks.
I should've got you
more cigarettes while
you were in there.
- Oh, it's okay I'm sure there's
still some more in there.
You can grab some more
right before we leave.
- Nah, I'll just bum
some at the lake.
- Oh, speaking of are you
still not coming on the yacht
with me and Samantha?
- No, I don't do boats.
The last thing I need is
to be seasick all day.
- Oh, come on, dude, I
rented it out for everybody.
It's gonna be fun.
- None of your daddy's money
can get me on a boat
for the entire day.
- None of it?
- Well, it would
have to be a lot.
- Alright, well, you know what
if you're not gonna
come on the yacht,
then you get to drive
the rest of the way,
and I get to bum
off these all day.
- Sounds fair.
("Travel Memories")
(birds chirping)
(dog barking)
(alarm clock beeping)
(gentle music)
(water splashing)
- Hey, Shaine.
(hip hop beat blaring
in headphones)
- What?
- Have you seen my
Barry Dixon book?
- I don't even know
what that is, mom.
- It's the thick white
interior design book.
I thought about remodeling
the upstairs hallway.
- No, I haven't.
Did you ask Blake?
- I'll try calling, but
I doubt she'll answer.
- Where is she?
(train whistle blaring)
- [Chloe] So are you
going out to the bar
with me and Samantha tonight?
- No, actually 'cause remember
I'm leaving tomorrow
to go out of town.
- Oh, yeah.
- Yeah.
- Where are you going?
- Uh, it's Buna.
So it's about three or
four hours north of here.
I rented a cabin for
a couple of weeks.
- You going with like
family or something?
- Um, no, it's
actually to get away
from the family
for a little while,
if you know what I mean.
- So, wait.
You got a cabin to
yourself for two weeks,
and you weren't
planning on telling me.
- I don't know it's
like a farm, so.
- A farm?
- Yeah.
I just didn't think you
would be interested.
- Drakes is a while.
What's something like that cost?
- Uh, no, I actually got
a pretty good deal on it.
The place has been vacant
for two, three years, so.
- Yeah, you definitely
haven't been living here
long enough if you
consider that a vacation.
- Yeah, I know.
Honestly, it's just for
some peace and quiet.
It's kind of what
I need right now.
- Yeah, I imagine so moving
into that creepy house.
(dramatic music)
- What do you mean?
- You haven't heard the stories?
So there's this urban legend
that we were told as kids
about a woman in a black
dress that haunts the house.
They say her husband had all
these affairs around town
that it drove her
mad, so much so,
that she up and killed herself.
But that's not the worse part.
He took off her
favorite necklace
that was handed down
from her grandmother
while they were burying her,
and they say anyone who
has it she kills them.
- Okay, so what there's
like a dead woman
living in my house.
- Well, technically you're
living in her house.
- Right, I mean you don't really
take that stuff
seriously, do you?
- Like I said just kid stories.
But I will tell you this.
That necklace she always
wore they never recovered it.
Can imagine what something
like that is worth?
- Alright, well, you know what
if I find it, it's all yours.
(train wheels roaring)
(gentle music)
(tea kettle whistling)
(soft coughing)
- What?
- Thought you said
you were quitting?
- This is me quitting.
Thought you were quitting sodas?
- Well, see, mom,
I'm in college.
I don't know what
you think I used to
stay up late studying with.
- Don't come whining to
me when you get diabetes.
- Yeah, you are totally
getting lung cancer
before I ever get diabetes.
- Probably.
(gentle music)
- Hey.
What are you doin' out here?
- Nothing.
- Well, it's gotta be something
if you're out here in
the dark and not inside.
- I'm just not used
to it here, I guess.
- Oh.
Yeah, it's a little
bit different for sure.
- He was the only one
there when I won these.
- Come here.
I miss dad too.
You know it's been hard
on everybody, Shaine.
- Please, you've hardly shown
any emotion since it happened.
- You just gotta understand
that we show everything
in our own way, you know.
Doesn't mean it hasn't
affected me too.
But listen I was thinking,
and I know we haven't spent
a lot of time together
since I got back from school.
And I was thinking after
I get back from the cabin,
I was wondering if me and you
wanted to do something
together like old times.
- Like old types.
- Yep.
- Yeah.
- Okay, it's a plan.
(dramatic music)
(bird squawking)
(birds chirping)
(gentle music)
Home sweet home.
(dramatic music)
(gentle music)
(bird squawking)
(birds chirping)
(crickets chirping)
(cellphone ringing)
- [Shaine] Hey, what's up?
- Hey, just getting settled in.
What are you up to?
- Bored out of my mind.
Mom is driving me crazy
with this remodel stuff.
- Why don't you call up your
friends and go hang out?
- All my friends
are 40 minutes away,
and I don't have a
driver's license.
- Well, I mean, if you want to
and you can get someone
to take you over here,
I can text you the address,
and you can stay up
here for a few days.
- That would be awesome.
(loud thudding)
(ominous music)
Hang on, Blake.
Mom, will you keep it down?
I'm on the phone.
(gentle music)
Mom, are you there?
(dark dramatic music)
(gentle music)
Okay, I'm back.
- Is everything okay over there?
- Yeah, I think there's a cat
in the attic or something.
- Oh, my god.
I'm so glad I don't
have to be home--
(cellphone signal breaking)
(voice fading)
- Blake.
- Alright, hang on, Shaine.
My phone's dying.
- Blake, can you hear me?
Hello, are you there--
(cellphone chirping)
- Hello.
(tense music)
(metal scraping)
(ominous chord striking)
(gentle music)
(microwave beeping)
(heavy breathing)
- That was amazing.
- Aren't I always?
(cellphone chiming)
Who's that?
- Nobody.
Phone bill's late.
I'm a get some water.
You want anything to drink?
- No, I'm good.
(alert chiming)
(cellphone chiming)
(bar patrons voices overlapping)
- I really have to get
out of this town, Sam.
I can't keep dodging
these eviction notices.
- Well, come work
with me at Spanky's.
- Excuse me, but
I'm not a stripper.
- Neither am I.
- Bartending around a bunch
of naked bitches all night
while they make money,
not my idea of fun.
- Well, why don't you
move in with Tommy?
- Why would I do that?
- Aren't y'all a thing?
- When have you ever
known me to be into Tommy?
- Haven't y'all hooked up?
- Once or twice doesn't
make us a thing.
- Well, shit.
Short of robbing a bank,
I don't know how you're gonna
make any money around here.
- Holy shit, that's genius.
- What, you're gonna rob a bank?
- No, no, of course, not.
I'm gonna rob Blake.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa wait.
- Yeah, why not?
She's loaded, right?
And she just moved into
the old Hugh's house.
- Right, but you
and I are basically
the only two people
she knows around here.
Plus, we both know she's loaded.
- What about that guy
that your step-dad hired
to take care of
that thing for him?
- What about him?
- Can he help us?
- Well, I can ask,
but I don't recommend
getting involved with him.
- He's just helping us out.
We get the money.
He takes care of Blake.
He gets a cut.
We walk away scot-free,
and I leave this place.
- Now we're getting
rid of Blake?
- Occupational hazard.
- Well, if you think it'll work.
- Oh, it'll work.
(crickets chirping)
(wind chimes ringing)
(gentle piano music)
(ominous music)
(heavy grasping)
(gentle music)
(loud thudding)
(dramatic music)
- Shit.
(gentle music)
So that's where she put them.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(gentle music)
(dark dramatic music)
(suspenseful music swelling)
- [Mom] Hey, Shaine,
can you come downstairs?
- I'm coming hang
on just a second.
(upbeat music)
(bright music)
(birds chirping)
(dramatic music)
(swing ropes squeaking)
(swing robes squeaking)
(tense music)
(thunder roaring)
(mellow bass music)
(TV channel static crackling)
(dramatic music)
(thunder roaring)
- Shit.
- Damn.
Jason, said the power's
out in three counties.
- It's not out here.
- Chloe.
- What?
- What are we doin' here?
- We
(dramatic orchestral music)
aren't doing anything?
- Whoa, whoa, wait.
I thought you said
you were gonna.
- Gonna what?
- You know?
- Really.
- What?
- Keep thinking with your dick,
and see where that gets you.
(dramatic music)
(thunder roaring)
- No service.
No service.
No service.
(door creaking)
(dramatic music)
(thunder roaring)
(door creaking)
(dramatic music)
(thunder roaring)
(ominous chord striking)
(bullet rolling slowly)
(suspenseful chord striking)
(suspenseful music)
(gun clicking)
(pulsating suspenseful music)
(footsteps approaching)
(heavy breathing)
(footsteps approaching)
(dramatic music)
(suspenseful music)
(loud screaming)
(suspenseful music)
(car engine revving)
(thunder roaring)
(dramatic music)
- Seriously.
Where's the money?
(dramatic music)
Sorry, honey.
Had to get rid of
your booty call.
(cellphone ringing)
- Hello.
- Hey, how was the search?
Did you find anything
in the house?
- Not as much as I needed.
Any word on your end?
- Yeah, the guy is on his
way to take care of Blake,
but we really need to
have that money for him.
- And if we don't?
- If we don't!
This isn't a guy you
wanna play games with.
If we don't have
something for him
after already hiring him,
he's gonna come
after both of us.
- I'm gonna go up there.
- [Samantha] Chloe, I don't
think that's a smart idea.
- What's the worst
that could happen?
- Um, he finds you
without his money,
and he comes after both of us.
I'm stuck in this
with you too, Chloe.
- Don't be so melodramatic.
I can take care of myself.
- [Samantha] So what
are you gonna do?
- I'm gonna go get our money.
(swing chains squeaking)
(thunder rumbling)
(dramatic music)
- Shit.
Come on.
(dramatic music)
(door squeaking)
(suspenseful chord striking)
- [Danielle] This way.
(rain splashing)
(rocking chair creaking)
(dramatic music)
(loud bang)
(ominous music)
(dramatic music)
(suspenseful chord striking)
(loud screaming)
(heavy gasping)
- Hey!
Hey, I know you're
there, come on.
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful chords striking)
(crickets chirping)
(dramatic music)
Fuck is she?
(crickets chirping)
- Hello.
Anybody home?
Anybody here?
(dramatic music)
It's Chloe.
(girl sobbing)
- Hey.
It's okay. I'm not
gonna hurt you.
My name's Blake,
what's your name?
Is this yours?
Yeah, you want it back?
It's okay, I'm not
gonna hurt you.
You can have it.
What's your name?
- Danielle.
- Danielle, huh, that's pretty.
What are you doing out
here in the rain, Danielle?
- It's not safe here.
- Do you know what
happened to the two sisters
that lived here
a few years back?
(thunder roaring)
- They brought her here.
They used the game
and brought her back.
- What game?
- [Danielle] They
sent them a message
with the letters on the floor.
- Are you talking
about the Ouija--
- Don't say its name!
You should never say its
name, nor play with its evil.
- I don't understand, Danielle.
- Burn the game.
- Are you fucking
kidding me right now?
- She's back.
- Who's back, who is she?
- She is bad, very, very bad.
(ominous music)
(dramatic music)
- Boo.
(soft gasping)
- What are you doing here?
- Let's cut the bullshit.
I need to get what
I came here for.
You're my only ticket
out of this town.
- What are you talking about?
Please put that--
- The money, Blake.
You're the only one
here that has any.
- Money, I mean, I have a
hundred bucks in my wallet.
(gun firing)
Fucking hell!
I can go get that
for you right now.
- That's not the kind of
money that I'm talking about.
- Okay, I can get
you to the car.
We can go to the ATM.
I can get you cash.
- No.
This is what we're gonna do.
(footsteps creaking)
What was that?
(suspenseful music)
(gun firing)
(loud screaming)
(swing ropes squeaking)
(dramatic piano music)
(dramatic music)
I know somebody's up here.
This isn't funny.
(ominous music)
(loud screaming)
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful chord striking)
(ominous music)
(suspenseful music swelling)
(car engine sputtering)
- What?
Oh, no, no, no.
(thunder roaring)
(dramatic music)
(Blake gasping)
(soft sobbing)
("You Are My Sunshine")
The other night dear,
as I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held
you in my arms
When I awoke, dear,
I was mistaken
I dreamed I held
you in my arms
When I awoke, dear,
I was mistaken
The other night dear,
as I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held
you in my arms
When I awoke, dear,
I was mistaken
The other night dear,
as I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held
you in my arms
In my arms, in my arms, in
my arms, in my arms, in my
(dramatic music)
(suspenseful music)
(Blake screaming)
- No, somebody help me!
Let me out!
No, somebody help me!
Let me out!
Let me out!
- Let me out!
- Let me out!
(heavy grasping)
(suspenseful chords striking)
(Blake gasping)
(suspenseful music)
Come on, come on.
(heavy gasping)
(car engine stalling)
Come on, come on.
Please, please, please.
(car engine revving)
(resounding monotone ring)
(Blake gasping erratically)
(suspenseful music swelling)
(rain splashing)
(dramatic music)
- I'll give you this.
You're tough.
Where is Sam, Chloe,
and all the money?
(Blake whimpering)
(tense music)
- What money, I don't
know what you mean?
- You know, I usually
don't like to hurt women,
but if you don't tell
me where Chloe is,
I might get a little angry.
- I heard someone
screaming from the barn,
and I went over there.
Please, listen to me, okay.
There's strange
things going on here.
We have to get out
of here. (sobbing)
- Let me tell you a story
that you probably don't know.
You see, your friend
Chloe she played you,
went to your house,
and now she's missing,
and you're running off like
you've seen a
ghost or something.
- I'm telling I don't
know where Chloe is.
I don't know.
I don't know. (sobbing)
Just let me go, please.
- You and I both
know I can't do that
not after you've seen my face,
so I'm going to ask you one
more time where's Chloe?
(dramatic music)
- She's gone.
If Samantha had
stolen any money,
she sure as shit didn't
tell me where they put it!
- You're probably right.
But unfortunately for you
I drove out here
to get something.
(Blake gasping)
(soft knocking on door)
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful chord striking)
I think we're gonna have
to postpone our engagement
just a little bit longer.
Don't you worry, sweet cheeks.
I'll be back.
(dramatic music)
That's what I'm talkin' about.
(dramatic music)
(ominous music)
(crickets chirping)
(dramatic music)
(thunder rumbling)
(ominous music)
(suspenseful music)
(Blake gasping)
(heavy breathing)
(Blake gasping)
(suspenseful music swelling)
(loud screaming)
("Night Lights")
(birds chirping)
(soft sobbing)
(truck horn honking)
(gentle music)
- Blake.
(dramatic music)
("You Are My Sunshine")
The other night dear,
as I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held
you in my arms
When I awoke, dear,
I was mistaken
The other night dear,
as I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held
you in my arms
When I awoke, dear,
I was mistaken
I dreamed I held
you in my arms
When I awoke dear,
I was mistaken
(suspense music)
(dramatic music)
(ominous music)
(suspenseful music)
(gentle music)
(dramatic tone)
(dramatic music)
(thunder roaring)
(rain splashing)
(swing chains squeaking)
(gentle music)
(board rattling)
- [Gabbie] When did
you get a Ouija board?
- It doesn't matter.
Okay, so you know
how to play, right?
- Um, we just put our
hands on the pointer,
and ask it questions,
and it moves, right?
- Well, it's called
a play and chat,
but more or less we just have to
move it around before
we summon the spirits.
- Don't we need like candles
or something for this to work.
- No, that's for like movies
and witchcraft and stuff.
This is just a game.
It's not even real.
- Well, then do we have to
play with the lights off?
Okay, just asking.
- Okay, you ready?
We have to say Ouija three
times for this to work.
(tense music)
- [Girls] Ouija, Ouija, Ouija.
- Are there any spirits with us?
If there are, can
you give us a sign?
(suspenseful music swelling)
- Okay, this is stupid, Heidi.
- Okay, you have
to wait a second.
You have to be patient
with these kind of things.
- Oh, what like you're
an expert on seances now.
- Okay, first of all, seances
are just a group of people
sitting around a table
looking into a crystal ball.
Alright, this is a
board game, Gabbie.
It's not real, okay.
Just try it again.
- Ouija.
(tense music)
(wind chimes)
(thunder crashing)
- I call upon the
spirits of the dead.
If there are any with us,
please make yourself known.
(dramatic music)
- You just moved it.
- No, I didn't.
- Stop playing games
with me, Heidi.
- I seriously did not move it.
- [Gabbie] This isn't
funny you always do this.
- I never do this!
No, we're sitting in the
closet playing a game!
- Heidi.
- I never do this.
- Okay, let's just put it up.
You've proven your point.
- No, wait!
I wanna see what it wants.
- I don't think that's
a very good idea, Heidi.
- Don't be such a baby.
- No, I'm not playing anymore.
- Are you a ghost?
(dramatic music)
Guess that's a no.
- What's your name?
- Okay, if you're
gonna ask it questions,
you have to put your
hand on the Ouijat.
(ominous music)
- What's your name?
- [Girls] R.
- Raymond, that's not
even a scary name.
Okay, Ray, what do you want?
(suspenseful music)
(glass shattering)
- Did you hear that?
- [Heidi] Hear what?
- I just felt
something behind me.
- I thought you said
you heard something?
- I did.
(suspenseful music)
(thunder roaring)
(suspenseful chord striking)
(heavy gasping)
- What are you
freaking out about?
- You didn't see that?
- [Heidi] See what?
- There was a man
standing right behind you!
- There is no one
behind me, Gabbie.
Okay, that's just a stupid game.
I was just doing this to
get a rise out of you.
Don't you think
you're overdramatizing
this just a little?
(suspenseful music)
(Heidi screaming)
(suspenseful chords striking)
- Let me out!
Let me out!
("Travel Memories")
(bell chiming)
- Hey, heads up.
- Thanks.
I should've got you
more cigarettes while
you were in there.
- Oh, it's okay I'm sure there's
still some more in there.
You can grab some more
right before we leave.
- Nah, I'll just bum
some at the lake.
- Oh, speaking of are you
still not coming on the yacht
with me and Samantha?
- No, I don't do boats.
The last thing I need is
to be seasick all day.
- Oh, come on, dude, I
rented it out for everybody.
It's gonna be fun.
- None of your daddy's money
can get me on a boat
for the entire day.
- None of it?
- Well, it would
have to be a lot.
- Alright, well, you know what
if you're not gonna
come on the yacht,
then you get to drive
the rest of the way,
and I get to bum
off these all day.
- Sounds fair.
("Travel Memories")
(birds chirping)
(dog barking)
(alarm clock beeping)
(gentle music)
(water splashing)
- Hey, Shaine.
(hip hop beat blaring
in headphones)
- What?
- Have you seen my
Barry Dixon book?
- I don't even know
what that is, mom.
- It's the thick white
interior design book.
I thought about remodeling
the upstairs hallway.
- No, I haven't.
Did you ask Blake?
- I'll try calling, but
I doubt she'll answer.
- Where is she?
(train whistle blaring)
- [Chloe] So are you
going out to the bar
with me and Samantha tonight?
- No, actually 'cause remember
I'm leaving tomorrow
to go out of town.
- Oh, yeah.
- Yeah.
- Where are you going?
- Uh, it's Buna.
So it's about three or
four hours north of here.
I rented a cabin for
a couple of weeks.
- You going with like
family or something?
- Um, no, it's
actually to get away
from the family
for a little while,
if you know what I mean.
- So, wait.
You got a cabin to
yourself for two weeks,
and you weren't
planning on telling me.
- I don't know it's
like a farm, so.
- A farm?
- Yeah.
I just didn't think you
would be interested.
- Drakes is a while.
What's something like that cost?
- Uh, no, I actually got
a pretty good deal on it.
The place has been vacant
for two, three years, so.
- Yeah, you definitely
haven't been living here
long enough if you
consider that a vacation.
- Yeah, I know.
Honestly, it's just for
some peace and quiet.
It's kind of what
I need right now.
- Yeah, I imagine so moving
into that creepy house.
(dramatic music)
- What do you mean?
- You haven't heard the stories?
So there's this urban legend
that we were told as kids
about a woman in a black
dress that haunts the house.
They say her husband had all
these affairs around town
that it drove her
mad, so much so,
that she up and killed herself.
But that's not the worse part.
He took off her
favorite necklace
that was handed down
from her grandmother
while they were burying her,
and they say anyone who
has it she kills them.
- Okay, so what there's
like a dead woman
living in my house.
- Well, technically you're
living in her house.
- Right, I mean you don't really
take that stuff
seriously, do you?
- Like I said just kid stories.
But I will tell you this.
That necklace she always
wore they never recovered it.
Can imagine what something
like that is worth?
- Alright, well, you know what
if I find it, it's all yours.
(train wheels roaring)
(gentle music)
(tea kettle whistling)
(soft coughing)
- What?
- Thought you said
you were quitting?
- This is me quitting.
Thought you were quitting sodas?
- Well, see, mom,
I'm in college.
I don't know what
you think I used to
stay up late studying with.
- Don't come whining to
me when you get diabetes.
- Yeah, you are totally
getting lung cancer
before I ever get diabetes.
- Probably.
(gentle music)
- Hey.
What are you doin' out here?
- Nothing.
- Well, it's gotta be something
if you're out here in
the dark and not inside.
- I'm just not used
to it here, I guess.
- Oh.
Yeah, it's a little
bit different for sure.
- He was the only one
there when I won these.
- Come here.
I miss dad too.
You know it's been hard
on everybody, Shaine.
- Please, you've hardly shown
any emotion since it happened.
- You just gotta understand
that we show everything
in our own way, you know.
Doesn't mean it hasn't
affected me too.
But listen I was thinking,
and I know we haven't spent
a lot of time together
since I got back from school.
And I was thinking after
I get back from the cabin,
I was wondering if me and you
wanted to do something
together like old times.
- Like old types.
- Yep.
- Yeah.
- Okay, it's a plan.
(dramatic music)
(bird squawking)
(birds chirping)
(gentle music)
Home sweet home.
(dramatic music)
(gentle music)
(bird squawking)
(birds chirping)
(crickets chirping)
(cellphone ringing)
- [Shaine] Hey, what's up?
- Hey, just getting settled in.
What are you up to?
- Bored out of my mind.
Mom is driving me crazy
with this remodel stuff.
- Why don't you call up your
friends and go hang out?
- All my friends
are 40 minutes away,
and I don't have a
driver's license.
- Well, I mean, if you want to
and you can get someone
to take you over here,
I can text you the address,
and you can stay up
here for a few days.
- That would be awesome.
(loud thudding)
(ominous music)
Hang on, Blake.
Mom, will you keep it down?
I'm on the phone.
(gentle music)
Mom, are you there?
(dark dramatic music)
(gentle music)
Okay, I'm back.
- Is everything okay over there?
- Yeah, I think there's a cat
in the attic or something.
- Oh, my god.
I'm so glad I don't
have to be home--
(cellphone signal breaking)
(voice fading)
- Blake.
- Alright, hang on, Shaine.
My phone's dying.
- Blake, can you hear me?
Hello, are you there--
(cellphone chirping)
- Hello.
(tense music)
(metal scraping)
(ominous chord striking)
(gentle music)
(microwave beeping)
(heavy breathing)
- That was amazing.
- Aren't I always?
(cellphone chiming)
Who's that?
- Nobody.
Phone bill's late.
I'm a get some water.
You want anything to drink?
- No, I'm good.
(alert chiming)
(cellphone chiming)
(bar patrons voices overlapping)
- I really have to get
out of this town, Sam.
I can't keep dodging
these eviction notices.
- Well, come work
with me at Spanky's.
- Excuse me, but
I'm not a stripper.
- Neither am I.
- Bartending around a bunch
of naked bitches all night
while they make money,
not my idea of fun.
- Well, why don't you
move in with Tommy?
- Why would I do that?
- Aren't y'all a thing?
- When have you ever
known me to be into Tommy?
- Haven't y'all hooked up?
- Once or twice doesn't
make us a thing.
- Well, shit.
Short of robbing a bank,
I don't know how you're gonna
make any money around here.
- Holy shit, that's genius.
- What, you're gonna rob a bank?
- No, no, of course, not.
I'm gonna rob Blake.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa wait.
- Yeah, why not?
She's loaded, right?
And she just moved into
the old Hugh's house.
- Right, but you
and I are basically
the only two people
she knows around here.
Plus, we both know she's loaded.
- What about that guy
that your step-dad hired
to take care of
that thing for him?
- What about him?
- Can he help us?
- Well, I can ask,
but I don't recommend
getting involved with him.
- He's just helping us out.
We get the money.
He takes care of Blake.
He gets a cut.
We walk away scot-free,
and I leave this place.
- Now we're getting
rid of Blake?
- Occupational hazard.
- Well, if you think it'll work.
- Oh, it'll work.
(crickets chirping)
(wind chimes ringing)
(gentle piano music)
(ominous music)
(heavy grasping)
(gentle music)
(loud thudding)
(dramatic music)
- Shit.
(gentle music)
So that's where she put them.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(gentle music)
(dark dramatic music)
(suspenseful music swelling)
- [Mom] Hey, Shaine,
can you come downstairs?
- I'm coming hang
on just a second.
(upbeat music)
(bright music)
(birds chirping)
(dramatic music)
(swing ropes squeaking)
(swing robes squeaking)
(tense music)
(thunder roaring)
(mellow bass music)
(TV channel static crackling)
(dramatic music)
(thunder roaring)
- Shit.
- Damn.
Jason, said the power's
out in three counties.
- It's not out here.
- Chloe.
- What?
- What are we doin' here?
- We
(dramatic orchestral music)
aren't doing anything?
- Whoa, whoa, wait.
I thought you said
you were gonna.
- Gonna what?
- You know?
- Really.
- What?
- Keep thinking with your dick,
and see where that gets you.
(dramatic music)
(thunder roaring)
- No service.
No service.
No service.
(door creaking)
(dramatic music)
(thunder roaring)
(door creaking)
(dramatic music)
(thunder roaring)
(ominous chord striking)
(bullet rolling slowly)
(suspenseful chord striking)
(suspenseful music)
(gun clicking)
(pulsating suspenseful music)
(footsteps approaching)
(heavy breathing)
(footsteps approaching)
(dramatic music)
(suspenseful music)
(loud screaming)
(suspenseful music)
(car engine revving)
(thunder roaring)
(dramatic music)
- Seriously.
Where's the money?
(dramatic music)
Sorry, honey.
Had to get rid of
your booty call.
(cellphone ringing)
- Hello.
- Hey, how was the search?
Did you find anything
in the house?
- Not as much as I needed.
Any word on your end?
- Yeah, the guy is on his
way to take care of Blake,
but we really need to
have that money for him.
- And if we don't?
- If we don't!
This isn't a guy you
wanna play games with.
If we don't have
something for him
after already hiring him,
he's gonna come
after both of us.
- I'm gonna go up there.
- [Samantha] Chloe, I don't
think that's a smart idea.
- What's the worst
that could happen?
- Um, he finds you
without his money,
and he comes after both of us.
I'm stuck in this
with you too, Chloe.
- Don't be so melodramatic.
I can take care of myself.
- [Samantha] So what
are you gonna do?
- I'm gonna go get our money.
(swing chains squeaking)
(thunder rumbling)
(dramatic music)
- Shit.
Come on.
(dramatic music)
(door squeaking)
(suspenseful chord striking)
- [Danielle] This way.
(rain splashing)
(rocking chair creaking)
(dramatic music)
(loud bang)
(ominous music)
(dramatic music)
(suspenseful chord striking)
(loud screaming)
(heavy gasping)
- Hey!
Hey, I know you're
there, come on.
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful chords striking)
(crickets chirping)
(dramatic music)
Fuck is she?
(crickets chirping)
- Hello.
Anybody home?
Anybody here?
(dramatic music)
It's Chloe.
(girl sobbing)
- Hey.
It's okay. I'm not
gonna hurt you.
My name's Blake,
what's your name?
Is this yours?
Yeah, you want it back?
It's okay, I'm not
gonna hurt you.
You can have it.
What's your name?
- Danielle.
- Danielle, huh, that's pretty.
What are you doing out
here in the rain, Danielle?
- It's not safe here.
- Do you know what
happened to the two sisters
that lived here
a few years back?
(thunder roaring)
- They brought her here.
They used the game
and brought her back.
- What game?
- [Danielle] They
sent them a message
with the letters on the floor.
- Are you talking
about the Ouija--
- Don't say its name!
You should never say its
name, nor play with its evil.
- I don't understand, Danielle.
- Burn the game.
- Are you fucking
kidding me right now?
- She's back.
- Who's back, who is she?
- She is bad, very, very bad.
(ominous music)
(dramatic music)
- Boo.
(soft gasping)
- What are you doing here?
- Let's cut the bullshit.
I need to get what
I came here for.
You're my only ticket
out of this town.
- What are you talking about?
Please put that--
- The money, Blake.
You're the only one
here that has any.
- Money, I mean, I have a
hundred bucks in my wallet.
(gun firing)
Fucking hell!
I can go get that
for you right now.
- That's not the kind of
money that I'm talking about.
- Okay, I can get
you to the car.
We can go to the ATM.
I can get you cash.
- No.
This is what we're gonna do.
(footsteps creaking)
What was that?
(suspenseful music)
(gun firing)
(loud screaming)
(swing ropes squeaking)
(dramatic piano music)
(dramatic music)
I know somebody's up here.
This isn't funny.
(ominous music)
(loud screaming)
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful chord striking)
(ominous music)
(suspenseful music swelling)
(car engine sputtering)
- What?
Oh, no, no, no.
(thunder roaring)
(dramatic music)
(Blake gasping)
(soft sobbing)
("You Are My Sunshine")
The other night dear,
as I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held
you in my arms
When I awoke, dear,
I was mistaken
I dreamed I held
you in my arms
When I awoke, dear,
I was mistaken
The other night dear,
as I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held
you in my arms
When I awoke, dear,
I was mistaken
The other night dear,
as I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held
you in my arms
In my arms, in my arms, in
my arms, in my arms, in my
(dramatic music)
(suspenseful music)
(Blake screaming)
- No, somebody help me!
Let me out!
No, somebody help me!
Let me out!
Let me out!
- Let me out!
- Let me out!
(heavy grasping)
(suspenseful chords striking)
(Blake gasping)
(suspenseful music)
Come on, come on.
(heavy gasping)
(car engine stalling)
Come on, come on.
Please, please, please.
(car engine revving)
(resounding monotone ring)
(Blake gasping erratically)
(suspenseful music swelling)
(rain splashing)
(dramatic music)
- I'll give you this.
You're tough.
Where is Sam, Chloe,
and all the money?
(Blake whimpering)
(tense music)
- What money, I don't
know what you mean?
- You know, I usually
don't like to hurt women,
but if you don't tell
me where Chloe is,
I might get a little angry.
- I heard someone
screaming from the barn,
and I went over there.
Please, listen to me, okay.
There's strange
things going on here.
We have to get out
of here. (sobbing)
- Let me tell you a story
that you probably don't know.
You see, your friend
Chloe she played you,
went to your house,
and now she's missing,
and you're running off like
you've seen a
ghost or something.
- I'm telling I don't
know where Chloe is.
I don't know.
I don't know. (sobbing)
Just let me go, please.
- You and I both
know I can't do that
not after you've seen my face,
so I'm going to ask you one
more time where's Chloe?
(dramatic music)
- She's gone.
If Samantha had
stolen any money,
she sure as shit didn't
tell me where they put it!
- You're probably right.
But unfortunately for you
I drove out here
to get something.
(Blake gasping)
(soft knocking on door)
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful chord striking)
I think we're gonna have
to postpone our engagement
just a little bit longer.
Don't you worry, sweet cheeks.
I'll be back.
(dramatic music)
That's what I'm talkin' about.
(dramatic music)
(ominous music)
(crickets chirping)
(dramatic music)
(thunder rumbling)
(ominous music)
(suspenseful music)
(Blake gasping)
(heavy breathing)
(Blake gasping)
(suspenseful music swelling)
(loud screaming)
("Night Lights")
(birds chirping)
(soft sobbing)
(truck horn honking)
(gentle music)
- Blake.
(dramatic music)
("You Are My Sunshine")
The other night dear,
as I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held
you in my arms
When I awoke, dear,
I was mistaken
The other night dear,
as I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held
you in my arms
When I awoke, dear,
I was mistaken
I dreamed I held
you in my arms
When I awoke dear,
I was mistaken
(suspense music)
(dramatic music)
(ominous music)
(suspenseful music)
(gentle music)