Hell on the Border (2019) Movie Script
For a second there,
I thought I finally done
enough to see Glory.
But my senses is telling me
you ain't no angels.
Well, you add a few wrinkles,
take away a little hair,
why, it looks like
we got Charlie Storm.
Cow rustler, spirit pusher.
Mr. Lawman, I'm not exactly
well here right now.
Give me a little assistance
getting out of this mire
and I'll turn myself in
nice and peaceful like.
Well, why don't you just
get down and walk out?
I'll arrange someone
to get your mare.
Damn, if I could walk
out of here on my own strength,
you'd be having this conversation
with only my horse here,
not me.
What do you surmise, Bass?
One of us will have to
bring him out of that pit.
Well, you heard the man.
If he could walk in that,
he'd be somewhere dancing
with the savages.
Besides, I ain't dressed
for this occasion.
See here,
what I was trying to say is...
I'd walk through,
carry him across my shoulders
back to you for the iron.
So, you're gonna walk
seven paces out there,
in mud that a horse
can't walk in?
Yes, sir.
Well, if you say it,
I wanna see it.
Marshal, you gonna let that nigger
kill himself and me in the process?
You need to watch
your mouth, old man.
And Mr. Reeves here,
he may be a Negro,
but he's my posseman.
And he may be the one
just saves your neck.
- I ain't going.
- Oh, you going.
- Oh, I ain't going.
- If'n he makes it out there to you,
you very well gonna
get on his shoulders
and make your way
back over here.
No, I won't.
I'm good right here.
Above ground
and breathing.
That little nigger,
he's gonna sink,
and he gonna sink
with me in it.
Quite frankly, I don't really
care if you survive or not.
Right here it says
"dead or alive."
And, Mr. Reeves,
why don't you try and not sink
before you get within
arm's shot of this bank here.
I don't suspect mud
is going to remove from my linens very well.
you better fix my obit right.
"The outlaw Charlie Storm,
the most wanted outlaw
in the Indian Territory,
took a fight on with eight
U.S. Marshals and sixteen possemen."
You sure you can get me
out of this thing?
Well, I'll be.
Now, Charlie Storm.
Charlie Storm.
By the power vested in me...
from the federal judge
Isaac Parker,
I place you under arrest.
Let's go, Bass.
What is it now?
Think I'ma help that mare.
Help it do what?
Help it out.
You know we can't
wait on you.
Let's go, Charlie.
The outlaws here are unruly.
The only solution
to that unruliness is the rule of law.
The law that you were
brought here to dispense.
Judge Isaac C. Parker...
is there a man out of
the ones that you sentenced
that didn't make a victim out
of an innocent man or woman?
No, you can bring
me the final pardon request
for the man that
killed his friend.
Shouldn't I have
a counselor with me?
I do not care to speak with you
about your legal status.
The purpose of my inquiry today
is to endeavor to speak with you
about softening your heart
in preparation for your
inevitable meeting with God.
You shot your best friend
in the back.
And it will not be long
before you leave this world
and enter into eternity.
Now, I cannot
have mercy on you,
but there is one who can
pardon your offenses.
There is a savior whose blood
is sufficient enough
to wash this stain
from your soul.
Now, I beg of you to seek
the salvation of His holy cross.
Because I cannot, and I
shall not pardon your crimes.
May God have mercy on you.
I didn't realize at the fort there would be
so much unruly activity.
Well, you know today is the day
that Judge Parker is gonna send
six souls to meet
their maker.
Six? At one time?
Judge Parker relishes on efficiency.
What kind of man hangs six men
in the name of efficiency?
Sounds more like
an outlaw than the law.
The law he is.
He passed the bar exam
when he was 21.
He was a city attorney at 23.
He left the Democrats
'cause he opposed slavery.
All that speak he speaks.
Only thing I can remember
is he hung six souls.
- Morning, Judge.
- Morning.
It's Charlie Storm here.
He's ready for his arraignment.
Marshal, your prisoner
is covered in mud,
yet you remain pristine.
Well, you know a good marshal
know how to bring his man in
without sacrificing his stature.
- You understand.
- Very well.
Bring him to the jailer's.
I'll arraign him tomorrow.
Before noon, around 11:00.
Y'all leave me the fuck alone.
You know the colored man
Bass Reeves?
Eh, no,
I can't say I do.
He broke away from
his master during the war.
Learned the land, their native
tongue before coming here,
and, well, Mr. Reeves has been
a posseman for a few years now.
I reckon it's time
for a promotion.
You want me to promote
a Negro to deputy marshal?
Yes, I do.
Why do you incessantly push me
to do things that are sure
to get me fired?
I'm doing
no such a thing.
I'm your assistant,
and I'm assisting you.
You'd do well just to listen.
You know as well as I do,
this country, as progressive
as it pretends to be,
is not ready
for a colored marshal.
These people, they can
only handle so much change.
Bass and my Archie
homesteaded land together.
He'd have told ya,
you won't find a man
more capable with a pistol.
I'll tell ya you won't find
a man more loyal to the law.
That's the kind
of deputy you need.
Evening, Bass.
Evening, Jessie.
You know Judge Parker?
Yes, ma'am.
Evening, sir.
I'll be seeing you.
You're one of our possemen,
are you not?
Yes, sir.
How did you and that horse
find the occasion
to be so stained
by mud?
You'd have to ask
Marshal Franks, sir.
As a federal judge,
I'm inquiring of you now, sir.
And, frankly,
I expect nothing less
than a straight
answer here.
With all respect due you,
Marshal Franks
is the man I ride for.
I will give you $20 federal salary
if you speak
plainly to me, sir.
Judge, there is not
a dollar amount
that will cause me
to betray my employer.
Oh, come on. I employ him.
He employs you.
So, technically, I employ you.
What does he pay you anyway?
What, $3 a week?
I'm offering you 20
to tell me about a horse.
I guess I just don't
see it that way, sir.
Miss Jessie.
You care to hear
something humorous?
I was with Franks today,
and he was spit-shine clean.
But his prisoner was covered
about like you and that horse.
When I mentioned
that fact to him,
he failed to even acknowledge you.
Or your name.
Good Lord, in Jesus's name,
let me know that I'm doing
the right thing out here.
I firmly believe that
it's been appointed to men to live and die but once.
Yet before me stands the soul
that I know has departed
from this place.
You killed my brother.
No, wait.
I did no such thing.
Now, your brother,
he did what he did.
He got justice.
Don't do this.
Oh, please, God...
Came back to apologize
for being rude.
Are you Creek?
I'm not a boy.
I'm Rufus Buck.
Rufus Buck.
Lord above.
Jessie was right about you.
She didn't
exaggerate at all.
I've never seen a man
utilize his armaments
with such speed and efficiency.
I mean, you had that boy dead
to rights and you just let him go.
Thank you.
What's wrong, sir?
Sir, I'm not a lawman.
And some of those folks was white.
You were witness.
Well, they drew first.
On you and me.
You're damn right
I'm a witness.
So be it.
If you the witness,
who gonna be the judge?
Well, there may be a solution.
What's wrong?
I think I'm...
I might be a deputy marshal.
You what?
You put a star on your chest,
you the target.
I've always been the target.
It's no difference.
You trying to make
a widow of me?
- I'll just leave right now and save you the trouble.
- No, I'm not trying--
Let go of me,
Bass George Reeves.
Let me alone.
We doing just fine
with you on the farm
and walking with the marshal
on occasion.
Why now, Bass? Why?
'Cause we got six souls
sleeping in the next room.
All right, you three go around
back and we'll flank the front.
Look, Jim, I know
we done come all this way,
but I think it's wise for us
to call somebody to assist us.
Since when did you
go yellowbelly?
I ain't no yellowbelly,
my friend.
but you've heard the same
stories that I've heard about Dozier.
Six of us here, that ain't
enough to bring him in.
You see this?
You see those words?
That says
"United States Deputy Marshal."
I am the United States.
And we, as the United States,
are gonna go in there
and we're gonna take Dozier
back to Judge Parker
to answer for his crimes.
And if any of you
are yellow like Tom,
you can just go somewhere
and bury your face
'cause your country
doesn't need you.
You see it like you want,
but I'm going home.
Judge is gonna have
your head for this.
Maybe, but he might have yours
for not listening to reason.
You two go around back.
Just the five of us?
- It's one man, Ned.
- I know.
Bob Dozier!
United States
Deputy Marshal Jim Bruce!
I have a warrant for your arrest
out of the District Court
Fort Smith, Arkansas.
Your house is surrounded.
Turn yourself in now,
won't be unnecessary
spilling of your blood.
Bob Dozier.
- United States Deputy--
- Dozier: I heard you cackle!
Repeating yourself is not gonna
endo you anymore jurisdiction
over me or my person
than it did the first time.
You might not have heard,
but the United States
has jurisdiction over the Indian Territory.
And this is the Indian Territory.
- That right?
- Yeah.
How's your government get jurisdiction
over land it don't own?
- Pardon?
- This land belongs to the Indian.
Seems to me the Indians should
be giving you jurisdiction.
Seeing as you stole
every piece of land from them,
you forced them on this territory,
I don't see them doing so.
Sir, you must be mistaken.
The government
doesn't ask for permission.
We are the United States,
and we are advising you
to come on out,
or we're coming in
there after you.
I dare you.
Well, go get him.
Is anyone left?
Oh, yes,
United States
Deputy Marshal Jim Bruce,
someone is left.
I told you you do not have
jurisdiction over me or my person.
Yet you still choose to
awaken me from my slumber.
Cause a ruckus
in my town.
Tell me something,
Deputy Marshal Jim Bruce,
what do you do when a rodent
invades your home?
That question was not
designed to be rhetorical.
- You kill it?
- Yes!
You just don't kill it.
You kill it and you send it
back to where it came from
so that all the other rodents
see what happens
they get the same idea.
Gather the coins that
he and the others carry.
Put 'em with the gains
from last night's coach.
We'll give it to
the families that need it.
Keep the rest
so we may eat.
I apologize to
the women and children
who had to witness
that defense of self.
Bring him to the vault.
Bring me my knife.
You, government man,
are gonna deliver
a message for me.
It needs to be unmistakable.
Look at me.
Can you do that?
Senator Smith.
Word reached that you might be
slumbering in these parts.
And I heard
there are several souls
that slumber in these parts
at the hand of a black man.
One of those gentlemen
was white.
Now, you know that even here,
as progressive as we may be,
a Negro cannot shoot
a white man
without the protection
of a shield.
Is that what we call a white man
that ambushes a judge,
- a gentleman?
- You miss my meaning.
No, never mind, because I intend
to name that man deputy marshal.
Retroactively protecting
his bravery last night.
You do realize that
if you name that Negro,
the one that lacks
the good sense
not to shoot down
a white man and he fails,
it will be a setback
for the whole Negro race.
- Senator, let me tell you--
- No, no, you hear me out.
You hear me out.
I nominated you because
I trust your judgment.
President Grant believes
in liberty of the Negro.
He is fighting that unrest
in the South.
But in order to
protect our progress,
we have to nurture the Negro.
Not just set 'em fully free.
I mean,
they're ready to be free,
but are they ready to lead?
And if he fails,
there's likely not to be another
one around for 100 years.
So, can you tell me just
what it is about this Negro
that makes you believe that he
is worthy to carry that burden?
Well, I don't know if it's fair
to hoist the burden of an entire
race upon his shoulders.
Your Honor,
- I know you to be a man of the church.
- Yes, sir.
- And the law.
- Mm-hmm.
But are you willing to gamble
your seat on the bench for that man?
I never gamble.
Deputy Marshal Reeves.
Well done, sir.
Judge, I'm sorry, but I've
buried my words far too long.
Now, I fancy Mr. Reeves here
as a posseman.
And you know I do,
but you bring a dishonor--
a dishonor on the name of
the marshal by naming him.
Franks, Negro or not,
in the course of a day,
I've known this man
to rescue a horse,
rescue an outlaw,
and bring him to justice,
save a judge from perish
from five men,
and refuse a payment worth
many times his monthly salary
simply to provide information.
Now, if those actions
do not quality that man there
to ride as a deputy marshal
in my district,
then I might just pull
the stars off every man here.
- Judge, you're making--
- Including yours.
Man: No outlaw will file
for a black man with a badge.
He'll be dead in a week.
Save them kids.
Who said that?
Now, there will be order in this court.
I'll clear this whole gallery.
Delivery here Judge Parker.
- I'm Judge Parker. Just set it there.
- Yes, sir. Okay. Yes, sir.
Judge, you may not know,
why, Mr. Reeves here,
he can't read.
And if he can't read,
well, he can't write.
Is that right, Bass?
That's right, sir.
Can you tell me how is it
that you come to shoot
like a man possessed
but you can't read?
My generation
was not born free.
My master taught
me to shoot,
but he refused
to teach me to read.
Said that have
made me too dangerous.
More dangerous than you are
with those Colts?
how in God's good name
is he going to read a warrant
and ensure that he brings in
the right man?
We don't need litigation
by negligence
caused by a Negro.
- Um...
- Man: Tell him, Marshal Franks.
My husband may not read...
but you will respect him.
My husband Bass
can be and will be
a deputy worth remembering.
Okay, now,
we've heard you.
We'll have order in this court.
May I?
Bass, you know
I can't do that.
There are no coloreds
allowed in the bar.
What is that awful smell
in my courtroom?
Judge, I suspect the smell
is coming from this here package.
Open it up.
Judge, you ain't gonna like it.
It's horrible, Judge, horrible.
That head was a promise.
It was a promise,
and it was a promise fulfilled.
Now, you let him
stay where he is.
Should he make his way
into town,
then you let the law
have its way with him.
Bruce went on a fool's errand.
and he returned home
slight of his body.
Well, be that as it may...
is there anyone here...
who will execute service of
this here warrant?
No one...
under the authority
of this court here
shall stand above the law.
Judge, ain't nobody ill
enough in their right mind
to take on that assignment.
You chase an animal
in its own habitat,
and it's simply suicide.
I will.
Oh, that's good.
Mr. Reeves...
you aren't a deputy.
It seems, sir, that we both have
a problem and a solution.
You need someone to put an end
to Dozier's terror,
and I need to prove I would be
a more-than-capable deputy.
Both problems solved
by the same solution.
If I can bring him back,
you put a badge on my chest.
So this man here,
who many of you feel isn't worthy
enough to strap your boots,
this man has more courage
than any of you all combined.
Now, if I grant this request...
is there anybody
that will ride with him?
- I ride alone.
- No, Mr. Reeves.
As much as it might be
your inclination to do so,
you will not ride alone.
My orders.
Who will ride with him?
Ain't nobody going back
to hell to chase that man.
We're kinda partial to having
our heads attached to our torso.
I will.
Pardon my crime, shit,
I'll ride with the nigger.
Well, you wouldn't be the first
outlaw put on a straight path
by being a posseman.
You are charged with
some serious crimes, sir.
You would likely fall upon
the ground if put in prison
being as old as you are.
Upon execution of this warrant
with Mr. Reeves here...
I will pardon you.
- What's his name?
- Charlie Storm.
Pleased to meet you.
All right,
you ain't so bad
for somebody that hung
all them sons of bitches.
Oh, I get it.
We got a Negro
and a senile old man
to bring in the most notorious
outlaw in this territory.
God save this country.
Can you hear me?
Run away
Run away
Freedom, can you hear me?
He restores my soul.
He leadeth me
in the path of righteousness
for his name's sake.
Yea though I walk through
the valley of shadow of death,
I will fear no evil!
Father, Father,
can't you hear me?
Father, Father,
hear us calling...
Look at my nice star, Daddy.
For thou art with me.
Thy rod and thy staff,
they comfort me.
- You go to bed now, you hear?
- Okay.
The Lord will also be
a refuge for the oppressed.
A refuge in the times of trouble.
Father, Father,
can't you hear me?
Father, Father...
What you do...
when the whole world
doesn't believe in you?
You make believers out of
every last one of 'em.
Man: That rain's coming down.
Should we get some cover?
I think it'll pass.
Think it's smart
to leave town?
I don't think anyone
will bother us again.
Thing about the government
is they don't like to lose.
Won't pick a fight
if the decks are stacked.
Around here, we own the decks.
They know that.
Let's ride.
I need to see
Judge Parker now, missy.
I have orders from his boss,
President Grant,
not to appoint
Bass Reeves U.S. Marshal
and to have him
arrested forthwith.
I'm sorry, Senator.
Judge Parker's not
in the office today.
Nor is Mr. Reeves.
- Where in the hell is he?
- I don't know, sir.
But they both have a home.
I'll be sure to pass
the message along.
Have good day now.
would you send Bass out,
so we can allow him to answer
to the proper authority?
It ain't nothing
he needs to answer for.
Mr. Reeves is not here.
And it would behoove you
to lay those arms aside.
Should one of her innocent
children get harmed,
I dare not be the man
to stand between
that person and Bass Reeves.
Put your arms away, boys.
It'd be nice
if you did, too, ma'am.
I have orders here
from President Grant,
delivered from Senator Smith,
that Mr. Reeves stand trial.
Should they succeed in their endeavor,
I'll take it up with
President Grant myself.
- If not--
- No "if not."
Bass Reeves is coming home.
Of course.
Sorry, ma'am.
See all them men got
sent to their grave?
Son of bitches no better
than the outlaws out here.
You know,
I'm gonna just pull my horse up and turn around
if I don't get some straight talk.
All right, wait a minute,
how's a nigger get land?
You can't own land,
can you?
You got a pretty wife,
you know.
How'd an ugly son of a bitch
like you get such a pretty wife?
Don't you speak of my wife.
Oh, so he can talk.
- I talk when I need it.
- Uh-huh.
- And don't you speak of my wife.
- All right.
Don't you worry about it.
I'm not gonna speak at all.
I don't know if you realize this,
but you can't get him without me.
I don't need you
or nobody out here.
We've been riding for two days.
We haven't seen a soul.
You even have a plan,
or you just get up and go?
No time to plan.
Well, shit, there's
always time for planning.
Plans are the difference between
being a cow rustler and a spirit pusher
and being wanted for killing somebody
and having to face that hanging judge of yours.
What you trying to say?
You done killed somebody
and got away with it?
I'm just saying what I said.
Yo, shut up, Charlie.
You ain't nothing but bluster.
Probably can't even hit a lick.
Can't even hit a buffalo in a herd.
- Shit.
- You know, I'm starting to think riding to Detroit
would've been easier on
my nerves than riding with you.
You know, your pardon doesn't depend
on how many words you speak.
Oh, I know.
I just find joy in talking.
Besides, you should thank
that God you sing to
I can shoot
pretty good, too.
Yeah, okay.
Yeah, okay.
- We do not have time for this.
- No, no, no, no.
You just called
my ability into question.
Let me put your mind at ease.
I'm either going to prove you
right or wrong. Now point.
That rock.
Which one?
- All right, let me bring it closer.
- No, no, no.
You don't have to bring it closer.
The big rock in between the--
- In between the trees.
- I got you.
That wasn't me.
Let's go.
Why'd you tear off
like that?
They needed help,
I helped.
You don't get it, do you?
Them people might've been dead.
You just go off without no plan.
Just tear off like that.
Don't they teach you niggers
anything about patience?
You're such a coon.
That is the last time
you use that word around me.
That's why you swung on me?
I-- I don't mean nothing by it!
That's what my pappy
taught me.
Horse, nig--
Okay, okay, okay.
It don't mean nothing
coming from me.
- Well, it means something coming to me.
- Well, all right.
All I'm trying to say is...
- ...you're all coon and no crow.
- What?
Coon, coon. You know,
an animal-- coon.
He come into your house,
he takes what he wants,
and he leaves, he's fearless.
Now, a crow.
A crow wants a nut,
he don't want to break his beak.
He'll drop that nut in the middle of the road,
wait for a wagon to come by,
break it, pick it up,
take his bounty and leave.
It's called patience.
Now, you making no sense,
Charlie Storm.
I'm making a lot of sense.
And you'll get it...
as soon as you get it.
sorry to disturb your brotherly spat,
but the sun'll be set
before you settle.
The time has come
For us to part
in the parting band
So farewell, friends
Sweet song.
Why you getting shot at?
Well, we been moving
our people from the south
to this fertile ground in Kansas.
Been doing that since '72.
But the federal government
been moving their troops out the south.
So we had to find
a new route.
You should come.
Just planted our first collard.
Been fetchin' for people.
Got about 600 right now.
I got land.
- You own it?
- I homestead it.
'66, when the law changed.
Became a citizen.
Federal government approved me.
You heard of taxes?
I was an undertaker
back there in Nashville.
And sometimes
I'd have to bury fathers.
Maybe by the next morning,
that landlord would
go to that mother,
she'd have about
six or seven children.
And that landlord would tell her,
"Your husband owed me
before he died."
And then he'd say,
"You have to go some other
place, I cannot take care of you."
Now, that's something
I would take notice of.
Sooner or later,
you find her coming out
some disorderly house.
And those children?
State prison.
Sounds like tales of Exodus.
I thought old Abe set you free.
Although the law
say we free,
the South still sends for us
with money on our heads.
They call that a Southern
bounty group.
Southern country
is out of joint, sir.
And it's coming west.
They running out
of land already.
And when they come,
they're bringing all
their ills with them.
I know,
the blood of a white man
runs through my veins.
There is some good white men
in the Southern country.
But it ain't the majority,
to which you just might fit.
Maybe I would.
Maybe you just don't know
what you want, but I do.
I want to shut my eyes
without the sound
of white oppression
coursing through my ears.
I got a mission, and I'm gonna
need to get rested for it.
We gotta finish some work
we started days ago.
We'll take you
to the next town over.
See that you get a wagon
and a horse.
You'll be all right
in Cherokee land.
I think you and the lady
might be lost.
Whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa.
You can't do that in my territory.
Your territory?
Man as handsome
and strong as yourself
needn't worry about us.
We're just wandering.
- We don't want any trouble, either.
- Mm-mm.
A couple of my men
were gunned down.
We're looking
for who's responsible.
- Well, that wouldn't be--
- Why do you care?
Why do I care?
I'm saying, are they kin to you?
- They got to be kin for me to care?
- Maybe not.
But to approach a stranger
seeking information,
I would judge you to be kin or crazy.
Well, I ain't kin.
Well, then you must be crazy.
I didn't get your name.
Well, I'm Frank James.
This is my brother Jesse.
And this firecracker
right here,
- well, that's Belle.
- Belle?
Belle Starr,
of the Sam Starr Gang.
So if that name means something,
I suggest you be on your way.
James, of the Younger Gang?
Yeah, they call us that.
Well, thanks for the information
on your compadre.
I think we'll be going to find him
now and congratulate him.
What'd you put inside
of the hole?
Just our dog.
That's a mighty big
hole for a dog.
He was a mighty big dog.
Come on.
You kin to him?
- Do I look like him?
- Little bit.
Sure don't sound like him,
though. Where you from?
Where's that?
Europe. Read about it.
Pinkerton's from there.
Pinkerton? You mean that motherfucker--
can't catch Jesse James?
He's about as skillful as...
What's going on up there?
We got to go.
Having a plan would
come in real handy
about now, wouldn't it?
Who are you?
Bass Reeves.
We don't want no trouble.
Maybe trouble seeks you.
excuse my friend here.
He-- He said he knew
this land here.
If we knew this was your piece,
we could have avoided
this whole unfortunate confrontation.
- Shut up, old man.
- Yes, sir.
Man: You say your name
was Bass Reeves?
Who asks?
My goodness,
thought you was Dick Lassen's boys
riding behind us to get
their piece of vengeance.
- Sam Sixkiller.
- Mm-hmm.
This here is Sam Sixkiller.
He took me in
when I left my men.
When I left the war.
Saved my life.
What kind of name
is Sam Sixkiller?
And this here
is Charlie Storm.
Your friends?
What are you doing
in these parts, Bass?
I thought you was too fancy
to visit these lands again, huh?
I'm just heading
to Muskogee for now.
Mm-hmm, me too.
Sun's setting,
why don't you come
rest up in town,
get that looked after.
You all have an open
invitation to join us.
We would, but we can't.
Bass has got a family back home
depending on us getting back
and finishing this mission.
Mm-hmm. I understand.
You be careful, though.
Make you drowsy.
You believe that?
About what?
The white man took his land.
Well, you white.
You own land?
Oh, I had land.
They took it too.
They? They, who?
Well, Confederates
took it first.
That brought the Union
soldiers to my doorstep.
Then the Union took it, kept it.
What about your wife, offspring?
So, what's this mission?
You on the hunt?
Who would that be?
Bob Dozier.
We should get a drink.
- I don't--
- I'll drink for the both of us.
All right.
Oh, Susanna,
Oh, don't you cry for me
I come from Alabama
with a banjo on my knee
Oh, Susanna,
Oh, don't you cry for me
I come from Alabama
with a banjo on my knee
I drove across a telegraph
and traveled down the river
Electric fluid magnified
And killed
five hundred chigger
Oh, Susanna,
oh, don't you cry for me
I come from Alabama
with a banjo on my knee...
You hear a single word of this?
I apologize, man.
Thought I was gonna have to have
a word with Charlie over there.
He's quite a character,
isn't he?
You know that man you seek?
He's as bad as they come.
We come from the same place,
breathe the same air.
If he's as bad
as you say he is,
what that make me?
Dick Lassen is as mean as
that man's pinkie toe.
Now, I don't run from
a fight, you know that.
But I would not pursue him.
I ain't ever met
a man that mean.
Or that fast.
Not even you, Bass.
Well, you haven't
seen me for a while.
No. No, I haven't.
Look, he sent a man's head
with a badge attached
to his eye to a judge.
Don't you never mind,
'cause I don't know where he is.
Not many do.
Whoa, easy guys.
It's just me.
I have a message for Dozier.
Any creature
that would leave to die, the delegate,
they warrant any punishment
that befalls them.
Negro, speaks Creek...
shot five men before
they could draw.
and he's looking for me.
Well, I guess my last message
wasn't loud enough.
Government man wants
to find me, Negro or not...
well, I'll make it easy for 'em.
Oh... Susanna
Oh, don't you cry for me
I come from Alabama
with a banjo on my knee
How come you ain't
singing, Bass?
Why aren't you having any fun?
How come you never
have any fun, Bass?
Oh, Susanna
Oh, don't you cry for me
Oh, I jumped aboard a telegraph
And traveled down the river
Electric fluid magnified
and killed 500 chigger
Hey, Bass, did you hear me?
No "nigger," "chigger."
Kill 500 chigger
Hey, Bass, the horses.
We left the horses back there--
They're gonna be just fine.
- Okay.
- We'll get them in the morning.
Okay. Okay.
You're all right.
You're all right, Bass.
What is it, Sam?
I just never thought of you
as a law man.
Not after what the law
did to you.
The law put me in chains.
But the law also set me free.
Now, I got six little ones,
and I need to stay free.
Gracious, Bass,
you wearing that poor woman
out, ain't you?
I hear there's a black boy
seeking my whereabouts.
It's him.
It's Dozier!
Seek no more, here I am.
He rides into my town,
we'll take him together, Bass.
No, he rides into your town
for me, it's me he gets.
You can't face him alone.
Even if I can't,
you with your one arm,
it's not gonna be much help.
I can shoot with one
better than most with two,
you know that, Bass.
you saved a drowning boy once.
Let that man repay you.
You got two minutes.
I won't need 'em.
Don't tell me
you went coward on me.
Well, I'll be damned.
That young Indian was right.
A Negro on a quest for me.
Bob Dozier...
I have a warrant for your arrest.
A Negro with that warrant
has no authority here.
Oh, but he does.
And so do I.
I'm gonna
excuse your ignorance,
give you a chance
to claim your life.
Thank you, Mr. Dozier.
I will return.
But not without executing
this warrant.
Dead... or alive.
Is that the way
you want it to be?
That's the way it is.
Your move, boy.
Dead or alive.
Got one, boy!
Bass hasn't
been seen in a week,
and he's feared dead.
President Grant will be here
in two days.
Let's take him together, Bass.
Sixkiller, you saved
a drowning boy once.
Will be all right
Pray on
Where are you off to?
Thought you were still asleep.
Well, I'm up now.
Spanish Fort,
about a half a day's ride.
You thinking about going alone?
Well, you got one arm,
you liquored,
you'll slow me down.
All right.
Go on, then...
make a widow of your wife,
orphan of them kids.
Go on!
Bad-ass Bass Reeves.
The man who rides
with nobody by his side.
Shit. Well, go on.
He may be slow of tongue,
but his words are sharp.
Now, Dozier
may have some men,
but he don't need
them anymore--
Well, what good are you?!
You got one arm.
You can't even go a day
without drinking.
The border's right there.
Why don't you run?
You don't have to finish.
Buddy, I seen what you did
to Dozier's men.
If you only had some help.
I mean, what I'm trying
to say is,
if you insist on going
after what you now know...
then fuck it!
I'll go too.
But we better pray
my boots become unstuck.
Yeah, I could run.
I could be headed for the border.
Keep taking what I want,
shoot anybody who doesn't
want to give it to me.
Or maybe
I could do something.
You know, something...
of a proper obit.
Something worth writing about.
Why don't you go home?
You're the one with the family.
Leave this fool's errand
to this coward here.
And this old drunk outlaw.
If I leave...
Who's gonna save ya
from the fool's folly?
Thatta boy!
Thatta boy.
"I'll annointest my hand with oil.
My cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy
shall follow me
all the days of my life."
40 men on three.
That's not odds I'd take
if I was a gambler.
Yeah, you win at them odds,
you a legend.
All right,
we wait till nightfall,
circle the town,
then we jump them
before daybreak.
That's it?
That's what you want to do?
That's why we came.
We circled this before,
and there were six of us,
or five.
And he was alone.
And he still lives.
Did you go in by surprise?
No, the stupid bastard
Well, you don't knock
on the Devil's door and ask to come in.
You wait till nightfall.
You go in real quiet-like,
you take out every man that's posted.
You make your way
through the house,
you get to his bedroom,
you surround the motherfucker,
he comes out with you.
Dead or alive.
Nightfall it is.
There was a time
Everything so supreme
Man: And I threw that man
right through the window.
Then the boss rides up,
lights some dynamite,
tosses it in the house,
we ride off, and then boom!
Whole ground shook.
Is that it?
One for me, and one for--
No, I'm good.
I'm gonna go sleep off this fun.
The stage comes through tomorrow.
We pull this off my way,
this town eats for a year.
You may run for a long time
Run on for a long time
Run on for a long time
Let me tell you that God's
gonna cut you down
Let me tell you that God's
gonna cut you down
That's about gonnavdo it for me.
My God spoke and He
spoke so sweet
I thought I heard the shuffle
of angels' feet
And he put hand
upon my head
Great God almighty,
I'll tell you what he said
It's time.
Go tell
her long tongue liar
Tell that midnight rider
Tell the gamblers, the ramblers
The back biters
Tell them that God's
gonna cut them down
Look a little lost there, fella.
I'm just passing through.
You the law?
I don't know of any colored
lawmen around these parts.
Come on.
Oh! Easy...
If you've come for Dozier,
we ain't got no quarrel.
I do what I do out here
just not to die.
Where does Dozier
keep his horse?
Outside his house.
Especially since that
marshal showed up,
woods are dangerous over there.
You're a lucky man.
tell me if I should act now.
I'm sorry, Lord.
I was kind of hoping
you'd be louder.
But you didn't say no.
You killed a dear
friend of mine.
You tried to kill me too.
You didn't die.
Like I said before,
I'm here to return you to Fort Smith.
By the power given me
by the Federal Court.
You can cackle all you want.
You and no Federal Court
has any jurisdiction over me.
Then maybe I'll just
shoot you dead now.
Just pull this trigger.
You won't.
'Cause you ain't me.
You don't like to shoot first
or you would have done so
when my men surrounded you, no?
But me?
I'd shoot you dead.
You better be a good shot.
I'm better than good.
Did you know I used to be
a deputy marshal?
- That doesn't matter.
- It matters.
But your government
accused me a robbery.
Stripped me of my star.
And lashed me to confess,
locked me up.
I lost my family.
Yellow fever.
Couldn't do nothing.
My Annie was the purest
thing I'd ever seen.
So was my Corina,
but they met the dirt.
Like an outlaw.
Because law wasn't reasonable,
and my wife and my baby died.
It was made very clear to me
that I was to pursue my earnest desires.
Because living is to live...
and then you die.
That may well be.
Jim Bruce, Sam Sixkiller,
Belle Starr's brother no longer living, and you are.
But you gonna do your living
and dying in Detroit prison.
Oh, you ain't leaving here
tonight, colored boy!
You should have thought
this through.
Get him!
Go get that son of a bitch!
Now, it's too dangerous
for you.
I'm gonna be back.
But if I don't,
you make sure you take Nellie
and my little ones where they need to be.
Cheer up.
I gotta give it to you!
Only one moving!
You and me would've made a hell
of a team in another life,
nigger and all.
Why don't you come out now
and have a fair fight?
I told you, lawman,
government doesn't have
any jurisdiction over me.
Dead or alive.
Thank you.
Well, old man,
you got the spirit to ride
or should I just
retire you here?
You wish.
- Tom, you coming?
- No.
I think Spanish Fort
is a place that needs
some looking after.
if anybody ever says
Tom Pinkerton's a coward,
- you just send them my way.
- Thanks.
Come on, Jake.
Hey, Charlie!
I got my boots unstuck!
You crazy.
You gentlemen are making a mistake.
No, Your Honor,
you made the mistake.
Good people of Fort Smith?
Gather the paper writers!
Charlie Storm and Bass Reeves
have returned with the bounty!
Y'all ain't gonna believe this.
None of you said
we could do it, did you?
We done brought back an outlaw
that has killed many lawmen,
innocent people, and others.
We done brought back
Bob Dozier!
Nellie, Bass is back!
They killed Dozier!
I thought you was dead.
I've been thinking about my obit.
Oh, not this again.
You are no longer an outlaw.
That's my point.
What's a good obit for a lawman?
Bass Reeves!
For some reason...
I think you gonna
have plenty of time.
Well, you know.
you can't be too careful.
Mr. Reeves,
you may enter the bar.
Here and in any court I preside in
as long as there's breath in my body.
Please, sir,
come forward.
You have something
for us, Judge?
I have a stack of
warrants for you.
- No less than 3,000.
- Ma'am.
Oh, and, Mr. Reeves,
I think you'll need this.
Will you gentlemen be
needing any additional help?
Both: No.
Run away, run away
Freedom, can you hear me?
Run away, run away
Freedom, can you hear me?
Gotta keep running,
running, running
Running, running,
running home to you
He restores my soul.
He leadeth me in the paths
of righteousness for his name's sake.
Yea though I walk through the valley
of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil!
Father, Father,
can't you hear me?
Father, Father,
hear us calling
we running home to you
Run away, run away
Freedom, can you hear me?
Run away, run away
Freedom, can you hear me?
He restores my soul.
He leadeth me in the path of righteousness
for his name's sake.
Yea though I walk through the valley
of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil!
Father, Father,
can't you hear me?
Father, Father,
hear us calling
we are running home to you
For thou art with me.
Thy rod and thy staff,
they comfort me.
The Lord will also be
a refuge for the oppressed.
A refuge in the times of trouble.
Father, Father,
can't you hear me?
Father, Father,
hear us calling
we running home to you
Father, Father,
can't you hear me?
Father, Father,
hear us calling
we running home to you
Father, Father,
can't you hear me?
Father, Father,
hear us calling
we running home to you
Father, Father,
can't you hear me?
Father, Father,
hear us calling
we running home to you
Gotta keep running,
running, running
You gotta keep running,
running, running
Running, running,
running home to you
You gotta keep running,
running, running
Running, running,
running home to you
Jam All Productions.
For a second there,
I thought I finally done
enough to see Glory.
But my senses is telling me
you ain't no angels.
Well, you add a few wrinkles,
take away a little hair,
why, it looks like
we got Charlie Storm.
Cow rustler, spirit pusher.
Mr. Lawman, I'm not exactly
well here right now.
Give me a little assistance
getting out of this mire
and I'll turn myself in
nice and peaceful like.
Well, why don't you just
get down and walk out?
I'll arrange someone
to get your mare.
Damn, if I could walk
out of here on my own strength,
you'd be having this conversation
with only my horse here,
not me.
What do you surmise, Bass?
One of us will have to
bring him out of that pit.
Well, you heard the man.
If he could walk in that,
he'd be somewhere dancing
with the savages.
Besides, I ain't dressed
for this occasion.
See here,
what I was trying to say is...
I'd walk through,
carry him across my shoulders
back to you for the iron.
So, you're gonna walk
seven paces out there,
in mud that a horse
can't walk in?
Yes, sir.
Well, if you say it,
I wanna see it.
Marshal, you gonna let that nigger
kill himself and me in the process?
You need to watch
your mouth, old man.
And Mr. Reeves here,
he may be a Negro,
but he's my posseman.
And he may be the one
just saves your neck.
- I ain't going.
- Oh, you going.
- Oh, I ain't going.
- If'n he makes it out there to you,
you very well gonna
get on his shoulders
and make your way
back over here.
No, I won't.
I'm good right here.
Above ground
and breathing.
That little nigger,
he's gonna sink,
and he gonna sink
with me in it.
Quite frankly, I don't really
care if you survive or not.
Right here it says
"dead or alive."
And, Mr. Reeves,
why don't you try and not sink
before you get within
arm's shot of this bank here.
I don't suspect mud
is going to remove from my linens very well.
you better fix my obit right.
"The outlaw Charlie Storm,
the most wanted outlaw
in the Indian Territory,
took a fight on with eight
U.S. Marshals and sixteen possemen."
You sure you can get me
out of this thing?
Well, I'll be.
Now, Charlie Storm.
Charlie Storm.
By the power vested in me...
from the federal judge
Isaac Parker,
I place you under arrest.
Let's go, Bass.
What is it now?
Think I'ma help that mare.
Help it do what?
Help it out.
You know we can't
wait on you.
Let's go, Charlie.
The outlaws here are unruly.
The only solution
to that unruliness is the rule of law.
The law that you were
brought here to dispense.
Judge Isaac C. Parker...
is there a man out of
the ones that you sentenced
that didn't make a victim out
of an innocent man or woman?
No, you can bring
me the final pardon request
for the man that
killed his friend.
Shouldn't I have
a counselor with me?
I do not care to speak with you
about your legal status.
The purpose of my inquiry today
is to endeavor to speak with you
about softening your heart
in preparation for your
inevitable meeting with God.
You shot your best friend
in the back.
And it will not be long
before you leave this world
and enter into eternity.
Now, I cannot
have mercy on you,
but there is one who can
pardon your offenses.
There is a savior whose blood
is sufficient enough
to wash this stain
from your soul.
Now, I beg of you to seek
the salvation of His holy cross.
Because I cannot, and I
shall not pardon your crimes.
May God have mercy on you.
I didn't realize at the fort there would be
so much unruly activity.
Well, you know today is the day
that Judge Parker is gonna send
six souls to meet
their maker.
Six? At one time?
Judge Parker relishes on efficiency.
What kind of man hangs six men
in the name of efficiency?
Sounds more like
an outlaw than the law.
The law he is.
He passed the bar exam
when he was 21.
He was a city attorney at 23.
He left the Democrats
'cause he opposed slavery.
All that speak he speaks.
Only thing I can remember
is he hung six souls.
- Morning, Judge.
- Morning.
It's Charlie Storm here.
He's ready for his arraignment.
Marshal, your prisoner
is covered in mud,
yet you remain pristine.
Well, you know a good marshal
know how to bring his man in
without sacrificing his stature.
- You understand.
- Very well.
Bring him to the jailer's.
I'll arraign him tomorrow.
Before noon, around 11:00.
Y'all leave me the fuck alone.
You know the colored man
Bass Reeves?
Eh, no,
I can't say I do.
He broke away from
his master during the war.
Learned the land, their native
tongue before coming here,
and, well, Mr. Reeves has been
a posseman for a few years now.
I reckon it's time
for a promotion.
You want me to promote
a Negro to deputy marshal?
Yes, I do.
Why do you incessantly push me
to do things that are sure
to get me fired?
I'm doing
no such a thing.
I'm your assistant,
and I'm assisting you.
You'd do well just to listen.
You know as well as I do,
this country, as progressive
as it pretends to be,
is not ready
for a colored marshal.
These people, they can
only handle so much change.
Bass and my Archie
homesteaded land together.
He'd have told ya,
you won't find a man
more capable with a pistol.
I'll tell ya you won't find
a man more loyal to the law.
That's the kind
of deputy you need.
Evening, Bass.
Evening, Jessie.
You know Judge Parker?
Yes, ma'am.
Evening, sir.
I'll be seeing you.
You're one of our possemen,
are you not?
Yes, sir.
How did you and that horse
find the occasion
to be so stained
by mud?
You'd have to ask
Marshal Franks, sir.
As a federal judge,
I'm inquiring of you now, sir.
And, frankly,
I expect nothing less
than a straight
answer here.
With all respect due you,
Marshal Franks
is the man I ride for.
I will give you $20 federal salary
if you speak
plainly to me, sir.
Judge, there is not
a dollar amount
that will cause me
to betray my employer.
Oh, come on. I employ him.
He employs you.
So, technically, I employ you.
What does he pay you anyway?
What, $3 a week?
I'm offering you 20
to tell me about a horse.
I guess I just don't
see it that way, sir.
Miss Jessie.
You care to hear
something humorous?
I was with Franks today,
and he was spit-shine clean.
But his prisoner was covered
about like you and that horse.
When I mentioned
that fact to him,
he failed to even acknowledge you.
Or your name.
Good Lord, in Jesus's name,
let me know that I'm doing
the right thing out here.
I firmly believe that
it's been appointed to men to live and die but once.
Yet before me stands the soul
that I know has departed
from this place.
You killed my brother.
No, wait.
I did no such thing.
Now, your brother,
he did what he did.
He got justice.
Don't do this.
Oh, please, God...
Came back to apologize
for being rude.
Are you Creek?
I'm not a boy.
I'm Rufus Buck.
Rufus Buck.
Lord above.
Jessie was right about you.
She didn't
exaggerate at all.
I've never seen a man
utilize his armaments
with such speed and efficiency.
I mean, you had that boy dead
to rights and you just let him go.
Thank you.
What's wrong, sir?
Sir, I'm not a lawman.
And some of those folks was white.
You were witness.
Well, they drew first.
On you and me.
You're damn right
I'm a witness.
So be it.
If you the witness,
who gonna be the judge?
Well, there may be a solution.
What's wrong?
I think I'm...
I might be a deputy marshal.
You what?
You put a star on your chest,
you the target.
I've always been the target.
It's no difference.
You trying to make
a widow of me?
- I'll just leave right now and save you the trouble.
- No, I'm not trying--
Let go of me,
Bass George Reeves.
Let me alone.
We doing just fine
with you on the farm
and walking with the marshal
on occasion.
Why now, Bass? Why?
'Cause we got six souls
sleeping in the next room.
All right, you three go around
back and we'll flank the front.
Look, Jim, I know
we done come all this way,
but I think it's wise for us
to call somebody to assist us.
Since when did you
go yellowbelly?
I ain't no yellowbelly,
my friend.
but you've heard the same
stories that I've heard about Dozier.
Six of us here, that ain't
enough to bring him in.
You see this?
You see those words?
That says
"United States Deputy Marshal."
I am the United States.
And we, as the United States,
are gonna go in there
and we're gonna take Dozier
back to Judge Parker
to answer for his crimes.
And if any of you
are yellow like Tom,
you can just go somewhere
and bury your face
'cause your country
doesn't need you.
You see it like you want,
but I'm going home.
Judge is gonna have
your head for this.
Maybe, but he might have yours
for not listening to reason.
You two go around back.
Just the five of us?
- It's one man, Ned.
- I know.
Bob Dozier!
United States
Deputy Marshal Jim Bruce!
I have a warrant for your arrest
out of the District Court
Fort Smith, Arkansas.
Your house is surrounded.
Turn yourself in now,
won't be unnecessary
spilling of your blood.
Bob Dozier.
- United States Deputy--
- Dozier: I heard you cackle!
Repeating yourself is not gonna
endo you anymore jurisdiction
over me or my person
than it did the first time.
You might not have heard,
but the United States
has jurisdiction over the Indian Territory.
And this is the Indian Territory.
- That right?
- Yeah.
How's your government get jurisdiction
over land it don't own?
- Pardon?
- This land belongs to the Indian.
Seems to me the Indians should
be giving you jurisdiction.
Seeing as you stole
every piece of land from them,
you forced them on this territory,
I don't see them doing so.
Sir, you must be mistaken.
The government
doesn't ask for permission.
We are the United States,
and we are advising you
to come on out,
or we're coming in
there after you.
I dare you.
Well, go get him.
Is anyone left?
Oh, yes,
United States
Deputy Marshal Jim Bruce,
someone is left.
I told you you do not have
jurisdiction over me or my person.
Yet you still choose to
awaken me from my slumber.
Cause a ruckus
in my town.
Tell me something,
Deputy Marshal Jim Bruce,
what do you do when a rodent
invades your home?
That question was not
designed to be rhetorical.
- You kill it?
- Yes!
You just don't kill it.
You kill it and you send it
back to where it came from
so that all the other rodents
see what happens
they get the same idea.
Gather the coins that
he and the others carry.
Put 'em with the gains
from last night's coach.
We'll give it to
the families that need it.
Keep the rest
so we may eat.
I apologize to
the women and children
who had to witness
that defense of self.
Bring him to the vault.
Bring me my knife.
You, government man,
are gonna deliver
a message for me.
It needs to be unmistakable.
Look at me.
Can you do that?
Senator Smith.
Word reached that you might be
slumbering in these parts.
And I heard
there are several souls
that slumber in these parts
at the hand of a black man.
One of those gentlemen
was white.
Now, you know that even here,
as progressive as we may be,
a Negro cannot shoot
a white man
without the protection
of a shield.
Is that what we call a white man
that ambushes a judge,
- a gentleman?
- You miss my meaning.
No, never mind, because I intend
to name that man deputy marshal.
Retroactively protecting
his bravery last night.
You do realize that
if you name that Negro,
the one that lacks
the good sense
not to shoot down
a white man and he fails,
it will be a setback
for the whole Negro race.
- Senator, let me tell you--
- No, no, you hear me out.
You hear me out.
I nominated you because
I trust your judgment.
President Grant believes
in liberty of the Negro.
He is fighting that unrest
in the South.
But in order to
protect our progress,
we have to nurture the Negro.
Not just set 'em fully free.
I mean,
they're ready to be free,
but are they ready to lead?
And if he fails,
there's likely not to be another
one around for 100 years.
So, can you tell me just
what it is about this Negro
that makes you believe that he
is worthy to carry that burden?
Well, I don't know if it's fair
to hoist the burden of an entire
race upon his shoulders.
Your Honor,
- I know you to be a man of the church.
- Yes, sir.
- And the law.
- Mm-hmm.
But are you willing to gamble
your seat on the bench for that man?
I never gamble.
Deputy Marshal Reeves.
Well done, sir.
Judge, I'm sorry, but I've
buried my words far too long.
Now, I fancy Mr. Reeves here
as a posseman.
And you know I do,
but you bring a dishonor--
a dishonor on the name of
the marshal by naming him.
Franks, Negro or not,
in the course of a day,
I've known this man
to rescue a horse,
rescue an outlaw,
and bring him to justice,
save a judge from perish
from five men,
and refuse a payment worth
many times his monthly salary
simply to provide information.
Now, if those actions
do not quality that man there
to ride as a deputy marshal
in my district,
then I might just pull
the stars off every man here.
- Judge, you're making--
- Including yours.
Man: No outlaw will file
for a black man with a badge.
He'll be dead in a week.
Save them kids.
Who said that?
Now, there will be order in this court.
I'll clear this whole gallery.
Delivery here Judge Parker.
- I'm Judge Parker. Just set it there.
- Yes, sir. Okay. Yes, sir.
Judge, you may not know,
why, Mr. Reeves here,
he can't read.
And if he can't read,
well, he can't write.
Is that right, Bass?
That's right, sir.
Can you tell me how is it
that you come to shoot
like a man possessed
but you can't read?
My generation
was not born free.
My master taught
me to shoot,
but he refused
to teach me to read.
Said that have
made me too dangerous.
More dangerous than you are
with those Colts?
how in God's good name
is he going to read a warrant
and ensure that he brings in
the right man?
We don't need litigation
by negligence
caused by a Negro.
- Um...
- Man: Tell him, Marshal Franks.
My husband may not read...
but you will respect him.
My husband Bass
can be and will be
a deputy worth remembering.
Okay, now,
we've heard you.
We'll have order in this court.
May I?
Bass, you know
I can't do that.
There are no coloreds
allowed in the bar.
What is that awful smell
in my courtroom?
Judge, I suspect the smell
is coming from this here package.
Open it up.
Judge, you ain't gonna like it.
It's horrible, Judge, horrible.
That head was a promise.
It was a promise,
and it was a promise fulfilled.
Now, you let him
stay where he is.
Should he make his way
into town,
then you let the law
have its way with him.
Bruce went on a fool's errand.
and he returned home
slight of his body.
Well, be that as it may...
is there anyone here...
who will execute service of
this here warrant?
No one...
under the authority
of this court here
shall stand above the law.
Judge, ain't nobody ill
enough in their right mind
to take on that assignment.
You chase an animal
in its own habitat,
and it's simply suicide.
I will.
Oh, that's good.
Mr. Reeves...
you aren't a deputy.
It seems, sir, that we both have
a problem and a solution.
You need someone to put an end
to Dozier's terror,
and I need to prove I would be
a more-than-capable deputy.
Both problems solved
by the same solution.
If I can bring him back,
you put a badge on my chest.
So this man here,
who many of you feel isn't worthy
enough to strap your boots,
this man has more courage
than any of you all combined.
Now, if I grant this request...
is there anybody
that will ride with him?
- I ride alone.
- No, Mr. Reeves.
As much as it might be
your inclination to do so,
you will not ride alone.
My orders.
Who will ride with him?
Ain't nobody going back
to hell to chase that man.
We're kinda partial to having
our heads attached to our torso.
I will.
Pardon my crime, shit,
I'll ride with the nigger.
Well, you wouldn't be the first
outlaw put on a straight path
by being a posseman.
You are charged with
some serious crimes, sir.
You would likely fall upon
the ground if put in prison
being as old as you are.
Upon execution of this warrant
with Mr. Reeves here...
I will pardon you.
- What's his name?
- Charlie Storm.
Pleased to meet you.
All right,
you ain't so bad
for somebody that hung
all them sons of bitches.
Oh, I get it.
We got a Negro
and a senile old man
to bring in the most notorious
outlaw in this territory.
God save this country.
Can you hear me?
Run away
Run away
Freedom, can you hear me?
He restores my soul.
He leadeth me
in the path of righteousness
for his name's sake.
Yea though I walk through
the valley of shadow of death,
I will fear no evil!
Father, Father,
can't you hear me?
Father, Father,
hear us calling...
Look at my nice star, Daddy.
For thou art with me.
Thy rod and thy staff,
they comfort me.
- You go to bed now, you hear?
- Okay.
The Lord will also be
a refuge for the oppressed.
A refuge in the times of trouble.
Father, Father,
can't you hear me?
Father, Father...
What you do...
when the whole world
doesn't believe in you?
You make believers out of
every last one of 'em.
Man: That rain's coming down.
Should we get some cover?
I think it'll pass.
Think it's smart
to leave town?
I don't think anyone
will bother us again.
Thing about the government
is they don't like to lose.
Won't pick a fight
if the decks are stacked.
Around here, we own the decks.
They know that.
Let's ride.
I need to see
Judge Parker now, missy.
I have orders from his boss,
President Grant,
not to appoint
Bass Reeves U.S. Marshal
and to have him
arrested forthwith.
I'm sorry, Senator.
Judge Parker's not
in the office today.
Nor is Mr. Reeves.
- Where in the hell is he?
- I don't know, sir.
But they both have a home.
I'll be sure to pass
the message along.
Have good day now.
would you send Bass out,
so we can allow him to answer
to the proper authority?
It ain't nothing
he needs to answer for.
Mr. Reeves is not here.
And it would behoove you
to lay those arms aside.
Should one of her innocent
children get harmed,
I dare not be the man
to stand between
that person and Bass Reeves.
Put your arms away, boys.
It'd be nice
if you did, too, ma'am.
I have orders here
from President Grant,
delivered from Senator Smith,
that Mr. Reeves stand trial.
Should they succeed in their endeavor,
I'll take it up with
President Grant myself.
- If not--
- No "if not."
Bass Reeves is coming home.
Of course.
Sorry, ma'am.
See all them men got
sent to their grave?
Son of bitches no better
than the outlaws out here.
You know,
I'm gonna just pull my horse up and turn around
if I don't get some straight talk.
All right, wait a minute,
how's a nigger get land?
You can't own land,
can you?
You got a pretty wife,
you know.
How'd an ugly son of a bitch
like you get such a pretty wife?
Don't you speak of my wife.
Oh, so he can talk.
- I talk when I need it.
- Uh-huh.
- And don't you speak of my wife.
- All right.
Don't you worry about it.
I'm not gonna speak at all.
I don't know if you realize this,
but you can't get him without me.
I don't need you
or nobody out here.
We've been riding for two days.
We haven't seen a soul.
You even have a plan,
or you just get up and go?
No time to plan.
Well, shit, there's
always time for planning.
Plans are the difference between
being a cow rustler and a spirit pusher
and being wanted for killing somebody
and having to face that hanging judge of yours.
What you trying to say?
You done killed somebody
and got away with it?
I'm just saying what I said.
Yo, shut up, Charlie.
You ain't nothing but bluster.
Probably can't even hit a lick.
Can't even hit a buffalo in a herd.
- Shit.
- You know, I'm starting to think riding to Detroit
would've been easier on
my nerves than riding with you.
You know, your pardon doesn't depend
on how many words you speak.
Oh, I know.
I just find joy in talking.
Besides, you should thank
that God you sing to
I can shoot
pretty good, too.
Yeah, okay.
Yeah, okay.
- We do not have time for this.
- No, no, no, no.
You just called
my ability into question.
Let me put your mind at ease.
I'm either going to prove you
right or wrong. Now point.
That rock.
Which one?
- All right, let me bring it closer.
- No, no, no.
You don't have to bring it closer.
The big rock in between the--
- In between the trees.
- I got you.
That wasn't me.
Let's go.
Why'd you tear off
like that?
They needed help,
I helped.
You don't get it, do you?
Them people might've been dead.
You just go off without no plan.
Just tear off like that.
Don't they teach you niggers
anything about patience?
You're such a coon.
That is the last time
you use that word around me.
That's why you swung on me?
I-- I don't mean nothing by it!
That's what my pappy
taught me.
Horse, nig--
Okay, okay, okay.
It don't mean nothing
coming from me.
- Well, it means something coming to me.
- Well, all right.
All I'm trying to say is...
- ...you're all coon and no crow.
- What?
Coon, coon. You know,
an animal-- coon.
He come into your house,
he takes what he wants,
and he leaves, he's fearless.
Now, a crow.
A crow wants a nut,
he don't want to break his beak.
He'll drop that nut in the middle of the road,
wait for a wagon to come by,
break it, pick it up,
take his bounty and leave.
It's called patience.
Now, you making no sense,
Charlie Storm.
I'm making a lot of sense.
And you'll get it...
as soon as you get it.
sorry to disturb your brotherly spat,
but the sun'll be set
before you settle.
The time has come
For us to part
in the parting band
So farewell, friends
Sweet song.
Why you getting shot at?
Well, we been moving
our people from the south
to this fertile ground in Kansas.
Been doing that since '72.
But the federal government
been moving their troops out the south.
So we had to find
a new route.
You should come.
Just planted our first collard.
Been fetchin' for people.
Got about 600 right now.
I got land.
- You own it?
- I homestead it.
'66, when the law changed.
Became a citizen.
Federal government approved me.
You heard of taxes?
I was an undertaker
back there in Nashville.
And sometimes
I'd have to bury fathers.
Maybe by the next morning,
that landlord would
go to that mother,
she'd have about
six or seven children.
And that landlord would tell her,
"Your husband owed me
before he died."
And then he'd say,
"You have to go some other
place, I cannot take care of you."
Now, that's something
I would take notice of.
Sooner or later,
you find her coming out
some disorderly house.
And those children?
State prison.
Sounds like tales of Exodus.
I thought old Abe set you free.
Although the law
say we free,
the South still sends for us
with money on our heads.
They call that a Southern
bounty group.
Southern country
is out of joint, sir.
And it's coming west.
They running out
of land already.
And when they come,
they're bringing all
their ills with them.
I know,
the blood of a white man
runs through my veins.
There is some good white men
in the Southern country.
But it ain't the majority,
to which you just might fit.
Maybe I would.
Maybe you just don't know
what you want, but I do.
I want to shut my eyes
without the sound
of white oppression
coursing through my ears.
I got a mission, and I'm gonna
need to get rested for it.
We gotta finish some work
we started days ago.
We'll take you
to the next town over.
See that you get a wagon
and a horse.
You'll be all right
in Cherokee land.
I think you and the lady
might be lost.
Whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa.
You can't do that in my territory.
Your territory?
Man as handsome
and strong as yourself
needn't worry about us.
We're just wandering.
- We don't want any trouble, either.
- Mm-mm.
A couple of my men
were gunned down.
We're looking
for who's responsible.
- Well, that wouldn't be--
- Why do you care?
Why do I care?
I'm saying, are they kin to you?
- They got to be kin for me to care?
- Maybe not.
But to approach a stranger
seeking information,
I would judge you to be kin or crazy.
Well, I ain't kin.
Well, then you must be crazy.
I didn't get your name.
Well, I'm Frank James.
This is my brother Jesse.
And this firecracker
right here,
- well, that's Belle.
- Belle?
Belle Starr,
of the Sam Starr Gang.
So if that name means something,
I suggest you be on your way.
James, of the Younger Gang?
Yeah, they call us that.
Well, thanks for the information
on your compadre.
I think we'll be going to find him
now and congratulate him.
What'd you put inside
of the hole?
Just our dog.
That's a mighty big
hole for a dog.
He was a mighty big dog.
Come on.
You kin to him?
- Do I look like him?
- Little bit.
Sure don't sound like him,
though. Where you from?
Where's that?
Europe. Read about it.
Pinkerton's from there.
Pinkerton? You mean that motherfucker--
can't catch Jesse James?
He's about as skillful as...
What's going on up there?
We got to go.
Having a plan would
come in real handy
about now, wouldn't it?
Who are you?
Bass Reeves.
We don't want no trouble.
Maybe trouble seeks you.
excuse my friend here.
He-- He said he knew
this land here.
If we knew this was your piece,
we could have avoided
this whole unfortunate confrontation.
- Shut up, old man.
- Yes, sir.
Man: You say your name
was Bass Reeves?
Who asks?
My goodness,
thought you was Dick Lassen's boys
riding behind us to get
their piece of vengeance.
- Sam Sixkiller.
- Mm-hmm.
This here is Sam Sixkiller.
He took me in
when I left my men.
When I left the war.
Saved my life.
What kind of name
is Sam Sixkiller?
And this here
is Charlie Storm.
Your friends?
What are you doing
in these parts, Bass?
I thought you was too fancy
to visit these lands again, huh?
I'm just heading
to Muskogee for now.
Mm-hmm, me too.
Sun's setting,
why don't you come
rest up in town,
get that looked after.
You all have an open
invitation to join us.
We would, but we can't.
Bass has got a family back home
depending on us getting back
and finishing this mission.
Mm-hmm. I understand.
You be careful, though.
Make you drowsy.
You believe that?
About what?
The white man took his land.
Well, you white.
You own land?
Oh, I had land.
They took it too.
They? They, who?
Well, Confederates
took it first.
That brought the Union
soldiers to my doorstep.
Then the Union took it, kept it.
What about your wife, offspring?
So, what's this mission?
You on the hunt?
Who would that be?
Bob Dozier.
We should get a drink.
- I don't--
- I'll drink for the both of us.
All right.
Oh, Susanna,
Oh, don't you cry for me
I come from Alabama
with a banjo on my knee
Oh, Susanna,
Oh, don't you cry for me
I come from Alabama
with a banjo on my knee
I drove across a telegraph
and traveled down the river
Electric fluid magnified
And killed
five hundred chigger
Oh, Susanna,
oh, don't you cry for me
I come from Alabama
with a banjo on my knee...
You hear a single word of this?
I apologize, man.
Thought I was gonna have to have
a word with Charlie over there.
He's quite a character,
isn't he?
You know that man you seek?
He's as bad as they come.
We come from the same place,
breathe the same air.
If he's as bad
as you say he is,
what that make me?
Dick Lassen is as mean as
that man's pinkie toe.
Now, I don't run from
a fight, you know that.
But I would not pursue him.
I ain't ever met
a man that mean.
Or that fast.
Not even you, Bass.
Well, you haven't
seen me for a while.
No. No, I haven't.
Look, he sent a man's head
with a badge attached
to his eye to a judge.
Don't you never mind,
'cause I don't know where he is.
Not many do.
Whoa, easy guys.
It's just me.
I have a message for Dozier.
Any creature
that would leave to die, the delegate,
they warrant any punishment
that befalls them.
Negro, speaks Creek...
shot five men before
they could draw.
and he's looking for me.
Well, I guess my last message
wasn't loud enough.
Government man wants
to find me, Negro or not...
well, I'll make it easy for 'em.
Oh... Susanna
Oh, don't you cry for me
I come from Alabama
with a banjo on my knee
How come you ain't
singing, Bass?
Why aren't you having any fun?
How come you never
have any fun, Bass?
Oh, Susanna
Oh, don't you cry for me
Oh, I jumped aboard a telegraph
And traveled down the river
Electric fluid magnified
and killed 500 chigger
Hey, Bass, did you hear me?
No "nigger," "chigger."
Kill 500 chigger
Hey, Bass, the horses.
We left the horses back there--
They're gonna be just fine.
- Okay.
- We'll get them in the morning.
Okay. Okay.
You're all right.
You're all right, Bass.
What is it, Sam?
I just never thought of you
as a law man.
Not after what the law
did to you.
The law put me in chains.
But the law also set me free.
Now, I got six little ones,
and I need to stay free.
Gracious, Bass,
you wearing that poor woman
out, ain't you?
I hear there's a black boy
seeking my whereabouts.
It's him.
It's Dozier!
Seek no more, here I am.
He rides into my town,
we'll take him together, Bass.
No, he rides into your town
for me, it's me he gets.
You can't face him alone.
Even if I can't,
you with your one arm,
it's not gonna be much help.
I can shoot with one
better than most with two,
you know that, Bass.
you saved a drowning boy once.
Let that man repay you.
You got two minutes.
I won't need 'em.
Don't tell me
you went coward on me.
Well, I'll be damned.
That young Indian was right.
A Negro on a quest for me.
Bob Dozier...
I have a warrant for your arrest.
A Negro with that warrant
has no authority here.
Oh, but he does.
And so do I.
I'm gonna
excuse your ignorance,
give you a chance
to claim your life.
Thank you, Mr. Dozier.
I will return.
But not without executing
this warrant.
Dead... or alive.
Is that the way
you want it to be?
That's the way it is.
Your move, boy.
Dead or alive.
Got one, boy!
Bass hasn't
been seen in a week,
and he's feared dead.
President Grant will be here
in two days.
Let's take him together, Bass.
Sixkiller, you saved
a drowning boy once.
Will be all right
Pray on
Where are you off to?
Thought you were still asleep.
Well, I'm up now.
Spanish Fort,
about a half a day's ride.
You thinking about going alone?
Well, you got one arm,
you liquored,
you'll slow me down.
All right.
Go on, then...
make a widow of your wife,
orphan of them kids.
Go on!
Bad-ass Bass Reeves.
The man who rides
with nobody by his side.
Shit. Well, go on.
He may be slow of tongue,
but his words are sharp.
Now, Dozier
may have some men,
but he don't need
them anymore--
Well, what good are you?!
You got one arm.
You can't even go a day
without drinking.
The border's right there.
Why don't you run?
You don't have to finish.
Buddy, I seen what you did
to Dozier's men.
If you only had some help.
I mean, what I'm trying
to say is,
if you insist on going
after what you now know...
then fuck it!
I'll go too.
But we better pray
my boots become unstuck.
Yeah, I could run.
I could be headed for the border.
Keep taking what I want,
shoot anybody who doesn't
want to give it to me.
Or maybe
I could do something.
You know, something...
of a proper obit.
Something worth writing about.
Why don't you go home?
You're the one with the family.
Leave this fool's errand
to this coward here.
And this old drunk outlaw.
If I leave...
Who's gonna save ya
from the fool's folly?
Thatta boy!
Thatta boy.
"I'll annointest my hand with oil.
My cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy
shall follow me
all the days of my life."
40 men on three.
That's not odds I'd take
if I was a gambler.
Yeah, you win at them odds,
you a legend.
All right,
we wait till nightfall,
circle the town,
then we jump them
before daybreak.
That's it?
That's what you want to do?
That's why we came.
We circled this before,
and there were six of us,
or five.
And he was alone.
And he still lives.
Did you go in by surprise?
No, the stupid bastard
Well, you don't knock
on the Devil's door and ask to come in.
You wait till nightfall.
You go in real quiet-like,
you take out every man that's posted.
You make your way
through the house,
you get to his bedroom,
you surround the motherfucker,
he comes out with you.
Dead or alive.
Nightfall it is.
There was a time
Everything so supreme
Man: And I threw that man
right through the window.
Then the boss rides up,
lights some dynamite,
tosses it in the house,
we ride off, and then boom!
Whole ground shook.
Is that it?
One for me, and one for--
No, I'm good.
I'm gonna go sleep off this fun.
The stage comes through tomorrow.
We pull this off my way,
this town eats for a year.
You may run for a long time
Run on for a long time
Run on for a long time
Let me tell you that God's
gonna cut you down
Let me tell you that God's
gonna cut you down
That's about gonnavdo it for me.
My God spoke and He
spoke so sweet
I thought I heard the shuffle
of angels' feet
And he put hand
upon my head
Great God almighty,
I'll tell you what he said
It's time.
Go tell
her long tongue liar
Tell that midnight rider
Tell the gamblers, the ramblers
The back biters
Tell them that God's
gonna cut them down
Look a little lost there, fella.
I'm just passing through.
You the law?
I don't know of any colored
lawmen around these parts.
Come on.
Oh! Easy...
If you've come for Dozier,
we ain't got no quarrel.
I do what I do out here
just not to die.
Where does Dozier
keep his horse?
Outside his house.
Especially since that
marshal showed up,
woods are dangerous over there.
You're a lucky man.
tell me if I should act now.
I'm sorry, Lord.
I was kind of hoping
you'd be louder.
But you didn't say no.
You killed a dear
friend of mine.
You tried to kill me too.
You didn't die.
Like I said before,
I'm here to return you to Fort Smith.
By the power given me
by the Federal Court.
You can cackle all you want.
You and no Federal Court
has any jurisdiction over me.
Then maybe I'll just
shoot you dead now.
Just pull this trigger.
You won't.
'Cause you ain't me.
You don't like to shoot first
or you would have done so
when my men surrounded you, no?
But me?
I'd shoot you dead.
You better be a good shot.
I'm better than good.
Did you know I used to be
a deputy marshal?
- That doesn't matter.
- It matters.
But your government
accused me a robbery.
Stripped me of my star.
And lashed me to confess,
locked me up.
I lost my family.
Yellow fever.
Couldn't do nothing.
My Annie was the purest
thing I'd ever seen.
So was my Corina,
but they met the dirt.
Like an outlaw.
Because law wasn't reasonable,
and my wife and my baby died.
It was made very clear to me
that I was to pursue my earnest desires.
Because living is to live...
and then you die.
That may well be.
Jim Bruce, Sam Sixkiller,
Belle Starr's brother no longer living, and you are.
But you gonna do your living
and dying in Detroit prison.
Oh, you ain't leaving here
tonight, colored boy!
You should have thought
this through.
Get him!
Go get that son of a bitch!
Now, it's too dangerous
for you.
I'm gonna be back.
But if I don't,
you make sure you take Nellie
and my little ones where they need to be.
Cheer up.
I gotta give it to you!
Only one moving!
You and me would've made a hell
of a team in another life,
nigger and all.
Why don't you come out now
and have a fair fight?
I told you, lawman,
government doesn't have
any jurisdiction over me.
Dead or alive.
Thank you.
Well, old man,
you got the spirit to ride
or should I just
retire you here?
You wish.
- Tom, you coming?
- No.
I think Spanish Fort
is a place that needs
some looking after.
if anybody ever says
Tom Pinkerton's a coward,
- you just send them my way.
- Thanks.
Come on, Jake.
Hey, Charlie!
I got my boots unstuck!
You crazy.
You gentlemen are making a mistake.
No, Your Honor,
you made the mistake.
Good people of Fort Smith?
Gather the paper writers!
Charlie Storm and Bass Reeves
have returned with the bounty!
Y'all ain't gonna believe this.
None of you said
we could do it, did you?
We done brought back an outlaw
that has killed many lawmen,
innocent people, and others.
We done brought back
Bob Dozier!
Nellie, Bass is back!
They killed Dozier!
I thought you was dead.
I've been thinking about my obit.
Oh, not this again.
You are no longer an outlaw.
That's my point.
What's a good obit for a lawman?
Bass Reeves!
For some reason...
I think you gonna
have plenty of time.
Well, you know.
you can't be too careful.
Mr. Reeves,
you may enter the bar.
Here and in any court I preside in
as long as there's breath in my body.
Please, sir,
come forward.
You have something
for us, Judge?
I have a stack of
warrants for you.
- No less than 3,000.
- Ma'am.
Oh, and, Mr. Reeves,
I think you'll need this.
Will you gentlemen be
needing any additional help?
Both: No.
Run away, run away
Freedom, can you hear me?
Run away, run away
Freedom, can you hear me?
Gotta keep running,
running, running
Running, running,
running home to you
He restores my soul.
He leadeth me in the paths
of righteousness for his name's sake.
Yea though I walk through the valley
of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil!
Father, Father,
can't you hear me?
Father, Father,
hear us calling
we running home to you
Run away, run away
Freedom, can you hear me?
Run away, run away
Freedom, can you hear me?
He restores my soul.
He leadeth me in the path of righteousness
for his name's sake.
Yea though I walk through the valley
of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil!
Father, Father,
can't you hear me?
Father, Father,
hear us calling
we are running home to you
For thou art with me.
Thy rod and thy staff,
they comfort me.
The Lord will also be
a refuge for the oppressed.
A refuge in the times of trouble.
Father, Father,
can't you hear me?
Father, Father,
hear us calling
we running home to you
Father, Father,
can't you hear me?
Father, Father,
hear us calling
we running home to you
Father, Father,
can't you hear me?
Father, Father,
hear us calling
we running home to you
Father, Father,
can't you hear me?
Father, Father,
hear us calling
we running home to you
Gotta keep running,
running, running
You gotta keep running,
running, running
Running, running,
running home to you
You gotta keep running,
running, running
Running, running,
running home to you
Jam All Productions.