Hell River (1974) Movie Script
(MultiCom jingle)
(dramatic music)
(speaking in German)
(dramatic instrumental music)
- [Loudspeaker] Attention, attention.
Madame Kleitz, 157, Anna
Kleitz, report on deck.
Anna Kleitz, 157.
- Bring her to my cabin.
- Yes sir.
- Oh my God, Kurt.
- There isn't much time.
- What can I do?
- You can get off this damned
boat before it's too late.
Anna, please, I can't do
anything about the others,
but I can help you!
Look, no German troops, nobody.
I can put you in a dinghy.
On that side of the river
are Yugoslav peasants,
a few kilometers away, on that side
of the river you can be free.
Or you'll be in one of our prize
concentration camps by dawn tomorrow.
You've got to think of yourself now.
- Where would I go?
I'm part of a family, Kurt, and I
don't even know where they are.
Where are they?
We were shipped out of Vienna,
all in different directions, like cattle.
Maybe Mama and Papa are in this same camp.
If they are, they need
me, I have to find out!
- Anna, listen to me, we
grew up together, Anna!
We've been much more than friends.
Anna, please, if I can't help you now,
then you're finished,
along with the others.
(guns firing rapidly)
(boat siren wailing)
(guns firing rapidly)
(guns firing rapidly)
(guns firing rapidly)
(metal groaning)
(guns firing rapidly)
- [Braka] Marko, let's go!
(guns firing in background)
(slow, somber music)
- Kurt!
(guns firing)
- Cease fire!
Search below for guns!
- Kurt, Kurt! Here!
(slow, somber music)
- God bless you, thank you!
- You saved our lives!
- There's no guns here, Braka,
it's just a cattle boat full of hostages.
- We'll take them to
Romska, or leave them here.
- We can't leave them here!
- Let's go.
Least we can get them
something to eat in Romska.
What if the Germans go through there?
- We've already got
the Germans on our ass!
- Right.
- There's nothing down there, no guns,
no ammunition, nothing!
- Alright, let's go.
(dramatic music)
- Hey lady, I want to talk to you!
You in the brown coat!
Wanna talk to you.
- What do you want?
- I want to know why you're trying
to help that German captain.
- I don't know what you're talking about.
- I saw you!
- What's the difference?
- The difference is,
around here we shoot people
for trying to help German captains.
- He's not German, he's Austrian.
- It's the same uniform, honey.
- We grew up together.
- Oh, you must have been
the greatest of friends.
Where'd you think he was
taking you to, the movies?
- He was trying to save me.
- Uh-huh, yeah.
- Well, are you going to shoot me?
- No, I'm not gonna even touch you.
You can save it for your German buddies.
(dramatic instrumental music)
- Got enough food?
- [Town Citizen] Sure, Commander.
- Enough for all of us?
- Well, it's only just
simple peasant food,
but it's better than a concentration camp.
- That's for sure.
- Where'd you pick 'em up?
And what in God's name are
you gonna do with 'em anyway?
- We'll think of something, bed 'em down.
See you tomorrow.
(chain clanking)
(calm music)
- Well, a little Austrian.
Not used to working with
your hands, are you?
- Never had to.
Is that a crime?
- You're doing alright, little Austrian.
- I can manage.
(calm music)
- [Sele] Hey, big brother!
- Now what are you doing up here, kid?
I thought I told you, huh?
- I won't stand guard all the time.
I'm going with you.
- What are you gonna do with that thing?
- I can fight with it.
- That'll backfire and blow your head off!
You're too sick, you can't come with us.
- Marko, please.
- Listen, you remember in school,
we even threw you off the soccer team
because of that cough of yours,
now just do what I say!
Stand guard, okay?
- Marko, listen to me, I want to fight.
I just got word, the Germans
know you're a partisan leader.
They'll come after me, too.
- Okay, you're coming with us.
- Marko, there's something else too.
They took Mom and Dad
at three this morning.
(slow, somber music)
- Come on.
(knocking on door)
(waltz music)
- Yes, Captain?
What can I do for you, sir?
- Permission to see General Steiger.
- It's Captain Kohler,
he says it's important.
- Send him in.
- Excuse me, sir.
- Yeah?
Isn't it rather late, Captain?
What is it, Kohler?
- Sir, I want permission to
join the Striker tank group.
I understand it leaves tomorrow morning.
I am very anxious to join
that particular group, sir.
- You?
- Yes sir.
I'm very sorry to bother you
at this time of night, sir,
but it's important to me.
- Why?
- General, I am perfectly
aware of my failure,
in the responsibility of the
shipment of the refugees.
I'd like to opportunity
to rectify that situation.
- Kohler, for God's sake, stand at ease.
You look like the Brandenburg Gate.
- These are your orders, Kohler.
You are going to Polish supply depot.
I hope you won't destroy
the German garrison there.
- I'm begging you, sir.
- Is it that important?
- Yes sir.
- What class were you in, Kohler?
- Year of '27, sir.
- Ah yes.
And you weren't exactly my best cadet.
Perhaps because of your father,
I have always been very fond of you.
Well alright, if it
means that much to you.
Ah, let's see now, Colonel
Henke is charge of that unit.
No doubt he can use an aide.
- Thank you, sir.
- Kurt, I won't be able
to help you next time.
If it were left up to Berlin, you would
have been sent to the Russian front.
- I'm grateful for that, sir.
- Kurt, there has been gossip.
This girl, she is Jewish, isn't she?
- I don't understand, General.
- You are a fool, Kurt.
I feel very sorry for you.
By the way, Kurt, notwithstanding
my military position in these matters
- Sir?
- Be very careful how you handle
yourself with Colonel Henke.
(engine rumbling)
- Not a sign of these bastards.
- Don't underestimate them, Schuyler,
they can be very tough fighters.
Tell me, Kohler, what do you
think about the partisans?
- They can be very difficult, sir.
- Really?
Ah, it's good to be out again.
(rooster crowing)
(dog barking)
(cow mooing)
- It's time, isn't it?
What are we supposed to do now?
- The Germans are coming
through there, see?
And you're going over there.
- But you can't face those
Germans, it's impossible!
Everyone says it's impossible!
- I don't care what everybody says,
we're going to face them.
Come on, you better get going now.
- But where?
- Anywhere, just stay alive.
- There are times I don't
seem to care anymore.
- [Soldier] Let's move 'em out of here,
the Germans will be right on top of us.
(cart wheels creaking)
- Hey, what's your name?
- Anna!
- Goodbye, Anna.
- Goodbye!
(tank engines rumbling)
- Knock out the lead tank, alright?
(tank engines rumbling)
- Fire!
(shell exploding)
(guns firing)
- Get down!
(shells exploding)
(guns firing)
(shells exploding)
(yelling frantically)
(guns firing)
- You cover me, I'll take the tank!
(guns firing)
(shells exploding)
- Get him!
(guns firing)
- That's it, let's clear out of here!
- These bastards!
They know how to fight,
and they know how to run.
Well, we will catch up with them.
What do you think of
our performance, Kohler?
- Oh very courageous, sir, a fine victory.
- Oh, bullshit, we lost the battle.
First, they surprised us, and then
they disappeared like smoke.
But they won't surprise us like
that again, this I promise you.
Show me your gun, Kohler.
Well Kohler, I'm surprised,
you actually used it.
(dramatic music)
- You okay, Sele?
- Yes.
- Hold your hands like that.
- For me?
- For you.
- You deserve it, partisan!
Hey, wait a minute.
Here you go, kid, got you another present.
- [Sele] Hey you guys, meet
your new radio operator.
- [Solider] Hey, how about that!
(cow mooing)
(church bells ringing)
- We found her in the
woods, says she's hungry.
- Why, what were you doing there?
- Well, perhaps I can help.
- How'd you find us?
- I followed the guns.
- Damn lucky the Germans didn't find you.
- Then it's alright?
- Well there aren't any buses running,
so I guess it's gotta be alright.
- Mila, Mila!
- I'll be right back, okay?
- Thank you.
- Here, I think you're gonna need this.
- Not exactly gonna be
first class, you know.
- Oh it hasn't been for some time.
- She'll look after you.
- Wait!
I don't know your name.
- Marko, see ya.
- Find anything?
- No sir.
- Are you the mayor of
this little paradise?
- Yes sir.
- Who are you?
- I'm the teacher.
- It seems you are missing some people.
(woman translating)
(man speaking foreign language)
- Yes sir.
- Well, and where are they?
(woman translating)
(man speaking foreign language)
- They are gone, sir.
- In the hills, I presume.
(woman translating)
(man speaking foreign language)
- Yes sir.
- Sir.
- They were here, weren't they?
(woman translating)
(man speaking foreign language)
- No.
- Where did they go.
Tell me!
- What seems to be the trouble, Captain?
- Nothing important, sir, I was just
- The partisans brought them in.
- Brought who in?
- The transport of Jews, sir,
apparently they came through here.
- And where are the Jews now?
- They took that road there.
- Well Captain, the stolen chickens
of yours may not be lost after all.
And for our charming lady, she was
a big help to us. Hang her!
(slow, somber music)
(rifle cocking)
- Please, may I sit down?
- Suit yourself. Ain't
exactly Viennese society.
(slow instrumental music)
- I don't fit in here very well, do I?
- What are you talking about?
- I'm a foreigner, you were born here.
- Yeah, I was born here.
Was gonna be married here too.
- Oh, where is she now?
- She's dead.
(slow instrumental music)
- I am sorry.
- Are ya?
Tell me about your German boyfriend.
- He is not what you think he is.
He is not one of them.
They forced him into the army.
- What'll they have to do to
you people to make you wake up?
- You think everyone
is like you, don't you?
- Just the survivors.
- I'd better go.
- Wait a minute, what's your hurry?
I thought you looked kinda lonely.
- Not that lonely.
I am saving it for the Germans, remember?
- I've lowered my standards.
- I haven't.
(slow instrumental music)
(dog barking)
(chicken clucking)
(dog barking)
(dramatic music)
(tank rumbling)
- I should think you'd be pleased, Kohler.
- Why naturally, I'm delighted, sir.
But why bother with them,
what about the partisans?
(dramatic music)
- Anna Kleitz, Anna Kleitz, Anna Kleitz?
- Well, let them run for the moment.
I got a signal from
Sabac, the town commander
is expecting some trouble there.
You can drop off your little
Jews at the same time.
- Yes sir.
(tank rumbling)
- It seems to me you have counted
them a dozen times, Kohler.
- I don't think Berlin will mind
if a few of them are missing, Captain.
- I suppose not.
- Let's wait out here.
- Hey Braka, it's Chicha.
- Right on time.
(waterwheel creaking)
Well Chicha, let's hope headquarters
has something good this time.
- [Braka] Let's hear it.
- [Chicha] It's good,
and you're gonna like it.
Well, here it is, it's a big plan.
It works in four stages.
All units have to be prepared
for an attack at daybreak.
The main problem is, they
laid down a minefield.
- I wonder what's happening, they're
sure taking their time, aren't they?
- Sure are.
- Well maybe we'll attack Berlin.
- Oh listen to our hero!
- Listen, we'll march in, and
I'll personally capture it.
- And then we'll make you a General.
- You two will come from
the East and the North,
and I'll cover you with the field gun.
Apart from the mines, there
are two other problems,
a bunker and a machine gun tower.
After that, it's only infantry.
- No, won't work.
- What kind of crap is that?
- Listen, it's not crap, we
just don't have the muscle.
It's gonna be tough enough
for us down here in Zorkum,
you won't have a chance,
they'll cut you to pieces.
- We'll have to hold
until you break through.
- What if we can't break through?
Three quarters of the partisan army
in this sector's gonna be destroyed.
- We need a victory.
- Look, we can still have a victory.
It's the same plan, but
you let 'em push you back.
And Braka and I attack the warehouse,
pick up the equipment, and take off.
It's as simple as that.
- Oh that's just fine, and let the Germans
stay in control of Sabac?
- Look, we join forces
again in three weeks
with the equipment, and attack Krupanj.
- What's Krupanj? This is victory.
- You gotta win the goddamn thing first!
- We need a victory,
we've got to take Sabac.
- Okay, have it your way.
- [Solider] Hey Marko, how's it go?
- Yeah, it's okay.
(pensive instrumental music)
- Is the meeting over?
- Yeah, it's over alright.
- Well, what are we going to do?
- What do you mean, we?
- You said I could stay with you.
- Uh-huh.
- They've finished cooking breakfast.
- Okay, so go eat!
- I'm not hungry anyway.
I heard them talking, the whole camp.
You're planning a big attack.
- Yeah, it's big alright.
(suspenseful instrumental music)
- Gimme that.
You're not going with us.
- You don't have to worry about me.
- Nothing for you to do down there,
you're not going with us.
- Please, I want to help.
- What exactly are you
gonna do down there?
Flirt with 'em?
- I just want to help, I'm frightened
for all of your down there.
- You heard what I said, just
wait here where it's safe.
Listen, about the other day, when I said
save yourself for the Germans.
I didn't mean it, I'm sorry, okay?
Hey, you wait here, huh?
- Let's move this cannon, lift!
(suspenseful instrumental music)
- We're ready.
They got one hell of a
surprise coming down there.
- Uh-huh.
- Do you think so?
Maybe you don't understand,
Sabac Is a symbol.
- I understand, Braka,
I was born down there.
Blow the bunker, go around!
Anna, get down!
What's the matter with you, get behind me!
(guns firing)
- Come on, get the logs!
Blow the mines, blow the
barbed wire, move it!
(guns firing)
(mines exploding)
- What are you waiting for, blow it!
(guns firing)
(steam hissing)
- What's going on? There's nobody here.
- [Soldier] Where the hell are they?
- [Marko] Alright, let's move in.
(sirens blaring and shouting)
(tanks rumbling)
- Oh shit, it's a trap!
(guns firing)
(tanks rumbling)
(guns firing)
- Let's go!
(guns firing)
(shells exploding)
- What about Marko?
What happened to Marko?
- Must've been cut off, come on!
(slow, somber music)
(dog whining)
(slow, somber music)
(distant guns firing)
(slow, somber music)
(distant shells exploding)
(record playing soft music)
(dramatic music)
- Come on, move move!
(dramatic music)
- [Loudspeaker] Attention
all citizens between
10 and 65 years of age must be
in the streets in 15 minutes.
All citizens between
10 and 65 years of age.
Attention all citizens between 10 and 65,
out of your houses!
Anybody disobeying this
order will be shot!
- Hey Marko.
- Take my coat, they know you.
Your picture's been in the paper.
(march music playing over loudspeaker)
(screaming and crying)
(guns firing)
(man screaming)
(somber music)
- Marko, he made it!
- Marko!
I told you he'd get through!
- I never ran so far!
- Anna, she's alright, see?
- Hi.
(dramatic music)
You know I kept thinking of
you all the time I was running.
At the Zorka factory, following
us like a little puppy dog.
I just keep saying stay back, go down!
You keep coming.
- [Anna] If it could only
be like this all the time.
- It's gonna be, love.
This thing can't go on forever.
Let's face it, Hitler's gonna
run out of Germans sooner
or later, or out of Nazis anyway.
Hey, can you just imagine Belgrade like
it used to be before the war?
Not a German uniform in sight.
Hey, Braka comes from Belgrade.
Tell you what, we'll have dinner with him.
Maybe we'll get him to laugh for a change.
(Anna laughing)
- You don't like him
him very much, do you?
- Like him? I love the son of a bitch,
but I'll never let him know it.
He wasn't always like this, Anna.
Something burned out inside of him
when the Germans took over.
Let's face it, where the
hell would we be without him?
He's kind of a symbol of our country.
He's why, like I said, Germany's
gonna run out of Germans,
or run out of Yugoslavia, anyway.
Couldn't believe it
when I saw those tanks.
Jesus, they kept coming and
coming, that was some trap.
- Alright, it was a mistake.
What do we do now?
- Well if you're thinking
of another attack,
it's out of the question,
we're short of everything,
supplies, ammunition, everything.
- I know, but the Germans won't stop now.
- We could move up to Mount Seer,
hit 'em a couple of times,
let 'em know we're around,
and move further up in the
mountains for the winter.
What do you say?
- I say we shouldn't retreat,
and leave all this to the Germans.
- Marko?
- Hey Sele.
- The Germans in Sabac
want us to surrender.
- They want us to surrender?
Or they'll kill all the hostages, right?
That settles it, Braka.
We've got no choice,
we're attacking Krupanj.
- We'll attack 'em on the left,
but what's all this
about taking prisoners?
- [Marko] I tell you, we
need prisoners, Braka.
I got an idea.
- [Braka] I hope it's
a good one, let's go.
They'll be having breakfast,
they'll never know what hit 'em.
Move out!
(rooster crowing)
(music playing)
(grenade exploding)
(guns firing)
- [Soldier] Fire!
(record skipping)
(jubilant music)
(telegram clacking and beeping)
- It's a question of figures.
5,000 Serbs, Jews, and gypsies
against 200 good German lives.
The spelling is not very good,
but the message is quite clear.
If we make the exchange,
what have we lost?
- German prestige, control of this area
to a pack of illiterate wild animals!
I tell you this, if you don't shoot 1,000
of them this afternoon, the partisans
will come around soon enough!
- In any case, it's up to Berlin.
- If I don't hear from Berlin until
tomorrow night, I intend to move!
(slow, somber music)
- 12 hours to go, I think
they've written them off.
200 soldiers, and that's that.
- I'm afraid you're right, that's that.
- I must speak to you.
- Alright.
- I know why we're here, everybody knows.
- So?
- One of the prisoners
could help, I'm sure of it.
- [Braka] What are you talking about?
- One of their officers, a
captain, I knew him in Vienna.
He could talk to German
headquarters in Sabac,
convince them to make the exchange.
- Why would he do this for you?
- Because he's not Nazi, because
I know the way he thinks.
He can help us save the people in Sabac.
- You sure you're not just
trying to save his life again?
- No, it's the lives in 5,000 people
in Sabac I'm thinking about!
- You're the politician,
I'll leave it in your hands.
- You mean he'd do all that just for you.
- No, not for me.
Marko please, forget the
past, I know he'll do it.
- I don't like it.
The Germans'll think
we're getting desperate.
- Maybe not, it depends
how it's presented to them.
- Alright, let's go talk to him.
- Not me, you talk to him.
- Let's go.
What are your feelings
about this, Captain?
- If you're asking whether I care
about human lives, I care very much.
Henke is a hard man, but I can try.
- We've got to try!
- Alright.
- Braka, could I speak to
him for a moment, please?
- Well I see you've become
quite the little partisan, Anna.
- Kurt sit, sit down.
I never thought I'd see you again.
- How touching.
Tell me, the one they call
Marko, do you love him?
- Yes.
- I understand.
- Do you?
- Yes.
(dramatic music)
- Morning, Henke.
- Morning.
- Have you heard about these
miserable partisan bastards?
- Yes, Captain Kohler's on his way in.
(dramatic music)
- When did it happen?
- This morning, sir, just before dawn.
- Hmmm, shoot them down like cattle.
- They will kill 10 of our men
every hour until we make a deal.
- What do you suggest, Kohler?
- I want to go back, with
more tanks this time.
- This I promise you too,
Schuyler get them ready.
I want to be on the road by morning.
Hoffman, the execution order
goes into effect immediately.
I assume provincial authority.
- [Soldier] Ready,
- [Woman] My baby, my baby!
- [Soldier] Fire!
(screaming and guns firing)
(plane engines droning)
- Go on, get out there!
Get on your knees, move!
(shells exploding)
- Wait a minute, hold it!
What the hell do you think you're doing?
- They're not getting away with it.
- Wait a minute, we can use them,
they can help us escape?
- How?
- They're attacking from the air,
they'll never know the difference.
Go on, you're free, run!
(guns firing)
- They are starting to come out.
Well Kohler, we are
going to have some fun.
Alright, open fire!
- [Soldier] Open fire!
(shells exploding)
- Good, they are pulling out of the north.
Let's finish them!
(tank engines rumbling)
Good God, good God
Almighty, they fooled us!
- Search them!
Where are you going?
- To the cemetery, sir.
- Gatherings within the city are
strictly forbidden, you know that.
- Sir, you will bury
your dead in our land,
we are not allowed to
bury our dead in our land.
Therefore, we ask your permission,
to bury their belongings,
that is the custom here.
- Alright, go ahead.
- Okay kid?
Looks like it's been snowing.
- Where will we go?
- Back up in the mountains.
- Will they follow us?
- After we tricked them
into killing their own men
at Krupanj, you can bet they'll follow us.
(radio playing waltz music)
- Last night I had a dream, I
dreamed we ran away together.
There was a little
house, and I was cooking.
- Cooking!
You know it's funny, I had a dream too.
We were in Belgrade,
the Germans were gone,
and we were at the Hotel Majestic.
White tablecloths, real silverware,
caviar, duck a l'orange, bottle
of champagne about that big.
Gimme a glass, okay cheers!
Dreams are dreams.
- Hey Marko!
(dramatic music)
- Hey Braka, we can't
push 'em much further,
where do you think we're going?
- We'll stay up in the village.
We can hold there.
- Until when?
- Until we can pick up some more men.
By spring, we'll go on the attack again.
- Look around you, Braka, where the hell
are we gonna find more men, huh?
- We're not gonna leave Serbia.
- We can't survive here.
Listen, what say we try and
cross the river into Bosnia?
- We're not gonna leave Serbia.
Somebody has to stay here.
- Hope you're right.
(march music playing)
- The General is still in
the communications room.
He'll be with you in a minute.
And welcome back, sir.
- Thank you.
- Well Colonel, we brought
all of Europe to its knees.
But here, because of a
few Yugoslav partisans,
our supply lines in the
Balkans are in constant danger.
Our troops is Czechoslovakia,
Romania, Bulgaria
are cut off from our forces in Greece.
In Africa, Field Marshal Rommel
is desperate for gasoline, and we can't
get it through to him from Romania!
Churchill and Montgomery
are laughing at us!
- Just give us more time, sir.
- That ambush at Takaresh,
217 dead at Podanya.
- General, sir.
- Don't you General sir me!
The partisans are holding
down a dozen German divisions.
The attack on the Zorka factory,
the town of Sabac, Krupanj.
Brilliant Colonel, only
200 Germans captured.
- General, we completely
demolished them in Sabac.
- Sabac, who cares about Sabac?
We sent you the Air Force
to help you at Krupanj,
and all we succeeded in doing
was to kill our own infantry.
And don't worry about
hanging woman mayors,
concentrate on the partisan men,
or they'll be walking
through our bedrooms!
- Marko, dammit, you're
holding up the column!
What the hell are you doing here?
- What do you think I'm doing?
Looking after the wounded.
- Carrying the wounded will
mean the end of all of us.
- What do you mean by that?
- You want to sacrifice the whole unit
for the wounded who might
never be found by the Germans?
We're wasting time.
- You know goddamn well the Germans
are coming right through here!
- Alright, you're second in
command, you decide what to do!
- Braka!
Come back here a minute,
let's talk about this.
I'll tell them anyone can walk
and follow us, that's all.
- Marko, you know damn well
not even half of 'em can walk.
- I'm not leaving 'em to the Germans.
- What are you going to do, shoot 'em?
We can't carry 'em.
- Alright, I'll leave them some
hand grenades, they can
make up their own minds.
- See you in the hills.
- See you in the hills.
- Our reconnaissance has had
some contact with them, sir.
They're pulling back, through the pass.
- To hell with them, we'll wait until
they come down, to cross the river.
- But that could be months, sir.
- [Soldier] The ski patrol is ready, sir.
- Thank you.
A word of advice, Kohler,
harass but don't attack.
Don't make it a personal vendetta.
- Yes sir.
- Good.
- Colonel Hoffman, sir.
- Yeah?
Yeah, okay.
Well for myself, I hate the cold.
I prefer a hot supper, and a nice fire.
Alright, I think you can handle it.
I assure you, my Panzers
will be waiting for you.
We will take no prisoners,
not one partisan
will cross that river
into the Bosnia forest.
(suspenseful music)
- These peasants, God damn them.
Who is teaching these peasants to fight?
Let's go.
(gun firing)
(soldiers whistling)
(pensive music)
(suspenseful music)
(guns firing)
(slow, somber music)
- Alright, Marko. Let's get them!
- Ski troops, down, down!
(guns firing)
(somber organ music)
- Cover him up.
(slow, somber music)
Alright, move it out.
I just found Braka, he's dead.
Listen, we're moving out, let's go.
(slow, somber music)
- [Anna] Marko, wait for me!
- Anna.
I've been fighting with myself whether
to tell you or not, but I know I should.
The German, Kohler, he's dead.
- You?
- Yup.
- I see.
- Unbelievable, they've been
following us for six weeks.
They're up there somewhere, I know it.
Come on.
Well, there it is, thank god. Bosnia.
All we've gotta do is cross the river.
Hey you there!
Anybody on that side of the river?
Any partisans?
- [Man] In the forest,
a whole bunch of them!
- There?
- Yeah!
- Okay, okay!
- [Man] Good luck!
- Planes!
(plane engines droning)
Aircraft, hit the dirt! Take cover!
(plane engines droning)
(guns firing)
(shells exploding)
(guns firing)
(shells exploding)
(guns firing)
(soldiers groaning and crying)
- [Soldier] My leg, my leg, oh my leg.
(dramatic music)
- You gotta hand it to these
Nazis, they keep on coming.
You okay, Sele?
- [Sele] Don't worry about me, Marko.
- Hey, partisans! Start
carrying the wounded!
(suspenseful music)
(guns firing)
Help with the wounded, we're moving out.
- But how, we're surrounded!
- We are surrounded, we gotta
cross the goddamn river!
- But how?
- The peasants built a raft!
You heard me, get moving!
- I'm staying with you!
- [Marko] No, get outta here!
Go on, go with Sele, get out!
I won't tell you again, head for
the raft and take Anna with you!
- Anna, come on.
- [Anna] No, Marko!
(guns firing)
Oh my God, Sele! Sele!
Marko, Marko!
- No!
Bring a stretcher!
- You can't fight them anymore!
Marko, you've got to come with us!
For God's sake, please Marko!
- [Marko] It's alright, kid.
(tanks rumbling)
Jesus Christ!
(guns firing)
(shells exploding)
(guns firing)
(grenades exploding)
(guns firing)
(shells exploding)
(guns firing)
- [Anna] Last night, I had a dream.
I dreamed we ran away together.
There was a little
house, and I was cooking.
(guns firing)
(dramatic instrumental music)
(MultiCom jingle)
(dramatic music)
(speaking in German)
(dramatic instrumental music)
- [Loudspeaker] Attention, attention.
Madame Kleitz, 157, Anna
Kleitz, report on deck.
Anna Kleitz, 157.
- Bring her to my cabin.
- Yes sir.
- Oh my God, Kurt.
- There isn't much time.
- What can I do?
- You can get off this damned
boat before it's too late.
Anna, please, I can't do
anything about the others,
but I can help you!
Look, no German troops, nobody.
I can put you in a dinghy.
On that side of the river
are Yugoslav peasants,
a few kilometers away, on that side
of the river you can be free.
Or you'll be in one of our prize
concentration camps by dawn tomorrow.
You've got to think of yourself now.
- Where would I go?
I'm part of a family, Kurt, and I
don't even know where they are.
Where are they?
We were shipped out of Vienna,
all in different directions, like cattle.
Maybe Mama and Papa are in this same camp.
If they are, they need
me, I have to find out!
- Anna, listen to me, we
grew up together, Anna!
We've been much more than friends.
Anna, please, if I can't help you now,
then you're finished,
along with the others.
(guns firing rapidly)
(boat siren wailing)
(guns firing rapidly)
(guns firing rapidly)
(guns firing rapidly)
(metal groaning)
(guns firing rapidly)
- [Braka] Marko, let's go!
(guns firing in background)
(slow, somber music)
- Kurt!
(guns firing)
- Cease fire!
Search below for guns!
- Kurt, Kurt! Here!
(slow, somber music)
- God bless you, thank you!
- You saved our lives!
- There's no guns here, Braka,
it's just a cattle boat full of hostages.
- We'll take them to
Romska, or leave them here.
- We can't leave them here!
- Let's go.
Least we can get them
something to eat in Romska.
What if the Germans go through there?
- We've already got
the Germans on our ass!
- Right.
- There's nothing down there, no guns,
no ammunition, nothing!
- Alright, let's go.
(dramatic music)
- Hey lady, I want to talk to you!
You in the brown coat!
Wanna talk to you.
- What do you want?
- I want to know why you're trying
to help that German captain.
- I don't know what you're talking about.
- I saw you!
- What's the difference?
- The difference is,
around here we shoot people
for trying to help German captains.
- He's not German, he's Austrian.
- It's the same uniform, honey.
- We grew up together.
- Oh, you must have been
the greatest of friends.
Where'd you think he was
taking you to, the movies?
- He was trying to save me.
- Uh-huh, yeah.
- Well, are you going to shoot me?
- No, I'm not gonna even touch you.
You can save it for your German buddies.
(dramatic instrumental music)
- Got enough food?
- [Town Citizen] Sure, Commander.
- Enough for all of us?
- Well, it's only just
simple peasant food,
but it's better than a concentration camp.
- That's for sure.
- Where'd you pick 'em up?
And what in God's name are
you gonna do with 'em anyway?
- We'll think of something, bed 'em down.
See you tomorrow.
(chain clanking)
(calm music)
- Well, a little Austrian.
Not used to working with
your hands, are you?
- Never had to.
Is that a crime?
- You're doing alright, little Austrian.
- I can manage.
(calm music)
- [Sele] Hey, big brother!
- Now what are you doing up here, kid?
I thought I told you, huh?
- I won't stand guard all the time.
I'm going with you.
- What are you gonna do with that thing?
- I can fight with it.
- That'll backfire and blow your head off!
You're too sick, you can't come with us.
- Marko, please.
- Listen, you remember in school,
we even threw you off the soccer team
because of that cough of yours,
now just do what I say!
Stand guard, okay?
- Marko, listen to me, I want to fight.
I just got word, the Germans
know you're a partisan leader.
They'll come after me, too.
- Okay, you're coming with us.
- Marko, there's something else too.
They took Mom and Dad
at three this morning.
(slow, somber music)
- Come on.
(knocking on door)
(waltz music)
- Yes, Captain?
What can I do for you, sir?
- Permission to see General Steiger.
- It's Captain Kohler,
he says it's important.
- Send him in.
- Excuse me, sir.
- Yeah?
Isn't it rather late, Captain?
What is it, Kohler?
- Sir, I want permission to
join the Striker tank group.
I understand it leaves tomorrow morning.
I am very anxious to join
that particular group, sir.
- You?
- Yes sir.
I'm very sorry to bother you
at this time of night, sir,
but it's important to me.
- Why?
- General, I am perfectly
aware of my failure,
in the responsibility of the
shipment of the refugees.
I'd like to opportunity
to rectify that situation.
- Kohler, for God's sake, stand at ease.
You look like the Brandenburg Gate.
- These are your orders, Kohler.
You are going to Polish supply depot.
I hope you won't destroy
the German garrison there.
- I'm begging you, sir.
- Is it that important?
- Yes sir.
- What class were you in, Kohler?
- Year of '27, sir.
- Ah yes.
And you weren't exactly my best cadet.
Perhaps because of your father,
I have always been very fond of you.
Well alright, if it
means that much to you.
Ah, let's see now, Colonel
Henke is charge of that unit.
No doubt he can use an aide.
- Thank you, sir.
- Kurt, I won't be able
to help you next time.
If it were left up to Berlin, you would
have been sent to the Russian front.
- I'm grateful for that, sir.
- Kurt, there has been gossip.
This girl, she is Jewish, isn't she?
- I don't understand, General.
- You are a fool, Kurt.
I feel very sorry for you.
By the way, Kurt, notwithstanding
my military position in these matters
- Sir?
- Be very careful how you handle
yourself with Colonel Henke.
(engine rumbling)
- Not a sign of these bastards.
- Don't underestimate them, Schuyler,
they can be very tough fighters.
Tell me, Kohler, what do you
think about the partisans?
- They can be very difficult, sir.
- Really?
Ah, it's good to be out again.
(rooster crowing)
(dog barking)
(cow mooing)
- It's time, isn't it?
What are we supposed to do now?
- The Germans are coming
through there, see?
And you're going over there.
- But you can't face those
Germans, it's impossible!
Everyone says it's impossible!
- I don't care what everybody says,
we're going to face them.
Come on, you better get going now.
- But where?
- Anywhere, just stay alive.
- There are times I don't
seem to care anymore.
- [Soldier] Let's move 'em out of here,
the Germans will be right on top of us.
(cart wheels creaking)
- Hey, what's your name?
- Anna!
- Goodbye, Anna.
- Goodbye!
(tank engines rumbling)
- Knock out the lead tank, alright?
(tank engines rumbling)
- Fire!
(shell exploding)
(guns firing)
- Get down!
(shells exploding)
(guns firing)
(shells exploding)
(yelling frantically)
(guns firing)
- You cover me, I'll take the tank!
(guns firing)
(shells exploding)
- Get him!
(guns firing)
- That's it, let's clear out of here!
- These bastards!
They know how to fight,
and they know how to run.
Well, we will catch up with them.
What do you think of
our performance, Kohler?
- Oh very courageous, sir, a fine victory.
- Oh, bullshit, we lost the battle.
First, they surprised us, and then
they disappeared like smoke.
But they won't surprise us like
that again, this I promise you.
Show me your gun, Kohler.
Well Kohler, I'm surprised,
you actually used it.
(dramatic music)
- You okay, Sele?
- Yes.
- Hold your hands like that.
- For me?
- For you.
- You deserve it, partisan!
Hey, wait a minute.
Here you go, kid, got you another present.
- [Sele] Hey you guys, meet
your new radio operator.
- [Solider] Hey, how about that!
(cow mooing)
(church bells ringing)
- We found her in the
woods, says she's hungry.
- Why, what were you doing there?
- Well, perhaps I can help.
- How'd you find us?
- I followed the guns.
- Damn lucky the Germans didn't find you.
- Then it's alright?
- Well there aren't any buses running,
so I guess it's gotta be alright.
- Mila, Mila!
- I'll be right back, okay?
- Thank you.
- Here, I think you're gonna need this.
- Not exactly gonna be
first class, you know.
- Oh it hasn't been for some time.
- She'll look after you.
- Wait!
I don't know your name.
- Marko, see ya.
- Find anything?
- No sir.
- Are you the mayor of
this little paradise?
- Yes sir.
- Who are you?
- I'm the teacher.
- It seems you are missing some people.
(woman translating)
(man speaking foreign language)
- Yes sir.
- Well, and where are they?
(woman translating)
(man speaking foreign language)
- They are gone, sir.
- In the hills, I presume.
(woman translating)
(man speaking foreign language)
- Yes sir.
- Sir.
- They were here, weren't they?
(woman translating)
(man speaking foreign language)
- No.
- Where did they go.
Tell me!
- What seems to be the trouble, Captain?
- Nothing important, sir, I was just
- The partisans brought them in.
- Brought who in?
- The transport of Jews, sir,
apparently they came through here.
- And where are the Jews now?
- They took that road there.
- Well Captain, the stolen chickens
of yours may not be lost after all.
And for our charming lady, she was
a big help to us. Hang her!
(slow, somber music)
(rifle cocking)
- Please, may I sit down?
- Suit yourself. Ain't
exactly Viennese society.
(slow instrumental music)
- I don't fit in here very well, do I?
- What are you talking about?
- I'm a foreigner, you were born here.
- Yeah, I was born here.
Was gonna be married here too.
- Oh, where is she now?
- She's dead.
(slow instrumental music)
- I am sorry.
- Are ya?
Tell me about your German boyfriend.
- He is not what you think he is.
He is not one of them.
They forced him into the army.
- What'll they have to do to
you people to make you wake up?
- You think everyone
is like you, don't you?
- Just the survivors.
- I'd better go.
- Wait a minute, what's your hurry?
I thought you looked kinda lonely.
- Not that lonely.
I am saving it for the Germans, remember?
- I've lowered my standards.
- I haven't.
(slow instrumental music)
(dog barking)
(chicken clucking)
(dog barking)
(dramatic music)
(tank rumbling)
- I should think you'd be pleased, Kohler.
- Why naturally, I'm delighted, sir.
But why bother with them,
what about the partisans?
(dramatic music)
- Anna Kleitz, Anna Kleitz, Anna Kleitz?
- Well, let them run for the moment.
I got a signal from
Sabac, the town commander
is expecting some trouble there.
You can drop off your little
Jews at the same time.
- Yes sir.
(tank rumbling)
- It seems to me you have counted
them a dozen times, Kohler.
- I don't think Berlin will mind
if a few of them are missing, Captain.
- I suppose not.
- Let's wait out here.
- Hey Braka, it's Chicha.
- Right on time.
(waterwheel creaking)
Well Chicha, let's hope headquarters
has something good this time.
- [Braka] Let's hear it.
- [Chicha] It's good,
and you're gonna like it.
Well, here it is, it's a big plan.
It works in four stages.
All units have to be prepared
for an attack at daybreak.
The main problem is, they
laid down a minefield.
- I wonder what's happening, they're
sure taking their time, aren't they?
- Sure are.
- Well maybe we'll attack Berlin.
- Oh listen to our hero!
- Listen, we'll march in, and
I'll personally capture it.
- And then we'll make you a General.
- You two will come from
the East and the North,
and I'll cover you with the field gun.
Apart from the mines, there
are two other problems,
a bunker and a machine gun tower.
After that, it's only infantry.
- No, won't work.
- What kind of crap is that?
- Listen, it's not crap, we
just don't have the muscle.
It's gonna be tough enough
for us down here in Zorkum,
you won't have a chance,
they'll cut you to pieces.
- We'll have to hold
until you break through.
- What if we can't break through?
Three quarters of the partisan army
in this sector's gonna be destroyed.
- We need a victory.
- Look, we can still have a victory.
It's the same plan, but
you let 'em push you back.
And Braka and I attack the warehouse,
pick up the equipment, and take off.
It's as simple as that.
- Oh that's just fine, and let the Germans
stay in control of Sabac?
- Look, we join forces
again in three weeks
with the equipment, and attack Krupanj.
- What's Krupanj? This is victory.
- You gotta win the goddamn thing first!
- We need a victory,
we've got to take Sabac.
- Okay, have it your way.
- [Solider] Hey Marko, how's it go?
- Yeah, it's okay.
(pensive instrumental music)
- Is the meeting over?
- Yeah, it's over alright.
- Well, what are we going to do?
- What do you mean, we?
- You said I could stay with you.
- Uh-huh.
- They've finished cooking breakfast.
- Okay, so go eat!
- I'm not hungry anyway.
I heard them talking, the whole camp.
You're planning a big attack.
- Yeah, it's big alright.
(suspenseful instrumental music)
- Gimme that.
You're not going with us.
- You don't have to worry about me.
- Nothing for you to do down there,
you're not going with us.
- Please, I want to help.
- What exactly are you
gonna do down there?
Flirt with 'em?
- I just want to help, I'm frightened
for all of your down there.
- You heard what I said, just
wait here where it's safe.
Listen, about the other day, when I said
save yourself for the Germans.
I didn't mean it, I'm sorry, okay?
Hey, you wait here, huh?
- Let's move this cannon, lift!
(suspenseful instrumental music)
- We're ready.
They got one hell of a
surprise coming down there.
- Uh-huh.
- Do you think so?
Maybe you don't understand,
Sabac Is a symbol.
- I understand, Braka,
I was born down there.
Blow the bunker, go around!
Anna, get down!
What's the matter with you, get behind me!
(guns firing)
- Come on, get the logs!
Blow the mines, blow the
barbed wire, move it!
(guns firing)
(mines exploding)
- What are you waiting for, blow it!
(guns firing)
(steam hissing)
- What's going on? There's nobody here.
- [Soldier] Where the hell are they?
- [Marko] Alright, let's move in.
(sirens blaring and shouting)
(tanks rumbling)
- Oh shit, it's a trap!
(guns firing)
(tanks rumbling)
(guns firing)
- Let's go!
(guns firing)
(shells exploding)
- What about Marko?
What happened to Marko?
- Must've been cut off, come on!
(slow, somber music)
(dog whining)
(slow, somber music)
(distant guns firing)
(slow, somber music)
(distant shells exploding)
(record playing soft music)
(dramatic music)
- Come on, move move!
(dramatic music)
- [Loudspeaker] Attention
all citizens between
10 and 65 years of age must be
in the streets in 15 minutes.
All citizens between
10 and 65 years of age.
Attention all citizens between 10 and 65,
out of your houses!
Anybody disobeying this
order will be shot!
- Hey Marko.
- Take my coat, they know you.
Your picture's been in the paper.
(march music playing over loudspeaker)
(screaming and crying)
(guns firing)
(man screaming)
(somber music)
- Marko, he made it!
- Marko!
I told you he'd get through!
- I never ran so far!
- Anna, she's alright, see?
- Hi.
(dramatic music)
You know I kept thinking of
you all the time I was running.
At the Zorka factory, following
us like a little puppy dog.
I just keep saying stay back, go down!
You keep coming.
- [Anna] If it could only
be like this all the time.
- It's gonna be, love.
This thing can't go on forever.
Let's face it, Hitler's gonna
run out of Germans sooner
or later, or out of Nazis anyway.
Hey, can you just imagine Belgrade like
it used to be before the war?
Not a German uniform in sight.
Hey, Braka comes from Belgrade.
Tell you what, we'll have dinner with him.
Maybe we'll get him to laugh for a change.
(Anna laughing)
- You don't like him
him very much, do you?
- Like him? I love the son of a bitch,
but I'll never let him know it.
He wasn't always like this, Anna.
Something burned out inside of him
when the Germans took over.
Let's face it, where the
hell would we be without him?
He's kind of a symbol of our country.
He's why, like I said, Germany's
gonna run out of Germans,
or run out of Yugoslavia, anyway.
Couldn't believe it
when I saw those tanks.
Jesus, they kept coming and
coming, that was some trap.
- Alright, it was a mistake.
What do we do now?
- Well if you're thinking
of another attack,
it's out of the question,
we're short of everything,
supplies, ammunition, everything.
- I know, but the Germans won't stop now.
- We could move up to Mount Seer,
hit 'em a couple of times,
let 'em know we're around,
and move further up in the
mountains for the winter.
What do you say?
- I say we shouldn't retreat,
and leave all this to the Germans.
- Marko?
- Hey Sele.
- The Germans in Sabac
want us to surrender.
- They want us to surrender?
Or they'll kill all the hostages, right?
That settles it, Braka.
We've got no choice,
we're attacking Krupanj.
- We'll attack 'em on the left,
but what's all this
about taking prisoners?
- [Marko] I tell you, we
need prisoners, Braka.
I got an idea.
- [Braka] I hope it's
a good one, let's go.
They'll be having breakfast,
they'll never know what hit 'em.
Move out!
(rooster crowing)
(music playing)
(grenade exploding)
(guns firing)
- [Soldier] Fire!
(record skipping)
(jubilant music)
(telegram clacking and beeping)
- It's a question of figures.
5,000 Serbs, Jews, and gypsies
against 200 good German lives.
The spelling is not very good,
but the message is quite clear.
If we make the exchange,
what have we lost?
- German prestige, control of this area
to a pack of illiterate wild animals!
I tell you this, if you don't shoot 1,000
of them this afternoon, the partisans
will come around soon enough!
- In any case, it's up to Berlin.
- If I don't hear from Berlin until
tomorrow night, I intend to move!
(slow, somber music)
- 12 hours to go, I think
they've written them off.
200 soldiers, and that's that.
- I'm afraid you're right, that's that.
- I must speak to you.
- Alright.
- I know why we're here, everybody knows.
- So?
- One of the prisoners
could help, I'm sure of it.
- [Braka] What are you talking about?
- One of their officers, a
captain, I knew him in Vienna.
He could talk to German
headquarters in Sabac,
convince them to make the exchange.
- Why would he do this for you?
- Because he's not Nazi, because
I know the way he thinks.
He can help us save the people in Sabac.
- You sure you're not just
trying to save his life again?
- No, it's the lives in 5,000 people
in Sabac I'm thinking about!
- You're the politician,
I'll leave it in your hands.
- You mean he'd do all that just for you.
- No, not for me.
Marko please, forget the
past, I know he'll do it.
- I don't like it.
The Germans'll think
we're getting desperate.
- Maybe not, it depends
how it's presented to them.
- Alright, let's go talk to him.
- Not me, you talk to him.
- Let's go.
What are your feelings
about this, Captain?
- If you're asking whether I care
about human lives, I care very much.
Henke is a hard man, but I can try.
- We've got to try!
- Alright.
- Braka, could I speak to
him for a moment, please?
- Well I see you've become
quite the little partisan, Anna.
- Kurt sit, sit down.
I never thought I'd see you again.
- How touching.
Tell me, the one they call
Marko, do you love him?
- Yes.
- I understand.
- Do you?
- Yes.
(dramatic music)
- Morning, Henke.
- Morning.
- Have you heard about these
miserable partisan bastards?
- Yes, Captain Kohler's on his way in.
(dramatic music)
- When did it happen?
- This morning, sir, just before dawn.
- Hmmm, shoot them down like cattle.
- They will kill 10 of our men
every hour until we make a deal.
- What do you suggest, Kohler?
- I want to go back, with
more tanks this time.
- This I promise you too,
Schuyler get them ready.
I want to be on the road by morning.
Hoffman, the execution order
goes into effect immediately.
I assume provincial authority.
- [Soldier] Ready,
- [Woman] My baby, my baby!
- [Soldier] Fire!
(screaming and guns firing)
(plane engines droning)
- Go on, get out there!
Get on your knees, move!
(shells exploding)
- Wait a minute, hold it!
What the hell do you think you're doing?
- They're not getting away with it.
- Wait a minute, we can use them,
they can help us escape?
- How?
- They're attacking from the air,
they'll never know the difference.
Go on, you're free, run!
(guns firing)
- They are starting to come out.
Well Kohler, we are
going to have some fun.
Alright, open fire!
- [Soldier] Open fire!
(shells exploding)
- Good, they are pulling out of the north.
Let's finish them!
(tank engines rumbling)
Good God, good God
Almighty, they fooled us!
- Search them!
Where are you going?
- To the cemetery, sir.
- Gatherings within the city are
strictly forbidden, you know that.
- Sir, you will bury
your dead in our land,
we are not allowed to
bury our dead in our land.
Therefore, we ask your permission,
to bury their belongings,
that is the custom here.
- Alright, go ahead.
- Okay kid?
Looks like it's been snowing.
- Where will we go?
- Back up in the mountains.
- Will they follow us?
- After we tricked them
into killing their own men
at Krupanj, you can bet they'll follow us.
(radio playing waltz music)
- Last night I had a dream, I
dreamed we ran away together.
There was a little
house, and I was cooking.
- Cooking!
You know it's funny, I had a dream too.
We were in Belgrade,
the Germans were gone,
and we were at the Hotel Majestic.
White tablecloths, real silverware,
caviar, duck a l'orange, bottle
of champagne about that big.
Gimme a glass, okay cheers!
Dreams are dreams.
- Hey Marko!
(dramatic music)
- Hey Braka, we can't
push 'em much further,
where do you think we're going?
- We'll stay up in the village.
We can hold there.
- Until when?
- Until we can pick up some more men.
By spring, we'll go on the attack again.
- Look around you, Braka, where the hell
are we gonna find more men, huh?
- We're not gonna leave Serbia.
- We can't survive here.
Listen, what say we try and
cross the river into Bosnia?
- We're not gonna leave Serbia.
Somebody has to stay here.
- Hope you're right.
(march music playing)
- The General is still in
the communications room.
He'll be with you in a minute.
And welcome back, sir.
- Thank you.
- Well Colonel, we brought
all of Europe to its knees.
But here, because of a
few Yugoslav partisans,
our supply lines in the
Balkans are in constant danger.
Our troops is Czechoslovakia,
Romania, Bulgaria
are cut off from our forces in Greece.
In Africa, Field Marshal Rommel
is desperate for gasoline, and we can't
get it through to him from Romania!
Churchill and Montgomery
are laughing at us!
- Just give us more time, sir.
- That ambush at Takaresh,
217 dead at Podanya.
- General, sir.
- Don't you General sir me!
The partisans are holding
down a dozen German divisions.
The attack on the Zorka factory,
the town of Sabac, Krupanj.
Brilliant Colonel, only
200 Germans captured.
- General, we completely
demolished them in Sabac.
- Sabac, who cares about Sabac?
We sent you the Air Force
to help you at Krupanj,
and all we succeeded in doing
was to kill our own infantry.
And don't worry about
hanging woman mayors,
concentrate on the partisan men,
or they'll be walking
through our bedrooms!
- Marko, dammit, you're
holding up the column!
What the hell are you doing here?
- What do you think I'm doing?
Looking after the wounded.
- Carrying the wounded will
mean the end of all of us.
- What do you mean by that?
- You want to sacrifice the whole unit
for the wounded who might
never be found by the Germans?
We're wasting time.
- You know goddamn well the Germans
are coming right through here!
- Alright, you're second in
command, you decide what to do!
- Braka!
Come back here a minute,
let's talk about this.
I'll tell them anyone can walk
and follow us, that's all.
- Marko, you know damn well
not even half of 'em can walk.
- I'm not leaving 'em to the Germans.
- What are you going to do, shoot 'em?
We can't carry 'em.
- Alright, I'll leave them some
hand grenades, they can
make up their own minds.
- See you in the hills.
- See you in the hills.
- Our reconnaissance has had
some contact with them, sir.
They're pulling back, through the pass.
- To hell with them, we'll wait until
they come down, to cross the river.
- But that could be months, sir.
- [Soldier] The ski patrol is ready, sir.
- Thank you.
A word of advice, Kohler,
harass but don't attack.
Don't make it a personal vendetta.
- Yes sir.
- Good.
- Colonel Hoffman, sir.
- Yeah?
Yeah, okay.
Well for myself, I hate the cold.
I prefer a hot supper, and a nice fire.
Alright, I think you can handle it.
I assure you, my Panzers
will be waiting for you.
We will take no prisoners,
not one partisan
will cross that river
into the Bosnia forest.
(suspenseful music)
- These peasants, God damn them.
Who is teaching these peasants to fight?
Let's go.
(gun firing)
(soldiers whistling)
(pensive music)
(suspenseful music)
(guns firing)
(slow, somber music)
- Alright, Marko. Let's get them!
- Ski troops, down, down!
(guns firing)
(somber organ music)
- Cover him up.
(slow, somber music)
Alright, move it out.
I just found Braka, he's dead.
Listen, we're moving out, let's go.
(slow, somber music)
- [Anna] Marko, wait for me!
- Anna.
I've been fighting with myself whether
to tell you or not, but I know I should.
The German, Kohler, he's dead.
- You?
- Yup.
- I see.
- Unbelievable, they've been
following us for six weeks.
They're up there somewhere, I know it.
Come on.
Well, there it is, thank god. Bosnia.
All we've gotta do is cross the river.
Hey you there!
Anybody on that side of the river?
Any partisans?
- [Man] In the forest,
a whole bunch of them!
- There?
- Yeah!
- Okay, okay!
- [Man] Good luck!
- Planes!
(plane engines droning)
Aircraft, hit the dirt! Take cover!
(plane engines droning)
(guns firing)
(shells exploding)
(guns firing)
(shells exploding)
(guns firing)
(soldiers groaning and crying)
- [Soldier] My leg, my leg, oh my leg.
(dramatic music)
- You gotta hand it to these
Nazis, they keep on coming.
You okay, Sele?
- [Sele] Don't worry about me, Marko.
- Hey, partisans! Start
carrying the wounded!
(suspenseful music)
(guns firing)
Help with the wounded, we're moving out.
- But how, we're surrounded!
- We are surrounded, we gotta
cross the goddamn river!
- But how?
- The peasants built a raft!
You heard me, get moving!
- I'm staying with you!
- [Marko] No, get outta here!
Go on, go with Sele, get out!
I won't tell you again, head for
the raft and take Anna with you!
- Anna, come on.
- [Anna] No, Marko!
(guns firing)
Oh my God, Sele! Sele!
Marko, Marko!
- No!
Bring a stretcher!
- You can't fight them anymore!
Marko, you've got to come with us!
For God's sake, please Marko!
- [Marko] It's alright, kid.
(tanks rumbling)
Jesus Christ!
(guns firing)
(shells exploding)
(guns firing)
(grenades exploding)
(guns firing)
(shells exploding)
(guns firing)
- [Anna] Last night, I had a dream.
I dreamed we ran away together.
There was a little
house, and I was cooking.
(guns firing)
(dramatic instrumental music)
(MultiCom jingle)