Hellbinders (2009) Movie Script

Give up, Cain. Your
order has been dissolved,
your temples' sacked, your
brothers burned at the stake.
You're less welcome
in this world than I.
Then we'll burn
in hell together.
Go ahead, destroy this body.
I'll find a thousand
more to hunt you down.
We're in the emptiest
of wastelands...
No one around to possess.
And I'm not feeling merciful.
Rest in peace.
So what's in the case?
A book.
What kind of book?
An old one.
How old?
How the hell should I know.
Look, do we have a deal or not?
That's only half the money.
You get the other half
when you finish the job.
How do I know this
is not a setup?
If this was a setup we
wouldn't have told you
we were cops Detective before
we hired you to kill somebody.
Maybe you guys are
just being tricky.
Once I take the cash you could
whip out your cuffs and say
"hey, we told you we
were cops, dumb ass."
It doesn't work that way.
Why not?
Because ... Because no
one would be stupid enough
to fall for something like
Okay, look. I'm sure you've
already hacked our database
Perish the thought so you know
we've lost thirty undercover
officers to this... cult?
More like a crime syndicate.
Whatever, the point is
thirty cops, thirty.
And at least half of
them have switched sides.
Fucking switched sides!
it's beyond embarrassing.
It's totally fucked up.
We can't afford to
lose any more cops.
But you can afford
to pay my rate.
So last week's big drug
bust wasn't quite as big
as we first reported.
This is LA, skimming
money ispractically
standard operating procedure.
So how do I get inside?
Their boss, someone
named Samael.
What in the hell
kinda name is that?
I don't know, Middle Eastern?
Sounds like a queer.
Don't know that either,
and don't want to.
You know that could be the
reason Rodriguez jumped ship.
Point is he paid as
hit load of money
to have this shipped
over from Jerusalem.
Girls are a lot hotter in
Tel Aviv. Half as hit load.
The other halfupon d e livery.
My half?
That's between you
and a pile of bodies.
We've got there al
courier locked up
so god damned tight even
immigration doesn't
know he's in country.
So all you've got to do
is walk in with the case
and start shooting.
I like it.
So who do you want me to
kill besides the queer?
All of 'em. Everybody.
Even your own guys?
They're not our guys anymore.
Fine. Deal.
Kill 'em all,
that's, my motto anyway.
One question ...
Considering how many of your
people you've lost,
how do you know
I won't betray you too?
Because you're a god
damned mercenary,
all you care about is money.
All about the money, yeah,
that's my other motto.
So what's the deal?
Usual. They pay us a lot of
money, we kill a lot of people.
Typical, same damn
thing even when we're
workin' for the good guys.
They're cops, who said
they were good guys?
Better than us.
It's all about
living the good life,
everything else is
a waste of time.
Jesus, Max, you never change.
Thank God for small blessings.
Alright. So how
many people's a lot?
Call George. Tell him
to bring everything.
Fine, but I have a bad
feeling about this.
You get a bad feeling
about every job I take.
Yeah, but I have are ally bad
feeling about this one.
Carmen, relax. It's
gonna be a cake walk.
Alright, but I hope you at
least got an advance this time.
You wound me.
This is madness,
Hiroshi. Your own family
Means nothing t o me anymore.
After a life time?
You have no idea what a
life time really is, boy.
I know what it isn't ,
and so do the assassins
they've probably already sent.
Good, they can take this
wretched body home in a box.
Is that why you've betrayed
us so late in life,
a chance to die on your feet?
You don't have to
kill me for that.
Kill you?
Not when you've got so
many years of suffering ahead.
Relax Tetsuro!
It will be easier for you.
Much better.
That thing was
half dead before I took it.
Now I know why he betrayed
his own organization...
along with the rest of you.
Then you know too much.
You only make us stronger, Ryu.
Good, maybe you'll be able
to put up a real fight.
No good can come of this,
cooperating with the beast.
It might release him
from his suffering.
Death would release him.
And release it in to the world.
No, better to wait for Cain.
So that it has an ally?
This is madness.
No, not an ally. They hate
him as much as you do.
Only because he's free to walk
the earth and they are not.
Otherwise he's more like
one of them than one of us.
You don't know that.
Don't I? Ordinary
men age and die.
I never said he was ordinary.
I thank you for...
For heeding our summons.
Afraid of me, little brother?
Only the taint of your sin.
Don't worry, it's no
worse than your own.
We...we tried to help, but
it's powerful, it refutes us.
Does it have a name?
The lord of the flies?
You know him?
I know of him.
And he knows of you.
He asked for you by name.
Then let's not keep him
Cain. Finally. I was growing
tired of these simpering monks
and their useless prayers.
You know me?
Through the wayward minions
you have returned to my domain
and all the dark souls
you've sent to join them.
What do you want?
To strike a bargain.
I don't bargain with your kind.
You will when it
spares your own.
Besides, you owe me a boon.
For what?
Filling your kingdom
with the weak and the
For threatening to empty it
through your own
foolish pride.
What game are you
trying to play?
Not me, Legion.
So they plan on carving out
their own little kingdom
in hell by taking yours.
Taking mine yes,
but the kingdom
they carve is not in hell.
And so we have a
bargain, you and I.
How did they escape?
Escape? No need. They had
nothing to escape from.
I slew the last of their hosts
in the emptiest wasteland.
No one around to possess.
Not around or above, but
you forgot to look below.
You marched off in victory
while the worms beneath your
feet laughed at every step.
Worms. ..
From swine to fish
to man again,
and back to worms
when you left them
nowhere else to go.
They've trod the
Earth since the Fall,
did you really think
banishing them
would be so easy?
No, my kingdom is at stake
and so is your world,
because of what you
have left undone.
You speak the truth.
More of them than you know.
So you see the bargain
is simple.
I help myself by helping you.
Where are they?
Where else would a host
of the fallen roost?
The city of angels.
If you're lying...
You'll know where to find me.
Oh God . . .
Please... help me.
About time you two got here.
It'll wrinkle the jacket.
Remember what happened last
time you turned down a vest.
That was bad luck.
Bad luck?! It's a God damned
miracle they brought you back.
Sorry, God.
Not really , we were
raiding a hospital.
Yeah, but twenty minutes?
Nobody stays dead
for twenty minutes.
Quit worrying.
Besides it's a lot easier
this time.
No innocent bystanders
to avoid killing.
So why don't we just blow up
the whole Godd...
The whole
fucking building.
Because he's offering
a lot of money for a book.
A lot of money.
You want to blow
up a lot of money?
How much money?
Enough to retire.
You know you say
that every time.
On the moon.
Finally come to repent, Ryu?
Have we met?
Not in this life.
Was I a beggar or a king?
Neither, but you
were a better person.
Pperhaps, but then
again I doubt you pray
for the people I've killed.
Only that they find themselves
closer to enlightenment.
You see, I'm just helping
them along the way.
At the price of your
own bloodstained soul.
I didn't come here
for a lecture, priest.
Then why did you come?
To warn you.
There are darker things
than me lurking this
city when the sun sets.
The Oni.
You already know?
How could I not?
So many in one place.
The world cries out
in protest.
Well, I found all four
of them last night.
What's so funny?
Yes, and I've fought
stronger, but...
Try four thousand.
Four thousand ...
And that will only be
the beginning,
if they are not stopped.
Then you'd better find
a way to stop them.
It already found me.
What makes you
think I'd even try?
The man I once knew
sacrificed everything
for the sake of the innocent.
Then he was a fool.
But a noble one.
Four thousand.
How would I stop an army?
By raising your own.
I doubt the rest of the clan...
Would make it in time
to be of any help?
Then I guess you'll have
to find someone else.
Or, you will.
Others who won't bend to them.
Even if I wanted to, which
I don't, but even if I did,
I wouldn't know where to start.
The Oni will show you. Their
enemies are your allies.
I have obligations.
As pressing as the world?
Maybe I'll find
the others, priest
maybe, but
that's it, nothing more.
Ryu. Patience is one of
the heavenly virtues.
I know.
But, please, hurry.
Hang loose.
Anyone you don't know
comes out running they're
not even gonna make it
to the starting line.
Good man. Okay, by the numbers.
I'm telling you, I've got a
really bad feeling about this.
Take a pill already.
What do you want?
I've got a delivery.
A book.
-You're armed.
-To the teeth.
You'll have to leave
your weapons...
Right where they are.
I'm not walking into your
place with that much money
on the line and no insurance
I'll walk out again.
There's something wrong here.
Of course there's
something wrong.
It's an opium den in a
crack house neighborhood.
Totally inappropriate.
You're not the courier.
No, but I've got the book.
Where is he?
Jail. Cops hired me
to take his place.
To sell a book?
To kill you.
So much for by the numbers.
I like that. You must be good.
The best, and most expensive.
We don't negotiate.
Negotiate? What's there to
negotiate? You get the book,
I get the cash, and
the cops get to think
they're really clever
and everyone likes to
think they're clever...
It's a win, win, win,
All we got to do
it make the trade.
Be cool, Carmen.
Pleasure doing
business with you.
Believe me when I say
the pleasure is ours.
Whatever. Hope it's a good
Oh, wait...
I almost forgot.
My reputation.
You gotta be kidding.
Should worn your vest.
It slows me down.
You too?
If I'd wanted you dead
you never
would've known I was here.
Who the fuck are you?
My name is Ryu.
What the fuck do you want?
Your help.
Yeah, well I'm not feeling
too helpful right now.
Because your friends
tried to kill you?
Apparently they're not
my friends anymore.
It wasn't them,
it was the Oni who were
pulling the triggers.
Sure what as fuck
looked like them.
-And what the fuck is an Oni?
-A demon.
So it had nothing to do
with all this money.
The devil made 'em do it.
Demons, and yes,
they were possessed.
Well how the fuck
did that happen?
You unleashed them when
you killed the people
they had already taken,
so they found new souls
to twist to their will.
Yeah? So how come they
haven't twisted me?
That's what I'm still
trying to figure out,
and also why I need your help.
So something makes
me different...
Let me ask you something...
What happens to
someone when they die?
Your friends aren't dead.
Only because I couldn't bring
myself to kill 'em.
Look, I'm humoring you,
so humor me back a minute okay?
Every religion has its own
answer, but generally you could
say that a soul moves towards
or away from enlightenment
depending on the life
that led to its freedom.
But either way the soul
definitely moves on.
You have no soul!
I'm having a very bad day.
We don't want to
fight with you, Cain.
You don't have choice.
Ah, but we do...
See for yourself.
Still walking the Earth after
all this time, huh, Cain?
Still places I haven't found.
Then you should hurry up
and find them.
Time is short.
Are you threatening me or are
you threatening the world?
Doesn't matter, we'll
destroy you both.
You won't get the chance.
Go ahead, tear this
body to pieces. . .
Tear them all to pieces,
as many as you can get your
hands on.
We're surrounded by innocent
souls in this place,
enough to drown you in
fresh blood and broken bones
and still keep coming.
Ahhh... Now you see
the truth of it.
A truth we learned from you.
What have I taught you
besides how to die?
The danger of dying
in the emptiness.
You taught us the folly of
avoiding the world of man.
And now we're unstoppable.
Not unstoppable.
But like we said,
go ahead and try.
In time.
Destroy him.
There's 4 million innocent
people in this city.
It's a fight we don't want
to win, even if we could.
Easy big boy, I just
bought this thing.
It's okay, he's not one of
Get in.
Relax, enemy of your
enemies and all that...
We've got our own
problems with the uni.
Oni, right.
What is an uni?
A sea urchin.
Whatever, them too.
It means demon. We're all
fighting the same battle.
You're immune to
possession, the both of you.
Same with you, so it seems.
You kick the bucket too?
How much longer?
Two more days at least.
Anything less than perfection
will be wasted effort.
I don't know if we
have it.
Cain found us.
I doubt it's coincidence.
Our numbers have grown
since the wasteland.
He doesn't matter anymore.
He has allies.
When the ritual is completed
they won't matter either.
If the entire world stands
against us it won't matter.
But until that moment
we are vulnerable.
Then destroy him.
Okay, first things first.
Who fancies a beer?
Do you have water?
Nothing for me.
How am I supposed
to trust someone
I can't have a drink with?
Where are you from?
Here and there. I spend most
of my time in the Holy Land.
Dangerous place nowadays.
Always has been.
And you've been around for
a lot of it haven't you?
You're more perceptive
than your friend.
I wouldn't call us friends.
Oil I heard that!
But we are allies
at the moment,
and I hope to say
the same of you.
Usually when people are
immune to possession
it's because they're
already under the sway
of a greater power.
Usually but not always.
My clan was descended
from warrior priests,
we're trained for more
than one kind of battle.
And him?
I got no soul.
You have no soul?
Nope, lost it when I was dead.
Along with a chunk of spleen
and my left pinkie toe.
What about you?
Unburied knowledge.
The death sentence of my order.
The Knights of the
Temple of Solomon.
Oh, Knights Templar, figures.
Don't look so surprised.
I just didn't think
someone with your...
Stunning good looks?
Care free nature, would
be a student of history.
It's a common misconception,
understanding the
mistakes of the past
will prevent them in the
I'm living proof that
understanding doesn't
help one God damned bit.
At least your honest.
So the three of us,
each for our own reasons
are immune to
Legion's domination.
That's what they
call themselves.
They're a collective
of demonic souls,
several thousands of them.
You've faced them before?
I thought I'd
destroyed them
in an empty wasteland
centuries ago.
Centuries, wow. Who's
your plastic surgeon?
And now that they've made
their home here in the middle
of the city, I'm not so sure
they can be destroyed.
If not they'll
over run the world.
A couple thousand of 'em?
The priest who told me to find
you said this was
-...only the beginning.
-He's right.
They plan on drawing one of
the kingdoms of hell
to their banner and bringing it
into the world.
How big is a kingdom?
The question is, how
will they bring it here?
Absolutely the most
fucked up day...
Worse than that
Mexican prison...
When I was a child, there were
tales of ancient sages
who could open the
gates of the abyss.
We have our own tales, but
those sages have been dead
and gone for thousands of
Ours too.
Maybe one of them
wrote it all down,
how to open them...
you know, in a book
or something.
One of them did, King Solomon,
but in his wisdom he
had it buried with him.
He should have burned it.
Maybe, but even
if it still exists
I doubt it'd ever be found.
Probably not...
But if it was, it wouldn't
happen to be, you know,
about this big,
and covered with the same stuff
tattooed on you?
You've seen it?
I gave it to 'em, this morning.
How the hell was I
supposed to know?
You have no idea
what you've done!
Stop! Killing each other
won't solve anything!
If they possess the book,
and an entire city to keep
us from stopping them,
I'm not sure there's
anything left to solve.
Wait until sunrise. The
priest will know what to do.
Fine, but you guys
aren't crashing here,
I got a couple of
girls coming over.
This way.
I see you've gathered your
It will do.
I believe it will.
But do what?
I mean, besides dropping a
nuke on the city... wait,
that won't work
either, cockroaches.
Unfortunately he
has a point.
How do we destroy them
without destroying the city?
With a soul cage.
They have no rightful
place in this world,
and only cling to it
by taking another's.
This is the weakness you
can exploit to trap them.
It's a false soul,
a host they're drawn to
but cannot escape.
So what's the catch?
It has to be created
in a living vessel,
one that has no
soul of it's own.
Yeah, figured there was a
When the hosts die they
will be drawn into you,
and stuck there until they
can be properly exorcised.
Do all the hosts have to die?
I doubt the demons possessing
them will go willingly.
What about my friends?
Max, this is about
the fate of the world.
Which you need me to save.
Because you damned it.
By mistake, but
If m sure as hell
not going to damn my
friends on purpose.
If they can be brought
here they can be exorcised.
Then we'11 bring 'em here.
You're asking for trouble.
It is his nature.
This will take some time.
Good. I still have
obligations to fulfill.
Only because you still
choose to fulfill them.
Life is not that simple.
It is. That is the lesson
you've yet to learn.
Ask your friend.
You are an example to him.
Then I'm a bad one.
I've lived too long
and made too many mistakes.
But still you try.
You're not gonna like molest
me or anything are you?
If we don't succeed
it's the beginning of
the end, for everyone.
Time to quit playing the fool.
Can I ask you a question?
What's gonna happen to
me when I die... Again?
The part of you that can
go on already has gone on.
Then what's the point?
I mean, what's the point of me
doing anything?
You might be gone,
but the world around you,
this world, continues on,
and is better or worse
for what you have done
while you are still here.
At least that's something.
More than you
might imagine.
Clear your mind, focus on
the emptiness within you.
What was that about
...with the priest?
The life I'm currently living.
-He doesn't approve.
-And I doubt you would either.
You may not want to
join me for this.
For what?
I'm not like you.
I didn't come to this city
to stop the Legion.
But you are some sort of
Not exactly.
When I told you my clan was
descended from warrior priests,
what I didn't tell you
is that we're assassins.
You came to kill people, and
found out they were possessed.
I came to kill a
lot of people,
and found out some of
'em were possessed.
I still don't know
about the others,
but either way
they're gonna die.
These people you came to kill,
I would guess they are not
the most noble, or innocent.
Criminals, like me.
The Templar dealt with
assassins during the crusades.
Mostly we tried to kill
each other, but sometimes,
when our goals were
similar, we made peace,
even learned to work together.
And die together...
If we remember our
history correctly.
Only what was written by
people who weren't there.
Guess this answers my
question about the others.
Spicy, yes, lightly sweetened.
Don't bother. You'll
never catch him.
Fine. We'll just go
straight to the source.
Brilliant, lets rush in
and get ourselves killed
now that we got
a good chance
of actually stopping this
What choice do we have?
We're running out of time.
No, we're not out of time. If
we were running out of time,
they wouldn't have
bothered coming after us.
The only reason they're
trying to take any of us out
is because there's
still time to stop them.
What do you suggest?
Guerilla warfare. Hound 'em a
little. Chip away at the edges,
make sure the ones we don't get
are isolated and afraid of us.
It's easier to defeat an enemy
that already thinks
it can't win.
Good, let's blow
this popsicle stand.
You comin'?
Give me a few hours.
I have something
to take care of.
-We're diminished.
The soul torn, he's
found a way to bind us.
Half of the hosts die, then
we hunt them in groups.
Sacrifice everything to keep
them away from this place.
So the prodigy finally returns.
The traitors have been
They lived longer
than expected,
considering your talents.
There were... complications.
I expected you
to be above such things.
I will endeavor to live up to
your expectations, master.
See that you do.
There has been
bloodshed in Tokyo,
the Iga threaten open warfare.
There is... another matter.
The only matter that concerns
you is the one I've spoken of.
An army of Oni.
That will overrun the people of
this city and burn it.
Unless they are stopped.
The fate of this city
is not your concern.
This city will only
be the first to fall.
Hold out your left hand.
Your left hand!
Obedience to the will of
the clan must be absolute.
There is room for nothing more.
Let this be a small reminder
of the price of insolence.
I am your master.
You were my master...
And now you've set me free.
How did you learn
about my order?
Spent six months
in Ireland looking
for a lost shipment
of Templar gold.
Most of it in history
books searching for clues.
It's not in Ireland.
You know where it is?
I'm the one that buried it.
Well look, if you
haven't bothered
for the last eight
hundred years...
You have too much already.
Money? You can never too much.
If you know anything about
Templar history,
then you should
know that you can.
Having too much is
what destroyed us.
King Philip himself was
envious of our wealth.
And you let him arrest
you and seize your lands,
even though you
had the resources
to raise an army and fight
Too many innocent
people would have died.
Innocent people did die,
and they were your friends.
I know, I watched it happen.
Why? I mean, even if you
didn't want to start a war,
why didn't you just
leave, all of you?
That's the one thing
I never could figure out.
The charges against us
were not completely false.
We never made any packs
with the fallen ones,
They were wrong about that,
but we did learn things
from our enemies who had,
it was the only
way to fight them.
Then why not live, and
keep on fighting them?
Oh... that's why
you're still here.
We all gathered before the
end to make a choice...
I was cursed to live
while my brothers died.
They didn't all have to die.
You don't understand. Back then
the Church was everything,
the whole world, and the
truth of what we had become
would have torn it apart...
Sometimes you have to sacrifice
everything, to save the world.
Sometimes you wonder if
it's worth saving at all.
They're looking for us.
Well, let's not be rude.
See you in a sec.
Figures they'd end up back
You know this place?
Sort of.
Just give me a moment.
So much for the surprise.
You okay?
Thick skin.
No kidding.
Where the hell is Ryu?
Don't know.
I'm trying to save you, bitch!
Why bother when you
can join us instead?
Would if I could, but
I can't, so I won't.
We could find a way
we can get you
a demonic soul to
replace the one you lost.
I think I have to pass.
Why? What's the difference?
We all want the same thing Max.
A chance to live the
good life.
Everything else is just
a waste of time, remember?
We're a lot more like you
than the people you're
trying to help.
I don't want to shoot 'em.
Don't worry.
Just get their attention.
Could have done that earlier.
I had to get in here first.
I don't really walk
through walls, you know.
Had me fooled.
You okay?
Thick skin.
Good... Because I'm
not carrying them.
Their souls are entwined with
the oni that enslave them.
This will take some time.
But it can be done?
Then that's all that matters.
We should let him work in
More obligations
to fulfill, Ryu?
Only one, to save the world.
The most noble and least
possible of them all.
But I have to try.
You always try for
even when it's just
out of reach.
I will return by midday.
Where are you going?
To wash the blood
from my hands.
Unlike you two, I seek
forgiveness for my sins.
I think we've just
been insulted.
Or scolded.
Me too. Any suggestions?
Pancakes? Really? I Didn't
know you guys ate pancakes.
I love pancakes.
We need more blood
for our palette.
Then tell someone to
collect it for you.
Plenty of our own was
spilled last night.
The bodies in here
house the last of us.
In one night?
We should run for
the wastelands.
We've survived there
for thousands of years.
Survived, nothing more.
What is the point of escaping
the abyss if life itself
is a living hell?
Besides, the gates
will be open tonight,
and everything changes.
We won't make it
through the night.
One of us will,
and that's all that matters.
Where's Samael?
Trying to ensure our survival,
and he asks that
you do the same.
What does he want?
Friends among our enemies.
-Anything else?
-No thanks, luv.
So what changed your mind about
joining me the other night ?
You mean helping my
fellow man isn't enough?
Not when there's no money in
Am I that transparent?
You just don't bother
hiding it that's all.
Mostly because of my friends.
We may not be that close but...
there's no one really
I can relate to,
and when I find'em, we usually
try to kill each other.
I know what you mean.
What about you? Why did
you throw your life away
to save a city
full of strangers?
What makes you think
I threw my life away?
I can read between the lines.
I'm not sure I really
have an answer to that...
I guess somehow that priest
reminds me of someone...
The father you never had?
The son I never was...
I think I'm here now because
I've been here before,
in a strange city fighting
against impossible odds...
But I think I keep failing
somehow, and coming back again.
You didn't actually think
they'd open their doors for
did you Cain?
I hope you haven' t
come to beg.
I'm still not
feeling merciful.
Parley would be
a better word.
There are still innocent
lives to be lost
or saved in our little war.
We've come to call a truce.
You mean buy time until
you can bring Beelzebub's
legions into the world.
We had heard he fled the
abyss for a moment or two,
now we know why.
Even your own kind have turned
against you.
I guess you could say we're the
same then aren't we, Templar?
You could say, but it would
just be another lie.
Really? If your
cause is so noble
then why did you have to
with the lord of
flies to further it?
I have no bargain.
You both benefit.
And what about your allies, an
assassin and soulless killer?
Are they after
salvation or is it just
an excuse to spill more blood.
As long as they stand against
you it doesn't matter.
Why, Cain? The holy land is
a thousand years behind us.
Look around you.
My kin and I are among
the lesser evils this
city has to offer.
You won't be among
anything much longer.
It's always the same
with you Crusaders,
unwilling to bend
until you break.
Fortunately, you don't have
the strength to break me.
Maybe we don't.
Maybe we lose this final
battle between us and end up
back in the pit
after all this time.
You only make Beelzebub
that much stronger.
I don't have to deal with him.
You will when he comes
to collect,
and he will come to collect,
whether you think you have
a bargain with him or not.
If you're going to choose
between two evils,
you should really
choose the lesser.
Isn't that why you're still
here, after all this time?
The price of redemption.
He's gone, Max.
Are you. . . you?
What happened?
At first I thought I was just
hearing voices then...
Then this endless nightmare I
couldn't wake up from until...
You were right. You were
right about the voices,
right about bad feeling,
right about everything.
I'm sorry I got you into this.
Into what Max? What
the hell is going on?
It's complicated.
No, not complicated, just
really fucked up.
There's a demon, a bunch
of 'em, named Legion.
He...they are trying to open
up the gates of hell,
take over the world
or at least the city.
Me and that guy and a monk...
well sort of are trying to stop
and I'm fucked either way
because I've got no soul.
Told you it was fucked up.
I should have been here.
You didn't know.
Part of me did, this
is what I keep missing...
it's the same every time.
Every time what?
He dies so I can
find redemption.
And I keep repeating
it, this life...
I keep coming back
to save him ...
And I failed again.
What happened?
We should offer 'em
both a proper burial.
Then get ready for tonight.
What happens tonight?
Everything. It all ends,
one way or another.
Count me in.
Don't Carmen me. George is
dead, I have been violated,
in some way I can't
even begin to imagine,
and there's no where to
run to if you fail anyway.
We're going right
back to the opium den.
Like I said, count me in.
One thing. . .
Leave Tetsuro to me.
I got no problem with that.
Doesn't matter who kills who
anyway. Tonight they all burn.
Our enemies approach.
Then hold them off.
How much longer?
As long as it takes you to
complete the ceremony ...
But you still need a sacrifice.
It's been arranged.
Give me thirty seconds.
Okay, 15... 14...
13... Ah bullocks, go!
I said thirty seconds!
I count fast.
Where's Tetsuro?
The gates are opening!
Max hurry!
Go! Just go, Max!
You're too late, Cain.
You still have to be alive
to complete the ceremony.
I know.
Die like you've lived, a fool.
I've grown a thousand
fold since we last fought.
And I have help this time.
We can't win.
We don't have to.
We just need a sacrifice to
up the gates.
If that body falls into hell
the demons possessing it
will be
trapped there forever...
besides, I've lived long
It's the only way.
Ryu, now!
Pity, dying a final death
in this miserable place.
Yeah... Sucks.
And after you've
done so much for me.
Little late for payback.
Maybe there is
one small favor...
Never can stay out of trouble.
That's why you're
one of my favorites.
Something's coming out!
Just give me a sec...
You okay?
Got my soul back.
Figures that's
where it would be.
Look whose talking.
Besides there's plenty
of time for redemption.
And plenty of opportunity.
Your friend is gone
and so is the book.
She was still possessed,
the whole time.
And able to hide it from me.
What's left of Legion in the
world is still dangerous.
Including Tetsuro,
he never showed.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, the
whole world
is gonna end any minute now.
That tune's
getting a little old.
Try listening to it for
eight hundred years.
I'd open the gates of hell
myself before that happens.
I've considered it.
Is that humor?
The world must be about to end.
One question, in all of then
endless plains of the abyss...
How did you find your own soul?
Some old geezer
brought it to me.
Some old geezer?
Yeah. Said his name was...
Bella something.
Yeah, you know him?
I can already see how
this is gonna to go.