Hellblazers (2022) Movie Script

[dark dramatic music]
Time has come, my friends
[ominous music]
For a long time we have
struggled, haven't we?
Starving for what is to come.
For tonight we quench our
thirst for the manifestation
of our beliefs.
A perfect subject approaches.
A perfect subject approaches.
A perfect vessel.
Throw him in.
Steve didn't dig a hole
to hell for nothing,
put him in there.
[light reflective music]
I really miss you.
I'll try and get ya a
fresh one every day.
[muffled groaning]
[ominous music]
Who the hell is on my property?
[man groaning]
[ominous music]
[screaming] [eerie music]
[speaking foreign language]
[whooshing] [rustling]
[monster growling]
[suspenseful music]
[dramatic music]
[monster grumbling]
We have brought you forth in
good faith and great effort.
You must feed and transform
further and become stronger.
My loyal subjects are
but your servants
and are here to help you
with that task.
Be free, but not just yet.
Be free and let chaos reign.
All right, cool.
[ground thudding]
Now, see that the beast is fed.
[ominous music]
Now, now, now, now.
Holy shit.
Lorna, we got a big problem.
[ominous music] [birds chirping]
[bell dings]
Morning, Timmy.
[saw buzzing]
[man grunts]
Damn it, Timmy, what?
Damn kid.
Poncho! [suspenseful music]
Hey, Poncho!
Come here, boy.
Where the hell did
you run off to?
Poncho, come here, boy.
[suspenseful music]
[ominous music]
[glovebox clicks]
[dramatic music] Hey, Sheriff!
[light music] [Sheriff sighs]
Getting all settled in, are ya?
As much as one can, I guess.
Not much to get settled
into now, is there?
Yeah, I know.
She ain't much to look at,
but we have a close knit
community here, it's been
that way for 50 years.
That's what they told me.
I get it.
You big town folk aren't too
keen on small town living.
We don't got your supermarkets
or your Radioshacks.
I like the quiet,
actually, Rick.
Oh, well that's good 'cause
we got plenty of that.
Chiggers and snakes, too.
I'll leave ya to it.
See ya.
[Liz] Ooh, that's nice.
- Look good?
- Yeah.
- Come on, coffee.
- Where?
- Right here.
- All right, get ready.
All right.
- See if it works?
- Mm hmm.
- Oh!
- That's a real good one,
- that was real close.
- I know, pretty close.
Morning, everyone.
- Morning.
- Morning, Sheriff.
[Sheriff] Anything
new to report?
Yeah, um.
Oh, somebody stole
Frosty from the Teegan's
front yard yesterday.
I swear, who steals a
plastic snowman?
That's it?
Uh, there might be a rabid
coon up in Fox Tail Canyon.
Raccoons, what do you...
I don't know how to deal
with raccoons.
How do you guys normally
deal with raccoons?
We have to shoot 'em.
Especially if it's rabid, yeah.
I guess that makes sense.
Not many raccoons in New York,
Lots, just never had to
deal with any rabid ones.
Is that a normal
thing around here?
[Liz] What?
Rabid animals.
Yeah, especially the cows.
Oh yeah, a lot of
vampires swooping around.
What the hell are we
talking about here?
Yeah, rodents who fly.
Yeah, they carry rabies, boss.
Bite the cow's legs and transfer
it over to the damn things.
- It gets real bad.
- It gets weird.
Like that movie.
What movie?
The movie.
The one with the mother and
the son, they're in the car,
the rabid dog just...
The mother, the son,
they're in the car
with the dog with
rabies and trapped.
No one here?
No, I can't say
I've ever seen a movie
like that, Sheriff.
Yeah. Have you?
- Uh, no.
- No.
Are you a big fan of movies,
Yeah, I guess you
could say that.
All right, well, I'm gonna
go make the rounds, so...
You hold down the fort?
See you later.
[Teddy whistles]
He's got a crush.
[upbeat music]
Hi, Teddy.
Um, can I get you a
cup of coffee?
That'd be wonderful.
[Deanna] So, how's
the new sheriff?
Oh, he's quiet.
That makes sense.
Does it?
He doesn't really know
any of us here.
Yeah, I suppose that's true.
Sure is.
He moved all the way
out here from
a place half a world away.
Big city, all the lights,
all the people.
I wonder what that must be like.
What's that?
That I wonder how
that must feel.
Probably pretty lonely.
I guess I hadn't
thought about it.
Don't give him too much grief.
Who, me?
I wouldn't dream of it.
Hey, Deanna.
Mornin', Harry.
Ah, Teddy.
How you doing?
How's our little fledgling
town doing this morning?
Oh, well, the day's
just started, sir, so...
Yeah, I suppose it is,
I suppose that is true,
I suppose so.
Uh, Teddy.
Let me ask you something.
He's a nice fella, Harry.
He hasn't really begun making
his rounds around here yet,
so a whole lotta people
think that he's a bit cold.
Lonely maybe.
Yeah, I guess it takes time
adjusting to a quiet place.
Uh, Teddy, um...
How's your mama doing?
Is she liking it down in Dallas?
She is.
She does, likes it just fine.
It's a change of
scenery for her,
so it oughta do her some good.
There are some things about
home she misses, though.
Yeah, make sure to
give her my best.
All right, well, I
better be off.
Thank you for the coffee,
What you waiting for, huh?
That's a good kid.
What's wrong with you?
Let me have a glass of eggnog.
[Harry] This kid doesn't
know what he started.
[Deanna] Only one, though.
Only one.
There's nothing in it, right?
[both laughing]
Ooh, look at you lookin' busy.
You doing all right?
[Teddy] Yeah, I'll live.
Streets are clean.
All right.
[dramatic music]
Mornin', Bill.
Anything I can do for you
and the 12 gauge
you just slammed on my desk?
I wanna make a complaint.
Okay, about what exactly?
On my property last
night something happened.
I had a group of visitors.
What... I don't understand.
Visitors, what do you call 'em?
Oh, okay, well that
must be a big city word.
I don't get it.
Actually, it's just English,
Do you know who these
individuals are?
No, sir.
Did they take anything?
Did they destroy anything?
[suspenseful music]
Well, they were
dressed in sheets.
All kind of like, I don't
know, Purdue University
sheet-looking things, you
know, with that color.
They had that horrible
Purdue color, you know?
The team never makes
the final four,
but when they do, they wear
that awful, I don't know,
yellowish kinda thing
that they have.
Sheets that color.
Faces covered, scarves
over their nose,
and act like like they
were in Afghanistan
or some fucking place.
They started dancing around.
Moving, swaying, doing
all that stuff,
and started with all
that hippie stuff
only it wasn't Na Merengue.
You know, the bald guys,
and with the orange on.
And they all start holding
hands and made a ring.
There was about a dozen of 'em.
They were dancing around,
then they joined hands,
then they danced
around in a circle
like old hippie girls or like,
you know,
the Hare Krishna people.
And then they started chanting.
It was in rhyme and they
were altogether on it.
And then they started
chanting words
in a gibberish kind
of a language.
And then, all of a sudden,
they drag a guy out
of the bushes over there and
he's laying down right here
and next to him the
earth started to open up.
The earth started to open up.
And I'm way over there
watching and I look down
and I can't see down in the
hole but it goes way down.
And it's a door to hell.
And out of that hole.
Hey, bud, look at me.
Out of that hole comes a thing.
And as it gets higher and
higher out of the ground
and I see the whole thing
it's the most terrifying
horrible looking beast you've
ever seen in your life.
A being.
Some kind of, you know,
thing you couldn't imagine
could ever be put together.
Frightening, terrifying!
And then you know what
the beast says?
He goes into the body of
the guy on the ground.
And he's gone,
but the body is there.
And he's in the body,
so he now is in this body.
This horrifying thing.
Who is capable, I'm sure,
of anything.
Anything else?
I'm sorry?
Is there anything else?
Uh, yeah.
I was in 'Nam and I saw
a lotta shit.
You're from the big city.
You've seen a lotta shit.
But neither one of us
ever saw shit
as scary or frightening as this
and you gotta do
something about it.
All right, let me get
this straight.
You got a whole buncha
people on your property-
[Bill] Yeah.
They're wearing Purdue uniforms?
[Bill] Yeah.
They're dancing
around and singing.
- Right.
- And wearing
- funky pants.
- Chanting, chanting.
A hole opens in the ground.
- Yeah.
- Okay, so something-
[Bill] And the hole was deep.
- Okay, so deep hole.
- Yeah.
Something comes
out of the hole...
- Yeah.
- Goes into the body.
- Yeah.
- Where does the body go?
Got up and ran off that
way into the woods.
- Of course it did.
- The other folks
all just took off.
Let me ask you a question.
You know if kids like
to come on your property
and they like to party,
- any of that stuff?
- Speak up, asshole.
I'm trying to help you
- and you call me an asshole?
- Yeah, but I can't hear you.
Okay, am I allowed to be deaf?
Yeah, you're allowed to
do whatever you want.
Okay. What's the question?
You got a lotta kids that
come on your property
- and they like to party?
- Never, never.
You've only been here a couple
weeks, you don't know me.
They know who I am and they
don't come on my property.
And after three minutes with
me now you also know who I am.
I'm a raging asshole,
but I got game.
- You got game?
- And I saw something
- bigger than game last night.
- Okay.
Are you a drinker?
Does Pinocchio have a
wooden dick?
Y'all seen Poncho?
I can't find him anywhere.
- Again, Bernard?
- Jesus Christ.
Can't you put a leash on
your fucking dog one time?
He doesn't need a leash
in this town, Bill.
Of course he needs a leash,
he's a dog!
He's got a dog named Poncho.
The dog is never on a leash!
You know, there are
signs out there that say
every dog should be on a leash.
He's a dog, he's mangy,
he's a critter, he bites people,
and the dog is a bit
of an asshole.
- Plus he's a Mexican dog.
- What!
- Okay... Never call my dog
an asshole, old man.
- If you ever call my dog-
- I said he was a Mexican dog.
All right, come on,
come on, let's go.
- Let's go.
- Are you saying Mexicans
are assholes?
Okay, all right, Bill.
- Let's go.
- Thank you, Teddy.
I just told you you were
worried about some fucking guy
who can't keep his
dog on a leash?
I'm listening to you.
- I'll go check your property-
- Please.
Don't call me an
asshole anymore.
Uh, did I call you an asshole?
You did.
[Bill] But I also tell you
before that I'm an asshole?
- Okay.
- In 'Nam communication
was the whole thing.
So look for the phone lines
to go down at some point
and then be talking on
short wave radios
and you'll hear the
chatter back and forth
and that's the first warning.
That's when you know.
[suspenseful music]
Yeah? Um, Bill, give me
a few minutes.
I'll go take a look at
your property, okay?
You don't need to
worry about it,
I already prepared for it.
What's that supposed to mean?
You'll see.
I get shit done.
This is bad shit, get it
taken care of.
Because if you don't
take care of it,
all hell's about to break loose.
I'll take care of it.
First thing on my list, Bill.
Thanks for coming in.
[dramatic music]
Bill, your gun.
He's very creepy.
Is that normal?
Um, he's been a
little off lately.
I mean, he's been
seeing weird things,
he once claimed to see
like an alien landing,
but that was just a couple
kids screwing around, so...
[ominous music]
- Charlie.
- Good morning, Sheriff.
[Woman] Morning, Sheriff.
Where are you two headed off to?
Uh, we're just gonna
go look at some eagles.
Oh, be careful.
[Charlie] Yes, sir.
Oh, Timmy.
Timmy, do me a favor.
Stop delivering papers
on your bicycle.
They're blowing all over town,
- Okay, Sheriff.
- All right.
Are you counting the days?
'Cause I am.
It's less than a week
until jolly old Saint Nick
comes to visit Hope Valley
for the 22nd annual
Christmas Giving Celebration
and photos with Santa.
So, bundle up the kids,
bring 'em on down,
and have a good one.
Thanks, sweetie.
And now here's the latest
hit from The Midnight.
[upbeat music]
Uh, morning, Sheriff.
Um, I'm gonna go open up
the store, Mom.
[Georgia] Okay.
Did you get anything
new down there?
"Elvira" and "Killer
Clowns from Outer Space".
I was hoping for
"All the President's Men".
Yeah, next time.
- I'll see you later, sweetie.
- All right.
What can I do for you, Joe?
You have time for
some questions?
Yep, I got about three minutes.
Do you get many
listeners out here?
Lots of farm folk from
miles around.
They gotta have
something to listen to
while they fix their trailers
and milk their damn cows.
You get any chatter on the
other channels with this thing?
Uh, I don't switch
channels too often.
Too much religion and
not enough rock n' roll.
But on occasion I do,
especially if there's
a disaster in the area.
You might could say I
use it for news purposes.
Why do ya ask?
You listen to
anything last night?
Anything sound a bit unusual?
Not that I can think of.
There was a wreck up by
the junction and a man
was reported missing
near Abel Station.
Missing persons?
That's not unusual.
A lotta guys up and leave
their wives for younger legs.
The way of the world, Sheriff.
The way of the world.
Okay, thanks, Georgia.
Hey, do me a favor.
Let me know if anything
strange comes
across these channels, okay?
Anything I should know about?
No, just wanna keep my ear close
to the ground, that's all.
I hate to tell ya, Joe,
but nothing too exciting
happens around here.
Yeah, that's what they
keep telling me.
Can I give you some advice?
Not all places are bad.
Some places attract bad folks,
but don't go looking
for trouble if there's
none to find.
Thanks for the advice.
Have a good day.
[birds chirping]
[engine rumbling]
[Liz] Teddy, you copy?
Go for Teddy.
[Liz] Where the hell did
you disappear off to?
I'm looking for Bernard's dog.
He said he might be out
here on MacDaniels Road
chasing jackrabbits.
[Liz] So, then where are you?
MacDaniels Road, Liz.
[Liz] Copy that, see
you when you get back.
Y'all ever get rid of Bill?
[Liz] Yeah, he finally
left, but not before
having some Vietnam flashbacks.
Any more prophecies
from the end times
we should be worried about?
[Liz] He did say something
about them cutting
the phone lines.
I don't know, his
usual crazy stuff.
[light dramatic music]
Does Bill even have a phone?
[Liz] That road is bumpy
as hell, Teddy.
Don't go breaking another car.
Good lord, I won't, Liz.
[Liz] All right, well
don't stay out too long.
Teddy out.
[tense suspenseful music]
[dramatic music]
[ominous music]
[suspenseful music]
[dramatic music]
[eerie dramatic music]
[upbeat suspenseful music]
Come on!
[birds chirping] [upbeat music]
Strut on over here and
give me a kiss
Baby, you know I'm
I'm in love
[Eleanor] So much for
spotting eagles.
There's a ton of 'em out here,
I promise.
[dramatic music] [rustling]
What was that?
I don't know.
Probably one of those eagles.
Come on.
It's nothing.
[dramatic music] [rustling]
Okay, no, someone's out
here with us, come on.
- All right, I'll take a look.
- Go check.
Go see what it is.
[Eleanor] You mean who it is!
It's probably a hitchhiker
trying to mess with us.
[eerie music]
[dramatic music]
Please, open the door!
Open the door, unlock the
door, unlock the door!
Please, please, please,
- hurry up the door!
- Charlie, I can't!
[Eleanor panting]
[ominous music]
[dramatic music]
[monster growling]
[Eleanor screaming]
[bugs chirping]
[ominous music]
Take a look at this.
Here they come.
Here's the first
asshole dressed like
he went to fucking Purdue.
[bill laughs]
Oh, look, he brought a
little partner with him
and he's got some kind of
peculiar shit in his hand.
This guy's got a knife,
that guy's got,
I don't know what he's got.
Oh, and there's a third guy.
Three assholes.
You know, three amigos.
Well, I'll tell ya what, boys.
Or girls, whatever you might be.
Did you ever play
Teacher, May I? in school?
Well, it goes like this.
You can advance toward me
only if I give you permission,
so why don't you take five
giant steps toward me.
Come on down, son.
Surprise for you.
I did three tours in 'Nam.
You think you're gonna
sneak up on a crippled
old man in a fucking wheelchair?
Let's go, boys. Come on down.
Let's get on with it, don't
waste the whole fucking day.
[suspenseful eerie music]
[eerie music]
Now, why don't you come on down
unless you're a chicken shit.
[suspenseful music]
[eerie music]
Oh, what a fucking shame.
Right in the grizzly bear trap.
Does that hurt?
Oh, yeah, that's a bear trap,
You're not getting out of it.
Are you trying to cut me?
What are you slashing at me for?
You're never gonna touch me.
Look here, bud.
Happy Hanukkah!
[eerie music]
[monster grumbling]
[monster growling]
[monster screeching]
[monster screeches]
[suspenseful dramatic music]
[monster groaning]
[monster grumbling]
[monster groaning]
[birds chirping]
[upbeat music playing]
How was the lunch, Joe, hm?
Still got the best burger
in town, Mary.
It ain't saying much now, is it?
- Mary!
- Oh.
I am so sorry I'm late.
Honey, does it look like
we're overflowing here?
No, it does not.
Cindy, have you met the
new sheriff here?
- Afraid I've not.
- Delightful.
Well, this here is Joe Anderson.
Pleasure to meet you, Sheriff.
Pleasure's all mine.
[Mary] Joe here's from New York.
Oh, is that so?
Afraid it is.
And what brought you
all the way down here?
Change of scenery.
[Mary] Not a big fan of
all that concrete, huh?
Not a big fan of all
those people, Mary.
Thanks for the lunch.
[Mary] Don't mention it.
Sheriff, just got a call
into the office.
What about?
Loud noises coming from
Bill's place.
Loud noises?
Yeah, neighbors said it sounded
like explosions or something.
[Mary] Well, God knows
what he has stashed
out there at his place.
Okay, where's Teddy?
He's out looking for
that missing dog.
He's on his way back now.
All right, we'll go take a look.
Teddy can man the office
till we get back.
Hope to see you around!
Hope to see you around?
What is wrong with me, Mary?
It's called butterflies.
I don't like butterflies.
Yes, you do.
[suspenseful eerie music]
- Sheriff, Sheriff, Sheriff.
- Not now!
He seems like an
interesting fella.
Hell, Bobby, all men
are interesting
if you look deep enough.
What can I do for ya?
About that timing belt.
Let's do it up.
Do it up?
Does that mean you want
me to order it for you?
Yeah, how long do you think
it'll take to get here?
Well, I have to order
it up from Ingram, so...
But it usually only
takes a couple of days.
Come on.
They usually have
those in stock.
Don't play with that.
Hey, Terry. It's Rick here
in Hope Valley.
Yeah, yeah, me too.
Uh, that's a very
interesting story, Terry.
Listen, Terry!
How long will it take to
get a timing belt delivered?
A timing belt.
Hello? [ominous music]
Hello? Terry?
What's the matter?
That's odd.
The phone went dead.
[ominous music]
That's strange.
[birds chirping]
Are all the lines down?
I'm not sure.
Is your mom around?
Should be.
Mom, you here?
[eerie suspenseful music]
This one's dead, too.
- Hey, boys.
- Jesus, Joseph, and Mary.
[Bobby sighing]
She got you, Bobby. [laughing]
I've been scaring the
socks off that kid
since he was two.
Hey, well, it's not funny
you gave me a heart attack.
What's going on?
The phones are dead.
Yeah. [ominous music]
All of 'em?
Every single one of 'em.
Georgia, what is it?
The sheriff was in
here this morning
and he was concerned
about something,
but I couldn't put my
finger on it.
It could just be a
technical thing.
No need to work ourselves
silly about it, right?
Well, sure, Bobby,
but we just saw the sheriff
squeal outta here like a
bat outta hell.
[Liz] Here off the 112 headed
to Bill Unger's property.
[Teddy] Copy that, Liz.
Everything okay?
[Liz] Not sure.
What'd you find out
about the dog?
[Teddy] You know, I'm not
sure I wanna discuss that
till we're back at the office.
I'm pulling into town in
a few seconds,
so I'll see you both
when you get back, okay?
[Liz] Copy that, Teddy.
[Teddy] All right, Teddy out.
Well, he's here right now.
[door thuds]
Hey, what are y'all doing here?
[Georgia] You okay, Teddy?
[Rick] Yeah, tell us
what's going on, Teddy.
Uh, I'm not really sure I
can explain it right now.
Do the best you can, son.
[ominous music]
Okay, Rick.
Well, I went out looking
for Bernard's dog,
I didn't find it, but I came
across Timmy's bike and...
And what?
Yeah, I don't know, look,
I need to make a phone call.
I need to call Timmy's parents
and make sure he got home safe.
Rick says all the phone
lines are down.
All of 'em?
[Rick] All of 'em.
I've seen that look before.
[Georgia] Unger?
Yeah, he was in town this
morning spouting
his usual crazy nonsense.
This time something about
people on his property
doing some weird stuff.
[Bobby] Weird stuff?
Yeah, he said to look
out for the phone lines.
What does that mean?
Uh, the phone lines.
He said...
He was going on about
Teddy, where are the sheriff
and Liz headed to now?
Bill's place.
[birds chirping]
[ominous music]
[Liz] That looks like blood.
Yes, it does.
What is that?
He mine the place?
It would appear that way now,
wouldn't it?
Where's Bill?
I don't know.
[eerie music]
[Liz] Sheriff?
[Sheriff] Give me a second.
[suspenseful music]
[monster grumbling]
[dramatic music]
[guts crunching] [Liz screaming]
[monster screeching]
[gun banging]
[monster screeches]
[ominous music]
[crickets chirping]
[suspenseful music]
[dramatic music]
[crickets chirping]
This is Teddy for Joe.
Come in, Joe.
[static buzzing]
[light ominous music]
Liz, do you read me?
[static buzzing]
Liz, give me a read here.
[Georgia] Maybe they're
talking to Bill.
Sure, maybe they aren't
by their radio.
No, a big city cop we're
talking about here.
He ain't dumb.
He done do things the
way we do here.
What's that supposed to mean?
He just means Joe's a
skeptical guy, that's all.
I can clarify that.
Even with Bill's
crazy ass stories
he still wanted to investigate.
I guess it takes somebody
from out of town
to think that guy's not
totally off his nut.
I wonder if Timmy's
folks have a CB.
[Bobby] All right,
so what do we do?
Why the hell you
looking at me for?
There's your new leader
of the pack right there.
[tense music] No, no.
Joe will be back.
All right, he'll be back.
We just stay put.
And what do we do if he
don't come back?
All right.
I'm gonna drive my rig
over to Bill's,
see what I can drum up.
I'll stay on the short
wave and listen
for anything that comes in.
All right, I guess I'll
make the rounds
and make sure that
everybody's staying calm.
And I guess I better
go make sure Bernard's
not out looking for
his goddamn dog.
Just stay calm, I'll go over
and check on Harry and Deanna
and I'll fill them in
on the situation, Teddy.
All right, Bobby.
[crickets chirping]
[ominous music]
Hey, Rick.
I thought you were leaving.
Look, I got a problem.
- Somebody ran off with my...
- Somebody lifted my battery.
[Teddy sighs]
How much you wanna bet
every other vehicle
on this block is inoperable?
Bet you $5.
[ominous music]
Someone don't want us leavin'.
[eerie music]
[dramatic music]
Um, hello?
Though I could pretty much
guarantee that I got nothing
in the shop that's gonna
fit in that cruiser.
But if the lines are
back up I can give
a call into Ingram
tomorrow morning
and that's the best I
can do for you.
I appreciate it, Rick.
I've seen enough weird
shit in the last 24 hours,
I don't wanna wait till
tomorrow morning.
You have somewhere
secure to hole up?
I'm right here.
All right.
[dramatic music]
What do you want?
Rick, you stay here.
[suspenseful music]
Harry! Teddy!
Somebody help!
[Deanna screaming]
[gun banging]
Where's the other one?
What other one?
[dramatic music] [thudding]
[heavy breathing]
Come on.
[thudding] [yelling]
[guts squishing]
[Deanna grunting]
[heavy breathing]
[ominous music]
All right, you stay put, Bobby.
Okay, you guys.
I want you to get inside!
All right, come on you
sons of bitches.
Close the door!
Harry, no, come on.
- No, no, no, no.
- Come on.
Shut the goddamn door!
Harry! [door slams]
[Harry yells] [dramatic music]
[crickets chirping]
[ominous music]
Show yourselves!
[suspenseful music]
Come on!
I ain't in the mood for
no hide and seek.
[gun banging]
[light dramatic music]
[crickets chirping]
[ominous music]
What's with all the gunshots?
I'm not so sure I know
what's going on.
It's better we stay here.
[Bobby] Gunshots from
Rick's place.
Can you see him?
No, but Rick's a smart fella.
Yeah, well smarts don't
matter if they get
the jump on you like
these fellas have.
We've seen that.
How the hell do they
move so fast?
Who are these people?
I don't know.
We have any guns in here?
No. [Cindy crying]
Harry's always hated the
damned things.
[suspenseful music]
[dramatic music]
[gun banging ]
[suspenseful music]
All right.
Wanna dance?
Let's tango.
[dramatic music]
Son of a bitch.
How many of you
fuckers are there?
[suspenseful music]
See ya, kitties.
[gun bangs] [booming]
[tense music]
Holy shit.
Oh, my God.
All right, I gotta get
back to the station.
You can't go out there.
Yeah, she's right, Teddy,
you can't.
No, there's no other option.
I got another revolver
in the office,
ammo, and I'm pretty sure
I have a shotgun
in the back of the cruiser.
Shit, it might be in
Joe's cruiser.
Come on. Think, Teddy, think.
Take that.
My god, what is this
thing doing in here?
Harry always made us
keep it in case
anybody ever tried to
rob the place.
[gentle music] [both laughing]
Yeah, right.
Yeah, as if.
It's only about 100 feet
to the station, all right?
As soon as I get in
there I can try
and hail somebody on
the short wave.
Hang in there, okay?
All right.
Hey, y'all, there's
something moving in there.
[suspenseful music]
[Teddy] What the hell?
Is that one of us?
[Teddy] I think it's Rick.
[Bobby] Yeah.
[Rick coughing]
[Rick gasping]
[monster grumbling]
[ominous music]
[monster grumbling]
[dramatic eerie music]
[suspenseful music]
[monster roaring] [eerie music]
[Cindy screams]
What happened?
[suspenseful music]
[thudding] [dramatic music]
[Cindy screaming]
[light dramatic music]
[Cindy screams]
[gun bangs]
[ominous music]
Come on, come on.
[Cindy shrieks]
- Hurry, come on.
- Come on.
Come on.
Where's Rick?
He didn't make it.
We watched him go into
Bernard's and...
Oh, my God.
What is going on?
Georgia, have you been
keeping an ear on the radio?
Yeah, but there's nothing.
[Teddy] Nothing?
Nothing from Joe or Liz?
Mom, do you think we
can call out?
Best we could do is
broadcast out
and hope somebody driving
by has their radio on.
Yeah, that's a hell
of a long shot.
But it could work.
You got any more
shells for that?
The two shells I just
spent have been sitting
in this thing for seven years.
Why the fuck would I have
any more shells?
Okay, Georgia.
Well, I have more shells but
they're back at the station.
Mom, you got here
with no problem,
so maybe Teddy can get back
down a few doors without issue.
How many of them are there?
We don't even know, do we?
Do we even know what they want?
There was something else.
What do you mean, Cindy?
There is something in
those trees.
It got Rick.
What like another one
of those people?
No, no.
It was like something inhuman.
I'm gonna have to go
to the station.
Teddy, you can't.
It's okay, Deanna.
It's my job.
All right, y'all are
gonna have to stay here.
Hold this place down.
As soon as I leave you lock
this place up, you understand,
All right.
Deanna, you still
have that radio?
[Bobby sighing]
Yeah, okay.
All right, I can use this
to call you guys
from the station but you
won't be able to respond.
Take this.
Do you a lot more good than us.
Georgia, what the hell
am I gonna do
with an empty shotgun?
[Georgia sighing]
Look, I got another
pistol in the office.
I'll get you some more
shells for that
and then I'll hustle back here.
And then what?
As soon as the sun comes up
I will walk us outta
here if I have to.
[ominous music]
[Georgia] What are they doing?
What are they doing?
What the hell?
[monster grumbling]
They're feeding
whatever's in there.
I'm not so sure going
out there is the best.
Must've gone out back, I'm
gonna make sure it's locked.
[crickets chirping]
[suspenseful music]
[dramatic music]
[Teddy] Come on.
[thudding] [Teddy groaning]
[Teddy groaning] [thudding]
Come on. Come on.
[gun bangs]
Get the hell inside now!
[tense upbeat music]
Come on, come on!
[gun bangs]
[door thuds]
Jesus Christ!
Joe, you're alive!
Oh yeah.
Anybody comes through
that door, you kill it.
[heavy breathing]
Where's Liz?
What the hell's going on here,
Oh, haven't you heard?
Some asshole said
some fancy words
and raised a goddamn
demon outta hell.
What the hell do they want?
Ain't it obvious?
We saw them feeding it.
There you go.
Serving us up like dinner
on a goddamn silver platter.
They're even feeding
it their dead.
[heavy breathing]
You saw it, didn't you, Joe?
Up close and personal.
How'd you get away from it?
I wined it, dined it,
and then I claymore mined it.
Where were you?
[Joe] Bill's front yard.
Look in the evidence locker.
[suspenseful music]
Holy shit.
Where the hell did you get this?
We caught Bill using
it a couple years back
trying to get rid of a
mole problem.
The sheriff before, he had
to wrestle it away from him.
Thank you, Bill.
Where the hell are these guys?
[tense upbeat music]
Who's left?
We've got Cindy, Georgia,
Bobby and Deanna
all locked in at the grille.
All right.
You gotta make sure that
they stay alive,
and when the time is right,
you're gonna get
them outta town.
How am I gonna do that?
Oh, we're gonna level the
playing field.
Where they feeding him at?
Uh, last we saw it was over
at Bernard's tree farm,
but shit, it could be
anywhere by now.
Rick told me you were
a good football player.
Is that true?
I was back in high school, why?
I want you to run
straight up the middle,
draw as many of those
Michael Myers wannabes
with you as you can.
Who's Michael Myers?
Oh, for Christ's sakes
just holster this thing up.
What are you gonna do?
Oh, I have a date with a
big toothy horny monster
and it's about to get fucked!
Okay, okay.
[heavy breathing]
I'm over at the sheriff's
station and Joe's here,
he's, he's alive.
I'm on the way back to you,
God, I hope you can hear this.
You better be ready to get
that door open.
[dramatic music]
[guts squishing]
[eerie music]
Mom, Mom.
Bobby, no!
[Bobby groans]
Oh, my God.
Go get some towels!
- Bobby, Bobby.
- Here, here, here.
How did he stab him?
[Bobby screaming]
Bobby, Bobby, Bobby, Bobby,
look at me.
Duct tape or any other
kind of tape.
[Deanna] I don't see any.
[Georgia] Breathe, Bobby.
Breathe, breathe.
Breathe, Bobby.
- Bobby, look at me.
[Georgia] Really tight.
[Georgia] It's gonna be
okay. You'll be okay.
- I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
- No, no, no, no, no.
Don't say that, don't say that.
There's nothing to be sorry for.
Bobby, Bobby, Bobby, Bobby.
It's okay, it's okay.
Just breathe son.
[Cindy] Deanna, put some
pressure on him.
Bobby, stay with me.
Look at me, look at me.
Look at me.
[Bobby groaning]
It's all right,
you're gonna be okay.
Bobby, Bobby, come back to me.
Come back.
- It's okay.
- I'm okay.
Just breathe, breathe,
breathe, breathe, breathe.
No, slow, slow.
It's okay, it's okay.
It'll be okay.
You're gonna be okay.
Bobby. [crickets chirping]
[light dramatic music]
[Teddy groaning]
[ominous music]
[heavy breathing]
[Cindy] Teddy, come here.
[Deanna] Get in, get in!
[Deanna screaming]
[Cindy] God damn!
[Deanna] Okay, come!
- You're okay.
- Okay.
- Yeah?
- I'm okay.
I'm okay.
[ominous music]
[heavy breathing]
Is he?
He died just a few minutes ago.
I'm sorry.
It's not your fault.
- I'm sorry.
- It's not your fault.
I was just...
[Teddy sniffles] [somber music]
Help me.
Joe's still out there.
[eerie music]
[dramatic music]
[Joe laughing]
[grunting] [thudding]
[dramatic music]
[thudding] [grunting]
[light dramatic music]
[heavy breathing]
[eerie music] [heavy breathing]
[wood clattering]
[heavy breathing]
[ominous music]
[monster grumbling]
[monster grumbling]
[saw buzzing]
[suspenseful ominous music]
[monster grumbling]
[dramatic music]
[monster grumbling]
[saw buzzing]
[monster roaring] [saw buzzing]
[monster grumbling]
[saw buzzing]
[saw buzzing] [Joe grunting]
[saw buzzing] [Joe yelling]
Come on!
[heavy breathing]
[monster grumbling]
[dramatic music]
[monster grumbling]
[monster screeching]
[monster grumbling]
[ominous music]
[Joe coughing]
Is that all of 'em?
Yeah, I think so.
[light dramatic music]
[Joe sighing]
How's your night going, Sheriff?
I think it's gonna be okay.
You all right, deputy?
Yeah, I think I'll be all right.
What now, Joe?
Well, I think we should
get the hell out of here
and find the next
biggest town, do we all agree?
[Teddy] Sounds like a plan.
We gotta find a car that
has a battery in it.
Well, then let's go do that.
[Cindy] So, how do you
like small towns, Sheriff?
[Joe] Think we could
take the subway?
[upbeat music]
Strut on over here and
give me a kiss
Baby, you know I'm
I'm in love
With you
I'm in love
With you
[News broadcast over radio]
[Sheila] Wow, what's going
on in the next town over?
Seems to be a lot of
police action.
No one cares about us
small town folks, Sheila.
Hell, that's why I
moved to Ingram.
Couldn't stand the
crowds and tourists
and all that capitalism.
Not for me.
[Sheila] You're just
such a sourpuss.
[chuckles] That's what they say.
[ominous music]
[Sheila] Uh, what can I
do for ya today?
Well, you can tell me about
your quaint little town here.
[eerie music]
[dramatic music]
[ominous music]
[suspenseful ominous music]
[dramatic eerie music]
[eerie music]
[static buzzing]
Thank you.
[Man] Pretty interesting
story, miss.
Well, it's all true.
Have you talked to Teddy?
Or Joe?
[Man] Sheriff Anderson? Yeah.
Yeah, we have.
Then you know everything.
[Man] Well, it's a
rather farfetched story,
certainly you can
understand that.
But not untrue.
[static buzzing]
[Man] Do you know where
the bodies are?
The tree farm.
Have you checked the tree farm?
[Man] Yeah. Yeah, we did.
Yeah, there was nothing there.
Miss, to be honest,
there's no evidence
that anyone was there other
than your own townsfolk.
[Man] We know
something happened,
that you got missing
people, that's a fact.
What about Georgia?
She would never of left
her son's side,
she had to been there
when you got there, right?
[Man] Georgia's missing.
We don't know where at.
[Man] So what you're saying.
Let the truth be told you
all have the same story,
but there's no real
evidence of what happened
other than a bunch of you
small town folk
going a bit crazy coming up with
a very bizarre
account of events.
So, help me here.
What is it you're
not telling us?
It doesn't matter what I
tell you, you won't believe
what we saw until you
see for yourself.