Hellhole (2022) Movie Script

O Lord,
show us thy grace
and destroy this evil seed
forever and ever.
I'm sorry.
It's the militia!
Drop it, you hear me?
Step away from the baby or we'll fire!
Oh God, you don't understand.
Drop the knife!
- Praise be to Jesus Christ.
- Now and forever, amen.
- Father Marek.
- I know, I know.
We've been expecting you.
Do come in. This way.
I'm happy, so very happy
that you've been assigned here to us.
It's hard to find an exorcist these days.
At least, one who's willing...
One who'd serve God
in the middle of nowhere.
Especially since we're the only sanatorium
like this in Poland.
- Sanatorium?
- Sanatorium.
That's what we call it.
After all,
here, we heal the tormented.
This is Brother Dawid.
Our resident jack of all trades.
God bless.
Thank you, Brother.
Rosary beads.
Uh, I've brought my own,
if that's not a problem.
And we're also
going to need to search your luggage.
Of course.
Standard procedure here at the sanitorium.
For all newcomers and visitors.
You understand.
It's so no one from the outside
brings in anything that might disrupt
the harmony of our existence.
And do you get many visitors?
Visiting time is once a year on Christmas.
But nobody really ever comes here.
You know,
the outside world is eager
to forget those who are suffering.
Besides... more often than not,
they have nobody,
so they're most vulnerable.
I'm sorry,
but we'll have to take those, all right?
There's no electricity or phones,
but you'll be comfortable here, Father.
Bathroom's over there.
Oh, and one more thing.
We don't generally
leave our rooms after dark.
Everyone should remain in their quarters.
I think now I've got it all.
Thank you, Prior.
Father, it's good you came.
The Evil One...
He manifests his presence here
in these walls.
All the time, in fact.
It won't be easy, but...
I've a hunch
that this may be your calling.
Well, I guess there's a reason I'm here.
That's right.
Oh, almighty God,
your son,
he promised the disciples
who united in his name
that he'd stay among them.
Bless both us
and this food that we are about to eat,
and show us your grace
by supporting our monastic family
here on our daily path
towards your life.
In the name of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Can you tell me, Father,
how many hours elapsed
between Judas' betrayal
and Peter's third denial of Jesus?
That's why the time of exorcism
is so significant.
Satan has mocked the Creator so many times
that one must know him well
to know when he is weakest.
It was at 6:00 a.m.
when the apostle denied Jesus
and Satan thought he'd beaten God.
That's right.
We record all of our exorcisms
so that nothing escapes us.
Some cases we find are very complex.
Sometimes it even comes to...
Well, things happen.
Soon it'll be okay.
We'll help you.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I command you, Satan,
to depart from this innocent soul.
In the name of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Holy Michael, the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our safeguard against the wickedness
and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do you, O Prince of the heavenly host,
cast Satan and all evil spirits,
who wander through the world
seeking the ruin of souls,
into hellby the power of God.
Holy Michael, the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our safeguard against the wickedness
and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do you, O Prince of the heavenly host,
cast Satan and all evil spirits,
who wander through the world
seeking the ruin of souls,
into hell by the power of God.
Holy Michael, the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our safeguard against the wickedness
and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do you, O Prince of the heavenly host,
cast Satan and all evil spirits,
who wander through the world
seeking the ruin of souls,
into hell by the power of God.
Can I help you, Father?
What's in there?
The prior's office.
You can't enter
unless the prior invites you.
Mmm, of course.
Grace and peace from him who is,
and who was, and who is to come,
be with you all.
Now and forever,
and unto the ages of ages.
And leading our penitential act this time...
Brother Marek.
let us acknowledge our sins,
and so prepare
to celebrate the sacred mysteries...
In Latin, please, Brother.
peccata nostra...
Peccata nostra...
"Ut apti simus"...
Ut apti simus...
That's enough.
Let Brother Piotr finish.
let us acknowledge our sins,
and so prepare ourselves
to celebrate the sacred mysteries.
I confess to almighty God
and to you, my brothers,
that I have greatly sinned,
in my thoughts,
and in my words, in what I have done,
and in what I have failed to do.
Through my fault,
through my fault,
through my most grievous fault.
Marek, go to the church
and wait for me in the confessional.
They're watching you.
Your every step.
They know that you're here
looking for something.
You're playing with fire,
'cause in here any insubordination
is met with brutal punishment.
I learned this the hard way,
because I tried to escape
and they caught me.
There's no getting out.
It's a one-way ticket.
You have to follow orders
and keep your head down.
Don't snoop around or ask questions.
This isn't a normal monastery.
I... I had to tell you.
I've gotta go.
If they catch us here,
it'd be over for me.
I'm not a priest.
I'm militia.
- What?
- Eight women went missing in this area.
The station got an anonymous tip
that they all were sent here
'cause they were possessed,
but none came back.
The militia can't run
a normal investigation.
After Father Popieuszko,
they don't want to meddle
in church affairs,
so they sent me in disguise.
I saw the tape recordings.
All those possessions and exorcisms...
They're a scam, right?
Mmm, yeah.
The prior fakes the possessions
using different tricks.
That way he milks the Curia
and the Vatican for money.
The more excising we do, the better.
Then he claims
all the women went insane and died
during their exorcisms.
What do they really do to these women?
No idea.
Maybe they drug them.
You saw her, that last girl.
What happened when they exorcised her.
Later, they bury them
in the little graveyard in the courtyard.
Will you get us out?
I will.
When I finish what I started.
Just be careful.
They see everything.
What now?
Ah, fuck...
I had sincerely hoped
that our collaboration
would've gone smoothly.
But I'm sad to say
I'm very disappointed in you, Father.
Never mind.
Let's just hope you're hungry.
In the name of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
What the fuck do you want?
There's no point in trying to resist.
You're going to eat it all.
All four portions.
What for?
Medicinal purposes.
It's me.
Easy, it's me.
Jesus, they did a number on you.
Oh God...
Dear Lord...
They've really done it.
I'm getting the fuck out of here.
Stop! Just wait.
Hold on.
I was trying to find you.
- I need to show you something.
- I've already seen enough.
No. You haven't.
It's important.
It's something to do... with you.
And with this...
You need to see it.
Look right here.
"The eclipse marks
the birth of The Chosen One."
He has to be slain
right after being born.
They describe a ritual within.
A dagger.
And a prayer.
If he isn't slain after birth,
then... the Chosen One
will devour seven sinners
and drink the blood of an innocent.
And then...
"When the ritual is complete,
the Chosen One will become a demon
and the world as we know it will end."
Get it?
They think you're the Chosen One.
They're completing the ritual.
Hey. What's this book?
It's a thousand years old, at least.
You know that sign.
I knew it.
All of it fits.
I'm a militia officer,
not some backwater fairy tale dragon!
I know that. But they're fanatics!
They won't listen to reason.
They killed those women.
They'll kill us both.
Now you know everything.
I know how to escape.
There's a hidden passage underground.
Come on.
An underground passage?
A tunnel that leads outside the monastery.
Follow me.
It was my escape plan
when they caught me last time.
Look what they did to me.
Please trust me.
Let's get out of here.
Lead the way.
The flashlight.
I didn't plan it well back then.
I fucking knew it.
You almost got away.
But in the end, my will prevailed.
You see,
you didn't end up here by chance.
I brought you to us.
A few anonymous tips, a couple of bribes,
and you got the case of the missing women.
Sorry for deceiving you, but we had to.
After all, you wouldn't take part in this
of your own free will, would you?
You, an officer of the Citizen's Militia,
would surely never have believed
our good intentions.
It might not be obvious upon first glance,
but we really do mean well.
God and the Devil sit side by side.
They have an understanding.
Since the start.
But the Devil isn't evil.
Humans are.
They've deserved punishment
for a long time.
And punished they shall be.
That well is a gateway to Hell.
That's why our monastery was built here.
For 800 years,
our brotherhood has waited for you.
The Chosen One.
Once we complete the ritual,
the Evil One will enter your body
and a new order on Earth will commence.
He will reign supreme.
And we shall be his apostles,
helping him to run a new, better world.
There's only one thing missing.
One final element.
The blood of an innocent.
Leave her alone, you fucker!
No! No!
This is the moment.
The most important one of all time.
And forgive us our trespasses,
and lead us into...
...and deliver us from evil. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace...
Come to us, Lord.
Come to us, Lord.
Come to us, Lord.
Come to us, Lord.
Come to us, Lord?
Come to us, Lord.
Come to us, Lord.
Come to us, Lord.
Did we forget something?
Maybe we missed a step.
I don't know.
I doubt it.
There aren't any instructions.
Just some notes
from 800 years ago.
Perhaps he was meant
to eat the sinners whole,
and we interpreted it in a way that...
In a way that was symbolic.
And there were seven of them.
A cardinal sin per woman.
The eighth one was a virgin too.
And he's the Chosen One.
All of it adds up.
You said this would work.
You're blaming me for this?
No, I'm not.
What should we do then?
Perhaps this whole thing...
was a mistake on our part.
So now what?
Let's all go to our rooms.
We'll meet tomorrow,
like nothing happened.
We meant well.
We're in this together.
No need for concern.
Everything can be... explained.
Except for him.
Fuck. They'll be looking for this guy.
I'm sorry it has come to this.
Antoni, untie him.
Throw him in the well.
Go back to your rooms, brothers.
Don't say a word
The party goes on
The record's playing now
A long-forgotten hit
Give me tonight
Only one night
Give me tonight
Only one night
Worries sleep in cozy homes...
Let the Lord be with us all
Let him come to our defense
Jesus Christ, Father...
I need to fix this.
- We'll fix it tomorrow.
- Yeah?
All right...
- Up we go.
- What?
Time for bed.
Oh, hi, Piotrek.
Been here long?
The whole time.
Sit down, Piotr.
Sit down.
You see, Piotr?
I was supposed to be the Devil's apostle,
and fuck all happened.
Oh, yeah. I know.
You're a loyal sub-prior.
An excellent deputy.
I know.
Brother Antoni!
What happened?
I came to get him, 'cause I was worried.
I found him like this when I came in.
Sweet Lord...
Last night, I should've stayed with him.
He wasn't young.
It's not your fault, okay?
Piotr, come.
Now... you will take over his duties.
I know.
Who'll notify the Curia?
I will.
Lord, hear our prayers
for our brother's soul.
If it is still stained
by his earthly sins,
let it be cleansed by your divine mercy.
Through you, Christ our Lord.
Eternal rest
grant unto him, O Lord,
and let perpetual light
shine upon him.
Heavenly Father...
who art the li...
Oh, my. Oh, my.