Hello Darlin' (2020) Movie Script

That's Les Dalton.
Just served 9 years for armed
robbery in that big gold bullion heist.
You know the one.
He used to be a decent bloke
served in the Army for years.
Hi Dad.
Come on get in.
They say all the
gold was recovered.
But I know different.
He says he was just the getaway driver
and knows nothing about the missing gold.
But again I know different.
Well, it's a long drive so you just put
your seat back and sleep if you want.
Nine years.
Nine years I've been waiting for
his release.
And I'm going to make him pay.
Come on.
Er, yeah, It needs a bit of redecoration but
it's all that the Charity could come up with.
Dad, you've got to stop staring
at me like that. It's freaking me out.
Sorry. You look, different.
- How's Mum?
- Fine.
You still in the old house?
Er No. No. Mum sold the house
ages ago.
I've got my own place now.
Yeah..well..er Ray helped me out he loaned me the
money so I didn't have to take out a mortgage.
Your Mum's boyfriend?
Yeah. Well I was only fifteen
when you went to prison and
before that I never saw much of
you and
you didn't really expect mum to hang around and
wait for you after everything you did surely?
No. Of course not.
And Ray's been good to me.
Oh. This is for you.
Er..it does everything. It takes
photo's and stuff.
I've put my number in it
Hiya..yeah can I just call you
Yeah I won't be a minute.
Er yeah so you got my number and
I've got yours
so just call me if you want
Sure..do you want a cuppa tea
Er no, no. I've got to go. Milk
is in the fridge.
Welcome back Dad.
I wanna know if anyone visits
and if he goes out follow him.
Much as I hate you going away
I know you're doing what you
Little Holly's talking now. She
asks me where Daddy is
and I tell her Daddy is a
and fights to keep her safe
while she's tucked up in bed.
If you must fight your wars then
do us both proud.
Gotta be something now that you've
fallen behind on your fucking payments.
You took all my money last time. What do you want now
huh? There's nothing here. Just take whatever you want.
What about this?
Take it. Get out and
don't come back.
Listen, you don't like
how we do business here
then why don't you piss off
back to your own country.
You think I like this?
You think I like living like
It's people like you that give
this country a bad name.
You daft bitch.
Leave me alone.
We'll be back next Saturday and
you better have the fuckin' money
Yeah fuck off.
What you sayin' big man?
You're new around here yeah?
You listen and you listen
carefully blood.
Cos we're here to look out for
you, keep you safe.
Trust me, bad shady man dem
around here. You gets me?
That's really kind of you
Alright cool.
Well for a small contribution we'll
make sure you don't get bovvered.
You know what I'm saying?
Just how small is this
Twenty quid mate.
Twenty quid a month you can
go on with your life
knowing we'll be looking
out for you.
That sounds fair.
Sorted then mate, twenty quid a
month it is.
Unfortunately tho', today's
collection day.
You know what. I've just moved
Is there any chance you could
give me say a couple of days?
What do you think?
We'll be back Saturday, noon.
Just make sure you are fuckin'
in. Alright?
Yeah and the money.
Er, so hang on.
So am I covered from Saturday or
am I covered from today?
What you mean bruv?
I mean, if I'm not paying you
till Saturday are you gonna like,
watch out for me from today?
Oh man days.
You know what? I like you man.
You're a bit of a cheeky fucker
doh, but I like you.
An yeah mate you're covered. Come
Fucking dickheads.
I believe this is yours?
Thank you.
I had no idea you were into
We should make this a regular
I'm not really Dad.
But you are, so.
Ah. Okay.
Ah this phone you gave me.
Can you show me how to take
I just don't know how to work
Yeah, sure look.
You just open up the app and
then just press that.
That simple?
Yeah look you just point and
Here let me take one.
Do you want to see my Instagram?
Yeah sure.
Look here's my page and here is
my chihuahua Pixie.
You should see his little coat.
Look at his little face.
Wait, I'll send you this.
Ah, yes, thanks.
He died. Got run over
when he ran out of the house.
Erm. Can I borrow your car on
I just wanna go for a drive and
clear my head.
Haven't driven for years. Is
that OK?
Sure no problem.
You're not going go and dig up
the gold without me are you Dad?
Oh that's my Uber.
Er what? What's an Uber?
Er, come on Dad, it's like a
Look this has been fun but I've
got to run.
Alright. I'll call you.
Right. Bye.
D.I. Clayton.
No, I'm not Police anymore Les.
Forced into early retirement
because of you.
You're going to be seeing a lot
more of me.
I'm gonna be watching every move
you make.
And sooner or later my son,
you're gonna make a mistake.
And when you do, I'll prove to all
those bastards that I was right all along.
Oh, fallin' behind again Mrs.
Remember what happened the last
time you let things slip?
Well go on then.
So you got that money yeah?
What the fuck you mean?
No, No. Listen, we don't wanna
hear it bruv. Where's the money?
I need more time.
Look we gave you time.
Want me to kick his fuckin' head
Hold on what is that fuckin'
It's called Jazz.
Just go and turn it off mate,
its doing my fuckin' head in.
Sure I'll get right on it.
Okay. How about Monday?
Definitely Monday.
You better had or you'll really
fuckin regret it.
You get me pal?
Hey. How's my little Ronaldo?
You alright mate?
And the grasp of
the lord is long.
And the grasp of the Lord is
and the grasp of the lord is
The day is coming my brethren.
The day is coming when we shall
all be held accountable.
Okay. Look. I'm really, really
sorry about this.
I'm afraid it's not my usual office
it's being decorated at the moment
and they've shoved me in here
and moved all my bloody stuff.
Sorry to interrupt. Have you got
the keys to the store room?
Thank you.
Sorry about that.
Er, now I've got everything I
need for my assessment
and I'll have everything ready
for you in about a fortnight.
Now. Are you clear about your
Ah, yes, yes. I just need to give
you your information pack.
There you are. Now, you need to
read through everything in that,
because if you break any of the
conditions then,
you're back inside. Simple as.
Now, I am not the enemy.
And I want you to feel free to
call me if you have any problems
or if you want anything
Are we done because I actually
have a job to go to now.
Oh really? What sort of work?
Pest control.
Oh! Oh. Jolly good.
If you'll pass on the details of
your employer,
that will be jolly good.
Well thank you very much Les and
I'll see you in a fortnight.
Right Mr. Dalton.
You got that fifty yeah 'cos I
don't want any of your fuckin' shit.
I'm sick of your fuckin'
Calm down. Alright. I have it.
Come in.
Go on then.
Keep quiet, stay still.
Recognize him?
No man.
For fucks sake.
Little Ronaldo isn't it?
Yeah man it is.
If I ever see you two on this
estate again.
Got it?
Now. Pick up your little friend
before he bleeds on my carpet.
And fuck off.
Get up man.
Fuck off.
Fuck off mate, you're the one
who got knocked out.
He broke my nose mate.
I swear down blood you are going
to regret this.
You're dead mate, fucking dead.
Nope. Still alive.
I have something I
want to show you.
This, is how I think of you.
Remember when that was taken?
Er no.
We used to go on holiday to
and you had a pet tortoise.
Albert, that's right
You used to take that thing
You would not leave the house
without it.
You used to scream and scream.
On the way back one year it
pissed all over the car.
I mean, it flooded it.
Ruined all Carol's clothes. She
was so angry.
Was it worth it?
Getting yourself in prison.
Things were different back then.
I loved the para's.
I mean that life was everything
to me.
I loved the excitement. The
Combat jumps even the uniform.
When I was discharged it was,
it was like the world had been
pulled from under my feet.
So you thought you'd go and rob
a truck load of gold?
When I came back, your mum
looked at me like I was a stranger.
You used to run and hide.
I fell in with the wrong crowd.
And that thing I did,
gave me a purpose.
People were looking to me for
guidance again.
I could have done with some of
that guidance.
They started looking at me when
stuff went missing.
They used to plant iPods and
phones and stuff in my bag,
even pencil cases, lunches, it
didn't matter.
One minute you're a war hero and
the next, you were in prison.
I know this sounds crazy Holly
prison really was the best place
for me at that time.
We had to start all over again
and it wasn't like Army life
It was just the two of us.
Mum was falling apart.
Do you think I could see her?
Well I can ask but I wouldn't
get your hopes up.
If you could tho' that would be
This is for you.
I'll take it to your kitchen?
Er Yeah.
Ah that smells great What is it?
Oh it's chicken buryani, my
mothers recipe,
handed down through the
Oh wow!
No, it's from a packet.
I'm not the best cook and I just
wanted to say thank you.
Would you like to join me?
Okay that's nice.
Well look. Tell me where the
plates are.
Oh Okay! Serving spoon
is there. I'll get the plates.
Give those to me.
That was... really nice.
You are a terrible liar.
I told you I was a bad cook.
You did, you did.
I just wanted to say how
grateful I was for what you did.
Nobody's ever stood up for, us,
like you did.
You're the first person.
How long have they been hassling
Since my husband was killed. Two
years ago.
I'm sorry.
My husband tried to do as you
did but,
I tried to stop him.
He just couldn't stand the abuse
any more, you know?
What happened?
The police said it was an
but he was killed, thrown down
the stairs
By those two guys?
No. They've only been here for
the last two months.
You know what? I'm sorry,
I'm just talking about all my
So, do you have any other family
No. My family is in India. I'm
here alone.
Actually I want to go back.
What about you? Do you have any
family? A wife?
No wife, no. I have a daughter
who I'm trying to get to know,
I haven't seen her for
a long time.
Oh that's a shame. Why is that?
Ah. Erm,
I've been in prison.
For a while.
You know what?
I think it's time I left.
Well thank you. I will see you
I'll get that.
Thanks see you.
Nice one Les.
Holly. Hi.
Hey Dad.
No I'm fine.
I've just spoken to Mum.
Yep, she said she would do it.
Oh really that's great thanks.
You free tomorrow?
Okay well she said meet
you at 'The Spot'.
Do you know what that means?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Okay erm...
I'll let you know how it goes.
Alright thanks, see you.
About time.
Hello darlin'
You been waiting long?
Nine years.
And I'm not your darling any
I'm surprised you wanted to meet
I'm surprised you even
Of course I remember.
It's not for me.
I wanted you to remember what we
What we could have had, what
you lost.
Sit down you're giving me neck
You look well.
Cut the crap. I'm here for
Holly's sake and that's all.
She said you wanted to talk so
Holly. She's all grown up.
She's amazing.
I just wanted to thank you for,
looking after her while I was away.
She's a credit to you Carol.
Well first of all, you weren't
You were in fuckin' prison, for
armed robbery.
Of course I looked after Holly,
I didn't have any other choice
did I?
So save your I'm sorry speech
for someone who gives a damn.
I've done quite nicely without
and after today I don't expect
to see you ever again.
I was ill when I was discharged.
I know that now.
Well. I'm glad you finally
because I told you years ago
that you needed help.
But oh no you knew best.
Maybe this wasn't a good idea.
So that's it? A few truths
and you're off?
Seems like you have an answer
for everything I say.
Well say something Les.
Say something that actually
Stop wanting this fairytale
How's walking away going to
achieve anything?
Sit down.
I'll always care you Carol,
You're the mother of our
I just hope that one day that
you'll be able to forgive me.
I will never forgive you.
And you can cut the crap about
being ill
and understanding what you did
You haven't changed at all.
You've only been out five minutes
and already you're fighting people.
How did you hear about that?
A couple of local thugs get
beaten up,
it gets noticed, it gets
Do me a final favour.
What's that?
Dig up your money or whatever it
is you've got stashed away
and get out of our lives once
and for all.
There's nothing for you here.
There's nothing to dig up.
Yeah well that's not what the
word on the street is.
The word on, what kind of
circles are you hanging out in?
Oh enough.
Actions have consequences.
If you threaten someone's child
are you that stupid that they
won't threaten yours?
It was a warning, I was never
going to hurt the lad.
I swear to God if anything
happens to Holly because of you.
I will personally make sure you
never take another breath ever again.
Hello Les.
Sorry am I disturbing you?
Er no. What are you doing here?
Oh I have a widows' group at the
and then when we were coming out
I saw you.
I just wanted to say that,
I shouldn't have left the way I
did that night.
I'm sorry, it was wrong.
You have nothing to be sorry
The way my life's going, I'm
definitely better off alone.
You don't mean that.
You know I used to be a
Yeah. I did two tours in
It was the only thing I was ever
good at.
But life before and since has
just been...
a disaster.
You know from what I've known of
you're a very capable person,
and your daughter is back in
your life
you have a second chance, don't
ruin it.
Stop wallowing.
Walk me home.
Well it's nice of you to walk me
It's very unusual for me.
My pleasure.
You should be a professional
Well I'll send you the bill.
Oh really.
You want to come in?
Ah no, I've got to go into town,
I've got some things to do.
Okay. It was really nice to talk
to you.
And you.
I have message for you.
This is my city, you leave, you
leave. Okay?
Hey, hey, leave him alone.
Get off.
Fuck off Clayton.
I have message for you.
This is my city, you leave, you
Leave town?
Fuck that.
So this is where it is?
No it fucking isn't.
I need your help.
Those two from last night. Can
you find out who they work for?
I'll make some enquiries see
what I can come up with.
Yeah, keep hold of the spade.
You might be needing it soon.
Piss off.
Blimey Dad what happened to you?
Just a reminder to keep my nose
out of other peoples business.
Sit down.
Wrong crowd was it?
Would you like a cup of tea?
Yeah that would be lovely.
Come in.
Look who's here.
What happened to your face?
Oh it was nothing. Aanya, this
is my daughter Holly.
Holly, this is my neighbour,
So sorry I interrupted.
No not at all, come in.
Shall I just put this down here?
Yeah. Holly have you eaten?
Great. You two sit
there and I'll get some plates.
So you think it was
those two guys from before?
Young lads pretending to be
gangsters maybe.
You know my husband used to tell
me that,
if you want to kill a snake, you
don't just tread on its tail.
You cut off its head.
What the fuck is that supposed
to mean?
Holly! Apologise.
No, you know it's fine, I
interrupted you guys.
And I've finished, it's time for
me to go.
Don't stand up, it's
fine, I can see myself out
Ok, I'll, er, wash the
pot and bring it over.
Okay, take care. Bye.
What was that for?
Was she the reason you beat up
those two boys?
You like her don't you?
And what's that got to do with
Dad if you get a charge, you're
straight back inside.
Well, that would be better for
everybody wouldn't it?
I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like
it's just your mum's worried
that I'm getting you into trouble.
Well I can look after myself.
Dad. Is it the gold?
Holly, there is no gold, the sooner
everyone accepts that, the better.
Mum's convinced that you've got
I bet.
Er, look Dad.
I have got a rehearsal tomorrow
at the Church with my choir.
You want to come?
You're in a choir?
That's great, of
course, I'd love to.
Cool. I'll send you the details.
Also Dad.
Her cooking's really bad.
It is isn't it,
I'm eating it and I think it's
encouraging her,
she keeps just bringing it round
more and more.
Just tell her.
I can't, her heart's in the
right place, you know,
it's just, tastebuds have er
left the building.
You didn't even make an effort
At least I was trying to
disguise it, you know.
I can't make an effort
with that.
You need to see these.
What am I looking at?
They're the two thugs that beat
you up.
So Holly's talking to a couple
of guys.
This doesn't prove anything.
That's not how I see it.
She knows them.
Here. Send them to my phone
Got it. Cheers Clayton.
Hi Holly.
Yeah. I got the address. I know
where it is.
Yeah the church. Yeah.
You are coming by yourself
tonight aren't you?
Cool, well, I just don't want
anyone else watching.
No, no, I will come on my own.
Well I'll see you later.
It's on!
Dad just checking.
You are coming
by yourself tonight aren't you?
That's not how I see it.
She knows them
You like her don't you?
Anaya! Aanya!
Open the door, open the door.
Aanya, are you ok? Is any one in
the house?
There's nobody here.
You sure?
I'm sure.
Has anyone called you. Has
anyone been following you?
No-one has come anywhere near me
or this house.
No... Something.
What is wrong?
There's something I just don't
Something's happening, but I
don't know what it is.
I'm just confused about
Well why don't you come inside?
No, no, no, no I can't come in.
Come inside and sit down.
I'm sorry, I'm really really
sorry, I'm just er.
It's just me, I'm just a, I bit
a bit confused, about stuff.
Okay, okay.
But, Please go back inside and
I'm gonna, I'll be fine.
I can't leave you out here.
Please. Please for me. Just go
back inside please.
Okay, but I'm right there, okay?
If you need me I'm right there.
What the fuck is he doing here?
One more step and I'll snap his
No, no, you go.
Let go of me you piece of shit.
I'm going to need to ask you
some questions.
And you need to answer me
Her name's Holly.
And she's my daughter.
I did not know she is daughter
to you.
What are you telling her?
No, no, no, she tell me.
She tell me to scare lady next
She's telling you?
Da. Yes, yes.
No. Why would she?
We have the same boss, I have a
job to do.
Why you no ask her?
Who is this boss?
What's his name?
I don't know.
Where can I find him?
If I tell you,
you will let me go?
I'll let you go.
Woodlands House, in Four Oaks
This is all I know.
Come here.
Okay and...
What happened?
She was not home.
We waited but man come. We
Derek, It's me.
I need to find an address, in
Woodlands, Four Oaks.
When you get the post code just
text it to me,
I'll take it from there. Right
We have a problem.
Hello Darlin'
What's going on?
Sorry I think I had a nightmare
go back to sleep.
And why's the fucking door open?
For God's sake.
Dad. You alright?
We need to talk.
Dad, what's wrong?
I was at your mother's house
last night.
I had to er..
I got the address by torturing
some guy that was in my flat.
What the fuck is going on?
Dad you're not making any sense.
No. It makes sense. It makes
perfect sense.
The flashy car. The nice
clothes. The big house.
You don't work. Where's it all
coming from?
You've made me a mark.
I'm a, I'm a target for the
three of you.
And I thought what we had was
Fucking real?
I'll tell what's fucking real.
Is watching your own mother
being humiliated
and mocked in the street.
Real is being bullied out of
We had to move Dad.
We were broken. You fucking
broke us.
We used to worry and worry
and fucking pray that you'd get
back from war.
I cried myself to sleep every
and when you finally came back,
you went and did a fucking
You never cared about us so just
fuck off.
I wanted revenge yes.
Mum wants payback.
She's got no life Dad.
Ray controls her.
She can't leave the house
without his permission
and when she does he has her
He beats her.
The gold is her only way out and
you have it.
So do the right thing for once.
Where are you going?
Where are you going?
I'm sorry.
So you told him everything?
I didn't have a choice he was a
What did he say?
That there's no gold.
To be honest Mum I'm done.
I don't want to do this to him
No, no. I need you to do one
last thing for me.
No Mum.
Everything alright in here?
It's fine.
Mum was just saying that she
wants me to get a job.
Yes. We've spoken about this
many times.
I'm glad she's finally seen my
point of view.
Or the alternative is,
now that your Dad's out,
maybe he should support you from
now on.
Oh wait. He can't can he?
Sorry My bad.
Fucking wanker.
Look I get perhaps there is no
No. Listen to me.
I need you to get your Dad to
come here tomorrow.
Ray will be out. Maybe I can get
him to talk to me.
How are you going to do that?
He said he still loves me.
I believe him.
Maybe I can give him a few
coax it out of him.
Tell him all three of us will
run away together.
You really think that will work.
Mum Dad's not stupid.
All men are stupid when it comes
to love.
Mum no I'm not.
Holly. I need you to do this for
I cannot stand it here any
longer. Please.
I've been beaten up,
I've been..
I've been lied to and
and last night I find out it's
my own family.
I'm sorry.
I know that,
I know that I deserve it. I do
Because I abandoned them when
they needed me most.
You know,
families always come with
problems Les.
You need to give Holly a second
Holly doesn't need me,
That's for sure.
She does need you.
She will always need you.
And you need to give yourself a
second chance too.
I bought this for you.
That's sweet.
I, have to go.
Think about what I said.
I will
You actually like this stuff?
Yeah I really do.
So tell me why we are here?
You still think I'm going to
lead you to the pot of gold
at end of the rainbow?
Nah. Not really.
Stop with this fantasy Derek.
It's consuming your life.
It's not a fantasy Les, you and
I both know that.
I'm leaving.
It's ime for me to move on.
I just need to know that I'm not
gonna wake up one morning
and see your ugly mug across the
other side of the street.
Don't follow me Derek.
There's no pot of gold where I'm
Oh. I'm not going to be
following you Les.
Don't worry about that.
I think I've seen all I need to
It's best for both of us if I
Stick around to keep an eye on
I would really appreciate that.
Yeah. In here.
The door was open so I just...
What are you doing?
I'm just going to go away for a
You're leaving?
Just stay away for a little bit.
Well will you be back?
Yeah, I'll be back.
Before you go can you go and see
I don't think that's a good
No, please Dad.
She's desperate er...
She's on the edge Dad.
Just see her and listen to what
she's got to say
and then you can do whatever you
I'll call you when I'm done yes?
I'm upstairs.
What have you done?
Carol I'm going to take the
knife, okay?
I've called the Police.
I told them it was you
What about...
No, no, no. Holly's not
I'm going to clean you up okay?
I'm going to pick you up okay?
Come on.
Come on stand up. Come on.
I'm sorry.
Carol. Carol look at me.
You need to go.
You need to... you need to leave
here now.
And run and don't look back.
Holly it's your, it's your Dad.
Don't come back to the house.
Just erm...
Just don't come back to
the house.
I need to know.
Did you kill that man?
That man was responsible for a
lot of misery Aanya.
Maybe even you husband's death.
I'll be singing their backing
for all their summer gigs,
so going round festivals and
stuff. Yeah, yeah.
That's brilliant.
That's good.
Yeah I'm pretty excited.
I'm where I'm meant to be.
Vishnu will look after me.
Vishnu always protects good
I only get a few V.O.'s
Every other month,
so we will just have to organise
the visits and stuff.
Oh Dad I'll be here whenever.
Yes, I'm alright Dad.
Yes, I've got this.
I mean that there is one Vishnu
will help you visit your family
give you the things you need.
That's a bit of a reach Les.
Even Vishnu can't do that.
Have some faith.
So. I was right all along.
What's going to happen now?
You're not going to take it?
No. What would an old git like
me do with all that money?
So I can do as Les has written?
And what was that?
Well I'm a bit embarrassed to
say actually.
He wanted me to take half the
so that I could visit my family
in India.
And he wanted me to have a
better home in a better place.
The rest of it is for his
daughter Holly
but he doesn't want her to know.
It's for the future.
I have a feeling Les knew this
was gonna happen.
But I don't know you.
I'm Les's friend.
Looks like you're a little out
of practice.
I know people who can help
I kept my word and I did
help Aanya to carry out Les's wishes.
Sign that for me please.
And now I can finally
enjoy my retirement...
knowing that I was right all
Thank you. Have a good
Anya did return to
India to be with her family.
Carol is enjoying her new
life. Somewhere in Spain I believe.
Holly has done well for herself and is
enjoying a successful singing career.
However she still
knows nothing about the gold.
Even though she's
receiving it a piece at a time.
It's Albert