Hello Forever (2013) Movie Script

- Go ahead.
It's easier than you think.
[gun fires]
[police sirens blare]
[melancholy music]
- [Lara] We found the body.
- Congratulations.
- Act of revenge
for what he did?
- You have nothing on me.
- We've got plenty.
- If he's dead, I had
nothing to do with it.
- Bullshit.
You left him to die.
We have enough evidence
to put you away.
[somber music]
But life changes in a second.
- [Tom] You come
from the province.
- I grew up there
with my sister Jinky.
We were happy there,
for the most part.
Papa drank too much.
And when he's drunk,
well, it wasn't that pretty.
- [Pierre] Hear
that baby crying?
Reminds me of you.
I'm gonna give you all of this.
You have to be able to run it.
Being old Nelly
motherfucker closet queen
is not gonna get it done.
- [Das] Okay, Pops, okay.
- [Pierre] If there was
a family in the province,
and you know their
name, that was late,
could you figure out
what to do on your own?
- Yes.
[grunts in pain]
That's not enough money!
Don't gamble what
you can't afford.
Somebody's gotta pay it back.
[melancholy music]
- [Sandra] So Jinky decided
to go to Manila and find work.
You don't wanna go, do you?
- No.
But someone has to work
to pay off Daddy's debts.
- [speaks foreign language]
- Ah, Maria Garcia's
doing it again.
- Yeah, she's so beautiful.
I wish I had her life.
- Hm?
- Take me with you.
- No.
You finish your studies first.
- But Manila's so beautiful.
You get a lot of opportunities
there, the job the money--
- No.
[solemn music]
- [Sandra] And she
was the oldest,
so the responsibility fell
on her to pay off the debt.
[baby cries]
I wish she had never gone.
Life in the province was hard,
but it was nothing
compared to the city.
[police sirens blare]
My mother found Jinky a job.
She got an old friend who work
as a cleaner in a hospital.
The pay was poor,
but it was more than we
could earn in the province.
- We'll just file this, and
we'll just call you, okay?
- [Sandra] But she made friends.
She told me about this
guy, a real nice guy.
- Hey, do you need help?
- No, it's okay.
- I'm Edward.
- I'm Jinky.
- Are you new here?
- Yes, I've been living
here for a week now.
I work as a cleaner
in the F wing.
- I work there too, as a porter.
I've seen you around.
- I'm really lucky
to have this job.
My family needs money.
- Look, if you're not,
if you don't have a boyfriend
and you need someone
to take you around the city--
- It's okay.
I have to go.
My shift starts in 10 minutes.
- Hey Jinky.
You wanna pay back the
money your father owes,
you're not gonna make
it working that job.
The golden ticket.
[somber music]
Call me.
- The money wasn't enough.
Cleaners don't earn much.
So she needed to
find a second job.
Once she decided
she'd become a dancer,
her mind was made up.
Jinky's always like that.
Very stubborn.
The second job meant
working at nights.
[melancholy music]
That's when she saw the fat man.
To work in the clubs,
every girl has to
see the fat man.
- Off.
Okay, you'll work
Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
- So what was it like
being a celebrity?
- I wasn't a celebrity, just
an up-and-coming TV host.
- You still think you're a star.
- [Che] It was a previous
life, previous time.
- And what happened?
I'll tell you what
happened, you were set up.
At a Christmas party.
All the executives there,
they raped your friend,
each and every one of them.
And then they just left her
there, just lying there.
You threatened to expose them,
threatened to go to the press.
I bet they didn't like
that very much, did they?
- That night it all changed.
They acted quickly.
They froze my bank accounts.
Give me my son.
They paid my husband.
I want my son.
They took my son.
I lost my child, my career.
I was homeless.
- [Lara] So where's
your son now?
- [Che] They took him away.
Okay, I'll do it.
- [chuckles] Well done, son.
She stays here and works for us.
She's fucked.
It is a beautiful country,
where women and children
are cheaper than cigarettes.
- Even my parents
refused to help.
Hi, it's me.
I thought you would've helped.
But I have no one else.
Well fuck you, too.
[melancholy music]
- The problem was, she needed
somewhere else to live.
They said, "A lady's
boarding house is no place
"for a stripper who
works at night."
Watch over me
I pray
Direct my feet
Along the way
And through storms
May I pass untroubled
Safe in my savior's arms
- Hi.
- Sorry babe, but I
need this apartment.
- I can't afford anywhere else.
Where I stay now, they
have a strict curfew,
and I plan to work at night.
- Come in.
Sorry about the mess, you guys.
I'm Rommy.
- Jinky.
- Michelle, but I prefer Che.
- Australian?
- Sometimes.
- You're American?
- Well, my father was
an American soldier
that was stationed here.
Met my mom, knocked her up,
moved back to the States,
where I was raised
as an Army brat.
But my mom passed
away when I was 16
and my father remarried this
18 year old white whore.
Next thing you know,
I'm given $1,000
and a one way ticket here.
I didn't even
speak the language.
But nonetheless, I'm a
survivor and I'm a hooker.
So if you don't
wanna stay here...
- I don't mind.
- Yeah, I have a
son I want back.
- Great.
Well, it'll be a tight squeeze,
but I'm sure we can
work something out.
- And who is she?
- She was a prostitute.
But she was also my best friend.
Born a woman in a man's body.
- [Tom] Life was hard.
- Yeah.
By moving out of the
hospital accommodation,
she could work at
night as a stripper.
- So Jinky was a cleaner by
day and a stripper by night?
- Yes.
She got a job at a bar.
And that was what she did.
So just leave me alone
As I make my journey
to the unknown
The unknown
[electronic club music]
You dream of the place
where you can rest your head
And you might get to see it
But not before you're dead
The recognition of your
tears, blood, sweat
For the unknown
You take what you're given,
but you're not content
Always wanting more than
what you were meant to
You see a little
clearer through your
tears, blood, sweat
For the unknown, the unknown
I took the long way home
Along the treacherous
and winding road
Through the river, all
the stepping stones
Looked in the water,
my reflection was gone
Realized they shouldn't
that I am alone
In the beginning and
when the end has come
In the dark too
long to see the sun
- [Sandra] He was
never far away.
Always there.
Never even giving you
a moment to breathe.
- I don't have your money.
- Surprise, surprise.
Tick tock, tick tock.
- I'm trying, I'm really trying.
- Tick tock, tick tock.
- 250,000 pesos
is a lot of money.
- You're a smart girl, I'm sure
you can think of something.
[electronic club music]
- And then I met him.
- You do understand
we're in this business
to make money, right?
Okay, let's try this again.
Let's engage, let's be
proactive, shall we?
- Yes.
- Don't be sorry, fix your shit.
- They paid him to
keep an eye on me,
to make sure I
didn't say anything.
They used my son as
leverage to work.
An ex-celebrity is worth
a lot in this town.
- That was great, baby,
can I see you again?
- Yeah, baby.
[foreboding music]
- Michelle Alonzo.
It's a real name, isn't it?
Fancy you with a drug habit.
- I don't do drugs.
- It's not very
often I got someone
as famous as you in here.
- They're not mine.
- Yeah, so you say.
Maybe we can come to some
kind of an arrangement.
[zipper opens]
- The police take me
in from time to time
with fake drug charges.
- He'd be at the back of the
hospital waiting every Friday.
- Why every Friday?
- That was payday.
[somber music]
- Hey.
Excuse me.
[snaps fingers]
- [Sandra] That's
when she decided
that she had to pay
the money back quicker.
- We all have a price.
You, me, everybody.
We decided what the price
tag was going to be.
Don't trust anyone, ever.
[horn honks]
- Michelle, we got
another cab out here.
[solemn music]
For your first night.
- [speaks foreign language]
- Remember, the quicker they
come, the quicker you get paid.
[melancholy guitar music]
In your time
The sun will rise
A glamour fight
Money to burn
It seemed so right
To take your turn
And snatch the light
- Come on.
You know why we're here.
It never got to burn
Just you wait
Just you wait
To hit the wall
- Having sex with someone
you don't know is weird.
You close your eyes and take
yourself to that happy place.
Somewhere far away
from that moment.
We all worked different areas.
We all had our own
issues to deal with.
- [Man] Sorry about that.
- But you all got a choice.
You should've all gotten
more honorable jobs.
- What choice did I have?
They had my son.
Not only did I have
to give him money,
but he liked to fuck
me whenever he wanted.
She's sick.
I might have someone else.
I need a favor.
[sighs] He's kinky,
but he pays well.
Just you
- It's time, you
and me, mano y mano.
I'm ready.
I'm ready.
I'm the only fucking son.
Hey, you talking to me?
Come on, Pops, come on, Pops.
Come on, Pops.
- [Pierre] Being old Nelly
motherfucker closet queen
is not gonna get it done.
Well done, son.
You hear that baby crying?
- Okay.
- [Pierre] Reminds me of you.
You do understand
we're in this business
to make money, right?
You do understand you
are not making money?
You're sorry, you're
always fucking sorry.
- Coming.
[snaps fingers]
[phone rings]
- [Man] It's done, he's dead.
- [Che] I heard his father
was killed in the street.
- Fuck.
Let's do it again
sometime, shall we?
[somber music]
- [Tom] And how did you
get into the picture?
- Dad drank more and more.
He became violent.
And then one night,
he came into my room.
He must have
thought I was Jinky.
- Hey, Jinky.
How was your weekend?
- Hi Edward, it was good.
I spent time with family
and ate, told stories.
- Yeah, I did the same, too.
- Jinky Santos, you
have phone call.
Remember, no phone
calls allowed.
- Look, I'm not sure
if you have any plans
for this Thursday night.
- Edward, wait, I have to
accept this phone call first.
Wait, and I'll...
- Okay, that's okay.
- Hello?
I know.
- I couldn't bear it anymore.
His hands.
His breath.
- No, no, no, no, stay
there, stay there.
No, San, stay there,
I'm coming home.
Okay, bye bye.
- I needed her.
She's my sister.
She came.
[melancholy music]
- Is this what you
do when I'm not here?
- Getting drunk?
- Do you have any idea what I
have to do to get that money?
Do you have any idea?
Do you even care
about your children?
[phone beeps]
- [Che] Rommy had a
regular she liked.
She was lucky, he liked her.
- So next thing you know,
they're both at my front door.
I couldn't just let
them both leave.
- I think it's very honorable
of you, taking them in.
- Yeah.
- What?
- Why me?
There are a million girls in
the city, and I do mean girls.
- I don't know, there's
something in your eyes.
But I do know that I like you.
[phone rings]
Right, alright, I'll be there.
I gotta go.
- Cool.
- Can I call you later?
- Really?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Alright then.
See you later.
Bye bye.
[somber music]
- [Sandra] He had
a girlfriend once,
and he treated her like shit.
- Nice place you got here.
- It's not mine, it's
not mine, I just,
I sold it to a big TV exec
who, it's for his bimbo.
Hey, what are you doing here?
So I need girls.
I mean, I need girls
for Japan, more.
- I'm going to the province
next week, I'll get them.
- Great.
- That reminds me, after
our last rendezvous.
- Are you kidding me?
Fucking prostitutes.
Get the fuck out of
here, you little cunt!
You come back and
I'll fucking kill you!
[suspenseful music]
- [Rommy] Is Jinky asleep?
- Yeah, I gave her one
of my sleeping tablets.
You're going to have
to work, you know.
I'm going to bed.
- Manila was exciting.
The day after I got back
was Jinky's birthday.
We celebrated.
Che knew a place.
A client of hers.
No realness in flying
through the trees
[uplifting music]
And I'm coming around to
And I'm coming over
I am coming around this time
But I ain't
coming to save you
There's no taking
all your time back
From the story to begin with
In my dreams I live forever
And my dreams
is always dying
There's no taking
all your time back
From the story to begin with
In my dreams I live forever
And my dreams
is always dying
And I'm coming around to
And I'm coming over
I am coming around this time
But I ain't
coming to save you
And I am coming
around to you
Oh, I am coming over
And I am coming
around this time
Oh, I am coming to see you
- [Che] Jinky always
made the morning shift
for the hospital.
Rommy and I were night owls.
Sandra had to find a job.
[melancholy music]
- Hey.
- How was your night?
- I had two clients.
I'm just wrapping
a present for him.
It's his birthday.
- It was good.
I had this kinky old couple.
They just wanted me to lay there
naked and play with myself.
I didn't have to
fuck them, so....
I would've never in a
million years thought that
I'd be selling my body.
- You're not selling your body.
You're getting to
where you wanna go.
- And when I save
up enough money,
and I can get my
operation, I'm done.
I'm not gay, you know.
Men wanna be men.
I'm a woman.
- You're every bit woman.
- The fucked up part is
that I can't even go outside
my house without getting
somebody's finger pointed at me.
People make fun of
me every single day.
They treat me like
I'm not even human.
- But you are.
You know, I've known
a lot of people.
Everyone used to
wannna be around me.
But the funny thing is
you're the closest thing
I've ever had to a friend.
- Once you decided this is how
you're gonna make your money,
you can never have
a proper life.
- [Che] Most times it's
easy to keep it impersonal.
Most men are bastards.
- Did you leave
your phone inside?
- Fuck, I did.
Thanks, just a sec.
- [Che] However,
sooner or later,
you can't keep
covering up a lie.
- Jinky, hi!
- Hey Edward.
What are you doing here?
- I'm with my friends,
we're gonna watch a movie,
you wanna come?
- I would love to,
but I really can't.
Maybe next time.
Just grab purse, love,
let's go.
- I really have to go.
- Cheers, mate.
[solemn music]
- [Che] Rommy had
it the hardest.
Street walkers were
paid the least.
Barroom girls get more money.
For Rommy, Das's offer of
5,000 pesos was a fortune.
When you're a prostitute, no
one gives a fuck about you.
Not even someone
like yourselves.
Who cares about us?
We're nothing but
a piece of meat.
- What the fuck?
You're a fucking dude?
- Go with it, go with it.
- What the fuck?
You're a fucking dude?
I'm sorry, sorry.
So sorry, you're so beautiful,
you're so beautiful, I'm sorry.
- You like it rough?
- Yeah.
Oh shit, oh god.
- You're hard, baby.
Just go with it.
- Oh fuck, I'm not gay.
What the fuck?
I'm not fucking gay.
What the fuck?
Fuck you!
Fuck, you little fuck!
I'm not gay, huh?
[solemn music]
- [Che] For some reason,
Rommy would blame herself
when she got beat up.
She thought it was her fault.
How fucked up is that?
- I would finish roughly
the same time as Jinky,
so we traveled home together.
Oh, hi!
- Hey.
- How are you?
Someone left the door open.
- Hello?
- Who's home?
No, not again.
[somber music]
[door closes]
- Again?
- Yes, again.
- And who was it this
time, a drunken footballer?
- You're not helping, Michelle.
- I keep telling
her to be upfront.
- Really, Michelle, really?
- If she just told them she
was a tranny, she'd be fine.
Men don't care, anything
to get their rocks off.
- Can't you be any
more sympathetic, Che?
- I am being sympathetic.
- God, you can be such a
fucking bitch sometimes.
- What's your problem, Jinky?
Honesty is the best policy.
Be honest, get the money,
fuck them, and then get out.
- How Che, sometimes I
wonder if you're even human.
- Who the fuck is?
- Look, we have too few men,
it's too late to do anything.
Now maybe we can come up with
some kind of arrangement.
- We have no money.
- I'm not talking about money.
- I told you coming here
was a waste of time.
Let's go, girls.
They did nothing.
Who cares about a
tranny prostitute?
So he beat her up.
He still paid.
Sometimes money lasts
longer than bruises.
- Hey.
- [Che] Still life went on.
He still had my child.
- How's your friend?
Sorry about the other night.
How's your friend?
- She's quite beat up.
- Yeah?
Well some women like it
rough, some women don't.
Saw the boy the other night.
- How is he?
- Real fucking Picasso.
- When do I get to see him?
- When do I get to
meet your next friend?
[solemn music]
- He returned another present.
Can't even send him a
fucking birthday present.
- You know what?
I know you're not as tough
as you want people
to think you are.
- Do you know anyone
who wants a fucking toy?
She swore us to secrecy,
she wanted to protect
her little sister.
I guess she got me in
a moment of weakness.
I told her what her
sister did for money.
- Jinks!
Jinky, Jinky!
Where have you been?
- I was at the
hospital, I was working.
- I went to the hospital to
look for a job, and for you,
and you were not there.
What are you doing here?
Jinks, what are you
doing, answer me!
- It's none of your business.
- What do you mean, it's
none of my business?
- I'm tired, San,
I need to rest.
- I know what you're doing.
- No you don't.
- Yes I do, Che told me.
Che told me you go out there
and fuck everyone for money.
Do you think Mom and Dad
will be happy for that?
- You have no idea
what I'm going through.
- I am your sister,
so don't tell me
that I don't know what
you're going through.
I know why you do what you do.
Let me help you.
- You want to help, you go home
and take care of the house!
- Why?
So Dad can have his way with
me again, and Mom does nothing?
At least I got away from it.
And either way, you're not
saving me from anything.
I'm going to stay,
I'm going to help you.
- No.
- Jinky, I can do
this, let me help you!
- I'm not going to argue
about this anymore!
- But Jinks, I can do
this, I'm grown up now,
and besides, it might be fun!
- Fun?
You say you're all grown up
and you think it might be fun?
Let me tell you what fun is.
Fun is when an old man
reaches between your thighs
and you have to pretend
that you like it.
It's when a foreigner
kisses your breasts,
and he smells like
alcohol and cigarettes,
and you have to make him
feel good about himself.
And when he's done, when
he's done, you go have fun.
- You talk about the
sacrifices you're making,
and yet not let anyone
make the same mistakes.
Let's do this together.
Let's pay the debt and
let's both get out.
[somber music]
If only I knew I
was getting into.
- [Fat Man] Off.
- I thought you moved out.
- Yes, I did.
Edward, I'm really sorry
that you had to see that.
I'm sorry, but
sometimes we have to do
things we don't want to do.
You have no idea
why I do what I do.
Don't you dare pass
judgment on me.
- [Sandra] And then I
started work with Jinky.
- The money's okay, and
we get our own lockers,
which a lot of
places don't provide.
- Jinks.
Don't worry, okay?
I'm happy to do this.
She gave me the rules.
Rule number one.
- No matter how old,
fat, disgusting,
or kinky they are, be nice.
- Rule number two.
- Never ask if they are
married or have kids.
Rule number three, never
give them your real name
or where you live.
Rule number four,
trust your instincts.
If something does
not feel right,
then something is
definitely wrong.
Rule number five, always
collect your money first.
Rule number six, always
carry pepper spray.
Rule number seven, always,
always make them wear a condom.
And rule number eight,
appear confident.
If not, you fake it.
Are you listening to me?
- Yes, I am.
- Good.
Remember, what we
do is a lot more
than physical sex
and appearances.
You always make them
feel good about themself.
And the most important
thing is the first greeting,
the initial hello.
You get that right,
he's yours forever.
Can't you go without me
Without, you doubt me, oh
[energetic club music]
Why you gotta shout at me
'Cause I'm all about me, oh
Why you all up on me
Can I get on the phone
And you're always
right behind me
Whenever I'm not at home
I need space, get
away off my case
Let me get a day out my face
Gotta get my head
right, I need time
Got a lot of shit on my mind
Can't even pick up the signs
'Cause I don't wanna fight
Can't you go without me
Without, you doubt me, oh
I need it, I want
it, I need space
Why you gotta shout at me
'Cause I'm all about me, oh
Bring it back, come on
Can't you go without me
Without, you doubt me, oh
I mean it, you best
get out my face
Why you gotta shout at me
'Cause I'm all about me, oh
We need space
It would really
mean a lot to me
If you could just let me be
Give me space
I didn't mean to
hurt you when I say
Can you get away from me
Give me space
Need a little time,
we could rewind
[heart beats loudly]
Why you gotta shout at me
'Cause I'm all about me, oh
- I'm so sorry.
Have you seen some of those men?
- Yes, and I fucked
some of those men.
- How do you do it?
How do you even look at them
without feeling sick?
- Who's your favorite actor?
- Maria Garcia, of course.
- I'm sure that Maria
Garcia has scenes
that she does not want to play.
[speaks foreign language]
And this is our movie,
and we are the actors.
But just like Maria Garcia,
we're professionals.
- Yeah.
But Jinks,
do you ever stop feeling
so disgusting?
- Never.
[somber music]
- [Che] Life goes on.
You get the clients,
you make them feel good.
We all had our regulars.
The socially inept,
the cocky get-me-off,
and the lonely, who
just needs a friend.
[horn honks]
- Fuck you.
- Again, everyone has a price.
- What the fuck are you doing?
How does that feel, huh?
Are we good, huh?
Where's your manager?
Where the fuck is your manager?
- [Paparazzi] Maria!
- Hi, guys!
It's been great,
I've been blessed
with such an amazing
cast and crew,
so I hope you guys can
support it as well.
Everything's been amazing
with your support,
so thank you, thank you so
much, you guys, I love you guys!
- [Fan] Maria, may I
have your autograph?
- [Maria] Yeah, sure, sure!
- [Das] Hey.
- Get away from me.
- Hey.
- Get away from me.
- [Das] Nice to see you.
- Leave me the fuck
alone, get out of here.
- [Das] 25.
Come on.
- No.
- [Das] 50, 50, 50, look.
- Get away from me.
- 50, come on.
- No.
[phone rings]
[solemn music]
- Yeah?
- [Das] Get in the car now.
25, come here.
Come here, 25, come on, 20.
Rommy, get the fuck in the car.
- [Che] Don't care
what anyone says,
money beats fear any day.
I had to go.
Have you ever had a
friend, a true friend?
[screams and cries]
I hit him.
I hit him hard.
Anyway, we didn't care about
him, Rommy was in trouble.
- Hi, it's me.
I need a favor.
[somber music]
He'll be here.
- This is a third
year student doctor,
he will take care of her.
I've arranged a small room
at the back of the dentist.
She's under the
name of Peace Poi.
- Thank you so much
for doing this.
I know you could lose your job.
- No.
- It's okay.
- Do you want some coffee?
- No, thank you.
What an asshole.
- I think I killed him.
- [Officer] Metro Police.
- I hope she'll be okay soon.
- I met Maria Garcia.
- What is she like?
- She's nice.
- I knew it.
- Let's get some breakfast.
[siren blares]
- The moment I saw the police
car, I knew I was in trouble.
I don't think I
can make breakfast.
- Looks like it's
you and me, San.
- I'm sorry.
I can't live like this anymore.
I'm going home.
I always thought you
were the weaker one.
- I'll get some water.
Don't worry, I'm coming back.
- We left her that night,
thinking that we could
just all go home.
[melancholy music]
She died a few days later.
- Well look who
the cat dragged in.
Oh I bet I know, I'll guess.
Probably the whore house.
Half-price blowjobs
on the house!
Half-price blowjobs
on the house! [laughs]
- I was at the hospital.
- Oh, the tranny?
I had a crack at
that once, overrated.
Yeah, like I said, overrated.
Wanna have some fun with me, hm?
Where the fuck do you
think you're going, huh?
- I'm going to the police
station to see Che.
- Oh, the TV host.
Oh, she's a great fuck.
Hey, you know who else
is a great fuck, too?
Your little sister.
- I fucking hate you.
- Oh, everyone does.
You know what the great
thing about hate is?
It's just one step
away from love.
- Who could ever love you?
- What do you fucking mean,
who could ever love me?
You're just a little
cunt from the province!
Oh, hey, you want me
to shoot her, Daddy?
I'll shoot her.
Will it make you
love me more, huh?
We could all love each
other together, huh?
- I want out anyway!
- Oh, do it, do it,
yeah, just do it.
You want out, everybody
wants something.
Everybody wants something, I
wanted a fucking beautiful life
and a father who'd put
his arms around me.
But you know what,
I didn't get that.
None of us got what we
wanted, it's fucking over.
Oh, but that would
be just too easy.
You know what?
I'm gonna let you live for
the next couple of years,
until I say, until
your body rots
from all the STDs
that you fucking get.
And then, you know what?
I'm gonna get a crack
at your little sister.
I'm gonna touch her,
I'm gonna use her,
and watch her body rot as well.
Go ahead.
It's easier than you think.
[gun fires]
[uplifting guitar music]
- We are all whores.
To take the money or not,
to go this way or
not, is who we are.
Fuck, sometimes we cross that
line, we don't even know it.
- I haven't seen Jinky
since that night she left,
and walk off to see Che.
A friend of mine said she saw
her working on the streets.
At least, she
thought it was her.
I hope she's alive.
A few months ago,
I received money
from no sender, no details,
no anything, no address,
to help pay off the farm.
And it's been going on
for quite a few months.
So that's my story.
I miss my sister.
[door closes]
[uplifting guitar music]
Just you wait
Just you wait
Just you wait
Just you wait
- What did you do to my sister?
- I never touched the whore.
- What did you do to my sister?
- I never touched the whore.
- What did you do to my sister?
[gun fires]
[uplifting guitar music]
Just you wait
Just you wait
Just you wait
Just you wait
To hit the wall
[ominous music]
I am running
[uplifting guitar music]
On a race that can't be won
I'm hoping for something
Just a prize when I am done
I can't fake it
I won't lie to you anymore
No I won't waste it
Not until we
settle the score
I see them pirates come
to take my ship again
I see the sun's going down
All them clouds rolling in
I see them pirates come
to take my ship again
And we won't get it back
No we can't get it back
Are you lonely
Are you broke and insecure
Do you need money
Is that what
you're doing it for
Are you crazy
Don't you know
we shut the door
Are you over me
Do you not love me anymore
I see them pirates come
to take my ship again
I see the sun's going down
All them clouds rolling in
I see them pirates come
to take my ship again
And we won't get it back
No we can't get it back
On the horizon I did see
That the pirate is me
And I had had enough
So I lean into the wind
And I set my sail, yeah
And I steered into the sun
I see them pirates come
to take my ship again
I see the sun's going down
All them clouds rolling in
I see them pirates come
to take my ship again
And we won't get it back
No we can't get it back
Oh, no, no