Hello! Shu Xian Sheng (Mr. Tree) (2011) Movie Script

...Ultra-spacious living area!
The unique design creates the sensation...
of living in a villa
Your quality of life is improved!
You'll have e new personality!
And plenty of room to move!
You won't even notice how
beautifully life flows!
New Sun City
it's the sun in my heart!
Have you fixed his car yet?
It still goes okay
You don't lift a finger
Hem, Brother Shu
Not busy, then?
The Prime Minister is busy, I'm not
What are those people up to?
That's the Ruiyang Mining Group office
Nicely decorated place
They're opening any day new
Have one
They move fast!
"They'll probably ask
you to out the ribbon"
Don't laugh!
If they don't make you e leader...
it'll be a Waste of your talents
Those We bastards
You hooligan
Let go
You're disrupting social order!
Who the hell are you?
You We bastard
Mind your own business!
Damn you! Disrupting social order!
- Brother Shu
- Xiao Zhuang
- What's happening?
- Are you get off work,
Give me a ride
Why are you doing that?
T dreamt about your father and brother
They're short of money
So I'm burning some hell-money for them
"Er Zhu's taking our farmland for his mine"
Why don't you raw to mm?
My eyes hurt
What have you been doing with them?
I can't get Dad out of my mind
"Wearing e big black coat,
looking for my elder brother"
"Back in 86, they arrested
my brother for hooliganism"
Dad lust hanged mm from a tree
And my brother died
What the hell else can you do...
except make trouble?
So what?
Mind your own business
Here is one thousand
You take care of the rest
Receptors bad
Provence Gardens
I know
I'll be there in twenty
Ma, come and stay with me in the city
Couldn't do that
Your second brother's still here
Well, I gotta go, Ma...
Something urgent come up
See you again in a few days
I don't know...
Always in such a rush
Hang on, I'll guide you
Miss, What's your family name?
Don't you know me? I'm Ping-Ping
It's you!
Wang's second daughter, right?
Clever Uncle, you know me from my voice!
Around your eyes
Shu, how are you feeling?
Third Uncle!
It's fine, all good now
I'll be back to Work in no time
You there's no rush
Just take a good rest
I'm fine. I don't need more rest
Look, my eyes can see everything
I'll find someone else
Give me back the key
The garage Key
Give me
This one
Here, this is two thousand
You keep it
Maybe later
Take it back, Uncle
You'll need it
Come on, new
Must see a We more
Don't waste the two
days youre rested them
Come on
Never mind, give me e moment
Just one more minute
"What are you staring at?
What's so interesting?"
Uncle, what are you doing?
Let me go!
What are you doing?
Shu What are you up to?
Xiao Zhuang
I was looking for you at the mine
Must get off work
Come to my place for a drink
Every time see Xiao Zhuang
he reminds me of my elder brother
When my brother died...
he was about Xiao Zhuang's age
Around twenty
But I can't remember his face
What's up, Shu?
Why are you staring at me?
It's nothing
Come on, cheers
More firecrackers at the mine
Come on, Brother Shu
As mandated by the Jitai City authorities
"To guarantee Ruiyang Mining Group's
smooth running..."
"mend to secure the lives
and prosperity of local people
relocations are already in progress
"Wangdu Village residents are moving to
the southern part of Jitai..."
where New Sun City
is under construction
Brother Shu
Over here
it's you!
Gao Peng
I-How's your Wedding coming on?
Ready! Next Saturday...
So get there early to lend a hand
Of course. No need to remind me
Will you join us?
No, I have something to do
Have something to do? Bullshit!
Er Zhu is inside
Join you guys?
We're different generations
Don't be silly, come on!
I'm busy
I know you
Bottoms up
Right. Bottoms up
Come UN
Finish off
That's the ticket!
If you ever need any help...
I'll be there for you
My new HQ is right opposite your house
When you sleep in your own place...
it's like sleeping in mine
I know...
Bring your bedding and you can...
Sleep in my HQ
Then you can be my gatekeeper
We'll be unassailable
"Who in the village would
dare look down on us?"
You don't Want a gatekeeper!
You want Shu as your nightwatchman
Damn clever!
Don't give it away!
Er Zhu, your car's been scratched
Who did it?
What scumbag?
Who was it?
It's a big enough car ....
Didn't you notice it?
Are you blind or something?
Boss, I skidded
So you mt my car?
Let's leave it there
You Know how much my car cost?
Give me three thousand and leave
Or I won't let it pass
Pay up, okay?
Did you hear me?
Boss, I'm broke
Then Why did you hit my car?
There isn't much damage
Compensate him by cleaning it, okay?
Mac Zhuang is my dose friend
Do me a favor
Shut up! No Way
Pay up;
Leave it, Er Zhu
You trunk he has three thousand?
Let mm off
Apologize before you go
Boss, I'm sorry
Clear off
Never again!
Clear off!
I'll be there later
Go slowly
It's slippery
Where are you?
In the place across the road?
Okay, I'm coming
Who's Gao Peng's mother talking to?
Who is it?
How should I know?
I'm not an all-seeing eye!
Anyhow, they're going into town
And so is she m the back
Where are you heading?
Into town, I just told you!
See a pretty girl and you lose it!
Keep your voice down
Speak louder! Louder!
She's deaf
San Leng, drive my aunt into the city
Don't Worry, Mr Gao, I'll get her there
What are you doing here?
You're crazy
Are you coming along?
I have things to do
Must get on
What's up, Brother Shu?
You changed your mind!
We something to do m town
Something wrong in your head!
Come m and get warm
Thanks, but no
Then stop by when you have Mme
Thanks, I will
Take care
Hey, Brother Shu
Fancy a massage m there?
"Massage by the Blind"
How much will your Wedding cost?
Don't distract me
Gao Peng
Who's that girl your mother knows?
The mute gm, the one m the van
The girl from the massage place?
So you like her!
Ask your Ma about her
Okay, but new have me to do this
I'll ask my Ma
I'll count the notes for you
Put them back!
I said, put them back!
Lend me some money
I'll pay you back in a couple of days
Another man?
I just paid your hospital fees for you
I bought a new pair of glasses
And I'm going on a date
I should invite her to dinner or something
Otherwise I couldn't
introduce him to Xiao Mei
Sounds good
Where have you been? You're so late
Youre brought gifts! Such a good boy
Come on, let me introduce you
This is Shu
I-lees been Peng's close
friend since they were young
I-lees a good fellow
Mac my mother
And her father
Sn down
Young man, sit here
Have some water
You get to Know each other
I'll go fetch Xiao Mei
That's good
Uncle, have e cigarette
Where do you work, Md?
Hmm he's a technician
Very skilled
Xiao Mei...
He's here
Go and take a look at him
Stop playing
Get up and greet mm
What took so long?
We have been Waiting for ages!
What kept you?
Why don't we go out
so the two of them can raw m peace?
Let's go
Your business is good?
"What's your job?"
Gao Peng and I...
We grew up m the same Wage
We're good friends
Come out with me later, okay?
I'll treat your family to dinner
"I don't understand"
Eat together
Let me think about it
What ts there to trunk about
She's such a nice girl
Look at yourself...
and how We you have to offer
Everythings good, except
that she's dumb
If she could speak...
Xiao Mei would never choose you
Village head!
A crack has appeared in
the Wall of our house!
And the Windows keep shaking and groaning
Sister Zhang...
You're not the only one!
Our Windows are groaning too!
But it's affecting all
six of us very badly!
Our house isn't bullet-proof either
Our rooms aren't shock-proofed
isn't that right?
Live with it!
Watch your step!
You dirtied it before the Wedding!
Don't scatter ash!
Gao Pings Wedding candy
Stay for a few days
So We can chat a bit more
I have a class tonight, I have to get back
Our me offers you a great future
"And education for life"
"Headmaster of Jingrun
Olympics Math School"
Great! You're a headmaster!
That's amazing!
No Wonder your old number doesn't Work
You should have told me you changed it
it's a business thing
Later on I'll have something to tell you
Something from the bottom of your heart?
Listen, everyone...
it's time for the groom to say something
Come on, Shu
You say something
I-lees my representative
Did you get a marriage license?
Got it yesterday
You didn't come to me to get it approved!
What are you talking about?
Damned retard!
What did you Want to tell me?
Nothing special
Just Wanted a chat
Tell me, Whatever it is
Come on
Well, do you still need staff?
What can you do?
I could be your assistant
I'll think about it, let's talk later
Everyone, have fun!
Fill his glass, and mine
Hurry up
om may
You're taking over my land Without notice
Let me tell you...
What I'm doing...
is giving you a much better new life
Get it?
So that's enough from you, some on
Bottoms up
Come UN
Just a We
I'm supposed to be helping out
Don't embarrass me
Why don't We get drunk together later?
That's another thing...
Bottoms up
Come on, don't push me
What's Wrong?
You feel embarrassed?
What's wrong with you?
I'm talking to you!
You hear me?
Calm down
Just because your brother-in-law
is the village head...
you can boss me around?
I'm bossing you around?
Apologize to me
Apologize, right now
I'm talking to you, apologize!
Kneel down!
Kneel down!
You hear me?
I'm telling you...
Don't say I didn't give you face
Out of my Way!
I'm telling you...
You hear me?
Come back!
You are drunk again
Look at you!
Go to bed
Let me be
I'm fine
Stop it!
This is Gao Peng's Wedding day
You are good f mends
Out of my Way!
Don't be so stubborn
Still no apology?
It's my Wedding day, can
you stop quarreling?
You refuse to kneel
Let him speak!
There were too many people outside
I'm sorry
Shu, get up
What are you doing?
You two are buddies
Why are you kneeling to him?
You really make me sick
Never forget this
Er Zhu, calm down
Gao Peng, don't Worry
I'm okay
Don't pull me
Y\m, Y\m
I Wanna talk with you
You quit?
It was a boring job
Life had no point
Run after the bride!
Get off his back!
Not very sexy!
What about this?
Where's Chen Yixin?
I-He left early
Where to?
"Jingrun Olympics Math School
Star-level special training"
"Principal: Mr..Chen Yixin, Well known
teacher in the provincial capital"
And don't forget your revision
Why are you here?
I was looking for you
You really came!
Hei Xiao Lu.
Hei, Shu
Today I have a puzzle for you all
On the blackboard are...
three pairs of balls,
one red, one yellow, one blue
How many balls do We need to pick...
to be certain that We'll
have a matched pair?
In other Words...
to be sure We end up with two balls...
of the same com?
This is how We Work it out
If We take out three balls...
then the next one We pick...
no matter which color it is...
Will be the same color as...
one of the first three
What is that called?
It's known as the Pigeonhole Principle
You didn't bring any other clothes?
Was m too much of a hurry
During class-time, stay out of sight
Just stay in the office
Or go outside
Try to rock smarter
To Zhang Xiaome
You Know what"
"The best thing in the world
is to look into your eyes"
"l Wouldn't trade that for
being a village head!"
Who is that"
"He\\0' Mr Shu"
Don't tell my Wife
H she asks you
tell her We Went to the bank
Whose phone number is this?
It's one of the parents
A parent?
I'll Call it
What the hell are you doing?
You're m a hurry to stop me
In such a hurry, Chen Yixin
I slave to keep this home together...
I'm so tired of struggling
to keep this school afloat
And my reward is that
you have all these affairs on the side!
Watch what you're saying
You're just the same as your father!
We father, We sow
Watch your language!
I don't Want to talk to you
We touched a sore point, have W
Touched a sore point, have I?
Just like your father turned
away from your mother
Now your mother lies paralyzed
And who Waits on her, hand and foot?
Who does it?
And While I'm doing it,
your're out having affairs!
And I'm telling you, this
isn't the first time!
When have I blamed you?
Show some respect!
You never change, do you?
Chen Y\m
Show some respect!
You have no right to demand 'respect'
If you Want to stay, stay!
If you don't, leave!
You bastard!
"Pining for you is a cigarette"
"Remembering you is Wine"
"You are just like cigarettes and Wine"
"A cigarette that's always in my hand"
"Wine that never leaves my mouth"
"Quit smoking and drinking..."
"...then We can be friends"
"From: Zhang Xiao Mei"
it's not good for girls to smoke
"Talk to your parents, and
then let's marry, okay?"
"My marriage is my business,
nothing to do with my parents!"
"To find out if they impose any conditions"
"Letting others decide your destiny,
isn't that sad?"
"Let me take care of your destiny!"
"You fool"
On my Wedding day...
can you some over m your boss's 'Crown
We need a Wedding car
I'll try to ask him
Our dreams are ready to depart
"What's their destination?"
"Are they heading for the kindergarten?"
Our lives
are ready to depart
"What's their destination?"
"Are they heading for Dream
of the Red Chamber?"
Move you
How it going?
Can your boss's car be here tomorrow?
It's the only thing We still need
Get e fucking move on! Behind schedule!
This car?
Where's the one with the 'Crown'?
This one only has a circle on the hood
San, it's the wrong car
What about the crown?
Not available, this one will do
Hurry, your brothers had a few too many
I know
Did you borrow the car?
The 'Passat'
You are such e useless brother
Good for fucking nothing
Causing me embarrassment
What did you say?
Have you completely lost it?
As promised, I borrowed a oar for you
What the hell?
Fuck off!
I put up with your stupidity
What are you doing? San!
Let go!
Are you crazy, San?
Go away!
Leave me alone!
Brother, Why aren't you in my dreams?
I'm getting married
Come back to me
God, I'm begging you...
Help me!
I'm here, brother
You left home?
You're living there now?
Youre been away for so long
And you suddenly show up
The world outside is Wonderful
Are you sure?
Todays my wedding day, you Know?
Yes, Dad told me
So I came back to see you
Who's that?
Who is that?
She's from the Cultural Troupe
You hired a band to play?
Yes, I paid
They're good, check them out
Why did you spend money?
I'm here
She is a dancer
Leave the singing and dancing to us
"You're like a fire on a Winter day"
A We that warms my heart
Every Mme you creep up on me
you Might me up
Your mg eyes
"Bright and flickering..."
"Just like the brightest starlight"
"You're like a fire"
"A fire that lights me"
"You're like a fire"
"A fire that warms me"
"l like it..."
"But I never told you..."
"l know you like me too"
"You're like a fire"
Get up, quickly
San behaved so badly
Such violence on a Wedding day
Get up, quickly
Or your mother will Worry
Something wrong in your head?
Excuse me
The village head is coming, talk to him
Let me see
Shu, my son
Today is your wedding day
Cheer up a bit
Don't you recognize me?
I'm Liu Ge
You want a fancy wedding car
I told Er Zhu to bring over his 'Crown'
Get up, quickly
Give me a hand
Get mm changed
Open the door!
They arrived
All in brand new US dollars!
Open the door, quick!
Pay more!
Find the bride's shoes
You can't go until you find them!
Not here!
Let him find them
The shoes, the shoes!
What the hell?
What's Wrong?
What are you doing?
Why did you do that?
What's Wrong?
Come UN
Brother Shu
That's the wrong Way!
Three bows!
Carry her on your back
Catch him!
Kiss her
Do it, do it!
Quick, or a ghost will follow you!
Shut up, you're scarring her
What the hell? You scared me to death!
Something happened to Mac Zhuang
Just one hour ago, there
was a mine cave-in...
in Wangdu village, Jitai County
As we can see
there's a rescue operation
to save trapped miners
Doctor, can you tell us...
about the current situation?
How are the injured men doing?
Were you in the mine?
What's the situation with your colleagues?
You helped the doctors to
bring them here, right?
Don't be scared
We are here to help you
Mac Zhuang
isn't that Shu?
You just got married
Why are you Wandering around here?
I-lees terribly busy
Busy with nothing
We can store the new coal
in that field over there
H there's too much, there's
more space over there
Something WM happen soon
The Jade Emperor will punish you
A ghost is following you
Are you alright?
He's been possessed, hasn't he?
What are you doing here so late?
Er Zhu
is your
mine running Well?
Why Wouldn't it?
Have you said something to someone?
Don't jump to conclusions
You Know what?
The village Water supply will be cut soon
On the 21st, water WM be cut
Who told you that?
The Taoist master Lao Tzu told me
Work out a summon
It really Worries me
There's no water
Water's run out again
it's because of the new mine,
the Water's leaking into the mine
Hey, it's Shu
You predict better than God
What you said came true
You said Water would go today and it has!
In future, We'll always look to you
Hello Mr Shu
What's your new prediction?
What are you doing?
Where's your Wife?
She Went back to her mother's
Get her back as soon as you can
No need
When I move to a new house in the city...
I'll take her back and We'll be happy
You two come and live with us
When that day comes
We'll live together
You get her back as soon as possible
Or she'll be very sad
Attention, villagers!
The mining company has reached a decision
Beyond the original agreement...
to provide earn adult who moves with
there will be an additional
reward for everyone who moves
The mining company will provide...
Now, listen carefully...
The reward is
A fridge and a 29-inch color TV,
with a total value of 8,000 yuan!
Both rewards for each family!
Each family hearing this...
should rush to send a representative
to the village committee office
What's going on?
Moving to Qianyao village
Ma and brother San have moved
They're living in New Sun City
One time I saw Xiao Mei in her room
using cards to read the future
lives she trying to predict
our future as e couple?
It won't be long before she's back with me
Why are you using that flashlight?
This is your 50,000 yuan
compensation for moving
I got it for you
Take it
Come on
When I got married...
I borrowed 3,000 from
you, have you deducted it?
No need to
Look What's happening to him
There seems to be something wrong with him
I-lees been very unlucky recently
Come on, we've always been close
Take it
Take it, Brother Shu
And these, a small gift
No, I stopped smoking
I stopped
Where's my mother's share?
Your younger brother already took it
I-He shouldn't have
People shouldn't care so much about money
This guy...
shouldn't think that Way...
money is all that matters
His body's not dean
Something's following him
Goddess He
Spare one of your petals...
for my humble self...
to save my friend
I'll have him...
bow down m from of you
Your mine must close for a While
I'll close it
Brother Shu
I'd like to introduce e new friend
i-He's the deputy director
of Ruiyang Mining Group
Han Ming
Brother Shu
We're old buddies
Sn here
Let Brother Shu divine you
You're about to re-open the company
Master Shu really knows everything!
I need your advice
on the most propitious day to re-open
Master, What's your advice?
Your boss Mr Jia
When was he born?
Tell your boss...
to scream three times
at the mine entrance on opening day
Scare away evils
Re-open on the 18th day
of the 13th month at 8 am
Master, you must be there on the day
I will pick you myself
Good mow
By the year 2012
our daily yield will top 10,000 tonnes!
Aren't you the master of the Wage?
I'm busy all the time...
but We some to support Mr Jia
We're all about sustainable development!
A return to the glory days!
Renewed excellence!
Guests, please pick up the scissors now...
the Open Ceremony of Ruiyang
Mining Group is about to begin
Let's hold our breath
Ladies and Gentlemen
Are you ready?
Master Shu
Let me show you around
Mr. Jia, just look...
at the old mine there
It has polluted so much of our land
Plough money into scientific research
I can introduce some world experts to you
The coal residues can be used...
to manufacture atom bombs
Our country has Four Great
Inventions to its name
Let's add a fifth at a stroke!
What a Wonderful suggestion!
I will look into it seriously
As I see it...
there are abundant resources on the moon
We must go to the moon as a priority
Steal a march on capitalist countries
We have a mug way to go
I hope We can join hands and Work together
Xiao Mei!
Xiao Mei!
move into the new flat
We can have the baby there
Let's go
Let's go
Brother Shu
What are you doing?
Xiao Mei...
Our new home is right over there