Hellraiser (2022) Movie Script

Is that my case?
It is.
That one is yours.
It's not to be taken lightly.
In fact, I was kind of hoping
he would show up himself.
That's the thing about Mr. Voight.
He never does anything
he can get someone else to do for him.
Enjoying yourself?
Yeah, this place is incredible.
What's your name?
Joseph. My friends call me Joey.
Then so will I.
I am Serena.
So, um...
You know this guy? Voight?
Working for him, actually.
No shit.
No shit.
I'm sure he would love to meet you.
There's a place at the end of the hall.
Double doors.
Be there in ten.
Beautiful, isn't it?
JOEY: Mr. Voight, I...
There was this woman, and I was just...
I'm sorry.
Don't apologize.
You can hold it.
Just answer the question.
Oh, uh...
Yeah. It's really nice.
What is it?
It's a puzzle.
The only one of its kind.
Forgotten until now.
And it's almost finished.
Keep going.
So if I solve it, do I get a prize?
I do.
Wait, I think I got it.
Hey, anybody!
What's happening?
I can't...
What the fuck did you do to me?
The pain...
VOIGHT: I am a penitent
of the great Leviathan.
Grant me this audience.
Grant me this boon.
(MOANING) Harder. Go harder.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah, harder.
No, no. Wait, wait, wait.
Turn me around.
- Okay, go. Yeah.
- Here? Right here?
Go, go, go.
How's this speed? Is it good?
- You like that?
- Yeah.
I love it.
I love you.
What? Wait, wait.
- Okay, I shouldn't have said that.
- Yeah.
- No, it's fine.
- I guess I got caught up in the moment.
No, it's fine, Trevor.
I just think maybe...
Jesus Christ...
You guys were making food?
Yes. Nora made tapas.
So, is this...
This is him?
Um, this is Trevor.
You told them about me?
Okay. Just a little bit.
- Right, right.
- Okay, hey. How are you?
This is my brother Matt,
and this is his boyfriend Colin.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Nora, the roommate.
Sit. There's plenty.
Ah. Sit.
Yeah, you know, I should go.
I've got a lot of paintings to deliver.
It's basically a workday for me, so...
- No problem.
- MATT: Cool.
I'll get my jackets.
Great to meet you guys.
Enjoy dinner.
You guys just heard us fucking?
- Yes, yeah.
- Yeah.
Just say it, Matt.
I don't like him.
You're just intimidated
because he's a pretty boy.
What kind of guy hooks up
with someone from a 12-step program?
Is that supposed to be a stab?
Riley, it's not like that.
And my concern is you.
How you're going to handle it
when he's relapsing.
You've been sober for months.
What, almost half a year?
Don't take away all my vices.
Let me fuck a cute guy,
for Christ's sake.
Did you really just turn down
the TV to listen to us argue?
- No.
- No.
God, no one takes me seriously here.
That's because you do it
enough for everyone.
Yeah, well, someone's got to.
The first of the month
is coming up real fast.
I can't keep covering you.
I know that. Nobody is asking you to.
Tips have been shit lately.
- I'm trying.
- Okay.
Ri, I love you.
I want you to have fun. I'm not out here
trying to police your every life choice.
You just want to make sure
that I can handle myself.
Message received. I won't see him.
Here's the thing.
He's not wrong. That's the problem.
He's not wrong and he means well,
and that makes me want
to fucking swing on him.
I'll swing on him for you.
I don't need him
to be proud of me or anything.
It'd just be a little nice
if he wasn't ashamed.
TREVOR: Just let it go.
- We're not doing that.
- What the fuck are we doing?
We are...
We're being lonely together.
Why, you got somewhere better to be?
Yeah. Should be looking for a job.
You got a job.
No, I know. I mean...
Better job.
I'm really tired of being broke.
Forget it.
Your brother wouldn't like it, so...
Okay, well, he also would
not like me being here.
Can't hurt him if he doesn't know.
Okay, right. Yeah.
But, see, it hurts you.
You might not be a good girl, Riley,
but you want to be.
You got a little Matt
just kind of sitting on your shoulder.
So, he may be worth
listening to, you know.
Now you can tell me.
There's nothing to tell.
Tell me, Trevor.
Hey. Stop.
- Calm down.
- Tell me.
- All right, all right, all right.
- Tell me.
(SIGHS) Uh...
Okay. So, you know how I always make
runs down to the warehouse district?
- Yeah.
- So, there's this one spot
that we used to drop stuff off at.
Totally anonymous.
Nobody's ever seen anyone in there,
but, like, the shit
they had coming in and out,
it's like billionaire shit.
So I pass it sometimes
and I swear it's abandoned.
Totally abandoned
except for one last shipment.
So you want to break in?
Don't have to. I remember the key code.
What's in the shipment?
Don't know.
Who does it belong to?
I don't know. I mean, some rich asshole
who's looking to make a profit.
They're not going to miss it.
Give me a hand, I'll cut you in.
You know what?
Forget I said anything
because, you know,
you're trying to get your shit together,
and I don't wanna
get in the way of that, so...
Shut up, Trevor.
(EXHALES) All right.
Point of no return.
You sure you want to do this?
Let's go.
Let's see here.
What do you think?
What do you mean?
Do you know the combination?
Well, no. Um...
I don't.
TREVOR: No chance you could get it
if I couldn't.
There's a trick to everything.
Right, yeah.
Let's see it.
Let's see here.
- RILEY: Can you get it?
- Yeah.
RILEY: Can you get it open?
TREVOR: God damn. Boxes within boxes.
TREVOR: Jesus.
How does it open?
TREVOR: Is that it?
God, I thought there'd be like
a stack of bonds or some shit.
It's got to be worth something.
TREVOR: Let's hope so. Yeah.
I'll take it if you don't want it.
Yeah. Yeah.
Why don't you hold on to it for now?
I'll see if I can find
some kind of appraiser,
and we'll split whatever cash
we can get from it, yeah?
COLIN: "The waves were dead,
the tides were in their grave."
"The winds were withered
in the stagnant air"
"and the clouds perished."
"Darkness had no need of aid from them."
"She was the Universe."
Percy Shelley.
- Mary.
- Byron.
- Fuck!
Fucking Lord Byron.
She's fine. Leave her alone.
- Hey.
Do not fucking leave this bed.
- Okay.
You scared me.
MATT: I missed you tonight?
Where'd you go?
Bullshit. You can't even
take off your shoes.
It's dark in here
and I was trying not to wake you up.
Don't ask me questions if you know
I can't answer them, Matt.
- No, seriously...
- Okay, Let me see.
Christ, Matt, I'm fucking clean.
- Hey, I worry about you, Ri...
- Get out of my room!
Riley, I'm not trying...
I love you.
You love having something to fix,
so that you can feel like
a big success
in this shitty apartment...
Okay, I see what you're trying to do.
No, you don't know a thing
about what I'm trying to do, I'm not...
You know what? That's okay.
- Neither do I.
- Okay.
You're drunk.
Yeah! Are you jealous?
- Are you scared?
- Sleep it off.
And in the morning, pack your shit.
You don't mean that.
The hell I don't.
Then say it.
Like you mean it.
Get the fuck out!
Get the fuck out!
Like that? You happy?
I don't know
what's gonna happen to you, ever!
You want to play games,
you will lose, Riley.
Pack your shit.
Get the fuck out of my house.
I thought you'd never ask!
So long, Colin.
Seriously, come back inside.
It's just a bad night.
Okay? You're just going
to regret this later.
So, what's your deal?
Did I break you?
Holy shit.
What the fuck?
was meant for you.
Who's there?
Come with us.
If not you...
bring us another.
No, no, no...
What's up? Were you...
Were you having a bad dream?
Yeah, I guess so.
Just call her.
She won't answer.
Wait, you're leaving now?
Ri! No, no, no.
Hey, come on. Come on.
Hey, what did you take?
What did you take?
- Riley. Hey, thank God.
- What?
I'm here.
Your hand.
Okay. Okay, come on.
I got you.
Okay, we're going down.
Okay. Okay.
All right. You good?
I'm going to rinse this off
and you're going to stay awake. Yeah?
Stay awake.
Matt? What...
All right, look up.
Did you take something tonight?
Pills? Anything?
I don't remember.
PARAMEDIC: Did you mix anything
with the alcohol?
I don't remember.
- Is there any luck?
- RILEY: No.
- COLIN: Any word?
- No.
So what now?
I mean, what should we do?
COLIN: I guess we wait
'cause the cops can't do anything yet.
They said a couple drops of blood
on the sink isn't enough.
Apparently, it might not even be his.
It's Matt's blood.
How do you know that, Riley?
I told you he cut himself on this.
On that? What is that?
You didn't tell us about that.
I don't know. I don't know.
I didn't...
I was really fucked up, okay?
And I was in and out of it, and I wasn't
expecting for Matt to just be there.
And the pills were kicking in,
and I was seeing things.
- What things?
- I don't know.
I don't know.
It was just crazy fucked-up shit.
You wanted me to tell you...
Yeah, tell me about Matt.
- What he said, what he did.
- I am.
He woke me up, his hand was bleeding.
He went into the bathroom
and then he never came out.
Wait, you never saw him come out?
But you just said that you were
in and out of it, fucking blitzed.
So what did you miss?
Because he wouldn't just leave.
That's not him.
I know, I know. I know that.
So fucking think, Riley. Please.
I'm trying.
I told you not to leave.
- Riley.
- No, I just...
Hey. What are you doing here?
Kiss me.
What happened?
- TREVOR: What?
- What?
- There's a...
What the fuck is happening?
What, what, what? Riley.
What is it? What is it?
I don't know.
TREVOR: Okay, um...
How many did you take?
RILEY: Three.
- Same stuff?
- Yeah, it's the same shit.
It's never made me
full-on hallucinate before.
I'm not on anything right now.
Why the fuck am I seeing shit still?
I know, I know.
That's why we're laying
all this out, okay?
How did you get it to change,
like, from the cube into that?
I didn't.
It changed on its own.
It's a puzzle.
See? The pieces move.
If you get 'em to lock into place,
then you solve a part of it.
But now, it's like...
It's on the next step or something.
- Here. You try.
- Fuck no.
You believe me?
Yeah, of course. I told you,
I don't fuck with shit like that.
Yeah, but you really believe me?
What is this thing?
Where did it come from?
I have no idea.
So, what about the shipping container?
Whose shipping container is that?
I don't know, okay?
They never showed up to claim it, so...
And the building? Who owns the building?
Well, can we find out?
There has to be a name somewhere.
Riley, this feels a little crazy.
There are no other Serena Manakers.
- I just want to talk to her.
You have visitors.
I know you don't know us.
My name's Riley McKendry,
and this is my friend Trevor.
And we actually have a few questions
that we wanted to ask you,
if that's okay.
(WHISPERS) Maybe it's a bad time.
MANAKER: Bad time?
My lungs are rotting out.
I'm fucking dying in this place.
What's this about?
A warehouse.
You'd have to be more specific.
RILEY: Your name was on the deed.
You had something shipped in.
It's still there.
It wasn't shipped in.
It was locked up.
And it isn't mine.
Well, can you tell us whose it is?
How do you know about this?
And why do you care?
You have no idea
whose business you've stepped in.
Roland Voight was monstrous
and sadistic.
Roland Voight?
Is that who you work for?
I sorted out his mess of an estate.
And that was the last thing
I ever did for him.
Not proud of the things I did.
What you're after is dangerous.
It ended Voight's life,
and it will end yours, too.
- Or worse.
- Fuck this.
Fuck, Riley.
Let's go. Come on.
Let's go.
Is this what you're talking about?
Who opened this?
This is not the first configuration.
Who touched it?
My brother.
And now he's gone, isn't he?
So you've seen them.
Roland used to see them, too.
People thought he was crazy.
Angels, he called them.
You'd think a devil would know a devil.
Let's go.
Get me some water.
- Trevor, go get it.
- Okay, I got it.
I'm taking this back for your own good.
Hey, why don't you put that down?
I'm locking it up.
I'm sorry,
I've got nothing else for you.
What? Come on, give it to me.
- Give it to me, Serena.
- No.
- Serena!
- No!
Serena, please give it back.
You don't know what you're doing.
Give it back!
TREVOR: What happened?
- What happened?
- MANAKER: It's okay.
I did it to myself.
- What the fuck happened in there?
- I don't know.
The thing was on the table,
then she picked it up...
That proves coming here
was a bad idea, then, right?
What are you talking about?
She said that he's gone.
How would she know that?
How would she know that?
Slow down, slow down.
Slow down.
Let's just unpack everything, all right?
This is a lot to process here.
We're not in a fucking meeting, Trevor.
TREVOR: Sorry for trying
to fucking help.
ORDERLY: She's feeling faint.
She cut herself pretty bad.
NURSE: The doctor just stepped out.
- Let me check. Maybe she's still here.
- Okay.
She's in the day shift.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry for what I have done.
Have mercy.
Save your breath
for screaming.
- Trevor...
- Hey.
Hi. Come here.
I just found so much weird shit
about this Voight guy.
All sorts of fucked-up sex stuff.
Accusations of money laundering, too.
And then six years ago,
he just disappears.
Nobody knows what...
What? What's wrong?
Um, the lawyer's gone, too.
- What are you talking about?
- Manaker.
I called because I was worried
about her hand
and they said that she wasn't there.
She was in the infirmary,
and then she wasn't,
and no one saw her leave, so...
- Fuck.
- Yeah. Fuck!
We need to get rid of that thing, Riley.
All right?
What are you doing?
First my brother, then Serena Manaker.
The same exact shit six years ago.
In the weeks leading up
to Voight's disappearance,
there were others, too.
There was a grooundkeeper, a sex worker,
and there were probably ones
that nobody even knew about,
and they're all loosely connected to him
and his estate,
and they're all fucking gone.
They're all gone.
It's happening again.
I know that this guy
has something to do with it,
and I know that that thing does, too.
It opens up and it cuts you.
And then when it does, you...
We have to go there.
To his estate. It's not that far.
Gonna get that?
Hey, Colin. What's up?
Hey, what's up? Where are you?
I'm hanging out at Trevor's for now.
Okay. Where is his place?
I'll come get you.
No, that's okay. I'm doing stuff.
We're all doing stuff.
But we should be
doing this shit together
'cause I don't know
what the hell to do here.
That's the fucked-up part
of all this shit.
Like, Matt would.
Yeah, he would.
Okay, so, I'll come and get you.
Trevor, what the fuck are you... Trevor!
I'm tossing this thing.
No one'll know the difference.
The difference is,
I need it to find Matt.
Don't you get that?
Can we at least talk about it? Please.
Talk about it?
You didn't wanna talk about it.
That's why you took it!
I thought you believed me.
I do. I do!
I do believe you, Riley, all right?
And I thought that I could trust you!
MATT: Riley...
- MATT: Help me.
- Where are you?
MATT: Riley!
Is it really you?
Do you want it to be?
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
Bring me back.
Riley, Riley. It's me, it's Colin.
It's me.
I don't understand.
It's okay, sweetie. We're here.
What the fuck is going on?
COLIN: We talked to Trevor
and came to find you.
TREVOR: The door was open.
We heard you screaming.
Figured you'd need some help.
I don't need help.
- With what?
- We're just here to bring you home.
No, I'm not going home.
I'm here for a reason.
I'm not going home.
- Could you give us a second?
- Seriously?
- Riley, we need to... What?
- COLIN: Hey, leave it.
Just trust me on this, dude.
We'll be upstairs.
I'm so glad you're okay.
- Riley.
- It's okay, give them a second.
TREVOR: Does someone
even live in this place?
I mean, what is this?
All right, what are we even doing here?
Okay, let's just grab Riley
and just get the hell out, right?
- Hey, chill.
Isn't the first time
we've had to track her down.
Just give her some space.
Space? Yeah.
All right.
Might as well see what they got left.
All right.
What's your pleasure, ma'am?
We don't drink when Riley's around.
Right, right.
Okay. I'm gonna find
a bathroom real quick.
What is this place?
I don't know.
A fuck dungeon?
Do you want to tell me
what this is about?
- Fuck! Sorry.
- Sorry. Sorry.
RILEY: So, according to Voight,
the puzzle box
it has six sides and six configurations.
There are three left.
Then it says whoever possesses
the final configuration,
is granted a passage to another realm
to an "audience with God."
Riley, since when do you believe in God?
What I'm trying to get to
is that this God, whatever it is,
offers choices to whoever
holds the final configuration.
Get there,
then you choose your ultimate desire.
Life, knowledge, love,
sensation, power, resurrection.
You see where I'm going?
No, I don't, actually.
What if this brings him back?
Okay. Riley.
Let's just close this up
and get outta here.
No, no.
I know that it sounds crazy,
- but I want to bring him back.
- COLIN: This is a lot, Riley.
- Nora.
- Jesus Christ. You scared me.
Why did you shut the door?
I didn't. You called my name.
I came back.
How the hell did you find...
Get me out of here.
There's a panel behind the bar.
One of the switches.
Okay, okay. Hold tight. All right?
- Okay. Yes, yes, Riley.
- But, I...
It's just a lot. It's a lot,
and I get it.
I get it. I get it.
I'm not questioning you,
I'm just questioning this.
The box. You have to get it to change.
You have to mark a sacrifice.
And then they come to collect.
That's how you get your price.
Here, look.
Wait where's the...
Where is the box?
I don't have it.
Have you found it?
Which switch?
Try all of them.
TREVOR: All right, all right.
TREVOR: Anything? NORA: No.
Have you found... (GROANS)
No, no, no.
RILEY: Oh, my God.
Hey, are you okay? Are you okay?
- What happened? Your back?
- My back.
What the fuck is that?
What the fuck is that?
Okay? I'm gonna...
- No, no, no!
RILEY: There's a knife in that.
COLIN: Oh, fuck. Oh, shit.
I'm gonna try to apply pressure.
What happened?
What happened?
I don't know. We were in the other room.
Help me get her up, then.
RILEY: Oh, my God. Nora.
There was a man in the walls.
COLIN: What did she say?
I don't know. She's out of it.
We need to leave.
We need to call an ambulance.
We need to leave. Now!
We need to get out of here.
She's in danger.
Get her up off the floor. Go.
COLIN: You got her?
RILEY: Fuck.
- We have to go.
- Just hang on.
Let's load you up in the back,
all right? Come on.
You're gonna be okay.
I hear bells...
- What?
- TREVOR: All right. Go, go, go.
What did she say?
TREVOR: All right, all right. Let's go.
RILEY: It's happening.
Riley, you coming with us
or following behind?
Yeah. Let's get the fuck out of here.
Hurry, go, go, go.
COLIN: Nora. Hey, stay with me, babe.
Come on,
keep your eyes open for me, okay?
TREVOR: Oh, shit.
RILEY: What is that? Fuck.
TREVOR: Come on, come on, come on.
- Fuck.
- TREVOR: What is it doing?
RILEY: It's changing. I don't know.
What the hell is it doing?
- I don't know.
- Changing into what?
That's the turn. We missed it.
No. The main road's left.
No, it's not. It was just here.
Yeah, so were we, all right?
- Go, go, go.
- Yeah, I'm going.
Are we lost?
We're going down the wrong road.
Go back.
- No, we're not.
- Yes, we're going the wrong way!
Oh, shit.
Oh, God, please, God.
Our Father who art in Heaven,
hallowed be thy name...
What is it you pray for?
What is it you pray for?
And what would it feel like?
A joyful note?
Without change,
without end?
There's no music in that.
But this...
There is so much more
the body can be made to feel.
And you'll feel it all.
Before we're through.
- Nora!
(SCREAMS) What the fuck?
Holy shit!
COLIN: Nora!
You were right.
We should have thrown it away.
I shouldn't...
You shouldn't be here right now.
You guys shouldn't be here.
We came on our own.
No, you came because of me,
because it's my fault.
We don't have time for this.
We don't have time for this.
I'm sorry, but we don't.
Okay? We need to call the cops.
We need to let them search.
Okay. Maybe they'll find her.
- Who knows?
- They're not gonna find her.
Then they won't, but I have no interest
in hanging around here any longer, okay?
We have to get back to the house.
- Fuck that house.
- What?
Listen, that's where
Riley's car is. Okay?
There is nothing good
in that house, Trevor.
TREVOR: Okay, I understand that.
But we have to make decisions here.
Once we get there, then we can
talk about what we wanna do next.
Or who's fault it is
or whatever the fuck we want to...
COLIN: Do not fucking talk down to me.
- I'm not...
- Do not talk down to me...
Not yet.
Accept the pain
you have wrought.
Greater delights await.
We wish to see you proceed.
- I didn't ask for this.
- But you did.
What are you?
Explorers in the further regions
of experience.
Of sensation's rim.
Our gifts are boundless.
- I don't want them.
- Yes, you do.
Our God awaits.
You know what it can offer.
Your brother's ending was exquisite.
Would it bring you comfort
to see him again?
COLIN: Where are you?
Two more and he is yours.
Feed it.
Their pain.
Their blood.
Unlock the next configuration.
And then the last.
I've done enough.
is a myth.
We will not be denied.
Your blood is in our hands now.
Ours to claim at any time.
But the box I leave in yours.
If not you, another. Choose.
Two more.
TREVOR: Riley!
Where are you?
Hey, hey.
COLIN: Oh, shit, babe.
What did you do?
It wasn't me.
- It wasn't me.
- All right, come on, come on.
It's okay. Let's just go.
Let's just keep walking.
Riley. Hey.
Are you good?
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
Hey, look at me.
- I'm not gonna do it.
- What?
I'm not gonna offer you up.
TREVOR: What the fuck is that?
What the fuck...
The fuck are you doing?
Let's go! Come on!
Come on, Riley. Come on.
- Colin. Colin, get up.
- Colin!
Colin, get up! What are you doing?
- TREVOR: Colin, come on, man.
- Stand up!
Stand up!
No, no.
No, no, no.
No, no, no. (SCREAMS)
TREVOR: Come on, come on. Push!
Come on!
Riley, Riley. Riley!
Riley, come on!
Hey, guys. They're coming again.
What do we do? Riley!
What are we gonna do?
RILEY: Let's go.
Let's go.
Come on, hurry.
Come on.
Get the fuck up.
RILEY: Move! Hurry!
- RILEY: Oh, my God.
- He's bleeding a lot.
I think he's going to start
going into shock.
Wait, Riley.
Where the fuck are you going?
What have we done?
What the hell have we done now?
Holy shit.
What the fuck did you just do?
I hit the switch.
We have to stop the bleeding
or at least slow it down a little bit.
- Fuck, okay. Give me your belt.
- What?
Give me your fucking belt!
One, two, three!
RILEY: Okay.
Lay him down right here.
- Okay, get his legs.
- Come on.
No, no, no.
Fuck, we need to find something
for his arm.
Damn, that's a lot of blood.
These are strong.
You should hold onto these
in case he needs them later.
Let me, um...
Let me find something
for your hand, too.
- Okay.
- Yeah.
Thank you.
Are they still there?
Yeah. Yeah, they're not moving.
It's the metal framework, I think.
That runs along the whole house.
It keeps them out.
COLIN: It keeps them out for how long?
Trevor's not gonna last.
What are we gonna do?
You're gonna go.
- You have to take Trevor and go.
- Go where? What are you... What?
They have my blood.
You realize that, right?
- It's me that they're after.
- Stop.
Unless I give them one of you,
and I won't.
- I'm not losing anyone else.
- Neither am I.
I don't really feel like
taking my chances with those things.
So, what else you got?
Hey, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Listen, things got a little
out of control, okay? I know it.
It's not exactly what was supposed
to happen, but listen.
- Listen...
- Shh, shh!
All you had to do
was feed the box
- and bring it back!
- I did, I did.
Mr. Voight, I did.
Okay? I...
She was a mark. She was a mark.
I brought her along and she ran with it.
I mean, it was supposed
to take her, okay? But I...
You're a coward.
You should have opened it yourself.
You should have made sure.
Okay, it doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter.
All right? She got a little ahead of me.
So what?
So what?
She fed it on her own,
and she brought it here.
Things took a turn, all right?
I admit that.
But I'm handling it.
We're on track,
we're one configuration away.
- You're almost there.
Finish it.
It's finishing itself. Just be patient.
Every second is a lifetime!
Get it out of me.
It worked on the big one. We have to
assume it'll work on another.
Okay, so you want to let one in?
Yes, I know. Just one, though.
We let one in, lure it in,
shut the thing behind it,
and then I stab it.
You're awake.
What's going on?
Riley has a plan.
You good to move?
I don't guess I can get you
to reconsider?
No, you can't get me to do anything.
Even when I want you to.
Do it.
COLIN: I don't know about this.
- I'm going out there.
- Ri...
Take me!
Take me like you took them!
Like you took my brother.
THE GASP: Take them?
We set them free.
THE WEEPER: Release yourself.
Now. Come on.
Don't let them touch...
COLIN: Be careful.
Trevor, the switch!
Riley! Riley!
COLIN: You good?
What's happening?
- I'm okay.
- COLIN: Okay.
COLIN: What's it doing?
- I think it's stuck!
- Just kill the fucking thing!
I can't. I don't have the box.
I dropped it when I fell.
Okay, let me in.
Let me in!
- Where is it?
- It's on the floor to your left.
That's where I fell.
- I ran into that thing there.
- Okay. Okay.
RILEY: Please hurry.
I don't see it.
RILEY: It's just right there
on the ground.
- I'm not seeing anything, Riley.
- I don't know where else it'll be.
I dropped it right there.
- I can't find it.
- What do you mean, you can't find it?
It's not on the floor.
I'm not seeing it anywhere.
- Shit.
- Colin!
No, no, no!
(SCREAMS) You didn't have to do that!
The blade would've taken them!
VOIGHT: It doesn't matter.
The cenobites will come
just like I want them to.
Oh, my God.
That's Roland Voight.
Trevor, that's him!
In the flesh
such as it is.
But then he already knew that,
didn't you,
RILEY: You knew?
You knew!
You put that thing in my hands
and you knew.
How could you do that?
Why would you do that?
Oh, my God.
How could you do that?
He was just doing what I paid him to.
And he will continue to do so
because this is the best deal
of his miserable life.
What is that?
What the fuck is happening?
Isn't it obvious?
I claimed my reward.
I had experienced
everything afforded to man,
and still,
I wanted more.
I chose Liminal.
I chose sensation.
But the cenobites,
their tastes were not what I imagined.
They preyed on my nerves.
Pulling them in random cycles,
stopping just enough...
so I could never grow numb.
I don't know what they promised you.
Knowledge? Love?
I sought pleasure.
But all they have to give
is pain.
It's a trick.
All of it.
Open it.
Trevor, what are you doing, man?
Letting them in.
No, don't!
- Colin, go.
- I can't.
Get up. You have to go.
COLIN: The room is spinning.
Colin, get up!
I can't help you from here.
You have to get up and go.
Listen to me.
- Okay.
- They're gonna come. You have to go!
The gate's open.
- VOIGHT: Watch him.
- Colin, Colin, Colin.
- It's over, man. It's over.
- VOIGHT: Go, get up.
We need him close by.
VOIGHT: Yes. Take it.
I give you their blood,
their suffering.
Come get it, you bastard.
I'm still here
and I demand an audience!
TREVOR: Colin!
It's over.
Get back to the room
because they're coming.
We're already here.
Your chains can't reach me here.
Tell your God I've got its disciples.
Its priest.
What did you think? I built a fortress?
I built a cage!
And I'm not letting any of you go
until it makes me right again.
You reject our gift.
Fuck your gift!
Fuck you!
Now take it out of me.
All this...
All for us.
No, not for you.
For me.
I get what I want.
Then let us in
to address your displeasure.
What are you doing?
Isn't it obvious?
Wait. (GROANS)
Just take it back.
Just take it back.
I don't want it anymore.
VOIGHT: Just take it out.
I don't want it anymore.
Just let me die. I'm begging you.
Just let me die.
There is no retreat.
Once a threshold has been crossed,
all you can do is search
for greater thresholds.
Not him. I never chose him.
And yet he is chosen.
Gifts cannot be ungiven.
Only exchanges can be made.
I was told that the box is in my hands.
If not me, another.
- Not him.
- Riley, what are you doing?
Perhaps you'd prefer...
Anything is better than this.
Perhaps we were wrong
about you.
You've never sought sensation.
Your whole life,
every conquest,
all your pleasures
lie in power.
For your efforts,
we offer the Leviathan configuration.
Riley, Riley. Hold on. Hold on.
I tried to stop you, remember?
Just put the fucking thing down.
Just put the fucking thing down.
Give it to me!
Our power lies in dominance,
in the sovereignty of anguish.
And now,
it will be yours to wield.
PINHEAD: You will know our finest gift.
- Oh, yes.
We have such sights to show you.
I'll be fine. Okay?
Just finish it.
PINHEAD: Lament, Lore,
Liminal, Lazarus, Leviathan.
What would you ask of us?
MATT: Riley...
Riley, look at me.
Take my hand.
Take me home.
I've seen your rewards...
I know my brother's gone.
I don't want anything from you.
- Nothing.
- Then you have chosen...
A life of regret.
Knowing everything you've done,
everyone you've hurt
and lost.
Your suffering has barely begun.
You chose to live, to carry that weight.
Bitter and brief.
You have chosen
the Lament Configuration.
What just happened in there?
I made a choice.
COLIN: It was the right one.
PINHEAD: Roland, it's time.