Hellraiser IV - Bloodline (1996) Movie Script

Moving to new frequency. Solar interference.
Incoming transport detected.
Docking procedures engaged.
Thermal sensors detect
humanoids, level 36.
Humanoids advancing,
deck 47.
Long wait, demon,
for such a short game.
Now curiosity is satisfied.
And it's time...
for revenge.
Dr. Merchant,
consider yourself relieved.
What else, Chamberlain?
He's rerouted all available power
to his personal quarters...
and he's shut down
most of the ship.
I want you to check everything out
and find out why.
Yes, sir.
So, we have the company's
most productive space station...
hijacked and taken out of orbit
by the man who built it.
We have the man himself
immersed in ancient history,
letting the whole place
go to shit.
- Evaluation?
- Wacko.
I wasn't asking you, Carducci.
I was asking the expert.
Well, Rimmer?
Great man didn't live up
to your expectations, did he?
I'm sure he will, sir, as soon as I
can begin my interrogation.
Where's your crew?
I made them leave. They're headed for
Earth. Look, time is of the essence.
Was there some
technical problem?
No. Yes.
Yes, that's it.
There's been a technical
problem, and you...
all of you have to get the fuck
off this station right now.
- When we go, you come with us.
- No, you don't understand.
Help me, then.
What's your name?
I'm playing the endgame
here, Rimmer,
finishing something
that began centuries ago,
and I don't have the time
to help you understand.
You don't know
what you're playing with.
What are you afraid of?
Whatever it is,
it's here...
in this station.
That and things your little
rational mind couldn't even dream of.
But I dream.
Oh, I dream.
Parker was right.
You are crazy.
I built this place
for a reason:
To create the biggest trap
in the galaxy.
- What did you expect to catch?
- Hell is what I'm going to catch.
And I'm going to burn it away
in a blaze of light.
You're serious,
aren't you?
If I tell you
the whole story,
will you let me finish
what I began?
Centuries ago,
a man, an ancestor of mine,
Phillip L'Merchant,
built a puzzle box,
the first box,
his finest work.
Commissioned by a wealthy
aristocrat named De L 'Isle,
a man obsessed
with black magic,
a leader of the occult.
Phillip was so proud
of his work,
a work that would
establish his name,
his family... my family.
He didn't know the great power
the box held...
and the unspeakable things
it would release...
the evil,
the sins,
the pain.
- Is it done?
- Done.
- Is it wonderful?
- Wonderful.
Are you brilliant?
The finest toy maker in France.
Oh, what does it do?
Oh. It doesn't
actually do anything.
It's my masterpiece.
You simply
couldn't understand.
I was working to a commission
to a very specific request.
It's almost midnight.
Where are you going?
- The Chateau De L'Isle, to deliver the box.
- Now? Why?
Because my work might be
appreciated there.
It's late.
Stay with me.
Stay with us.
I must go.
My son will be born
in a better place than this.
This is only the beginning.
I can feel it.
All alone in this
dark, dark world.
No home, no family.
Not even christened,
I understand.
show this child
to a chair.
I'd be mortified if you
sliced your little finger.
Such a gentleman.
Are you always
such a gentleman?
Not always.
Monsieur De L 'Isle is
France's greatest magician.
- What is this?
- So you don't bruise.
Easy, Jacques.
Keep the pressure steady.
She has spirit.
Now we can begin.
Ahh, L'Merchant.
As precise as your pieces.
As timely as your toys.
And where is the box?
Pay him, Jacques.
Thank you.
Good night, toy maker.
Take her in
to the laboratory.
Find the right instrument.
We must make a clean...
so that we can
remove the innards...
so we can replace
the flesh again.
Yes, the gizzard.
We'll scrub this.
Now we can raise her up
off the ground.
That's it.
Walk now amongst us!
- My God.
- Fear not, Jacques.
Remember your lessons.
A summoned demon
is yours to command.
Unless you stand
in hell's way.
He who summons the magic...
commands the magic.
You are...
He who summons the magic...
Commands the magic.
'Tis no story, Auguste.
I saw what I saw,
heard what I heard.
The box opens
the doors to hell.
This is the 18th century,
Phillip, not the dark ages.
The world is ruled
by reason.
We even got rid of God.
And if there is no heaven,
then it follows reasonably...
that there is no hell.
I was at its very window
last night!
Very well.
Suppose, for the sake of argument,
that what you fear happened
has happened.
A box that can open the gates of hell
must be able to close them.
The box belongs to people with
little interest in closing such doors.
Well, then the solution
lies literally in your hands.
You've designed a machine
that you fear can bring forth demons.
- Yes.
- Then design a machine that can destroy them.
Phillip had the design.
That design.
It seemed an impossible task.
But he had to try,
try something.
And his only hope
was to steal the box,
the puzzle box that he had created
with his own hands.
Unbutton my shirt.
Turn around.
Oh, yes.
Toy maker, you have
such pliant fingers.
I want them
to play with me.
And take my soul?
It's already gone, toy maker.
Demons will walk the Earth,
and you're responsible.
Think of that.
You and your bloodline cursed 'til the end
of time because of your little puzzle box.
What are you waiting for? Kill him
and come back where you belong.
Such pliant fingers.
My God!
Please forgive me.
I didn't know
what I was doing.
We've got to
get you out of here.
It's too late.
They're back. Save yourself.
Save the child.
Jacques was right.
Demons did walk the Earth,
the same way they're walking
this station right now.
From a puzzle box?
Angelique had many boxes
made from his design,
but it wasn't enough.
She wanted a box that
would open the gateway forever.
- And your family?
- Was the key.
But they treated it
the same way you treat it.
Like a fairy tale.
But their blood remembered.
And as the generations
there were Merchants
who dreamed of puzzle boxes...
and doors leading to hell.
And then one of them
met... Angelique...
much, much later.
Even in sleep,
you want me.
Even in dreams,
you watch me.
Yes, I know.
I know what's
in your heart.
John Merchant.
Look at me, look at me, look at me.
Are you okay?
Oh, God, I woke Jack again.
Mommy! Mommy!
You look terrible.
I'm worried, and I really think
you should see someone.
You know I've been
having these dreams all my life.
John, honey,
they're getting worse.
It is your goddamned grandmother.
She was weird, John.
You remember those stories about how, how
important you are and how important the family is?
Honey, she put stuff
in your mind.
Not all of it.
There are other things.
Things that feel
like memories,
impossible memories.
And they just don't haunt my dreams,
they haunt my work.
- Everything that I've done...
- I don't want you haunted, and I don't want you hurt.
It's not that.
It's... It's stress.
It's this this banquet thing.
I hate crap like this!
Then you shouldn't be so good.
- But it's not ready. I'm not sure if it will work.
- Right.
So that's why your face
is on this magazine cover.
The bloodline continues,
toy maker.
I'm restless,
and you're bored.
I think we should
see America.
Screw America.
Then I would like your permission
to go by myself.
Don't you want to know
why I'd like to go?
Is that your final word?
let's make this clear.
What you want
is irrelevant.
It's about what I want.
After 200 years, you should know
what those things are.
have I ever
disappointed you?
- No.
- Close your eyes.
- Don't move.
- Why?
So you won't bruise.
- Is this a new game?
- Oh, yes.
It might hurt...
Just a little.
Jacques, do you remember
De L 'Isle's lesson?
Perhaps I was a bit hasty.
I forget.
You like it rough, don't you?
Yes, you like it rough!
It hurts.
It hurts.
Oh, please. Please.
You broke the number-one rule, Jacques.
You tried to stand
in hell's way.
What are you talking about?
The toy maker's bloodline
has survived.
The box.
It's both
my pleasure and honor...
to present this award on behalf
of the architectural community...
to Mr. John Merchant.
Thank you.
I've always thought
that the...
applause from your peers
is the best kind of applause,
and I am truly touched
by, uh, your reception...
and by this award.
when I had put myself...
Leonardo da Vinci
once said that no work of art...
is ever completed,
only abandoned.
And I never understood
what he meant until now.
Thank you.
Good night.
Very nice speech.
Honey, it's okay.
Let's just go.
Toy maker.
I know I brought it with me.
- Idiot!
- I'm sorry. I'm very sorry.
- I didn't even see you.
- Oh, forgive me.
- I'm very sorry.
- That was very rude.
Now I'll have to think of a way
to make it up to you.
Why are we going to the basement?
At least tell me your name.
Do we really need to know
each other's names?
Mystery woman, huh?
Aren't you excited
by mystery?
Ooh, yeah. You bet.
You seem to be pretty
familiar with this place.
I'm just following
my instincts.
Do you like games?
You're a dream.
Close your eyes.
Trust me.
What's going on?
Can I look now?
You can look now.
Time to play another game.
I have such sights
to show you.
All right.
What's happening?
Things seem to have changed.
Hell is more ordered
since your time, Princess.
And much less amusing.
- The box did this?
- A man did this.
But the box called him.
It called to his blood.
His ancestor made the box...
and would have unmade
all of us.
You've been away too long,
This is not a room.
This is a holocaust...
waiting to wake itself.
If we could just move
this whole thing right up...
to give it
a little more height.
- There's a woman here to see you.
- Tell her to have a seat, okay?
- Okay.
- John Merchant and Associates.
I know you.
You've no idea what a pleasure
it is to meet you again.
This is all very good.
You're the one
we've been waiting for.
Who are you?
A friend, I hope.
A client, I'm sure.
Is this yours?
This has been in my family
for hundreds of years.
I'm working on something
based on it.
- May I see it?
- Nobody's seen it.
Then let me be the first.
To put it simply, it's something
I want to do with mirrors and lasers.
See, in theory, it's possible.
Perpetual light.
Trapped light feeding off
its own reflections.
I haven't perfected
the light yet.
Something's missing,
and I can't make it work.
It'll go for a few seconds...
then it'll blink out.
Sometimes a few seconds
are more than enough,
toy maker.
What did you call me?
You think you don't remember,
but your blood knows.
Let it remind you.
- Angelique.
- You know me from dreams.
John Merchant.
John L'Merchant.
We have a destiny...
I don't believe in destiny.
You think your work
on the building was an accident?
It called to you, John.
We have great work to do.
I shall be in touch.
Whatever you want.
Whatever you want.
What time is it?
- Hello.
- L'Merchant.
I have to see you.
- Can we meet? Today.
- Yeah. Okay.
- We'll go over it tomorrow.
- At your office.
Okay. Bye.
Some Japanese client.
Got no sense of time.
I grow impatient
with the Princess.
Human acquiescence is as easily
obtained by terror...
as by temptation.
- New building.
- Must be.
- Settling?
- Yeah. Settling.
Still hungry?
Ready for something that screams?
So she starts
asking me all kinds of weird questions.
Like what?
Like, would I do it with a woman
that used to be a man?
- Like with a guy that had it cut off?
- Yeah.
Hormones, the whole bit.
- So, what'd you say?
- I mean, I guess so.
If she was cut
and all.
- What's this?
- It's a door.
I know it's a door,
but it isn't on the chart.
Genius college boys.
A pity the mirror will not
show your true beauty, Princess.
Your human admirer
may not sense it,
but I can smell
the exquisite stench...
of what you really are!
You know, I'm starting
not to like this so much.
- You know, I was just thinking the same thing.
- Well, maybe...
- We should check it out.
- Speak for yourself.
This is getting weird.
You coming?
Go ahead.
Check it out.
Well, at least
watch my back.
You got it.
You look like death, Princess.
Temptation is illusion.
But the time for trickery
is past.
In this game, we show ourselves
as we really are.
What's that?
The beauty of suffering.
You are no different
from that beast...
that sucks the bones
you throw to it.
And you, Princess.
What are you?
You scared the shit out
of me, man! What's wrong with you?
My flashlight died.
I tripped and fell.
From now on,
we stick together. Always.
Together. Right.
Someone's messing
with our heads.
- Just back it up against the wall!
- You heard him. Back it up!
Don't make us
put some pain on you.
How dare you use that word.
He's got pins
in his head.
What you think of
as pain...
is only a shadow.
Pain has a face.
Allow me to show it to you.
I... am... pain.
I know your fear.
I hear it.
"Please, don't separate me
from my brother. "
I give you my word...
that will never happen.
A lesson, Princess.
Work with me,
or for me.
Temptation is worthless,
Suffering is the coin
of the realm.
I will teach your human Merchant
about the value of suffering.
I will buy his secret...
with a bounty of pain.
They say
the greatest suffering...
a parent can know...
is the loss of a child.
Honey, Mommy'll be back
in five minutes, okay?
- Jack.
- Mom, I'm concentrating.
- I don't know what I'm doing here.
- I had to see you.
Whatever you want.
We were good together, John.
We will be again.
Oh, God!
Oh, thank God!
- Jack, honey, baby, come here.
- I can't, Mommy.
He won't let me.
What, baby?
- Mom.
- Oh, God.
Young... unformed.
Oh, what appetites
I could teach him.
Just give him to me, please!
Oh, you suffer beautifully.
But I am here for business,
not pleasure.
- Just tell me what you want.
- Oh, I want bait.
Live bait.
Bobbi! Jack!
You stay here.
Oh, thank God.
John, don't!
I don't know who
or what you are...
and I don't care.
I just want my wife
and my kid back!
Oh, I understand...
how you love this boy.
You have plans for him.
Hopes and dreams.
A whole imagined future...
where you love him
and watch him grow.
- Yes.
- Then complete your work.
Or, though the boy
will not die here,
for a thousand years his dearest wish
will be that he had!
For God's sake!
Do I look like someone
who cares what God thinks?
Just tell me what you want.
The box.
Apathway to hell...
made by
an ancestor of yours.
The room downstairs...
a bigger pathway.
You will help...
to fulfill its promise.
Come on!
Come on, Jack.
This way.
Come on!
- We're gonna split up. Take the other stairwell.
- What?
I've got a plan. Jack, it'll be okay.
All right? You can do it.
Come on, you bastard.
It's me you want.
Don't flatter yourself.
I don't want you, child.
I want what you were born with: A gift.
The lights.
Oh, no. Not light.
Darkness is where you find me.
Stand your ground.
Family man.
The box,
once thought so powerful,
is only a model.
What you will give me
is the true version.
No longer will we have to
seep into your world...
like pests through cracks
in the baseboards.
Once and for all,
we will open the gates,
lay low the ramparts.
Isn't that what the Princess
wants from you?
Isn't that the game
that you two have been playing?
- This isn't a game.
- Oh, yes.
This is a game.
And now it is time...
to play.
I shall go first.
It is time to open
the pathway... forever.
That's impossible!
No. No!
Does this pathway
work both ways?
Toy maker.
Come here, Jack!
So young.
So tender.
- So ripe.
- Daddy!
- Get your hands off of him!
- Get your hands on the console, toy maker.
You have work to do.
Open the pathway for me!
The toy maker's design.
Do it!
- Jack!
- Daddy!
- Run, Jack!
- No more games.
- Jack!
- Mommy!
You go play with your dog,
you bastard!
The boy lived.
He carried
the bloodline,
the guilt for what
our family had begun.
And how to undo it.
Did he carry that too?
Yes. It was passed down
through the generations.
It came upon me first
in my dreams.
My blood was speaking to me
while I slept,
telling me to make good the damage
L'Merchant had done...
all those centuries ago.
Dr. Merchant,
what were you doing...
when Parker and I found you
in your cabin?
Summoning a demon
or two.
Maybe more.
- And did you succeed?
- Oh, yes.
It was much easier
than I thought.
Merchant, do you hear me?
I know you're watching.
We'd almost given up
waiting for you to play.
Long wait, demon,
for such a short game.
Short? Ohh.
Is that any way to treat
an old friend of the family?
No. Tell the truth,
You're pleased to see me.
Your impatience...
has matched my own.
But now curiosity
is satisfied.
And it's time for revenge.
Dr. Merchant,
consider yourself relieved.
Not now.
I let them out!
What's wrong with this
is I don't believe in hell.
But it believes in you,
and it's out there right now.
I don't frighten easily.
Well, stop thinking
and start feeling!
Your gut knows that I'm
telling you the truth.
There's something in this station
right now that wants our souls.
And whether you believe in hell or not,
it's gonna take us there.
Solar alignment in place.
- Twenty-three minutes to
complete mission. -
get off this station.
Let me save
at least one soul.
We go together,
or we don't go at all.
Then we go together.
Just let me finish.
Rimmer, we're pulling out as soon as
Parker finishes checking Merchant's cabin.
Get him out of there now.
You don't know what they're capable of!
Rimmer, escort the prisoner to his cell
and prepare to leave at 04:30 hours.
What the...
Help! Help!
- Save me! Hurry!
- My God!
- We're trapped!
- Hurry!
Get us out of here!
In here!
What the hell is this?
The remnants of a most
unsatisfying victim.
you're here
to change all that.
Aren't you?
Merchant has a plan.
Kill them all.
I keep trying to raise Parker.
He's not responding.
- I'm going to go check it out.
- He's dead!
And if you don't let me out to finish
my work, you're all dead!
Parker's dead.
- What?
- Parker's dead.
Oh, God.
Don't know what the hell's
going on.
Just remember:
Shoot first.
Help me, please!
Please, help me!
Help me.
Mr. Chamberlain?
What the fuck planet
are you from?
Come on.
- Can you still do it? Can you stop them?
- I can try.
I need a couple of minutes to get
the coordinates locked in from here.
Give you a chance to get to the ship.
Go. Now!
- We can't leave without Carducci.
- Carducci, come in!
I'm going after him.
Get to the ship.
That weapon
will not protect you!
But I know something
that will.
Oh, no.
He said it could protect me.
He told me what to do.
Please, go ahead.
It's a box.
It's just a box.
Thank God
for men of reason.
Finish it.
Now the final movement
Soon the bloodline
will be severed.
You and your ancestors have
proved worthy opponents.
The taste of victory...
is almost bittersweet.
Glorious, is it not?
The creatures that walk
on its surface,
always looking
to the light,
never seeing the untold oceans
of darkness beyond.
There are more humans alive
at this moment...
than in all
its pitiful history.
The Garden of Eden.
A garden of flesh.
Nowhere to run this time,
toy maker.
No escape.
Double back down this hallway
and get to the shuttle.
- You've got five minutes, Rimmer.
- Together, you said.
- I'm not done here.
- Well, then, I don't go.
I'm coming right after you.
Just be ready.
We're not gonna have much time
once this thing goes.
Trust me.
I'm not going to sacrifice myself
if I can help it.
I'm not that crazy.
Oh, my God.
Here, doggie.
Play dead.
Dr. Merchant,
two minutes to complete mission.
Two minutes.
Two centuries.
It all ticks by
so quickly.
You are so very like
your ancestor.
Did you know that?
I have the distinct
sense of deja vu.
The same defiance,
the same faithless hope
in the light.
- And what do you have faith in?
- Nothing.
I am so exquisitely empty.
Then it won't hurt you
to die.
Will it?
I cannot die.
I am forever.
Dr. Merchant,
one minute to complete mission.
Where are you,
toy maker?
Hologram. See, it's all done
with mirrors.
Like this.
What have you done?
I have faith in the light.
- What?
- The light, demon. The light.
- Endgame, demon.
- No!
I cannot die!
Welcome to oblivion.