Hellraiser: Revelations (2011) Movie Script

- Did you bring the beers?
- Yes.
Can you get a shot of downtown LA
before we... say good bye to it forever?
Bye, LA!
The plan is to get,
to get your dick wet.
All right?
- Is that OK with you?
- Fuck yeah.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
I swear I won't tell your mother.
Or... or Emma.
Don't tell her.
- I'll never say a word.
- Should we... Should we...
...divulge all of it or not.
All of the times that
I've picked your drunk ass up.
All of the times when
you've been looking for...
- ...a little bit of...
- For a rubber? Yeah?
You always gotta
get back to my sister.
Don't, don't fuck with me.
Are we rolling?
This is gonna be an epic journey.
My name is Nico Bradley
and this is my best friend,
Steven Craven.
We're about to get laid.
Multiple times over.
At Disneyland?
You can get laid at Disneyland.
But we're not going to Disneyland.
And when were you gonna tell me this?
I was gonna,
I was gonna tell you at the border.
At... the Mexican border?!
- Yo! Yes! Yes!
- No way.
- Donkey show in Tijuana!
- What?
- Tijuana! Yeah!
- No.
- Yo!
- Bullshit. That shit's all fake.
Truth or urban legend?
Urban legend, all the way.
No. It's the truth, baby.
All right, I say we hit
the main drag in Tijuana,
and we bang the first bow-legged hooker
we can find.
- Screw that. I wanna get wasted.
- Oh!
Do you hear that, Mrs. Craven?
Steven wants to get wasted.
Dude, stop it. That's not cool.
Not cool.
- It's OK. It's OK.
- Turn it off.
- Little Stevie's gonna get wasted.
- No.
It's OK, Mommy dearest, we're gonna
get his knob gobbled before midnight.
Be cool. Turn it off.
Fuck, dude!
The fucking car, man,
it's been jacked!
I don't believe this!
I don't fucking believe this!
Look at this shit!
Why don't we get the fuck outta here?
Turn the fucking camera off, dude.
Hey, Steven...
- I think I got it.
- Show me.
What was that?
It's Mexico, bro.
Tons of churches.
No, that's not the churches.
What the fuck is going on?
Who the fuck are you
and what do you want?!
The box.
Take it, it's yours.
Just get the fuck outta here.
- No.
- Nico!
You opened it.
Summoned us.
- And we came.
- Came for what?! Who the fuck are you?!
We came for you, Nico.
We are the light in the darkness,
and paths to higher sensation.
Guardians of ultimate experience.
- And now you will come with us.
- What?
What? No, no, no!
I'm not going anywhere! No!
Go on, get outta here.
Help me, man, help!
I thought so.
That's Steven's.
It's nothing.
You know, you keep saying that,
but this is the third time
I found you looking at it.
- Can I see?
- It's nothing.
Dad said to come get you.
- He just buzzed the Bradleys in.
- I'll be right there.
- Hey, where's your mom, sweetie?
- She's, uh... in Steven's room.
- Hey!
- Hi.
How's Sarah doing?
Oh, you know,
she has some days better than others.
She's not exactly her old self, but...
- Go on, Ross.
- Why don't I open a bottle, huh?
- Yeah.
- Great idea.
Mmm-mm. You've really
outdone yourself, Ross.
Excellent, excellent meal.
Thank you.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
Cheers, honey.
So, more wine?
Do you have to ask?
- Nice try.
- Come on, Dad.
Can't a girl live a little?
We all know where that got our boys.
- Peter, not now.
- What?
We talked about this.
You know, I don't really get it.
You guys, you sit around,
you have your gourmet meals,
and you pretend
like there's nothing wrong.
But you never talk about
Steven and Nico.
- Emma!
- She's right.
We've always avoided the subject.
Now's not the time.
Why don't we ever talk about them?
- Emma, please.
- "Please" what, Dad?
Please forget that I had a brother?
Please forget that my boyfriend
disappeared with him?
You know what? I wanna talk about it
and I wanna talk about it now.
- Me too.
- Good!
I mean, you hired a Pl, right?
And, well, what did he find?
Why is Mom always in Steven's room?
Like what is on that video camera?
Shut up!
Excellent work, Emma.
- Maybe you should go to your room.
- I'm not a child.
Then why do you behave like one?
An adult would've shown some sympathy
and kindness towards your mother
instead of worrying about herself
the whole time.
Save the shrink talk
for your clients, Dad.
Fucking assholes.
This just in.
There is no better buzz
than a tequila buzz.
- That is true. In all of Mexico.
- Oh!
We're in Tijuana! Can you believe it?
- Tijuana!
- Tijuana!
I do some more shots here.
They don't want that in there.
- Shots!
- Shots!
Here we go.
- To... to Tijuana!
- To Tijuana!
That's right. Okay.
Hey, Mr. DJ.
Love that. Love that. Oh.
Hang on. I'm gonna take her home.
She's gonna be my souvenir from Mexico.
- Yes. Yes.
- We're gonna do shots.
- Hi.
- Hello. Nice to meet you.
- You look very beautiful.
- Hola. Yes. You are very beautiful.
- Do you speak...
- I'll be your boyfriend. I'm not...
You habloso English?
She doesn't understand
a word I'm saying.
- Yeah! That's nice.
- We're connecting, we're communicating!
This is Steven and I am Bob.
How are you?
What's your name? Uh, name-o?
- We're gonna do a shot.
- Right now
Viva... Viva la Mexico.
- Viva la Tijuana!
- Viva la Mexico!
OK, here we go.
Oh, yeah.
- Thumbs up.
- That is gross.
- Like a champ. Like a pro.
- That is awful.
That's what I'm talking about.
I think she likes being videotaped.
I think she does.
Do you like being videotaped?
You wanna be videotaped?
- Do you like being videotaped?
- No, we're not going to do that.
- Why not?
- 'Cause you won't be there.
I'm not gonna do that
with you around.
What the fuck, man?!
That's my girlfriend, dude!
Fuck you, dude.
You always do this to me, Nico.
Oh, fuck.
Got it almost there.
Oh, my God.
Oh, shit.
- Get up, Stevie.
- How much did I drink?
Get the fuck up. Come on, come on,
come on. I wanna go. Let's go.
- Where's the chick?
- Doesn't matter.
Was she like totally into you?
Oh, shit. She was a hooker.
Fucking puta.
Come on, I wanna get some breakfast,
let's go. Let's go!
How much did she cost you, dude?
Oh, shit! Oh, she's still here!
Gotta get my lame ass up.
Yeah. Come on, OK, let's go.
Come on, let's get out the door.
Right now.
Is she OK?
What did you do?
What the fuck did you do?!
I didn't do anything.
It was a total accident, OK?!
Accident? You guys were fucking.
She's fucking dead!
- How is that an accident?
- I don't know, OK?!
I don't know what happened, she hit
her head or something. I don't know!
I was drunk. So were you.
We gotta tell the cops, dude.
What, are you fucking crazy, man?!
You know what they do
to gringos in Mexico?
- You said it was an accident.
- That's not what it looks like.
You wanna spend the rest of your life
in a Mexican prison, that's fine with me
but I don't want to!
I didn't have
anything to do with this.
Really? That's not what it looks like.
Check the video.
You're an accomplice now, motherfucker.
- I didn't do anything, Nico!
- You picked her up.
You filmed us fucking. How do you think
that's gonna look in a jury?
If they even have
juries in Mexico. Fuck!
- Take this...
- What're you doing?
I'm deleting this.
You're not fucking deleting shit.
We've gotta delete that!
Not destroying it
keeps us on the same team.
Dude, I would never do anything.
I would never do anything like that,
Nico. Come on.
You know,
maybe she's right. Emma.
- Maybe we should all talk about it.
- What is there to discuss?
You talked to the police. Someone
killed them. They were murdered.
- Well, we don't know that for sure.
- Watch the damn video.
Guys, guys... look Ross is right.
Who knows what that video means.
- The cops couldn't even figure it out.
- Could we... not talk about it, please?
Could we just remember them
the way they were?
Not the way they were killed?
Did Nico give any indication
that he was gonna leave?
He never...
he never really talked about it.
He'd just started dating Emma.
He was happy. I mean...
And then he just sort of...
Went cold?
I just don't understand why he left.
He had everything.
A great family... Shit, he had
the whole fucking world on a string.
Why would he just run off?
I mean, did Emma say something to him,
or did she break up with him?
Oh, Emma, I didn't mean to suggest...
Good job, honey. Outstanding.
It was just a question.
Who the fuck are you
and what do you want?!
The box.
You opened it.
Summoned us. And we came.
Guys, it's Steven!
- Dad, Dad!
- Peter, give me a hand!
- Emma?
- Yeah?
- Go call 911.
- OK.
Oh, God! Steven, where's Nico?!
Is he out there?
Are you out here? Nico?
I don't think he's hurt.
Come on, bro.
I don't think this is his blood.
- Are they on the way?
- No, phone's not working, line's dead.
- Try my cell?
- No signal.
That's why we keep a landline.
- Neighbors, maybe?
- Four miles.
- I'm gonna have to drive him.
- Let's use my car. I'll get it started.
It's all right, Steven.
Save your energy.
Don't... let them... find me.
I won't go back.
- I can't go back.
- Steven, it's OK. You're safe now.
- You're safe now.
- Where's my son?!
Where is he? Is he with you?
They're gone. The cars are gone.
Emma, go get me some blankets.
- OK.
- I'll go with you.
What's wrong with him?
Exhaustion, dehydration.
We just gotta keep him stabilized.
Keep him warm.
Get some fluids into him.
- What the hell is happening here, man?
- I don't know.
But whoever Steven is afraid of has
now taken out the phone and the cars.
He's probably out there right now.
All right... All right, look.
He said something about not,
not going back.
Not going back where?
I mean, do you think
he's been kidnapped?
We're not gonna find any answers
from Steven until he recovers.
Let him rest,
we can ask him questions in the morning.
What? Fuck that, man,
I want some answers now!
- Steven! Talk to me!
- Stop it!
Would you all calm
the fuck down right now?!
- All right.
- Calm.
- Easy.
- I'm sorry.
It's OK.
If that was Nico and Steven
was still missing, I'd be upset too.
But... we're all on our own now.
So we just have to stay calm
and take care of Steven.
- All right?
- All right.
I'll make a run to the highway in the
morning. It's too dangerous in the dark.
You really think someone's out there?
Do you have a gun?
- Yeah.
- What?
All right, I'm gonna get the gun,
you guys check the windows and doors.
OK, good idea.
How we doing?
Good. All the doors
and windows are locked.
So what're you planning
on doing with that anyway?
I'll do whatever I have to.
Hell, I'll shoot anyone
who comes close.
- You're drunk, Peter.
- So what?
So I don't want any accidents happening.
All right, fine. But if it comes down
to it, you'd better not hesitate.
How is he?
Out cold.
Let him sleep.
It's the best thing for him now.
Strong pulse.
- You OK?
- No, not really.
He's back, Sarah.
I'm sorry about earlier.
No, you don't have to apologize.
I can't believe he's here.
Neither can I.
And he just turns up
after all this time.
Birth... is pain.
Each nail...
...each new square of flesh...
...wrenches you further from the fleshy
existence you knew before.
What you got there, Em?
Puzzle box.
Where did you get that?
You know where I got it.
You've been in the bag?
Wait a minute. Is that the thing
Nico was playing with in the video?
Yeah, it is. Why do you have it?
You guys never told us you...
that was found in their bags.
It opens. If I could just...
figure it out.
It's an earthquake.
Everyone just stay calm.
Oh, my God!
Dad... what's happening?
- What the...
- What the hell is going on?!
Oh, no.
Ross... why?
It is almost time.
- I'm scared. I don't understand.
- Oh, God. Oh, my God.
What was that?
Oh, my gosh, I'm scared.
Where's Steven?
Oh, where is he?
- Steven!
- Hey, hey, hey!
- Where did he go?
- Hey, hey.
- Calm down.
- But where is he?!
Everything's gonna be fine.
Come on, we'll find him.
OK, I'll go this way.
He's here. He's outside.
Why is he just standing there?
They're coming.
The ones that creepy bastard...
...that vagrant, called the Cenobites.
What vagrant?
Who are the Cenobites?
He said they could take the pain away.
He said they would
show us something different.
Something better.
Something beyond the limits.
Good times.
You got a better idea?
Yeah, I do.
How about anything?
What if they find our fingerprints?
When do you think
that shithole was last cleaned?
Trust me. Thing's got prints
dating back to the last ice age.
Besides, life's cheap down here.
There's probably something
like 100 killings a week.
She's already just a number.
A statistic.
Whoa, we're not looking
for any new friends, amigo.
It seems to me you could
use a friend right now.
- You think?
- Well...
A rat hole like this...
...a couple of preppies...
...reeking of...
Tells me you... need a way out.
- Or a way in.
- Sir, whatever it is you're selling,
no thank you.
What's that?
Yeah, well, we've had
enough of that for this trip.
Hold on. Experience?
Oh, it's a form of ultimate arousal.
What, like sex?
No, it's better than that.
It's better than sex.
- Better than sex?
- Sex has limits.
So does killing.
What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
This will take you beyond the limits.
To places you can't
even begin to imagine.
- Sensual pain.
- Hold on.
Pain? What, like bondage and shit?
Let me ask you something.
How can we experience ultimate pleasure,
without experiencing ultimate pain?
How can we taste the truly sweet,
without a little bit of the sour?
Wow, man, that's some beautiful poetry,
but if you don't mind,
we're gonna get out of here.
Death is a finality.
There's no beauty in that...
as you both know.
All right, listen,
I don't know where this is going...
How many people
have you known who've...
...come close to death and survived?
Every day for them is the best day ever.
Every sensation a symphony.
That's what this does.
That's what they offer.
The Cenobites.
The what?
Angels... prayers...
...surgeons, and more.
The box...
...how does it work?
Open it... and you'll find out.
How much do you want for it?
Oh, it's not for sale.
It's yours already, Nico.
It always was.
You see, they've been
watching you, Nico.
Would you put that away?
Put it away!
That homeless fuck
really creeped me out.
It's just a puzzle.
The prize is probably
two free passes to the donkey show.
OK, haven't you done
enough shit for one trip?
In a word? No.
All right, well I have.
I'm calling my parents in the morning
and they're gonna wire me
enough money so I can get home.
- You would.
- What is that supposed to mean?
Exactly what you think it means.
You're weak.
You always were.
You let your parents cut your balls off
at every single turn.
And you just sit there
and you take it.
- Screw you.
- Truth hurts, Steve-o.
- Hey!
- What? You suck at puzzles anyways.
It's not a skill thing.
- Yeah? How do you know?
- I just do.
Besides, the dude gave it to me.
You wanna be helpful,
go get the camera.
No. I'm not shooting another thing.
- What if something whack happens?
- I don't give a shit!
Well I do, so get the fucking camera!
Hey, Steven...
- I think I got it.
- Show me.
What was that?
It's Mexico, dude,
there's churches everywhere.
No, that's not the churches.
What the fuck is going on?
Who the fuck are you
and what do you want?!
The box.
Take it, it's yours.
Just get the fuck outta here.
- No.
- Nico!
You opened it.
Summoned us.
- And we came.
- Came for what?! Who the fuck are you?!
We came for you, Nico.
No, no, no!
I'm not going anywhere. No!
Go on, get outta here.
This is not a matter
for negotiation.
Where's Nico?
Did he come back?
- I don't know.
- What do you mean "you don't know"?
Everything's gonna be OK, sweetheart.
You just need a little time.
Did he try to escape with you, too?
Did you help him?
Please tell me where my son is.
He... he didn't want to come back.
He wanted to stay.
Where are you going?
You have $100 on you?
- Yeah.
- Do you wanna go home with me?
- Yeah.
- Let's go.
Kill her, Steven.
I need blood.
Help me.
Help me, Steven.
It's the only way. Kill her!
Get the fuck off!
Steven! Her blood brought me back.
Bring me more.
They're coming.
The Cenobites.
They don't like to lose souls.
What do they want?
They want to experience your flesh.
Peter, help me.
So, Cenobite, it says here:
"A member of a religious group
living together
in a monastic community."
- What?
- Cenobite, it's the word Steven said.
I'd never heard it before,
so I looked it up.
A monastic community.
Do you think it's an antique?
Maybe they stole it?
Pain and pleasure.
- Dad?!
- It's all right, Steven.
It's all right.
- Why did you wander outside?
- Outside?
You were outside, honey.
I was?
How are you feeling?
- Hungry.
- Some soup, maybe?
Let's get you back into bed.
You OK, son?
These people are bad?
- And the box?
- Where is it?
We have it. What is it?
- A key.
- To what?
I'm not sure.
Well, then why do you want it so badly?
I don't know.
- Dad?
- It's OK.
We're gonna take care of this.
And you'll help me?
Promise you'll help me.
- Swear it.
- I swear.
We're gonna get through this. Whatever
you need we're gonna take care of.
We're just glad to have you home.
- It's good to be home.
- Yeah.
Now you rest, OK?
I'll go get you some food.
- I give up.
- You're trying too hard.
- You're trying too hard.
- Really?
It's like it wants to open,
but you have to want it as well.
If you try to force it...
...then nothing happens.
You have to just let go.
You have to desire it.
Take this to your brother.
You don't need that.
- You're stealing my soup?
- Shit.
You're awake.
Don't go.
Stay with me.
- Steven?
- Uh-huh?
Why did you go?
I just couldn't stay here anymore.
- Why?
- Lots of reasons.
- Was I one of them?
- Not at all.
There were things happening here
that I couldn't tell you about.
It all got to be too much.
I had to leave.
- And Nico?
- Same.
But he never stopped thinking about you.
- Neither did I.
- I missed you both so much.
I'm sorry, Emma.
Where'd you go?
I've done nothing.
There's a whole world out there, Emma.
A whole world of experiences.
You just have to...
reach out and touch them.
Well, you went to all those places,
but you never bought me anything.
- But I did.
- Really?
The box. I got that for you.
I love that thing. It's so cool.
When I touch it, I... I feel...
I know.
Is it a puzzle?
It's more like the answer.
I don't understand.
You will.
I can't drink any more of this.
Wanna finish it?
- You've got...
- Oh.
Let me get it.
You've grown up so much.
You're so... beautiful.
I missed you so much.
I missed you too.
It's just a box.
Maybe. But it seems to be
important to a lot of people.
There's something that's
just not right about it.
Look, are you really sure
someone's out there?
Maybe Steven did all this.
The phone, the car...
- Why would he do that?
- I don't know.
But something's not right here.
None of this adds up.
And we're just sitting here waiting.
I say we get out there and take a look.
Check things out.
Ross, what do you think?
It can't do any harm.
Is anybody out here?
- What the hell is going on here?
- Let's just take a look around.
This is fucked up.
There's no one out here.
I guess you're right.
Must've been Steven.
Sorry, man.
Let's get back inside.
I'll make a run for the highway,
see if I can flag someone down.
Who's there?
Look, this is private property.
What do you want?
All right, I've had enough of this shit.
Give me the gun.
Hey, what the hell's
your problem, asshole? Huh?
You come around fucking with people,
doing God knows what to their kids?
This is private property, jerk-off,
that means that legally I can blow
the shit out of you right now
and ask questions later.
Are you deaf, asshole?!
Who the fuck are you?
He's here...
...the one who escaped.
Where's my son?
They will have him again.
It is an inevitability.
What was that?
- Ross!
- Get back inside!
- Jesus.
- Well, fuck you!
Anyone else out there? Huh?
- Any other motherfuckers? Come on!
- Peter!
Get back inside, I said!
Close the door!
Somebody tell me
what's going on!
Come on. Let's get you inside.
You're gonna be OK.
- Oh, my God!
- Sarah, Sarah!
- Oh, my God.
- Get me some towels.
What happened to him?
- Oh, my God!
- Get me some towels!
Come on, Peter.
- Oh, God.
- Peter!
- Help him, help him!
- I'm trying!
- No!
- What the hell happened to him?!
- I can't hear him.
- Oh, God!
They're... they're coming.
- They're coming.
- Oh, come on, Peter.
I love you!
Stay with me!
No, Peter, no! No!
Sarah, take Katie to the living room.
- No!
- Emma, go with them.
- Go with them!
- No!
Jesus Christ.
Hey, Mom.
Here, give me the gun, son.
Be careful, Steven, it's loaded.
I'm guessing you're all
a little confused right now.
- What the fuck is wrong with you?!
- Shut the fuck up, little girl!
- The grown-ups are talking.
- Why are you doing this?
Because I hate this shithole,
nowhere town.
We both hated it. That's why we left.
We simply had to get the fuck out
of this bullshit Generica.
We wanted something else.
Anything else.
Anything besides the reality
of the same job,
fucking the same women,
eating the same fucking food
day in and day out
for the next 50 years.
It doesn't have to be that way, Steven.
You'll understand
when you have your own children.
Children. Why?
So they can end up
as fucked up as me?
I'm miserable.
I'm depressed. I'm unfulfilled.
So I'll bring in another life into this
world and see if that entertains me.
Good plan!
How did that work out for you?
Not so good.
I don't understand.
This isn't you, Steven.
This isn't you talking.
That's the first sensible thing
I've heard you say all night.
How much?
How much?
Do it!
- No, I can't.
- Don't be weak.
- Kill her!
- She has a baby, Nico!
You wanna kill her?
Do it yourself!
I'm not doing this
for you anymore, Nico!
You're pathetic.
Get out of here.
I can't do this anymore.
We've come so far.
The world will open up for us.
I've seen things barely imagined.
- Crossed the Rubicon.
- What's left for me here?
One more time.
Bring me a man so I can take his skin.
And then I promise,
it will all be over. I promise!
No, I... No.
I can't do this.
I'm done.
You won't do it?
You won't do it for your best friend?
After everything that
we've been through.
After everything that we've done.
I've given you the shirt off my back.
It's not the shirt off your back
that I want.
What's the matter, Mother?
Don't you recognize
your dear, precious boy?
What have you done with my son?
I haven't done anything.
Is he alive?
Oh, Steven's alive.
In a way.
But those... boyish good looks
that I now possess...
...they're all gone, I'm afraid.
You stole his skin?
He wasn't using it.
Not so fast, Mother.
Sit down and shut up!
I don't know why you're spilling tears
for Father dearest, there,
when your true love
lies bleeding to death.
What are you talking about?
I'm talking about you
fucking Stevie's dad.
I know.
We both know.
Hell, it was one of the reasons
we decided to fly the fucking coop.
If this is an example of the perfect,
all-American family unit in action,
then count me the fuck out.
Is this true?
Oh, you're one to play high and mighty.
Aww... Little Emma...
...you know you're a naughty girl, Emma.
Making out with your own brother.
Emma! Give me the box.
I don't have it!
It's here.
I can feel it.
Tell you what.
I'll give you 30 seconds
to go get it...
...or I'll shoot your mommy in the face.
Mr. Craven?
How about an apology?
For what?
For fucking my mother
and ruining both of our families.
I'm sorry.
- Thank you.
- No!
Not you, you little shit.
Sorry that you were fucking around on
her or sorry you just got caught?
You know what? I don't care.
I'm not sorry
that I fucked your little daughter.
That I was the first one
inside little Emma.
That mine was the first cock
she ever sucked.
I didn't even like her that much.
...where's Steven?
Where's my son?
Nico, please.
Nico, you're home now.
Why are you doing this to us?
It doesn't matter anymore,
you're home.
It's not that simple, Mother.
But why? Why are you like this?
Now... give me the box.
- Why do you need it?
- Hand the fucking thing over!
What are you gonna do with it?
Attempt to save what's left of my soul.
If only that spineless brother of yours
had helped me the fuck out of this mess!
I've been on the run
from them ever since.
An eternity of torture
isn't exactly what I have in mind.
I like to taste,
I like to feel,
I love to fuck.
And I'm not exactly ready to see any one
of those avenues of pleasure
cut off to me just yet.
I need the box to call them.
I'm thinking I can swing a trade.
You mean all of us for you?
Oh, no. No.
Just you, sweetie.
They're going to love you.
Not so fucking innocent, am I?!
Now open the fucking box!
Here we go.
Oh, my God!
You have a darkness
that rivals my own, Nico.
It will be a very special pleasure
to rip you apart.
Hang on, hang on.
She opened the box, the girl!
Steven? Steven, is that you?
Human names, human memories,
they have no place, nor meaning,
in our existence.
Leave her alone!
Unless you want to taste her blood,
feel her freshly razored flesh
against you,
you'll sit in silence.
We have no desire for you.
He made her open the box.
Now, you will come with us.
No. No, no! I... I called you here.
I called you to trade her for me.
Oh, God!
Oh, my God!
Oh, God!
No! No!
This trinket of sensation you feel now
will be a delight
compared to the onslaught of agony
that awaits at our hands.
These banal beings have nothing.
Desire has abandoned them all.
Except for her. The dark seed that grew
within you now germinates within her.
The time will come when her
own twisted desires will ripen.
Then she will call to us on her own.
Bring him.
No one gets to kill you but me,
you little fuck.
Thank you.
We had all we desired.
Our appetite was sated.
And the eternity of suffering
he would've experienced at our hands,
would've been more vengeance for you
then you can possibly imagine.
But your actions have denied us.
Denied us that exquisite joy.
Now there is a deficit of flesh.
Debt is outstanding.
And we seek payment.
No. No, please take me.
What few moments you have remaining
will be spent in the agony...
- Please.
- ...that the indulgence
of your own foolish vanity
has cursed your wife
to unparalleled terrors
at the hands of others.
No, Sarah! Not my wife!
No! No!
Even that which is born of the flesh...
...is still just flesh.
Then no flesh shall be spared.
I'm so sorry.
When this existence
ceases to fulfill,
we will be waiting.
I love you.
I love you so much!