Hellraiser V - Inferno (2000) Movie Script

What the fuck
do you care?
Yeah, we won by seven,
but it should've been twenty.
Where were you?
All right, I'll meet you
in 15 minutes.
You played right into
my game, Professor.
Next week?
Ja, ja, ja.
Even as a little kid...
I was always one
to examine things closely.
The world was full of riddles
and mysteries and puzzles,
and I learned early on
that I had a gift for solving them.
I learned that careful examination
of how and what and why...
would inevitably lead to understanding,
even to control.
But what I didn't know,
what I never could've imagined,
was that one day my own life would
become the most challenging puzzle of all.
Hey, what's an eight-letter word
for "slaughterhouse"?
- Abattoir.
- You're good.
How do you spell
your last name again?
Tony Nenonen.
What's it been now nine months, Detective?
- What's a ten-letter word
for your name? - For my name?
My name's
got seven letters.
Yeah, but
it's a ten-letter word.
Ten-letter word?
What the hell
is this?
Here's what he looks like
with a face.
" Jay Cho. "
We went to high school
So you knew this guy,
Was he a friend of yours?
He was real odd.
Was kinda quiet.
Didn't really seem
to have any friends.
One year he tried out
for the basketball team.
What a nightmare.
We tortured the shit out of him
until he quit.
What'd you do to him?
We gave him hell.
Yeah, one time I saw this guy that
had been attacked by a grizzly bear.
Sort of looked
like this.
Somethin'had just
ripped him apart.
You ever go fishing,
Sometimes I take the boys
up to the mountains.
What do you got?
It's a child's finger.
We got two good prints
off the box.
One belongs to your victim. I'll run the
other one through the computer tomorrow.
- Can't you run 'em tonight?
- No.
'Cause, believe it or not,
I also have a life.
- Feeling any better?
- A little.
I took a bath.
And a pill.
Are you home
for the night?
I, uh, caught a case.
How was your game?
We won.
Get some sleep.
You'll feel better tomorrow.
I believe in loyalty,
I understand the concept. My parents
have been married for 40 years.
But I live
in a different world.
Most marriages fail.
Most men just leave.
I know
that would kill her.
But if she doesn't know,
if doing this keeps me coming back,
then who's to say what's right
and what's wrong?
Oh, God,
these boots hurt.
A detective.
I like cops.
You got any gum?
I'll do whatever you want,
as many times
as you want it.
Livin'in the best
of all possible worlds
We're livin'in the best
of all possible worlds
You know we're livin'
Am I dreaming?
Help me!
Morning, Detective.
You look like you could
use an autopsy yourself.
You were right
about Jay Cho.
The punctures and tears in the flesh were
made by a hook, or hooks, with barbed ends.
But they weren't like
piercings for jewelry.
There was something bigger,
more cutting, like...
- Like maybe it was supposed to hurt?
- Bingo.
- What about the child's finger in the candle?
- Oh, that.
Well, the print
was burned off completely,
but from the bone growth I'd say the kid
was about six or seven years old.
Was it a boy or a girl?
At that age, without D.N.A. Results,
you really can't tell.
One more thing.
From the blood flow and tissue morbidity,
I'm pretty sure when the finger was cut off...
that kid
was still alive.
Joe. Joe!
Talk to me. Are you listening to me?
What's the answer?
Ten-letter word
for my name.
- You're giving up quicker than usual, Tony.
- Tell me the goddamn word.
Your name's
a palindrome.
Palindrome? What's that, huh?
You makin' fun of me?
Is that somethin' bad?
N- E-N-O-N-E-N.
Spelled the same way
forwards and back.
It's like the phrase, " Madam in Eden,
I'm Adam. " It's a palindrome.
- Ends the same way it begins.
- I get it.
It's like the name Bob.
That's one too, right?
That's good, Tony.
Detective Thorne.
Hey, Joe. It's Daphne.
I'm the girl you
were with last night.
- This is my direct line. How did you...
- Please!
I'm still at the motel.
Oh, my God.
Oh, God! Please help me!
Please help me!
Okay, listen, wait.
Just slow down.
This is un-fucking-believable.
What happened?
I stayed here last night
You and Melanie have a fight again?
It's much worse than that.
Check out the bathroom.
What the fuck do you mean,
you stayed here last night?
- Tony...
- Jesus Christ!
What the fuck did you do?
I was with that girl
last night.
I did coke with her
and I had sex with her,
but I have no fucking idea
who did that to her.
When I left this morning she was right
on this bed sleeping like a baby.
Look, Tony,
you gotta help me.
If I get connected
with this thing,
everything I have...
my family, ten years
on the job... gone.
Aw, shit, man. Don't do this to me,
Joseph. You know me.
I'm a good cop. I play things
straight down the line.
I got a wife and two kids
of my own.
I know you do, Tony,
and you are a good cop.
But you're also my partner.
Look at me, Tony.
Look in my eyes.
You tell me I'm lyin'.
Well, that's it.
That's everything I touched.
Phone it in.
It's Nenonen.
We got a homicide.
Sunrise Motel, 39th and Rose.
Yeah, white female, 20s.
Somebody hung her in the shower
like a piece of meat.
I don't know, you'll
have to ask
Detective Thorne.
Think it was
an anonymous tip.
Let's get the fuck
outta here.
Is that
what I think it is?
It's another one.
No stiffness.
This child was still alive.
We gotta find this kid.
You get a match on the print
from that box?
No, Detective, but I'm running the print
from the box right now.
When did you start?
Two hours ago. A.F.I.S. Goes through
We got seven million print cards
in the system. Do the math.
- Change the parameters.
- Based on what?
It's a non-suspect ident. I already
limited it to a history of violent crime.
Come on, Detective,
let's not waste my time.
Your time is not important right now.
You understand me?
What do you want me to do?
Take out
the violent crime parameter.
Leave criminal history
wide open.
Go under distinguishing marks.
Select for body alteration.
- What, like tattoos?
- No.
Something with hooks.
Try body piercing.
Sherlock fucking Holmes.
Print the file.
- It's the last door on the left.
- Thank you.
Another happy customer?
So she won't be giving head for a while.
What can I do you for?
Let's talk
about the box.
What box?
Little gold box
about four inches square.
- Jay Cho told me I could find it here.
- He did, huh?
Jay Cho.
You tell Jay Cho
something for me.
You tell him the Engineer wants his
money or he wants his property back.
You tell Jay Cho the next time
I see him I'm gonna rip his head off.
And he'd still be better off
dealing with me than with the Engineer.
Take it easy, pal.
I'm not Jay.
"Take it easy. "
Who the fuck are you?
I'm that guy.
Why don't you tell me
about the Engineer, Leon.
- Leon?
- No way.
Leon, you just
got off parole.
And Jay Cho is dead.
His body was ripped apart by hooks that
were big enough to snag a great white.
Guess what.
Your fingerprints were on that box.
He wanted it.
Jay Cho wanted that goddamn box.
He tried to buy it,
and when he couldn't afford it
the motherfucker stole it off of me.
- He couldn't afford it? Jay Cho had money.
- Not enough.
- Why is the box so expensive?
- I don't know.
- Why did Jay want it so bad?
- I'm just a middle man. I was just taking offers.
Holding it for the Engineer?
The box is his, isn't it?
Look, man,
you can arrest me,
you can take me downtown, beat the shit
out of me, do whatever the fuck you want,
but there is no way I'm gonna
talk to you about the Engineer.
That's okay, Leon.
I'll find him, whether
you talk to me or not.
Hunt for the Engineer...
and the Engineer
will hunt you.
If you lost this guy's box,
you may be in a world of shit yourself.
Don't forget about me, huh?
Yeah, I'll send you
some candy at Christmas.
So, are you gonna
frisk me or fuck me?
Cold and sweet's
the only way
To beat the heat
on a hot summer's day
Yeah! All right, man.
You be cool now.
There's my man.
Hey, hey, hey, man!
How are ya?
What'd you hook 'em up with,
Please. I got scruples. With the young
'uns I only deal in the double dip.
Ah, keep that thing
open, Bernie.
I want my birthday present.
Sure got a lot
of fuckin' birthdays.
That's right.
So, you, uh, you ever heard
of a hooker named Daphne?
What'd she look like?
She's got dark hair,
hot little body.
Works the stroll south of the boulevard.
How young?
She's over 18.
Probably a little old for you.
Daphne, Cory,
Shauna, Dewanna.
They all kinda
blur together, you know.
But yeah, I think I know who you mean.
She's kinda new.
Can't say I've partaken.
Who did she work for?
Oh, come on, man.
I'm out of that business.
Okay, fine.
Maybe I know that she works for this,
um, this guy, Terry somebody.
Connected guy.
Got a lot going on.
Connected how?
He's a connected guy.
Does he work
for the Engineer?
Huh? I don't know
no Engineer.
- Bernie.
- I don't know no Engineer.
What the hell, man!
Stop it!
Joe, why are you treating me like this?
What am I,
your whipping boy?
You wanna go downtown,
Bernie? Huh?
Impound you van,
explain your daily activities?
- You remember the last time.
- Okay, I... Shit! Okay.
I want the Engineer, Bernie.
Who is he?
I never met him. I swear to God.
I just heard stories.
This guy Terry,
he used to run women
for the Engineer.
A few years back the Engineer
sends Terry this new girl.
poor bastard...
pulls up his pants one day
and finds out he's in love.
Well, they decide
they're gonna get married.
But the Engineer said no.
So Terry
just takes her away.
I mean, they elope. They go hide out
in this cabin up in the hills.
They were gonna start this
whole new fucking life together.
Then one day...
Terry came home and...
She was just gone.
Terry went crazy.
He put the word out
on the street.
He said, "I'm gonna find the Engineer
and take back what's mine. "
Hunt for the Engineer
and the Engineer hunts you.
What did you say?
It's just this...
When people...
hunt for the Engineer,
they say...
then the Engineer
will hunt you.
So then what happened?
Terry kept looking,
but he never found the Engineer and to this
day he's never seen the Engineer again.
Terry started
getting these gifts,
like the Engineer
was sending him a message.
A box would show up
on his doorstep,
or something would come in the mail...
a locket that she once wore,
or a clump of her hair.
When her wedding ring
Terry figured
that she was dead.
But he kept looking.
And then just as it happened
when she disappeared,
Terry came home one morning
and she was back again,
just laying there in his bed,
sleeping like a little baby.
He tiptoed
over to the bed...
so he could
slide in next to her.
He pulled back the covers,
but she wasn't there.
What do you mean, she wasn't...
Just a note where
her body should have been.
It said:
"You win, Terry.
I kept what I needed.
The rest is yours. "
You believe that story?
I saw his face when he told me.
Terry wouldn't make that up.
You talk to Terry.
I don't talk to the guy anymore.
I don't know where he is... Aah!
You talk to him.
By the end of the day I wanna know
where I can find the Engineer.
You get anything
from the ice cream man?
- Any information, I mean.
- What's up, Tony?
What's bothering you?
I just...
I just think there's some lines you set,
and you don't cross 'em.
Otherwise you just keep crossin' 'em
one after another, you know,
until you're just lost.
We're partners.
And that matters.
That means something to me.
But I can't do this,
I'm gonna tell the captain
about Daphne,
about wipin'
your prints off.
I'm gonna tell him
what we did.
I believe
you didn't kill that girl.
Tell him with me.
It's the right thing
to do.
Well, you're right
about one thing, Tony.
I didn't kill that girl.
And I'm not gonna let anything get
in the way of me finding out who did.
Where's your pen?
Your pen.
The one with your initials on it.
The one your wife gave you.
I don't know.
That's right. It's probably
at the crime lab by now.
Forensics picked it up.
You left it at the scene.
And that last pack
of cigarettes you smoked,
the one with your fingerprints
all over the wrapper...
You left your smokes
there too, Tony.
- You took my cigarettes?
- No.
No, no, no.
You came to me, remember?
- I what?
- Yeah.
Yeah, 'cause you
fucked some whore...
and, holy shit, found her
dead the next morning.
You asked me to help you wipe
the place clean, cover your tracks.
I should never have done it,
but as anyone knows,
I am nothing if not a loyal partner.
You have two years
in the precinct.
Now, who do you think they're
gonna believe, me or you?
Especially considering
all the evidence.
You fuckin' scumbag.
You planned it?
You fucked me, and you planned this?
Nobody is gonna get fucked.
You see,
that is the beauty of it.
When the crime lab
files its report,
I'll tell the captain that you were
shaken up by what we found at the scene.
I saw you have a smoke and touch a few
things before you put on the gloves.
It's a simple mistake. The worst
you're gonna get is a verbal reprimand.
I don't want to
make you look bad.
I'll take care of you.
Just gotta cover my ass,
that's all.
And I trusted you.
Detective Thorne?
This is for you.
Stop. Please stop.
No more. No. No!
Please! Please!
I don't
understand this.
Can you run a test on the videotape
to see if it's been erased?
I can tell if it's been erased, but I
can't tell you what was on it before that,
if anything.
I know what was on it.
I know what I saw.
Joseph, we've already been
through the entire tape twice.
- There's nothing there.
- I saw what I fucking saw!
let's move on.
We all have
work to do.
Joseph, if you could
stay here a moment, please.
I'm concerned about
your state of mind.
Bernie's your snitch,
Was my snitch.
And you knew the first victim, Jay Cho.
I barely knew him.
It was years ago.
My instincts keep telling me something's
not right here. I'm very concerned.
I could suspend you,
but I won't do that.
However, I will make a formal request
that you see the department counselor.
I don't have time for that, Captain.
There's a child's life at stake.
All the more reason.
It's not optional.
Now, go make an appointment before
you do any more work on this case.
Expect to see me
come out in handcuffs?
No. Why?
Did you do somethin' bad?
Leon Gaultier.
His fingerprints
were on the box.
The box?
The one at
the Jay Cho crime scene.
It was under the candle.
Jay stole it
from Leon.
Thanks for keepin' me
informed, partner.
I'm telling you, Tony,
I saw the murder weapon,
the one that killed Bernie.
It was on the wall
at Leon's shop.
What, the whip on the videotape?
Just find Leon...
and pick him up, okay?
- And keep an eye out for Bernie's van.
- What are you gonna do?
I'm gonna go lie down
and talk about my childhood.
So, were you involved
in the use of deadly force?
Not lately.
Substance problems?
- Problems at home?
- Didn't the captain tell you why I'm here?
Why are you here?
Well, not because
I want to be.
Please sit down.
These sessions are informal. We can
just talk about anything you like.
- That's a nice picture.
- It's my daughter Melissa.
- She's six.
- I have a little girl too.
She's gonna be nine
in about a month.
So I take it
you're not a priest?
We get to have
a little fun.
She's the best thing
in my life.
I envy children.
I envy their innocence.
Yeah. Me too.
That's a Chinese thing, right?
For stress.
Oh, that...
just keeps me
in the zone.
Close-up magic.
- I bet your daughter loves that.
- I don't know.
I guess I just mostly use it
to entertain myself.
could we, um, reschedule this
for some other time?
'Cause I haven't
got much sleep.
- How about tomorrow at 10:00?
- Oh. Okay. Sure.
Thank you.
Take care, Detective.
Dr. Gregory said that
he envied the innocence of children.
But staring at the faces
of a thousand missing kids,
envy is the last thing
you feel.
All I felt was rage.
Children are the only sacred
thing left in this world.
And most of these little ones
were gone for good.
But not the kid
I was looking for.
That child was still alive.
If I could keep it that way, I knew it would
be the best thing I'd do in my lifetime.
Hey yourself, Detective.
What's the problem?
They found your snitch.
- I got three of my guys up there running around.
- All right, thanks.
It's another fuckin' mess,
just like
you described it.
Are you surprised?
No, not really.
- You got two of those?
- Yeah, here's one.
Mark that "B."
All right, everybody just,
uh, just get out.
It's got a voice mail.
You have one unheard voice message.
Bernie, it's Terry. Listen, about
the per... the thing we talked about...
Find Mr. Parmaggi at a place called The
Crossing at the end of Old Mining Road.
Now we're even, all right?
After this, I don't owe you a dime.
End of message.
Doesn't this guy
usually give us a finger?
Yeah, but we ain't
found one yet.
- The cash register.
- What?
It's in
the fucking cash register!
It was on
the fucking videotape!
Let's go, partner.
Maybe this guy just wants his box back.
No, that box was left in plain sight
at the first murder scene.
If he wanted the box,
he'd have it by now.
No, this figures
for some kind of message.
He's telling me if I keep looking for him
he's gonna kill that child, and I'll die too.
Hunt for the Engineer,
and the Engineer will hunt you.
- What?
- He won't have to hunt for long, I can tell you that.
You with me?
Whatever you say,
Well, I see chips,
but I...
I don't see a cashier.
You know
where I can buy in?
I'm looking
for Mr. Parmaggi.
Does he still
work here?
I do,
and I know all the faces,
though I can't say
I remember yours.
- Those six-guns look real.
- Are you here to play?
I have a permit for the guns,
if you'd like to see it.
Are you the Engineer?
You flatter me, sir.
I'm not going away.
You can tell him that. Okay?
I got his message, and you can
give him this message for me:
I'm not gonna stop until
I find that child... alive.
I can assure you,
you're quite mistaken about
the Engineer's... message.
Don't fuck with me.
You like to play games,
don't you, Detective?
The Engineer
likes games,
and it appears that you're playing
one of his games right now.
He doesn't want you to stop.
He wants you
to play the game.
You think this is
a goddamn game?
I'm still gonna find that child.
That, I suspect,
is the object of the game.
Joseph! Joe.
Holy shit.
Come on.
Turn it off.
Turn it off!
I've been trying to keep you conscious.
- Where are we going?
- To the hospital. We're gettin'close.
I'm sorry, man. I got lost in the woods.
I should have been there.
- Take me to the house.
- What?
Man, you gotta go to the hospital.
You're fucked up.
- You could have a concussion.
- Just take me back to the squad!
- Joseph?
- I need to talk.
Of course.
Please come in.
- Are you all right?
- Yeah, I think I'm losing it.
Why don't you sit down? What do you mean?
I think I'm going insane.
That's a thought
insane people rarely have.
Joseph, please,
sit down.
I'm afraid if I sit down,
I'm never gonna get up again.
Years ago...
when I was first
on the force,
I heard about somebody
called the Engineer.
I always thought
it was just a...
some campfire story to scare
academy cadets and rookies.
And then today,
I heard his name again.
You know what I'm
talking about?
- Oh, please, continue what you were...
- Answer my question!
What do you know
about the Engineer?
I've returned to this file
many times.
It was 1986, my first year
as department counselor.
He was a veteran like you,
good at his job.
Until he caught a case
where everything led to one man...
known only by his street name,
the Engineer.
This detective began
to mistrust his own instincts.
Self-doubt grew
into paranoia.
And in his delusions,
he elevated the Engineer into a figure
of almost supernatural power.
He said the Engineer knew everything
about every cop on the force,
especially him.
His anxiety rapidly shifted
into a deep depression...
till one day he came to work,
sat down behind his desk...
and shot himself
in the head.
What do you see there?
The detective had it with him
when he shot himself.
I must admit that I was intrigued
enough to actually go and look for it,
but when I checked
the evidence archives,
it was gone.
So it's probably either lost
or destroyed by now.
All that's left of it
is the picture.
What is it?
You couldn't get it out of your head.
I think you know.
You're right.
I did some research.
It's called
the Lament Configuration.
It appears in occult literature here
and there throughout the centuries.
What do they say about it?
They say it's a window
or a gateway.
You open it,
they come for you
and they tear you apart.
Some call them Cenobites. Others call
them demons and say they take you to hell.
Well, they didn't
take me to hell.
- You opened the box?
- Yeah, last night.
I had some... nightmare,
ever since then,
I've been seeing...
Am I going crazy?
I'm more of a psychiatrist
than I am a priest.
Ask me if I believe in the devil,
I don't know what to say.
But ask me about this box,
from what I've seen
and read,
I believe it's real.
But the history's
It opens,
they come for you...
and they leave.
So if you're saying
they left you behind,
and you're still seeing them,
then maybe
they're still here.
I live in a world of facts,
of close attention
to detail.
No matter how confusing
the mystery,
no matter how difficult
the puzzle,
the answer is always seen
and the end is natural as rain.
Everything... every process,
no matter how complex,
is a piece of reality
in the end.
And the design
can be understood.
All things can eventually
be explained.
But maybe some facts
are in the eye of the beholder.
Mommy, wait!
And maybe some explanations
are not of this world.
Help me!
Where have you been?
You've not called me. I have paged you.
Told you I was working a case.
Why do you keep lying
to me, Joseph?
You cannot keep doing this.
Oh, my God.
What happened to you?
I got jumped by a couple of guys,
but I'm all right.
Daddy, are you home yet?
No, sweetheart, I'm just... I'm here for
a little while, and then I gotta go.
Come in here
with me.
- When are you coming home?
- Shh.
Sweetie, just go back to sleep.
It's okay.
Hi. How are you?
That was your mother.
- What?
- She said that she had a visitor.
Someone that you were looking for,
or something like that?
I think that she said he was
some kind of engineer.
I don't want you
to leave this house.
Do you understand me?
I want you to lock all the doors
and the windows.
Do you remember how to use this?
Do you remember?
Yes! Are you in
some kind of trouble?
Yes, I am.
We are.
- Just do as I say.
- Daddy?
Please, just tell me something!
- It's okay, baby.
- I want my daddy.
Daddy's gone.
Can I help you, sir?
Yes, I'm here to see Art
and Mary Thorne. I'm their son, Joseph.
I didn't know
the Thornes had a son.
Did they have
any other visitors today?
Are you sure
you're really their son?
Look, lady,
this is an emergency.
They had no other
visitors today,
or any other day
that I can remember.
You'll have to sign in.
Room 116.
Sir, you have to check in.
Sir, please slow down.
What a fine-looking boy.
Mom, you guys okay?
Why don't you
visit us, Joe?
He gets a little worse
every day.
We never
see you anymore.
We don't
like it here.
I don't know, Mom.
L... I try.
Help me!
Joseph Thorne?
You put
that thing away.
Mom? Mom, let me in.
Please, no.
Oh, God!
Oh, h i. How are you?
- That was your mother.
- What?
She said that
she had a visitor.
Someone that you were looking for,
or something like that?
I think that she said he was
some kind of an engineer.
Sir? Sir, wait!
That man had a gun!
Don't you fuckin'move!
Drop it!
Turn around.
I'm with the Denver P.D.
I'm a detective.
I'm looking for the Thornes.
Yes, we've been expecting you.
If you had only shown
some identification...
- I'm their son.
- I didn't know the Thornes had a son.
They're not here, sir.
We called the police
almost an hour ago.
They've been missing since dinner,
and we've searched all around.
They just seem
to have vanished.
So strange.
Mr. Thorne isn't able to
leave the bed anymore...
and they've never
been prone to wander,
like some of our...
Hey. Your wife said
you might be here.
Look, I know you have no reason
to trust me right now,
but I just got a little note
from the Engineer.
- I want you to come with me to this address.
- Captain wants to see you.
Did you tell him
about Daphne?
No, not yet.
You're outta control, Joe.
Well, then come with me!
We can catch this son of a bitch!
We can...
We can end all this!
Tony, I need you, man.
I'm fucking scared here.
Then come in with me.
We'll talk to the captain together.
And tell him what, huh?
Tell him about the Engineer?
He's not gonna believe my story
until I can prove...
that the Engineer
is the connection!
He's not the fuckin' connection, Joe!
You're the fuckin' connection!
You knew Daphne,
Bernie and Jay Cho.
There is no Engineer.
There's just you.
- Son of a...
- Get up!
You really think
I could kill those people?
You really think
I could do that?
You were with the girl,
you knew about Bernie...
and there was nothin' on the goddamn videotape,
and you knew where to find the finger.
What am I supposed
to think, huh?
Come on, man. I didn't mean
to do that. Now, come on.
Do you really think
I could do those things?
I don't know,
You ask me yesterday, I-I'd say,
"No fuckin' way," but today,
I just don't know.
You need help, Joe.
Go to hell.
Six fingers,
six murders.
Only four
fingers left.
Do you know who I am,
Oh, let me guess.
You're the Engineer.
I got your message,
and I understand
your fucking game.
Is the child
even alive?
What do you want
from me?
I want you to go home,
Time to go home.
We have an officer down.
Mountain Vista
Elementary School.
I don't know the address.
I'm not at the scene.
Just get a unit there
immediately. Out.
Welcome home,
It takes hours
to die from exposure.
Hours in which
no one came home.
No one was here
to hear them cry.
Why do you keep
lying to me, Joseph?
You can't
keep doing this.
Are you home?
Yes, baby, Daddy's home.
He's here.
I miss you, Daddy.
When are you
coming home?
They found Tony.
And the child's finger,
the one the killer left in his mouth.
Only this time
the print wasn't burned off.
They ran the print
taken from the severed finger...
and like a miracle,
got a match almost instantly.
What they found doesn't make
any sense though, Joseph,
because the child's
Well, it's yours.
I don't understand.
I know.
You even misunderstood me
when I told you to go home.
I didn't mean
this place.
I meant
your first home.
The home you grew up in.
I can help you
You see, I know everything
about you, Joseph.
Your file's
almost complete.
You're the Engineer.
It's as good a name as any.
What are you?
What I am, who I am,
is no concern of yours.
I am not
the killer.
To find him,
you must go back to the place
from which you started.
Go back, Joseph.
Go home.
Joseph? Joseph Thorne?
I made brownies, Joseph, your favorite.
You know why
I baked you brownies, Joe?
'Cause you're
such a good boy.
I love you,
We'll save some of these for your father
for when he wakes up from his nap.
Why don't you
visit us, Joe?
We never
see you anymore.
- We don't like it here.
- Mom?
Whatever you want,
as many times
as you want it.
Help me!
I trusted you.
Tony, I'm sorry.
Tony, stop!
I trusted you!
That ain't right,
you treating me like this, Joe.
I'm sorry. I never...
What am I,
your whipping boy?
Help me!
It's all a puzzle, isn't it, Joseph?
Like a game of chess,
The pieces move,
apparently aimlessly,
but always towards
one single objective:
To kill the king.
Who is the king
in this game, Joseph?
That is the question
you must ask yourself.
Don't you recognize
your own flesh,
your own spirit?
I don't understand.
the eternal refrain
of humanity...
pleading ignorance,
begging for mercy.
"Please, help me.
I don't understand. "
This is the life
you chose, Joseph.
All the people
you hurt,
all the appetites
you indulged.
You have destroyed
your own innocence,
allowed your flesh
to consume your spirit.
You are your own king,
and this is the hell you
have created for yourself.
Your flesh
is killing your spirit.
Oh, yes, Joseph.
You have forsaken
Only one finger
left now, Joseph.
Only one more
death to go.
Welcome to hell.
Jesus. Haven't I
earned my money yet?
I'm sorry.
- How'd you do?
- What?
The game last night. How'd you do?
Well, we...
We won by seven,
but it should've been 20.
Tony no-showed.
I had to go fishin'.
Detective Thorne.
Hey, Joe, it's Daphne.
I'm the girl
you were with last night.
I'm still at the motel.
Oh, my God.
Oh, God.
What's the matter, Joe?
You okay?
No, don't do it!
I lived in a world of facts,
of a reality that
I thought I understood.
I believed I was
the center of the design...
and I was certain
that I knew all the answers.
But now I face the truth about
what I've done to hurt those around me,
and in hurting them,
what I've done to myself.
I've confronted
my own demons,
and now the only thing
I know for certain...
is that I will
live with them forever.
Dreamed a world
Of lies
Safe as milk
With clouded eyes
Pure is your soul
The trust that we stole
From each other
Underneath the bed
At night
Truth ends up wrong
And right
Dyin'to stay
We're runnin'away
From Eden
We're livin'in the best
of all possible worlds