Hellraiser VI - Hellseeker (2002) Movie Script

No, no!
Stop, stop!
Cut it out!
- What's the matter?
- Nothing.
I just haven't seen you laugh
like this in a long time.
That's... it's nice.
I miss it.
I miss it, too.
We're gonna work
this out, right?
Trevor, I hope it's everything
you want it to be.
It will be. It will be.
Oh, shit!
Calm down.
Trevor! Trevor!
Help me! Somebody!
No! No!
No! No!
It's nice to see you again.
It's okay, Trevor.
You're safe now.
Where's Kirsty?
Where's my wife?
This should help you relax.
Just relax, okay?
Trevor. Wake up, Trevor.
- It's imperative that you stay calm.
- As you can see...
the thinnest layer of cortex
separates the part of the brain...
that feels pleasure from the part
of the brain that feels pain.
Over the course
of this procedure...
I will be triggering memories,
disrupting the unconscious.
So our patient may
experience some distress.
- What are you people doing to me?
- Now just relax, Trevor.
We're helping you.
Helping you remember.
Welcome back.
How are those headaches?
Any change in the intensity?
Oh, man, what happened?
- My name is Allison.
- You a dream too, Allison?
- Still hallucinating, huh?
- No, I was there before.
It looked like a dream,
but it just felt so...
It's probably
the morphine, Trevor.
We're going to run tests to pinpoint
what's causing your headaches.
With the kind of head trauma
you suffered...
you're lucky to be here at all.
- I wanna see you through this.
- I'm gonna take your word on it.
Hello, Trevor,
back again, huh?
- What seems to be the trouble?
- He's complaining of headaches...
blackouts, hallucinations,
acute memory loss.
- I recommend that we admit him.
- I don't see any abnormalities.
Time to ween you off those painkillers.
Wouldn't want you getting hooked.
Start coming to the hospital for
getting a fix. We can't have that.
I'm going to release you. Save
this bed for someone who needs it.
Hey, Doc, where's Kirsty?
Where's my wife?
That's what I'd like to know.
I knocked.
What do you mean she's missing?
Oh, it's not like we're going
to stop looking, Mr. Gooden.
- I don't give up that easy.
- Well...
what if I took you back there,
you know, and walked you through it?
We've done that already.
Over a month ago.
You sure you're okay to drive?
Look, obviously I caught you
at a bad time. Go home...
get some rest.
You look like hell warmed over.
Oh, one more thing.
You said you tried to pull her
out of the passenger side...
but the door was locked, right?
Well, that's strange.
Because report says...
the doors were open when
the car was pulled from the river.
I... Maybe she unlocked them,
you know, swam out.
Maybe. I'll double check,
could be their bad.
Anyway, gotta run.
We'll talk soon.
You sure I can't
give you a lift?
Suit yourself.
Do you mind turning that down?
Right, ah...
the music,
just mind turning that down?
Why don't you come to bed?
Hey, turn off the light.
- I love you.
- I love you too.
Well, well, well, look who
decided to show up today.
Bankers hours.
Must be nice, huh?
Hey, what happened
to you yesterday?
Boss came by looking for you after
you left. She didn't look happy.
Hey, I got a...
You got a piece of ass,
didn't you?
That's why you didn't come back
from lunch. We'll call it a...
personal day, okay?
Right, look, forget
I said anything, okay? Just...
get some numbers going,
any numbers at all will do.
Hills have eyes, remember?
We're all here for you, Trev.
I can see into your soul.
to low blood sugar levels, Trev.
Grab yourself a cookie.
Come on!
Now what?
See anything you like?
Well, do you?
Come on, speak up.
I'm trying to run a business here.
Right, I'm sorry. I was just
kind of spaced for a second.
- Well, don't let it happen again.
- Right.
- I may have to get rough with you.
- What?
I know what you like.
Come on, Trevor.
- It's me, Gwen.
- It's just moving a little too fast.
Don't tell me Mr. Mario Andretti
is giving me a speeding ticket.
Hey, wait, my wife just died,
you know. We can...
I know.
It's perfect.
Oh, yeah.
That's it, Trevor.
- What the hell are we doing?
- Nothing we haven't done before.
We'll pick this up later.
Now get some fucking
work done.
We're watching you.
Oh, my God.
Oh, yeah.
That's it, Trevor.
Oh, yeah.
That's it, Trevor.
- Oh, yeah. That's it, Trevor.
- What the fuck?
Trevor, this is Detective Lange.
It's about your wife.
Trevor, are you there?
Hello? Trevor?
Thank you for
coming down, Trevor.
- How's that head of yours feeling?
- It's a lot better, thanks.
We still haven't been able
to locate your wife.
Although Missing Persons turned up
some evidences that suggest...
...foul play may have been involved.
- Foul play, what?
For one thing. There were
no skid marks on the bridge.
The tires were all intact,
and from what we can tell...
there's nothing wrong. The car was
driven off the bridge intentionally.
I just, I just lost control.
And I swerved.
We went off the bridge. I tried
to get her out, but I couldn't...
Is there anything that
might have happened...
just before that accident
that you haven't mentioned?
Look, I've told you everything
I could remember. I'm sorry...
Don't take it the wrong way. I'm
just a guy trying to do a job here.
I mean,
between your head injury and...
and the fact that you're still on
some strong pain medication...
you may have forgot something
that could help us and...
everything you have told us could
just be the medication talking.
So, we'll be revisiting
things a lot around here.
No, no, no!
Trevor, you still in there?
- She was trapped inside.
- Well, apparently, she got out.
And therein lies a problem.
I won't keep you.
If we have any more questions...
you'll get a call from myself
or my partner, Detective Givens.
You guys know something that I don't?
All things considered, we probably
know a lot less than you do.
Have a good afternoon, Trevor.
What's the matter, boy?
What's happening?
I did it.
Well, what do you think?
I was going to get it on my ass,
but I thought this was sexier.
- Yeah, that's...
- I knew you'd like it.
You know, I'm sorry, I...
I'm having a weird day.
- Really weird.
- Okay.
It's definitely missing a woman's
touch that it used to have.
Yeah. Well...
Well, if you feel like...
talking or whatever,
you know where I am.
- Are you okay?
- Not at all.
Strange, strange, strange.
- How do you feel?
- What are you talking about?
It's our anniversary, Trevor,
it's been five years.
- How do you feel?
- I feel great. Why wouldn't I?
I've got something planned for you.
I've been planning it a long time.
Planning what? Why don't you
just come to bed, Trev? Please?
First things first.
I have a little gift for you.
Something to remind you
just how much you mean to me.
I can't believe you got me
a present. It's beautiful!
- Where did you get this?
- See if you can open it, Kirsty.
I can't believe you got me a
present. You wrapped this yourself?
- Miss me?
- You scared the shit out of me.
What's this?
This innocent bit is
getting a little old.
Don't you think?
Don't make me beat you.
Where is it?
Where's what?
You'd usually have it up
and running by now.
Oh, yeah.
You're a bad boy, huh?
Yeah, that's the Trevor I know.
Get off me.
Come on, get up, get up.
- You're kidding me.
- No, I'm not.
You have definitely
got a screw loose.
You can say good-bye
to that promotion.
That's it, Trevor.
That's a good boy.
Oh, that's a good boy.
I know what you like.
Oh, Trevor!
Oh, yeah. That's it.
Come on, Trevor.
We're all here for you, Trevor.
Hey, little boy,
do you like what you see?
That's it, Trevor.
That's perfect, Trevor. Yeah.
- Gwen! No!
- Trevor! Trevor!
Help! Help!
Gwen! Gwen.
Help me! Help me!
No! No!
Must be nice.
- What?
- Getting paid for doing shit.
You don't understand.
I've got some seriously
weird shit going on.
The accident fucked you
more than I thought.
Hey, you know what?
I'm gonna hook you up, man.
She'll take one look at you
and know exactly...
what you need.
And look busy, all right?
Anybody seen Gwen?
Just relax.
Let the needles
connect to your soul.
These headaches
you've been getting.
Do they happen in conjunction
with the hallucinations?
Sort of. My head's been in constant
pain ever since the accident.
And it seems to increase whenever
I get those, you know...
- Dreams?
- No, more like nightmares, really.
- It just seems so real.
- That's your subconscious talking.
It's trying to tell you something
about your waking life.
So, what's the mirror for?
To help you look into your soul.
I can see into your soul.
You feel desperate.
Trapped by a wife who
suffocates you with forgiveness.
You're looking for a way out.
- Yeah.
- Something final.
Without remorse.
Without regret.
Wherever there is hate,
violence, depravity...
a door will always be found.
This musical puzzle...
created by a Frenchman,
named Lemarchand.
It is a means to break
the surface of the real.
Which do you find
more exhilarating, Trevor?
The pain or the pleasure?
Personally I prefer pain.
Is there something wrong?
No, I'm okay.
Should I get that for you?
- Hello?
- Detective Givens, Lange's partner.
I don't understand. How can this be
a homicide when there's no murder?
The last time anybody saw her,
she was alive. You think she's dead.
Hey, Detective.
I saw my wife drown in our car.
Yeah. Right.
I've done my homework on you. You
are smart with numbers, aren't you?
- Where are you going with this?
- How many zeros...
was your wife's worth?
- We had nothing.
- No, you had nothing.
She had a nice little inheritance
stashed away for a rainy day.
I'm sorry, what?
Don't play fucking stupid with me.
Kirsty's father and Uncle Frank...
had several sizable financial
holdings when they passed away...
under some rather
unusual circumstances.
You know, I don't know. Kirsty
never liked to talk about her past.
Well, maybe that's because
she didn't really trust you.
It seems that she's the sole
beneficiary, so if Kirsty's dead...
like you seem so fucking certain...
well, then I guess it all...
it all goes to you, Trev.
I swear to God, man.
I don't know anything about that.
My partner...
Detective Lange, he's softer
around the heart than I am. Me...
I'm hard. When I get a feeling
about something, I'm usually right.
I get a bad feeling
about you, Trev.
Real bad.
You're obsessed with that thing.
God forbid you let one event go...
Come to bed. Please?
Please. It's our anniversary,
Trevor, come on.
First things first.
Just like I thought.
- Hey.
- Can I...
borrow something?
- Yeah, sure. What do you want?
- You.
You know, I'm feeling kind
of weird here, you know?
It's getting hot in here,
you know?
You are being kind of... weird.
It's almost like...
Almost somebody else.
Tie me up.
Come here.
Come on.
That's it.
All problems solved.
Oh, man, you're...
I have some serious space issues.
What did you want?
We need to talk, you know,
about what we did last night.
- What?
- Who the fuck is it?
- Who's in there with you?
- Are you having a nervous breakdown?
Hey. What can we do
for you, chief?
Who are you?
If you know Tawny,
you better know me, pal.
I'm sorry. It's my mistake.
Talk to you later.
Let's make it much later.
Get in.
Hey, we're not in right now. Leave
a message after the beep. Thanks.
This is Detective Lange.
We need to talk as soon as possible.
There's been an interesting
twist in the puzzle.
I'm telling you right now.
Sure as I am standing here.
- No. I'm not concealing. Why?
- It's done.
What are you doing
to find my wife?
Well, I can assure you we're doing
everything in our power to find her.
This investigation is gonna take
some time. I need your cooperation.
What about that message
you left on my answering machine?
What's your relationship
with Gwen Stevens?
Yeah, thanks.
So that's all for me?
- She was my boss.
- And that's it?
Yeah, that's it.
- What did he tell you?
- Nothing.
We leave no stone unturned
around here, Trevor.
- You think I did it.
- Hey, I'm on your side here.
Would you please tell me
what the fuck is going on?
I wish I knew.
Yeah, I bet.
Once you choose to open the box
and unleash its power...
there is no returning. Now,
are you willing to pay the price?
No, the price is far greater.
But you'll learn that.
They all do.
- You okay?
- Yeah. I was just, you know...
Can I get you anything?
No, no. I'm okay.
You okay?
I don't know, Allison, I think
I really screwed everything up.
Come on, Trevor,
you can't blame yourself.
I miss her.
I miss my wife.
Sounds like you're remembering
more and more.
That's a good thing, Trevor.
Maybe you're not the angel
that you thought you were.
Come on, you're going to
get through this, Trevor.
Hey, Bret. Come here.
- We need to talk.
- Look, I'm really, really busy.
I've got a stack of reports due
by 3. The suits are all over my ass.
- What did you tell the police?
- Nothing they didn't already know.
- What's that supposed to mean?
- I didn't tell them anything new.
Hey, Bret, why don't you help me
out here, man? I think I did it.
- Did what?
- Killed Kirsty.
I've got a report to do.
- Let's make yourself at home.
- Oh, I already have.
Oh, yes.
Why are you here, Detective?
We found this curious object not too
far from the site of the accident.
No prints. Forensics scraped a little
dark residue that was caked on it.
Wanna take a guess
what they found?
Ah, no, but something tells me
that you're gonna tell me.
Blood, Trevor.
Match the one we took from your car.
Can you tell me anything about it?
I... it...
It looks familiar. Like most
things. I think it was in the car.
Gee, you think so?
Think about it, Trevor.
Give me something to go on here.
I've got Givens ready to drag you in
today on murder charges.
Help me get him off my back.
Off your back.
It was an accident, Detective.
Just like I've been saying all along.
Somebody's got to believe me.
- I believe you, Trevor.
- Damn.
But so far,
I'm the only one who does.
Look, I'm sorry, okay?
We need to talk.
- What's up?
- It's getting weird around here.
I quit, today's my last day.
I figured it was the perfect time...
to say "fuck you" to the morons
around here, make a serious change.
Oh, well, Bret, that's...
Look, I know you got your golden
egg all lined up and that's cool.
But the rest of us got to make some
hay for ourselves, 'cause frankly...
this job ain't paying
the bills anymore.
We're not drinking from the
cash cow like your wife was.
What are you talking about?
- What am I talking about?
- Yeah.
The money.
Don't play stupid. Her inheritance.
I'm talking about the plan.
- Let's get out of here.
- Wait. Bret.
- What did you tell Lange?
- Come on, Trev, what the hell's...
No, no, no! Did you tell him about
Gwen? About the inheritance?
I didn't tell them anything.
We're all here for you, Trev.
I trusted you, goddamn it!
How could you do this to us?
Jesus, buddy, are you all right?
- Shit, I got to go, man.
- Well, let me give you...
a ride.
Yeah, hello. Hi. I'd like to speak
to Doctor Allison Dormere.
Hello. Yeah, hi. What do you mean
she's not there?
She's always there.
She's a resident. All right.
Can you please help me find her?
Please. Hello?
Damn it.
There's no physical explanation for
these headaches of yours, Trevor.
Your body's completely healed.
If there's any pain
in your head...
it's in your head.
Your soul is locked up inside you.
And you need to free it, Trevor.
You blocked yourself from the
healing process. We need to do that.
Heal your soul.
The only way to do that
is to give in utterly.
Do you know what I mean
by giving in?
It's about trust.
Do you trust me implicitly?
I don't know what's real...
and what isn't real anymore.
How can I trust anybody?
You can trust me.
Surrender yourself to your past.
It's the only way you can
become whole again.
Are you willing to partake?
Can you hear me?
Just nod.
You know where you are?
- You remember what happened?
- Some woman on top of me...
...naked, trying to kill me.
- Ah, yeah, not quite that good.
You were riding on a bus, and then
you just collapsed on the floor.
- You remember riding on a bus now?
- No.
Hello, Trevor. Well,
what did you do this time?
Oh, yeah, a couple of stitches
will fix that right up.
Hey, where's Allison?
Yeah, Allison Dormere.
She's a resident here.
We don't have any resident called
Allison. My nurse will numb this up.
I'll get right back to you.
It's imperative that you stay calm.
This might sting a little.
- Just relax. Remember, we're all...
- Here for you. Go ahead, say it.
I'm tired of this shit.
Tired of all you people.
Okay, you caught me. At least
let me finish. I got one puff left.
Knock yourself out.
Trevor, I heard you were looking
for me. Is everything all right?
Allison, hey.
No. I'm not all right.
Look, I think I've done some very...
very bad things.
Everybody does things
they regret.
It's part of life.
Until now you couldn't remember
parts of your past, and...
now they're hitting you all at once.
It's a shock to the system.
You can't undo your past.
You're going to have to confront it.
And it frightens me to think that I
can't be there for you when you do.
- Hey, buddy?
- I was thinking I was going insane.
- Hey, buddy.
- What?
Who the hell are you talking to?
- What have you done?
- What's your relationship with Gwen?
I know about Gwen
and the others.
What the fuck...?
Where are you?
What have you
done to me? Fuck.
What the fuck is
happening to me?
Where are you, goddamn it?
Poor Trevor.
Who are you?
Still in the dark?
- This game is over. Do you hear me?
- Oh, I hear everything.
And soon you will
know everything.
Much more than you want.
I guarantee it.
What is this?
Why are you doing this to me?
Is it so difficult
to face your demons?
No. None of this is real.
- You're not real.
- Oh, but I'm afraid I am.
You can't run from your past.
You killed them.
You killed Kirsty.
You killed Gwen...
and the others.
You killed them...
and now you're trying
to pin it on me.
The killer is amongst us, yes.
God damn it!
Where have you been, Trev?
I've been looking all over for you.
Jesus, what are you doing?
Put that thing away.
Tonight was supposed to be
the night, Trev, remember?
Right, you don't remember anything.
Let me remind you about your plan.
We kill Kirsty, make it look like
a suicide, you get all her money...
we split it 50/50.
But none of that's gonna
happen now, is it?
You had to go solo with your car
accident bit. You fucked it all up.
What were you thinking, Trev?
That I'd forget about our deal?
- I don't know...
- What you're talking about. I know.
Got to tell you, the amnesia routine
is starting to get a little old.
Lange's on to you. It's a matter
of time before he's on to me.
I don't want to spend
the rest of my life in prison.
I'd rather spend it in hell.
With you.
Bret, what did you do?
No, you're not real.
Get out of my head!
- You don't understand. I didn't...
- Save it.
You don't need to say a thing.
No, I say... You don't...
You have the right
to remain in silence.
What's going on here, Detective?
You can't believe that I did this.
Detective, believe me, I didn't do
what you think I did, please.
Relax, Trevor. Let's get to the
bottom of this once and for all.
You want to tell me exactly
what happened back there...
or should we just play
the head game a little longer?
Okay, we'll do it your way.
This is Lange.
Well, I got him
sitting right in front of me now.
I hear you.
Thank you.
Well, one thing's for sure.
This ain't your lucky day.
They found the body
this morning in the river.
They're bringing it into the morgue
now, so you can identify it.
Is it my wife?
Stay put.
You know, I had you pegged for bad
the minute I laid eyes on you.
Now, I want you to tell me
everything you remember happening.
Exactly the way you told Lange.
But I want you to make one...
...minor adjustment.
- What's that?
Don't fucking lie to me.
I just want to see my wife.
I just want to see my wife.
I thought I asked you
to stay put.
Each killed with a single
gunshot wound to the head.
Tortured, then shot.
We find the gun...
we find the killer.
This way.
Sick motherfucker!
Get off me!
They're gonna fry your ass,
I'm gonna strangle
your fucking neck!
- You've got quite the fan club.
- Please, don't.
I didn't do it. I swear,
I didn't do it. Please!
Here we go.
Just about there.
What are you... what are you doing?
I thought you believed me.
Here's what I believe, Trevor.
I believe you and me
have a lot in common.
I believe each of us
are the sum of two...
entirely different people.
I know who I am.
And I'm not a killer.
Denial to the end.
That's what I like about you, kid!
Good and bad, Trevor.
Honest, dishonest.
Righteous and evil.
That's how we're all made.
A little of both.
It's just a question
of how much...
of each.
And we're made up of just
the right parts of both.
A little heavier on the evil, huh?
It's all good, Trev.
It's all good!
It seems you've reached
the end of your journey.
I told you you couldn't run
from your past forever.
Eventually it catches up to you.
And you must atone.
And now...
it is time for you
to pay the price.
You were willing
to pay the price, weren't you?
- I just want to see my wife.
- In time.
- Let me see my wife.
- I said in time!
"All problems solved"?
Not so simple, I'm afraid.
I needed first to open
the door for you.
You were an interesting study.
Lust, greed, deception,
fertile ground...
but rather mundane. Let us
take one final journey together.
Let me help you remember.
Once and for all.
What have you done?
It's just a puzzle.
Open it up.
I trusted you.
I trusted you, goddamn it!
How could you do this to us?
- You told me you loved me!
- Just open the fucking box.
We were uninvited guests
at your little celebration.
Is this what you want?
Unseen by you.
I hope it's everything
you want it to be.
I used you, Trevor.
You were nothing more than bait.
To lure a far more
interesting creature.
Kirsty. We meet again.
- How did you find me?
- You opened the door long ago.
And it will not be closed
until I get what I came for.
My soul.
You solved the puzzle.
You unleashed the power.
There is no turning back.
I will not rest...
until I get what I want.
And what I want is you.
You always knew
this day was coming.
Felt it deep within your soul.
What if I make you a deal?
I will bring you five souls
in exchange for mine.
You would bring them
to me yourself?
You'll get your five.
I was impressed
with her handiwork.
Three of your favorite companions
most supple and delicious.
And the man with whom
you once conspired to kill Kirsty.
They are all with me now.
The balance is only four souls...
and that, as you now know,
was not our contract.
You have seen many things
that you'll wish you had not.
All those women...
in our home, in my bed.
Many nightmares from which
you will never awake.
- Oh, Kirsty, come on...
- Don't you lie to me! Don't!
We can make it work and put the
pieces back together. Believe me.
I am done believing!
I trusted you!
I can't believe this shit is
happening. I have a fucking deal.
No, you had a deal.
But I made a better offer.
And guess what?
- He took it.
- Welcome...
to the worst nightmare of all.
I'm the fifth soul.
Yeah, that's him.
Okay, people, that's it.
He just shot himself.
Next thing I knew, we were in
the water, I couldn't see anything.
- I lost him.
- You did what you could.
- I'm sorry.
- It just doesn't make any sense.
That he would be
capable of murder.
We found the gun in your car.
It appears to be the same.
If it matches, I think we may
have found our killer.
Wait a minute, guys,
before you zip him up.
Not your lucky day, was it?
Check the oral cavity
for blockages?
What have we got here?
And we have a winner.
Okay, zip it up.
We'll finish at the morgue.
Wait, wait.
Sorry I had to leave you like that
for a minute, Trev. I'm back.
Can you hear me, Trevor?
Jesus, Allison. What possesses
you to talk to cadavers?
What if there's no afterlife?
Wouldn't you want someone to talk
to you like a normal human being?
You're creeping me out.
And I'm the coroner.
I've arranged a ride home for you,
so I guess you're free to go.
Thank you, Detective.
For everything.
Ah, one more thing.
I wonder if you know
anything about this.
We found it in the car.
It was my anniversary gift.
You know, I was gonna
turn it in as evidence.
But I'll tell you what.
Why don't you take it home?
Something to remember him by.
Of course. Thank you.