Hell's Belles (1969) Movie Script

Tough race.
Congratulations, Dan.
Almost had him.
Should've run him off the road
when I had the chance.
Come on, Tony,
don't take it so hard.
Yeah, there's always next year.
Next year. Hell.
I want that bike.
Maybe you can still get it.
From what I hear, it's up for grabs
to the highest bidder.
Oh, yeah?
Hey, hold it.
- Congratulations.
- Thanks, Carlyle.
- Cot an offer for you.
- Let's hear it.
- Cycle. How much you want for it?
- What do you got in mind?
I got me a good bike.
You know that.
I almost took the race on it.
So how about my bike
and 300 bucks?
Oh, I'm sorry, Carlyle, but I'm
shooting for at least $2,000 cash.
Come up with that kind of money,
we'll do some talking.
Well, let's put this baby to bed,
and then I'll buy you
a drink or two, huh?
See you soon?
Okay, let's get this bike unloaded.
Slash a couple of those tires
so he won't be following us.
- What about that bike?
- Fix it so it won't run.
Let's get out of here.
Hey, Tony?
Gonna need a headlight
for that thing.
No more doubling up, Buzz.
You take my old bike.
Hey, man, great.
What about him?
Time he comes to,
we'll be long gone.
Man, that sure is pretty.
Hey, Tampa,
are you gonna take it?
I've been thinking on it.
Ain't never had a bike that pretty.
Hey! You people
get away from there!
We were just
looking at it, man.
Okay, you've seen it.
Now move off.
You ain't the friendliest guy
in the world, are you?
I wouldn't worry about it.
Hey, Tony, let's get out of here.
Hey, don't be touching
my cycle, if you please.
- Your cycle?
- Just made up my mind.
No way, friend.
Maybe I didn't
make myself clear, friend.
I've been meaning
to have that bike.
I'm gonna give you something
fair and square for it.
I'm gonna give you
my motorcycle.
That's a fair deal.
The girl don't go with it.
That's my old lady.
I knew we had a deal.
You got a good head
on your shoulders.
Cherry, baby! Get your butt
off the man's motorcycle.
You had your joke now, fella.
You don't want
to do business with me?
Looks like I'm gonna have to
explain trading to you, boy.
Back off, redneck,
or it's game time.
Game time!
- Go, baby.
- Give it to him, Tampa.
Okay. Then let's get it on.
Come on.
Hey, Gippo!
You okay?
Gippo, here!
Hey, Tampa, you're gonna be
needing this.
Let's get the hell out of here
before the cops come.
Baby, we're gone.
Okay, let's split!
All right, Carlyle.
I saw it was you before you
decked me. Where's my bike?
Well, ten guys beat us up
and took off with it.
That way.
Man, I'm sorry.
I was just crazy drunk.
I would have brought it
back in the morning.
Sure you would've.
How long are you gonna play
with that dumb old thing?
Cherry, baby...
it ain't even broke in yet.
Well, neither am I.
Besides, you're gonna have
a hard time making love to it.
I'd be much nicer.
Let's get it done, then.
You can't hide from me.
I seen you.
Aw, Tampa...
What are you hiding
from Gippo for?
I know...
you got a bottle.
- Yeah.
- Come on.
Hey, you!
Swatted him like a fly.
Get him!
He didn't hurt you,
did he, baby?
Let's get him.
Come on!
Hold it,
you pack of savages!
Take him back inside.
Looks like we caught us
a motorcycle thief.
You know what we're
gonna do to you, boy?
I didn't steal it.
Of course you didn't.
I stopped you.
You was making off
with my motorcycle.
- Chain him!
- That's right.
Give him to me.
I owe him.
Go on, Gip, tell it like it is.
Come on, Gip,
let's hear it.
I... I seen him
sneaking over by your motorcycle.
And when I went over there,
he hit me in the head.
With a rock.
With a rock?
You're a bad one.
Damn it, that cycle's mine!
I won it as a prize!
Tell another one like that,
and you're gonna turn to stone.
I got a medal right here
in my pocket that'll prove it!
Have a look, Gip.
Bring it here, you ninny.
It's pretty.
Read the inscription.
That'll prove it.
It's got some writin' on it.
If this is so, how come
somebody else had the cycle?
He stole it from me
just like you stole it from him.
Wait a minute, man.
I didn't steal nothing from nobody.
I swapped them.
I don't give a damn
how you got that cycle.
I'm here to take it back.
Take it back?
It's mine now.
Don't come crying to me
because you ain't
man enough to hang on to it.
Don't talk about bein'
man enough
when you got two goons
holding me down.
That ain't very nice, mister.
Those guys are
protecting you from yourself.
If you was loose, you're liable
to walk into a fist or something.
I'll chance it.
Tampa, he sure is begging for it.
You want him, Gip?
I give him to you.
Go on, bust him.
That took some of
the fight out of him.
You bastards better
kill me, 'cause...
I'm gonna get
every last thievin' one of you.
Gip, I think he means it.
Look, cowboy...
Me and my people don't steal.
You must allow we didn't know that
bike was stolen when we acquired it.
Being law-abiding citizens,
we're gonna make it up to you.
Give you something in return.
You got nothing I want.
Let me kick him in the head.
That'll shut him up.
Unfair to kick a man
when he's down.
- Let's get him up on his feet.
- Leave him be.
Cowboy and I have
some swapping to do.
Let's see what I got
for you, cowboy.
I know just the thing.
Now ain't this nice?
- What are you up to?
- You like her?
What the hell's going on?
Give the man a smile,
sugar, will you?
Keep her.
I don't want her.
I know.
You want your cycle.
But you ain't gonna get it
'cause a swap's a swap.
So you better take her
and be happy.
Damn it!
I don't want her!
Hey, Tampa, you almost had me
scared for a minute.
I almost thought
you meant it.
Tampa, help me!
Take good care of him, honey.
Just like you did for us.
Let's split.
Come on!
Don't leave me here! Tampa!
He really did run off
and leave you, huh?
Which way did they go?
Hey! I asked you a question.
Your friends ran off
and left you here.
What are you trying
to protect them for?
- What are you planning to do?
- Get my bike back!
You're crazy.
There's ten of them.
- You'd never stand a chance.
- That's my worry!
You're gonna tell me where
they went, or I'll bust your...
All right!
They're on their way to Nogales.
They've been gone an hour.
They went over you
real good, didn't they?
They may not
be so easy next time.
Neither will I.
Big talk, considering
they're not here.
What are you so smug about?
They sure don't think
much of their women!
You're no improvement!
Neither are you!
I'm getting rid of you
the first town we come to!
All right, break it up!
You want gas,
I'll do it.
Give me that.
Hey, come here.
- What's the matter?
- This thing won't work.
Maybe it ain't got no gas.
Worked fine a minute ago.
Here, Gip.
You look at it.
Man, did you pick up on that?!
That was beautiful.
I'm gonna get you for this.
We're only playing!
Come on.
We was only fooling. Come on.
Come on!
Watch it, man!
Don't mess around with it!
Hey, you!
I got a cigarette here!
Trying to kill us all, you fool.
Let's get out of here!
Come on!
This is where we part company.
Don't think it hasn't been fun.
That's probably the most
exciting news up here in years.
There's a couple of them now!
Friends probably
had something to do with that.
That's got nothing to do with us.
I'm not wasting my breath.
Get on!
You recognize those bikes?
They're like men.
All the same.
- You wait here.
- Why?
Just do it.
Twenty cents for a can of beans.
Ain't it a shame?
I don't make the prices.
You don't mind collecting
for them, though, do you?
- What the...
- Talk to me.
- Nice and quiet.
- What do you want?
Where are the rest of your friends?
What the hell are you doing here?
Hey, Charlie, come here!
We got company!
Where are they?
The Mesquite Road cutoff.
Two miles down the lake.
Get the hell out of my store!
Police'll hear about this.
Let's get out of here.
He's gonna call the cops.
That should cover this.
But what about the damages?
They'll take care of that.
Take this to the bike while I make sure
your friends wait for the cops.
Can't you do anything right?
I wouldn't worry about it.
It's the end of the line, remember?
Your friends are camped
two miles up the road,
and I'm taking you to them.
The hell you are.
Okay. Stay here.
Those cops are
coming from Mammoth.
You and your friends will have
a good time trying to convince them
you didn't burn down
that gas station.
Now pick that up.
I wonder how Cathy
is making out with that cowboy.
Who cares?
He sure came out on the short end
of the stick on that trade.
I like Cathy.
- Too bad Tampa had to...
- Tampa can do what he wants!
Watch what you say,
or you might be part of the next trade.
Tampa, what are we doing
down in this hole?
What do you suggest we do?
Ride up there on the mountains
where the Arizona Highway Patrol
can see us?
I don't like it down here.
- What about the gas?
- What about it?
None of us got full tanks.
We keep running around
in this back country,
we're gonna wind up
walking to Nogales.
That's old dum-dum's
fault over there.
If he hadn't burned down
the gas station,
we all would've had full tanks.
We would have been riding
to Nogales on the highway.
If I hadn't been around, you would
have burned that whole town down.
You're an arsonist,
you know that?
What's a... an arsonist?
Ok, listen. We're gonna stay off
the highway and that's that.
We're staying right here.
I don't want any more bitching,
you understand that?
Okay, dum-dum?
God dang it.
What's wrong with you?
- Who threw this rock?
- What rock?
Somebody threw a rock in my food.
Go over there and behave yourself.
It serves you right.
That ain't funny, Mongoose.
What are you talking about?
You know what I'm talking about.
I didn't do nothing.
You're a liar.
Watch out for the bike.
Give me a break, would ya?
Knock it off, you morons!
- I'll kill you!
- Knock it off!
You're ruining the bike!
Knock it off!
- I don't need your help.
- Hey, down there!
If you're waiting for those two goons
to come back from the store,
you're gonna get hungry...
the cops got them!
I'm returning your merchandise!
I want a refund!
Dude's crazy.
'Course he is.
No Indian giving!
A swap is a swap!
- Is that your final word?
- That's right, cowboy!
I'm meaning to get that bike back!
Come on down here,
and I'm gonna strum your head a little!
- You get up here!
- You go to hell!
You sound like a couple of kids.
Shut up.
Get out of the way, will you?
You better run for cover, because
it's gonna start raining down there!
He's gonna ruin the bike!
Let's split! Retreat!
Well, that was real cool.
- What's your next brilliant plan?
- Follow them.
You stupid jerk!
Will you take me back to the...
Nope. We're going after my bike.
Look... just take me
back to the store.
The cops are gone by now.
It's out of my way.
Get on!
I'm staying right here!
I'll walk back.
Come on.
You take one more step,
and you're gonna get it.
You lousy... let me go,
you dumb cowboy!
Put me down,
you stupid monkey!
Now, are you gonna behave?
Okay... have a nice walk.
If I were a man...
You'd have to be to walk out of here.
By the way, you know what to do
if you're bit by a Gila monster?
A Gila monster?
They won't let go,
so you have to cut their heads off.
Oh, come on.
There's no sense
cutting their heads off,
because their poison
will probably kill you.
There are no
Gila monsters around here.
Arizona desert's the Gila monster
capital of the world.
- You're full of bull.
- Rattlesnakes, too.
You can't scare me.
I'll never forget the time
I saw a man bit by one.
'Course he didn't live long,
but sure is something to see.
Shook all over, started foaming
at the mouth like a mad dog,
fell to the ground
and swoll up like a big balloon...
Oh, shut up!
Turned all purple and...
I've seen some fools in my day,
but you are the all-time winner.
Why don't you
give your mouth a rest?
You'll never get your bike back.
You're outnumbered.
Those guys don't mess around.
They'll kill you this time.
I've got one edge on them,
and that's gonna make all the difference.
- Oh, yeah?
- Yep.
I know every rock and hill
from here to the border.
These are my stomping grounds.
- So what?
- So I got 'em.
I don't care who gets who.
All I want is to get out
of this stinking country!
Break's over.
Now what are you doing?
What's it look like I'm doing?
What makes you think they're
gonna come through there?
There's no other way.
How much is that
damn bike worth, anyway?
Hell of a lot more than you are.
Tampa's gonna run that bike
into the ground.
When he's through with it,
it's not gonna be worth five dollars.
Get over there and stay
out of sight,
and if you make
one move to warn them...
I hope you beat
each other's brains out.
It's a slide.
Come on, get back!
Listen! Regroup!
We gotta stop running
in these gullies.
That was too close.
We're blocked off.
We're gonna have to
go over the top of the ridge.
Tampa, it'll take a hundred years.
It's gonna be dark soon.
You wanna be stuck down here
if that cowboy's up there?
Let's get those bikes moving.
Let's go.
Take care of that.
No way, man.
Let's get some more beef into it!
Let's go!
Some more beef.
Come on!
Get it up!
Let's get the other bikes!
Come on!
Up there, up there.
Let me turn it here.
Turn in here.
That's a hell of a lot of work.
I can't believe it.
Don't bother to bury me.
I'll die right here.
Okay, come on.
Let's get the rest of the bikes now!
- You gotta be nuts.
- Let's go!
- Get out of here.
- Let's go!
He's nuts.
Give him some air.
Get back.
Give him room to breathe.
He's busted up bad.
- Get him to the hospital.
- What about the cops?
You want your man dead?
Get him to the hospital
and don't say anything to the cops.
Come on. Come here.
Watch my leg.
I'm gonna get you for this,
This is just the beginning... friend!
When we get him, I'm gonna tear
his head off with my bare hands.
No, you won't, Gip.
Because he's mine.
All mine.
Tampa... are we still
going to Mexico?
Hell, yes, baby.
Come on.
Come on!
Takin' me home
to meet your mother?
Don't flatter yourself.
What are we doing here?
This is an old mining shack.
Last time I was here,
it was filled with all kinds of junk.
I might find something here
to help even up the odds.
I'm tired, I'm hungry,
and I'm cold.
Don't you ever get tired
of these little games?
Why don't you take a break, huh?
- What's the matter?
- A snake.
- Where?
- There!
It's okay.
Aren't you going
to do something about it?
I'll get around to it.
Now! Please get rid of it!
Okay, but don't move.
You gotta watch 'em.
Be careful.
These things are fierce
if they're wounded.
Stop it! He's got me!
Help! Help!
Help! Help!
Why, you miserable crud.
Stay here and keep still.
Bye-bye, doll.
You okay?
You dumb jerk.
You could have killed me!
You're okay.
You've got a bike.
What are you chasing me for?
Gotta take one
of the bikes back.
Both those guys are hurt.
They need a bike to get to a doctor.
You've gotta be kidding.
Come on, are you gonna
get on that thing?
Go choke.
Turn that thing around
and let's go!
- Stupid...
- You want another one?
Then let's go.
I think his arm's broken,
but this oughta hold him
till you get him to a doctor.
Let's get him to the bike.
Know how to get back?
Go back down the canyon
the way you came
till you come to the
railroad tracks, turn right,
you follow them north,
then you'll come to the nearest town.
Hey, man?
You actually look like
you feel sorry for them.
What of it?
First you bust them up,
then you put them back together again.
Doesn't make sense.
You wouldn't understand.
You are without a doubt the biggest
jackass on God's green earth.
I'm glad to see you're
in a good mood again.
How come you didn't cave
those guys' heads in
instead of helping them?
You're such a lady.
They wouldn't have done
the same for you.
Maybe not,
but I'm not out for blood.
Just want to get my bike back.
All this for a damn motorcycle?
That damn motorcycle's
worth about $2,000.
That's a year's payments
on my ranch.
It's gonna start showing
a profit next year.
If I can't meet those bank notes,
there goes three years of hard work
right down the drain.
Not counting all the time spent
in the garage saving up.
What about you?
How do you earn your keep?
I only work when I have to.
Well... I didn't seem to be
going anywhere, either,
till I bought that land.
Now it's growing up,
and so am I.
What does that mean?
It means I can see
both sides of the coin.
That's why I can't hate your friends.
The last two years, they were
the closest thing to family I ever had.
What happened?
I was accused of
cheating on my man.
- Were you?
- No.
I had the feeling
he was cooling off,
so I messed around with
another guy to make him jealous.
We got caught.
We weren't doing anything.
That lying little bitch
Cherry swore different.
The guy got
beat up and run off,
and I was thrown
to the wolves -
up for grabs,
anyone, anytime.
So how come
I wind up with you?
I don't like it
any more than you do!
Okay, okay.
Made any plans yet?
Looks like I can't go back.
You'd want to after all
they've done to you?
You still feel for him.
I can see you've never felt
that strong about anyone.
I have the good sense to know
when to walk away from a bad bargain.
It's not always that easy.
I wonder what
happened to them guys, Tampa?
Probably broke down.
Don't worry about it.
You want me
to go looking for them?
Hell, no.
You'd get lost so bad out there,
you'll be riding in circles for a month.
I don't think
they're coming back.
I don't need
none of your opinions.
Tampa, I get the feeling that nut
is out there watching us all the time.
Next, you'll be
seeing ghosts, baby.
Hey, Tampa.
Give the cowboy
back his bike.
He's been bad news, man.
You guys are the biggest bunch
of old ladies I've ever seen.
There's five of us, not counting
the women, and there's only one of him!
Oh, yeah?
There used to be ten of us.
The cowboy gets around.
I don't give a damn
about the cowboy.
I'm keeping the bike!
Another day or so,
we're gonna be in Nogales.
So at least shape up and act
like you've got some guts.
If I'm not back in an hour,
the bike's yours.
Just bear right at that last fork,
and it'll wind up at the highway,
about 15 miles,
the other side of Mammoth.
Where you been, honey?
Me and Crazy John's been
laying a little trap for the cowboy.
- Where's Gip?
- He's wandering around somewhere.
Tampa, you think that fool cowboy
will come around tonight?
You'd better believe it.
But that's what makes good strategy...
knowing what the other guy's
gonna do before he does it.
I got it all figured.
What's he gonna do?
He's gonna come sneaking around,
trying to mess up the bikes.
- Yeah.
- What'd you do?
All them pretty little bikes in a circle,
just waiting for the cowboy.
As soon as he
steps in the middle... zoom.
A snare trap.
A rope tied to
a branch of a tree.
He's gonna be
hanging like a rose,
just waiting to be picked.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Hey, Gip!
You go around that way,
I'll go through here.
We'll get him as
he comes down for the bike.
Old Tampa's got him again.
Oh, you moron.
How did I get up here?
You dumb jackass.
Oh... I'm sorry I startled you.
Hold me.
Please hold me.
Hey, look what
he done to our camp.
- He's making me real mad.
- Shut up.
Let's pack
and get out of here.
Where are we going?
We're gonna move
to higher ground.
We're gonna be
on top of him for a change.
Get the stuff
and let's get out of here.
Let's go. Come on!
What's the matter?
Whatcha doing?
- Thinking.
- About what?
Just things.
- Dan?
- Yeah?
What happens if you
don't get your bike back?
- I'll get it back.
- But if you don't?
It's funny,
I hadn't even thought of that.
I set my mind in one direction,
and things usually work out.
It's not always the way I planned,
but they work out.
But if this doesn't work out?
I guess I'll start all over again.
From scratch.
You've got guts.
- Relax.
- I'm so cold.
That better?
I could get to liking this.
So could I.
Hey, Rabbit,
Crazy John.
Keep watch.
Where's Gip?
Aw, that big goof.
He fell in a hole somewhere.
Hey, Gip! Gippo!
You gotta keep
your eye on him all the time.
Running out on me, huh?
- Where are you off to?
- I thought I'd do a little scouting.
See what damage was done
last night,
and what they're up to
his morning.
- Should I wait here?
- You might as well.
I'll be right back.
Everybody up.
Let's go!
Come on, let's go!
What's the big idea?
We're gonna hold a war council,
and I want everyone to listen.
Gippo ain't back yet.
He's probably lost and wandering
around the old camp.
- Maybe the cowboy got him.
- Shut up.
If Gippo was gonna come back,
he'd have been here by now.
We can't hold a war council
without everybody here.
As soon as we eat, we're going
back to the old camp and find him.
- No.
- That's exactly what we're gonna do!
Any of you got
any difference of opinion,
step out here,
and we'll argue the point.
We've been waiting
for you, cowboy.
Let her go.
We're gonna go down
and see Tampa.
I got you both,
and he's gonna be real proud of me.
He wants you bad.
Not half as bad as I want him.
- Just start marching.
- Or what?
Or I'll slit her throat from...
from ear to ear.
Well, that's no concern of mine.
Go ahead, she's one of yours
anyway, isn't she?
Well, I might just do that.
But you'd still have
to fight me, wouldn't you?
Why don't you get out from behind
that slut, and let's get it on, huh?
Or is she protecting you?
I don't need no protecting!
You don't?
You had to have two guys
hold me down last time.
Think you can do
better without them?
Don't be scared.
You still got the knife
and the whore.
I ain't scared!
Then fight me,
you big son of a bitch!
I'm bit!
I'm bit!
It bit me!
- What's he up to now?
- I don't know.
Get him!
Oh, Gip...
Why did you let him
do it to you?
Look at his face.
Hey, show yourself!
I'm gonna kill you!
It was an accident!
He was killed by a rattlesnake!
Look at him!
He's right. Look here.
I ain't looking at nothing except
that cowboy's face when I kill him.
Call the whole thing off
before something else happens!
No way!
You're a dead man, you know that?!
That's the way it'll be then.
Hey! Here's your damn bike!
Take it back!
What the hell's gotten into you?
Give it up, Tampa!
The damn thing's
been nothing but misery!
I ain't giving nothing up!
It's mine!
We gotta pay him back for Gippo!
He got himself killed,
because of your stubbornness
over this damn lousy bike!
Cathy, look at this.
All hell's breaking loose down there.
Don't go blaming that on me!
It was him that done it, nobody else!
You're crazy, Tampa.
You're crazy.
You change your mind?!
You better keep quiet out there,
because your turn's next!
What's wrong?
Is he gonna
give your bike back?
I think they're
gonna make him, yeah.
If that's what you want.
What is it?
Just thinking about
what happened with Gippo.
That was an accident,
you know that.
No, I mean what
you said about me.
Well, I... I had to bluff him out,
or he'd have cut you up for sure.
I'm sorry about that, Cathy.
Oh, Dan...
...let's go.
Turn your back on this mess,
and let's get out of here.
No one's gonna make him
give that bike back.
Wait a minute... you trying
to protect Tampa or me?
Oh, Dan...
...let's start from scratch together
and get out of here.
I'm too close, and I've been through
too much to just walk away.
Then you get your bike.
Okay, so we leave
the bike here.
We make like we're going,
only we don't.
We wait for him to come down
from the hill, and when he does,
we got him.
Just where are you going
to hide in this flat land?
The only place we can hide
is the hill we just came from.
Forget it. I don't know about
anybody else, but I'm leaving.
- Yeah, I've had it.
- Me, too, Tampa. This is dumb.
Let's just go, honey.
Go on, you worthless
bunch of cowards.
You call us what you want.
We're still leaving.
But he owes us for Gip.
No matter who gets who,
Gip's still dead.
I ain't getting killed
over no lousy bike of yours.
Cherry, you going?
Tampa, come with us.
Cherry, you going or staying?
Good-bye, Tampa.
They're leaving him.
We'll wait here a while.
Could be a trick.
Go on, run off with your tails
between your legs.
Who needs you?
Well, Gip, it looks like
it's just you and me again,
just like always.
Remember that time
last year in San Angelo
when we got drunk
and busted up that joint,
and while you were holding
them off, I cleaned out the till?
And the cops arrested one of those
waitresses and blamed her for it.
Those were good times.
You can't hear me, can you?
I'm sorry, Gip.
I'm really sorry, man.
Hey, cowboy,
you come for this?
It's yours if you can kill me!
Up to now,
we've been fighting on your terms.
Now it's my style!
Pick it up!
I'll be waiting for you!
Winner gets the bike!
And we might as well
throw in old Cathy there, too!
Seems there'll only be
one of us left.
No sense wasting her.
Get off the bike, Cathy.
You're not going
through with this?
I said get off the bike!
Dan, don't do it!
Don't do it!
Come on,
let's get out of here.
What about him?
He's hurt.
That's his problem.
Cathy... I...
I think I done it.
I'm busted up pretty good.
I think I broke my shoulder.
- Come on, Cathy.
- You can't just leave him.
He can have my old bike.
That'll get him to town.
- But he can't ride.
- He can if he wants to bad enough.
You ain't gonna run
out on me, are you, baby?
I need you.
You can help me into town.
Sure he needs you...
for now. He's alone!
How long is he gonna
keep you around this time?
Don't listen to him.
It's gonna be you and me,
just like before.
I was a fool listening
to that lying Cherry.
I know now
I done you wrong.
But I'm big enough to be
asking your forgiveness.
I love you, baby.
Cathy, I'm hurting.
Don't leave me here.
Please, baby, I love you.
I love you, baby.
Cathy, don't leave!
Cathy, please!
Please, Cathy!
I wouldn't do it to you, baby!
Come on, Cathy,
it's gonna be different now!
I swear to you!
Cathy, I'm all busted up.
Don't leave me, baby, please!
I love you!