Help (2022) Movie Script

No, no, no!
No, no, it's...
it's not gonna work.
How do you know that?
We've not even tried it.
Because you're
just, you're just saying that
for the sake of fixing this.
Whatever this is.
Whatever this is? Wow.
Well, it's,
it's not really a relationship, Grace,
when I'm the only one
making the effort, is it?
I mean...
I had to call you, like,
three times this week
just to get through to you.
How many times do
I have to tell you...
You're busy doing the work.
Yeah, I know, I know.
But, you know, what's...
what's wrong with texting?
You know, you could
at least text me.
This, this entire month,
I felt like you,
you didn't even exist.
I warned you.
I warned you at the beginning
that this wasn't gonna be easy
because of the long distance.
And you know what?
I guess I was wrong,
because I thought that
we would be okay
without the physical part.
Oh. So it's a physical
thing now?
No, no, it's everything, Grace.
It's everything.
You just... You don't get it.
No, I get it.
You haven't had sex
for a few months,
and now everything's
falling apart.
You're starting to sound
delusional. You know that?
Okay, then help me.
Help me to see a future
in this relationship.
I seriously... I don't even
know why we're arguing.
Because, Grace,
I am trying my absolute hardest
not to break up
with you right now.
I am trying.
I really, really am.
But you know what?
At the end of the day,
I don't get to see you.
We never speak to each other.
What's the point?
Love. Sure.
Do you love me, Grace?
I do.
I do too, you know.
That's the problem.
- What?
- We're not in love anymore, Grace.
Are we?
I don't know.
I can't do this.
Hmm. Chris...
You either... You
either fly over tomorrow
or this relationship,
it's over for me.
That's not fair.
You have to give me
more time.
Goodbye, Grace.
Have a nice life.
What the fuck do you
think you're doing?
I'm sorry.
- You just nearly ran me over.
- I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
- I'm sorry.
- Oh. You were on your phone, were ya?
Look, I'm distracted.
- Oh, yeah.
- I'm sorry. I know.
- You're all right?
- Keep your eyes on the road. Yeah?
You fucking idiot.
Oh, fuck.
Come on, come on.
Pick up, pick up, pick up.
Hey. David, right?
Hello, Grace.
Do you know
if anyone's in?
I saw Ed and Liv
walk the dog this morning.
Oh. Really?
It's bad.
What's bad, David?
Anyone in?
Oh, hey, Polly, little cutie.
Grace? Is that you?
- Yeah.
- I'll be right down.
- Surprise!
- Gracie.
Oh, my God,
it's been such a long time.
Wait. It's Ed's birthday, right?
Oh, have I got the date wrong?
No. Yeah. Yeah, it is.
Babe, look who's here.
Oh, Barbara, you don't have
to iron those. I'll do them.
It's nearly done anyway.
I said I'll do them.
Well, I'm off then.
- Have a good weekend.
- Yeah, see ya.
Grace, what are you doing here?
To celebrate your
birthday obviously.
Oh, you know, I don't really
like to celebrate my birthdays.
Oh. Shut up.
It's a good excuse
to get drunk at least.
Yeah, sure.
So how did you know
I was gonna be here?
Where else are you gonna be?
You two are practically married.
Oh, now you're here
we might as well have a party.
Just like the old times, eh?
Well, you better watch out
for this one then.
You know what she's like
when she's had a few.
I'll be on my best behavior.
We'll see about that.
Do you guys know
what's up with David?
What do you mean?
He said something
weird to me earlier.
Oh. You know he's a weirdo.
Yeah. I saw him the other day.
He was eating flowers
and he just kept chewing them.
Do you know what I think?
I think he's got a great life.
I mean, he doesn't work,
gets benefits from the
government and he lives with mum.
Oh, and what? We live such
a miserable life, do we?
I mean, you're not doing
too bad yourself, Ed.
Look at this place.
And a beautiful girlfriend
who you stole away from me.
You can take Polly
with you anytime.
To make your life
even worse, Ed.
I got you something.
You shouldn't have.
Come on, open it.
You know you're getting old
when you start getting
cigars for your birthday.
God. They smell expensive, babe.
Apparently, they're the exact
same brand that was used
during Bill Clinton's
No way.
Welcome. Happy birthday.
Will you be staying tonight?
Nah, I don't wanna intrude.
Uh, we're going to see
my family, remember?
- Oh.
- I don't remember.
Yeah, we spoke
about it last week.
Well, plans can change.
Can't they, babe?
- I mean...
- Oh, you're staying.
So how's your new job?
Oh, you got a new job?
Yeah. It's not exactly
new anymore.
Something to do
with toxicology.
Forensic scientist.
Interesting choice
for a girl, isn't it?
- Not really.
- Just asking.
Actually, I'm just a junior.
You know,
I find it so fascinating.
You must have witnessed
some horrendous crime scenes.
Not all forensic scientists get
involved in crime scene work.
Some choose to stay in the lab.
Babe, I just realized.
You're a lawyer,
so the two of you could
work together on a case.
I suppose we could.
Maybe we already have.
I mean, obviously,
we can't talk about it.
It's all confidential,
legally binding.
Right. I was just
prepping dinner.
Are you hungry, Grace?
You know I can always eat.
Great. I'll let
you two catch up.
Give me a kiss, babe.
How many hugs
do you want off me?
Oh. I've just missed
you so much.
So, how's you and Chris?
Yeah. We're fine.
- Good.
- Hm.
So, how long
has he been away?
- Three months...
- Months?
Hey, Lucas.
Ed, happy birthday, man.
Remember, you're only
as old as the woman you feel.
Are you
ready to come back to work yet?
Yeah, soon. Soon.
How is the Cardona case going?
Well, all the signs
are there, but the police
are blind as bats and the public
are all swayed by the celebrity.
You know, same old drill.
I'm doing
the best I can.
But I ain't no Edward Newman.
trial starts next week.
That soon?
Yeah, look, don't feel
like you need to rush back.
You and Liv okay?
- Ed?
- Uh, yeah.
Yeah. Look, I'll give you a call
before the trial starts.
Yeah, okay. Sure, man.
Yeah, I guess so.
But how about you in the countryside?
Oh. Great.
We went hiking last weekend.
Oh, my gosh. You would
not believe the view
from the top of the mountain.
I can get my phone and show
you some of the pictures.
Grace, get in.
I think it's time
for Grace to meet Polly.
- Yes.
- Who's Polly?
Polly, come on, girl.
Oh, my God. You have a dog.
She's so cute.
Isn't she just? Didn't you say
she was adopted, though?
Yeah, well, family dog.
Mom got her
from a rescue center.
She works long hours now
and couldn't take care of her.
So, she dropped her off here
and she's been here ever since.
Check this.
So, how did you two meet?
She didn't tell you?
I thought that's the first thing
you girls would talk about.
I was too embarrassed to say.
- Swipe, swipe, swipe.
- Ed.
How very old-fashioned of you.
Hey, look,
dating apps are great.
Don't knock them off. I've got friends
who got married from them, you know.
Can't say I've ever used them.
Well, maybe you
should give it a go.
Once you get past all the
dick pics and the hook-ups...
What he's trying to say
is that nice guys like him
are hard to find.
So, who messaged first?
- I did.
- Pretty sure it was me.
Um, I sent a smiley face.
You sent a winky emoji
and they don't count.
Anyway, he was telling me
about this book he was reading.
Something like Anna, Anna Karen?
- Anna Karenina.
- Yeah. That's it.
Oh. I love that book.
Wasn't it written by a Russian
author, uh, Tolstoy?
Yeah. Leo Tolstoy.
Well, I had no idea.
So I just said, "Cool."
And he kept showing off.
And then I just thought,
"Mmm, this guy's
just not for me."
- You got bored of him?
- Yes, but he kept on going.
And then, well,
I started to realize
there's something
quite appealing about him.
And I asked her out.
I said no at first.
Uh, she was playing
hard to get, you know.
But eventually he started
to make me laugh
and being all charming.
So we met and here we are.
Come on, let me
show you to your room.
Hello? Grace!
- Yeah.
- Hiking photos.
You picked up the chair
and just threw her out the window?
It's so crazy, right?
I can't believe
he didn't get fired for that.
Are you still
horse riding, Grace?
Oh, babe, you used
to really enjoy that, no?
Yeah, I just, uh,
I couldn't afford it.
Since I moved into my own flat.
Oh, that's a shame.
Can you keep
the horse in the flat?
Ed, stop being silly.
I mean, plus, I felt
really bad for the horses.
What do you mean?
Well, before we came along,
they were wild and free
and then look
what we made them do.
And they get whipped around
by all these jockeys.
What if we were put on this
planet to be their riders?
Maybe that's their purpose.
They might even like it
for all we know.
Okay, Ed, let me...
Let me set the scene for you.
So you're in the middle
of this... this huge field,
and... and you walk
a few meters ahead.
And then there's this...
this wooden fence
in front of you.
And then you look behind you
and to the sides of you,
and there's nowhere to go.
You're trapped.
So you get down on all fours,
and then I get on your back
and start smacking you about.
That's exactly my point.
I might enjoy that.
Enjoy what?
The fencing or the smacking?
Well, I think we all know
which one he enjoys more.
All I'm saying
is that the horses aren't
suffering like you think they are.
And the whipping
just helps them to focus.
No, but look,
here's the thing, right?
A guy is interested
in the girl
because he finds her attractive.
So then he forces himself through all
the bullshit and gets her into bed.
But then he realizes the sex
isn't what he visualized
from all the porn
he's been watching all his life.
Oh, my God, that's horrible.
Well, on the flip side,
the girl was looking for that
romantic, magical feeling
that she's seen in
all the Hollywood movies
that they've been
pumping out for decades.
But it's just not there.
Because in the real world,
if a guy were to act like a...
the male protagonist
from a rom-com,
she'd lose interest really fast
and find him creepy
and needy.
Real romance requires
a real connection.
Real bond.
That comes from
real life events.
It can't be forced.
It just comes from personalities
crossing paths and fitting
together at the right time.
That's why so many people are
cheating while in marriages...
'cause it's all fake.
So I guess we shouldn't
be getting married then.
So how long have you
been together now?
Uh, about ten months, right?
Eleven months.
Eleven months and two days.
But this hottie right here
is my true love since school.
Speaking of which, have you...
Have you told him about
your secret lesbian experience?
Oh, I've definitely
not heard this one.
Thanks, Grace.
It's not a secret anymore,
is it?
Well, are you gonna
tell him, or should I?
All right, all right.
It's my story, so...
I'll tell it.
Okay, okay.
I'd just broken up with Tom,
because he was
a total asshole, right?
And I decided
that I needed to take
a break from dating.
Then, when I finally
wanted to get back to it,
I decided that I wanted
to date a woman.
You know, the self-pleasuring
thing had become boring.
I paid a visit
to my local gay bar.
Oh, that's the best place
to pick out women
- for me too...
- Shush!
Do you want to hear
the story or not?
I was so turned on that night
and I met
the most beautiful woman,
and after some drinks
and flirting,
we decided to go back
to her place.
And then when we finally got
there, we move to the bedroom.
We were just ripping each other's
clothes off without hesitation.
And then we...
We launch into what can
only be described as...
hot animalistic sex.
Everything was perfect...
Then, she says,
"Wait here,
I'll be right back."
She comes back
wearing a strap-on.
- A strap on?
- Yes.
Of which I am to be
the recipient.
I mean, I'm not opposed
to strap-ons, but...
well, I was in
a man hating-mode, right?
And I decided
that I wanted to come back
to the touch and feel
of a woman.
Not dangly bits.
But being
the team player I am, I...
I powered through.
Then she climbs off me,
she straddles my face.
And she starts
jerking herself off.
Saying to me in not so many
words that I'm about to get it.
So I'm thinking, "Wow,
this chick is really into
"the whole
role-playing experience."
When all of a sudden,
my entire face,
neck, and chest gets covered...
Covered in what?
It was a fucking
squirting strap-on.
I looked like the cheerleader who'd
taken it from the entire football team.
I mean, what the fuck?
You're telling me they've got
a strap-on that can squirt?
Strap-on cum is easier
to wash off than real cum.
Even from your hair.
Then I got my snuggle,
and, well, I left and...
I haven't seen her since.
At least it can't
get you pregnant.
Thanks for reminding me
I'm fucking infertile, Grace.
Liv, you're drunk.
She didn't mean...
Whose side are you on, Ed?
Grace, I made your
favorite honey cheesecake.
That's sweet.
Thanks, Ed.
So Liv tells me that you're
moving down to London.
Trying to get
out of my comfort zone.
Don't you dare
forget to visit me.
Well, that depends.
On whether I meet
a charming and handsome man.
Someone like Ed.
No, I think I can do better.
Hmm. Yeah, you probably can.
I wouldn't date me either.
- Mm-mm.
- No.
Got some terrible habits,
haven't I?
Yeah, many.
You don't want to know.
Well, I do
too much ironing, um...
Who's there?
I see you're enjoying
the cigar then.
I'm sorry about earlier.
Don't worry about it.
Does it bother you
that she can't have kids?
But I don't like
to think that far ahead.
Why'd you really come here?
- I did try and call you to tell you...
- Look. Look.
I don't wanna talk about that.
- Ed, there's something.
- Christ!
There's nothing to talk about.
Just enjoy your weekend here.
Why are you being like this?
Because there's always
someone listening.
Who's listening?
That fucking weirdo, David.
Jenny called me earlier.
She said I can start the
babysitting job next week.
You know, they say it's bad for you
to use your phone before sleeping.
Something about suppressed levels of
melatonin and exposure to blue light.
Is it also bad
if I see you exposed?
Why has everything got to be
sexual with you, babe?
I see you're
in a better mood then.
It's your birthday weekend.
I don't want to
talk about it, okay?
Is this the part
where you tell me to wait
while you get a strap-on?
That story has really got
into your head, hasn't it?
Come here.
Love you.
You do?
Of course.
I want you to know
whatever happens,
I'll never leave you.
No, wait.
She'll hear us.
That's the fun part.
Just want to apologize
for last night.
- It wasn't cool.
- No.
No, I'm sorry too.
Hey. Hey, what's the matter?
Doesn't matter.
I'm okay.
It's about last night.
No, no, no.
I'm fine.
We're gonna go
for a walk after breakfast.
Do you wanna come?
Yeah. Yeah, sure.
All right. Cool.
I'll see you downstairs.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Oh, um, Liv?
I don't have anything
to wear for the walk.
Oh, just grab something
from my wardrobe in your room.
Okay. Thanks.
You sure you're okay?
Yeah, hundred percent.
So you guys have got
pretty serious, I see.
I mean,
that's a good thing, right?
It's a phase
most relationships go through.
Yeah, and then the sex slowly dies off.
It's not always
the case, though.
Some couples do
into their 60s.
That's comforting to know.
Sometimes I feel like
he's gonna leave me.
What makes you say that?
He's so smart and hard-working.
He's got everything
that he needs, and I'm just
wondering what does
he get from me?
And how I'm just...
I'm constantly trying
to please him and...
And be there for him
and make him happy, you know.
Sometimes I just get the impression
I'm always doing the wrong thing or...
Or I've said
the wrong thing.
Then I just...
I get this guilty feeling,
like it's all my fault.
That feeling, it just...
takes over and destroys me.
Am I even
making any sense?
Yeah, I completely get you.
But the thing is, Liv,
it's that you're also smart
and stunning.
You don't have to build
your life around him.
Go and find something
you want to do.
Something for yourself.
So, I felt like
this is none of my business,
but I've got to ask.
What happened
with you two last night?
What do you mean?
Just heard some banging and
shouting coming from your room.
Oh, that, yeah. He does
some crazy workout before bed.
Hey. There you go.
Hi. What are you two
talking about?
Just girly stuff.
Heavy mind.
Look, there's that freak again.
- Hi.
- Shit. Gracie, I forgot you were coming.
I'm just heading out
for a class.
- I can come back later if you want.
- No, no, no, It's fine.
- Ed's inside. Um, I'll see you later.
- Okay.
- What's your problem?
- Don't shout at him.
Get back inside.
Fucking nut job.
did you say something
to Grace about us?
I probably have to say
the cornflower.
symbolizes hope.
Yeah, that's right.
Cornflower also known as
bachelor's button
or basket flower.
Yeah. How do you know
so much about flowers?
I read books on British flowers.
Probably know more than
my local florist.
Hm? What?
What did you say
to Grace last night?
I saw you two together.
Nothing. Why?
She's just been poking around
asking questions.
So I thought
you might have said stuff.
I just said nothing, didn't I?
Yeah, I heard you.
There's no need to shout.
David, I have to ask
you something.
And I need you
to tell me the truth.
Can you do that?
Yesterday you said to me "bad."
What's bad?
I wasn't shouting.
- This is my calm voice.
- You were shouting.
I was shouting? Okay.
Do you wanna hear
my shouting voice?
This is me fucking shouting!
Don't start.
Because you'll regret it
like you always fucking do!
- You... You're doing it again.
- I'm doing what?
to make me feel...
Trying to make me
feel like I'm the guilty one here.
- So I'm the one to blame?
- I never said that.
Well, weren't you implying it?
- Tell me!
- I've already told you.
I didn't say anything
to your stupid friend about us.
My stupid friend,
who came here
to celebrate your birthday?
I never asked for that.
You're an ungrateful prick.
Don't you dare start telling me
how ungrateful I am.
I let you live here.
I support you in everything.
You wanted to be an artist,
so I paid for your art classes
for six weeks
until you went to play piano.
And guess who paid
for those too? Me.
Well, when a man,
a real fucking man
loves a woman,
he'd do anything for her.
And for the record, I had
to quit that class
because the guy wanted to sleep with me.
Well, maybe you should
have slept with him.
- Fuck you!
- Fuck you.
You begged me
to move out here with you.
I left my friends
and family for you!
So what am I supposed to do?
Get a job.
Did you see something bad
happen at that house?
What did you see, David?
Did you see someone
doing bad things?
Is that what you meant?
What did you see, David?
What happened?
Where's Liv?
She's, uh...
She's upstairs.
Oh, my God, Liv.
Did he do this to you?
How long has this
been going on?
A few months.
It wasn't always
like this, though.
We used to go out for meals
and trips to the seaside.
We were proper in love.
Like the perfect couple,
you know.
He made me so happy.
And then...
he started to take on
more cases from work.
And he just stopped caring.
He doesn't even make an effort
to talk to me anymore.
It's like I don't exist
in his life.
And when I would try
to make effort,
he would just tell me that I
wasn't giving him enough space.
No, stop, stop, Liv.
None of this is your fault.
You guys, you just
shouldn't be together.
It's not that easy, Grace.
Why isn't it?
I can't live without him.
I just can't.
Well, if you don't
tell him, I will.
No. No, no, you can't.
He said if anyone
ever found out,
he would kill himself, Grace.
- No, Liv, this isn't healthy.
- No, wait.
I hate him
for what he's done to me, I do.
- Why didn't you tell me?
- What was I supposed to say?
Well, I could have helped you.
I want to get back at him.
I've just never had the courage
to do anything by myself.
What do you want to do to him?
Is she okay?
Yeah, she's fine.
Did she tell you
what happened?
Yeah, she did.
we've all been having
a hard time lately.
Why don't we have
a few drinks tonight, yeah?
I just love her
so fucking much, you know.
It just hurts me
to see her like this.
Yeah, I know.
I know.
Everything's gonna be fine.
Someone used a...
No. That was so good.
Why don't you tell us
another lesbian story?
Mm-hmm. I've got no more.
Well, that's right.
Do you know why?
'Cause you too can create
a new lesbian story.
Ha. In your dreams, Ed.
Let's play a game.
I love games.
You're gonna be blindfolded,
one of us is gonna
dance with you,
and you have to guess
who it is.
Fuck yeah, bring it on.
Turn around.
Fuck, this is hard.
No, I don't mean the arse.
I just mean...
I mean, I've got no idea
who this is.
Is that you, Liv?
Oh, fuck!
The fuck did you do that for?
I love this song.
Oh, you're too young
to know this song.
Okay, grandpa,
it's your bedtime.
What? No.
It's my birthday, so I'm gonna
fucking dance all night long.
Polly, let's dance.
Oh, fuck y'all doing? Come on.
Grace, wake up.
- What took you so long?
- Come on, let's go.
Liv, what are you doing?
I'm just going to pee, babe.
Go back to sleep.
Hmm. Okay.
I don't remember
what the pin is.
Well, how am I supposed
to know?
I did not think about this.
Try his birthday.
What do you think
it could be?
Try your birthday.
Um... Polly.
- Try Polly's birthday.
- Polly's birthday, right, okay.
How much money is that?
I know. I told you.
Are we just gonna walk out
of here like this?
No, of course not.
We're not stupid.
He'll know it's us.
I'll come up with an excuse for us
to get away in the morning, okay?
Well, what if he finds out his
things are missing before we leave?
Then I'll tell him
that we've been burgled. Yeah?
It sounds like you got it
all figured out then.
Hey, let's keep looking, okay?
You look in there.
- Grace.
- Yeah.
I know he's got more stuff in here.
Just need to find it.
Take this.
Shit. Shit!
Oh, my God. I think
I'm gonna be sick.
What the fuck are
we gonna do now?
- Liv?
- I'm thinking.
We're gonna have
to bury the dog.
And we leave before
he finds out she's even gone.
This is insane.
We're seriously fucked.
Polly. Walkies time.
That's odd.
Polly. Where are you, girl?
Have you seen the dog?
What's up? Did something
happen to the dog?
What? No. I think someone
broke in last night.
- And then...
- So you haven't seen Polly?
No, Ed. I haven't seen
your flipping dog.
He's gonna find it.
No. He won't.
He's standing
right next to it.
He's gonna see the dog.
Oh, my God.
See? Told you.
How could he have
not found it?
I don't know.
Let's get our things and go.
I don't think it's
a good time to leave.
He'll know.
I have an idea.
Babe, maybe Polly got scared
by the burglars last night
and just ran off somewhere.
Well, maybe they took her.
I really don't think they
came here to take your dog, Ed.
Grace and I will go out
for a drive to look for her.
And I'll call you
if we find her.
- I'll come with you.
- No, I...
I think you should stay here
in case she comes back, right?
I said I'm coming with you.
What's this, Liv?
What the fuck?
Ed! That's enough!
Ed, what's going on?
Why am I being tied up?
I'm disappointed in you, Grace.
What are you talking about?
What's wrong with Ed?
He's in a happy place right now.
Look at him.
Oh, sorry.
You know,
it's actually quite ironic,
given your profession.
The last time you came,
after you left,
I found something that belonged to you...
in the shower room upstairs.
A hair.
You see, I know how particular
Ed is about that room.
Not even I'm allowed to use it.
At first I told myself
it was nothing.
But then my suspicion grew
after I heard you two
talking last night.
Shut up, Ed!
Why would you want to be
with a woman beater, anyway?
I'm pregnant.
I'm pregnant.
Why didn't you tell me?
I tried to tell you.
I love you so much.
Do you?
Fuck you!
Can you stop it?
Please stop it.
And what?
What were you gonna do anyway?
Run off together
with your little baby?
That wasn't the first time
you hit him, was it?
What did you say?
I figured you might have
heard us talking last night,
so I needed some leverage.
I knew something
strange was happening
from the moment I got here.
Then when I asked David,
he told me everything.
What did you see, David?
Told you what?
That you abuse him,
day after day.
The screaming
and the self-harming.
And you believe that freak?
Even if you did,
what are you gonna do?
Tell people that I beat him up?
They'll laugh in your face.
Well, you see, I didn't
believe David at first.
Liv, it's gonna be okay.
It's okay. Look at me.
Liv, please.
Then I copied the videos
onto my phone.
I can't believe the friend
that I grew up with
could do that.
I wanted to see
what you would do,
so I played along.
But you lied
and manipulated me,
just like you do with Ed.
Can we please not do this?
I promise you,
I'll never leave you.
- Give me your phone, Grace.
- No, I can't do that.
- Give me your phone!
- Or what?
You're gonna kill me,
like you killed his dog?
You killed Polly?
I didn't kill your dog.
It was an accident.
It was your idea to rob him.
Hey... I trusted you.
I trusted you with everything.
How could you do this to me?
What are you doing to him?
He's got many more
fingers, Grace.
So take your time
while you figure out
to tell me
where your phone is.
You're crazy.
You really need some help.
This isn't normal.
Okay, okay.
I'll give it to you.
It's in my car.
Where's your car key?
Here, in my pocket.
Quick, untie me.
No, no, no, no.
Baby, stay with me.
You're gonna be okay.
I'm sorry.
No. No, it's okay. It's okay.
You promised me
you'd never leave me.
Look what you've done,
you bitch!
I'm gonna fucking kill you!
Liv, we don't have
to do this.
Fuck! No!
Shit. Keys.
Are you looking for these?
Strap on this.
- Ah!
- Give me the keys!
I got you.
Who's that?
- A friend.
- Oh, a friend.
She wants to meet you.
Tell me about her.