Helsreach (2019) Movie Script

Rostam Ameri
For Iran and Persians
I will die on this world
I can not tell where this conviction
Whatever birthed it, is a mystery to me
And yet the thought clings like a virus
Bloomingbehind my eyes and
taking deep root within my mind
It almost feels real enough to spread
corruption to the rest of my body
Like a true sickness
It will happen soon
Within the coming nights of blood and
fire,I will draw my last breath
And whenmy brothers return to the stars
My ashes will be scattered over the
priceless earth of this accursed world
Even the name twists my blood until
burning oil beats through my veins
I feel anger now hot and heavy
Flowing throughmy heart and filtering
into my limbs like boiling poisen
My hands curl into fists
I am strong
Bornonly to slay for the emperor
and the imperium
I am pure wearing the blackest of the black
Trained to serve as a spiritual guide
aswell as a war leader
I am wrath incarnate
Living only to kill until finally killed
I am a weapon
In the eternal crusade toforge
humanity's mastership over the stars
Its strength purity and wrath
will not be enough
I will die on this world
I will die on Armageddon
In the holiest chamber
of our ancient flagship
I lower myself to one knee
and bow myhead
Because this is what is asked of me
High marshall helbrecht intoned
His voicewas a guttural rumble
Rendered harsh from yellingorders and
batle cries in 100 wars on a hundred worlds
We have summoned you
to be judged
I have answered the summons
I submitmyself before your judgment
my liege
Mordred is dead
Helbrecht'svoice was a deep murmur
Slain by the arch enemy
You Grimaldus havelost a master
We have all of us, lost a brother
It was the belief of Reclusiarch Mordred
Thatupon his death
You would be worthiest of our
brother chaplins to stand in his stead
His finaldecree
Was that you of all your brethren
Would be the one to rise to the rank of
The figure inclined his head in greeting
We draw near to our destination
I tookthe liberty of readying
the squad for planetfall
This world will burn
It will not be the first
Nor the last
Have you seen the projections
The fleet augeries, the number of
vessels in the local systems already
Yea I lost interest when the numbersbecame
too high for me to count on my fingers
Artarion snorted at his own weak chest
Wewill fight and win
Or fight and die
All that ever changes is the color
of the sky we fightunder
And the shade of the blood on our blades
My brother's names are
These are the knights that have
waged war beside me for decades
We are the knights of squad Grimaldus
Within his veins Cador carries the
blessed bloodof Rogal Dorn
With what seems like weary honor
He is older than I, older by far
His decadeswithin the sword brethren
are behind him now
Primus is the rising sun to Cador's dusk
Heis aware of his skills in the unsubtle
undignified way of many young warriors
A blademaster he calls himself
It is not mistaken
Artarion is
My shadow just as I am his
It is rare among our numbers for any knight
tolay aside personal glory
Yet Artarion isthe one who carries
my banner into battle
Nerovar is the newest among us
The squadrequired the presence of
an apothecary
In the trials only Nerovar impressed
therest of us with his quiet endurance
Bastilan is last
Bastilan, always the best and least of us
A leader but not a commander
An inspiringpresence but not a strategist
Forever a sergeant
Never fated to rise as Castelan or Marshal
My brothers go through the samerituals of
checking and rechecking
But a curious sense of unease
descends upon me
End of Grimaldus's Dream
I have heard from the brothers
of the Sword Brethren
That there is talk of the high marshal
nominating you to lead a crusade
It is my belief not merely the wish of
your fallen master
That you should takethe honor
we offer you down
You have wagedwar at my side
for 200 years Grimaldus
Will you stand at my side as
Reclusiarch of the eternal crusade
Yes my liege
I dub thee Reclusiarch of
the eternal crusade
As a knight of the inner circle
Let thatbe the last blow
you receive unanswered
It will be so, my liege
As it should be
Are you kirov
I am
We are the Emperor's knights
We are the warriors of the eternalcrusade
And the sons of Rogal Dorn
I am Helbrecht
High Marshall of the Black Templars
With me is Bayard, emperor's champion
And Grimaldus, Reclusiarch
We come tooffer you our blades,our service
And the lives of over 900 warriors
in the defenseof your world
Kirov stood in silence
Nine Hundred Astartes
Entire star systems were conquered with
a fraction of that
I'm glad to hear it
And welcome to Armageddon
Hades hive will not survive the firstweek
The man speaking is ancient
And he looks every hour of his age
Bothpiety and hate echo in his every word
His name is Sebastian Yarick
Evenwe Astartes must respect that name
What is coming in system now far exceeds
what has laid waste to the planet before
The other hives must be reinforced
a thousandtimes over
Hades will burn
At our best estimations
battlefleet Armageddon
The orbital defenses
AndThe Astartes fleets remaining
in the void
Will be able to deny the enemy landing
for nine days
Theseare our best estimates
And the worst
Four days
Once the orbital war is lost
Be its four days or
Our fleets will break from the planet
in afighting withdrawal
From then on Armagedon is defensles beyond
what's alreadyentrenched upon the surface
The orks will befree to land whatever
and wherever they wish
Who will lead the Astartes vessels
Given hisseniority and the expertise
of his chapter
High marshal Helbrecht willtake
over all command of the Astartis fleets
We are to remain in orbit
We are theobvious choice to command the
Astartis elements in the orbital battles
I was wrong
I will not die in futility on this world
High Marshal
We can slaughter the green skin tyrant
before he even sets foot on the world below
I have already spoken with the
other Marshalsmy brother
We must leave a contingent on thesurface
To defend one of the hive citiesthat yet
remains ungarrisoned by Astartes
That is not our duty my liege
And yet a commander must remain
Don't! don't do this
It is already done
Thisis not the time
The decision is made Grimaldus
I know you as I knew Mordred
You will not refusethis honor
I would burst the great enemy's
blackheart in my hand
And cast his blasphemous flagshipto
surface of Armagedon breathed in holy fire
Do not leave me here helbrecht
Do not denyme this glory
You will not refuse this honor
Wait brother
Blood of Dorn
Now that's a sight
Their destination was called with
bleaknessso typical of this world
We cannot be the only Astartis strength
sent to this city
We will not be alone
The guard is with us and militiaforces
The Legio Invigilata has landed
to the east of the city
Titansmy brother
I don't see you sneering at that
How can we defend all this
With blade and bolter
With faith and fire
I am Grimaldus
Reclusiarch of the Helsreach crusade
I am colonel Saren of the 101 steel legend
And overall commander ofthe imperial guard
forces defending the hive
Muted clicks could be heard
every few seconds
Fromthe helms of the knights standing
closest to him
Saren knew full well, they were speaking
with each other over a shared vox channel
He didn't like it, not at all
Who are theseothers
And I would meet every commander
of this hive, if they are present
They arepresent sir
Reclusiarch, not sir
As you wish Reclusiarch
This is Cyria Tyro
Adjutant quintus to general Kirov
Commissar Valkov of my command staff
This is major Mordeki Reichen
second officer of the 101st
And Exo of the city defense
Commander courten barathas of
the imperial 5082nd naval wing
Pleasure to serve with the
black templars again
You have served with the
knights of dorn before
I have personally, nine years ago
on Deathaxe
And the 5082s have on no fewer than four
separate occasions
Sixteen of our fightersare marked
with the heraldic cross
With permission given by marshal Tarason
ofthe Deathaxe crusade
I am honored barathas
The most honorable moderati primus
ValianCasavier of the Legio Invigilata
Crewman of the blessed engine, Storm Herald
Moderati, you speak with the voice
of your legion
A full battle group
I am the voice of Princeps majoris
Zaha Mancion
And the rest of invigilata is committed
to other engagements
Fortune favors us that you still remain
We have much to discuss
Indeedwe do
This way, if you please
A city
I am in command of a city
Preparationshave been underway for months
But estimates pitch the great enemy
arriving in system within ahandful of days
The hours pass in a blur of
statistical outlays
Charts, hololithic, projectionsand graphs
The food supplies for the entire city
Ration projections
Sustainable food rationplanning
Unsustainable food ration planning
With appended lists of estimated
Estimates of disease once the city is
shelled and civilian casualties
Are too heavy to be dealt with efficiently
Types of disease, symptoms,severity,risk of
contagious,compatibilitywith the ork genes
Imperial guard numbers
Throne, what numbers
Regiments, their officers
Their live firetraining accuracy records
Their citations, their shames, their
moments of greatest gloryand ignominy
In a host of distant worlds
The guard figures alone take two days
to filethrough
Tnd this they say, is merely the overview
Coastal defenses
Walls andturrets and anti-air towers
And trade requirements and union complaints
And petitions arguing over docking rights
And warehouses appropriated as barracks
for soldiers
And complaints from merchants
and dock offices and
And I endure this for nine days,
nine days
What is that
Throne of the god emperor
People of hive Helsreach
Do not be alarmed
The enemy fleet has translated in system
The might of battle fleet Armagedon and
greatest Astartes fleet in imperial history
Stands between our world and
the foe's forces
Maintain your daily rights of faith
Trust in the god emperor of mankind
that is all
Hail theBlack Templar flagship
Eternal Crusader immediately
Aye my lord, but I am coordinated
Do it... Now
Yes my lord
A moment please
The eternal crusader is making
ready to engagethe enemy fleet
I can send a message but their two-way
communications are in lockdown without
theproper command codes
Do you have the codes my lord
I am being a fool
My fury isblinding me to my sworn duty
I have the codes
But this is not anemergency
Simply send the following message to
the incoming logs withno need for a reply
Fight well brothers
Sent lord
My thanks
Forgive me amoment's caller
We have a war to plan
Until their dying nights the warriors
of theHelsreach crusade
Bore their lamentations and rage with all
the dignity that could beexpected of them
But it was no easy feat
No easy feat to be consigned to a city
of severalmillion frightened souls
While above the stained clouds hundreds
upon hundreds of their battlebrothers
Were carving their glory from the steel
and flesh of an ancient and hated foe
TheBlack Templars across the city
looked skyward
As if their helm's red eye lenses
Could piercethe wretched clouds and
see the holy war above
Give the order to Imperialforces
throughout Helsreach
Martial law is in immediate effect
Seal the city
Three days
In three days they will decide if
they are to cometo our aid
Or deploy along the hemlock river with
the rest of their Legio
There is a chance theywill not even
walk in our defense
So it seems
I am going to the view tower
Is themoderati primus still
within the hive
Yes Reclusiarch
Tell him to meet methere
Be polite, but do not ask
Tell him
This is the greatest of Armageddon's
We are about to be assaulted by the
largest green skinbreed
Xenos invasion ever endured
by the imperium of man
We must have titans Casaviar
I am aware of your need
My need?
It is the hive's need
Armageddon's need
As you say the hive's need
But I am not the princeps majoris
I report on thehive's defenses to her
And the decision is hers to make
Invigilata has received strongpetitions
from other cities and other forces
I must speak with her
If you wish i could perhapsarrange
a conversation over the vox
But I am here, A man of not inconsiderable
station myself
Toshow that Invigilata is earnest
in its dealings
I appreciate that
I am not blind to yourrank
Tell me moderati
Is it permissible to speak with your
princeps majoris in person
No Reclusiarch
That would be a violation
of Invigilata traditions
Your objection is noted
And duely ignored
Ready the Landraider
We are going out into the wastelands
I am Grimaldus
Reclusiarch of the Black Temp...
Your identity is known to us
The next time I am interrupted
I will kill one of you
We are not to be threatened
Neither are you to be addressed
You are nothing, Slaves all of you
Barely above servitors
Nowmove aside, I have business
with your mistress
We are not to be ordered into submission
We are to remain as duty demands
I will speak with theprinceps majoris
of invigilata
Even if i have to shout up
to the cathedral itself
Must we bear this foolish indignity
Kill them
I wish to speak with the intruders
Access granted
That is what I thought you wouldsay
Make this count brother
Trust me
Greetings Astartes
Princeps Majoris
An honorto stand in your presence
Waste no time on pleasantries
Storm Herald wakes and soon
I mustwalk
I am told by one of this titan's pilots
as an ambassador to Helsreach
Thatinvigilata may not walk in our defense
This is so
I command one third of this legio
The rest already marching on the
Hemlock region
Many with your brothers the
Do you come to petition me for
my portion of mighty invigilata
I do not beg princeps
I came to see u with my own eyes and ask
you face to face to fight and die with us
But you have not yet completed
your intended duty Astartes
Is that so
We are not face to face
You have very kind eyes
What is your name
Grimaldus of the black templars
Now we are face to face Grimaldus
of the black templars
You have been bold enough to come here
and honor me with your face
I am no fool
I knowhow rare it is for a chaplain
to reveal his human features
To one not of his brotherhood
Ask what you came to ask and I will answer
Princeps Zaha, Helsreach call for you
Will you walk
Invigilata, will walk
Welcome to Helsreach
Hail chaplain
I was born in a hive like this you know
It is fitting then that you'll be
dying here Zaha
Is that so, sir knight
Have you seen me today
It is impossible not to see you princeps
It's impossible to kill me as well
Remember that Grimaldus
Helsreach was ready
And as night fell
The sky caught fire
The ship registers as the Purest Intent
AnAstartes vessel strike cruiser class
belonging to
Shadow Wolves
They fell at the battleof varadon
Eleven years ago
Their last companies were annihilated
by the Tyranid breed xenos
The black templars were with them
at the end
What of the status of battle fleet
But we have a greater comprehension
of enemy numbers now
The 4 to 9 day estimatehas been
abandoned as of 30 minutes ago
This is the greatest green skin fleet
ever toface the imperium
The fleet's casualties are approaching
a million souls
One or two more daysat best
What of the crashed ship
I suggest we hold Reclusiarch
A handful of green skin survivors cant
hope to survive an assault against walls
They would be insane, even
for orks to try
Send a titan
I am not making a gest
Send a titan, obliterate the wreckage
Inspire the men
Give them an overwhelmingvictory
before the true battle is even joined
The commissar is correct
Helsreach needs an overwhelming victory
It is time my knights took to the field
This is bad comedy
Fall back, damn it
Primus sensed another lecture about
vain glory in his future
We will draw first
Grimaldus had said to them all
As ifit was something to care about
As if it would affect the final battle
in any way at all
Joinme brothers
Join me as I shake off this disgust
of the stasis gripping my bones
Andslake my bloodthirst in holy slaughter
These warriors who called him vainglorious
were blind to the truth
He was not rash,he merely trusted in his
skills to carry him throughany challenge
Was that a weakness
How could it be considered so
When Primus deeds and glorieswere already
rising to eclipse those of his brothers
Leave him be, let him hunt
He needs to stand alonefor now
He needs discipline
He needs our trust
I smell fresh blood, a survivor
still bleeding
What did you say
I said, no
They always seem so immune to pain
Butno, look into its eyes brother
Do you see
No brother
If there is alesson in this
I am blind to it
Let me end it
Its existence offends me
No, its lifespan is measured in moments
Let it die in this pain
Do you see something
Yes, something
So, enlighten me
It's primus
Isn't it always
I have lost his lifesigns
That can not be
Here? among this rubble
I do not make mistakes
I have lost Primus's life signs sir
Maintain search and destroy orders
We need to be silent
I will find primus
I have found primus
After deck 4, tertiary spinecorridor
On my way. Assessment?
Some kind of force discharging weapon
His armor is powered downbut
he's still breathing
Three minutes Reclusiarch
Those Horses
They shot me
Somekind of nerve weapon
Get away from me
Speak, I would hear your thoughts
I am not blind to your tensions of late
Duty is not always glorious
You have changed since inheriting
Uh, you are speaking foolishness
No, hear me
We have spoken, Cador, Nero
Bastilan, Primus andmyself
We must all deal with these changes
And we must all face this duty
Yourdarkness is spreading
to the entire crusade
Colonel Saren
Reclusiarch, throne of the god emperor
its truley beginning
Battle feat Armageddon is in full retreat
TheAstartes fleet is withdrawing
alongside them
It's beginning
Has there been anycommunication
from the Eternal Crusader
Yes, shall I have the message
relayedto you
At once, colonel
Helsreach, this is the crusader
We are breaking from the planet
the orbital war is lost
Hell is coming brother
Do you see that
Do you see, that
Are you all as insulted as I am
This is what they send against us
This is what they send this rabble
We hold oneof the mightiest cities
on the face of the planet
The fury of its guns sends all sky-born
enemies to the ground in flames
We stand united in our thousands
Our weaponswithout number
our purity without question
And our hearts beating courage
through ourblood
And this is how they attack us
Brothers and sisters
A legion of beggars andalien dregs
wheezes its way across the plains
Forgive me when the moment comes that
they whine and weep against our walls
Forgive me that I must order you to waste
ammunition upon their worthless bodies
I have heard many souls speak my name
in whispers since I came to Helsreach
I ask you now, do you know me?
Do you know me
I am Grimaldus of the Black Templars
A brother to the steel legion of
this defiant world
Never again in lifewill your actions
carry such consequence
Never again will you serve as you serve now
No duty will matter as much and
no glory willtaste as true
We are the defenders of Helsreach
On this day we carve our legend
in the flesh ofevery alien we slay
Will you stand with me
Sons and daughters of the imperium
Ourblood is the blood of heroes
and martyrs
The Xenos dare defile our city
Theydare tread the sacred soil
of our world
We will throw their bodies fromthese
walls when the final day dawns
This is our city
This is our world
Say it, cry itout, so the bastards
in orbit will hear our fury
Our city, our world
Run alien dogs
Come to me, come to us all,come
and die in blood and fire
For the Templars
For the Steel Legion
For Helsreach
For Helsreach
I can not hear you brothers
For Helsreach
Howl yourselvesat these walls
inhuman filth
Die in our blades
I'm Grimaldus of Black Templars andwe cast
your carcasses down from these holy walls
I've always believed there's sth beautiful
in the very first moments of a battle
Here are the moments of highest emotion
The fear of mortal men
The frustrated bloodlustand screaming
over confidence of mankind's enemies
In the moments when a battle is joined
The purityof the human species is first
revealed to the foe
That is a bleak picture
The real battle begins tomorrow
At least we willnot be bored
I believe they will wait
They'll wait until they have overwhelming
force with whichto crush us
And they will strike like a hammer
I have requested the withdraw of all guard
forces fromthe wasteland installations
Across all of southern Armageddon Secundus
The colonel agreedin principle
What's worth guarding out there
Great deal of munitions
To be usedwhen the hive cities fall
and need to be reclaimed
But that is not all
The desert vultures spoke of acurious
legend something buried beneath the sands
A Weapon
Hades Hive will not survive the first week
What is coming in system now far exceeds
what has laid waste to the planet before
The other hives must be reinforced
a thousandtimes over
Hades will burn
Cyria Tyro, greetings
How may i be of service Reclusiarch
We have defensive positions in the
wastelandsmanned by the steel legion
I was informed today exactly what is stored
in undergroundhangar of D16 west outpost
Nintey Eight kilometers to
the northwest of the city
None of our briefingsmentioned it was
a sealed mechanicus facility
Do you know your history Adjutant Tyro
I havestudied several of the decisive
battles of the first war
Then you will know what mechanicusweapon
was designed and first deployed here
I dont think you can be right
Perhaps not
ButI intend to learn the truth for myself
One of our gunships will carry a small
group to D16 west inone hour
But its sealed
It will not be sealed for long
It's mechanical territory
I do not care
If I am right in my suspicions
there is a weapon there
I want that weapon Cyria Tyro
And I will have it
You can't leave the city before dawn
The enemy the enemy will not break
the city wallsin the first day
And Bayard emperor's champion of the
Helsreach crusade
will command The templarsin my absence
I can't allow you to do this, it will
enrage the mechanicus
I am not asking for your permission
I am asking if you wish to come with us
Try not to get us shut down
Brother, does anyoneever
laugh at your jokes
Zumans sometimes do
My princeps
Hello Valian
Adepts of the soul arereportin discontent
within Storm Herald's Heart
We are getting anomalous readings
of ill temper from the reactor core
We are angry moderati
We seek to bring the thunder
upon our foe
That is understandable my princess
You are operating at peak capacity,
You are sanguine?
I am queering if I am at risk for
being consumed
Maintenance adept attend to
the princeps vocalizer unit
I trust you my princess
Forgiveme for troubling you
It is fine
Your concern touches me Valian
We will see battle soon, Valian
Grimaldus has promised it to us
We are all ready my princeps
What is it now, eh
I am busy
Is that a gunship
What are you talking about, eh
This is Domoska at boundary three
contact, contact, contact
Imperial gunship inbound
That is the black templars. yes?
They're from helsreach I know this cuz I
listen to my briefings I dont sleep like u
This can't be good
I do notagree you know
This is Astartes business, it is good
Good for us, bad for the enemy
What! it would be good you'll see eh
I'm always right
Should we salute
Is that what you're supposedto do
I don't know, just stand at attention
I'm Adjutant quintus Tyro seconded to hive
Helsreach from lord general's command staff
With me are Reclusiarch Grimaldus
And master ofthe forge, Jurisian
of the black templars chapter
We've come to enter the installation
Forgive me, but is this a joke
Far from it
There is no power here, they left
this place entirely devoid of energy
No, there is power
The installationsleeps but
does not lie dead
It is locked in hibernation
Power still beatsthrough its veins
The resonance is low, the pulse is slow
I hear it nevertheless
Can you openthese doors? can you
get us down into the complex?
It will necessitate a great deal of
rerouting power from auxiliary sources
And those will be difficult to reach
from a remote connection point here
A parasetic feed is requiered
Answer the question
Forgive me Reclusiarch
Yes I will need one hour
Digging for secrets in this sands yes
That isnot going to make the
mechanicus smile I think
This is a magnetic field stabilizer housing
What does it do
It houses thestabilizers for a
magnetic field generator
I was right, this is it
It is so beautiful
It is magnificent
This would surviveorbital bombardment
It is void shielded, armored like
no bunker i have ever seen
And sealedwith... with a billion or more
individual codes
Can you do it
I have never witnessedanything
so complex and incredible
It would be like mapping everyparticle
within a star
Can you do it
Yes Reclusiarch
But it will take between nine
and eleven days
I don't believe it ,it can't be here
It is
This is where the mechanicus hids the
ordinatus Armageddon after thefirst war
This is the tomb of oberon
Grimaldus. Speak
The old man's predictions were correct
as you suspected
The enemy is annihilating hades hive
from orbit
It is crudely done
Standardbombardment with mass drivers
to hurl asteroids at a defenseless city
A dark day's work brother
Will you return soon
We are on our way now
Yarrick was right
Hades is burning
Brace yourself brothers
Hey, this is better than sitting
on our asses in the desert yes
Yes it is, that's what I think
Be quiet
HQ this is Domaska
Tank destroyed
Most likely part of the second group that
passed you an hour ago
Scout team 3, procede as instructed
with all do caution
Ready Andre?
I have three det packs left
Three more tanks must die
Then I am geting that caffeine
the captain promised
The crone of invigilata requests
your presense
I am in prayer
I know Reclusiarch
Did she request my presense, Artarion
No Reclusiarch, she... uh, demanded it
Inform Invigilata that I will attend
Princep zaha within the hour
Once myritual observations are complete
I dont belive she is in a mood to be
kept waiting Grimaldus
Nevertheless, waiting is what she will do
I need more time Grimaldus
You are asking of one thing I cannot give
This might take me months, perhaps years
Asthe code evolves it breeds more cyphers
that in turn require dedicatedcracking
It breads like an ecology, always changing
Reacting to my intrusions, by evolving
into more complex systems
I want that cannon Jurisian, bring it to me
As you will, Reclusiarch
You requested my presence?
No, I summoned you
You should be slain where you stand
That would be an unwise solution
No one in this room is capable of
wounding me
I see you do not show your face this time
You see me revealed, yet you hide behind
the death mask of your Emperor
Our Emperor! Let us tread carefully
you and I
And I willanswer the questions you have
regarding D16 west
Tell me why you have done this
It is the Ordinatus Armageddon
It is one of thegreatest weapons
ever wielded by man
This is a war Zaha
I need weapons to win it
Necessity is not enough
You may not harness Oberon
over a whim, Grimaldus
The master of the forge willdetermine
that for himself
You do not understand
The sacred war platformsmust be blessed
by the lord of the Centurial Ordinatus
The machine spirits will be enraged
without this appeasement
Obern will never function, do you not see?
The only reason the mechanicus is not
comiting one of its greatest weapons to war
Is because it remains unblessed?
That soul of the machine will rebel
If it even awakens, it will be wrathfull
It grieves me to ignore your wishes
But I will not have Jurisian cease his
I am ordered by my superiors to seeu dead
before you continue this course of action
This can only end one way
My princeps
Yes Valian
Four heat signatures inbound from
The city's wall guns are not tracking them
No, the city defenses wouldn't
shoot down four of my thunderhawks
Grimaldus, no
My princeps, forget him
We demand orders at once
If you try toraise the shields and
prevent my attempt to leave
I will order my gunships to open fire
on thisbridge
Your void shields will never rise in time
You would kill yourself
I would, and you, and your titan
I said the last we met
That you had kind eyes
I remember
It is true
But I regret it, I regret ever speaking
a fair to you
Hades may burn
But it burnsbecause the enemy fears us
It burns to hide the enemy's shame
So they maynever look upon the place
where they lost the last war
While the walls of Helsreach stand
While one defender still draws breath
the city will never...
Sons of Dorn
Knights of the Emperah
Artarion suffers more than the rest of us
He sacrifices one hand to hold
my banner aloft
The standard draws the enemy to him
They want our banner, they always do
I have heard it said
That the greenskins raise their titans
as idols to their strange piggish gods
Thatwill explain why they're so hideous
Engine killed
You owe me for that, Grimaldus
Your request for reinforcement
is acknowledged
They're coming
You said that half an hour ago
I know, but they're coming
Reinforcementsare on route
You said that an hour ago
The bastards are rolling armor up the road
DidI hear you shouting about
reinforcements again
They're coming
Throne, why iseveryone whining about that
Your request for reinforcement
is acknowledged
Storm Herald has take her
She stilllives
She is gone from us Reclusiarch
The shame of it all
The rage of defeat, we all felt the titan
rush into her
Her soul is buried as surelyas her body
would be in a grave
This is how princeps die
That is unacceptable
It is the truth
Then the truth is unacceptable
Rogal Dorn and Horus wereclose
before the great heresy
It has always been told among the
Black Templars
That when the two brothers
crusaded together
They were said to have made
an oath in blood
Until the end they would say
You swore to me
You are right Grimaldus, I did sweare
I would walk
Void shields actived my princeps
Make ready the heart
Plasma reactor reports all systems
at viableintegrity my princeps
Then we move
I heard you as i was dying
I heard you calling me
I called you back tothis world
Until the end
Until the end zaha
We are dieing
Ambush along enemy controlled portions
ofhell's highway
Gene seed recovered
The 36th day
Thirty six days of grueling siege
Almost half of Helsreach is gone
Lost tosmoke and flame in
bitter gawling defeat
Now is not the time to grieve
It is done
It is strange, I do not wishto leave him
That is not Cador
Cador is gone
You are leaving nothing behind
You are heartless brother
Even for one whowears the black that is
a cold thing to say
I loved him as one can love any warrior
thatfights by your side for 200 years boy
I will miss Cador for the few days
that were made to me
Beforethis war kills me as well
But no! I do not grieve
There is nothing to grieve, When alife
has been led in service to the throne
I see
We will speak of thisagain Nerovar
Now mount up brothers
His death
Doesnt it bother you
I donot wish to speak of this Primus
He did not die well
I said I have nodesire to speak of this
brother, leave me be
I only say this because if I were as close
tohim as u were it'd have grieved me also
He died badly
Ugly, ugly death
Hekilled several before he fell
He did, but his death wound was in the
back, that wouldshame me beyond measure
Primus, leave me alone
Helsreach will fall tonight
Bastilan says, givingvoice to something
we must all be thinking
Not tonight
Do not lie to me Grimaldus
Save your words for the others brother
Make ready to jump
Nero do you stand ready?
I need you Nero, our brothers need you
Do not lecture me Reclusiarch,I stand ready
Cador is dead
Grief has its place, but ifyou are
lost in sorrow
I said I stand ready
Why do you single me out like this
Primus is likely to see us all dead
because he cannot follow orders
Bastilan and Artarion are not half
the fighter Cador was
Yet you lecture me about being the weak one
the crack in the blade
Biterness is taking deep root within
you brother
When I tell uto focus and stand with your
brothers, u respond with black words
And trecherous thoughts
So I tell you again one last time
That we need you
And you need us
Yes Reclusiarch
My brothers forgive me
My humorsare unbalanced and my mind
has been adrift
A mind without purpose will walk
in dark places
It is fine Nero, I miss him just as you do
I forgive you Nerova
Incoming missiles, impossible to avoid
Jump now, or die with me
Disengage now
There is no need to die here
We saw that Reclusiarch
Blood of Dorn, we all saw it
Emergency signal from the Serpentine
in orbit
She requests immediate cessation of
all anti-air weaponry in the docks district
We're losing this road
Weare six against the legion
Five. Cador is dead
Forgive me brother. A moment's
lack of focus
Get up
Not coming out
In the name of the Emperor, stand and fight
or we'll all die
Hello Reclusiarch
You have the thanks of the
black templars stormtrooper
It was good timing I think
What is your name
Trooper Andre
The 703 strom trooper division sir
It is good to see you on the field
Courage such as yours belongs
at the vanguard
Thank you, Reclusiarch
I will remember your names and
deeds this day
All of you
Helsreach may burn
But this war is not lost
I am very honoredReclusiarch
As are these handsome and fine gentlemen
with me
But if you could tell my captain about
this, I would be even happier
It will be done, trooper Andre
You have my word
I am hopefulthis will also impress
the lady I intend to marry
Yes. Good
What is that
It can't be what it looks like
It is
Ah yah
What are those?
Drop pods
Astartes drop pods
I am honored to fight at your side
The Templars are in your debt
But tell me brother
Why have you come
Wewere the last of the salamanders
in orbit
The lord of the fireborn called us tohim
and we obeyed
Master Tushan
May the emperor continue to favor him
Fightsfar from here brother
The salamanders bleed the enemy
many leagues to the east
And thehemlock river runs black
with alien blood
The Salamanders were not blind to
your plighthonored Reclusiarch
My master heard of the civilian devastation
in thefall of the city's coastal districts
We are the 70 warriors chosen to make
planet fallhere
And stand with you until the docks are held
And then you will leave
And then you will leave
Our fight is along the banks ofthe Hemlock
Our glory is there
This city
It smells like home
The most honorable invigilata has been
petitioned by outside forces to leave city
She will stay
Whe swore to fight
As I understand
Imperial advances along the length of
the Hemlock river are grinding to a halt
Thesettlements there protected by the
Salamanders and regiments of Cadian shock
Are nowconsidered a higher priority
than the city
This is from the old man himself, it came
over thevox an hour ago
I do not care
Our mandate is to defend helsreach
Our mandate yes
But princepsZaha's mandate was to deploy
where she desired
She will not leave
She is here untilthe end
Enough please, Reclusiarch
Storm herald is embattled 7 kilometers
down the hell's highway with
An enemy scrap titan battalion
in the rosteric ironworks
She has given no further word
of her decision
What of the weapon, Reclusiarch
A fools hope
None of us hadmuch hope
pinned on the ordinatus
It was the longest of longshots
anyway you slice it
There is nothing to like inthem
They wage war to defend
To preserve
Everything in their way is devotedto
maintaining what humanity already has
I mean no offense to them as warriors
Butdrop podding into the city purely
to defend civilians?
Bastilan please, you know I am right
I know you are treading on unstable ground
Do not besmirch the honour of
our brother chapter
The salamanders shed as much blood
as we did this week
That is not the point
That is not the point that is where
you and Idisagree brother
But you are young, you will learn
Do not patronize me old man
I am not that old
Do not laugh at me
Well stop making me laugh
What two chapters fight the same
What two chapterswage war according
to the same principles
We are all born of different worlds
and trained by different masters
Accept the differences andstand with them
as allies
Sergeant Varath
The people of Helsreachand Armageddon
Offer their thanks to you and your brothers
You'll quitthe city today?
The lord of the fireborn calls
Quiet so, quiet so
I offer my personalthanks
Without your arrival many more
would have lost their lives
You are fightingwith ferocity unmatched
steel legionnaire
It was an honor to fight at your side
on thestreets of your city
The honor was ours Varath
Hunt well
And send my thanks to your lord
What do you want salamander
To speak
If you are willing, Reclusiarch
I would be honored
I tell him, but this is a lie
My brothers and I
Came to this city withoutthe illuminating
guidance of our chaplain
We would offer reverend thanks if you'd
leadus in prayer before we quit the city
And rejoinour chapter by the shores
of the hemlock
I knowlittle of your chapter's
cult and creed salamander
We know this Reclusiarch
Stillwe would offer sincere thanks
Think of the battle last night
There was onemoment in the chaos
that still preys upon my mind
It casts a shadow over us now, like
an enemy's spear threatening to fall
What aspect of the battle troubles
you, Reclusiarch?
A fine question
Where are the Salamanders
They're holding
Follow us in the name of the throne
Hold back pull back to the eastern platform
and be ready to engage the second wave
Fight! If we strike now there will be no
second wave ,we're at the warlord's throat
He's getting away
Fall back
Sir, no
Fall back, this is not worth dying over
We do not havethe numbers to spill
the warlord's blood now
I see
You consider this a stain on your personal
No brother
I consider it a waste of time, amunition
and life
Two of your own squads werekilled
in the successive waves that followed
If we had pursued in unity
We could have brokenthrough to the
enemy leader and taken his head
It is tactically unsound Reclusiarch
Pursuit would've left the sheltr undefended
and vulnerable to regrouping waves
Attacking fromother sectors
Three thousand lives were saved by
our defiance last night
There were no attacksfrom other sectors
There may have been, had we pursued
I am finished with this debate, Salamander
It grieves me to hear you speak this way
Get out of my city
He is not ready
He is a master of swirl engagements and
a warriorbeyond pier
But he is not a leader of the chapter
The forge master speaks the truth
High Marshal
Grimaldus is flawed by hesitation,a second
delay in all he does
And it is no secret why
Heholds himself to his master's standards
Doubts clings to him, darkening his place
inthe chapter
He is shaken by mordred's death
He seeks his place in the eternal crusade
In the coming war, I will give
him the chance to find that place
The city is falling brother
Saren and theother humans faced
that fact today
The time has come for us to choose
where we willdie
Then let it be where we will be remembered
Let it be where our deaths will matter
And give birth to tales worthy of being
recorded in humanity's history
I know of a place
It is far from here
Butthere is no holier place on this
entire world
There we shall dig our graves
There we'll ensure great the enemy forever
remembersthe name of black templars
Helsreach has weeks left, but little
beyond that
The siege is almost at our own gate
We received a message from the Astartes
commander in the city
The Reclusiarch sends word that his knights
are on route to stand with us in defense
The Reclusiarch is bringing the
black templars here
Yes Prioress
Did he happen to say why he felt the sudden
wishto fight alongside
The order of the ardent shroud
No Prioress
I suspect it ties into colonel Saren's
decision to break up remaining defenders
Into separate bastions
The Reclusiarch chose the temple
I see
I doubt he asked permission
No Prioress, he didnt
Typical Astartes
Whendo they arrive
Before sunset mistress
Very well
Damn it all ,well don't just standthere
gawking girl! prepare my battle armor
How long has it been since you wore
your armor Prioress?
How old are yiou girl
Fifteen mistress
Well then
Let's just say you couldn't wipe your
own backside last time i went to war
But it'll be good todeliver sermon with
Bolter in hand again
Hail Reclusiarch
Hail Bayard
I say to theemperor's champion of the
helsreach crusade
My liege
Still breathing I see
Nothingon this world will change that
my liege
Rise brother
The day willnever come that you must
kneel before me
Artarion, Bastilan
It is good to see you both
And you Nero
Cador's fall tore at my heart brother
He and I served in the sword brethren
together, did you know that
I knew it my liege, Cador spoke of it often
Well well well! The emperor's chosen
come to stand with us at last
Hail Prioress
I am Prioress Sindal
And in the name of saintSilvana
I bid you welcome to the temple of the
emperor's ascendant
Reclusiarch Grimaldus of the black templars
I cannot help but notice that you do not
sound welcoming
Should I be
Half of the templedistrict has already
fallen in the last week
Where were you then hmm?
We were atthe docks you ungrateful
little harpy
Be at ease
As my brother Primusexplained
We were engaged in the east of the hive
But we're here now when the war's at it's
darkest as enemy aproached the temple doors
I have fought with Astartes before
I've fought alongside wariors who would've
given their lives for the imperium's ideals
And warriors that cared only for glory, as
if they could wear their honor like armor
Both breeds were Astartes
We are not here to belectured on the
state of our souls
Whether you are or not doesn't matter
Will you dismissur fellow warriors from
the chamber pls? There's much to speak of
We can speak of the temple'sdefense
in front of my brothers
Indeed we can
And when the time comes to speak of
such thingsthey will be present
But for now, please dismiss them
Remove your helm please
Tell me why i should
Because I'd like to look upon the face of
the man i'm speaking with
And because i wishto anoint you with
the waters of Elucidation
A moment please
This water is thrice blessed
It brings clarity of purpose whenanointed
onto the doubting and the lost
I am not lost
I did not mean to imply thatyou were
Reclusiarch, but many who come here are
Kneel if your would, I cannotreach
all the way up there
You have beautiful eyes
You are blessed and may tread the sacred
floor of the inner sanctum without guilt
May you find the answers you seek
in the house of the God Emperor
Very few left
There will be enough, havefaith in your
brother's blades Bayard
I have faitth
I am sanguine with my faith chaplain
My rank is Reclusiarch, use it
By your will, brother ofcourse
But we stand vigil over the city deathwith
a handful of bleeding humans Reclusiarch
I am sanguine but I am also a realist
Havefaith in the people of
this city, champion
Such condescension is beneath you
These peopleare fighting for more than
their homes and lives
They are fighting for their ancestors honor
On the holiest ground in the entire world
The survivors of this war across the globe
will take heart from sacrifices made
By the thousands destined to die here
Blood of Dorn, Bayard.The imperium
was born in moments such as this
My voice was one of the few thatspoke
against your ascension to Modred's rank
I would have said the same in your place
Hail adjutant Tyro, major Reichen
We got cut off from Saren and the others
Throne, there are still thousands of the
bastards out there
And that's not the worst of it
The enemy still has titans
And there's one you'll neverbelieve
until you look upon it with your own eyes
We saw it march from Rosteric Ironworks
collapsing habitation towers in its wake
Move inside and see to your wounds
If the endis coming to these walls
you will need to stand ready
Oh we'll all be ready, the bastards
took my face and that made it personal
Humans! They are, a mystery to me
Fire the hell storm canon
As soon as it has recharged, my princeps
Myprinceps we must disengage
We need to rearm and cool the plasma core
in standard sustainedventing procedure
No moderati, I do not care
I'm ready, firing
Wait for the stabilizers to comeback
online, they only need another minute
The arm is badly damagedI'm taking
the shot, I can make it
You'll miss fire! give them 30seconds
just 30 more seconds
No, no, no! This cant be
You have killed us
I had the shot, I had the shot
God damit, you son of a bitch
Why hasn't he fired
Grimaldus, I stood til the end as promised
They said you would be here
I beg the many forgiving of this holy place
formy intrusion but I bring news, yes
Do not be angry
the vox is still playing many unamusing
games andI could not speak with anyone
In any other way
Speak legionnaire
The beasts, they are coming in great force
Many are not far behind us, and I've heard
voxchatter invigilata is leaving the city
Why would they leave us
They'dquit the city at once, if princeps
zaha was gone. Mechanicus politics
She is gone Reclusiarch
An hour ago, we saw stormheddle die
A moment please
You are destined to eithersurvive this
or die at least sometime later than I
What is this
My mother's wedding ring, and a letter
of explaination
Once this is over if u are still drawing
breath, pls find trooper Natalina Demoska
Of the 91st steel's elite
You will recognize her, its a promise
She is the most beatiful woman in the world
everyone says so
Fall back sir
Not yet
Come on, fall back
Why arent they here
The bloody Templars
The black sword
You are the last emperor's champion of the
Helsreach crusade
Now, recover ur blade
Engine, kill
Statis of the weapon?
Oberon has no void shields no
secondary weaponsystems
And suspensor lift capability is limited
Alone I can fire it no morethan once
every 20 minutes
I need to recharge fuel cells manually and
regenerate flow from the plasma containment
Heed these last words Forge Master
Do not bringthe weapon too close
The temple district is not but fire and ash
and we are surrounded on all sides
Flee the city
Pursue Invigilata retreating forces and
link up up with the Imperialassault
Along the hemlock
You wish me to run?
I wish you to live rather than die in vain
and save a weapon precious to imperium
We will be buried here Jurisian
There is no dishonor thatyour fate
is elsewhere
For Dorn and the emperor
By your will, Reclusiarch
Kill them all
Let none survive
Neverhas an alien defiled this
holiest of places
Take heart brothers, fight in the
Emperor's name
I have dug my grave in this place
I will either truimph or I will die
No pity! No remourse! No fear
They are bringing the temple down
Grimaldus! Brother
Goodbye brother
I will die on this world
I will die on Armageddon
They call it the season of fire
The ash wastesare choking with dust
from roaring volcanoes
Fighting across most of the world is
ceasing,not because of victory or defeat
But because there can be no arguing
with Armageddon itself
In a handful of days no man or xenos beast
will be able to breathe in the wastelands
So the warceases for now
Imperial forces consolidate territories
to which they still lay claim
And drive the invaders out from those where
the orks have managed to grasp no more
Than aweek hold
Helsreach is one of these places
Hello hero
Greetings Andre
Perhaps you shouldsalute me now
though, yes
I'm not beholden to a guard captain
but congratulations
Yes i know
But I must be offerin many tnx for u keepin
ur word and telling my cptof my deeds
An oath is an oath
You friend, your love, did u find her?
Yes, I did find her
I'm glad you made it, I heard you
were very injured
Not enough to kill me
The reports i have heard indicated no one
else survived the fall of thebasilica
Yes, that would make for a wonderful story
The last black knight, the onlysurvivor
of the greatest battle in helsreach
I apologize for surviving and breaking the
flaw of your legend Reclusiarch
I promise most faithfully that I and six
or seven others who survived bevery quiet
And let you have all the thunder
Were you not injured at all?
Ye I had a headache, but then it went away
This makes me smile
Artarion, Primus, Bastilan, Cador, Nero
Forgive me for living, whileyou all
lie cold and still
We are judged in life, for the evil
we destroy
Its a bleak truth that there's nothing but
blood awaiting us
In the spaces between the starts
Butthe emperor sees all that transpires
in his domain
And we r judged equaly for theilumination
we bring to the blackest nights
We are judged in life for those moments
we spilllight
Into the darkest reaches of his imperium
Your world taught me this
Your world, and the war
that brought me here
Hero of Helsreach
The crowd cheers
As if there is only one
Rostam Ameri