Hemel (2012) Movie Script

Eerste beeld (meisje in bed)
Okay, mercy. Mercy.
So why are you with me?
You're sexy with sexy blood.
And sexy spit.
What's up?
A little respect please.
You little cunt.
- You liked it last night.
- That was different.
Our little Willy...
Our little Willy...
- Jesus.
- Hey, Willy.
- That's one thing men really hate.
- What?
Nicknames for their prick.
You mean pet names.
King Kong would be a nickname.
Or the Hulk.
Or Goliath,
if your name was David.
But your name isn't David
and Willy clearly isn't Goliath.
That diminutive Y:
Willy, Johnny, Wally.
Oh, it all depends.
Do chicks think it's exciting for men?
And it's exciting for women
to hear themselves called chicks?
All Dutch women are chicks.
You want me to be your sexy girl?
You don't shave, do you?
You have a hairy cunt.
So what?
I'm not a bushman.
Oh, you're a child molester?
Ever had a mouthful of pubic hair?
So what, you don't shave either.
Hair isn't hygienic.
What you mean, hygienic?
Beautiful isn't hygienic. Sexy isn't
hygienic either. Sex is unhygienic...
by definition. That's the whole point.
I know a man who loved his wife
so much he ate her shit.
Christ almighty.
That is love, Willy.
What do blood and shit
have to do with love?
What does a bald cunt
have to do with love?
We were talking about sex.
- You stuck your prick in my shit.
- I lost my way.
I couldn't see the wood for the trees.
Or rather the trees for the bush.
Where's the toilet?
Does your girlfriend know
you hide her things?
Before you lure another unshaven girl?
There, at last...
...is your mons pubis.
I feel like going with you.
Like going home with you.
I have really tasty lips. You see?
And I think you have beautiful lips.
And I have a really wet cunt.
I have a wet cunt.
- You want to feel?
- No, no, no...
- Are you drunk?
- I want to go with you.
But I won't go with you.
You think I'm like that? I'm not. Bye.
Sorry. Can I sit beside you?
Would you like a drink?
Will you kiss me?
In the curve of my neck, here?
In that curve.
You're so filthy.
You thought I said 'cunt', Mohammed.
That's not my name.
You get horny if I say 'cunt'?
What is 'Heaven' in Moroccan?
I'm an Algerian.
In Algerian then.
That's my name.
Is that a name?
What did you say?
I said: 'Your eyes are an angel in heaven'.
- You really don't have to.
- I'm not allowed to?
- I don't like after play.
- After play?
Yes, what you're doing now.
Petting after an orgasm.
- Women like it, don't they?
- Not all women.
Real women like real men.
It's more masculine to fall asleep
after sex, like lions.
Algerians aren't animals.
The best lovers are North Africans.
Lions don't waste much time on it.
They come in a few seconds
and fall asleep.
What about the lioness?
I want you to go.
You're not wearing lipstick?
Don't do that.
You're sitting on my belly.
I need a shit.
- Yes, yes.
- Hurry, I need to go.
- Use the one upstairs.
- It's too cold.
Who's going to be coming?
God Almighty. What a stench.
I told you.
Haven't you dumped her yet?
Break up and then have a party?
Have a party first and then break up?
- Is it the sex?
- No.
You will dress up?
What do you think?
I think it's the shoes.
What you mean?
Well, they're a bit corny.
You think?
You can borrow some of mine.
Bottom shelf.
But not those.
They were my mother's.
Try the blue ones.
Is your tour going ahead?
Will you come too?
They're a bit small.
So what?
Thanks, anyway.
Do you know Heaven?
Of course: Heaven.
- Cloudless as always.
- This is Emma.
Hello, Emma.
- Anton...
- That's nice.
- She's my girlfriend.
- Of course.
Still happy with your latest acquisition?
- True beauty is a joy forever.
- Right.
I feel a little sorry for the old owner.
- Sympathy only lasts three weeks.
- Goethe, indeed.
Hi, Thomas.
- You've met Heaven?
- Nice introduction.
- My blue heavens above.
- Nice.
- Emma, my girlfriend.
- Your ex-girlfriend.
- I wanted to keep that for later.
- Gijs is good at that.
Excuse us for a moment.
It's very early days.
You're Gijs' daughter.
What was it? Elf? Peace?
- Cold.
- Sun?
No, don't tell me. I'll remember.
How did you know?
You don't know it just like that.
I just did.
Was it the sex?
Sex isn't that important.
Since when?
Does he have someone else?
He's not like that.
Really. I'd rather know.
No, really.
He never has two at once.
We can still meet, can't we?
You know what Gijs says?
Every relationship will only last
as long as it lasts.
You have no influence on that.
You know what your problem is?
You give so little back.
You can't do that!
- Can I put this on?
- Sure.
just take your time
listen to what I have to say
I said I'm sorry.
If I look into your eyes
I see so much pain.
I ask myself how I could have
been so stupid
no, I never want to lose you
Jimmy, ouch.
Ou, that hurts.
Hi, it's me.
Which number was it?
Okay, see you in a minute.
Welcome to the wonderful
world of adulthood.
- Come in.
- I forgot my present.
Guys, my sister.
My sister.
I didn't know you had a sister.
I'm his stepsister.
His ex-stepsister actually.
We're not related. He's showing off.
Are you his girlfriend?
Yes, Annabella.
I'm Heaven.
You believe in that, don't you?
- Where God lives.
- What?
You're a Christian too.
Is it really healthy?
- Not to have sex before marriage.
- At least we won't get VD.
I mean all that lust you suppress...
as human.
That's surely not what God intended?
- Waste is a sin.
- You can't miss what you don't know.
Shall I tell you what you miss?
Teun never mentioned you.
My father had an affair with his mother.
He thinks he's my brother.
You've really never done it?
Not even with an uncle or pastor?
- I thought Protestants were good at that?
- I'm not one.
No need to drink from the bottle.
You're grown up now, Teun.
Your libido has almost passed its peak.
I think you need sex.
We're in no hurry.
It's not a bus you have to catch.
I just had a...
I had an SM guy.
Choke sex.
Really tiring. And bizarre.
Fancy finding out on your wedding night.
It's too late then.
Then you've missed the bus.
SM, how come SM?
Yes SM.
- Beating.
- He beat you?
But I beat him too.
Are you okay?
Oh, I think I get it now.
It's all much more exciting
if it's not allowed.
If you're a Protestant.
Teun... Teun sneakily touches you up.
With his fingers between
your little wet lips.
To the room, may I have your paddle
number please...
All right, the next lot is no. 232
and we can start at 2000.
Two thousand.
Sorry, sir.
Do you want to bid?
I just wanted to say hello.
Sorry, my mistake.
He's my senior. Head of
Impressionist and Modern Art.
And he is just testing me
on my first auction.
I hope I passed the test.
Well, sorry for the delay. No. 232.
We continue, starting at...
- How much longer?
- I still have a lot to do.
- Here he is.
- She's a natural.
- People do anything she asks.
- She had a good teacher.
- I made a bid.
- Really?
- I couldn't resist.
- I know all about that.
Nice to see you.
- Celebrating?
- Satisfied client.
- I'd be nowhere without your wife.
- So would I.
Gentleman, I deny nothing.
Brechtje massaged the deal through.
Douwe came to pick me up.
Go and celebrate. I shall too.
Nice to see you.
Okay, see you around.
Try it on.
Go on.
You make me human.
It sounds silly out loud.
- Maybe another time...
- This is another time.
Yes, but it's her birthday.
Have a drink and leave before dinner.
She's sure to call you her new mother.
She is?
Wait and see.
Is it painful?
Painful? For her? No. That's how she is.
It's not painful for me either.
Her mother wasn't the love of my life.
I didn't want children.
So Heaven was an accident?
A great gift after a tiny accident.
But it's different for her.
She's her mother.
She doesn't know.
Who her mother is?
That she committed suicide.
She doesn't know?
Hi darling. Congratulations.
Hello darling.
Hi, I'm Sophie.
We are three. That rhymes.
We have something to celebrate.
Your father netted a major client.
Sophie passed her test as auctioneer.
Was that for me?
Are you late because you had sex first?
Good day.
Here's to my new mother.
- Yes.
- Heaven is the family joker.
I thought you were.
I hope it was satisfying?
He kicked out his last girlfriend
because of the bad sex.
I thought you'd be happy for us.
Us as in 'us' or us as in 'you'?
'Us' as in me and Sophie.
He got his last girlfriend at work too.
She played viola, you know...
You mean Emma.
The one before was a client.
No, wait... the daughter of a client.
She was a year older than me. So funny.
Sophie knows all about me.
I hope not.
I feel a little sick.
Heaven, not amusing.
It'll be just fine.
No, never mind.
Is she like her mother?
Not that I know.
- Shall we start?
- What with?
Investing in each other.
You're like me, aren't you?
What are you doing?
Maximising surface contact.
I want to live inside you.
Fine by me.
Hey, let's go outside.
It'll soon be too late.
I can still feel you in me.
It was really amazing.
Of all the men I have had, you fit best.
There were plenty of them.
That's okay.
You want to know how many?
How many have you had?
Two. Three.
- Two and a half.
- No, that can't be.
Everyone wants you.
You could get anyone.
It comes down to who you want,
not who you can get.
How many conquests do you remember?
Only the bastards.
Did those two and a half include me?
Did they include your wife?
- Stop it...
- Stop it.
Isn't that really boring?
Always having sex with the same woman.
Didn't you fall in love with
anyone else in all those years?
- But you were never unfaithful?
- No.
Why not?
It wasn't worth it.
The confidence you'd betray.
The pain you cause.
I didn't think it was worth it.
And now.
I still think that.
But some things...
you just can't control.
Hey, I know him.
Yes, no... I thought as much.
Are you still worming?
- Douwe is a friend of my father.
- Rubbish. She's my Heaven.
- I said it's like autumn.
- Yes, no. It's her name.
- Heaven.
- I'm much too wet this year.
She has Tourette.
- What?
- Cunt.
- Sorry.
- She can't help it.
It's disease. A mild form.
Blow job. Sorry.
Let's hope it's not catching.
- I hope so too, asshole.
- All the best.
Gijs says I am oversensitive.
Rubbish. You feel or you don't.
I told you.
I want to tear you open
and look what's inside you...
You'll find your own wisdom.
I want to know everything you know
and be just like you.
You know this can't last?
I'm here.
Sorry I'm late.
I couldn't get away.
Did it work out?
It sure did.
- Shouldn't you call Brechtje?
- She was to call me.
Does she know I came along?
I have no idea.
You know.
Where are we having dinner?
I booked a restaurant.
Did you have a good time?
I danced with a Spaniard.
Yes... thanks.
I wanted to wear this.
I'm having my lips siliconed.
Your lips siliconed? Why?
- Men like it.
- Not all men.
- They do.
- No.
You do.
If a man doesn't like you as you are,
he's not worthy of you.
You are...
fine as you are, especially your lips.
No one is fine as he is.
- Is that why you broke up?
- They're much too thin.
Just feel.
I'm glad you broke up with him.
- You want to know what it costs?
- No.
I won't give you a cent.
Everyone's doing it.
You think I want to be left behind?
- You want your daughter left on the shelf?
- Better on the shelf than a Barbie doll.
The naked body as you're born...
its imperfections and fragility.
That is beauty.
If you mess with your body...
there's nothing private left.
Then you make it public.
That's a story for old men, Gijs.
- That's so nineteen-seventies.
- It is?
- For you sir.
- Gracias.
And for your lovely wife.
She's not my wife.
Please excuse me, sir.
- I didn't mean...
- My daughter.
Of course, sir.
You're getting old.
I'm very sorry, miss.
I want chicken, daddy.
Can I have chicken? I want chicken
with apple sauce. And ice cream.
- Daddy, I want ice cream.
- As long as you eat.
The three course menu.
For both of us, please.
Nice lemonade.
You're embarrassing me.
You disappoint me.
Why have I seen so little of you recently?
Why have I seen
so little of you recently?
That man...
you were having an affair with.
Who is he?
You don't tell me
about your affair either.
Or have you broken up again?
Is that why I could come?
I'm going to live...
with Sophie.
Is she the real thing?
I think she is.
In our house.
'Our' as in 'you and me' or 'you and her'.
'Our' as in my house.
You have your house.
But you can keep your room of course.
Why are you going to live together?
You never did before.
Why do you love her?
I have the feeling...
I don't have to hide anything...
for the very first time.
Is that love?
For me, love is...
wanting to know everything
the other one knows.
Looking the same from the inside.
I think the differences
are most interesting.
A man jumped off the roof today.
In the city.
- When?
- This afternoon.
Where were you?
On the roof in the city...
a man was standing on the edge.
He threw himself off the roof
and was dead.
And you saw it happen?
What should I have done?
Jumped after him?
I think it's...
It's Brechtje.
She says hello.
Wake up.
You have to pee.
He just left.
Cake left over from my birthday.
Or is it too early for you?
It's just plain tea. No flavour...
You want something in it?
You inherited that from your father.
You're so like him.
I'm not like anyone.
Until you were about three,
he took you to work every day.
You remember anything of that?
There was a bed
and a playpen in his office.
And at first...
a bucket for nappies.
He was the only one not to smell them.
On one occasion someone mentioned it.
He threatened to resign.
He was certain
they couldn't do without him.
I well remember you getting dressed up
in the first year.
The teacher put on make-up.
He got very angry and scrubbed it all off.
You screamed, of course.
You quarreled so much
when you were small.
He was shocked.