Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer (1986) Movie Script



How was everything?
Real good, honey. Thanks.
Let me have a pack of
Kools, too, will you?
We'll just keep on rolling
'Till we don't know
where we are
You know, I've had enough
Of this same ol'
song and dance
And nothing going to change
Real nice smile you got there.
Thank you.
- Shut up!

Look here girl,
better listen to me
What we got here
is a love can't be denied
I told your mama
and your daddy, too
Don't you look back girl,
I'm warning you
Hear me now,
I'm telling you

Ooh, baby
Ooh, baby
Shut up!
- Die, bitch!
Well, I don't need a big fancy car
Whatever I can drive
to get near the store
I just want to be
where you are, Lalana
Ah Oh
NEWS ANNOUNCER: Weather in the Chicagoland
area, fifty percent chance of rain
tonight and tomorrow,
but maybe we'll get lucky again
and see some sunshine
for the weekend.
Highs around the 60s
and, uh, oh, we might be
getting down to the old
freezing point by tonight.
Well, Kathy's mom
said she could do it.

Hi, are you going to the city?
Sure. Hop in.
Southwest Airlines paging Linda Connell.
Linda Connell, please come to
the Southwest ticket counter.
Hello, Otis.
Well, how are you?
- It's good to see you.
- Good to see you, too.
You got all your things?
You look terrible.
Okay, come on. Let's go.
It's this way.
Before you got
married I told you
Leroy was no damn good.
That he was trash and
he'd always be trash and
you was going to catch it
and you did, didn't you?
I don't really want to
talk about him right now.
Okay by me, we don't
have to talk about it now.
We don't have to
talk about it ever.
How long are you
going to be up here?
- It's hard to say.
- What about Lurleen?
How long can you
leave her with Mama?
I don't know.
I'm going to get a job,
make some money.
Maybe bring her up here,
I don't know.
Where did you tell Leroy
you were going?
I don't want to talk about him.
Okay, we don't have
to talk about him!
You hungry?
Good, I'm hungry, too.
You think Leroy's hungry?
Do you want some more coffee?
Yeah, thanks.
So what kind of work do you
planning on getting up here?
- Anything like
- I haven't decided yet.
What else can you do
besides dance naked?
Don't start with me, Otis.
I can do lots of things, mister.
Oh yeah? Like what?
Like waitressing
or a beautician.
After seeing you I might
just try brain surgery.
You're a card.
Yeah, I'm the queen.
Yeah, the queen of clubs.
Don't make me sorry
I came here, Otis.
- Howdy.
- Hey, Henry.
I brought you a present.
Where did you get that?
Picked it up.
- Whew!
- Pretty nice, huh?
Sure is a beauty.
Oh, uh
Henry, this here
is my sister, Becky.
She's gonna be staying here
with us for a while,
like I said.
Becky, this here's Henry.
- Hello, Henry.
- Hello, Becky.
Good to meet you.
She don't look nothing like you,
that's for sure.
Lucky for her.
Henry's on his way out west.
- Oh, where?
- California.
She can sleep on the couch.
No, no.
Listen, Becky, I want you
to take the spare room.
No, Henry, thank you but no
I insist.
Ain't that right, Otis?
Up to you.
but if it gets to be
a bother, we'll change.
Fair enough.
Well, I got to get going.
I got some work to do today.
I just stopped by
to clean up a little.
Where you working?
I'm helping Andy spray
some houses off La Grange.
Oh, so that's working
out for you, huh?
Sounds like fun.
- Coffee?
- No thanks, I gotta go.
See ya.
That's it till next week.
I was hoping for
a little more work.
So was I.
You never know.
Sometimes I get a call.
You know,
these assholes want you to
be out there the next day.
- You never know.
- Yeah.
Here, take this.
- We'll call it a retainer.
- Thanks.
You don't hear from me
give me a call.
Hold on.
Don't forget your sprayer.
Hang onto it.
Come on, kid, come on.
Throw it in there.
Good catch.
Put a spiral on it.
Nice catch.
Sorry about that.

Calling all cars, calling all cars.
Calling all cars,
calling all cars.
It's good.
And please check
the left rear tire.
It's good, too.
Thank you.
And what can I do for you, sir?
You got any more of
what you had last week?
I might.
Well, do you or don't you?
Well, I don't have
it on me, stupid.
Give me the money.
I'll bring it around the field.
I don't want you
hanging around practice.
Give me my money back.
Up to you.
Be in the parking lot at 6:30.
Sure thing.
- 6:30 tomorrow.
- Tomorrow?
- Take it or leave it.
- Great.
See ya.
Fuckin' pervert.
Ugh, this is so gross.
I always did hate doing this.
- I'll do it.
- That's alright.
Where did you say you met him?
You know who. Henry.
What do you want to know for?
I don't know.
I'm just curious.
Sure, Vandalia.
What was he in for?
You don't want to know.
What did he do, kill his mama?
- Come on, what was he in for?
- You don't want to know.
What did he do,
rob a bank or something?
You were right the first time.
- Huh?
- You were right the first time.
He killed his mama.
Don't you ever
tell him I told you.
You're kidding me?
- No, I ain't.
- Yes, you are.
Alright, I'm kidding you.
Just don't ever
tell him I told you.
He killed his mama?
With a baseball bat.
Her and one of her boyfriends.
I swear, if you ever
tell him I told you
I'll beat your ass right off.
How do you know all this?
He told me, that's how I know.
How else would I know?
- Were you cellmates or something?
- No, we were friends.
When did he get out?
A couple of years before me.
I got my fingers on it

I got some business
I got to take care of.
- You going out?
- Yeah, for a while.
I got to run
an errand for a fellow.
You want to come along, Henry?
Uh no. No, you go ahead.
See you later.
Want to play cards?
What was your daddy like?
My daddy?
He used to drive a truck
before he got his legs cut off.
I remember one time,
he brought me and my
little brother home bicycles.
He had delivered some that day
and he had a couple left over.
But, mine was
way too big for me,
and my brother,
he couldn't ride his anyway.
Daddy, he said I'd grow into it,
but I never did.
Why not?
I never got the chance.
They sold it.
They sold them both.
So you have a brother?
My brother,
he had a bone disorder.
He was a little deformed.
What happened to him?
He died.
I can't ever remember
really liking my daddy.
I wanted to, I really did.
One time he bought me,
when I was about five,
he bought me an ice cream cone
and I dropped it.
And he slapped me
and made me
pick it up and eat it.
I never liked my daddy.
One time,
when my momma was at work,
and I was about 13,
he come into my room
and he told me
to take my shirt off
'cause he wanted to see
how I was developed.
And when I wouldn't
he got real mad and he hit me.
And he told me he had a right
because he was my daddy
and I was his daughter
and he fed me
and let me live in his house
and he could do
whatever he wanted.
And he did.
Then he started coming into
my room a lot after that.
And I didn't fight him because
when I did he just hit me.
I was afraid I was
going to have a baby
and that my baby
would be deformed,
but I never got pregnant.
I tried to tell Mama,
but she didn't
want to hear about it.
She pretended not to believe me,
but I knew she did.
It sure is good to talk
to talk to you, Henry,
because I know
you're not judgmental
or anything like that.
I never would have married
Leroy in the first place
if I hadn't wanted to get
away from Daddy so bad.
Didn't get along
with your daddy, huh?
Did you really kill your mama?
Did you really kill your mama?
I guess I did.
How did it happen?
I stabbed her.
Otis said you hit her
with a baseball bat.
Otis said that?
Well, he's mistaken.
Well, don't tell him I told you,
he made me promise.
She must have
treated you real bad.
She was a whore.
My mama was a whore.
But I don't fault her for that.
It ain't what she done,
it's how she done it.
As long as I can remember
she'd be bringing men
up to the house.
My daddy was there too,
but it didn't matter none to her.
She'd make me watch it.
That's creepy.
She beat me, too. A lot.
She'd beat me when
I wouldn't watch it.
And sometimes she'd beat me,
make me wear a dress
and watch her doing it.
Then they'd laugh at me.
She made you wear a dress?
You think I'm lyin'?
I feel like I know you.
Like, I've known you
for a long time.
I feel like I've known you
for ever and ever.
I killed my mama.
One night,
It was my 14th birthday
and she was drunk
and we had an argument.
She hit me
with a whiskey bottle.
And I shot her.
I shot her dead.
I thought you said
you stabbed her?
Oh yeah.
That's right.
I stabbed her.
Anything good on TV?

I got a job today.
Oh yeah? Doing what?
- At a beauty parlor.
- A beauty parlor?
I'm a shampoo girl.
What's that?
- What's it sound like, you dummy?
- How the hell should I know?
You ever seen me
in a beauty parlor?
I give shampoos,
a woman gets her hair shampooed
before she gets it cut
and I do it.
They pay you for that?
Of course they do.
Besides, I used to
do it some back home
after I met Leroy.
Do you like it better
than dancing naked?
Don't start with me, Otis.
You used to dance naked?
Sure, all the time
around the house.
Best little naked dancer
you ever saw.
You never.
Were you really a dancer?
I danced some, in a club,
and I wasn't naked.
I wore a costume.
But I guess it wasn't very much.
When you gonna dance for us?
When the Pope
pees in his hat, Otis.
Ain't she got a mouth on her?
I better have something on me
to defend me
from a pig like you.
- Otis.
Them pretty earrings
you got on, Becky.
Thank you, Henry.
At least there's one
gentleman at this table.
Oh, I'm sorry, honey.
Now don't get mad.
I was just having a little
fun with you, that's all.
Oh, wait,
I got something to show you.
- What?
- Wait.
Real nice.
Put it on.
- Right now?
- Uh-huh.
Okay, but turn around first.
Turn around.
Okay, you can look.
What does it say on there?
I love Chicago.
Looks good, don't it, Otis?
Oh hey, honey,
why don't you bring me a beer,
this one's empty.
I ain't your maid.
Get it yourself.
Aw, now come on, honey,
I ain't askin' you
to wash the windows or nothing,
I just want a beer.
Come on, bring your poor
old brother a beer, will ya?
Don't do that, Otis,
she's your sister!
Okay, I was only
kidding around, Henry.
Tell her you're sorry.
Okay, I'm sorry.
Now, tell her you
won't do it again.
I won't,
I swear, Becky.
I swear, I won't.
Shit, Henry!
Serves you right.
Thank you, Henry.
That's alright.
Listen, I'll do the dishes.
I don't mind.
I don't.
Listen, why don't you boys
go out and get a beer.
I'll do these.
I don't mind, honest.
Well, what do you say, Otis?
You want to go grab a beer?
Sure, I don't mind.
I'll just go spruce up.
That was a real
nice supper, Becky.
Have fun.

Well, freshen your makeup
And fix your hair
Straighten your stockings,
I'll soon be there
My Chevy's all gassed up
and ready to go
We're probably going
to wind up in Cicero
'Cuz we're jukin'
Tonight we're going
to have some fun
Some fun, some fun
Honey, lets go jukin'
A little jukin'
never hurt no one

Ooh, easy.
Ah Mmm
Oh, come on, slow down!
Easy, tiger, easy!
Come on, slow down.
Now, wait a minute!
Hey come on, I'm not kidding!
Susie Ah!
Come here, I'll drive.
What's gonna happen
when they find those bodies?
- Nothing.
- What do you mean, "nothing"?
Just what I said, Otis. Nothing.
Nothing's gonna happen
cause nothing happened.
And I don't know nothing
about it, whatever it is.
Do you?
Hey, I don't know nothin'!
Oh, fuck.
Feelin' better?
You want some fries?
You telling me you never
killed anybody before?
I ain't saying that.
Then you've
killed before, right?
Well, maybe I didn't
have no choice.
You didn't have no
choice here neither.
Did you?
- Huh?
- Did you?
I don't know,
it ain't the same.
It's always the same
and it's always different.
What do you mean?
It's either you or them,
one way or the other.
Ain't that right?
I don't know.
Open your eyes, Otis.
Look at the world.
It's either you or them.
You know what I mean.
You want a beer?
There was only one left.
he knows nothing about this
but you can bet
a dollar to a doughnut
that when he finds out,
and he will find out
'cause I'll tell him,
- there'll be hell to pay.
- Really?
I'll never go back there again,
I can tell you that.
Not when he's not there, anyway.
First of all, there ain't two
of them that speaks English.
It's gone down so badly
with the way it's changed,
it breaks my heart.
It's like that all over.
People spit at you.
I wish I was lying.
Yeah, you can't have a regular
good time in the city no more
delicate sensibilities.
Now if you really love me,
you should find me
a beautiful well bred girl,
to give me a little polish.
Favor for favor.
Do you remember?
Ah, shit!
What did you do that for?
I guess I got carried away.
Well, I guess you did, Otis.
Shit, I got to have a TV.
Well, let's go shopping.

So what can I
do for you gentlemen?
Oh, It's hot in here, isn't it?
I've got a cold.
We want a TV.
How much you got to spend?
What do you got?
Fifty bucks.
I can let you have the set
over there for 50 bucks.
Well, turn it on.
We want to see if it works.
- What's the matter, don't you trust me?
- Uh-uh.
Here, plug it in down there.
Yeah, down there, real good.
I see you've had some college.
Like you can see,
it works real good.
Just takes a while to warm up.
It's black and white!
Of course it's black and white.
What do you expect
for fifty bucks?
Fuckin' 3-D, for Christ's sake?
Well, how much is color?
We want color.
You can't get color
for 50 dollars.
That's okay,
let's see what you got.
What have I got?
You want cable ready?
You want remote control?
You want UHF?
You want 13 inch?
You want 19 inch?
I bet you'd
like to have a 19 inch.
Oh yeah.
You want Sony? You want Zenith?
Do you want a Gold Star?
What can we get for a $150?
I could let you have
this set for $150.
It's worth $300.
But here, take a look at this.
For an extra $75,
you can take this $600 set.
What's this?
- It's a camcorder.
- What?
It's a videotape recorder
and camera rolled into one.
You just pop in a cassette
and you're ready to go.
You can make your
own movies with that?
What else would you do with it?
How much you want for it?
It's worth a grand,
I'd take half.
Five hundred bucks?
Yeah, half of a grand is $500.
That's a little more than
we were planning to spend.
I think we should
just take the TV.
Okay, which one do you want?
The $50 one.
The $50 one.
You guys come in here,
I show this, I show you that,
and you creeps got
a lousy $50 to spend.
You should have
stopped me a long time ago.
Take the $50 set
and get the hell out,
I'm a busy man.
Well, we were really
counting on a color set.
What's the matter,
you got shit in your ears?
The black and white is $50,
take it or leave it!
Sorry we wasted your time.
Come on, Otis.
Don't give me sorry,
you dumb ass!
Did I stutter?
Gimme the $50 and get out!
I'll give you $50!
God damnit!
Help! Help!
plug it in.
Oh baby
You're driving me crazy
I said baby
Oh, get out of here.
You're too ugly anyways.
Lurleen, here's your Uncle Otis.
Hi, Lurl
Hi, Lurleen. Hi, honey,
Hi, it's Uncle Otis.
Get out of here.
Henry, come dance with me.
Come on, come on, just dance.
- Go ahead. Dance.
- Who? Me?
- Yeah!
- No, no, no.
Come on, Henry.
Come on.
Come on, do it, Henry.
Go ahead, do it.
That's it.
Go like this.
Get down.
"Boogie" as they say here.

More, more.
Come on, go for it.
- Come on Henry, that's it.
- That's it.
The hands.
Work them hands, Henry.
That's it, that's it.
Low and behold, what a guy.
Come on, come on.
See, look how good it is.
Right there. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Oh, come on. Come on.
- More, more!
- No, I don't want to.
- More!
- No, I'm okay.
- More damnit!
- Go to bed, Otis.
- Come on, get your face in there.
- Get!
- Turn it off!
Oh, come on. Come on.
Turn it off!
- I want more, just a little bit more.
- All right.
Come on. A little
That's it, that's it.
This is for Lurleen. Come on.
- All right, that's it.
- Hi, Lurleen.
Come on, Henry. Say hi.
- No.
- Say hi, Henry.
- No more, Otis.
- Say hi, Henry.
- No more, Otis!
- He doesn't want to.
- Say hi, Becky.
- I said hi.
Come on. Come on. Come on. More.
Look, I'll do the best I can,
but I don't promise
Fuck him.
Yeah, yeah, good-bye.
Crazy guy.
Some jerk off hasn't
been out of jail six months,
gets drunk,
gets busted up in a fight.
So he goes home and gets a gun,
comes back later
and shoots the guy.
They find the gun on him.
He claims he was framed.
- What are you going to do?
- So, everything going okay?
- Yeah.
Okay. You still working
at Bob's Gas?
- Yes, sir.
- Good. You working every day?
Two, three days a week.
It's a little slow now.
Well, if it's less than
two days a week, let me know.
We'll see what
we can do for you.
You still living
at 1801 West North?
- Yes, sir.
- Alright, good.
I got to cut it
short today, Otis.
My kid's scheduled
for oral surgery.
I promised to take him over.
Good. I'll see you next month?
Take it easy.
You got it?
Got what?
- You know what.
Here you go.
You wanna try it?
God damn you,
you son of a bitch!
Damn it!
Mother fucker.
Let me see that.
That little fuckin' bastard.
I ought to kill him.
I ought to cut his
fuckin' head off.
That'd be a mistake.
Look who's talking.
Watch your mouth, Otis.
I'm sorry, Henry.
You kill that high school boy,
they're going to slap your ass
right back in jail, Otis.
That's a promise.
I mean, people have
seen you together.
I'd still like
to kill him, though.
I bet you would.
I'd like to kill somebody.
Say that again.
I'd like to kill somebody.
Let's me and you
go for a ride, Otis.

Here, I want to
show you something.
Where'd you get this?
Careful, Otis, it's loaded.
Where'd you get it?
Guns are easy to get.
I can make a phone call
and get a gun.
Anybody can get a gun, Otis.
What do you got in mind, Henry?
What do you think?
I don't know.
- Put up the hood.
- Why?
Just put up the hood, Otis.
You guys need any help?
Otis, do you need some help,
or can you do it yourself?
- Feel better?
- Yeah.
If you shoot somebody
in the head with a .45
every time you kill somebody
it becomes like
your fingerprint, see?
But if you strangle one
and stab another,
one you cut up, one you don't,
then the police
don't know what to do.
They think you're
four different people.
What they really like,
what makes their job
so much easier,
is a pattern.
What they call a modus operandi.
That's Latin.
Bet you didn't know
any Latin, did ya?
Big fuckin' deal.
It's like a trail of shit, Otis.
It's like a blood droppings
from a deer you've shot
and all they gotta do
is follow those droppings
and pretty soon they're
going to find their deer.
Why do we use a gun?
You could use a gun.
I'm not saying
you can't use a gun.
Just don't use
the same gun twice.
The most important thing
is to keep moving.
That way they might
never catch up to you.
I'm gonna have to pack up
and be on the move too,
pretty soon.
Where are you going?
You wanna come?
We could be back this way
in about a month.
I'm not supposed to leave
the state without telling them.
So who's gonna know?
As long as you show up
when you're supposed to?
What if they check up
on me at work?
Well, no plan is perfect.

- Bring her in.
- No!
Bring her in, Otis.
Come on.
That's it. Yeah, yeah.
Sit down. Sit her down.
Oh, good, good,
good, good, good.
Get her blouse off.
Take it off. Take it off.
- Oh yeah, Otis. Good.
- No! No!
- Nice, nice. Yeah, yeah.
- No! No!
Skirt, skirt, skirt.
Do it, Otis! You're a star!
Shut up!
Shut up!
I'll do what the hell
I want to do, bitch!
- Huh? Huh?
- Leave me alone!
- Leave me alone!
- Do it, Otis.
- Do it.
Henry, look. Henry, look.
You got it.
- Go for it, boy.
- No! No!
- No! No!
- Wave! Wave!
- Shut up!
- No! No! No!
Get the goddamn kid!
- Son of a bitch!
Henry, look!
Hey, Henry?
- Hi! Bye!
- Looky here, where you at.
Say hello, honey!
Say bye.
I have to wave to my buddy.
Henry, hi.
Henry, look at this, Henry.
Ain't it beautiful?
No, Otis!
Let's go!
I wanted to do that, Henry.
What are you doing?
I want to see it again.


In jail? Are you sure?
Is Lurleen there? Does she know?
In the what?
In the army?
Go get her, will you?
Hi Hi.
Hi, hi.
Do you miss me?
I miss you.
You did? That's wonderful.
Are you being a good girl?
I don't think so, honey.
I know I promised, but, uh
a couple of things
have happened here.
I know, he is a good soldier.
Soon. Real soon, I promise.
I love you, too.
Yeah, put your
grandma back on, okay?
I know. I'll think about it.
I can't right now.
I will. Soon.
I can't talk anymore, okay?
I gotta go.
Great, great.
Oh! Oh!
I got one,
I got one, here, look.
Oh, look, look,
look, look, look.
Oh, just look at this,
look at this.
Tight, huh. There, huh.
Yeah, no, no.
No. Oh, no,
I like this one better.
Look, Henry.
Look, Henry. Henry, look.
Oh, yeah, I love it. I love her.
Look it how she looks.
Isn't she pretty?
Oh God, look at that dress.
Look at the way it moves.
Oh yeah!
Pull up next to her, real slow.
Look what you did!
Oh God!
Oh Jesus!
Look at it, it's ruined.
Damn, Henry, you ought to
look where you're drivin'.
Who the hell told you
to stick your head
out the window, anyway?
You could have killed me!
Oh, that's right.
Blame it on me.
Oh, this fucking camera!
What did you do that for?
It wasn't any good anymore.
Could have fixed it.
Shit, the lens was
busted right off!
- Could have fixed it.
- How do you know?
You a camera repairman?
You should have said something.
You didn't give me
a chance, Otis.
You threw the fucker
right out the window.
It ain't my fault it broke.
Oh right.
Go back and get it, if you want.
Want to get a beer?
Not particularly.
I want a beer.
If you want a beer so bad, Otis,
go ahead and get one.
All right, I will.
- See you later?
- Yeah.
I talked to Lurleen.
You'd like her.
God, I miss her.
I'm thinking
I might be heading on back home.
I quit.
You quit what?
My Job.
What happened?
I just figured
it was time to go home.
You want to come with me?
I thought you wanted
to make some money?
Yeah, but,
I'm thinking,
I don't want to bring
Lurleen up here after all.
You know, that was my intention.
[SIGHS] There's just too
much going on up here.
She'd get lost.
We're better off
living with Mama.
I can work back home.
I won't make as much money,
I'm sure, but
we won't need as much either.
I like living with Mama.
You could stay there, too.
You figure it's safe to go back?
I hope so.
Leroy's in jail for murder
and his bond's
a million dollars.
So unless he wins the lottery,
Leroy won't be going anywhere
for quite a while.
Where's Otis?
He had a dinner date,
I think he said.
Come with me?
When are you leaving?
Better think fast, Henry.
You got your ticket?
Not yet.
But my mind's made up.
Might as well just do it.
Might as well.
I'd rather ride with you.
Let me think about it.
I'll tell you what,
let's me and you
go get us a steak dinner,
I'm buying, huh?
I got a new Visa card
I want to try out.
- You've got a Visa card?
- Yeah.
Who you think you're
associating with, anyway?
- Great, let's go.
- Alright.
Where are we going?
We'll find a place.
Grab your jacket and let's go.
I gotta go to the bathroom.
He's passed out.

I ain't interrupting
nothing, am I?
You guys want a beer?
You got any cigarettes?
Not since Superman died.
I gotta go out and
get some cigarettes,
- get some air.
- Henry?
I'll be right back, I promise.
I just need some air.
Do you want anything?
How about getting your
poor ol' brother a beer?

Two packs of Kools.
- What kind?
- What?
What kind?
Milds, Regulars, 100s
Hey, how about those Bears?
Fuck the Bears.
That's a nice looking
dog you got there.
Thank you.
What kind is it?
- Heinz.
- What?
Fifty-seven varieties.
It's a mutt.
Half Yorkshire, half Shih Tzu.
Oh. Shih Tzu? Huh.
Well, what's his name?
- What?
- Her name is Delores.
That's a nice name.
Hear that, Delores?
Say, "Thank you."
We gotta go.
Bye now.

- Turn over, Becky.
Come here. Come here.
- You goddamn bitch.
You son of a
Adios, motherfucker!

Please don't!
Relax. Take it easy.
No, no
No, no, no, easy.
Why don't you call the police?
- No, no, no.
- What about Otis?
- It's not a good idea.
- No.
- What are we going to do?!
- Shut up, let me think!
Shut up!
Let me think!
Let me think!
You want to listen to the radio?
that was so awful.
I'm scared.
What do we do now?
We just got to keep moving,
that's for sure.
My sister owns a ranch
outside San Bernardino.
She raises horses there.
She's got about
a half of dozen of them.
They're beautiful.
We can stay there
as long as we want to.
What about Lurleen?
We'll send for her
as soon as we get there.
You promise?
I promise.
I love you, Henry.
I guess I love you too.
Where are we going to go now?
We'll find a place.
You want to listen to the radio?
He's not going to let me.
So you have to stayed tuned,
Tom is going to hand out
those clues a little later.
And now "My Mistake"
by Lynn and the Lizards.
Loving you was my mistake
My mistake was loving you

He taught me
all about eternity
He said that you
were mine eternally
This is a nice guitar.
I used to play a little,
but I'm out of practice.
We better go to bed now.