Her Affair to Die For (2023) Movie Script

(insects chirring)
(phone chiming)
(phone chiming)
(soft lounge music)
(indistinct chatter)
- Is the wine okay?
- It's fine.
What's that?
- Grace, I want us
to start over.
I love you.
- You were with someone else.
How do you expect me
to trust you again?
- Gracie...
You gotta let me try.
- I'm so sorry.
(ominous music)
- Thanks for walking me
to my car.
- Yeah.
- This was nice.
- Hmm...
Can I call you tomorrow?
- Jason...
Just come home.
I'm ready to try again.
(engine starting)
(tires squealing)
(soft music)
- You'll have to be better
than that.
- First one to the top wins!
- Oh!
- Ah-ha! Victory!
- I'm gonna miss this.
- Mom...
- What?
This is where we used
to have your birthday parties
when you were little.
And I have come to love
our morning runs here.
- Hey, we said no tears.
I'm only moving 15 minutes away.
- Just wait
until you're a mother.
You'll understand.
- Bright side, you can start
running with dad again.
- Your father hates to run.
- He hates to lose!
- Maybe I should
let him win, too.
- Hey, I won fair and square.
- Race you home!
- Go!
(indistinct chatter)
(door closing)
- There you are!
- Hey, sweetheart.
- You said you'd come
running with us.
- I'm sorry.
I just got caught up
with the case and all the...
Okay... I just can't
keep up with you two.
- At least stay for breakfast,
and before you say no,
Just remember I'm moving out.
- Wait... You finally
found a roommate?
- I'm meeting a few more
candidates today,
But I might hang
some more flyers on campus
just to be safe.
- Sweetheart, we can cover
the other half of the rent
until you find somebody.
- Thank you, but I'm sure
it'll work out. Come on. Stay.
Mom's making pancakes.
20 minutes.
- Hmm.
These were delicious.
- Yeah, thanks, mom.
- You're welcome, sweetie.
- It's amazing you found time
to fill these baking orders.
- Luckily, christina helped.
- But what are you gonna do
when I move out?
You can't do all this
by yourself.
- Well, maybe it's time
I hire some help.
- Dad could help.
- I guess you didn't tell her?
- Tell me what?
(mom sighs)
- Your dad's up
for managing partner.
- Aaah! That's fantastic!
Will you hire me
as summer associate?
- My god, I love you,
but it's not a done deal. Yet.
Which is why I won't have
much free time.
I'm sorry
I can't help more, liz.
- It's okay. Sam offered
to pitch in till I find someone.
- Sam's helping out, huh?
- He wanted to thank me for
baking stacy's sweet-16 cake.
Oh, which reminds me, christina,
You still haven't told me what
you want for your birthday.
- You know I live for chocolate.
- Good.
- But you're keeping
this party simple, right?
A few friends, finger foods.
- Small and tasteful.
Please be sure that this party
is on your calendar.
- Mom! Come on.
He'll be here if he can.
I have to get to class.
- Alright, sweetie.
- Love you guys.
- Love you.
Have a good day.
Did you have to put me
on the spot like that?
- I just don't want her
to be disappointed.
- Liz, she's a big girl, now.
And she understands the pressure
that I'm under.
- And I don't? I barely have
time to plan her party.
- It's because
you're taking on too much.
I thought this baking thing
was a hobby!
- It's not a hobby, noah.
It's my job.
And you said you supported it.
- And I do, liz, but...
This promotion is more than
just putting in the hours.
I've got dinners,
I've got functions.
I'll need you there.
- And I can't do both?
(knocking on door)
- Morning, noah.
- Sam.
- So, where can I start?
- Um... Can you fold
bakery boxes?
- You got it!
- You should go
or you're gonna be late.
- Right...
- Is everything okay?
- Yeah.
(uptempo music)
- Hey!
- Hey...
- You're putting up more flyers?
- Still looking for that perfect
- Hey, I'm here for you. And you
know I'm a good cook, too.
- We've only been dating
a couple months.
You can't move in.
- I can still spend the night,
- I'll think about it.
- Think about it?
Think about this...
- Don't you have a class?
- Careful. There's a lot
of weirdos out there!
(pop music)
- So my boyfriend
was cheating on me...
With one of my sorority sisters!
And there's no way
that I'm gonna keep living
With that slut
in the kappa beta kappa house.
- Uh, so you're looking
for a new place to live?
- And that's why I like cats
more than I like humans.
- Okay, and you own
a lot of cats?
- Well, I prefer
to say I "cohabitate".
You're not allergic, are you?
- Hi. Just a second.
- Christina, right?
- Yeah.
- I'm alyssa, it's so nice
to meet you.
- You as well. So you said on
the phone you just moved here?
- That's right. Needed a fresh
start. Bad breakup.
He was kind of a jerk, so...
It wasn't hard getting over him.
- His loss.
So was it difficult
transferring schools?
- Oh, I'm not a student.
I saw your ad at a cafe.
- Oh, which one?
- This cafe.
It's right next door to the
hospital I volunteer at.
- I love this place.
We study here all the time.
And that's really sweet
that you volunteer
At the hospital, by the way.
- I spent a lot of time
at hospitals when I was a kid.
- Oh, were you sick?
- My dad.
Pancreatic cancer.
- Oh. I'm so sorry.
- During his treatments, the
nurses would take care of me.
We'd play poker, eat ice cream,
Which made everything
a little less scary.
- And now you volunteer.
- Yeah.
I understand what people
are going through
And I want to try
to make it easier. If I can.
Plus, I'm a pretty good
poker shark now.
- Good to know.
- Tell me about you.
- I'm a law student.
First year. I want to fight
for the underdog.
Like my dad used to do
before he had to go into
corporate law to pay the bills.
Um, so, I do have to ask, just
'cause we're splitting the rent,
You work, right?
- Oh yeah.
I'm a personal trainer,
I work as an office temp,
I even walk dogs.
I know it doesn't sound
very ambitious,
But the truth is I always
wanted to get married.
Have that perfect family.
- No judgement.
My mom loved being a housewife,
Now she runs a bakery business
out of our house.
- That's amazing.
Your mom sounds really smart.
- Thanks. She is.
So the apartment is actually
just off campus.
Do you want to walk over
and check it out?
- I'd love to.
- You're in early.
Trying to give me a run
for managing partner?
- Worried?
- Not really.
I signed two new clients
before breakfast.
- Good morning, patricia.
- Morning.
- Thank you very much.
Any messages?
- On your desk.
- Can you call
the florist for me?
- Oh boy.
What did you do now?
- Send roses.
Two dozen.
- That bad, huh?
Mr. Ellis needs carson's file.
It wasn't on your desk.
- Got it right here.
I think I found a loophole
for that non-compete.
- A loophole that could win
the case?
- We wouldn't even have
to go to trial.
Carson's son let it slip.
He's adopted.
And if I find
the right precedent,
He can form the company
- And then carson can finally
Kick his partner to the curb.
- Bingo.
- Are you going to pitch it
to ellis?
- Just gonna grab the file.
I was reviewing it this morning.
Christina must've
accidentally taken it.
- Then you better get it. Ellis
is due in court in an hour.
(noah sighs)
- Come on in.
Sorry about the mess.
So there's two bedrooms.
You can have the bigger one
if you want.
- Looks like you barely
moved in. I like your couch.
- I'm in the process.
Tonight's my first night.
Let's see.
What else can I tell you...
There is a laundry facility
in the building and a gym.
- A gym. Perfect.
I can use it for my personal
training clients.
- So you like it?
- Well... I mean. It could use
a little personality.
Maybe some art?
I have a really big painting
That would look great
over there.
And another one
right over here.
One that would be perfect there,
And even there.
And maybe some wallpaper.
How do you feel about
decorative pillows?
- Um...
- Oh, sorry.
We haven't made this official.
If you need more time...
- When can you move in?
(alyssa screams)
- Thank you.
I've been looking for a while.
You wouldn't believe
how many weirdos are out there.
- Um. Actually, I would.
(phone chiming)
Oh, no.
- Bad news?
- Um... Yeah. I think I have
a file my dad needs?
Yep. There it is. Damn. Um...
His office is downtown and
I have class in 20 minutes.
- I can take it to him.
I have the day free.
- I can't ask you to do that.
- I'm offering. You just helped
me out in a really big way.
Today's the anniversary
of losing my father...
- Oh, I'm so sorry...
- No. It's okay.
It happened a long time ago.
I was a kid.
But... When the day comes up,
I like to stay busy.
It helps. You know?
- Of course.
I mean, thank you.
I'll text you the address.
- Great.
Hello. I'm here
to see noah davis.
- Your name?
- Alyssa winters.
His daughter,
christina, sent me.
- I'm sorry.
Christina sent you?
- Yes. She said her father
needed this.
- Oh, thanks.
I'll give it to him.
- I told christina I would
give it to him personally.
- I'm mr. Davis' assistant.
- Then you can show me
to his office.
- Follow me.
noah, someone to see you.
- Mr. Davis?
- Can I help you?
- I'm alyssa.
Christina's new roommate.
She said you needed this.
- Her new roommate?
- As of 30 minutes ago.
Christina had a class, so I
offered to bring over the file.
- Well, thank you.
That's very generous.
- My pleasure.
This is a really nice office.
You must be the best attorney
they have.
- Second best.
Peter buchanan.
And you are?
- You should stop by for dinner.
You and your wife.
Once christina and I
get settled.
- Of course.
- Well, I'll get out
of your hair.
It was really nice meeting you.
- Likewise... Um?
- Alyssa.
- Right. Thanks again
for the files.
- who's that?
- That's christina's
new roommate.
- And she's inviting you
to dinner?
Morning, mr. Ellis.
- Ahem!
- Morning.
- If you're heading
To the courthouse,
I can give you a ride.
- Ah, well, thank you, peter.
Patricia said
you wanted to see me.
- Yes, sir. It's about
the carson case.
Uh, peter,
why don't you head down
And bring the car around
for mr. Ellis?
This'll just take a moment.
So I think I found a loophole
for the non-compete.
(rock music)
- Ta-dah!
- Oh, I love that!
(music continues)
- Well, you really went
all out, didn't you?
- I promised I wouldn't, but...
Can't help myself.
- So, what did you decide?
- About what?
- About the bakery.
Did you talk to noah?
You said you were ready.
- We've barely had time
to talk about anything.
If we're not working, we're
wining and dining with clients.
So... I guess
it will have to wait.
- Why does it have to wait?
I have a friend
In commercial real estate.
I can get you
a list of properties.
- I couldn't ask you to do that.
- Liz. You were there for me
when my wife died.
I couldn't have made it through
without you.
Let me just return the favour.
- You already are.
I couldn't have made it
through the last couple of weeks
without your help.
- Ahem!
- Noah, you made it.
Christina will be so pleased.
- I thought the party wasn't
for another hour.
- Uh, liz needed
some help setting up, so...
- Sweetie, why don't you go
inside and get ready
for the party?
- can I come in?
- Sure.
- You're not dressed
for the party.
- I'm not feeling up to it.
- Are you okay?
- I was unpacking and I found
some old photos... Of my ex.
I wasn't completely honest
when I said I was over him.
- Did he cheat on you?
- He cheated on his wife.
- So he was married.
- I didn't know. Doctors
don't always wear their rings.
- He was a doctor
and you were a volunteer.
That doesn't sound fair.
- When I found out the truth,
I finally broke it off.
He lost it and filed
a harassment claim with hr.
Told everyone
I was stalking him.
- If you can prove the
relationship was consensual,
You have grounds for a lawsuit.
- And be branded as the slut
Who should've known better?
No, thanks.
- You know what?
The best way to get over him
is to get back out there.
Marcus is bringing his roommate
to the party tonight.
He's very cute.
- I don't know...
- You said you needed
a fresh start, right?
Come on. It'll be fun.
- Mmm...
- Come on! Let's find you
a killer dress to wear.
(lounge music)
- Marcus!
- Hey!
- Hey, guys! This is
my new roommate, alyssa.
- How you doing? Marcus jackson.
This is my roommate
craig porter.
- Hey, I know you. I saw you
at registration this week.
You're a nurse, right?
- I'm just a volunteer.
- Okay. Well,
I'm a just a doctor.
- oh...
- Bad joke?
- Yeah.
- I mean, you have something
against doctors?
- Not at all.
- Okay. Well, uh... How about
we get some coffee sometime?
- I don't think so.
- Denied.
- I'm an idiot.
Her ex was a doctor.
And it did not end well.
Just let me talk to her.
- Nah, it's fine.
- Don't worry about it, man.
(indistinct chatter)
- Alyssa.
I'm so sorry about that.
- Hey! Birthday girl!
- Oh, patricia. Hi!
- Hi, happy birthday!
Oh, honey, do you know
if any of these have peanuts?
- Oh, right.
Your allergy.
Um, give me a minute
and I'll check.
- Thanks. Well, hi, alyssa.
- Hi.
Christina and I were having
a conversation
And you interrupted.
- Well, I'm... I'm sorry.
- No, it's fine.
Um... Just give us
a second, okay?
- Yeah, absolutely.
- Alyssa,
I should've told you
craig was a doctor.
I wasn't thinking.
- Clearly.
- But he's a great guy.
Don't judge him because--
- it's too soon, okay?
I thought you understood.
Can we please just drop it?
(footsteps approaching)
- You're leaving?
- I shouldn't have come.
I'm not in a party mood.
- I know how you feel.
- What are you drinking?
- Scotch.
You want one?
- Yeah.
- Thanks again
for bringing that file.
Was a big help.
So... How's the place
coming along?
- Well, our upstairs neighbor
stomps around like bigfoot,
But otherwise, it's good.
You plan on taking us up
on that dinner invite?
Your wife has. Twice.
- Work's just been hectic.
- Christina mentioned
you're up for managing partner.
- Yeah. It's between me
and another colleague.
- Tell me it's not
that sleazy guy who couldn't
stop staring at my ass.
- Actually, it is.
- Can you beat him?
- He likes to play dirty.
- My advice, don't be like that.
I believe if you work hard,
you should get what you deserve.
Doesn't always work that way.
(phone ringing)
- Hear you're having a party.
Sorry I wasn't invited.
- What do you need?
- Big client got arrested
last night,
So andrew sends his regrets,
But he won't make the party.
We're working on the brief
for the judge right now.
- I handle the briefs, peter.
- I know, but...
Andrew is really impressed
with my work so far.
Tell christina happy birthday.
- Damn it.
- Is everything okay?
- Yeah. I just, uh... I've got
to head back into the office.
Liz is gonna kill me.
Enjoy the rest of your night.
(upbeat music)
(indistinct chatter)
- Where's your father?
- I don't know.
I saw him earlier.
- He's right here.
- Dad? Where are you?
- I'm at the office.
A client needed me.
- It's okay, I understand.
- You just left?
Why didn't you say something?
- I didn't want to spoil
the party.
Chrissy, I love you,
I'm sorry,
And I promise
I will make it up to you.
- Mom. He said he was sorry.
- He always says he's sorry.
(phone ringing)
- Liz?
happy birthday,
dear christina
happy birthday to you
(cheering and applause)
- How was that?
- That was perfect.
Thank you, alyssa.
For... For everything.
Where's liz and christina?
- Ah, christina took off
with some friends a while ago
And liz is upstairs
taking a nap.
You might want to give her
some space.
- Okay. You can leave now.
I've got it from here.
- Do you?
- What did you say?
- Nothing.
(door slamming)
- Liz...
I'm sorry.
- You always apologize
with flowers.
Where did you even find them
at this hour?
You bought them before
the party.
- No, I didn't.
Why don't you understand
the pressure that I'm under?
- I asked you for one night,
noah. For our daughter.
- Christina knows
what's at stake.
And she believes in me.
- I believe in you!
- You believe in sam.
- What?
- You cheer him on
with whatever he does
And I show up late for dinner,
you give me hell.
- That is not true.
I've always supported you.
Honey, if I have ever made you
feel otherwise, I'm sorry.
Support goes both ways, noah.
I want to open a bakery.
- And you will, liz.
But if I don't get
this promotion,
I'm gonna have to start over.
I need to open my own firm!
- Why do I always have
to put my life on hold
So that you can get
what you want?
- Alyssa...
- Oh, I'm sorry.
The backdoor was open
And I didn't want
to wake anyone up.
- Is christina here?
- She left with marcus.
I was almost home
when I realized
I was missing an earring.
My dad gave me these
and they mean a lot, so...
I shouldn't have barged in.
I'm sorry.
- No, no. That's... That's okay.
- Those are beautiful.
- Yeah. That's what I was hoping
liz would say.
- You would've been here
if you could.
And you told christina
you'd make it up to her
So that's all that matters.
- How about that dinner
at your place?
I'll cook.
- You cook?
- On occasion.
- Tomorrow?
- Deal.
- Perfect.
- Would you, um... Give these
to christina for me?
- Of course.
- And, uh... Here.
- Oh...
- No, thank you for trying
to help at the party today.
I really appreciate that.
- Goodnight, mr. Davis.
- Noah.
- Noah...
- What is all this?
- Surprise.
- I can't believe
you did all this.
- I'm sorry. I never should
have left your party.
- This more than makes up
for it. I'll be right back.
- It smells so good.
My compliments to the chef.
Oh, here.
- Thank you.
- I'm starving.
- Well, uh... Let's eat.
- Where's mom?
- Uh, she had a rush order
to fill.
Pretty soon, she's gonna have
to open her own bakery.
- Dad, she could have
ten bakeries,
None of it matters if she thinks
you don't support her.
- Fine. What's your advice?
- Well, all she's ever wanted
is to spend more time with you.
And you know what she loves
doing almost as much as baking.
- No. Anything but that.
- My mom has been begging him
to go running with her,
But he's always finding excuses.
- What is running gonna fix?
- It's a romantic gesture.
Way better than flowers.
- Okay, well, I'm not exactly
in the best shape, so...
- All you have to do is
rebuild your stamina.
- Alyssa is a personal trainer.
She can help you
get back in shape.
- I don't know.
- It'll be easy.
Two weeks.
And we'll start early so it
doesn't interfere with work.
- Come on. For mom.
- Okay.
How hard can it be?
- Pace yourself.
(noah clears throat)
- I got it.
- Maybe we should take a break.
- I'm good.
- You don't want
to hurt yourself.
Okay, we're stopping.
You weren't kidding when
you said you were out of shape.
- Here I thought
I was getting faster.
- We've only been training
a couple of days.
You'll get there.
- Well...
I need to get there faster.
- Easy, tiger.
Running with your wife isn't
likely to fix your marriage.
But you're a good guy
for trying.
- maybe liz is right.
She mentioned seeing
a therapist.
- My parents did.
- Yeah? Did it help?
- Made things worse.
- Great.
- I was relieved when
they got a divorce.
- Well, I don't want a divorce.
I love my wife.
- My dad loved my mom.
He tried so hard, but nothing
was ever good enough.
She couldn't see
how perfect he was.
So she left him.
Eventually he found
someone else. Someone better.
He was finally happy.
You deserve to be happy, too.
- I got a busy day.
I should get to the office.
- Noah, wait.
- Oh, your lunch is here!
- I didn't order anything.
- The delivery guy
said it was for you.
- From who?
- Something about a promotion?
I mean, patricia,
you are always sticking
your business cards
In these
"win a free lunch" bowls.
- True, but this is chinese
chicken salad. I can't eat this.
Here. You take it.
- I already ate.
But it says no peanuts
on the receipt.
- Huh. It does.
Well, who said there's no such
thing as a free lunch?
- Okay. We got everything done.
I can't believe it.
- I think this was your biggest
sales day yet.
- Felt like it.
- Hey. What if I were
to loan you the money?
- Oh! I couldn't ask you
to do that.
- No, I could underwrite
the business until you're ready
to take it over.
- That's very kind of you, sam.
- Well. I believe
in what you're doing.
I can tell you have talent.
And that shouldn't be stifled.
Just think about it.
That's all.
- I will.
- Great.
- Hey, noah.
- Thank you, patricia.
- Are you feeling okay?
- I don't know.
Maybe I'm coming down
with something.
- Alright, well...
Why don't you go home?
Get some rest.
- Yeah...
- Patricia?
Somebody get help!
Call 911!
- Excuse me.
- Hang in there!
- Excuse me.
- Noah! Hold her head.
Is she allergic to anything?
- Uh, peanuts.
- Does anyone have an epipen?
- I think she has one
in her purse.
- Get it!
- Her pulse is racing.
Airway's closed.
She's going into anaphylactic
shock. Hold her head back.
I have to try to open up
her airway...
- I got it!
- Patricia...
- Here.
(noah): Hold on, patricia.
(patricia moans)
you're gonna be okay.
(breathing heavily)
- noah...
- Noah.
- Liz?
- I called the office and heard
about patricia. How is she?
- She's, uh... She's okay.
- Oh! Thanks goodness.
How are you?
We haven't really spoken
since the party.
- Liz, I can't get into this
right now.
- Do you still want me
to join you for your client
dinner tonight?
- It got rescheduled.
- Okay. I'll see you at home?
We'll talk then.
- Okay.
You're still here.
- How is she?
- Paramedics say she's gonna be
fine. Thanks to you.
How did you know
how to do that?
- I volunteer with children.
Kids are in the hospital all the
time with allergic reactions.
- patricia's so careful.
I should sue that restaurant.
- I'm sure it was just
an accident.
- That's no excuse.
She could've been killed
if you weren't here.
Why are you here?
- I wanted to apologize
for this morning.
I overstepped.
- Ah... Well, I should call
patricia's husband.
And I need to get somebody
to cover the desk.
- I can do it.
I can just call my temp agency
And have them assign me here
for as long as you need.
- Is there anything
you can't do?
- I updated your calendar
For the rest of the week.
- Thank you.
- You seem to be burning
the candle at both ends.
You didn't even touch
your lunch.
- I'm so sorry. I should have
sent you home hours ago.
- Do you like chinese?
(sensual music)
- Ah!
Thank you for this. I didn't
even realize how hungry I was.
- You need me to prepare
anything for tomorrow?
- Uh... No.
We can go over it
on our run tomorrow.
- I thought I scared you off.
- I didn't want you to be right.
I think I'm avoiding
going home because I...
I just can't talk to liz.
And this idea
of a romantic gesture...
I don't know... Maybe I'm just
delaying the inevitable.
- At least you can say
you went down fighting.
My ex never even tried
to fight for us.
I thought he was
the perfect guy.
- No such thing.
- If you don't want to go home,
I could get you a hotel room.
I hear the walden's nice.
- A room at the walden
is tempting, but, uh...
I should go home.
Liz will probably
be asleep anyway.
- Don't worry,
I'll clean this up.
- Okay.
Um... Do you think you can
stay on for a few more days?
Patricia should be back
by the end of the week.
- So soon?
- They're releasing her
from the hospital tomorrow.
- I'll be happy
to cover for her.
- Thank you.
- My pleasure.
- Alyssa?
I didn't know the volunteers
worked this late.
- Well, the kids are here 24/7.
Some have trouble sleeping,
so I keep them company.
- Oh, so you work
in the children's ward?
What are you doing
on this floor?
- Coffee break.
Care to join?
- I thought you hated doctors.
- I was rude at the party.
Christina said you're worth
getting to know.
- Well, my shift ends
in about ten minutes.
I'll, uh... Meet you
at the cafe next door?
- Sure.
- Alright, I'll see you there.
- Oh, hi!
- What did you tell him
about my ex?
- What?
- He knew I moved here
To get away from jason.
Did you tell him that
jason was married, too?
- Who?
- Craig. I just had coffee
with him.
- I only said it was
a bad breakup.
- Well, you shouldn't
have said anything.
- You're right.
I'm sorry.
- Did you tell him that
my dad died, too?
- What? No...
- Or that I was just a child
when I lost him?
- Oh, alyssa.
I'm so sorry.
- Don't feel bad for me.
I don't need that.
I need you to listen. Okay?
I told you I wasn't ready.
And now, I have to go
on a date with craig
So he doesn't twist things
at the hospital
And tell people
I'm damaged goods.
- He would never do that.
- Don't! You've done enough.
(indistinct chatter)
- Patricia, hi.
How are you feeling?
- I'm fine.
I really appreciate
you covering for me.
But I'm back now.
You don't have to be here.
- Oh, I know. I just wanted
to hear the announcement.
I'm really proud of noah.
I know I worked for him
for only a few days, but...
- He's a great guy.
- Yeah. He is.
(glass clinking)
- Jackson & ellis is a firm
built on loyalty and integrity.
So when it came to choosing
a new managing partner,
We went with someone who gives
tirelessly, time and time again.
It's my great honor
To congratulate our new partner,
Peter buchanan.
(indistinct chatter)
- Andrew!
Andrew, I respect your decision,
but I'm a little confused.
If it wasn't for me,
we would've lost our biggest
client to another firm.
- You left carson vulnerable.
Did you even bother
to figure out
Who the biological father
of his adopted son was?
- What does that
even matter, sir?
- It was his partner.
Carson's wife had an affair.
- So you did know.
- His son told me.
- And what if his son
has a change of heart,
Hands the company over
to his biological father.
- Carson is aware of the risks.
- There shouldn't be any risk!
Peter made sure of that
when he revised the contract.
We have to protect
our clients, noah,
Even from themselves.
- I knew I should've
come back sooner.
- How the hell did peter know
about the paternity?
- I saw peter at the hospital
when you were in there.
- What? You're not suggesting
that I somehow told him.
- patricia.
I know you would never.
- I wasn't accusing you.
I just meant it was weird
that he was there so late.
- But I never saw him!
- That's because
he wasn't visiting.
Excuse me.
- Yeah, we'll celebrate
this weekend.
I need to call you back.
- How did you know
about the affair?
- Carson's maid drives
a hard bargain.
- But you had to be sure, so you
stole his son's medical records.
- I protected this firm,
you didn't.
- By putting patricia
in the hospital so you'd have
a reason to be there?
- Now you're just reaching.
It's done, noah.
Andrew made his choice,
deal with it.
Yeah. Sorry, hon.
I know. I know,
it's exciting, isn't it?
- Peter couldn't have gotten
the records on his own.
He was working with someone
at the hospital.
- Even if he was,
we can't prove it.
He's right, it's done.
- Oh...
I wasn't expecting you.
- I didn't get the promotion.
- What? Oh, noah, I'm so sorry.
- I can't stay
at that firm, liz.
Not after this.
I'll have to start my own.
- Honey. I know you're upset,
But it's not worth throwing
away your entire career.
You've worked too hard.
- Why can't you just be
on my side?
- I am on your side.
Look, starting a business
isn't that simple.
I submitted a proposal
to the bank for my bakery
And they rejected it.
If it wasn't for sam--
- sam?
- Yeah. He offered
to advance me the money.
- Why would he do that, liz?
- Because we're friends.
- You weren't expecting me?
I guess you're...
Cooking for him now?
- I wanted to thank him.
- Are you sleeping with him?
- That's what you think?
That I'm cheating on you?
Get out.
- Alrighty, mr. Davis,
you're all checked in
For one night in
our presidential suite.
I'll go ahead and call
my bellman for your bags.
- I don't have any bags.
Where's the bar?
- It's gonna be
right over there.
- Thanks.
(soft lounge music)
- What are you drinking?
- How'd you find me?
- Figured you'd avoid going home
And take my offer up
on the hotel.
I was wrong...
When I told you
not to fight dirty.
- I could never do what he did.
- Of course not.
You're a good guy.
You're perfect.
If the firm can't see that,
they don't deserve you.
- What he did, if it got out...
It could ruin the firm.
I made that place what it is.
It's my legacy.
How can I just turn a blind eye?
What's that?
- Security footage
from the hospital.
- What?
- I was right,
peter bribed one of the doctors.
- How did you--
- oh...
It's better if you don't know.
That's the only copy.
I deleted the original.
- Alyssa, you shouldn't
have done that.
- How else do you expect
to start your own firm?
It's not like your boss
would let you keep your clients
without any leverage.
- No. No. Liz is right.
I'd be throwing everything away
if I left.
- So then stay.
And take back your promotion.
You deserve to be happy.
(upbeat music)
it's going down
it's going down
it's going down
it's going down
- Morning.
Noah, it's okay.
- No...
I shouldn't have done this.
- It's what you needed.
To feel valued.
- No, alyssa, I...
I can't do this.
- You don't need
to say anything.
I know what this was.
(soft music)
You really are the perfect guy.
(phone chiming)
- Noah. I didn't want
to do this over the phone.
I'm not having an affair.
Please come home
so we can talk about it.
- Good morning.
- What are you doing home?
- I had brunch with my mom.
Just grabbing my books.
- Oh. How is she?
- Fine.
Somebody's in a good mood.
- As a matter of fact, I am.
- And you didn't come home
last night.
And you're wearing
yesterday's clothes.
Did you hook up with craig?
Sorry. I'm staying out of it.
I'm staying out of it.
But did you?
- Guilty.
- Details.
- Okay. He was amazing.
Perfect, really.
- Oh. I'm so happy for you guys.
We should get drinks.
- It's not even lunch time.
- Tonight. Is craig working?
- I'm not sure.
I can ask him.
- I can text him.
- Christina, I can manage
my own life, thanks.
I mean, I'm heading
to the hospital anyway.
So I'll ask him. Okay?
(soft music)
- Alyssa?
Hey! What are you doing?
- What do you think?
- I think we hung out once,
and then you ghosted me.
- Haven't you ever heard
of playing hard to get?
- Well, f we're playing games,
Why are you taking
my clothes off?
- Playtime's over.
- So... You waiting for someone?
- Are you?
- My wife and I have
an understanding.
- Does she know that?
- Wine.
- Why not?
- She's not answering my texts.
- Craig, she said
she'd be here, right?
- Yeah.
- Well then, stop worrying.
She lives here. She'll be here.
- Now that patricia's back,
you can be my secretary.
- Hmm.
Administrative assistant.
- Whatever.
- Don't you feel guilty?
Stealing that promotion.
- I didn't steal anything.
It's just business.
You gotta play to win.
- Like chess.
He takes your knight,
you take his bishop.
- Something like that.
- You're cute.
Then all is fair.
- You wanna get out of here?
- Maybe.
- What do I have to do
to make that a yes?
- Can I borrow your phone?
Mine's dead and I should let
my roommate know
I probably won't be home
- Barkeep.
(clears throat)
Close it out.
You want a ride with me?
- I have my own car.
All you have to do is follow me.
(eerie music)
- You trying get away from me?
(tires screeching)
(tires screeching)
(indistinct chatter)
- Sorry, I'm late.
- Wow, you look... Incredible.
- Thanks. I need a drink.
- We finished the wine.
- No, there's more
in the kitchen.
- I'll get it.
- No, I got it.
- I'm gonna marry that girl.
- That's just the sex talking.
- I can't believe you guys
already hooked up. So racy.
- She told you?
- She couldn't stop smiling
this morning.
I think she really likes you.
- Yeah, she practically
ripped my clothes off.
We're going to make
beautiful babies together.
- Excuse me.
- I like a woman that can plan
my future.
- Andrew.
I'm glad you stopped by.
We need to talk.
- Peter was in a car accident
last night.
- What?
Is he okay?
- Funeral arrangements are
being made.
- What the hell happened?
- His blood-alcohol level
was over the limit.
Apparently, there was something
he couldn't live with.
- You mean he killed himself?
- I don't know.
He... He texted me
Saying his conscience
got the better of him,
That he didn't want
the promotion
If it was based on a lie.
- That doesn't sound like him.
- I think he got spooked
by someone.
I just received this
by courier.
It's footage of peter
sneaking out of the hospital.
Now, on its own, it's nothing.
But if the doctor he paid
to get those medical records
comes forward...
- The firm could be
held culpable.
- Noah, we need you.
- You think this is
how I wanted the promotion?
By default?
- What do you want?
(eerie music)
(engine starting)
- What are you doing here?
- Running.
Liz, wait!
- Have you been working out?
- As a matter of fact, I have.
- Why didn't you call me back?
- I'm sorry.
For everything.
Can you forgive me?
(phone chiming)
is it work?
- Is it work?
- No.
Uh, I took some time off.
- How much time?
- That's what I wanted
to talk to you about.
Can we do dinner tonight?
- Christina said you cook now.
- I could always cook.
You just never let me.
(phone chiming)
Uh, I should take care of this.
But I'll see you tonight.
6 o'clock?
- Sure.
(phone chiming)
- Alyssa.
- Oh, babe.
There's a cute breakfast spot
that's nearby.
- I thought you said
there was one copy.
- What?!
- The usb drive, alyssa.
You sent another copy
to andrew.
And I told you I didn't want
to use it.
- Then tell him what I did.
You can't, can you?
Because you know I'm right.
- Are there any more?
- No. I swear.
Is what I did so bad?
You can have
whatever you want now.
- I told andrew
I would handle it.
Who was working with peter?
- Don't worry.
I took care of it.
- Well, take it easy on me.
I didn't grow up
running marathons.
- I'll race you to the stairs.
- Wait, what?
- Go!
- Oh. Please don't hate me.
I did this for you.
For us.
- What are you talking about?
- Dad?
- Christina.
- What is going on?
- We didn't want to hurt you.
We're in love.
- What the hell?
Alyssa, get your hands
off my father!
- Christina,
you don't understand.
- That you're screwing
somebody my age?
You're right,
I don't understand. At all.
- No. It's not like that.
It... It just happened.
- How could you do this to mom?
- Honey...
- Don't touch me.
You're disgusting.
- Christina, that's your dad.
Show some respect.
- I want you out
of my apartment.
- okay. You're being immature.
Besides, I signed a lease.
Noah, you're a lawyer,
could you please weigh in on--
- Okay, okay, enough!
- You're defending her?
- come on, come on.
- Who are you?
- Christina!
You should probably
stay here tonight.
- Don't. It's not your fault.
- I'll get you a room here.
- Why? I could just stay
with you.
- That's not happening.
- You're just worried
your wife will find out.
Noah, she probably
already knows.
- I don't want to hurt her
any more than I already have.
- But you have to.
It's the only way
that we can be together.
We could get a place of our own.
- We barely know each other.
- But we love each other.
- I love my wife.
- Babe. What are you doing?
- Looking for answers.
- Look, I know you're upset.
But we shouldn't be in here.
- I have to figure out
who she is.
- By invading her privacy?
- She seduced my father.
And that's not the first time
she's gone after a married man.
- Wait, what?
Who's this?
- Her ex.
If I can figure out who he is,
maybe he can tell me more
about her.
He looks like
he's my dad's age.
I guess she does have a type.
- He knew I moved here
to get away from jason.
Did you tell him that jason
was married too?
- And I know his name!
- Christina, what are we doing?
- Searching doctors named
jason in texas.
- Love, that's a needle
in a haystack.
- I know.
There's thousands of them.
(knocking on door)
(noah): Christina.
- I don't want to talk to him.
- Just give him a chance.
(knocking on door)
- honey, please.
(door opening)
- How long?
- Not long.
- Are you...
In love with her?
- Alyssa's different.
Look, I know I have
no right to ask you this.
- I'm not gonna lie to mom
for you.
- No. No. I don't want you to.
Just... Give me time
to tell her myself.
- Are you getting a divorce?
- Sweetheart.
You've never been married.
- What is that supposed to mean?
- You don't understand
the sacrifices
that you have to make.
- I'm sorry we made your life
so miserable.
- Honey.
I love you.
And I love your mother.
But we were so young
when we had you.
Younger than you are now.
- Get out.
- Christina...
- I said get out!
(soft music)
(jazz music)
- Looks like you're baking
for a small army here.
- Yeah. I had six orders come in
last minute, back to back.
- You need some help?
- Sure. Stir that.
- Okay.
- You know, I heard the news
about peter.
That's just awful.
- Yeah. Can't believe he's gone.
- I was thinking tomorrow
I could bring some food over
to his wife.
- Yeah. I'm sure
she'd appreciate it.
- I can't imagine what
she's going through right now.
Noah, if that had been you...
What's wrong?
- Nothing.
I'm just glad to be home.
(soft music)
Here you go.
- Wow. You really can cook.
- you don't remember?
When christina was born,
you were so overwhelmed,
I literally had
to learn to cook.
- I remember never sleeping.
Kind of like right now,
with the business taking off.
- I bet you're loving
every minute of it.
Just like when christina
was born.
- Honestly, it's a dream
come true.
And I should've considered that
before shooting down yours.
Whatever you wanna do.
I believe in you.
- Um... So I talked to andrew.
I told him I could start
my own new firm.
But he agreed
that I already built one.
- He's giving you the promotion.
- Yeah.
Name on the door, everything.
No more 80-hour work weeks.
- Really?
- Really.
- Honey.
- I'll go check it out.
(eerie music)
(indistinct chatter)
- Your pecan pie is divine.
- You want another slice?
- I'm gonna make two my limit.
- More coffee?
- No. It's getting late.
I should probably go.
- Oh. You're going back?
- Yeah.
- Why?
- I think we should
take it slow.
But I'll come back tomorrow
and cook for you. Okay?
- Okay, but noah, I--
- tomorrow.
I love you.
- I love you, too.
(phone chiming)
- You son of a bitch!
- Alyssa?
- I saw you with her!
- What the hell
is the matter with you?
- I saw you with your wife.
- You followed me?
- Are you going back to her?
- You don't have the right to
ask me anything about my wife.
- She doesn't care about you.
Not like I do.
- You should go.
- So, that's it?
You got what you wanted,
And now, you're just gonna
go back to a job you hate
and a wife--
- Don't say another word.
- Your marriage is over, noah.
- No, alyssa, this is.
- She has a right to know.
- Are you threatening me?
- Let go of me!
- I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have done that.
- You're a liar.
And liz has a right to know.
- Ow!
- Don't touch me!
(soft music)
- Mom.
- Oh, christina.
Thank you for coming by so late.
Listen, I wanted
to let you know,
I saw your father today.
- Are you okay? I mean...
That's a stupid question.
I'm sorry. How could you be?
- No, I'm fine. It was nice.
- What?
- Yeah. He made dinner.
It was pretty good, too.
- And did you talk
about anything?
- We talked about
lots of things.
We both know
we've made some mistakes,
But I think we're ready
to move forward now.
- That's all?
- Well, he kissed me.
Listen to me,
I sound like a schoolgirl.
Sweetie, I thought
you'd be happy.
- I am happy.
- Honey, as a future attorney,
You're going to need
a better poker face.
- Mom, I don't know
how to say this.
- Just say it.
- Liz!
- Noah?
What are you doing here?
You're bleeding.
What happened?
- You told her?
- I didn't say anything.
- What's going on?
One of you,
please say something.
- Christina, I think
you should leave.
- I'm staying here for mom.
- What is going on?
- Dad...
- I slept with someone.
- What?
- Alyssa.
- Your roommate?
- She was helping me
to start training,
To run again with you.
And then, patricia got sick,
and she started helping out
around the office.
The rest just happened.
- You knew?
- Mom, I'm so sorry.
- Liz, it's not her fault.
I wanted to be the one
to tell you.
Liz, please. I love you.
I can't live without you, liz.
Please. I'm sorry.
- Did she do that to your neck?
Were you with her
before you came here?
- It's over.
- So she didn't take it well.
- No.
you must hate me.
- I don't hate you.
You're my father.
- But you can't even look at me.
- I see you.
As a person who's flawed.
- I was always your hero.
- I know.
What are you going to do
about mom?
- I know I have no right
to ask her for a second chance.
But I won't stop trying.
I can't.
- You better go.
- Yeah.
(soft music)
- Alyssa!
(upbeat music)
She moved out.
- So they're staying together
at the hotel, I guess.
- He says he broke it off.
- Does he love her?
- Mom.
They just met.
None of this would ever have
happened if I didn't get
an apartment.
- Please don't blame yourself.
He made his choice.
- He made a mistake.
- Don't do that.
Don't take his side.
- I won't.
Not after the way he hurt you.
But I know he still loves you.
Even if you never forgive him.
- I'm sorry.
I have to go.
- Mom...
(upbeat music)
(breathing heavily)
Somebody help us!
Mom, wake up!
Mom! Mom!
- Where's liz?
- She's in surgery now.
There's nothing
you can do but wait.
- I was in court. I got here
as quick as I could.
Do they know who did this?
- The police think
it was a robbery.
Her purse was stolen.
- Okay. Were there
any witnesses?
- No.
Do you know anyone
who'd want to harm liz?
- No.
- Are you sure?
- I said no.
Where's christina?
- I sent her home to change.
She was covered in liz's blood.
- Now you're telling my daughter
what to do?
- Noah, this is not the time
or the place.
Your wife could die.
- My wife. Exactly.
- Is it done?
- Yeah.
We have a deal, right?
- Depends.
- On what?
- If she's dead.
- No. You told me
if I stabbed her,
You would delete the footage.
You know what our deal was.
- You're the one
who made a deal, craig.
You sold private
medical information
To that scumbag lawyer, peter.
Because of you, noah didn't get
the promotion he deserved.
You caused my family
a lot of trouble.
- What? Your family?
What are you talking about?
- Shut up!
God, you're so annoying.
Who found the security footage
before the cops?
- So you're not gonna delete
the footage.
You know what?
You're insane.
You know that?
- You started this, craig.
Not me.
- Well, guess what, alyssa.
The wound wasn't fatal.
I'm a doctor, not a killer.
But don't worry.
I planted the knife in your car.
So you can rot in hell,
you crazy bitch.
(indistinct announcement)
(groaning, panting)
What are you doing here?
- You're my wife.
I'm gonna get you some water.
- I heard about liz.
Is she okay?
I was so worried.
- You did this. Didn't you?
- I would never do
something like that.
Besides, I couldn't have.
I was at the obstetrician.
- What are you talking about?
- You're going to be
a father again, noah.
I know. I couldn't
believe it either.
It was only a few days,
but I was late.
- No. No. You're lying.
And you need to leave. Now!
- But I want to be here for you.
I know you have
to take care of liz,
And that's okay.
I'm here to help.
- You are insane if you think
there's a future, alyssa.
- We do, noah.
We're having a baby.
- That's impossible.
It was one time
and it was a few days ago.
You know that.
- I thought so, too.
But then, I took a blood test.
And it turns out that--
- stop.
- Ignoring this won't make it
go away.
You have a responsibility.
- The only responsibility
I have is to my wife.
- You can't abandon your baby!
We're a family now, noah.
All of us!
- Liz.
(phone chiming)
- Dr. Allers.
- That photo you sent me,
was it recent?
- Yes, it was.
- Alright. You need to contact
detective deckard immediately.
Your lives are in danger.
Her name is victoria daniels.
She killed my wife.
- What?!
- I'm gonna give you
detective deckard's direct line.
Let me see if I can find
his card.
- Oh my god.
- I regret the day
I ever met her.
When I broke it off,
she couldn't handle it.
Kept going on and on about how
we were perfect for each other.
And then, victoria vanished.
Nobody could find her.
Not until now.
- But I've seen
her driver's licence.
It says alyssa winters.
- Victoria was smart.
She would've changed
her identity
Or stolen it from someone.
- Wait, wait.
I think I remember an article
about a missing woman in texas.
- I'm gonna send you a photo
of detective decker's card.
You have to call him
Victoria will destroy
your entire family
to get what she wants.
Just like she destroyed mine.
- Thanks.
- Alyssa winters. She was found
dead in her apartment.
Police suspect foul play.
- What...
- You gotta take your pain meds.
- Just leave them
on the table and go.
- Liz, can we talk, please?
- You want to talk?
Why don't you tell me
how you could sleep
With a girl who's young enough
to be your daughter?
- I was at a low point.
And I was watching
you and sam get closer
While we were drifting
further apart.
And ever since christina was--
- don't... You dare
bring christina into this.
- Please.
I have nothing
but love for christina.
And you two,
with your competitive nature,
And the way you talk to each
other in your own shorthand...
It's a bond I've seen grow
since she was born.
- So, then... What?
- It's you.
And me.
I just... I felt so disconnected
from you since she was born.
- Wow. That long?
- It's not always.
But sometimes.
I made... A really big mistake.
I got drunk
and I wasn't thinking.
And by no means
is that an excuse.
But it was just the one night.
And I would do anything
if I could take it all back.
- I am so angry!
All I want to do is hate you.
And I can't.
I don't want us
to be disconnected.
- I'm not gonna ask you
to forgive me.
Not until I've done
everything I can
To make you trust me again.
- Will you go make me
some lunch?
- Yeah.
- My dad's not answering.
He always answers when I call.
Marcus, I'm scared.
- I came to see liz.
- I'd appreciate it if you got
the hell out of my house, sam.
- Look, I know you think
I'm trying to break up
your marriage.
But I never stood a chance.
- But you wanted one, right?
- That doesn't matter.
She'll always choose you.
(phone vibrating)
- He's still not answering.
Something's wrong.
- Call the police.
Then, try him again.
- Mom!
- noah! Help!
(breathing heavily)
- You're weak.
- Noah!
- Did she hurt you?
- Just some cuts on my hands.
- Stay down.
- Christina, stop?
She's pregnant.
- Are you?
Alyssa, tell the truth.
- I'm not.
I just...
I just wanted to be loved.
Everyone deserves to be loved.
- Hi, thank you.
- Mr. Davis, mrs. Davis.
I'm detective harris.
I'm glad you're okay.
I just spoke with a detective
deckard about ms. Daniels.
We also believe we found the man
who stabbed you, mrs. Davis.
- Who was he?
- His name was craig porter.
He was a doctor. His body was
in the trunk of alyssa's car.
We don't have all the details,
but can you think of any reason
why he would target your family?
- No, craig was our friend.
He was dating alyssa.
- Wait. Did you say
he was a doctor?
- Yeah, I did. Why?
- I think he attacked liz
Because alyssa
was blackmailing him.
- Blackmailing.
- Let's talk.
(soft music)
We should celebrate.
- We are celebrating.
- I mean, tonight. I'll cook.
- Deal.
- All is well that ends well.
- Yeah. I'm happy for them.
- Race you to the sugar cookies.
- Oh, really?
You think I'm gonna... Go!