Her Best Move (2007) Movie Script

It's 7:30 and the world is turnin'
Everybody's gettin' ready
And the toast is burnin'
But I guess I gotta find a place to start
And go from there
Doesn't matter
'Cause I'm not headin' anywhere
Sara, breakfast!
Early out of bed
Wanna wake up from the dreams
Inside my head
I just want a little time to find my way
Gotta get away
Gotta get away
It's just another crazy day
Stuck in traffic on a backed-up freeway
Two full minutes
for the electric toothbrush, huh?
You hear me?
Sara, you just got your braces off,
and I spent a fortune
on that new toothbrush.
So you better make those teeth sparkle.
Sara? You okay?
It's just another crazy day
I don't wanna get up early out of bed
Wanna wake up from the dreams
Inside my head
I just want a little time to find my way
Come on! Get in the car!
It's just another crazy day
Here. Here. Here.
Pass it.
Sub! Ref?
Jess, get in for Sara.
Take a seat.
All right. Pressure!
Pressure on the ball, Strikers!
Pull another stunt like that
and you'll be warming the bench.
Stunt? I schooled those guys.
Exactly. You were showboating
with two wide-open teammates.
It's a team game, Sara. Remember that.
I wasn't showboating. I just wanted to see
if I could beat a three v. one.
Yeah, well, now you know.
- Nice game, kiddo.
- Oh, yeah?
Coach said I was being selfish.
You should be taking shots,
even when you're covered.
- You're the best player on that team.
- They're all good, Dad.
Have you seen Regina out there?
Selfish. Believe me,
none of this will matter
when you get pulled up
to the training squad
for the National Team.
There's never been anybody your age.
Mia was older than you.
And you really think I'm good enough?
Sara, how many times
do I have to tell you,
with your talent, 10 years of training.
Youngest ever.
Say hi to your mom for me.
You call me
the minute you hear the good news
about joining the development squad.
Why don't you come inside
and say hi yourself?
I... I need to watch our game tapes.
We switched the lineup to a four-four-two.
- Hey. How did it go?
- We hammered them.
- I totally schooled a three v. one.
- Great. Did you have fun?
- You're weird, Mom.
- Yeah. My mom was weird, too.
- So, homework priorities are...
- Everything.
- But first I have to check my e-mail.
- Okay. 10 minutes.
Leave some electrons
for the rest of the world.
"...wish to thank you for attending
"the National Team player
development tryouts.
"Your skill and dedication
impressed our coaching staff so much
"that we hope to...
"We hope to invite you
to try out again next year
"for player development
with the U.S. National Team."
- Sara?
- Go away!
Sara! Hey, hey, hey. What's the matter?
- Come on, it can't be that bad.
- Yes, it is!
All right. All right.
I didn't make the cut.
Well, you know, half of me thinks that
that might not be that bad, and I...
I don't know. It's this half. It's this half.
Okay, that was dumb.
That was dumb. I'm sorry. I'm...
Honey, I'm sorry.
What do I tell Dad?
They make a big deal
about wanting some younger players.
I'm back.
Sara's better than those girls, Kevin.
I'm filing a protest.
I know. I know, Katie just gave me a look.
Look, you hear anything happening
with the National Team's
development squad, Kevin,
you let me know, okay?
All right. Good luck against Stanford.
Kate, I've got some extra time.
Let's double up on practices this week.
Hey, didn't see you yesterday.
How was your weekend?
- Any boys you want to tell me about?
- Oh, yeah, Tutti. Brad Pitt called,
and Justin Timberlake stopped by
for tennis.
Hey, boys, they're not everything.
- It's worse than that.
- What's worse than being almost 16
and never been kissed?
I have, too.
- Arnie Miltenburger.
- You were nine.
Okay. Billy Tanner, eighth grade.
Oh, yeah. At the Halloween party
when he thought you were Gina Carboni.
Oh, and then he threw up.
What's worse is I didn't make
the National Development Team.
- Well, look at the bright side.
- Which would be?
Now you can have a life.
- Right.
- No, I've never understood
the attraction of a game
where you run around
like a bunch of hyperactive hamsters.
And Spring Fling is coming up.
You've never been to a school dance.
Yeah, like there's a line of guys
waiting to ask me. Get real, Tutti.
We need to hang out more.
Hey, idea! Come back to dance with me.
- Really, it'd be like old times.
- I've missed too much.
You'll catch up.
You don't have to ask your dad.
Just do it!
Okay. I'll see.
- Trendy.
- And one...
- Thanks.
...two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
And two, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.
One and two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.
And reach.
And reach.
Good, ladies! Let's have some fun.
You're working too hard.
Hit it. Hit.
One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.
And one and two.
Boogie on down. Where's the party, y'all?
Next time, catch up. It's all right.
Come on, keep that energy going.
Don't be loose.
Come on, necks straight!
Dead face, Miss Sara.
Bring it up, baby. There you go.
Pretty when you smile.
Oh, Miss Tutti, I think your wardrobe
is upstaging you, baby.
Give me some energy, Sara. Come on.
- Good catching up, girl.
- Oh, thanks. I am so lost.
You know, we're having auditions
for the spring performance this afternoon.
- You should try out.
- Really? That would be awesome.
But I have a soccer game.
Well, that's too bad.
There's always next semester.
Ladies, let's hit it.
Hey, check this out.
Oh, dawg, Regina Ravello.
- Man, she's spicy!
- Yeah.
Oh, man, yeah. She's one hot tamale!
What is that?
Sara Davis. Sophomore, I think.
- Man, not so hot.
- More like a frozen tamale.
- You think she's ever gone out on a date?
- Dude, look at her.
- Yeah.
- Ew!
Don't pay attention to them.
They're morons.
Yeah, cute, popular morons.
There's nothing here fit
for human consumption.
Salad bar.
Well, you know, it did say something
about her mom being a baboon
or something.
You know, he could use
an attitude adjustment.
- Yes, definitely.
- Sara.
You know, the boy needs
an attitude adjustment.
Hi. That's me, the frozen tamale.
I heard you like yours hot.
Spicy enough for you?
You okay?
Ladies and gentlemen,
today we are working with boiling acid,
which, as you might imagine,
is serious business.
So make sure whoever's handling it
uses both the tongs
and wears the goggles.
Make sure you don't spill.
- Oh, my God, I won't.
What'd you get for that one?
- Nine out of 10.
- Miss Davis, I'll have the note, please.
- Excuse me?
You and Miss Zarkov
have been passing notes all period,
so I presume that your exchange
has relevance to our experiment?
Not exactly.
Well, come on, something seems
to fascinate you more than class.
Let's see what it is. The note.
Just one second.
- Just one second. I'm...
- No, give me the note.
- I'm... No... I... Well, I will.
- Sara.
- I'm sure you will. Sara, give me the note.
- Mr. Arthur,
I wouldn't use the word "fascinate."
More like research, really,
- to understand the different behaviors...
- Sara.
...of a different species.
- Sara.
- Subspecies, actually.
- Oh, a subspecies. Wonderful!
I'm sure the entire class would enjoy
sharing your research.
- Come on.
- I really...
- Sara, come on.
- Yeah, let's see it.
- Come on, Sara. It's okay.
- Give me the note.
- No. No, it's not.
- Yes, yes. Oh...
Oh... Oh, dear. I'm... I'm sorry.
I'm just such a klutz.
- But you're right about that acid.
- Yes, you are.
- Fizz...
- It's definitely gone.
- Yeah.
- There is nothing left in there.
- No.
- I'll talk to you later.
Thank you.
Don't just stand there
You've gotta rip it up
It's your party, you've gotta shake it up
Center it!
Hey, center it!
Got a box on eleven
And I try to pass her coming in
Don't hang around just a-wastin' your time
You're here, it's now, go outta your mind
Go outta your mind
You're here, it's now
Surrender your soul to the big beat sound
It's here, it's now
Smash up the jukebox
Boy, go outta your mind!
- What is this stuff?
- It's Dad's healthiest smoothie.
Okay. Here, try this.
- Thought you were gonna try it with me.
- Yeah, right.
All right. You know...
Okay. Maybe it needs some more fruit.
Why don't... I'll fix it.
Was that the doorbell?
Well, could you check?
Okay. Now try this.
Your dad's theories always need
a little fine-tuning.
So how did he take it?
He canceled
our one-on-one training sessions.
Well, you know, there...
There are lots of other things
you can do together.
- Like what?
- I don't know. You could go to a play.
You could go
to the Museum of Modern Art.
Take in a ballet. All right, fine.
Let him take you clothes shopping.
I hate clothes shopping.
I never know what to get.
- Gil?
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Hey.
We got another shot at the National Team.
- I just got word.
- What?
Yeah. They lost a forward.
She broke her foot.
- Still got time to get a practice in.
- Okay. Then let's go.
- What are you doing?
- Didn't you hear? We got another shot.
- Gil, she has algebra.
- Yeah, algebra can wait.
You know,
sometimes I think that you forget
that she's just a 15-year-old girl.
Fifteen years, four months.
- With a chance to be the youngest...
- Yeah, I know. I know. I know.
Let me ask you something,
what does it matter
that she's the youngest ever?
It matters to me and her.
Can you come outside?
Look. First, family dinners disappear.
And then vacations become
soccer tournaments.
A couple of months ago,
you start spending the night at the office,
so I'm sleeping alone.
Sara's so busy she can hardly see straight,
and Elvis here has left the building!
Where are we going with this?
Gil, tell me, because I don't know.
I'm just trying to get a few things...
Julia, she loves soccer.
She loves
whatever you would do together.
She's got the rest of her life to play sports.
- Let's ask her what she wants to do.
- It is not that simple.
This looks like a serious conversation.
Your mom's still worried
we're overdoing it with the soccer.
Mom, this is definitely what I want to do.
I may not be good enough,
but I at least want to try.
All right.
You can do your homework
when you get back.
I can hardly wait.
Bigger leg-swing, Sara.
Plant your foot like you're shooting it.
I'll balance you with your arm.
Give me your leg. Okay. Lock the knee.
It's all one motion, okay?
It's pretty much swing from the hip.
- Okay.
- Okay. Try it again.
Good. That's what I'm talking about. Good.
Come on, hold me strong.
Hold me off strong.
Come on, keep your arm up!
Keep your arm up!
Come on, Sara.
Come on, hold me off strong!
Hold me off strong! Here we go.
Come on, girl. Let's go. Come on.
One touch.
Corner kick.
Victory Argentina!
Goal! Goal! Goal! Goal! Belle! Goal!
Okay. Give me your best move.
- Like what?
- Scissors or Matthews, whatever.
You okay?
That was no Matthews.
I know. I call it a Crazy Eight.
- So, how's your knee?
- Well, I'll live.
Well, your form looks good.
Your moves are solid.
- You just have to work on getting open.
- I know, I know.
Be dynamic. Create space.
Hey, let's not forget
who's the coach around here.
How could I forget?
Don't forget,
the Key Club's charity pancake breakfast
is Saturday morning
in the school cafeteria.
- Where were you this morning?
- On the mountain. Four miles.
I couldn't run four miles
if you had Tom Cruise
and a box of Krispy Kremes at the end.
That'll happen.
So is it soccer 24/7?
You know, just e-mail me once a month
so I know you're still alive.
Tutti, no one my age
- has ever made the National Team...
- Yeah, yeah, I know.
I'm staying in dance with you.
- For real?
- Mmm-hmm.
And I'm going to the Spring Fling
even if you're my date.
Good choice.
Back to fun and games. Ciao!
All right, listen up.
This has been a great season.
You guys are peaking just in time
for the State Cup Tournament.
- Who were those people?
- They're from the Soccer Federation.
They're scouting replacements
for the development squad
that trains for the National Team.
Look, we'll all be proud
if someone from our team gets chosen.
But right now,
our focus needs to stay on State Cup.
No matter how far you go with soccer,
this will always be about coming together
to achieve your maximum potential
as a team.
All right. Let's go.
- Get on your left!
Get on your left!
Get the ball. Go!
I'm right behind you, come on!
- Here. Here.
- Gina, bring it down the field.
You better get the ball.
What was that?
You're not the only one trying
to make National Team, sophomore.
- No jump.
That was a pretty rough tackle out there.
You train hard.
- You should see a game.
- I have.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah, it's no biggie.
My ankles have been sore for years.
Well, you're an incredible player.
That's a nice camera.
I work part-time at a camera store.
The owner lets me borrow it.
- Is it digital?
- No.
I'm old-school.
None of that Photoshop stuff so...
- I actually got a camera for Christmas.
- Oh, yeah? What do you shoot?
The usual, mostly.
Actually, I haven't taken it out
of its box yet.
Well, you should. You should.
- It changes the way you see things.
- What do you mean?
It opens up a window on something
or someone.
The perspective that you see things...
The way you see...
- I don't know. It's hard to explain.
- No, I think I see what you're saying.
It's my dad. I have to go.
Okay. I'll see you at the playoffs?
- Are you really going to be there?
- Yeah. For the Wild Catter.
You're a celebrity, almost.
Yeah, right.
Wow. Look at the clarity of these shots.
That's so cool.
Oh, yeah. Contrast looks great.
- Yearbook's gonna be awesome.
- Yeah.
- Hey, I'm going to lunch. You wanna go?
- No. I got some stuff to do.
All right.
You know, you could just ask her
to the dance.
Okay. See you.
And one, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.
And two, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.
And switch.
Three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
That was fun.
You're not even sweating! I hate you.
Hey, guess who I talked to yesterday
at practice?
- The ravishing Regina?
- No. She hit me with a nasty tackle.
Have you ever seen that guy
who's always hanging around
with his camera?
- Josh Anderson.
- You know him?
- What's he like?
- Mystery man.
I think his parents homeschooled him
in, like, Nepal.
He skipped freshman year completely.
He's a junior.
He sounds like a brain.
Come on! You were walking
like you got cement in there!
He's on the cross-country team.
Takes pictures of everything.
Are you interested?
Me? Oh, I don't know.
Well, I think he's crush material.
Although he hangs out by himself a lot.
Well, I think he's cute.
Well, duh.
Good work, soccer girl.
Still up for being in a performance?
Yeah, but you've already had auditions.
- Well, there's still a few roles left.
- Really?
Sara, you should so do it. It'll be so fun!
Final auditions are today.
I can't miss practice. We're in State Cup.
Well, rehearsals start on Monday.
Let's see.
I can fit you in Saturday at 5:30.
It's my only time.
That would be perfect.
- You gonna be here?
- Yes.
- For sure?
- Absolutely.
Excellent! We're gonna be on fire!
Sara, work on your combinations.
And you, Miss Tutti,
work on the wardrobe.
They'll have a banana split
with extra fudge
- and lots of whipped cream.
- Okay.
Actually, if you don't mind,
I'm gonna turn you over to Doogie
because he makes the best banana splits.
Doogie, do you mind?
The Doogster would die for you, gorgeous.
Okay, well, let's just stick
with the banana split for now.
Banana split's over here, kids.
- Next.
- Hi.
Oh, hi.
So I was thinking about
when we were talking the other day and...
Excuse me.
Sara, there's no socializing on the job.
No, he's a customer. Right?
I don't have any money.
Actually, you maybe will need
some free samples to help you decide.
We get a lot of requests for ginger wasabi.
So, I thought maybe you could come
check out this place I go on Saturdays.
You can shoot great pictures there.
This is too intense.
I'll try the strawberry shortcake.
Anyway, I thought maybe, if you wanted,
you could come with me.
Yeah, that would be great.
So, like, this afternoon?
Actually, I don't get out of here
for another hour.
And then I have this practice with my dad.
And then I have this dance audition
at 5:30.
- So, I'm kind of...
- Wow. Yeah, you're totally booked.
Okay. No, that's cool.
We'll just do it another time.
Thanks for the samples.
- Maybe I could get off work early.
- Really?
Just hang on a second.
Hey, Doogie, I have to run.
Can you take over for me?
Can I?
Your wish is my command, dreamboat.
Thanks, Doogie, you're... You're cool.
Are you sure this is okay?
Yeah. Doogie can handle it.
Hey, take a left.
Through here?
How did you find this place?
It's my uncle's work.
He's a little different.
Guess it runs in the family.
Hey, check this one out.
Looks like a dancer.
Yeah, it kind of does.
- Wait, wait. Don't move.
- No.
- Seriously, that's great.
- You're kidding, right?
- This is great. Yes, so good.
- You are.
- Wait. Wait. One more. One more.
- No. 'Cause I'm not... Are you serious?
It's so perfect.
Wait, one more time.
One more time. I'll just...
Take it out on the town tonight
Tell your mama that it's gonna be all right
Pick you up around 8:00 or 9:00
I'm gonna
Gonna change your mind
Yeah, you make it all brand-new
And I'm falling deep over you
So, tell me you're feeling like I do
And you'll make it all brand-new
Oh, yeah, yeah, hey
Oh, yeah
- I love it here.
- Yeah, it's my favorite place in the world.
You really get it, the spirit of it.
I mean... You know?
I guess so.
It's cool you're not
one of the fashionista girls.
You know,
always wearing the latest slinky threads
and hanging with your posse.
That is totally me. I mean...
I'll be taking pictures for the yearbook,
and they're, like, broadcasting every detail
of what happens with their boyfriends.
I don't see you around school much.
I'm kind of a private guy.
Why are you such a private guy?
I don't know.
I guess every place we lived,
there really wasn't a regular school,
so coming here was like culture shock.
Not to mention, everyone in my grade
is older, which is a little weird.
Yeah, tell me about it.
Everyone on my team is older. So it's...
I mean, they can be fun,
but they like to boss me around.
Yeah, but you're a great player.
Well, it's pretty much all I do.
- You've got it all figured out.
- Are you serious?
Yeah. You know what you want
and you're going for your dream.
- No.
- For me,
I don't really choose the things I do.
They just sort of happen.
Same thing exactly.
- Really?
- Yeah... Totally.
I even have this dream where
I'm riding my bike down this steep hill,
and I keep pulling the brakes,
but nothing happens.
And so I keep going faster and faster.
And, I'm...
You know, my life is totally out of control.
So, any new windows opening?
With your pictures, I mean.
Yeah. Come on.
Right here, okay?
- Up here?
- So you're gonna be, like, right here.
- Just you. Okay? All right.
- Just me.
All right. Here we go.
- Put that here.
- Okay.
Like that.
Push this.
Oh, my God. I'm so late for practice.
I have to go.
- Thanks.
- Yeah. Yeah, that's right. Let's go.
Yeah, soccer's going great.
Well, Sara loves doing things with her dad.
But it's just...
She's just training so much,
and her body's developing,
and Gil's got her practicing
with his pro team.
Do you know, he's gotten so intense
that I've even stopped going
to her games?
Yeah, well, not great.
He's... He's basically moved into his office.
Yeah, well, of course I still love him.
I just don't...
You know what? I've got to go.
But I'll talk to you later.
Okay. Bye.
- Hi, Julia.
- Hi.
Come in.
Quick, quick, quick.
- Fall back in. Fall back in.
Defense, don't get split!
Weak side, you need to tuck it in!
- Well, good evening.
- Sorry I'm late, Dad.
Guess you had more important things
to do.
No, it's just this boy from the school paper
had to take my picture,
and there's this little dance class
I had to...
You realize what's at stake here, right?
You make the National Team,
then you get a berth to the Olympics
and then maybe World Cup.
You got the rest of your life for boys
and hippity-hopping around.
- Dad, I wasn't...
- Life changes, Sara. Things happen.
Plans don't always work out
the way you wanted.
So let's get to work.
Quicker touches.
Quicker touches. Quicker touches!
All that matters
is your breakthrough
Doin' nothing never gets you there
Julie, mark up and get goal side.
Sometimes I just wanna lose it
But we only live once
And I gotta make the best move
Some will win, some will lose
And I got somethin' to prove
Here I come, watch me now
Now ready or not
Someone better move
'Cause the girls don't stop
Get ready to jump
Outta my way 'cause I'm takin' off
Ready or not
Someone better move
'Cause the girls don't stop
Get ready to jump
Outta my way
Get ready
I'm takin' off
Are you ready?
Bring it in!
You guys are working,
but you're fading on me.
We'll fix that with an extra practice.
Sunday, tomorrow.
See you at 8:00, sharp.
Oh, man!
Hey, kiddo.
You missed our speed work.
Dad, do I have to?
That was Kevin on the phone.
National Team needs a finisher.
They're gonna take the top scorer
from the State Cup Tournament.
If that's gonna be you,
you're gonna need every ounce of speed
you can get.
On the line. 10 shuttles, 35 seconds.
Hey. Nobody runs alone.
You've got it. Come on, keep it up!
Go, girls.
Good job, girls. You got it. You got it.
- You got it!
- Good job, girls.
Push, push.
Go, Sara.
You got it. Keep it up. Keep it up.
- Go, girls.
- Come on, pick it up fast. Feel it.
Let's go.
Good job, girls, good job.
- Awesome stuff.
- Good job.
Hey, why don't you throw the bike
in the truck?
- I'll give you a ride home.
- No, I have to go, Dad.
- Come on!
- Dad, I have to go!
Honey! What happened?
Oh, no.
...and so I missed the audition.
That is a tough day.
- Can you ask for a makeup session?
- That was the makeup session.
You know, honey,
I think
that you've got to ask yourself something.
Do you really wanna be this committed
to soccer?
Mom, it's for the National Team.
I'm not gonna quit soccer.
No. No. No.
Who said anything about quitting?
I'm just talking about playing
with kids your own age.
Do you realize what's at stake here?
But if you make the team,
you have to move away.
- Did you think about that?
- I know.
It's not that far.
I hate to say it, but your mom is right.
Why would you wanna move?
I don't. I just...
It would be so cool to get a shot
at the Olympics or the World Cup.
- You don't have to decide today, do you?
- No.
Well, he came by Cold Stone,
and we talked.
Yes, and?
And we...
We went to this park place-thing.
And he took pictures of me and us,
and we talked some more.
- Oh, my God! This is serious.
- No, it's not.
- You are so smitten.
- No!
It is a photo thing.
Yes, it is.
Oh, yeah, well, don't look now,
but photo boy approacheth.
- Hey.
- Hi.
So I developed the negatives,
printed a couple.
- They turned out pretty good. Really good.
- Cool.
So you could help me print the rest
if you want.
I mean, only if you have time.
- Yeah, sure. Now?
- Yeah.
Do you mind?
Totally not.
- All right.
- All right. Let's go.
Oh, my God. I can't see my hand
in front of my face.
- First time in a darkroom?
- Yeah.
Okay, we're good for light.
These are so cool.
Oh, yeah.
We lived there for a couple years.
We're gonna go back someday
and build the children a school.
Here they are. Look at these.
- You're really good at this.
- Oh, well, it's kind of like you and soccer.
Takes up most of my time.
What, do you live in here?
It's just there's no hassles here.
Check these out.
See, the camera catches everything.
Even the stuff your eyes sometimes miss.
Like this.
Oh, my God.
Yeah. The WildCatter wanted that,
but I gave it to the yearbook.
Hope you don't mind.
You're a pretty incredible dancer.
You think so?
Yeah. Yeah. I could never do that.
It's not so hard.
- Yeah, for you.
- For anyone. Here.
Try it.
- What?
- Yeah.
No. No, I... In here? I can't.
Yes, you can! Here.
Oh, my gosh. All right.
That was terrible.
No, you were getting it.
You were getting it. Here.
Put your arms... Spin around.
Just kind of loosen up.
Little of that.
Not so good?
No, really good.
Do you think we could maybe do this
at the Spring Fling?
The dancing part, I mean.
You mean go to the dance together?
Hey, Josh, you in there?
- That's just Terry. Don't worry.
- You know, I better go.
Are you sure?
- Dude, what is going on in here?
- Nothing.
- Come on, Sara. Come on, Sara.
- Here. Here!
All right, Sara!
You're playing fantastic, baby! Fantastic.
I need to score, Papa.
Don't worry. Just play your game.
Don't you worry.
Just keep taking on players,
keep taking shots.
Another goal and you've got it.
We need more penetration. Let's go.
Regina! Cross it!
Attagirl. Attagirl. Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!
Come on!
- Cross! Cross to Regina!
- Get around her, Sara!
Work up here!
Here, here, here!
All right. Bring it in. Come on!
Come back, Sara. Come back for the ball!
Midfield, Sara! Get the ball to midfield!
Drive right through this crowd!
Go to the goal!
- Go to the goal!
- Gil! Gil! You were my coach in college,
but I am the coach here, not you!
Yeah, but you're not telling her
what to do!
- She needs that!
- If I'm always screaming at her
from the sidelines, she'll never learn
to think for herself out there,
- which is what she needs.
- This is State Cup, Lori!
Hey, listen to me.
It doesn't matter if it's the World Cup, Gil.
On this field, you're a parent.
So cheer her on, but don't coach.
Coaching has changed, Gil.
Get with the program.
Here. Regina! Here, here, here!
Penalty kick, blue!
Good try, Regina! Good try, baby!
Come on.
Not too many touches.
Not too many touches.
Not too many touches.
Way to go, Regina!
Well, I don't know
how we pulled that one off.
I believe that we're capable of more.
We have a tough week of practice
before the finals,
so get plenty of rest,
and I'll see you Monday.
Oh, and bring your running shoes.
We know you're trying to rack up goals.
It wouldn't kill you to pass the ball.
I'm just trying to win the game,
same as you.
Besides, I wasn't the one
who missed the penalty kick.
I'm the man
Poetic slammer is who I am
Making music is my life
from beginning, middle to end
You know, I have no clue.
Let me check my schedule. Yeah?
Teddy took a tumble.
Are you serious?
You brought your teddy bear to school?
Sure. He likes visiting.
Where are you?
I need to tell you something.
Tell me now.
Okay. Okay.
You know the other afternoon
when we saw Josh Anderson?
- Cute photo boy, Josh?
- Yes.
- Yes?
- Hey, Regina!
Well, he had all these pictures
of me dancing.
Oh, my God! He's obsessed with you.
- No, Tutti, it's a yearbook thing.
- I'm kidding.
I mean,
nobody takes pictures of me these days.
- What else?
- Well, we were in the darkroom...
You and Josh Anderson alone
in the darkroom?
And... And we were talking.
And then we sort of stopped talking.
And he kissed you, didn't he?
- Tutti!
- I'm sorry!
This is exciting. Did you kiss him back?
Yeah! So how'd you leave it?
Well, I saw him this morning
and we're printing the rest of the pictures.
And we're going to Spring Fling together.
Oh, my gosh!
You really like him, don't you?
Can't waste my time
hanging out at the mall
I'm making my peace
'cause I trust this place
With you, my people
I'm a freshman here, so this is my base
With you, my people
I'm a rhyming ace
My life isn't going to waste
but I trust this place
With you, my people
Where my people at?
- Hi.
- Hello.
- I know it's not any of my business...
- You're right.
It's not.
Look, I think that you and the team
- could cut Sara a little bit of slack.
- Oh, really?
I know you think Sara's playing for herself,
but she's not.
I see. And when did you become
such a soccer expert?
I'm not, but I know Sara a little,
and you don't have to boss her around.
She's playing for the team.
- Interesting.
- What?
You sticking up for Sara,
while she's going around telling everyone
that you kiss like a dead squid.
You know, in the darkroom.
Did she say that?
I'm sorry.
I wasn't supposed to say anything.
- Hi.
- Hi.
All right. Right here on the count of three.
One, two, three.
All right, smile. Look right here.
And a second. All right.
Now, can you scoot together
just a little bit?
Try to get a little tighter.
Yeah, you're not allowed
to have fun, okay? So no smiles.
All right, now tilt your head
a little bit this way, but eyes towards me.
Two, three.
All right. Cool.
I guess I got it wrong.
I thought we were gonna develop
those pictures today.
No, you got it right.
All right, shift a little bit to the right.
- Well, did you wanna do it later then?
- Look at me, again.
No, I already printed them.
Yeah, they weren't any good,
so I tossed them.
- You threw them away?
- I didn't know you had a girlfriend, Joshie.
I don't.
Thanks. We're all done here.
- What's the problem?
- I don't know. You tell me.
You don't need an attitude adjustment,
do you?
I'm not the one
with the attitude problem around here.
- Excuse me?
- Hey, why don't you announce
the Sara and Josh club meeting
in the darkroom?
- That would be great.
- What is going on?
Maybe you should just go
to the dance by yourself.
Look, I thought we were
on the same wavelength here, but...
Same wavelength?
I guess I was wrong.
I'm gonna go do some stuff.
Like what?
Hang out in your janky darkroom
and play with your stupid puzzles?
Get the ball. Go!
Right behind you. Come on!
Here. Regina!
- Here. Here, here!
- Sara!
Lexi, in for Sara. Sara, over here.
- You okay?
- Yeah.
We need to talk.
So, what's going on?
I'm just tired. Been training with my dad.
I played four years for your father at Cal.
He pushed us hard.
But I was 20 years old
and I knew what I wanted.
You need to think about
where you want to be with this sport,
what you want out of it.
My dad does that.
Maybe you should be in on it.
Lori, my dad's training can get me
on the National Team.
But if you really want to play at that level,
it can't be to please your dad.
This is what I want, Lori.
Look, I'll train harder, okay?
You still don't know how good you are.
There comes a time
when you have to lead your life, Sara,
not just follow it.
- Hey, kiddo, what's up?
- The usual.
Hey, I got something for you.
The shoe rep dropped off a load today.
- What do you think?
- Sweet.
- What's wrong?
- Nothing.
Right at me!
Nice shot. Right at me!
Not much of a goalkeeper.
Yeah. Regina says he's the only Brazilian
who can't play soccer.
See how she keeps her head down low?
So, when did you know you wanted
to make soccer your whole life?
I don't know. Junior year in high school.
Quit football, found soccer.
I cared more about soccer
than anything else.
You still do.
Well, I like to think there's some things
I care about more, like my daughter.
And Mom?
Sara, it's not like we're running out
to get a divorce, okay?
We just need some time to sort things out.
So, high school, soccer...
Great players back then,
Pel, Maradona, Beckenbauer.
They were gods on the field.
And you were a god, too, right?
Well, it was pretty cool.
I know.
When I'm on the field,
I don't even have to think.
- I just go.
- I know.
But you gave it up.
Well, not much choice there, kiddo.
Come on. Right at me.
Dad, there are other things
we can talk about besides soccer, right?
- Of course.
- Like things happening in the world?
- Sure.
- Like what?
Like... Like everything. Like... I don't know.
Manchester United may trade
Wayne Rooney to Juventus.
- Lame, Dad. Lame.
- Well, okay. Hang on. Hang on.
- Come on. Come on, you can get it.
- Come on, right at me.
Oh, man.
Her arms are flailing all over the place.
She's got to keep her upper body quiet...
- Dad!
- What?
Hey, forgetting something?
- Later, dude.
- Love you, kiddo.
What do you mean, Florida?
I thought you said that the National trains right here in California.
It's a brand-new training center,
just for women.
State of the art facilities,
sports medicine, everything she needs.
Everything she needs, 3,000 miles away.
- Okay, it's a bit of a challenge.
- As if we need more challenges right now!
- But it is such an opportunity!
- For who?
She's been playing soccer
since she could walk, Gil.
- Why can't you just give it a couple years?
- Who knows where she'll be then?
Julia, she can play with the best players
in the country right now.
Great. And then we'll all be living alone.
Don't blame soccer for that.
I don't.
I just wanna know where this is headed.
I gotta get back to work.
You are looking so fine today, babe.
Like you could be a supermodel!
- What is that about?
- It's just the Doogster. He's harmless.
So what's up with photo boy?
You've been suspiciously silent.
I don't even know.
He asked me to the dance
and then totally ditched me.
- Well, some guys are just whack.
- Not me, doll.
No way I'd treat major babes like you
with such disrespect.
Do you mind?
This is a private conversation, junior.
You have to go to the dance.
I did the decorations!
No guy wants to dance
with a jock, or jock-ette.
Sara, you're not just a jock-ette.
It would be complete poetic justice
if you showed up at the dance
and Josh would see
all these guys checking you out.
'Cause that'll happen.
You don't have a clue, do you?
Just let the Tutster work her magic.
I don't know about this, Tuts.
Don't freak out. This color is so you.
Hey. What's going on?
Just making your daughter
drop-dead gorgeous, Mrs. Davis.
- Mission impossible, right, Mom?
- Not at all.
Hey, can I help?
All right, I may be your mom,
but I still know a few tricks.
Well, actually, we could use some help
on some clothes.
Yeah, I got some ideas.
- And they said it couldn't be done.
- Mom, what do you think?
You know, I used to wear that skirt
when I went out with your father.
You know what, Mrs. Davis,
you had some style.
Well, Sara's dad noticed me.
And you're gonna get noticed plenty, too.
Believe me.
That's my babe. Awesome, huh?
Come on.
Hey, I was just chilling with my posse.
Didn't expect to see
you fine ladies here tonight.
You are not talking to us.
Come on, just do me this one little favor.
Walk in with me.
You can't be serious.
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Okay, just let me walk in with you,
and I'll disappear from your lives forever.
And, you know,
we don't have to dance much.
It can't hurt.
Sweet! Yes! All right, come on.
So what's your sign?
Another way to like you
Another way to love you
And I still can't say the words
I still can't find the words
Oh, no
Okay, Be Kind to Geek Day is now over.
Tutti, this is so cool.
Yeah, just call me the dancing queen.
Oh, don't look now,
but tamale boys are drooling with regret.
I know you feel the same
I heard it anyway
I can't believe
that you would ever go away
And I'll do my best to let you know
Let you know
Who's this? She's cute.
Sara, from the soccer team.
- No way.
- Yes, way.
I can't believe it. Where's your boyfriend?
You know,
the one who takes all the pictures
and kisses like a dead squid.
What are you talking about?
Ask your friend.
I heard it from her. Come on.
- What?
- What did you tell her?
What do you mean? How should I know?
Tutti, that information was private!
- You promised!
- But I didn't...
That's why Josh won't even talk to me.
He thinks that I'm telling everybody.
- Are you serious? I can't believe you!
- I can't believe you!
It's like you don't want us
to end up together.
- Are you nuts? Why would I tell her?
- But you did!
Okay, maybe a little something
slipped out.
Yeah! Like you didn't know!
Okay, time out.
This conversation is going nowhere.
I'll just see you whenever.
I wanna be with you tonight
I don't need a reason why
We were meant to be together
I was just looking for someone to talk to
You were looking for my surrender
I didn't know that my heart was so empty
Lying to myself, I was just pretending
And I can't escape you and me
Can't escape me
And now, you belong in my arms
I thought you didn't do dances?
- Yearbook.
- Yearbook. Yes.
You look nice.
Thank you.
I thought some people might think
I look like one of those fashionista girls.
- I got to take some more shots.
- Hey, wait.
You know, I think there might have been
a little confusion between us.
I'm just afraid
that maybe something was said...
- Dead squid?
- I have no idea where that came from,
but it was not me.
I believe you.
I would still be really interested
in learning how to print pictures.
Sara, your life is moving so fast.
I don't think there's time
for someone like me.
I can make time.
That's nice,
but I don't wanna take a back seat
to everything else in your life.
If you make the National and move away...
Yeah, I understand. Totally.
So, how's Delilah's Garden?
I haven't been there in a while.
- Can I take your picture?
- Yeah, sure.
See you.
See you.
In my arms
I wanna be with you tonight...
Asking questions
that don't need answers, yeah
Chased by ghosts
I could swear I've seen before
And you were there
With your rain cloud hair
Caught up by the pull
Between the moon and the sun, yeah
With every word you speak I falter
And every smile you sneak I'm altered
And in a world
where nothing seems certain
With you
I have no doubts
I failed to see what's been right there
from the start
There, I couldn't help but laugh
As my world came undone, yeah
And in a world
where nothing seems certain
With you
I have no doubts
With you I have no doubts
I was disappointed
you didn't make it the other night.
I'm sorry.
- We filled all the roles for the performance.
- I know.
I meant to make it. I just...
The day blew up on me, you know?
Well, I hope you get a handle
on your life, sweetie.
Yeah. Yeah.
Time! Time.
- Over here!
All right, Sara, you got me one.
Get her.
- Regina!
- Get the ball, go!
- Switch it!
- Switch it, Wendy. Come on.
Back to me.
Yeah, yeah.
Keep your head up.
We need your best game tomorrow.
- Where'd you get those?
- What does it matter?
Your friend with the crazy clothes,
what's her name?
I heard her talking with you
on your cell phone last week
about kissing that boy.
- So she didn't actually tell you about him?
- No.
And I said some things to him
that I probably shouldn't have.
I just... I didn't know
- you were gonna be so good this year.
- I nailed Tutti for that one.
I'm sorry.
It's okay.
- You must feel the pressure, too.
- Me?
I've seen you out there with your dad.
I have five brothers and sisters at home.
I have to drag my father out here.
I play soccer for me.
What do you mean?
When I'm with the ball out here,
it's like I'm moving to the music.
Like a samba.
When we've got it all going, girl,
I am the music.
I'm out of here in June,
and I'm gonna roll with soccer
as far as I can.
National Team, college, whatever.
Come on, let's go.
But samba or no samba,
I wanna be on that plane to Florida
just as badly as you do.
Great run, guys.
Everybody get stretched.
There's your boy.
Hey, how you doing?
I was worried...
All right, folks,
we're just about ready to get started.
Grab your last donut, head on in.
- Davis? Are you Davis?
- No. No, I'm not. I am, but I'm not.
- You been coaching a while?
- Oh, yeah.
- Lacrosse. Nine years.
- Soccer. 21 years.
Wow, that's great. Come on.
Welcome, everybody,
to the Positive Coaching workshop,
where it's all about honoring the game.
Together we're gonna explore
how to transform youth sports,
so sports can transform youth.
If I moved away,
that would be okay, right?
Well, they're taking the top scorer?
- Well, then your chances are pretty good.
- Dad thinks I'm good enough.
And it would be so cool
to get a shot at the Olympics
or the World Cup, you know?
But then I think I'd miss you,
and Dad and Tutti.
And there's this boy, even though
that's not working out very well.
- A boy?
- Yeah, he's... Never mind.
Well, you know, I'm not you,
but if I had that decision to make...
There's no decision, Mom.
If I put the ball in the net, I go.
I just... I don't know what to hope for.
Now is the time when you have to listen
to that little voice inside.
You know, the one that tells you
what's right to do.
You ever hear that?
Maybe. Sort of.
Well, trust it.
And know that no matter what happens,
I love you.
- Thanks, Mom.
- So after dinner,
you want one of your dad's
healthy smoothies?
- The ones you put ice cream in?
- Come on, says who?
It's Mia, now!
It's Mia Hamm! Shot! It's in!
It's in the net!
Hamm puts the Freedom back in front.
Sissi chips it forward.
Scores! Scores!
Terrific touch by Brandi Chastain.
- Where's Sara?
- She was gone when I got up.
- I thought she went with you.
- No.
Well, she's not here.
She has to be.
Sara? Sara?
She took my bike.
I told her I'd take her.
I hope it goes well.
It will.
I just wanted to say,
I know I've been a little extreme
when it comes to the soccer.
- A little.
- Please.
I'm working on some things here.
I just wanted you to know that.
You know, it's a big day for us...
I mean, Sara.
I'm sure she'd like it
if we were both there to watch her.
I don't know if I can do that, Gil.
What'll I wear?
God, I don't know
What'll I do if no one asks me to go?
What if I try?
What if I fall?
What if I win but then I still lose it all?
I'm tryin' to find a place
Where I will know
But what'll I do if I get it all wrong?
Movin' so fast
What do you know
What if it's too hard if I need to let go?
Haven't I done the best I could?
I'm tryin' to find a place
Where she belongs
But what'll I do if I get it all wrong?
Oh, yeah
I'm tryin' to find a place
Where I belong
But what'll I do if I get it all wrong?
- Hey, kiddo!
- Hey, you scared me.
Well, you scared me,
the way you disappeared.
- Regina and I are tied for goals, Dad.
- I know.
Any last words of advice?
Their goalkeeper's tall.
Keep your shots low.
Not about that.
There's 14 other girls depending on you.
And so am I.
- Nice move, sophomore.
- Thanks.
- They're here.
- I know.
Are you nervous?
Listen, let's not even worry
about those guys.
- Today, it's all about State Cup.
- Cool. I'm there.
All right.
Tutti! You hate soccer.
I want to root you on
in your moment of glory.
Thanks. Hey, about the dance...
It's no biggie. I heard what happened.
- So we're still friends?
- Are you kidding?
Look up "friends" in the dictionary,
our picture's there.
- Just go kick some boo-tay!
- Will do.
Playing left mid,
Jessica Meade!
Playing left forward, Sara Davis!
Oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah, Sara rules!
Oh, yeah, Sara rules! Yeah!
Number one! Number one!
The U-19 State Cup Championship
has been contested by 108 teams
throughout California.
Sara, get in here.
This is what we've been working for
all year, okay?
Molly, win the air ball.
Jess, be strong out there.
Regina, use your speed
and get behind their defense.
Sara, dance your dance out there, okay?
Let's make this happen. Strikers on three.
- One, two, three.
- Strikers!
Go, Regina! Go!
Go! Go!
All right, blue! Come on!
Is this seat taken?
Yes, by you.
- This is a surprise.
- Pleasant one, I hope.
- Go! Go! Go, Regina!
- Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!
- We're up, one-nil.
- Thanks.
Come on, Sara!
Come on, Sara!
Come on, ref!
Another hit like that,
she'll be going home on a stretcher!
Settle down, Coach! Settle down.
Go, Sara! Go! Go!
- Get up, Sara!
- Come on, Strikers!
- Go, Sara!
Well, that's a first.
Well, who knows,
maybe they'll play for me one day.
- And Sara?
- Sara can hold her own with the best.
I may have pushed a little hard.
Put my team back to one practice a day.
You look nice.
So do you.
Midfield needs to control the ball.
And they're pushing their defense up.
They're trying to trap us with the offsides,
so stay alert out there.
And talk to each other.
When our chances come,
you need to be ready.
Sara, Sara, she's our girl!
If the Strikers don't win, this game hurls!
Hi. Hello, there.
Hi. Who's Sara?
Oh, Sara, she's... She's my cousin.
Yeah, we're pretty tight.
It's pretty crucial to be there
for your family, don't you think?
Thank you.
I want you to leave it all
on the field, okay?
Don't save anything. All right?
Let's do this. Come on!
To the left!
Here, here, here, here.
- That's our girl!
- You bet it was!
Attagirl, Sara!
- Good job!
- Way to go!
Well, let's get this done now!
Everybody up!
All the way up!
Move up!
- Hey, what happened?
- The Strikers scored.
You should've seen this breakaway.
- By who?
- Sara Davis. Awesome move.
- Hey.
- Hey.
You deserved it.
Look, I'm sure we'll play
together again someday.
Yeah, might be a while, though.
I think I'm gonna take a break.
Give my ankles a rest, you know?
Yeah. Okay.
Sounds like a plan, sophomore.
- Good luck.
- You, too.
Papa! Daddy!
You're it!
- I am so proud of you.
- Thank you.
So you made the U.S. Development Team?
Yes, Papa, I did!
Now you know how good you are.
Hey, Lori, great game!
Any team I coach, there's a place for you.
- Okay.
- Honey, that was fantastic!
You played brilliantly, Sara.
At the end there, you had the keeper beat,
didn't you?
Dad, soccer is an amazing part of my life,
and I am going to play for them,
just not yet.
There's a few things I don't want to miss.
- And we can still do things together, right?
- Absolutely.
All right, go grab a shower, kiddo.
- I'll give you a ride home.
- Actually, I...
- I have to go take care of something.
- Something?
- Yes.
- Yes. We'll see you at home for dinner.
- Goodbye.
- Bye.
Yeah, I'm having dinner at home.
Come in.
What's going on around here?
Just moving on a little.
So do you think I made the right decision?
Yeah, I guess.
Well, I thought you'd be packing your bags
by now.
No, but I might help Regina.
Wait. What do you mean?
Didn't you see? She made the final goal.
It's her ticket to Florida.
Wait. Regina made the goal?
So that means she's gonna...
So you'll be staying...
I'll be taking my camera out of its box,
doing some dancing,
going to school, and just...
Everyone has got a secret side
A winding path
Up to a door that's open wide
You think you know me
But I'm changin' all the time
'Cause if I wanna be sweet
If I wanna be wild
If I wanna cry like a child
If I pick up the world
in the palm of my hand
I guess that's just who I am
This is me
Can't ignore it
Reaching out
Breaking free constantly
Falling forward
Yeah, I'm just going for it
This is me
Sometimes life is a confusing thing
And when I talk
it seems like no one's listening
Try to be an angel
but I just can't find my wings
'Cause I wanna be sweet
but I wanna be wild
And I wanna find my own style
So I make a mistake and I do it again
But I do the best that I can
This is me
Can't ignore it
Reaching out
Breaking free constantly
Falling forward
Yeah, I'm just going for it
This is me
More than what you see
Finding out who I can be
This is me
This is me
- This is me
- This is me
Can't ignore it
Reaching out
Breaking free constantly
Falling forward
Yeah, I'm just going for it
This is me
Can't ignore it
Reaching out
Breaking free constantly
Falling forward
Yeah, I'm just going for it
This is me
Falling forward
This is me
Breaking free constantly
Falling forward
I'm just going for it