Herbie Goes Bananas (1980) Movie Script

Hey, Pete, are you sure
this is the place?
You saw the letter.
This is the place.
Hey, listen, pal. Don't you think it's a little funny,
I mean, your uncle just giving you this race car?
- Sentimental reasons.
- Yeah!
Would a cracked block
be a sentimental reason?
Look! All we got to lay out is the
storage fee. You've got the money.
I've got the money.
All finished.
- Shine?
- No, thanks.
You want a personally conducted
tour of Puerto Vallarta?
I'll show you plenty good time.
- What do you think, Pete?
- Nah! It's not in the budget. No, thanks, son.
Okay, where do you want to go?
Paco show you,
free on the house.
Taller Mecnico, Avenida...
Crdenas. No problem.
I'll show you exactly.
I like Americans.
Americans very smart people.
Someday, I go to America.
Oh, yeah? When you do,
you look up Pete Stanchek here.
He'll put you up, show you all
the best ice cream parlors in town.
That sounds good.
You see down there?
That's Avenue Crdenas.
Turn left, that way.
Go two blocks, you'll find mecnico.
- Thanks.
- De nada, anytime.
Welcome to Puerto Vallarta.
See you later, alligator.
Cute kid.
You know what I mean?
Well mannered. Polite.
Didn't have his hand out.
An endangered species.
That light area,
that around four o'clock.
I can see it.
And you say this is Inca?
You're the expert.
You tell me.
Did anyone else spot this?
They were looking for oil.
And where is this?
In the jungles.
South America.
Mr. Shepard, there's nothing
to be gained by our playing games.
This could very well be
an undiscovered Inca city.
And you know what that means.
Pre-Columbian artifacts.
And gold, Mr. Prindle.
And what do you want?
Cash... and plenty of it.
'Cause they're gonna throw the key away,
if they find us stealing that stuff.
Yeah, it's a national treasure
or something.
Is there another print of this?
That's it.
Gentlemen... we're in business.
There's gotta be some mistake.
Ah, no, seores. No, seores.
This is not a mistake.
This is Seor Douglas's car.
And you're telling me that this thing
won the Monte Carlo Grand Prix?
That is what Seor
Douglas he told me.
He say he would have won
the Baja race too.
But his girlfriend...
...did not make the curve.
Herbie... He see it. He stop.
He no finish the race.
Seor Douglas say,
"It's here."
Let's turn it over.
La llave, seor.
Okay, so it runs.
Let's take it. If nothing else,
it's transportation home.
- Seor?
- S, seor?
Mind if we take it
around the block first?
Okay, seor.
Cute kid, huh?
Doesn't have his hand out.
He doesn't have it out
because it's in your pocket.
You check that side.
See if you can find us a taxi.
- I'll get you a taxi, seor.
- Get lost, kid. Taxi!
- Taxi!
- All right. 12 o'clock, the National Hotel bar.
I'll be there.
- Carry your bag, seor?
- Move along, sonny.
No trouble,
I carry your bags very cheap.
Put the bags do...
I said put the bags down!
Hey, kid, come on!
Get away from me, will you?
Very sorry, seores.
Please, you forgive me.
He said he liked Americans...
- ...then put his arms around us...
- And took us to the cleaner's.
Never mind reenacting the crime.
Just look for the little... There!
See that grubby little foot out
behind that box?
A cold beer says it's attached
to Paco the Dip.
Come back here,
you little bandit!
We need that worse than you do.
Don't scare him. Don't scare him.
Just talk to him nicely.
Buenos das.
I'm sorry, lady. Excuse me.
We're looking for a little kid.
Did you see a little kid?
I'm sorry.
Me too, lady.
You look that way.
- What took you so long?
- It's not easy in this town.
Mr. Prindle, if you want to get in touch
with me before, you can use this number.
- My wallet's gone.
- Have you left it up in the room?
It was that kid.
That crummy little kid!
Buenos das.
I don't know.
He must have skipped town.
Oh, no, he didn't.
This time, we sack him.
You take him low,
I'll take him high.
- Oh, no, you don't.
- Is that yours?
Is it ours?
Grab loose of that.
Looks like that's all he got.
I'll take over, dipstick.
I ought to tan your bottom.
Oh, I got money.
Look. There he is.
Hold it, kid. Hold it!
Wait a minute.
Hold it, kid!
- Shepard, wait.
- What we want's in the mail box.
Let's get the kid first,
just in case. Come on.
Somebody stop that boy.
Stop that kid.
Hey, you, grab him. Anybody!
He's over here. Come on!
Look up there.
Over here, too.
Well, like you said, transportation.
Let's close the deal
and get out of here.
There he is.
In the car.
Are you planning to sleep
over at the local jail, leadfoot?
I'm not doing anything.
Maybe this Bug
did win the Grand Prix.
I think we got ourselves a race car.
- Is that yours?
- Yes, officer. Thank you very much.
- Is something missing?
- No, no. Everything's fine.
It's all here.
We will continue looking for the car
and the boy.
Thank you, officer.
We'll... we'll catch up with you.
The film's gone!
Why would a kid like that
take it?
I don't know. We gotta get it back,
though. I'll never get another one.
Steady, boys.
That's the car that's gonna win
the Gran Premio of Brazil.
Something's weird
about that car, DJ.
I know, it's dynamite. It'll blow
the doors off anything in the race.
Attention, please. The Sun Princess
will be embarking in 20 minutes.
- We blew it.
- The car's on the ship.
- The boy's on the ship.
- That thing's going to Rio.
Its first stop is Panama.
We'll be waiting there for it.
The booty was taken aboard
the man of war...
...and the enemy vessel scuttled.
The women
were then turned over to the crew...
...the select ones
going to the officers, naturally.
The wenches were escorted below,
and believe me, there was no poetry...
...or "by your leave,"
or "how lovely you look tonight".
One got to the matter at hand
in short order.
Each captive seaman was then given
100 lashes with the cat...
- ...spread-eagled on the rigging.
- My dear Captain Blythe.
They didn't last long
in those latitudes, I can tell you.
In no time at all, they were bloated
carrion for the birds of prey.
Do have some of
the green turtle soup, Mrs. Purkiss.
It's the chef's specialty.
Well, they'd no sooner
broken out the grog...
...when the entire Spanish Armada
was closing on them.
- Everything looks so tempting.
- Yes, doesn't it?
They were met with fierce resistance
as they clambered aboard.
It was parry and thrust.
Thrust and parry!
- Oh, permit me.
- Thank you.
Anyone else?
Where was I? Well,
the deck was awash with blood.
What are you gonna have?
I think I'll have that captain
on a bed of roses.
A blast of grapeshot
might sweep the deck clean.
Aunt Louise, you're incorrigible.
I know.
I've never regretted a moment of it.
Right this way, gentlemen.
Well, my goodness,
what a pleasant surprise.
Two handsome young gentlemen as our
dining companions. I'm Louise Trent.
- Davey Johns.
- Pete Stanchek.
Pete. This is my niece Melissa.
Well, sit down, sit down.
Just lucky, I guess.
Are you going to Rio?
Not exactly.
I was telling Melissa...
...Rio is a city of romance.
You really, to get the most out of
it, have to share it with someone.
Wasn't I, Melissa?
Aunt Louise.
Well, personally, I won't have
much time for that sort of thing.
I'll be utilizing every moment
copying material for my doctorate.
You're going to be a doctor?
Yes, of Latin American cultures.
Cool it with the "doctor" bit.
So what does take you gentlemen
to Rio?
Actually, we're headed further south.
We're entering a car
in the Brazil Gran Premio.
Pete handles the wheel.
The rest of it is my look-out.
- You're a race driver?
- Yeah.
Isn't that fascinating?
I love race cars. Don't you, Melissa?
Not really.
Well... hungry?
But I checked the pressure
five minutes ago.
Everything is fine,
number one, okay.
Yes, I know
how Captain Blythe is.
But I tell you, the dial is right
on the nose. I see it for myself.
Where's the chicken?
Who take my chicken, huh?
So you think you can steal
Armando's dinner and get away with it?
Well, we're gonna see about that.
Oh, yes.
Okay, open up.
Open up, little car.
No car's gonna eat my dinner.
Open up, I tell you, now.
Open up!
Open up!
This is the number one hold.
Some of your cargo is broke loose.
Send the off-watch down here fast.
No, but I mean real fast. Si!
- What's going on?
- That car has no driver!
Better notify Captain Blythe.
All right,
spread out and be careful.
And I'm to believe that this car...
...ate your chicken dinner?
And then he spit out the bones.
Who is this?
Wiper, third class.
Armando Moccia, sir.
Do you know the penalty for drinking
on duty, wiper, third class?
No, Capitn,
Armando no touch not one drop.
The car, then he eat my apple.
I know this because I hear
with my own ears.
Munch-a, munch-a, munch!
Munch-a, munch-a, munch-a, huh?
Do you know what I'm going to do
with your ears?
Where is the car now?
It went for a drive after dinner.
And was it smoking a cigar
and drinking a brandy?
The perpetrator
of this little jest...
...will receive 50 lashes before
ship's company and then set adrift...
Perhaps you'll be good enough
to tell me about your grandson Snookie...
...another time, Mrs. Purkiss.
Wiper, third class,
Armando Moccia?
Aye aye, sir.
Okay, men. Secure it.
Get the blocks and make it good.
Munch-a, munch-a, munch-a. Si!
Now, how did you
want to handle that?
You mean pay for it?
Or did you plan to reassemble
the stoneware yourselves?
It's not our responsibility.
I'm your captain,
judge and jury!
I'll decide
what's your responsibility.
The... the cargo manifest
states unequivocally...
...that you, Peter Stanchek,
are the sole owner of the car.
You are the consignor
and the consignee.
Your car did the damage. Ergo...
- But Pete wasn't driving.
- Start!
I have been advised
by our public relations department...
...to waive
all charges of kidnapping...
...and smuggling illegal aliens
into a foreign country.
Where is that kid?
In the storeroom, where he will
remain until we reach Panama...
...when he will be turned over
to the port authorities...
...and returned
to his native country.
In the meantime,
your automobile will be impounded...
...until your obligations are met.
I do hope you've been enjoying
the cruise so far.
Remember we have a shuffleboard
tournament on main deck at four bells.
And disco lessons
in the lounge at six bells.
Thanks, anyway.
Maybe we can write the Captain
an IOU and pay him out of our winnings.
There's no way we can raise
that kind of money.
Maybe we should chalk it up to experience
and work our way home.
- Maybe Aunt Louise'll bail us.
- You are a beautiful dreamer, DJ.
Wait a minute.
She says she likes cars.
And she's trying
to get her niece hooked up.
- No.
- Wait a minute.
All you gotta do is keep the Doc
enthralled with tales of derring-do...
...while I initiate Aunt Louise
into the delights of Formula One racing.
- I don't like it.
- Come on. Nothing good comes easy.
Lots of charm.
Lots of charm.
This is an exact replica,
down to the very last button...
...of the uniform worn by Lord Nelson
when he defeated the Spanish Armada.
- Seems like it belongs on me, doesn't it?
- I love a uniform.
It gives a man a certain...
- At ease, madam.
- Captain!
Excuse me, I must circulate
among the cargo... passengers.
Anyway, like I was saying, it's
the absolute thrill of a lifetime...
...when you finally see that car
that belongs to you...
...streak across
that finish line a winner.
Not only that, you are part
of the technological advancement...
...of the automotive world.
I wonder where the kids are?
Now isn't that...
They seem to be enjoying themselves.
Yeah, they're
really hitting it off.
Pete's a great guy.
He's what I call a beautiful person.
My kind of racing.
Pardon me. That's the third time
I've done that.
Who's counting?
I'm having a great time.
- Are you really?
- Yeah.
Usually, when we race, it means
towing the brute across Texas...
...in the middle of August
looking for a Denny's.
Then bedding down
in some fleabag motel.
Now, here I am...
...soft lights...
...sweet music...
...pretty girl.
Mr. Stanchek, you don't really
have to say those things.
I know. It's just that you're different
than other girls I've known.
I can well imagine.
No, it's a compliment.
For one thing, you don't giggle
when there's nothing funny.
And you listen when I talk. A man
looks a long way for a girl like that.
You are pretty, Melissa.
This is it.
I just want to thank you
for this evening.
I really enjoyed myself.
Me too.
Well, goodnight.
- This is the pits.
- Did something go wrong?
We went wrong
when we got into this.
I don't like
playing games with people.
Come on. Just a couple more days.
I already got the money.
Aunt Louise gave me a cheque.
We got the car out of hock.
And get this, kiddo.
She is gonna sponsor us all the way.
We name it,
she buys it, no limit.
All you gotta do is keep
making like Burt Reynolds.
So that's the deal.
I sort of read it
between the lines.
The important thing is,
we're back in the running.
Nothing's gonna stop us now.
The Captain sure was mad,
wasn't he?
What are they gonna do with you?
They will send me back where I live,
with the orphans.
But it's okay.
They put me back, I run away again.
Can we be friends?
What's your name?
I'll just call you Ocho, okay?
Attaboy, Ocho.
Thanks, Ocho.
I'll pay you back.
But you better go back where you were
so you won't get in trouble.
There it goes.
Don't let it get out of this hold, men!
Check over by the elevator.
In those days,
a captain was a captain.
And a ship was a ship,
not a floating carnival.
The only women aboard were dragged
there by the scruff of their neck.
Gives me goose bumps
just thinking about it.
The Captain is just having
a little jest, ladies.
I'm only telling it like it was.
And should be.
When you talked about liberation
in those days...
...you were talking about battles.
Captain. Oh, my word!
But, Captain, how can a car
release a boy with a key? Explain that.
I can't explain that any more than
I can explain the Bermuda Triangle.
- Nor do I intend to try.
- I am the sponsor of that little car.
It's going to win
the Brazil Gran Premio.
If you can bring that off, madam,
I will not only part the Red Sea...
...I will tint it magenta!
Captain, I appeal to you as a woman.
A desperate, helpless,
single woman.
Spare that car.
Lorelei and all of her sirens
could not make me veer one degree.
My course is set!
Ship's company.
Stand to, to witness punishment.
Sir. Some of the passengers
might not understand.
I am simply abiding
by the traditions of the sea...
...Chief Steward!
By the powers vested in me
as the captain of this ship...
...I hereby deem
this vehicle a menace...
...to life and limb and the very
safety of the vessel itself.
I herewith commit it to the sea...
...and a fate well deserved.
Doff hats.
Do your duty.
You too?
Bag and baggage.
Anyone remotely associated with
that little car is being put ashore.
If it wasn't for that steward,
we'd have been keelhauled.
I'm sorry it turned out like this.
If I decided to get out of needlepoint
and into racing, it was my choice.
there's more to it than that.
Steady. Steady.
We needed backing,
so DJ pitched you on the car...
...while I...
Pitched my niece on the fantail.
I've got too much mileage on me...
...not to recognize an operation
when I see one.
You..? You mean you knew that?
...I was hoping that something might
happen between you and Melissa.
She's really a wonderful girl.
That's just it.
She's terrific, but...
A little klutzy
for someone like yourself.
Not everybody's made
for each other.
I really like her,
and I don't want her to get hurt.
I planned to tell her, but maybe
you could smooth things over.
- Here's your bag, miss.
- Thank you.
Melissa, there you are.
I was looking...
You meet such interesting types
on ships.
Sorry, boys.
Come on, pal.
How do you say in Panamanian...
..."We need a job"?
I don't know where you're taking this
boy, but I have a prior claim on him.
- Are you from Juvenile Authority?
- Yes, I am.
No, he's not.
We'll handle this.
Grab that kid.
Hold that kid.
He's wanted by the police.
We gotta get that kid.
We'll get him.
Harve? You better come
take a look at this.
What the devil is that?
I don't know.
It's supposed to be the Major Maroo.
I'm coming, Ocho, I'm coming!
What is the matter, muchacho?
It's an old wreck.
But he was my good friend.
Your friend is
good for nothing but junk.
Even junk is worth something.
Bye, Ocho.
Vaya con dios.
Come on, Ocho, you can do it.
Try. Try!
Please, Ocho, come on. Please!
Don't give up now.
Please, please!
Try. Try!
I'll help you.
It's those men.
Come on, you've got to start!
You're whipping
a dead horse, muchacho.
We gotta get out of here, Ocho!
This is our car now.
Go play someplace else.
Okay, muchacho.
You feeling better, Ocho.
You look good, Ocho.
Like a real taxi.
Now we're gonna make
lots of money.
Then Paco never has to take
nothing from nobody again.
Just relax, sonny.
Now, where is it?
Where's what?
There was some film in the wallet
you took from us in Puerto Vallarta.
When we got it back,
it was missing.
Now, where is it?
I don't know.
Maybe it got mixed up.
What do you mean, mixed up?
With the other man's wallet.
He's lying.
Maybe. Maybe not.
Now, you listen to me.
I want that film back.
I don't care how you do it.
Just get it back.
Because if you don't...
He's gonna cut this car of yours
up into tiny little pieces.
You understand, kid? Little strips
to hang on your Christmas tree.
You know, Pete,
I was just thinking.
Do you realize that that car
could have put us in the big time?
We could've been
international celebrities.
You know what I mean?
Groupies chasing after us.
It's that kid. Murphy's law took
over when we ran into that brat.
Hi, guys.
Speaking of four-foot crimewaves!
I come to say
I sorry if I make trouble for you.
Well, fine. See you around.
Paco go. I just want you
not be mad at me.
Now, don't start that.
Nobody's mad.
It's water over the dam.
I'm sorry. Please.
You forgive me?
Fine, kid. No hard feelings.
Forget it.
Straight back there, through
that hallway and to the right.
just makes you feel good all over.
He did it again!
Come back here, you little...
- Hey, that's our car!
- Our car? How can that be our car?
I don't know.
Let's get him.
We better get outta here
or those guys'll get you back.
Shepard's ready.
He's got the plane.
Good. Here comes the boy.
Why, that little double-crossing...
Come on!
Taxi. Taxi!
Taxi. Taxi!
I can get in here.
It's a little tight.
Pardonnez moi, seor.
I'm in. I'm in.
Can I get in.
- Pier Six, the Sun Princess.
- Pier Five, the Windsong.
- You!
- You!
- I'm terribly sorry.
- I'm so excited.
- I must return to my ship.
- I'm so pleased.
You can have the cab after that.
- Pier Six...
- Pier Five.
- We're in real trouble now, Ocho.
- ... and full steam ahead!
Where in blazes are you going, driver?
No comprendo, seor.
You people comprendo enough
when you want to.
Wait a minute.
It's that same kid.
And here's the biggie.
I think it's the same car.
It's a ghost!
Let me out of here.
Let me out of here.
It's the yardarm for you.
I can't stop now, seor.
Melissa. Melissa!
- Help. I'm being shanghaied!
- Melissa!
Help, Melissa!
Help, I'm being shanghaied!
The kid robbed us again.
- He's shanghaied them!
- Shanghaied?
Seor. Stop!
Could you please stop?
Por favor! Alto!
Por favor! Alto!
Please stop.
Por favor, seor!
Muchas gracias!
How much?
- How far you want to go?
- No, how much for the whole bus?
Is $340 enough?
Lady, you got yourself a bus.
Next bus, please!
Now, listen to me, son.
If you don't release me
this instant...
...I'll have you tied to a cannon
to be discharged at sunset!
I can't stop. Two men said
they'd cut up Ocho into pieces...
...and two other men
are very mad at me.
Is that banging noise new?
Just louder.
It might throw a rod.
Is that serious?
Not if it happens
in front of a hotel.
Are we still in Panama?
Panama's long gone.
What? Let me out of here!
Can't, capitn,
there's some men after me.
No, Ocho, not in there.
What was that?
We're at the bullfights, capitn.
Oh, this is exciting.
I think it will be, seora.
What did he mean by that?
God bless you.
Turn in there.
- This can't be right.
- Back up.
We're gonna...
What are we gonna do?
Just ignore him.
Come on.
Get it off the car.
Come on!
Oh, interesting. Hey!
Please get us out of here.
I'm not asking for myself.
I'm very worried about this lady.
- How thoughtful.
- Just shut up!
That first gangway.
Move it.
Look out, Ocho!
We're stopped.
Where's the bull?
There he is.
What a magnificent animal.
I think you can see him better
from here.
Go away, bull.
Ocho, are we gonna let him
get away with that?
Yes, you are.
Let's get out of here.
Ocho, he's gonna kill you.
You just can't stand here doing nothing.
You've gotta fight.
Take a good look at him.
He's a killer!
He is going to fight.
Thattaboy, Ocho!
I can't believe this!
30 years at sea,
and I'm gonna die in a bullring.
Hey, toro. Toro!
Hey, toro. Toro!
No toros!
Toro. Toro. Toro!
Hey, toro!
Good, Ocho!
Stay with him!
Ol, Ocho!
Attaboy, Ocho.
You take him now!
Look, son, I want you to know
that I think of you as my son.
If you get us out of here, I'll make
you first mate of the Sun Princess.
And you and your little car
can stay in the Lanai suite...
...and eat at my table every night.
The big boat will take you
anywhere you want to go, okay?
Don't worry, capitn.
We got him now.
Toro. Over here, toro.
Come on, over here, toro!
Toro. Toro.
Attaboy, Ocho. Toro!
He's getting close, Ocho.
I'm gonna be sick!
They got voodoo down here.
You know that?
He's had enough.
Let's go.
Come on.
They want us to take a bow,
all of us.
Oh, wait. Come on.
Nothing in this world
will induce me to go out...
- They'll be disappointed.
- Don't pull on me.
Don't do that!
You too, capitn.
Take a bow.
What's wrong, Ocho?
Wait a minute!
- I told you.
- Let's get Shepard and the plane.
Oh, Captain. That boy's...
That boy's in trouble!
Help him. Help!
Can't we go any faster?
- Oh, we could. But we'd have to walk.
- The fact that we're moving at all
violates every principle of
the internal combustion engine.
Hey, wait a minute.
It's Aunt Louise!
And Captain Blythe?
Aunt Louise, are you all right?
Ecstatic! Well...
We just fought a bull
and brought it to a standstill.
- Looks like you lost, Captain.
- Reverse your course.
We can't, we have to find that boy.
There's some men after him.
What if he doubled back on us?
We'd have seen him.
There's only one road around here.
Just keep looking for that crazy car.
- He doesn't understand "bracket".
- All right, get some wire.
Wire. Wire.
Wire... wire.
Sounds like... fire.
S. Fuego. S!
Okay, he's gonna get some.
All right.
Seor, no.
The Sun Princess. Tell the mate
I've been stranded in Timbio.
The Sun Princess.
It's a ship.
Sheep? Sheep?
- No, not a sheep. It's a ship.
- Bueno. Princesa sheep.
Not sheep. That's "baa-baa".
This is "toot-toot"!
What do you mean "no comprende"?
In San Augustin,
not far from here...
...they have monolithic statues that...
Well, they go back to 500 BC.
But nobody knows who made them
or where they came from.
I wish I could help you.
I'm sure you'd find
a cold six-pack much more exciting.
Oh, now have I hit on something
that you hold dear and sacred?
Look, I led you on.
I apologize.
Please don't. I'll just have an
electrocardiogram when I get home.
But I can assure you,
there's been no damage.
We're wasting
valuable time bickering.
Who knows what's happened
to that boy by now.
I'll just see
what's holding up the Captain.
Why are you all staring at me?
It's a conspiracy.
- S, sesenta centavos.
- Si... what?
Siesta centavos.
Okay, don't go away.
I'll get it for you.
Siesta centavos.
Siesta centavos!
We're getting it.
I beg you, don't hang up.
I'll be right with you.
I love your country.
It's very colorful.
Your children
have such expressive faces.
Look alive
with that change, woman!
No, please. Don't go away!
I'll get it for you. I'll get it.
Are you still there?
Hello? Hello?
She's gone!
It took me two hours just
to get the operator. And she's gone!
Just like that!
De nada.
- How will I explain this to the company?
- You tell Aunt Louise all about it.
- They'll take away my command.
- Yes.
- They'll take away my sheep.
- Your sheep.
I think we lost them. One thing
I still can't figure out...
...why would those men
want a picture like this, Ocho?
It's kinda lonely around here,
huh, Ocho?
When we're safe from those men...
...we go back where there's
lots of people, huh?
We've got 'em. Why don't we go down
and force them off the road?
Because we just might come off
second best.
What's a Bug and a kid gonna do?
Something quite unexpected,
I assure you.
We'll wait till it stops.
- Will it make Chiclayo?
- Not a prayer.
- How long do you give it?
- About a minute.
Maybe we should alert the Captain.
He'd want to know.
He'll be alerted...
any second now.
Sound general quarters.
- Captain.
- Then it's every man for himself!
Have you put out distress signals?
Oh, we will.
Five of them.
Maybe we can go to Santiago
and work there, Ocho.
Those men will
never find us there.
Don't worry, Ocho,
I'll take care of you.
Wake up, Ocho, we gotta go to work.
A man in the cantina needs a taxi.
We can siesta later.
Someone want a taxi?
Just the driver.
Let me go. Let me go.
Let me go!
Let me go!
Let me go!
Let me go.
Let me go. Help!
How's it going?
I'm telling them not to hold the ship
at Port of Spain...
...but go directly to Tobago
where I'll join them there.
I hate to think what's happened
to that ship in my absence.
Get this to the communications
centre of the Sun Princess.
Are you certain
that the pigeon understands?
S, seor capitn.
He certainly knows his pigeons.
There's an airport in Chiclayo
12 miles further on.
But there's no transportation
from here to Chiclayo.
It's the same car.
I was so worried. Thank heavens!
It's the same car,
but where's the boy?
- He wants to tell us something.
- It's a car, woman, not Lassie!
Where's Paco?
Something terrible's happened
to him. Everybody, get in.
I am not getting into
that sardine can again!
It's a 12-mile walk to Chaclayo,
so make up your mind.
And hurry.
Get in here!
Hold on!
What about that down there?
Yeah, that could be it.
we're right on the money.
Together, now. Pull!
- What do you think?
- Gold. Probably pure gold!
More than that, it has tremendous
archaeological value.
- Do you think there's more?
- Plenty!
What do we do with it?
I say we get this out of here now...
...then come back with tools
and do it up right. Okay?
You got it.
- Wait. What about me?
- Get out of here!
I don't like leaving that kid
back there.
Don't worry about him.
He's not going anywhere.
- Does anyone know where we are?
- The car does, I'm sure.
Well, ask it. I would,
but we're not on speaking terms.
This is ridiculous.
Somebody ought to do something.
We better just sit tight.
Easy for you.
What are you doing out here
in the jungle? We were worried sick.
Those men were stealing gold.
Big gold like this.
Where'd they get gold
around here?
Right there.
It looks like Inca ruins.
S, it's Inca.
They will fly away the gold
and melt it. I hear them.
I'll see that the matter
is brought to the attention
of the proper authorities
when we put in at Rio.
That might be too late.
Go, Ocho!
What's that?
Come on. Give us a hand.
Let's keep moving.
Oh, no.
It's that car!
- It ate it. It ate the gold!
- How did it get out here?
- There goes a million bucks.
- No way!
700 miles on a banana boat
with wheels.
I'll be laughed
off the Caribbean.
It worked, didn't it? Those men
in the airplane couldn't find us.
It was a good idea, Paco.
How much farther?
We're practically there.
Okay, get ready to peel off.
We're looking
for Dr. De Moraes's office.
He's upstairs,
in the main building.
I'll call the police.
You go on.
I'll wait here.
May I use your phone?
It's very important. Thank you.
Are you going towards the sea? It's
vitally important I return to my ship.
Wait! Wait!
- Dr. De Moraes?
- Yes?
You have no idea what we've gone
through to get this to you.
And what we've gone through
to get it from you.
When we couldn't find you on the highway,
we decided that you'd either...
...gone to the nearest
police station...
...or to the world's foremost
authority on Inca civilization.
I guessed right.
Nice ripe bananas.
Nice ripe bananas. Get them
while they last. Very cheap.
Nice ripe bananas.
Let's make a deal on a peel.
Let's do this thing together. I don't
want this to get away from us.
Ocho, listen. Sounds like the plane
those men had. Let's go see.
They can't do anything.
Come on.
Ocho, what are you gonna do?
They're taking the gold.
Attaboy, Ocho!
Easy. Whoa!
Sorry, boss!
- Hey, come on! Hurry up, let's go!
- Get this thing off of me!
Cut it out, will you?
It's heavy!
- Get off my foot!
- I'm not on your foot.
Help me get to the plane.
Ready? Fire!
Say what you want about voodoo...
...but where I come from,
cars don't throw bananas.
Just get it in the plane!
Ocho, they're getting away.
Come on. Let's get this thing
out of here.
With this extra weight,
I'll need the whole field to take off.
Hurry up.
Here it comes again.
You think he's gonna try
and hijack us?
Anything's possible
with that thing!
Get 'em, Ocho!
Stay with 'em!
- I wonder what it's gonna do now?
- I don't know.
Well, take off.
Come on, take off!
I'm trying!
Shake 'em, Ocho!
I can't take off with all that
weight in the tail. Go get it.
- Catch it when I raise the tail.
- Gotcha.
Go for it, Ocho.
Hang on!
Shake it off!
He's gonna ram us!
Do something!
- Why are we going in circles?
- Because he broke my tail.
Get in front of him.
Make him stop.
Get this thing off the ground.
- We're gonna hit him. Pull up!
- She's stalling!
- What's the matter?
- The throttle jammed open!
My wings!
- Can you step it up?
- I'm hurrying!
- Help. Move your feet forward.
- Got it.
Polica. I'm so glad you're here.
I was the one who called you.
Stay with 'em! Go, go.
He's hurting!
Can't you go any faster?
The oil pressure's down.
I don't want to ruin my plane!
They've got the gold!
Don't let them get away!
Okay, Ocho, you got 'em now.
Give it to 'em!
You did it!
Paco. Paco!
That's it. Paco.
Are you all right?
Ocho and me, we're okay.
You ought to see those other guys.
Gorgeous. Just magnificent!
I always felt, Captain, that you
have a deep appreciation for...
I've never seen anything like it.
Any man of the sea who wouldn't
want her rolling under him...
...is ready for dry dock.
I'm not admitting the kid's
a better driver than I am.
But he sure can get more
out of that car than I can.
They're really...
Yeah. Simptico.
If I had billowed out like a schooner
under full sail, I might've...
...shivered his timbers.
- I hope we win this one.
- Don't you worry, Aunt Louise.
This car's gonna win
the Gran Premio of Brazil.
That's right.
Driver, start your engine!
Paco, Paco. Muy bueno.
Looking good, Ocho.
Why do you keep calling
this car Ocho? Ocho means eight.
Can't you read numbers?
Sure I can. Five and three
are eight. Anyone knows that.
Well, let's have a toast.
To victory in Rio.
Victory in Rio.