Hercules in the Underworld (1994) Movie Script

Thie is the story
of a time long ago.
A time of myth and legend,
when the earth
was still young.
The ancient gods
were petty and cruel,
and they played mankind
for their sport.
Plaguing them with suffering,
besieging them with terrors.
( laughing )
For centuries, the people
had nowhere to turn,
no one to look to for help.
Until... he arrived.
He was man
like no other.
Born of a beautiful
mortal woman,
but fathered by Zeus,
king of the gods.
Hercules possessed strength
the world had never seen,
a strength surpassed
only by the power of his heart.
But everywhere he went he was
tormented by his stepmother,
Hera, the all-powerful
queen of the gods.
Hera's eternal obsession
was to destroy Hercules,
for he was the constant
living reminder of Zeus' infidelity.
No matter the obstacle,
as long as there were people
crying for help,
there was one man
who would never rest:
( Dogs Barking )
( Faint Rumbling )
( Rumbling Increases )
( Sighing, Hissing,
Roaring Sounds )
# And the maidens #
# Will cry #
# To each other #
- Ah, Median.
- Mmm.
This time I'm gonna do it.
I'm really gonna do it.
Don't do it on my boots.
They cost me five dinar.
Ahh. No, you idiot.
I'm gonna talk to her, to Critisa.
Yeah. You always say that.
All you ever end up doing is pouring
more wine down your throat.
Well, this time is different.
There's her house.
I'm gonna go up to her window.
And when she comes out
to see who it is,
I'm gonna tell her I love her.
You're crazy.
What if that isn't Critisa's window?
Why, then I'll pledge my love
to her sister...
and hope that she's pretty.
( Rumbling, Distant Outcry )
Median, stop.
- Lover boy chickens out again, huh?
- Ah, no. Look!
( Growling )
Stay here.
- ( Growling Continues )
- Ledus?
( Rumbling, Outcries )
( Coughing )
( Choking )
- Ledus!
- ( Coughing Continues )
Ledus! Come on!
- We gotta get outta here!
- ( Loud Roaring )
( Both Screaming )
( Growling )
( People Chattering )
MAN: It's near the fresh cheese.
WOMAN: Oh, come, come.
Who are these men?
What do they bring
to your tiny town?
Is it entertainment ?
Is it opportunity?
Perhaps it is the chance
to win a prize.
Well, ladies and gents,
we've brought you all three!
If you wish-- No.
If you dare,
take a chance and step
into the ring...
with Eryx the Boxer !
- ( Puffing Rhythnically )
- ( Onlooker Laughs )
Hey, how much do we win
if we beat him?
Ah, that depends
on what you'll put up.
I'll pay you three times whatever
you're willing to wager.
I've got two dinar that says I'll beat you
Eryx the Boxer. - I've got three.
- Five.
- Well, step into the ring, brave friend.
- ( Boxer Puffing )
- But I warn you,
Eryx the Boxer has never been beaten.
That's because he's never faced
any of us. ( Chuckles )
Not so fast, friend.
You paid to fight Eryx the Boxer.
- ( Fighter Puffing )
- I thought this is Eryx the Boxer.
No, no, no.
This is Eryx the Boxer.
ONLOOKERS: Who? I don't see--
( Onlookers Gasping,
Exclaining )
Wait. You tricked me.
This isn't fair.
( Growls )
I thought the other guy was--
( Bone Breaking )
Who's next?
You cheating bastard!
Sestus was my friend!
Well, come on! Come on.
No! Don't do it.
( Bone Breaking, Flesh Ripping )
( Laughing )
Quick. Go get Hercules.
We need help.
( Dog Barking )
( Children Chattering )
- I am not!
- I'm gonna get this time.
I'm gonna get it
this time.
- ( Lion Growling )
- There he is! There he is!
( Boys Yelling, Lion Growling )
- ( Barking )
- ( Growling, Yelling Continue )
Kill the Lion! It got me!
BOYS: Kill him! Kill him!
- ( Thud )
- ( Grunts )
AESON: Kill it! Yeah!
- Daddy?
- ( Roars )
( Laughs )
AESON: That was fun!
I didn't I scare us.
- KLONUS: Can we do it again?
- ( Laughing )
Hercules! Hercules!
We need you!
( Laughing )
- Who's next?
- MAN: Not I, sir.
What about you? Or you? Huh?
What about you?
- What about me?
- It's about time.
It was me you wanted, you didn't have
to kill all these innocent men.
I had to find some way
to amuse myself.
- You hard look like the strongest man in
the world. - Sorry to let you down.
It doesn't matter. Your days are over!
Then let's stop talking
and start fighting.
( Grunts )
Son, you should have seen
that last one coming!
Put your left up and jab!
Jab! Come on!
( Punches Landing, Grunts )
- That your boy?
- No, no, I'm just a spectator.
Come on! Pump one, left!
( Bone Creaking )
Oh, now he's got him.
Now he's got him!
- Ooh!
- He won't keep his left up.
- Enough games, Hercules.
- I agree. Let's finish this.
Ohh, watch. Watch, watch.
Come on, Hercules!
- You a fighter?
- Me a fighter? No, I just--
- I just fight with the devil sometimes!
- ( Laughs )
Right. Right!
Oh, he's going better, eh?
( Yelling )
You won, Hercules.
You're entitled to a prize.
- I don't want any prize from you.
- But this is special.
It was pricked out just for you.
( Coins Clinking )
Hera, I thought we were through
with these games of yours.
I don't want to battle
with you any longer.
What do you say to a truce?
( Thunderclap )
Fine. If that's how you want it, we
can always go back to the way it was.
You were doing so well, my son.
- Why did you let it end like that?
- She's lucky that's all I did!
- It'll only make her angrier.
- If you hadn't been unfaithful, she wouldn't be so mad.
( Chuckles ) And you wouldn't
have been born.
It doesn't make my life easier,
living under a curse.
Curse? You've got
a warm bed to sleep in,
a lovely wife, beautiful children.
That's more then most men have.
That's more than I'll ever have.
You should realize how--
how lucky you are!
Yeah, I do.
Although I don't call it luck.
I've had to fight for what I have.
You'll have to work twice as hard
to keep it. But it's worth it.
And you know it.
It's worth it.
You know, you ought to
come and visit sometime.
- I'll try. Promise.
- Okay.
Hey! You were great today.
But don't forget to jab,
jab a little more, and duck!
Don't forget to duck now
and then ( Chuckles )
I should have known Eryx was
another one of Hera's tricks.
What difference would it have made?
You would have gone anyway.
- That's who you are. People call for help--
- And I always go. I know.
- Yes. - I can't stand to see the gods
play with people's lives,
anybody's lives.
I know that,
and I love that about you.
You got this from that great lion.
What would the people of Nemea
have done if you hadn't killed it for them?
And the Hydra that tormented
the Lernaeans?
What would have happened if you
hadn't have come to their aid?
And Tiphys.
Think of all the suffering he
caused until you stopped him.
And do I have to remind you
what happened in Saenia?
( Chickens Clucking,
Goats Bleating )
( Metal Clinking Steadily )
Nessus, what an I doing wrong?
Be patient, Hercules. You can't
just bully iron into shape.
You gotta mold it
Little by little, hmm?
Try heating it a little bit more.
( Children Laughing, Chattering )
( Chuckles ) Hercules.
- Hey. Hercules!
- Huh?
I think the harness
is hot enough now.
( Chuckles ) Yeah.
I guess I sort of got distracted.
Sometimes I just can't believe
they're mine. Know what I mean?
Yeah. You're a lucky man, Hercules.
Yeah. I'd say I am. Thanks.
- ( Horse Whinnies )
- ( Snorts )
( Clicking Tongue )
Dad! There's a girl coming!
- Are you Hercules?
- Yes, I am.
What is it? What's wrong?
- DEIANEIRA: What's happened?
- I don't know.
Bring her inside, quickly.
- I need your help. Please!
- Here. Drink this.
There isn't any time.
I've traveled days and
nights to find Hercules.
My village, Gryphon--
A hole has opened up.
I-It's choking everything.
- What do you mean? What kind of hole?
- A hole breathing death.
We've made sacrifices and offerings.
- Nothing's been able to stop it.
- I'm not sure that I could help.
You must! Please, you're our only hope.
I've come all this way
to lead you back with me.
- Please say you'll go.
- Get some rest.
You need to sleep.
- MAN: What'll we drink to?
- To our protector, Hercules! May he live forever!
- To Hercules!
- ALL: To Hercules!
Hercules, Hercules, Hercules.
I'm gonna be sick if you all
don't shut up about Hercules.
Aw, shut your hole, Nessus! Hercules is
the greatest! There's no disputing it!
- None of us could even do a fraction of
what he does. - NESSUS: Of course not.
But we're not half-god, are we?
I-I work and sweat and make
offerings every day,
and I'm barely gettin' by.
How fair is that? You're blind.
You know that? All of you.
Just like Deianeira.
She praises him and fawns over him.
Like we can do no wrong.
He doesn't deserve her.
He's gone all the time, doing whatever
he can to make his name bigger.
I'm the one that takes care of her.
You better watch your mouth,
you idiot half-horse!
If Hercules hears about what's
goin' on, there'll be trouble.
- ( Mug Slams On Table )
- Damn Hercules. I-I-I'm not afraid of him.
Not one bit.
I have the Goddess Hera
to rely on. Hmm?
She watches over me.
She's my protector.
( Inhales ) I've had enough of all of you.
I'm going home beofre I hear
his damn hame raised again.
- ( Tail Slaps Table )
- ( Grunts )
( Rustling Sound )
( Gasps ) Who's there?
Who is that?
What is it? Are you all right?
You're trembling.
I thought I saw something
outside the window.
Well, you're safe now.
There's nobody there.
- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you.
- Shh.
Don't give it another thought.
Just lay bacl and try to get some sleep.
Is Hercules gonna help my village?
- Is he gonna come back with me?
- Yes, I think he is.
Thank you. Thank both of you.
Good night.
( Hammer Pinging )
( Hammering Continues )
Nessus, what are you doing?
Ahh. You see this?
It's perfect.
Ah, it's absolutely perfect.
Yes. Well, let's
just leave it for now.
You don't believe me, do you? That I can
do something better than Hercules?
( Sighs ) I believe you, Nessus.
It's just that it's late.
I was surprised you could even sleep,
what with that girl here...
- to take your precious husband away.
- Nessus, what's wrong with you?
( Laughs ) With me?
It's what's wrong with you
that's the problem!
You don't really trust him, do you?
You can't really believe
that he'll be faithful.
My husband? I'm sure of it.
Oh, come on!
They'll be alone together.
And Hercules is what Hercules is.
Think. Her smooth skin,
her glowing hair,
- her youth.
- That's enough. Good night.
I bet there's something else
I can do better than Hercules.
( Grunts, Chuckles )
Now get out of my way.
Go sleep it off.
He'll have her. You'll see.
( Exhales )
( Woman Singing )
Whoo! ( Laughs )
Looks like a good day to travel.
I was afraid we might have rain,
but it looks like we're be just fine.
I hope that's enough
to get you there.
Hey. What's wrong with you?
Nothing. I'm fine. It's just--
It's just that I'm gonna miss you,
that's all.
I'm gonna miss you too.
( Chuckles )
- ( Growls )
- ( Laughs )
Hey, Nessus. Let's go.
Why don't you go give your dad
a big kiss goodbye, okay?
I want to thank you for taking
such good care of me.
I was in a pretty horrid state
when I arrived.
It's nice to see that
you're feeling better today.
Oh, here. I want you to have this.
Absolutely not, Iole.
I can't accept this.
Please, Deianeira.
It would make me very happy
if you'd accept it and wear it.
All right, then. I will. Thank you.
- You gonna be good? You promise?
- Yep.
- Gonna miss me?
- No. ( Laughs )
- You ready?
- Yeah.
AESON: Bye, Dad. Come back soon.
( Villagers Chattering )
Chickens! Chickens! Here's chickens.
Two dinar! Two dinar!
MAN: Fresh bread. Hot from the oven!
You'll never buy better! Fresh bread.
You get bread here now.
One dinar! Only one dinar.
My deepest sympath. I'm so sorry.
I don't know what you mean.
For the loss of your husband.
My condolences.
- My husband's fine.
- But you have the medallion.
That tells me you've lost your husband.
This was just a gift.
A gift from a sweet, beautiful girl?
Yes. How do you know that?
Do you know her?
I knew one like her once.
She's a Nurian Maiden.
- Still, why would you think my husband was dead?
- When a task need be done.
These beautiful virgins can
persuade a man to attempt it.
No, not Hercules. She has no power
over him. If you'll excuse me.
She has power over all men.
From the moment of birth, she's
trained for this and only this.
She knows all there is to know
about love, charm...
and seduction.
She'll make your husband
fall in love with her.
And when he does,
he'll do everything she asks,
even though it leads him
to his death.
No, you're wrong.
This medallion doesn't mean anything.
I tried to tell myself that once.
( Gasps )
Deianeira, I don't think you should go.
She's just some old crazy woman.
But the things that she said!
She knew!
And I have to warn Hercules.
But it could be dangerous, and you're
not even sure you know the right way.
Please, just take care of the children.
That's all I'm asking.
- Aeson, come here.
- Why?
I have to go away for a while,
but I'll be back soon.
Your Aunt Althea's gonna take care
of you, but you're a big boy.
- You're gonna take care of your brother
and sister. - Okay.
- I love you.
- I love you too, Mom.
- Bye, sweetie.
- Bye.
- How's it look down there? Any better?
This is probably? - No!
I've been all the way to
the bend. It only gets deeper.
This is probably the best spot
to cross. I'll get Iole.
Your beauty's so strong
it charms even the animals.
It shouldn't surprise me.
Deianeira, what's wrong?
I know all about you, Iole. I know
about your breeding your training,
and how you have the power
to make men fall in love,
how you'll make a widow
and orphans out of a loving family.
But please, call this off.
Leave my family be.
I can't.
- ( Footsteps )
- Deianeira, what are you doing here?
I've come to warn you.
Thank the gods, you're all right!
Warn me? What are you talking about?
You've been tricked.
We've both been tricked.
You know this medallion, the one
Iole gave me? She's Nurian Maiden.
Deianeira, I know. I've known
since she first arrived.
- And you're still going with her?
- It'll be all right.
But she'll take you away from us
and we'll never see you again!
Please, please, come home.
She has these powers.
and she'll make you fall in love,
and you'll be willing to die for her.
All this talk about powers
and dying, it's nonsense.
There's only one person in the world
I'd die for, and that's you.
Let me go and go what
I can for Iole's people.
Then I'll hurry right back home
to you. I promise.
At the very worst, I'll have
a new scar or two to show you.
Now get yourself home.
Nessus will go with you to
make sure you get there safely.
We better get going.
Funny, isn't it? You travel all this
way because you love him so much.
And still, where are you? Alone.
Watching as he leaves with
her for a second time.
Nessus, be quiet.
Hercules has a job to do.
But why this job? Ask yourself that.
Why has he chosen to
abandon his family...
and go off risking his life
for this stranger?
Could it be. Because she's a young,
beautiful virgin?
Mmm? Look at the way he carries her.
The way he holds her, it's tender.
Like a lover.
He used to carry you that way.
Do you remember? Hmm?
Or is it too long ago?
It's time to go. ( Gasps )
If you were mine, Deianeira,
You'd never be alone.
Let's go of me right now,
or when Hercules gets home I will
tell him about this and the other night!
There's only one way
to get through to you.
- One way to make you see things clearly,
like I do. - Nessus, stop it!
I should have done this
a long time ago.
There's no escape, and you know it.
So relax. You just might enjoy it.
Hercules! Help! Hercules!
What are you screaming about?
DEIANEIRA: Help! Help!
There is no Hercules!
- Hercules, what is it?
- Keep quiet.
- DEIANEIRA: Hercules!
- NESSUS: He's gone.
- He's as good as dea--
- ( Arrow Thuds )
( Grunting )
( Gasping ) Hera.
I'm dying.
You were supposed to protect me.
( Thunderclap )
Deianeira. What vile thing have
I become to have done this to you?
To end up like this. ( Gasps )
It was only because I love you.
I couldn't stand knowing the pain,
the unhappiness he'd bring you.
But he won't, he'll be true to me.
- There is a way you can be sure of that.
- But I am sure.
Listen to me.
My blood is a powerful potion.
( Choking )
Give the cloak to Hercules.
Once he puts it on, he'll
never be unfaithful to you.
I told you, I don't doubt him.
But you do!
Be sure. Give it to him.
( Gasping )
Deianeira! Are you all right?
I'm fine.
- This is my fault.
- No, everything's okay.
- We'll head back hom tonight.
-No, you just go on.
- Deianeira, I'm not.
- No. You must go on.
And then take this.
And when it gets cold at night, I want you
to wrap this around you and think only of me.
I'll think of nothing else.
( Rumbling, Howling Sounds )
( Roaring Sounds )
I'm tired of talking about me.
I want to hear more about you.
Tell me some stories
about the great Hercules.
Ah, there's not that much to tell.
I just do what I do.
Besides, I want to know more about
your being a Nurian Maiden.
You haven't told me why you
decided to become one.
Well, it wasn't really my decision.
Before I was born,
my mother had a vision...
that I'd be called upon
to save my village.
- I was wearing a blue stone medallion.
- Hmm.
So she and my father sent me off
to train as a Nurian Maiden.
And here I am.
What about the stories I have heard
of your special powers and all that?
That's nonsense. Fools' talk. you,
of all people, must know how that is.
According to the stories about the
great and powerful Hercules,
- You're supposed to be ten feet tall.
- Hmm.
Some of the crazy things
they say you've done!
Do you know that you supposedly
slew a two-headed giant?
You killed the Lernaean Hydra
by yourself.
Or best of all, someone once told me...
that you killed Anienormous sea monster by
squeezing its heart until it stopped beating!
But those stories are true.
No. I-- I mean it.
I really did all those things.
So maybe Hercules does have
a tale or two after all.
Come on. Tell me a few more.
( Chuckles ) That's enough stories.
We'd better get to Gryphon.
Oh, look. There's an inn.
We can get something to eat.
( Man Growling, Dog Barking )
I think you'd better stay out here.
( Growling Continues )
- ( Crash )
- ( Growling, Snarling )
( Woman Screams )
- What happening here?
- I don't know.
Came in, set down his soup; then out
of the blue he starts screamin'!
He just went crazy!
Started smashing the place up.
- Did he say what he was mad about?
- No! He didn't say anything.
( Snarling )
Hey! Now, that's enough.
- ( Snarling )
- Stop!
- Iole, what are you doing?
- You're only scaring him.
Scaring him? He's gone crazy. He'll turn
this place into splinters if I don't stop him!
No, please. Put the club down.
Let me talk to him.
Hercules! Put the club down.
It's all right. I'm not gonna hurt you.
It's all right.
There, there. What's the matter?
( Whimpering )
I think he burned his mouth
on his food.
He would have said something,
but he can't speak.
Can someone get him some water?
Not everything needs to be killed.
Sometimes kindness can work too.
- ( Gasps )
- Oh! Be careful.
- Are you all right?
- Yeah. Thanks.
IOLE: Come on.
IOLE: It's beautiful, isn't it?
Yeah. A lot of stars out tonight.
Myrea and Martumus.
Every time I see them,
it makes me sad.
- Which ones are they?
- Right up there.
- Right where?
- Right up there.
Here, I'll show you.
They were lovers once--
or would have been.
Their families were at war
and kept them apart.
They were never allowed
to see each other,
never allowed to touch.
- Why didn't they just run away?
- They were going to.
They had it all planned out. They were gonna
meet in the meadow and finally be together.
Myrea's father found out.
He was so enraged.
When Myrea refused to denounce
her love for Martumus.
He was so filled with spite
that he killed her.
- He killed his own daughter?
- Uh-huh.
He tossed her body into the heavens.
See? That's her, reaching out.
And what happened to Martumus?
Well, he wnet down to the
meadow to wait for her.
Naturally, she never came.
And then, by chance, he looked up
into the sky, and there she was.
What did he do? Did he get revenge?
Did he kill her father?
No. He was so wracked with grief...
That he drew his dagger
and cut his own heart out.
He had to stop the pain.
Luckily, the gods saw what happened.
Out of pity, they drew his body
up into the heavens.
See? That's him, reaching out
towards Myrea.
HERCULES: But they're not touching.
In a cruel twist of fate,
he landed just out of reach of her.
And that's how they'll spend eternity.
They know they'll never touch,
but they'll never stop trying.
It's sad, isn't it?
I guess I'm just silly.
Good night, Hercules.
Yeah. Uh, good night, Iole.
( Rock Thuds )
Hercules! You know you
shouldn't be watching me.
HERCULES: Come on, Iole!
It's getting late.
- Iole!
- ( Grunts )
You don't deserve to love,
you bastard!
Whoa! Who are you, friend?
Why are you attacking me?
I'm not your friend!
Fine! But what's your name, kid?
I like to know who's tryin' to kill me.
I'm not a kid, either.
You're not, but I don't
remember crossing you.
Doesn't matter. You'll
remember dying by my hand!
Now, that's enough! I'm not
gonna dirty my fists on you.
- You're not?
- No.
You can go find someone else to kill.
- ( Spear Cracking )
- Now, I'm warning you.
The next thing to break is your neck.
- ( Attacker Grunts )
- ( Weapon Cracking )
Hercules, don't kill him!
- Poor Lycastus!
- Is there something you want to tell me?
I told him not to follow me,
but he can't help it.
- He doesn't understand.
- Doesn't understand what?
That even though I love him.
There isn't a future for us.
- Well, why not?
- There can't be. It's not in my destiny.
But if you love him,
and he obviously loves you--
It doesn't matter. There are more
important things in the world.
My life and his life mean nothing.
I don't want this to affect
anything, Hercules.
Saving my village is still the only
thing that matters to me.
Come on. Let's go.
My town isn't that far off.
( Moans )
We're close now. It's just up here.
There it is. It's even worse
than when I left it.
( Villagers Chattering )
Get out. Out, Vito.
It's him!
Iole's back, and she's
brought Hercules with her!
- Hercules!
- MAN: Hercules!
You'll save us now!
He's the strongest man in the world!
Come with us, Hercules.
We'll take you to it.
( Villagers Chattering )
( Nearby Roaring Sound )
( Distorted Weeping )
( Weeping Continues )
( Distorted Laughter )
( Screeching )
( Roaring Sounds, Voices Screeching )
( Roaring )
( Screeching )
( Wicked Laughter )
What is this thing?
That's the Underworld. There's
nothing down there but death.
I need to know something.
Am I immortal or not?
- Hercules--
- I've never asked you before.
But as your son. I'm asking you now.
Can I die?
- You don't wanna know.
- I have to know.
You're a god, my mother's mortal
what does that make me?
It's a question you should't
be asking.
But I have to know what will
happen if I go into that hole.
Will I ever get back hole again?
So don't go into the hole!
Go home right now.
You don't have to save this town!
You don't owe anything to these people!
Just turn around and leave!
Go home and grow old with
your family like you intended to.
Tell me. Damn it, Father! Tell me!
All right. You are mortal.
you can die.
How do I know you're
telling the truth?
- Why would I lie?
- To keep me out of that hole.
You're afraid what might
happen to me.
You wanted an answer.
I gave you an answer!
Who knows if it's...
the right one?
( Distorted Scream )
( Roaring )
- What's he doing?
- He's just standing there.
- MAN: Why isn't he doing anything?
- You know your fate if he fails.
You're getting ready for him,
aren't you?
Please, Iole.
Lycastus, you've always
known this day would come.
This is my destiny.
I thought you loved me.
I do love you.
And if you love me, you'll let
me do what I have to do.
- What about us?
- There is no us.
( Gasps )
No! We can't. I can't.
- But you want to.
You've gotta hide, quick.
Hercules, I've been waiting for you.
Iole, I'm afraid I can't help your town.
I stood on the edge of that hole,
and I thought about it long and hard.
If I go down there,
I may never come back.
I have children now, and a wife I love.
I have to live for them.
Hercules, my people suffer.
They need you. I need you.
Iole, I can't.
Please, won't you do it for me?
Say you'll do it for me.
No! Please, don't.
I have to go home
and be with my family.
I don't want anything more to do
with the gods and their games.
- I just want to be left alone.
- If you're not gonna save my town, then I will.
- I'll go in that hole.
- No, you won't. It wouldn't do any good.
You'd only be killed.
It doesn't matter. I'm dead anyway.
I failed my mission, and I'm dead.
I'm sorry.
You take care of her, my friend.
( Cloak Whooshing, Whipping )
- ( Whipping Sounds )
- Aaah!
Aaah, aaah!
Help him!
- ( Sizzling Sound )
- ( Gasping )
( Hercules Crying Out )
( Screaming )
( Explosion )
The gods will never stop!
( Roaring )
( Panting, Yelling ) Hera-a-a!
( Woman Screams )
Mommy, Mommy! Daddy's coming home!
Come on, let's go inside.
Go! Go! Right away.
( Panting )
He's dead, isn't he?
My husband? He's dead?
What happened?
It was a cloak, a cursed cloak.
He put it on and it tortured him,
drove him mad.
( Panting ) His only escape...
was to jump into the hole.
That cloak was supposed to
protect him.
It was supposed to protect us!
( Sobs ) I've killed him.
( Moans )
( Faint Roaring,
Faint Distorted Voices )
HERCULES: Hey, you there.
Where am I? What is this place?
Answer me. I'm talk to you.
Oh, you're talking to me.
Of course you're talking to me.
Who else in Hades?
I'm the only one here.
Well, where is "Here"?
It is, uh, customary to pay
the Boatman for passage.
Huh? Wait, what are you doin' here?
- You can't go across!
- Why not?
Why not? Because you're still alive.
That's why not.
Only the dead are permitted
to cross the River Styx.
Well, we're gonna chance
that right now, aren't we?
No, no, no, no. We can't.
- "Can't"?
- When I say "can't,"
I mean, you're a regular kind
of guy, I guess, uh--
We could, uh, maybe talk. Yeah. Okay.
BOATMAN: Hades is not gonna be
happy about this, let me tell you.
No one alive has ever
entered the Underworld before.
You're gonna be in bug trouble
when he hears about this.
What am I sayin'?
I'm gonna be in big trouble.
I don't know why someone who's
alive would wanna come down here.
Hey, what's the matter? Huh?
You lookin' for someone?
- Someone lookin' for you?
- ( Loud Growling )
- There goes another one.
- Another what? What was that?
Ah, the damn dog, Cerberus.
He's supposed to guard the gate, keep
the dead down here where they belong.
But he's gotten loose somehow. Now he's
running around all over, causing trouble.
Aye, yay, yay, yay.
Can't imagine what it must
be like up in the living world.
Yeah. Well, I can.
Uh, so, uh, how 'bout it?
A little, uh, somethin' for the effort?
Sorry. Can't help you.
Hey. At least give me my lantern back.
Maybe a little later.
Thanks for the ride, though.
Oh, yeah! That's great!
Very funny. A real comedian.
Why not pick on charon?
Everybody else does!
BOATMAN: I don't know.
Times are tough. ( Muttering )
Take a ride, don't pay you nothin'.
( Distorted Voices Echoing )
( Cerberus Growls,
Dead Person Scream )
( Voices Whispering, Muttering )
( Soft Thud, Clinking )
( Growling )
( Distorted Wailing, Moaning )
Who is the mighty Hercules
going to help next?
I don't know.
Do you have someone in mind?
- Friends?
- Sure. What else would we be?
- What is it? What's wrong?
- What's happened?
- I don't know.
- Bring her inside.
( Whispers ) Hercules.
My love. It is you!
( Peacock Shrieking )
( Distorted Murmuring )
( Distorted Wailing )
( Distorted Screams )
( Screaming )
Help me, Hercules.
- I don't belong here.
- Neither do I.
- None of us do.
- A kiss would set us free.
Just a kiss.
Who are you?
( Blowing )
- ( Gasps )
- ( Sensuous Moans )
HERCULES: Deianeira.
( Women Moaning )
( Moaning Continues )
( Cerberus Growling )
( Snarls )
( Growling )
( Screams )
( Snarling )
( Punches Landing, Women Screaming )
( Attacker Screeching )
( Hercules Grunting )
( Laughter Echoing )
( Snarling )
( Voices Chanting )
( Screeching )
( Chanting Continues )
( Screeching Diminishes )
( Volcano Roaring )
( Weapon Zings )
- ( Laughs )
- There he is! Hercules!
( Weapons Rattling )
Well, well. Look who we
have here: Hercules.
Recognize us? You sent all of us here!
I can't believe you, Dragos.
Standing side by side with Eryx.
Even after he killed your mother.
What? You killed my mother?
Oh! He... forgot to tell you?
Sorry. She was too ugly.
You oversized bastard!
Syphon! Dragos was a friend of yours.
He was my best friend!
- Bastard!
- Aaah!
( Screaming )
( Shrieking )
Going somewhere, Herc?
- ( Grunting )
- Well, I thought about it.
Throw it down. Fight me like a man.
Sorry, Erxy. I'm only half man.
( Screaming )
( Screaming )
( Crazy Laughter )
- ( Flames Roaring )
- Ohh.
I just can't seem to get rid
of you, can I, Hercules?
Even dying wasn't good enough.
( Snickering ) How'd you like the cloak?
Did it fit okay?
Hope it wasn't at all...
- ( Laughs )
- You.
- ( Whooshing Sound )
- ( Nessus Laughing )
Do you realize what a fool you are?
- Hmm?
- What happened to you, Nessus?
( Scoffs ) You're an even bigger fool
then I thought you were.
I always hated you.
- I saw you for what you really are.
- And what's that?
An arrogant bastard
who feeds on the praise...
of those who fawn over you;
praise and adoration
you never deserved.
What's the matter? Do my words
suddenly fill you with hurt?
No. No hurt. Pity.
And why is that?
Because when all is said
and done, you're dead,
and I'm alive.
I'll go home to my wife and family
while you suffer down here forever.
( Snickers ) You don't have a wife.
Deianeira is dead!
She's here now,
in the Underworld, with us.
- I don't believe you.
- No.
I'll show you.
( Laughs )
The Elysian Fields,
far from here.
Ah, don't turn away.
I want to enjoy this.
damn bastard.
- You're the one to blame.
- Actually, it was Hera's plan.
She deserves the credit.
Poor Deianeira.
When she realized the cloak
has driven you to your death,
she was so overcome with guilt,
- she killed herself.
- No!
- Now whose turn is it to pity who?
- Please.
Let me see her one more time!
just for a moment.
I think I will.
Only because I know noe how much
it's gonna make you suffer.
( Whispers ) Please, Deianeira.
Look, Hercules.
You're never gonna touch her again...
never hold her. ( Laughs )
But I guess you already
know that. Hmm?
Guess again.
( Grunts, Yells )
( Women Chattering, Muffled )
( Birds Chirping )
( Muffled Chattering Continues )
- Deianeira!
- I'm sorry?
Excuse me.
I-I can't believe I found you.
I-- I'm sorry. A-am I
Supposed to know you?
What do you mean? It's me! Hercules.
I'm your husband.
I'm afraid I don't remember.
How can you not remember?
You have to remember.
We love each other.
( Zapping Sound )
Hercules. You shouldn't be here.
Hades. What have you done to
my wife? She cann't remember me.
What's wrong with her?
Nothing's wrong. I've merely erased
the misery that brought her here that's all.
I've give her peace. Now, you must
go. Your time hasn't come yet.
- But her time hasn't come either.
- I'm sorry, my friend, it has.
I lifted her broken body
from the rocks myself.
You made a mistake she's going
back to my world with me.
( Laughs ) That's impossible.
- Nothing's impossible.
- ( Cerberus Growling )
Damn it!
Look, um. I really would go
to debate this.
But you've chosen a bad time.
I've got a lot to worry about. Okay?
- You really should go back to the land
of the living. - No. Without Deianeira.
HADES: But she's happy here.
This is a magnificent place!
Look around you. There's
nothing but beauty and goodness.
It's her reward. To take her
away now would be selfish.
And beside. Even if you could take her.
You can't restore her memory.
Deianeira. You've got to try.
Deep down, it's all there. Please.
Say you remember me.
I'm sorry, but I can't.
Think about our home, about our children.
- Our children?
- Yes. Aeson and Klonus.
And little Ilea. You have to remember them.
Ilea? I wish I could.
You can.
Hercules. Oh, take me home.
Take me home.
Hercules. I'm very happy for
your little reunion.
Really. But, uh, she still has to stay.
( Loud Growl )
- What if we make a deal?
- A deal?
Now, what could you possibly
have that I would want?
Your Underworld's in chaos.
If I'm not wrong, it's because
Cerberus is running loose.
- Yes?
- I'll catch him and return him to is post...
if you agree to let Deianeira
return with me to the living.
My best Hunters are chasing that dog
and they haven't been able I capture him yet.
- What makes you think you can do it?
- I want a deal.
Will you allow Deianeira to leave
with me if I catch Cerberus?
( Cerberus Growling )
Fine. Fine. You return
Cerberus to his past,
and you and your wife may leave.
However, if you fail,
she's mine... forever.
Don't worry. I'll come back for you.
I won't leave you behind this time.
Where can I find him?
( Chains Jingling, Running Footsteps )
MAN: Hyah!
- ( Loud Growl )
- MAN: Out of my way!
( Growling Continues )
MAN: You two go that way!
( Fierce Growling )
MAN: Out of the way! Move!
- ( Hunters Shouting )
- I can see him! There he goes!
Get a rope on him!
This way!
- ( Cerberus Growling )
- ( Hunters Shouting )
HUNTER: Where?
( Growling, Snarling )
- ( Whips Cracking )
- ( Snarling )
- Back off. Don't get too close.
- ( Whips Cracking )
- We've got you, you miserable beast!
- You're not gonna get away,
you mangy hound,
I'll give you the switch!
( Snapping, Growling )
He's getting loose!
( Hunters Screaming )
- ( Cerberus Roaring )
- ( Grunts )
( All Moaning )
- ( All Muttering, Groaning )
- HUNTER: I had his one head.
Hey! This is my leg.
( Sniffing ) No, no. That's my leg.
- Smell that.
- ( Sniffs )
- Yeah, that's your leg.
- Thank you.
( Bones, Flesh Scrunching )
Ah. I hate when that happens.
Hercules! What the hell
are you doin' here?
- I've come to get Cerberus.
- What makes you think we need your help?
What makes you think you don't?
- Do you mind?
- Sorry.
- ( Grunts )
- ( Flesh Scrunching )
We'll catch the freak dog
on our own, Hercules.
Sooner or later, he is ours.
( Spurting )
Ahh. Good to go.
All right, guys. Come on.
- After him.
- Get him!
- ( Cerberus Growling )
- Which way did he go?
I smell him! This way.
- Did you get a feel for where he went?
- I hear him!
- Where?
- He's not far now!
Hey, wait.
He went this way.
Wait. This puppy's ours.
You club him if he comes out.
Hey, boys. He's in the cave.
Let's go get him!
- Let's go!
- Yeah! Yeah!
( Yelling, Grunting )
- ( Barking )
- This way!
This way! This way!
The other way! Wait, wait!
I can smell him again!
- What's that? You hear him?
- Shh.
- Where the hell did he go?
- ( Sudden Growl )
( Hunter Screaming )
He's got me! Aaah!
( Barking, Snarling )
( Punch Landing )
( Punch Landing )
( Barking )
HUNTER: Get ready!
( Cheering )
Hah! Finish him off now, Hercules!
- Take him out!
- Kill him now!
Make him suffer, Hercules!
( Snarling )
- What's wrong?
- ( Cerberus Growling Softly )
Pick it up! He'll kill you! Pick it up!
( Snarling )
I don't want to hurt you.
You just need to go back
to where you belong.
( Barks )
So what do you say?
( Growling Softly, Sniffing )
Will you go?
( Whines )
Remember that. Sometimes a
little kindness does the trick.
( Exhales )
Now stay.
( Zapping )
- Hercules.
- Deianeira!
I missed you. I missed you.
I wasn't gonna lose you.
( Roaring Stops )
MAN: He's done it!
Hercules has done it!
- The town's been saved!
- WOMAN: Our town's alive again.
You saved us, Hercules.
You saved our village, I don't know
what else to say except thank you.
You don't have to say
anything else.
- I-- - DEIANEIRA: You don't have
to say anything to me either.
You did what you had to do. Because
of it you saved a lot of lives.
I still feel like I owe you an apology.
So, uh, what are you
gonna do now, Iole?
I think Lycastus and I will
start a family of our own.
- If we can do half as well as you have--
- You'll do just fine.
I'm sure of it.
Thank you.
- Now... let's go home.
- ( Laughs )
- Thank you, Hercules!
- Hercules!
( Chickens Clucking, Dog Barking )
- HERCULES: How'd I do, kids?
- You got three!
Still wondering about
your... mortality?
- Should I be?
- I don't know.
Just because you came back from the
Underworld doesn't ment you're an immortal.
- Doesn't mean I'm not.
- True.
To tell you the truth, I don't think
I really care if I live forever.
Everything I need is right
here and now.
You've got a point.
I'm sure you feel the same way
if this were...
- My family.
- I heard that.
- What are you talking about? This is
your family. - Thank you, thank you.
Grandfather, look. Look what I've got.
- Oh! What is that?
- An apple.
An apple, isn't that the nicest apple...
You've ever seen?
- Want a bite? Come on.
- ( Laughs )
- Hercules!
- ZEUS: Take a bite.
We need you!
Captioned by Grantman Brown