Here Before (2021) Movie Script

[ominous music]
[windscreen wipers squeak]
What did the big chimney say
to the little chimney?
- No body and no nose?
- [man] The cactus.
[girl] Pairs of jeans?
What can you catch
but can't throw?
[man] Say. One guess.
What did the cactus say to...?
[girl] Jeans. Erm... [laughs]
[man] That's my favourite.
[girl] I'd have said cheese.
[girl] Why did the golfer
bring two pairs of jeans?
What did the big chimney
say to the little chimney?
[man] OK. That's my favourite.
[girl] What do you call...?
Why did the golfer...?
[girl] Pairs of j...
[girl] I'd have said...
[ominous music grows louder]
[music stops abruptly]
[vehicle approaches]
[loud music in car]
[engine stops]
- [woman] That's lovely!
- [car door closes]
- [man] D'you get the keys?
- [woman] Yeah. Got them here.
On the car keys. Let's see.
Maybe this one? Ooh!
[man] I'm just gonna grab
some stuff.
[woman] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[dog barks in the distance]
[ball bounces against wall]
Are you helping your parents?
- I'm Laura.
- I'm Megan.
Pleased to meet you.
Who was here before?
Erm... a wee old lady.
Where's she gone?
She moved away.
Where'd she go?
[woman shouts] Megan?
Your mammy's calling you.
[man] New neighbours?
Did they speak to you?
They have a wee girl.
She's cute.
- [man] Cuter than me?
- [chuckles]
- Just went that way.
- All right. See ya later.
- Hi, Mum.
- [Laura] Hi.
Where do you think her mum is?
Do you think she's on her way?
[boy] Er, I've no idea.
We were gonna go to Caitlin's.
[boy] Come on, well.
I'm starving.
[Laura] You're not starving!
- I'm just gonna check she's OK.
- Mum!
[Laura mimics him] Mum!
Hi, sweetheart.
Are you, are you OK?
Is your mum
coming to collect you?
- Dunno.
- [engine idles]
Well, do you want us to wait?
[Megan] Can you give me a lift?
I'm sure your mammy's
on her way.
Oh, please. I'm freezing.
- I'm not allowed, sweetheart.
- Just tell the teacher.
[sighs] Come on, well.
Just this once.
[boy] Goodness' sake!
Seat belt.
Did you have a good day
at school, Megan?
Do you like school?
Ah, it's OK.
I prefer hang-gliding.
[chuckles] Well...
[Megan] All the after-school
clubs are knitting and stuff.
I wish they had
a hang-gliding club.
Well, anything's better
than maths, isn't it, Tadhg?
[Megan] I have to tell my mammy
we have a hamster in the class.
Have you had a lot of pets?
- I used to have a husky.
- [Laura] Wow!
And my cat had five kittens.
- [Laura] Five!
- Yeah. But two suffocated
cos they always
sleep on top of each other.
Mum, remember I'm going
to Smickers's house
this weekend, OK?
- [Laura] You're what?
- I'm hanging out at Smickers's.
- You said I could stay.
- [Laura] I said no such thing.
- [Tadhg] Mum.
- [Laura] Don't "Mum" me.
Do you remember there?
[woman] There you are! Megan.
Where did you go?
I went to the school
and you weren't there. [sighs]
Listen, thanks
for taking her back, yeah?
[Laura] No bother.
- [woman] See you.
- [Laura] See you.
- [camera clicks]
- [chuckles]
[both laugh]
Ah... That's horrible. [laughs]
I mean, you're literally
licking your own tongue.
[Laura laughs]
It's good, that.
You should invite Megan
over for dinner.
[boy] No way.
[Laura] It'd be nice for her
to know that we're here,
in case her mammy
forgets her again.
Forgets her?
- [boy] Mum gave her a lift.
- [man] Did you?
She was just standing out.
[man] Did you ask?
[Laura] She said
she was running late. Marie.
Well, then.
Well, then, what?
[door closes]
- Morning.
- Morning.
[car door opens]
[tap squeaks]
[woman] I'll just take a bit
of the foliage off.
Kind of like to think
I'll come back
as a snowdrop
or something. [laughs]
[Laura] I'm just going
to give this a little clean.
You know me and belief.
I don't know what I believe.
I do.
I think, like, I'd like to...
[Laura] Right.
- Josie, Josie.
- [woman] Take the red ones.
[Laura chuckles]
Yeah, she liked them.
[woman] I love them, actually.
[Laura] How do they get them
that colour?
- [woman] I'd be afraid to ask.
- [laughs]
[Laura sniffles]
[pounding dance music]
[female instructor]
Keep breathing.
OK, we're gonna play around.
We're gonna play around
with that.
Feel the resistance.
And once more
in the saddle, two, one.
OK, one last push. Let's go.
Ready. Let's take it up again
in five...
[both hum dance music]
[both laugh]
Do you ever wonder
what she'd be like? Now?
All the time, love.
[Laura] Yeah. Hmm.
[he hums]
[Laura chuckles]
Tadhg? Tadhg. Tadhg, Tadhg!
[man] He's asleep.
[Laura sighs]
He hasn't done that in years.
I text him from Miss McCain.
[horn honks]
Mum's coming.
That's good! Megan, do you
want to come for your dinner?
- [Megan] To your house?
- Yeah.
Do I have to eat it
if I don't like it?
- No. Ask your mam.
- [Megan] OK.
She's nice.
[engine starts]
[car pulls away]
- [laughs]
- Chris.
Go ahead.
Here, son.
- Go on. Pass, wee man.
- [grunts]
Dad... Dad, what do you reckon
I get tattooed?
- A tattoo?
- Something like... manga?
It has to be something
you'll not get sick of.
- Something that means something.
- Yeah.
Maybe if you want to look like
you've just broke out
of Maghaberry Prison.
- All right, take it easy, yeah?
- See you later, Chris.
See you later, mate.
[boy] You're having
a fucking laugh.
A lot of it's just lucky.
[Laura] Tadhg, did you drag
this muck into this house?
Why don't you like Chris?
- [Laura] Tadhg!
- [Tadhg] Cos he has tattoos?
I told you, you can tattoo
your whole face when you're 18.
[doorbell rings]
[Laura] That'll be Megan.
[Tadhg sighs]
- [door closes]
- [toilet flushes]
[Laura] Everybody got drinks?
[man hums]
[food crunches]
[food crunches]
[food crunches]
Are you OK?
Are you gonna do
the ketchup face?
[chuckles] Yeah.
[lid clicks]
- Bye.
- Bye.
[door knocker raps]
[door opens]
[door closes]
[voices on TV]
[birds caw]
- [Tadhg] See you later.
- [door closes]
- Take that in.
- Too heavy.
It's not too heavy.
You wouldn't even be able
to lift it, would you? Huh?
I didn't mean to scare you.
- [exhales] How are you?
- Dead on.
- How about youse?
- [exhales] Aye, aye.
It's nice around here.
Quiet, isn't it?
Yeah. It is, yeah. Must be
a change from where you were.
Well, I may take these things
in here.
And Megan?
Is Megan settling in school?
Oh, aye. Likes to craft things.
Full of imagination.
Especially at that age, yeah.
Tadhg once told me
he borrowed a bazooka
and shot his teacher
in the head. [chuckles]
- [laughs] A bazooka?
- Yeah, yeah.
We all wanted to do that
at school. [laughs]
Listen, Megan
said something about Tadhg.
What? What did she say?
It's OK if you don't want her
coming round for tea.
Oh, God, he's just
being a wee lad. Sorry.
[Marie] He told Megan
he didn't want her coming over.
Poor Megan.
I'll murder him.
He'll apologise.
- I'll see you again.
- Cheerio.
[man] What was that about?
He's in there,
face tripping him.
- He was rude.
- Have you not met our son?
To be honest,
I think he's entitled
not to want
some wee girl coming over.
[Laura sighs]
What is it?
The other night,
she was waiting for me
to do... ketchup face.
She'd be about the same age.
When I was giving her
a lift home,
we were passing the graveyard...
What, when Marie was late?
- Yeah. Have you met her?
- No.
- Cup of tea?
- Yeah.
So, the other day
when youse gave Megan a lift,
your mum was saying
she's a bit funny.
- And then fist-bump.
- Hm-hmm.
Up. Down.
Side. But if you remember,
it is this.
[Laura] One down. Now down.
[Megan] Yeah. Never below.
Has she got you tortured?
- Can I have this?
- Jesus, Megan! More shite?
- Here, let me get it.
- I was gonna get it her anyway.
Listen, I'm sorry
about giving off about Tadhg.
How was I to know Megan
wasn't making it up?
Oh, sure.
Like, I had to have
a wee chat with her teacher.
- We're hardly here a month.
- Is everything OK?
Aye, yeah.
They just have them writing
these journals, you know?
Aye, Josie did one.
Erm... all the kids
do them at school.
My daughter,
she's not with us any more.
Tadhg did one, too.
Well, teacher asked us
if the things she was writing
were all true and she says yes.
Got into a bit of a barney.
Who cares?
She's only a kid, right?
Yeah, it's not so strange.
[Marie] Aye, it's just...
It's not like wacky things,
like going to Disneyland
or shooting your teacher
with a bazooka.
Dunno. It's probably
just a wee phase.
It just made me think
maybe she's torturing
your Tadhg or something.
Anyway, well, here,
I'd better get on.
You know...
Megan did say something to me.
It's funny. She said...
She said she's been
to school here before.
Well, she's never been here.
We're not even from Antrim.
[Laura] Yeah. Strange.
And she said, erm...
she's been to the graveyard.
I mean, how do you explain...?
She's lying. Messing. [laughs]
Look, that's what kids are like.
Well, here, I'd better get on
cos our Chris
will be wondering where I am.
Bye, Laura. Cheerio.
- What did you get us?
- A couple of these.
Come on, Meg.
- Here you go.
- [chuckles]
[Laura] The wee girl puts me
in mind of Josie, that's all.
[man] Do you... wanna talk
maybe, again, to someone?
[Laura] Save it for your ma.
What's that supposed to mean?
- What?
- [Laura] Look...
I'm done with counselling.
You might wanna talk about it
day in, day out, but...
- [man] I don't.
- [Laura sighs]
[Laura] Don't try and tell me
how I feel.
[man] I wasn't trying...
Your way's no better than mine.
[man] We've been doing OK.
- [Laura] Well, then...
- [man] So?
[Laura] What?
[man] We can't be doing this.
- [Laura] I'm not doing this.
- [man] Going through this.
- [door opens]
- [Tadhg] You all right?
- [voice on TV]
- Top left.
- What?
- The nine goes through there
and the nine
has to be in this box.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, no, I have you. Sorry.
[voice on TV]
[voices in room and on TV fade]
[man] There's two numbers left
and that goes through, so...
She's never far.
[TV] ...through the morning,
but it will soon move away.
The skies will stay cloudy.
Just a few bright spells.
[TV] It will be dry.
Just the odd isolated shower.
A few sunny spells will appear.
The skies will be cloudy today
for most of the time.
That same frost
will be making its way south...
If she's with you,
that's your business.
[TV] Much of the day
will be damp and cloudy.
It'll be windy and rather cool.
- Whoa!
- Ooh!
What are you doing
out of the car?
Waiting on a bus.
What's it look like? Get in.
- It's horrible.
- [Tadhg] You're psycho.
Ugh. Yeah.
[car doors close]
[voice echoes indistinctly]
[Laura] Can I join in?
- Yeah.
- [chuckles]
[Megan] At my school, we go
to the cinema quite a lot,
but my favourite trip
was when we went to the farm.
They had, like,
baby chicks and all.
- Knock, knock.
- [Laura] Who's there?
[Megan] Nunnya.
[Laura] Nunnya who?
[Megan] Nunnya business!
[Laura laughs]
[Megan] What did the policeman
say to the snowman?
[Laura] What did the policeman
say to the snowman?
[Megan] Yeah. Freeze.
Why did the princess
not get her photos?
[Laura] Why did the princess
not get her photos?
Cos she never got her prints.
It wasn't my Mummy's car.
It looked like it,
but it was too clean.
[Megan continues indistinctly]
[dog barks in the distance]
[rain patters]
[steam hisses]
[bird chirps]
[Chris] Everything OK?
Chris? [laughs]
- [Chris] How are you?
- Hi. Erm, is that Megan's?
- I don't want it getting wet.
- Probably meant for the bin.
- It's the rain.
- I'll have to have a word.
The shite she writes in these.
Same problem
with her last school.
- Thank you. Cheers.
- No problem.
[Chris] All right. Bye-bye.
[door closes]
Can you leave it be now?
Come here, you nut.
Come here.
[Laura] I need you to...
help me.
It gets in there
and it just... won't go away.
[man] I know. I know.
- [Laura] I think I'm going nuts.
- No, you're not going nuts.
All right?
- You all right?
- [chuckles] I know. Eejit.
We both miss our wee birdy.
Sorry, birdy.
[music plays on radio]
[man] We should go up
and get the... get the wetsuits.
Wetsuits and boogie boards
this time.
But not before
you get on that big ride.
[Tadhg] Oh, the big dipper.
That's the one. The big dipper.
[Megan] What are youse doing?
[Chris] Megan,
you're not allowed up here.
[Laura] Chris. Hey.
We're having a wee party,
if you wanna come over.
[Megan] Come on.
[Chris] Er... Do you want to?
[Tadhg] Pretty good fire.
So what made youse move here?
Ach, you know. A change.
Yeah. I know what you mean.
We had the house on the market.
We couldn't get it sold.
I thought a move would
fix everything, but, you know...
Well, some things
just can't be fixed.
Doesn't mean
you should stop trying.
We should get you to value it.
Look, I'm just secretarial.
But I could ask.
[Megan] Will someone play
with me? I'm dying of neglect!
[Laura laughs]
- I am the god of hellfire.
- And I bring you...
[Laura] You're mad.
- [Tadhg] It's a song.
- [Laura] Right.
- [clears throat] Come on.
- [Megan] Let's do this.
[Tadhg] You introduced me to it.
- [Megan] You're going down.
- [Laura] No, I'm not. Uh-uh.
[Megan] It's easier
if you use two hands.
[Laura] Great! Oh. Whoa, whoa!
Damn, I am... Jesus!
[Megan laughs]
[bottle top clicks]
[indistinct chatter]
[Marie hums]
It's not deep.
Does it hurt?
No. No.
[tap runs]
[man] Hold it there.
[water runs through pipe]
[birds caw]
One of these weeks,
you'll remember yourself.
- Yeah, thanks.
- Hey. Do you want a lift?
No. I'm going home with Connor.
Well, you're welcome, son.
Can I come back with you?
No, love.
Please! Mum won't pick up.
Well, call her again.
Can we go to the park?
I'd better just get you home.
Please! Mum and Chris
never take me to the park.
Do they not?
[Megan] They never have time.
Well... Well, yeah, we'll see.
Just quick, though.
"We'll see" always means yes.
[keys rattle]
When we came here before,
I was too small
for these, wasn't I?
You've had your two minutes.
You've never been here before.
- [Megan] We have!
- [Laura] We haven't.
We have.
You're lying.
We had a picnic.
You're thinking of a wee park
your mam took you to
- when you were little.
- No, I'm not.
Yes, you are. You're lying.
We came here.
Stop it.
There was a yellow thing.
A fish.
I loved the yellow thing
cos I was too small
for the monkey bars.
God, stop it. Come on.
Just once more.
- [Laura] Get in the car.
- No!
- Get in the car.
- No!
- Get in the car, Megan.
- No!
Get in the car!
Jesus Christ.
[doorbell rings]
[Tadhg] I'll get it.
- Is your mother in?
- Yeah.
- Uh-huh.
- Hi.
Everything OK?
Sorry, but, I...
I'd rather you didn't give
my daughter lifts any more.
I'd rather
you didn't give her lifts.
Wait. Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
I only ever gave her
the one lift
and that's cos
you left her standing.
- I did not leave her standing.
- It was after three.
- It wasn't after three.
- It was after three.
All right, Laura. Er, I didn't
wanna make a thing out of it.
- That's all I wanted to say.
- A thing?
- Sorry if it seemed...
- Rude?
- Fine, fine.
- For Christ's sake.
Look, I don't know...
What's the problem?
- You. There's no need...
- I've my own family, thanks.
- Exactly.
- What do you mean?
- I'm just trying to say that...
- Piss off!
[Chris] Oi!
Just leave us alone, please.
- Leave youse alone? [laughs]
- Marie, leave it.
- All right, piss off yourself!
- Tadhg!
[man] Stay out of it!
[Marie] Just stay away, right?
[water runs]
[man] Let's get away.
A few days.
[seagulls cry]
- Oh!
- Oh, no.
Watch the master.
[shrieks, laughs]
[voices on TV]
Night-night, you big shite.
[door closes]
[voices on TV in next room]
[door opens]
[door closes]
I miss you.
[taps on window]
[door closes]
[indistinct chatter]
[water drips]
[bottle top clicks]
[bottle top clicks]
[bottle top clicks]
[branches creak]
[leaves rustle]
[radio presenter 1]
It's quite chilly
it has to be said,
with a risk of frost.
Now, today has been another day
when we've been able to watch
the worst of the cloudy weather
pass to the south
because the main area of rain
has actually moved,
but there's another weather
front up to the north.
Indeed, a cold front and that
is going to bring patchy...
[car door clicks]
Mum, open the car.
[car door clicks]
- [car door clicks]
- [Tadhg] Mum.
[Marie] See you later, Megan.
[Laura] Hi, sweetheart! [laughs]
Hi. Do you want to come
to the car for one wee sec?
- I want to show you something.
- [Megan] What?
[Laura] I don't wanna tell you.
It'll just be a wee sec.
I'm supposed to be in school.
- [Tadhg] Mum!
- [Laura] What did I say?
[Tadhg] You said
you only wanted to talk to her.
- [Laura] That's right.
- [Tadhg] Mum, stop it!
[footsteps approach]
- Ready for the lion's den?
- Oh.
[teacher] Sorry.
It's so good of you
to come in every year
and speak to the kids.
Oh, no, it's important to me.
Anyway, it gets me off work.
- [Marie] Sorry, my daughter...
- [secretary] Forgot her lunch?
[secretary] Leave it over there.
- I'll make sure she gets it.
- [Marie] Fab! Thanks.
With the rest of Year Sixes?
Great. Thank you.
Who here can tell me
what "caution" means?
Erm, is it like a cold?
A cold?
Erm, no. No, it's not a cold.
Anyone else?
So, erm,
caution means to take care.
Now, here in Northern Ireland,
we have some of the highest,
erm, road-death rates
in all of Europe, so...
What we have here...
Erm... So, it's, erm...
Have you been here before,
[Megan] The birds
on the telegraph wire...
Are they crows?
I dunno.
[girl laughs]
You can see them
from upside down
when you're in the front seat
looking up.
[Laura] What?
The crows.
[Megan] Ow!
[Laura] What?
He was singing.
[Megan] Brendan was.
[Brendan hums]
- Shut up, OK? Shut up!
- [Megan] Ow!
- [horn blares]
- [tyres screech]
[Brendan taps on window]
Sorry, Brendy.
It was a mistake.
[car door opens]
- [Brendan] Right, thanks, mate.
- [car door closes]
[door closes]
[Brendan] All right?
What's wrong?
Right. Right, we have
to do something about this.
- They can't just move in here.
- Brendan, Brendan.
- No, it's not on!
- This is about Josie.
What? How is this...?
How is this about Josie?
I've been trying to tell you.
What have you
been trying to tell me?
Laura, what did you do?
I took Megan for a wee drive.
Oh, fuck. Where's Tadhg?
We both miss Josie.
We all miss Josie.
But Megan is not Josie,
all right?
How do you know?
- How can you be sure?
- Cos this is real life!
You're starting to worry me now.
She's doing this to you.
- Who?
- Marie.
- No.
- Then what? What?
She said you were singing.
I took her along
the Ballyfield Road
and she didn't recognise it,
I turned around...
in the direction
you'd have been travelling.
[Brendan] You took a child
to the Ballyfield Road?
Were you singing?
Laura, what is this here?
- She knows places we went.
- What are you doing? Kidnapping?
She knows places we went,
places Josie went.
Josie? Josie's dead, Laura!
- I know Josie's dead!
- She's dead!
I know Josie's dead!
- I know! I know!
- [sobs]
She wrote Tadhg's her brother
in her wee journal.
I understand that I sound crazy
cos I can hear myself.
Darling, you have to choose.
Me and Tadhg or here.
[whispers] But...
were you singing?
I mean, we can't ignore it.
We can't.
We can't lose her again.
We can't lose her twice.
I never told you,
but I was standing
in the corridor
when they brought youse in.
I didn't know at first...
for 20 minutes it was her.
And I prayed, Brendan.
I fell on my knees and prayed...
that she'd come back to me.
- [Tadgh] Bastard! I hate you!
- [glass shatters]
You're lucky there's laws
or I'd break your neck!
- Fucking dickhead!
- Don't be cheeky!
- You psycho!
- [Brendan] Lay a finger on him!
Come here. What's going on?
What were you trying to do? Huh?
[Tadhg] I want her to admit
she's making it up.
Right, come on.
Are you all right?
[Chris] You come
within a hair's breadth...
Listen to the big man,
threatening a 14-year-old!
- Who attacked a ten-year-old.
- [Megan] Almost 11!
What's wrong with you, mate?
Always looking
down your nose at people.
- You're only proving me right.
- Chris, Tadhg will apologise.
- [Tadhg] No, I won't!
- That's not gonna fix anything.
She's only a wee girl.
I know. I had a wee girl.
That's exactly it!
Laura, Laura. Come on, you take
him in, darling. Come on.
No, I don't want to!
Look, do as you're told, Tadhg.
Come on, son.
[sobs] Mum thinks Megan is...
Tadhg, listen,
do as you're told.
She has the life frightened
out of her.
- [Chris] Marie, Marie, please.
- [Marie] Huh?
Get in. Keep it down. Come on.
She told me how Josie died.
- She told me how Josie died.
- No, don't...
- What did she say?
- Marie.
Get in. Shut up, please. Listen.
Er, look, we're sorry about
what happened to your wee girl.
But you have to stay away
from Megan.
I'm being fucking serious.
Stay the fuck away from her.
[door slams]
She won't let me.
[voice over police radio]
What were you doing next door?
- What were you doing next door?
- [Brendan] It's me youse want.
I, erm...
Our daughter died.
I was driving the car.
[policewoman] When was this?
[Brendan] It was icy and...
[policewoman] Does this have
a bearing on tonight?
What were you doing next door?
Give a little time
for the child within you
Don't be afraid
to be young and free
Undo the locks
and throw away the keys
And take off your shoes
and socks and run you
La, la-la, la-la
Give a little time
for the child within you
Don't be afraid
to be young and free
Undo the locks
and throw away the keys
And take off your shoes
and socks and run you
Run through the meadow
and scare up the milking cows
Run down the beach
kicking clouds of sand
Walk a windy weather day,
feel your face blow away
Stop and listen, love you
[recorder plays]
Roll like a circus clown,
put away your circus frown
Ride on a roller coaster
upside down
Waltzing Matilda,
Carey loves a kinkatchoo
Joey catch a kangaroo,
hug you
Dandelion, milkweed,
silky on a sunny sky
Reach out and hitch a ride
and float on by
Balloons down below,
blooming colours of the rainbow
Red, blue and yellow, green,
I love you
Bicycles, tricycles,
ice-cream, candy
Lollipops, popsicles,
liquorice sticks
Solomon Grundy, Raggedy Andy
Tweedledum and Tweedledee,
home free
[breathes heavily]
[Brendan hums]
[Megan whispers indistinctly]
I can't hack this any more.
[Brendan] What?
[Laura] It's just a few days.
Thank you.
- I could take Tadhg with me.
- He has school.
Look, I...
I don't think
I should leave you.
- I guess...
- I just need some space.
He's safe with me.
Cowboys and Indians,
puppy dogs and sand pails
Beach balls and baseballs
and basketballs, too
I love forget-me-nots
Fluffernutters, sugar pops
' I'll hug you and kiss you
and love you
Love you, love you, love you
Love you
La la-la la la la la-la la la
La la-la la la la la-la la la
La la-la la la la la-la la la
La la-la la la la la-la la la
La la-la la la la la-la la la
[Laura] If you love someone...
you hurt.
So much it feels impossible.
But she's here.
She's always been here.
She'll help us through this.
[Brendan] Talk to me, love.
God's sake. Brendan, come here.
Look, it must have got
in the window.
Thanks for the boots.
They're class.
[Laura] You're welcome.
And don't tell your mammy
cos we'll get in trouble.
You're a good wee girl.
[TV host] ..took on the chaos.
What have you done
to this house, Kirsty?
[Kirsty] Ah, what haven't
I done? That's the question.
I wanna see Dad.
[Laura] You'll see him Saturday.
I hate you! You're nuts!
[Laura] Tadhg!
[door slams]
[Laura] Tadhg!
[TV host]
So, are you going to love it?
[Kirsty] Or list it?
[Laura] Tadhg.
[knocks on door]
Come on.
Please. Tadhg?
[voices on TV continue]
- [teacher] Craig?
- Here.
[teacher] Yeah. Aoife?
- Good. Jackson?
- Here.
OK. Megan?
[school bell rings]
How'd you get my number?
Did you get it?
[Brendan] Get what?
My letter.
Megan... stop pretending.
I'm not. I thought I was her,
but I'm not!
- Stop it!
- You can't shout at me!
- Why did you say those things?
- To make her happy.
- You're a wee liar!
- You have nice dinners and...
[shouts] Wee liar!
Shit, shit, shit.
[bangs on door]
What's wrong?
Tadhg, what's wrong?
Here, boy.
Let me see.
Tadhg, let me see.
Let me see, please.
[Megan] I found these.
Oh... Where's your mum?
Where do you think she's going?
[Megan] Laura's not my mummy.
But you're my daddy,
aren't you?
[Brendan] What?
[tyres screech]
[engine revs]
[door opens]
[footsteps approach]
[door opens]
[phone vibrates]
[Tadhg] Mum, where are you?
[Megan] I really like Laura.
[school bell rings]
[Brendan] OK.
[pop music plays on car stereo]
[front door opens]
[door closes]
[faint noise]
[phone trills]
[Laura] Why did you come here?
Look, Laura,
it got out of hand.
- You used your child?
- What?
- To hurt him?
- I didn't.
You fucking psychopath.
I didn't plan it.
You moved in next door.
And that was stupid, but
everything else just happened.
I told her
to stay away from you.
- [Laura] Bullshit!
- But this was never...
I didn't know about Josie.
What is wrong with you?
Is Mum with you?
- [horn blares]
- Go back to the house.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
I wanted him to know her!
I wanted him to know her.
He vanished and I was barely 20.
You want to destroy us?
You used your wee girl.
I'll have her taken off you.
You're not fit...
You are not fit to be a mother!
And you made me think
that I'm fucking crazy!
You're not gonna mess
that girl up!
- I will make sure of it!
- Oh, you are fucking crazy!
Laura, you can't replace her.
[Marie] Sorry.
I'll never get her back.
[Marie groans]
[Marie] Are you OK?
[gasps] Come on!
[bird's wings flutter]
[Brendan] Laura, I'm sorry.
I wanted to tell you.
So many times, I wanted
to tell you, but I was scared.
[Marie] I was hurt.
It was nothing to do with you.
[Brendan] I was scared
of hurting you.
I couldn't hurt you, Laura.
Please, darling. I didn't want
for any of this to happen.
[Laura] Josie? Josie.
- [Brendan] A stupid mistake.
- [Megan] I know he's late.
[Brendan] I tried to bury it.
I tried. I wanted to. I tried.
[Laura] Josie, look.
- [Brendan] I couldn't...
- [Laura laughs]
[Marie] But I never, ever
expected her to...
[Laura] Look at your face.
- [Brendan] I'm sorry.
- [Laura] My wee girl.
[Brendan] I love you.
I'm sorry.
It's OK, darling.
It's OK.
[voice over radio]
[presenter] Alison Hammond
was on the "Scott Mills Show"
yesterday. Incredible.
She told the story of when she
blagged her way into a party.
[Alison] Me and Richard
got into this party.
We were living it up.
There was drinks...
[Laura] If you love someone...
you hurt.
[tap squeaks]
[Laura] She's here.
She's always been here.
[bird caws]
[trees rustle]
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, you leave her alone
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, you leave her here
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, my love,
you want to let her go
It'll be too late
to turn back, you know
One fine day
when I woke up dead
She was on your arm
and she filled your head
Oh, darling, I believed
that we were real
You were the only thing
that I could touch and feel
Oh, please, please tell me
that it's all a lie
We were born to love
like we were born to die
And all my rivers
and all my guns
Have led me here
What have you done?
Oh, my love,
you want to let her go
It'll be too late
to turn back, you know
Oh, my love,
you wanna let her see
Where the water goes
When it's black and deep
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, my love,
you wanna let her go
It'll be too late
to turn back, you know
Oh, my love,
you wanna let her see
Where the water goes
when it's black and deep
Ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh, ooh