Heretic (2021) Movie Script

[ominous drone]
[soft ominous music]
[car approaching]
[door clicking]
[wind howling]
[soft ominous music]
[thunder crashing]
[thunder crashing]
[light piano music]
[pounding on door]
Hi, my name is Rachel.
I was in an accident down the
road and I saw your house and,
thank God you're home.
Can I come in?
[thunder rumbling]
[ominous music]
Oh, sorry.
I forgot to ask you your name.
Oh, uh, Hannah.
-That's pretty.
Um, so not many people take
that road anymore, especially
not in this weather.
Yeah, it's my dad's
50th birthday tomorrow
and I thought I would come a
little early to surprise him.
The freeway was all jammed up
and I thought I
could cut through it
if I just went
over the mountain.
Brilliant, right?
Well, uh, you're welcome to
stay here as long as you need.
God knows I could
use the company.
-Seems like it.
So what are you
doing over there?
Oh, um, nothing.
It's none of my business.
No it's, it's fine I'm,
I'm trying to communicate
and call upon spirits.
Just, you know, trying to
get a better understanding
of life, death, just venturing
out into the unknown.
That's cool.
[Hannah chuckling]
How do you play?
[light piano music]
[thunder rumbling]
What next?
We could ask three questions.
You go first.
Are there any spirits
here with us tonight?
[light piano music]
Is that a yes?
She's a mother figure.
It's what the card suggests.
Someone you know?
-Ask her something.
Um, what did...
my mother want to tell me
before she died?
In this card she's surrounded
by swords, afraid to move.
She's blind.
She can't see a way forward.
[sighing] She's hopeless.
Sort of like being trapped
by your own circumstances?
Yeah, maybe.
[dramatic orchestral music]
One more.
Make it a good one.
Will I see you again?
[dramatic orchestral music]
The dog and the wolf.
Fear and apprehension.
Follow the path
to move past them.
Where does it lead?
The unknown.
Maybe that's where
you'll find her.
This is fun.
[laughing] Yeah.
Your turn.
I wanna know,
[thunder rumbling]
how will I die?
No, don't ask that.
Holy shit.
It's not meant to be literal.
This person is
stuck, so to speak.
In a dire situation.
They don't see a way out.
[thunder rumbling]
We could stop.
No, no let's keep going.
I have two more.
Hmm, let's see.
So when I die,
will I be alone?
[thunder rumbling]
Flip the card.
Okay, what does that mean?
It represents loss.
Something is gone, but
some of it still remains.
When did she die?
Your mother.
Oh, um,
when I was very young.
She was my everything.
And I, I couldn't...
I couldn't stand
to see her like that.
Let alone be in a room with her.
You know,
when you're a kid,
you don't understand
And then one day
she was just...
Did you get to say goodbye?
I'm sorry.
[sighing] It's okay.
My father.
We haven't been on speaking
terms for a while now.
He's been trying,
but I've just been
this stubborn little shit.
And I actually thought
the storm was some kind
of sign telling me to turn back.
But I'm glad it brought me here.
Me too.
Last card.
Do you know what you wanna ask?
No idea.
Okay, um, I wanna know...
[ominous music]
When you're dead...
how do you know?
[ominous music]
[intense music]
[eerie ambient music]
[upbeat music]
[eerie ambient music]
[upbeat music]
[tires screeching]
[car crashing]
-[glass shattering]
-[car thudding]
[banging of impact]
[quiet, rain falling]
[ominous music]
[eerie ambient music]
[suspenseful orchestral music]
[muttering incantations]
[crickets chirping]
[candle flickering]
[objects banging]
[wood creaking]
[startled screaming]
[ominous rumbling]
[bass rumbling]
I'm sorry you're back here.
It's probably because
we left things unfinished.
You were in an accident.
It was raining.
You lost control somehow and
drove off the side of a cliff.
You died.
It was eight weeks
before you were found.
Your body was buried but...
you've been on this mountain
for 10 years.
Do you understand
what I'm saying?
[whispering] Light.
[ominous music]
[intense music]
[the voice] I know who you are.
I know what you want.
This was your mother's house.
Here, you feel closer to her.
Closer to me.
Where are you?
[the voice] Close your eyes.
Can you see me?
[eerie ambient music]
Surrounding you.
How does it feel?
Leave her alone, goddammit!
[soft ethereal music]
[ominous music]
I know who you are too.
[the voice] Everyone
knows who I am.
And with each passing
moment, I grow closer.
I can see that you're angry.
You have questions.
Sadly, the answer
is always the same.
If you must ask, then
you know where to go.
[candle rolling]
-[flames crackling]
-[suspenseful music]
[wind blowing]
[Hannah, voiceover]
I know who you are too.
[drum beating]
I don't have any questions.
I just wanted you to see me so
that you know I'm not afraid.
[drumming continues]
[thunder rumbling]
[thunder crashing]
[thunder crashing]
[dramatic cellos playing]
[waves crashing]
[ticking continues]
[ticking stops]
[loud chiming]
-I'm sorry I didn't know
who else to call.
-What's wrong?
-My father, he's dead.
[ominous orchestral music]
[racing orchestral music]
[Ethan] Hannah?
[dramatic music]
It's good to see you.
Is it?
[Ruth] Hannah.
Hello, Ruth.
Thank you for coming.
Of course.
Ethan, do you mind if I have
a word alone with Hannah?
I won't bite.
Do you know what
happened to my husband?
Did Ethan tell you?
Just that he passed.
He put a gun in his mouth.
Blew his fucking brains out.
Didn't leave a note.
No indication that
he would do such a thing.
Sometimes there's
no explanation.
[dramatic music swelling]
Are you okay?
I still see him.
What do you mean?
My husband.
His presence.
It lingers.
Along with something else.
I'd like to show you something.
[ominous music]
The coroner took him away.
Ethan left.
He wanted me to go to
a hotel but... I stayed.
This is my home.
I couldn't sleep so
I wandered the house.
And then I found
myself in this room.
And that's when I saw him.
Over there in the corner.
[eerie ambient music]
He was just standing there.
Mouth agape.
Like he was trying to speak.
Trying to tell me something.
[eerie ambient music]
What do you think
he was trying to say?
I wouldn't know.
I'd like you to ask him.
I don't think I can help you.
Why not?
You've communicated
before, haven't you?
And then my house burned down.
I know.
I heard the rumors of what
you were doing up there.
[wood creaking]
Why else do you think
I asked Ethan to call you?
You know what?
I just don't want
to get involved.
So you're afraid.
I didn't think
you were a coward.
The dead want nothing
to do with us.
You're wrong.
You know what?
It was a mistake coming here.
We're not done!
Don't ever call me again.
[tense music]
Hannah, wait!
-Can we talk?
-I have to go.
Look, I've missed you.
And I wanted to see you again.
I just, I hope you
take care of yourself.
[dramatic music]
[dock hand] We can't
have him here anymore.
He just sits there with
the car running all day.
I understand.
I mean, there are
kids running around.
I understand.
Wake up.
Dad, come on.
Come on, we have to go.
Let's go.
Get up!
-Get up!
Get up!
Come on, Dad.
Let's go.
-[Hannah] Oh my God.
-Do you need any help?
What do you think?
There you are.
What are you thinking about?
You don't like her.
You never liked her.
When has that ever
mattered to you?
But you need her.
We need her.
Talk to me.
I'm tired.
And nothing seems to
make any sense anymore.
That's because
he wanted to talk to us.
[dramatic orchestral music]
I don't need you to believe me.
I'll talk to her.
Good boy.
[soft music]
[waves crashing]
[Hannah] I have
to get back soon.
I only came here to
collect some clothes.
[Ethan] Do you want
me to come with you?
[Hannah] No.
I'm used to it.
You can stay if you want.
No, I should probably get going.
Got to meet with dad's
lawyers in the morning.
What for?
Nothing was in order.
He left us a fucking
mess to clean up
and my mom can't
handle it on her own.
I'm sorry she brought
you into this.
It's okay.
[Ethan] You know she wants
you to do that sance thing?
-I won't.
-I know.
But she's not
going to let it go.
I'm worried about her.
You know she's just
looking for answers, right?
She misses him.
She's not angry.
I know there's something about
him she's not telling me.
So you don't know why he did it?
And I don't know what
difference it would make.
There's nothing anyone could say
that could make us understand.
Can I ask you something?
Three years ago I get a call.
You say you're leaving and
I can't see you anymore.
Then I find out some old
house your family owns burns
to the ground and I
don't know where you are.
Where'd you go?
I left the country.
I thought there was
something for me to find.
I didn't mean to hurt you.
I just...
needed to
do it on my own.
Did you find what
you were looking for?
[wind howling]
-[glass clanks]
-[tense music]
[Ruth sobbing]
[suspenseful music]
[panicking music]
[high-pitched strings]
[Hannah] Wake up.
Wake up.
Here's some water.
Where are my clothes?
You pissed yourself.
I have clean clothes
in the bathroom for you.
[door clicking]
[door closing]
What's wrong with your boat?
[Tobias] What?
They said you've been sleeping
in your car during the day.
-[Tobias] Who said?
-It doesn't matter.
The A/C is broken.
It's too hot to sleep.
Well, maybe they just um,
don't want you to drive off.
From the back seat?
[Tobias sighing]
I took 'em all out.
-[door slamming]
I'm sorry.
It's fine.
This is bullshit.
Where are my fucking keys?
I have your keys.
Hand them over.
[keys jingling]
[sighing] I haven't done
anything illegal here.
I mean this is all
a misunderstanding.
I have a guy
coming to fix the A/C
so it'll sort itself out.
Thank you.
Do you want help?
Oh, fuck off.
Just leave me alone, okay?
They should have never
fucking called you.
[door opens]
[door closing]
[eerie ambient music]
[door knocking]
Welcome back.
I'll help you.
You ready?
[tense music]
[tense music]
It'll be okay.
Take my hand.
[Hannah sighing]
Once we initiate contact, none
of us can leave this table.
Not until I say it's ended.
Is that understood?
I want you to think of a memory.
A good memory.
One that involves him.
And I want you to close
your eyes and just hold it.
We're here to speak with Robert.
Your wife and son wish
to speak with you tonight.
When you are ready, we ask
that you ring the bell
to let us know
that you are here.
[tense music]
[bell ringing]
[breathes heavily]
[Ruth, whispering] He's here.
He's here, I knew it.
Robert, is that you?
-[bell ringing]
-[tense music]
Who's doing that?
Shh, shh, shh.
He's here, he's here.
Mom, stop.
He's here.
What are you doing?
[whispering] I knew it.
Why did you leave me, Robert?
Why did you do it?
Why did you leave me?
[ominous music]
This is bullshit!
Robert, is there
anything that you want
to tell your family?
-[bell ringing]
Ethan, talk to your father.
I have nothing to say to him!
-[bell ringing]
-[ominous music]
[eerie, chanting music]
[shrill voices]
-[head thudding]
-[head thudding]
[breathing heavily]
What did you do to him?
No, no, no!
Don't touch him.
You make the call.
The time is near.
Snow falls.
You walk to Loma Street Bridge.
You see her standing
at the other end.
So pretty.
So young.
She's not scared.
I'm going to kill her now.
He's still breathing.
He's going to be okay.
[phone beeping]
[operator] 911.
I have an emergency.
[suspenseful music]
What are you doing?
It's all over.
I realize now he was trying
to warn me about her.
Come downstairs with me.
I can't do that.
When did you know?
You don't understand.
I do.
A girl was murdered and
your husband killed her.
Robert, he always strayed.
I allowed it.
It was our secret.
Then one day one of
his whores called.
Demanding money to stay quiet.
[nails scraping]
I told him I would handle
it as I always did.
[suspenseful orchestral music]
[suspenseful orchestral music]
[dramatic orchestral music]
Ruled a suicide.
As easy as that.
It was later I found
out she was pregnant.
[dramatic orchestral music]
Things were quiet
for a long time.
But our sins never go away.
They come back.
Because they want us to repent.
Listen, your son
needs you, okay?
So just come downstairs.
[dramatic orchestral music]
[girl laughing]
[intense music]
[tense music]
[sad piano music]
-[pounding on door]
-[siren wailing]
[dramatic piano music]
-[pounding on door]
-[siren wailing]
[dramatic piano music]
-[pounding on door]
-[siren wailing]
[dramatic piano music]
[dramatic orchestral music]
-[door slamming]
-[sirens wailing]
[gun firing]
[machine whirring]
[tense music]
[doctor] Hannah?
Did you hear me?
I asked if you knew
where you were.
The hospital?
That's right.
I'm Dr. Brenner.
You've been in our care
for three weeks now.
How are you feeling?
I need you to listen for a bit.
Is that okay?
You came in with
massive head trauma.
Your brain was swelling.
We had to keep you in
a medically induced coma.
What was that?
Can you, my father,
he was just here.
Can you go get him?
Oh, no honey, there
was a younger man
who came by initially, but
I haven't seen him in a while.
I'm sorry.
Additionally you have
some broken bones.
Two compressed fractures.
[dramatic music]
[waves crashing]
[eerie ambient music]
[pills rattling]
[water running]
[eerie echoes]
[soft music]
[door knocking]
-[Officer Jones] Hannah Blair?
[Officer Jones]
I'm officer Jones.
This is officer Lewis.
May we come inside?
What is this about?
[Officer Jones] Is your
father Tobias Blair?
[car horns honking]
[Janice] Hello, Ms. Blair.
My name is Janice Keller and
I'm a grief counselor working
for the city.
[elevator dinging]
I first want to extend to
you my deepest condolences.
Hannah Blair?
Right this way.
[Janice] Now the two officers
you spoke with informed me
that you had some questions.
Well, I'm here to answer
any that you may have.
As well as assist you in any
arraignments you need to make.
I have a pamphlet here
I'd like you to read.
It may help answer many
of those questions.
Can you tell me what
the hell happened?
'Cause nobody can
seem to tell me.
Well, there's still
a lot that we don't know.
Why don't you tell
me what you do know.
Okay, I'm really here to help
you answer your questions
on what to do next.
You know they say he drowned?
But he could swim.
He taught me how to swim.
He was on boats his entire life.
You wanna explain to me how
someone like that drowns?
He was found in the water
between his boat and the dock.
Sometimes if
it's dark, or...
someone's inebriated,
there's just enough of a gap
to fall into.
It just takes one wrong step.
He was in a position where
essentially he was stuck.
He couldn't pull himself out.
He got tired.
He couldn't keep his head
above water, and he drowned.
It happens more
often than you think.
I mean wouldn't
somebody have heard him?
We honestly don't know.
The police have interviewed
a few people, but not all.
I'd like to see him.
We have some photos for you.
He was in the water
for a considerable time.
You might not recognize him.
I never came this
close to death before.
I wasn't there when my mom died.
She died alone.
I didn't witness her go.
I've spent my whole adult
life trying to face it.
Just hoping to
understand, and...
now I realize there's--
there's nothing to understand.
Do you think this
is all there is?
I don't know.
I don't think anyone does.
But I do know they
still remain with us.
In our memories.
[waves crashing]
Thanks for coming out.
So why'd you want to meet here?
It's pretty here.
It's been a while.
I wanted to see you...
and... apologize.
I'm sober.
It's just, it's
just over 10 months.
Anything else?
Look, I know what
you're thinking,
but I've never made it
this far before.
And I wanted to be sure
before I saw you again.
And when was the last time
you saw me?
Did you come check on me
when I was in the hospital?
I know you knew I was in there
because the police told me.
It was a bad time for me.
What about when I was
learning to walk again?
Did you check on me?
You know, I haven't
needed you in a while,
but it would have been nice
to have had my dad, you know?
I'm sorry.
You always say you're
sorry but you never change.
You remember I took
you down here as a kid?
Watch the boats go by.
Saw what kind of fish
people were catching.
You used to play
down on those rocks.
I probably shouldn't
have let you done that.
Do you remember?
We'd stay to watch the sunset.
I'd point at it,
and you'd say,
"Look at the sun going down.
That's where mommy is.
"And every day,
she'll be there
waiting for you."
I know you miss her.
But you're not the only
one who grieves, okay?
It wasn't easy for me either.
And I know I messed up.
I was a shitty father.
But it's going to be
different this time.
I'm done with drinking.
And... I want to see...
I want to see you more.
That's what this is about.
Now we can... we can
take our time with it...
I mean, however--
however you want to do it.
Just, you just tell me what,
what you want me to do.
[light piano music]
I remember.
And that's why, when you called,
I came down here today.
To tell you goodbye.
I'm so glad you're getting help,
but I can't be a part of it.
But what you can do for me?
Don't call.
Don't show up.
Just stay away.
Stay away.
[dramatic orchestral music]
I still remember my father.
I wanna see him.
I wanna see him, goddammit!
-[door squeaking]
-[dramatic orchestral music]
[door squeaks open]
[zipper pulled]
I left the country.
I thought there was
something for me to find.
I didn't mean to hurt you.
Did you find what
you were looking for?
[Hannah] No.
[somber music]
[theremin music]
[wind whistling]
[deep bass rumbling]
[wind screaming]
[dramatic music]
[creature eating prey]
[creature screeching]
[creature screeching]
[soft ambient music]
[soft rock music]
[waves crashing]
[loud motor sound]
[toilet flushing]
[eerie ambient music]
[waves crashing]
I remember.
[floor creaking]
[intense music]
[thunder rumbling]
[dramatic piano music]
[thunder rumbling]
[the voice] I told you.
The answer is always the same.
I just miss her.
And I know he did too.
[the voice] Stay here with me.
Isn't that what you want?
[dramatic orchestral music]
[Hannah] You're right.
I am angry.
Even afraid.
But I don't want to be anymore.
[dramatic orchestral music]
[waves crashing]
[ominous music]