Herman Kills! (2021) Movie Script

That's never happened before.
I'll report it immediately.
We can get out, can't we?
Of course we can.
We can.
Dance yourself young.
That's as good as it gets.
Right. Let me help you up.
It's a light and airy room.
Let's see. How does this work?
Got it.
Look, how light.
And a lovely view, as you can see.
Right. And the bathroom is over here.
It is quite light. That's nice.
Right, Dad? The light?
Nice big shower.
With a handrail. Convenient.
The lights in the bathroom
come on automatically.
Very nice. Right, Dad?
Automatic lights and all.
What are you doing, silly?
What if they send an ambulance?
Don't worry.
It hasn't been activated yet.
You'll have to sign a contract first.
I think you'll be
in good hands here, Dad.
I should mention:
The previous resident passed away
here, in this very room.
But quite peacefully.
So quite beautiful, really.
So, his own room, kitchen
and bathroom. His own front door.
So just like home, really. Right, sir?
But you could no longer manage
at home, could you, sir?
Right? At home?
You could no longer manage at home.
Right, sir?
He can no longer look after himself.
You provide care, don't you?
All the care you need.
I have some information right here.
What he needs is structure.
When he was still working,
he could cope. But now...
We'll need a medical indication.
So that we can match his profile
to his needs.
Do I file an application with you?
That's been centralised. I will...
I do not understand this bloody form
at all.
I'd have liked things to be different.
It's your own fault.
There's only old people here.
Ever looked in the mirror, you old fool?
You should look at it as a fresh start.
Change is scary, but it is for the best.
Right. Happy?
This'll be the death of me.
I'll see you tomorrow. Don't drink.
Herman kills people
3 years later.
And the last one. There you go.
Enjoy, Herman.
I do everything in this house.
Piss off, you bitch.
Steady on, I'm out of here.
Steady on? You don't talk
to me like that, dammit.
Come here, you.
You're hurting me.
Don't give me this fucking shit.
I've had it with you.
I'm so goddam sick of you.
Jesus H. Christ.
Fucking cunt.
I said sorry.
Don't say another word. Don't push me.
Not a word. Just shut your face.
I warned you.
You asked for it.
I said sorry.
It's always the same, dammit.
You can't even
do the fucking shopping...
Everything all right in there?
Yeah. What?
Should I call the police?
Call the police?
If you have a problem with me,
you can say it to my face.
I thought so.
Fucking drunk. Just bugger off.
Mind your own business. Twat.
Come on, crybaby. Get over yourself.
Get up. On your feet.
What did I say?
Meat balls, you stupid cunt.
Get your arse back into that kitchen.
I thought you'd come Friday.
It is Friday.
Geez, I can't turn my back
for one minute.
I thought it was Wednesday.
The longer I stay away,
the more shit there is to do.
I'm not doing it. Let that bitch
see for herself. Then she might get it.
He's an addict.
He's sick.
Sick is such a big word.
He needs care.
And you said he'd receive it here.
Care fitting with his indication.
His indication doesn't fit him.
That's because it's an indication.
'Create new file'? Why does it say that?
I don't want to create a new file.
Could we talk about this?
Sure, as soon as I find his file.
I'm looking.
He's right here.
I have to follow protocol.
Or the insurance will ask questions
about what we do with this gentleman.
You've done nothing for three years.
And this gentleman
doesn't do shit either.
He needs a walker now
because he won't get up from his chair.
If he'd only start moving...
Well, look what I have here.
A crafting session:
Build your own birdhouse.
Organised by the residents' committee.
Might be good for you.
You can make some new friends.
It ends at seven.
The off-licence closes at six,
so you won't be tempted.
I still have some.
I'm throwing them out.
No you won't.
Then don't buy them.
Don't touche those bottles.
Birdhouses won't solve this.
My father needs professional help.
Ultimately, sir can only help himself.
And what if sir does not?
That's part of his affliction:
a lack of motivation.
That's what he needs help with.
That's a process.
Could that process
be taken up elsewhere?
Not with this indication.
And with another indication?
Not during this process.
Why does it ask for a password?
They'd take better care of you in prison.
A daily routine: work, fresh air,
regular meals. That's what he needs.
You should kill someone, Dad.
That's not funny.
Then don't laugh.
How do you feel, sir,
when your daughter says these things?
I don't know.
Is she right?
Do you need urgent help?
Yes? What a shame.
If he'd refused, I might have been able
to find a way. But now...
This demonstrates he's capable
of autonomous thought.
They can't act on that.
But of course, it's good to see.
Oh, dear.
Oh no, it's fine.
Select all? That's not what I want.
I see a gentleman over there
without a hammer.
There's a hammer without a gentleman.
Does everyone have coffee?
Then we can start.
Herman, we're over here.
How nice to see you.
Good job, laddie.
Who would have thought?
We organised this ourselves.
To generate a little team spirit.
Right, Gerda?
Yeah, Gerda thinks so, too.
And Frits. Have you met Frits?
Frits van Dongen. I moved in last week.
I'm in the west wing. And you?
He's in east. I used to be his neighbour.
Until I got a room with a balcony.
How's your daughter?
My mum made me do this, you know.
That's Mary's son.
Yeah, right.
He's a big shot in real estate.
What did you do, Herman?
He used to be a motivational coach.
Oh. Right.
Some business.
I always say, if you need a coach
to get motivated...
you have bigger problems. Am I right?
Sorry, people. I see the instructions
are in Chinese.
Chinese? No problem, my boy.
We'll manage.
Oh, you'll manage? Great.
So I've come all this way for nothing.
Herman, why don't you motivate Gerda?
The off-licence closes at six,
so you won't be tempted.
I didn't do anything wrong.
I didn't do anything wrong.
'My name is Nathalie van Zanten.'
'I'd like to discuss
an interdisciplinary approach...'
Are you all right? Break anything?
The bed.
How long have you been here?
I don't think this button works.
You signed a whole contract for it.
Is that what it was for?
I didn't quite understand.
Listen, Dad. Put your arm
round my neck. Your other arm, too.
I'll lift you up on three.
Eight? I only see five
of those damn screws.
Where's your ring?
How long?
It wasn't working out.
Why didn't you say anything?
Why didn't you ask?
Edwin found someone
who does make him happy...
and who does have time for kids...
because when I'm not busy studying...
I'm busy looking after you.
All right, let me just finish this bed.
Maybe you should finish me off.
When you didn't answer,
I thought you might be dead.
That's okay.
That's not okay.
It's been three years
and we're still here.
They keep going on
about that bloody indication...
and I can't get it solved.
Just forget about me.
It's okay.
Just help me. Do something.
I'm listening...
Wait for me.
I don't know how to get home.
What was that just now?
The best thing I could think of.
We can't even do this.
Bloody losers.
It's what Dylan always says. That I can't
do anything right. Can't even boil an egg.
I can, you know. I'm a good cook.
But I'm not going to. Not for him.
Then I'd be doing it every day.
I'm not that stupid.
Or maybe I am. I haven't left him.
Why don't you leave him?
Where would I go?
Are you just going to go back?
Just like you.
What about the police?
They have to build a case first.
Tell me about it.
If you carry on straight
and turn left at the shops...
No, wait.
No, you shouldn't...
No, here.
That'll pay for a few nights in a hotel.
Then what?
Just get some rest.
The longer I stay away,
the more mad he'll get. Here.
The only one standing between you
and a better future, is you.
Is your boyfriend home now?
Your husband.
Not right now. He will be tonight,
to watch the footy.
Grab some things and go.
They put you to work.
Folding matchboxes, sewing underwear.
Building bird houses.
It's good that they keep you busy.
Helps you get through the day.
In this prison, structure is key.
These convicts have never had
the discipline to look after themselves.
That quickly changes
when they get here.
You know where you're at.
You're not bothering anyone.
Mrs van Schothoven,
from the west wing.
Gerda's neighbour. Right, Gerda?
She was your friend, right?
Didn't she have that large bathroom?
Right. You should be quick about it.
Before anyone else makes a move.
Go see the janitor.
I think I'm going to kill someone, Gerda.
Don't forget to put on a raincoat.
Till death do us part, you said.
What the fuck?
What the fuck, what the fuck?
Call an ambulance.
You shouldn't be here.
Why are you here?
No, no. No need to be scared.
I've got to... I want to...
I won't hurt you.
Go away.
Okay, okay.
You know where I live.
Number 16D.
Will you call the police or shall I?
Please, go away.
Okay, okay.
Sorry about the mess. I...
He had it coming, the bastard.
Always shouting. The police
wouldn't even come anymore.
Look at them now.
I did it, you know.
What did you do?
I killed that bloke.
How did you do that?
With a knife.
Okay. And why, exactly?
It was better this way. For everyone.
How do you know the victim?
That's rather complicated.
What was his name?
I couldn't tell you.
A bit early for a drink, don't you think?
You have to arrest me.
Take me into custody.
Can you take this gentleman home?
No. I should go to prison.
I am a murderer.
Take it easy with him.
I swear. I'm the one who did it.
Of course, sir. Just don't do it again.
Gerda, wait.
Please tell this police officer
what I said to you yesterday.
Do you remember what I said?
What I was planning to do?
Mrs van Schothoven
has a large bathroom.
Have a nice day.
Sorry. Where was I?
Thank you for your time.
My name is Nathalie van Zanten.
I'm conducting a PhD research
as part of my training...
to deepen my knowledge
of tactical investigative techniques.
Or is it 'broaden'? Extend, maybe?
In any case...
The management process
accompanying investigations...
must be assessed and evaluated
criminologically and criminalistically.
The murder of Cheryl de Zwart.
Initially, you classified it as a suicide.
Later on, it turned out
this had been staged.
How could you have overlooked
something like that?
I beg your pardon.
How can we ensure, in future...
I'm sorry. I have to take this.
Dad? What is it? Are you all right?
Sure. Except that I have to
make a confession.
Do you have to do this now?
I thought something had happened.
Not to me.
God, how should I explain this?
You know what?
Solve your own problems for a change.
Where are they going?
They were here for you. You left.
My father...
We all have private lives.
Yeah, but I have a cold case and...
And I have a real murder to solve.
Do you mind?
If we had to take a guess,
we'd say you did it. Statistically.
Criminal husband. Abuse.
Nasty guy. I read his file.
Can't say I'd blame you.
But that's not what happened, is it?
We found shoe prints.
Fingerprints, probably of a man.
Tire tracks in the garden.
Those tire tracks are curious.
Strange markings.
Not a bike, not a car.
Do you know a man
who might leave tracks like that?
You pay me per day. I don't care
if you drive them to Romania and back.
They'd like that. They're both homesick.
She can deepthroat.
This one here has tiny hands
so that your dick looks bigger.
I could join you if you want.
Maybe do you a discount.
It's the police.
I'm disabled. Let me go.
Hey, I fuck your mothers. All of them.
At the same time. Up their arses.
Hi, do you have a light?
Are you all right?
I've had a shitty day.
Yeah. I know the feeling.
My dad used to say: Tomorrow
is the first day of the rest of your life.
I thought it was the police.
It's me.
Can I come in?
To say thank you.
I saw them take you away yesterday.
To question me.
And now you're free.
And so am I.
I kept you out of it.
They now suspect
one of Dylan's friends.
That is to say, a friend...
More like a dirty dog.
He has form, and all.
Why didn't you tell them the truth?
I should have been arrested by now.
I don't expect you to understand.
I'll go see the police again.
Hang on, you can't do that.
Why not?
They'll know I lied.
That I was involved after all.
I'll explain. I want to be arrested.
Well, I don't.
This morning, when I saw
the sun come up, I thought:
This is the first day
of the rest of my life.
And that's all because of you.
Will you accept my thanks?
I'm glad you're happy, but...
Hang on.
You said 'see the police again'?
I tried to confess earlier,
but they won't believe me.
So why would they believe you now?
I must have left traces.
Give me those shoes.
So you can take them to the police?
You're not taking my shoes.
I won't leave them here.
Kim. I'm Herman.
Nice to meet you.
The point is, I only have the one pair.
These look good.
Thank you.
Good luck with your shoes.
Thanks. He wants to keep them on.
Nice shoes, Herman.
Who is it this time?
Mr van Kemenade.
With the electric awning. You know.
Wonder what they'll do with that.
There's the janitor.
Listen here...
It all backfired.
I mean, I did what I wanted to do.
But I'll have to try again.
Just one more time.
Hey, sugar.
Hey, hey. How are you doing?
I'm all right.
Did they get rid of the blood?
Not quite, but...
Should I send someone? I know a girl...
No need.
Did they give you a hard time?
No, not really.
They let you walk.
So you're not a suspect.
They let you walk... go free too,
didn't they?
Yeah, but I have a fantastic alibi.
You know what strikes me as odd?
That they brought me in
just when they were releasing you.
I thought to myself:
Wait, how is this possible?
I tried to get my head round it.
And then it struck me.
Maybe you happened
to mention my name.
So what are we gonna do about this?
Street muggers
son beats elderly mum
con artists
con artists.
Will you take it easy, Herman?
I'm so tired.
Minding a kid is so boring.
Rude smoker, bad mum,
bitch with smelly dog.
I did suggest another form of treatment.
But mental health care
is not what it used to be.
And unfortunately,
not everyone is on board.
That is a complicating factor.
Kim, open the door.
This won't get you anywhere.
Kim, why don't we talk it over?
Kim, I'm getting annoyed here,
you know?
Roll along, you old shithead.
I made it with hot water from the tap.
I had to sell my kettle.
What happened here?
I need money.
The whole house is empty.
I sold everything.
I need 10,000 euros.
What for?
Does it matter?
I might be able to help.
You've already done enough.
It's for Karim. Dylan's friend.
He says it's my fault they brought him in.
So now he wants money.
That wasn't supposed to happen.
It is what it is.
No, nothing is what it is.
If you don't set boundaries,
people will walk all over you, Kim.
I mean, why do you even let me in
after what I did in here?
Where is your autonomy?
Your self-esteem? Where is...
Maybe I should talk
to this Karim character.
No, no. Don't. You can't.
I swear. Don't do it.
That guy is mental. He brands his girls.
Oh? Would you like to see?
No, no.
Never mind.
What will you do when he gets here
and you don't have the money?
I have this.
That won't do any good.
I'll go see him.
I'm an old man. He won't hurt me.
But you won't...?
Of course not.
I just want to talk. Man to man.
Where can I find him?
Oxana has the most amazing lips.
Up above and down below.
You can party on her ass for hours.
And then there is Blazhenka.
That's her there, now.
She has stamina like you won't believe.
She can keep at it all night.
Hi, Mummy dearest.
I know, just in time.
Okay, here we go.
Happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to you
happy birthday, dear Mummy,
I'll call you right back, Mum.
What brings you here?
Are we lost?
Hey, take it easy.
Who the fuck do you think...
my dad fucks street hookers.
This is so fucking embarrassing.
I know I said you should find yourself
a hobby. But this... Christ.
I wasn't here to...
That's not what I was here for.
So why were you here?
I killed that man.
I get that it feels that way,
but it was an accident.
It was my fault. I did it.
Don't think like that.
The driver told us what happened.
It was an accident.
I have to be arrested.
It's a good thing that you
still feel the need for intimacy.
I need to go to prison.
I really miss it at times myself.
That there is no one touching you.
Spending days without actually
being in close contact with anyone.
So I get it.
It is a recognised profession...
so maybe I'm just overly romantic
or old-fashioned.
I mean, a physiotherapist
also touches your body.
But at least try to find someone
at the high end of her profession.
Like a call-girl or an escort.
Instead of one of these streetwalkers.
Dad, for God's sake.
Do you ever stop to think about me?
How this... How should I say this?
Reflects on me?
Because this reflects quite badly on me.
Okay, here we go.
No, you stay put.
I'll take you home later.
Well. Guess what.
Ma'am. Mrs Leeflang.
Ma'am, please wait. Where should I go?
Where can I live?
I didn't do anything wrong, did I?
I don't want to leave here.
They can't just send you away.
If only I could get to
the bottom of the stack...
It would take years for my name
to come up again.
That only happens when
you get a new case manager.
And I can't see that stupid Leeflang
retiring anytime soon.
Oh, God. Oh, Christ.
Oh, dear God.
Oh, God.
Oh, God. Go away.
Oh, God.
I want your files.
Your files. And your computer.
I'll put them in here, shall I?
And you will resign tomorrow.
And that's letting you off lightly.
Mr van Zanten?
Do you take me for a fool?
You think you can come in here
and threaten me?
That I'm the problem?
Those files?
You are the problem.
You yourself.
Every time I come round...
you're sitting there,
slumped over like a sack of potatoes...
waiting for someone else
to come and sort out your life.
And there's me putting up with your
moaning. 'You have such a hard life.'
Piss off, man.
Do you think you're
the only one struggling? Do you?
We're all unhappy.
Should we all call it quits?
Or is that your prerogative?
Sitting there in your filthy room,
downing the booze.
But I can't say that, or I'm not
taking the addiction seriously.
And if I do and I stick to all the rules
and regulations...
I'm attacked in my own fucking home.
Why don't you just die, man?
Why don't you?
I'm serious? Just do it.
Jump out of the window.
Guzzle some pills.
Get in a bath with a razorblade.
Just do it.
That's the solution. And you know
who I want it for? Your daughter.
I can see her
crumbling under the strain.
I can see the silent cry in her eyes:
Make this stop.
All that energy, all that life force
sucked into a black hole.
Because that is what you are.
A black hole.
All you do is take, and take,
and take and take...
That's just perfect...
Rescue services.
What's your emergency?
Do you need urgent help?
If you don't speak, I cannot...
Everything's all right.
Everything's all right.
What's that?
They called this morning.
Such a relief.
It'll be three, four years
before my name comes up again.
If I live that long.
You've been very lucky.
I have an angel watching over me.
What happened to the woman?
No idea.
Maybe she went and got herself killed.
Herman kills people.
Are you coming to the mandala
crocheting workshop?
I asked Irma's daughter
to come and teach us.
What time is that?
I think around two thirty.
What did you do?
What do you mean?
Karim is dead.
Dead? What?
Oh. I thought that you...
Of course not.
I just went to talk to him.
Is he dead? Are you sure?
Yeah. He was run over by a truck.
And you seriously think I did that?
What's the problem?
That guy threatened you. There's
an angel watching over you, Kim.
Spread your wings, find a nice job.
You're young and you're smart.
Today is the first day
of the rest of your life.
Can you start tomorrow?
Really? I mean, yes.
Ten o'clock sharp.
A bottle, on the house, Herman?
No. But thank you.
You didn't have to do this.
Yes, I did. I want to pay you back.
There we go.
You know, actually I'm quite glad
I lost everything.
Nothing but bad memories.
You lost your baggage.
In the past, I would have said,
without extrinsic motivation...
What? Extrin...?
Never mind.
What I meant to say is,
you're in control now.
You're the one who decides
what happens in your life. No one else.
This looks wonderful, by the way.
Do you want to say grace?
Oh, hi.
Kim, this is my daughter Nathalie.
Nathalie, this is Kim.
Nice to meet you. There's more
than enough. Would you like some?
Let me get you a plate.
Dad, how much does this cost?
You're even letting her cook.
Kim lives across the road.
We're just helping each other out.
Herman got me a job.
Here, at the off-licence.
So you're helping my dad?
Yeah. Somebody has to.
Because no one else does?
That's not what Kim said.
So you don't need me? Fine.
I have plenty going on.
So what do you do?
I'm in the police force.
I'm a detective.
But you're...
Why are you here?
Do I need a reason to visit my dad?
You never just stop by.
I'm here to tell you
that Inge Leeflang is dead.
No. Really?
Wait, who?
She was murdered.
No. You don't say.
Who's Inge Leeflang?
I'm talking to my dad here, all right?
See? You never just stop by.
Dad, that's very bad news.
It's terrible. Poor woman.
Fuck her. It means I have to start
all over with another case manager.
I'm sure it'll be all right.
Sure. Dad, you have to leave here.
You need better care.
I'm fine where I am.
I'm doing much better these days.
Two days ago,
you were with some hookers...
when their pimp
was run over by a truck.
You always do this.
You only come here to tell me off.
To go over everything I do wrong.
It's not like you have
your life all figured out.
I thought I'd be a granddad
by this time.
I think I'll leave you two alone.
Thanks for the meal.
No dessert?
Dad, who is that bitch?
Kim just happens to be a very lovely girl.
Never you mind about her.
Soliciting, theft, drugs;
ambulance called in
born: 7 April 1982
deceased: 6 May 2021.
What's the matter with you today?
That's the second one.
Are you still investigating
the Dylan van de Ven case?
Just curious about developments.
I like to stay in the know.
We had a suspect. Someone with form.
He had a flimsy alibi.
It seemed like an open-and-shut case.
Seemed like?
The git got himself run over by a truck.
So now it's up to Kees.
Kees who?
Cold case.
Maybe we should go back
to the beginning.
When did these problems start?
After my retirement.
Endless, empty days filled with nothing.
All by myself.
Why even get up in the morning?
And then...
But you started drinking before that.
So why do you drink?
Yeah. Why do people drink?
To get numb. To forget.
What about you?
I forget.
Who's that?
My son. He's dead.
Not much fun after that.
That's when I started drinking.
I can imagine.
It just got worse and worse.
Then it got out of hand,
But now I'm doing fine.
But this is not true.
It didn't start after Robbie.
It did.
Not true. Is that what you've been
telling yourself?
That holiday. Iago Trasimeno.
We had to pick you up
from the police station. Dead drunk.
He hit the camping boss's wife
because she wouldn't sell him alcohol.
That was much later.
No, that was that year.
That's not true. It was later.
It was that year. I had to console Robbie
in the tent that evening. Not you.
It began after Robbie.
You always went to work
having drunk half a bottle of vodka.
And I took the bottles to the bottle bank
before Mum would find them.
I'm sorry.
I regret a great many things
that I have done.
I have done a great many
terrible things.
I wish I could take them back,
but I can't.
But everything I have done so far...
has brought me to this point in my life.
And I'm okay.
I'm really okay.
We're still looking for the files
of your last case manager.
Yes. I heard.
I could see in the system that you
cooperated fully with the care plan.
The care plan's over and done with.
I'm done with it.
Oh? So you're refusing our help?
Can I write that down?
Go right ahead.
Are we done here?
That remains to be seen.
You refusing help
lands us in another trajectory.
I don't want another trajectory.
That's what I mean.
I just told you I'm doing fine.
That's not what our records say.
I do not need help.
You'd benefit from more structure.
We'll need to find you a closed ward.
He just told you he wants to stay here.
But I'm ultimately responsible.
And I'm concerned about my client.
I hear refusal and confusion.
I don't want the insurance people
on my back questioning my judgement.
If I'd known all that,
I would have said something else.
With foreknowledge,
everything would be plain sailing.
Please give him another chance.
He's worked all his life.
You can't just lock him up.
Let me sleep on it. Okay?
Thank you.
You want to help your father.
That's great to see.
I'd do anything for him.
You won't believe
what just happened to me.
What's this for?
For everything you've done for me.
You shouldn't have.
Let's share one last drink.
No, really. I've...
What do you mean, 'last'?
After this, you will go to the police
and turn yourself in.
Why would I do that?
Dylan. Karim.
Karim was an accident.
And that woman your daughter
was talking about? Another accident?
That's nothing to do with you.
I'm an accomplice.
I protected you.
No, I protected you.
But don't worry,
I will never betray you.
We'll go to the police together, okay?
That's what you wanted, right?
My daughter's with the police. How
do you think this will affect her career?
You should have
thought about that before.
With foreknowledge,
everything is plain sailing.
I'll go to the police alone.
No, you won't.
You will go home,
you will live your life...
and you will enjoy all the opportunities
I've given you.
Van Zanten?
He did it to help me.
At least, that's what I thought.
But it's just getting worse,
so I told him to turn himself in.
'Cause I'm not a snitch. But he...
Hang on.
You expect me to believe this?
My father is barely able
to tie his own shoelaces.
But it's true, I swear.
He did it because he wanted
to go to prison.
But I don't think he still does.
How do you know this?
Did he tell you this?
When he's been drinking, he...
I was right there.
He was in my house,
a knife in his hand.
Stooped over the body.
Over Dylan.
In a puddle of blood.
And he apologised.
Is that enough?
He apologised?
Yeah. For the mess.
Why didn't you tell me this sooner?
With foreknowledge,
everything is plain sailing.
From what you're telling me,
it's your word against his.
Here. You can retrieve DNA
from shoes, can't you?
At least, that's what I saw on TV.
They still smell of sweat, so...
What does this prove?
Prints were found. Of these shoes.
I'm sure you could link them
to your father.
I'm really sorry, you know.
But we're the only ones
who can stop him.
I think I just liked
having a father figure for a bit.
I've never really had a father.
Nor a mother, for that matter.
I've never had a lot of things.
When I was 15, I fell pregnant. I was
happy, but they made me get rid of...
I will have to test those shoes first.
But you do believe me, don't you?
Without proof, we have nothing.
I'll send these to the lab. When
the results come in, I will let you know.
What are you doing?
Without proof, we have nothing. Right?
I'll take care of this.
I didn't want to believe you,
but you were right.
I'm just afraid I won't be able
to keep you out of it.
You lied to the police.
So be it.
You could go to prison. Is it worth it?
Maybe I deserve it.
I can still make it disappear.
No. I want to be able to sleep at night.
I was afraid you'd say that.
Gently. Gently now.
You can barely walk, laddie.
I've got my walker.
This is Nathalie van Zanten.
Messages after the tone.
Hi, this is Kim. So glad you called.
Pity I can't pick up.
Open up.
Open the door.
We have to be quick. When the body
cools, it becomes harder.
How could you do this?
Don't touch anything, Dad.
Are you all right?
Right, Dad. Come on.
You can get back upstairs, right?
I need to move my car.
We won't mention this, Dad.
I'll fix this.
Just leave me be, okay?
It's okay, Nathalie.
Outside, I'm just ruining things.
I'm not angry with you.
You know that, right?
I know.
Not with me. With the world.
That everything's so disappointing.
Maybe you can help your old Dad?
Look after him a bit.
So that I don't go off the rails again.
Don't lose control
when I start drinking again.
Like you ever listen to me.
Of course I do.
Come on. You're so much smarter
than me.
Okay. I will help you.
Hi, Gerda.
Hi, laddie.
Does it hurt?
That's enough now.
I was afraid of this.
It's time to start over,
in a new place.
Your daughter fought so hard
to get you there.
More structure in your days.
Fewer responsibilities.
And no outside temptations.
A prison.
I understand it may feel like that.
And maybe it is.
But you shouldn't see it that way.
Don't be afraid.
We will take care of you.
And what if I don't want you to?
Your daughter is your guardian, so...
No, no.
Do not call my daughter.
She's done enough.
Which minister is famous for saying:
I have a dream?
They can't do this to you.
You have rights.
I have friends in high places
who I can call.
Forget it.
You can't just let them lock you up.
You're way too good for that.
Maybe I deserve it.
Herman kills people.
Don't be absurd, Gerda.
You'll land on your feet. Won't you?
Next question. How many wives
did Henry VIII have?
How many wives did Henry VIII have?
One more coffee?
No. I have to go.
Which South-African was detained
for 18 years on Robben Island?
It rhymes with...
Bandela? It rhymes with Bandela.
So, a South-African detained
for 18 years on Robben Island...
Go annoy your mother.
Hello there.
I just wanted to say goodbye.
Listen to me.
Thank you.
I'm Herman.
And I'm about to leave this place.
I don't know most of the people here
and you won't know me either.
Be glad.
Yeah, I mean it.
Be glad you don't know me.
Because I destroy everything that I love.
There is a kind of poison in me.
I don't know how it got there.
Maybe it's always been there.
if they don't get that poison
out of your body in time...
it eats you up inside.
Then you become the poison.
I am the poison.
And now I've dragged her down
with me.
What I did, what I had to do...
really wasn't...
I didn't want to.
I needed help. I asked for help.
Real help.
Only my daughter saw that.
But they didn't listen to her either.
They all pretend they are listening...
but when you don't shout out...
And even when you do...
Look out for each other.
We can all use a little help.
The only thing we have...
is time.
The idea that I would die in here
always terrified me.