He's Not Worth Dying For (2022) Movie Script

- Hey!
- Grace, stop!
Okay, guys,
I'm going to show you
how to get the perfect cat eye.
Let's start
with your blue eyeshadow
on the lid.
Be sure to tap off
excess product
before you apply.
Start with the outer corner
and blend inward.
Then take your angle brush
and drag the liner out towards
the end of your eyebrow.
If you catch it
and you fumble
You a goofy
Touch down, run it back
Like oo-ee
If you catch it
and you fumble
You a goofy
Touch down, run it back...
Like oo-ee
You know I'm break the rate
I got that clickbait
You know I'm break the rate
'Cause I got that clickbait
You know I'm break the rate
I got that clickbait
You know I'm break the rate
I got that clickbait...
I got that clickbait
I got that...
I got that clickbait
I got that clickbait
I got that...
I got that clickbait
You know I'm break the rate
I got that clickbait...
I got that clickbait
I got that...
I got that...
Oh, let me guess,
they didn't work.
Yeah, sorry.
Final sale on this.
Four returns in one month.
You want to tell me
what game you're playing?
See this?
That's my followers...
And that video has 2,000 views.
That's how many people
just saw your clothes
on my account.
Which you're now returning,
so how does that
help me pay rent?
Well, I tagged the store
in my caption.
So, you really
shouldn't think of it
as a few returned items.
You should think of it
as a few thousand
potential customers.
Well, you look good,
I'll give you that.
Once I hit 10,000 followers,
I can get sponsored.
And then what?
And then...
my life changes.
Those just came in.
Make sure the tag stays on.
You stain it, you buy it.
Okay, thank you...
Thank you so much!
Anything else I can do
to help you change your life?
Follow me!
Hey, Seth.
There's this big party tonight
that I was...
Stop calling me, Isla.
We're over.
You're just so...
I have plenty of other guys
I can go with.
And take my photo
off your social.
Oh, I told you,
that was just part of a video...
Then take down the video.
I will dox you, okay?
And everybody will know
your little psycho secret.
I'm almost at 10,000 followers!
Lose my number, Isla,
or I will call the police...
Come on, Kiley,
these baked goods
aren't gonna pack themselves,
Seriously, you're addicted.
It's a two-minute break.
Would you two relax?
Who's that?
She lives here in town.
If you like her videos,
she shows up
on your "For You" page.
She has so many more
followers than me.
Grace, my dog
has more followers than you.
Who's PR?
PR is Kiley's Prince Charming.
Peter Ryan?
From soccer?
He wants me to go to the movies!
I thought we were
going to the movies.
I don't think we can compete
with PR's dimples.
Please, guys?
Go have your date with PR.
I'll have a date
with my Stats homework.
Isla, the last time
you used my computer,
you wiped out an Excel document.
My Internet was down.
It just seems like
that's the only time
that I see you.
No, Dad.
I also come
for your gourmet cooking.
Think you'd appreciate
that I support myself.
Most girls my age
still get an allowance.
Well, most girls
don't run off at 15
to get emancipated.
You wanna do that again?
Mom left and you became
like a prison guard.
Because I had to make sure
that you took care
of your responsibilities.
I have been responsible.
I got my GED, didn't I?
Yeah, you got your GED,
but, really,
it seems like you left
to go party...
and chase after boys.
Don't lay that on me.
I'm not the one who ran off.
Hey, Cami.
Big party at Max's tonight.
Wanna go?
- Yeah.
- Great.
Ah, there you are!
I thought you ran away from home
because of your recent
painful chess defeat.
A single checkmate
does not a tournament make, Dad.
And I texted you back.
OMG, Dad.
Join this century.
This is for my
"Simple Seasonal Savories" Pin.
Does everything have to rhyme?
That's actually
alliteration, Dad.
A cute title
makes you stand out.
A whole bunch of people saved
my "Pie in the Sky" pin.
I'm going to miss your cooking
in college, Mom.
Our little bird is flying away.
U of O, right?
Wherever I get into
that has the best program.
I'm applying to UC Davis, too.
And Cornell.
Well, she is going to be
valedictorian, after all.
So we're moving to California
or New York
to keep an eye on her?
I'm going to college!
I don't need a babysitter!
How are you so calm
with our daughter
living in another state?
Because I know my daughter.
She's only going to call home
at least three times a day.
let's pray!
Thank you, Lord, for this food
and all your gifts.
[{mom and dad] Amen.
Max, can you take
this video of us?
- Of course. Yeah.
- Okay, great.
Great party, by the way.
So good!
Isla! Isla!
Isla! Isla! Isla!
Guys, follow me!
Follow me!
Okay, one more.
So you used to live here?
Until the third grade, yeah.
My dad was in the military,
so we moved around a lot.
Mm. Army brat, huh?
I think it's my turn
to ask you a question.
You hooked up
with any of these guys?
Not right now, no.
I'm so excited to graduate.
I'm going to be sad
when you go to school.
You know my dad...
If I don't come back
every break,
he'll probably
move into my dorm room.
Looks like
Kiley has a boyfriend now.
- Think we'll ever see her again?
- Maybe.
At her wedding.
When we're her bridesmaids.
Guess it's just
you and me at the prom.
Actually, um...
Billy asked me.
I wanted to tell you
the other day,
I just didn't want you
to feel bad.
'Cause I'm the only one
without a boyfriend.
Do you ever wonder
when you're gonna fall in love?
Seriously, Ari.
I have much more
important things to think about.
Hey Jake!
Beer's in the fridge.
You live here by yourself?
I sleep on
my grandmother's couch.
Yeah, so I guess
you're kind of famous.
Well, I will be.
My goal is to be bigger
than Charli D'Amelio.
Yeah, he's... he's awesome.
Have you been living
under a rock?
She... she used to be a dancer.
Now she's, like,
the most followed
influencer ever.
She makes more money
than the CEO of Starbucks.
That's not true.
No, that's true.
For real.
No. Just from doing
some dumb dance videos?
They're not dumb.
No, no.
I mean, I just didn't know,
all right?
Because my stuff
is, like, super basic,
just skating,
but yours, right...
your stuff...
That's fun.
You watched some of my stuff?
I watched all of your stuff.
That's what took me
so long to DM you.
Did you follow me?
Okay, I didn't,
but don't kill me.
I'm just playin'!
You have such a great smile.
Aren't we a little old for this?
I always wanted a puppy.
Something hard
in someone's pocket.
What is this?
My dad gave it to me.
That's sharp.
Let's put this bad boy
to sleep for the night.
Am I staying the night?
I don't like to wake up alone.
Somebody order pancakes?
Who taught you that move?
when Dad was deployed
and Mom was at work,
I cooked for my sisters.
Do you like?
I like.
Who taught you that?
I've been around.
I bet you scare
the hell outta guys.
You don't scare me, though.
Isla. Table 12 wants dessert.
Hi. Here you go.
One for you.
Let me know
if you guys need anything.
Is that him again?
What's so special
about this one?
He's not like
the other guys, Cam.
He gets me.
Oh, so you mean he's crazy!
No. Look at this.
Is that a gun?
His dad's in the Army.
My gosh, 17 likes.
His Insta is literally
crying out for my help.
Maybe he's the one
who needs help.
Look, I know you, Isla.
You fall fast and hard,
then it's me
you call at 3:00 a.m.
to pick up the pieces
when some loser with a gun
breaks your heart.
Jeez, Cam,
don't be such a downer.
I'm your friend.
Okay, well, as my friend,
can you take table 12's orders
while I finish
this conversation?
- Please?
- Sure.
Thank you.
You're so welcome.
- You got the next table.
- Yeah.
And a winning move
for Dr. Grace Heinemann!
On her way to Grand Master...
And the best Veterinarian
in Oregon.
You just think I'm perfect.
You are perfect.
Look at you...
Brains, beauty,
the girl with everything.
Not everything.
What do you mean?
I could really use my own car?
Well, keep saving your money.
I know, I know.
New game?
Okay. Let's dance.
You should post this.
You'd get a lot of likes.
Nah. What's the point?
People would think you're cool.
And you'd make new friends.
Maybe I don't want any friends.
So why'd you move
back here anyway?
Did your dad
get, like, transferred?
Um, no...
No, he died.
I'm so sorry, Jake.
I didn't know.
Did he, um...
did he die in the war
or something?
I ran away 13 times.
How come?
My mom and dad
were always fighting.
my mom was always
going out on my dad.
And then, one day,
she just went out
and never came back.
That's rough.
Yeah, but...
here I am.
A star on the rise.
I can only look up
from here, right?
I don't know.
I can't believe
I let you talk me into a movie
about a neurotic dog.
I thought it was cute.
Hi, ladies.
Can I take your order?
Uh, Grace, you can go first.
I'll have a salad
and some yam fries, please.
I love your necklace.
Thank you.
Uh, I'll have
the spaghetti bolognese.
He was totally checking you out.
OMG. What do I do?
Do you want me to go with you?
I don't know.
I'm gonna wait in the car.
You got this.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Okay, so, your name is Grace...
you like yam fries.
And you have a pretty smile.
So what are you doing right now?
You know,
my dad used to take me
fishing here when I was a kid.
I forgot how beautiful it was.
Very beautiful.
Are you going to college?
I want to be a veterinarian.
A lot of vets
don't treat small farm animals,
like chickens and ducks,
but I'm going to include them
in my practice.
Sounds like a lot of school?
It's kind of like med school.
And then there's residency,
where you can focus on
specific types of animals,
like equine or avian.
Anyway, that's...
that's the plan.
That's a hell of a plan.
My dad taught me to play chess
there at those tables.
Oh, yeah?
What do you like to do?
Stay up late,
skate, music, party.
Do you party?
- I, uh...
- That's a no?
Do you go to Sheldon?
The private religious school?
Are you a genius?
- I think you are.
- No!
Nice girls like you
never go for guys like me.
Can I see your hand?
This is what got me
a merit badge in nature crafts.
- Picture?
- Yeah.
You're my nature girl.
Hey, honey.
Did you have a nice walk
with Kiley at the park?
I wasn't with Kiley.
Or Ari.
I met someone.
Oh, honey.
His name is Jake.
He's a senior, too.
Well, I can't wait to meet him.
Can PR wait
until after we're done cleaning?
Check this out.
Looks like our local star's
up to 7,000 followers.
And she's got herself
a hot boyfriend!
Wait, isn't that...
You posted that video?
Even after I told you
I didn't want you to,
you did it anyway.
Okay, well,
before you go off on me,
did you even check your social?
Go on!
600 people saw this?
No. That's just you.
All of my followers
saw it on my account, too.
And look at your comments.
Girls think you're really hot.
Couples content sells well...
And I thought
it would make you happy
if people liked you.
My bad.
"Gonna be stalking
the skate park."
he is a work of art."
"I love his smile."
"Does he have a brother?"
I'm sorry.
Are you mad?
At you?
I don't know.
I shouldn't ask you about
dancing with pretty girls.
You're pretty, Grace.
You're more than pretty.
You're smart,
and that's the reason
I like you so much.
It looked like you liked her.
Nah. It was just
for her social.
She cares about
that kind of stuff.
And you don't?
- Care?
- No.
If you don't believe me,
I'll delete my account.
You'd do that for me?
From day dot
I been down for you, babe
- Even when you done me over
- Done.
...I was down for ya, babe
Don't hold
nothing against ya
I'm just tryna
spend some time...
Working on my lines...
Hey, these skater dudes
from Sheldon
asked if I want to meet up.
You're welcome.
I guess the world
loves your hot body.
All the girls are saying
you look like a movie star.
So are you ready for part two?
Yeah. I thought you said
you had to work.
I meant another video.
Nah. I'm not really into it.
Is that all you want then?
Just to skate around
an empty pool in Hayesville
for the rest of your life?
Not all of us want to be a star.
People will tell you
that they love you
and then they'll leave.
Being famous is better.
Being loved for what you're not
by people you don't know.
I didn't mean it like that.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Hey, hey, I didn't mean that.
I'm sorry, okay?
I just...
What, you're going
to listen to me now?
The guy living
out of his backpack,
sleeping on a couch
from the 1960s.
What do you really want, Jake?
I want this...
Yeah, but...
what else?
There isn't anything else.
Hold me
and whisper in my ear
Softly hold my body
Don't take your eyes off me
I like your face
I love the taste
Give me all you got
till I burst
I'll be your first
I know every inch of this park.
We're going to the chess tables.
Come on, what if I trip?
Trust me.
I'll never let you fall.
All right.
Almost there.
I've got you.
A little bit closer.
Closer, closer.
For me?
How'd you know I liked unicorns?
Well, you posted a photo
from your room,
and that's a lot of unicorns.
You know it's not my birthday.
No, but...
it's exactly one month
since the day we met.
she's beautiful.
just like you.
You're kind like
a unicorn, Grace.
A magical creature that...
I didn't know could be real.
I want every day
to be like this.
Me too.
I've got a job,
and we go
to different schools...
It's okay.
We'll see each other
when we can.
Good morning, sunshine.
We are making your favorite.
I want to go to Sheldon High.
Absolutely not.
Honey, you can't transfer
senior year
when you're applying
to colleges like Cornell.
Actually, I'll have
an even better chance
getting into my reach schools
coming from a public school,
because not as many kids apply.
What about your education?
Sheldon isn't even
a charter school.
They have the exact same APs...
And their own 4H Chapter...
Which Marist does not.
I already talked
to a program coordinator.
We have been planning for this
since you started high school.
Plans change.
Ari and Kylie are there.
This is my life!
Grace, what has gotten into you?
You're always talking about
how you never thought
you'll be able to have a baby,
that I was the best thing
that's ever happened to you.
Then why don't you care about
the best thing
that's ever happened to me?
What could be
at Sheldon High School?
A boy named Jake.
Transfer out of a top school
for some boy she just met?
What about everything
we've invested?
Summer programs, college tours.
She's not going to throw away
everything we've given her
for this...
we've given her a lot.
You hear about
kids dating online...
If she's going
to have a boyfriend...
let him be real and not virtual.
Let me see.
I can't believe you're here.
We've all got
the same third period.
You're gonna love Ms. G.
She's really cool.
- She is.
- I really like her.
So you were saying there's
a test today in Spanish...
Come on, Grace.
Let's go.
Come on.
It's okay, it's okay.
Meet Juliet.
Likes moonlit nights
on the balcony,
telling secrets to my nurse.
Dislikes: family obligations,
arranged marriages.
In a relationship with Romeo.
Mood: suicidal.
And for your next assignment:
add some facts to Romeo
or Juliet's profile.
There you go.
Thank you.
Ms. G...
This is our best friend, Grace.
She just transferred.
She was top of her class
at Marist.
Nice to meet you, Grace.
May I ask
what made you transfer?
I plan on going
to veterinary school
and I can enroll
in pre-Vet classes at OSU
from here.
Never had a teacher
give homework on Instagram.
Hey, if you can't beat 'em,
reach 'em, right?
You have your own account,
I'm assuming.
But I see my friends
all the time
so I don't really post much.
What a radical idea...
Hanging out with actual humans.
Then you won't have any trouble
with my policy...
All cell phones go in here
during class.
- Bye, Ms. G.
- See you tomorrow.
Bye, Ms. G.
Jake didn't even say hi?
Maybe he didn't see me.
Come on, Grace,
he ignored us.
Ugh. My Instagram feed
is so boring.
Why don't we look at Jake's?
Maybe we'll get some ideas.
You can't.
He deleted his Insta for me.
He did?
Let's check that out.
Is that a gun?
He didn't delete his Instagram,
he just blocked you
so you wouldn't see.
Oh, no.
You should send him that.
I didn't mean to hurt you.
I just didn't want you
to feel bad.
If she doesn't mean anything,
I don't understand
why you'd want to be with her.
Don't take this the wrong way,
things are simple in your world,
you know?
You've got two parents, right?
I don't.
You live in the house
that you grew up in.
I don't.
You're going to college.
I'm not.
You're in AP.
I'm stuck with the morons.
You're not dumb.
Most of us wanna escape
real life, Grace.
Having sex with a random girl
is an escape?
But being wanted is.
I want you, Jake.
No, I don't deserve
a girl like you.
Yes, you do.
- No, I don't.
- Yes, you do.
How many guys
have you been with?
You're the first.
The first... the first what?
The first guy I've ever loved.
Are you sure?
Get out!
Get out of my house!
What the hell?
Get out of my house!
What is going on?
Calm down!
You cheated on me!
You cheated on me!
You cheated on me!
- You're a liar!
- You're crazy!
Get out!
I'm not crazy!
You're a liar!
- Get out!
- Isla!
Get out of my house, Jake!
Get out!
I'm not crazy!
Hello, friends.
So, I have been seeing this guy,
and this is
what he said to me...
while on the same day
this is what
he was saying to her.
If you're this girl
and you're watching this,
you need to wake the hell up.
If he's in my bed,
he's not your man!
And for everyone else watching
right now,
to all of my people,
just remember...
that a bad boy
is like a stray dog.
You never know
where they've been,
or when they're gonna bite.
So you bite first.
Cami, I'm hurting.
Did you check your social?
I know.
I rage posted.
How bad is it?
Girl, it's blowing up!
You hit 10,000 followers
for being all pissed off.
Oh, my gosh.
"I can't believe
anyone would cheat on someone
as cool as you."
"He's a psycho."
"He's a loser."
"We want a part two."
"We want a part two."
Oh, my gosh, Cam.
Cam, everybody wants a part two.
There's, like, hundreds of likes
on all of these comments,
asking for a part two.
I can't believe this.
She called you out!
How did she get your texts?
I don't know!
"Who is this girl?"
"Look at how she dresses."
"What's up with her hair?"
"What's he doing with her?"
"She's in my class.
Shy, brainy type."
"Team Isla 100%."
She's pretty and thin and sexy.
And she has her own apartment!
I can't compete with her!
Then don't.
Forget him.
Yeah, Grace.
You'll be off to college soon
and he'll be stuck here
with Isla
and all the other
hundreds of skanky ho's
who follow him.
Just trying to be a friend.
I know.
Thanks, Kiley.
Yeah, thanks.
I can't be that girl.
Yeah, not if you
curl up into a ball and give up.
That sounds like a good plan.
I can't!
I love him!
That's why
she needs to get out now.
That's why we help her get him.
Kiley, do you actually
think we can?
We show Jake that you can be
just as sexy as Isla.
You have any photos
of you in the bathtub?
You and Jake making out?
Guys love that.
Are you kidding?
My mom has my password.
She sends screenshots
off my Insta
to my grandmother.
That's why we make a Finsta.
A fake Instagram?
This just gets worse
by the second.
It's private.
You only let
your friends follow you,
so your parents and teachers
and stuff can't see.
Everyone has a Finsta.
And this helps Grace because...
Because Jake will follow
Grace's Finsta
and see that she can be
just as sexy as Isla.
We're gonna need
more than cute selfies
at the beach, though.
Grace, you're better than this.
You don't have to go there.
Hi, I'm Ginny Moore.
It's so nice to meet you!
Wow, you are
even prettier in person.
Oh, thank you, Ginny.
That's because I've been using
all of your products.
Awesome. Awesome.
Well, we are looking for
the right person
to talk about our brand,
and we are excited
about the possibility
of you telling
all of your followers about us.
Me too.
I've been researching a lot
about how beauty brand
influencer marketing
is, like, the most effective
form of digital advertising
to get people
to try new products.
When the influencer
is someone trustworthy.
We want our influencers
to talk about their lives
and how our products
make it better,
bring the consumers
into their home,
their lifestyle,
share what they eat
for breakfast.
That's perfect for me.
You know, your followers
really seem
to care about you, Isla.
What do you think the appeal is?
Well, Ginny,
I'm fun and I'm real.
I'm the kind of girl
who, you know, you want to go
to a party with,
because we'll dance
our asses off
and we'll talk
to a lot of cute boys,
but then
at the end of the night,
I'll always make sure
that everyone gets home safe.
And that's what my appeal is.
I think I'm just
the kind of girl
that everybody wants
for their best friend.
Well, let's open the box.
I'm officially an influencer!
I think
your friend, Ari, hates me.
She's just protective.
All she knows
is what she's seen.
She doesn't know you like I do.
Maybe she's right.
There's things
that you don't know.
All I need to know
is that I am the one.
Who else could it be?
The way you look at me.
All right, I'd better go.
One second.
I should've put on makeup.
I look like
I'm in middle school.
Who's gonna look at your face?
Watch this.
Too bad
you can't make me look skinny.
Says who?
Well, it's Grace...
sort of.
- I like it.
- Yeah?
I can't believe
I nailed that trick.
Hey, Jake.
Just saw you on Isla's new post.
So after I threw his ass out
for cheating,
here are some things
he left at the house.
His lighter.
And this really creepy
Army knife.
Let me know what you guys
want to see in part three.
I was thinking
we take a trip to Portland
for your birthday.
We could visit
all those vintage stores
that you like.
No need.
I'm getting free clothes
from Therapy Boutique now.
Really? Are they just
giving away clothes?
No, it's only for me.
It's because I've been promoting
their store in my posts
and sales are actually
going up because of it.
And that's just the beginning.
That's great.
You heard anything
from your mom?
You know, Dad,
it's not your fault...
that she doesn't call
on my birthday.
No, it's not right.
No matter what happened
between us,
a girl needs her mom.
I have my followers now.
Honey, it's not the same.
Dad, it's better.
Are you excited
about graduation, Jake?
Yes, ma'am. Yeah.
But I might be short
just a couple of credits,
'cause we moved around a lot,
my Dad being
in the military and all.
Well, can't they let you
make up the extra classes
so you can graduate
with everyone else?
They could,
but I don't really have the time
because I work 40 hours a week
at the Bella Bistro.
you work a full-time job
and you go to school?
Yes, Ma'am.
And I help my grandmother
with the shopping and cleaning.
Where are you applying
to college, Jake?
I'm not really sure
I'm going to take that route,
Mr. Heinemann.
I hear they have
good college scholarships
for veteran families.
How do you like Sheldon, Jake?
It's pretty good. Yeah.
My old school didn't have
as many kids...
And certainly no one like Grace.
Well, let's hope
the colleges she's applying to
think the same thing.
Why wouldn't they?
There may be other
smart kids out there, sure,
they'll never find anyone
who cares as much as Grace does.
That's beautifully put, Jake.
How's prom coming along, honey?
The theme is going to be
"Fire and Ice".
I hear Sheldon's proms
are legendary.
I think you're going to love it.
That's me.
Grandma checking in.
Of all the boys in Hayesville,
why him?
Broke and going nowhere.
Did you see her?
She was glowing.
College is her dream.
And she's done everything right.
Just give her some time
to have some fun
before she takes her ticket
and boards the train.
And what do we do until then?
Trust her.
Your mom is a really great cook.
Way better than mac and cheese.
I want you to follow me.
You girls and your social media.
I already do.
You like?
it doesn't seem like you.
I'm changing.
can't afford a real one,
but you'll save a lot
on dog food.
You got balls showing up here.
now that 8,000
of your followers hate me.
That's up to 13,000 now.
And they don't hate you...
they're just in love with me.
I guess...
you have that effect on people.
Happy Birthday.
You didn't answer my texts.
Grace, I was in class.
You left dinner at my house
and went to her!
Grace, chill out.
We need to talk after school.
I can't.
A couple of the guys are going
to WJ's Skate Park.
Are you actually going skating
or are you going to her house?
It was her birthday.
She was alone.
I felt bad.
I can't do this!
Hey, you know how this works.
You film something,
you throw a whole bunch
of effects on it.
It was nothing.
Well, it looked like something
to 8,000 people, Jake!
Did you read
any of the comments?
"You make a hot couple."
"Hope you work it out."
Who cares what a bunch
of strangers online say?
We know what's real, right?
And if you want a stuffed dog
for your birthday,
I'll get you one.
I already have one.
I want you.
You got me.
Just not today.
Come on.
I'll walk you
to your next class.
We got the last two spots
on the college tour.
Yeah, great.
Actually, do we have to go?
Do we have to go
on the college tour
you've been bugging me about
for an entire year?
It's just all happening so fast.
I don't know if I'm ready.
How's everything going
with Jake?
'Cause, lately, it seems like
you've just been buried
in your screen.
He works, remember?
And I have to check
to see what's up
with the Prom Committee.
I know that
it might feel scary
to leave home,
but I promise you
college is going to be
a wonderful experience.
Okay, Mom.
Ms. Gordon,
Grace says that you're
everyone's favorite teacher.
I don't know
if I'm their favorite,
but they know
they can come to me
when they need help.
I know that Grace is new here
and you don't know her
very well,
I don't have
any one else I can turn to.
I can't talk about this
with my pastor,
my husband...
this would kill him.
This isn't the Grace I know.
She's such a sensible girl,
you know?
It's that boy.
He's changed everything.
I'm afraid for her.
It's like she will say
or do anything to get him.
Have you tried talking to her?
I'll lose her trust
if she finds out
that I violated her privacy,
but, yes,
I have tried talking to her
about Jake,
but she just...
She just shuts me out,
and I don't know what to do.
I think the best thing
to do right now
is I keep an eye on her
at school,
and you continue
to do so at home,
and if I see anything more,
I will let you know.
This is insane.
You get free stuff
just for dancing
in your underwear,
chugging tequila
and kissing a stuffed dog.
She's almost got
That's like advertising
on a hit sitcom.
When I have a daughter,
she's not going to spend
all day on her phone.
She's not even
going to have social media.
What are you going to do...
Lock her in a castle?
So, did Jake ask you
to the prom yet?
He's been busy working
and hanging out
with these skaters.
Who he met
thanks to Isla's videos.
I have to do something.
Fight back.
A prom invite
is kind of critical,
but once you get that,
you can use it.
So I've got
to get him to ask me.
I mean,
if he was any kind of boyfriend,
he would've asked you already.
Why don't you ask him?
And they told me
that they want me to post
everything about my life.
I seriously think
this is gonna be
our ticket out of this place.
And I also wanna be
the next Loren Gray now
because she's been around
for a long time,
and she still has
53 million followers
and makes, like,
$5 million a year.
- Five million?
- Yeah.
With that, we could...
Oh, boy.
We could?
Get a fancy place
in New York or something.
That's everything
I've ever wanted.
Damn, I'm late for work.
Jake, if you're not
going to prom with me,
I'm going to take someone else.
He's typing!
Grace, if you went
to prom with me,
this is what I'd do.
That's so cool!
- Oh!
- You're going to prom!
It worked!
It worked!!
If you want her to back off,
you have to fight on her turf.
Let's make a video.
- Yes.
- Okay.
- Okay, stand here.
- Okay.
This side.
Right there.
- Ready?
- Mm-hmm.
- Listen, Isla...
- No!
No names.
Just say "you" or "this girl".
- You acted like a slut...
- Nope.
Bullying gets you banned.
And plus, you don't want
to say something
that might be used
against you later.
Try again.
You said things about me
that weren't true...
You need to be more forceful.
Call her out more.
Come on, Grace!
You hooked up with my boyfriend
and tried to make it look like
you were together.
But does this look like love?
Or does this?
You called him a dog,
but he only got you
that stuffed puppy
because he felt sorry for you.
Because you don't actually have
a boyfriend.
So if you think that a guy
leaving a pair of socks
at your house after a hook-up
makes him your man,
check out part two...
my promposal.
Grace, if you went
to prom with me,
this is what I'd do.
Isla, you've got
three orders up!
Oh, my goodness.
- Gorgeous!
- You like?
Yes, Queen.
- Stay right there.
- Okay.
- Ready?
- Yeah.
You've got to pose.
Oh, my goodness!
So pretty! Come on, pose.
Give us something.
There we go!
Do a little twirl.
Little twirl.
Oh, so pretty!
Now you have to post this.
Love that.
Isn't this
going to stir things up?
Yes. That's the point.
When is this going to end?
As soon as she sees
that Jake chose me
and she goes away.
You told me...
You said after six months,
you'd move me up
to shift manager.
Look. The owner's son
came back from college
and he got the gig.
You still gonna work your shift?
So now she's on social media,
my views dropped,
I have lost a ton of followers,
and I haven't gotten
any new products in a week.
Okay, chill, Isles.
I don't want to burn you.
you're fugly
and I hope you die!
No, no.
You are not going to post that.
You're not an influencer, Cami.
You don't get it.
And you won't be either
if you get shadowbanned for
posting inappropriate content.
Come on, Isla,
I thought you said you and Jake
were no big thing.
Well, I still have
an image to maintain, Cami...
and I don't want to be
the one who gets left again.
Come on.
I'm really glad
you decided to stop by.
I saw your post...
with that guy, Jake...
He's history.
I knew you'd be back.
I can't believe you.
You asked me to the prom,
then went to her house!
You betrayed me!
She just posted this!
Tell me right now.
Her or me?
I can't answer that.
Don't leave.
Jake, no! Jake!
- Jake!
- I can't do this!
I'm sorry.
You okay?
I didn't mean to.
Show me, show me, show me.
I told you.
I didn't mean it.
I swear.
I told you, I am bad news.
You're right.
You are.
Look, Grace,
you're a good person.
You need to be the one
walking away.
And Isla's not...
So she gets to be with you?
When my dad died,
I don't know,
my whole world, it just...
It just closed in on me...
and I just started
doing things just to forget...
And I know the things
that I'm doing aren't right,
but I can't stop doing them.
I don't see that.
That's because
you don't want to!
Do you know the difference
between you and Isla?
You see me for everything
that I could be
and she just sees me
for everything that I really am.
And I have been holding on
to both of you...
for too long.
We have to let it go.
It's okay, baby.
I know what to do.
We can't tell Ari about this.
You're just gonna
talk to her, right?
And then we go out.
Watch out!
Hello, Ma'am.
Are you the owner of the van
that's parked in the driveway?
And were you driving around
a '50s diner
yesterday around,
say, 6:00 p.m.?
No. My daughter, Grace,
was using the car.
There was a report
of Grace and a friend
harassing a girl
named Isla Masters.
She was driving the car
towards Isla,
trying to scare her.
Apparently, it's over a boy
that they're both involved with.
Miss Masters filed a complaint.
I'm sorry, Officer.
I've never had any problems
with my daughter.
She's a straight-A student.
She's at the top of her class.
Okay, luckily, Ma'am,
no one got hurt.
Stay away from each other,
young lady.
Thank you, Ma'am.
Grace, what were you thinking?
You don't understand.
I understand
that you almost blew
your entire future.
You could have hurt that girl...
And for what?
For a boy
who's with another girl?
Jake loves me.
And I love him.
He's your first...
and that's special,
but this fight has to end.
I want Grace Heinemann
to be happy!
The little girl
who loves unicorns,
who has the same friends
since kindergarten,
who plays chess with her dad.
I'm not a child anymore.
listen to me.
I'm worried about you.
I want to be alone.
- Grace, if you just...
- Get out!
I said, get out!
Right now!
Hello, friends.
I am an emotional person,
so when bad things happen to me.
I just need to talk it out,
so here it goes.
As you know,
I have been seeing this guy,
and there have been
some ups and downs.
But he is not the problem.
She is.
This girl here
got obsessed with him
and then she started
stalking me,
and it started off
with just watching my stories,
which I didn't think
much of at the time,
but then she started
spreading lies about me,
then she got obsessed with me,
and she tried to hit me
with her minivan.
They were going by so fast,
that I only saw two heads
fly right by me.
It was really, really scary,
you guys.
Thankfully, I am okay,
but I did get a picture
of their license plate,
which I took to the police,
and I'm going to share it
with you guys here.
She said two heads?
Why didn't you
talk her out of it?
I didn't know
what she was going to do.
I didn't want her to be alone!
She needs a friend, Kylie,
not an accomplice!
Hey, you've reached Jake.
Leave a message.
Hi, it's Grace.
Leave me a message.
where are you going?
Grace, come on,
let's just go home now.
She already filed
a complaint against you,
It's like they said,
if I want Jake,
I have to fight for him.
Who said?
You can't listen to people
on social media!
They're not your friends!
Who's calling?
My mom.
Stop buzzing me,
you crazy bitch!
Stay away from my man!
You can have Jake,
I don't care...
But you do not mess
with my career.
If you had
real aspirations in life,
you'd know the difference
between your stupid
little girl posts
and my business,
but you don't!
I have the followers,
I have the receipts.
My posts are viral,
yours are nothing,
so just stop... you can't win!
And if I don't,
what are you
going to do about it?
I will freaking kill you!
Get down here, Isla.
We're not done!
Hey, bro.
Hey, man.
- Hey!
- Grace, no!
Grace, stop!
Grace, stop!
Grace, stop!
Move, move!
Do something!
Why are you guys standing there?
I need emergency!
Someone's been hurt!
I just need someone
stat, please!
Someone, give me an address!
Grace you're okay.
You're okay.
Grace Heinemann,
a 12th-grade student
at Sheldon High School
has been stabbed to death
after she and another teenager
got in a fight over a boyfriend
they both share.
Isla Masters, 19,
is presently being held
under suspicion of murder
pending a trial.
Hey, Jake,
I got a bunch of strange calls.
They say that there's
a killer working here.
I think it might be better
if you stayed home
until all this dies down.
You were at that party
with Grace, weren't you?
So many of you were there,
and none of you did anything?
Not one of you
lifted a finger to help?
How does this happen?
How do you care more
about posting a fight
than stopping it?
How did you let
my little girl die?
As of right now,
you're being charged
with second-degree murder,
but that could change.
English loves to play hardball.
Watched too many episodes
of Law and Order.
Alex English.
That's the D.A.
I've been appointed
as your lawyer...
Lindsay Rice... call me LR...
We don't have a lot of time.
I'd like you
to consider pleading
to a lesser charge
of manslaughter.
You want me to say I did it
and go to prison?
Yes, but for a lot less time
and a quicker parole.
She came to my work
and tried to run me down!
There's a witness!
is a pretty tough sell
when she used her fists
and you had a knife.
She harassed me!
Like you harassed Seth DiSilva?
The police were called
when he tried
to break up with you.
He filed a complaint.
That's ancient history.
Almost one year
to the day of Grace's death.
English will use that to show
your previous violent nature
and your pathological attachment
to boyfriends.
The complaint you filed
will help,
but I don't think a judge
will believe your story.
It's not a story!
I've seen your social media.
You had quite the following.
And you put this feud
center stage.
That raises the issue
of premeditation,
usually hard to prove,
except when there's
a series of viral posts,
seen by as many people
as there are seats
at a football game.
Establishing premeditation
changes the charge...
to first-degree murder.
But she...
she just kept punching me.
And I was looking around,
and there was blood everywhere,
but it was mine...
And I just thought...
I just thought that
if I showed her the knife,
that she would stop, and I...
I never meant...
I didn't...
I never wanted her to...
I need names, dates,
anything I should know
that would help
or hurt your defense.
And I'm recommending
a bench trial.
That means no jury.
Only the judge
deciding your fate.
What about Jake?
Would he have to testify?
If there's a trial,
he'd be called as a witness.
And you would ask him
about me and Grace
and how he felt and everything?
He'd be under oath.
I'd try to show
how he played you
against each other, yes.
So then people
would be on my side.
Isla, getting a judge
to believe you
isn't the same
as getting followers.
We go to trial,
we're rolling the dice
with your life.
I want to prove my innocence.
Name: Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde.
Home: London, 1890.
doctor or psychopath.
Personal interests:
Exploring the human psyche
or killing people.
So which one are you?
Let me put it another way...
Is the real you
the person you post online?
The whole idea
is to be different.
But how different?
Is the real you Dr. Jekyll,
but you turn into Mr. Hyde
when you post online?
I guess when you see
somebody's posts,
you don't really know
their whole story.
Today at the trial
of Isla Masters,
the court will hear
from the defense,
and from 19-year-old
Masters herself.
Masters is charged in the death
of Grace Heinemann.
If Masters is convicted
of first-degree murder,
she could spend
the rest of her life in prison.
Mr. Carter,
in October of last year,
did you have a relationship
with Grace Heinemann
or Isla Masters?
Both of them.
And were you serious
with either one of them?
I'm not serious with anybody.
Oh, so friends with benefits?
I wouldn't say that.
Well, what would you say?
I guess it just
made me feel good.
That I was somebody
two girls liked enough
to fight over.
Did you encourage them
to fight over you?
No, I never wanted any of that.
Everybody on social media did.
They just kept
pushing and pushing
thank you, Mr. Carter.
That's all, Your Honor.
Your witness, Ms. Rice.
But you didn't try
and stop the feud.
You kept on playing
both these girls,
knowing you were
inciting them to violence.
Objection, Your Honor.
Let's move on, Ms. Rice.
Why did you come back
to Hayesville?
To live with my grandmother
after my dad died.
Why did you come back
to live with your grandmother?
Because I was having
some issues.
In fact, you were arrested
for beating someone up,
weren't you?
Yeah, he made a joke
about my Dad.
That's it?
You put someone in the hospital
for a joke?
He said maybe it was my fault
that my Dad killed himself.
So you came back to Hayesville,
looking to start
some new fights.
Come on.
I wanted to get away
from all of that.
I was just trying
to be somewhere else
and be someone else.
And Isla Masters made you
that someone else?
Yeah. Yes.
And Grace Heinemann
made you someone else.
These girls created you.
Because, in fact,
you're nothing more than
a high school kid with a record.
By continuing to play
both these girls,
you fueled their fight?
It was just words.
I never thought that
they would fight for real.
You didn't think about them
at all, did you, Mr. Carter?
I guess that's what I did.
And what was your dream?
I wanted to be an influencer.
Somebody who people
could look up to.
Somebody who helped other people
find their dreams.
And Grace stood in the way
of your dream.
That's why you hated her.
I didn't hate her.
I honestly didn't even know her.
Did you know she was
following you to the party?
I just went to see Jake.
Then why did you
bring the knife?
Because I was afraid of her...
and I thought that
if she saw it,
that she would leave me alone.
But she followed me there,
and she came after me,
and she wouldn't stop.
I honestly don't even remember
pulling out the knife.
I never wanted any of this.
Thank you, Isla.
So, Miss Masters,
you wanted to be
an Internet celebrity
who gets paid
for dancing in a bikini,
is that it?
There's a lot more to it
than that.
But you did dance
in a bikini, right?
So does Charli D'Amelio.
Is that a crime?
And Grace stood in your way
because people stopped
following you
after they witnessed
your actions towards her.
Is that correct?
Yes, but I had receipts
to prove that she was lying.
This is a social media term?
Yes, it means,
like, proof, or evidence.
Well, since you're such
an expert on social media,
then you do know
what filters are?
Yes. Everybody uses them.
To make them look better
than they actually are.
Well, I don't know anybody
who wants to look worse.
Well, isn't that
what you're doing right now?
Trying to sell us
this idealized version
of a nice girl,
when you yourself are a killer?
- Objection.
- Sustained, Mr. English.
Your Honor,
this video was made
the moment before the fight
where Grace was stabbed.
It establishes
that Miss Masters
went to the party
with expressed intention...
to kill Miss Heinemann.
You can have Jake! I don't care!
But you do no mess
with my career!
If you had
real aspirations in life,
you'd know the difference
between your stupid
little girl posts
and my business!
But you don't!
I have the followers!
I have the receipts!
My posts are viral,
yours are nothing!
So just stop!
You can't win!
And if I don't?
What are you going
to do about it?
I will freaking kill you!
Miss Masters...
is that you?
Your sentencing
is set for next week.
A lot of people will be speaking
on your behalf.
Your dad, Cami,
your boss from the restaurant...
and your mother.
My mom's gonna tell everyone
that she ran out on us?
Is that a good idea?
I hope so.
That's why I asked her.
How long?
I'm hoping for 15 years.
Given your age,
we might have a shot.
Dear Grace,
I talk to you every day,
and will
for the rest of my life.
I have a lot of time
to think now,
and I play back everything.
I should have never said
those horrible words to you,
and I will never forgive myself
for how things ended.
I was just so caught up in
what other people would think
that I didn't take
the time to reflect
on what was actually happening.
If only I could have
understood it then.
Things could have been
so different.
I really think
we could have been friends.