He's Your Dog, Charlie Brown (1968) Movie Script

Ooh, that dog drives me crazy.
"And the little pig refused to open the door
and then the wolf became very angry.
And he huffed and he puffed
and he blew the house in."
That's ridiculous.
No animal could huff and puff that hard.
That dog is gonna drive us crazy.
Ooh, that dog.
After the show, we'll stop
and get a hot-fudge sundae, okay?
- Okay, fine.
- Bang! Bang!
Boy, Charlie Brown, it was a great show.
Free candy, 10 cartoons
and three monster pictures.
ALL: Well, Charlie Brown?
- Well, what?
That dog is impossible.
Charlie Brown,
you've got to do something about that dog.
- It's up to you, Charlie Brown.
- Why me?
Because he's your dog, Charlie Brown!
Dear Daisy Hill Puppy Farm...
...I am writing in regard
to one of your less distinguished alumni.
Perhaps a refresher course
in obedience and the social graces...
...would be appropriate.
Therefore, I am going to send him back...
...and have you teach him
a little discipline.
I'm sorry, Snoopy,
but it's for your own good.
The kids just can't stand
your undisciplined behavior.
Oh, hi, Chuck.
I'm calling to ask a favor.
Remember Snoopy, my shortstop?
Sure, Chuck. You mean
that funny-looking kid with the big nose?
Yeah, I guess he does have
kind of a big nose.
Well, anyway, he's going on a little trip
across town, see.
He's going back to school
for a little refresher course.
Back to school? Poor kid.
Oh, it's nothing serious.
He'll see his family and have a good time.
That's great. He deserves it.
You know, he's the only one on your team
who really knows what's going on.
So, what's the favor you wanted?
I wonder if he could stop at your house
and spend the night.
See, he's going to walk, and he'll only get
about as far as your house the first evening.
Sure, Chuck old boy.
Happy to be of service.
Tell your friend
Peppermint Patty will see he's comfortable.
So long, Chuck.
That shortstop was the funniest-looking kid
I ever saw.
Now, don't forget, Snoopy,
stop over at Peppermint Patty's.
She's expecting you.
Oh, don't forget your dish.
You're supposed to bring your own dish.
So long, old pal.
Hey, it's the shortstop.
Hi, pal. Glad you could make it.
Going back to school, eh?
Chuck says you'll have lots of fun.
Must be a drag, though,
having to go back to school.
Here's your room, Snoop.
Put your stuff down here,
then we'll take you for a little chow.
You must be hungry after your long trip.
Hi, Roy. We're gonna get us a bite to eat.
Remember Snoopy?
He's that strange kid I told you about.
He never says a word
but he's a good shortstop.
Here you are, pal.
This will take the chinks
out of the old tummy.
Boy, that's the strangest kid
I've ever seen.
It sure has been quiet around here
without old Snoopy.
I hope he's having a good time.
I hope they haven't been too tough on him.
Hi, Charlie Brown.
Any news from Snoopy?
You know, Snoopy drives me crazy,
but it sure has been quiet since he left.
I hope they don't mistreat him.
Roy, there's something about
that kid out there.
You almost get the idea that
he thinks he's a soldier on leave in Paris.
Heh-heh-heh. Ha-ha-ha.
Here you are, Snoopy.
Glad you could stay an extra day.
Hope they don't miss you at school.
What is it with this kid?
I wonder how long he's gonna stay.
Boy, this kid is something else.
I wonder if anybody misses him.
He's been here a week...
...and I suddenly realize why
nobody misses him.
Hello? Snoopy? No, he isn't here.
He's at the Daisy Hill Puppy Farm.
This is the Daisy Hill Puppy Farm?
He didn't show up?
But he left a week ago.
I don't understand.
He left, and was supposed to stop
at Peppermint Patty's, then--
Hello, Peppermint Patty? This is Chuck.
Chuck Brown.
Hi, Chuck. Boy, am I glad you called.
Remember that shortstop of yours
called Snoopy?
He's still here,
and he's eating us out of house and home.
He seems to think he's at a resort.
That kid is a strange one.
He never says a word,
just signals for service.
This is terrible. He was supposed to
have gone to get some training.
I'd better go over and pick him up.
I hate to take this leash.
But if he's going to act this way,
it's his own fault.
Hi, Chuck. Boy, am I glad to see you.
That Snoopy friend of yours is something.
Wait till you see him.
He's wearing the strangest outfit.
Do you think you have to do it this way?
I'm afraid I have to.
Thanks for all you did for Snoopy.
I know he appreciates it
even if he doesn't say so.
I wish you wouldn't do that.
It's very embarrassing.
Now look, Snoopy.
If you'd done what you were supposed to,
you wouldn't be treated like this.
Now on, you're gonna have to be on a leash
anytime you leave the yard.
What happened?
I think I was attacked by an escaping--
An escaping prisoner.
You again?
Well, if you're looking for a place to stay,
let's get one thing straight right now.
We have a rule in our family,
that everyone pulls his own weight.
If you're going to stay here,
you're going to have to work.
And it's gotta be done right.
When you finish the hallway,
start on the living room.
PATTY: Mom says we can't eat
till you finish the yard work.
It sure is quiet around here.
Yeah. As much as I hate baseball,
I miss not playing or doing something.
Since we lost our shortstop,
...our team doesn't seem
to have the same old zip.
Let's face it. It's not the same around here
without Snoopy.
Maybe I should try to get him back.
Maybe you should try to get him back,
Charlie Brown.
That's it, Charlie Brown.
Tell him we are willing to accept him back.
Hi, Chuck.
What are you doing way out here?
Well, it's about Snoopy.
I wonder if I could talk to him.
I'll see if he can come, Chuck.
He's sort of busy right now.
I came to get you, Snoopy.
I'm glad to see you are willing
to let bygones be bygones.
I'll put this on.
Gee, Chuck. What's with the rope?
Snoopy seems to hate this game
you wanna play.
Maybe you better get lost.
It's sure great having Snoopy here.
Boy, he's not only a good shortstop.
He can sure help around the house.
So long, Chuck.
Okay, Snoop, back to work.
You gotta pull your own weight
if you're gonna live here.
Snoopy refuses to come home.
As soon as he saw the leash, he flipped.
You blockhead.
You shouldn't have showed him the leash.
You should have decoyed him with a bone,
and then jumped him and hog-tied him.
Than dragged the ingrate home
to those who appreciate him.
If that stupid dog doesn't come home
pretty soon...
...I'm gonna start missing him.
Snoopy, come home!
Here, here, what's all this ruckus?
You'd better ease up on that noise
or out you go.
You'd better clean up this mess.
As a disciplinary measure,
you'll sleep in the garage tonight.
Yes, sir? What can I do for you?
- Hey.
- Hey.
Boy, it's great to have you back, Snoopy.
I don't mind telling you
I've really missed you.
Tomorrow we'll see the kids.
They'll be glad to see you too.
- Hey, Linus. Guess who's back.
- Aah!
- He's back.
- Who's back?
He's back. Ugh.
Dog germs.
ALL: Fight. Fight.
Lucy and Snoopy are having a fight.
Lucy and Snoopy are having a fight.
Good grief. Already?
Stand up and fight like a man.
Here now, you two. Stop that fighting.
Stop it, I say.
Who's fighting? I surrender.
I said, I surrender. I surrender.
I said, I surrender!
He's back.