Hesitation Wound (2023) Movie Script

...tells us to vacate
the apartment in a month.
And I told them exactly
what you'd told me.
But then my husband got hesitant...
Don't worry, nothing will happen.
Tell him to contact your lawyer
if they bother you again
and I'll handle it.
I hope my kid will be
a lawyer like you.
Hope so.
My mother wanted the same for me.
She's proud that I defend people.
Thank you, Ms. Canan.
- Forgot your bag?
- Yeah.
- We just got to the hospital.
- Good morning.
You'll pick her up from here, right?
Hold on, just a second.
Canan, sis, this is Mom's
pension check.
Okay, keep it.
- Will you make it back in time?
- I won't miss it, don't worry!
Sorry about that...
Okay, call me when you arrive.
I was looking for you, Counselor.
The hearing has been postponed.
- 'Till when?
- 11:40.
- Okay, thanks.
- You're welcome.
When I got in,
the place was soaked.
- Good morning.
- Good morning, Counselor.
- Still not fixed?
- Nope, still leaking.
Oh dear...
- Good morning, Counselor.
- Good morning.
You've added Cemal
as a witness, yes?
- You've notified the judge?
- I have, yes.
- Okay, just making sure.
- Everything's on track, don't worry.
Okay, have a good day.
- Thank you.
- You too.
Hardest working lawyer
in this place...
- Oh yeah?
- Of course. You then me.
How's your stomach feeling?
Any some tea?
- I'll have a weak one.
- Hope you start feeling better.
And Counselor, your tab...
Can we settle up before
the end of the month?
I don't have any cash.
- I wish you'd bought those tokens.
- What do I owe you?
- It was 173, now it's 175.
- Okay, I'm on it.
And the replacement car...
still playing that music?
Is yours still at the mechanic's?
The hearing's postponed
so I'll get it tonight.
- Who's presiding over this one?
- What is it to you?
Bet you it's Mehmet, brother
of the mayor...
By the way, did you hear
about the mayor's girl?
I heard, hope she gets better.
Amen, amen.
Bon apptit.
What's up, man?
- Morning
- Thanks.
I'd like to see my client.
Sorry, Counselor, you'll need
permission from the Sergeant.
- Alright, where's the Sergeant?
- Down the store.
Fine. I'll straighten him out
when he's back.
Counselor, you know
it's not our call.
We'll be in a locked room
with you fellas at the door...
Come on, Counselor
can you not?
Don't worry. It's fine.
The hearing's delayed anyway.
Here, get some toast and tea
from Ismail, on me.
Thanks, I don't smoke.
We couldn't get the footage
'til now, the last hearing.
It's just your entry and exit
and some factory footage.
The office footage was wiped...
going back even two days
before it happened,
and no one's said a thing.
- You know him?
- No.
- Go ahead, smoke.
- I'll pass.
You're offered a smoke
before court and say no?
- I can't smoke yours.
- Why, what's wrong with it?
Too light, I'd be smoking nothing.
Go ahead...
Cetin comes in half
an hour after you.
He's only seen
going down the hallway.
And the only one
within the blind spot is Cemal.
Before my closing statements
the judge is going to...
I know.
Do you want to go over it, Musa?
- No need, I memorized it.
- Okay.
Why didn't you shave?
They didn't let me.
Guards still giving you a hard time?
Don't worry, we'll take care
of it before the trial.
I'll be right beside you, okay?
Stay calm.
A smile wouldn't hurt...
I'll be fighting to the end
don't worry.
"No more good looks
the smart ones winning."
"Stop crawling
and put an end to your life."
"Ga- Ga- Gazapizm Argo
te- te- technique."
"style like a social event
not escaping from poverty."
"Not a rope around your neck
but a boycott on the streets."
"It's not your money in the game"
"it's the gun at your head."
Can I play it again?
"The grief will surround you."
"The price you'll pay
will never end."
"We don't dream of such a place."
"You have no right
to make a mistake."
"The breath won't be cut"
"the wrist won't be cut."
"stand up straight
against the rules"
"it's my first time
around this quarter"
"A disgrace before us."
"A junkie gulps in the courtroom."
"A dope song plays
then we all are silent."
"You're faulty, I act accordingly
to my view."
"You're too stylish, got cash
in the pocket."
"But your concept is bigoted."
"The circulation you make is
the bend I took long ago."
"My most deformed
discourses are"
"the miracles you adore today."
"I'm so irrational that I expect"
"peace from the drugs."
"Phases of each person."
"Don't let fifteen years pass
so we leave"
"the darkest streets before
we grow old."
"Let's leave this city without
being blamed."
Canan, are you coming?
Don't worry.
The doctor is waiting.
Do not embarrass me.
Okay, I'm coming.
Hello, Canan, how are you?
- I'm good, you?
- I'm good.
You left this morning
without seeing me...
I had a hearing earlier.
I'm on duty today.
Let's do that exam.
- I'll be expecting you.
- Okay, I'll be there.
My mother wiggled
her fingers the other day.
A few times, actually.
Might be spinal reflexes.
But your mother isn't
conscious of it.
How do you determine
who receives her organs?
The most urgent cases on the
waiting list will be reviewed
and the first compatible
patient will be contacted.
The transplant will have
to happen quickly.
And if the first potential recipient
has an infection or inconvenience
then it'd go to the next
person in the list.
Your mother's organs
are in excellent shape.
She consented to donation
when she was still lucid.
So, we can start the procedure
once we have your approval.
Your signature isn't
a legal obligation
but we ask for it for social
sensitivities and ethical values.
- It should be a legal obligation.
- Excuse me?
- Laws exist to ensure...
- Thank you, Doctor.
My sister and I will discuss it
and let you know.
Of course.
Thank you.
No problem, please let me
know if you have any questions.
Thanks for everything.
"For social sensitivities
and ethical values..."
What the hell is she
talking about?
Canan, why are you acting like this?
We've just heard it again.
You can polish her nails and talk
to her until the sun rises...
Mom's not coming back, face it.
I can't make a decision
on this, Belgin.
Mom's still here.
Her heart is beating.
She's not a corpse
she's not dead and buried.
What's the difference, Canan?
Let her help someone
let her help some poor soul.
There's such great need.
Children are suffering...
it's a misery
- Even the mayor himself is hoping...
- I have to go.
Can we get some information?
We only inform
the patient's relatives.
Ok, thank you.
Is there really no chance
to see the mayor?
Not today, unfortunately, no.
He who has hail falling on his head
thinks the world
is covered by thunderstorms.
Can I get a razor?
A razor?
You know, a razor.
What kind? I have Mach 3, Mach 2...
For the shower, at the sink...
For shaving a beard.
- Single use?
- Single use.
- Want shaving cream?
- Sure.
I was only asking because women
don't ask for razors too much.
15.25, 3.5... 18.75.
I don't accept credit card payments
for under 40 liras.
I don't have any cash.
It doesn't make sense
after bank fees.
Then add a pack
of Winston Lights, slims.
- Okay.
- Actually, give me reds.
- 20.
- Is it enough now?
- Sergeant.
- Yes
Can we speak for
a minute, please?
Chin up.
Good morning.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
Have a pastry.
I'm fine.
They're meatless today
you're in the clear.
I'm good, thanks.
Potato bread?
Thanks, I've eaten.
Are you getting into character?
I'm preparing for the hearing.
Take deep breaths.
Inhale through the nose...
Exhale through the mouth...
I recommend it.
It'll calm you down.
See you.
Watch your step, ma'am.
Excuse me.
- Fatma, how are you?
- Good and you?
I'm good, I spoke to Musa
he's doing well.
- Don't worry about him.
- Thank you.
- Where is Cemal?
- He didn't come with us.
We agreed that you'd
come together.
I planned on it but I couldn't
reach him this morning.
Did you to talk to his wife?
Hacer started working at the factory.
She leaves early.
- At the same factory?
- Yes.
- Alright, I'll deal with it.
- Thank you.
Hey, do you know where
Kabaklar is?
- Who are you looking for?
- For Cemal.
Check the coffee shop.
Hi, I'm looking for Cemal.
- Which Cemal?
- Ayazoglu, Cemal Ayazoglu.
What for? He hasn't been
around for a few days.
It's a business matter.
Do you know where he lives?
I know where Cemal lives.
It's hard to explain
but I can take you.
No, I'll find it if you tell me.
- Have some tea.
- No, thank you.
You'd love it.
I'm in a hurry, thank you.
I'll take you if you're in a hurry.
See that minaret?
A storm took the top of it
down two months ago.
It was a hail storm, too.
The place's walls leak...
Tomorrow's storm will be
worse, they say.
Water will drip right
into the mosque.
Then what?
It is God who gives the storm
and it is He who takes the minaret...
- I wonder if we're cursed...
- Is it much further?
No, it's on the left
at the end of the street.
- Okay, thanks.
- I'm taking you!
I can find it from here, thanks.
Which one of you is Hacer?
Hacer! Somebody's asking for you.
When did you start working here?
A couple of weeks ago.
What's this about?
I can't reach Cemal.
Let's step outside.
I spoke to Cemal, he agreed to
come to Musa's hearing this morning.
Cemal is in Esme.
He won't be back today.
Esme?! He has to come
it's very important.
He can't make it before tonight.
That's unacceptable.
I assured the judge he'd be there
to save him the subpoena.
He's in trouble if he doesn't show.
I called multiple times
his phone is off.
He's changed his number.
Come on, give him a call.
I don't have any minutes left.
Give me his number, I'll call him.
545, 404, 55, 74.
He might not answer
unknown callers.
What's your number?
- My number? Why?
- Just tell me.
It's ringing.
Hello, Cemal, it's Canan.
You must come
to the hearing right now.
What do you mean
"I'm out of town"?
This is a life or death
situation, you know this.
Forget about the bus.
Get a cab right now.
Come to the courthouse.
I'll cover it, don't worry.
Call me when you're there.
Now listen to me.
Let's keep the police and the
courts out of this. Just be there.
Okay, I'll be waiting
at the courthouse.
Victim Attorney, Yasin Erkan
Defense Attorney, Canan Banaz.
You may be seated.
...hearing has begun.
A new paragraph.
Law Number 5237...
Murder in the first degree.
The routine procedures
have been completed.
The court plans to reach
a verdict today.
The prosecution rests, Your Honor.
All relevant evidence
has been provided.
The defense has moved
to call another witness...
Yes, Your Honor, I just spoke
to him. he's on his way.
The witness is not here
there's nothing more we can do.
Your Honor, if you'll allow...
- The facts have been considered.
- Your Honor...
I'd like to approach the bench
with a motion.
Since the counselor got
her master's degree in the UK
she asks to apply their
procedures here...
Alright, counselor.
Counselor Erkan, you may
also approach the bench.
Prosecutor, let's hear what
the defense counsel has to say.
I'd like to request once again
to hear our witness.
that will shed light on the case.
If you'll grant a short
recess, he'll make it.
Your Honor, there's no need
to recess.
I'd like to reiterate that,
disallowing this witness's testimony
will render the verdict void.
Who's this witness?
The decedent's chauffeur
one of the closest people
to the victim
and the most important eyewitness.
Let us deliberate.
Counselor, I intend to issue a
verdict based on the current evidence
and on the statements
made during the hearing.
Nevertheless, the court finds that
this testimony should be heard.
Your Honor, this is
a procedural error
we're at the end of the hearing.
Have we reached to the verdict?
Have we taken the closing statements?
What do we do until
the witness arrives?
We have time, Your Honor.
Reserved much of today's
work for this hearing.
I'm providing some lenience here
to ensure that the defense can
perform its due diligence.
Regardless, the court will
recess at noon.
Skip the part of sentencing.
So we'll begin with
the victim attorney
making his closing statement.
Proceed, Counselor.
Your Honor, the deceased
Yakup Kilic
was tragically murdered
on August 13, 2019.
It's clear that the defendant
Musa Sari committed this crime
based on previously stated evidence.
Allow me a recapitulation...
First, Sari was fired from
his long time job at the factory
after a troubling incident
in May 2019.
That factory was owned
by the victim
the late Yakup Kilic
Subsequently, as overheard
by witnesses
and submitted to this court
Musa Sari publicly declared...
"I'll kill him", "He shouldn't
have messed with me"
and "He's done for".
These statements establish
a clear motive, revenge
for Musa Sari to commit the crime.
The forensic report
is similarly damning
and leaves no room for doubt
that Sari committed the crime.
As shown in the report...
Sari's fingernail marks were found
on the body of the deceased.
The defendant strangled
then stabbed the victim.
This forensic evidence is clear.
Moreover, no one else but Sari
had entered the victim's office
on the day of the crime, Your Honor.
Also, and this is crucial
Sari has given numerous
contradictory accounts
of the day in question.
Whilst he initially admitted
to a physical struggle
in his first statement
to law enforcement
he subsequently denied this.
Lastly, Your Honor...
we finally obtained additional
surveillance footage
that had been delayed
by a technical malfunction.
And it, too, is now
part of the court record.
This footage proves that
the defendant Sari
entered the victim's office
on the day of the murder.
Your Honor, all evidence
physical or otherwise
indicate that the defendant
Sari committed the crime
of murder in the first degree.
Therefore, in order to bring
closure to the victim's family
and justice to a public
that desires it
we demand the maximum penalty
Life imprisonment without
the possibility of parole.
Yes, yes...
"The act of voluntary,
premeditated murder"...
"The act of voluntary,
premeditated murder"...
- Is it suitable to you, counselor?
- It is, Your Honor.
The prosecutor may continue.
Contrary to the defense's claim
that the crime was
not premeditated
Sari did commit aggravated
voluntary and premeditated murder.
This is confirmed by
the forensic report
the surveillance footage
and numerous witnesses
The way the murder
was committed...
Sari's sang- froid
following the incident
his many contradictory statements
the established animosity
between the men
and Sari's prior criminal record
- all contribute to our certainty...
- Objection, Your Honor.
Since day one, my client's
criminal record has been used
by the Prosecution.
Yet, this trial isn't about
my client's past.
A history of pickpocketing
has nothing to do with a homicide.
A method of proof
stating a criminal record
means he's a murderer, doesn't comply
with any legal system or notion.
Nevertheless, as the title
of 'murderer'
was ascribed to my client
on day one
his criminal record has been
wrongly considered germane.
Very well, the prosecutor
may proceed.
Sub-section A of paragraph 1
of Article 82
of the Turkish Penal Code
stipulates that the defendant
should be charged
convicted and sentenced
for the crime
of first-degree murder.
Note that the defendant's
statement has been received.
How would you like to defend
yourself against these accusations?
I agree with my attorney's defense.
These accusations are
slanderous, I plead not guilty.
That is all.
You may be seated.
You have the floor, Counselor.
Your Honor, esteemed members
of the court committee
on behalf of myself and my client
I'd like to once again express
my condolences to the family
of the deceased.
However, it seems that my client
Musa is here today
as nothing more than a scapegoat.
Without a shred
of physical evidence
and within hours
of the victim's death
Musa was indicted
and charged with his murder.
In fact, the charging document
does not refer to a suspicion
and instead accuses Musa
of premeditated murder
as if they'd witnessed it
with their own eyes.
The indictment is rife...
with misleading information
and half-truths.
Yes, Musa was in the factory
on the day of the incident.
But because he was
no longer an employee
he was subject to
a security screening
through a metal detector.
Furthermore, there's no mention
in any of the witness statements
that he was carrying
a knife that day.
My client had voluntarily
quit his job
and immediately found
work elsewhere.
Thus, he had no "financial
difficulties due to his termination"
as the victim's attorney claims.
And it's absurd to contend
that someone
who'd bought a new motorbike
a mere month before the murder
would take revenge
due to "financial difficulties".
The fingernail marks
mentioned in the forensic report
are due to a scuffle that happened
when Musa went to the factory
to retrieve his unpaid wages.
The forensic report states that
the death was caused by a knife
a knife that has never been found.
Plus, there's neither
a fingerprint nor an eyewitness.
In other words, the primary evidence
of the murder doesn't exist.
Moreover, the victim died
in the hospital
three days after the incident
in his office.
So, we cannot call this
premeditated murder.
The most serious crime possible
would be that of grievous
bodily harm
to which my client
has no causal link.
Sure, Musa has made
contradictory statements.
But any statement made to the
police without a lawyer present
are inevitably misleading
and carry no legal validity.
Only statements made to
the prosecutor or judge
can be considered valid.
Not one piece of evidence in favor
of my client has been produced
nor has the prosecution done
any kind of meaningful investigation.
All the appeals I've made
to the prosecution
about additional evidence collection
have gone unanswered.
There is also a major issue
that was deliberately not
clarified during the whole trial.
Surveillance footage was mentioned.
Yes, Musa's entry and exit was
recorded by surveillance cameras.
But there's not a drop
of blood on him
or any visible sign of a conflict.
However, there was another outsider
on the factory floor that day
the son of the victim, Cetin Kilic.
Only Cetin could've entered the floor
without going through
the metal detector.
And though his entrance
was recorded
he left the factory
through the back door
where there are no cameras.
Bearing in mind that
the murder weapon
has never been found
the only person
who could've brought it in
without detection by security
or recorded by the cameras
is Cetin Kilic.
Moreover, while Musa's
exit on the video
happens at 09:37 AM
Cetin's entrance
occurs at 10:03 AM.
If Musa had committed this crime
it would've been impossible
for the wounded man to go unnoticed
for half an hour and still survive.
You okay?
Step back, please.
Come in, come in.
Kemal, what's the situation?
We're taking care of it, Your Honor.
Will we be able to continue?
Can they stop the leak?
Yes, we can stop it. I called.
Your Honor, it's been taken care of.
The construction next door did it
and they've shut off the water.
- Alright, we can continue then?
- Yes, yes.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Yes, Counselor. Please continue.
Thank you, Your Honor.
As I said...
Cetin Kilic entered the
administrative floor at 10:03 AM.
And it's well known that he has
long had issues with his father.
Just a week after his father's
death, Cetin went abroad
and has yet to return.
I ask you all...
What kind of person
immediately goes abroad
after his father's death
and never returns?
Objection, Your Honor, the defense
is openly taunting a grieving family.
What kind of defense is it
to identify
the victim's son as
a possible suspect?
Cetin has gone abroad
to graduate school
which was planned
long before the murder.
His acceptance was
very challenging
and it's a major part
of his education.
I'd have thought that Attorney Banaz
would appreciate his situation
because, she too has
studied abroad
although she forgot
procedures here.
Even though Cetin arrived
at the factory around 10 o'clock
there's no footage of him
entering his father's office.
The cameras can't see
Cetin and his father's offices
only the corridor leading to them.
Cetin retrieved some personal items
from his office and left the factory.
Your Honor, Counselor is proposing
that the factory owner's son
for some reason
left through the back door
and for some reason
left through the back door
without visiting his father's
office, right next to his own.
Your Honor, the incident was reported
by phone to the hospital at 10:15
as noted in
the aforementioned reports.
If it was Musa who had
committed this crime
the victim would've died
that very day in his office
in that 45 minute window before
the hospital was notified
of the assault.
With that time frame in mind
how can we believe this story?
And why was the surveillance
footage, primary evidence,
withheld until the last moment?
What was this so-called
''technical malfunction''?
And how was it fixed
just before our last hearing?
Most importantly...
why did the cameras
in the victim's office
become inoperable
two days before the incident?
This suggests premeditation
of a kind
that Musa clearly
could not have accomplished.
There is only one truth
in this story...
Cetin Kilic is abroad
and has not yet returned.
Your Honor, Attorney Banaz
continues her harassment.
As I said before, life goes on
even after a loved one dies.
Yes, Cetin may have had
problems with the deceased
as every father and son.
It's unethical to make
familial tensions
the subject of this case.
Your Honor, these are
empty statements.
It's nonsense to contend that
someone can't murder a person
just because they
are part of the family.
Family is an institution
that a person doesn't choose
and as can be observed in this
case, never has to love.
Thus, we should consider Cetin
as a possible suspect
and let the law decide
whether he is guilty or not.
Upon our complaint against Cetin
the prosecution
began an investigation.
However, the court
declined to prosecute
without him being heard
even as a witness.
He remains abroad.
It was the judicial
authorities' decision
to not hear him as a witness.
His written statement
was deemed sufficient.
Your Honor, a young man's
future is at stake here.
If Cetin's investigation
as a suspect or a witness
will shed light on the case
then let it be done.
Musa is also a mother's son.
Inventing evidence to give
a life sentence to Musa
protecting Cetin from being
a suspect is so questionable!
Counselor! Mr. Erkan
has also expressed
the sensitivity of the issue.
Wrap it up, please.
Your Honor, my client
did not cause this man's death.
No meaningful consideration
has been made
of other possible suspects.
Without any definitive evidence
connecting Musa to this crime
I demand his acquittal.
Rice and beans with tzatziki
Kemalpasa for finale.
- Bon apptit.
- You're buying.
You're dragging
out the trial for nothing.
I should be home by now.
I'm doing my job.
So heroic... Superman...
Or Lady Superman I guess...
Criminal defense ought
to be considered heroic.
Heroism in Usak?
How prestigious!
Getting someone off the hook...
Don't waste your career
on this kind of stuff.
Leave these criminal cases to...
To who? You?
Cemal, you here?
I thought you were taking a cab?
No, I had my pickup.
What do you mean?
Why are you causing trouble?
You come to my house
see my wife?
- Are you afraid of the court?
- No.
Don't worry, I'm with you
we'll be in and out in 10 minutes.
They won't check for anything else
just your statement.
An innocent man's life
is at stake!
I'm not an ass who skips court.
Alright then, come on.
I thought it through
on the drive over and I hesitated.
What's this about?
Did something happen?
In the end, you're a lawyer
It's about money.
But this would weigh on
my conscience...
Your conscience?
What do you know?
That bastard tormented people
I hate bullies, but I can't...
You can't what?
- Come on, tell me everything.
- Musa didn't tell you?
- He told me he'd sent you a letter.
- What letter?
Screw this, keep me out of this.
Cemal, wait!
Excuse me?
- Yes?
- I'm expecting a letter.
I'm on my lunch break, lady
come back later.
Mister, I can't, I'm a lawyer
and have a hearing.
You'll be closed afterwards
I'll be too late.
Everybody's a lawyer these days.
- What do you want?
- There's a letter for me.
- Where from?
- The jail.
From jail?
Mail delivery isn't
instantaneous, you know?
Of course, but it's from my client
and I have no doubt that it's here.
He's sent me letters before
Mr. Nihat usually helps me out.
Mr. Nihat is at lunch.
I got a text telling me
it was delivered, look at this.
Oh gee, you got a text!
Well... you see all this?
How can I find
your letter in this mess?
The mail comes in
gets sorted then delivered.
I normally work inside...
If it wasn't urgent, I wouldn't
have interrupted your lunch break.
Hold on.
- Name?
- Canan Banaz.
- What neighborhood?
- Kemalz.
Go ahead.
Who did he hit?
The teacher's kid?
What for?
- Who called you?
- The principal.
OK, then you have to go.
Can I look?
I'm alone here, I can't leave.
Fine, you can't go, I can't go.
I'm alone here,
Don't you get it?
What else you got to do?
Then take your son...
I'm sorry.
Lady, what the hell
I've been honking for hours!
- You're holding up all these people!
- I said I was sorry.
You could've left your number
so we could call!
I'll need to take him 5 minutes
before the hearing begins, okay?
When I was jailed for pickpocketing
Mom got a job at his factory.
Right away, that bastard
had his eye on her.
He hired me when I got out.
I felt there was a thing
between them.
But I couldn't say a thing
to that bastard.
My mother was in love with him.
But he made her his mistress.
Treated her like an animal.
And day by day my mother fell apart.
He threatened her
tried to extort her.
- You should've gone to the police!
- I did! Of course.
I tried every police officer
and prosecutor...
As soon as they heard that
rich bastard's name, they backed off.
And once they saw my record
they wouldn't even file
the complaint.
They said there's no evidence
she should complain herself.
They turned a blind eye.
If that prosecutor saw my face
he wouldn't even remember me.
But not just them, that bastard too.
The things he's done to others...
I know all about it.
Look, I went to speak
to him in good faith.
I swallowed my pride.
I told him to leave us alone.
But he just chewed me out.
He said he'd ruin us.
That we'd die in hunger
he told me to fuck off.
That I could tell whoever I wanted.
I call the shots in this town.
That's how it is here, Canan.
Why are you telling me this now?
I thought you'd
be upset if you heard
of my death from someone else.
I thought you should hear it
from me, so I wrote the letter.
Your death, Musa?
What are you talking about?
I've made up my mind.
If I go back to prison
I'm going to end my life.
I've tried so many times
before but I couldn't do it.
because I had hope
I believed in you.
But if I get a life sentence
I'll cut myself wide open
without any hesitation this time
I learned how to do it right.
Why Musa? Why?
I've done time before
but a life sentence...
No life in prison for someone
unprotected like me...
Hey you! Shoot that guy
smuggle this shit in
He has men inside
they're not gonna let me live.
I'm scared, Canan.
Do you remember what I told
you the first day we met?
I'm not interested in
your intentions
but you've got to tell me everything
and don't you ever lie to me.
Remember that?
Your Honor, I didn't see anyone.
- Let's wait a few more minutes.
- Okay.
I'm sorry, Your Honor.
Counselor, your nose is bleeding.
Kemal, help the counselor.
Counselor, are you feeling alright?
Yes, Your Honor.
Okay. We'll now hear your witness.
Your Honor
Mr. Ayazoglu cannot
attend this hearing.
He's out of town.
All morning you insisted
on hearing this witness' statement.
This court has bent
the rules for you.
And it turns out that you've failed
to compel him to attend this hearing.
- Counselor, you're bleeding.
- I'm so sorry.
Your Honor, unfortunately...
Are you able to continue, Counselor?
Let's take a short recess.
How are you feeling, Counselor?
Thank you, Your Honor
again, I apologize.
I know you're going through
hard times as a family.
Thank you.
And I hope your niece recovers.
- Thank you.
- Your Honor?
I know it's improper
for me to say this...
You're about to make
a very important decision.
You have, unquestionably
much more experience than I do.
But for justice
to be made fully manifest
I urge you to reconsider
before you pass judgment.
You've done a fine job.
If you win this case
it'll be great for you.
Your Honor, this has
nothing to do with me.
Then why are you here?
Only I can save Musa, Your Honor
that's why I'm here.
He obviously killed the man
I wish this wasn't so.
Your Honor...
Of course, I don't know his motive
but that is not my concern.
Surely, but there's
no physical evidence.
Not enough to convict the man.
I have enough experience
to judge that.
I'm not questioning
your experience...
Thank you, Counselor.
Your Honor.
I was unwell and couldn't express
myself properly before.
But I'd like to finish my statement
before we move on, if I may.
Please, go on.
I'd like to share that
my client Musa is suicidal.
The hesitation wounds
on his forearms make this clear.
A suicidal person's main
concern is always himself.
The idea of committing suicide
is so consuming
that it's almost
psychologically impossible
to plan someone else's murder.
I'd like to reiterate that Musa
had no motive to commit this murder.
However, as I've stated before
Cetin Kilic, the son of the deceased
is the likeliest suspect
and he has not been
fully investigated.
Order, please.
The forensic report noted that
aside from the fingernail marks
the victim had traces
of bodily injury
that predate his murder.
The cause of these injuries
is known to the factory workers
- and should no longer be kept quiet.
- What are you talking about?
Please make your point, silence.
Cetin Kilic's psychological issues
have been reported
though not taken into
consideration in this hearing.
He regularly assaulted the victim
and caused the injuries
found on the victim's body.
You killed the man
and now you slander him?
- The main reason...
- Quiet please
for Cetin Kilic's
psychological problems
and his issues
with his father was because
by leveraging his status
his father had
an illegitimate affair.
Unfortunately, the decedent's wife
turned a blind eye to his behavior.
The threats, coercion,
and blackmail in this illicit affair...
For shame! How dare you? Lies!
There's not a shred of truth
in what you've said!
Sir, step back
calm down, enough!
You'll pay for what you've done!
Changing Usak, smiling Usak
Usak Municipality.
- The car's water pump is leaking.
- So?
We don't have the part right now.
I could have it fixed
by Monday at the earliest.
But you've had it
for so long already.
- Monday for sure, yeah?
- Yes, yes.
- Good luck.
- Thanks.
Good evening.
- Hello.
- Hello.
How was your day?
It was rough, as usual.
Have you had anything to eat?
There's a very nice
mushroom soup in the cafeteria.
It's something warm at least.
- No, I'm fine.
- Up to you.
- I'm heading out.
- Okay.
Should I take these home to wash?
No need, thanks.
You okay?
I am.
Canan, I know you.
And I feel the same way, really.
But you know what Mom
always told me?
"I don't want to live
if I'm not in control of my body".
Prolonging the inevitable brings
nothing but pain.
I'm not prolonging, I'm waiting.
I understand, I swear I do.
But I have a life with
my husband, my child, you...
With my whole family.
And I feel responsible
for all of you.
If it's hard for you, Belgin,
don't come tomorrow.
I'll find a way.
It's not about coming here.
If you really love Mom
you'll do as she says
not as you wish.
All you do is scold me.
I'm telling the truth.
You weren't here
while she cried out for you.
I'm sorry, but coming here
only after she lands in the hospital
doesn't make up for the past.
- I wasn't here? I met all her needs.
- Does that solve everything?
Is that what I'm talking about?
You don't know how she felt
what we talked about
when she called me
in distress? But I do.
Well, bravo for sparing five minutes
of your precious time for her!
I've given my whole
life in this city.
- Where were you then?
- I was working.
Sure, following your dreams
First abroad, then Istanbul...
You didn't come back
not even for holidays
to this city you disdain.
Don't you think I had ambition?
But I stayed with my mother.
I made sacrifices
and I suffered.
You love to play the martyr.
And you clear your conscience
for the time you were away.
My conscience is clear
I strive to do what's right.
- Then I'll do as I please.
- Do it, Belgin.
I'll come up with
a name for it anyway!
What stubbornness!
Have it your way.
I'm not coming in tomorrow.
- Any tenderness?
- No.
- Here?
- A little
What can I say, Canan?
Your ulcers have gotten worse.
When were you last examined?
Two months ago, I think.
I'm making you a biopsy appointment
for tomorrow, just to be sure.
Meanwhile, you should avoid
smoking, tea, coffee...
Watch your eating
and sleeping patterns.
Try to avoid stress
as much as possible.
Okay. Thank you.
It's good that we had
a look before I leave.
- I want to ask you something.
- Certainly.
You know my mother's condition.
Do you think...
there's any hope?
I thought you discussed
it with Ms. Ezgi.
I did, I did.
I just want your assurances as well.
Well, yes.
Sometimes patients in a vegetative
state or coma improve
become partially paralyzed
or even regain full health.
But, it's possible to say in this case.
How much longer
might she live like this?
I can't say for sure.
But as I've said before...
brain death has occurred.
We need to move quickly for
the organ donation, don't we?
If a procedure is delayed
any further
the organs will
begin to deteriorate
and a transplant
would be impossible.
You've been told this already, right?
I have.
I've just never listened until now.
I see.
Let's say we were
to make a decision.
Signing off on it
with Belgin is enough?
Actually, one signature is enough.
How so? Belgin could've
signed off on it without me?
Yes, that's the legal procedure.
But it's important for family
members to reach a consensus.
Is it possible to know who'll get
an organ before it's donated?
Of course not, Canan
it's illegal, you must know that.
I know, but there may be exceptions
to these rules, that's why I ask.
If it's the family's precondition
to know who'll get the organ
it's important to inform them
or you let someone die, right?
I understand your intention
but unlawful measures
can be taken in such matters.
There's a mafia, a market for it...
Of course, but you know
we're not talking about that.
I'd like to know
the recipient in advance.
It could affect our decision.
Let's say it's someone my mother
wouldn't want to donate to.
I understand, but...
I just want to see the list...
This stays between us, and I have
no means of intervening anyway.
Canan, I'd do almost anything
to help you, you know that.
But there's a committee
a procedure for this.
Besides, I'm not her doctor.
I can't do anything about it
I'm sorry.
So not a single person
can get this list?
- What's that got to do with this?
- Nothing.
- Miss? Are you alright?
- I'm fine.
So anyone living
on the ground floor
is advised to monitor
the situation.
Speaking of the storm
we're sharing the good news
from the mayor.
The minaret of the mosque
destroyed in the storm
will be rebuilt.
Don't you think it's strange
to deal with the minaret
when the ceiling of courthouse
collapsed just yesterday?
We leave the answer to you.
Your Honor.
I apologize for yesterday.
Apologizing to me doesn't
change anything, Counselor.
You crossed the line
I've notified the disciplinary
committee about
the commotion you caused.
I understand, Your Honor.
Once again, I apologize.
I'd like to discuss something else
if you have a moment.
You know of my mother's condition.
We decided this morning to donate
her organs, as was her wish.
- My condolences.
- Thank you.
Once a transplant
recipient is determined
the process begins.
Your Honor, I'm aware of the
urgency of your niece's condition.
You could let your brother
know about this if you like.
What are you trying to say?
There's not much time.
But if you hurry, maybe
something can be arranged.
Why would you tell me this?
Only for the sake
of your niece, Your Honor.
Counselor, let's pretend
we never had this conversation.
This hearing has been postponed
please vacate the courtroom.
The transplants will be completed
by tomorrow morning.
I don't know if it matters to you
but your mother's date of death
will be noted as tomorrow, not today.
We'll be in touch
after the operation.
Thank you.
Can you hand me the Ambu?
- Turn on the oxygen.
- Okay.
- Is it on?
- It is.
Take this.
We're ready for the transfer.